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 The Bowery Mission
                      &      Kids wiTh A ProMise

            2 0 0 9 A n n uA l R e p o Rt

President’s Letter                               1

Who We Are                                      2
Transforming Lives: The Bowery Mission          4
Changing Life Direction: Kids With A Promise   10

Special Events 2009                            14

2010 and Beyond
Our Purpose                                     16
Our Goals                                       19
Our Partnership                                20

Financial Summary                              23
Our Board of Directors                         24
Our Senior Management                          25

 in 2009, The Bowery Mission                 1,200 homeless individuals with care.
 And Kids wiTh A ProMise                     And Kids with A Promise prepared
 experienced the gracious hand of God        to move its children’s services toward
 protecting our work – leading us to         an integrated model of year-round
 take substantial costs out in the fall of   services to the same children with
 2008, but also to add core services and     measurable outcomes.
 fundraising capabilities at the same           The aftershocks of the financial
 time. The result was a 2009 in which        crisis remain with us, and new threats
 we were able to relieve suffering for       to the homeless and at-risk children
 thousands more new yorkers caught           loom on the horizon. homelessness in
 in a disastrous economy, raise as many      new york City is at levels unseen since
 resources as in 2008 and finish the         2001, and every day more children
 year positioned to play an increasing       and their families slip into crippling
 role in helping the least fortunate of      poverty. Together, i believe we can
 new york.                                   transform lives – because every child
    The Bowery Mission expanded its          deserves a chance, and every man or
 residential recovery programs by 15%        woman a second chance.
 in 2009 to help more of the home-              we will need your help if we are to
 less; reinforced meal services to meet      reach our goals and transform lives.
 an 11% jump in demand; and best of          This Annual report is more than a
 all, graduated 150 formerly homeless        record of accomplishments – it is a
 men and women to transformed lives          call to action. your partnership with us
 of spiritual growth, sobriety, employ-      can and will make a difference. i invite
 ment and independent living. Through        you to be a part of our vision.
 summer camping, mentoring and a
 new scholarship program, Kids with          sincerely,
 A Promise influenced the life direc-
 tion of a thousand children and youth,
 and created a new adventure-based
 program for developing leaders.
    The Bowery Mission also launched
 a new collaboration of faith-based          edward Morgan
 providers in new york City: the             President & Ceo
 rescue Alliance of nyC. in January
 2009, its first project – the Don’t Walk
 By campaign – united seven partners,
 scores of churches and over 1,300
 volunteers to canvass every street
 in Manhattan, reaching more than
The Bowery Mission and Kids With A Promise is an
impactful, results-oriented organization with one of
the most respected and widely renowned compas-
sionate care programs in New York City, three resi-
dential recovery programs annually graduating 150
formerly homeless men and women, and two youth
development programs serving nearly 1,000 children.

The Bowery Mission and Kids With A Promise
comprise Christian Herald Association, a $10.8M
faith-based charity that has served men, women and
children across New York City for 130 years.
transforming lives:
 The Bowery Mission is most known for its compassionate care services, but
 that is not all we do to help homeless men and women. hot meals, safe shelter, medical
 care, even haircuts are acts of compassion that invite homeless men and women to
 be restored to sobriety, employment and housing in our residential recovery programs:
 The Bowery Mission Discipleship Institute, The Bowery Mission Women’s Center at
 heartsease home, and The Bowery Mission Transitional Center.
    our residential recovery programs incorporate addiction and personal counseling,
 as well as education and vocational training within a faith-based context. each site
 offers long-term, practical solutions to chronic homelessness through life and employ-
 ment skills training, continuing education opportunities, single and group counseling,
 legal aid, job-readiness training and housing placement.
    in 2009, we increased our number of graduates by 10% over the previous year:
 150 men and women with a transformed life. each one is now connected to God
 and family, committed to sobriety, employed, living independently, and implementing
 a plan for the future.

 Compassionate Care
    The Bowery Mission staff worked alongside thousands of volunteers and received
 $2.9M in food, clothing and other items donated by nyC businesses, religious com-
 munities and churches from new york, Connecticut, Pennsylvania and ohio. This
 overflow of generosity helped us serve 840 hot, nutritious meals every day, give away
 46,900 articles of clothing, host 73,700 nights of shelter, and provide 574 patient
 visits and 85 new pairs of eyeglasses through Bowery Medical services.

 The Bowery Mission Discipleship Institute
   restoring broken men to a transformed life, the discipleship institute expanded
 bed capacity by a third to help more homeless men recover, resulting in 84 graduates.

 The Bowery Mission Transitional Center
   Operated in partnership with, and fully funded by, the City of New York since 1994,
 the Transitional Center has been among the city’s highest-ranked substance abuse
 recovery programs for nine years, and graduated 56 men to a stable, recovered life.

 The Bowery Mission Women’s Center at Heartsease Home
   Entering its fifth year of service, the Women’s Center at Heartsease Home
 expanded bed capacity to accommodate twenty women at a time, and created
 a cooperative referral system with walter hoving home to better serve homeless
 women, resulting in 10 graduates.
transformed life
  FebRuARy 2010 was a big deal         assaulted or robbed. then I slept
  for me, when I was asked to be       a couple of nights in the bowery
  supervisor of transportation at      Mission Chapel, and here I saw
  the bowery Mission. It was very      how different people were – they
  emotional. I was being trusted.      didn’t talk down to me, but spoke
  And to think, that only 14 months    respectfully and really cared for
  ago I was driving for the devil –    me. that encouraged me to get
  but now I’m driving for the lord.    into the Discipleship Institute.
    December 2008 was a different         In the Institute’s classes and with
  time, and I was different. I had     the counselors, I learned how to
  just come up from South Caroli-      deal with my addiction and pain-
  na, where I used to drive for drug   ful past. My relationship with God
  dealers, delivering drugs to sup-    grew. through the Career Center
  port my cocaine habit. I almost      I earned my commercial driver’s
  got caught by the police and so I    license. I started driving for the
  came to the bronx but ended up       Mission – me, a man who used to
  homeless.                            deliver drugs is now delivering
    I rode the 6 train up and down     food and hope. I’ve driven over
  for a week, and stayed away          3,000 miles already for the bowery
  from the shelters. I didn’t have     Mission. From now on, I just want
  anybody here to help me and felt     to help others, and pass on the op-
  so isolated. on the streets, you     portunity that was given to me.
  don’t know who to trust, and all        I’m Wilmon, and my life was trans-
  the time you’re afraid of being      formed at the bowery Mission.
transformed life
  DuRInG one oF My visits
  home, I looked at my 11-year old
                                         relationship with Him. I found
                                         common ground with the other
  daughter and said “Honey, again        women in the home who had
  I know I said it a thousand times,     similar struggles. My counselors
  but I’m sorry.” She immediately        helped instill a discipline and
  said “Mom! Stop that, stop that!       structure I desperately needed
  It’s behind us, its over. It’s ok.”    in my life. they inspired me with
  To hear her say that just affirmed     their own stories of overcoming
  how restored I truly am.               adversity. one on one counseling
     A series of storms pushed me        and classes helped me change my
  to the edge: my husband’s depor-       way of thinking, equipping me to
  tation, the loss of my marriage…       overcome my past.
  I was depressed and began using          I used to think my life was
  harder drugs to cope. I was like       wasted away in all those years of
  that for seven years. It seemed        drugs and depression. but now,
  like only drugs could numb the         I’m looking forward to all the
  pain, the helplessness, the loneli-    years I have to serve God. I have
  ness. Fear repressed me, kept          a more intimate, tighter relation-
  me from having a relationship          ship with my kids now than I ever
  with the God I loved. I felt like He   had before, and we plan to be
  could never love me, could never       reunited. I’m going to pursue my
  forgive me. eventually, every-         bachelor’s degree and I want to
  thing fell apart – I lost custody of   start a family business with my
  my children and my home.               children. I’m committed to giving
     At the bowery Mission Wom-          my children the same uncondi-
  en’s Center, I found a mercy and       tional love God gave me.
  a forgiveness in God I never knew        I’m Rosie and my life was trans-
  existed, and regained a strong         formed at the bowery Mission.
changing life direction:
 A weAK suPPorT sysTeM, an inadequate education and other disadvan-
 tages in childhood can often lead to homelessness. With a better first chance,
 homeless men and women may not have needed a second chance.
    Kids With A Promise exists to provide that better first chance by empowering
 at-risk children and youth with the community of support, educational opportu-
 nity, and spiritual foundation they need to achieve a promising future. in its 115th
 year Kids with A Promise worked with nearly 1,000 underprivileged children and
 youth in our two youth development programs – Mont Lawn Camp and Leader-
 ship Academy.
    Kids with A Promise is developing programming to shift its resources from
 church-based After school Programs to providing students with scholarships, men-
 toring and the comprehensive support they need to succeed. This renewed focus
 on educational achievement and year-round involvement will deepen our year-
 round commitment to the most at-risk children, and ensure the 1,000 children and
 youth with whom we work have a plan for the future, are committed to graduating,
 and are connected to Christ, a caring adult and a positive peer group.

 Kids With A Promise Mont Lawn Camp
   Changing the life direction of at-risk youth since 1894, Mont Lawn Camp
 hosted 792 children for a week at summer camp, teaching them valuable lessons
 that connected them to their Creator and strengthened their faith and character.
 At our new Leadership Hill, 78 teenagers camped out under the stars, exercised
 leadership and self-discipline, hiked the Poconos’ peaks and canoed down the
 delaware river.

 Kids With A Promise Leadership Academy
   instilling leadership qualities in teenage graduates of Mont Lawn Camp,
 the Leadership Academy connected 76 teenagers with 25 volunteers in group
 mentorship. in 2009, we gave 15 Promising Leader Awards to participants who
 demonstrated commitment to our core values through their volunteering, char-
 acter and achievements.
      AND LAuRA
  GRoWInG up In SoMe parts of            on us, and we’ve made friendships
  new york City can be tough. our        that are bound to last. our mentors
  neighborhoods and schools are not      are great too – they’re understand-
  as bad as some think, but we do        ing, easy to talk to and give helpful
  worry about our safety sometimes.      advice. the Kids With A promise
  We’ve all seen drug dealers selling    staff taught us to stay focused on
  on our corners, and smelled pot in     our education, and to be leaders at
  our buildings. Gang members walk       school and in our neighborhoods.
  our halls and graffiti our schools.       It’s like Kids With A promise as
  It’s hard to have to watch your        a whole is saying to us “you can
  back in your own school, your own      live your own life above and apart
  neighborhood. It can really be a lot   from all the violence, drugs and
  to deal with.                          other stuff around you. And here
     Mont lawn Camp is really great      are some people to back you up
  because it took us away from all       and be there for you.” We don’t
  that for a while. It was good to be    know any other program like it.
  able to go outside for once without       because of Kids With A promise,
  being wary, to just be free to have    we don’t feel disadvantaged. today
  fun. learning about God in a way       we’re ready to graduate, to further
  that made sense helped us connect      our education and go on to do great
  to Him. Having a real relationship     things – like being a surgeon, an
  with God has strengthened us when      eMt, and a journalist.
  home and school got tough. Mont           We’re tatiana, elijah and laura
  lawn Camp and leadership Acad-         and we found the direction of
  emy also introduced us to good         our lives changed at Kids With A
  kids who are a positive influence      promise.

 Celebration of Hope Auction                celebrated independence day with
 Our fifth annual silent and live auction   live entertainment, delicious food and
 this fall raised $100,000 to benefit The   front row seats to fantastic fireworks
 Bowery Mission Women’s Center at           on the hudson river. These generous
 heartsease home. Cat Greenleaf of          supporters also celebrated Mont Lawn
 nBC news emceed the event for our 200      Camp’s 115th anniversary, raising
 guests, who also enjoyed fine food pro-    $60,000.
 vided by legendary Chef Larry Forgione.
                                            Bowery Mission Chapel 100th
 valentine gala                             Anniversary Celebration
 The Bowery Mission’s 10th Annual           To celebrate the 100th Anniversary of
 Valentine Gala honored John Catsi-         the Bowery Mission Chapel, we hosted
 matidis, Founder & Ceo of The red          a 5-night Anniversary Arts series,
 Apple Group, and Margo Catsimatidis,       featuring local photographers, musi-
 President of MCV Advertising. A            cians, poets, historians and filmmakers
 crowd of 350 filled the iconic Rainbow     to honor our Bowery community and
 room, danced and dined the night           history. Festivities concluded novem-
 away, and raised nearly $600,000.          ber 6th with a public ceremony hosted
                                            by Paula Zahn and attended by NYC’s
 Broadway at The Boathouse                  government and business leaders
 A brand new benefit dinner at The Loeb
 Central Park Boathouse raised $100,000     Thanksgiving
 for Mont Lawn Camp. our 180 guests         The Bowery Mission joined forces
 were entertained by Broadway cast          with Mercy Chefs and 720 volunteers
 members from illustrious shows such as     to serve a record 3,481 meals on
 wicked and Les Miserables.                 Thanksgiving. This was also the first
                                            year The Bowery Mission served in all
 july fourth yacht Party                    5 boroughs through our Thanksgiving
 Aboard the Valiant yacht, 80 guests        outreach dinners.

 As we LooK To 2010 And Beyond, The Bowery Mission and Kids with
 A Promise continues to minister to men, women and children in new york City
 caught in cycles of poverty, hopelessness and dependencies of many kinds, seeing
 their lives transformed to hope, joy, lasting productivity and eternal life through
 the power of Jesus Christ.
    Thousands of new yorkers are trapped in a vicious cycle of low educational at-
 tainment, substance abuse dependency, broken support systems and deep, spiritual
 despair. They have the capacity for growth, change, productivity and spiritual
 wholeness, but the cycle of poverty is hard to escape.
    The Bowery Mission and Kids with A Promise offer the space and opportunity
 for God to restore and empower men, women and children. God brings restora-
 tion and vitality to troubled hearts and minds, changing the very course of our
 lives. we work with God in the midst of transformation, empowering the individu-
 al with practical solutions, such as education, vocational opportunity and mentor-
 ing to ensure self-sufficiency, strength of character and stability.
    Broken men and women are restored when we accomplish these things, and
 the next generation of children grows in character and competence. depen-
 dency turns into freedom, disconnected families rejoin, the fruit of labors are
 enjoyed, home is a safe and good place, and productive, prosperous futures are
 assured. This is the vision we have for every man, woman and child we help
 through The Bowery Mission and Kids with A Promise.
in 2010, our ministry will be moving forward
strongly on four fronts:


We will be working on ways to expand the number
of beds in The Bowery Mission’s residential recovery
programs to see more transformed lives.

We will offer further compassionate alternatives
to the large number of guests we serve daily at
The Bowery Mission who are not physically or
mentally able to enter residential recovery.

We will move our children’s ministries toward a
model which works with children year-round to
measurably change their life direction.

We will expand our partnership with other like-
minded homeless service providers, through the
initiative we founded – the Rescue Alliance of NYC.

 we AsK For your partnership to help us see our vision become reality and
 our goals accomplished. your investment in The Bowery Mission and Kids with
 A Promise will reap the return of transformed lives. To involve, inform, and
 honor our investors, we have established the new york hope Partners, red door
 Giving society, women of impact and Bowery Mission young Philanthropists.

 New york Hope Partners
 The Bowery Mission is almost entirely funded by private donations, grants, and
 a special group of friends called new york hope Partners who give regular,
 monthly gifts to The Bowery Mission.
    new york hope Partners help us save time and money on mailings, so that
 more resources go directly to homeless men and women, and at-risk children
 and youth. hope Partners enjoy invitations to local events, a ViP tour of The
 Bowery Mission, and an annual invitation to the President’s Breakfast.

 The Red Door giving Society
 Red Door Giving Society honors an influential league of donors who have made
 an annual contribution of $1,000 or more, as well as lifetime donors of 200 gifts
 or $250,000 cumulatively.
    Giving society members have the opportunity to network with other highly-
 committed donors and hear firsthand from men, women and children whose
 lives have been transformed and affected by The Bowery Mission and Kids with
 A Promise.
Women of Impact
In 2004 a group of hopeful, energetic and influential women helped renovate
an upper east side townhouse and raise the funds to begin the only faith-
based women’s residential recovery center in Manhattan: The Bowery Mission
Women’s Center at Heartsease Home.
  Today that group of women has blossomed into the women of impact, a
group of powerful women who each year seek to see the Women’s Center fully
funded and thriving. women of impact advocate for the Center, recruit others,
volunteer their time and expertise, and pray with and for the women. They form
an integral part of the annual auction, graduation ceremonies, Christmas parties
and other events to benefit the Women’s Center and the women it serves.

young Philanthropists
only in its second year, the 200-person strong young Philanthropists has hosted
four events to raise nearly $10,000 for The Bowery Mission and Kids with A
Promise and volunteered on two service-learning projects.
   The young Philanthropists draw from civic-minded 20 to 30-something leaders
in a variety of fields who want to use their time, talent, resources and connections
to transform lives. Their mission is to raise a new generation of leaders committed
to the work of The Bowery Mission and Kids with A Promise.

   with the gracious hand of God protecting our work, 2009 was a successful
year for The Bowery Mission and Kids with A Promise. we saw 150 lives trans-
formed from hopelessness to hope, and 1,000 children and youth with a changed
life direction. our partnership can do so much more for thousands of suffering
new yorkers in 2010 and beyond. we hope you will join us.
                                                 fINANCIAL SuMMARy & RATIOS1

          2% program fees
    2% investments & trusts                                                                             15% Kids With A
                                                                                                        Promise programs
         4% special events

    17% gifts in kind

                                              60% individual             58% Bowery
                                              contributions              Mission programs
  9% government
contracts & grants
                                                                                                              16% development &
                                                                                                              public awareness

      6% foundations
       & corporations
                                                                                                       11% management
                                                                                                       & general

       Support & Revenue (In the thousands)                                fy 2009                            fy 2008

       Individual Contributions2                          $10,555               60%              $4,561            40%
       Foundations & Corporations                          $1,084                 6%              $885               8%
       Government Contracts & Grants                       $1,579                 9%             $1,535             13%
       Gifts in Kind                                      $2,904                 17%             $2,338            20%
       Special Events                                       $692                  4%             $1,096            10%
       Investments & Trusts                                 $329                  2%              $438               4%
       Program Fees3                                        $285                  2%              $402               4%
       Volunteer Services                                     $85                 0%                 $71             1%
       Other                                                  $27                 0%                $86              1%

       Total Support & Revenue                            $17,540              100%              $11,412         100%

       Expenses (In the thousands)                                         fy 2009                            fy 2008

       Program Services
         The Bowery Mission Programs4                      $6,313               58%               $5,972           54%
         Kids With A Promise Programs5                      $1,591              15%               $1,859            17%
       Total Program Services                              $7,904               73%                $7,831           71%

       Development & Public Awareness                          $1,784            16%              $1,767           16%
       Management & General                                     $1,159            11%             $1,453           13%

       Total Expenses                                     $10,847              100%              $11,051         100%

       1   Consolidated summary for Christian Herald Association (The Bowery Mission & Kids With A Promise),
           Heartsease Home, and Christian Herald Housing Development Fund Corporation (operating The Bowery
           Mission Transitional Center). This includes all operating activities and excludes non-operating impacts (i.e.,
           return on investments and depreciation expense).
       2 Includes a significant unrestricted legacy gift of $6,536,000. A joint task force of Directors and Management
         has been formed to recommend to the Board of Directors how these funds should be used, both wisely
         and for the benefit of the individuals Christian Herald serves for years to come.
       3 Includes fees for outside groups using Mont Lawn Camp and Retreat Center and nominal
         fees for Kids With A Promise programs.
       4 Includes The Bowery Mission, The Bowery Mission Women’s Center, The Bowery Mission
         Transitional Center and Gift-in-Kind Operations.
       5 Includes Kids With A Promise in-city programs and Mont Lawn Camp and Retreat Center.

 Jan Nagel, Chairman                Bruce Maasbach
 Partner                            Managing Director
 KPMG-LLP                           Luxury Mortgage
 New York, NY                       New York, NY

 Nicholas J. DeMarco                Edward H. Morgan
 CEO                                President and CEO
 Active Brands                      Christian Herald Association
 New York, NY                       New York, NY

 Dudley G. Diebold                  Daniel Ness
 Investor                           Administrator, Retired
 Roxbury, CT                        Lancaster, PA

 Henry Higdon                       Miguel Sanchez
 Managing Partner                   Associate Professor
 Higdon Partners LLC                Nyack College
 New York, NY                       Nyack, NY

 Victor J. Huebner                  Beverly Ann Sloan
 Managing Director, Retired         Business Representative
 TD Securities                      Actor’s Equity Association
 Dobbs Ferry, NY                    New York, NY

 Stacy Hock                         Charles W. Veth
 Volunteer                          Founder and President
 New York, NY                       CVM, Inc.
                                    Madison, CT
 Douglas John
 Founder and President              Thomas R. Vogeley
 Connecticut Marketing Associates   Investor
 Wilton, CT                         Doylestown, PA

 Donald Kolowsky                    Vaughn Weimer
 Division President, Retired        Managing Director
 Pfizer Inc.                        Oaktree Asset Management, LLC
 Niantic, CT                        New York, NY

 Pamela Leggett
 Upper Montclair, NJ

    President & CEO
    Edward Morgan

    Vice President of Operations
    Brian Johansson

    Chief Financial Officer
    Robert Depue

    Director of Development
    James Winans


    Administrative Headquarters
    132 Madison Avenue
    New York, NY 10016

    design, photography & art direction:
    Corey Hayes

    special events photo, page 17:
    Jeffrey B. Calenberg

    writing and production:
    Regis A. Saxton

                                                                          The Bowery Mission and Kids with
                                                                          A Promise are ministries of Christian
                         KWAP LogoFinalFormat.indd
                                                 1   4/29/2004, 3:05 PM
                                                                          herald Association, inc.
Administrative Headquarters 132 Madison Avenue New York, NY 10016
 8 0 0 - B O W E R Y- 1 w w w. b o w e r y. o r g i n f o @ b o w e r y. o r g

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Bowery Annual Rpt 09 1st Draft

  • 1. RESTORATION The Bowery Mission & Kids wiTh A ProMise 2 0 0 9 A n n uA l R e p o Rt
  • 2. P Y President’s Letter 1 Who We Are 2 Transforming Lives: The Bowery Mission 4 Changing Life Direction: Kids With A Promise 10 Special Events 2009 14 2010 and Beyond Our Purpose 16 Our Goals 19 Our Partnership 20 Financial Summary 23 Our Board of Directors 24 Our Senior Management 25 Y
  • 3. PRESIDENT’S LETTER X in 2009, The Bowery Mission 1,200 homeless individuals with care. And Kids wiTh A ProMise And Kids with A Promise prepared experienced the gracious hand of God to move its children’s services toward protecting our work – leading us to an integrated model of year-round take substantial costs out in the fall of services to the same children with 2008, but also to add core services and measurable outcomes. fundraising capabilities at the same The aftershocks of the financial time. The result was a 2009 in which crisis remain with us, and new threats we were able to relieve suffering for to the homeless and at-risk children thousands more new yorkers caught loom on the horizon. homelessness in in a disastrous economy, raise as many new york City is at levels unseen since resources as in 2008 and finish the 2001, and every day more children year positioned to play an increasing and their families slip into crippling role in helping the least fortunate of poverty. Together, i believe we can new york. transform lives – because every child The Bowery Mission expanded its deserves a chance, and every man or residential recovery programs by 15% woman a second chance. in 2009 to help more of the home- we will need your help if we are to less; reinforced meal services to meet reach our goals and transform lives. an 11% jump in demand; and best of This Annual report is more than a all, graduated 150 formerly homeless record of accomplishments – it is a men and women to transformed lives call to action. your partnership with us of spiritual growth, sobriety, employ- can and will make a difference. i invite ment and independent living. Through you to be a part of our vision. summer camping, mentoring and a new scholarship program, Kids with sincerely, A Promise influenced the life direc- tion of a thousand children and youth, and created a new adventure-based program for developing leaders. The Bowery Mission also launched a new collaboration of faith-based edward Morgan providers in new york City: the President & Ceo rescue Alliance of nyC. in January 2009, its first project – the Don’t Walk By campaign – united seven partners, scores of churches and over 1,300 volunteers to canvass every street in Manhattan, reaching more than
  • 4. WHO WE ARE The Bowery Mission and Kids With A Promise is an impactful, results-oriented organization with one of the most respected and widely renowned compas- sionate care programs in New York City, three resi- dential recovery programs annually graduating 150 formerly homeless men and women, and two youth development programs serving nearly 1,000 children. The Bowery Mission and Kids With A Promise comprise Christian Herald Association, a $10.8M faith-based charity that has served men, women and children across New York City for 130 years.
  • 5.
  • 6. transforming lives: THE BOWERy MISSION The Bowery Mission is most known for its compassionate care services, but that is not all we do to help homeless men and women. hot meals, safe shelter, medical care, even haircuts are acts of compassion that invite homeless men and women to be restored to sobriety, employment and housing in our residential recovery programs: The Bowery Mission Discipleship Institute, The Bowery Mission Women’s Center at heartsease home, and The Bowery Mission Transitional Center. our residential recovery programs incorporate addiction and personal counseling, as well as education and vocational training within a faith-based context. each site offers long-term, practical solutions to chronic homelessness through life and employ- ment skills training, continuing education opportunities, single and group counseling, legal aid, job-readiness training and housing placement. in 2009, we increased our number of graduates by 10% over the previous year: 150 men and women with a transformed life. each one is now connected to God and family, committed to sobriety, employed, living independently, and implementing a plan for the future. Compassionate Care The Bowery Mission staff worked alongside thousands of volunteers and received $2.9M in food, clothing and other items donated by nyC businesses, religious com- munities and churches from new york, Connecticut, Pennsylvania and ohio. This overflow of generosity helped us serve 840 hot, nutritious meals every day, give away 46,900 articles of clothing, host 73,700 nights of shelter, and provide 574 patient visits and 85 new pairs of eyeglasses through Bowery Medical services. The Bowery Mission Discipleship Institute restoring broken men to a transformed life, the discipleship institute expanded bed capacity by a third to help more homeless men recover, resulting in 84 graduates. The Bowery Mission Transitional Center Operated in partnership with, and fully funded by, the City of New York since 1994, the Transitional Center has been among the city’s highest-ranked substance abuse recovery programs for nine years, and graduated 56 men to a stable, recovered life. The Bowery Mission Women’s Center at Heartsease Home Entering its fifth year of service, the Women’s Center at Heartsease Home expanded bed capacity to accommodate twenty women at a time, and created a cooperative referral system with walter hoving home to better serve homeless women, resulting in 10 graduates.
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  • 9. transformed life WILMON FebRuARy 2010 was a big deal assaulted or robbed. then I slept for me, when I was asked to be a couple of nights in the bowery supervisor of transportation at Mission Chapel, and here I saw the bowery Mission. It was very how different people were – they emotional. I was being trusted. didn’t talk down to me, but spoke And to think, that only 14 months respectfully and really cared for ago I was driving for the devil – me. that encouraged me to get but now I’m driving for the lord. into the Discipleship Institute. December 2008 was a different In the Institute’s classes and with time, and I was different. I had the counselors, I learned how to just come up from South Caroli- deal with my addiction and pain- na, where I used to drive for drug ful past. My relationship with God dealers, delivering drugs to sup- grew. through the Career Center port my cocaine habit. I almost I earned my commercial driver’s got caught by the police and so I license. I started driving for the came to the bronx but ended up Mission – me, a man who used to homeless. deliver drugs is now delivering I rode the 6 train up and down food and hope. I’ve driven over for a week, and stayed away 3,000 miles already for the bowery from the shelters. I didn’t have Mission. From now on, I just want anybody here to help me and felt to help others, and pass on the op- so isolated. on the streets, you portunity that was given to me. don’t know who to trust, and all I’m Wilmon, and my life was trans- the time you’re afraid of being formed at the bowery Mission.
  • 10.
  • 11. transformed life ROSIE DuRInG one oF My visits home, I looked at my 11-year old relationship with Him. I found common ground with the other daughter and said “Honey, again women in the home who had I know I said it a thousand times, similar struggles. My counselors but I’m sorry.” She immediately helped instill a discipline and said “Mom! Stop that, stop that! structure I desperately needed It’s behind us, its over. It’s ok.” in my life. they inspired me with To hear her say that just affirmed their own stories of overcoming how restored I truly am. adversity. one on one counseling A series of storms pushed me and classes helped me change my to the edge: my husband’s depor- way of thinking, equipping me to tation, the loss of my marriage… overcome my past. I was depressed and began using I used to think my life was harder drugs to cope. I was like wasted away in all those years of that for seven years. It seemed drugs and depression. but now, like only drugs could numb the I’m looking forward to all the pain, the helplessness, the loneli- years I have to serve God. I have ness. Fear repressed me, kept a more intimate, tighter relation- me from having a relationship ship with my kids now than I ever with the God I loved. I felt like He had before, and we plan to be could never love me, could never reunited. I’m going to pursue my forgive me. eventually, every- bachelor’s degree and I want to thing fell apart – I lost custody of start a family business with my my children and my home. children. I’m committed to giving At the bowery Mission Wom- my children the same uncondi- en’s Center, I found a mercy and tional love God gave me. a forgiveness in God I never knew I’m Rosie and my life was trans- existed, and regained a strong formed at the bowery Mission.
  • 12. changing life direction: KIDSPROMISE WITH A A weAK suPPorT sysTeM, an inadequate education and other disadvan- tages in childhood can often lead to homelessness. With a better first chance, homeless men and women may not have needed a second chance. Kids With A Promise exists to provide that better first chance by empowering at-risk children and youth with the community of support, educational opportu- nity, and spiritual foundation they need to achieve a promising future. in its 115th year Kids with A Promise worked with nearly 1,000 underprivileged children and youth in our two youth development programs – Mont Lawn Camp and Leader- ship Academy. Kids with A Promise is developing programming to shift its resources from church-based After school Programs to providing students with scholarships, men- toring and the comprehensive support they need to succeed. This renewed focus on educational achievement and year-round involvement will deepen our year- round commitment to the most at-risk children, and ensure the 1,000 children and youth with whom we work have a plan for the future, are committed to graduating, and are connected to Christ, a caring adult and a positive peer group. Kids With A Promise Mont Lawn Camp Changing the life direction of at-risk youth since 1894, Mont Lawn Camp hosted 792 children for a week at summer camp, teaching them valuable lessons that connected them to their Creator and strengthened their faith and character. At our new Leadership Hill, 78 teenagers camped out under the stars, exercised leadership and self-discipline, hiked the Poconos’ peaks and canoed down the delaware river. Kids With A Promise Leadership Academy instilling leadership qualities in teenage graduates of Mont Lawn Camp, the Leadership Academy connected 76 teenagers with 25 volunteers in group mentorship. in 2009, we gave 15 Promising Leader Awards to participants who demonstrated commitment to our core values through their volunteering, char- acter and achievements.
  • 13.
  • 14. C
  • 15. CHANgED LIfE DIRECTION TATIANA, ELIjAH AND LAuRA GRoWInG up In SoMe parts of on us, and we’ve made friendships new york City can be tough. our that are bound to last. our mentors neighborhoods and schools are not are great too – they’re understand- as bad as some think, but we do ing, easy to talk to and give helpful worry about our safety sometimes. advice. the Kids With A promise We’ve all seen drug dealers selling staff taught us to stay focused on on our corners, and smelled pot in our education, and to be leaders at our buildings. Gang members walk school and in our neighborhoods. our halls and graffiti our schools. It’s like Kids With A promise as It’s hard to have to watch your a whole is saying to us “you can back in your own school, your own live your own life above and apart neighborhood. It can really be a lot from all the violence, drugs and to deal with. other stuff around you. And here Mont lawn Camp is really great are some people to back you up because it took us away from all and be there for you.” We don’t that for a while. It was good to be know any other program like it. able to go outside for once without because of Kids With A promise, being wary, to just be free to have we don’t feel disadvantaged. today fun. learning about God in a way we’re ready to graduate, to further that made sense helped us connect our education and go on to do great to Him. Having a real relationship things – like being a surgeon, an with God has strengthened us when eMt, and a journalist. home and school got tough. Mont We’re tatiana, elijah and laura lawn Camp and leadership Acad- and we found the direction of emy also introduced us to good our lives changed at Kids With A kids who are a positive influence promise.
  • 16. SPECIAL EvENTS 2009 X Celebration of Hope Auction celebrated independence day with Our fifth annual silent and live auction live entertainment, delicious food and this fall raised $100,000 to benefit The front row seats to fantastic fireworks Bowery Mission Women’s Center at on the hudson river. These generous heartsease home. Cat Greenleaf of supporters also celebrated Mont Lawn nBC news emceed the event for our 200 Camp’s 115th anniversary, raising guests, who also enjoyed fine food pro- $60,000. vided by legendary Chef Larry Forgione. Bowery Mission Chapel 100th valentine gala Anniversary Celebration The Bowery Mission’s 10th Annual To celebrate the 100th Anniversary of Valentine Gala honored John Catsi- the Bowery Mission Chapel, we hosted matidis, Founder & Ceo of The red a 5-night Anniversary Arts series, Apple Group, and Margo Catsimatidis, featuring local photographers, musi- President of MCV Advertising. A cians, poets, historians and filmmakers crowd of 350 filled the iconic Rainbow to honor our Bowery community and room, danced and dined the night history. Festivities concluded novem- away, and raised nearly $600,000. ber 6th with a public ceremony hosted by Paula Zahn and attended by NYC’s Broadway at The Boathouse government and business leaders A brand new benefit dinner at The Loeb Central Park Boathouse raised $100,000 Thanksgiving for Mont Lawn Camp. our 180 guests The Bowery Mission joined forces were entertained by Broadway cast with Mercy Chefs and 720 volunteers members from illustrious shows such as to serve a record 3,481 meals on wicked and Les Miserables. Thanksgiving. This was also the first year The Bowery Mission served in all july fourth yacht Party 5 boroughs through our Thanksgiving Aboard the Valiant yacht, 80 guests outreach dinners.
  • 17. 9
  • 18. OuR PuRPOSE V As we LooK To 2010 And Beyond, The Bowery Mission and Kids with A Promise continues to minister to men, women and children in new york City caught in cycles of poverty, hopelessness and dependencies of many kinds, seeing their lives transformed to hope, joy, lasting productivity and eternal life through the power of Jesus Christ. Thousands of new yorkers are trapped in a vicious cycle of low educational at- tainment, substance abuse dependency, broken support systems and deep, spiritual despair. They have the capacity for growth, change, productivity and spiritual wholeness, but the cycle of poverty is hard to escape. The Bowery Mission and Kids with A Promise offer the space and opportunity for God to restore and empower men, women and children. God brings restora- tion and vitality to troubled hearts and minds, changing the very course of our lives. we work with God in the midst of transformation, empowering the individu- al with practical solutions, such as education, vocational opportunity and mentor- ing to ensure self-sufficiency, strength of character and stability. Broken men and women are restored when we accomplish these things, and the next generation of children grows in character and competence. depen- dency turns into freedom, disconnected families rejoin, the fruit of labors are enjoyed, home is a safe and good place, and productive, prosperous futures are assured. This is the vision we have for every man, woman and child we help through The Bowery Mission and Kids with A Promise.
  • 19. E
  • 20. O
  • 21. OuR gOALS in 2010, our ministry will be moving forward strongly on four fronts: W We will be working on ways to expand the number of beds in The Bowery Mission’s residential recovery programs to see more transformed lives. We will offer further compassionate alternatives to the large number of guests we serve daily at The Bowery Mission who are not physically or mentally able to enter residential recovery. We will move our children’s ministries toward a model which works with children year-round to measurably change their life direction. We will expand our partnership with other like- minded homeless service providers, through the initiative we founded – the Rescue Alliance of NYC.
  • 22. OuR PARTNERSHIP Y we AsK For your partnership to help us see our vision become reality and our goals accomplished. your investment in The Bowery Mission and Kids with A Promise will reap the return of transformed lives. To involve, inform, and honor our investors, we have established the new york hope Partners, red door Giving society, women of impact and Bowery Mission young Philanthropists. New york Hope Partners The Bowery Mission is almost entirely funded by private donations, grants, and a special group of friends called new york hope Partners who give regular, monthly gifts to The Bowery Mission. new york hope Partners help us save time and money on mailings, so that more resources go directly to homeless men and women, and at-risk children and youth. hope Partners enjoy invitations to local events, a ViP tour of The Bowery Mission, and an annual invitation to the President’s Breakfast. The Red Door giving Society Red Door Giving Society honors an influential league of donors who have made an annual contribution of $1,000 or more, as well as lifetime donors of 200 gifts or $250,000 cumulatively. Giving society members have the opportunity to network with other highly- committed donors and hear firsthand from men, women and children whose lives have been transformed and affected by The Bowery Mission and Kids with A Promise.
  • 23. Women of Impact In 2004 a group of hopeful, energetic and influential women helped renovate an upper east side townhouse and raise the funds to begin the only faith- based women’s residential recovery center in Manhattan: The Bowery Mission Women’s Center at Heartsease Home. Today that group of women has blossomed into the women of impact, a group of powerful women who each year seek to see the Women’s Center fully funded and thriving. women of impact advocate for the Center, recruit others, volunteer their time and expertise, and pray with and for the women. They form an integral part of the annual auction, graduation ceremonies, Christmas parties and other events to benefit the Women’s Center and the women it serves. young Philanthropists only in its second year, the 200-person strong young Philanthropists has hosted four events to raise nearly $10,000 for The Bowery Mission and Kids with A Promise and volunteered on two service-learning projects. The young Philanthropists draw from civic-minded 20 to 30-something leaders in a variety of fields who want to use their time, talent, resources and connections to transform lives. Their mission is to raise a new generation of leaders committed to the work of The Bowery Mission and Kids with A Promise. with the gracious hand of God protecting our work, 2009 was a successful year for The Bowery Mission and Kids with A Promise. we saw 150 lives trans- formed from hopelessness to hope, and 1,000 children and youth with a changed life direction. our partnership can do so much more for thousands of suffering new yorkers in 2010 and beyond. we hope you will join us.
  • 24.
  • 25. CHRISTIAN HERALD ASSOCIATION, INC. fINANCIAL SuMMARy & RATIOS1 2% program fees 2% investments & trusts 15% Kids With A Promise programs 4% special events 17% gifts in kind 60% individual 58% Bowery contributions Mission programs 9% government contracts & grants 16% development & public awareness 6% foundations & corporations 11% management & general Support & Revenue (In the thousands) fy 2009 fy 2008 Individual Contributions2 $10,555 60% $4,561 40% Foundations & Corporations $1,084 6% $885 8% Government Contracts & Grants $1,579 9% $1,535 13% Gifts in Kind $2,904 17% $2,338 20% Special Events $692 4% $1,096 10% Investments & Trusts $329 2% $438 4% Program Fees3 $285 2% $402 4% Volunteer Services $85 0% $71 1% Other $27 0% $86 1% Total Support & Revenue $17,540 100% $11,412 100% Expenses (In the thousands) fy 2009 fy 2008 Program Services The Bowery Mission Programs4 $6,313 58% $5,972 54% Kids With A Promise Programs5 $1,591 15% $1,859 17% Total Program Services $7,904 73% $7,831 71% Development & Public Awareness $1,784 16% $1,767 16% Management & General $1,159 11% $1,453 13% Total Expenses $10,847 100% $11,051 100% 1 Consolidated summary for Christian Herald Association (The Bowery Mission & Kids With A Promise), Heartsease Home, and Christian Herald Housing Development Fund Corporation (operating The Bowery Mission Transitional Center). This includes all operating activities and excludes non-operating impacts (i.e., return on investments and depreciation expense). 2 Includes a significant unrestricted legacy gift of $6,536,000. A joint task force of Directors and Management has been formed to recommend to the Board of Directors how these funds should be used, both wisely and for the benefit of the individuals Christian Herald serves for years to come. 3 Includes fees for outside groups using Mont Lawn Camp and Retreat Center and nominal fees for Kids With A Promise programs. 4 Includes The Bowery Mission, The Bowery Mission Women’s Center, The Bowery Mission Transitional Center and Gift-in-Kind Operations. 5 Includes Kids With A Promise in-city programs and Mont Lawn Camp and Retreat Center.
  • 26. OuR BOARD Of DIRECTORS O Jan Nagel, Chairman Bruce Maasbach Partner Managing Director KPMG-LLP Luxury Mortgage New York, NY New York, NY Nicholas J. DeMarco Edward H. Morgan CEO President and CEO Active Brands Christian Herald Association New York, NY New York, NY Dudley G. Diebold Daniel Ness Investor Administrator, Retired Roxbury, CT Lancaster, PA Henry Higdon Miguel Sanchez Managing Partner Associate Professor Higdon Partners LLC Nyack College New York, NY Nyack, NY Victor J. Huebner Beverly Ann Sloan Managing Director, Retired Business Representative TD Securities Actor’s Equity Association Dobbs Ferry, NY New York, NY Stacy Hock Charles W. Veth Volunteer Founder and President New York, NY CVM, Inc. Madison, CT Douglas John Founder and President Thomas R. Vogeley Connecticut Marketing Associates Investor Wilton, CT Doylestown, PA Donald Kolowsky Vaughn Weimer Division President, Retired Managing Director Pfizer Inc. Oaktree Asset Management, LLC Niantic, CT New York, NY Pamela Leggett Volunteer Upper Montclair, NJ
  • 27. S OuR SENIOR MANAgEMENT President & CEO Edward Morgan Vice President of Operations Brian Johansson Chief Financial Officer Robert Depue Director of Development James Winans Contact: Administrative Headquarters 132 Madison Avenue New York, NY 10016 1-800-BOWERY-1 design, photography & art direction: Corey Hayes special events photo, page 17: Jeffrey B. Calenberg writing and production: Regis A. Saxton The Bowery Mission and Kids with A Promise are ministries of Christian KWAP LogoFinalFormat.indd 1 4/29/2004, 3:05 PM herald Association, inc.
  • 28. Administrative Headquarters 132 Madison Avenue New York, NY 10016 8 0 0 - B O W E R Y- 1 w w w. b o w e r y. o r g i n f o @ b o w e r y. o r g