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                                                             Paravertebral Blocks:
                                                                        The Evolution of a Standard of Care
                                                          KEVIN KING, DO
                                             Clinical Assistant Professor

                                         Department of Anesthesiology

                                University of Pittsburgh Medical Center


                                               Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania


                  rig ed.

                    JACQUES E. CHELLY, MD, PHD, MBA


                        Professor of Anesthesiology (with Tenure)

                                           and Orthopedic Surgery

                                    Vice Chair of Clinical Research

             Director of the Regional and Orthopedic Fellowships

                   Director of the Division of Acute Interventional

                      Perioperative Pain and Regional Anesthesia

                                    Department of Anesthesiology
                           University of Pittsburgh Medical Center

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                                          Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania


               The authors have no relevant financial conflicts to disclose.




    n 1905, Sellheim of Leipzig, Germany, first described a method to block nerves

    lateral to the spinal column as an alternative to central neuraxial blocks. This
                                                                      un ou


    paravertebral approach was found to be safer than spinal anesthesia in the context


of the limited monitoring and resuscitating capacity that characterized the era.

Yet 30 years later, the technique was hardly mentioned in the literature and rarely


practiced. Not until the late 1970s, when Eason and Watson reintroduced it, did the


paravertebral approach gain widespread use.1


   Since that time, the technique has experienced                                         continuous paravertebral blocks (CPVBs) for the peri-

extraordinary growth. As was the case initially, it is con-                               operative management of pain in patients undergo-

sidered to be safer than neuraxial blocks—and particu-                                    ing thoracic surgery. Between July 1, 2010, and June 30,

larly the thoracic epidural—for perioperative analgesia.                                  2011, a total of 8,637 paravertebral blocks (PVBs) were

The importance of this comparison is highlighted by the                                   performed, including the placement of 6,747 continu-
increased number of surgical and trauma patients who                                      ous paravertebral catheters.
receive enoxaparin for thromboprophylaxis, a clear con-
traindication for the use of an epidural.                                                 Anatomy
   At the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center                                            Perhaps the most useful confirmation of the bound-
(UPMC), the paravertebral technique was introduced                                        aries and contents of the paravertebral space (PVS) was
in 2003 as a single block for the perioperative man-                                      performed by Klein et al on an unembalmed cadaver
agement of patients undergoing open radical prosta-                                       with an ankle endoscope.2 They confirmed PVS is well
tectomy. This method was soon followed by the use of                                      defined by anatomic structures that were previously

I N D E P E N D E N T LY D E V E L O P E D B Y M C M A H O N P U B L I S H I N G                     A N E ST H E S I O LO GY N E WS • M A R C H 2 0 1 2   1
reported by Eason and Wyatt. Klein et al reported that                                                     radiologic evidence of a PVB spreading contralater-
the neural structures are simply surrounded by loose                                                       ally by a nonepidural route following the injection of
areolar or adipose tissue within the space.2                                                               a large volume of local anesthetic solution.3 The local
   The wedge-shaped thoracic PVS can be distended                                                          anesthetic and radiologic dye had spread anterior to
by percutaneous introduction of medication for ther-                                                       the vertebral bodies.
apeutic purposes. The boundaries of the three-sided
wedge—posterior, medial boundary, and anterolateral—                                                       Indications
extend caudally and cephalad, as the segmental spaces                                                         Single PVBs primarily have been used for patients
communicate up and down. The PVS is bounded pos-                                                           undergoing breast surgery with and without axillary
teriorly by transverse processes, the rib heads, and the                                                   dissection,4-7 inguinal and umbilical hernia repair,8,9
ligaments that travel between the adjacent transverse                                                      and thoracotomy and video-assisted thoracic surgery

processes and ribs. The medial boundary is the verte-                                                      (VATS; Table). Although the technique has been shown

bral body, the intervertebral disks, and the interverte-                                                   to be effective in this indication, Hill et al demonstrated


bral foramen at each level. The anterolateral boundary                                                     that for VATS, single PVBs do not provide analgesia


is the parietal pleura. Laterally, the space tapers as it                                                  beyond 8 hours postoperatively.10 Therefore a CPVB is

                                     rig ed.

communicates with the intercostal space. The thoracic                                                      preferred in this indication11-13 because it provides lon-

PVS is the only location outside of the neuraxial column                                                   ger-lasting analgesia and shorter hospital length of stay

in which injected local anesthetic can block the ven-                                                      (LOS).14 For breast surgery, the blocks are performed


tral and dorsal rami, and the gray and white rami com-                                                     between T2 and T6, and a continuous technique is indi-

municantes that carry the sympathetic fibers. The PVS                                                      cated for surgery including breast reconstruction. It

extends from the cervical to the sacral spine.                                                             is important to recognize that, based on a retrospec-

   The PVS is subdivided into an anterior (extrapleu-                                                      tive analysis, evidence supports the concept that the

ral) and a posterior (subendothoracic) space by the                                                        use of PVBs delays recurrence and the development of
endothoracic fascia, which is continuous with the inter-                                                   metastases.15

                                                         ah in w

nal intercostal membrane laterally and the prevertebral                                                       Multiple studies have shown that for patients under-


fascia medially. Karmakar presented the first known                                                        going axillary dissection during breast surgery, PVBs


                                                                                                           provide improved postoperative analgesia, and reduced

                                                                                                           incidence of nausea and vomiting, compared with gen-

  Table. Indications for Paravertebral                                                                     eral anesthesia alone, and shorter LOS.16,17 At UPMC, uni-


  Blocks                                                                                                   lateral CPVB is used at T4-T5 for thoracotomy, as well

                                                                                                           as VATS and esophageal surgery. This technique also


                      Unilateral                                                                           has been recommended for postoperative pain man-

                                                                                                           agement following cardiac surgery.18,19

                        Breast surgery                                           T1-T6
   Single Level

                                                                                                              Mid-thoracic–level CPVB is used for major abdomi-
                                                                                                           nal cases 20-22 such as chemoperfusion, partial hepatec-
                                                                                         un ou

                        Inguinal hernia                                          T10-L1
                                                                                                           tomy, nephrectomy, colectomy, and for the occasional




                                                                                                           open repair of an abdominal aortic aneurysm.
                        Prostatectomy, hysterectomy                              T10-L1                       For trauma and rib fracture cases, CPVBs are placed

                                                                                                           at the corresponding level of the injury. In this indica-

                        Small umbilical hernia                                   T7-T10
                                                                                                           tion, it is not unusual to place 2 paravertebral catheters

                      Unilateral                                                                           in the case of extended rib fractures.

                                                                                                              Lower thoracic single-shot PVBs are routinely per-

                        Breast surgery with node                                 T2-T3
                                                                                                           formed bilaterally at T10, T11, and T12 for radical pros-


                                                                                                           tatectomy due to the visceral input. Studies performed

                        Nephrectomy (lateral approach)                           T6-T7                     at UPMC have shown great efficacy with lower pain
   Continuous Level

                        Thoracotomy, VATS                                        T4-T5                     scores.23 The same levels are blocked for laparoscopic

                                                                                                           abdominal hysterectomy. They even have been used for

                      Bilateral                                                                            more minor abdominal surgeries such as umbilical her-

                        Major abdominal surgery (liver                           T7-T8                     nia repair. These blocks are not routinely performed for

                        resection, midline approach for a                                                  laparoscopic cholecystectomy, although they provide

                        nephrectomy, Whipple, pancre-                                                      excellent postoperative analgesia.24
                        atectomy, small bile resection, etc)                                                  Pediatric anesthesiologists or anesthesiologists with
                        AAA                                                      T7-T8                     advanced training in pediatric regional anesthesia can
                                                                                                           place pediatric PVBs.25 PVBs also have been recom-
                        Pelvic surgery (cystectomy, hyster-                      T10-T11                   mended for labor analgesia26,27 and the treatment of
                        ectomy with node dissection)                                                       chronic pain syndromes.28
   AAA, abdominal aortic aneurysm; VATS, video-assisted                                                       The use of CPVBs also has been advocated for mul-
   thoracic surgery                                                                                        tiple rib fractures.29 At UPMC, CPVBs have become the
                                                                                                           standard of care for the management of pain associated

          2             I N D E P E N D E N T LY D E V E L O P E D B Y M C M A H O N P U B L I S H I N G
with multiple rib fractures, for several reasons:
1. Regional anesthesia has been shown to decrease
   morbidity and mortality in patients with multiple rib
2. Most patients received thromboprophylaxis with
   enoxaparin and the use of enoxaparin is a contrain-
   dication of epidurals.
3. PVBs have been shown to be equally effective as
   epidural analgesia.17,30-34
4. The use of CPVBs for the management of pain fol-
   lowing multiple rib fractures has been shown to be

   effective and safe in patients receiving enoxaparin

   for thromboprophylaxis.


   The thoracic PVB is indicated for analgesia after tho-


racic, abdominal, or pelvic surgery when patients do

            rig ed.

not have an absolute contraindication—such as refusal,

infection at the intended procedure site, or pharmaco-

logic or uncontrolled anticoagulated states.


   Of particular concern for many clinicians is the patient

who presents for surgery prior to a 24-hour waiting             Figure 1. Classic approach for single

period after having received therapeutic anticoagulation        blocks.

for the treatment of known venous thrombosis or pul-            The needle is introduced 2.5 cm lateral from the spi-

monary embolus. (Such a regimen might include enoxa-            nous process in search of the transverse process.
parin 1 mg/kg subcutaneously twice daily; fondaparinux

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[Arixtra, GlaxoSmithKline] 7.5 mg subcutaneously once


daily, and noninterrupted heparin infusion with pro-          performed. Several approaches are available:


thrombin time 2 to 3 times the normal rate).                  1. Use the C7 spinous process (vertebra prominens) as

   In its Third Evidence-Based Guidelines, the Ameri-            the initial point to count down spinous processes.

can Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine          2. Start at the edge of the scapular, which enables the


advises against the use of deep and plexus blocks in             localization of the space between T7 and T8 within

patients receiving antithrombotic or thrombolytic ther-          ±1 level (Technique 1 has been shown to be more


apy.35 These recommendations are based on very few               accurate than this technique).40

case reports.                                                 3. Localize the 12th rib and count the ribs upward,

   For the past 10 years, clinicians at UPMC have per-           using either surface landmarks or ultrasound.
                                                                un ou

formed peripheral nerve blocks and PVBs in patients

receiving thromboprophylaxis for deep vein thrombo-           BLIND TECHNIQUES



sis and pulmonary embolism either postoperatively or             Several techniques are described based on the use
because of multiple rib fractures. The combination of         of surface landmarks not requiring the use of ultra-

CPVBs and thromboprophylaxis has not been associ-             sound: classic, neurostimulation, loss of resistance, and

ated with any significant bleeding, particularly at the       intercostal.

time of the removal of the paravertebral catheter. At            Classic (Figure 1). The needle (22-gauge Tuohy for

UPMC, administration of the thromboprophylaxis is not         single PVBs and an 18-gauge Tuohy for CPVBs) is intro-

discontinued and these catheters are removed without          duced 2.5 cm lateral from the top of the desired ver-

consideration for the type of drug used for thrombo-          tebral body in search of the transverse process. Once

prophylaxis or the timing of administration.36-39             contact is made with the transverse process, the nee-

                                                              dle is withdrawn to the skin and is redirected caudally

Techniques                                                    1 cm below the transverse process. The depth of the

PATIENT POSITIONING                                           PVS varies according to the thoracic level.41 Frequently,

    Most PVBs are best performed in the sitting position.     the correct positioning of the needle is associated with

However, in patients lacking mobility—because they are        a loss of resistance as the needle travels through the

intubated, for example, or have experienced trauma—           costal ligament. Next, 5 mL of local anesthetic solution
PVBs can be performed in the lateral position. Although       is slowly injected per level (single PVBs) or before the
it is possible to perform PVBs when the patient is prone,     introduction of the catheter, which is positioned 3 to 5
it is important to recognize that this position increases     cm beyond the tip of the needle in the case of CPVB.
the time required to perform the block.                       The Tuohy introducer needle is removed and the cath-
                                                              eter is secured in place with Steri-strips (3M) and cov-
LOCALIZATION   OF THE   THORACIC LEVEL                        ered with a transparent dressing.
    Regardless of the technique, it is necessary to              Neurostimulation. Using the same landmark as the
first determine the level at which the PVB should be          classic approach, a 10-cm 18-gauge insulated Tuohy is

                                                                          A N E ST H E S I O LO GY N E WS • M A R C H 2 0 1 2   3
connected to a nerve stimulator set up to deliver 1.5 mA,                                   ULTRASOUND-GUIDED THORACIC PARAVERTEBRAL BLOCK
0.1 milliseconds at a frequency of 2 Hz. The positioning                                       There are at least three described approaches to
of the needle produces an ipsilateral contraction of the                                    performing an ultrasound-guided PVB: The classic
corresponding intercostal muscles.42,43                                                     approach, in which the probe is positioned parallel to
   Loss of Resistance. Using the same landmark as the                                       the spinal processes46; an intercostal approach, which
classic approach, an 18-gauge Tuohy needle is con-                                          is used only for the placement of a paravertebral cath-
nected to tubing, which is also connected to a pressure                                     eter47; and a proximal lateral approach, in which the
transducer filled with saline. A sudden drop in pressure                                    probe is placed perpendicular to the spinous processes.
characterizes the introduction of the needle in the PVS.44                                     Classic. After identifying the proper thoracic level,
   Intercostal. In this approach, an 18-gauge Tuohy nee-                                    the curved low-frequency probe is placed longitudinally
dle is introduced between 2 ribs corresponding to the                                       parallel and medially in search of spinous processes.48

desired paravertebral level 8 cm from the correspond-                                       These will appear as bright white lines in a wave or saw-

ing spinous process. After the rib is contacted, the nee-                                   tooth pattern. Next the probe is translated laterally in


dle is oriented at a 60-degree angle and introduced                                         search of the transverse processes. Between the bright,


medially for another 2 cm with the bevel oriented medi-                                     hyperechoic cortices of the transverse processes and

                      rig ed.

ally. Three milliliters of local anesthetic is injected slowly                              the underlying acoustic shadows is a less echogenic line

after negative aspiration for blood before the introduc-                                    connecting the bone that represents the costotrans-

tion of the catheter. The catheter is introduced 6 cm                                       verse ligaments (CTL). Typically, the PVS is confirmed


beyond the tip of the needle.45                                                             by viewing the CTL and an underlying echogenic line



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                                                                                              Figure 3. When the transducer is


  Figure 2a. Ultrasound-guided classic                                                        too lateral, the paravertebral space


  approach.                                                                                   appears narrower.






  Figure 2b. Ultrasound-guided classic approach.
  Left: The ultrasound transducer is positioned longitudinally at the level of the spinous process.
  Center: The transducer is moved laterally in search of the transverse processes.
  Right: The injection of the local anesthetic solution pushes the pleura anteriorly and disperses over several
  thoracic levels.

    4    I N D E P E N D E N T LY D E V E L O P E D B Y M C M A H O N P U B L I S H I N G
that represents the proximal and distal pleura. The PVS       has been reported to be associated with 30% to 70%
is between the CTL and the line of the pleura (Figures        epidural spread and with the frequent placement of the
2a and 2b). The PVS may have less anterior-posterior          catheter in the epidural space.48 Therefore, this is not a
dimension if the probe is placed too far lateral of the       recommended approach. Furthermore, Luyet reported
spinous processes. (Figure 3).                                that the use of this technique is associated with a failure
   The needle is advanced in-plane and medially. A dis-       rate of up to 45% when inserted 5 cm beyond the nee-
tinctive loss of resistance is felt when the needle passes    dle, as the catheters became lodged into the epidural
through the CTL. After proper placement of the nee-           space and dislodged into paraspinal muscle.
dle, local anesthetics may be injected. The injection may        Regardless of the technique, once the needle is in the
result in an isolated push anteriorly of the pleura, or       paravertebral space, 5 mL of ropivacaine 0.5% is injected
better, a distribution of the anesthetic solution through-    slowly after negative aspiration for blood. If a single PVB

out multiple levels, but with a less evident push of the      is performed, this process is repeated at another level.

pleura. Multilevel distribution confirms that the needle      Naja et al demonstrated that the spread of local anes-


is indeed in the PVS. Our institution and others have         thetic was greater when using a multilevel injection than


reported that the spread resulting from a single injec-       with a single injection,42 without any effects on the local

            rig ed.

tion of 10 to 15 mL of local anesthetic with dye can take     anesthetic absorption.49 If a CPVB is performed, the

several shapes and can extend up to 6 or 7 dermatomes.        catheter is introduced after the initial injection. When

    Intercostal. The ultrasound transducer is positioned      the catheter is secured in place, another 10 mL of ropi-


between the ribs of the desired level at a distance of        vacaine 0.5% is injected slowly after negative aspiration

8 cm from the spinous process. The needle is placed           for blood, for a total of 15 mL per catheter.

in-plane and medially, between the internal and inner-           The paravertebral catheter is infused with either

most intercostal muscles. Two to 3 mL of local anes-          bupivacaine 0.0625% or lidocaine 0.25% at a starting

thetic should be injected prior to placing the catheter,
which should extend 8 cm beyond the tip of the nee-

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dle (Figure 4).47



   The probe is placed perpendicular to the longitudinal

plane of the spinous processes (Figure 5). The needle is


introduced in-plane in a medial direction. This approach



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  Figure 4. Intercostal approach to                             Figure 5. Proximal lateral approach
  the paravertebral space. The line                             with horizontally oriented probe and
  indicates the space between ribs 6                            needle position (top), with corre-
  and 7.                                                        sponding sonoanatomy (bottom).

                                                                          A N E ST H E S I O LO GY N E WS • M A R C H 2 0 1 2   5
rate of 7 mL per hour. The rate can be increased to 10                                     least theoretically reduces the risk for placing the nee-
mL per hour if necessary. Orders should also include a                                     dle beyond the pleura, as long as the clinician main-
bolus of 3 mL per hour, as needed, given by the nurse.                                     tains good visualization of the needle. Visualization of
The advantage of lidocaine is that it is safer, and when                                   the needle during the performance of a PVB is among
in doubt, determining the plasma level of the drug is                                      the most challenging aspects of the procedure because
simple. Ropivacaine 0.2% also has been reported as an                                      the needle often is introduced at a steep angle. Use of
alternative for continuous infusion. Regardless of the                                     echogenic needles or software that enhance the qual-
solution, the total rate should not exceed 20 mL per                                       ity of the image can facilitate visualization of the nee-
hour.                                                                                      dle and should be considered.
                                                                                              At UPMC, we have observed 3 pneumothoraces
Complications                                                                              requiring the placement of a chest tube. In every case,

   Complications of PVBs are rare. The most frequent is                                    the PVBs were not performed with the use of ultra-

the development of vagual episodes during the perfor-                                      sound. Although it is important to recognize that the


mance of the block, and serious adverse events include                                     use of ultrasound would most likely not completely


development of a pneumothorax, major bleeding, infec-                                      eliminate this complication, performing these blocks

                     rig ed.

tion, epidural or intrathecal spread, headache, and local                                  under direct visualization can certainly help reduce the

anesthetic toxicity.50-53 Hypotension also may occur;                                      frequency of this complication.

however, it is less frequent than has been associated


with thoracic epidurals. In this regard, the use of ultra-                                 CONTINUOUS PARAVERTEBRAL OR THORACIC EPIDURAL:

sound to guide the blocks may help avoid the complica-                                     NOT JUST A MATTER OF PREFERENCE

tions related to an incorrect placement of the needle or                                      Many clinicians consider their choice of method to

catheter, such as pneumothorax, epidural injection, and                                    be a matter of personal preference. However, the data

the placement of an epidural catheter.                                                     suggest otherwise.
   Pneumothorax is considered a classic complica-                                             It is well established that the placement of a thoracic

                                         ah in w

tion of PVB, and is estimated to occur in between 0.5%                                     epidural is difficult and associated with frequent fail-


and 1% of patients undergoing blocks (Figure 6). Yet                                       ure. In contrast, the success rate associated with PVBs


it often is difficult to establish that the block caused                                   is high. As discussed earlier, the use of epidural is con-

the pneumothorax, particularly in patients undergoing                                      traindicated in patients receiving thromboprophylaxis

major abdominal or pelvic surgeries or those in whom a                                     initiated postoperatively. We have placed paraverte-


central line has been placed. Clinicians must be vigilant                                  bral catheters in patients undergoing major surgery or

for this event. Performing a PVB under direct vision at                                    with multiple rib fractures in whom thromboprophylaxis


                                                                                           was initiated after the procedure. In these patients, the

                                                                                           catheters were removed without interruption and tim-

                                                                                           ing of the anticoagulation administration. Using such an
                                                                         un ou

                                                                                           approach, we did not observe any significant bleeding.

                                                                                           The same is true for patients who have transient coagu-



                                                                                           lopathy, such as those undergoing liver resection. How-
                                                                                           ever, the risk for epidural hematoma in patients taking

                                                                                           low-molecular-weight heparin who receive an epidural

                                                                                           catheter is well established. Indeed, in these patients,

                                                                                           use of an epidural is contraindicated. The relative safety

                                                                                           of PVBs in anticoagulated patients is particularly impor-

                                                                                           tant, considering that regional anesthesia and analge-

                                                                                           sia reduce overall morbidity and mortality in this patient


                                                                                              Continuous PVBs are less likely to cause hypo-

                                                                                           tension associated with sympathetic blockade, par-

                                                                                           ticularly when placed unilaterally. Because the local

                                                                                           anesthetic solutions for PVBs do not include opioids,

                                                                                           patients benefiting from these techniques are less

                                                                                           likely to experience pruritus or urinary retention. As
                                                                                           a result, placement of a PVB does not necessitate the
                                                                                           use of a Foley catheter, thus reducing the patient’s risk
                                                                                           for urinary tract infections, which are associated with
  Figure 6. Chest x-ray illustrates 15%                                                    these devices.
  pneumothorax following continuous                                                           PVBs are associated with fewer side effects, con-
  paravertebral block. No chest tube                                                       sume fewer nursing resources, and require less moni-
  was placed.                                                                              toring than do thoracic epidurals.54 In many institutions,
                                                                                           patients who receive thoracic epidurals must be

    6   I N D E P E N D E N T LY D E V E L O P E D B Y M C M A H O N P U B L I S H I N G
Steps To Minimize Complications and Failed Blocks
  1. Use ultrasound guidance whenever possible.                    epinephrine may be indicated), changes associated
                                                                   with an epidural and intrathecal administration of
  2. Perform a full assessment of each patient prior to
                                                                   local anesthetics.
     the procedure. The basic medical history can help
     avoid the performance of deep blocks on patients         4. Use in-plane needle advancement. Do not advance
     who are actively anticoagulated.                            unless the tip is visible.

  3. Be prepared to treat side effects and complications:     5. When advancing the needle, keep a closed system
     vagal response during the performance of the block          with fluid-filled tubing connected to the Tuohy

     (5%-10% of symptoms include bradycardia and                 needle. Doing so confers some safety and prevents

     hypotension, possibly preceded or accompanied               a parietal pleural puncture from converting to a


     by lightheadedness, diaphoresis, and nausea.                pneumothorax.


     Approximately 50% of these patients require more
                                                              6. Avoid the temptation to push the paravertebral

     than simply a change of posture. IV fluid boluses,
            rig ed.

                                                                 catheter too far. No more than 4 to 5 cm should be
     IV glycopyrolate or atropine, ephedrine, or even

                                                                 inserted beyond the tip of the needle.


admitted to the intensive care unit, which is not neces-      Conclusion

sary with PVBs.                                                  The indications for the safe use of PVBs have

   In patients with multiple rib fractures and lumbar         expanded in recent years, as more anesthesiologists
spine trauma, the use of continuous thoracic PVB for          become experienced with the technique. This proce-

                                ah in w

analgesia and preservation of respiratory function does       dure increasingly is recognized as an effective and safer


not interfere with neurologic assessment for signs of         alternative to the thoracic epidural in patients receiving


spinal cord compression. Although this may not be a           thromboprophylaxis.

common occurrence, it displays the versatility and effi-

cacy of CPVBs.


                                                              1.   Eason MJ, Wyatt R. Paravertebral thoracic block—a reappraisal.

The Case for Thoracic Epidurals                                    Anaesthesia. 1979;34(7):638–642.


                                                              2. Klein SM, Nielsen KC, Ahmed N, Buckenmaier CC, Steele S. In situ
   Despite the advantages of PVBs, thoracic epidural

                                                                 images of the thoracic paravertebral space. Reg Anesth Pain Med.

analgesia is not without its advocates. In a recent review,      2004;29(6):596-599.

Norum and Brevik argued that optimally conducted epi-         3. Karmakar MK, Kwok WH, Kew J. Thoracic paravertebral block:
                                                                un ou

dural analgesia has not been compared with PVBs, and             radiological evidence of contralateral spread anterior to the verte-

                                                                 bral bodies. Br J Anaesth. 2000;84(2):263-265.
that most studies of the 2 techniques were seriously


                                                              4. Greengrass R, O’Brien F, Lyerly K, et al. Paravertebral block for


flawed because the thoracic catheters was placed sev-            breast cancer surgery. Can J Anesth. 1996;43(8):858-861.
eral segments too low.55 They also noted that only 1 of

                                                              5. Buckenmaier CC 3rd, Steele SM, Nielsen KC, Klein SM. Para-
the 10 studies they reviewed used opioids and adrena-

                                                                 vertebral somatic nerve blocks for breast surgery in a patient

line (epinephrine) in the thoracic epidural solution. Epi-       with hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy. Can J Anesth.


durals performed without an opioid and adrenaline

                                                              6. McElroy, S. Colaizzi I, Flemming T, Chelly JE. Continuous para-

(or α-2 agonist) lose efficacy and the increased vol-

                                                                 vertebral nerve blocks for postoperative pain management after

ume to achieve analgesia causes dose-related adverse             secondary breast reconstruction using tissue expanders. Anesth

                                                                 Analg. 2009;108;S324.

effects of local anesthetics including hypotension, lower

                                                              7. Moreno MG, McElroy S, Colaizzi I, Fleming T, Chelly JE. Continu-
extremity motor block, and urinary retention.

                                                                 ous paravertebral nerve block for postoperative pain management
   The authors also stated that the most sensitive out-          after radical mastectomy with axillary node dissection (RMAND).

come variable for post-thoracotomy pain relief is pain           Anesth Analg. 2009;108:S327.

intensity on coughing (dynamic pain). However, many           8. Klein SM, Greengrass RA, Weltz C, Warner DS. Paravertebral

                                                                 somatic nerve block for outpatient inguinal herniorrhaphy: an
studies used depth of breathing. Although persuasive,            expanded case report of 22 patients. Reg Anesth Pain Med. 1998;

the authors admit their personal bias against PVBs               23(3):306-310.

reflects a case of sudden and permanent paraplegia in         9. Hadzic A, Kerimoglu B, Loreio D, et al. Paravertebral blocks
                                                                 provide superior same-day recovery over general anesthe-
a patient receiving the block, and they speculate that
                                                                 sia for patients undergoing inguinal hernia repair. Anesth Analg.
this complication resulted from disruption or injection          2006;102(4):1076-1081.
into the radicular artery that supplied the lower spinal      10. Hill SE, Keller RA, Stafford-Smith M, Grichnik K, et al. Effi-
cord. This case has not been published. The authors               cacy of single-dose, multilevel paravertebral nerve blockade
                                                                  for analgesia after thoracoscopic procedures. Anesthesiology.
state the available randomized controlled studies were            2006;104(5):1047-1053.
not large enough to evaluate for the rare but serious or      11. Marret E, Bazelly B, Taylor G. Paravertebral block with ropivacaine
fatal events that can occur in patients receiving these           0.5% versus systemic analgesia for pain relief after thoracotomy.
blocks.                                                           Ann Thorac Surg. 2005;79(6):2109-2113.

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     8     I N D E P E N D E N T LY D E V E L O P E D B Y M C M A H O N P U B L I S H I N G

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Bloqueo paravertebral

  • 1. PRINTER-FRIENDLY VERSION AT ANESTHESIOLOGYNEWS.COM Paravertebral Blocks: The Evolution of a Standard of Care KEVIN KING, DO Clinical Assistant Professor A Department of Anesthesiology ll University of Pittsburgh Medical Center rig Co Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania ht py s rig ed. JACQUES E. CHELLY, MD, PHD, MBA re ht se Professor of Anesthesiology (with Tenure) rv and Orthopedic Surgery © Vice Chair of Clinical Research 20 Director of the Regional and Orthopedic Fellowships 11 Re Director of the Division of Acute Interventional M pr Perioperative Pain and Regional Anesthesia cM od Department of Anesthesiology University of Pittsburgh Medical Center uc ah in w Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania tio on n The authors have no relevant financial conflicts to disclose. Pu bl is ho hi Introduction ng le or G ro in I n 1905, Sellheim of Leipzig, Germany, first described a method to block nerves up pa lateral to the spinal column as an alternative to central neuraxial blocks. This un ou rt w le paravertebral approach was found to be safer than spinal anesthesia in the context ith ss ot of the limited monitoring and resuscitating capacity that characterized the era. he tp Yet 30 years later, the technique was hardly mentioned in the literature and rarely rw er is m practiced. Not until the late 1970s, when Eason and Watson reintroduced it, did the e is no si paravertebral approach gain widespread use.1 on te d. is pr Since that time, the technique has experienced continuous paravertebral blocks (CPVBs) for the peri- oh extraordinary growth. As was the case initially, it is con- operative management of pain in patients undergo- ib sidered to be safer than neuraxial blocks—and particu- ing thoracic surgery. Between July 1, 2010, and June 30, ite larly the thoracic epidural—for perioperative analgesia. 2011, a total of 8,637 paravertebral blocks (PVBs) were d. The importance of this comparison is highlighted by the performed, including the placement of 6,747 continu- increased number of surgical and trauma patients who ous paravertebral catheters. receive enoxaparin for thromboprophylaxis, a clear con- traindication for the use of an epidural. Anatomy At the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Perhaps the most useful confirmation of the bound- (UPMC), the paravertebral technique was introduced aries and contents of the paravertebral space (PVS) was in 2003 as a single block for the perioperative man- performed by Klein et al on an unembalmed cadaver agement of patients undergoing open radical prosta- with an ankle endoscope.2 They confirmed PVS is well tectomy. This method was soon followed by the use of defined by anatomic structures that were previously I N D E P E N D E N T LY D E V E L O P E D B Y M C M A H O N P U B L I S H I N G A N E ST H E S I O LO GY N E WS • M A R C H 2 0 1 2 1
  • 2. reported by Eason and Wyatt. Klein et al reported that radiologic evidence of a PVB spreading contralater- the neural structures are simply surrounded by loose ally by a nonepidural route following the injection of areolar or adipose tissue within the space.2 a large volume of local anesthetic solution.3 The local The wedge-shaped thoracic PVS can be distended anesthetic and radiologic dye had spread anterior to by percutaneous introduction of medication for ther- the vertebral bodies. apeutic purposes. The boundaries of the three-sided wedge—posterior, medial boundary, and anterolateral— Indications extend caudally and cephalad, as the segmental spaces Single PVBs primarily have been used for patients communicate up and down. The PVS is bounded pos- undergoing breast surgery with and without axillary teriorly by transverse processes, the rib heads, and the dissection,4-7 inguinal and umbilical hernia repair,8,9 ligaments that travel between the adjacent transverse and thoracotomy and video-assisted thoracic surgery A processes and ribs. The medial boundary is the verte- (VATS; Table). Although the technique has been shown ll bral body, the intervertebral disks, and the interverte- to be effective in this indication, Hill et al demonstrated rig Co bral foramen at each level. The anterolateral boundary that for VATS, single PVBs do not provide analgesia ht py is the parietal pleura. Laterally, the space tapers as it beyond 8 hours postoperatively.10 Therefore a CPVB is s rig ed. communicates with the intercostal space. The thoracic preferred in this indication11-13 because it provides lon- re PVS is the only location outside of the neuraxial column ger-lasting analgesia and shorter hospital length of stay ht se in which injected local anesthetic can block the ven- (LOS).14 For breast surgery, the blocks are performed rv © tral and dorsal rami, and the gray and white rami com- between T2 and T6, and a continuous technique is indi- 20 municantes that carry the sympathetic fibers. The PVS cated for surgery including breast reconstruction. It 11 Re extends from the cervical to the sacral spine. is important to recognize that, based on a retrospec- M pr The PVS is subdivided into an anterior (extrapleu- tive analysis, evidence supports the concept that the cM od ral) and a posterior (subendothoracic) space by the use of PVBs delays recurrence and the development of endothoracic fascia, which is continuous with the inter- metastases.15 uc ah in w nal intercostal membrane laterally and the prevertebral Multiple studies have shown that for patients under- tio on fascia medially. Karmakar presented the first known going axillary dissection during breast surgery, PVBs n Pu provide improved postoperative analgesia, and reduced bl incidence of nausea and vomiting, compared with gen- is Table. Indications for Paravertebral eral anesthesia alone, and shorter LOS.16,17 At UPMC, uni- ho hi Blocks lateral CPVB is used at T4-T5 for thoracotomy, as well ng le as VATS and esophageal surgery. This technique also or G Unilateral has been recommended for postoperative pain man- ro in agement following cardiac surgery.18,19 up Breast surgery T1-T6 pa Single Level Mid-thoracic–level CPVB is used for major abdomi- nal cases 20-22 such as chemoperfusion, partial hepatec- un ou rt Inguinal hernia T10-L1 tomy, nephrectomy, colectomy, and for the occasional w le Bilateral ith ss open repair of an abdominal aortic aneurysm. Prostatectomy, hysterectomy T10-L1 For trauma and rib fracture cases, CPVBs are placed ot at the corresponding level of the injury. In this indica- he tp Small umbilical hernia T7-T10 tion, it is not unusual to place 2 paravertebral catheters rw er Unilateral in the case of extended rib fractures. is m Lower thoracic single-shot PVBs are routinely per- e is Breast surgery with node T2-T3 formed bilaterally at T10, T11, and T12 for radical pros- no si dissection on tatectomy due to the visceral input. Studies performed te Nephrectomy (lateral approach) T6-T7 at UPMC have shown great efficacy with lower pain d. is Continuous Level Thoracotomy, VATS T4-T5 scores.23 The same levels are blocked for laparoscopic pr abdominal hysterectomy. They even have been used for oh Bilateral more minor abdominal surgeries such as umbilical her- ib Major abdominal surgery (liver T7-T8 nia repair. These blocks are not routinely performed for ite resection, midline approach for a laparoscopic cholecystectomy, although they provide d. nephrectomy, Whipple, pancre- excellent postoperative analgesia.24 atectomy, small bile resection, etc) Pediatric anesthesiologists or anesthesiologists with AAA T7-T8 advanced training in pediatric regional anesthesia can place pediatric PVBs.25 PVBs also have been recom- Pelvic surgery (cystectomy, hyster- T10-T11 mended for labor analgesia26,27 and the treatment of ectomy with node dissection) chronic pain syndromes.28 AAA, abdominal aortic aneurysm; VATS, video-assisted The use of CPVBs also has been advocated for mul- thoracic surgery tiple rib fractures.29 At UPMC, CPVBs have become the standard of care for the management of pain associated 2 I N D E P E N D E N T LY D E V E L O P E D B Y M C M A H O N P U B L I S H I N G
  • 3. with multiple rib fractures, for several reasons: 1. Regional anesthesia has been shown to decrease morbidity and mortality in patients with multiple rib fractures. 2. Most patients received thromboprophylaxis with enoxaparin and the use of enoxaparin is a contrain- dication of epidurals. 3. PVBs have been shown to be equally effective as epidural analgesia.17,30-34 4. The use of CPVBs for the management of pain fol- lowing multiple rib fractures has been shown to be A effective and safe in patients receiving enoxaparin ll for thromboprophylaxis. rig Co The thoracic PVB is indicated for analgesia after tho- ht py racic, abdominal, or pelvic surgery when patients do s rig ed. not have an absolute contraindication—such as refusal, re infection at the intended procedure site, or pharmaco- ht se logic or uncontrolled anticoagulated states. rv © Of particular concern for many clinicians is the patient 20 who presents for surgery prior to a 24-hour waiting Figure 1. Classic approach for single 11 Re period after having received therapeutic anticoagulation blocks. M pr for the treatment of known venous thrombosis or pul- The needle is introduced 2.5 cm lateral from the spi- cM od monary embolus. (Such a regimen might include enoxa- nous process in search of the transverse process. parin 1 mg/kg subcutaneously twice daily; fondaparinux uc ah in w [Arixtra, GlaxoSmithKline] 7.5 mg subcutaneously once tio on daily, and noninterrupted heparin infusion with pro- performed. Several approaches are available: n Pu thrombin time 2 to 3 times the normal rate). 1. Use the C7 spinous process (vertebra prominens) as bl In its Third Evidence-Based Guidelines, the Ameri- the initial point to count down spinous processes. is can Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine 2. Start at the edge of the scapular, which enables the ho hi advises against the use of deep and plexus blocks in localization of the space between T7 and T8 within ng le patients receiving antithrombotic or thrombolytic ther- ±1 level (Technique 1 has been shown to be more or G apy.35 These recommendations are based on very few accurate than this technique).40 ro in case reports. 3. Localize the 12th rib and count the ribs upward, up pa For the past 10 years, clinicians at UPMC have per- using either surface landmarks or ultrasound. un ou formed peripheral nerve blocks and PVBs in patients rt receiving thromboprophylaxis for deep vein thrombo- BLIND TECHNIQUES w le ith ss sis and pulmonary embolism either postoperatively or Several techniques are described based on the use because of multiple rib fractures. The combination of of surface landmarks not requiring the use of ultra- ot CPVBs and thromboprophylaxis has not been associ- sound: classic, neurostimulation, loss of resistance, and he tp ated with any significant bleeding, particularly at the intercostal. rw er time of the removal of the paravertebral catheter. At Classic (Figure 1). The needle (22-gauge Tuohy for is m UPMC, administration of the thromboprophylaxis is not single PVBs and an 18-gauge Tuohy for CPVBs) is intro- e is discontinued and these catheters are removed without duced 2.5 cm lateral from the top of the desired ver- no si on consideration for the type of drug used for thrombo- tebral body in search of the transverse process. Once te prophylaxis or the timing of administration.36-39 contact is made with the transverse process, the nee- d. is dle is withdrawn to the skin and is redirected caudally pr Techniques 1 cm below the transverse process. The depth of the oh PATIENT POSITIONING PVS varies according to the thoracic level.41 Frequently, ib Most PVBs are best performed in the sitting position. the correct positioning of the needle is associated with ite However, in patients lacking mobility—because they are a loss of resistance as the needle travels through the d. intubated, for example, or have experienced trauma— costal ligament. Next, 5 mL of local anesthetic solution PVBs can be performed in the lateral position. Although is slowly injected per level (single PVBs) or before the it is possible to perform PVBs when the patient is prone, introduction of the catheter, which is positioned 3 to 5 it is important to recognize that this position increases cm beyond the tip of the needle in the case of CPVB. the time required to perform the block. The Tuohy introducer needle is removed and the cath- eter is secured in place with Steri-strips (3M) and cov- LOCALIZATION OF THE THORACIC LEVEL ered with a transparent dressing. Regardless of the technique, it is necessary to Neurostimulation. Using the same landmark as the first determine the level at which the PVB should be classic approach, a 10-cm 18-gauge insulated Tuohy is A N E ST H E S I O LO GY N E WS • M A R C H 2 0 1 2 3
  • 4. connected to a nerve stimulator set up to deliver 1.5 mA, ULTRASOUND-GUIDED THORACIC PARAVERTEBRAL BLOCK 0.1 milliseconds at a frequency of 2 Hz. The positioning There are at least three described approaches to of the needle produces an ipsilateral contraction of the performing an ultrasound-guided PVB: The classic corresponding intercostal muscles.42,43 approach, in which the probe is positioned parallel to Loss of Resistance. Using the same landmark as the the spinal processes46; an intercostal approach, which classic approach, an 18-gauge Tuohy needle is con- is used only for the placement of a paravertebral cath- nected to tubing, which is also connected to a pressure eter47; and a proximal lateral approach, in which the transducer filled with saline. A sudden drop in pressure probe is placed perpendicular to the spinous processes. characterizes the introduction of the needle in the PVS.44 Classic. After identifying the proper thoracic level, Intercostal. In this approach, an 18-gauge Tuohy nee- the curved low-frequency probe is placed longitudinally dle is introduced between 2 ribs corresponding to the parallel and medially in search of spinous processes.48 A desired paravertebral level 8 cm from the correspond- These will appear as bright white lines in a wave or saw- ll ing spinous process. After the rib is contacted, the nee- tooth pattern. Next the probe is translated laterally in rig Co dle is oriented at a 60-degree angle and introduced search of the transverse processes. Between the bright, ht py medially for another 2 cm with the bevel oriented medi- hyperechoic cortices of the transverse processes and s rig ed. ally. Three milliliters of local anesthetic is injected slowly the underlying acoustic shadows is a less echogenic line re after negative aspiration for blood before the introduc- connecting the bone that represents the costotrans- ht se tion of the catheter. The catheter is introduced 6 cm verse ligaments (CTL). Typically, the PVS is confirmed rv © beyond the tip of the needle.45 by viewing the CTL and an underlying echogenic line 20 11 Re M pr cM od uc ah in w tio on n Pu bl is ho hi ng le or G ro in up pa un ou rt Figure 3. When the transducer is w le Figure 2a. Ultrasound-guided classic too lateral, the paravertebral space ith ss approach. appears narrower. ot he tp rw er is m e is no si on te d. is pr oh ib ite d. Figure 2b. Ultrasound-guided classic approach. Left: The ultrasound transducer is positioned longitudinally at the level of the spinous process. Center: The transducer is moved laterally in search of the transverse processes. Right: The injection of the local anesthetic solution pushes the pleura anteriorly and disperses over several thoracic levels. 4 I N D E P E N D E N T LY D E V E L O P E D B Y M C M A H O N P U B L I S H I N G
  • 5. that represents the proximal and distal pleura. The PVS has been reported to be associated with 30% to 70% is between the CTL and the line of the pleura (Figures epidural spread and with the frequent placement of the 2a and 2b). The PVS may have less anterior-posterior catheter in the epidural space.48 Therefore, this is not a dimension if the probe is placed too far lateral of the recommended approach. Furthermore, Luyet reported spinous processes. (Figure 3). that the use of this technique is associated with a failure The needle is advanced in-plane and medially. A dis- rate of up to 45% when inserted 5 cm beyond the nee- tinctive loss of resistance is felt when the needle passes dle, as the catheters became lodged into the epidural through the CTL. After proper placement of the nee- space and dislodged into paraspinal muscle. dle, local anesthetics may be injected. The injection may Regardless of the technique, once the needle is in the result in an isolated push anteriorly of the pleura, or paravertebral space, 5 mL of ropivacaine 0.5% is injected better, a distribution of the anesthetic solution through- slowly after negative aspiration for blood. If a single PVB A out multiple levels, but with a less evident push of the is performed, this process is repeated at another level. ll pleura. Multilevel distribution confirms that the needle Naja et al demonstrated that the spread of local anes- rig Co is indeed in the PVS. Our institution and others have thetic was greater when using a multilevel injection than ht py reported that the spread resulting from a single injec- with a single injection,42 without any effects on the local s rig ed. tion of 10 to 15 mL of local anesthetic with dye can take anesthetic absorption.49 If a CPVB is performed, the re several shapes and can extend up to 6 or 7 dermatomes. catheter is introduced after the initial injection. When ht se Intercostal. The ultrasound transducer is positioned the catheter is secured in place, another 10 mL of ropi- rv © between the ribs of the desired level at a distance of vacaine 0.5% is injected slowly after negative aspiration 20 8 cm from the spinous process. The needle is placed for blood, for a total of 15 mL per catheter. 11 Re in-plane and medially, between the internal and inner- The paravertebral catheter is infused with either M pr most intercostal muscles. Two to 3 mL of local anes- bupivacaine 0.0625% or lidocaine 0.25% at a starting cM od thetic should be injected prior to placing the catheter, which should extend 8 cm beyond the tip of the nee- uc ah in w dle (Figure 4).47 tio on n PROXIMAL LATERAL APPROACH Pu bl The probe is placed perpendicular to the longitudinal is plane of the spinous processes (Figure 5). The needle is ho hi introduced in-plane in a medial direction. This approach ng le or G ro in up pa un ou rt w le ith ss ot he tp rw er is m e is no si on te d. is pr oh ib ite d. Figure 4. Intercostal approach to Figure 5. Proximal lateral approach the paravertebral space. The line with horizontally oriented probe and indicates the space between ribs 6 needle position (top), with corre- and 7. sponding sonoanatomy (bottom). A N E ST H E S I O LO GY N E WS • M A R C H 2 0 1 2 5
  • 6. rate of 7 mL per hour. The rate can be increased to 10 least theoretically reduces the risk for placing the nee- mL per hour if necessary. Orders should also include a dle beyond the pleura, as long as the clinician main- bolus of 3 mL per hour, as needed, given by the nurse. tains good visualization of the needle. Visualization of The advantage of lidocaine is that it is safer, and when the needle during the performance of a PVB is among in doubt, determining the plasma level of the drug is the most challenging aspects of the procedure because simple. Ropivacaine 0.2% also has been reported as an the needle often is introduced at a steep angle. Use of alternative for continuous infusion. Regardless of the echogenic needles or software that enhance the qual- solution, the total rate should not exceed 20 mL per ity of the image can facilitate visualization of the nee- hour. dle and should be considered. At UPMC, we have observed 3 pneumothoraces Complications requiring the placement of a chest tube. In every case, A Complications of PVBs are rare. The most frequent is the PVBs were not performed with the use of ultra- ll the development of vagual episodes during the perfor- sound. Although it is important to recognize that the rig Co mance of the block, and serious adverse events include use of ultrasound would most likely not completely ht py development of a pneumothorax, major bleeding, infec- eliminate this complication, performing these blocks s rig ed. tion, epidural or intrathecal spread, headache, and local under direct visualization can certainly help reduce the re anesthetic toxicity.50-53 Hypotension also may occur; frequency of this complication. ht se however, it is less frequent than has been associated rv © with thoracic epidurals. In this regard, the use of ultra- CONTINUOUS PARAVERTEBRAL OR THORACIC EPIDURAL: 20 sound to guide the blocks may help avoid the complica- NOT JUST A MATTER OF PREFERENCE 11 Re tions related to an incorrect placement of the needle or Many clinicians consider their choice of method to M pr catheter, such as pneumothorax, epidural injection, and be a matter of personal preference. However, the data cM od the placement of an epidural catheter. suggest otherwise. Pneumothorax is considered a classic complica- It is well established that the placement of a thoracic uc ah in w tion of PVB, and is estimated to occur in between 0.5% epidural is difficult and associated with frequent fail- tio on and 1% of patients undergoing blocks (Figure 6). Yet ure. In contrast, the success rate associated with PVBs n Pu it often is difficult to establish that the block caused is high. As discussed earlier, the use of epidural is con- bl the pneumothorax, particularly in patients undergoing traindicated in patients receiving thromboprophylaxis is major abdominal or pelvic surgeries or those in whom a initiated postoperatively. We have placed paraverte- ho hi central line has been placed. Clinicians must be vigilant bral catheters in patients undergoing major surgery or ng le for this event. Performing a PVB under direct vision at with multiple rib fractures in whom thromboprophylaxis or G was initiated after the procedure. In these patients, the ro in catheters were removed without interruption and tim- up pa ing of the anticoagulation administration. Using such an un ou approach, we did not observe any significant bleeding. rt The same is true for patients who have transient coagu- w le ith ss lopathy, such as those undergoing liver resection. How- ever, the risk for epidural hematoma in patients taking ot low-molecular-weight heparin who receive an epidural he tp catheter is well established. Indeed, in these patients, rw er use of an epidural is contraindicated. The relative safety is m of PVBs in anticoagulated patients is particularly impor- e is tant, considering that regional anesthesia and analge- no si on sia reduce overall morbidity and mortality in this patient te population. d. is Continuous PVBs are less likely to cause hypo- pr tension associated with sympathetic blockade, par- oh ticularly when placed unilaterally. Because the local ib anesthetic solutions for PVBs do not include opioids, ite patients benefiting from these techniques are less d. likely to experience pruritus or urinary retention. As a result, placement of a PVB does not necessitate the use of a Foley catheter, thus reducing the patient’s risk for urinary tract infections, which are associated with Figure 6. Chest x-ray illustrates 15% these devices. pneumothorax following continuous PVBs are associated with fewer side effects, con- paravertebral block. No chest tube sume fewer nursing resources, and require less moni- was placed. toring than do thoracic epidurals.54 In many institutions, patients who receive thoracic epidurals must be 6 I N D E P E N D E N T LY D E V E L O P E D B Y M C M A H O N P U B L I S H I N G
  • 7. Steps To Minimize Complications and Failed Blocks 1. Use ultrasound guidance whenever possible. epinephrine may be indicated), changes associated with an epidural and intrathecal administration of 2. Perform a full assessment of each patient prior to local anesthetics. the procedure. The basic medical history can help avoid the performance of deep blocks on patients 4. Use in-plane needle advancement. Do not advance who are actively anticoagulated. unless the tip is visible. 3. Be prepared to treat side effects and complications: 5. When advancing the needle, keep a closed system vagal response during the performance of the block with fluid-filled tubing connected to the Tuohy A (5%-10% of symptoms include bradycardia and needle. Doing so confers some safety and prevents ll hypotension, possibly preceded or accompanied a parietal pleural puncture from converting to a rig Co by lightheadedness, diaphoresis, and nausea. pneumothorax. ht py Approximately 50% of these patients require more 6. Avoid the temptation to push the paravertebral s than simply a change of posture. IV fluid boluses, rig ed. re catheter too far. No more than 4 to 5 cm should be IV glycopyrolate or atropine, ephedrine, or even ht se inserted beyond the tip of the needle. rv © 20 11 Re admitted to the intensive care unit, which is not neces- Conclusion M pr sary with PVBs. The indications for the safe use of PVBs have cM od In patients with multiple rib fractures and lumbar expanded in recent years, as more anesthesiologists spine trauma, the use of continuous thoracic PVB for become experienced with the technique. This proce- uc ah in w analgesia and preservation of respiratory function does dure increasingly is recognized as an effective and safer tio on not interfere with neurologic assessment for signs of alternative to the thoracic epidural in patients receiving n Pu spinal cord compression. Although this may not be a thromboprophylaxis. bl common occurrence, it displays the versatility and effi- References is cacy of CPVBs. ho hi 1. Eason MJ, Wyatt R. Paravertebral thoracic block—a reappraisal. ng le The Case for Thoracic Epidurals Anaesthesia. 1979;34(7):638–642. or G 2. Klein SM, Nielsen KC, Ahmed N, Buckenmaier CC, Steele S. In situ Despite the advantages of PVBs, thoracic epidural ro images of the thoracic paravertebral space. Reg Anesth Pain Med. in analgesia is not without its advocates. In a recent review, 2004;29(6):596-599. up pa Norum and Brevik argued that optimally conducted epi- 3. Karmakar MK, Kwok WH, Kew J. 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