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GOD Fellowship – Prophetic Mentoring School © 2015
A Prophets Edge Ministries publication Page 1
© Copyright 2009
All the content of this book is the writings of Clinton Adams for Prophets Edge
Ministries. The writings may be used with the permission of the said ministry and
reference to the said writer must be made wherever the content is used.
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A Prophets Edge Ministries publication Page 2
Acknowledgements 3
Introduction 4
Chapter 1 5 - 9
(i) Essence in walking
(ii) Parallel in walking
(iii) Walk override
Chapter 2 10 - 18
(i) Passion
(ii) Purpose
(iii) Design
Chapter 3 19 - 27
(i) Intimacy – The birthplace of prophecy
Chapter 4 28 - 36
(i) Prophetic Intercession
Chapter 5 37 - 45
(i) Prophetic Worship
Chapter 6 46 - 59
(i) Prophetic Gifts
a. Revelation
b. Knowledge
c. Prophecy
d. Teaching
(ii) Prophetic Classifications
a. Prophetic in Lifestyle
b. Prophetic in Worship
c. Prophetic Gifts
d. The Prophet
(iii) Prophetic Ministry
a. Discerning the spirit
b. Working of Miracles
c. Preaching
About Prophets Edge Ministries 60
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It is such a pleasure to be able to bring together all that God has been doing over the
past few years of the God Fellowship – Prophetic Mentoring School!
So Father, this is your work and I give all the glory back unto you. Jesus, you have
been my cornerstone that challenged my thinking in the schools thus far and you
have become a stumbling block to those who did not respond. Holy Spirit, you have
spoken what is in the Father through the pages of these schools, revealing things
that lies deep in the inner recesses of Fathers heart, thank you for trusting me with
the revelation in these pages.
New Life Apostolic House church family with Pastors Mark and Felicia Killian who
have been the most faithful supporters and attendees of the schools we hosted,
thank you for believing in me and helping me to fulfil our assignment from Father.
I would also like to honour Joan Greyling who has been a great part of my heart
throughout the years. Her mantle of prophetic writing is stirring with me, so look out
for more books!
To my immediate family members, Rayana, Lesha Ruth, Cleo Ray, mother, brothers
and sisters… I will continue to love you and fight for you in the spirit that I may be
able to present you before my Father as Christ works in me.
Then all who have come to the schools over the years… There is more to come!
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Let me start the introduction by stating again what the purpose is of the God
Fellowship – Prophetic Mentoring School.
The heart of the Father must be seen through the walk and life of His own, and this
is the heart of God Fellowship. The mission is therefore to raise a prophetic people in
the earth that would hear, understand and live in the Heart of God.
Maturity comes with time and so does seasoned prophetic people; it is therefore the
aim of this mentoring school to walk with prophetic people, and over a period of time
bring them into maturity of character.
When the seed of what God wanted to do became a reality in my inner-man I knew
that if we can get this right, we will see the generation of sound prophetic people
again. By the grace of God we want to see the army of the Lord, taking its place in
the atmospheric realm and positioning itself as the rule, reign and sovereignty of God
in the earth.
Every home should have a sound prophet, and so every street, community, city,
nation and we should have sound prophets in the whole world.
By engaging in this book and material, you are set to become a prophetic person
who will be able, through the correct character and nature, to declare the kingdom of
God. This book is so breathed by the Holy Spirit that no man can and should remain
the same, for in these pages is the breath of God.
All the notes to these schools were written by inspiration of the Holy Spirit and no
concept or idea unless stated otherwise in these pages were drawn from any other
persons material. This is the way I have received it from the Holy Spirit and so have
taught it in the schools we have had.
The words and lines you will read will carry much more revelation than what you
would be able to fathom and therefore it is important to spend time reading it and
reading it again and again until understanding is gained, for there is hidden
gemstones in these pages if you look carefully enough.
Enjoy the growing experience and be challenged to change!
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Chapter 1
Essence in Walking
Our essence of walking is caught up in our original purpose and destiny as people.
We were created to come into relationship with God and to exercise who God is in
full capacity upon the face of the earth. God had a desire to just walk with man from
the very beginning. We can clearly see this with God coming to talk to Adam (man)
in the cool of the day.
Mans quest has ultimately become a search and reasoning for a relationship that
yearns deep within ourselves. It is a relationship that can only be filled with a
genuine experience of God’s presence.
We as people can only truthfully experience God by walking in relationships on the
earth, for in each one of us is an aspect of who God is, and if we are going to know
and experience God for who He is, we will need to walk circumspectly with each
other as people of God.
The essence in walking with God is a lifestyle that one has to adapt to in this current
/ natural life. Life itself becomes the existence of God in the earth for His abiding
presence consumes the very heart and life of who we are.
I am in Him and He is in me. It is no longer I that live but Christ lives in me. I must
decrease and He must increase.
Ignite passion for living!
Everybody is alive, yet everyone does not live. Let me explain. If you are dead in
your trespasses and sin you are... (dead)
If you are made alive together with Christ you are... (alive)
We tend not to see and recognize the state of people, because we are not life
centered but sin centered. God is the One who deals with sin, not us. We deal with
Living then has become our responsibility in the earth, and if we are responsible for
life, we are responsible for the state we find ourselves in. If revival, regeneration or
resurrection has taken place in our lives, whatever we come into contact with will
automatically live too; we become a life force!
As a life force we need to stay alive and not continuously fall into resuscitation.
Staying alive requires that we follow a diet to maintain who and what we are and how
we mature and grow in our life. Our mannerisms determines what manner of life we
will lead; either a sick life or a healthy life.
Our diet is based on the Word of God. The word is become our flesh and is a
dwelling within a man, for a man is a consummation of the life of the word making
our life a godly life in the earth.
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Our letters then, are read by man and understood in the parameters of what life truly
encompasses. Therefore, it is important to have the proper engraftment on our visual
life in the earth. What others see, that is what they will mimic and become, for it is
the truth in plain sight.
A culmination of every life lived before man is built into a dwelling where God lives by
His Spirit. This life is fuelled with passions, which are characteristics, attitudes and
decisions. For within a life dwells life, who and what you are, and godliness, what
you do.
Who and what you are is who and what God is. Eg. Love, peace, joy,...
What you do is what God would do. Eg. Show mercy, forgive, heal, provide,...
If there is any splendour, any glory... life will exists if God is seen in us. This is the
reason why we need to exclaim with all of our might, “I must decrease and He must
increase!” Our life is no longer seen, but the life of who we are (Christ – fully man yet
fully infused with the life of God).
The passion therefore is not to just only live, but it is to be fully alive!
How walking affects you…
Walking has only one way that it should be done, that is – to walk circumspectly
before God and man. So walking outside of the parameters that is set in God’s word
is a life lived outside of what God wants. Walking is to be a continual abiding in
proper spirit, attitude and character.
People are able to sense when someone addresses them with a bad spirit -
mannerism is one of the hardest things people need to deal with as it is something
that is taught from an age of understanding. We need to keep our spirit in check
against the word of God that we may not act out of offence...
Which brings us to our attitude of doing things: We should not act out of compulsion,
for yet there would lay a factor of wanting to see what we want to see happen and
are not conscious of the will of God, discarding the word of God in effect. Our
attitude should be that of willingly submitting to one another in love that God may be
able to raise us up to walk in His personage rather than ours.
Our character then is transformed into the very image and likeness of God when our
characteristic comes into line with whom and what God is in us and through us.
When we do something in proper spirit, attitude and character we are not a clinging
symbol but we resound clearly and have and eternal effect. As we have conformed
to the image of God we will also in same manner transform things around us into the
likeness of who He is.
Parallel of Walking
Walking and being and then translated is exactly what Jesus described our parallel
of walking to be. You just cannot tell whether someone is coming or going if he is
truly born of the Spirit.
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So in walking you walk and abide with a whole new paradigm / dimension of
operation in the earth; walking as god-man. We have become the many membered
Son of God in the earth once we have come into the essence of walking, for it brings
us to the reality of living in a dream. (Virtual reality / spiritual reality)
We are sovereign in walking, divinely aligned through the headship of Christ the Son
and Christ the body. For the head / authority is not separated from the body, thus
comes in parallel to where we are whether in the spirit or in the flesh I do not know.
Yet in being seated we are walking the earth as pilgrims on a journey to the
hereafter, from the dwelling of tents to the indwelling of beings within the Light of all
lights, the Corner Stone of our foundation; a house build for splendour indeed!
He who abides in the aspect of who God is (love) dwells in God and God in him.
Who is walking Where?
We all are called to the body, and the whole body is in motion. Every part of the body
functions differently with the same objective. Each part can only do what it is directed
to do and can only function in the way it is able to function.
The body is separated into two parts, the right and the left. Every part has the same
function but operates differently in some respects – the parallel of walking! Yet each
part covers the body from a completely different angle.
So the sphere of operation will always differ in anyone’s walk with God. Every part of
the body, the life within, will develop itself into a maturity and sphere of influence to
achieve the set objective of the main body, the life in its whole.
This is what Ezekiel saw – the wheel inside of the wheel!
God as our ultimate source of existence causes a turning of the wheel within each
and everyone. Within the turning (stirring up) comes the latent energy or power from
within the relationship of the wheel in the wheel and exuberates it with loud
thundering and lightning’s in the heavenlies.
The sound on earth may only reach as far as the ear hears, but the sounds in the
heavens is majestic in all of its ways, for it is not the sound of a clinging symbol, but
the sound of a celestial orchestra, a momentum gaining turning, a rainbow of
splendour as lights comes out of light!
Our walk thus is not limited from within, yet our hand stretches as far as the eye can
see! Within the borders of our surroundings we become effective in our area / sphere
of influence. Every particle of our existence carries the ability to be and to conform to
the life or need in the given sphere of operation, for our life not only lives but gives a
shadow / duplication of what it is.
Our natural lives are still affected by what others have done in their living! Our
spiritual lives are still affected daily by the sacrifice made more than two thousand
years ago. The sphere of influence then stretches further than we can fathom or
even calculate. In parallel we walk where no man has walked before!
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Let this mind then be in you that was in Christ... that though He had everything, He
gave it all to walk with nothing, that we may have everything. Walk in a daily losing of
self into a gaining of life. For seeding into something produces what the seed was, is
and will produce. The Seed of God, the walk as man, the life as God-man.
Walk Override!
God overrides the dimensions that exist within our capacity to bring us into a whole
new living in the light of who He is. He moves beyond the borders of our current to
expound that which exists in what is yet to be revealed for that which has been
concealed is now been revealed.
So in knowing then as we are already fully known the parameters of existence
extends in its borders and becomes what is not known or seen to be what is truly
from the beginning. For as Moses had to wear a veil before his face to keep people
from seeing what we really are, so now it is revealed in and through us what we shall
be. (Override)
The veil has been removed and now stared into each face the reality of what life
encompass, both suffering and blessing, for yet we are bound to this earthly tent, this
form of living which fades away with every passing moment of Truth, Way and of the
Life. Revealed in us is the light of life as the bright morning star appears over our
dawning of a new day and era of experience in life and godliness (God likeness), we
are propelled to living an experience of what was, what is and is to come. A measure
of Life without limit; an experience without borders and of no comparison, being fully
god-man in walking in an extending / broadening override of what we can ever think
or imagine to be.
Heavenly living in effect!
Normally we see people operating from the seen realm or they operate from that
which they can see with the natural eye. Yet God called the things that are not as if it
is, hence the earth’s existence. Yes I believe that we need to put our hands to the
plough but in some cases we cannot but call from a place we cannot yet see or
We have to operate in what is not natural in occurrence in order to get what we want
to see done, this constitutes the ability to act in the beyond natural (supernatural,
spirit, heavenlies). Our place of speaking then does not come from wrestling in the
natural (labour of our hands), our place of speaking comes from the heavenlies
(declarations from the authoritive seat of Christ).
I normally say that our prayers are battles from the natural into the spirit to affect the
spirit of a thing, but our declaration from the spirit is what will change the natural. We
then need to call our focus as intercessors away from only operating from what is
seen to what is unseen, unheard of, and what is yet to be in order for us to correctly
operate in the sphere of the natural infusing it with the supernatural.
Our prayer has always been, “ it is in heaven...” If we are going to infuse the
earth (natural) with the heavens, we need to know and have experience of the
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heavens. Thus, our walking should not be limited to earthly things, but we should
endeavour to walk in the spirit, for only then we will not fulfil the desires of what is
natural but only that which is of the Spirit.
Away and then again!
In being away we experience things unseen and unheard of! Isaiah fell down and
exclaimed, “Woe is me! For I have seen the Lord of Hosts.” Living in the heavenlies
is real and we in our finite minds cannot fathom the vastness of all of creation, and
unless we learn to walk with God we cannot walk the heavenlies. When the
heavenlies is not accessible to us we cannot fulfill our God instilled desire to fully
know Him in the beauty of His holiness.
We need to unlearn what it is to naturally live in order to live supernaturally. Having
and experience being drawn away into the spirit will not only help us to walk
naturally, but it will align our walking into the preset purposes of God. When we live
from the heavenlies we can speak from the depth, height, width, length and breadth
of who He is. If we want to continue to exist in the nature of who we are we need to
go to the before place. We need to transcend from the eternal into that which is and
into that which shall be, for we shall be as He is, and we shall know as we are also
fully known.
From the midst of this we yield ourselves in such great honour in knowing that the
very breath of God is ordained to be our sustenance in the earth, and right into the
heavens. For we are because He is, and if we are, then we are fearfully and
wonderfully made, that’s why Isaiah could marvel at the works of His hands and
exclaim from the earth that he is undone in his person, for he has not walked into
override with God. And from the heavens came words everlasting and decrees that
are Faithful and True.
So in walking we unearth ourselves into override where the very produce of our lives
yields roots of substance. Roots that do not only draw, but roots that know how to
retain, grow and become sustenance for another. Oh, that we would come into such
unravelling from ourselves that that which abides in the unseen may become seen
within us and through us... for there are these treasures in earthen vessels! Oh, that
our roots would run deep as an olive tree planted in the House of God.
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Chapter 2
How to develop the right kind of passion…
Passion is driven by inner cravings, which is desire and desire need to be directed
into the proper direction in order for the passion to be fulfilled. When passion is
understood wrongly, and in the manner after mans own heart, it would be easy for
any man to fall at any given time. Passion can never be birthed out of the heart of
man as our own hearts is deceitful above all things. Jeremiah 17 verse 9
This is the reason why there is always a circumcision of the heart! The heart has
issues and the issues that flow forth from the heart must be properly interpreted in
order for us as a people to reach and attain such a high and lofty call to draw closer
to the truth of who we are. Our hearts can reveal two things to us. (i) What we are;
and (ii) What we will be. Colossians 2 verse 11 - 14
It is therefore our duty to properly interpret everything that causes our creative juices
to flow in a kind of a way that either lets us succeed or that lets us fall. The fumes of
our passion brings forth a driving force to what we will be and where our course is
set to, yet it is by choice that we wilfully follow what we want to see happen as we
interpret the issues that flows forth from our hearts.
It is a discerning point for us to arrive to, as we have to weigh up and scale exactly
what it is that we are receiving from our innermost being. This is the reason why I
believe Jesus said that we need to go into our inner room, our closet as we call it,
and there pray. For within us must be the discernment of what it is that we are
allowing our life to flow towards. Matthew 6 verse 6
The deceitfulness of our own hearts will cause us to falter, it will cause us to fall, and
it will drive us away from such a perfect plan and place that has been ordained for us
by our Father. For from the natural comes things ordained for the natural, and from
the spirit comes things ordained from the Spirit. If we will and choose a certain
manner of life and way, if we choose to continue to abide, we will have to carry the
burden of every choice we have made.
Flowing forth from our inner recesses can be what is so natural to man, or it can
bring forth and produce in us the spirit and life. We can choose to divinely interpret
our passions and release in and through us what is so apparent to the earth as the
whole of creation is in earnest expectation to see the true revealing of what is so
naturally dormant within us. For our passion should be the pouring forth of the Spirit
and Life, existence, breath... the very heart of God, the issue that can only come
forth from a circumcised heart; a passion after God. Romans 8 verse 19
When our passion is correctly aligned into the manner of spirit we should become, it
will be the directive of every motive we have concerning our lives and ministry. If we
are ever going to develop properly as prophetic people we need to judge ourselves
lest we be judged! Matthew 7 verse 1
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What is driving you?
In understanding that we are driven by our nature which is derived from our passion
– the driving force of who we are, it is important to know what we are driving
towards. In order for us to properly discern what we are driving towards we need to
interpret the very thought pattern of our hearts, mind and lives. We need to see what
it is that is being produced in us.
Your passion has a faith, that comes forth from hope, that is a substance of what you
don’t see, but it is... Amen! So in regard to your life you will always keep on pushing
into a certain direction. Something will keep on pointing you into a certain direction
that you should go. I would like to say that it is the God instilled homing device that is
set to get your life into the right direction to reach your target and to allow you to go
out with a bang! Hebrews 11 verse 1
So that driving force that is within your thoughts every day, when you rise and when
you sleep – that very thing is the passion that is driving you. And your passion is
dependent upon your choice to seek to fulfil it or not, it needs your discernment to be
able to release forth from you what you choose to do. The passion will never leave
you; it will be a continual directive of the way you should go.
So our ability to be so natural can stand in our way of doing perhaps what we should
be doing. Or we could walk in the spirit and reach and attain such as have been
given unto us, this treasure in our earthen vessel. For your life is the encompassing
treasure and not the vessel, for the vessel will surely fade away, but that which is
eternal will be released and revealed in you when you are no longer driven by the
carnal nature and self desire of man, but by the confident walking and abiding in the
spirit. 2 Corinthians 4 verse 7
For indeed the Spirit drove Jesus into the wilderness and it is the Spirit that brought
forth within Him new life and sustenance to not only be, but to supernaturally
transcend and translate into the eternal realm of God’s glory. Our inner ability to
choose above all things will determine what manner of life we will lead – either as
one feasting on the flesh of another’s carcasses, or one living off the fresh produce
from the streams of life! Luke 4 verse 1; Acts 1 verses 1 – 3 & 9
So we should then explore the inner reserves of God’s power in our lives that we
may fully know and understand the essence of that which is pouring forth from our
lives. We need to lay bare every motive; every decision should be tested and tried;
the streams of the heart needs to have streams flowing forth from the Throne of His
grace – the sanctuary, the inner room where we pray. Ezekiel 47 verses 1 - 12
The creative essence of His presence must become the generator and driving force
of power being released to us to have and be exactly what He has determined for us
to have and be. Jeremiah 29 verse 11
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Live, relive and let live!
It is important to understand that we are alive in God through Christ Jesus our Lord.
We already live with a passion to see Him as He really is and to experience such a
great salvation that none can compare. We are already made fully alive and we are
set to reap the benefits of this life that we have been given. Just being alive is a
driving passion for most of us for we live to see the next day. We have already
pushed aside the manner of “if the Lord so wills.” Romans 6 verse 11; James 4
verses 13 - 16
So in our spirit we have become accustomed to being natural in our operation and
sphere that our life becomes mundane in our own eyes and a charge is laid against
us of having lost our first love. Our first love is the very heart of who we are. And if
you are challenged to live in passion of serving Jesus with all of your strength, all of
your mind, and all of your heart – from where your passion flows forth from; then you
will never get to release the full exploration of what is destined to be in your life. The
challenge will cause you to miss it, for without the proper focus of living life out of the
existence of God we will never walk into the revival, renewal and transforming power
of God. Revelation 2 verse 4
When we have reached such a natural place where the flesh overrides the things of
the spirit, the passion from within will always cry out for you to relive, or to live again
in the manner and likeness of your first love. Your being will cry out to relive what it
was to so naturally be what was ordained before; what was set in place before; to
live again! Ephesians 1 verses 4 - 6
Yet we are faced with the decision all day long to let what is apparent live or to return
to what is so naturally given to us to have and be and do. We choose to give life to
whatever is birthed forth within us, whether a concept, precept, idea, imagination or
thought. For the pieces of our passion will soon form within us a picture of life as it
should have been in comparison to what it is now. Your passion sets up hope within
Forth from the presence of God alone can come what it truly is that has been placed
in us, and the inner ability to become God’s visible voice in the earth will only but
then become louder. Our passion and heart’s desire brings forth in the earth the
operation of what will be released by our choice, formation and heart. Our passion
will beat louder and clearer in the earth or natural sphere of operation when the
streams of our lives that flows from the sanctuary manifests the very thing our heart
have yearned for. Psalm 21 verses 1 - 7
Out of our very being comes life and sustenance to whatever we release life to. The
ability to live resides within us; the ability to relive and become alive again resides
within us; the ability to let something live abides within us; yet we will only produce
that which is flowing forth from our hearts, of which I beckon you to make sure that it
is circumcised! For He desires clean hands and a pure heart! Psalm 24 verses 3 - 6
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Dwelling in the midst of who you are
It can be easy to walk blindly into a thing of which you have no knowledge. Many a
times we have wandered the earth in this fashion to the extent that we began to say,
“What will be, will be.” The problem we have with that is that we do not even attempt
to define the parameters of our operation and God preset the divine strategy for our
lives for our good.
It is no strange thing! For forth from our passion is derived a distinction that is visible
in our mannerism (actitude) determining our altitude which is either our goals
reached or the depth in us resounding. For indeed forth from our innermost being
comes flowing rivers of living waters. It quenches the thirst when it is received and it
satisfies! John 7 verse 38
So is ones purpose fulfilled! For it can never be caught up in the parameters of our
flesh, but it has to come forth from within our birthplace, the Spirit of God. And forth
from the Spirit will come the midst of who we are for we are exactly that which we
shall be, all it takes is the transforming power of the Spirit of God... for the same
Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead now dwells in you! Romans 8 verse 11
From the death of our ashes life is breathed into our hearts and it causes us to be
raised up into a plan, purpose and destiny just as He rose up Adam and the valley of
the dry bones. In us will be a life and an existence raised up into life to have and be
and do exactly what we should have and be and do, for already within our
surrounding is a resounding of fitting into the eternal plan and purpose of God – His
Kingdom, His Life, His Existence, You!!! Ezekiel 37 verses 1 - 14
The midst of who you are is defined not by what you have in life or have attained, for
man is like the grass who withers and are blown away by the wind, but the midst of
who you are is defined by the wealth of your personhood, the abstract personage,
the charisma of God in the earth; your life is defined by the creative power to live in
the everlasting realm of God’s operation yet we are trapped by the normality of our
flesh until eternity dawns within our midst. The midst of who you are resides within
you and is ready and seasoned by God’s Spirit to allow you to transcend and
translate from this natural realm into the eternity of God. Psalm 103 verses 15 - 16
So what is established in your flesh can either be of the flesh or of the Spirit, which
simply means you can do something that will fade away or you can choose to live a
life of the Spirit that will build up your treasure in the heavenlies. Your life’s existence
can either be caught up in the flesh (your doing) or in the spirit (God’s doing), for
when your life resounds the brilliance of His splendour and light, you will arise into a
new dawning and have an experience of every glory of the Kingdom; you will
transcend and be translated out of living in the kingdom of darkness into living,
breathing, doing and being the Kingdom of Light! Matthew 6 verses 19 – 21; Isaiah
60 verse 1
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Where is it driving you?
When you transcend and translate from your normal sphere of operation into the
eternal plan of God you are progressing into a state of releasing within you an ability
to perform the works of God. The taste in the mouth will not be that of a mundane life
that is dead in its trespasses and sins, but it will be as honey on the lips, as waters to
the soul. For from a life will be birthed forth a life of dwelling in the midst of signs and
wonders and miracles. Ephesians 2 verse1; Psalm 119 verse 103
These things will be and develop to full stature if there is a continual yearning and
seeking after God’s righteousness; after the Kingdom of God, where the true
essence of life and existence is revealed and released in the manner of simple truths
lived out powerfully by a man-God as God is in a man. For to eat from the table of
the Lord is to eat not by being nursed with the breast, but being served the full
measure of life and all it encompasses. Matthew 6 verse 33
Therefore Paul wrote of these things saying that he choose to know Christ in the
fellowship of His suffering. To know Christ in the manner after the Spirit; yet being
held by the limitations of the natural life. To have the members of his body cry out for
a heart to heart kind of a life... a spirit to Spirit kind of a life! A life calling on the
release of every encumbrance, every ensnarement, every obstacle and into the
overcoming power of His being, the substance of eternity being revealed in us, from
a place of walking in the glory of man to a place of walking in the Glory of the Father,
for such will the Spirit of God do... to search out the deep things of God and to reveal
it in us by allowing the mind of Christ to come forth. Philippians 3 verse 10; 1
Corinthians 2 verse 10 & 16
Out of the experience of existence in Life we will be changed and conformed into an
image and likeness, into the comeliness of the Possessor of Heaven and Earth, a
reflection of the splendour of His Majesty on High, for forth from the very life lived
naturally in the manner of Life will come who He truly is in us and through us; A
protruding ray of light from His hand wherein His power is hidden. For He touches
when we touch, He breathes when we breathe, He moves when we move... we are
the manifestation of His likeness in bodily form. 1 Corinthians 15 verses 51 – 58;
Habakkuk 3 verse 4; Acts 17 verse 28
Now the question was raised, “What will we be?”... We will be as He is!
We have been purposed to be the exact representation of His being... in the manner
after His existence, which is body and spirit. Our body consumed as an offering
produces the very life of the Spirit in us, therefore we shall all be changed into a
glorious body of which we do not know whether in the body or in the spirit... yet we
know, for we are neither in the body nor in the spirit, we are after His likeness which
surpasses what we will be. We are then, even now, as He is... clothed in the majesty
of His power, able to do exactly what was done and even more for we have matured
into feasting from His table, enjoying what He enjoys, loving what He loves and
being who He is!
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Intense Heat!
As burning coals then we lay before the altar being as flames of fire, scorched not,
but burning with passion to see the curse of a man being lifted; burning with purpose
to see the calling of a man into responsibility; burning with destiny to usher in the
design of who He is – a man without form or comeliness that he should be desired,
but acquainted with every grief and sorrow of man. Isaiah 6 verses 1 – 8 & Isaiah 53
Yet for the sake of the gospel of the kingdom we are being killed all day long, like
sheep being led to the slaughter; sunken down in the peril of men! Who can stand
against the ways of the Lord? For there is blessing and cursing! Romans 8 verse 36
We have longed for this day, to see you that we may impart to you what we have
received of the Lord... that the gospel of His power is for men unto salvation!
Romans 1 verse 11
For Your Word oh Lord, is like a fire in my heart, shut up in my bones, if I hold it
back, I cannot! Jeremiah 20 verse 9
Who then could rise up and prophesy when the Lion of Judah raw? For in the
intensity of man there is a decree that stands for the ages that the power of His word
may be revealed in us... “It is Finished!” Amos 3 verse 8; John 19 verse 30
The spectacle has come to distort the fact of favour; the run down has come to break
before us every blessing of the Father; the cursed has come to release infirmities in
our inner man, but the deliverance is of God. The natural state of being has caused
us to arise in the measure and stature of who He is for the hope of our calling lies not
in the ability of man but in the power of God.
We have come to serve notice on every high and lofty thing that the light of our lives
is come... “Behold, the Kingdom of God is at hand!” The burning coals from the altar
is your purging in this hour... be clean oh son of man! Be released from your
darkness! Let your light so shine before men that they will see your good works and
glorify your Father in heaven. Matthew 5 verse 16
Oh, city on a hill, hide not your light, but shine forth! Bring the day and still the night!
Fire of God’s Spirit, burn in the day of burning that the depth of a man may be
sneered and purged, circumcise the Philistine! Rent the hearts! Bring forth the issue
of life! Birth forth God in man! Intensify your efforts! Throw more wood on the fire!
Arise and shine – burst forth into immeasurable light that comes from the Glory, the
manifest presence, of the Lord God. The radiance of His splendour is here! Burn in
the nations oh light that comes from the Father of lights; speak not from darkness of
hearts but from a circumcision not made by hands! Be the appearance of a dwelling
fashioned for Spirit Holy to dwell in, Mount Zion, city of passion, purpose and design!
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Bring the pieces together
For the ages we have separated what should be common to man, that in one life
would be everything that the life was purposed for. And we have divorced the very
nature of God in our personal lives where we streamlined our functionality into a
certain area only, making our body to function as a disabled body, yet when we read
the scriptures we find that we have been enabled to do all things through the working
of His power within us (Christ in me, the hope of living a walking experience in the
glory!) Philippians 4 verse 13; Colossians 1 verse 27
As a man in the earth we should function as both king and priest, that is what this
kingdom was created to be. We are prophet yet man, one who dwells in the midst of
God and one who dwells on the face of the earth. If I could term it I would call us a
king-priest or a priestly king; I would call us a prophetic man or a man-prophet. The
members of our body must be united in its function and capacity that there may be
lacking nothing but in everything prosper and be in good health just as our souls
proper. Revelation 1 verse 6, 5 verses 9 -10; 3 John verse 2
So the internal directives dictates our outward appearances which has been treated
as a common thing amongst men, yet it is powerful in the midst of God within us, for
our members are crying out for a flooding forth of the oil and a continues dew as
upon Hermon from our head (understanding, reasoning, decisions), for within our
Head (Christ Jesus) is the capacity to make every member function within the given
order of the whole body.
Our brain releases the concepts that is birthed from within our spirits. By translating it
into words it formulates it into action, for the Word, drawn from the hope in us,
through the concepts and mind of Christ, becomes flesh with every walking, waking
and abiding in the presence of the Most High through faith. The pattern of what we
develop in our inner man, bosom, heart and spirit, is the pattern we will see unfolding
before our own eyes when it is released through the unity of our members,
transforming us into one new man.
We have lacked the full capacity of creations servant hood as we were created to
assume a place of dominion over the birds of the air, the fish of the sea, the beasts
of the land and every produce that the earth and sea would yield. Creation / man,
has lost its place of naming and releasing the potential of the seed within our midst
and henceforth fails to produce that which has been given into our hands to subdue.
Genesis 1 verses 28 -30
That which we have lost is now being restored for a people is now corporately being
grafted into One – the tree of life; and so forth from within the Vine comes the
extension of the branches who yields fruit worthy of the Father, for within the Vine
there is a synergy of the creative juices flowing forth to nurture the produce of the
kingdom of God within us as a corporate body being made manifest in the earth –
releasing the revelations of a man in the earth who is the Christ! John 15 verses 1 –8
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How is it driving you?
Carrying the weight of that which is produced in us we find that our waters is turned
into wine for the effective showing forth of the present Glory of the Father being
revealed, releasing back unto us an honour of servant hood in the earth. For in our
kingship we become the vessel of honour in producing an offering that will be
pleasing unto Him. It is an offering of serving all of creation with the very treasure
laid up in us; produced through the birth canal of our humility. (Consider the life of
Joseph son of Jacob)
In honour is responsibility to maintain who and what we are and what we have; to
yield it as a fragrance, an aroma, a charisma, an essence of being what our hearts
and minds is allowing our strength to become, for our passion and design fulfils our
purpose. In honour we lose sight of ourselves and we allow the manner of His grace
to take over. Our flesh would cry out for natural things to live, have and be naturally
in our daily lives, but we have long discovered that we are moved by the Spirit and
walk in the spirit as not to fulfil the desires and passions of our flesh, and seeking to
fulfil the nature of common man instead of a spirit man. Galatians 5 verse 16
Every hearts concepts will prosper when there is a faithful yielding to it, and if our
motives and heart/spirit is one there will be a focus to accomplish what we have
disciplined ourselves to be and do by living in a state of repentance before God. Our
common nature cannot override the things of the Spirit for we draw from the Spirit
who gives life to the concepts and motives of the heart in line with our destiny as
creation; as created beings our make-up dictates to our natural life to bring forth the
produce of abundant Life.
Yielding ourselves to this Zoë life, our existence cries out for perfection in the things,
thoughts, ideas, concepts, issues of the heart, the nature of man. There is a
continual striving forth, pressing into reaching the finish line of the course that is set
before us, to win the prize which is the crown, splendour, glory of life – the very Glory
of the rule and reign of the Father, even a coming into a subjection of laying
ourselves down and saying: “Crown Him with many crowns!” Philippians 3 verse 12
Together every member of the body strives in the motion the Head is instructing it to
go, and forth from every member comes the light of His glory birthed from within the
latent passion and design to fulfil the purpose of the life of the whole body, the
church. The Spirit hovers over the waters of the body of believers and is ready to
strengthen and assist in accomplishing every aspect of the envisioned destiny. The
vibration of Zoë life draws from the Blood what it needs to ensure there is sustained
life in every cell, vain, blood vessel and bone in the body.
In manner of speaking, the whole body becomes dependant off the Blood, Life and
direction of the God-head, the passion of our lives, the purpose giver, the designer –
Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
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I stand a full man!
The spirit of a man is the lamp of the Lord... the lamp of the Lord lights up within us
and brings into light that which is in the dark and exposes the nature of who the man
is in essence, in his passion, purpose and design. When we light up with the power
of the Holy Spirit, every possibility within us is explored, searched out, made plain
and fulfilled. Within ourselves we find the full measure of everything our lives
encompass. Proverbs 20 verse 27
We are not perfected yet in this body of death, but we will know as we are fully
known, and when Christ who is your Life appears, and becomes the living-breathing
organism in and through you, having laid aside every encumbrance... YOU WILL
APPEAR WITH HIM IN GLORY! You will appear in the full manifestation of His
person hood, life and existence! 1 Corinthians 13 verse 12; Colossians 3 verse 4
Dwelling in the fullness of Christ simply means that there is then no lack in the ability
to dwell as a perfected man in the earth, full of grace, anointed with the glory of His
person, fully infused with nothing missing, nothing broken, peace, salvation, a full
man! Arrayed with splendour and majesty, a light from within the Light, a new
Jerusalem, a new order of the day, the light of the world, manifested in honour,
power, passion and praise! For unto the Christ belong power, riches, wisdom,
strength, honour, glory and blessing! And we have no lack in it, for such as He is we
are! Christ Jesus the head of the church the body, the co-joined labourers in the
kingdom of the Son of His love. A sitting at the right hand of His Power until all His
enemies has been made a footstool; togetherness in the dwelling of His being, a
house built for the indwelling of His Spirit. Revelation 5 verse 12; Ephesians 2 verse
6, 20 – 22; Hebrews 1 verse 13
The Spirit of God that searches out the deep things of God and brings to revelation
that which is within the person of His being, searches out the deep things of God
within us and our deep calls unto the Deep of His nature and person, and allows us
to translate and transcend into the eternal fulfilment of His passion, His purpose and
His design! 1 Corinthians 2 verse 10; Psalm 42 verses 7 - 8
I stand a full man, having been made in the image of His likeness! I stand a full man,
having come in by the door of His sheepfold! I stand a full man, clothed with every
glory of His kingdom! I stand a full man, with thunder in my footsteps and rays of light
in my hand! I stand a full man, having passed from natural glory to eternal glory! I
stand a full man, with a river of life flowing from this sanctuary! I stand a full man,
having been raised from death to life in Christ Jesus my Lord!
The parameters of my natural borders cannot hold me! The extensions of my tent
pins have fallen for me in pleasant places! My lungs are filled with the Ruach of God!
I live fully, exploring everything in me, and I see it fulfilled! My existence carries
worth, as like unto the only begotten of the Father! Passion, purpose and design in
me is in line and in accordance to His will and good pleasure! Amen!
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Chapter 3
Intimacy! The birthplace of Prophecy!
Speaking from the realm of God
Through the ages man has placed high value on the desires of his own heart and as
we have previously said that the heart above all things is deceitful. We always find
ourselves in a place where we lose our hearts to something we should not have
allowed in the first place. In the mind of God we are to be one, one with Him in Christ
Jesus our Lord.
For years it has been a passion for our hearts to beat as one with Him. To be so in
sync that when His heart beats in a place we would be able to feel it or sense it. The
beating of the Heart of God should be so real in the heart of man that everywhere we
go there will be a natural effect within us to bring the very heartbeat of God into any
given sphere.
As the church our progression and migration from one step to the next should reflect
every step that He would take. Jesus pointed us to that very fact and nature in that
He said I do those things that I see My Father do. He had something right, a precept
and a concept revealed to the heart of a natural man through the heart of a natural
man. This place then is not too high or lofty for us to attain!
Out of a place of the walking and abiding in the place which He has prepared for us
to walk in, we then operate in the earth, not from the parameters of our surroundings
but from the place where His heart and nature becomes our living, breathing and
abiding in the earth. It is in the nature of this grace that we are effectively involved in
releasing the heart and nature of God in the earth.
Jesus said that My words are not My own, but it is the Words of Him who sent me!
The Words of Him who sends cannot come forth if He did not send it, for His Words
produces life and sustenance to all those who hear and obey His Words. His Words
was brought forth by the release of the eternal realms of His glory on the earth as it
was manifested in a man.
Jesus now turns to us and reveals something for our dispensation, and that is that
the Kingdom of God is within you! The rule, reign and sovereignty of God is within
you and manifested through you. You no longer carry the message of the kingdom of
darkness, by speaking dark and dead things, but you speak from a place that cannot
be measured in words or deeds. This can only be measured by the right living of the
heart, which brings forth the nature and the decree of the King of the kingdom.
Having come to that point it now becomes relative for us to understand that the
decoding of the very Words of God then resides within the heart of a man in the
earth today and that man is you and me. For every prophetic word that is yet to be
released is entrusted to us when we walk not from the parameters of our flesh, but
from the eternal and infinite mind of God. Our very nature then releases the very
Words of God as we feel what He feels, see what He sees, hear what He hears and
know what He knows. We manifest the eternal realms of God’s glory in word and in
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The voice of the inner man
Mixing all this revelation up in ourselves we find that there is then that thin line of
speaking out of the carnal nature of who we are and speaking from the exact place
of living which has been predestined before the foundations of the earth. As the
natural man walks and talks he is by nature tempted to speak his own heart and
mind at any given point, for the flesh is in enmity with the spirit.
A man’s temptation is brought forth by the pride that resides from within. The pride of
life will push you to perform and act within the parameters of what was and is, but it
will not allow you to go beyond into the eternity of God and the very mind and heart
of God is lost in the process. Pride will blur your vision and sooner or later you will
have lost complete sight of what you have started out in. You begin in the spirit, yet
you end up in the flesh.
It becomes a craving to the natural man when all the attention is given to him when it
is going good. Yet in the quietness of his spirit the man fails and falters before God,
for the flesh cries out and wants to be satisfied. The flesh wants to be released in a
full experience of every avenue it can pursue when it gets the attention it desires.
This is the lust of the flesh working against manifesting God’s presence in His voice
for the flesh wants its own voice to be heard.
When this voice comes out it can only see what others have seen and done. The
warring competitive lifestyle will come forth and all humility is lost in the process. God
is not with a man who looks at things beyond what is in his capacity to have and be
and do for it was never designed for him or predestined for him to have. God will
never allow you to get so hurt that you will never come out of the pit, but His love,
grace and mercy will not bring success to what is not in His plan and purpose. You
might not be a public failure but you would have known in your quietness that it is not
the will of God.
Yet the lust of your eyes, the lust of your flesh and the pride of live works together to
still such a high and lofty place that was set for you to speak from. We need
deliverance from these three things as it blocks out the eternal things of God. Your
word would only but fall on the ground and not produce for the enemy has already
taken charge of everything you have set your mind and heart to.
Again I say that your vision becomes a blur until such time when you become like an
Eli who falls over, breaks his neck and dies. Your authority will be taken from you
and a lying spirit will enter into you as you would try to act out in the things that was
and as you act out your current circumstances.
The Word of the Lord is not found in your past or present. The Word of the Lord is
found in the eternal realm of His glory and only when you ascend into that high and
lofty place will you be able to speak forth as from the very breath of God and within
your words would lie the latent power to create something which was not but yet it is
for it is in existence already in the eternity of God.
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Is this God?
We will always question within ourselves then if this is God speaking or if this is the
flesh trying to creep into the ministry of life and godliness. We have to discern at
every step of the way to establish whether we are fit for the kingdom or if we are in
error. As ministers of such a grace we have to be responsible over every word that
proceeds out of our mouth for we will be held accountable for such as we have said.
A prophet is not marked by prophecy but he is marked by his words, for the scripture
clearly teaches us that the words of a true prophet will never fall to the ground. This
is the same principle we use to see whether it is God who is speaking to us or
whether the sound we have heard and interpreted was correct. God even said that
His word is like unto the rains that falls on the earth and makes it produce. God
spoke into nothing and something came into existence. God’s breath is so powerful
that when He breathed out, the clay, wherewith He fashioned and image of Himself,
became alive!
And if we consider this correctly in this day and in this age we would know and
understand that the full restoration of all things are upon us for the fullness of times
are dawning within our very nature. The very thing that God created in the beginning
is manifesting. A man is arising in the earth that will name and claim that which was
given over to him to rule. Just as God gave Adam and Eve the earth to have
dominion over it, so He is restoring the voice of the first through the life of the last.
This interpretation and decoding of the very Words of God brings forth the eternal
man in the natural state of being and the natural man produces a life after the
express image of who God is. The eternal reflection of glory becomes a light,
releasing from the Most High a revelatory expression which when uttered brings forth
life. The speaking forth from the eminence of the Father of lights pierces the
darkness that has clouded the mind of our understanding and brings from the eternal
realm the revelation of the now into eternity.
God is not measured in words of prophecy for it will never stand in comparison to
who He truly is, yet He has given the spoken word of prophecy to point to a place
where He may be found. For in the conditions of His word comes forth the place that
lies embedded in the heart and mind of man. Only the revelation of the very thing
that God has instilled in man will release and reveal the very dimension of what was
from the eternal realms of His being into the here and present age, for we know and
understand that we have been fashioned ye predestined to have and be and do
exactly what was even before the natural world began and came into existence.
In the knowledge of such truth we know that God speaks what He speaks and we
engage in such conversation with him in our quest to find and search out the height,
length, width, depth and breadth of His personhood in the earth. When God speaks
we are challenged to lose sight of ourselves and to behold the great work that lies
ahead of us to accomplish; and our natural desire and response would be a
beckoning call for fulfilment of the promise that stands throughout the ages. Crown
Him with many crowns! Our mind and authority submitted to Jesus!
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The nature of the speaker
The very thought and intent of the speaker will then not be focused on self and in
gaining of treasures upon the earth, but the nature will be that of producing what
cannot be contained by the nature of the flesh. Only what would come forth from the
Spirit is what will stand tried by fire, and the speaker must be in the abiding of the
Holy Spirit to be able to bring forth truth and light.
The nature of the speaker is that of a stable relationship with God and man in that
the speaker would have access to the Throne of God and be persuaded of the will of
God yet be able to come down to the natural man and declare His words. Speaking
then is not confounded to any given sphere but it is infused with the eternal glory and
light of the way in which God has so lovingly translated His will and plan into life
within a man.
The speaker speaks the loudest when He says nothing at all, but his very life
emanates a true sense of words formulated to bring a deliverance and freedom in
the hearts of all people. Not one person will be left unaffected once a true man who
is after His personhood is released to reveal the very aspect of who God is, for within
the nature of the man is the resident words of God.
Through his very life lived the speaker walks in the revelation of God for the given
sphere he is operating in and localities becomes affected by the release of the sound
and vibration of the speakers life in the earth. He might be strange, he might be
peculiar, yet he is real in the true sense of a willingness to see God and God’s
kingdom manifested. The speakers embodiment speaks resurrection and life
wherever it has the authority to influence ye persuade one of the will of God.
When the speaker’s life is so in line with the Father to a point where he can say I am
in the Father and the father is in me, then the very words of the speaker will produce
and bring forth the very nature of who he is in an who is in him. For some have a
father of all lies, but we have the Father of all truth, and it is His words that comes
forth and carries the weight to create and sustain the very exact will of why He has
sent forth His word.
The speaker will walk under such a revelatory truth as the Holy Spirit will seek out
the deep and reveal it in the depth of the man so that it can be the very personage
and nature of the one the words originates from. For in the time when the Father has
become your appearance, your likeness ye your countenance, as the speaker, the
heavens will resound when you sound, for within the borders your life and capacity
you are then an express image of His likeness with an ability to bring forth just as He
has brought forth – For God said “Let there be light, and there was light!”
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Manifesting Truth
Because the word of God is found within the life of the speaker as his ways are
evident of the presence of God, the speaker then will manifest exactly that which
God is in that given sphere. Truth will only be relevant if the capacity of the mind of
the people is able to receive such high and lofty things brought forth by the Spirit in
the heart, mind and life of a man.
Truth will be apparent to those who have before encountered the way, the truth and
the life and their experience have taught them things in past and present that can be
applied to life and godliness, yet there is a hidden truth that will only have and carry
the confirmation of the spirit with groans and moans and birth pangs. For that which
is but not yet seen must be brought forth by the Spirit with power and revelatory
experiences from the unseen realm of God.
It is the objective of the prophetic person then to relay that which resides in the realm
of the spirit yet what is evident as the will of God for any person or locality. The
speaker will only but speak what has become apparent within the given sphere and
only that which carries the true sense of the heart of God will be revealed and
If the true sense of the heart of God is not in a place or if the heart and nature of the
speaker is not in line with the Spirit which brings forth life and godliness, we will see
a clinging symbol and sounding brass which carries no power and no effect. Empty
words will produce nothing! Only words filled with the essence of our creative God
will be seen manifesting and lives and localities must change for it will be the truth in
plain sight, a revelation of what is and is to come, for out of the eternal realm of God
comes manifestations into our present and it changes and shapes our future and
As God is the Father of all light, we bring the light to any darkness and declare to the
darkness the perfect will of God in revealing the glory of His splendour for the given
sphere or locality which perfects that which was hidden but is now seen for truth will
be found in the light and all that is hidden is revealed whether good or bad. (The
wisdom of the speaker here is important as revealed truths will either make or break
the heart and spirit of the one who receives the everlasting words of God.)
In the face of apparent truth there is always then a willingness to respond or not to
respond given the truth that is revealed in the given sphere and locality. Fear will
always fall upon the people and it will be in the atmosphere as people start to
internalize the truths revealed and as they start to deal with what is staring them right
in the face, as God speaks to a man like Moses face to face. The fear of the Lord
can be so intense that people will not be able to bear the truth, yet it is the truth that
sets us all free.
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What about the flawed man?
There has never been a problem with the voice of God, but there has always been a
problem with the vessel that God uses. Our lives are filled with little imperfections
which we deal with, therefore Paul said: “Who will deliver me from this body of
death?” For everyone comes under the condemnation of the world and everything in
the world. No one is flawless, from the highest ranking to the lowers of low. There is
no exceptions and wrongdoing in wrongdoing, whether big or small.
The speakers in himself has to dealt with himself in every way that God reveals and
opens up to him so that he can continually bring himself to a place where he walks
under the grace of God for that given revealed truth in his own personal life. So also
with all believers then, that if God would speak a word of reproach that we would be
able to take the reproach, correct our ways and then go forth into the destiny which
God has so lovingly prepared for us, even whilst we all were in sin and
God is not mocked, whatever you sow is what you will reap, and if you sow into sin
you will reap the consequences of that sin, but if you sow into righteousness, you will
reap the benefits of that righteousness, for to be in right standing with God will open
up the heavenlies over your life and that which was hidden can be revealed and set
in place within the borders of your operation.
When what is so apparent is dealt with in the life and measure of who you are you
will begin to give yourself completely into that which was prepared for you
beforehand and will by nature after the Spirit reach for God as never before, for in
this place of revealed truth in God, He will both sanctify and glorify you for the given
plan and purpose within the given sphere of your operation. So the condition of one’s
heart is at stake as we proceed to do exactly that which God is saying and doing.
The flawed man will be sanctified by the Spirit if his heart and mind and life is in that
place of knowing and feeling and understanding the purposes of His grace for that
given time. As we know that only that which is of the Spirit will stand and in
everything tried by fire, spiritual translation will take place for it is not in the will plan
and purpose of God to destroy, but to build for Himself an everlasting kingdom and a
house for His praise and glory.
God will never let anything come upon you which He has not desired and what God
has desired for you is exactly and the only thing the speaker will receive by the Spirit
and revelatory gift to release to you so that you can continue in holiness before the
Lord of Hosts. The peace of His personhood will rest with you when you receive a
word from the Father for those things you know of and the things that has been in
darkness but is now brought into the light. Only the things that God wants to reveal
to you, which you will understand in your spirit is what the man will be able to relay to
you, and this always comes in the purity of the Holy Spirit even if the man is flawed
in his character, nature and lifestyle.
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Empowerment from the Holy Spirit
In this we then know that when the Holy Spirit has come upon the man / speaker in
the given sphere, he is not able to do anything by himself, but has his existence
flowing forth from within the holiness which God has prepared for the given place.
Everything in the given place or space will be affected by the glory of God as he has
predetermined to meet with His people in that given place.
The Holy Spirit is always in waiting for someone to be obedient to hear and do His
will and when someone comes into that place of humility before God and man the
Holy Spirit will not only just speak but He will demonstrate the will of the Father.
Suddenly there will be releases from the Spirit which will transcend into the heart,
mind and life of a man and the eternal words of God will be formed and there will be
given expression to the very will of God through sounds and vibrations released in
the spirit.
When the vibration and sound is brought forth, there will be an in sync alignment with
the Holy Spirit and power in every cord, note and sound will appear in the very
likeness of His personhood. In this place, the strange things to the natural eye will
begin to form, and will break out of the natural man the things that has kept him in
the natural state of being, so that the natural man may receive the power of the Holy
Spirit in his or her life, that will bring the transformation of what was into exactly what
is meant to be.
The power of the Holy Spirit is revealed to release captives and to set free by the
power of His word. His word is already in existence within Himself and if follow after
the leading of the Holy Spirit we will together unearth the treasure which He has for.
For in His word is found our deliverance, joy, peace, etc.
And in this we know that nothing within ourselves will be able to produce what God
has desires except for it to be brought forth by the Holy Spirit. It is the Holy Spirit that
distributes power to man and power allows them to operate in the gift of prophecy.
Outside of the Holy Spirit prophecy cannot exist as He is the existence of all and He
is in all, for He alone can bring forth the word with power.
Remember that the Holy Spirit overshadowed Mary and she was pregnant with the
Word who became flesh and dwelt amongst us. Now He puts that very Word in your
mouth and in your heart that you may not lose sight of the eternal words of God
brought forth by the power of the Spirit of God. The Holy Spirit is the encompassing
word of God and He is the One who releases it from eternity into every natural life,
this word manifested carries the power for men unto salvation.
The Holy Spirit is the one who demonstrates the reality of God through making His
word alive and active within the borders of our natural operation so that we through
His word may be challenges to shift our mind and thought to a place of passion, of
purpose and of dwelling in the design of God for our lives.
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The existing Word
Everything that was and everything that ever will be already is for God has
predetermined it even from the beginning, for in the mind and heart of God it already
exists unto all of the generations. Nothing is birthed in the earth without God’s
foreknowledge and His permission for it to be, for in the mind of God is no variation
of His will, plan and purpose; a vision that is yet to be unfolded before our natural
It is already formulated but it awaits an appointed time for the proper decoding of the
abiding word to come forth. It will only be effective in the given sphere that God has
ordained for it to come forth in, and when we tap into the reserves of God’s power,
the abiding word is decoded by the Holy Spirit and translated into our very existence
and atmosphere causing the transformation we have beheld from within.
Now the latent power of the abiding and ever existing word will be revealed and
within our encompassing space bring a revere for what was and is and is to come.
The eternal words of God exists for our very circumstances and situations, and we
need to come into such a place where the very life and existence of the transforming
word can become our reality.
No prophetic word from the Throne of God is unfulfilled and are found without power
to move the things that we want to see moved. Our deliverance is in the Word; our
healing is in the Word; our salvation is in the Word! And even in a more sure word
than prophecy we prophesy the well being of every person as the word exists still
beyond the confounds of the pages we cling to.
The Word is the living, abiding and breathing of every life that is lived as He is within
us and we are in Him. Knowing then that such life is within our hearts and mind we
tap into the existing word of God that the Holy Spirit reminds us of, for it is the very
words that He has spoken in times past yet it is even now unto us from the ages
even unto eternity.
This is the place where we speak Jesus to everyone, for Jesus goes beyond the veil,
He goes beyond what we could fathom, and He brings to us that eternal existence
we find in Him who is the author and finisher of our faith. The only word of
deliverance and healing and salvation is the eternal Word of God. The manifested
Son of God who has become all we are, and have and ever hope to be.
Jesus is the very mind and heart of God in the earth and if we continue to behold our
Lord and saviour and esteem His word within our hearts we will all be changed and
we will come into that place where the Spirit of prophecy becomes the testimony of
Jesus within our midst.
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Will He come?
God cannot be separated from His word. If Jesus is the word and He is in the father
and the Father is in Him and if He said that His words will abide in me and you, God
will not separate Himself from us when we move in line with His word and His will. If
God is not separated from us, the full manifestation of His personhood will be found
in us and with us.
Our realization has always been that we need to press in for the experience of His
presence when yet His presence is real and already manifested with sons of
righteousness. He declared that He will not give His glory to another… He will be
found right in the midst of every heart, mind and life that has yearned ye searched
for Him. The eyes of the Lord are searching throughout the earth to empower the
hearts that is set upon Him!
In His ever presence He remains omnipotent and omniscient! And if a people would
so come together to seek His will in one place, the beating of His heart will send
reverberations in such a place and would again bring the opening of the heavens
and glorious experiences from the realm of the spirit that it would be known, felt, and
realized to the extreme that all of heavens splendour and glory would be revealed
and released and the heat of God begins to beat His presence and Glory!
There is no doubt in my mind that God comes not on account of need, but on
account of hunger and thirst after His righteousness, after the seeking of the
Kingdom of God. God delights in coming down and meeting with His own face to
face. It is here in the place of waiting and in the place of yearning for Him where the
very sense of His personhood will come!
Through the coming of such glory into our midst the very sound of the heavens will
be revealed and the express utterances will be brought forth, for the things that lie in
the mystery, which could not be uttered in time past as it was unlawful, will be heard
resounding in the room of where He has established His Throne.
Yes, He will not only come with the sound of the heaven, like many waters, as swift
as a wind, but He will come in all of the splendour and glory of every living thing
subjected to Him. The angelic hosts will begin to minister to those who would inherit
salvation and we will all experience the washing of the word over our lives as the
natural brings forth the spiritual manifestation of what it truly is and has been since
the beginning of us coming together under one banner of God’s love.
It is powerful to know that in the gathering of two or three we will see JESUS!
Will He come?
Yes, and a thousand times yes! He is here!
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Chapter 4
Prophetic Intercession
In the session of prayer
In the arena of prophetic intercession, we need to firstly define what intercession is.
The word inter speaks about a relational place or level that is reached. Inter- suggest
the I in You and the You in me. Session speaks about a time or moment or a set
apart time or even a glimpse into a specific time. So when we consider the whole
word intercession you would see that it is a relational time or a time set aside to
relate or an ordained time of a supernatural intervention – Intercession!
When we consider Adam and his daily walk with God on the garden of Eden we can
plainly see that God set aside time to relate with Adam. In the relationship Adam
grew in much knowledge as he named everything on the face of the earth. Adam
named everything, and he did so in the knowledge revealed to his inner man during
his daily walk with God. Genesis 3 verse 8
So we see that in the session of prayer the same effect can be mine and yours today
as God did not stop visiting us, firstly throughout the ages, through Jesus whom He
sent to die on the cross for our sins and through the Beloved Holy Spirit who now
abides with us unto eternity. Once we get ready to have our daily walk he comes
right alongside us to have that daily walk time (session) with us. These times is not
limited to a certain time, but it is limited to whether we walk or not (whether we
continue to be and face life or not).
Our session of prayer is not limited to time or space and place, but it is an eternal
dwelling with the One who has chosen us before the foundation of the earth to have
a people with whom He can relate on a daily basis. Our response to daily walking is
what will separate us unto a higher place of dwelling where the knowledge of all
things will become plain in our sight. Every day is a… supernatural intervention!
Our daily walk is power packed with the presence of the Beloved Holy Spirit who
leads us and guides us into all truth. Daily, from our rising even to our laying down to
sleep we find ourselves in a session, in a time of being in relation with God, thus
being at a continual place of releasing the exact fragrance of Adam – for just as
Jesus walked in relation with the Father on a daily basis, so do we! John 16 verse 13
The gifts of the Holy Spirit then is available in our daily sessions of prayer (our whole
day living in His presence), just as was with Adam and we are able to comprehend,
through the Beloved Holy Spirit, everything that is happening with the knowledge of
how, when and where. As Adam walked in the full measure of ability supplied by his
daily walk with God, so our walk is filled with the full measure for the scripture clearly
says that He gives us His Spirit without measure. We are daily walking in the
overflow of power and ability to declare a thing and so it is for our words in our daily
session of prayer carries the presence of our Beloved Holy Spirit. 1 Corinthians 12
verse 1 – 11; John 3 verse 34
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Reaching a prophetic edge
Whilst we continue in our session of prayer there is a sense of what happened in the
Old Testament where the Spirit of the Lord would come upon people and they would
be enabled to do great and mighty things in the name of God. There is something
that happens with a man when the fierceness of the Spirit of God comes upon him
and he is excelled to do above what is humanly possible at times.
I call it a prophetic edge, for you move under inspiration and motivation of the Holy
Spirit and am empowered to do such awesome stuff in the spirit that it cannot equate
to anything that you will ever be able to comprehend. What happens is that you
move beyond what your mind capacity is and the Holy Spirit becomes very direct in
what he is saying and doing in and through you.
You reach a place of acceleration and everything seems to go so quickly in and
through you that you would feel that you cannot hold it any longer. Some are even so
out of it that they just fall over and cannot continue to minister under such power, yet
the presence of the Holy Spirit becomes so intense that it goes beyond what is
humanly possible to express and He completes the work!
When you have come into a session of prayer and the Holy Spirit comes upon you,
there are certain things that will be released and revealed to you. At times you may
find yourself praying but in another place or over a region or over a city or nation.
You may find yourself laying hands on someone in the spirit and praying for that
person. You may find yourself in the midst of the enemies’ camp and by the power of
the Holy Spirit be able to destroy its works.
Your session of prayer is not just there to keep you on your knees and pray. Your
session of prayer must be there to receive and restore power through you as you are
only but walking in relation to God and you are only but doing in the spirit what you
see being done by the Father. From the realm of the spirit you then begin to act
things out in the natural which brings release to whatever you have prayed over.
John 5 verse 19 – 20
It is like a surfer waiting on the wave, and when the wave comes the surfer goes all
out to ride the wave to the very end. When the acceleration happens to you, you
must be courageous enough to ride out that wave and allow the Holy Spirit to bring it
safely to the shore.
In the session of prayer you have to be willing to be in travail and in wait for the
prophetic edge will not come on you the moment you open your mouth. The
prophetic edge comes on you once you have prayed through all your issues and the
things that are on your mind, until there is nothing left in you, for then the Holy Spirit
begins to move through you and in you. You will only reach the edge once you have
dealt with your natural man and have caused him to submit to the Spirit of God.
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The nature of a Warrior
The kingdom suffers violence, but violent men take it by force! Matthew 11 verse 12
Only when one have ascended into a place of moving under the power of the Holy
Spirit in ones prayer life, it will not be a difficult thing to comprehend the above
scripture. The Holy Spirit pours out on us the sense of power and authority once we
have begun to accelerate in the session of prayer. The Holy Spirit then will begin to
manifest in us the right of being called children of God, and with this right lead us into
a holy state of warring over our homes, families, neighbours and lives.
Only when the un-containable nature of the Holy Spirit begin to fall on us we become
rightful heirs to the promises and then with the authority of the Spirit of God we begin
to name and claim that which is ours in the spirit and we begin to send out a
beckoning call for the fulfilment thereof. (Please note that this statement pertains to
when you go into the session of prayer – we are all sons and heirs, but I’m
specifically dealing with the nature of a warrior and when it happens what the result
is). Ephesians 1 verse 13 - 14
The person of the Holy Spirit is our teacher, leader and guidance. The Beloved Holy
Spirit is also a consuming fire that will recon with anything that stands against the will
of the Father for the nations and the generations. He becomes fierce when there is
an obstruction against the will of the Father and He becomes a fiery furnace for
anything that stands in Father’s way. Hebrews 12 verse 29
We have become that very express image of the Person of the Holy Spirit in the
session of prayer and we become like a consuming fire, ready to devour the enemy
for the sake of bringing back into order the things which Father God has declared a
thing to be. In no way will we ever be able to stand against His will if He so
predestined it to be, for in the session of prayer we become the warriors who would
not only resound a war cry, but would fight the good fight of faith and overcome the
enemy! Hebrews 1 verse 7
The fierce fire of God’s Spirit will rest upon you as you begin to establish things in
the spirit which is unheard of for the mysteries of the gospel will now be revealed and
lay bare before your eyes. You will begin to confirm things to be even before it is for
you have ascended to a place where you have gone past the limitations of what your
human nature can comprehend and you will begin to function under the unction of
the Fire of God, the Holy Spirit. Colossians 1 verse 26 - 27
This is the place where people became afraid of the prophet or prophetic person as it
is in this place where such sovereign authority comes from the Throne of God where
it would seem that the prophet is a violent man.
It is the nature of the Holy Spirit!
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The relationship between prayer and visions
We have looked at the session of prayer and how it releases a powerful effect on our
effectiveness in the earth. We have also looked at our prophetic edge during these
intercessions or encounters. One thing that will always be a constant in our times
with God is that vision is always part of our system of decoding what will be or what
We will try to decode things and sometimes because we lack imagination, our minds
eye will grasp at anything close to what our system decodes it to be. That is why
parables will make sense to some and to others not. The more enlightened our
minds become, the more sense we can make of what God wants to say. This is the
place where we have to become like a child again that we can interpret the foolish
things of God, as it is actually the true sense.
Whilst in the session of prayer we will try to decode what the will of God is and our
decoding system works in images. So we will have image after image which causes
us to think that our imagination is running away with us, but it will be the spirit man
trying to make sense of what is received in spirit from the Holy Spirit.
Our minds or spiritual eyes will begin to see what is strange and what cannot be
comprehended as our imagery grapples on the things which lays unseen and not
heard of, yet it makes perfect sense in the light of God for these things can only be
spiritually discerned! Now we understand why we are in the spirit when we pray and
not in the natural or confounded to the move in the natural! 1 Corinthians 2 verse 14
Spiritual visions brings understanding into what it is that you are praying into and
only if you stay in that place and gain understanding of the vision, will the revelation
of God come upon you for what has been revealed and released. Then when
understanding is gained, you will sense the surge of power coming upon you and
you will be able to deliver the effective Word of the Lord as a mighty Sword of the
Spirit, establishing the actual manifestation of the living and abiding Word that comes
forth from the mouth of God.
You then in your understanding speak forth the vision that you have decoded and
you begin to call that vision the word of the Lord. Here is our challenge…! To hold it
in there until understanding is gained, for this is where we have messed up in the
prophetic and have not brought the clarity of what God is in actual fact relating to us
by His Spirit.
Not all visions will make sense as some do, and not all can be exactly precise as
God will only relate something to you that you are able to process in your mind. Yet if
you let your mind go… some strange things will begin to download and some people
may think you are crazy when you try to speak about it.
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The Open Heavens and Declarations
In our understanding now that as spirit beings receiving spiritual downloads we can
now clearly understand that we are at a place where we are not on the earth or in
heaven. We are caught in the activity in between the earth and heaven and thus
operate therein. This is why we always have a wrestle at times concerning things in
our lives. We have not yet learned to fully ascend into the heavenlies!
Most of our spiritual warfare happens in this realm where we have to affect things in
the spirit and cause a change in the spiritual climate of where we find ourselves. We
may, at this stage, stand over our personal lives, families, cities or even nations. We
are endowed with power from on high to declare a thing and so will it be as we
operate spiritually and perpetually in an ever dominating realm.
The only grace we have is that the spiritual heavens are open over where we stand
or even move in the spirit, which gives us the power to activate things from a higher
dimension of living. The supernatural realm is full of glory and overwhelming power
and is very sensitive, carrying away those who are not spiritually prepared for a fight.
All things becomes plain in the spirit realm, and we are but intruders into a realm of
spiritual hosts that we have to war against.
Yet there is one thing that is more powerful than any other thing the enemy can try
and do. We hold the keys to the kingdom!!! Whatsoever you bind on the earth is
bound in the heavens. Now if this earthen vessel cries out on the face of the earth
against spiritual hosts of wickedness, that declaration not only becomes valid in its
operation on the physical earth but it becomes valid in the spirit! Matthew 16 verse
Whilst the heavens are open over you, you need to defeat some hosts in the
heavenlies. You need to let some power flow forth in your time of intersession so that
word can go forth and populate the atmosphere of where you are, not only in the
realm of the natural but also where you are in the realm of the spirit. For if you can
defeat a thing even before it is, then you have not only won the battle but you have
won a war at the forefront of the battle lines!
Having made known this truth will cost us not only to just pray and be satisfied with
our daily reciting of scripture verses, but it must push us into a deeper level of prayer
and assignment in prayer. For out of what is settled in our intercession we will see
fruit! Then our declarations will not only stand, but it will be an effective tool in the
hand of God, to use us over the earth again as an Adam who will have dominion and
We stand as the spirit man, Christ Jesus, over the heavenlies and we have the right
as heirs to the Throne of God to declare a thing and so it will be. Yet in God’s throne
is righteousness and justice and you will never succeed in anything that is not out of
such as He is!
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Between Earth and Sky
Paul writes and says whether he was in the flesh or in the spirit he does not know,
yet he had an awesome experience between earth and sky, for he was neither here
nor there. Paul’s spirit man become so overwhelmed that reality completely left him
and he was overtaken by the Spirit. 2 Corinthians 12 verses 1 - 4
Jesus, in His session of prayer, also transfigured and stood between earth and sky
for He was visible to His disciples yet talking to the hosts of heaven! Mark 9 verses 1
- 8
It’s time that the living Body of Christ are moved again between earth and sky! It’s
time that some power is displayed again. It has been so long since I have heard the
testimony of people who said that you can see the difference in the face. You can
see the glow on his/her face. The visible glory must return to the body of Christ!
This is how we are identified! For even the demons can cry out who they know and
do not know, for there are some who walk in the spirit and other in the flesh. This is a
powerful expression of our walk for it determines your authority and weight you carry
in the spirit. If you have not yet overthrown something in the spirit you will not be able
to overthrow it in your coming to any area of your life, family, city, nation or the world.
The hosts of heaven recognizes the warriors in the spirit and they will submit to such
as have authority over them. For there is a company of people who stands in the
activity between earth and sky, not afraid of what may come, for their strength is in
the name of the Lord! These are the ones focused on making the enemy their
Between earth and sky is where the two kingdoms clash and we are drawn into such
war for our nature compels us to raise up our banners. As the gates and as the
everlasting doors we need to be conscious of what we allow to come in and have its
abode with us, for our life speaks volumes when we are in right standing with God
and man. Psalm 24 verse 9
Our ability to ascend into the heavenlies will determine the atmosphere of where we
manifest our feet and it will determine whether that person or place will be changed.
We become the very manifest presence of the glory of God in the earth and in our
prayers we become the very manifest glory of God in the spirit. Our nature compels
us to be fully man yet fully endowed with the power of the Most High.
And when we see the victories in this manner we are able to further our quest for His
presence and we then begin to ascend into what Paul has named the third heaven.
For when the obstacles are all moved, the open heaven invites you to come up
higher, for it is there where God will show you things inexpressible of which cannot
be uttered, again until understanding is gained! Revelation 4 verse 1
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Commanding from the Throne
Walking with some of these truths for the past 12 years has brought great victories
and also great battles and failures as we had to begin to understand exactly where
we are in the spirit. We need to continually mark ourselves and as the Word says,
judge ourselves unless we fall into judgment, for herein lies the power to rise up
even above what limitations have held us back. Matthew 7 verse 1 – 5
The scriptures need to be clear in our sight for as previously discussed, we will
mimic what we focus on. We tend to do as we see, and see if what we are doing is
what we see. Our focus thus, has to be founded upon the Word and every living
experience brought forth by the Word of God. These living experiences is what will
translate us into the very dimensions of God.
So, years back I stood in prayer and had a sense of standing before the very Throne
of God. As I stood with my back to towards the Throne of God I pointed my finger
and commanded in the spirit and as I commanded, angels started flying past me to
do what was spoken in the spirit. The authority of the Throne of God was my place of
speaking from and have been my experience ever since.
As a son/daughter, we are able to approach His Throne of Grace for the Blood of
Jesus has made the provision for us to do so. And when we come sanctified by the
Blood of the Lamb of God, we come as a son/daughter, able to command things to
take place in the spirit according to the revelation you and I may receive and it will be
done. Hebrews 4 verse 16
It is not given to anyone to just think they can stand before the Throne of God, for
your heart and your nature will have to be in alignment with His good will, plan and
purpose. When you stand before the very Throne of God, the angels – hosts of
heaven will stand ready to swiftly go forth to accomplish the word of your mouth for it
is a word released in the authority of God.
The Throne of God becomes your grace you operate from, not as one sitting on the
Throne but as one standing before the Throne and speaking in the words of the
King. In like manner and as a prophetic person you would speak the very revelation
of God that comes forth as your spirit man is in direct communion with Him. Through
the Holy Spirit you will command things and it will be established!
Your words then would not only be words but it will be the utter of creativity under the
very breath of God. And your utter will go forth with the assistance of the angels, the
hosts of heaven, for it is purposed to do one thing and that is to take on the form of
your command. Your words will carry the very essence of God’s presence to
penetrate anything that would stand in its way and will usher in revealed truth in the
spirit so that it can come into the light and be established.
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War over words
Now we might look at the whole picture and ask ourselves why God would send forth
the angels upon our command and what significance comes from that, and yes it is a
valid point of discussion. For as the word goes forth from His mouth it shall
accomplish that which He sends it forth to do – and we, in our own mind and
understanding consider the fact that God is all powerful over His word, yet find a
place where our words we pray, speak forth and prophesy does not seem to
We have seen in the book of Daniel that the angel was sent forth as there was a
raging war over the words he lifted up before the Father and the commanding
response of the prayer was delayed in the heavenlies. The angel had to firstly
breakthrough with the help of Michael just to let Daniel know that he has been heard
and the command is about to be fulfilled for the angel with the help of Michael had to
still continue in the fight over the response. Daniel 10
As the manifest kingdom of God in the earth our response and opposition to issues
is sometimes delayed because there is a war over the words in the heavenlies! We
may command change now in our communities’ atmosphere and wait for some time
to just see a glimpse of it, but the reason for the delay is because there is spiritual
hosts of wickedness battling in the second heavens and light has to find a space to
break through and shine on a place.
We can clearly see that if the clouds cover the sky, even though its light outside, the
rays of the sun is still not able to touch the face of the earth. But as there is a
movement in the heavens, the Son breaks through and brings light upon the earth!
I have been taken up in one service and have seen the battle in the second heavens
between the hosts of heaven and the hosts of darkness. It’s a gruesome battle and
we have to consider how it affects us. It takes the light of God to dispel darkness and
bring breakthrough. An angel came and pulled me upward right into the third heaven.
In the second heavens I saw words flashing and in that service the words were
depression and suicide. The angel told me that this is what the enemy wanted to
release in the church and that we need to pray and cancel it. But there was a war in
the heavens over the words.
Now if we populate the heavens with the word of God, or the word in line with the will
of God, light must break through and deliverance will come. The angels are assigned
to fight and defend the word God allows you to release and they fight against the
things that we bind. It is up to us to continue to stay in there and not lose confidence
for even if we do not see an immediate change and release, it is bound to come!
Elisha prayed and he said that God must open up his servants eyes that he may see
that those who are with us are more that those against us! 2 Kings 6 verses 16 - 17
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Manifestation Come!
Now this is where it gets really powerful!
When God gives you a word and you release it in the spirit and the angels begin to
war over the word, God released the manifestation of the word in the earth! You see
the word becomes flesh and dwells amongst man! The full measure of the word that
God released is found with the man God released it to, for it comes by revelation and
So you, having received the word, walks in the word, and you walking in the word
also walk in the authority of that very word, for the full measure of its revelation has
both been revealed and imparted to you. Your spirit man is become the spirit word
released and revealed from the Father! You are the carrier of the word and the
anointing of that specific word operating in and through you is manifested!
If you begin to command things in the spirit by the very impression of God the very
life giving breath of God is upon you and the Glory presence of His Spirit resting
upon you begins to bring alive the very words of God in and through you. Prophecy
is then just not prophecy, but it is in effect the manifestation of the very word of God.
And it is this type of manifestation that will bring down principalities and powers in
the heavens, right into submission of the commanded word.
This anointing that comes through a visible lifestyle of being in His presence is what
will overthrow the manipulation of things in the spirit and the deceptive spirit will
cease to operate for in you resides the truth of what God sees and says to people,
churches, communities, regions, and nations. You begin to stand in the authority of
God in the heavens and you become the manifestation of the very word of God in
the earth!
God had to send His son! The one who will not only see, but do exactly what he sees
the Father do! And in this release of the very word of God in the earth the very
fulfilment of all of creation comes through you and me! Yet, unless we stand in the
spirit, in the session of prayer…, unless we ascend into the high places…, unless we
come boldly before the Throne of grace…, unless we begin to live the very
expression of what God says…, we will not see the turnaround of things by our
Next time you move, realize that the breath of God is upon you to establish His will
and His word through you. The very life within your mortal body is so powerful that it
will exceed what you are and not only sanctify your life but glorify it for His good will
and pleasure. If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, ask whatever you need
and it will be done for you! John 15 verse 17

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  • 1.
  • 2. GOD Fellowship – Prophetic Mentoring School © 2015 A Prophets Edge Ministries publication Page 1 © Copyright 2009 All the content of this book is the writings of Clinton Adams for Prophets Edge Ministries. The writings may be used with the permission of the said ministry and reference to the said writer must be made wherever the content is used. PROPHETS EDGE MINISTRIES Website: E-mail:
  • 3. GOD Fellowship – Prophetic Mentoring School © 2015 A Prophets Edge Ministries publication Page 2 Content INDEX Page Acknowledgements 3 Introduction 4 Chapter 1 5 - 9 (i) Essence in walking (ii) Parallel in walking (iii) Walk override Chapter 2 10 - 18 (i) Passion (ii) Purpose (iii) Design Chapter 3 19 - 27 (i) Intimacy – The birthplace of prophecy Chapter 4 28 - 36 (i) Prophetic Intercession Chapter 5 37 - 45 (i) Prophetic Worship Chapter 6 46 - 59 (i) Prophetic Gifts a. Revelation b. Knowledge c. Prophecy d. Teaching (ii) Prophetic Classifications a. Prophetic in Lifestyle b. Prophetic in Worship c. Prophetic Gifts d. The Prophet (iii) Prophetic Ministry a. Discerning the spirit b. Working of Miracles c. Preaching About Prophets Edge Ministries 60
  • 4. GOD Fellowship – Prophetic Mentoring School © 2015 A Prophets Edge Ministries publication Page 3 Acknowledgements It is such a pleasure to be able to bring together all that God has been doing over the past few years of the God Fellowship – Prophetic Mentoring School! So Father, this is your work and I give all the glory back unto you. Jesus, you have been my cornerstone that challenged my thinking in the schools thus far and you have become a stumbling block to those who did not respond. Holy Spirit, you have spoken what is in the Father through the pages of these schools, revealing things that lies deep in the inner recesses of Fathers heart, thank you for trusting me with the revelation in these pages. New Life Apostolic House church family with Pastors Mark and Felicia Killian who have been the most faithful supporters and attendees of the schools we hosted, thank you for believing in me and helping me to fulfil our assignment from Father. I would also like to honour Joan Greyling who has been a great part of my heart throughout the years. Her mantle of prophetic writing is stirring with me, so look out for more books! To my immediate family members, Rayana, Lesha Ruth, Cleo Ray, mother, brothers and sisters… I will continue to love you and fight for you in the spirit that I may be able to present you before my Father as Christ works in me. Then all who have come to the schools over the years… There is more to come! Hallelujah!
  • 5. GOD Fellowship – Prophetic Mentoring School © 2015 A Prophets Edge Ministries publication Page 4 Introduction Let me start the introduction by stating again what the purpose is of the God Fellowship – Prophetic Mentoring School. Mission The heart of the Father must be seen through the walk and life of His own, and this is the heart of God Fellowship. The mission is therefore to raise a prophetic people in the earth that would hear, understand and live in the Heart of God. Vision Maturity comes with time and so does seasoned prophetic people; it is therefore the aim of this mentoring school to walk with prophetic people, and over a period of time bring them into maturity of character. When the seed of what God wanted to do became a reality in my inner-man I knew that if we can get this right, we will see the generation of sound prophetic people again. By the grace of God we want to see the army of the Lord, taking its place in the atmospheric realm and positioning itself as the rule, reign and sovereignty of God in the earth. Every home should have a sound prophet, and so every street, community, city, nation and we should have sound prophets in the whole world. By engaging in this book and material, you are set to become a prophetic person who will be able, through the correct character and nature, to declare the kingdom of God. This book is so breathed by the Holy Spirit that no man can and should remain the same, for in these pages is the breath of God. All the notes to these schools were written by inspiration of the Holy Spirit and no concept or idea unless stated otherwise in these pages were drawn from any other persons material. This is the way I have received it from the Holy Spirit and so have taught it in the schools we have had. The words and lines you will read will carry much more revelation than what you would be able to fathom and therefore it is important to spend time reading it and reading it again and again until understanding is gained, for there is hidden gemstones in these pages if you look carefully enough. Enjoy the growing experience and be challenged to change!
  • 6. GOD Fellowship – Prophetic Mentoring School © 2015 A Prophets Edge Ministries publication Page 5 Chapter 1 Essence in Walking Our essence of walking is caught up in our original purpose and destiny as people. We were created to come into relationship with God and to exercise who God is in full capacity upon the face of the earth. God had a desire to just walk with man from the very beginning. We can clearly see this with God coming to talk to Adam (man) in the cool of the day. Mans quest has ultimately become a search and reasoning for a relationship that yearns deep within ourselves. It is a relationship that can only be filled with a genuine experience of God’s presence. We as people can only truthfully experience God by walking in relationships on the earth, for in each one of us is an aspect of who God is, and if we are going to know and experience God for who He is, we will need to walk circumspectly with each other as people of God. The essence in walking with God is a lifestyle that one has to adapt to in this current / natural life. Life itself becomes the existence of God in the earth for His abiding presence consumes the very heart and life of who we are. I am in Him and He is in me. It is no longer I that live but Christ lives in me. I must decrease and He must increase. Ignite passion for living! Everybody is alive, yet everyone does not live. Let me explain. If you are dead in your trespasses and sin you are... (dead) If you are made alive together with Christ you are... (alive) We tend not to see and recognize the state of people, because we are not life centered but sin centered. God is the One who deals with sin, not us. We deal with life! Living then has become our responsibility in the earth, and if we are responsible for life, we are responsible for the state we find ourselves in. If revival, regeneration or resurrection has taken place in our lives, whatever we come into contact with will automatically live too; we become a life force! As a life force we need to stay alive and not continuously fall into resuscitation. Staying alive requires that we follow a diet to maintain who and what we are and how we mature and grow in our life. Our mannerisms determines what manner of life we will lead; either a sick life or a healthy life. Our diet is based on the Word of God. The word is become our flesh and is a dwelling within a man, for a man is a consummation of the life of the word making our life a godly life in the earth.
  • 7. GOD Fellowship – Prophetic Mentoring School © 2015 A Prophets Edge Ministries publication Page 6 Our letters then, are read by man and understood in the parameters of what life truly encompasses. Therefore, it is important to have the proper engraftment on our visual life in the earth. What others see, that is what they will mimic and become, for it is the truth in plain sight. A culmination of every life lived before man is built into a dwelling where God lives by His Spirit. This life is fuelled with passions, which are characteristics, attitudes and decisions. For within a life dwells life, who and what you are, and godliness, what you do. Who and what you are is who and what God is. Eg. Love, peace, joy,... What you do is what God would do. Eg. Show mercy, forgive, heal, provide,... If there is any splendour, any glory... life will exists if God is seen in us. This is the reason why we need to exclaim with all of our might, “I must decrease and He must increase!” Our life is no longer seen, but the life of who we are (Christ – fully man yet fully infused with the life of God). The passion therefore is not to just only live, but it is to be fully alive! How walking affects you… Walking has only one way that it should be done, that is – to walk circumspectly before God and man. So walking outside of the parameters that is set in God’s word is a life lived outside of what God wants. Walking is to be a continual abiding in proper spirit, attitude and character. People are able to sense when someone addresses them with a bad spirit - mannerism is one of the hardest things people need to deal with as it is something that is taught from an age of understanding. We need to keep our spirit in check against the word of God that we may not act out of offence... Which brings us to our attitude of doing things: We should not act out of compulsion, for yet there would lay a factor of wanting to see what we want to see happen and are not conscious of the will of God, discarding the word of God in effect. Our attitude should be that of willingly submitting to one another in love that God may be able to raise us up to walk in His personage rather than ours. Our character then is transformed into the very image and likeness of God when our characteristic comes into line with whom and what God is in us and through us. When we do something in proper spirit, attitude and character we are not a clinging symbol but we resound clearly and have and eternal effect. As we have conformed to the image of God we will also in same manner transform things around us into the likeness of who He is. Parallel of Walking Walking and being and then translated is exactly what Jesus described our parallel of walking to be. You just cannot tell whether someone is coming or going if he is truly born of the Spirit.
  • 8. GOD Fellowship – Prophetic Mentoring School © 2015 A Prophets Edge Ministries publication Page 7 So in walking you walk and abide with a whole new paradigm / dimension of operation in the earth; walking as god-man. We have become the many membered Son of God in the earth once we have come into the essence of walking, for it brings us to the reality of living in a dream. (Virtual reality / spiritual reality) We are sovereign in walking, divinely aligned through the headship of Christ the Son and Christ the body. For the head / authority is not separated from the body, thus comes in parallel to where we are whether in the spirit or in the flesh I do not know. Yet in being seated we are walking the earth as pilgrims on a journey to the hereafter, from the dwelling of tents to the indwelling of beings within the Light of all lights, the Corner Stone of our foundation; a house build for splendour indeed! He who abides in the aspect of who God is (love) dwells in God and God in him. Who is walking Where? We all are called to the body, and the whole body is in motion. Every part of the body functions differently with the same objective. Each part can only do what it is directed to do and can only function in the way it is able to function. The body is separated into two parts, the right and the left. Every part has the same function but operates differently in some respects – the parallel of walking! Yet each part covers the body from a completely different angle. So the sphere of operation will always differ in anyone’s walk with God. Every part of the body, the life within, will develop itself into a maturity and sphere of influence to achieve the set objective of the main body, the life in its whole. This is what Ezekiel saw – the wheel inside of the wheel! God as our ultimate source of existence causes a turning of the wheel within each and everyone. Within the turning (stirring up) comes the latent energy or power from within the relationship of the wheel in the wheel and exuberates it with loud thundering and lightning’s in the heavenlies. The sound on earth may only reach as far as the ear hears, but the sounds in the heavens is majestic in all of its ways, for it is not the sound of a clinging symbol, but the sound of a celestial orchestra, a momentum gaining turning, a rainbow of splendour as lights comes out of light! Our walk thus is not limited from within, yet our hand stretches as far as the eye can see! Within the borders of our surroundings we become effective in our area / sphere of influence. Every particle of our existence carries the ability to be and to conform to the life or need in the given sphere of operation, for our life not only lives but gives a shadow / duplication of what it is. Our natural lives are still affected by what others have done in their living! Our spiritual lives are still affected daily by the sacrifice made more than two thousand years ago. The sphere of influence then stretches further than we can fathom or even calculate. In parallel we walk where no man has walked before!
  • 9. GOD Fellowship – Prophetic Mentoring School © 2015 A Prophets Edge Ministries publication Page 8 Let this mind then be in you that was in Christ... that though He had everything, He gave it all to walk with nothing, that we may have everything. Walk in a daily losing of self into a gaining of life. For seeding into something produces what the seed was, is and will produce. The Seed of God, the walk as man, the life as God-man. Walk Override! God overrides the dimensions that exist within our capacity to bring us into a whole new living in the light of who He is. He moves beyond the borders of our current to expound that which exists in what is yet to be revealed for that which has been concealed is now been revealed. So in knowing then as we are already fully known the parameters of existence extends in its borders and becomes what is not known or seen to be what is truly from the beginning. For as Moses had to wear a veil before his face to keep people from seeing what we really are, so now it is revealed in and through us what we shall be. (Override) The veil has been removed and now stared into each face the reality of what life encompass, both suffering and blessing, for yet we are bound to this earthly tent, this form of living which fades away with every passing moment of Truth, Way and of the Life. Revealed in us is the light of life as the bright morning star appears over our dawning of a new day and era of experience in life and godliness (God likeness), we are propelled to living an experience of what was, what is and is to come. A measure of Life without limit; an experience without borders and of no comparison, being fully god-man in walking in an extending / broadening override of what we can ever think or imagine to be. Heavenly living in effect! Normally we see people operating from the seen realm or they operate from that which they can see with the natural eye. Yet God called the things that are not as if it is, hence the earth’s existence. Yes I believe that we need to put our hands to the plough but in some cases we cannot but call from a place we cannot yet see or realize... We have to operate in what is not natural in occurrence in order to get what we want to see done, this constitutes the ability to act in the beyond natural (supernatural, spirit, heavenlies). Our place of speaking then does not come from wrestling in the natural (labour of our hands), our place of speaking comes from the heavenlies (declarations from the authoritive seat of Christ). I normally say that our prayers are battles from the natural into the spirit to affect the spirit of a thing, but our declaration from the spirit is what will change the natural. We then need to call our focus as intercessors away from only operating from what is seen to what is unseen, unheard of, and what is yet to be in order for us to correctly operate in the sphere of the natural infusing it with the supernatural. Our prayer has always been, “ it is in heaven...” If we are going to infuse the earth (natural) with the heavens, we need to know and have experience of the
  • 10. GOD Fellowship – Prophetic Mentoring School © 2015 A Prophets Edge Ministries publication Page 9 heavens. Thus, our walking should not be limited to earthly things, but we should endeavour to walk in the spirit, for only then we will not fulfil the desires of what is natural but only that which is of the Spirit. Away and then again! In being away we experience things unseen and unheard of! Isaiah fell down and exclaimed, “Woe is me! For I have seen the Lord of Hosts.” Living in the heavenlies is real and we in our finite minds cannot fathom the vastness of all of creation, and unless we learn to walk with God we cannot walk the heavenlies. When the heavenlies is not accessible to us we cannot fulfill our God instilled desire to fully know Him in the beauty of His holiness. We need to unlearn what it is to naturally live in order to live supernaturally. Having and experience being drawn away into the spirit will not only help us to walk naturally, but it will align our walking into the preset purposes of God. When we live from the heavenlies we can speak from the depth, height, width, length and breadth of who He is. If we want to continue to exist in the nature of who we are we need to go to the before place. We need to transcend from the eternal into that which is and into that which shall be, for we shall be as He is, and we shall know as we are also fully known. From the midst of this we yield ourselves in such great honour in knowing that the very breath of God is ordained to be our sustenance in the earth, and right into the heavens. For we are because He is, and if we are, then we are fearfully and wonderfully made, that’s why Isaiah could marvel at the works of His hands and exclaim from the earth that he is undone in his person, for he has not walked into override with God. And from the heavens came words everlasting and decrees that are Faithful and True. So in walking we unearth ourselves into override where the very produce of our lives yields roots of substance. Roots that do not only draw, but roots that know how to retain, grow and become sustenance for another. Oh, that we would come into such unravelling from ourselves that that which abides in the unseen may become seen within us and through us... for there are these treasures in earthen vessels! Oh, that our roots would run deep as an olive tree planted in the House of God.
  • 11. GOD Fellowship – Prophetic Mentoring School © 2015 A Prophets Edge Ministries publication Page 10 Chapter 2 Passion How to develop the right kind of passion… Passion is driven by inner cravings, which is desire and desire need to be directed into the proper direction in order for the passion to be fulfilled. When passion is understood wrongly, and in the manner after mans own heart, it would be easy for any man to fall at any given time. Passion can never be birthed out of the heart of man as our own hearts is deceitful above all things. Jeremiah 17 verse 9 This is the reason why there is always a circumcision of the heart! The heart has issues and the issues that flow forth from the heart must be properly interpreted in order for us as a people to reach and attain such a high and lofty call to draw closer to the truth of who we are. Our hearts can reveal two things to us. (i) What we are; and (ii) What we will be. Colossians 2 verse 11 - 14 It is therefore our duty to properly interpret everything that causes our creative juices to flow in a kind of a way that either lets us succeed or that lets us fall. The fumes of our passion brings forth a driving force to what we will be and where our course is set to, yet it is by choice that we wilfully follow what we want to see happen as we interpret the issues that flows forth from our hearts. It is a discerning point for us to arrive to, as we have to weigh up and scale exactly what it is that we are receiving from our innermost being. This is the reason why I believe Jesus said that we need to go into our inner room, our closet as we call it, and there pray. For within us must be the discernment of what it is that we are allowing our life to flow towards. Matthew 6 verse 6 The deceitfulness of our own hearts will cause us to falter, it will cause us to fall, and it will drive us away from such a perfect plan and place that has been ordained for us by our Father. For from the natural comes things ordained for the natural, and from the spirit comes things ordained from the Spirit. If we will and choose a certain manner of life and way, if we choose to continue to abide, we will have to carry the burden of every choice we have made. Flowing forth from our inner recesses can be what is so natural to man, or it can bring forth and produce in us the spirit and life. We can choose to divinely interpret our passions and release in and through us what is so apparent to the earth as the whole of creation is in earnest expectation to see the true revealing of what is so naturally dormant within us. For our passion should be the pouring forth of the Spirit and Life, existence, breath... the very heart of God, the issue that can only come forth from a circumcised heart; a passion after God. Romans 8 verse 19 When our passion is correctly aligned into the manner of spirit we should become, it will be the directive of every motive we have concerning our lives and ministry. If we are ever going to develop properly as prophetic people we need to judge ourselves lest we be judged! Matthew 7 verse 1
  • 12. GOD Fellowship – Prophetic Mentoring School © 2015 A Prophets Edge Ministries publication Page 11 What is driving you? In understanding that we are driven by our nature which is derived from our passion – the driving force of who we are, it is important to know what we are driving towards. In order for us to properly discern what we are driving towards we need to interpret the very thought pattern of our hearts, mind and lives. We need to see what it is that is being produced in us. Your passion has a faith, that comes forth from hope, that is a substance of what you don’t see, but it is... Amen! So in regard to your life you will always keep on pushing into a certain direction. Something will keep on pointing you into a certain direction that you should go. I would like to say that it is the God instilled homing device that is set to get your life into the right direction to reach your target and to allow you to go out with a bang! Hebrews 11 verse 1 So that driving force that is within your thoughts every day, when you rise and when you sleep – that very thing is the passion that is driving you. And your passion is dependent upon your choice to seek to fulfil it or not, it needs your discernment to be able to release forth from you what you choose to do. The passion will never leave you; it will be a continual directive of the way you should go. So our ability to be so natural can stand in our way of doing perhaps what we should be doing. Or we could walk in the spirit and reach and attain such as have been given unto us, this treasure in our earthen vessel. For your life is the encompassing treasure and not the vessel, for the vessel will surely fade away, but that which is eternal will be released and revealed in you when you are no longer driven by the carnal nature and self desire of man, but by the confident walking and abiding in the spirit. 2 Corinthians 4 verse 7 For indeed the Spirit drove Jesus into the wilderness and it is the Spirit that brought forth within Him new life and sustenance to not only be, but to supernaturally transcend and translate into the eternal realm of God’s glory. Our inner ability to choose above all things will determine what manner of life we will lead – either as one feasting on the flesh of another’s carcasses, or one living off the fresh produce from the streams of life! Luke 4 verse 1; Acts 1 verses 1 – 3 & 9 So we should then explore the inner reserves of God’s power in our lives that we may fully know and understand the essence of that which is pouring forth from our lives. We need to lay bare every motive; every decision should be tested and tried; the streams of the heart needs to have streams flowing forth from the Throne of His grace – the sanctuary, the inner room where we pray. Ezekiel 47 verses 1 - 12 The creative essence of His presence must become the generator and driving force of power being released to us to have and be exactly what He has determined for us to have and be. Jeremiah 29 verse 11
  • 13. GOD Fellowship – Prophetic Mentoring School © 2015 A Prophets Edge Ministries publication Page 12 Live, relive and let live! It is important to understand that we are alive in God through Christ Jesus our Lord. We already live with a passion to see Him as He really is and to experience such a great salvation that none can compare. We are already made fully alive and we are set to reap the benefits of this life that we have been given. Just being alive is a driving passion for most of us for we live to see the next day. We have already pushed aside the manner of “if the Lord so wills.” Romans 6 verse 11; James 4 verses 13 - 16 So in our spirit we have become accustomed to being natural in our operation and sphere that our life becomes mundane in our own eyes and a charge is laid against us of having lost our first love. Our first love is the very heart of who we are. And if you are challenged to live in passion of serving Jesus with all of your strength, all of your mind, and all of your heart – from where your passion flows forth from; then you will never get to release the full exploration of what is destined to be in your life. The challenge will cause you to miss it, for without the proper focus of living life out of the existence of God we will never walk into the revival, renewal and transforming power of God. Revelation 2 verse 4 When we have reached such a natural place where the flesh overrides the things of the spirit, the passion from within will always cry out for you to relive, or to live again in the manner and likeness of your first love. Your being will cry out to relive what it was to so naturally be what was ordained before; what was set in place before; to live again! Ephesians 1 verses 4 - 6 Yet we are faced with the decision all day long to let what is apparent live or to return to what is so naturally given to us to have and be and do. We choose to give life to whatever is birthed forth within us, whether a concept, precept, idea, imagination or thought. For the pieces of our passion will soon form within us a picture of life as it should have been in comparison to what it is now. Your passion sets up hope within you! Forth from the presence of God alone can come what it truly is that has been placed in us, and the inner ability to become God’s visible voice in the earth will only but then become louder. Our passion and heart’s desire brings forth in the earth the operation of what will be released by our choice, formation and heart. Our passion will beat louder and clearer in the earth or natural sphere of operation when the streams of our lives that flows from the sanctuary manifests the very thing our heart have yearned for. Psalm 21 verses 1 - 7 Out of our very being comes life and sustenance to whatever we release life to. The ability to live resides within us; the ability to relive and become alive again resides within us; the ability to let something live abides within us; yet we will only produce that which is flowing forth from our hearts, of which I beckon you to make sure that it is circumcised! For He desires clean hands and a pure heart! Psalm 24 verses 3 - 6
  • 14. GOD Fellowship – Prophetic Mentoring School © 2015 A Prophets Edge Ministries publication Page 13 Purpose Dwelling in the midst of who you are It can be easy to walk blindly into a thing of which you have no knowledge. Many a times we have wandered the earth in this fashion to the extent that we began to say, “What will be, will be.” The problem we have with that is that we do not even attempt to define the parameters of our operation and God preset the divine strategy for our lives for our good. It is no strange thing! For forth from our passion is derived a distinction that is visible in our mannerism (actitude) determining our altitude which is either our goals reached or the depth in us resounding. For indeed forth from our innermost being comes flowing rivers of living waters. It quenches the thirst when it is received and it satisfies! John 7 verse 38 So is ones purpose fulfilled! For it can never be caught up in the parameters of our flesh, but it has to come forth from within our birthplace, the Spirit of God. And forth from the Spirit will come the midst of who we are for we are exactly that which we shall be, all it takes is the transforming power of the Spirit of God... for the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead now dwells in you! Romans 8 verse 11 From the death of our ashes life is breathed into our hearts and it causes us to be raised up into a plan, purpose and destiny just as He rose up Adam and the valley of the dry bones. In us will be a life and an existence raised up into life to have and be and do exactly what we should have and be and do, for already within our surrounding is a resounding of fitting into the eternal plan and purpose of God – His Kingdom, His Life, His Existence, You!!! Ezekiel 37 verses 1 - 14 The midst of who you are is defined not by what you have in life or have attained, for man is like the grass who withers and are blown away by the wind, but the midst of who you are is defined by the wealth of your personhood, the abstract personage, the charisma of God in the earth; your life is defined by the creative power to live in the everlasting realm of God’s operation yet we are trapped by the normality of our flesh until eternity dawns within our midst. The midst of who you are resides within you and is ready and seasoned by God’s Spirit to allow you to transcend and translate from this natural realm into the eternity of God. Psalm 103 verses 15 - 16 So what is established in your flesh can either be of the flesh or of the Spirit, which simply means you can do something that will fade away or you can choose to live a life of the Spirit that will build up your treasure in the heavenlies. Your life’s existence can either be caught up in the flesh (your doing) or in the spirit (God’s doing), for when your life resounds the brilliance of His splendour and light, you will arise into a new dawning and have an experience of every glory of the Kingdom; you will transcend and be translated out of living in the kingdom of darkness into living, breathing, doing and being the Kingdom of Light! Matthew 6 verses 19 – 21; Isaiah 60 verse 1
  • 15. GOD Fellowship – Prophetic Mentoring School © 2015 A Prophets Edge Ministries publication Page 14 Where is it driving you? When you transcend and translate from your normal sphere of operation into the eternal plan of God you are progressing into a state of releasing within you an ability to perform the works of God. The taste in the mouth will not be that of a mundane life that is dead in its trespasses and sins, but it will be as honey on the lips, as waters to the soul. For from a life will be birthed forth a life of dwelling in the midst of signs and wonders and miracles. Ephesians 2 verse1; Psalm 119 verse 103 These things will be and develop to full stature if there is a continual yearning and seeking after God’s righteousness; after the Kingdom of God, where the true essence of life and existence is revealed and released in the manner of simple truths lived out powerfully by a man-God as God is in a man. For to eat from the table of the Lord is to eat not by being nursed with the breast, but being served the full measure of life and all it encompasses. Matthew 6 verse 33 Therefore Paul wrote of these things saying that he choose to know Christ in the fellowship of His suffering. To know Christ in the manner after the Spirit; yet being held by the limitations of the natural life. To have the members of his body cry out for a heart to heart kind of a life... a spirit to Spirit kind of a life! A life calling on the release of every encumbrance, every ensnarement, every obstacle and into the overcoming power of His being, the substance of eternity being revealed in us, from a place of walking in the glory of man to a place of walking in the Glory of the Father, for such will the Spirit of God do... to search out the deep things of God and to reveal it in us by allowing the mind of Christ to come forth. Philippians 3 verse 10; 1 Corinthians 2 verse 10 & 16 Out of the experience of existence in Life we will be changed and conformed into an image and likeness, into the comeliness of the Possessor of Heaven and Earth, a reflection of the splendour of His Majesty on High, for forth from the very life lived naturally in the manner of Life will come who He truly is in us and through us; A protruding ray of light from His hand wherein His power is hidden. For He touches when we touch, He breathes when we breathe, He moves when we move... we are the manifestation of His likeness in bodily form. 1 Corinthians 15 verses 51 – 58; Habakkuk 3 verse 4; Acts 17 verse 28 Now the question was raised, “What will we be?”... We will be as He is! We have been purposed to be the exact representation of His being... in the manner after His existence, which is body and spirit. Our body consumed as an offering produces the very life of the Spirit in us, therefore we shall all be changed into a glorious body of which we do not know whether in the body or in the spirit... yet we know, for we are neither in the body nor in the spirit, we are after His likeness which surpasses what we will be. We are then, even now, as He is... clothed in the majesty of His power, able to do exactly what was done and even more for we have matured into feasting from His table, enjoying what He enjoys, loving what He loves and being who He is!
  • 16. GOD Fellowship – Prophetic Mentoring School © 2015 A Prophets Edge Ministries publication Page 15 Intense Heat! As burning coals then we lay before the altar being as flames of fire, scorched not, but burning with passion to see the curse of a man being lifted; burning with purpose to see the calling of a man into responsibility; burning with destiny to usher in the design of who He is – a man without form or comeliness that he should be desired, but acquainted with every grief and sorrow of man. Isaiah 6 verses 1 – 8 & Isaiah 53 Yet for the sake of the gospel of the kingdom we are being killed all day long, like sheep being led to the slaughter; sunken down in the peril of men! Who can stand against the ways of the Lord? For there is blessing and cursing! Romans 8 verse 36 We have longed for this day, to see you that we may impart to you what we have received of the Lord... that the gospel of His power is for men unto salvation! Romans 1 verse 11 For Your Word oh Lord, is like a fire in my heart, shut up in my bones, if I hold it back, I cannot! Jeremiah 20 verse 9 Who then could rise up and prophesy when the Lion of Judah raw? For in the intensity of man there is a decree that stands for the ages that the power of His word may be revealed in us... “It is Finished!” Amos 3 verse 8; John 19 verse 30 The spectacle has come to distort the fact of favour; the run down has come to break before us every blessing of the Father; the cursed has come to release infirmities in our inner man, but the deliverance is of God. The natural state of being has caused us to arise in the measure and stature of who He is for the hope of our calling lies not in the ability of man but in the power of God. We have come to serve notice on every high and lofty thing that the light of our lives is come... “Behold, the Kingdom of God is at hand!” The burning coals from the altar is your purging in this hour... be clean oh son of man! Be released from your darkness! Let your light so shine before men that they will see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven. Matthew 5 verse 16 Oh, city on a hill, hide not your light, but shine forth! Bring the day and still the night! Fire of God’s Spirit, burn in the day of burning that the depth of a man may be sneered and purged, circumcise the Philistine! Rent the hearts! Bring forth the issue of life! Birth forth God in man! Intensify your efforts! Throw more wood on the fire! Arise and shine – burst forth into immeasurable light that comes from the Glory, the manifest presence, of the Lord God. The radiance of His splendour is here! Burn in the nations oh light that comes from the Father of lights; speak not from darkness of hearts but from a circumcision not made by hands! Be the appearance of a dwelling fashioned for Spirit Holy to dwell in, Mount Zion, city of passion, purpose and design!
  • 17. GOD Fellowship – Prophetic Mentoring School © 2015 A Prophets Edge Ministries publication Page 16 Design Bring the pieces together For the ages we have separated what should be common to man, that in one life would be everything that the life was purposed for. And we have divorced the very nature of God in our personal lives where we streamlined our functionality into a certain area only, making our body to function as a disabled body, yet when we read the scriptures we find that we have been enabled to do all things through the working of His power within us (Christ in me, the hope of living a walking experience in the glory!) Philippians 4 verse 13; Colossians 1 verse 27 As a man in the earth we should function as both king and priest, that is what this kingdom was created to be. We are prophet yet man, one who dwells in the midst of God and one who dwells on the face of the earth. If I could term it I would call us a king-priest or a priestly king; I would call us a prophetic man or a man-prophet. The members of our body must be united in its function and capacity that there may be lacking nothing but in everything prosper and be in good health just as our souls proper. Revelation 1 verse 6, 5 verses 9 -10; 3 John verse 2 So the internal directives dictates our outward appearances which has been treated as a common thing amongst men, yet it is powerful in the midst of God within us, for our members are crying out for a flooding forth of the oil and a continues dew as upon Hermon from our head (understanding, reasoning, decisions), for within our Head (Christ Jesus) is the capacity to make every member function within the given order of the whole body. Our brain releases the concepts that is birthed from within our spirits. By translating it into words it formulates it into action, for the Word, drawn from the hope in us, through the concepts and mind of Christ, becomes flesh with every walking, waking and abiding in the presence of the Most High through faith. The pattern of what we develop in our inner man, bosom, heart and spirit, is the pattern we will see unfolding before our own eyes when it is released through the unity of our members, transforming us into one new man. We have lacked the full capacity of creations servant hood as we were created to assume a place of dominion over the birds of the air, the fish of the sea, the beasts of the land and every produce that the earth and sea would yield. Creation / man, has lost its place of naming and releasing the potential of the seed within our midst and henceforth fails to produce that which has been given into our hands to subdue. Genesis 1 verses 28 -30 That which we have lost is now being restored for a people is now corporately being grafted into One – the tree of life; and so forth from within the Vine comes the extension of the branches who yields fruit worthy of the Father, for within the Vine there is a synergy of the creative juices flowing forth to nurture the produce of the kingdom of God within us as a corporate body being made manifest in the earth – releasing the revelations of a man in the earth who is the Christ! John 15 verses 1 –8
  • 18. GOD Fellowship – Prophetic Mentoring School © 2015 A Prophets Edge Ministries publication Page 17 How is it driving you? Carrying the weight of that which is produced in us we find that our waters is turned into wine for the effective showing forth of the present Glory of the Father being revealed, releasing back unto us an honour of servant hood in the earth. For in our kingship we become the vessel of honour in producing an offering that will be pleasing unto Him. It is an offering of serving all of creation with the very treasure laid up in us; produced through the birth canal of our humility. (Consider the life of Joseph son of Jacob) In honour is responsibility to maintain who and what we are and what we have; to yield it as a fragrance, an aroma, a charisma, an essence of being what our hearts and minds is allowing our strength to become, for our passion and design fulfils our purpose. In honour we lose sight of ourselves and we allow the manner of His grace to take over. Our flesh would cry out for natural things to live, have and be naturally in our daily lives, but we have long discovered that we are moved by the Spirit and walk in the spirit as not to fulfil the desires and passions of our flesh, and seeking to fulfil the nature of common man instead of a spirit man. Galatians 5 verse 16 Every hearts concepts will prosper when there is a faithful yielding to it, and if our motives and heart/spirit is one there will be a focus to accomplish what we have disciplined ourselves to be and do by living in a state of repentance before God. Our common nature cannot override the things of the Spirit for we draw from the Spirit who gives life to the concepts and motives of the heart in line with our destiny as creation; as created beings our make-up dictates to our natural life to bring forth the produce of abundant Life. Yielding ourselves to this Zoë life, our existence cries out for perfection in the things, thoughts, ideas, concepts, issues of the heart, the nature of man. There is a continual striving forth, pressing into reaching the finish line of the course that is set before us, to win the prize which is the crown, splendour, glory of life – the very Glory of the rule and reign of the Father, even a coming into a subjection of laying ourselves down and saying: “Crown Him with many crowns!” Philippians 3 verse 12 Together every member of the body strives in the motion the Head is instructing it to go, and forth from every member comes the light of His glory birthed from within the latent passion and design to fulfil the purpose of the life of the whole body, the church. The Spirit hovers over the waters of the body of believers and is ready to strengthen and assist in accomplishing every aspect of the envisioned destiny. The vibration of Zoë life draws from the Blood what it needs to ensure there is sustained life in every cell, vain, blood vessel and bone in the body. In manner of speaking, the whole body becomes dependant off the Blood, Life and direction of the God-head, the passion of our lives, the purpose giver, the designer – Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
  • 19. GOD Fellowship – Prophetic Mentoring School © 2015 A Prophets Edge Ministries publication Page 18 I stand a full man! The spirit of a man is the lamp of the Lord... the lamp of the Lord lights up within us and brings into light that which is in the dark and exposes the nature of who the man is in essence, in his passion, purpose and design. When we light up with the power of the Holy Spirit, every possibility within us is explored, searched out, made plain and fulfilled. Within ourselves we find the full measure of everything our lives encompass. Proverbs 20 verse 27 We are not perfected yet in this body of death, but we will know as we are fully known, and when Christ who is your Life appears, and becomes the living-breathing organism in and through you, having laid aside every encumbrance... YOU WILL APPEAR WITH HIM IN GLORY! You will appear in the full manifestation of His person hood, life and existence! 1 Corinthians 13 verse 12; Colossians 3 verse 4 Dwelling in the fullness of Christ simply means that there is then no lack in the ability to dwell as a perfected man in the earth, full of grace, anointed with the glory of His person, fully infused with nothing missing, nothing broken, peace, salvation, a full man! Arrayed with splendour and majesty, a light from within the Light, a new Jerusalem, a new order of the day, the light of the world, manifested in honour, power, passion and praise! For unto the Christ belong power, riches, wisdom, strength, honour, glory and blessing! And we have no lack in it, for such as He is we are! Christ Jesus the head of the church the body, the co-joined labourers in the kingdom of the Son of His love. A sitting at the right hand of His Power until all His enemies has been made a footstool; togetherness in the dwelling of His being, a house built for the indwelling of His Spirit. Revelation 5 verse 12; Ephesians 2 verse 6, 20 – 22; Hebrews 1 verse 13 The Spirit of God that searches out the deep things of God and brings to revelation that which is within the person of His being, searches out the deep things of God within us and our deep calls unto the Deep of His nature and person, and allows us to translate and transcend into the eternal fulfilment of His passion, His purpose and His design! 1 Corinthians 2 verse 10; Psalm 42 verses 7 - 8 I stand a full man, having been made in the image of His likeness! I stand a full man, having come in by the door of His sheepfold! I stand a full man, clothed with every glory of His kingdom! I stand a full man, with thunder in my footsteps and rays of light in my hand! I stand a full man, having passed from natural glory to eternal glory! I stand a full man, with a river of life flowing from this sanctuary! I stand a full man, having been raised from death to life in Christ Jesus my Lord! The parameters of my natural borders cannot hold me! The extensions of my tent pins have fallen for me in pleasant places! My lungs are filled with the Ruach of God! I live fully, exploring everything in me, and I see it fulfilled! My existence carries worth, as like unto the only begotten of the Father! Passion, purpose and design in me is in line and in accordance to His will and good pleasure! Amen!
  • 20. GOD Fellowship – Prophetic Mentoring School © 2015 A Prophets Edge Ministries publication Page 19 Chapter 3 Intimacy! The birthplace of Prophecy! Speaking from the realm of God Through the ages man has placed high value on the desires of his own heart and as we have previously said that the heart above all things is deceitful. We always find ourselves in a place where we lose our hearts to something we should not have allowed in the first place. In the mind of God we are to be one, one with Him in Christ Jesus our Lord. For years it has been a passion for our hearts to beat as one with Him. To be so in sync that when His heart beats in a place we would be able to feel it or sense it. The beating of the Heart of God should be so real in the heart of man that everywhere we go there will be a natural effect within us to bring the very heartbeat of God into any given sphere. As the church our progression and migration from one step to the next should reflect every step that He would take. Jesus pointed us to that very fact and nature in that He said I do those things that I see My Father do. He had something right, a precept and a concept revealed to the heart of a natural man through the heart of a natural man. This place then is not too high or lofty for us to attain! Out of a place of the walking and abiding in the place which He has prepared for us to walk in, we then operate in the earth, not from the parameters of our surroundings but from the place where His heart and nature becomes our living, breathing and abiding in the earth. It is in the nature of this grace that we are effectively involved in releasing the heart and nature of God in the earth. Jesus said that My words are not My own, but it is the Words of Him who sent me! The Words of Him who sends cannot come forth if He did not send it, for His Words produces life and sustenance to all those who hear and obey His Words. His Words was brought forth by the release of the eternal realms of His glory on the earth as it was manifested in a man. Jesus now turns to us and reveals something for our dispensation, and that is that the Kingdom of God is within you! The rule, reign and sovereignty of God is within you and manifested through you. You no longer carry the message of the kingdom of darkness, by speaking dark and dead things, but you speak from a place that cannot be measured in words or deeds. This can only be measured by the right living of the heart, which brings forth the nature and the decree of the King of the kingdom. Having come to that point it now becomes relative for us to understand that the decoding of the very Words of God then resides within the heart of a man in the earth today and that man is you and me. For every prophetic word that is yet to be released is entrusted to us when we walk not from the parameters of our flesh, but from the eternal and infinite mind of God. Our very nature then releases the very Words of God as we feel what He feels, see what He sees, hear what He hears and know what He knows. We manifest the eternal realms of God’s glory in word and in conduct!
  • 21. GOD Fellowship – Prophetic Mentoring School © 2015 A Prophets Edge Ministries publication Page 20 The voice of the inner man Mixing all this revelation up in ourselves we find that there is then that thin line of speaking out of the carnal nature of who we are and speaking from the exact place of living which has been predestined before the foundations of the earth. As the natural man walks and talks he is by nature tempted to speak his own heart and mind at any given point, for the flesh is in enmity with the spirit. A man’s temptation is brought forth by the pride that resides from within. The pride of life will push you to perform and act within the parameters of what was and is, but it will not allow you to go beyond into the eternity of God and the very mind and heart of God is lost in the process. Pride will blur your vision and sooner or later you will have lost complete sight of what you have started out in. You begin in the spirit, yet you end up in the flesh. It becomes a craving to the natural man when all the attention is given to him when it is going good. Yet in the quietness of his spirit the man fails and falters before God, for the flesh cries out and wants to be satisfied. The flesh wants to be released in a full experience of every avenue it can pursue when it gets the attention it desires. This is the lust of the flesh working against manifesting God’s presence in His voice for the flesh wants its own voice to be heard. When this voice comes out it can only see what others have seen and done. The warring competitive lifestyle will come forth and all humility is lost in the process. God is not with a man who looks at things beyond what is in his capacity to have and be and do for it was never designed for him or predestined for him to have. God will never allow you to get so hurt that you will never come out of the pit, but His love, grace and mercy will not bring success to what is not in His plan and purpose. You might not be a public failure but you would have known in your quietness that it is not the will of God. Yet the lust of your eyes, the lust of your flesh and the pride of live works together to still such a high and lofty place that was set for you to speak from. We need deliverance from these three things as it blocks out the eternal things of God. Your word would only but fall on the ground and not produce for the enemy has already taken charge of everything you have set your mind and heart to. Again I say that your vision becomes a blur until such time when you become like an Eli who falls over, breaks his neck and dies. Your authority will be taken from you and a lying spirit will enter into you as you would try to act out in the things that was and as you act out your current circumstances. The Word of the Lord is not found in your past or present. The Word of the Lord is found in the eternal realm of His glory and only when you ascend into that high and lofty place will you be able to speak forth as from the very breath of God and within your words would lie the latent power to create something which was not but yet it is for it is in existence already in the eternity of God.
  • 22. GOD Fellowship – Prophetic Mentoring School © 2015 A Prophets Edge Ministries publication Page 21 Is this God? We will always question within ourselves then if this is God speaking or if this is the flesh trying to creep into the ministry of life and godliness. We have to discern at every step of the way to establish whether we are fit for the kingdom or if we are in error. As ministers of such a grace we have to be responsible over every word that proceeds out of our mouth for we will be held accountable for such as we have said. A prophet is not marked by prophecy but he is marked by his words, for the scripture clearly teaches us that the words of a true prophet will never fall to the ground. This is the same principle we use to see whether it is God who is speaking to us or whether the sound we have heard and interpreted was correct. God even said that His word is like unto the rains that falls on the earth and makes it produce. God spoke into nothing and something came into existence. God’s breath is so powerful that when He breathed out, the clay, wherewith He fashioned and image of Himself, became alive! And if we consider this correctly in this day and in this age we would know and understand that the full restoration of all things are upon us for the fullness of times are dawning within our very nature. The very thing that God created in the beginning is manifesting. A man is arising in the earth that will name and claim that which was given over to him to rule. Just as God gave Adam and Eve the earth to have dominion over it, so He is restoring the voice of the first through the life of the last. This interpretation and decoding of the very Words of God brings forth the eternal man in the natural state of being and the natural man produces a life after the express image of who God is. The eternal reflection of glory becomes a light, releasing from the Most High a revelatory expression which when uttered brings forth life. The speaking forth from the eminence of the Father of lights pierces the darkness that has clouded the mind of our understanding and brings from the eternal realm the revelation of the now into eternity. God is not measured in words of prophecy for it will never stand in comparison to who He truly is, yet He has given the spoken word of prophecy to point to a place where He may be found. For in the conditions of His word comes forth the place that lies embedded in the heart and mind of man. Only the revelation of the very thing that God has instilled in man will release and reveal the very dimension of what was from the eternal realms of His being into the here and present age, for we know and understand that we have been fashioned ye predestined to have and be and do exactly what was even before the natural world began and came into existence. In the knowledge of such truth we know that God speaks what He speaks and we engage in such conversation with him in our quest to find and search out the height, length, width, depth and breadth of His personhood in the earth. When God speaks we are challenged to lose sight of ourselves and to behold the great work that lies ahead of us to accomplish; and our natural desire and response would be a beckoning call for fulfilment of the promise that stands throughout the ages. Crown Him with many crowns! Our mind and authority submitted to Jesus!
  • 23. GOD Fellowship – Prophetic Mentoring School © 2015 A Prophets Edge Ministries publication Page 22 The nature of the speaker The very thought and intent of the speaker will then not be focused on self and in gaining of treasures upon the earth, but the nature will be that of producing what cannot be contained by the nature of the flesh. Only what would come forth from the Spirit is what will stand tried by fire, and the speaker must be in the abiding of the Holy Spirit to be able to bring forth truth and light. The nature of the speaker is that of a stable relationship with God and man in that the speaker would have access to the Throne of God and be persuaded of the will of God yet be able to come down to the natural man and declare His words. Speaking then is not confounded to any given sphere but it is infused with the eternal glory and light of the way in which God has so lovingly translated His will and plan into life within a man. The speaker speaks the loudest when He says nothing at all, but his very life emanates a true sense of words formulated to bring a deliverance and freedom in the hearts of all people. Not one person will be left unaffected once a true man who is after His personhood is released to reveal the very aspect of who God is, for within the nature of the man is the resident words of God. Through his very life lived the speaker walks in the revelation of God for the given sphere he is operating in and localities becomes affected by the release of the sound and vibration of the speakers life in the earth. He might be strange, he might be peculiar, yet he is real in the true sense of a willingness to see God and God’s kingdom manifested. The speakers embodiment speaks resurrection and life wherever it has the authority to influence ye persuade one of the will of God. When the speaker’s life is so in line with the Father to a point where he can say I am in the Father and the father is in me, then the very words of the speaker will produce and bring forth the very nature of who he is in an who is in him. For some have a father of all lies, but we have the Father of all truth, and it is His words that comes forth and carries the weight to create and sustain the very exact will of why He has sent forth His word. The speaker will walk under such a revelatory truth as the Holy Spirit will seek out the deep and reveal it in the depth of the man so that it can be the very personage and nature of the one the words originates from. For in the time when the Father has become your appearance, your likeness ye your countenance, as the speaker, the heavens will resound when you sound, for within the borders your life and capacity you are then an express image of His likeness with an ability to bring forth just as He has brought forth – For God said “Let there be light, and there was light!”
  • 24. GOD Fellowship – Prophetic Mentoring School © 2015 A Prophets Edge Ministries publication Page 23 Manifesting Truth Because the word of God is found within the life of the speaker as his ways are evident of the presence of God, the speaker then will manifest exactly that which God is in that given sphere. Truth will only be relevant if the capacity of the mind of the people is able to receive such high and lofty things brought forth by the Spirit in the heart, mind and life of a man. Truth will be apparent to those who have before encountered the way, the truth and the life and their experience have taught them things in past and present that can be applied to life and godliness, yet there is a hidden truth that will only have and carry the confirmation of the spirit with groans and moans and birth pangs. For that which is but not yet seen must be brought forth by the Spirit with power and revelatory experiences from the unseen realm of God. It is the objective of the prophetic person then to relay that which resides in the realm of the spirit yet what is evident as the will of God for any person or locality. The speaker will only but speak what has become apparent within the given sphere and only that which carries the true sense of the heart of God will be revealed and released. If the true sense of the heart of God is not in a place or if the heart and nature of the speaker is not in line with the Spirit which brings forth life and godliness, we will see a clinging symbol and sounding brass which carries no power and no effect. Empty words will produce nothing! Only words filled with the essence of our creative God will be seen manifesting and lives and localities must change for it will be the truth in plain sight, a revelation of what is and is to come, for out of the eternal realm of God comes manifestations into our present and it changes and shapes our future and existence. As God is the Father of all light, we bring the light to any darkness and declare to the darkness the perfect will of God in revealing the glory of His splendour for the given sphere or locality which perfects that which was hidden but is now seen for truth will be found in the light and all that is hidden is revealed whether good or bad. (The wisdom of the speaker here is important as revealed truths will either make or break the heart and spirit of the one who receives the everlasting words of God.) In the face of apparent truth there is always then a willingness to respond or not to respond given the truth that is revealed in the given sphere and locality. Fear will always fall upon the people and it will be in the atmosphere as people start to internalize the truths revealed and as they start to deal with what is staring them right in the face, as God speaks to a man like Moses face to face. The fear of the Lord can be so intense that people will not be able to bear the truth, yet it is the truth that sets us all free.
  • 25. GOD Fellowship – Prophetic Mentoring School © 2015 A Prophets Edge Ministries publication Page 24 What about the flawed man? There has never been a problem with the voice of God, but there has always been a problem with the vessel that God uses. Our lives are filled with little imperfections which we deal with, therefore Paul said: “Who will deliver me from this body of death?” For everyone comes under the condemnation of the world and everything in the world. No one is flawless, from the highest ranking to the lowers of low. There is no exceptions and wrongdoing in wrongdoing, whether big or small. The speakers in himself has to dealt with himself in every way that God reveals and opens up to him so that he can continually bring himself to a place where he walks under the grace of God for that given revealed truth in his own personal life. So also with all believers then, that if God would speak a word of reproach that we would be able to take the reproach, correct our ways and then go forth into the destiny which God has so lovingly prepared for us, even whilst we all were in sin and unrighteousness. God is not mocked, whatever you sow is what you will reap, and if you sow into sin you will reap the consequences of that sin, but if you sow into righteousness, you will reap the benefits of that righteousness, for to be in right standing with God will open up the heavenlies over your life and that which was hidden can be revealed and set in place within the borders of your operation. When what is so apparent is dealt with in the life and measure of who you are you will begin to give yourself completely into that which was prepared for you beforehand and will by nature after the Spirit reach for God as never before, for in this place of revealed truth in God, He will both sanctify and glorify you for the given plan and purpose within the given sphere of your operation. So the condition of one’s heart is at stake as we proceed to do exactly that which God is saying and doing. The flawed man will be sanctified by the Spirit if his heart and mind and life is in that place of knowing and feeling and understanding the purposes of His grace for that given time. As we know that only that which is of the Spirit will stand and in everything tried by fire, spiritual translation will take place for it is not in the will plan and purpose of God to destroy, but to build for Himself an everlasting kingdom and a house for His praise and glory. God will never let anything come upon you which He has not desired and what God has desired for you is exactly and the only thing the speaker will receive by the Spirit and revelatory gift to release to you so that you can continue in holiness before the Lord of Hosts. The peace of His personhood will rest with you when you receive a word from the Father for those things you know of and the things that has been in darkness but is now brought into the light. Only the things that God wants to reveal to you, which you will understand in your spirit is what the man will be able to relay to you, and this always comes in the purity of the Holy Spirit even if the man is flawed in his character, nature and lifestyle.
  • 26. GOD Fellowship – Prophetic Mentoring School © 2015 A Prophets Edge Ministries publication Page 25 Empowerment from the Holy Spirit In this we then know that when the Holy Spirit has come upon the man / speaker in the given sphere, he is not able to do anything by himself, but has his existence flowing forth from within the holiness which God has prepared for the given place. Everything in the given place or space will be affected by the glory of God as he has predetermined to meet with His people in that given place. The Holy Spirit is always in waiting for someone to be obedient to hear and do His will and when someone comes into that place of humility before God and man the Holy Spirit will not only just speak but He will demonstrate the will of the Father. Suddenly there will be releases from the Spirit which will transcend into the heart, mind and life of a man and the eternal words of God will be formed and there will be given expression to the very will of God through sounds and vibrations released in the spirit. When the vibration and sound is brought forth, there will be an in sync alignment with the Holy Spirit and power in every cord, note and sound will appear in the very likeness of His personhood. In this place, the strange things to the natural eye will begin to form, and will break out of the natural man the things that has kept him in the natural state of being, so that the natural man may receive the power of the Holy Spirit in his or her life, that will bring the transformation of what was into exactly what is meant to be. The power of the Holy Spirit is revealed to release captives and to set free by the power of His word. His word is already in existence within Himself and if follow after the leading of the Holy Spirit we will together unearth the treasure which He has for. For in His word is found our deliverance, joy, peace, etc. And in this we know that nothing within ourselves will be able to produce what God has desires except for it to be brought forth by the Holy Spirit. It is the Holy Spirit that distributes power to man and power allows them to operate in the gift of prophecy. Outside of the Holy Spirit prophecy cannot exist as He is the existence of all and He is in all, for He alone can bring forth the word with power. Remember that the Holy Spirit overshadowed Mary and she was pregnant with the Word who became flesh and dwelt amongst us. Now He puts that very Word in your mouth and in your heart that you may not lose sight of the eternal words of God brought forth by the power of the Spirit of God. The Holy Spirit is the encompassing word of God and He is the One who releases it from eternity into every natural life, this word manifested carries the power for men unto salvation. The Holy Spirit is the one who demonstrates the reality of God through making His word alive and active within the borders of our natural operation so that we through His word may be challenges to shift our mind and thought to a place of passion, of purpose and of dwelling in the design of God for our lives.
  • 27. GOD Fellowship – Prophetic Mentoring School © 2015 A Prophets Edge Ministries publication Page 26 The existing Word Everything that was and everything that ever will be already is for God has predetermined it even from the beginning, for in the mind and heart of God it already exists unto all of the generations. Nothing is birthed in the earth without God’s foreknowledge and His permission for it to be, for in the mind of God is no variation of His will, plan and purpose; a vision that is yet to be unfolded before our natural eyes. It is already formulated but it awaits an appointed time for the proper decoding of the abiding word to come forth. It will only be effective in the given sphere that God has ordained for it to come forth in, and when we tap into the reserves of God’s power, the abiding word is decoded by the Holy Spirit and translated into our very existence and atmosphere causing the transformation we have beheld from within. Now the latent power of the abiding and ever existing word will be revealed and within our encompassing space bring a revere for what was and is and is to come. The eternal words of God exists for our very circumstances and situations, and we need to come into such a place where the very life and existence of the transforming word can become our reality. No prophetic word from the Throne of God is unfulfilled and are found without power to move the things that we want to see moved. Our deliverance is in the Word; our healing is in the Word; our salvation is in the Word! And even in a more sure word than prophecy we prophesy the well being of every person as the word exists still beyond the confounds of the pages we cling to. The Word is the living, abiding and breathing of every life that is lived as He is within us and we are in Him. Knowing then that such life is within our hearts and mind we tap into the existing word of God that the Holy Spirit reminds us of, for it is the very words that He has spoken in times past yet it is even now unto us from the ages even unto eternity. This is the place where we speak Jesus to everyone, for Jesus goes beyond the veil, He goes beyond what we could fathom, and He brings to us that eternal existence we find in Him who is the author and finisher of our faith. The only word of deliverance and healing and salvation is the eternal Word of God. The manifested Son of God who has become all we are, and have and ever hope to be. Jesus is the very mind and heart of God in the earth and if we continue to behold our Lord and saviour and esteem His word within our hearts we will all be changed and we will come into that place where the Spirit of prophecy becomes the testimony of Jesus within our midst.
  • 28. GOD Fellowship – Prophetic Mentoring School © 2015 A Prophets Edge Ministries publication Page 27 Will He come? God cannot be separated from His word. If Jesus is the word and He is in the father and the Father is in Him and if He said that His words will abide in me and you, God will not separate Himself from us when we move in line with His word and His will. If God is not separated from us, the full manifestation of His personhood will be found in us and with us. Our realization has always been that we need to press in for the experience of His presence when yet His presence is real and already manifested with sons of righteousness. He declared that He will not give His glory to another… He will be found right in the midst of every heart, mind and life that has yearned ye searched for Him. The eyes of the Lord are searching throughout the earth to empower the hearts that is set upon Him! In His ever presence He remains omnipotent and omniscient! And if a people would so come together to seek His will in one place, the beating of His heart will send reverberations in such a place and would again bring the opening of the heavens and glorious experiences from the realm of the spirit that it would be known, felt, and realized to the extreme that all of heavens splendour and glory would be revealed and released and the heat of God begins to beat His presence and Glory! There is no doubt in my mind that God comes not on account of need, but on account of hunger and thirst after His righteousness, after the seeking of the Kingdom of God. God delights in coming down and meeting with His own face to face. It is here in the place of waiting and in the place of yearning for Him where the very sense of His personhood will come! Through the coming of such glory into our midst the very sound of the heavens will be revealed and the express utterances will be brought forth, for the things that lie in the mystery, which could not be uttered in time past as it was unlawful, will be heard resounding in the room of where He has established His Throne. Yes, He will not only come with the sound of the heaven, like many waters, as swift as a wind, but He will come in all of the splendour and glory of every living thing subjected to Him. The angelic hosts will begin to minister to those who would inherit salvation and we will all experience the washing of the word over our lives as the natural brings forth the spiritual manifestation of what it truly is and has been since the beginning of us coming together under one banner of God’s love. It is powerful to know that in the gathering of two or three we will see JESUS! Will He come? Yes, and a thousand times yes! He is here!
  • 29. GOD Fellowship – Prophetic Mentoring School © 2015 A Prophets Edge Ministries publication Page 28 Chapter 4 Prophetic Intercession In the session of prayer In the arena of prophetic intercession, we need to firstly define what intercession is. The word inter speaks about a relational place or level that is reached. Inter- suggest the I in You and the You in me. Session speaks about a time or moment or a set apart time or even a glimpse into a specific time. So when we consider the whole word intercession you would see that it is a relational time or a time set aside to relate or an ordained time of a supernatural intervention – Intercession! When we consider Adam and his daily walk with God on the garden of Eden we can plainly see that God set aside time to relate with Adam. In the relationship Adam grew in much knowledge as he named everything on the face of the earth. Adam named everything, and he did so in the knowledge revealed to his inner man during his daily walk with God. Genesis 3 verse 8 So we see that in the session of prayer the same effect can be mine and yours today as God did not stop visiting us, firstly throughout the ages, through Jesus whom He sent to die on the cross for our sins and through the Beloved Holy Spirit who now abides with us unto eternity. Once we get ready to have our daily walk he comes right alongside us to have that daily walk time (session) with us. These times is not limited to a certain time, but it is limited to whether we walk or not (whether we continue to be and face life or not). Our session of prayer is not limited to time or space and place, but it is an eternal dwelling with the One who has chosen us before the foundation of the earth to have a people with whom He can relate on a daily basis. Our response to daily walking is what will separate us unto a higher place of dwelling where the knowledge of all things will become plain in our sight. Every day is a… supernatural intervention! Our daily walk is power packed with the presence of the Beloved Holy Spirit who leads us and guides us into all truth. Daily, from our rising even to our laying down to sleep we find ourselves in a session, in a time of being in relation with God, thus being at a continual place of releasing the exact fragrance of Adam – for just as Jesus walked in relation with the Father on a daily basis, so do we! John 16 verse 13 The gifts of the Holy Spirit then is available in our daily sessions of prayer (our whole day living in His presence), just as was with Adam and we are able to comprehend, through the Beloved Holy Spirit, everything that is happening with the knowledge of how, when and where. As Adam walked in the full measure of ability supplied by his daily walk with God, so our walk is filled with the full measure for the scripture clearly says that He gives us His Spirit without measure. We are daily walking in the overflow of power and ability to declare a thing and so it is for our words in our daily session of prayer carries the presence of our Beloved Holy Spirit. 1 Corinthians 12 verse 1 – 11; John 3 verse 34
  • 30. GOD Fellowship – Prophetic Mentoring School © 2015 A Prophets Edge Ministries publication Page 29 Reaching a prophetic edge Whilst we continue in our session of prayer there is a sense of what happened in the Old Testament where the Spirit of the Lord would come upon people and they would be enabled to do great and mighty things in the name of God. There is something that happens with a man when the fierceness of the Spirit of God comes upon him and he is excelled to do above what is humanly possible at times. I call it a prophetic edge, for you move under inspiration and motivation of the Holy Spirit and am empowered to do such awesome stuff in the spirit that it cannot equate to anything that you will ever be able to comprehend. What happens is that you move beyond what your mind capacity is and the Holy Spirit becomes very direct in what he is saying and doing in and through you. You reach a place of acceleration and everything seems to go so quickly in and through you that you would feel that you cannot hold it any longer. Some are even so out of it that they just fall over and cannot continue to minister under such power, yet the presence of the Holy Spirit becomes so intense that it goes beyond what is humanly possible to express and He completes the work! When you have come into a session of prayer and the Holy Spirit comes upon you, there are certain things that will be released and revealed to you. At times you may find yourself praying but in another place or over a region or over a city or nation. You may find yourself laying hands on someone in the spirit and praying for that person. You may find yourself in the midst of the enemies’ camp and by the power of the Holy Spirit be able to destroy its works. Your session of prayer is not just there to keep you on your knees and pray. Your session of prayer must be there to receive and restore power through you as you are only but walking in relation to God and you are only but doing in the spirit what you see being done by the Father. From the realm of the spirit you then begin to act things out in the natural which brings release to whatever you have prayed over. John 5 verse 19 – 20 It is like a surfer waiting on the wave, and when the wave comes the surfer goes all out to ride the wave to the very end. When the acceleration happens to you, you must be courageous enough to ride out that wave and allow the Holy Spirit to bring it safely to the shore. In the session of prayer you have to be willing to be in travail and in wait for the prophetic edge will not come on you the moment you open your mouth. The prophetic edge comes on you once you have prayed through all your issues and the things that are on your mind, until there is nothing left in you, for then the Holy Spirit begins to move through you and in you. You will only reach the edge once you have dealt with your natural man and have caused him to submit to the Spirit of God.
  • 31. GOD Fellowship – Prophetic Mentoring School © 2015 A Prophets Edge Ministries publication Page 30 The nature of a Warrior The kingdom suffers violence, but violent men take it by force! Matthew 11 verse 12 Only when one have ascended into a place of moving under the power of the Holy Spirit in ones prayer life, it will not be a difficult thing to comprehend the above scripture. The Holy Spirit pours out on us the sense of power and authority once we have begun to accelerate in the session of prayer. The Holy Spirit then will begin to manifest in us the right of being called children of God, and with this right lead us into a holy state of warring over our homes, families, neighbours and lives. Only when the un-containable nature of the Holy Spirit begin to fall on us we become rightful heirs to the promises and then with the authority of the Spirit of God we begin to name and claim that which is ours in the spirit and we begin to send out a beckoning call for the fulfilment thereof. (Please note that this statement pertains to when you go into the session of prayer – we are all sons and heirs, but I’m specifically dealing with the nature of a warrior and when it happens what the result is). Ephesians 1 verse 13 - 14 The person of the Holy Spirit is our teacher, leader and guidance. The Beloved Holy Spirit is also a consuming fire that will recon with anything that stands against the will of the Father for the nations and the generations. He becomes fierce when there is an obstruction against the will of the Father and He becomes a fiery furnace for anything that stands in Father’s way. Hebrews 12 verse 29 We have become that very express image of the Person of the Holy Spirit in the session of prayer and we become like a consuming fire, ready to devour the enemy for the sake of bringing back into order the things which Father God has declared a thing to be. In no way will we ever be able to stand against His will if He so predestined it to be, for in the session of prayer we become the warriors who would not only resound a war cry, but would fight the good fight of faith and overcome the enemy! Hebrews 1 verse 7 The fierce fire of God’s Spirit will rest upon you as you begin to establish things in the spirit which is unheard of for the mysteries of the gospel will now be revealed and lay bare before your eyes. You will begin to confirm things to be even before it is for you have ascended to a place where you have gone past the limitations of what your human nature can comprehend and you will begin to function under the unction of the Fire of God, the Holy Spirit. Colossians 1 verse 26 - 27 This is the place where people became afraid of the prophet or prophetic person as it is in this place where such sovereign authority comes from the Throne of God where it would seem that the prophet is a violent man. It is the nature of the Holy Spirit!
  • 32. GOD Fellowship – Prophetic Mentoring School © 2015 A Prophets Edge Ministries publication Page 31 The relationship between prayer and visions We have looked at the session of prayer and how it releases a powerful effect on our effectiveness in the earth. We have also looked at our prophetic edge during these intercessions or encounters. One thing that will always be a constant in our times with God is that vision is always part of our system of decoding what will be or what is. We will try to decode things and sometimes because we lack imagination, our minds eye will grasp at anything close to what our system decodes it to be. That is why parables will make sense to some and to others not. The more enlightened our minds become, the more sense we can make of what God wants to say. This is the place where we have to become like a child again that we can interpret the foolish things of God, as it is actually the true sense. Whilst in the session of prayer we will try to decode what the will of God is and our decoding system works in images. So we will have image after image which causes us to think that our imagination is running away with us, but it will be the spirit man trying to make sense of what is received in spirit from the Holy Spirit. Our minds or spiritual eyes will begin to see what is strange and what cannot be comprehended as our imagery grapples on the things which lays unseen and not heard of, yet it makes perfect sense in the light of God for these things can only be spiritually discerned! Now we understand why we are in the spirit when we pray and not in the natural or confounded to the move in the natural! 1 Corinthians 2 verse 14 Spiritual visions brings understanding into what it is that you are praying into and only if you stay in that place and gain understanding of the vision, will the revelation of God come upon you for what has been revealed and released. Then when understanding is gained, you will sense the surge of power coming upon you and you will be able to deliver the effective Word of the Lord as a mighty Sword of the Spirit, establishing the actual manifestation of the living and abiding Word that comes forth from the mouth of God. You then in your understanding speak forth the vision that you have decoded and you begin to call that vision the word of the Lord. Here is our challenge…! To hold it in there until understanding is gained, for this is where we have messed up in the prophetic and have not brought the clarity of what God is in actual fact relating to us by His Spirit. Not all visions will make sense as some do, and not all can be exactly precise as God will only relate something to you that you are able to process in your mind. Yet if you let your mind go… some strange things will begin to download and some people may think you are crazy when you try to speak about it.
  • 33. GOD Fellowship – Prophetic Mentoring School © 2015 A Prophets Edge Ministries publication Page 32 The Open Heavens and Declarations In our understanding now that as spirit beings receiving spiritual downloads we can now clearly understand that we are at a place where we are not on the earth or in heaven. We are caught in the activity in between the earth and heaven and thus operate therein. This is why we always have a wrestle at times concerning things in our lives. We have not yet learned to fully ascend into the heavenlies! Most of our spiritual warfare happens in this realm where we have to affect things in the spirit and cause a change in the spiritual climate of where we find ourselves. We may, at this stage, stand over our personal lives, families, cities or even nations. We are endowed with power from on high to declare a thing and so will it be as we operate spiritually and perpetually in an ever dominating realm. The only grace we have is that the spiritual heavens are open over where we stand or even move in the spirit, which gives us the power to activate things from a higher dimension of living. The supernatural realm is full of glory and overwhelming power and is very sensitive, carrying away those who are not spiritually prepared for a fight. All things becomes plain in the spirit realm, and we are but intruders into a realm of spiritual hosts that we have to war against. Yet there is one thing that is more powerful than any other thing the enemy can try and do. We hold the keys to the kingdom!!! Whatsoever you bind on the earth is bound in the heavens. Now if this earthen vessel cries out on the face of the earth against spiritual hosts of wickedness, that declaration not only becomes valid in its operation on the physical earth but it becomes valid in the spirit! Matthew 16 verse 19 Whilst the heavens are open over you, you need to defeat some hosts in the heavenlies. You need to let some power flow forth in your time of intersession so that word can go forth and populate the atmosphere of where you are, not only in the realm of the natural but also where you are in the realm of the spirit. For if you can defeat a thing even before it is, then you have not only won the battle but you have won a war at the forefront of the battle lines! Having made known this truth will cost us not only to just pray and be satisfied with our daily reciting of scripture verses, but it must push us into a deeper level of prayer and assignment in prayer. For out of what is settled in our intercession we will see fruit! Then our declarations will not only stand, but it will be an effective tool in the hand of God, to use us over the earth again as an Adam who will have dominion and rule. We stand as the spirit man, Christ Jesus, over the heavenlies and we have the right as heirs to the Throne of God to declare a thing and so it will be. Yet in God’s throne is righteousness and justice and you will never succeed in anything that is not out of such as He is!
  • 34. GOD Fellowship – Prophetic Mentoring School © 2015 A Prophets Edge Ministries publication Page 33 Between Earth and Sky Paul writes and says whether he was in the flesh or in the spirit he does not know, yet he had an awesome experience between earth and sky, for he was neither here nor there. Paul’s spirit man become so overwhelmed that reality completely left him and he was overtaken by the Spirit. 2 Corinthians 12 verses 1 - 4 Jesus, in His session of prayer, also transfigured and stood between earth and sky for He was visible to His disciples yet talking to the hosts of heaven! Mark 9 verses 1 - 8 It’s time that the living Body of Christ are moved again between earth and sky! It’s time that some power is displayed again. It has been so long since I have heard the testimony of people who said that you can see the difference in the face. You can see the glow on his/her face. The visible glory must return to the body of Christ! This is how we are identified! For even the demons can cry out who they know and do not know, for there are some who walk in the spirit and other in the flesh. This is a powerful expression of our walk for it determines your authority and weight you carry in the spirit. If you have not yet overthrown something in the spirit you will not be able to overthrow it in your coming to any area of your life, family, city, nation or the world. The hosts of heaven recognizes the warriors in the spirit and they will submit to such as have authority over them. For there is a company of people who stands in the activity between earth and sky, not afraid of what may come, for their strength is in the name of the Lord! These are the ones focused on making the enemy their footstool! Between earth and sky is where the two kingdoms clash and we are drawn into such war for our nature compels us to raise up our banners. As the gates and as the everlasting doors we need to be conscious of what we allow to come in and have its abode with us, for our life speaks volumes when we are in right standing with God and man. Psalm 24 verse 9 Our ability to ascend into the heavenlies will determine the atmosphere of where we manifest our feet and it will determine whether that person or place will be changed. We become the very manifest presence of the glory of God in the earth and in our prayers we become the very manifest glory of God in the spirit. Our nature compels us to be fully man yet fully endowed with the power of the Most High. And when we see the victories in this manner we are able to further our quest for His presence and we then begin to ascend into what Paul has named the third heaven. For when the obstacles are all moved, the open heaven invites you to come up higher, for it is there where God will show you things inexpressible of which cannot be uttered, again until understanding is gained! Revelation 4 verse 1
  • 35. GOD Fellowship – Prophetic Mentoring School © 2015 A Prophets Edge Ministries publication Page 34 Commanding from the Throne Walking with some of these truths for the past 12 years has brought great victories and also great battles and failures as we had to begin to understand exactly where we are in the spirit. We need to continually mark ourselves and as the Word says, judge ourselves unless we fall into judgment, for herein lies the power to rise up even above what limitations have held us back. Matthew 7 verse 1 – 5 The scriptures need to be clear in our sight for as previously discussed, we will mimic what we focus on. We tend to do as we see, and see if what we are doing is what we see. Our focus thus, has to be founded upon the Word and every living experience brought forth by the Word of God. These living experiences is what will translate us into the very dimensions of God. So, years back I stood in prayer and had a sense of standing before the very Throne of God. As I stood with my back to towards the Throne of God I pointed my finger and commanded in the spirit and as I commanded, angels started flying past me to do what was spoken in the spirit. The authority of the Throne of God was my place of speaking from and have been my experience ever since. As a son/daughter, we are able to approach His Throne of Grace for the Blood of Jesus has made the provision for us to do so. And when we come sanctified by the Blood of the Lamb of God, we come as a son/daughter, able to command things to take place in the spirit according to the revelation you and I may receive and it will be done. Hebrews 4 verse 16 It is not given to anyone to just think they can stand before the Throne of God, for your heart and your nature will have to be in alignment with His good will, plan and purpose. When you stand before the very Throne of God, the angels – hosts of heaven will stand ready to swiftly go forth to accomplish the word of your mouth for it is a word released in the authority of God. The Throne of God becomes your grace you operate from, not as one sitting on the Throne but as one standing before the Throne and speaking in the words of the King. In like manner and as a prophetic person you would speak the very revelation of God that comes forth as your spirit man is in direct communion with Him. Through the Holy Spirit you will command things and it will be established! Your words then would not only be words but it will be the utter of creativity under the very breath of God. And your utter will go forth with the assistance of the angels, the hosts of heaven, for it is purposed to do one thing and that is to take on the form of your command. Your words will carry the very essence of God’s presence to penetrate anything that would stand in its way and will usher in revealed truth in the spirit so that it can come into the light and be established.
  • 36. GOD Fellowship – Prophetic Mentoring School © 2015 A Prophets Edge Ministries publication Page 35 War over words Now we might look at the whole picture and ask ourselves why God would send forth the angels upon our command and what significance comes from that, and yes it is a valid point of discussion. For as the word goes forth from His mouth it shall accomplish that which He sends it forth to do – and we, in our own mind and understanding consider the fact that God is all powerful over His word, yet find a place where our words we pray, speak forth and prophesy does not seem to penetrate. We have seen in the book of Daniel that the angel was sent forth as there was a raging war over the words he lifted up before the Father and the commanding response of the prayer was delayed in the heavenlies. The angel had to firstly breakthrough with the help of Michael just to let Daniel know that he has been heard and the command is about to be fulfilled for the angel with the help of Michael had to still continue in the fight over the response. Daniel 10 As the manifest kingdom of God in the earth our response and opposition to issues is sometimes delayed because there is a war over the words in the heavenlies! We may command change now in our communities’ atmosphere and wait for some time to just see a glimpse of it, but the reason for the delay is because there is spiritual hosts of wickedness battling in the second heavens and light has to find a space to break through and shine on a place. We can clearly see that if the clouds cover the sky, even though its light outside, the rays of the sun is still not able to touch the face of the earth. But as there is a movement in the heavens, the Son breaks through and brings light upon the earth! I have been taken up in one service and have seen the battle in the second heavens between the hosts of heaven and the hosts of darkness. It’s a gruesome battle and we have to consider how it affects us. It takes the light of God to dispel darkness and bring breakthrough. An angel came and pulled me upward right into the third heaven. In the second heavens I saw words flashing and in that service the words were depression and suicide. The angel told me that this is what the enemy wanted to release in the church and that we need to pray and cancel it. But there was a war in the heavens over the words. Now if we populate the heavens with the word of God, or the word in line with the will of God, light must break through and deliverance will come. The angels are assigned to fight and defend the word God allows you to release and they fight against the things that we bind. It is up to us to continue to stay in there and not lose confidence for even if we do not see an immediate change and release, it is bound to come! Elisha prayed and he said that God must open up his servants eyes that he may see that those who are with us are more that those against us! 2 Kings 6 verses 16 - 17
  • 37. GOD Fellowship – Prophetic Mentoring School © 2015 A Prophets Edge Ministries publication Page 36 Manifestation Come! Now this is where it gets really powerful! When God gives you a word and you release it in the spirit and the angels begin to war over the word, God released the manifestation of the word in the earth! You see the word becomes flesh and dwells amongst man! The full measure of the word that God released is found with the man God released it to, for it comes by revelation and impartation. So you, having received the word, walks in the word, and you walking in the word also walk in the authority of that very word, for the full measure of its revelation has both been revealed and imparted to you. Your spirit man is become the spirit word released and revealed from the Father! You are the carrier of the word and the anointing of that specific word operating in and through you is manifested! If you begin to command things in the spirit by the very impression of God the very life giving breath of God is upon you and the Glory presence of His Spirit resting upon you begins to bring alive the very words of God in and through you. Prophecy is then just not prophecy, but it is in effect the manifestation of the very word of God. And it is this type of manifestation that will bring down principalities and powers in the heavens, right into submission of the commanded word. This anointing that comes through a visible lifestyle of being in His presence is what will overthrow the manipulation of things in the spirit and the deceptive spirit will cease to operate for in you resides the truth of what God sees and says to people, churches, communities, regions, and nations. You begin to stand in the authority of God in the heavens and you become the manifestation of the very word of God in the earth! God had to send His son! The one who will not only see, but do exactly what he sees the Father do! And in this release of the very word of God in the earth the very fulfilment of all of creation comes through you and me! Yet, unless we stand in the spirit, in the session of prayer…, unless we ascend into the high places…, unless we come boldly before the Throne of grace…, unless we begin to live the very expression of what God says…, we will not see the turnaround of things by our prayers! Next time you move, realize that the breath of God is upon you to establish His will and His word through you. The very life within your mortal body is so powerful that it will exceed what you are and not only sanctify your life but glorify it for His good will and pleasure. If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, ask whatever you need and it will be done for you! John 15 verse 17