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Our President’s Message
For many years, the center of the Jewish community in
South Jersey was on the west side of Cherry Hill. As more
homes were built on the east side of town as well as in
communities like Voorhees and Marlton, the Jewish
leadership looked towards the horizon and the future
and realized the need to move the temples and JCC to the
east side of town. This was not as easy as it sounds. There
were many who feared this would be detrimental but
with great vision they uprooted the temples and JCC and
moved east. They had vision and faith. Emunah.
Today the leadership of Temple Emanuel has vision and
emunah. While we don’t need to move the physical
temple, the physical temple needs to move to the present
and look to the future. It’s a far different world we live in
today than when this temple was planned and built over
a quarter of a century ago. While we are exempt from
laws like the Americans with Disabilities Act, we have a
moral and ethical responsibility to try to comply. Our
offices are spread out, making it difficult to conduct the
day-to-day business of running the temple and providing
for the needs of the congregation. Our Yahrzeit memorial
is sadly running out of room. The wear and tear on TE is
apparent throughout, from the pews that are ripped and
wobbly to the peeling wallpaper in our social hall. Our
home needs repair.
The best news is, most of what is needed is due to our
success. Our membership has grown and our building has
been used to the point of exhaustion. The time has come
for us to make the needed repairs and structural changes
that will not only enhance the experience for all of us
who are members, but also present a temple that others
are proud of and excited to join.
In addition to the investment needed in our building, we
will also have the opportunity to pledge both now and as
a legacy gift to our Starlight Foundation. This foundation
was established to be a lasting legacy for those who
contribute. Its mandate is to help provide funding to our
religious school and support to those who need
assistance with tuition. We will also be using some of
the funding from the campaign to support programs
like our Scholar-in-Residence, youth engagement and
programming for our seniors. Gifts made to our
foundation are designed to last for many years.
Consider it an investment in our children and
Our President’s Message
We expect this campaign to run throughout 2016 so we
can ensure all who participate ample time to understand
how their gift will be used, to plan and budget for this
pledge and allow us time to speak with every
congregant. All gifts will have the option of being paid
over a five-year (60 months) period. Some donors may
choose to make their gift using appreciated assets such
as stocks.
The 2014 Pew study tells us that only 31 percent of Jews
belong to and support a temple. It’s quite a
responsibility on those of us who proudly count
ourselves as temple members. This campaign will
not succeed if supported by only a fraction of our
congregants. Our goal is to have participation from
100% of our members. Of course there is always great
sensitivity to those who struggle financially but we
must all attempt to give not until it hurts but until it feels
really good. Giving so that TE will stand for
future generations of Jews in South Jersey.
The next few years will be a very exciting journey as
we envision the temple of the future that will provide
us another 25 years of the great joy that is being a
member of Temple Emanuel. The idea of this
undertaking has been discussed for many years but
the time just wasn’t right.
Now is the time!
While we just celebrated Rabbi David’s 40th year at
TE, we are reviewing plans to possibly add infant and
toddler care. The building is getting older but our
members are getting younger. There is renewed energy
and vibrancy. We all felt it during the High Holy Days.
Now is the time to repair our home. Now is the time to
welcome those with disabilities into our home. Now is
the time to ensure our foundation is secure for
generations. Now is the time to join Mindy and me on
this journey.
It will take vision and faith. Emunah.
Michael Schorr
With Faith Our Dream IS Possible 3.
“Temple Emanuel means
warmth, spirit, faith,
comfort during difficult
times, love and laughter
during better times,
friendships that become
family, and a significant
feeling of belonging to
something that's larger
than words.”
-Michael and Mitzi Sacks
A True Hanukkah Story, from another time, from another place.
Rabbi Hugo Gryn once related: When I was a young boy, my family was sent to Auschwitz. For a while, my father and I
shared a barrack.
In spite of the unspeakable horror, oppression and hardship, many Jews held onto what scraps of Jewish religious
observance as they were able.
One midwinter evening, one of the inmates reminded us that tonight was the first night of Hanukkah, the festival of
lights. My father constructed a little Hanukkah menorah out of scrap metal. For a wick, he took some threads from his
prison uniform.
For oil, he used some butter that he somehow obtained from a guard. Such observances were strictly “verboten,” but
we were used to taking risks. Rather, I protested at the “waste” of precious nourishment. Would it not be better to
share the butter on a crust of bread than burn it?
“Hugo,” said my father, “both you and I know that a person can live a very long time without food. But Hugo, I tell you,
a person cannot live a single day without FAITH. This Menorah is the fire of EMUNAH. Never let it go out. Not here. Not
I believe in the Power of Light, the light of God, the light of Torah and the light of Israel and our responsibility to keep that
light going and growing for the next generation. We stand tall on the shoulders of those who came before us and dreamed
of a Temple Emanuel that lives the seven core values of the Menorah: Connection, Diversity, Jewish Education, Social
Responsibility, Community, Inclusion, with the central light of Spirituality.
Rabbi Edwin N. Soslow’s spirit is very much with us and in us. When Rabbi Soslow began as senior rabbi in 1975, he and
our leadership commissioned a large, elegant Menorah/sculpture to be lit for his first Hanukkah at Temple Emanuel. That
Menorah and that light has been a constant ever since.
Our Menorah is a symbol that we have been here for you, and will continue to be there as you navigate life’s challenges
and celebrate life’s blessings. Our dream of ensuring the future of Temple Emanuel and transmitting its
significance to the next generation comes at a unique moment in time.
We are in a position of great strength, spiritually and physically. With emunah, faith in ourselves and our capabilities, our
dream is possible. Our Mission involves every member of our synagogue, and it depends on all of us doing our part.
Join me. . . Be a light. . . Never let it go out.
A Message from Rabbi Jerome P. David
“We have been members of
Temple Emanuel for over 40
years. It is our home away
from home, our spiritual
home. Life cycle events
evolved and revolve around
Temple Emanuel. Our Rabbis
over the years have been and
are an integral part of our
lives. Lee is a former Temple
president and now serves on
the board. For the past 35
years, Rosie has volunteered to
teach pre-school Sundays and
in addition, is now involved
with our grandson's pre-school
at Temple Emanuel. Rabbi
David gave our son Mark his
very first shofar and to this day
he continues to blow shofar for
our congregation's High Holy
Days. Mark's Bar Mitzvah, 23
years ago, was the first service
in the "new building." Our
home is your home and we
continue to welcome all to our
home for Temple events.
Temple Emanuel continues to
be an important part of our
-Lee and Rosie Hymerling
Emunah. Faith.
In every generation, there comes a time for every person to take that first step into the future, into the unknown. As
children, we learn and grow each and every day, preparing us for this very moment. We never know when that time
will come, and for many of us, we have multiple first steps which will lead us down on our individual paths of life,
moments when our faith will be tested. The future can indeed be scary, filled with doubt and fear and anxiety; but
with faith, we can be assured that everything will be ok. Think of when we left home for the first time. Or, when we
went off to college, started our first job, got married, or when we had children and became parents for the first time;
or when we had to cope with the death of parents and grandparents who provided that constant, that faith which
allowed us to confront each and every day. Every step of the way required faith, even though doubt seeped into our
hearts and minds.
Jewish tradition is filled with moments like this: Remember Abraham, along with his wife Sarah, on his journey to the
land that God will show him, an unknown destination; to Moses, as he is called to return to Egypt to free the
Israelites, along with his siblings Aaron and Miriam; to Joshua, who leads the Israelites across the Jordan into the
land of Israel, a land filled with milk and honey but one that is filled with challenges along the way and requires
courage and strength to overcome them; and to the establishment of the State of Israel, a modern miracle in which
we see faith guiding the way every day in the face of adversity.
This initiative at Temple Emanuel, is called emunah, faith. It recognizes our rich history and also at the same time,
acknowledges that the future is upon us. For sixty-five years, our temple family has built what we know today as
Temple Emanuel. Today, we have the opportunity to build upon that history and pass it down m’dor l’dor, from one
generation to the next. Each of us has a responsibility to solidify that future, to make sure that Temple Emanuel
continues to be a vital and vibrant spiritual home.
During Hanukkah, there are many symbols that are part and parcel of our celebrations. One of those is the dreidel,
which brings back many wonderful childhood memories. The message of the dreidel is one that should resonate
with each and every one of us: Nes Gadol hayah Sham, a great miracle happened there. The miracle was that the
Jewish people, once again, overcame forces that sought to destroy us. We rededicated the Temple and refused to
accept defeat. With God’s help, and a strong sense of faith and hope, anything is possible. In Israel, the dreidel reads
Nes Gadol hayah Po, a great miracle happened here. Let us rededicate our temple, Temple Emanuel, once again.
With your help, we can ensure a future for our children, our grandchildren, and those who come after them.
Individually, and as a family, you can make a difference.
Join me. Ensure the future of Temple Emanuel.
A Message from Rabbi Lawrence Sernovitz
A Message from Cantor Neil Schnitzer
Dear Friends,
Our history is replete with acts of Emunah, faith. One of the most noteworthy of them occurred when our people were
standing at the shores of the sea of reeds after fleeing Egyptian slavery. The Pharaoh’s army was approaching from one side
and the sea was blocking them on the other. Nothing happened until one man named Nachshon ben Aminadav began to walk
into the sea. In my favorite version of the story he steps in and nothing happens… he continues in until the water reaches his
knees and nothing happens… he continues up to his waist… his chest… his neck… his chin… still nothing. Then as he takes the
step that will put his entire head under the water, risking his very life… BLAM… the waters miraculously part, allowing the
children of Israel to escape to freedom. When our people reached the other side and were safe from the danger of the
Egyptians, Miriam and the women of the community began to sing and dance in a great celebration of freedom.
Such is our opportunity here and now. We are blessed with a congregational home that is beautiful and most importantly,
houses our Temple Emanuel family. We are constantly striving to live up to our core values of connection, diversity, spirituality,
Jewish education, social responsibility, community and inclusion. We are on a lifelong quest for Jewish knowledge and
understanding with the great hope that it will help us make the world a better place for our children and the generations yet
to come. This is, in fact our supreme purpose in life… to make the world a better place before we leave it than it was when we
came into it. This is also what we must do for our congregational home. Each day we work to make it the best it can possibly
be. And that is a noble effort that requires perseverance, hope and Emunah, like the faith that Nachshon had.
I invite all of you to join me in this faithful effort. A journey that can lead us to the kind of celebration that Miriam and the
children of Israel enjoyed at the great milestone of freedom on the way to the Promised Land. As Professor Michael Walzer
says and as we read in our prayer book, “the only way to get there is by joining hands, marching together.”
I look forward to marching, side by side with all of you and singing a joyful song at the great milestones in our future.
b’Shalom u’Vracha,
Emunah Leadership
Michael Schorr
Scott Bannett*
Brian Baratz
Bruce Bard*
Darcy Blitz-Becker*
Sallie Brown*
Dave Chasen**
Jessica Chasen
Stuart Dubin*
Pia Eisenberg**
Michael Firstenberg**
Madeline Flanagan*
Gail Forman**
Judy Franken
Rich Freedman
Mark Friedenthal*
Donielle Friedenthal
Jordan Goldberg*
Raechel Hammer*
Joyce Hoff*
Kenneth Huffman*
Lee Hymerling*
Audrey Jaffe*
Irene Kauffman*
Brenda Korach
Jaret Lyons*
Jessica Manelis**
Robert Mintz
Adrienne Mintz*
Victor Mogell
Marcey Propp*
Ed Rivkin*
Robin Rubin**
Arthur Rudner
Geri Rudner
Adrienne Mintz
Deb Berger
Lynne Bruno
Sam Dutkin
Felice Friedman
Rebecca Friedman
Polly Katz
Jessica Manelis
Jordan Miller
Julie Schwartz
Marcey Propp
Robin Rubin
Beverly Volpe
Robin White
*Board of Trustees
**Executive Board
Michael Sacks*
Jack Sattin**
Mindy Schorr
Julie Schwartz**
Mark Sobel
Eliane Strip*
Beverly Volpe**
Julie Weitzman*
Ben Yelowitz**
Lee B. Rosenfield
Senior Rabbi
Jerome P. David
Lawrence R. Sernovitz
Neil Schnitzer
Executive Director
Marc L. Rothstein
Director of Education
Rena Alpert
Director of Early Childhood Education
Tracey Perchick
Director of Congregational Engagement
Tracey Weiss
Director of Youth Engagement
Ethan Lane-Miller
Michelle King
Noah Levine
Murray Savar
Julia Zavadsky
Roberta Budman
Holly Friedman
Jared Rosenbloom
Margery Ross
Jeanie Wood
Russ Lindmeier
Stacie Lindmeier
Alyce Malakovic
Pete Stevens
Joey Willams
Debbie Williams
Vito Ziccardi Jr.
Deb Abrams-Goldsmith
Chaya Amar
Paul Bennett
Staci Boiskin
Shari Douglass
Barbara Gail
Isaac Gold
Roseanne Goodman
Jen Gordon
Jamie Gottleib
Susan Greenberg
Sheri Greenblatt
Abby Harvey
Kammy Heffernan
Karen Hess
Rosie Hymerling
Rabbi Jon Kleinman
Alan Kritz
Pam Kuperschmidt
Tsippi Lasman
Audrey Leibowitz
Hedva Levin
Beth Levine
Barbara Myers
Noah Podolnick
Esther Rabizadeh
Raechel Hammer
Sherry Berman-Robinson
Sallie Brown
Jessica Chasen
Janet Cohen
Jenn Gilman
Brandy Horowitz
Polly Katz
Lauren Waite
Jaret Lyons
Greg Bruno
David Chasen
Sam Dutkin
Mark Friedenthal
Henry Mauer
Robert Mintz
Joel Schwartz
Jamie Gottlieb
Jared Camacho
Jenna Camacho
Gwen Kramer
Ari Manelis
Ezra Nugiel
Noah Podolnick
Amber Soffer
Paula Levine
Melissa Raub
Jared Rosenbloom
Bena Sax
Angel Shectman
Joseph Sillman
Robyn Soffer
Beth Strum
Ken VanDyk
Staci Boiskin
Donna Coile
Karen Hess
Laura Hoffman
Dusti Kramer
Gail Rotblat
Lauren Schwartz
Robyn Soffer
Lisa Thorn
“It's about the feeling I get when I walk through those
synagogue doors and look around and realize I am part of
something bigger than myself, so much bigger than myself!
Temple Emanuel has become my special place, a place
where I feel comfortable, happy and definitely . . .
connected. A place where I look around and know deep
down in my heart that I am blessed to have found it, a place
where I have developed such good friendships and where I
feel so at home. ”
-Donielle Friedenthal
“Temple Emanuel is my spiritual home. The congregation
affords me a sense of community and allows me to
worship my Reform Judaism.”
-Sandy Gordon
“Temple Emanuel has become such a huge part of my family's
religious and social life that it's hard to imagine a day without it!
Our social circle is now mostly comprised of the people we've met,
and continue to meet, at TE. We now look at the TE calendar first
before planning anything else! As the Men's Club President, I have
an even deeper appreciation of the people and staff that make up
Temple Emanuel. There is no other place I'd rather be.”
-Jaret Lyons
Connection With faith, the impossible becomes possible, connect with us...
Jewish EducationYou’re never too old to learn or grow, learn with us...
“Temple Emanuel has helped me to
become the best parent I can be. I
have always felt that in order to raise
my children to be mensches, I had to
lead by example. I had to show my
kids they had a responsibility to their
Jewish community and here I was
welcomed in my quest to be a proper
role model to my kids. In the process
I became a devoted volunteer to
Temple Emanuel. I want to make TE
the best it can be because TE has
helped make me the best version of
myself, and I am filled with pride to
see my children already following
the same path I have created.”
-Julie Schwartz
asenseofpurposeandbelonging. Itnever
We wishtoseeallcurrentandfuture
“Temple Emanuel
means quite a bit to
me because I’ve been
going there since I was
very little. It instilled
Jewish values within
me and shaped who I
am as a person.”
-Ezra Nugiel
Community Without unity there cannot be a community, connect with us...
“Temple Emanuel means
a family to support me in
times of need, and at times
of rejoicing.”
-Eliane Strip
“To me emunah (faith) requires
us to hold on to our specific
academic beliefs and to live a
life that embodies faithfulness
to the Lord while maintaining
a Covenant of love and service
to the world around us. Temple
Emanuel has enabled me
(a non-Jew) to exercise my
personal understanding of faith
and to worship the Lord without
-Anonymous TE Member
"Temple Emanuel had given me
something extraordinary in the very
short two years that I have been here.
The Temple and the people here have
given me a staging ground for me to
truly grow as a person and as a leader
within this community, as well as given
me the opportunity to explore Judaism
by my own means which I have never
had anywhere else."
-Noah Podolnick
Social ResponsibilityMake the world a better place, repair the world with us...
“Temple Emanuel has been part of my family since 1965 and it means
just that to me. With four generations taking part in all of the activities,
ceremonies and programs over the years, it has become an extension of
my home.”
-Stan Deitch
“As my involvement at TE has grown, so has my faith. To me,
emunah is about the good in people, the power of community
and the certainty that when one door closes, three more open.
I couldn’t be more excited, or more grateful to be part of our
wonderful spiritual community.”
-Bev Volpe
“Temple Emanuel is a synagogue where we feel very welcomed during prayer
services and study but also in other aspects of the Temple community. We have
been involved with Social Action and the Inclusion Committee to promote the
ideals of a few of the Core Values of Temple Emanuel which include: Social
Responsibility, Diversity, and Connection.”
-Phil and Cindy Wasdick
“When I joined Temple Emanuel, I
was welcomed by a warm team
of clergy, professional staff and
wonderful volunteers. My special
needs’ son was immediately accepted
and given opportunities to thrive and
flourish. I found a community who
quickly became my friends and family.
Now, almost five years later, I can’t
imagine my life without Temple
Emanuel. We attend programs and
services regularly. We often volunteer
with Temple Emanuel helping to make
the world a better place. Temple
Emanuel has enriched my life in
so many ways. I can honestly say that
this is my home away from home.”
-Raechel Hammer
Diversity Judiasm is not about what separates us; it’s about what brings us together
InclusionOur inclusive congregation provides a sense of home to all
“Faith, for me means
hope: knowing there
are others who care,
and will pray with
me when I ask, and
that G-d will always
-Loren Firstenberg
SpiritualitySpirituality We meet you where you are and help you find your way...We meet you where you are and help you find your way...
2. With Faith Our Dream IS Possible
Emunah is an opportunity for Temple Emanuel to celebrate
our past, rejoice in our present, and prepare for our future.
The Hebrew word emunah means “faith.” Our Temple
leaders have embarked on the Emunah Initiative as an
expression of our collective commitment to ensure that we,
in our own time, hand over Temple Emanuel to our children
and grandchildren with the same love, devotion and faith
that our parents and grandparents did for all of us.
Commencing on December 13, 2015 we will begin a year
of celebration with community-wide events and programs
culminating with a celebration in December, 2016.
During this year we will build and develop a strong future
based on the successful achievement of three fundamental
1. Capital Improvements and Enhancements
2. Program and Technology Innovation
3. Endowment Expansion
What is Emunah?
Every day, the Temple’s facilities are filled with activities and programs. During an average week more than a thousand
people enter the Temple to participate in worship, education, cultural and programmatic activities. Such activity
represents the role that the Temple plays in the life of our community, as it has been doing since its inception in 1950.
We moved to our current facility in 1992. With age and use, the Temple complex endures considerable wear and tear.
Moreover, if we were to build the Temple today, we would make some considerable changes to the floor plan and
layout so that it would be fully accessible to all who enter its doors, more flexible in floor space and overall more
functional in design.
Toward that end, this initiative will enable us to renovate the existing facility with a critical eye toward maximizing our
objectives, being fiscally responsible and maintaining the warm and inviting culture that represents our community.
Our goals include:
Refurbishing the Sanctuary with a new lower Bimah; new flexible seating; handicapped ramp for greater
accessibility to the bimah; new lecterns; new room divider with the social hall; enhanced listening devices for
the hearing impaired; lighting and more
Capital Improvements & Enhancements
Create a dedicated Youth Lounge that is spacious and inspiring
Renovate the Clergy Suite for enhanced functionality and privacy
Centralize the administration offices in a new, open space alongside
the current school entrance for greater functionality, cohesion and
Create a new entrance with covered canopy and sky lights within
the existing school wing that is inviting, practical and attractive
Design a new Adult Lounge for parents and families to relax,
study, converse or enjoy a cup of coffee
Create new meeting rooms for classes, programs and
private discussions
Improvements to the roof and parking lot
Enhance safety and security at our Temple; security in our
administrative offices
Create a new Yahrtzeit and meditation space
Renovate the social hall with enhanced lighting, install new ceiling tiles and more
Build a new Solarium and Breezeway adjacent to the social hall for educational programs, meeting space,
Simchas and more
2. With Faith Our Dream IS Possible
Temple Emanuel encourages our members to live meaningful Jewish lives through study,
worship, and the performance of sacred acts. Opportunities abound for Temple Emanuel
members to be challenged by our Jewish faith and tradition.
Temple Emanuel provides meaning and purpose for our members and community. As
a hub of Jewish life throughout Southern New Jersey, Temple Emanuel seeks to offer
significant life experiences for all who enter our doors and want to partake in our vast
array of religious services and worship experiences, educational programs, cultural
events, social opportunities and social action/social justice initiatives.
Temple Emanuel is committed to being a part of the Cherry Hill and broader Southern
New Jersey Jewish community for generations to come. We share in a commitment to
ensure life, respect, dignity, hope and care for all, our members and our neighbors.
Emunah will enable us to further expand our resources through current direct program
funding and by establishing a unique Program & Technology Innovation Fund. Together,
these resources will allow Temple Emanuel to appeal to the broadest constituency
possible by leveraging our Temple facilities and professionals as well as public and
communal spaces in our region.
Such investments will ensure that Temple Emanuel remains an educational, cultural
and religious Center of Excellence.
The Program & Technology Innovation Fund will support:
Program & Technology Innovation
Building Technology
Family Programming
Holocaust Education
Israel Education
Outreach/Engagement Programming
Sacred Music Programming
Sanctuary Technology
Scholar in Residence Programming
School Technology
Senior Programming
Youth Engagement Programming
A legacy gift to Temple Emanuel’s Endowment (The Starlight Foundation) will ensure that
future generations reap the benefits of our largesse and generosity. Supporting the Starlight
Foundation with a planned gift or bequest will enable the temple to preserve our sacred
space and secure our fiscal well-being in perpetuity. Moreover, gifts to endowment make
sure that no one is ever turned away from joining our temple family due to financial
constraints. Endowments are critical for any great organization so that it has available
resources to supplement shortfalls in operating budgets.
All of us care about the fiscal well-being of our family including our children, grandchildren
and often members of our extended family. We spend a lot of time thinking about and
planning for the financial security of our loved ones once we are no longer here. Likewise,
we should view Temple Emanuel as a member of our extended family thereby doing our
part to help ensure its own financial stability and future.
To have true fiscal well-being means to plan realistically for the present and for the future.
The leadership of Temple Emanuel works very hard to steward our financial and human
resources wisely. This takes a lot of time, energy, expertise and support. With your
investment in the Temple endowment, we will have the necessary resources to continue
our trajectory of growth and innovation as well as our standing as the leading voice of
Reform and progressive Jewish values in our community for years to come.
Endowment Funds include:
Rabbinic Chairs
Cantorial Chair
Executive Director Chair
Director of Education Chair
Pre-School Director Chair
Program Director Chair
Special Needs
Education Scholarship
Membership Assistance Funds
Operational Endowment
Technology Endowment
Every gift is an expression of love.
Every gift is a leadership gift.
Every gift is a legacy commitment, an investment in the future
of our beloved spiritual home.
Every gift encourages others to participate.
We Are Counting On You, Please Be Counted.
front entrance
Temple Emanuel
Front Entry Perspective
With Faith Our Dream IS Possible 3.
Sanctuary Temple Emanuel
Sanctuary Perspective
Temple Emanuel
Interior Courtyard View (Solarium)
Temple Emanuel
Full Floor Plan
26. With Faith Our Dream IS Possible
Sanctuary Detail
Building Detail
Dreamers $100,000 $20,000 $1,667 $55
Prophets $72,000 $14,400 $1,200 $39
Sages $54,000 $10,800 $900 $30
Visionaries $36,000 $7,200 $600 $20
Champions $27,000 $5,400 $450 $15
Guardians $18,000 $3,600 $300 $10
Guides $10,000 $2,000 $167 $5
Planners $7,200 $1,440 $120 $4
Advocates $5,400 $1,080 $90 $3
Believers $3,600 $720 $60 $2
Builders $1,800 $360 $30 $1
Youth $36+
Angels $250,000+ $50,000 $4,167 $137
5-Year Annual Monthly DailyCategories Total
Founded in February, 1950, Temple Emanuel was the first Reform congregation in Cherry Hill.
Our founders were motivated by a desire to practice Judaism in a liberal environment in Southern New Jersey, an environment in
which any Jew could feel comfortable. In the beginning, our members met in a variety of places: their own homes, schools,
churches, a country club, even an abandoned police station. In 1959, our congregation moved to Cooper River Parkway. Rabbi
Herbert M. Yarrish served as our spiritual leader starting in 1956. He was joined by Rabbi Jerome P. David as Assistant Rabbi in
In 1975, Edwin N. Soslow was appointed Senior Rabbi following the retirement of Rabbi Yarrish. Before long, a satellite religious
school program was added for the convenience of members living in the Medford, Marlton and Voorhees areas. A Young Couples
Club and Chavurot were formed. Sadly, in 1987, the congregation mourned the death of Rabbi Soslow. Rabbi David was named
Senior Rabbi and was joined by Rabbi Randi Musnitsky as Associate Rabbi.
In 1986, Brian Baratz became president of the congregation, following in the footsteps of other illustrious members: Charles
Rudd, Harold Wolff, Morton Goldstrom, Albert Kilberg, Norton Gold, Leopold Jaffe, Irving Cohen, Matthew Arnold, Arthur Pierce,
Dr. Stanton Deitch, Shirley Chess and Lee Hymerling.
Under Mr. Baratz's leadership, our plans for a new Temple Emanuel began to evolve. The congregation voted to acquire a nine-
acre parcel of land at the corner of Springdale and Kresson Roads on the rapidly expanding east side of Cherry Hill. In 1989
overwhelming congregational approval was granted to hire architects and a construction company to design and build our new
In 1991, Andrew Weiner was elected President of Temple Emanuel. One year later, in September 1992, we entered our new
synagogue. In 1995, Dr. Mark Sobel assumed the leadership of our Temple. In addition to providing a home where warmth and
tradition meet, under his leadership there was a renewed dedication to strengthening our Temple family and reaching out to the
community at large.
In 1997, Bess Soffer became our Temple’s president. Bess’ commitment to the tenets of Reform Judaism helped us to create our
current mission statement, and expanded the role of lay leadership and the committee structure. Family Life Education and
Ritual Education were departments added to provide additional opportunities for lifelong learning.
In 2001, Kenneth A. Korach assumed the presidency of our Temple. With his leadership, the lay structure continued to flourish.
Joyce Hoff became president in 2005. Under her capable leadership, Temple Emanuel redoubled its commitment to provide a
spiritual and cultural home where families join in celebration of life cycle events, children attend Pre-School, Kamp Kayeetz,
Religious and Hebrew School and adults participate in a wide variety of Jewish educational opportunities.
Under the Presidencies of Ken Huffman, Adrienne Hoffman Mintz and Michael Schorr, our Temple has continued to evolve, grow
and thrive. We feel blessed that Rabbi Deborah Cohen, Rabbi Geri Newburge, and Cantor Robin Sherman have served Temple
Emanuel with dedication, devotion, distinction and love.
With the offering of Gift Memberships for our new families, our synagogue community has experienced a significant increase in
History of Temple Emanuel
our membership numbers, spanning all age groups and backgrounds. Indeed, our greatest strength is our
diversity. We meet people where they are, and grow with them.
Now in 2015 we are proud to be a congregation that is continually growing. Under the leadership of Rabbi
Jerry David, Rabbi Larry Sernovitz, and Cantor Neil Schnitzer, Temple Emanuel is close to 900 families
At Temple Emanuel, we live our core values, are proud of our commitment to Reform Judaism and our
involvement in the South Jersey community. We continue to CELEBRATE OUR PAST and. . .VISION FOR
Institute of Lifelong Learning
Entry Way
Center for Special Needs
Infant & Toddler Center
Administration Area
Clergy Suite
Rotunda Circle
Parent Lounge
Beit Midrash
Youth Lounge
Electronic Picture Gallery
Rabbi Study (2)
Cantor Office
Meeting Room
Religious School Office
Executive Director Office
Membership Director Office
Accounting Office
President Office
Children Library
Classrooms (14)
Entry Way Garden
Courtyard garden
Rotunda Garden
Rotunda Skylight Names
Display Cases (2)
$36,000 each
$10,000 each
$10,000 each
Lecterns (2)
Bima Chairs (8)
Torah Mantel (7)
Sanctuary Chairs (400)
Youth Engagement
Scholar in Residence
Sacred Music
Family Programming
Sanctuary Technology
Holocaust Education
Israel Education
School Technology
Building Technology
Senior Programming
$50,000 each
$10,000 each
$5,400 each
$3,600 each
$1,800 each
Rabbinic Chairs
Cantorial Chair
Executive Director Chair
Director of Education Chair
Pre-School Director Chair
Program Director Chair
Special Needs
Education Scholarship
Membership Assistance Funds
Operational Endowment
Technology Endowment
30. With Faith Our Dream IS Possible
Photos: Studio K Photography (
2 Split Rock Dr #7, Cherry Hill, NJ 08003
Phone:(856) 810-0088
Photos: Stephen Ehrlich
Temple Emanuel
1101 Springdale Road
Cherry Hill, New Jersey 08003
For more information please call Marc Rothstein, Executive Director
Our President’s Message

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  • 1.
  • 2. Our President’s Message 2. For many years, the center of the Jewish community in South Jersey was on the west side of Cherry Hill. As more homes were built on the east side of town as well as in communities like Voorhees and Marlton, the Jewish leadership looked towards the horizon and the future and realized the need to move the temples and JCC to the east side of town. This was not as easy as it sounds. There were many who feared this would be detrimental but with great vision they uprooted the temples and JCC and moved east. They had vision and faith. Emunah. Today the leadership of Temple Emanuel has vision and emunah. While we don’t need to move the physical temple, the physical temple needs to move to the present and look to the future. It’s a far different world we live in today than when this temple was planned and built over a quarter of a century ago. While we are exempt from laws like the Americans with Disabilities Act, we have a moral and ethical responsibility to try to comply. Our offices are spread out, making it difficult to conduct the day-to-day business of running the temple and providing for the needs of the congregation. Our Yahrzeit memorial is sadly running out of room. The wear and tear on TE is apparent throughout, from the pews that are ripped and wobbly to the peeling wallpaper in our social hall. Our home needs repair. The best news is, most of what is needed is due to our success. Our membership has grown and our building has been used to the point of exhaustion. The time has come for us to make the needed repairs and structural changes that will not only enhance the experience for all of us who are members, but also present a temple that others are proud of and excited to join. In addition to the investment needed in our building, we will also have the opportunity to pledge both now and as a legacy gift to our Starlight Foundation. This foundation was established to be a lasting legacy for those who contribute. Its mandate is to help provide funding to our religious school and support to those who need assistance with tuition. We will also be using some of the funding from the campaign to support programs like our Scholar-in-Residence, youth engagement and programming for our seniors. Gifts made to our foundation are designed to last for many years. Consider it an investment in our children and grandchildren. Our President’s Message We expect this campaign to run throughout 2016 so we can ensure all who participate ample time to understand how their gift will be used, to plan and budget for this pledge and allow us time to speak with every congregant. All gifts will have the option of being paid over a five-year (60 months) period. Some donors may choose to make their gift using appreciated assets such as stocks. The 2014 Pew study tells us that only 31 percent of Jews belong to and support a temple. It’s quite a responsibility on those of us who proudly count ourselves as temple members. This campaign will not succeed if supported by only a fraction of our congregants. Our goal is to have participation from 100% of our members. Of course there is always great sensitivity to those who struggle financially but we must all attempt to give not until it hurts but until it feels really good. Giving so that TE will stand for future generations of Jews in South Jersey. The next few years will be a very exciting journey as we envision the temple of the future that will provide us another 25 years of the great joy that is being a member of Temple Emanuel. The idea of this undertaking has been discussed for many years but the time just wasn’t right. Now is the time! While we just celebrated Rabbi David’s 40th year at TE, we are reviewing plans to possibly add infant and toddler care. The building is getting older but our members are getting younger. There is renewed energy and vibrancy. We all felt it during the High Holy Days. Now is the time to repair our home. Now is the time to welcome those with disabilities into our home. Now is the time to ensure our foundation is secure for generations. Now is the time to join Mindy and me on this journey. It will take vision and faith. Emunah. b’Shalom Michael Schorr
  • 3. With Faith Our Dream IS Possible 3. “Temple Emanuel means warmth, spirit, faith, comfort during difficult times, love and laughter during better times, friendships that become family, and a significant feeling of belonging to something that's larger than words.” -Michael and Mitzi Sacks
  • 4. A True Hanukkah Story, from another time, from another place. Rabbi Hugo Gryn once related: When I was a young boy, my family was sent to Auschwitz. For a while, my father and I shared a barrack. In spite of the unspeakable horror, oppression and hardship, many Jews held onto what scraps of Jewish religious observance as they were able. One midwinter evening, one of the inmates reminded us that tonight was the first night of Hanukkah, the festival of lights. My father constructed a little Hanukkah menorah out of scrap metal. For a wick, he took some threads from his prison uniform. For oil, he used some butter that he somehow obtained from a guard. Such observances were strictly “verboten,” but we were used to taking risks. Rather, I protested at the “waste” of precious nourishment. Would it not be better to share the butter on a crust of bread than burn it? “Hugo,” said my father, “both you and I know that a person can live a very long time without food. But Hugo, I tell you, a person cannot live a single day without FAITH. This Menorah is the fire of EMUNAH. Never let it go out. Not here. Not anywhere.” I believe in the Power of Light, the light of God, the light of Torah and the light of Israel and our responsibility to keep that light going and growing for the next generation. We stand tall on the shoulders of those who came before us and dreamed of a Temple Emanuel that lives the seven core values of the Menorah: Connection, Diversity, Jewish Education, Social Responsibility, Community, Inclusion, with the central light of Spirituality. Rabbi Edwin N. Soslow’s spirit is very much with us and in us. When Rabbi Soslow began as senior rabbi in 1975, he and our leadership commissioned a large, elegant Menorah/sculpture to be lit for his first Hanukkah at Temple Emanuel. That Menorah and that light has been a constant ever since. Our Menorah is a symbol that we have been here for you, and will continue to be there as you navigate life’s challenges and celebrate life’s blessings. Our dream of ensuring the future of Temple Emanuel and transmitting its significance to the next generation comes at a unique moment in time. We are in a position of great strength, spiritually and physically. With emunah, faith in ourselves and our capabilities, our dream is possible. Our Mission involves every member of our synagogue, and it depends on all of us doing our part. Join me. . . Be a light. . . Never let it go out. b’Shalom A Message from Rabbi Jerome P. David
  • 5. “We have been members of Temple Emanuel for over 40 years. It is our home away from home, our spiritual home. Life cycle events evolved and revolve around Temple Emanuel. Our Rabbis over the years have been and are an integral part of our lives. Lee is a former Temple president and now serves on the board. For the past 35 years, Rosie has volunteered to teach pre-school Sundays and in addition, is now involved with our grandson's pre-school at Temple Emanuel. Rabbi David gave our son Mark his very first shofar and to this day he continues to blow shofar for our congregation's High Holy Days. Mark's Bar Mitzvah, 23 years ago, was the first service in the "new building." Our home is your home and we continue to welcome all to our home for Temple events. Temple Emanuel continues to be an important part of our lives.” -Lee and Rosie Hymerling
  • 6. Emunah. Faith. In every generation, there comes a time for every person to take that first step into the future, into the unknown. As children, we learn and grow each and every day, preparing us for this very moment. We never know when that time will come, and for many of us, we have multiple first steps which will lead us down on our individual paths of life, moments when our faith will be tested. The future can indeed be scary, filled with doubt and fear and anxiety; but with faith, we can be assured that everything will be ok. Think of when we left home for the first time. Or, when we went off to college, started our first job, got married, or when we had children and became parents for the first time; or when we had to cope with the death of parents and grandparents who provided that constant, that faith which allowed us to confront each and every day. Every step of the way required faith, even though doubt seeped into our hearts and minds. Jewish tradition is filled with moments like this: Remember Abraham, along with his wife Sarah, on his journey to the land that God will show him, an unknown destination; to Moses, as he is called to return to Egypt to free the Israelites, along with his siblings Aaron and Miriam; to Joshua, who leads the Israelites across the Jordan into the land of Israel, a land filled with milk and honey but one that is filled with challenges along the way and requires courage and strength to overcome them; and to the establishment of the State of Israel, a modern miracle in which we see faith guiding the way every day in the face of adversity. This initiative at Temple Emanuel, is called emunah, faith. It recognizes our rich history and also at the same time, acknowledges that the future is upon us. For sixty-five years, our temple family has built what we know today as Temple Emanuel. Today, we have the opportunity to build upon that history and pass it down m’dor l’dor, from one generation to the next. Each of us has a responsibility to solidify that future, to make sure that Temple Emanuel continues to be a vital and vibrant spiritual home. During Hanukkah, there are many symbols that are part and parcel of our celebrations. One of those is the dreidel, which brings back many wonderful childhood memories. The message of the dreidel is one that should resonate with each and every one of us: Nes Gadol hayah Sham, a great miracle happened there. The miracle was that the Jewish people, once again, overcame forces that sought to destroy us. We rededicated the Temple and refused to accept defeat. With God’s help, and a strong sense of faith and hope, anything is possible. In Israel, the dreidel reads Nes Gadol hayah Po, a great miracle happened here. Let us rededicate our temple, Temple Emanuel, once again. With your help, we can ensure a future for our children, our grandchildren, and those who come after them. Individually, and as a family, you can make a difference. Join me. Ensure the future of Temple Emanuel. b’Shalom A Message from Rabbi Lawrence Sernovitz
  • 7. 6. A Message from Cantor Neil Schnitzer Dear Friends, Our history is replete with acts of Emunah, faith. One of the most noteworthy of them occurred when our people were standing at the shores of the sea of reeds after fleeing Egyptian slavery. The Pharaoh’s army was approaching from one side and the sea was blocking them on the other. Nothing happened until one man named Nachshon ben Aminadav began to walk into the sea. In my favorite version of the story he steps in and nothing happens… he continues in until the water reaches his knees and nothing happens… he continues up to his waist… his chest… his neck… his chin… still nothing. Then as he takes the step that will put his entire head under the water, risking his very life… BLAM… the waters miraculously part, allowing the children of Israel to escape to freedom. When our people reached the other side and were safe from the danger of the Egyptians, Miriam and the women of the community began to sing and dance in a great celebration of freedom. Such is our opportunity here and now. We are blessed with a congregational home that is beautiful and most importantly, houses our Temple Emanuel family. We are constantly striving to live up to our core values of connection, diversity, spirituality, Jewish education, social responsibility, community and inclusion. We are on a lifelong quest for Jewish knowledge and understanding with the great hope that it will help us make the world a better place for our children and the generations yet to come. This is, in fact our supreme purpose in life… to make the world a better place before we leave it than it was when we came into it. This is also what we must do for our congregational home. Each day we work to make it the best it can possibly be. And that is a noble effort that requires perseverance, hope and Emunah, like the faith that Nachshon had. I invite all of you to join me in this faithful effort. A journey that can lead us to the kind of celebration that Miriam and the children of Israel enjoyed at the great milestone of freedom on the way to the Promised Land. As Professor Michael Walzer says and as we read in our prayer book, “the only way to get there is by joining hands, marching together.” I look forward to marching, side by side with all of you and singing a joyful song at the great milestones in our future. b’Shalom u’Vracha,
  • 8. 6. Emunah Leadership EMUNAH LEADERSHIP TEAM President Michael Schorr Scott Bannett* Brian Baratz Bruce Bard* Darcy Blitz-Becker* Sallie Brown* Dave Chasen** Jessica Chasen Stuart Dubin* Pia Eisenberg** Michael Firstenberg** Madeline Flanagan* Gail Forman** Judy Franken Rich Freedman Mark Friedenthal* Donielle Friedenthal Jordan Goldberg* Raechel Hammer* Joyce Hoff* Kenneth Huffman* Lee Hymerling* Audrey Jaffe* Irene Kauffman* Brenda Korach Jaret Lyons* Jessica Manelis** Robert Mintz Adrienne Mintz* Victor Mogell Marcey Propp* Ed Rivkin* Robin Rubin** Arthur Rudner Geri Rudner EMUNAH MARKETING TEAM Chair Adrienne Mintz Deb Berger Lynne Bruno Sam Dutkin Felice Friedman Rebecca Friedman Polly Katz Jessica Manelis Jordan Miller Julie Schwartz Marcey Propp Robin Rubin Beverly Volpe Robin White *Board of Trustees **Executive Board EMUNAH LEADERSHIP TEAM (cont.) Michael Sacks* Jack Sattin** Mindy Schorr Julie Schwartz** Mark Sobel Eliane Strip* Beverly Volpe** Julie Weitzman* Ben Yelowitz** EMUNAH CONSULTANT Lee B. Rosenfield
  • 9. PROFESSIONAL STAFF Senior Rabbi Jerome P. David Rabbi Lawrence R. Sernovitz Cantor Neil Schnitzer Executive Director Marc L. Rothstein Director of Education Rena Alpert Director of Early Childhood Education Tracey Perchick Director of Congregational Engagement Tracey Weiss Director of Youth Engagement Ethan Lane-Miller MUSIC STAFF Michelle King Noah Levine Murray Savar Julia Zavadsky ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF Roberta Budman Holly Friedman Jared Rosenbloom Margery Ross Jeanie Wood MAINTENANCE STAFF Russ Lindmeier Stacie Lindmeier Alyce Malakovic Pete Stevens Joey Willams Debbie Williams Vito Ziccardi Jr. RELIGIOUS SCHOOL STAFF 2015-16 Deb Abrams-Goldsmith Chaya Amar Paul Bennett Staci Boiskin Shari Douglass Barbara Gail Isaac Gold Roseanne Goodman Jen Gordon Jamie Gottleib Susan Greenberg Sheri Greenblatt Abby Harvey Kammy Heffernan Karen Hess Rosie Hymerling Rabbi Jon Kleinman Alan Kritz Pam Kuperschmidt Tsippi Lasman Audrey Leibowitz Hedva Levin Beth Levine Barbara Myers Noah Podolnick Esther Rabizadeh SISTERHOOD EXECUTIVE BOARD President Raechel Hammer Sherry Berman-Robinson Sallie Brown Jessica Chasen Janet Cohen Jenn Gilman Brandy Horowitz Polly Katz Lauren Waite MEN’S CLUB EXECUTIVE BOARD President Jaret Lyons Greg Bruno David Chasen Sam Dutkin Mark Friedenthal Henry Mauer Robert Mintz Joel Schwartz TEFTY EXECUTIVE BOARD President Jamie Gottlieb Jared Camacho Jenna Camacho Gwen Kramer Ari Manelis Ezra Nugiel Noah Podolnick Amber Soffer CARING COMMUNITY Chair Paula Levine RELIGIOUS SCHOOL STAFF (cont.) Melissa Raub Jared Rosenbloom Bena Sax Angel Shectman Joseph Sillman Robyn Soffer Beth Strum Ken VanDyk PRE-SCHOOL AT TEMPLE EMANUEL STAFF 2015-16 Staci Boiskin Donna Coile Karen Hess Laura Hoffman Dusti Kramer Gail Rotblat Lauren Schwartz Robyn Soffer Lisa Thorn
  • 10. “It's about the feeling I get when I walk through those synagogue doors and look around and realize I am part of something bigger than myself, so much bigger than myself! Temple Emanuel has become my special place, a place where I feel comfortable, happy and definitely . . . connected. A place where I look around and know deep down in my heart that I am blessed to have found it, a place where I have developed such good friendships and where I feel so at home. ” -Donielle Friedenthal “Temple Emanuel is my spiritual home. The congregation affords me a sense of community and allows me to worship my Reform Judaism.” -Sandy Gordon “Temple Emanuel has become such a huge part of my family's religious and social life that it's hard to imagine a day without it! Our social circle is now mostly comprised of the people we've met, and continue to meet, at TE. We now look at the TE calendar first before planning anything else! As the Men's Club President, I have an even deeper appreciation of the people and staff that make up Temple Emanuel. There is no other place I'd rather be.” -Jaret Lyons Connection With faith, the impossible becomes possible, connect with us...
  • 11. Jewish EducationYou’re never too old to learn or grow, learn with us... “Temple Emanuel has helped me to become the best parent I can be. I have always felt that in order to raise my children to be mensches, I had to lead by example. I had to show my kids they had a responsibility to their Jewish community and here I was welcomed in my quest to be a proper role model to my kids. In the process I became a devoted volunteer to Temple Emanuel. I want to make TE the best it can be because TE has helped make me the best version of myself, and I am filled with pride to see my children already following the same path I have created.” -Julie Schwartz “TempleEmanuelisouranchoroffaith. ItistheessenceofourJewishlife–lifting ourspirits,warmingourhearts,givingus asenseofpurposeandbelonging. Itnever matteredthatonlyoneofuswasJewish. WefeltpartoftheTEfamilyrightaway. Wehavealsowatchedoursonlearnand growandbecomeaBarMitzvah–oneof themostamazingdaysofourlifetogether. Ithasalwaysbeenverycleartousthathe islovedandcaredforbytheTEfamily. We wishtoseeallcurrentandfuture generationsofTEexperiencethisjoy.” -RobinandClaudeWhite “Temple Emanuel means quite a bit to me because I’ve been going there since I was very little. It instilled Jewish values within me and shaped who I am as a person.” -Ezra Nugiel
  • 12. Community Without unity there cannot be a community, connect with us... “Temple Emanuel means a family to support me in times of need, and at times of rejoicing.” -Eliane Strip “To me emunah (faith) requires us to hold on to our specific academic beliefs and to live a life that embodies faithfulness to the Lord while maintaining a Covenant of love and service to the world around us. Temple Emanuel has enabled me (a non-Jew) to exercise my personal understanding of faith and to worship the Lord without compromise…” -Anonymous TE Member
  • 13. "Temple Emanuel had given me something extraordinary in the very short two years that I have been here. The Temple and the people here have given me a staging ground for me to truly grow as a person and as a leader within this community, as well as given me the opportunity to explore Judaism by my own means which I have never had anywhere else." -Noah Podolnick Social ResponsibilityMake the world a better place, repair the world with us... “Temple Emanuel has been part of my family since 1965 and it means just that to me. With four generations taking part in all of the activities, ceremonies and programs over the years, it has become an extension of my home.” -Stan Deitch “As my involvement at TE has grown, so has my faith. To me, emunah is about the good in people, the power of community and the certainty that when one door closes, three more open. I couldn’t be more excited, or more grateful to be part of our wonderful spiritual community.” -Bev Volpe
  • 14. “Temple Emanuel is a synagogue where we feel very welcomed during prayer services and study but also in other aspects of the Temple community. We have been involved with Social Action and the Inclusion Committee to promote the ideals of a few of the Core Values of Temple Emanuel which include: Social Responsibility, Diversity, and Connection.” -Phil and Cindy Wasdick “When I joined Temple Emanuel, I was welcomed by a warm team of clergy, professional staff and wonderful volunteers. My special needs’ son was immediately accepted and given opportunities to thrive and flourish. I found a community who quickly became my friends and family. Now, almost five years later, I can’t imagine my life without Temple Emanuel. We attend programs and services regularly. We often volunteer with Temple Emanuel helping to make the world a better place. Temple Emanuel has enriched my life in so many ways. I can honestly say that this is my home away from home.” -Raechel Hammer Diversity Judiasm is not about what separates us; it’s about what brings us together
  • 15. InclusionOur inclusive congregation provides a sense of home to all “Faith, for me means hope: knowing there are others who care, and will pray with me when I ask, and that G-d will always listen.” -Loren Firstenberg
  • 16. SpiritualitySpirituality We meet you where you are and help you find your way...We meet you where you are and help you find your way...
  • 17. 2. With Faith Our Dream IS Possible Emunah is an opportunity for Temple Emanuel to celebrate our past, rejoice in our present, and prepare for our future. The Hebrew word emunah means “faith.” Our Temple leaders have embarked on the Emunah Initiative as an expression of our collective commitment to ensure that we, in our own time, hand over Temple Emanuel to our children and grandchildren with the same love, devotion and faith that our parents and grandparents did for all of us. Commencing on December 13, 2015 we will begin a year of celebration with community-wide events and programs culminating with a celebration in December, 2016. During this year we will build and develop a strong future based on the successful achievement of three fundamental goals. 1. Capital Improvements and Enhancements 2. Program and Technology Innovation 3. Endowment Expansion What is Emunah?
  • 18. Every day, the Temple’s facilities are filled with activities and programs. During an average week more than a thousand people enter the Temple to participate in worship, education, cultural and programmatic activities. Such activity represents the role that the Temple plays in the life of our community, as it has been doing since its inception in 1950. We moved to our current facility in 1992. With age and use, the Temple complex endures considerable wear and tear. Moreover, if we were to build the Temple today, we would make some considerable changes to the floor plan and layout so that it would be fully accessible to all who enter its doors, more flexible in floor space and overall more functional in design. Toward that end, this initiative will enable us to renovate the existing facility with a critical eye toward maximizing our objectives, being fiscally responsible and maintaining the warm and inviting culture that represents our community. Our goals include: Refurbishing the Sanctuary with a new lower Bimah; new flexible seating; handicapped ramp for greater accessibility to the bimah; new lecterns; new room divider with the social hall; enhanced listening devices for the hearing impaired; lighting and more Capital Improvements & Enhancements Create a dedicated Youth Lounge that is spacious and inspiring Renovate the Clergy Suite for enhanced functionality and privacy Centralize the administration offices in a new, open space alongside the current school entrance for greater functionality, cohesion and efficiency Create a new entrance with covered canopy and sky lights within the existing school wing that is inviting, practical and attractive Design a new Adult Lounge for parents and families to relax, study, converse or enjoy a cup of coffee Create new meeting rooms for classes, programs and private discussions Improvements to the roof and parking lot Enhance safety and security at our Temple; security in our administrative offices Create a new Yahrtzeit and meditation space Renovate the social hall with enhanced lighting, install new ceiling tiles and more Build a new Solarium and Breezeway adjacent to the social hall for educational programs, meeting space, Simchas and more
  • 19. 2. With Faith Our Dream IS Possible Temple Emanuel encourages our members to live meaningful Jewish lives through study, worship, and the performance of sacred acts. Opportunities abound for Temple Emanuel members to be challenged by our Jewish faith and tradition. Temple Emanuel provides meaning and purpose for our members and community. As a hub of Jewish life throughout Southern New Jersey, Temple Emanuel seeks to offer significant life experiences for all who enter our doors and want to partake in our vast array of religious services and worship experiences, educational programs, cultural events, social opportunities and social action/social justice initiatives. Temple Emanuel is committed to being a part of the Cherry Hill and broader Southern New Jersey Jewish community for generations to come. We share in a commitment to ensure life, respect, dignity, hope and care for all, our members and our neighbors. Emunah will enable us to further expand our resources through current direct program funding and by establishing a unique Program & Technology Innovation Fund. Together, these resources will allow Temple Emanuel to appeal to the broadest constituency possible by leveraging our Temple facilities and professionals as well as public and communal spaces in our region. Such investments will ensure that Temple Emanuel remains an educational, cultural and religious Center of Excellence. The Program & Technology Innovation Fund will support: Program & Technology Innovation Building Technology Family Programming Holocaust Education Israel Education Outreach/Engagement Programming Sacred Music Programming Sanctuary Technology Scholar in Residence Programming School Technology Senior Programming Youth Engagement Programming
  • 20. A legacy gift to Temple Emanuel’s Endowment (The Starlight Foundation) will ensure that future generations reap the benefits of our largesse and generosity. Supporting the Starlight Foundation with a planned gift or bequest will enable the temple to preserve our sacred space and secure our fiscal well-being in perpetuity. Moreover, gifts to endowment make sure that no one is ever turned away from joining our temple family due to financial constraints. Endowments are critical for any great organization so that it has available resources to supplement shortfalls in operating budgets. All of us care about the fiscal well-being of our family including our children, grandchildren and often members of our extended family. We spend a lot of time thinking about and planning for the financial security of our loved ones once we are no longer here. Likewise, we should view Temple Emanuel as a member of our extended family thereby doing our part to help ensure its own financial stability and future. To have true fiscal well-being means to plan realistically for the present and for the future. The leadership of Temple Emanuel works very hard to steward our financial and human resources wisely. This takes a lot of time, energy, expertise and support. With your investment in the Temple endowment, we will have the necessary resources to continue our trajectory of growth and innovation as well as our standing as the leading voice of Reform and progressive Jewish values in our community for years to come. Endowment Funds include: Endowment Rabbinic Chairs Cantorial Chair Executive Director Chair Director of Education Chair Pre-School Director Chair Program Director Chair Special Needs Education Scholarship Membership Assistance Funds Operational Endowment Technology Endowment Every gift is an expression of love. Every gift is a leadership gift. Every gift is a legacy commitment, an investment in the future of our beloved spiritual home. Every gift encourages others to participate. We Are Counting On You, Please Be Counted.
  • 22. With Faith Our Dream IS Possible 3. Sanctuary Temple Emanuel Sanctuary Perspective
  • 25. 26. With Faith Our Dream IS Possible Sanctuary Detail 26.
  • 27. Dreamers $100,000 $20,000 $1,667 $55 Prophets $72,000 $14,400 $1,200 $39 Sages $54,000 $10,800 $900 $30 Visionaries $36,000 $7,200 $600 $20 Champions $27,000 $5,400 $450 $15 Guardians $18,000 $3,600 $300 $10 Guides $10,000 $2,000 $167 $5 Planners $7,200 $1,440 $120 $4 Advocates $5,400 $1,080 $90 $3 Believers $3,600 $720 $60 $2 Builders $1,800 $360 $30 $1 Youth $36+ EMUNAH GIVING LEVELS ‫מ‬ַ‫ל‬ְ‫אָ‬‫כ‬ִ‫י‬‫ם‬ ‫ח‬‫וֹ‬‫ל‬ֵ‫מ‬ִ‫י‬‫ם‬ ‫נ‬ְ‫ב‬ִ‫י‬‫א‬ִ‫י‬‫ם‬ ‫ח‬ָ‫כ‬ָ‫מ‬ִ‫י‬‫ם‬ ‫ח‬ָ‫ז‬‫וֹ‬‫נ‬ִ‫י‬‫ם‬ ‫א‬‫ל‬‫וּ‬‫פ‬ִ‫י‬‫ם‬ ‫שׁ‬‫וֹ‬‫מ‬ְ‫ִר‬‫י‬‫ם‬ ‫מ‬ַ‫ְד‬‫ִר‬‫כ‬ִ‫י‬‫ם‬ ‫מ‬ְ‫ת‬ַ‫כ‬ְ‫נ‬ְ‫נ‬ִ‫י‬‫ם‬ ‫ת‬‫וֹ‬‫מ‬ֵ‫כ‬ִ‫י‬‫ם‬ ‫מ‬ַ‫א‬ֲ‫מ‬ִ‫י‬‫נ‬ִ‫י‬‫ם‬ ‫בּ‬‫וֹ‬‫נ‬ִ‫י‬‫ם‬ ‫ע‬ָ‫ת‬ִ‫י‬‫ד‬ Angels $250,000+ $50,000 $4,167 $137 5-Year Annual Monthly DailyCategories Total
  • 28. Founded in February, 1950, Temple Emanuel was the first Reform congregation in Cherry Hill. Our founders were motivated by a desire to practice Judaism in a liberal environment in Southern New Jersey, an environment in which any Jew could feel comfortable. In the beginning, our members met in a variety of places: their own homes, schools, churches, a country club, even an abandoned police station. In 1959, our congregation moved to Cooper River Parkway. Rabbi Herbert M. Yarrish served as our spiritual leader starting in 1956. He was joined by Rabbi Jerome P. David as Assistant Rabbi in 1974. In 1975, Edwin N. Soslow was appointed Senior Rabbi following the retirement of Rabbi Yarrish. Before long, a satellite religious school program was added for the convenience of members living in the Medford, Marlton and Voorhees areas. A Young Couples Club and Chavurot were formed. Sadly, in 1987, the congregation mourned the death of Rabbi Soslow. Rabbi David was named Senior Rabbi and was joined by Rabbi Randi Musnitsky as Associate Rabbi. In 1986, Brian Baratz became president of the congregation, following in the footsteps of other illustrious members: Charles Rudd, Harold Wolff, Morton Goldstrom, Albert Kilberg, Norton Gold, Leopold Jaffe, Irving Cohen, Matthew Arnold, Arthur Pierce, Dr. Stanton Deitch, Shirley Chess and Lee Hymerling. Under Mr. Baratz's leadership, our plans for a new Temple Emanuel began to evolve. The congregation voted to acquire a nine- acre parcel of land at the corner of Springdale and Kresson Roads on the rapidly expanding east side of Cherry Hill. In 1989 overwhelming congregational approval was granted to hire architects and a construction company to design and build our new home. In 1991, Andrew Weiner was elected President of Temple Emanuel. One year later, in September 1992, we entered our new synagogue. In 1995, Dr. Mark Sobel assumed the leadership of our Temple. In addition to providing a home where warmth and tradition meet, under his leadership there was a renewed dedication to strengthening our Temple family and reaching out to the community at large. In 1997, Bess Soffer became our Temple’s president. Bess’ commitment to the tenets of Reform Judaism helped us to create our current mission statement, and expanded the role of lay leadership and the committee structure. Family Life Education and Ritual Education were departments added to provide additional opportunities for lifelong learning. In 2001, Kenneth A. Korach assumed the presidency of our Temple. With his leadership, the lay structure continued to flourish. Joyce Hoff became president in 2005. Under her capable leadership, Temple Emanuel redoubled its commitment to provide a spiritual and cultural home where families join in celebration of life cycle events, children attend Pre-School, Kamp Kayeetz, Religious and Hebrew School and adults participate in a wide variety of Jewish educational opportunities. Under the Presidencies of Ken Huffman, Adrienne Hoffman Mintz and Michael Schorr, our Temple has continued to evolve, grow and thrive. We feel blessed that Rabbi Deborah Cohen, Rabbi Geri Newburge, and Cantor Robin Sherman have served Temple Emanuel with dedication, devotion, distinction and love. With the offering of Gift Memberships for our new families, our synagogue community has experienced a significant increase in History of Temple Emanuel our membership numbers, spanning all age groups and backgrounds. Indeed, our greatest strength is our diversity. We meet people where they are, and grow with them. Now in 2015 we are proud to be a congregation that is continually growing. Under the leadership of Rabbi Jerry David, Rabbi Larry Sernovitz, and Cantor Neil Schnitzer, Temple Emanuel is close to 900 families strong. At Temple Emanuel, we live our core values, are proud of our commitment to Reform Judaism and our involvement in the South Jersey community. We continue to CELEBRATE OUR PAST and. . .VISION FOR OUR FUTURE.
  • 29. Sanctuary Campus Institute of Lifelong Learning Pre-School Chapel Entry Way Solarium Rotunda Center for Special Needs Infant & Toddler Center Administration Area Clergy Suite Rotunda Circle Parent Lounge Beit Midrash Youth Lounge Electronic Picture Gallery Breezeway Ramp Rabbi Study (2) Cantor Office Meeting Room Religious School Office Executive Director Office Membership Director Office Accounting Office President Office Children Library Classrooms (14) Gazebo Entry Way Garden Courtyard garden Rotunda Garden Rotunda Skylight Names Display Cases (2) $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $750,000 $500,000 $500,000 $360,000 $360,000 $360,000 $250,000 $250,000 $180,000 $180,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $72,000 $54,000 $54,000 $54,000 $50,000 $36,000 $36,000 $36,000 $36,000 $36,000 $36,000 each $36,000 $36,000 $18,000 $18,000 $10,000 each $10,000 each Lecterns (2) Bima Chairs (8) Torah Mantel (7) Mezzuzot Sanctuary Chairs (400) Youth Engagement Scholar in Residence Outreach/Engagement Sacred Music Family Programming Sanctuary Technology Holocaust Education Israel Education School Technology Building Technology Senior Programming 250,000 100,000 100,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 25,000 PROGRAM & TECHNOLOGY OPPORTUNITIES EMUNAH NAMING OPPORTUNITIES CAPITAL GIVING OPPORTUNITIES DONATIONS $50,000 each $10,000 each $5,400 each $3,600 each $1,800 each $250,000 $100,000 $100,000 $75,000 $75,000 $75,000 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $25,000 ENDOWMENT OPPORTUNITIES Rabbinic Chairs Cantorial Chair Executive Director Chair Director of Education Chair Pre-School Director Chair Program Director Chair Special Needs Education Scholarship Membership Assistance Funds Operational Endowment Technology Endowment
  • 30. 30. With Faith Our Dream IS Possible MORE INFORMATION Photos: Studio K Photography ( 2 Split Rock Dr #7, Cherry Hill, NJ 08003 Phone:(856) 810-0088 Photos: Stephen Ehrlich SPECIAL THANKS TO: Temple Emanuel 1101 Springdale Road Cherry Hill, New Jersey 08003 856-489-0029 For more information please call Marc Rothstein, Executive Director