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BMAL 500
© 2006
As the syllabus states, the purpose of this course is to help you
understand organizational
behavior, and one extremely important way to do so is to
understand how one’s personal
behavior influences organizational behavior. After all, an
organization consists of a group of
individuals—people made in the image of God and therefore
equipped with certain gifts and
personality traits that make their contributions to the
organization uniquely their own.
This idea of individuality is one that many religious and
philosophical perspectives would
dispute. For instance, secularism would tell us that we are
ultimately a jumble of chemical and
hormonal reactions, and so all of our behaviors can be reduced
down to some self-survival
mechanism. Furthermore, the idea of “free-will” in terms of
making informed and rational
decisions is but an illusion in a secular worldview, because
again, all of our actions are pre-
determined by the interaction of atoms, chemicals, hormones,
etc. on the physical level. For an
atheist, the idea of having autonomy apart from the physical
world is simply not an option.
Likewise, Eastern mysticism, as a general rule, would tell us
that ultimately, our individuality is
just an illusion, and in the end, something from which we need
to flee in order to achieve true
unity with the cosmos. Since the energy force that resides
within us is really who we are—and
since that energy force is impersonal and represents the entire
cosmos—we are no more
individuals from an Eastern mystical perspective than we would
be in a secular perspective. In
both worldviews, we are merely “matter in motion” and nothing
But Biblical Christianity tells us that as individuals, we are both
personal and eternal—we have
an eternal destiny which we will experience as individuals—for
better or for worse. We are
spiritual beings, and as such, our existence transcends the
physical world. Furthermore, our
existence, though eternal, is also personal. Therefore, it is of
utmost importance that we
understand who we are as unique human beings. To gloss over
how individual people influence
organizational behavior would lead to a shallow understanding
of how organizations work and
behave. Likewise, to not personally apply what you are
learning in this class and other
classes—to not see how the concepts relate to you as a real and
spiritual human being and to
assume that knowledge and truth consist merely of abstract
concepts and ideas which do not
really affect you on a personal and spiritual level—would be to
undermine who you are as a
unique individual made in God’s image.
Therefore, we have employed these personality tests for the
projects as a means of helping you
come to terms with ways that God has gifted and equipped you
to serve His purposes in
whatever organization He has you in. Once you understand
more of who you are as a person,
you will be better equipped to understand how you interact with
other unique human beings
(which is why you were assigned to read the Type Talk at Work
text). God is in the business of
drawing individual people together through Jesus Christ for His
corporate purposes. So it is
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BMAL 500
important that you understand your own behavioral tendencies
and the behavioral tendencies of
other individuals if you really want to understand how
organizations behave and how they should
behave according to God’s purpose. Therefore, we hope that
you will enjoy the personal
discovery that awaits you as you take these personality tests and
complete these projects. These
personality tests are by no means a full and accurate
measurement of who you are as a human
being; after all, you are “fearfully and wonderfully made”, and
only your Creator truly knows
who you are, and how unique you are to His purposes.
However, we believe that you will find
these exercises to be of very real benefit to you in your
One final and important concept should be introduced as you
complete these projects: related to
this understanding of our personality is the understanding that
in our natural spiritual state, we
have a sinful nature which only God, through the work of His
Son, the God-man, Jesus Christ, is
able to address. It was Jesus Christ’s work on the cross, and
then His resurrection from the dead,
that opened the way for us to walk in newness of life, and
therefore to experience the freedom
from these sinful tendencies. By being identified with Christ,
acknowledging that only He can
make the way for us to the Father, and only He can free us from
the bondage of sin, we die to sin
and live our lives for the glory of God. There is no higher
calling for us as human beings other
than to bring glory to God through the person of Jesus Christ,
who now reigns as our High Priest.
Our lives are to be lived sacrificially, in which we say “no” to
our old sinful tendencies, and say
“yes” to the will of God in our lives. This is a process—it does
not occur over night. But as the
days and years go by of learning to submit to God’s will for our
lives, and realizing more and
more that to do so, we must rest in God’s grace which was made
available to us through the work
of Jesus Christ, we grow in our understanding of sin and we
grow in righteousness. This entire
process is dependent upon God’s initiating grace in our lives.
Just as He sent His Son to us, just
as He introduced Himself to us, and lead us to repentance, so
now He, through the gentle
guidance of the Holy Spirit in conjunction with the Word of
God, changes us from “glory to
glory” as II Corinthians 3:17-18 says.
Part of the process of this process of growth and learning to say
no to sin—is understanding how
sin affects us, particularly in regard to how sin affects our
personality traits. Jeremiah 17:9
(KJV) says, “The heart is deceitful above all things, and
desperately wicked; who can know it?”
On our own—even after taking numerous personality traits!!!—
we would be blind to how our
sinful impulses, attitudes and desires motivate us and influence
us. But Hebrews 4:12 tells us
that the “Word of God is quick and powerful, sharper than any
two-edged sword, piercing even
to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and is a discerner of
the thoughts and intents of the
heart.” So it is only with the aid and guidance of the Holy
Spirit, who uses the Word of God to
illuminate sinful tendencies in us that we are able to understand
who we are as individuals and
how these sinful tendencies influences us through those same
personality traits that are a gift
from God.
Having said all of that, we hope, therefore, that you will keep
the truths of the Gospel in mind as
you complete these projects:
1) That God in His infinite love and wisdom, made you as a
unique human being with
unique personality traits to serve His specific purposes for your
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BMAL 500
2) That your personal sin and rebellion towards God has
interfered and marred your unique
individuality; and that now, but for God’s grace, we all are
slaves to sin and our
personality traits and interactions with others in organizational
and corporate contexts
have been damaged and controlled by sin;
3) That God, to save us from the bondage of sin, sent His Son
Jesus Christ, fully-God and
fully-man, to receive God’s righteous punishment of sin on our
behalf, so that we could
be reconciled to Him
4) That now, because of that work, God has drawn us to
repentance through Christ so that
we can overcome sin (and the sinful influences on our
personality traits) through the
guidance of the Holy Spirit in conjunction with the Word of
5) That this process of growth and maturity, though occurring
on an individual level, also
occurs in a corporate context, and as such, means that God is
causing us to love one
another and glorify God together as unique individuals, meaning
that our communication
and interactions with one another are being redeemed for God’s
glorious and eternal
6) That ultimately, when our time on this world is over, and
when God has decreed the end
of the ages, we will all worship the Lord together, as unique
individuals who have been
saved by the wonderful work of our Lord and Savior, Jesus
This is the good news that Scripture offer us. This is the central
idea of Scripture that should
inform your completion of these exercises. We have hopefully
made the case to you that you
cannot fully understand organizational behavior until you
understand the behaviors of
individuals, and that to understand individual behavior you need
to understand the role that
personality traits play in individual behavior. We have also
made the case that you will not
really understand any of this unless you learn it and apply it
personally, not just abstractly.
Finally, above all else, we hope to have made the case that
ultimately, true fulfillment as an
individual, who interacts with others corporately, cannot be
achieved until the very real problem
of sin is acknowledged and addressed through the work of Jesus
Christ. You cannot really know
and understand yourself until you know who you are in Christ,
and how God made you to be
without the damaging affects of sin upon your unique
personality. You cannot fully understand
organizational behavior until you understand how unique
individuals made in God’s image were
made to interact with one another, and how sin, but for God’s
grace, can taint that process of
interaction. The questions which you must answer in these
projects will reinforce the themes set
forth here.
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Project Rationale
Topic: The use of bayes' theorem in
medical screening tests
Type of paper: Essay (any type)
Discipline: Mathematics and Statistics
Format or citation style: MLA
Paper instructions:
Maths internal assessment foor last high school year.
Create an example of the use of probability in medical tests,
preferably using real life deiseases and possibly statistics too.
Two "medical tests" should be performed and out of that
probability for false positives and negatives should be
calculated using bayes theorem/ conditionl probability.
The process of computation must be shown and explained.
Afterwards the results must be explained, limitations and
critical thinking must be included.
No introduction needed.
An example is added.
BMAL 500
Project 2 Instructions
Project 2 requires that you use the McGraw-Hill Connect site
for Steps 1 and 2 (see below). You will find your access code
within your Organizational Behavior textbook. If you purchased
a used textbook, please review the syllabus on purchasing an
access code to complete the assignment.
Note: If you did not purchase a new textbook, you may not be
able to use the access code. Step 1
1. Once you log into Connect, you will be taken to the home
page. Under your assignment list, there will be a link titled
“Project 2 Assessment”, which is required in its entirety for
Project 2. Please note that faculty can track your progress in the
assessment. This assessment is much lengthier than the previous
one, so be sure to take the time to access and take it,
remembering to save as you go along. The assessment does not
have to be taken in one sitting; you can save and pick up where
you left off, but do not process the submit button until
completely finished.
2. Part I must discuss each of these points below from the
assessment. Please make the proper, current APA heading and
title it: What about Me?
1. Personality Insights
1. Values and Attitude Insights
1. Motivation Insights
1. Decision Making/Problem Solving Insights
3. Part II must discuss each of these points below from the
assessment. Please make the proper, current APA heading and
title it: Working with Others.
· Communication Skills
· Leadership and Team Skills
· Conflict Skills
4. Part III must discuss each of these points below from the
assessment. Please make the proper, current APA heading and
title it: Life in Organizations
· Organizational Politics
· Organizational Needs—Employee Satisfaction
· Organizational Change
5. For each of the aforementioned parts, use the assessment
results to write at least 1 full paragraph for each bullet point
pertaining to the things you have learned about yourself. There
is a lot to cover in each of these sections, so focus on the most
significant things you have learned about yourself from each
area. Use headings for each section, as in “Part I: What About
Me?” etc. so that there are subheadings per the bulleted areas
for each Part. Please provide your statistical/percentage results
for a comparison of letters within your discussion. Any adverse
personal opinions on the assessment tools must be respectful
and scholarly with supportive research.
Step 2
1. Now that you have learned these things about yourself, apply
them to your workplace behavior and interactions with others
and give specific examples.
2. In a new section in your paper (labeled Step 2), answer the
following questions with specific correlation to the assessment.
To do so, provide a separate paragraph for each of the following
1. In general, what have you learned from these personality
tests about organizational behavior that will help you be a better
employee, coworker, and/or manager?
1. In particular, what have you learned about yourself from this
personality test that will help you be a better employee,
coworker, and/or manager? Provide specific examples.Step 3
1. Please read the “The Gospel and Personal Reflection” article
located in the Reading & Study folder in Module/Week 5 and
respond to the question found below.
2. The assessments help us label our strengths and their
corresponding weaknesses. Therefore, it would be easy to
simply accept the fact that we have weaknesses. After all, "no
one is perfect!” we say. On the other hand, the assigned article
points out that God through the Holy Spirit continues to
conform us to the image of Jesus Christ.
For step 3, explain how the Holy Spirit has worked in your life
to transform your weaknesses into strengths. See II Corinthians
12:7–10 as a scriptural example of this paradoxical truth. Be
specific with your example(s) and faith integration.
NOTE: It is understood that not all of our students are
Christians. If that is your situation, read the assigned article and
Bible verses and ponder the relevance of the ideas found in
both. Refer to ideas from the article as you complete this step,
and consider how your own personality weaknesses have been
or can be transformed into personality strengths.Formatting
1. Use proper, current APA format for every element of the
paper. Be sure to include the APA-formatted cover page,
abstract, and reference page. Refer to your APA manual for help
or this site for assistance:
2. Write in first person—this is allowed due to the personal
nature of the assignment.
3. To facilitate the instructor’s grading of these assignments,
you must have major headings for Step 1, Step 2, and Step 3.
Additionally, under the major heading of Step 1, you must have
subheadings for each separate section of the assessment: What
about Me?, Working with Others, and Life in Organizations.
That means that you need 3 subheadings for Step 1.
4. The exact number of paragraphs that you include in each
section is your decision; your instructor will not be grading you
on how many paragraphs you used per section, but rather the
extent to which you specifically addressed each of the areas
5. The minimum of 6 required pages does not include the title
page, abstract page, or reference page. Those must be counted
as additional pages. You will likely find that it will be difficult
to address all of these things in only 6 pages, but that constraint
is part of the exercise itself. Learning to write succinctly and
efficiently will improve your communication skills, regardless
of the setting. Because you only have 6 pages to discuss all
these components, be concise.
6. Be sure to double-space, using Times New Roman 12-point
font only and 1-inch margins; avoid bold font (except for
headlines, per current APA format), underlining, and
7. The reference page must include a minimum of the 5
following references in current APA format (all sources must be
evident within the paper):
· The course textbook (either Type Talk at Work or
Organizational Behavior),
· The McGraw-Hill Connect assessment,
· 1 scholarly source from a peer-reviewed journal,
· “The Gospel and Personal Reflection” by Dr. Fischer, and
· At least 1 of the audio PowerPoint Lessons from any of the
modules/weeks thus far assigned.
Note: For further questions regarding current APA format, visit
Liberty University’s Online Writing Center.
Submit Project 2 to the appropriately labeled SafeAssign link
first to provide your percentage of originality. Then submit
Project 2 to the appropriate link for grading by 11:59 p.m. (ET)
on Sunday of Module/Week 5. Both submission steps must be
completed in order to receive full points.
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  • 1. BMAL 500 THE GOSPEL AND PERSONAL REFLECTION BY KAHLIB J. FISCHER, PHD © 2006 PROJECT RATIONALE As the syllabus states, the purpose of this course is to help you understand organizational behavior, and one extremely important way to do so is to understand how one’s personal behavior influences organizational behavior. After all, an organization consists of a group of individuals—people made in the image of God and therefore equipped with certain gifts and personality traits that make their contributions to the organization uniquely their own. This idea of individuality is one that many religious and philosophical perspectives would dispute. For instance, secularism would tell us that we are ultimately a jumble of chemical and hormonal reactions, and so all of our behaviors can be reduced down to some self-survival mechanism. Furthermore, the idea of “free-will” in terms of making informed and rational decisions is but an illusion in a secular worldview, because
  • 2. again, all of our actions are pre- determined by the interaction of atoms, chemicals, hormones, etc. on the physical level. For an atheist, the idea of having autonomy apart from the physical world is simply not an option. Likewise, Eastern mysticism, as a general rule, would tell us that ultimately, our individuality is just an illusion, and in the end, something from which we need to flee in order to achieve true unity with the cosmos. Since the energy force that resides within us is really who we are—and since that energy force is impersonal and represents the entire cosmos—we are no more individuals from an Eastern mystical perspective than we would be in a secular perspective. In both worldviews, we are merely “matter in motion” and nothing else. But Biblical Christianity tells us that as individuals, we are both personal and eternal—we have an eternal destiny which we will experience as individuals—for better or for worse. We are spiritual beings, and as such, our existence transcends the physical world. Furthermore, our existence, though eternal, is also personal. Therefore, it is of utmost importance that we understand who we are as unique human beings. To gloss over how individual people influence organizational behavior would lead to a shallow understanding of how organizations work and behave. Likewise, to not personally apply what you are learning in this class and other classes—to not see how the concepts relate to you as a real and spiritual human being and to assume that knowledge and truth consist merely of abstract concepts and ideas which do not
  • 3. really affect you on a personal and spiritual level—would be to undermine who you are as a unique individual made in God’s image. Therefore, we have employed these personality tests for the projects as a means of helping you come to terms with ways that God has gifted and equipped you to serve His purposes in whatever organization He has you in. Once you understand more of who you are as a person, you will be better equipped to understand how you interact with other unique human beings (which is why you were assigned to read the Type Talk at Work text). God is in the business of drawing individual people together through Jesus Christ for His corporate purposes. So it is Page 1 of 3 BMAL 500 important that you understand your own behavioral tendencies and the behavioral tendencies of other individuals if you really want to understand how organizations behave and how they should behave according to God’s purpose. Therefore, we hope that you will enjoy the personal discovery that awaits you as you take these personality tests and complete these projects. These personality tests are by no means a full and accurate measurement of who you are as a human being; after all, you are “fearfully and wonderfully made”, and
  • 4. only your Creator truly knows who you are, and how unique you are to His purposes. However, we believe that you will find these exercises to be of very real benefit to you in your learning. One final and important concept should be introduced as you complete these projects: related to this understanding of our personality is the understanding that in our natural spiritual state, we have a sinful nature which only God, through the work of His Son, the God-man, Jesus Christ, is able to address. It was Jesus Christ’s work on the cross, and then His resurrection from the dead, that opened the way for us to walk in newness of life, and therefore to experience the freedom from these sinful tendencies. By being identified with Christ, acknowledging that only He can make the way for us to the Father, and only He can free us from the bondage of sin, we die to sin and live our lives for the glory of God. There is no higher calling for us as human beings other than to bring glory to God through the person of Jesus Christ, who now reigns as our High Priest. Our lives are to be lived sacrificially, in which we say “no” to our old sinful tendencies, and say “yes” to the will of God in our lives. This is a process—it does not occur over night. But as the days and years go by of learning to submit to God’s will for our lives, and realizing more and more that to do so, we must rest in God’s grace which was made available to us through the work of Jesus Christ, we grow in our understanding of sin and we grow in righteousness. This entire process is dependent upon God’s initiating grace in our lives. Just as He sent His Son to us, just
  • 5. as He introduced Himself to us, and lead us to repentance, so now He, through the gentle guidance of the Holy Spirit in conjunction with the Word of God, changes us from “glory to glory” as II Corinthians 3:17-18 says. Part of the process of this process of growth and learning to say no to sin—is understanding how sin affects us, particularly in regard to how sin affects our personality traits. Jeremiah 17:9 (KJV) says, “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked; who can know it?” On our own—even after taking numerous personality traits!!!— we would be blind to how our sinful impulses, attitudes and desires motivate us and influence us. But Hebrews 4:12 tells us that the “Word of God is quick and powerful, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” So it is only with the aid and guidance of the Holy Spirit, who uses the Word of God to illuminate sinful tendencies in us that we are able to understand who we are as individuals and how these sinful tendencies influences us through those same personality traits that are a gift from God. Having said all of that, we hope, therefore, that you will keep the truths of the Gospel in mind as you complete these projects: 1) That God in His infinite love and wisdom, made you as a unique human being with unique personality traits to serve His specific purposes for your
  • 6. life; Page 2 of 3 BMAL 500 2) That your personal sin and rebellion towards God has interfered and marred your unique individuality; and that now, but for God’s grace, we all are slaves to sin and our personality traits and interactions with others in organizational and corporate contexts have been damaged and controlled by sin; 3) That God, to save us from the bondage of sin, sent His Son Jesus Christ, fully-God and fully-man, to receive God’s righteous punishment of sin on our behalf, so that we could be reconciled to Him 4) That now, because of that work, God has drawn us to repentance through Christ so that we can overcome sin (and the sinful influences on our personality traits) through the guidance of the Holy Spirit in conjunction with the Word of God; 5) That this process of growth and maturity, though occurring on an individual level, also occurs in a corporate context, and as such, means that God is causing us to love one another and glorify God together as unique individuals, meaning
  • 7. that our communication and interactions with one another are being redeemed for God’s glorious and eternal purposes; 6) That ultimately, when our time on this world is over, and when God has decreed the end of the ages, we will all worship the Lord together, as unique individuals who have been saved by the wonderful work of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. This is the good news that Scripture offer us. This is the central idea of Scripture that should inform your completion of these exercises. We have hopefully made the case to you that you cannot fully understand organizational behavior until you understand the behaviors of individuals, and that to understand individual behavior you need to understand the role that personality traits play in individual behavior. We have also made the case that you will not really understand any of this unless you learn it and apply it personally, not just abstractly. Finally, above all else, we hope to have made the case that ultimately, true fulfillment as an individual, who interacts with others corporately, cannot be achieved until the very real problem of sin is acknowledged and addressed through the work of Jesus Christ. You cannot really know and understand yourself until you know who you are in Christ, and how God made you to be without the damaging affects of sin upon your unique personality. You cannot fully understand organizational behavior until you understand how unique
  • 8. individuals made in God’s image were made to interact with one another, and how sin, but for God’s grace, can taint that process of interaction. The questions which you must answer in these projects will reinforce the themes set forth here. Page 3 of 3 Project Rationale Topic: The use of bayes' theorem in medical screening tests Type of paper: Essay (any type) Discipline: Mathematics and Statistics Format or citation style: MLA Paper instructions: Maths internal assessment foor last high school year. Create an example of the use of probability in medical tests, preferably using real life deiseases and possibly statistics too. Two "medical tests" should be performed and out of that probability for false positives and negatives should be calculated using bayes theorem/ conditionl probability. The process of computation must be shown and explained. Afterwards the results must be explained, limitations and critical thinking must be included. No introduction needed. An example is added.
  • 9. BMAL 500 Project 2 Instructions Project 2 requires that you use the McGraw-Hill Connect site for Steps 1 and 2 (see below). You will find your access code within your Organizational Behavior textbook. If you purchased a used textbook, please review the syllabus on purchasing an access code to complete the assignment. Note: If you did not purchase a new textbook, you may not be able to use the access code. Step 1 1. Once you log into Connect, you will be taken to the home page. Under your assignment list, there will be a link titled “Project 2 Assessment”, which is required in its entirety for Project 2. Please note that faculty can track your progress in the assessment. This assessment is much lengthier than the previous one, so be sure to take the time to access and take it, remembering to save as you go along. The assessment does not have to be taken in one sitting; you can save and pick up where you left off, but do not process the submit button until completely finished. 2. Part I must discuss each of these points below from the assessment. Please make the proper, current APA heading and title it: What about Me? 1. Personality Insights 1. Values and Attitude Insights 1. Motivation Insights 1. Decision Making/Problem Solving Insights 3. Part II must discuss each of these points below from the assessment. Please make the proper, current APA heading and title it: Working with Others. · Communication Skills · Leadership and Team Skills · Conflict Skills 4. Part III must discuss each of these points below from the assessment. Please make the proper, current APA heading and
  • 10. title it: Life in Organizations · Organizational Politics · Organizational Needs—Employee Satisfaction · Organizational Change 5. For each of the aforementioned parts, use the assessment results to write at least 1 full paragraph for each bullet point pertaining to the things you have learned about yourself. There is a lot to cover in each of these sections, so focus on the most significant things you have learned about yourself from each area. Use headings for each section, as in “Part I: What About Me?” etc. so that there are subheadings per the bulleted areas for each Part. Please provide your statistical/percentage results for a comparison of letters within your discussion. Any adverse personal opinions on the assessment tools must be respectful and scholarly with supportive research. Step 2 1. Now that you have learned these things about yourself, apply them to your workplace behavior and interactions with others and give specific examples. 2. In a new section in your paper (labeled Step 2), answer the following questions with specific correlation to the assessment. To do so, provide a separate paragraph for each of the following questions: 1. In general, what have you learned from these personality tests about organizational behavior that will help you be a better employee, coworker, and/or manager? 1. In particular, what have you learned about yourself from this personality test that will help you be a better employee, coworker, and/or manager? Provide specific examples.Step 3 1. Please read the “The Gospel and Personal Reflection” article located in the Reading & Study folder in Module/Week 5 and respond to the question found below. 2. The assessments help us label our strengths and their corresponding weaknesses. Therefore, it would be easy to simply accept the fact that we have weaknesses. After all, "no one is perfect!” we say. On the other hand, the assigned article
  • 11. points out that God through the Holy Spirit continues to conform us to the image of Jesus Christ. For step 3, explain how the Holy Spirit has worked in your life to transform your weaknesses into strengths. See II Corinthians 12:7–10 as a scriptural example of this paradoxical truth. Be specific with your example(s) and faith integration. NOTE: It is understood that not all of our students are Christians. If that is your situation, read the assigned article and Bible verses and ponder the relevance of the ideas found in both. Refer to ideas from the article as you complete this step, and consider how your own personality weaknesses have been or can be transformed into personality strengths.Formatting 1. Use proper, current APA format for every element of the paper. Be sure to include the APA-formatted cover page, abstract, and reference page. Refer to your APA manual for help or this site for assistance: 2. Write in first person—this is allowed due to the personal nature of the assignment. 3. To facilitate the instructor’s grading of these assignments, you must have major headings for Step 1, Step 2, and Step 3. Additionally, under the major heading of Step 1, you must have subheadings for each separate section of the assessment: What about Me?, Working with Others, and Life in Organizations. That means that you need 3 subheadings for Step 1. 4. The exact number of paragraphs that you include in each section is your decision; your instructor will not be grading you on how many paragraphs you used per section, but rather the extent to which you specifically addressed each of the areas above. 5. The minimum of 6 required pages does not include the title page, abstract page, or reference page. Those must be counted as additional pages. You will likely find that it will be difficult to address all of these things in only 6 pages, but that constraint is part of the exercise itself. Learning to write succinctly and efficiently will improve your communication skills, regardless
  • 12. of the setting. Because you only have 6 pages to discuss all these components, be concise. 6. Be sure to double-space, using Times New Roman 12-point font only and 1-inch margins; avoid bold font (except for headlines, per current APA format), underlining, and contractions. 7. The reference page must include a minimum of the 5 following references in current APA format (all sources must be evident within the paper): · The course textbook (either Type Talk at Work or Organizational Behavior), · The McGraw-Hill Connect assessment, · 1 scholarly source from a peer-reviewed journal, · “The Gospel and Personal Reflection” by Dr. Fischer, and · At least 1 of the audio PowerPoint Lessons from any of the modules/weeks thus far assigned. Note: For further questions regarding current APA format, visit Liberty University’s Online Writing Center. Submit Project 2 to the appropriately labeled SafeAssign link first to provide your percentage of originality. Then submit Project 2 to the appropriate link for grading by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Sunday of Module/Week 5. Both submission steps must be completed in order to receive full points. Page 3 of 3