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Bortons Model Of Reflection In Nursing
Using Bortons (1970) model of reflection, I am going to reflect on an experience I have had whilst out in practice working on an acute dementia ward
based in the north of England. There was a patient (Miss A) on the ward during my time at placement that constantly used to seek reassurance and was
very repetitive with everything she said. The patient did sometimes become intimidating and threatening when she wouldn't get attention from staff
members. The ward had 18 patients we were nursing and it did become very hectic and challenging a lot of the times therefore staff did not always
have the time to sit and have conversations with Miss A. One morning Miss A came to the nursing station as usual and constantly kept banning on the
desk, more content...
Working with dementia patients can be very stressful and exhausting which is because of the psychological and behavioural symptoms older adults
with dementia present. Their behaviour can often be violent and aggressive towards staff members (Beck and Shue 1994). This was exactly the case in
the ward I was working on they had a lot of challenging patients who were very violent who needed a lot of attention and often due to lack of staff some
patients and their care would get neglected. Working long hours in hectic environments such as this can lead to compassion fatigue. This is a
combination of emotional exhaustion, stress and diminishing personal accomplishments. Having long, continuous and intense contact with the patients
in stressful situation can lead to compassion fatigue Coetzee & Klopper, 2010). A lot of the times because of tiredness and exhaustion from
continuously working in a stressful environment, I often left almost a burden on them as a student nurse and at times felt hesitant to approach them
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I have learned many things throughout the course of the term, including such things as: how to write an essay and how to improve on essays that I
have already written, how to locate and composite better research through the use of numerous resources found at the campus library, the internet, and
the "Common Sense" textbook, how to cite research, examples, and quotations properly within the contents of my research paper as well as document
it accurately according to MLA standards. Through the exploration of the "Subjects and Strategies" textbook, I have learned nine different methods
used when writing an effective essay and how the different writing styles affect the overall theme and tone of the essay when used properly. This past more content...
This allowed me to write more extensively on the topic I had chosen which in turn helped expand the size of my research paper. I received a B on
my final draft; the first passing grade I have ever received on a research paper. I am very satisfied with my grade. When it came to the essays
writing became a little trickier because I had to understand what it was I needed to write about and the style in which I need to write it in. There
are nine essay writing methods which I learned while attending this course: exemplification, compare/contrast, cause and effect, proposal, narration,
process, division/classification, definition, and argument. The only problems I encountered when trying to write the essays that were assigned to
me by the instructor was finding suitable subject matter to write about. Once I found my topics for my essay, everything else became easier. I
would first produce a rough draft and then the students, the instructor, and myself would go over them in class and decided if what I was writing
was in its best form. Most of my rough drafts needed improvement, but if it didn't it wouldn't be a rough draft, so it was understood. My final drafts
were very satisfying for me as well as the grades I received on them. For my exemplification essay I chose to write about the reasons why condoms
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Redemption Essay
The literal definition of the word "redemption" is the act, process, or an instance of redeeming (forgiven). When I as a human being think of
redemption I think of it as a way to accept, forgive and move on after an instance of extreme, usually emotional, infliction. When we think of this in
terms of prison, humans are put into isolation where they are given ample time to logically think of these trespasses and how they are paying for it
with their lives. At the same time these people are doing very manual labor while getting 'paid' very little in order to redeem themselves to hopefully
regain some rank again in society. In life where most of us live outside walls redemption comes in many different forms, although not all as painful. more content...
When I myself am witness to acts of injustice my first reaction is usually anger, frustration which is then followed by a very vocal complaint. The
same reactions come about when I myself am put under circumstances of injustice and I can only hope, but am not certain, that this is something
regularly occurs with humans in general. I would have to say that some of the factors that contribute to the ways that I respond to injustice would
be feelings that had occurred as a child when put into unjust situations as well as knowledge that I was given while growing up in both educational
institutions as well as living in general. While I watched the movie Shawshank Redemption I witness an idea developed mainly by Stephen King
that basically gave me hope by helping me see that due to what I call karma, the people that are exaggerating unjust behavior will eventually get
what is coming to them. This is displayed well by the showing of all the ignorant behavior put on by the warden and what happened to him in the
end. In our society taking away a persons freedom is considered justice because at this point these people do not have a choice. The choices that they
have made so far have only gotten them into trouble, now they have given that up and are subjected to be treated basically like a slave. Solitary
confinement is considered the most severe punishment that we can inflict in our justice system as
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3.0 Introduction
Following a critical overview of the literature, this chapter outlines the research methodology. It will provide a justification for a qualitative
methodological approach and specification of methods employed. Highlighting the appropriateness of interviews and focus groups in relation to the
methodology and overall research. It will also provide recognition of their relative strengths and limitations.
3.1 Methodology/Methodological approach
Research methodology and methodological approaches that is, the structured process of conducting research and the overall concepts and theories
which underpin research respectively (Bryman, 2008), occupy a central position in the research process as they are both shaped by and translate the
researcher's epistemological position. Epistemology then refers to a researcher's philosophical stance about the nature, derivation and scope of
knowledge (Gilbert, 2008). These positions are seldom 'spelt out' but rather understood in the matter of research methodology and approach
(Sarantakos, 2005).
As this research is exploratory in nature that is, it sought to explore and examine decision–making, morality and 'sense–making' amongst human
participants I was naturally orientated towards an interpretivist epistemological position. The central thesis of interpretivism is that knowledge, its
origin and interpretation is founded on human subjectivities and as such complemented my own world view that knowledge is indeed
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Reflection And Reflection Of Interview
Reflection of interview I've had quite the learning experience over the last few weeks. I had a chance to obtain valuable information and support
from my principal. I learned so much about the administration role and how difficult it can be. When I began my interview, I felt overwhelmed
and excited at the same time. My principal is also my mentor; she has been very supportive of me pursuing my dreams to be in administrator. As I
conducted my interview I learned so much about the principal's role. I asked my principal a series of questions. The questions were based on the
Interstate School Leadership Licensure Consortium Standards (ISLLC). My first question was based on educational programs. The educational
programs at any school need balance. While we live in a test results world, there needs to be a balance of focus. I look at the type of student I want
my school to produce and I surround myself with a faculty and other staffs that not only share in the mission, but also will help every student
succeed. In addition, as an administrator, I need to provide my faculty and staff with the tools and resources necessary to make everyone feel
successful. Each year the school's mission and goals needs to revisit and a plan of action needs to be executed in order to effectively manage and
improve educational programs. When asked about new teachers and veteran teachers, the principal expressed that she is very supportive of mentoring
new and veteran teachers. I think each new
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The Importance of Citation in Academic Writing
The Importance of Citing in Academic Writing
Many students today fail to understand the importance of citing sources when they write academic papers. Furthermore, some only cite sources
because they are concerned about the grade that they are going to get if their paper is not complete. Plagiarism has become a common practice as
individuals prefer to steal intellectual information from others. The ability to create is one of humanity's most important talents and it is wrong for
someone to rob an individual of his or her right to put across his or her creativity. Most people understand the unfairness of committing plagiarism when
their ideas are stolen and used without their consent and with the person who committed this immorality expressing no interest in referencing them.
Academic writing encompasses a complex set of concepts and a person who wants to do it needs to get actively engaged in writing a document is
likely to be reviewed by a group of scholars familiar with the subject under discussion. A citation is basically "a signpost and an acknowledgement"
(Hunter). The fact that it is a signpost means that it provides readers with information regarding where they can find the source of the writer's
inspiration. Its value as an acknowledgement relates to how the writer needs to put across his or her appreciation in regard to the sources that he or she
In the academic world writers can only function by using sources and this is largely what keeps this
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Essay on Website Design
Facebook, Myspace, Yahoo, Google, and Twitter are all websites that people use every day, but how did they get there and how were they created?
Website design is a process of assorting and linking codes and graphics into a text editor such as notepad and then displaying it onto a web browser.
There is a large amount of things to remember for website design. Ranging from HTML, CSS, and XHTML codes to scripting languages like Java
Script. Website design has a vast history considering it is a fairly young profession. Website design uses complex codes to create web pages in
addition with programs aiding in the creation; when you join the two components together it is a long complicated process that ends in purchasing a
domain name for more content...
Websites did not need to be big, elaborate, and flashy. They just needed to get the point across, and that is exactly the purpose they served. In 1994 the
World Wide WebConsortim or W3C was established to oversee the development of web technology standards. The W3C designated HTML as the
primary code language for the future of website design to be based on. Of course they have made advancements in the base design code such as
HTML versions one, two, three, four, and XHTML. The very first and current director of W3C is Tim Berners–Lee. Tim actually invented the World
Wide Web in 1991 and created the world's first website. He put the first website online on August 6, 1991. The web address was
/. Unfortunately it no longer exists in its original form. The W3C is still in charge of code techniques and development guidelines that website
development follows. Technology has advanced over the years in web design. Website design is cut up into four generations. The first generation
of web design was very simple. It was basically just text, this was because early modems were very slow and plain basic webpages would load
much faster this way. The second generation was slightly more advanced as the development of HTML became more complicated. The third
generation of web design is when website designers could add vibrant colors and animated images to their webpage. The evolution of websites and their
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What Makes A Person Beautiful?
There are many ways to define beauty, but I feel like society plays a huge role in how beauty is portrayed to women. I believe that society focuses
more on what a person looks like than what they actually do for society. What makes someone beautiful is what they have on the inside and who they
are. Qualities that beautiful people have are: kindness, honesty, respect, confidence, generosity, positivity, and willingness to help others when they are
in need. Society diminishes this ideal by telling people what is and what is not beautiful. What should make a person beautiful is how they treat people,
their poise, and how they give back to the community.
I feel as though what society puts in the media makes people feel undesirable; as though they are not accepted in society for meeting the expectations
society puts in the media. People such as BeyoncГ©, or Michelle Obama are viewed as "beautiful" in the American society. Society thinks women
should be skinny, with a perfect smile, tall, long hair, with large assets. Society shouldn 't only focus on how a person looks, but on the character of that
person, and how they treat others within their family or community. BeyoncГ© stated; "We all have our imperfections. But I 'm human, and you know,
it 's important to concentrate on other qualities besides outer beauty." I feel as though what BeyoncГ© stated here is that there is so much more to a
person than what they look like. Their contributions, personality, and how they make people
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"With great power comes great responsibility"– Uncle Ben in Spider–Man. That phrase is often quoted to people who receive power as a warning that
power can be used for good thing, but can also be used for bad things. Power has a negative effect on leaders because it makes them arrogant and lose
trust in others. Leaders who have power lose trust in others because power makes them suspicious of others. One example is from the play Antigone
by Sophocles. When King Creon of Thebes finds out that someone has buried Polyneices, he immediately says "No, from the very beginning there have
been those who have whispered together, stiff–necked anarchists...[ ] scheming against me in alleys."–Scene I, Lines 127–130. He believes that an
anarchist is
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Making a Positive Change in My Community
We all have something close to our heart that could make a positive change in our community and possibly even our earth. I could make a positive
change in my community by raising money through fundraisers to buy new, unused, cotton clothing (shoes, shirts, shorts), and by donating these
needed clothing items to underprivileged children. Due to my many hours of work in the community soup kitchen it was brought to my attention that
there is a need for more than food, there is a necessitate for clothing. I would hope to make sure no child goes unclothed. Namely I would do this
because I feel that clothing is not a luxury but a necessity. When I disinterred that some children in poor countries and communities do not posse
basic needs such as clothing, I was heart broken. This problem needs to be solved and I believe that this project/plan could, solve this dilemma or
at least begin to resolve it. This obstacle is larger than most people realize because in our area clothing is taken as a luxury that everyone owns; but
unlike previously thought it has been brought to my attention that many areas do not have access to this "luxury," and I do not believe that is right
so if I was able to find a way to mend this issue, I would be willing. No human being should go without a clean pair of clothes, and I have a daring
plan to fix that. If I were to implement this plan I am determined to start by brainstorming ideas for a good fundraiser for example a lemonade stand,
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Free Papers
If you are looking for free academic papers such as free essays, free term papers, free research papers, free dissertations, free book reports/book
reviews, free essays, free speeches, there exists a chance of being accused of plagiarism. Free papers downloaded from essay databases and essay sites
can be easily detected by plagiarism detection systems and sofwares. You can find a lot of resources and sites with databases of free sample papers and
free example papers on any topic. You can use these free college papers, free high school papers and free university papers as sample/example papers
for writing your own academic paper but not for downloading purposes. Beware of these websites because they can spoil your academic
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For any kind of academic writing, the references page plays an important role and teachers' marking is based on it. Our academic writers are fully
aware of all writing patterns due to which they always write by following that pattern that is assigned to them for writing.
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My Experience In English Writing
English is a core concept in the Untied States and other countries that has allowed inviduals to advance their knowledge. Not only does English
provide an advancement in knowlege, but has created a way for individuals to share their thoughts and feelings through writing. Which is why English
is one of the four subjects that is required to be taught in almost every school district in America including mine. I began taking English from a young
age which allowed me to take advanced placement English IV my senior year at Tupelo High School. Advanced Placement English IV allowed me to
further my education in writing, which in return allowed me to overcome obstacles, low points and discover strengths I never knew I had. Like any
other thing in life there are always obstacles individuals face everyday, for me in my English IV class writing was something that was very
challenging. The first challenge writing presented to me was trying to organize all of my thoughts, so that it made sense. The first essay I ever wrote in
my English class was a journal entry about a memorable experience, so with that being said I decided I would write about the experience I had while
hunting with my Dad. The hunting experience with my dad had many different parts, and one of my biggest challenges I had was organizing my
thoughts, so that it flowed correctly. Since I was telling a story within my journal I realized that I was jumping around more then I should have and this
became a problem. I learned
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Traditions Are Important For Our Society
One concept that is present in every culture is tradition, and whether it be secular or religious, they each bring a unique significance to each culture.
Nevertheless, traditions are important and somewhat necessary because it helps keep a culture "on its feet" and it provides a sense of identity for
people. Traditions may vary from little things like going to your favorite restaurant on a special day like birthdays or family reunion, to big important
traditions like eating Kosher in Judaism and the mandatory following of the Five Pillars of Islam. But keeping traditions are so important for our
society today because it allows people to honor those who came before them in hopes of improving their culture and make positive contributions to
society. This also puts better emphasis on family life and teaches how to strengthen family life through tradition. Although some ceremonies and
rituals prevail longer than us, they make us feel part of that larger sense of things as we pass them down to our own children, to their children, and so
on. Traditions are important because they are the basis of all knowledge within the realm of a giving culture or religion; however, they can also be
sexist in nature, dangerous, or just immoral. Some traditions may even include some influence of gender roles as apparent in the Maori tribe with
women being prohibited from positions of leadership and power, and in the Muslim faith where women 's role in society has been subject to
controversy and
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Policing And Anti-Plagiarism
Why Electronic Policing and Anti–Plagiarism Software Should Be Used
College and high school students today have access to a vast amount of information on the internet. We are no longer limited to the books in the library
or outdated encyclopedias for research. Information is in abundance and at our fingertips. Because of this, students find themselves easily falling into
plagiarism, copying and pasting data without properly citing sources. Some students may pay to have their essay or research paper written for them.
Therefore, it is good to have students' work checked by anti–plagiarism software because of advanced technology and ease of accessibility, the lowering
of moral and ethical values of some students, and the basic lack of more content...
Plagiarism has become a serious problem among high school and college students. A lot of this could be that the attitudes and moral values of students
have changed and a high percentage of students do not worry about being caught. In a recent survey, it is reported that at least 28% of students do not
worry about the potential consequences of plagiarism ("Survey Reveals Unique Insights to US Students' Attitudes Towards Plagiarism"). Some students
often claim they did not know they were doing anything wrong, especially those who claimed to speak a language other than English (Cross). Of
course, with the endless amount of information available on the internet, a student can easily educate themselves on the proper way to cite an essay. If
a student does not choose good morals and ethics when writing essays, the battle for plagiarism will continue. To avoid further risk of detection,
students will also use paid services that write essays. Even though this method is hard to detect, a good teacher can notice changes in a student's
writing style, which will send a red–flag (Cross). If students continue to lower their moral and ethical values, universities will increase technology to
detect plagiarism. Students should learn to write their own content and develop their skills. Anti–plagiarism software will help deter students from
copying from others work without citing (Graham–Matheson and
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Describe Myself As A Student
Describe yourself as a student and also your aspirations for the future. Please include examples from your personal academic and non–academic
A sophomore at Downtown Magnets High School, I demonstrate passion in my education, ambition in fulfilling my personal and academic goals, and
am an explorative student. My passion for learning is the result of my mindset, in that aside from finding education a necessity, it is enjoyable,
challenging, and beneficial in fulfilling my future aspirations. For example, I find my Honors Advanced Mathematics class my most unique course. It
builds upon my ability to critically think, present data or information, and understand higher–level math at a rapid pace. In particular, it is the ability to
solve real–world situations and the underlying mystery mathematicians have yet to solve that intrigues me to continue learning. The class expects
much of me, but I am aware that it is preparing me for college– and university–level math while providing me with the skills to pursue a career in
Architectural/ Structural Engineering. Ambitious, I set objectives for myself and arrange to accomplish and excel in the process. For instance, I
participated in my middle school's academic decathlon with a chance to represent my school in the mathematics single–subject exam. In doing so, I
attempted to score a near perfect to perfect score. While the competition did not end the way I expected, I successfully gained a flawless score on the
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Writing is way that we can express ourselves, it is a way to interface ideas and thoughts and to prove a point. Throughout my writing experience or
process I have struggled with writing especially using details or really expressing myself my work. In this course Facts & Fiction: Portraits in World
Art I expect to gain more knowledge on how to write a perfect essay, story, letter, and assignment. I expect to learn new genres and rhetorical
situations. I also think my writing will improve academically and I will develop my skills in writing. Also taking my writing to a different point of
view, level, and writing something different rather than the usual. I look forward to getting feedback from my peers and learning their thoughts on my
writing and how they can help me improve.
Reading and writing were two things my parents use to always push me to improve and work on more often. They always told me they are the
essentials of everything thing. Even though I disliked both at a young age as I grew older I preferred writing because I can always change the
way I write and write from my point of view, really be creative with it and prove my point. Growing up I always loved writing short stories
especially scary stories. I always was creative with them and even made them realistic. To write an essay I usually have a couple of steps writing an
outline, and the thesis a draft and finally a final draft. The most difficult part about this is writing the thesis because the whole essay revolves the
thesis because it summarizes the whole essay. At the end of some essays, I had to use citations to do that there were many websites that helped me
cite sources such as easybib which was a really simple process. So, citing sources was one of the easiest things about writing the essay.
Writing to a teacher is way more complex then writing to a fried or a family member. Writing to a teacher is way more complex, I must make sure
that everything is on point or it reaches the state of protection. Which is having the right format, a great thesis and really conveying the point of the
essay. Writing to a friend or a family member is much easier I usually don't focus on grammatic errors or writing a perfect thesis. Today some of us don't
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Plagiarism In College Essay
Undoubtedly, plagiarism is a multi–pronged problem. Students are well versed in what plagiarism is and what the consequences entail for plagiarized
writing samples. In contrast, I have observed students who are unable to incorporate information they find on the Web into their own writing piece. A
clear disconnect, between plagiarism and citations, is persistent among our Nation's students. With that, Howard (2009) contends that summarizing,
though not simple, is a significant component that will help students differentiate between the two and foster critical thinking skills and concise
writing. Howard (2009) goes on to further this claim by describing how a student "leaps ahead" in their research and does not go back into their written
piece or outline, to insert more content...
Written language is a more formal act of communicating and thereby, greater expectations are made. Whereas, spoken communication allows for
more mistakes and often such mistakes go unnoticed because there is not time for reflection while maintaining a relevant conversation. Not only are
there greater expectations for assigned writing; but the writing choices are bland at best and uninteresting at worse, a recipe for plagiarism;
especially from struggling learners. To further illustrate this point, I worked with four students this school year who were required to write a five
page research paper on the Presidency of Lyndon B. Johnson's New Deal Policy. The assignment details were vague and the only dialogue of
plagiarism consisted of: "Don't plagiarize, I will be checking for plagiarism." Students were given three class periods and the weekend to finish. In
short, the writing selection was uninteresting, an unbearable work load, coupled with a lack of attention from the classroom teacher; and it becomes
nothing more than a trap for
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Essay on How to Avoid Plagiarism
How to Avoid Plagiarism
Plagiarism is a growing problem in universities (Matheson & Starr 2013) and becoming too common in the scientific world (Ober et al. 2012). Hence
it is important for students as well as researchers to know how to avoid plagiarism. Before discussing the ways to avoid plagiarism, this paper discusses
the definition, the types and reasons for plagiarism. "Copying' or "borrowing" someone else's words or ideas may perhaps be the more inoffensive
way of explaining plagiarism. However, these two terms may deliver a connotation that plagiarism is not much of a serious offense. Whether the act of
plagiarising is intentional or unintentional, it is considered as a fraud. In an academic setting plagiarism may more content...
There are surely many other ways of avoiding plagiarism but there are five simple rules suggested by Ober et al. (2012).
Rule 1: Do not copy It is not a good practice to simply copy what is found in other people's work, books or even your own writing. If you have to do so,
do it properly by copying it with quotation marks and appropriate citation. In addition to this, it is good to have a proper time management in which
you would have enough time to cite your sources properly.
Rule 2: Write in your own words Paraphrasing means putting someone else's ideas into your own words but care must be taken as changing a few
words and rearranging the original sentence is still considered as "copying". Hence, though paraphrasing is commonly suggested as one of the ways to
avoid plagiarism it is much better to avoid paraphrasing and rather use your own original "voice".
Rule 3: When in doubt, cite This is one of the ways to avoid plagiarism but it should not be done excessively. Otherwise you would end up with
excessive citation in your piece of writing and lack of writing in your own words. This is an indication for you to consider rewriting the paper.
Rule 4: Don't recycle images, figures, tables or text from one of your previously published papers without citing This is the case of self–plagiarising
when you republish a figure from earlier publication but fail to cite the original and obtain
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Bortons Model Of Reflection In Nursing

  • 1. Bortons Model Of Reflection In Nursing Using Bortons (1970) model of reflection, I am going to reflect on an experience I have had whilst out in practice working on an acute dementia ward based in the north of England. There was a patient (Miss A) on the ward during my time at placement that constantly used to seek reassurance and was very repetitive with everything she said. The patient did sometimes become intimidating and threatening when she wouldn't get attention from staff members. The ward had 18 patients we were nursing and it did become very hectic and challenging a lot of the times therefore staff did not always have the time to sit and have conversations with Miss A. One morning Miss A came to the nursing station as usual and constantly kept banning on the desk, more content... Working with dementia patients can be very stressful and exhausting which is because of the psychological and behavioural symptoms older adults with dementia present. Their behaviour can often be violent and aggressive towards staff members (Beck and Shue 1994). This was exactly the case in the ward I was working on they had a lot of challenging patients who were very violent who needed a lot of attention and often due to lack of staff some patients and their care would get neglected. Working long hours in hectic environments such as this can lead to compassion fatigue. This is a combination of emotional exhaustion, stress and diminishing personal accomplishments. Having long, continuous and intense contact with the patients in stressful situation can lead to compassion fatigue Coetzee & Klopper, 2010). A lot of the times because of tiredness and exhaustion from continuously working in a stressful environment, I often left almost a burden on them as a student nurse and at times felt hesitant to approach them Get more content on
  • 2. I have learned many things throughout the course of the term, including such things as: how to write an essay and how to improve on essays that I have already written, how to locate and composite better research through the use of numerous resources found at the campus library, the internet, and the "Common Sense" textbook, how to cite research, examples, and quotations properly within the contents of my research paper as well as document it accurately according to MLA standards. Through the exploration of the "Subjects and Strategies" textbook, I have learned nine different methods used when writing an effective essay and how the different writing styles affect the overall theme and tone of the essay when used properly. This past more content... This allowed me to write more extensively on the topic I had chosen which in turn helped expand the size of my research paper. I received a B on my final draft; the first passing grade I have ever received on a research paper. I am very satisfied with my grade. When it came to the essays writing became a little trickier because I had to understand what it was I needed to write about and the style in which I need to write it in. There are nine essay writing methods which I learned while attending this course: exemplification, compare/contrast, cause and effect, proposal, narration, process, division/classification, definition, and argument. The only problems I encountered when trying to write the essays that were assigned to me by the instructor was finding suitable subject matter to write about. Once I found my topics for my essay, everything else became easier. I would first produce a rough draft and then the students, the instructor, and myself would go over them in class and decided if what I was writing was in its best form. Most of my rough drafts needed improvement, but if it didn't it wouldn't be a rough draft, so it was understood. My final drafts were very satisfying for me as well as the grades I received on them. For my exemplification essay I chose to write about the reasons why condoms Get more content on
  • 3. Redemption Essay The literal definition of the word "redemption" is the act, process, or an instance of redeeming (forgiven). When I as a human being think of redemption I think of it as a way to accept, forgive and move on after an instance of extreme, usually emotional, infliction. When we think of this in terms of prison, humans are put into isolation where they are given ample time to logically think of these trespasses and how they are paying for it with their lives. At the same time these people are doing very manual labor while getting 'paid' very little in order to redeem themselves to hopefully regain some rank again in society. In life where most of us live outside walls redemption comes in many different forms, although not all as painful. more content... When I myself am witness to acts of injustice my first reaction is usually anger, frustration which is then followed by a very vocal complaint. The same reactions come about when I myself am put under circumstances of injustice and I can only hope, but am not certain, that this is something regularly occurs with humans in general. I would have to say that some of the factors that contribute to the ways that I respond to injustice would be feelings that had occurred as a child when put into unjust situations as well as knowledge that I was given while growing up in both educational institutions as well as living in general. While I watched the movie Shawshank Redemption I witness an idea developed mainly by Stephen King that basically gave me hope by helping me see that due to what I call karma, the people that are exaggerating unjust behavior will eventually get what is coming to them. This is displayed well by the showing of all the ignorant behavior put on by the warden and what happened to him in the end. In our society taking away a persons freedom is considered justice because at this point these people do not have a choice. The choices that they have made so far have only gotten them into trouble, now they have given that up and are subjected to be treated basically like a slave. Solitary confinement is considered the most severe punishment that we can inflict in our justice system as Get more content on
  • 4. 3.0 Introduction Following a critical overview of the literature, this chapter outlines the research methodology. It will provide a justification for a qualitative methodological approach and specification of methods employed. Highlighting the appropriateness of interviews and focus groups in relation to the methodology and overall research. It will also provide recognition of their relative strengths and limitations. 3.1 Methodology/Methodological approach Research methodology and methodological approaches that is, the structured process of conducting research and the overall concepts and theories which underpin research respectively (Bryman, 2008), occupy a central position in the research process as they are both shaped by and translate the researcher's epistemological position. Epistemology then refers to a researcher's philosophical stance about the nature, derivation and scope of knowledge (Gilbert, 2008). These positions are seldom 'spelt out' but rather understood in the matter of research methodology and approach (Sarantakos, 2005). As this research is exploratory in nature that is, it sought to explore and examine decision–making, morality and 'sense–making' amongst human participants I was naturally orientated towards an interpretivist epistemological position. The central thesis of interpretivism is that knowledge, its origin and interpretation is founded on human subjectivities and as such complemented my own world view that knowledge is indeed Get more content on
  • 5. Reflection And Reflection Of Interview Reflection of interview I've had quite the learning experience over the last few weeks. I had a chance to obtain valuable information and support from my principal. I learned so much about the administration role and how difficult it can be. When I began my interview, I felt overwhelmed and excited at the same time. My principal is also my mentor; she has been very supportive of me pursuing my dreams to be in administrator. As I conducted my interview I learned so much about the principal's role. I asked my principal a series of questions. The questions were based on the Interstate School Leadership Licensure Consortium Standards (ISLLC). My first question was based on educational programs. The educational programs at any school need balance. While we live in a test results world, there needs to be a balance of focus. I look at the type of student I want my school to produce and I surround myself with a faculty and other staffs that not only share in the mission, but also will help every student succeed. In addition, as an administrator, I need to provide my faculty and staff with the tools and resources necessary to make everyone feel successful. Each year the school's mission and goals needs to revisit and a plan of action needs to be executed in order to effectively manage and improve educational programs. When asked about new teachers and veteran teachers, the principal expressed that she is very supportive of mentoring new and veteran teachers. I think each new Get more content on
  • 6. The Importance of Citation in Academic Writing The Importance of Citing in Academic Writing Many students today fail to understand the importance of citing sources when they write academic papers. Furthermore, some only cite sources because they are concerned about the grade that they are going to get if their paper is not complete. Plagiarism has become a common practice as individuals prefer to steal intellectual information from others. The ability to create is one of humanity's most important talents and it is wrong for someone to rob an individual of his or her right to put across his or her creativity. Most people understand the unfairness of committing plagiarism when their ideas are stolen and used without their consent and with the person who committed this immorality expressing no interest in referencing them. Academic writing encompasses a complex set of concepts and a person who wants to do it needs to get actively engaged in writing a document is likely to be reviewed by a group of scholars familiar with the subject under discussion. A citation is basically "a signpost and an acknowledgement" (Hunter). The fact that it is a signpost means that it provides readers with information regarding where they can find the source of the writer's inspiration. Its value as an acknowledgement relates to how the writer needs to put across his or her appreciation in regard to the sources that he or she used. In the academic world writers can only function by using sources and this is largely what keeps this Get more content on
  • 7. Essay on Website Design Facebook, Myspace, Yahoo, Google, and Twitter are all websites that people use every day, but how did they get there and how were they created? Website design is a process of assorting and linking codes and graphics into a text editor such as notepad and then displaying it onto a web browser. There is a large amount of things to remember for website design. Ranging from HTML, CSS, and XHTML codes to scripting languages like Java Script. Website design has a vast history considering it is a fairly young profession. Website design uses complex codes to create web pages in addition with programs aiding in the creation; when you join the two components together it is a long complicated process that ends in purchasing a domain name for more content... Websites did not need to be big, elaborate, and flashy. They just needed to get the point across, and that is exactly the purpose they served. In 1994 the World Wide WebConsortim or W3C was established to oversee the development of web technology standards. The W3C designated HTML as the primary code language for the future of website design to be based on. Of course they have made advancements in the base design code such as HTML versions one, two, three, four, and XHTML. The very first and current director of W3C is Tim Berners–Lee. Tim actually invented the World Wide Web in 1991 and created the world's first website. He put the first website online on August 6, 1991. The web address was /. Unfortunately it no longer exists in its original form. The W3C is still in charge of code techniques and development guidelines that website development follows. Technology has advanced over the years in web design. Website design is cut up into four generations. The first generation of web design was very simple. It was basically just text, this was because early modems were very slow and plain basic webpages would load much faster this way. The second generation was slightly more advanced as the development of HTML became more complicated. The third generation of web design is when website designers could add vibrant colors and animated images to their webpage. The evolution of websites and their Get more content on
  • 8. What Makes A Person Beautiful? There are many ways to define beauty, but I feel like society plays a huge role in how beauty is portrayed to women. I believe that society focuses more on what a person looks like than what they actually do for society. What makes someone beautiful is what they have on the inside and who they are. Qualities that beautiful people have are: kindness, honesty, respect, confidence, generosity, positivity, and willingness to help others when they are in need. Society diminishes this ideal by telling people what is and what is not beautiful. What should make a person beautiful is how they treat people, their poise, and how they give back to the community. I feel as though what society puts in the media makes people feel undesirable; as though they are not accepted in society for meeting the expectations society puts in the media. People such as BeyoncГ©, or Michelle Obama are viewed as "beautiful" in the American society. Society thinks women should be skinny, with a perfect smile, tall, long hair, with large assets. Society shouldn 't only focus on how a person looks, but on the character of that person, and how they treat others within their family or community. BeyoncГ© stated; "We all have our imperfections. But I 'm human, and you know, it 's important to concentrate on other qualities besides outer beauty." I feel as though what BeyoncГ© stated here is that there is so much more to a person than what they look like. Their contributions, personality, and how they make people Get more content on
  • 9. "With great power comes great responsibility"– Uncle Ben in Spider–Man. That phrase is often quoted to people who receive power as a warning that power can be used for good thing, but can also be used for bad things. Power has a negative effect on leaders because it makes them arrogant and lose trust in others. Leaders who have power lose trust in others because power makes them suspicious of others. One example is from the play Antigone by Sophocles. When King Creon of Thebes finds out that someone has buried Polyneices, he immediately says "No, from the very beginning there have been those who have whispered together, stiff–necked anarchists...[ ] scheming against me in alleys."–Scene I, Lines 127–130. He believes that an anarchist is Get more content on
  • 10. Making a Positive Change in My Community We all have something close to our heart that could make a positive change in our community and possibly even our earth. I could make a positive change in my community by raising money through fundraisers to buy new, unused, cotton clothing (shoes, shirts, shorts), and by donating these needed clothing items to underprivileged children. Due to my many hours of work in the community soup kitchen it was brought to my attention that there is a need for more than food, there is a necessitate for clothing. I would hope to make sure no child goes unclothed. Namely I would do this because I feel that clothing is not a luxury but a necessity. When I disinterred that some children in poor countries and communities do not posse basic needs such as clothing, I was heart broken. This problem needs to be solved and I believe that this project/plan could, solve this dilemma or at least begin to resolve it. This obstacle is larger than most people realize because in our area clothing is taken as a luxury that everyone owns; but unlike previously thought it has been brought to my attention that many areas do not have access to this "luxury," and I do not believe that is right so if I was able to find a way to mend this issue, I would be willing. No human being should go without a clean pair of clothes, and I have a daring plan to fix that. If I were to implement this plan I am determined to start by brainstorming ideas for a good fundraiser for example a lemonade stand, Get more content on
  • 11. Free Papers If you are looking for free academic papers such as free essays, free term papers, free research papers, free dissertations, free book reports/book reviews, free essays, free speeches, there exists a chance of being accused of plagiarism. Free papers downloaded from essay databases and essay sites can be easily detected by plagiarism detection systems and sofwares. You can find a lot of resources and sites with databases of free sample papers and free example papers on any topic. You can use these free college papers, free high school papers and free university papers as sample/example papers for writing your own academic paper but not for downloading purposes. Beware of these websites because they can spoil your academic more content... For any kind of academic writing, the references page plays an important role and teachers' marking is based on it. Our academic writers are fully aware of all writing patterns due to which they always write by following that pattern that is assigned to them for writing. also provides plagiarism free APA papers, plagiarism free MLA papers and other custom written papers for the betterment of our customers who consult us for their problems regarding plagiarism free papers writing in terms of term papers, research papers, thesis, essay papers and other customized papers. We provide our customers with plagiarism free papers written from scratch. Our custom written free papers will always help the students in terms of improvement in their writing capabilities that are needed by them in the course of their education. We also provide plagiarism free papers online that are 100% plagiarism free term papers, plagiarism free research papers, thesis, essay papers, report papers, speech papers, dissertation papers and other academic papers for money. Our custom papers are non–plagiarized and error free. Firstly, because our writers are fully trained professionals and Get more content on
  • 12. My Experience In English Writing English is a core concept in the Untied States and other countries that has allowed inviduals to advance their knowledge. Not only does English provide an advancement in knowlege, but has created a way for individuals to share their thoughts and feelings through writing. Which is why English is one of the four subjects that is required to be taught in almost every school district in America including mine. I began taking English from a young age which allowed me to take advanced placement English IV my senior year at Tupelo High School. Advanced Placement English IV allowed me to further my education in writing, which in return allowed me to overcome obstacles, low points and discover strengths I never knew I had. Like any other thing in life there are always obstacles individuals face everyday, for me in my English IV class writing was something that was very challenging. The first challenge writing presented to me was trying to organize all of my thoughts, so that it made sense. The first essay I ever wrote in my English class was a journal entry about a memorable experience, so with that being said I decided I would write about the experience I had while hunting with my Dad. The hunting experience with my dad had many different parts, and one of my biggest challenges I had was organizing my thoughts, so that it flowed correctly. Since I was telling a story within my journal I realized that I was jumping around more then I should have and this became a problem. I learned Get more content on
  • 13. Traditions Are Important For Our Society One concept that is present in every culture is tradition, and whether it be secular or religious, they each bring a unique significance to each culture. Nevertheless, traditions are important and somewhat necessary because it helps keep a culture "on its feet" and it provides a sense of identity for people. Traditions may vary from little things like going to your favorite restaurant on a special day like birthdays or family reunion, to big important traditions like eating Kosher in Judaism and the mandatory following of the Five Pillars of Islam. But keeping traditions are so important for our society today because it allows people to honor those who came before them in hopes of improving their culture and make positive contributions to society. This also puts better emphasis on family life and teaches how to strengthen family life through tradition. Although some ceremonies and rituals prevail longer than us, they make us feel part of that larger sense of things as we pass them down to our own children, to their children, and so on. Traditions are important because they are the basis of all knowledge within the realm of a giving culture or religion; however, they can also be sexist in nature, dangerous, or just immoral. Some traditions may even include some influence of gender roles as apparent in the Maori tribe with women being prohibited from positions of leadership and power, and in the Muslim faith where women 's role in society has been subject to controversy and Get more content on
  • 14. Policing And Anti-Plagiarism Why Electronic Policing and Anti–Plagiarism Software Should Be Used College and high school students today have access to a vast amount of information on the internet. We are no longer limited to the books in the library or outdated encyclopedias for research. Information is in abundance and at our fingertips. Because of this, students find themselves easily falling into plagiarism, copying and pasting data without properly citing sources. Some students may pay to have their essay or research paper written for them. Therefore, it is good to have students' work checked by anti–plagiarism software because of advanced technology and ease of accessibility, the lowering of moral and ethical values of some students, and the basic lack of more content... Plagiarism has become a serious problem among high school and college students. A lot of this could be that the attitudes and moral values of students have changed and a high percentage of students do not worry about being caught. In a recent survey, it is reported that at least 28% of students do not worry about the potential consequences of plagiarism ("Survey Reveals Unique Insights to US Students' Attitudes Towards Plagiarism"). Some students often claim they did not know they were doing anything wrong, especially those who claimed to speak a language other than English (Cross). Of course, with the endless amount of information available on the internet, a student can easily educate themselves on the proper way to cite an essay. If a student does not choose good morals and ethics when writing essays, the battle for plagiarism will continue. To avoid further risk of detection, students will also use paid services that write essays. Even though this method is hard to detect, a good teacher can notice changes in a student's writing style, which will send a red–flag (Cross). If students continue to lower their moral and ethical values, universities will increase technology to detect plagiarism. Students should learn to write their own content and develop their skills. Anti–plagiarism software will help deter students from copying from others work without citing (Graham–Matheson and Get more content on
  • 15. Describe Myself As A Student Describe yourself as a student and also your aspirations for the future. Please include examples from your personal academic and non–academic experiences. A sophomore at Downtown Magnets High School, I demonstrate passion in my education, ambition in fulfilling my personal and academic goals, and am an explorative student. My passion for learning is the result of my mindset, in that aside from finding education a necessity, it is enjoyable, challenging, and beneficial in fulfilling my future aspirations. For example, I find my Honors Advanced Mathematics class my most unique course. It builds upon my ability to critically think, present data or information, and understand higher–level math at a rapid pace. In particular, it is the ability to solve real–world situations and the underlying mystery mathematicians have yet to solve that intrigues me to continue learning. The class expects much of me, but I am aware that it is preparing me for college– and university–level math while providing me with the skills to pursue a career in Architectural/ Structural Engineering. Ambitious, I set objectives for myself and arrange to accomplish and excel in the process. For instance, I participated in my middle school's academic decathlon with a chance to represent my school in the mathematics single–subject exam. In doing so, I attempted to score a near perfect to perfect score. While the competition did not end the way I expected, I successfully gained a flawless score on the questions Get more content on
  • 16. Writing is way that we can express ourselves, it is a way to interface ideas and thoughts and to prove a point. Throughout my writing experience or process I have struggled with writing especially using details or really expressing myself my work. In this course Facts & Fiction: Portraits in World Art I expect to gain more knowledge on how to write a perfect essay, story, letter, and assignment. I expect to learn new genres and rhetorical situations. I also think my writing will improve academically and I will develop my skills in writing. Also taking my writing to a different point of view, level, and writing something different rather than the usual. I look forward to getting feedback from my peers and learning their thoughts on my writing and how they can help me improve. Reading and writing were two things my parents use to always push me to improve and work on more often. They always told me they are the essentials of everything thing. Even though I disliked both at a young age as I grew older I preferred writing because I can always change the way I write and write from my point of view, really be creative with it and prove my point. Growing up I always loved writing short stories especially scary stories. I always was creative with them and even made them realistic. To write an essay I usually have a couple of steps writing an outline, and the thesis a draft and finally a final draft. The most difficult part about this is writing the thesis because the whole essay revolves the thesis because it summarizes the whole essay. At the end of some essays, I had to use citations to do that there were many websites that helped me cite sources such as easybib which was a really simple process. So, citing sources was one of the easiest things about writing the essay. Writing to a teacher is way more complex then writing to a fried or a family member. Writing to a teacher is way more complex, I must make sure that everything is on point or it reaches the state of protection. Which is having the right format, a great thesis and really conveying the point of the essay. Writing to a friend or a family member is much easier I usually don't focus on grammatic errors or writing a perfect thesis. Today some of us don't Get more content on
  • 17. Plagiarism In College Essay Undoubtedly, plagiarism is a multi–pronged problem. Students are well versed in what plagiarism is and what the consequences entail for plagiarized writing samples. In contrast, I have observed students who are unable to incorporate information they find on the Web into their own writing piece. A clear disconnect, between plagiarism and citations, is persistent among our Nation's students. With that, Howard (2009) contends that summarizing, though not simple, is a significant component that will help students differentiate between the two and foster critical thinking skills and concise writing. Howard (2009) goes on to further this claim by describing how a student "leaps ahead" in their research and does not go back into their written piece or outline, to insert more content... Written language is a more formal act of communicating and thereby, greater expectations are made. Whereas, spoken communication allows for more mistakes and often such mistakes go unnoticed because there is not time for reflection while maintaining a relevant conversation. Not only are there greater expectations for assigned writing; but the writing choices are bland at best and uninteresting at worse, a recipe for plagiarism; especially from struggling learners. To further illustrate this point, I worked with four students this school year who were required to write a five page research paper on the Presidency of Lyndon B. Johnson's New Deal Policy. The assignment details were vague and the only dialogue of plagiarism consisted of: "Don't plagiarize, I will be checking for plagiarism." Students were given three class periods and the weekend to finish. In short, the writing selection was uninteresting, an unbearable work load, coupled with a lack of attention from the classroom teacher; and it becomes nothing more than a trap for Get more content on
  • 18. Essay on How to Avoid Plagiarism How to Avoid Plagiarism Plagiarism is a growing problem in universities (Matheson & Starr 2013) and becoming too common in the scientific world (Ober et al. 2012). Hence it is important for students as well as researchers to know how to avoid plagiarism. Before discussing the ways to avoid plagiarism, this paper discusses the definition, the types and reasons for plagiarism. "Copying' or "borrowing" someone else's words or ideas may perhaps be the more inoffensive way of explaining plagiarism. However, these two terms may deliver a connotation that plagiarism is not much of a serious offense. Whether the act of plagiarising is intentional or unintentional, it is considered as a fraud. In an academic setting plagiarism may more content... There are surely many other ways of avoiding plagiarism but there are five simple rules suggested by Ober et al. (2012). Rule 1: Do not copy It is not a good practice to simply copy what is found in other people's work, books or even your own writing. If you have to do so, do it properly by copying it with quotation marks and appropriate citation. In addition to this, it is good to have a proper time management in which you would have enough time to cite your sources properly. Rule 2: Write in your own words Paraphrasing means putting someone else's ideas into your own words but care must be taken as changing a few words and rearranging the original sentence is still considered as "copying". Hence, though paraphrasing is commonly suggested as one of the ways to avoid plagiarism it is much better to avoid paraphrasing and rather use your own original "voice". Rule 3: When in doubt, cite This is one of the ways to avoid plagiarism but it should not be done excessively. Otherwise you would end up with excessive citation in your piece of writing and lack of writing in your own words. This is an indication for you to consider rewriting the paper. Rule 4: Don't recycle images, figures, tables or text from one of your previously published papers without citing This is the case of self–plagiarising when you republish a figure from earlier publication but fail to cite the original and obtain Get more content on