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Welcoming the trailblazers!
We had series of rounds for screening nominees in Marcom Inductions process.
There was the Brand Hotch-Potch, an Article writing competition followed with a
personal interview session. After much deliberation and with great pride we bring
you Marcom’s Trailblazers for the year 2012-2014.

      Abhay Adil
      Akash Dixit
      Anjali Midha
      Ashita Sharma
      Geetika Shah
      Mukul Sharma
      Nitin Shivani
We wholeheartedly welcome them into the Marcom family with the hope that they
take its legacy to greater heights this year.

This edition has been ideated, designed and compiled by the junior team in the lead.
This issue celebrates the reception of our flag bearers and also the landmark one
year of serving Brand.i to you. So we decided to make it an All-MIB issue ,Ergo our
authors this time our Students of Masters of International Business ,Delhi School of
Economics ,both the senior and the junior batch. We have covered a wide variety of
marketing practices and phenomenon ranging from Delhi Metro, a marketers dream
by Ashita Sharma to flash mob marketing by Nitin Shivani to the lessons on loyalty
by Nupur Garg and even more. While Mukul Sharma explains why the idiot box is
not so idiot, Nikhil Bhatia attempts to decipher marketing in his article, Marketing
decoded. Geetika Shah has discussed marketing, PR and new brands in her article.
We also have a piece on Green marketing by Priyanka Singla while Sourav Saha talks
about the “here for good” campaign of Standard Chartered.

The cover story, Delhitefully Yours comes from Akash Dikshit and Anjali Midha
of MIB, DSE and presents to you our vibrant Delhi in its full galore.
We recently had our freshers’ party and everyone is eagerly looking forward to the
Alumni dinner and the Convention. September has always been the fun filled month
for MIB. It’s indeed the perfect timing to sit back and enjoy some Brand.i; though it’s
only one year old but I can assure you that it gives even the Hors d'age a good run for
its money.
I hope you get as high (in marketing) while having Brand.i as we did while serving it.
Do write to us about any suggestions or admirations at

Arjun K. Chadha
Editorial Team
Marketing Magazine of MIB, Delhi School of Economics

Ÿ Delhi Metro – a marketer’s dream    1-2
Ÿ In a flash                         3-5
Ÿ Lessons on Loyalty                 6-8

Ÿ Green Marketing                    9-10
Ÿ PR-the new saga in Marketing       11-12

Ÿ Brand Delhi: Delightfully yours   13-15
Ÿ OOH laa laa                       16-19

Ÿ The bank that is “here for good”20-21
Ÿ The not so idiot box              22-25

Ÿ Marketing Reloaded                26-27
Ÿ Steve JOBS and
    his marketing Legacy            28-29

Ÿ Brand.i Trivia                    30-32
Ÿ Tete-a-tete with
    Ms. Henna Misri Chowdhry        33-35
MIB, Delhi University|BRAND.i, Vol. II, Issue 2, Sept 2012

DELHI METRO                       –      A         MARKETER’S
By Ashita Sharma (MIB, 2012-14)

Delhi Metro has undoubtedly           coaches and escalators are
changed the way this city             used as advertising space.
moves. But it has changed             Metro’s ancillary services like
something else too… The               the feeder bus and vans are
Delhi Metro has changed the           another    platform.    Media
benchmark        for      urban       professionals and marketers
infrastructure in India. DMRC         have discovered the perfect
today operates on a network           place to grab eyeballs and
of 190km with 139 stations.           communicate         to      the
More than 18 lakh people              consumers.
avail its facilities everyday
across Delhi, Noida and
A space bound crowd of these
18 lakh consumers, who have
the time to listen, is a dream
come true for any marketer.
From universities to movies
and from toothpaste to
diamonds, one will find
posters of a plethora of goods
and services in the Delhi
metro. This is not just limited
                                      The best part is that the target
to the platforms and pillars.
                                      audience is clearly defined in
Advertisements follow us
                                      numbers and profiles. The
inside the metro coaches as
                                      main consumers of urban
well. Turn over your metro
                                      India – the youth and the
smartcard; it is likely to have
                                      middle class, both are the fans
an advertisement printed.
                                      of the Delhi Metro. Also, the
Even the handle grabs in
                                      women’s coach gives the
MIB, Delhi University|BRAND.i, Vol. II, Issue 2, Sept 2012

chance      for    exclusively         and security cannot be
marketing women centric                compromised with. The Metro
products.                              officials stated that they are
A brilliant example of metro           not against new ideas as long
marketing is HT Mini by                as Metro’s reputation is not
Hindustan Times. A half                jeopardized. Flipkart, Dove
tabloid sized newspaper; it is         and Pepsi ventured into
especially designed for people         innovative advertisements but
on the move.                           not on a large scale.
                                       Beyond the restrictions and
                                       risk involved, the world seems
                                       to be the limit for new-age
                                       marketing in the Metro.
                                       Innovative product displays
                                       that make people curious
                                       enough to stop and check out
                                       the product can be one such
                                       idea. 3D and even 4D
                                       installations that stir people’s
But the marketing in metro is          imaginations and create an
presently limited to posters           experience of the brand is
and        standouts.       The        another practical approach.
tremendous             creative
opportunity has not yet been           Ambient lighting, large digital
fully utilized. So what is the         panels and walls, flash mobs,
reason that the innovations            props and kiosks… the list is
are limited? It can partially be       as long as your imagination.
attributed to the expenses             So I believe that it’s just a
involved. But marketers say it         matter of time till marketers
is also because of the policies        start to play and experiment
of the DMRC. Delhi Metro is,           and change the game.
and should be, first and
foremost concerned about its
patrons. The structure of
safety, utility, convenience

MIB, Delhi University|BRAND.i, Vol. II, Issue 2, Sept 2012

In A Flash!!

By Nitin Shivani (MIB, 2012-14)

Imagine you are on your way          haphazardness       of     “flash
to work when suddenly 200            mobs”. Nonetheless, flash
singing,    dancing    people        mobs are not just clever
serenade you. When the song          stunts. Ever since its inception
ends, they disperse as quickly       in New York in 2003, the
as they appeared! You’ll of          trend has become a worldwide
course be left dumbfounded           phenomenon,       transforming
or confused. All over the            from a random way to bring
world people have been left          people together into a cunning
inspired, stunned and amused         marketing tool.
by        the       wonderful

MIB, Delhi University|BRAND.i, Vol. II, Issue 2, Sept 2012

According                      to       the most watched flash mob a flash             video ever, with over 30
mob or a cultural jam as some           million views on YouTube. In
like to call it, is:                    another       instance,      Sky
“A group of people who                  implemented a creative flash
appear from out of                      mob for the launch of Sky
nowhere,           to   perform         High Definition in Latin
predetermined           actions,        America               involving
designed to amuse and                   supermodel Gisele Bündchen
confuse             surrounding         sitting in São Paolo departure
people.” The group performs             lounge holding a TV remote
these actions for a short               control. With one click of the
amount of time before quickly           remote,      actors   swarmed
dispersing. It began as more            through the lounge dressed as
of a social experiment or form          American football players,
of performance art than a               another click and the lounge
vehicle for marketing, but it           filled with soldiers. The
was quickly hijacked by large           campaign was very successful
corporations         when   they        throughout Latin America and
recognized its popularity.              was named one of “Best in
Marketing honchos abroad                Latin American Marketing”.
have used the concept of flash          The trend has even started to
mobs quite wisely to their              catch up back home in India.
advantage. For instance, in             It all started on 29th of Nov.
2009, T-Mobile produced a               2011, when a huge crowd of
series of three flash mob ads           200 people suddenly broke
that is now among the most              into a jig with the popular
successful viral campaigns in           track “Rang De Basanti”
recent history. The first ad            playing in the backdrop. The
shows dancers break into a              mob, organized by Shonan
routine in a busy London                Kothari, formerly a researcher
station.          Voted      “TV        for Harvard Business School,
Commercial of the Year” at              was an attempt to display the
the 2010 British Television             undying spirit of the city, as it
Advertising Awards, it is now           was held 3 days after the

MIB, Delhi University|BRAND.i, Vol. II, Issue 2, Sept 2012

anniversary of the 26/11               lasting image in their minds.
attack on Mumbai. Soon after           It's also a fabulous way of
the gig, its videos went viral         community building.
on Youtube and had close to            Since Nov 2011, there has
several lakhs of viewers within        been a string of flash mobs
hours of being uploaded.               organized by brands, TV
Apart from this, a flash mob           channels,      NGOs       across
was used for the promotion of          leading malls in Delhi,
the movie Don 2; wherein a             Mumbai and Bangalore to
couple of guys started a fight         promote       shows,      create
in the middle of the Ambience          awareness and generate buzz.
Mall in Gurgaon and later              And precisely that is the cause
went on to ask people the              of worry. The concept, no
whereabouts of the Don. It all         matter how effective, is bound
concluded with a large no of           to lose its sheen if overdone.
people dancing to one of the           Moreover, in some cases,
songs from the movie.                  brands end up advertising
So what is it about these flash        before the show, either
mobs that make them such an            through social media or
alluring    option    to     the       through         word-of-mouth,
marketers these days? The              which         dilutes      their
answer lies in the visual              spontaneity.
appeal it offers to the                Too much, too soon? Maybe,
onlookers.     The      clutter-       that's why brand experts
breaking entry and the                 sound a word of caution
spontaneity of the whole act           against using flash mob
make it interesting. There is          frequently. I think flash mobs
always an element of surprise          can be far more productive if
associated with the flash              used less. Otherwise, they
mobs; the sheer deviation              tend     to     become      very
from normalcy sets it apart.           predictable and lose out on
Anything that happens all of a         their USP.
sudden and catches the                 As they say: “it’s not wise to
consumer or the public in              kill a hen that lays golden eggs
general unaware, leaves a long

MIB, Delhi University | BRAND.i, Vol. II, Issue 2, Sept 2012

Lessons on Loyalty!                     comparable prices? How to
           - By Nupur Garg              ensure repeat business from
           (MIB, 2012-14)               the customer?

In a market fraught with
competition,             where
technology is all-pervasive, it
is very difficult for producers
to      differentiate      their        Loyalty programs are an
products        from      other         answer to this dilemma faced
products available in the               by     organizations.    The
market. Consumers today                 concept of loyalty program is
are better informed than                not new and dates back to
before and have plenty of               ages ago when the farmer
choices and this has made               used to throw in some extra
them             fickle-minded.         grain to purchases made by
Therefore, loyalty to a brand           regular      customers.     I
is limited. Organizations are           remember       my     mother
faced with a dilemma: how to            making me go to a particular
differentiate between their             kirana store for monthly
product and the next firm’s             groceries because of the
products,      which      offers        better “discount” that the
similar       products        at        shopkeeper offered.
MIB, Delhi University | BRAND.i, Vol. II, Issue 2, Sept 2012

The first loyalty program was            individual            customer
introduced in Germany in                 behavior.          Appropriate
the 1950s, when S&H Green                programs to reward loyalty
Stamps rewarded grocery                  can be devised and shopping
store    and     gas     station         behavior of the customers
customers      with      stamps          can be influenced. A good
redeemable for appliances                loyalty program tailored to
and other merchandise. The               the customer’s needs, can
modern day loyalty program               engage      customers      thus
was launched in 1981 by                  creating advantage for the
American       Airlines:     the         retailer.    This    kind     of
frequent-flier mile program,             advantage can be pretty
and was quickly duplicated               useful in a competitive
by other airlines and other              market. Loyalty programs
hospitality           industries         are used to connect with the
including hotels, car rental             customers on three levels:
companies, and credit card               first when the customer
organizations. With progress             enrolls in the program, a
in technology, it is now                 generic reward is given.
possible for organizations to            Second, the retailer contacts
offer better loyalty programs            the     customer       directly,
that    actually     care     for        offering a program tailored
customers rather than just               to the customer’s needs. At
serve the needs of the                   the third level, a two-way
manufacturer. The need for               communication                 is
loyalty programs arose after             established between the
a rise in self-service retail,           buyer and the seller. Rather
which led to disconnect                  than        the       customer
between the retailer and the             approaching the retailer with
customer. Loyalty programs               their needs, the retailer
were a way to engage the                 himself       predicts      the
customers       once      again.         customer’s needs and offers
Loyalty programs have put a              a product suited to it. Loyalty
huge amount of customer                  programs can be used to
data at the disposal of                  create a favorable image of
manufacturers and retailers.             the seller in many ways than
They can take advantage of               just one. It can be used like it
this    data      and      study         was by a retail store in 2007,
MIB, Delhi University | BRAND.i, Vol. II, Issue 2, Sept 2012

which used its loyalty               In recent times, when the
program data to contact              customers have access to all
customers whose pets had             kind    of     products    and
fallen ill and died after            information, using loyalty
consuming       contaminated         programs to stand out of
food bought from the store.          competition makes complete
Retailers can take advantage         sense.
of             location-based        Instead of just sitting
information to communicate           through       the      negative
with customers.                      publicity, the store sought to
                                     correct     mistakes     using
                                     loyalty program data. With
                                     recent advent in mobile

MIB, Delhi University|BRAND.i, Vol. II, Issue 2, Sept 2012

Going Green: The new marketing funda
                             -By Priyanka Singhla- (MIB, 2012-14)

People around the world are            product         as        being
becoming aware of the                  environmentally friendly. In
environmental stress that our          general green products are
activities are placing on the          made from recycled content
planet.           Newspapers,          and/or designed for reuse,
magazines, television, and             recycling, or remanufacturing.
other media feature wide               They are usually non-toxic,
coverage of environmental              energy efficient, and durable.
problems, whether they are             Green or Environmental
local (e.g., depleted fisheries        Marketing consists of all
and air pollution) or global           activities     designed       to
(e.g., ozone depletion and             generate and facilitate any
climate change).                       exchanges intended to satisfy
                                       human needs or wants, such
                                       that the satisfaction of these
                                       needs and wants occurs, with
                                       minimal detrimental impact
                                       on the natural environment.
                                       Green      products    balance
                                       environmental compatibility
                                       with              performance,
Many consumers now display             affordability,              and
concern about environmental            convenience.     Thus     green
deterioration.    They     have        marketing should look at
started asking how much                minimizing      environmental
impact a product will have on          harm,       not     necessarily
the environment during its             eliminating it. Recyclable or
lifespan or during its disposal.       renewable goods are the only
This is the major impetus for          sustainable option. Green
green products and green               marketing is hence important
marketing. Green Marketing             for the firms to utilize the
is an attempt to characterize a        limited resources to satisfy the
MIB, Delhi University|BRAND.i, Vol. II, Issue 2, Sept 2012

consumer needs as well as              preferable products when all
achieve the organization’s             else is equal. Ultimately green
objectives.Stricter regulations        marketing      requires      that
across the world, growing              consumers ‘Think Green,
consumer preference for eco-           Think clean, Think Eco-
friendly     products,      cost       friendly’ i.e. they want a
reduction and competitive              cleaner environment and are
pressure are a few reasons             willing to "pay" for it, possibly
why firms are adopting Green           through higher priced goods,
Marketing. There are two               modified individual lifestyles,
types of firms; one who claims         or      even      governmental
that their products are green          intervention. Until this occurs
i.e. the product itself is eco         it will be difficult for firms
friendly, and others that              alone to lead the green
promote      themselves       as       marketing revolution…
environmentally        friendly.
Coca Cola, Xerox, General
Electrics are examples of
green marketing at its best.

Green Marketing provides an
opportunity to the companies
to increase their market-share
by introducing eco-friendly
products.    Consumers have
become more sophisticated
and demand clear information
about how choosing one
product over another will
benefit    the    environment.
Empowered           consumers
choose         environmentally

MIB, Delhi University|BRAND.i, Vol. II, Issue 2, Sept 2012

PR- the new saga
in marketing!!
- Geetika Shah
(MIB, 2012-14)

                                       build a brand in the first
                                       PR is inherently a tool for
                                       building a great reputation “A
                                       strong corporate reputation is
                                       increasingly         a       PR
                                       responsibility. Image can be
PR What is it??? How is it
                                       generated       through      an
related to brand value of any
                                       advertising campaign or a
firm or person..? I would like
                                       corporate document or the
to show the emerging yet
                                       look of an organization’s
doubtful and confused term
                                       premises. Reputation is built
called PR. In today’s era from
                                       through              developing
brand to even a celebrity
                                       relationships and what an
everybody is having a PR to
                                       organization does. It is largely
save their images or rather
                                       what others say about you.”
create their image.
                                       One implication is that PR
Today’s consumer is not
                                       grows the reputation to
stupid, even a layman knows
                                       protect the brand. Just to
the      terms       marketing,
                                       clarify:     Reputation—which
branding etc. So they kind of
                                       can loosely be defined as
try to avoid get trapped from
                                       trustworthiness—is not brand.
all these. I would like to place
                                       Brand     is    image,     while
a broader picture “PR”. The
                                       reputation is reality. What this
role of PR is never really to
                                       means is that everybody
MIB, Delhi University|BRAND.i, Vol. II, Issue 2, Sept 2012

knows that brand is fake, or           building       activities    that
has elements of fakery, while          advertisers create. They like a
reputation is closer to reality.       good       advertisement       or
Therefore, brand is best               television commercial, and
conveyed by a consistent               they enjoy finding out about a
marketing/advertising “core            product or service that is new
message,” while reputation is          and interesting. What they
best       conveyed          by        don’t like is to be tricked,
transparency.                          fooled, or enticed to buy
                                       something from a company
                                       that is unethical or that
                                       doesn’t      deliver     on    its
                                       promises. Steering consumers
                                       away from those particular
                                       dislikes is the job of a good PR
                                       specialist. Even the good
                                       B-schools are having their
                                       campus placements with one
Therefore PR is actually the           of the profile of PR. Till then
antithesis of branding, which          the purpose of this article was
is to tell a very partial, even        to see the new color being
propagandistic, truth. Really,         added to the rainbow of
branding is pure selling,              marketing. So is it “The Fall of
aimed at owning a single idea          Advertising and the Rise of
in the audience’s mind. No             PR”.Is this really on cards?
matter how they are written            Well there is a long way to
up in The Wall Street Journal          go!!
or Fortune, the brands of
Nike, Disney, Starbucks, and
Coca-Cola have little to do
with the real world inside
their organizations, and much
to do with the image they
represent to the public. I think
that people enjoy the brand-
MIB, Delhi University|BRAND.i, Vol. II, Issue 2, Sept 2012


                       By Akash Dikshit &
                       Anjali Midha
                       -MIB (2012-14)

MIB, Delhi University|BRAND.i, Vol. II, Issue 2, Sept 2012

Rains bring back the mushiest           character as does the white
time of the year. People fall in        pillared roads of the historic
love, people fall out of love. To       Connaught Place. Delhi now
some it is a melody, for                stands for “ambition”; it has
others, melancholy. But we              become a global hub for
fail to notice and admire the           business, media, education,
beauty of our very own                  fashion,    technology    and
beloved city- Delhi in the              manufacturing as well.
monsoons. From the capital of
the British Raj to being the
national capital, Delhi seems
to imbibe the qualities of
wine. The older it is, the
better. It is the land of
opportunities, a land of hope
in a country of more than a
100 million. The capital’s
growth in terms of quality of
living, education centers, job
possibilities and the grandeur
and charm which the city has
                                        With Delhi getting world class
to offer has attracted people
                                        infrastructure like the Metro
from all over the country to it.
                                        facility and T3 terminal, it has
People come to Delhi not
                                        managed to attract people
because they merely want to
                                        from all over the world to
see the mix of past and future,
                                        exploit its growing potential.
but they come to make a name
                                        The successful organization of
for themselves. . It is a
                                        the Commonwealth games
kaleidoscope of ever changing
                                        gave Delhi a massive booster
fads and fashion. From the
                                        shot on the global platform.
bazaars of Sarojini Nagar to
                                        Delhi has developed an image
the larger than life malls of
                                        of a city which is a self-
Vasant kunj, Delhi has it all.
                                        contained entity and is ready
The hustle bustle of Chandni
                                        to welcome anyone who
chowk gives it as much
                                        comes with an ambition. But
MIB, Delhi University|BRAND.i, Vol. II, Issue 2, Sept 2012

how much has an average               Lucky Lucky Oye, Vicky
‘Delhite’ changed? The answer         Donor and Delhi 6 have gone
varies from “not much “to “too        a step ahead. They used Delhi,
much”. People of different            not as a location but as one of
ethnicities and tastes co-exist       the characters.
in this beautiful city. And so        They managed to capture the
does the local chai-wallahs           Delhi people in their full
and the hip coffee shops, the         form- loud, cheerful and full
chola bhatura vendor and the          of life. We carry our heart on
Italian bistro, the subzi             our sleeves and are not
wallahs and the retail stores.        apologetic about it. We still
This leaves consumer with a           prefer going to a real market
plethora of options. But his          for shopping then to buy stuff
choices are more polished.            virtually on a website. Food
And he makes them wisely.             industry was and will always
Though a ‘Kwality walls’ ice          be in our top most priority.
cream with your friends at the        Our       parties,   weddings,
picturesque India Gate still          festivals, all revolve around
cannot be replaced by any             the food. And it brings no
frozen yoghurt or gelato.             surprise if the biggest of
When it comes to our                  international food chains
charming Delhi- even the              want to target the taste buds
geographical boundaries seem          of the people here. No wonder
to diminish. And Bollywood is         it is a dream city for millions.
no exception. More and more           It caters to their needs and
film directors exploit the            wants. It gives them a hope
cosmopolitan nature of Delhi.         for a better life. Our affair
They capitalize the essence of        with Delhi is though a couple
this magnum city by shooting          of decades old, but this is one
at eye catching locations like        relation, from which we never
forts, old Delhi and metros. In       want to move on!!
fact Metro has become the
face of Delhi in recent times.
Recent films like Khosla ka
ghosla, Dev D, Aisha, Oye

MIB, Delhi University|BRAND.i, Vol. II, Issue 2, Sept 2012

                                     consumer from the point he or
OOH Laa Laa!                         she steps out of home to the
                                     point they come back. This
By Arjun Kant Chadha                 format is in contrast with the
-MIB (2011-13)                       regular broadcast, print, and
                                     Internet advertising. It targets
                                     you when you are "on the go"

A couple of months back I            in public places, in transit
                                     (Bus     shelters,    Airports,
had little clue as to what the       metros, fly over’s) waiting
term OOH means .Silk (Dirty          (ticket counters, chemists,

Picture’s Vidya balan) had her       hospital receptions), and/or in
own explanation but it               specific commercial locations
couldn’t provide me with the         (such as in a retail venue).
right perspective either. I’m        You can avoid the morning
talking about OOH-Out of             newspaper; turn off the
Home advertising .OOH or             television    commercial      or
Outdoor       advertising   is       simply not buy a magazine but
basically    any     form   of       you cannot evade outdoor
advertising that reaches a           advertising      that     you’re

MIB, Delhi University|BRAND.i, Vol. II, Issue 2, Sept 2012

                                                network fare. That
                                                essentially     puts
                                                millions of rupees
                                                down the drain that
                                                advertisers allocate
                                                to        marketing
                                                .Outdoor comes as
                                                a relief to such
                                                advertisers as it’s a
                                                media which is
                                                always on and is
                                                nearly impossible
                                                to miss.
                                                Brand Delhi has
                                                also witnessed its
exposed to each day. With the                   fair share of OOH
advent of newer and advanced         lately .Right the humongous
technology with devices like         Sachin Tendulkar ‘Cricket ki
Satellite Radio, MP3 Players         khushi’ Coke campaign poster
its easier for us to eliminate       at the Dhaula Kuan metro
advertisement and watch only         station to the Yo Yo Honey
what we want. How many of            Singh concert billboard while
us have actually had the             you drive through the Naraina
patience to watch an entire          fly over or the Chanel render
advertisement before a video         you see at the Pacific mall, all
starts to buffer on YouTube          come       under       outdoor
,more often than not we skip         advertising .
the ad even before we get to         OOH           industry        is
know what it is for. According       predominantly unorganized
to a recent study by Nielsen         and this characteristic is
Media Research, more than            responsible for a high degree
half of digital video recorder       of price discrimination. So if
users fast forwarded through         your roof is situated in
commercials while watching           favorable location i.e. near a

MIB, Delhi University|BRAND.i, Vol. II, Issue 2, Sept 2012

metro station, a mall, or a            ground-breaking         media
high traffic red light then that       formats     like      halogen
makes you an owner of a                projection,   flash     mobs,
media space and like many              dynamic digital displays etc.
                                                   Such innovative
                                                   formats prove to
                                                   be effective both
                                                   on    cost    and

                                                     They charge the
                                                     clients premium
                                                     rates but more
                                                     than compensate
                                                     with quality &
                                                     Traditional print
                                                     advertisers are
                                                     taking up this
other Delhi residents you may                        high       impact
as well rent it out to earn an         medium which insures a
extra buck. Right from the             better recall value and greater
grocery seller to the laundry          value for their money. Big
shop, small entrepreneurs are          names of the likes of Times
getting aware about the                OOH & JCDecaux ensure that
significance of marketing and          their clients sing Ooh laa laa,
are exploiting this format.            all the way to their bank
In contrast to the unorganized         accounts.
sector, it is the newly sprouted
organized sector which is
changing the equations of this         German domestic appliance
industry. It is no longer              manufacturer Miele to release
restricted to billboards. They         monster vacuums across the
are the ones responsible for           UK with latest ad campaign

MIB, Delhi University|BRAND.i, Vol. II, Issue 2, Sept 2012

A few           intersting
‘The         Monster
Suction’ campaign
Dominic      Worsley,
marketing     director
for             Miele,
“We      hope     this
imaginative and eye-
catching campaign
will     put    Miele
vacuum cleaners at
the forefront of the
consumer’s      mind,
helping to drive them
into store.”

                                               This        marketing
                                               campaign           took
                                               place in Geneva, for
                                               an accessory store.
                                               Saatchi & Saatchi
                                               replaced chains with
                                               giant jewellery in
                                               several locations.

MIB, Delhi University|BRAND.i, Vol. II, Issue 2, Sept 2012

                                       Chartered        bank       that
The Bank that is                       highlights its core values.
“here for good”
-Sourav Saha,MIB-(2012-14)

The first image that comes to
mind when one thinks of a
banking     or    a   financial
institution    is     hardcore
business outlook. All activities

                                       The     campaign       highlights
                                       Standard             Chartered’s
                                       commitment to stick to their
                                       clients through both the good
                                       and the bad times. It has the
                                       dedication to always follow
                                       the ethical route even when
carried on with the motivation         that doesn’t seem to be the
of profit. No one really               best of business decision in
associates the image of a              the traditional sense.
financial institution to the           The campaign captures in
softer aspects of life; like           three words all the things that
caring for its customers,              the bank stands for and is
stakeholders       or      the         committed to.
environment. It is hard to             “Here for Good”
associate them with acts that          “Here for Good” is both a
can change the history of the          promise to the customer and a
world or the life of an                tagline that encourages one to
individual in some corner of           believe in the brand.
the same world.                        First launched in 2010, this
This exactly has been the              campaign was developed in
theme of the “Here for Good”           partnership with the global
campaign of the Standard               creative partner TBWA and it
                                       was      the     first     global
MIB, Delhi University|BRAND.i, Vol. II, Issue 2, Sept 2012

positioning     campaign    by        To be here for people. Here
Standard Chartered in 40              for progress. Here for the long
years.                                run. Here for good.”
The campaign is not overtly           The main ideas of the
projecting the CSR activities         campaign came from the
of the bank, but in an                footprints    that    Standard
underlying tone identifies the        Chartered had in the countries
regular activities of the bank        of Asia, Africa and the Middle
and aligns it with its CSR            East. It also showcased the
activities. It tacitly makes a        many hurdles that they have
statement that the CSR                crossed while they supported
activities need not be one            each and every developmental
aspect of an organization but         challenges of mankind.
can be a part of the core
activities. The script of the
campaign        raises   many
questions and seems to
answer them at the same time.
To quote from the campaign:
“Can a bank really stand for
Can it balance its ambition
with its conscience?
To do what it must. Not what
it can. Can it look not only at       The campaign is considered
the profit it makes but how it        one of the best things that
makes that profit?                    happened      to      Standard
And stand beside people, not          Chartered after their previous
above them. Simply by doing           failed     campaign.       The
good, can a bank in fact be           campaign brings to life the
great?                                essence of “Here for Good”.
In the many places we call
home, our purpose remains
the same.

MIB, Delhi University|BRAND.i, Vol. II, Issue 2, Sept 2012

The “Not so” Idiot Box                   Lintas      revitalizes      and
By Mukul Sharma (MIB, 2012-14)           reinvigorates the concept
                                         again. The latest series of
                                         TVCs are crafted in heaven
                                         (No pun intended) complete
                                         with the clouds, violins, fairies
                                         and an immaculately turned
                                         out Abhishek Bachchan in

There are Ads, and then there
are     those     that     have
personified the concept of
how branding can be made to
work for the product most
efficiently and effectively.
From creativity to brand
recall, from concept to
execution,                these
advertisements have gotten
our attention; thanks to the             The tweak to the creative
commitment of the teams that             theme – of being in heaven –
created them. Here is my                 is to complement various
review of the top three Ads.             ‟heavenly” apps that the Idea
                                         3G smartphone comes pre-
When in doubt, play dead!                loaded with. There’s a lie-
Advertiser:     Idea    Cellular         detector,       face-scanner,
Baseline: Deadly Idea Sirjee.            mosquito-repellent, Idea TV,
3G Agency: Lowe Lintas                   Karaoke, and a host of other
In all honesty, the “What an             „heavenly‟ apps that one can
idea Sirjee” campaign was                supposedly tune into. Not
starting to bore. But this fresh         being an Idea subscriber, one
spurt of creativity from Lowe            wouldn’t know how good or

MIB, Delhi University|BRAND.i, Vol. II, Issue 2, Sept 2012

bad the apps are, but the ads          Befriending them diamonds
certainly fan the curiosity            Advertiser: Tanishq
element. And then there is the         Baseline: Now diamonds are a
execution.       So      there’s       man’s best friend too
Bachchan        Jr.     helping        Agency: Lowe Lintas
departed     souls      identify       Being a woman isn’t easy.
newcomers into heaven (with            There are just too many
a face scan no less); catching         stereotypes one has to deal
plumbers who claim they died           with – especially in the ad
doing heroic deeds (with a lie-        world. That being said, for all
detector app); enabling the            its stereotyping of women (of
“dead” to not be bothered by           their penchant for jewellery
mosquitoes and so on… very             and their dependence on their
dark, but equally comic! Last          men to provide for them) this
year, Idea Cellular ran a              ad still wows for the simply
campaign titled “No Idea. Get          fantastic story it tells for the
an Idea.” This one builds on it        brand in question. Let’s face
with the help of innovative            it. Buying diamonds has
product tinkering from the             traditionally been perceived as
cellular company’s marketing           a high-income purchase. But
team. The fact is that
whether you hate the
ad or love it, there’s
no      chance      (in
heaven, if you may)
that you won’t recall
the Idea brand when
you see Abhishek
Bachchan mouthing,
“No Idea, get...” And
that’s where this

MIB, Delhi University|BRAND.i, Vol. II, Issue 2, Sept 2012

the ad hopes to demolish that           And it did a great job in doing
as a myth. The ad opens in a           that.
luxurious Tanishq showroom
with two men (obviously the            Getting rid of an alter-ego
husbands) worrying about               Advertiser: Max New York
how their bank accounts are            Life Baseline: Aapke Sachche
going to receive a major               Advisors Agency: Ogilvy India
setback once their respective          Move over security for family,
wives (who are busy checking           dreams of children, old age
out the latest designs on              sanctuary and all the other
display) finish with their             usual clichés that usually
shopping.      The     husbands        dominate              insurance
discuss cancelling vacations,          advertising.      Finally,    an
selling their mobiles or even          insurance company has dared
taking extra tuition to pay off        to take the bull by the horns.
for the money lost. But when           The bulls in question are
the final bills are presented to       unscrupulous          insurance
the worried hubbies, they are          agents       who         mislead
genuinely taken aback at the           prospective clients to rake in
low price tags. The message is         higher commissions for them.
clear: “Now Diamonds are a              In an industry infamous for
man’s best friend too”.                rampant         misrepresented
The communication informs              selling, the ad is not only a
how Tanishq caters not only            tacit admission of guilt but
to the well-heeled but also the        also attempts to position Max
aspirational     middle    class       New York Life Insurance
looking for affordable branded         (MNYL) “ethically” above the
jewellery. The message was             entire racket. The ad begins
crucial    to     kill  popular        with one adviser attempting to
perception that walking into           sell a policy to a trusting yet
an      upmarket        branded        obviously         less-informed
jewellery showroom such as             client. And then enters a
Tanishq would burn a hole in           third-character in the fray –
their pockets.                         sort of a devilish alter-ego of
                                       the insurance agent – who

MIB, Delhi University|BRAND.i, Vol. II, Issue 2, Sept 2012

tries to coax the agent into       Clearly, that’s where the
misleading the investor to         downside is. However, despite
rake in a higher commission        all its attempts, the ad may
for    himself  and   better       expose even MNYL agents to
business for the insurance         the same scrutiny applicable
company.                           to agents of other insurance
                                   companies. Be that as it may,
                                   the ad may still work to the
                                   advantage of MNYL – if
                                   consumers are able to recall
                                   the brand through the ad, an
                                   issue that the ad fails in

MIB, Delhi University|BRAND.i, Vol. II, Issue 2, Sept 2012

                                       By Nikhil (MIB, 2012-14)

How to squeeze money out of            I guess all of us who have seen
the customer’s pocket and              part-1 have surely seen but I
they being not aware of the            am more interested in why
real reason? I guess all of us         will you go? Is it because of
have a fair idea of Marketing          movie alone???
and must have heard this term          Not really!!! It is most
many times in your life. I am          probably because of the
not going to explain the               curiosity we felt when at the
status-quo so just chill .I will       end of Part-I we read “to be
start marketing by giving              continued” and this was done
examples. Let me ask one               intentionally by the director
question how many of you               and in Marketing it is called
watched Gangs of Wasseypur             Teaser marketing.
MIB, Delhi University|BRAND.i, Vol. II, Issue 2, Sept 2012

It is now a days, very much           used tool for marketing
prevalent and that’s why you          research companies. Ever
see the trailer of Movies, 1          wondered why it asks for so
year prior to their release.          many personal questions
Why this Kolaveri di, is one          which are not related neither
more example.                         to you nor to your friends.
Now let’s come to second               Let me tell you there are
example: Which website you            companies in London and
open the most on internet? I          United States worth millions
guess Google, then any idea           of US $ whose job is to make
about      which                                        you like a
kind            of                                      product       so
business they                                           that       your
are in? Let me                                          friend    could
tell you it is the                                      read it on your
largest                                                 wall and do
Marketing                                               the same and
Company         in                                      thus the chain
the world. Yes,                                         goes on and
it is true and                                          on. As it is
you can check                                           rightly    said,
it by searching anything on it        nothing is more powerful in
and just look at the right hand       Marketing of a product then
side of the page and Google           mouth-word. Now let’s come
earns money on that and if            to last one but not the least. I
you click on that side more           guess every one of us have
money and in case you buy             visited a retail store like Big
then Big thanks from Google.          Bazaar etc. Next time you go
 Do anyone knows how                  just observe to which side you
world’s most famous social            look the most. Answer is right
networking site Facebook              and going further you will find
generate its revenue or in            all the costlier products are on
other words why it is valued at       that side and in Marketing
whooping US $100 billion? It          this is called “Theory of
is the most famous and widely         Trolleylogy”.

MIB, Delhi University|BRAND.i, Vol. II, Issue 2, Sept 2012

Steve JOBS and his                    his legacies which business
                                      people all around the world
marketing Legacy                      continue to follow and posing
          -By Nitesh Kasana
                                      a serious completion to Apple
                                      Inc. itself. Steve Jobs was a
                                      genius when it came to
Last year Steve jobs death            marketing a product. If
shook the business world but          you want to improve your
for people it was the end of          income, having a good
“i”.   This   “i”   was the           product is not enough. You
connectio                                               need to give
n between                                                       people
Steve                                                      something
jobs’ and                                               they want. In
the entire                                              fact,        a
consumer                                                      powerful
s of Apple                                                   marketer
products.                                               doesn’t even
For them                                                just      give
Apple                                                   people what
meant                                                   they already
Steve jobs                                              want; they
and vice                                                TELL them
versa.                                                  that      they
Steve                                                   want       the
Jobs did                                                product even
what                                                    though they
others                                                  are        not
couldn’t                                                aware of it
do while                                                  themselves!
fighting                                                A        good
his     life                          example would be the-
against the cancer. Till today        iPhone. In the past, many
people are inspired by him in         people would never imagine
terms of innovation, strategy,        themselves       wanting      an
marketing etc. He left behind
MIB, Delhi University|BRAND.i, Vol. II, Issue 2, Sept 2012

iPhone. After the marketing           screen. Any complications will
process, people today can’t           impede the user’s experience.
live a few HOURS without an           Steve Jobs believed in
iPhone. The power of                  “Work        WITH        your
anticipation was his one              competitors instead of
of the good strategy. Since           against them” as it doesn’t
the first release of iPhones          matter who ‘copied who’ but
and iPads, people can’t wait to       the most important principle
get the next version, the next        to remember is that only a
release    and     they     are       stupid     marketer     would
constantly waiting for the next       compete with his greatest
one to appear. The rapport            competitor for the same piece
you     develop   with your           of the pie. That’s why by
customers has to be so strong         dominating      phones     and
that people can’t wait to get         tablets, Steve Jobs made the
their hands on your products,         ‘computing’ world bigger by
waiting at the computer               expanding the value of
screen     for    an     email        computers to the point where
announcing the release date.          we     can’t   live    without
Steve Jobs understood that            computers, tablets and our
there will always be more             phones.
‘stupid’ people in the world
than ’smart’ people so the
iPhone is made to be so
simple until you can push one
button, one on/off switch and
everything else slide on the

MIB, Delhi University | BRAND.i, Vol. II, Issue 2, Sept 2012


   Delhi, officially the National Capital Territory of Delhi (NCT) is the second

         largest metropolis of India after Mumbai. With the population of 16.7

        million in 2011, the city is the 2nd most populous metropolis in India and

                       8th most populous metropolis in the world.

   Delhi has not always been the capital of India. Under the British, Kolkata

            had the honor for a long time till Delhi was reinstated in 1912.

        The city of Delhi was destroyed and rebuilt seven times and ruled by

                            successive empires and dynasties.

MIB, Delhi University | BRAND.i, Vol. II, Issue 2, Sept 2012

        The walled city of Delhi originally had fourteen gates. Five are still

    standing. Here's the provenance behind their names. Ajmeri Gate: Facing

    Ajmer in Rajasthan; Lahori Gate: Facing Lahore in Pakistan. Kashmiri Gate:

        Pointing North to Kashmir. Delhi Gate: Road to earlier cities of Delhi

            Turkman Gate: Named after pious saint Hazrat Shah Turkam.

       Delhi is one of the 'greenest' cities in the world with a green cover of

     almost 20%. Compared to the Himalayas, which are 50 million years old,

          Delhi Ridge still stands with a whopping age of 1500 million years!

       Delhi won the United States Department of Energy’s first ‘Clean Cities

        International Partner of the Year’ award for ‘‘bold efforts to curb air

               pollution and support alternative fuel initiatives’’ in 2003.

    Delhi’s public transport the DTC or Delhi Transport Corporation runs the

               world’s largest fleet of environment-friendly CNG buses.

                      The Delhi Metro is a rapid transit system

         serving Delhi, Gurgaon, Noida and Ghaziabad in the National Capital

     Region of India. The network consists of six lines with a total length of

          189.63 kilometers with 142 stations of which 35 are underground.

MIB, Delhi University | BRAND.i, Vol. II, Issue 2, Sept 2012

       The one-of-its-kind Sulabh International Toilet Museum houses a rare

        collection of facts, pictures and objects detailing the historic evolution

           of toilets from 2500 BC to date! Ever heard something like that?

       Due to rapid development of the Delhi-NCR area and its emergence as a

    Cyber City, Delhi is ranked as the 7th most expensive office hotspot in the


Rendezvous with Ms. Henna Chowdhry, AVP
     Fashion and Lifestyle (Times OOH)

About Henna

Henna has more than a decade of experience in Advertising, Marketing,
Business Development, Relationship Management as well as Team
Management with various organizations. She’s got natural flair for
marketing and communication and is adept at & strengthening
relationships with various corporate clients and managing business
development activities. Having studied MBA in foreign trade and
international marketing she is very proficient at planning and
execution , new business development, competitor analysis ,marketing
operations to say a few. Currently designated as AVP –Fashion and
Lifestyles at Times OOH; she started her journey from TAM Media
Search followed by various reputed firms like JWT, Oglivy and Mather,
OAP, TDI Media Services, Bates 141 and Percept Out of Home.

Marcom: Where did you begin your career from?
Henna: TAM Media Research (IMRB)

Marcom: As a marketing professional, what’s your biggest
strength & Weakness?
Henna: My strength essentially has to be the confidence that I
give to my business associates. The message is loud and clear
that nothing will go wrong and if it does, it will be taken care of.

My weakness is my inability to detach myself and get emotional
about “my brands and my clients”.
Marcom: If not a marketing, than what would you be doing?
Henna: I would probably be a lawyer.

Marcom: Your favourite ad- campaign?
Henna: Out of the recent ones it would certainly be the Airtel
“Har ek friend zaroori hota hai” campaign. The other all-time
favourite is that of the brand Amul, unbeatable humour and

Marcom: Your favourite tag-line/slogan
Henna: “Har Ghar kuch kehta hai” Asian Paints by Piyush

Marcom: Given the enormous number of advertisements and
brands that a consumer is exposed to, what does it take for a
brand to stand out?
Henna: No matter how entertaining, engaging or feel good an
ad campaign is, a brand will only stand out on the basis of its
quality and commitment to the consumer.

Marcom: Is it inevitable to be in selling before being a
successful marketer? How has your experience been?
Henna: It is not inevitable but it certainly helps to get your
hands soiled before donning that business suit and talking

Marcom: Personally, how brand conscious are you?
Henna: Just as brand conscious as any small town Indian
from a middle class background having done reasonably well
for herself should be.

Marcom: Which is your most treasured purchase?
Henna: I don’t treasure purchases. Within a week of buying
the fanciest brands they cease to give you any joy.
I work with luxury and I believe that the moment you afford it,
it’s no longer luxury.
Marcom: Given a million bucks, how would you like to spend
Henna: I would invest it in real estate along with some minor
frivolous buys.

Marcom: What helps you unwind at the end of a hectic day?
Henna: Some quality time with my two children and my

Marcom: What do you like the most about your job?
Henna: The dynamism and ever changing trends that keeps
me on my toes.

Marcom: What quality do you think is indispensable for future
marketing managers?
Henna: The ability to strategize, innovate and be solution

Marcom: The book you’d recommend to every marketing
Henna: “Why She Buys by Bridget Brennan- is a must read
book for every marketer.”
About Us

        Marcom, the marketing cell of MIB (Master of
 International Business), Faculty of Commerce & Business,
 Delhi School of Economics is a student initiative that aims
  at nurturing individuals with distinctive imagination and
  originality, making them indispensable for any team that
 they work in. It provides an opportunity to the students to
 explore their potential in the field of marketing outside the
  classroom. We use tools such as case study competitions,
quizzes and presentations to provide unadulterated flavour
  of marketing to students. Our widely acclaimed monthly
     student magazine Brand.i comes up with articles on
  changing markets and innovative marketing techniques,
   inviting editorials by B-school students & professionals
from all over the country. Our objective is to give students a
podium to unleash their creativity and assimilate the field
                         of marketing.

        MARCOM - The Marketing Cell of MIB,
  Department of Commerce, Delhi School of Economics
        University of Delhi, New Delhi - 110007
        To subscribe a free online copy, write to:
         Like us at

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  • 1.
  • 2. Welcoming the trailblazers! We had series of rounds for screening nominees in Marcom Inductions process. There was the Brand Hotch-Potch, an Article writing competition followed with a personal interview session. After much deliberation and with great pride we bring you Marcom’s Trailblazers for the year 2012-2014. Abhay Adil Akash Dixit Anjali Midha Ashita Sharma Geetika Shah Mukul Sharma Nitin Shivani We wholeheartedly welcome them into the Marcom family with the hope that they take its legacy to greater heights this year. This edition has been ideated, designed and compiled by the junior team in the lead. This issue celebrates the reception of our flag bearers and also the landmark one year of serving Brand.i to you. So we decided to make it an All-MIB issue ,Ergo our authors this time our Students of Masters of International Business ,Delhi School of Economics ,both the senior and the junior batch. We have covered a wide variety of marketing practices and phenomenon ranging from Delhi Metro, a marketers dream by Ashita Sharma to flash mob marketing by Nitin Shivani to the lessons on loyalty by Nupur Garg and even more. While Mukul Sharma explains why the idiot box is not so idiot, Nikhil Bhatia attempts to decipher marketing in his article, Marketing decoded. Geetika Shah has discussed marketing, PR and new brands in her article. We also have a piece on Green marketing by Priyanka Singla while Sourav Saha talks about the “here for good” campaign of Standard Chartered. The cover story, Delhitefully Yours comes from Akash Dikshit and Anjali Midha of MIB, DSE and presents to you our vibrant Delhi in its full galore. We recently had our freshers’ party and everyone is eagerly looking forward to the Alumni dinner and the Convention. September has always been the fun filled month for MIB. It’s indeed the perfect timing to sit back and enjoy some Brand.i; though it’s only one year old but I can assure you that it gives even the Hors d'age a good run for its money. I hope you get as high (in marketing) while having Brand.i as we did while serving it. Do write to us about any suggestions or admirations at Cheers! Arjun K. Chadha Editorial Team Brand.i Marketing Magazine of MIB, Delhi School of Economics
  • 3. Contents Ÿ Delhi Metro – a marketer’s dream 1-2 Ÿ In a flash 3-5 Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Lessons on Loyalty 6-8 Ÿ Green Marketing 9-10 Ÿ PR-the new saga in Marketing 11-12 Ÿ Brand Delhi: Delightfully yours 13-15 Ÿ OOH laa laa 16-19 Ÿ The bank that is “here for good”20-21 Ÿ The not so idiot box 22-25 Ÿ Marketing Reloaded 26-27 Ÿ Steve JOBS and his marketing Legacy 28-29 Ÿ Brand.i Trivia 30-32 Ÿ Tete-a-tete with Ms. Henna Misri Chowdhry 33-35
  • 4. MIB, Delhi University|BRAND.i, Vol. II, Issue 2, Sept 2012 DELHI METRO – A MARKETER’S DREAM By Ashita Sharma (MIB, 2012-14) Delhi Metro has undoubtedly coaches and escalators are changed the way this city used as advertising space. moves. But it has changed Metro’s ancillary services like something else too… The the feeder bus and vans are Delhi Metro has changed the another platform. Media benchmark for urban professionals and marketers infrastructure in India. DMRC have discovered the perfect today operates on a network place to grab eyeballs and of 190km with 139 stations. communicate to the More than 18 lakh people consumers. avail its facilities everyday across Delhi, Noida and Gurgaon. A space bound crowd of these 18 lakh consumers, who have the time to listen, is a dream come true for any marketer. From universities to movies and from toothpaste to diamonds, one will find posters of a plethora of goods and services in the Delhi metro. This is not just limited The best part is that the target to the platforms and pillars. audience is clearly defined in Advertisements follow us numbers and profiles. The inside the metro coaches as main consumers of urban well. Turn over your metro India – the youth and the smartcard; it is likely to have middle class, both are the fans an advertisement printed. of the Delhi Metro. Also, the Even the handle grabs in women’s coach gives the 1
  • 5. MIB, Delhi University|BRAND.i, Vol. II, Issue 2, Sept 2012 chance for exclusively and security cannot be marketing women centric compromised with. The Metro products. officials stated that they are A brilliant example of metro not against new ideas as long marketing is HT Mini by as Metro’s reputation is not Hindustan Times. A half jeopardized. Flipkart, Dove tabloid sized newspaper; it is and Pepsi ventured into especially designed for people innovative advertisements but on the move. not on a large scale. Beyond the restrictions and risk involved, the world seems to be the limit for new-age marketing in the Metro. Innovative product displays that make people curious enough to stop and check out the product can be one such idea. 3D and even 4D installations that stir people’s But the marketing in metro is imaginations and create an presently limited to posters experience of the brand is and standouts. The another practical approach. tremendous creative opportunity has not yet been Ambient lighting, large digital fully utilized. So what is the panels and walls, flash mobs, reason that the innovations props and kiosks… the list is are limited? It can partially be as long as your imagination. attributed to the expenses So I believe that it’s just a involved. But marketers say it matter of time till marketers is also because of the policies start to play and experiment of the DMRC. Delhi Metro is, and change the game. and should be, first and foremost concerned about its patrons. The structure of safety, utility, convenience 2
  • 6. MIB, Delhi University|BRAND.i, Vol. II, Issue 2, Sept 2012 In A Flash!! By Nitin Shivani (MIB, 2012-14) Imagine you are on your way haphazardness of “flash to work when suddenly 200 mobs”. Nonetheless, flash singing, dancing people mobs are not just clever serenade you. When the song stunts. Ever since its inception ends, they disperse as quickly in New York in 2003, the as they appeared! You’ll of trend has become a worldwide course be left dumbfounded phenomenon, transforming or confused. All over the from a random way to bring world people have been left people together into a cunning inspired, stunned and amused marketing tool. by the wonderful 3
  • 7. MIB, Delhi University|BRAND.i, Vol. II, Issue 2, Sept 2012 According to the most watched flash mob a flash video ever, with over 30 mob or a cultural jam as some million views on YouTube. In like to call it, is: another instance, Sky “A group of people who implemented a creative flash appear from out of mob for the launch of Sky nowhere, to perform High Definition in Latin predetermined actions, America involving designed to amuse and supermodel Gisele Bündchen confuse surrounding sitting in São Paolo departure people.” The group performs lounge holding a TV remote these actions for a short control. With one click of the amount of time before quickly remote, actors swarmed dispersing. It began as more through the lounge dressed as of a social experiment or form American football players, of performance art than a another click and the lounge vehicle for marketing, but it filled with soldiers. The was quickly hijacked by large campaign was very successful corporations when they throughout Latin America and recognized its popularity. was named one of “Best in Marketing honchos abroad Latin American Marketing”. have used the concept of flash The trend has even started to mobs quite wisely to their catch up back home in India. advantage. For instance, in It all started on 29th of Nov. 2009, T-Mobile produced a 2011, when a huge crowd of series of three flash mob ads 200 people suddenly broke that is now among the most into a jig with the popular successful viral campaigns in track “Rang De Basanti” recent history. The first ad playing in the backdrop. The shows dancers break into a mob, organized by Shonan routine in a busy London Kothari, formerly a researcher station. Voted “TV for Harvard Business School, Commercial of the Year” at was an attempt to display the the 2010 British Television undying spirit of the city, as it Advertising Awards, it is now was held 3 days after the 4
  • 8. MIB, Delhi University|BRAND.i, Vol. II, Issue 2, Sept 2012 anniversary of the 26/11 lasting image in their minds. attack on Mumbai. Soon after It's also a fabulous way of the gig, its videos went viral community building. on Youtube and had close to Since Nov 2011, there has several lakhs of viewers within been a string of flash mobs hours of being uploaded. organized by brands, TV Apart from this, a flash mob channels, NGOs across was used for the promotion of leading malls in Delhi, the movie Don 2; wherein a Mumbai and Bangalore to couple of guys started a fight promote shows, create in the middle of the Ambience awareness and generate buzz. Mall in Gurgaon and later And precisely that is the cause went on to ask people the of worry. The concept, no whereabouts of the Don. It all matter how effective, is bound concluded with a large no of to lose its sheen if overdone. people dancing to one of the Moreover, in some cases, songs from the movie. brands end up advertising So what is it about these flash before the show, either mobs that make them such an through social media or alluring option to the through word-of-mouth, marketers these days? The which dilutes their answer lies in the visual spontaneity. appeal it offers to the Too much, too soon? Maybe, onlookers. The clutter- that's why brand experts breaking entry and the sound a word of caution spontaneity of the whole act against using flash mob make it interesting. There is frequently. I think flash mobs always an element of surprise can be far more productive if associated with the flash used less. Otherwise, they mobs; the sheer deviation tend to become very from normalcy sets it apart. predictable and lose out on Anything that happens all of a their USP. sudden and catches the As they say: “it’s not wise to consumer or the public in kill a hen that lays golden eggs general unaware, leaves a long 5
  • 9. MIB, Delhi University | BRAND.i, Vol. II, Issue 2, Sept 2012 Lessons on Loyalty! comparable prices? How to - By Nupur Garg ensure repeat business from (MIB, 2012-14) the customer? In a market fraught with competition, where technology is all-pervasive, it is very difficult for producers to differentiate their Loyalty programs are an products from other answer to this dilemma faced products available in the by organizations. The market. Consumers today concept of loyalty program is are better informed than not new and dates back to before and have plenty of ages ago when the farmer choices and this has made used to throw in some extra them fickle-minded. grain to purchases made by Therefore, loyalty to a brand regular customers. I is limited. Organizations are remember my mother faced with a dilemma: how to making me go to a particular differentiate between their kirana store for monthly product and the next firm’s groceries because of the products, which offers better “discount” that the similar products at shopkeeper offered. 6
  • 10. MIB, Delhi University | BRAND.i, Vol. II, Issue 2, Sept 2012 The first loyalty program was individual customer introduced in Germany in behavior. Appropriate the 1950s, when S&H Green programs to reward loyalty Stamps rewarded grocery can be devised and shopping store and gas station behavior of the customers customers with stamps can be influenced. A good redeemable for appliances loyalty program tailored to and other merchandise. The the customer’s needs, can modern day loyalty program engage customers thus was launched in 1981 by creating advantage for the American Airlines: the retailer. This kind of frequent-flier mile program, advantage can be pretty and was quickly duplicated useful in a competitive by other airlines and other market. Loyalty programs hospitality industries are used to connect with the including hotels, car rental customers on three levels: companies, and credit card first when the customer organizations. With progress enrolls in the program, a in technology, it is now generic reward is given. possible for organizations to Second, the retailer contacts offer better loyalty programs the customer directly, that actually care for offering a program tailored customers rather than just to the customer’s needs. At serve the needs of the the third level, a two-way manufacturer. The need for communication is loyalty programs arose after established between the a rise in self-service retail, buyer and the seller. Rather which led to disconnect than the customer between the retailer and the approaching the retailer with customer. Loyalty programs their needs, the retailer were a way to engage the himself predicts the customers once again. customer’s needs and offers Loyalty programs have put a a product suited to it. Loyalty huge amount of customer programs can be used to data at the disposal of create a favorable image of manufacturers and retailers. the seller in many ways than They can take advantage of just one. It can be used like it this data and study was by a retail store in 2007, 7
  • 11. MIB, Delhi University | BRAND.i, Vol. II, Issue 2, Sept 2012 which used its loyalty In recent times, when the program data to contact customers have access to all customers whose pets had kind of products and fallen ill and died after information, using loyalty consuming contaminated programs to stand out of food bought from the store. competition makes complete Retailers can take advantage sense. of location-based Instead of just sitting information to communicate through the negative with customers. publicity, the store sought to correct mistakes using loyalty program data. With recent advent in mobile technology 8
  • 12. MIB, Delhi University|BRAND.i, Vol. II, Issue 2, Sept 2012 Going Green: The new marketing funda -By Priyanka Singhla- (MIB, 2012-14) People around the world are product as being becoming aware of the environmentally friendly. In environmental stress that our general green products are activities are placing on the made from recycled content planet. Newspapers, and/or designed for reuse, magazines, television, and recycling, or remanufacturing. other media feature wide They are usually non-toxic, coverage of environmental energy efficient, and durable. problems, whether they are Green or Environmental local (e.g., depleted fisheries Marketing consists of all and air pollution) or global activities designed to (e.g., ozone depletion and generate and facilitate any climate change). exchanges intended to satisfy human needs or wants, such that the satisfaction of these needs and wants occurs, with minimal detrimental impact on the natural environment. Green products balance environmental compatibility with performance, Many consumers now display affordability, and concern about environmental convenience. Thus green deterioration. They have marketing should look at started asking how much minimizing environmental impact a product will have on harm, not necessarily the environment during its eliminating it. Recyclable or lifespan or during its disposal. renewable goods are the only This is the major impetus for sustainable option. Green green products and green marketing is hence important marketing. Green Marketing for the firms to utilize the is an attempt to characterize a limited resources to satisfy the 9
  • 13. MIB, Delhi University|BRAND.i, Vol. II, Issue 2, Sept 2012 consumer needs as well as preferable products when all achieve the organization’s else is equal. Ultimately green objectives.Stricter regulations marketing requires that across the world, growing consumers ‘Think Green, consumer preference for eco- Think clean, Think Eco- friendly products, cost friendly’ i.e. they want a reduction and competitive cleaner environment and are pressure are a few reasons willing to "pay" for it, possibly why firms are adopting Green through higher priced goods, Marketing. There are two modified individual lifestyles, types of firms; one who claims or even governmental that their products are green intervention. Until this occurs i.e. the product itself is eco it will be difficult for firms friendly, and others that alone to lead the green promote themselves as marketing revolution… environmentally friendly. Coca Cola, Xerox, General Electrics are examples of green marketing at its best. Green Marketing provides an opportunity to the companies to increase their market-share by introducing eco-friendly products. Consumers have become more sophisticated and demand clear information about how choosing one product over another will benefit the environment. Empowered consumers choose environmentally 10
  • 14. MIB, Delhi University|BRAND.i, Vol. II, Issue 2, Sept 2012 PR- the new saga in marketing!! - Geetika Shah (MIB, 2012-14) build a brand in the first place. PR is inherently a tool for building a great reputation “A strong corporate reputation is increasingly a PR responsibility. Image can be PR What is it??? How is it generated through an related to brand value of any advertising campaign or a firm or person..? I would like corporate document or the to show the emerging yet look of an organization’s doubtful and confused term premises. Reputation is built called PR. In today’s era from through developing brand to even a celebrity relationships and what an everybody is having a PR to organization does. It is largely save their images or rather what others say about you.” create their image. One implication is that PR Today’s consumer is not grows the reputation to stupid, even a layman knows protect the brand. Just to the terms marketing, clarify: Reputation—which branding etc. So they kind of can loosely be defined as try to avoid get trapped from trustworthiness—is not brand. all these. I would like to place Brand is image, while a broader picture “PR”. The reputation is reality. What this role of PR is never really to means is that everybody 11
  • 15. MIB, Delhi University|BRAND.i, Vol. II, Issue 2, Sept 2012 knows that brand is fake, or building activities that has elements of fakery, while advertisers create. They like a reputation is closer to reality. good advertisement or Therefore, brand is best television commercial, and conveyed by a consistent they enjoy finding out about a marketing/advertising “core product or service that is new message,” while reputation is and interesting. What they best conveyed by don’t like is to be tricked, transparency. fooled, or enticed to buy something from a company that is unethical or that doesn’t deliver on its promises. Steering consumers away from those particular dislikes is the job of a good PR specialist. Even the good B-schools are having their campus placements with one Therefore PR is actually the of the profile of PR. Till then antithesis of branding, which the purpose of this article was is to tell a very partial, even to see the new color being propagandistic, truth. Really, added to the rainbow of branding is pure selling, marketing. So is it “The Fall of aimed at owning a single idea Advertising and the Rise of in the audience’s mind. No PR”.Is this really on cards? matter how they are written Well there is a long way to up in The Wall Street Journal go!! or Fortune, the brands of Nike, Disney, Starbucks, and Coca-Cola have little to do with the real world inside their organizations, and much to do with the image they represent to the public. I think that people enjoy the brand- 12
  • 16. MIB, Delhi University|BRAND.i, Vol. II, Issue 2, Sept 2012 COVER-STORY BRAND.DELHI: DELHITEFULLY YOURS By Akash Dikshit & Anjali Midha -MIB (2012-14) 13
  • 17. MIB, Delhi University|BRAND.i, Vol. II, Issue 2, Sept 2012 Rains bring back the mushiest character as does the white time of the year. People fall in pillared roads of the historic love, people fall out of love. To Connaught Place. Delhi now some it is a melody, for stands for “ambition”; it has others, melancholy. But we become a global hub for fail to notice and admire the business, media, education, beauty of our very own fashion, technology and beloved city- Delhi in the manufacturing as well. monsoons. From the capital of the British Raj to being the national capital, Delhi seems to imbibe the qualities of wine. The older it is, the better. It is the land of opportunities, a land of hope in a country of more than a 100 million. The capital’s growth in terms of quality of living, education centers, job possibilities and the grandeur and charm which the city has With Delhi getting world class to offer has attracted people infrastructure like the Metro from all over the country to it. facility and T3 terminal, it has People come to Delhi not managed to attract people because they merely want to from all over the world to see the mix of past and future, exploit its growing potential. but they come to make a name The successful organization of for themselves. . It is a the Commonwealth games kaleidoscope of ever changing gave Delhi a massive booster fads and fashion. From the shot on the global platform. bazaars of Sarojini Nagar to Delhi has developed an image the larger than life malls of of a city which is a self- Vasant kunj, Delhi has it all. contained entity and is ready The hustle bustle of Chandni to welcome anyone who chowk gives it as much comes with an ambition. But 14
  • 18. MIB, Delhi University|BRAND.i, Vol. II, Issue 2, Sept 2012 how much has an average Lucky Lucky Oye, Vicky ‘Delhite’ changed? The answer Donor and Delhi 6 have gone varies from “not much “to “too a step ahead. They used Delhi, much”. People of different not as a location but as one of ethnicities and tastes co-exist the characters. in this beautiful city. And so They managed to capture the does the local chai-wallahs Delhi people in their full and the hip coffee shops, the form- loud, cheerful and full chola bhatura vendor and the of life. We carry our heart on Italian bistro, the subzi our sleeves and are not wallahs and the retail stores. apologetic about it. We still This leaves consumer with a prefer going to a real market plethora of options. But his for shopping then to buy stuff choices are more polished. virtually on a website. Food And he makes them wisely. industry was and will always Though a ‘Kwality walls’ ice be in our top most priority. cream with your friends at the Our parties, weddings, picturesque India Gate still festivals, all revolve around cannot be replaced by any the food. And it brings no frozen yoghurt or gelato. surprise if the biggest of When it comes to our international food chains charming Delhi- even the want to target the taste buds geographical boundaries seem of the people here. No wonder to diminish. And Bollywood is it is a dream city for millions. no exception. More and more It caters to their needs and film directors exploit the wants. It gives them a hope cosmopolitan nature of Delhi. for a better life. Our affair They capitalize the essence of with Delhi is though a couple this magnum city by shooting of decades old, but this is one at eye catching locations like relation, from which we never forts, old Delhi and metros. In want to move on!! fact Metro has become the face of Delhi in recent times. Recent films like Khosla ka ghosla, Dev D, Aisha, Oye 15
  • 19. MIB, Delhi University|BRAND.i, Vol. II, Issue 2, Sept 2012 consumer from the point he or OOH Laa Laa! she steps out of home to the point they come back. This By Arjun Kant Chadha format is in contrast with the -MIB (2011-13) regular broadcast, print, and Internet advertising. It targets you when you are "on the go" A couple of months back I in public places, in transit (Bus shelters, Airports, had little clue as to what the metros, fly over’s) waiting term OOH means .Silk (Dirty (ticket counters, chemists, Picture’s Vidya balan) had her hospital receptions), and/or in own explanation but it specific commercial locations couldn’t provide me with the (such as in a retail venue). right perspective either. I’m You can avoid the morning talking about OOH-Out of newspaper; turn off the Home advertising .OOH or television commercial or Outdoor advertising is simply not buy a magazine but basically any form of you cannot evade outdoor advertising that reaches a advertising that you’re 16
  • 20. MIB, Delhi University|BRAND.i, Vol. II, Issue 2, Sept 2012 prime-time network fare. That essentially puts millions of rupees down the drain that advertisers allocate to marketing .Outdoor comes as a relief to such advertisers as it’s a media which is always on and is nearly impossible to miss. Brand Delhi has also witnessed its exposed to each day. With the fair share of OOH advent of newer and advanced lately .Right the humongous technology with devices like Sachin Tendulkar ‘Cricket ki Satellite Radio, MP3 Players khushi’ Coke campaign poster its easier for us to eliminate at the Dhaula Kuan metro advertisement and watch only station to the Yo Yo Honey what we want. How many of Singh concert billboard while us have actually had the you drive through the Naraina patience to watch an entire fly over or the Chanel render advertisement before a video you see at the Pacific mall, all starts to buffer on YouTube come under outdoor ,more often than not we skip advertising . the ad even before we get to OOH industry is know what it is for. According predominantly unorganized to a recent study by Nielsen and this characteristic is Media Research, more than responsible for a high degree half of digital video recorder of price discrimination. So if users fast forwarded through your roof is situated in commercials while watching favorable location i.e. near a 17
  • 21. MIB, Delhi University|BRAND.i, Vol. II, Issue 2, Sept 2012 metro station, a mall, or a ground-breaking media high traffic red light then that formats like halogen makes you an owner of a projection, flash mobs, media space and like many dynamic digital displays etc. Such innovative formats prove to be effective both on cost and coverage parameters. They charge the clients premium rates but more than compensate with quality & technique. Traditional print advertisers are taking up this other Delhi residents you may high impact as well rent it out to earn an medium which insures a extra buck. Right from the better recall value and greater grocery seller to the laundry value for their money. Big shop, small entrepreneurs are names of the likes of Times getting aware about the OOH & JCDecaux ensure that significance of marketing and their clients sing Ooh laa laa, are exploiting this format. all the way to their bank In contrast to the unorganized accounts. sector, it is the newly sprouted organized sector which is changing the equations of this German domestic appliance industry. It is no longer manufacturer Miele to release restricted to billboards. They monster vacuums across the are the ones responsible for UK with latest ad campaign 18
  • 22. MIB, Delhi University|BRAND.i, Vol. II, Issue 2, Sept 2012 A few intersting OOH’s ‘The Monster Suction’ campaign Dominic Worsley, marketing director for Miele, commented; “We hope this imaginative and eye- catching campaign will put Miele vacuum cleaners at the forefront of the consumer’s mind, helping to drive them into store.” This marketing campaign took place in Geneva, for an accessory store. Saatchi & Saatchi replaced chains with giant jewellery in several locations. 19
  • 23. MIB, Delhi University|BRAND.i, Vol. II, Issue 2, Sept 2012 Chartered bank that The Bank that is highlights its core values. “here for good” -Sourav Saha,MIB-(2012-14) The first image that comes to mind when one thinks of a banking or a financial institution is hardcore business outlook. All activities The campaign highlights Standard Chartered’s commitment to stick to their clients through both the good and the bad times. It has the dedication to always follow the ethical route even when carried on with the motivation that doesn’t seem to be the of profit. No one really best of business decision in associates the image of a the traditional sense. financial institution to the The campaign captures in softer aspects of life; like three words all the things that caring for its customers, the bank stands for and is stakeholders or the committed to. environment. It is hard to “Here for Good” associate them with acts that “Here for Good” is both a can change the history of the promise to the customer and a world or the life of an tagline that encourages one to individual in some corner of believe in the brand. the same world. First launched in 2010, this This exactly has been the campaign was developed in theme of the “Here for Good” partnership with the global campaign of the Standard creative partner TBWA and it was the first global 20
  • 24. MIB, Delhi University|BRAND.i, Vol. II, Issue 2, Sept 2012 positioning campaign by To be here for people. Here Standard Chartered in 40 for progress. Here for the long years. run. Here for good.” The campaign is not overtly The main ideas of the projecting the CSR activities campaign came from the of the bank, but in an footprints that Standard underlying tone identifies the Chartered had in the countries regular activities of the bank of Asia, Africa and the Middle and aligns it with its CSR East. It also showcased the activities. It tacitly makes a many hurdles that they have statement that the CSR crossed while they supported activities need not be one each and every developmental aspect of an organization but challenges of mankind. can be a part of the core activities. The script of the campaign raises many questions and seems to answer them at the same time. To quote from the campaign: “Can a bank really stand for something? Can it balance its ambition with its conscience? To do what it must. Not what it can. Can it look not only at The campaign is considered the profit it makes but how it one of the best things that makes that profit? happened to Standard And stand beside people, not Chartered after their previous above them. Simply by doing failed campaign. The good, can a bank in fact be campaign brings to life the great? essence of “Here for Good”. In the many places we call home, our purpose remains the same. 21
  • 25. MIB, Delhi University|BRAND.i, Vol. II, Issue 2, Sept 2012 The “Not so” Idiot Box Lintas revitalizes and By Mukul Sharma (MIB, 2012-14) reinvigorates the concept again. The latest series of TVCs are crafted in heaven (No pun intended) complete with the clouds, violins, fairies and an immaculately turned out Abhishek Bachchan in white. There are Ads, and then there are those that have personified the concept of how branding can be made to work for the product most efficiently and effectively. From creativity to brand recall, from concept to execution, these advertisements have gotten our attention; thanks to the The tweak to the creative commitment of the teams that theme – of being in heaven – created them. Here is my is to complement various review of the top three Ads. ‟heavenly” apps that the Idea 3G smartphone comes pre- When in doubt, play dead! loaded with. There’s a lie- Advertiser: Idea Cellular detector, face-scanner, Baseline: Deadly Idea Sirjee. mosquito-repellent, Idea TV, 3G Agency: Lowe Lintas Karaoke, and a host of other In all honesty, the “What an „heavenly‟ apps that one can idea Sirjee” campaign was supposedly tune into. Not starting to bore. But this fresh being an Idea subscriber, one spurt of creativity from Lowe wouldn’t know how good or 22
  • 26. MIB, Delhi University|BRAND.i, Vol. II, Issue 2, Sept 2012 bad the apps are, but the ads Befriending them diamonds certainly fan the curiosity Advertiser: Tanishq element. And then there is the Baseline: Now diamonds are a execution. So there’s man’s best friend too Bachchan Jr. helping Agency: Lowe Lintas departed souls identify Being a woman isn’t easy. newcomers into heaven (with There are just too many a face scan no less); catching stereotypes one has to deal plumbers who claim they died with – especially in the ad doing heroic deeds (with a lie- world. That being said, for all detector app); enabling the its stereotyping of women (of “dead” to not be bothered by their penchant for jewellery mosquitoes and so on… very and their dependence on their dark, but equally comic! Last men to provide for them) this year, Idea Cellular ran a ad still wows for the simply campaign titled “No Idea. Get fantastic story it tells for the an Idea.” This one builds on it brand in question. Let’s face with the help of innovative it. Buying diamonds has product tinkering from the traditionally been perceived as cellular company’s marketing a high-income purchase. But team. The fact is that whether you hate the ad or love it, there’s no chance (in heaven, if you may) that you won’t recall the Idea brand when you see Abhishek Bachchan mouthing, “No Idea, get...” And that’s where this rocks! 23
  • 27. MIB, Delhi University|BRAND.i, Vol. II, Issue 2, Sept 2012 the ad hopes to demolish that And it did a great job in doing as a myth. The ad opens in a that. luxurious Tanishq showroom with two men (obviously the Getting rid of an alter-ego husbands) worrying about Advertiser: Max New York how their bank accounts are Life Baseline: Aapke Sachche going to receive a major Advisors Agency: Ogilvy India setback once their respective Move over security for family, wives (who are busy checking dreams of children, old age out the latest designs on sanctuary and all the other display) finish with their usual clichés that usually shopping. The husbands dominate insurance discuss cancelling vacations, advertising. Finally, an selling their mobiles or even insurance company has dared taking extra tuition to pay off to take the bull by the horns. for the money lost. But when The bulls in question are the final bills are presented to unscrupulous insurance the worried hubbies, they are agents who mislead genuinely taken aback at the prospective clients to rake in low price tags. The message is higher commissions for them. clear: “Now Diamonds are a In an industry infamous for man’s best friend too”. rampant misrepresented The communication informs selling, the ad is not only a how Tanishq caters not only tacit admission of guilt but to the well-heeled but also the also attempts to position Max aspirational middle class New York Life Insurance looking for affordable branded (MNYL) “ethically” above the jewellery. The message was entire racket. The ad begins crucial to kill popular with one adviser attempting to perception that walking into sell a policy to a trusting yet an upmarket branded obviously less-informed jewellery showroom such as client. And then enters a Tanishq would burn a hole in third-character in the fray – their pockets. sort of a devilish alter-ego of the insurance agent – who 24
  • 28. MIB, Delhi University|BRAND.i, Vol. II, Issue 2, Sept 2012 tries to coax the agent into Clearly, that’s where the misleading the investor to downside is. However, despite rake in a higher commission all its attempts, the ad may for himself and better expose even MNYL agents to business for the insurance the same scrutiny applicable company. to agents of other insurance companies. Be that as it may, the ad may still work to the advantage of MNYL – if consumers are able to recall the brand through the ad, an issue that the ad fails in currently. 25
  • 29. MIB, Delhi University|BRAND.i, Vol. II, Issue 2, Sept 2012 Marketing Reloaded……. By Nikhil (MIB, 2012-14) How to squeeze money out of I guess all of us who have seen the customer’s pocket and part-1 have surely seen but I they being not aware of the am more interested in why real reason? I guess all of us will you go? Is it because of have a fair idea of Marketing movie alone??? and must have heard this term Not really!!! It is most many times in your life. I am probably because of the not going to explain the curiosity we felt when at the status-quo so just chill .I will end of Part-I we read “to be start marketing by giving continued” and this was done examples. Let me ask one intentionally by the director question how many of you and in Marketing it is called watched Gangs of Wasseypur Teaser marketing. II 26
  • 30. MIB, Delhi University|BRAND.i, Vol. II, Issue 2, Sept 2012 It is now a days, very much used tool for marketing prevalent and that’s why you research companies. Ever see the trailer of Movies, 1 wondered why it asks for so year prior to their release. many personal questions Why this Kolaveri di, is one which are not related neither more example. to you nor to your friends. Now let’s come to second Let me tell you there are example: Which website you companies in London and open the most on internet? I United States worth millions guess Google, then any idea of US $ whose job is to make about which you like a kind of product so business they that your are in? Let me friend could tell you it is the read it on your largest wall and do Marketing the same and Company in thus the chain the world. Yes, goes on and it is true and on. As it is you can check rightly said, it by searching anything on it nothing is more powerful in and just look at the right hand Marketing of a product then side of the page and Google mouth-word. Now let’s come earns money on that and if to last one but not the least. I you click on that side more guess every one of us have money and in case you buy visited a retail store like Big then Big thanks from Google. Bazaar etc. Next time you go Do anyone knows how just observe to which side you world’s most famous social look the most. Answer is right networking site Facebook and going further you will find generate its revenue or in all the costlier products are on other words why it is valued at that side and in Marketing whooping US $100 billion? It this is called “Theory of is the most famous and widely Trolleylogy”. 27
  • 31. MIB, Delhi University|BRAND.i, Vol. II, Issue 2, Sept 2012 Steve JOBS and his his legacies which business people all around the world marketing Legacy continue to follow and posing -By Nitesh Kasana a serious completion to Apple MIB,(2012-14) Inc. itself. Steve Jobs was a genius when it came to Last year Steve jobs death marketing a product. If shook the business world but you want to improve your for people it was the end of income, having a good “i”. This “i” was the product is not enough. You connectio need to give n between people Steve something jobs’ and they want. In the entire fact, a consumer powerful s of Apple marketer products. doesn’t even For them just give Apple people what meant they already Steve jobs want; they and vice TELL them versa. that they Steve want the Jobs did product even what though they others are not couldn’t aware of it do while themselves! fighting A good his life example would be the- against the cancer. Till today iPhone. In the past, many people are inspired by him in people would never imagine terms of innovation, strategy, themselves wanting an marketing etc. He left behind 28
  • 32. MIB, Delhi University|BRAND.i, Vol. II, Issue 2, Sept 2012 iPhone. After the marketing screen. Any complications will process, people today can’t impede the user’s experience. live a few HOURS without an Steve Jobs believed in iPhone. The power of “Work WITH your anticipation was his one competitors instead of of the good strategy. Since against them” as it doesn’t the first release of iPhones matter who ‘copied who’ but and iPads, people can’t wait to the most important principle get the next version, the next to remember is that only a release and they are stupid marketer would constantly waiting for the next compete with his greatest one to appear. The rapport competitor for the same piece you develop with your of the pie. That’s why by customers has to be so strong dominating phones and that people can’t wait to get tablets, Steve Jobs made the their hands on your products, ‘computing’ world bigger by waiting at the computer expanding the value of screen for an email computers to the point where announcing the release date. we can’t live without Steve Jobs understood that computers, tablets and our there will always be more phones. ‘stupid’ people in the world than ’smart’ people so the iPhone is made to be so simple until you can push one button, one on/off switch and everything else slide on the 29
  • 33. MIB, Delhi University | BRAND.i, Vol. II, Issue 2, Sept 2012 Trivia..  Delhi, officially the National Capital Territory of Delhi (NCT) is the second largest metropolis of India after Mumbai. With the population of 16.7 million in 2011, the city is the 2nd most populous metropolis in India and 8th most populous metropolis in the world.  Delhi has not always been the capital of India. Under the British, Kolkata had the honor for a long time till Delhi was reinstated in 1912.  The city of Delhi was destroyed and rebuilt seven times and ruled by successive empires and dynasties. 1
  • 34. MIB, Delhi University | BRAND.i, Vol. II, Issue 2, Sept 2012  The walled city of Delhi originally had fourteen gates. Five are still standing. Here's the provenance behind their names. Ajmeri Gate: Facing Ajmer in Rajasthan; Lahori Gate: Facing Lahore in Pakistan. Kashmiri Gate: Pointing North to Kashmir. Delhi Gate: Road to earlier cities of Delhi Turkman Gate: Named after pious saint Hazrat Shah Turkam.  Delhi is one of the 'greenest' cities in the world with a green cover of almost 20%. Compared to the Himalayas, which are 50 million years old, Delhi Ridge still stands with a whopping age of 1500 million years!  Delhi won the United States Department of Energy’s first ‘Clean Cities International Partner of the Year’ award for ‘‘bold efforts to curb air pollution and support alternative fuel initiatives’’ in 2003.  Delhi’s public transport the DTC or Delhi Transport Corporation runs the world’s largest fleet of environment-friendly CNG buses.  The Delhi Metro is a rapid transit system serving Delhi, Gurgaon, Noida and Ghaziabad in the National Capital Region of India. The network consists of six lines with a total length of 189.63 kilometers with 142 stations of which 35 are underground. 2
  • 35. MIB, Delhi University | BRAND.i, Vol. II, Issue 2, Sept 2012  The one-of-its-kind Sulabh International Toilet Museum houses a rare collection of facts, pictures and objects detailing the historic evolution of toilets from 2500 BC to date! Ever heard something like that?  Due to rapid development of the Delhi-NCR area and its emergence as a Cyber City, Delhi is ranked as the 7th most expensive office hotspot in the world. 3
  • 36. Rendezvous with Ms. Henna Chowdhry, AVP Fashion and Lifestyle (Times OOH) About Henna Henna has more than a decade of experience in Advertising, Marketing, Business Development, Relationship Management as well as Team Management with various organizations. She’s got natural flair for marketing and communication and is adept at & strengthening relationships with various corporate clients and managing business development activities. Having studied MBA in foreign trade and international marketing she is very proficient at planning and execution , new business development, competitor analysis ,marketing operations to say a few. Currently designated as AVP –Fashion and Lifestyles at Times OOH; she started her journey from TAM Media Search followed by various reputed firms like JWT, Oglivy and Mather, OAP, TDI Media Services, Bates 141 and Percept Out of Home. Marcom: Where did you begin your career from? Henna: TAM Media Research (IMRB) Marcom: As a marketing professional, what’s your biggest strength & Weakness? Henna: My strength essentially has to be the confidence that I give to my business associates. The message is loud and clear that nothing will go wrong and if it does, it will be taken care of. My weakness is my inability to detach myself and get emotional about “my brands and my clients”.
  • 37. Marcom: If not a marketing, than what would you be doing? Henna: I would probably be a lawyer. Marcom: Your favourite ad- campaign? Henna: Out of the recent ones it would certainly be the Airtel “Har ek friend zaroori hota hai” campaign. The other all-time favourite is that of the brand Amul, unbeatable humour and relevance. Marcom: Your favourite tag-line/slogan Henna: “Har Ghar kuch kehta hai” Asian Paints by Piyush Pandey. Marcom: Given the enormous number of advertisements and brands that a consumer is exposed to, what does it take for a brand to stand out? Henna: No matter how entertaining, engaging or feel good an ad campaign is, a brand will only stand out on the basis of its quality and commitment to the consumer. Marcom: Is it inevitable to be in selling before being a successful marketer? How has your experience been? Henna: It is not inevitable but it certainly helps to get your hands soiled before donning that business suit and talking fancy. Marcom: Personally, how brand conscious are you? Henna: Just as brand conscious as any small town Indian from a middle class background having done reasonably well for herself should be. Marcom: Which is your most treasured purchase? Henna: I don’t treasure purchases. Within a week of buying the fanciest brands they cease to give you any joy. I work with luxury and I believe that the moment you afford it, it’s no longer luxury.
  • 38. Marcom: Given a million bucks, how would you like to spend it? Henna: I would invest it in real estate along with some minor frivolous buys. Marcom: What helps you unwind at the end of a hectic day? Henna: Some quality time with my two children and my husband. Marcom: What do you like the most about your job? Henna: The dynamism and ever changing trends that keeps me on my toes. Marcom: What quality do you think is indispensable for future marketing managers? Henna: The ability to strategize, innovate and be solution providers. Marcom: The book you’d recommend to every marketing aspirant? Henna: “Why She Buys by Bridget Brennan- is a must read book for every marketer.”
  • 39. About Us Marcom, the marketing cell of MIB (Master of International Business), Faculty of Commerce & Business, Delhi School of Economics is a student initiative that aims at nurturing individuals with distinctive imagination and originality, making them indispensable for any team that they work in. It provides an opportunity to the students to explore their potential in the field of marketing outside the classroom. We use tools such as case study competitions, quizzes and presentations to provide unadulterated flavour of marketing to students. Our widely acclaimed monthly student magazine Brand.i comes up with articles on changing markets and innovative marketing techniques, inviting editorials by B-school students & professionals from all over the country. Our objective is to give students a podium to unleash their creativity and assimilate the field of marketing. MARCOM - The Marketing Cell of MIB, Department of Commerce, Delhi School of Economics University of Delhi, New Delhi - 110007 To subscribe a free online copy, write to: Like us at