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Country Development Plan
Anna Moscoso | Jennifer Zelaya | Bernard Perez | Troy King
Executive Summary

Botswana’s first AIDS case was reported in 1985 and since enced workers how to take care of our patients and other
then, the country of Botswana has been hit hard with the      things to help with the clinic and the counseling.
spread of HIV/AIDS. “We are threatened with extinction.
People are dying in chillingly high numbers. It is a crisis   Our organization is going to build a hospice center where
of the first magnitude.” Botswana is suffering due to the     we can take care of the people who has HIV/AIDS.
HIV/AIDS epidemic and BHC (Botswana Hospice Cen- While building the hospice center, we are going to hire
ter), is an organization that would provide care and help     inexperienced and experienced workers to work at our
the people with this disease. Our organization is here to     hospice center or to go to the peoples homes and take
inform the citizens of Botswana
about the risks and prevention of
                                    “We are threatened with care of the people who are         sick. The family members
getting HIV/AIDS.                      extinction. People are can then go to work and
                                                                                               go to school to support
The Botswana Hospice Center is dying in chillingly high their family. The hospice
going to help people in Botswana numbers. It is a crisis of center will be located in
that have HIV/AIDS and the                                                                     Francistown. In the hos-
people that are at risk with HIV.       the first magnitude.” pice center, we will provide
We will be getting construction                                                                a clinic, counseling and
workers or accept any volunteers who are willing to help us education, and mobile clinic. The counseling and education
to build the hospice in Francistown to build the hospice in will provide information about the risks and prevention
Francistown, Botswana. We will also be raising money to       of getting HIV/AIDS. People can also talk to our coun-
build the hospice center. Our organization will also host     selors to guide them on their problems and information
charity events and we will be selling clothing, blankets, and about HIV and AIDS. The mobile clinic will go around
other necessities at thrift shops. When the hospice center    the Francistown and other cities to pass out condoms, have
is almost done building, we will start hiring experienced     information about HIV/AIDS, and it will also provide
and inexperienced workers and we will train the inexperi-     free testing.
History Since Independence

Botswana was a country controlled by a British state            One of the things that set the economic records high
known as Bechuanaland. The country was under the local       was the use of the diamond mining to fuel economic
authority of the Tswana chiefs. In 1966, a change hap-       development. The Germans imperialized Botswana
pened and most of Botswana received it is independence       in 1883 and found good mining spots. The Germans
and Bechuanaland became the independent Republic of          found coal and diamonds until in1911 the British took
Botswana. Since it’s independence on September 30, 1996,     over Botswana. Since the 1980s, Botswana the world’s
Botswana has gained achievements as a peaceful, increas-     biggest maker of gem-quality diamonds. Since their in-
ingly thriving state. The country has changed from one of    dependence, they have opened four large diamond mines.
the poorest countries into a middle-income country. Bo-      To help Botswana’s economy, diamond mining will be
tswana had a lot of major changes since its independence     one of the major things, with it, there will be enough
from the British state.                                      resources for at least 20 years. Although the recently
As one of the major changes, the economy has been differ-    economy has been slowing down the good impacts on
ent. Botswana’s economic growth rate averaged in 10% per     the country’s diamond mining.                                  Legislative branches of Government. There are laws of         Overall, since Botswana received their independence,
year from 1976 through 1991. Also, from 1966 through           Another change since independence is the government          agreement that any individual or groups are allowed to     they have been a better country. Although, the country
1999, the country had the fastest growth in per capita       and the political conditions. Botswana has been a good         express their freedom, affiliation and properties.         still suffers from poverty and health, it’s improving little by
income in the world. In the first 30 years of Botswana’s     state of politics and administration. Every five years,           Even though Botswana had a lot of good effects after    little. Since its independence, their economy went up and
independence, there has been a growth on the employ-         there are fair elections including a number of political       concerned independance, HIV/AIDS is still a major          has moved to a middle-income country. One of the things
ment of businesses that has an average of about 10% per      parties. Each of the elections has been freely and fairly      problem. The government realized that HIV/AIDS will        that led to that was the diamond mining. The diamond
year. Botswana’s government has maintained a balance for     controlled. The country’s minority groups can join in the      continue to affect the economy so they joined programs     mining helped the country because it brought their econ-
their budget and has no debt but has a stored a foreign      political process. Since in this country, the political sys-   such as the Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmis-        omy high. Ever since their independence, the government
exchange resources of imports. Compared to other coun-       tem is very open to everyone, it is a very significant thing   sion program and a free anti-retroviral treatment. After   has been better, the elections are fair and people have a say
tries, Botswana has a high level of economic freedom. They   in the country’s economic growth and stability. Like           independence, the government of Botswana planned           in the things happening. Since independence, the major
have full freedom of property ownership, goods, and the      other governments, Botswana has the three branches as          things to help the basic human needs.                      changes has a good effect on Botswana.
citizens can protect and maintain their economic liberty.    well, and the Judiciary is in charge of the Executive and

                                                                                                                          1980: Khama dies. He made
                                                                                                                          Botswana an increasingly
                                                                                      1965: Gaborone becomes              democratic and prosperous
                                                                                      administrive centre; BDP            country with a significant role
                                                                                      wins legislative elections;                                                                                1998: In Botswa-
                                                                                                                          in Southern Africa.
                                 1890: Bechuana-                                      first toabe held under univer-                                                                             na, Festus Mongae
                                 land is extended to                                                                                                                                             came to power in       2003: President Bush met with
                                                                                      sal adult sufferage; Khama                                                                                                        President Festus Mongae in
                                 the Chobe River.                                     becomes prime minister.                                                                                    succession to Sir.
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Ketumile. The life     Botswana. Bush said that AIDS
                                                                                                                                                                1986: (May) South Af-                                   is “the deadliest enemy Africa has
                                                                                                                                                                                                 expectancy was
1867: The European gold                                                                                                                                         rican commandos struck                                  ever faced” and pledged to the na-
                                                         1959: Copper mines                                                                                                                      reported to have
prospectors arrive at Bo-                                                                                                                                       alleged ANC “operational                                tion with the world’s highest AIDS
                                                         are established.                                                                                                                        dropped from 61%
tswana and mining begins.                                                                                                                                       centers” in Zimababwe,                                  infection rate that it would have a
                                                                                                                                                                                                 in 1993 to 47% to
                                                                                                                                                                Botswana, and Zambia.                                   strong partner in his administra-
                                                                                                                                                                                                 the AIDS epidemic.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        tion in fighting the disease.

                                                                                                                                            1985: Botswna                                                      2001: It was
                                                                                                                                            recorded its 1st case                                              reported that the
                                                                                                                                            of AIDS case.              1997: Trade in Endangered               AIDS HIV-infec-
           1885: The British                                                                                                                                           Species (CITES) approved                tion rate was 38.5
           proclaim a protectorate                                                                                                                                     the applications by Zimbabwe,           of Botswana’s adult
           called Bechuanaland        1950: Chief of the Ngwato,                                                                                                       Namibia and Botswana to sell an         population.
                                                                   1962: Khama founds                                                                                  annual quota of their collective
                                      Seretse Khama, is deposed    Bechuanaland Demo-      1966: Khama served as                                                       ivory stockpile, but only to Japan.
                                      and exiled by the British.   cratic Party (BDP);     first President of Botswana.                                                Trade in ivory was shut down in
                                                                   Government later                                                                                    1989 due to extensive poaching.
                                                                   changed into Botswa-
                                                                   na Democratic Party.
millennium development goals
                                                                                                         reduce child mortality

                                                                                                                                                    (1990) -- 45
                                                                                                       Mortality Rate for infants (per 1,000 live                     Eliminated maternal and neonatal teta-
                                                                                                                                                    (1995) -- 53
                                                                                                       births)                                                        mus with support from WHO and
  ERADICATE EXTREME POVERTY AND HUNGER                                                                                                              (2000) -- 64
                                                                                                                                                    (2007) -- 33
Currency of undernourishment                              For the first time, many farmers were able
                                        (2007) -- 76%                                                                                               (1990) -- 57
                                                          to produce enough rice to feed their fami-                                                                  Decreased with support from WHO and
                                                                                                       Mortality Rate for children under 5 (per     (1995) -- 70
                                                          lies and turn a profit at the market.                                                                       UNICEF
                                                                                                       1,000)                                       (2000) -- 87
                                                                                                                                                    (2007) -- 40

Employment to Population Ratio          (2000) -- 34%     Micro-credit has helped jumpstart small
                                        (2007) -- 26%     businesses and open more jobs                                                             (1990) -- 38%
                                                                                                       Immunizations, measles                       (1995) -- 27%     Progressing with help of South Asia’s
                                                                                                                                                    (2000) -- 46%     Reaching Every District Strategy
                                                                                                                                                    (2007) -- 79%
                                                                                                         improve maternal health
Total Enrollment                                          Can possibly drop because school fees are
                                        (2000) -- 83%
                                                          not affordable.                              Maternal Mortality Ratio (per 100, 000                         UNFPA is galvanizing support for mater-
                                        (2007) -- 84%                                                                                                (2007) -- 380
                                                                                                       live births)                                                   nal health

  Promote gender equality and empower women

                                                                                                       Pregnant Women, Prenatal Care                 (2007) -- 87%    UNICEF working with government of
Women employed in nonagricultural                         Organizations are helping small busi-                                                                       India, health partners, and donors to ad-
                                        (1990) -- 25.9%
                                                          nesses create more jobs.                                                                                    dress situation
                                        (2007) --42.2%

Seats of women in National Parliament   (1990) -- 5%      Women participated in parliamentary                                                         (2007) -- 44%   Has increased 30 more percent
                                                                                                       Births by skilled staff
                                        (2007) -- 8%      elections for the first time in 200

Chldren receiving malaria drugs                                    Not enough children are receiving medi-
                                            (2007) -- 30%
                                                                   cines to cure them

Rate of tuberculosis                                               The government is distributing insecti-
                                            (1995) -- 70%
                                                                   cide-treated nets to all pregnant women
                                            (2000) -- 73%
                                                                   and children under five free of charge.
                                            (2007) -- 57%

Rate of HIV/AIDS
Rate of HIV/AIDS                (1990) -- 4.7%                     2nd highest rate of HIV and AIDS in the
                                (1995) -- 19%                      world
                                (2000) -- 26.5%
                                (2007) -- 23.9%
  ensure environmental sustainability

                                            (1990) -- 15%
Improved sanitation facilities                                     Sanitation improving well, agreed to work
                                            (1995) -- 17%
                                                                   together to reach sanitation targets
                                            (2000) -- 25%
                                            (2007) -- 31%

Mortality Rate for children under 5 (per    (1990) -- 43%
1,000)                                      (1995) -- 44%          Water source have improved, Botswana is
                                            (2000) -- 45%          looking for a way to get fresh water
                                            (2007) -- 46%

Botswana has the second highest rate of HIV and AIDS in Botswana. It was reported that 26.9% of
the population had HIV and AIDS in 2000. Many organizations have been hard at work trying to
stop this disease. This has included condom distributing, education of HIV and AIDS, and absti-
nence. AIDS is a virus that attacks the body’s immune system. There are numerous causes for this dis-
ease including Inter-generational relationships, unprotected sex, and persistent inequality and poverty.

  Botswana is a country where human rights are
  generally respected. Freedom of speech and reli-
                                                       ited, thus her husband will have an authority of
                                                       the family. Unless, she is married out of her prop-
                                                                                                                the act Botswana has a court system and social
                                                                                                                service apparatus designed solely for juveniles.        “In some coun-
  gion are also respected. Though, there has been
  violence against women, unequal rights against
                                                       erty, then she has full legal rights. Later on the law
                                                       passed an Equal Pay Act that required men and
                                                                                                                Trafficking is not prohibited, however any related
                                                                                                                crimes such as kidnapping, abduction, slave traf-
                                                                                                                                                                        tries women
  children, people with AIDS/HIV, and people
  with disabilities. Botswana is experiencing one
                                                       women having equal work rights. The Civil Rights
                                                       Act prohibited inequality against women.
                                                                                                                ficking, and buying young girls for prostitution are
                                                                                                                not allowed. Child prostitution and pornography
                                                                                                                                                                        are legally
  of the most severe HIV/AIDS epidemics in the
  world.                                               Children’s Rights:
                                                                                                                are also criminal offenses and not allowed.
                                                                                                                                                                        their husband’s
  Women’s Rights:
                                                       In Botswana, usually, children are just assumed to
                                                       respect and obey their parents without questions.
                                                                                                                Even though women and children are discriminat-
                                                                                                                ed in Botswana, there were no records of discrimi-
                                                                                                                                                                        property, while
  Violence against women remains a serious prob-
  lem. Domestic abuse is one area of concern.
                                                       Children are easily abused and taken advantage
                                                       of. Most children are often separated from their
                                                                                                                nation against religious practice or beliefs. The
                                                                                                                government respects the right to practice any free-
                                                                                                                                                                        in others,
  Under customary law and in common rural
  practice, men have the right to beat their wives.
                                                       families and have to protect and take care of
                                                       themselves. Due to poverty, insufficient food,
                                                                                                                dom of religion. 70% of the citizens in Botswana
                                                                                                                classifies themselves as Christians and about
                                                                                                                                                                        women can-
  Police rarely are called to intervene in cases of
  domestic violence. Reports of sexual exploitation,
                                                       health care, lack of shelter, children are very much
                                                       affected. Education is not important in Botswana,
                                                                                                                20% have no religion. Since the citizens in Bo-
                                                                                                                tswana has various religions that are practiced, the
                                                                                                                                                                        not leave the
  abuse, and criminal sexual assault are increasing,   and because of that, children have difficulties in       freedom of religion is very much protected and          house or get
  and public awareness of the problem generally is     education. Children as young as the age of 7 don’t       respected. The law in Botswana provides freedom
  growing. Violence against women is not precisely     go to school usually because they are working and        of speech, and it is usually honored and respected.     a job without
  banned, 60% of women are still victims of domes-     taking care of their families. The Government            Overall, the discrimination against women and
  tic violence. The rights of women in Botswana        provides 7 years of primary education for chil-          children is slowly changing. However, these things      a man’s permis-
  are limited compared to the men. Women have a        dren, although it is not compulsory. The national        affect the women in Botswana because some of
  lesser position than men, and don’t have a say in    literacy rate is 69%: 70% for females and 67% for        their rights are limited. As for the children, it af-   sion, accord-
                                                                                                                                                                        ing to Voices
  many cultural or family decisions. A woman can       males. However, in some cases, girls are denied          fects them emotionally because they’re just young
  be married as soon as she turns fourteen years old   schooling because of religious or customary              and most of them are being used or most of them

                                                                                                                                                                        of the Poor.”
  with the approval of her parents. If a woman is      beliefs. The rights of children are addressed in the     are taken away from their family.
  married in common property, her rights are lim-      Constitution and the 1981 Children’s Act. Under
Enivronmental Status

- Conserved area is about 17%                                    located in the southwest of Africa. The river runs west
                                                                 ward for 1600 kilometer and it begins in Angola then it
 - The area transformed by cultiva-                              goes to Nambia and it flows to Botswana which flows to
tion 2%                                                          the Kalahari Desert or the Okavango Delta. In the sum-                                       Linyanti River
                                                                 mer in Namibia, they take water from the river for their                                                          Chobe
- Botswana is a flat country                                     recources and Botswana takes it for tourism and recources.                                                       National
                                                                 Botswana argues that 97% of the water evaporates, the                                                              Park
- Lightly industrialised                                         country can’t afford to lose any water.
- Limited fresh water supply                                     The area transformed by cultivation is about 2%. There are                         Delta
                                                                                                                                                                                Nxai Pan
                                                                 lots of droughts in Botswana. There’s only limited amount
                                                                                                                                                                               National Park
- Wild dog, black rhinoceros are en-                             of fresh water. Air and toxicity is not a major problem, it’s
dangered species                                                 the water recources studies in water quality found out that
                                                                 the water contains a lot of chemicals and toxic chemicals
- Problems with water pollution                                  are developed in pesticide factories. The people have gone
chemicals.                                                       eight years with the less water in the country. Namibia
                                                                 made emergency pipe lines if they need water in their ma-                                                                     Shashe River
 - The country now focus on its wa-                              jor cities that worries Botswana
ter not on its rich diamonds
                                                                 Botswana has a desert with lots of vegetation. It is called
Botswana is having more cities move in near the delta. A         the Kalahari desert. It is located in the southwestern part
lot of people have jobs at the delta, such as giving tours       of South Africa. It gives some of the animals and plants                            Central Kalahari
because it’s nice over there. People at the delta are worrried   a place to live. The amount of rain fall is very high. In the                        Game Reserve
that the delta would run out because the delta is clean. The     summer, the tempature increases to 105 Farenheit. During
water sources in Botswana are clean. For example, Namibia        the rainy season, animals migrate to find riverbeds. The
                                                                 Kalahari desert is the home of the people who had lived                                                                         River
might take water from the Okavango river. Which can lead
to lesser water in Botswana.                                     for over 20,000 years. Another endangered species are the
                                                                 Black Rhinoceros. There is also a lot of wild animals that
Botswana also has a river called the Okavango river. It is       live in the desert like vultures and elephants. Also, there’s   KALAHARI DESERT
                                                                 predators such as the lion, cheetah, and hyenas.

                                                                                                                                   National Park
Description of need                                                                                                                                                                        The HIV/AIDS Epidemic

Botswana has been hard hit by AIDS. Botswana’s first         soever. Which also means there’s always a high risk of
AIDS case was reported in 1985. Since 1985, HIV/             HIV and AIDS. Next, there is Inter-generational sexual
AIDS has spread all over Botswana and has affected           relationships. This means that older men would have sex
many people. In 2007 there were an estimated 300, 000        with younger, mostly underage women. The reason for
people living with HIV; almost one-in-four adults. Con-      this is that in some African Countries, people were told
sidering Botswana’s population is below two million, the     that if they had HIV or AIDS, the only way to cure it
epidemic has reached disturbing proportions. The coun-       was to have sex with a young virgin girl. finally, there
try has an estimated adult HIV prevalence of 23.9%, the      is persistent inequality and poverty. Women in general
second highest in the world. HIV and AIDS has had a          are basically vulnerable against their male oppressors,
devastating impact on Botswana. The economic output          and have less rights then men. Because of this inequality
of Botswana has been re-                                                              between men and women, this
duced by the loss of work-
ers and skills; agriculture
                                 “The country has                                     leads to problems of rape, abuse,
                                                                                      and molestation, that all could
and mining are among the        an estimated adult                                    lead to sex, which would lead to
worst affected sectors. The
loss of adults to AIDS has
                                HIV prevalence of                                     HIV and AIDS.

also had a significant affect    23.9%, the second                                    Aids is a virus that attacks your
on children in Botswana: an                                                           immune system that kills a
estimated 95,000 children          highest in the                                     person’s body because the body          by using drugs. Some infected mothers breast feed their   Overall around the world, Botswana has the second
have lost at least one parent         world.”                                         can’t fight these kind of diseases.     babies so then their babies get infected. When a blood    most drastic HIV/AIDS in their country. The infec-
to the epidemic. It is vital                                                          A person’s immune system fights         donation programs that don’t require blood test and do-   tious widespread of this disease is tremendous. They key
these children have access to education, but this is prob-   the body’s diseases and helps cure itself. Some causes           nate it to other people.                                  factors for the epidemic to increase are because of the
lematic in families already weakened by AIDS where           of aids can lead to getting a fever, headache, and sore                                                                    tendency to have unprotected sex and different sexual
children may be providing care for ill relatives or sup-     muscles. Most people think that they’re getting these            In 2009, the International Bank for Reconstruction and    partnership. Due to some of these, it affects the people,
porting siblings.                                            sypmtoms is because they have the flu but it’s not. There        Development or the IBRD collaborated with Botswa-         mostly the women, which leads to inequality and pover-
                                                             is no cure for HIV or AIDS, although there is some               na to help prevent HIV and AIDS. With the help of         ty. In between the years of 1992 and 2003, the deaths in
For quite some time, HIV/AIDS has affected Botswa-           medicine that can slow down the process but it does not          IBRD, the Botswana National HIV and AIDS Preven-          Botswana has changed from 4% to 27%. The life expect-
na’s population. Botswana has the highest rate of HIV        cure it. It is almost impossible to kill all the aids viruses.   tion Support has supported to put a stop on HIV and       ance at birth dropped from sixty-five years in 1990-1995
and AIDS in the world (after Swaziland). Why is that?        HIV/AIDS spreads by sexual contact and used needles              AIDS. The two have focused on approving an alteration     to about less than forty years in 2000 through 2005,
Well the following causes of AIDS might answer your          and breast feeding. Also getting blood transfusions from         from any accidents or dangers of HIV/AIDS to stop         without aids, it was about twenty-eight years lower.
question. First of all, there’s the incidence of an unpro-   an infected donor being born from an infected mother.            it from increasing with a better and more rational ap-    Currently, there’s still no cure for HIV/AIDS although
tected sex. This means that there’s no sexual protection     Most woman transfers the disease with sexual contact             proach. Even though the BNAPS just started in 2009, it    there’s a therapy that has been successful on reducing
(i.e. Condoms) available for people in Botswana what-        with a male. Others spread it with the use of needles            has already made a breakthrough.                          AIDS symptoms.

Over the last twenty-five years, HIV/AIDS killed             treatment and receiving prescription medicines.              the young people about HIV and how to protect them-          to hire experienced hospice workers and but we will
twenty-five million people in southern Africa. The                                                                        selves from the infection. We won’t provide treatments,      train inexperienced people. as well. We also plan to hire
deaths will increase over the years because of this infec-   Due to a large number of people living with HIV/             but we will direct them on what to do or where to go         doctors and nurses or anyone with skills. After we get
tion. The government and the people of Botswana are          AIDS in Botswana, we plan to build a hospice orga-           such as go to a special doctor to help them. Our job is      people, we would teach them what to do and how to do
doing many things to lessen it. Botswana is doing dif-       nization care which will be called Botswana Hospice          to talk and educate the people in Botswana and also to       things as a part of our organization.
ferent types of prevention for HIV and AIDS, includ-         Care (BHC). Our first location will be at Francis-           make sure that this disease will lessen in the future.
ing public education and awareness. Mostly, the young        town. BHC would help take care of the people who                                                                          To help support our hospice care, we are going to
people of Botswana are educated on how to prevent            has HIV/AIDS. They are also welcome to go in the             The hospice care in Francistown will also plan to build      have thrift stores to make money. In order for BHC
getting HIV/AIDS and the risks on getting it. Since          Botswana Hospice Care: Francistown, and get help.            a small clinic which connects to our BHC. We would           to make money, people can donate clothes, shoes, or
the younger people have a higher risk of getting this        The hospice workers, would go to a neighborhood or a         have everyone in Botswana to get tested more often so        other things that they don’t want or need anymore.
disease, they need to learn things so they would know        village and a care would be set up there. If their family    that they are aware that anyone can get HIV/AIDS.            Then we will sell them at our thrift store for affordable
what to do. Another thing is, the distribution of con-       members can’t take care of their family that’s infected or   Anyone can go to our small clinic to ask questions are       prices for our patients health care. The thrift stores
doms in places such as outlets and stores throughout         affected with HIV/AIDS, we can get one of our hos-           get information. Along with the small clinic we would        will be located in different cities in Botswana. Also our
the country and they have free condoms to be passed          pice workers to go to people’s home and help take care       have a mobile clinic that would go to different towns.       patients can make things such as, baskets or blankets
out. There’s also ads, radio commercials to prevent          of them. help the families of loved ones due to jobs,        The mobile clinic is an easier way for people to get         and we could sell them to help our organization. We
HIV/AIDS such as the ABC to avoid aids which is              school, and others. Overall our hospice workers would        information, get free condoms or get tested. With this       will host charity and fundraising events to raise money
Abstain, Be faithful, and if you have sex, Condom-           go from home to home and check if anyone needs help.         plan, everyone would be more cautious and they would         for our patients. With this kind of help and support,
ize. Not only is the government promoting things to                                                                       know the risks of having sex. This plan of getting tested    our hospice won’t only be successful, but it will help
prevent this disease, they are also doing public testing     The Botswana Hospice Care: Francistown will have             would be available for anyone who’s curious if it’s pos-     many people in Botswana. We would also have charity
to check if a person is positive for HIV. This tests is      counseling and education services for the people. We         sible to catch this disease. This is also a way of knowing   events or festivals throughout Botswana. During our
done yearly, so the citizens know if they are positive or    will educate patients and other people about HIV/            that anyone in the country can get the disease.              charity events, we will try to get donations to help our
not and it’ll give them an idea on risks of getting the      AIDS, and tell them to use protection to prevent them                                                                     hospice center, clinics, and our organization. We would
disease. Finally, the country has provided an anti-ret-      from getting the disease. Our hospice welcomes anyone        While the hospice center is being built, we would            also build Hospice Care Centers throughout Botswana.
roviral treatment, ARV, for the people who have HIV.         who needs help or just to talk about having sex and          recruit people to help us. The people who wants to help      BHC would try to help everyone in Botswana as much
Over the years, more and more people are taken in for        how HIV/AIDS could spread all over. We will educate          are welcome to join our organization. Mostly we plan         as possible.
Impact Analysis                                                                                                                   Project Implementation

Our project is going to decrease the population of HIV/          the spread of HIV/AIDS. With our plan, we hope that
AIDS in the future by teaching the people of Botswana            the citizens are going to use protection. We will tell them      Our organization is going to build a hospice care center        hospice program will be in full effect.
about the risks and prevention of getting HIV/AIDS.              how to prevent this disease and the risks of getting this        that will expand from cities to cities. It will take about a
Also, it’s going to improve the economy due to our hos-          disease. We would encourage them to use protection and           year to raise money, hire workers, and build the hospice        When we’re almost done building the hospice, we will hire
pice workers going to peoples home and taking care of the        be more cautious. By passing out free condoms, we hope           and a mobile clinic. Before we get started on construct-        workers and train them to care for our patients and we will
people with HIV/AIDS, more people are going to get a             for the people to have protected sex. The people of Bo-          ing, we will have charity events and donations so that we       also hire experienced workers. We will also hire doctors
chance to work and get jobs. Also, they can go to school         tswana can be one step closer of being HIV/AIDS free.            would have money to build and provide for our hospice           and nurses or anyone with skills that are needed for our
and get their education which will lead to a better pay-                                                                          center. In the first three months of year one, we will have     hospice center. For our trainees, we will teach them basic
ing job. If people start working, they would get money to        Hiring people as hospice workers, building more hospice          charity events and donations so that we can raise money.        things such as taking care of the patients, and maintaining
provide for their family. This can also lessen the poverty       centers, and providing all the necessities will cost money.      The charity events will be held between January through         a clean and safe place for our patients. Once we get hospice
and hunger. People can then have a place to live in and          So then, we would have charity events and thrift stores to       March. We will sell items at thrift stores that are essential   worker, we will open our hospice center and anyone who
provide themselves with food and money for things they           sell things to help us support our hospice center. In our        such as; clothing, blankets, and baskets.                       needs help with HIV/AIDS can go to our center and ask
need such as clothes.                                            thrift store, we would sell affordable clothes and other                                                                         for counseling or help. If people can’t go to our hospice
                                                                 things people can buy. We will also have sponsors and            Second, once we raise enough money, we will put ads up          center, we will have a mobile clinic going around the town
Due to this, lesser children will be orphans. If HIV/            donations to help our hospice care center.                       to hire workers to help build the hospice. We would hire        to take in anyone who needs help. Our mobile clinic will
AIDS decreases, children will have their family to be                                                                             construction workers or accept any volunteers who are           provide HIV testing and information about the ways to
there for them. If lesser parents die from this disease, their   Even though our plan will have positive effects, it will         willing to help us build our hospice center. This will take     prevent this disease.
parents would be there to provide for them. Their parents        have negative effects as well. Our plan won’t literally stop     about a month to get as much workers as we need and we
can take care of them, and it will lead the children to a        HIV/AIDS. Although, it may decrease it over time if              will pay them with either money or food. Once we get our        This is an ongoing process that will continue on for the
better future. Also, if the parents have HIV/AIDS, their         people would listen be more cautious and if they let us          workers, we will start building the hospice in April. The       next five years and so on. We would build a hospice center
children has a big chance of getting this disease. If people     help them. If people are tested and they found out that          hospice care center will take approximately 8 months to         in another city and start the plan all over again. We will
are more cautious, there’s a big chance that their future        they are positive, it will not stop them from having unpro-      build. By January, the construction will be complete. After     have this expand to as many cities in Botswana. We are
children won’t have HIV/AIDS, and they would prob-               tected sex. Since they’re positive, it will probably just lead   construction, we will begin hiring again for people to work     confident that this hospice center will be successful as
ably be more encourage to use protection so they won’t           them to continue having unprotected sex because they             in the hospice. We are willing to pay our employees. This       planned and will be life changing to many people in Bo-
have the risk of getting the disease and dieing.                 can’t do anything about it. Though we will encourage the         will take about a month or two. By the second year, the         tswana.
                                                                 people in Botswana to use protection and stay protected
The HIV rate will eventually decrease. It will also lessen       because of the big risk that can happen to them.

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Botswana Country Plan

  • 1. BOTSWANA Country Development Plan Anna Moscoso | Jennifer Zelaya | Bernard Perez | Troy King
  • 2. Executive Summary Botswana’s first AIDS case was reported in 1985 and since enced workers how to take care of our patients and other then, the country of Botswana has been hit hard with the things to help with the clinic and the counseling. spread of HIV/AIDS. “We are threatened with extinction. People are dying in chillingly high numbers. It is a crisis Our organization is going to build a hospice center where of the first magnitude.” Botswana is suffering due to the we can take care of the people who has HIV/AIDS. HIV/AIDS epidemic and BHC (Botswana Hospice Cen- While building the hospice center, we are going to hire ter), is an organization that would provide care and help inexperienced and experienced workers to work at our the people with this disease. Our organization is here to hospice center or to go to the peoples homes and take inform the citizens of Botswana about the risks and prevention of “We are threatened with care of the people who are sick. The family members getting HIV/AIDS. extinction. People are can then go to work and go to school to support The Botswana Hospice Center is dying in chillingly high their family. The hospice going to help people in Botswana numbers. It is a crisis of center will be located in that have HIV/AIDS and the Francistown. In the hos- people that are at risk with HIV. the first magnitude.” pice center, we will provide We will be getting construction a clinic, counseling and workers or accept any volunteers who are willing to help us education, and mobile clinic. The counseling and education to build the hospice in Francistown to build the hospice in will provide information about the risks and prevention Francistown, Botswana. We will also be raising money to of getting HIV/AIDS. People can also talk to our coun- build the hospice center. Our organization will also host selors to guide them on their problems and information charity events and we will be selling clothing, blankets, and about HIV and AIDS. The mobile clinic will go around other necessities at thrift shops. When the hospice center the Francistown and other cities to pass out condoms, have is almost done building, we will start hiring experienced information about HIV/AIDS, and it will also provide and inexperienced workers and we will train the inexperi- free testing.
  • 3. History Since Independence Botswana was a country controlled by a British state One of the things that set the economic records high known as Bechuanaland. The country was under the local was the use of the diamond mining to fuel economic authority of the Tswana chiefs. In 1966, a change hap- development. The Germans imperialized Botswana pened and most of Botswana received it is independence in 1883 and found good mining spots. The Germans and Bechuanaland became the independent Republic of found coal and diamonds until in1911 the British took Botswana. Since it’s independence on September 30, 1996, over Botswana. Since the 1980s, Botswana the world’s Botswana has gained achievements as a peaceful, increas- biggest maker of gem-quality diamonds. Since their in- ingly thriving state. The country has changed from one of dependence, they have opened four large diamond mines. the poorest countries into a middle-income country. Bo- To help Botswana’s economy, diamond mining will be tswana had a lot of major changes since its independence one of the major things, with it, there will be enough from the British state. resources for at least 20 years. Although the recently As one of the major changes, the economy has been differ- economy has been slowing down the good impacts on ent. Botswana’s economic growth rate averaged in 10% per the country’s diamond mining. Legislative branches of Government. There are laws of Overall, since Botswana received their independence, year from 1976 through 1991. Also, from 1966 through Another change since independence is the government agreement that any individual or groups are allowed to they have been a better country. Although, the country 1999, the country had the fastest growth in per capita and the political conditions. Botswana has been a good express their freedom, affiliation and properties. still suffers from poverty and health, it’s improving little by income in the world. In the first 30 years of Botswana’s state of politics and administration. Every five years, Even though Botswana had a lot of good effects after little. Since its independence, their economy went up and independence, there has been a growth on the employ- there are fair elections including a number of political concerned independance, HIV/AIDS is still a major has moved to a middle-income country. One of the things ment of businesses that has an average of about 10% per parties. Each of the elections has been freely and fairly problem. The government realized that HIV/AIDS will that led to that was the diamond mining. The diamond year. Botswana’s government has maintained a balance for controlled. The country’s minority groups can join in the continue to affect the economy so they joined programs mining helped the country because it brought their econ- their budget and has no debt but has a stored a foreign political process. Since in this country, the political sys- such as the Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmis- omy high. Ever since their independence, the government exchange resources of imports. Compared to other coun- tem is very open to everyone, it is a very significant thing sion program and a free anti-retroviral treatment. After has been better, the elections are fair and people have a say tries, Botswana has a high level of economic freedom. They in the country’s economic growth and stability. Like independence, the government of Botswana planned in the things happening. Since independence, the major have full freedom of property ownership, goods, and the other governments, Botswana has the three branches as things to help the basic human needs. changes has a good effect on Botswana. citizens can protect and maintain their economic liberty. well, and the Judiciary is in charge of the Executive and
  • 4. Timeline 1980: Khama dies. He made Botswana an increasingly 1965: Gaborone becomes democratic and prosperous administrive centre; BDP country with a significant role wins legislative elections; 1998: In Botswa- in Southern Africa. 1890: Bechuana- first toabe held under univer- na, Festus Mongae land is extended to came to power in 2003: President Bush met with sal adult sufferage; Khama President Festus Mongae in the Chobe River. becomes prime minister. succession to Sir. Ketumile. The life Botswana. Bush said that AIDS 1986: (May) South Af- is “the deadliest enemy Africa has expectancy was 1867: The European gold rican commandos struck ever faced” and pledged to the na- 1959: Copper mines reported to have prospectors arrive at Bo- alleged ANC “operational tion with the world’s highest AIDS are established. dropped from 61% tswana and mining begins. centers” in Zimababwe, infection rate that it would have a in 1993 to 47% to Botswana, and Zambia. strong partner in his administra- the AIDS epidemic. tion in fighting the disease. 1985: Botswna 2001: It was recorded its 1st case reported that the of AIDS case. 1997: Trade in Endangered AIDS HIV-infec- 1885: The British Species (CITES) approved tion rate was 38.5 proclaim a protectorate the applications by Zimbabwe, of Botswana’s adult called Bechuanaland 1950: Chief of the Ngwato, Namibia and Botswana to sell an population. 1962: Khama founds annual quota of their collective Seretse Khama, is deposed Bechuanaland Demo- 1966: Khama served as ivory stockpile, but only to Japan. and exiled by the British. cratic Party (BDP); first President of Botswana. Trade in ivory was shut down in Government later 1989 due to extensive poaching. changed into Botswa- na Democratic Party.
  • 5. millennium development goals reduce child mortality (1990) -- 45 Mortality Rate for infants (per 1,000 live Eliminated maternal and neonatal teta- (1995) -- 53 births) mus with support from WHO and ERADICATE EXTREME POVERTY AND HUNGER (2000) -- 64 UNICEF (2007) -- 33 Currency of undernourishment For the first time, many farmers were able (2007) -- 76% (1990) -- 57 to produce enough rice to feed their fami- Decreased with support from WHO and Mortality Rate for children under 5 (per (1995) -- 70 lies and turn a profit at the market. UNICEF 1,000) (2000) -- 87 (2007) -- 40 Employment to Population Ratio (2000) -- 34% Micro-credit has helped jumpstart small (2007) -- 26% businesses and open more jobs (1990) -- 38% Immunizations, measles (1995) -- 27% Progressing with help of South Asia’s (2000) -- 46% Reaching Every District Strategy (2007) -- 79% ACHIEVE UNIVERSAL PRIMARY EDUCATION improve maternal health Total Enrollment Can possibly drop because school fees are (2000) -- 83% not affordable. Maternal Mortality Ratio (per 100, 000 UNFPA is galvanizing support for mater- (2007) -- 84% (2007) -- 380 live births) nal health Promote gender equality and empower women Pregnant Women, Prenatal Care (2007) -- 87% UNICEF working with government of Women employed in nonagricultural Organizations are helping small busi- India, health partners, and donors to ad- (1990) -- 25.9% nesses create more jobs. dress situation (2007) --42.2% Seats of women in National Parliament (1990) -- 5% Women participated in parliamentary (2007) -- 44% Has increased 30 more percent Births by skilled staff (2007) -- 8% elections for the first time in 200
  • 6. combat hiv/aids, MALARIA, AND OTHER DISEASES Chldren receiving malaria drugs Not enough children are receiving medi- (2007) -- 30% cines to cure them Rate of tuberculosis The government is distributing insecti- (1995) -- 70% cide-treated nets to all pregnant women (2000) -- 73% and children under five free of charge. (2007) -- 57% Rate of HIV/AIDS Rate of HIV/AIDS (1990) -- 4.7% 2nd highest rate of HIV and AIDS in the (1995) -- 19% world (2000) -- 26.5% (2007) -- 23.9% ensure environmental sustainability (1990) -- 15% Improved sanitation facilities Sanitation improving well, agreed to work (1995) -- 17% together to reach sanitation targets (2000) -- 25% (2007) -- 31% Mortality Rate for children under 5 (per (1990) -- 43% 1,000) (1995) -- 44% Water source have improved, Botswana is (2000) -- 45% looking for a way to get fresh water (2007) -- 46% Botswana has the second highest rate of HIV and AIDS in Botswana. It was reported that 26.9% of the population had HIV and AIDS in 2000. Many organizations have been hard at work trying to stop this disease. This has included condom distributing, education of HIV and AIDS, and absti- nence. AIDS is a virus that attacks the body’s immune system. There are numerous causes for this dis- ease including Inter-generational relationships, unprotected sex, and persistent inequality and poverty.
  • 7. HUMAN RIGHTS Botswana is a country where human rights are generally respected. Freedom of speech and reli- ited, thus her husband will have an authority of the family. Unless, she is married out of her prop- the act Botswana has a court system and social service apparatus designed solely for juveniles. “In some coun- gion are also respected. Though, there has been violence against women, unequal rights against erty, then she has full legal rights. Later on the law passed an Equal Pay Act that required men and Trafficking is not prohibited, however any related crimes such as kidnapping, abduction, slave traf- tries women children, people with AIDS/HIV, and people with disabilities. Botswana is experiencing one women having equal work rights. The Civil Rights Act prohibited inequality against women. ficking, and buying young girls for prostitution are not allowed. Child prostitution and pornography are legally of the most severe HIV/AIDS epidemics in the world. Children’s Rights: are also criminal offenses and not allowed. their husband’s Women’s Rights: In Botswana, usually, children are just assumed to respect and obey their parents without questions. Even though women and children are discriminat- ed in Botswana, there were no records of discrimi- property, while Violence against women remains a serious prob- lem. Domestic abuse is one area of concern. Children are easily abused and taken advantage of. Most children are often separated from their nation against religious practice or beliefs. The government respects the right to practice any free- in others, Under customary law and in common rural practice, men have the right to beat their wives. families and have to protect and take care of themselves. Due to poverty, insufficient food, dom of religion. 70% of the citizens in Botswana classifies themselves as Christians and about women can- Police rarely are called to intervene in cases of domestic violence. Reports of sexual exploitation, health care, lack of shelter, children are very much affected. Education is not important in Botswana, 20% have no religion. Since the citizens in Bo- tswana has various religions that are practiced, the not leave the abuse, and criminal sexual assault are increasing, and because of that, children have difficulties in freedom of religion is very much protected and house or get and public awareness of the problem generally is education. Children as young as the age of 7 don’t respected. The law in Botswana provides freedom growing. Violence against women is not precisely go to school usually because they are working and of speech, and it is usually honored and respected. a job without banned, 60% of women are still victims of domes- taking care of their families. The Government Overall, the discrimination against women and tic violence. The rights of women in Botswana provides 7 years of primary education for chil- children is slowly changing. However, these things a man’s permis- are limited compared to the men. Women have a dren, although it is not compulsory. The national affect the women in Botswana because some of lesser position than men, and don’t have a say in literacy rate is 69%: 70% for females and 67% for their rights are limited. As for the children, it af- sion, accord- ing to Voices many cultural or family decisions. A woman can males. However, in some cases, girls are denied fects them emotionally because they’re just young be married as soon as she turns fourteen years old schooling because of religious or customary and most of them are being used or most of them of the Poor.” with the approval of her parents. If a woman is beliefs. The rights of children are addressed in the are taken away from their family. married in common property, her rights are lim- Constitution and the 1981 Children’s Act. Under
  • 8. Enivronmental Status - Conserved area is about 17% located in the southwest of Africa. The river runs west ward for 1600 kilometer and it begins in Angola then it - The area transformed by cultiva- goes to Nambia and it flows to Botswana which flows to tion 2% the Kalahari Desert or the Okavango Delta. In the sum- Linyanti River mer in Namibia, they take water from the river for their Chobe - Botswana is a flat country recources and Botswana takes it for tourism and recources. National Botswana argues that 97% of the water evaporates, the Park - Lightly industrialised country can’t afford to lose any water. Okavango - Limited fresh water supply The area transformed by cultivation is about 2%. There are Delta Nxai Pan lots of droughts in Botswana. There’s only limited amount National Park - Wild dog, black rhinoceros are en- of fresh water. Air and toxicity is not a major problem, it’s dangered species the water recources studies in water quality found out that the water contains a lot of chemicals and toxic chemicals - Problems with water pollution are developed in pesticide factories. The people have gone chemicals. eight years with the less water in the country. Namibia made emergency pipe lines if they need water in their ma- Shashe River - The country now focus on its wa- jor cities that worries Botswana ter not on its rich diamonds Botswana has a desert with lots of vegetation. It is called Botswana is having more cities move in near the delta. A the Kalahari desert. It is located in the southwestern part lot of people have jobs at the delta, such as giving tours of South Africa. It gives some of the animals and plants Central Kalahari because it’s nice over there. People at the delta are worrried a place to live. The amount of rain fall is very high. In the Game Reserve that the delta would run out because the delta is clean. The summer, the tempature increases to 105 Farenheit. During Limpopo water sources in Botswana are clean. For example, Namibia the rainy season, animals migrate to find riverbeds. The Kalahari desert is the home of the people who had lived River might take water from the Okavango river. Which can lead to lesser water in Botswana. for over 20,000 years. Another endangered species are the Black Rhinoceros. There is also a lot of wild animals that Botswana also has a river called the Okavango river. It is live in the desert like vultures and elephants. Also, there’s KALAHARI DESERT predators such as the lion, cheetah, and hyenas. Gemsbok National Park
  • 9. Description of need The HIV/AIDS Epidemic Botswana has been hard hit by AIDS. Botswana’s first soever. Which also means there’s always a high risk of AIDS case was reported in 1985. Since 1985, HIV/ HIV and AIDS. Next, there is Inter-generational sexual AIDS has spread all over Botswana and has affected relationships. This means that older men would have sex many people. In 2007 there were an estimated 300, 000 with younger, mostly underage women. The reason for people living with HIV; almost one-in-four adults. Con- this is that in some African Countries, people were told sidering Botswana’s population is below two million, the that if they had HIV or AIDS, the only way to cure it epidemic has reached disturbing proportions. The coun- was to have sex with a young virgin girl. finally, there try has an estimated adult HIV prevalence of 23.9%, the is persistent inequality and poverty. Women in general second highest in the world. HIV and AIDS has had a are basically vulnerable against their male oppressors, devastating impact on Botswana. The economic output and have less rights then men. Because of this inequality of Botswana has been re- between men and women, this duced by the loss of work- ers and skills; agriculture “The country has leads to problems of rape, abuse, and molestation, that all could and mining are among the an estimated adult lead to sex, which would lead to worst affected sectors. The loss of adults to AIDS has HIV prevalence of HIV and AIDS. also had a significant affect 23.9%, the second Aids is a virus that attacks your on children in Botswana: an immune system that kills a estimated 95,000 children highest in the person’s body because the body by using drugs. Some infected mothers breast feed their Overall around the world, Botswana has the second have lost at least one parent world.” can’t fight these kind of diseases. babies so then their babies get infected. When a blood most drastic HIV/AIDS in their country. The infec- to the epidemic. It is vital A person’s immune system fights donation programs that don’t require blood test and do- tious widespread of this disease is tremendous. They key these children have access to education, but this is prob- the body’s diseases and helps cure itself. Some causes nate it to other people. factors for the epidemic to increase are because of the lematic in families already weakened by AIDS where of aids can lead to getting a fever, headache, and sore tendency to have unprotected sex and different sexual children may be providing care for ill relatives or sup- muscles. Most people think that they’re getting these In 2009, the International Bank for Reconstruction and partnership. Due to some of these, it affects the people, porting siblings. sypmtoms is because they have the flu but it’s not. There Development or the IBRD collaborated with Botswa- mostly the women, which leads to inequality and pover- is no cure for HIV or AIDS, although there is some na to help prevent HIV and AIDS. With the help of ty. In between the years of 1992 and 2003, the deaths in For quite some time, HIV/AIDS has affected Botswa- medicine that can slow down the process but it does not IBRD, the Botswana National HIV and AIDS Preven- Botswana has changed from 4% to 27%. The life expect- na’s population. Botswana has the highest rate of HIV cure it. It is almost impossible to kill all the aids viruses. tion Support has supported to put a stop on HIV and ance at birth dropped from sixty-five years in 1990-1995 and AIDS in the world (after Swaziland). Why is that? HIV/AIDS spreads by sexual contact and used needles AIDS. The two have focused on approving an alteration to about less than forty years in 2000 through 2005, Well the following causes of AIDS might answer your and breast feeding. Also getting blood transfusions from from any accidents or dangers of HIV/AIDS to stop without aids, it was about twenty-eight years lower. question. First of all, there’s the incidence of an unpro- an infected donor being born from an infected mother. it from increasing with a better and more rational ap- Currently, there’s still no cure for HIV/AIDS although tected sex. This means that there’s no sexual protection Most woman transfers the disease with sexual contact proach. Even though the BNAPS just started in 2009, it there’s a therapy that has been successful on reducing (i.e. Condoms) available for people in Botswana what- with a male. Others spread it with the use of needles has already made a breakthrough. AIDS symptoms.
  • 10. PROJECT PROPOSAL Over the last twenty-five years, HIV/AIDS killed treatment and receiving prescription medicines. the young people about HIV and how to protect them- to hire experienced hospice workers and but we will twenty-five million people in southern Africa. The selves from the infection. We won’t provide treatments, train inexperienced people. as well. We also plan to hire deaths will increase over the years because of this infec- Due to a large number of people living with HIV/ but we will direct them on what to do or where to go doctors and nurses or anyone with skills. After we get tion. The government and the people of Botswana are AIDS in Botswana, we plan to build a hospice orga- such as go to a special doctor to help them. Our job is people, we would teach them what to do and how to do doing many things to lessen it. Botswana is doing dif- nization care which will be called Botswana Hospice to talk and educate the people in Botswana and also to things as a part of our organization. ferent types of prevention for HIV and AIDS, includ- Care (BHC). Our first location will be at Francis- make sure that this disease will lessen in the future. ing public education and awareness. Mostly, the young town. BHC would help take care of the people who To help support our hospice care, we are going to people of Botswana are educated on how to prevent has HIV/AIDS. They are also welcome to go in the The hospice care in Francistown will also plan to build have thrift stores to make money. In order for BHC getting HIV/AIDS and the risks on getting it. Since Botswana Hospice Care: Francistown, and get help. a small clinic which connects to our BHC. We would to make money, people can donate clothes, shoes, or the younger people have a higher risk of getting this The hospice workers, would go to a neighborhood or a have everyone in Botswana to get tested more often so other things that they don’t want or need anymore. disease, they need to learn things so they would know village and a care would be set up there. If their family that they are aware that anyone can get HIV/AIDS. Then we will sell them at our thrift store for affordable what to do. Another thing is, the distribution of con- members can’t take care of their family that’s infected or Anyone can go to our small clinic to ask questions are prices for our patients health care. The thrift stores doms in places such as outlets and stores throughout affected with HIV/AIDS, we can get one of our hos- get information. Along with the small clinic we would will be located in different cities in Botswana. Also our the country and they have free condoms to be passed pice workers to go to people’s home and help take care have a mobile clinic that would go to different towns. patients can make things such as, baskets or blankets out. There’s also ads, radio commercials to prevent of them. help the families of loved ones due to jobs, The mobile clinic is an easier way for people to get and we could sell them to help our organization. We HIV/AIDS such as the ABC to avoid aids which is school, and others. Overall our hospice workers would information, get free condoms or get tested. With this will host charity and fundraising events to raise money Abstain, Be faithful, and if you have sex, Condom- go from home to home and check if anyone needs help. plan, everyone would be more cautious and they would for our patients. With this kind of help and support, ize. Not only is the government promoting things to know the risks of having sex. This plan of getting tested our hospice won’t only be successful, but it will help prevent this disease, they are also doing public testing The Botswana Hospice Care: Francistown will have would be available for anyone who’s curious if it’s pos- many people in Botswana. We would also have charity to check if a person is positive for HIV. This tests is counseling and education services for the people. We sible to catch this disease. This is also a way of knowing events or festivals throughout Botswana. During our done yearly, so the citizens know if they are positive or will educate patients and other people about HIV/ that anyone in the country can get the disease. charity events, we will try to get donations to help our not and it’ll give them an idea on risks of getting the AIDS, and tell them to use protection to prevent them hospice center, clinics, and our organization. We would disease. Finally, the country has provided an anti-ret- from getting the disease. Our hospice welcomes anyone While the hospice center is being built, we would also build Hospice Care Centers throughout Botswana. roviral treatment, ARV, for the people who have HIV. who needs help or just to talk about having sex and recruit people to help us. The people who wants to help BHC would try to help everyone in Botswana as much Over the years, more and more people are taken in for how HIV/AIDS could spread all over. We will educate are welcome to join our organization. Mostly we plan as possible.
  • 11. Impact Analysis Project Implementation Our project is going to decrease the population of HIV/ the spread of HIV/AIDS. With our plan, we hope that AIDS in the future by teaching the people of Botswana the citizens are going to use protection. We will tell them Our organization is going to build a hospice care center hospice program will be in full effect. about the risks and prevention of getting HIV/AIDS. how to prevent this disease and the risks of getting this that will expand from cities to cities. It will take about a Also, it’s going to improve the economy due to our hos- disease. We would encourage them to use protection and year to raise money, hire workers, and build the hospice When we’re almost done building the hospice, we will hire pice workers going to peoples home and taking care of the be more cautious. By passing out free condoms, we hope and a mobile clinic. Before we get started on construct- workers and train them to care for our patients and we will people with HIV/AIDS, more people are going to get a for the people to have protected sex. The people of Bo- ing, we will have charity events and donations so that we also hire experienced workers. We will also hire doctors chance to work and get jobs. Also, they can go to school tswana can be one step closer of being HIV/AIDS free. would have money to build and provide for our hospice and nurses or anyone with skills that are needed for our and get their education which will lead to a better pay- center. In the first three months of year one, we will have hospice center. For our trainees, we will teach them basic ing job. If people start working, they would get money to Hiring people as hospice workers, building more hospice charity events and donations so that we can raise money. things such as taking care of the patients, and maintaining provide for their family. This can also lessen the poverty centers, and providing all the necessities will cost money. The charity events will be held between January through a clean and safe place for our patients. Once we get hospice and hunger. People can then have a place to live in and So then, we would have charity events and thrift stores to March. We will sell items at thrift stores that are essential worker, we will open our hospice center and anyone who provide themselves with food and money for things they sell things to help us support our hospice center. In our such as; clothing, blankets, and baskets. needs help with HIV/AIDS can go to our center and ask need such as clothes. thrift store, we would sell affordable clothes and other for counseling or help. If people can’t go to our hospice things people can buy. We will also have sponsors and Second, once we raise enough money, we will put ads up center, we will have a mobile clinic going around the town Due to this, lesser children will be orphans. If HIV/ donations to help our hospice care center. to hire workers to help build the hospice. We would hire to take in anyone who needs help. Our mobile clinic will AIDS decreases, children will have their family to be construction workers or accept any volunteers who are provide HIV testing and information about the ways to there for them. If lesser parents die from this disease, their Even though our plan will have positive effects, it will willing to help us build our hospice center. This will take prevent this disease. parents would be there to provide for them. Their parents have negative effects as well. Our plan won’t literally stop about a month to get as much workers as we need and we can take care of them, and it will lead the children to a HIV/AIDS. Although, it may decrease it over time if will pay them with either money or food. Once we get our This is an ongoing process that will continue on for the better future. Also, if the parents have HIV/AIDS, their people would listen be more cautious and if they let us workers, we will start building the hospice in April. The next five years and so on. We would build a hospice center children has a big chance of getting this disease. If people help them. If people are tested and they found out that hospice care center will take approximately 8 months to in another city and start the plan all over again. We will are more cautious, there’s a big chance that their future they are positive, it will not stop them from having unpro- build. By January, the construction will be complete. After have this expand to as many cities in Botswana. We are children won’t have HIV/AIDS, and they would prob- tected sex. Since they’re positive, it will probably just lead construction, we will begin hiring again for people to work confident that this hospice center will be successful as ably be more encourage to use protection so they won’t them to continue having unprotected sex because they in the hospice. We are willing to pay our employees. This planned and will be life changing to many people in Bo- have the risk of getting the disease and dieing. can’t do anything about it. Though we will encourage the will take about a month or two. By the second year, the tswana. people in Botswana to use protection and stay protected The HIV rate will eventually decrease. It will also lessen because of the big risk that can happen to them.