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Brad Simkins – Recommendations
Below you will find thoughts from a few of my clients:
I have known Brad Simkins both personally and professionally for several years. After learning about
his vast knowledge and experience with counseling, I decided I would give him a try. I had seen several
counselors in the past but was always face to face with them. This was my first time I hired someone
that was distant. All of our sessions were done by phone.
Over the course of a dozen or so sessions with Brad, he helped me uncover things to help me get back
on a loving and caring path. I knew a lot of things that I didn’t like but never gave it much thought as to
what I might like.
Brad listened intently and then asked the most poignant and thought provoking questions that evoked
several responses. He gave me some recommendations and homework that I readily incorporated into
my new routine. I soon realized the patterns of my negative thinking and now had the tools to undo a
conditioned pattern that I lived with for years.
Without Brad’s guidance and powerful, positive insight, I’m not sure I’d be where I am right now. I am
so thankful that I found Brad Simkins and I highly recommend him for anyone who is tired of living a
less than purposeful life. He was very instrumental to my recovery and still to this day, he makes
available positive confirmations that anyone is free to use to make life and our planet a much better
Megan Zopf
“Brad came into our lives out of my desperation to reconnect with my preteen. My son and I had been
two peas in a pod, then he became distant, short and snippy with me…his attitude about everything
stunk. I worked with his high school teachers and counselors in hopes of my son opening up to
someone. None of us could reach him. I heard about Brad from one of my own students. As Brad
worked his magic, my son began to become aware of how his internal hurts can be expressed and his
needs met when he communicates differently. The most important part was that my son was feeling
heard. As parents we have judgement in our voice whether we intend to or not. Brad was able to hear
and ask questions to help my son determine the best ways to handle situations and become aware of his
own ability to influence his life in a positive way.
Brad did a great job in giving my son his power back which helped heal our relationship.”
P.R. Faculty Edmonds Community College Washington, USA
“My family and I found ourselves experiencing a traumatic event this past year. You know, those types
of things that you thought only happened to other people. Brad Simkins came highly recommended and
I hired him for professional counseling and therapy. He was incredibly compassionate and down to
earth and he assisted with the assessment of our situation and then shared healing tools that were
extremely productive. I highly recommend Brad for any type of counseling/therapy one may need.
Contacting him was the best solution to help my family get through the pain and discomfort. It is clear
to me he is an amazing healer and I will forever be grateful to him.”
L.P. Ohio, USA
“The end result of what I have experienced from working with Brad over the last 8 months is a lack of
anxiety, a trust in source (that my needs will always be met no matter what, rather than me just saying I
believed out of desperation, rather than belief), a faith in myself, a much higher opinion of myself so I
take better care of my emotional and physical needs. He stops me personally from beating myself up
and apologizing all the time (something I did a lot). My relationship with hubby has improved as I’m
taking better mental care of me, and he’s now also more self aware as a knock on impact of me shifting
my own feelings towards myself. I have a weekly skype session and Brad keeps in touch in between
sessions to see how I’m getting on.
The exercises Brad uses are really effective, and helps with self-worth. He has a LOT of intuition and
will find the right balance for you to work at your level. I’ve also noticed significant improvements in
my health as a knock on result. Whatever you’re struggling with, I highly recommend working with
Brad as he’ll find the right way to help you help yourself.”
N.F. Scotland, UK
“Brad Simkins is the kindest, most gentle loving being I know. He has always been there through my
darkest hours, lending a compassionate ear , always guiding me back into the light with his expertise
and counseling. There have been times that I didn’t think I could continue on in this world…and with
the help of this loving soul, I soon found peace once again. He has taught me to shift my perspective
through moments of severe distress through his techniques and visual aid. This extraordinary being
spreads his love and light across the Universe bringing hope, peace, comfort, and promise to countless
souls in need. This world is better for him. All those lucky enough to have been graced by his presence,
will have been changed forever I love Brad Simkins. Thank you from the bottom of my heart , for
always being there.”
S.H. New Jersey, USA
“You’ve done so much for me and my family throughout everything. You’ve continued to reconfirm
your trust and utter respect with unbridled care and love. I do not trust just anyone with my personal
life nor my children’s hearts’ and minds’ welfare. I do trust you though.”
D.W. Washington, USA
“I have known Brad for twelve years now. I met him when I was fifteen and was really struggling. I
had left home due to some pretty severe family problems. I was also experimenting with drugs and
surrounding myself with friends that did not have my best interest in mind.
I used to hang out at a homeless youth center that Brad was the Executive Director of. From day one,
Brad treated me with respect and understanding. He believed in me even when I didn’t believe in
myself. But it was more than that. He was actually able to convey to me how much I was worth. He
always focused on the positive things I was doing and made me feel like I could really make something
of myself. This was always without judgment. It was a safe, comfortable, healthy relationship with an
adult male and I really needed that at that point in my life.
I have been clean for nine years now. I have gone on to receive a college degree. I am married and have
a beautiful daughter. I now surround myself with healthy relationships. I truly credit Brad with giving
me the tools to turn things around. He will always be in my heart, and I would recommend his services
to anyone who actually wants to heal.”
M.P. Utah, USA
“ I have close to 15 years experience in the psychology and psychiatry field, either working with
doctors or therapists or using them for myself. Of all the therapists I have worked with, not one of them
were able to do the work that Brad and I were able to do in such a short time. It’s all in his form of
therapy, combined with much more.
When I began working with Brad, I saw instant changes in myself, in life, internally, emotionally, and
physically. Brad has a completely unique therapy… to reach people, explain therapy, and teach new
ways of living life to its fullest…
If you have ever thought of using an online therapist, I highly recommend Brad. You will not be
disappointed because, in reality, you do the work — he just guides you to where you want to be. He has
a calm, peaceful, enlightening, sincere heart for each and every patient he has…”
D.V. Alabama, USA
“Brad brings a gift that I hope every person finds in one way or another during their lifetime. He brings
the gift of healing through inner journeys, the gift of coming to know and live through your true self.
I began working with Brad shortly after my foster children moved in. Unlike before, this time I began
having intense anxieties that developed into panic attacks. I became paralyzed at the thought of going
to work, being with my family, doing anything that had always been so easy for me. It became a
challenge each day to just keep breathing. Many people thought I needed medication. I knew that I
wanted to find the source of my fear, heal it, and grow from this experience. All my life, I had actively
avoided therapy, feeling it wasn’t safe. Now, it seemed that in order to keep my job, my family, my life,
I had no choice…
I immediately trusted Brad. It was easy to talk with him. He was patient, gentle and firm, professional,
and always, always positive. He has an amazing way of re-framing challenges into opportunities and
healing. Brad encouraged me to call when I needed help — not just try to hold on until our next
session. For me, this allowed my healing to happen much more quickly.
He is very insightful and absolutely certain of your ability to grow and heal. It is this certainty that is a
constant inspiration and reassurance to me. When I call him, he is always positive and confident, calm
and focused. He quickly guides me back to a calm place with a clear intention and strategy for how to
overcome the current challenge. And it works. Every time.
He has taught me how to identify patterns from my past, recognize the role they filled in the past, and
find new ways of being that are better suited to the present. After awhile, I was able to use the strategies
he taught me on my own and had to call less and less. I have begun to find my own confidence.
Brad has a way of guiding inner work that encourages you to find your own connection between mind,
body, and spirit. It has been in becoming more and more conscious of this connection that my greatest
healing has come. I truly believe that Brad saved my mental life. I was ready, he was there, and
working together amazing things have happened.”
J.C. Washington, USA
“Brad is so gifted in the powers of words and soul guidance that I’d never think possible.”
M.B. Washington, USA
“Brad’s therapy is unique to me in that he does not focus on my past, ‘what my childhood was like,’ or
blaming others for my circumstances. Rather, he moves me towards self-forgiveness and letting go of
the past with the understanding that I cannot go on successfully until I let go of my past mistakes,
heartaches and failures.
Brad has always treated me with the utmost dignity and respect. I have never felt like I am ‘on the
clock’ in my sessions with Brad. Brad has a way of weaving humor into my sessions, which creates a
more friendly, informal, and personable atmosphere — allowing me to be more comfortable sharing.
Brad is ‘real,’ and speaks and listens from the heart, meeting me right where I am at, in the moment, in
a most nonjudgmental manner…
Having a safe and trusting relationship with my therapist is critical. I have worked with numerous
therapists over the past 30 years, trying to break my pattern of self-destructive behaviors brought on by
shame and self-loathing. Brad Simkins is the only therapist that I have allowed to enter into the depths
of my authentic self and to motivate me to speak my truths and change behaviors.”
K.A. Washington, USA
“When my son was 10 years old, he was diagnosed with PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) as a
result of living with his bipolar father. His behavior was so disruptive in school and at home, that I had
no choice but to send him to live with a relative who was a licensed foster care provider.
When he was about 12, it was time for him to come home, and Brad Simkins was appointed as the
therapist to mediate our “family reunification”…
I believe to this day that if we hadn’t been lucky enough to get Brad as our therapist, the whole thing
could have been a disaster, and I would not have become the parent I am today. More importantly, my
son would not have become the mature, honorable man he is today. My son is now serving in the Army
National Guard in Afghanistan, in which he volunteered for service when he was a junior in high
Before Brad came to work with my family, I had low confidence in my parenting skills…. Brad not
only gave me the confidence I needed, but he also taught me coping mechanisms and the importance of
balancing mind, body, and spirit as a parent. Eventually I managed to complete a master’s degree, both
my children are/were honor students, and my son will start college when he returns from his
deployment in September.”
S.S. Florida, USA
“Over the last several decades, I have seen a range of therapists as the need arose. One thing I really
appreciate about Brad is his ability to help me work where I’m at, and not rehash things I’ve been
through already.
I feel like he has excellent judgment in trusting when I say I’m okay with something and knowing how
to keep things open in case I need to be challenged.
Brad is professional, caring and respectful. He knows how to challenge people while holding them with
positive regard.”
S.C. Washington, USA
“Who will come find you
when you’ve wandered
blindly through the dark
and come to the edge of the cliff
Who will stand next to you
as you suddenly wake up
certain you can’t go back
and terrified of going forward over the edge
Who will keep you from falling
when you try to find a way home
spiraling to higher and higher cliffs
and then at the highest peak paralyzed
Who will you trust to nudge you, guide you, teach you
at this moment, when terror and hopelessness reach out hungrily for you
Who will you trust when they suggest with the sureness of all their being
that you don’t have to go back and you don’t have to fall
that in fact, you’ll fly.
Who will fly next to you
when you take this leap of faith
in your first celebrations of flight
soaring, laughing, great gratitude of wonder
Who will be there still
as sudden doubts bring your wings in close, mid-air
with quiet whispers as constant as the wind
reminding you that this isn’t something you can do, you have done, you will do
flying is something you already are doing
Who will sit next to you on the tops of the trees
looking out with wonder, amazement, thankfilled peace
at all the places you’ve walked through
and now all the places you’ve soared high above
Who will you turn to
and thank from the center of your being
for having guided you in healing
reminded you about being
and come with you on the path from walking blindly in the dark
to soaring gratefully on the warm winds of love and light.”
J.C. Washington, USA
Brad has changed my life for the better over the last 8 months. You see Brad is very compassionate and
attentive, we have our weekly session and also he helps me in between sessions. So true to form, when
he saw I was up and awake at 5am UK time this morning, he knew something was up and that wasn’t
“normal” for me. I told him I was awake due to pain, and felt very tired but couldn’t sleep. Straight
away he helped me by taking me through a visualisation which took the edge off my pain and I was
able to drift back off for half an hour. When I awoke the second time, I saw another message from him
I had missed the first time, where he suggested something else which he knew would work for me
(asking a specific guide of mine to help, and telling me how to see them helping and healing me) and
after reading that, I slept for a good couple of hours more, to be awoken by my husband at the “right
time” making me a coffee and hot water bottle. The way Brad helps really depends on what I need. And
quite often I’m surprised and where our sessions take us, but he’s seen me grow, with his guidance and
we know each other’s signs now. So now I have someone who can recognise instantly when I am in
need of a reminder to stop, and breathe and check in to see how I’m doing, and he’ll help me do that.
So I thought I’d tell you all, share the love and if any of you want to know more just ask me and I’ll be
happy to share. I love this man to bits, he’s a wonderful soul with the happiest spirit and kindest, most
compassionate heart you’ll ever meet.
~NF Scottland

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Brad simkins

  • 1. Brad Simkins – Recommendations Below you will find thoughts from a few of my clients: I have known Brad Simkins both personally and professionally for several years. After learning about his vast knowledge and experience with counseling, I decided I would give him a try. I had seen several counselors in the past but was always face to face with them. This was my first time I hired someone that was distant. All of our sessions were done by phone. Over the course of a dozen or so sessions with Brad, he helped me uncover things to help me get back on a loving and caring path. I knew a lot of things that I didn’t like but never gave it much thought as to what I might like. Brad listened intently and then asked the most poignant and thought provoking questions that evoked several responses. He gave me some recommendations and homework that I readily incorporated into my new routine. I soon realized the patterns of my negative thinking and now had the tools to undo a conditioned pattern that I lived with for years. Without Brad’s guidance and powerful, positive insight, I’m not sure I’d be where I am right now. I am so thankful that I found Brad Simkins and I highly recommend him for anyone who is tired of living a less than purposeful life. He was very instrumental to my recovery and still to this day, he makes available positive confirmations that anyone is free to use to make life and our planet a much better place. Megan Zopf CT, USA __________________________________________________________________ “Brad came into our lives out of my desperation to reconnect with my preteen. My son and I had been two peas in a pod, then he became distant, short and snippy with me…his attitude about everything stunk. I worked with his high school teachers and counselors in hopes of my son opening up to someone. None of us could reach him. I heard about Brad from one of my own students. As Brad worked his magic, my son began to become aware of how his internal hurts can be expressed and his needs met when he communicates differently. The most important part was that my son was feeling heard. As parents we have judgement in our voice whether we intend to or not. Brad was able to hear and ask questions to help my son determine the best ways to handle situations and become aware of his own ability to influence his life in a positive way. Brad did a great job in giving my son his power back which helped heal our relationship.”
  • 2. P.R. Faculty Edmonds Community College Washington, USA “My family and I found ourselves experiencing a traumatic event this past year. You know, those types of things that you thought only happened to other people. Brad Simkins came highly recommended and I hired him for professional counseling and therapy. He was incredibly compassionate and down to earth and he assisted with the assessment of our situation and then shared healing tools that were extremely productive. I highly recommend Brad for any type of counseling/therapy one may need. Contacting him was the best solution to help my family get through the pain and discomfort. It is clear to me he is an amazing healer and I will forever be grateful to him.” L.P. Ohio, USA “The end result of what I have experienced from working with Brad over the last 8 months is a lack of anxiety, a trust in source (that my needs will always be met no matter what, rather than me just saying I believed out of desperation, rather than belief), a faith in myself, a much higher opinion of myself so I take better care of my emotional and physical needs. He stops me personally from beating myself up and apologizing all the time (something I did a lot). My relationship with hubby has improved as I’m taking better mental care of me, and he’s now also more self aware as a knock on impact of me shifting my own feelings towards myself. I have a weekly skype session and Brad keeps in touch in between sessions to see how I’m getting on. The exercises Brad uses are really effective, and helps with self-worth. He has a LOT of intuition and will find the right balance for you to work at your level. I’ve also noticed significant improvements in my health as a knock on result. Whatever you’re struggling with, I highly recommend working with Brad as he’ll find the right way to help you help yourself.” N.F. Scotland, UK “Brad Simkins is the kindest, most gentle loving being I know. He has always been there through my darkest hours, lending a compassionate ear , always guiding me back into the light with his expertise and counseling. There have been times that I didn’t think I could continue on in this world…and with the help of this loving soul, I soon found peace once again. He has taught me to shift my perspective through moments of severe distress through his techniques and visual aid. This extraordinary being spreads his love and light across the Universe bringing hope, peace, comfort, and promise to countless souls in need. This world is better for him. All those lucky enough to have been graced by his presence, will have been changed forever I love Brad Simkins. Thank you from the bottom of my heart , for always being there.” S.H. New Jersey, USA “You’ve done so much for me and my family throughout everything. You’ve continued to reconfirm your trust and utter respect with unbridled care and love. I do not trust just anyone with my personal life nor my children’s hearts’ and minds’ welfare. I do trust you though.” D.W. Washington, USA “I have known Brad for twelve years now. I met him when I was fifteen and was really struggling. I had left home due to some pretty severe family problems. I was also experimenting with drugs and
  • 3. surrounding myself with friends that did not have my best interest in mind. I used to hang out at a homeless youth center that Brad was the Executive Director of. From day one, Brad treated me with respect and understanding. He believed in me even when I didn’t believe in myself. But it was more than that. He was actually able to convey to me how much I was worth. He always focused on the positive things I was doing and made me feel like I could really make something of myself. This was always without judgment. It was a safe, comfortable, healthy relationship with an adult male and I really needed that at that point in my life. I have been clean for nine years now. I have gone on to receive a college degree. I am married and have a beautiful daughter. I now surround myself with healthy relationships. I truly credit Brad with giving me the tools to turn things around. He will always be in my heart, and I would recommend his services to anyone who actually wants to heal.” M.P. Utah, USA “ I have close to 15 years experience in the psychology and psychiatry field, either working with doctors or therapists or using them for myself. Of all the therapists I have worked with, not one of them were able to do the work that Brad and I were able to do in such a short time. It’s all in his form of therapy, combined with much more. When I began working with Brad, I saw instant changes in myself, in life, internally, emotionally, and physically. Brad has a completely unique therapy… to reach people, explain therapy, and teach new ways of living life to its fullest… If you have ever thought of using an online therapist, I highly recommend Brad. You will not be disappointed because, in reality, you do the work — he just guides you to where you want to be. He has a calm, peaceful, enlightening, sincere heart for each and every patient he has…” D.V. Alabama, USA “Brad brings a gift that I hope every person finds in one way or another during their lifetime. He brings the gift of healing through inner journeys, the gift of coming to know and live through your true self. I began working with Brad shortly after my foster children moved in. Unlike before, this time I began having intense anxieties that developed into panic attacks. I became paralyzed at the thought of going to work, being with my family, doing anything that had always been so easy for me. It became a challenge each day to just keep breathing. Many people thought I needed medication. I knew that I wanted to find the source of my fear, heal it, and grow from this experience. All my life, I had actively avoided therapy, feeling it wasn’t safe. Now, it seemed that in order to keep my job, my family, my life, I had no choice… I immediately trusted Brad. It was easy to talk with him. He was patient, gentle and firm, professional, and always, always positive. He has an amazing way of re-framing challenges into opportunities and healing. Brad encouraged me to call when I needed help — not just try to hold on until our next session. For me, this allowed my healing to happen much more quickly. He is very insightful and absolutely certain of your ability to grow and heal. It is this certainty that is a constant inspiration and reassurance to me. When I call him, he is always positive and confident, calm and focused. He quickly guides me back to a calm place with a clear intention and strategy for how to overcome the current challenge. And it works. Every time. He has taught me how to identify patterns from my past, recognize the role they filled in the past, and
  • 4. find new ways of being that are better suited to the present. After awhile, I was able to use the strategies he taught me on my own and had to call less and less. I have begun to find my own confidence. Brad has a way of guiding inner work that encourages you to find your own connection between mind, body, and spirit. It has been in becoming more and more conscious of this connection that my greatest healing has come. I truly believe that Brad saved my mental life. I was ready, he was there, and working together amazing things have happened.” J.C. Washington, USA “Brad is so gifted in the powers of words and soul guidance that I’d never think possible.” M.B. Washington, USA “Brad’s therapy is unique to me in that he does not focus on my past, ‘what my childhood was like,’ or blaming others for my circumstances. Rather, he moves me towards self-forgiveness and letting go of the past with the understanding that I cannot go on successfully until I let go of my past mistakes, heartaches and failures. Brad has always treated me with the utmost dignity and respect. I have never felt like I am ‘on the clock’ in my sessions with Brad. Brad has a way of weaving humor into my sessions, which creates a more friendly, informal, and personable atmosphere — allowing me to be more comfortable sharing. Brad is ‘real,’ and speaks and listens from the heart, meeting me right where I am at, in the moment, in a most nonjudgmental manner… Having a safe and trusting relationship with my therapist is critical. I have worked with numerous therapists over the past 30 years, trying to break my pattern of self-destructive behaviors brought on by shame and self-loathing. Brad Simkins is the only therapist that I have allowed to enter into the depths of my authentic self and to motivate me to speak my truths and change behaviors.” K.A. Washington, USA “When my son was 10 years old, he was diagnosed with PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) as a result of living with his bipolar father. His behavior was so disruptive in school and at home, that I had no choice but to send him to live with a relative who was a licensed foster care provider. When he was about 12, it was time for him to come home, and Brad Simkins was appointed as the therapist to mediate our “family reunification”… I believe to this day that if we hadn’t been lucky enough to get Brad as our therapist, the whole thing could have been a disaster, and I would not have become the parent I am today. More importantly, my son would not have become the mature, honorable man he is today. My son is now serving in the Army National Guard in Afghanistan, in which he volunteered for service when he was a junior in high school… Before Brad came to work with my family, I had low confidence in my parenting skills…. Brad not only gave me the confidence I needed, but he also taught me coping mechanisms and the importance of balancing mind, body, and spirit as a parent. Eventually I managed to complete a master’s degree, both my children are/were honor students, and my son will start college when he returns from his deployment in September.” S.S. Florida, USA
  • 5. “Over the last several decades, I have seen a range of therapists as the need arose. One thing I really appreciate about Brad is his ability to help me work where I’m at, and not rehash things I’ve been through already. I feel like he has excellent judgment in trusting when I say I’m okay with something and knowing how to keep things open in case I need to be challenged. Brad is professional, caring and respectful. He knows how to challenge people while holding them with positive regard.” S.C. Washington, USA “Who will come find you when you’ve wandered blindly through the dark and come to the edge of the cliff Who will stand next to you as you suddenly wake up certain you can’t go back and terrified of going forward over the edge Who will keep you from falling when you try to find a way home spiraling to higher and higher cliffs and then at the highest peak paralyzed Who will you trust to nudge you, guide you, teach you at this moment, when terror and hopelessness reach out hungrily for you Who will you trust when they suggest with the sureness of all their being that you don’t have to go back and you don’t have to fall that in fact, you’ll fly. Who will fly next to you when you take this leap of faith in your first celebrations of flight soaring, laughing, great gratitude of wonder Who will be there still as sudden doubts bring your wings in close, mid-air with quiet whispers as constant as the wind reminding you that this isn’t something you can do, you have done, you will do flying is something you already are doing Who will sit next to you on the tops of the trees looking out with wonder, amazement, thankfilled peace at all the places you’ve walked through and now all the places you’ve soared high above Who will you turn to and thank from the center of your being for having guided you in healing reminded you about being and come with you on the path from walking blindly in the dark to soaring gratefully on the warm winds of love and light.” J.C. Washington, USA
  • 6. Brad has changed my life for the better over the last 8 months. You see Brad is very compassionate and attentive, we have our weekly session and also he helps me in between sessions. So true to form, when he saw I was up and awake at 5am UK time this morning, he knew something was up and that wasn’t “normal” for me. I told him I was awake due to pain, and felt very tired but couldn’t sleep. Straight away he helped me by taking me through a visualisation which took the edge off my pain and I was able to drift back off for half an hour. When I awoke the second time, I saw another message from him I had missed the first time, where he suggested something else which he knew would work for me (asking a specific guide of mine to help, and telling me how to see them helping and healing me) and after reading that, I slept for a good couple of hours more, to be awoken by my husband at the “right time” making me a coffee and hot water bottle. The way Brad helps really depends on what I need. And quite often I’m surprised and where our sessions take us, but he’s seen me grow, with his guidance and we know each other’s signs now. So now I have someone who can recognise instantly when I am in need of a reminder to stop, and breathe and check in to see how I’m doing, and he’ll help me do that. So I thought I’d tell you all, share the love and if any of you want to know more just ask me and I’ll be happy to share. I love this man to bits, he’s a wonderful soul with the happiest spirit and kindest, most compassionate heart you’ll ever meet. ~NF Scottland