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10 Things You Must Know And Have Before Creating A Blog.
Today,Many People Dream of Having a blog Most especially The youth.There are
some Thing you Must know before Creating A Blog.For a Successful Blogger,These
are the things You need to know:
1.You Must Have Full interest.
when you suff the Internet,There Are some Blog That are no More functioning Due
to Lack of Interest when It Was been Created.If you Want to Make your Blog A
sources of income,you Really need to Pay full Attention.
2.You must be a good writter.
Your writing Skill is Very important in Blogging.If you Hate writing
Articles,You will Definetely Have some problem with your blog Because COPY AND
PASTE no longer work again if Truely You Want to earn Income with your Blog.Like
the One You are Reading Presently,It took some time and Research to Come up with
this helpful Article.So i advise you to Gain some Interest in writing.
3.You need Active social media accounts.
No Blogger Can do without Social media account Because that is where you Publize
your post.some important social media account you can have include
Facebook,Twitter,Pinterest,Linkedin,google+ and many more.You need to have Those
social media account so that you can easily share your post you Publish and earn
you much Traffic.
4.Personal email account.
Having a personal gmail account let your Reader connect with you better.An email
account is one of the most essential tools to have and why google is most
preferable is that you may need a blogger account,you may need google adsense in
future,youtube e.t.c.
5.stay active and online.
A successful blogger is always online for any latest News Most especially Those
whose blog niche based on entertainment,politics news etc.You need to update
latest to your Reader.For example,any celeb can buy a new car or house at
anytime(Entertainment) or government may appoint any person to new Post(News
Niche).Try to alway stay online.
6.Be ready to take insults most time.
Dont be surprise with this,i Remenber when a publish a post concerning the
country economy turn down.A guy use the comment box to insult me about what i
posted.But,As a Blogger you should not reply those insult with Abusive word in
Return. Don't think your viewers will credit your actions all day,learn to be
patient and tolerant.
7.You need money.
Yes,you need money if truly you Take Blog As a business If you had ever been
told that blogging is free,false. YOU NEED MONEY!
These are Examples of things you need money for,buy domain name,host your
website (wordpress),Buy New themes,Buy Data and many more.
8.You need to learn little on php,css e.t.c. codes.
As a Blogger,You need not to be A code Gurus,But still you need little coding
Experience.If you employ a designer for your blog and you think you are free to
go,you are absolutely wrong!The person you employ may even sell your blog to
another person without even knowing,if you don't know about php,you may not even
be able to suggest new features for your blog.
9.You must Be Patience.
I know what am saying,if someone told you that making Money is That easy!shitYou
need to have also work Hard.Google adsense approval is not That easy. so you
have to be very patience.
10.Off to you,You Can also Add yours.
Thanks for Following Our Article Can follow us for Fresh article
on our Facebook Page.You can also subscribe to our email list.Thanks.
7 Tips And Tricks To Get Google Adsense Approval.
In this tutorial,I will show you some Basic tips on how to get google Adsense may have been Hearing of different kind of affiliate program that
can paay you well but I tell you,Google Adsense is the best advertising network
for your blog.
Google adsense is the best because they have the highest CPC rates when compared
to other Adsense program that is the Mainly reason why many,
infact let me say every Blogger want to get Adsense Approval.
Getting Adsense approval is getting Strictly due to Adsense guildelines and the
numbers of Blog many bloggers were rejected when they submit there
application for one reason or the other.
1.Insufficient content.
Google adsense will include this in your email if you were not approve.Your
website need to have sufficient contents.For you to get approval,Try and get
many content on your blog.I cannot tell you the the exact number of post you
need to have.I have seen A blog with 360 posts, still yet not
Approve.NOTE:Don t copy or paste content.�
2.Have copied images from Google image Search.
I will advice you not to use google image on your blog. Only use best quality
images.NOTE:every image Has is own Links.
3.Domain Type and Age.
It is always adviceable to use a custom domain name before applying because that
show that u really want your blogging.Let me tell you this that,many people
think You cannot get approval with using blogspot,i dont really agree with
that.U can still use blogspot with adsense.I will just advice you to use a
custom Domain name because it show you are professional.The Fact about Age is
That you must Be 18 year old above. NOTE:Google adsense team approve your
appilcation only when your blog is 6month old,though some get approval before
4. Traffic.
Traffic plays a most important role for to get your google adsense approve.Some
people still argue that traffic is not neccesary but i tell your Blog Traffic is
neccesary to get approved by google.I recommend atleast 50+ page-views/day.
5.Make some unique design.
Having a Unique design,Layout,color etc.Dont expect google adsense team to
approve a blog with too many colors.imaging using a yellow color as backgroung
and red as header.Am not saying using red or yellow color in blog is bad,but use
the color in a unique way that will even attract visitor to visit your site next
6.Pages:There are some pages that must be included in your site,The pages are
Contact us,About us,Disclamer pages,Privacy policy and Term of use.
You can check our pages for examples.
7.Others Are:
Avoid writing for any hacking.
Avoid any pornographic content.
Use google adsense approved language.
Need to apply for Google Webmasters Verification.
Domain Must Old At-least 6 Months.(As mentioned above).
Just follow the Term and condition Above.Google is now strict to Adsense
approval. If you have done everything correct, then Google will never reject
your application.
To get latest and update,Like our facebook page here and you can subscribe to
our news letter.You are welcome to Potablenews.com7 Tips And Tricks To Get
Google Adsense Approval.
In this tutorial,I will show you some Basic tips on how to get google Adsense may have been Hearing of different kind of affiliate program that
can paay you well but I tell you,Google Adsense is the best advertising network
for your blog.
Google adsense is the best because they have the highest CPC rates when compared
to other Adsense program that is the Mainly reason why many,
infact let me say every Blogger want to get Adsense Approval.
Getting Adsense approval is getting Strictly due to Adsense guildelines and the
numbers of Blog many bloggers were rejected when they submit there
application for one reason or the other.
1.Insufficient content.
Google adsense will include this in your email if you were not approve.Your
website need to have sufficient contents.For you to get approval,Try and get
many content on your blog.I cannot tell you the the exact number of post you
need to have.I have seen A blog with 360 posts, still yet not
Approve.NOTE:Don t copy or paste content.�
2.Have copied images from Google image Search.
I will advice you not to use google image on your blog. Only use best quality
images.NOTE:every image Has is own Links.
3.Domain Type and Age.
It is always adviceable to use a custom domain name before applying because that
show that u really want your blogging.Let me tell you this that,many people
think You cannot get approval with using blogspot,i dont really agree with
that.U can still use blogspot with adsense.I will just advice you to use a
custom Domain name because it show you are professional.The Fact about Age is
That you must Be 18 year old above. NOTE:Google adsense team approve your
appilcation only when your blog is 6month old,though some get approval before
4. Traffic.
Traffic plays a most important role for to get your google adsense approve.Some
people still argue that traffic is not neccesary but i tell your Blog Traffic is
neccesary to get approved by google.I recommend atleast 50+ page-views/day.
5.Make some unique design.
Having a Unique design,Layout,color etc.Dont expect google adsense team to
approve a blog with too many colors.imaging using a yellow color as backgroung
and red as header.Am not saying using red or yellow color in blog is bad,but use
the color in a unique way that will even attract visitor to visit your site next
6.Pages:There are some pages that must be included in your site,The pages are
Contact us,About us,Disclamer pages,Privacy policy and Term of use.
You can check our pages for examples.
7.Others Are:
Avoid writing for any hacking.
Avoid any pornographic content.
Use google adsense approved language.
Need to apply for Google Webmasters Verification.
Domain Must Old At-least 6 Months.(As mentioned above).
Just follow the Term and condition Above.Google is now strict to Adsense
approval. If you have done everything correct, then Google will never reject
your application.
To get latest and update,Like our facebook page here and you can subscribe to
our news letter.You are welcome to Potablenews.com7 Tips And Tricks To Get
Google Adsense Approval.
In this tutorial,I will show you some Basic tips on how to get google Adsense may have been Hearing of different kind of affiliate program that
can paay you well but I tell you,Google Adsense is the best advertising network
for your blog.
Google adsense is the best because they have the highest CPC rates when compared
to other Adsense program that is the Mainly reason why many,
infact let me say every Blogger want to get Adsense Approval.
Getting Adsense approval is getting Strictly due to Adsense guildelines and the
numbers of Blog many bloggers were rejected when they submit there
application for one reason or the other.
1.Insufficient content.
Google adsense will include this in your email if you were not approve.Your
website need to have sufficient contents.For you to get approval,Try and get
many content on your blog.I cannot tell you the the exact number of post you
need to have.I have seen A blog with 360 posts, still yet not
Approve.NOTE:Don t copy or paste content.�
2.Have copied images from Google image Search.
I will advice you not to use google image on your blog. Only use best quality
images.NOTE:every image Has is own Links.
3.Domain Type and Age.
It is always adviceable to use a custom domain name before applying because that
show that u really want your blogging.Let me tell you this that,many people
think You cannot get approval with using blogspot,i dont really agree with
that.U can still use blogspot with adsense.I will just advice you to use a
custom Domain name because it show you are professional.The Fact about Age is
That you must Be 18 year old above. NOTE:Google adsense team approve your
appilcation only when your blog is 6month old,though some get approval before
4. Traffic.
Traffic plays a most important role for to get your google adsense approve.Some
people still argue that traffic is not neccesary but i tell your Blog Traffic is
neccesary to get approved by google.I recommend atleast 50+ page-views/day.
5.Make some unique design.
Having a Unique design,Layout,color etc.Dont expect google adsense team to
approve a blog with too many colors.imaging using a yellow color as backgroung
and red as header.Am not saying using red or yellow color in blog is bad,but use
the color in a unique way that will even attract visitor to visit your site next
6.Pages:There are some pages that must be included in your site,The pages are
Contact us,About us,Disclamer pages,Privacy policy and Term of use.
You can check our pages for examples.
7.Others Are:
Avoid writing for any hacking.
Avoid any pornographic content.
Use google adsense approved language.
Need to apply for Google Webmasters Verification.
Domain Must Old At-least 6 Months.(As mentioned above).
Just follow the Term and condition Above.Google is now strict to Adsense
approval. If you have done everything correct, then Google will never reject
your application.
To get latest and update,Like our facebook page here and you can subscribe to
our news letter.You are welcome to Potablenews.com7 Tips And Tricks To Get
Google Adsense Approval.
In this tutorial,I will show you some Basic tips on how to get google Adsense may have been Hearing of different kind of affiliate program that
can paay you well but I tell you,Google Adsense is the best advertising network
for your blog.
Google adsense is the best because they have the highest CPC rates when compared
to other Adsense program that is the Mainly reason why many,
infact let me say every Blogger want to get Adsense Approval.
Getting Adsense approval is getting Strictly due to Adsense guildelines and the
numbers of Blog many bloggers were rejected when they submit there
application for one reason or the other.
1.Insufficient content.
Google adsense will include this in your email if you were not approve.Your
website need to have sufficient contents.For you to get approval,Try and get
many content on your blog.I cannot tell you the the exact number of post you
need to have.I have seen A blog with 360 posts, still yet not
Approve.NOTE:Don t copy or paste content.�
2.Have copied images from Google image Search.
I will advice you not to use google image on your blog. Only use best quality
images.NOTE:every image Has is own Links.
3.Domain Type and Age.
It is always adviceable to use a custom domain name before applying because that
show that u really want your blogging.Let me tell you this that,many people
think You cannot get approval with using blogspot,i dont really agree with
that.U can still use blogspot with adsense.I will just advice you to use a
custom Domain name because it show you are professional.The Fact about Age is
That you must Be 18 year old above. NOTE:Google adsense team approve your
appilcation only when your blog is 6month old,though some get approval before
4. Traffic.
Traffic plays a most important role for to get your google adsense approve.Some
people still argue that traffic is not neccesary but i tell your Blog Traffic is
neccesary to get approved by google.I recommend atleast 50+ page-views/day.
5.Make some unique design.
Having a Unique design,Layout,color etc.Dont expect google adsense team to
approve a blog with too many colors.imaging using a yellow color as backgroung
and red as header.Am not saying using red or yellow color in blog is bad,but use
the color in a unique way that will even attract visitor to visit your site next
6.Pages:There are some pages that must be included in your site,The pages are
Contact us,About us,Disclamer pages,Privacy policy and Term of use.
You can check our pages for examples.
7.Others Are:
Avoid writing for any hacking.
Avoid any pornographic content.
Use google adsense approved language.
Need to apply for Google Webmasters Verification.
Domain Must Old At-least 6 Months.(As mentioned above).
Just follow the Term and condition Above.Google is now strict to Adsense
approval. If you have done everything correct, then Google will never reject
your application.
To get latest and update,Like our facebook page here and you can subscribe to
our news letter.You are welcome to Potablenews.com7 Tips And Tricks To Get
Google Adsense Approval.
In this tutorial,I will show you some Basic tips on how to get google Adsense may have been Hearing of different kind of affiliate program that
can paay you well but I tell you,Google Adsense is the best advertising network
for your blog.
Google adsense is the best because they have the highest CPC rates when compared
to other Adsense program that is the Mainly reason why many,
infact let me say every Blogger want to get Adsense Approval.
Getting Adsense approval is getting Strictly due to Adsense guildelines and the
numbers of Blog many bloggers were rejected when they submit there
application for one reason or the other.
1.Insufficient content.
Google adsense will include this in your email if you were not approve.Your
website need to have sufficient contents.For you to get approval,Try and get
many content on your blog.I cannot tell you the the exact number of post you
need to have.I have seen A blog with 360 posts, still yet not
Approve.NOTE:Don t copy or paste content.�
2.Have copied images from Google image Search.
I will advice you not to use google image on your blog. Only use best quality
images.NOTE:every image Has is own Links.
3.Domain Type and Age.
It is always adviceable to use a custom domain name before applying because that
show that u really want your blogging.Let me tell you this that,many people
think You cannot get approval with using blogspot,i dont really agree with
that.U can still use blogspot with adsense.I will just advice you to use a
custom Domain name because it show you are professional.The Fact about Age is
That you must Be 18 year old above. NOTE:Google adsense team approve your
appilcation only when your blog is 6month old,though some get approval before
4. Traffic.
Traffic plays a most important role for to get your google adsense approve.Some
people still argue that traffic is not neccesary but i tell your Blog Traffic is
neccesary to get approved by google.I recommend atleast 50+ page-views/day.
5.Make some unique design.
Having a Unique design,Layout,color etc.Dont expect google adsense team to
approve a blog with too many colors.imaging using a yellow color as backgroung
and red as header.Am not saying using red or yellow color in blog is bad,but use
the color in a unique way that will even attract visitor to visit your site next
6.Pages:There are some pages that must be included in your site,The pages are
Contact us,About us,Disclamer pages,Privacy policy and Term of use.
You can check our pages for examples.
7.Others Are:
Avoid writing for any hacking.
Avoid any pornographic content.
Use google adsense approved language.
Need to apply for Google Webmasters Verification.
Domain Must Old At-least 6 Months.(As mentioned above).
Just follow the Term and condition Above.Google is now strict to Adsense
approval. If you have done everything correct, then Google will never reject
your application.
To get latest and update,Like our facebook page here and you can subscribe to
our news letter.You are welcome to Potablenews.com7 Tips And Tricks To Get
Google Adsense Approval.
In this tutorial,I will show you some Basic tips on how to get google Adsense may have been Hearing of different kind of affiliate program that
can paay you well but I tell you,Google Adsense is the best advertising network
for your blog.
Google adsense is the best because they have the highest CPC rates when compared
to other Adsense program that is the Mainly reason why many,
infact let me say every Blogger want to get Adsense Approval.
Getting Adsense approval is getting Strictly due to Adsense guildelines and the
numbers of Blog many bloggers were rejected when they submit there
application for one reason or the other.
1.Insufficient content.
Google adsense will include this in your email if you were not approve.Your
website need to have sufficient contents.For you to get approval,Try and get
many content on your blog.I cannot tell you the the exact number of post you
need to have.I have seen A blog with 360 posts, still yet not
Approve.NOTE:Don t copy or paste content.�
2.Have copied images from Google image Search.
I will advice you not to use google image on your blog. Only use best quality
images.NOTE:every image Has is own Links.
3.Domain Type and Age.
It is always adviceable to use a custom domain name before applying because that
show that u really want your blogging.Let me tell you this that,many people
think You cannot get approval with using blogspot,i dont really agree with
that.U can still use blogspot with adsense.I will just advice you to use a
custom Domain name because it show you are professional.The Fact about Age is
That you must Be 18 year old above. NOTE:Google adsense team approve your
appilcation only when your blog is 6month old,though some get approval before
4. Traffic.
Traffic plays a most important role for to get your google adsense approve.Some
people still argue that traffic is not neccesary but i tell your Blog Traffic is
neccesary to get approved by google.I recommend atleast 50+ page-views/day.
5.Make some unique design.
Having a Unique design,Layout,color etc.Dont expect google adsense team to
approve a blog with too many colors.imaging using a yellow color as backgroung
and red as header.Am not saying using red or yellow color in blog is bad,but use
the color in a unique way that will even attract visitor to visit your site next
6.Pages:There are some pages that must be included in your site,The pages are
Contact us,About us,Disclamer pages,Privacy policy and Term of use.
You can check our pages for examples.
7.Others Are:
Avoid writing for any hacking.
Avoid any pornographic content.
Use google adsense approved language.
Need to apply for Google Webmasters Verification.
Domain Must Old At-least 6 Months.(As mentioned above).
Just follow the Term and condition Above.Google is now strict to Adsense
approval. If you have done everything correct, then Google will never reject
your application.
To get latest and update,Like our facebook page here and you can subscribe to
our news letter.You are welcome to Potablenews.com7 Tips And Tricks To Get
Google Adsense Approval.
In this tutorial,I will show you some Basic tips on how to get google Adsense may have been Hearing of different kind of affiliate program that
can paay you well but I tell you,Google Adsense is the best advertising network
for your blog.
Google adsense is the best because they have the highest CPC rates when compared
to other Adsense program that is the Mainly reason why many,
infact let me say every Blogger want to get Adsense Approval.
Getting Adsense approval is getting Strictly due to Adsense guildelines and the
numbers of Blog many bloggers were rejected when they submit there
application for one reason or the other.
1.Insufficient content.
Google adsense will include this in your email if you were not approve.Your
website need to have sufficient contents.For you to get approval,Try and get
many content on your blog.I cannot tell you the the exact number of post you
need to have.I have seen A blog with 360 posts, still yet not
Approve.NOTE:Don t copy or paste content.�
2.Have copied images from Google image Search.
I will advice you not to use google image on your blog. Only use best quality
images.NOTE:every image Has is own Links.
3.Domain Type and Age.
It is always adviceable to use a custom domain name before applying because that
show that u really want your blogging.Let me tell you this that,many people
think You cannot get approval with using blogspot,i dont really agree with
that.U can still use blogspot with adsense.I will just advice you to use a
custom Domain name because it show you are professional.The Fact about Age is
That you must Be 18 year old above. NOTE:Google adsense team approve your
appilcation only when your blog is 6month old,though some get approval before
4. Traffic.
Traffic plays a most important role for to get your google adsense approve.Some
people still argue that traffic is not neccesary but i tell your Blog Traffic is
neccesary to get approved by google.I recommend atleast 50+ page-views/day.
5.Make some unique design.
Having a Unique design,Layout,color etc.Dont expect google adsense team to
approve a blog with too many colors.imaging using a yellow color as backgroung
and red as header.Am not saying using red or yellow color in blog is bad,but use
the color in a unique way that will even attract visitor to visit your site next
6.Pages:There are some pages that must be included in your site,The pages are
Contact us,About us,Disclamer pages,Privacy policy and Term of use.
You can check our pages for examples.
7.Others Are:
Avoid writing for any hacking.
Avoid any pornographic content.
Use google adsense approved language.
Need to apply for Google Webmasters Verification.
Domain Must Old At-least 6 Months.(As mentioned above).
Just follow the Term and condition Above.Google is now strict to Adsense
approval. If you have done everything correct, then Google will never reject
your application.
To get latest and update,Like our facebook page here and you can subscribe to
our news letter.You are welcome to Potablenews.com7 Tips And Tricks To Get
Google Adsense Approval.
In this tutorial,I will show you some Basic tips on how to get google Adsense may have been Hearing of different kind of affiliate program that
can paay you well but I tell you,Google Adsense is the best advertising network
for your blog.
Google adsense is the best because they have the highest CPC rates when compared
to other Adsense program that is the Mainly reason why many,
infact let me say every Blogger want to get Adsense Approval.
Getting Adsense approval is getting Strictly due to Adsense guildelines and the
numbers of Blog many bloggers were rejected when they submit there
application for one reason or the other.
1.Insufficient content.
Google adsense will include this in your email if you were not approve.Your
website need to have sufficient contents.For you to get approval,Try and get
many content on your blog.I cannot tell you the the exact number of post you
need to have.I have seen A blog with 360 posts, still yet not
Approve.NOTE:Don t copy or paste content.�
2.Have copied images from Google image Search.
I will advice you not to use google image on your blog. Only use best quality
images.NOTE:every image Has is own Links.
3.Domain Type and Age.
It is always adviceable to use a custom domain name before applying because that
show that u really want your blogging.Let me tell you this that,many people
think You cannot get approval with using blogspot,i dont really agree with
that.U can still use blogspot with adsense.I will just advice you to use a
custom Domain name because it show you are professional.The Fact about Age is
That you must Be 18 year old above. NOTE:Google adsense team approve your
appilcation only when your blog is 6month old,though some get approval before
4. Traffic.
Traffic plays a most important role for to get your google adsense approve.Some
people still argue that traffic is not neccesary but i tell your Blog Traffic is
neccesary to get approved by google.I recommend atleast 50+ page-views/day.
5.Make some unique design.
Having a Unique design,Layout,color etc.Dont expect google adsense team to
approve a blog with too many colors.imaging using a yellow color as backgroung
and red as header.Am not saying using red or yellow color in blog is bad,but use
the color in a unique way that will even attract visitor to visit your site next
6.Pages:There are some pages that must be included in your site,The pages are
Contact us,About us,Disclamer pages,Privacy policy and Term of use.
You can check our pages for examples.
7.Others Are:
Avoid writing for any hacking.
Avoid any pornographic content.
Use google adsense approved language.
Need to apply for Google Webmasters Verification.
Domain Must Old At-least 6 Months.(As mentioned above).
Just follow the Term and condition Above.Google is now strict to Adsense
approval. If you have done everything correct, then Google will never reject
your application.
To get latest and update,Like our facebook page here and you can subscribe to
our news letter.You are welcome to Potablenews.com7 Tips And Tricks To Get
Google Adsense Approval.
In this tutorial,I will show you some Basic tips on how to get google Adsense may have been Hearing of different kind of affiliate program that
can paay you well but I tell you,Google Adsense is the best advertising network
for your blog.
Google adsense is the best because they have the highest CPC rates when compared
to other Adsense program that is the Mainly reason why many,
infact let me say every Blogger want to get Adsense Approval.
Getting Adsense approval is getting Strictly due to Adsense guildelines and the
numbers of Blog many bloggers were rejected when they submit there
application for one reason or the other.
1.Insufficient content.
Google adsense will include this in your email if you were not approve.Your
website need to have sufficient contents.For you to get approval,Try and get
many content on your blog.I cannot tell you the the exact number of post you
need to have.I have seen A blog with 360 posts, still yet not
Approve.NOTE:Don t copy or paste content.�
2.Have copied images from Google image Search.
I will advice you not to use google image on your blog. Only use best quality
images.NOTE:every image Has is own Links.
3.Domain Type and Age.
It is always adviceable to use a custom domain name before applying because that
show that u really want your blogging.Let me tell you this that,many people
think You cannot get approval with using blogspot,i dont really agree with
that.U can still use blogspot with adsense.I will just advice you to use a
custom Domain name because it show you are professional.The Fact about Age is
That you must Be 18 year old above. NOTE:Google adsense team approve your
appilcation only when your blog is 6month old,though some get approval before
4. Traffic.
Traffic plays a most important role for to get your google adsense approve.Some
people still argue that traffic is not neccesary but i tell your Blog Traffic is
neccesary to get approved by google.I recommend atleast 50+ page-views/day.
5.Make some unique design.
Having a Unique design,Layout,color etc.Dont expect google adsense team to
approve a blog with too many colors.imaging using a yellow color as backgroung
and red as header.Am not saying using red or yellow color in blog is bad,but use
the color in a unique way that will even attract visitor to visit your site next
6.Pages:There are some pages that must be included in your site,The pages are
Contact us,About us,Disclamer pages,Privacy policy and Term of use.
You can check our pages for examples.
7.Others Are:
Avoid writing for any hacking.
Avoid any pornographic content.
Use google adsense approved language.
Need to apply for Google Webmasters Verification.
Domain Must Old At-least 6 Months.(As mentioned above).
Just follow the Term and condition Above.Google is now strict to Adsense
approval. If you have done everything correct, then Google will never reject
your application.
To get latest and update,Like our facebook page here and you can subscribe to
our news letter.You are welcome to Potablenews.com7 Tips And Tricks To Get
Google Adsense Approval.
In this tutorial,I will show you some Basic tips on how to get google Adsense may have been Hearing of different kind of affiliate program that
can paay you well but I tell you,Google Adsense is the best advertising network
for your blog.
Google adsense is the best because they have the highest CPC rates when compared
to other Adsense program that is the Mainly reason why many,
infact let me say every Blogger want to get Adsense Approval.
Getting Adsense approval is getting Strictly due to Adsense guildelines and the
numbers of Blog many bloggers were rejected when they submit there
application for one reason or the other.
1.Insufficient content.
Google adsense will include this in your email if you were not approve.Your
website need to have sufficient contents.For you to get approval,Try and get
many content on your blog.I cannot tell you the the exact number of post you
need to have.I have seen A blog with 360 posts, still yet not
Approve.NOTE:Don t copy or paste content.�
2.Have copied images from Google image Search.
I will advice you not to use google image on your blog. Only use best quality
images.NOTE:every image Has is own Links.
3.Domain Type and Age.
It is always adviceable to use a custom domain name before applying because that
show that u really want your blogging.Let me tell you this that,many people
think You cannot get approval with using blogspot,i dont really agree with
that.U can still use blogspot with adsense.I will just advice you to use a
custom Domain name because it show you are professional.The Fact about Age is
That you must Be 18 year old above. NOTE:Google adsense team approve your
appilcation only when your blog is 6month old,though some get approval before
4. Traffic.
Traffic plays a most important role for to get your google adsense approve.Some
people still argue that traffic is not neccesary but i tell your Blog Traffic is
neccesary to get approved by google.I recommend atleast 50+ page-views/day.
5.Make some unique design.
Having a Unique design,Layout,color etc.Dont expect google adsense team to
approve a blog with too many colors.imaging using a yellow color as backgroung
and red as header.Am not saying using red or yellow color in blog is bad,but use
the color in a unique way that will even attract visitor to visit your site next
6.Pages:There are some pages that must be included in your site,The pages are
Contact us,About us,Disclamer pages,Privacy policy and Term of use.
You can check our pages for examples.
7.Others Are:
Avoid writing for any hacking.
Avoid any pornographic content.
Use google adsense approved language.
Need to apply for Google Webmasters Verification.
Domain Must Old At-least 6 Months.(As mentioned above).
Just follow the Term and condition Above.Google is now strict to Adsense
approval. If you have done everything correct, then Google will never reject
your application.
To get latest and update,Like our facebook page here and you can subscribe to
our news letter.You are welcome to Potablenews.com7 Tips And Tricks To Get
Google Adsense Approval.
In this tutorial,I will show you some Basic tips on how to get google Adsense may have been Hearing of different kind of affiliate program that
can paay you well but I tell you,Google Adsense is the best advertising network
for your blog.
Google adsense is the best because they have the highest CPC rates when compared
to other Adsense program that is the Mainly reason why many,
infact let me say every Blogger want to get Adsense Approval.
Getting Adsense approval is getting Strictly due to Adsense guildelines and the
numbers of Blog many bloggers were rejected when they submit there
application for one reason or the other.
1.Insufficient content.
Google adsense will include this in your email if you were not approve.Your
website need to have sufficient contents.For you to get approval,Try and get
many content on your blog.I cannot tell you the the exact number of post you
need to have.I have seen A blog with 360 posts, still yet not
Approve.NOTE:Don t copy or paste content.�
2.Have copied images from Google image Search.
I will advice you not to use google image on your blog. Only use best quality
images.NOTE:every image Has is own Links.
3.Domain Type and Age.
It is always adviceable to use a custom domain name before applying because that
show that u really want your blogging.Let me tell you this that,many people
think You cannot get approval with using blogspot,i dont really agree with
that.U can still use blogspot with adsense.I will just advice you to use a
custom Domain name because it show you are professional.The Fact about Age is
That you must Be 18 year old above. NOTE:Google adsense team approve your
appilcation only when your blog is 6month old,though some get approval before
4. Traffic.
Traffic plays a most important role for to get your google adsense approve.Some
people still argue that traffic is not neccesary but i tell your Blog Traffic is
neccesary to get approved by google.I recommend atleast 50+ page-views/day.
5.Make some unique design.
Having a Unique design,Layout,color etc.Dont expect google adsense team to
approve a blog with too many colors.imaging using a yellow color as backgroung
and red as header.Am not saying using red or yellow color in blog is bad,but use
the color in a unique way that will even attract visitor to visit your site next
6.Pages:There are some pages that must be included in your site,The pages are
Contact us,About us,Disclamer pages,Privacy policy and Term of use.
You can check our pages for examples.
7.Others Are:
Avoid writing for any hacking.
Avoid any pornographic content.
Use google adsense approved language.
Need to apply for Google Webmasters Verification.
Domain Must Old At-least 6 Months.(As mentioned above).
Just follow the Term and condition Above.Google is now strict to Adsense
approval. If you have done everything correct, then Google will never reject
your application.
To get latest and update,Like our facebook page here and you can subscribe to
our news letter.You are welcome to
5 Ways On How To Increase Your Earnings On Your Google Adsense Account.
Hello NM users,i m here with another tutorial�
for you,many wapmasters have been disturbing
me to write a post on how to increase
adsense earnings,well here is it.
There are many ways to optimize your
AdSense earnings. If you aren t�
experimenting with things like placement,
color, layout, size and other variables, you
could be leaving a lot of money on the table.
I increased my earnings by 20% just by
following some of the tips mentioned
1) Your AdSense earnings are directly
related to your traffic. How much you make
depends on your niche, click-through rate
and how much ads in your niche pay. Find
out why earnings vary.
2)Don t compare earnings. You cannot�
estimate your earnings based on someone
else s traffic because every niche is different.�
3)Three units is not always best. Even
though AdSense allows you to use multiple
units on one page, that doesn t mean it s� �
always best for your user experience.
Also, Google has been known to penalize the
rankings of sites that have too many ads
(especially near the top of the page). Learn
to balance your ads with content.
You don t want to run people away by�
appearing greedy with ad overload. Not to
mention it looks unprofessional.
4)Diversify. While AdSense can be a great
way to earn additional income, you should
also diversify your income streams.
Not only are earnings unpredictable but you
could get your account disabled and lose
everything at once.
Google s main priority is protecting their�
advertisers because that s how they make�
their money.
So if they suspect that your account is
generating fraudulent clicks or even has the
potential to do so, they will disable your
account with no warning.
5)Find The Right Theme. Rather than trying
to tweak and manipulate your site s code,�
it s best to find a theme/design that already�
has the placement setup for where you want
to put your AdSense ads.
*With these few tips, i hope you would be
able to Increase Your Adsense Earnings.
How to register a free .tk .ml .cf and .ga domain with
Getting a domain name for your
site is very important because when you newly
register a wapka site, the name may be too
long and easy to forget. And at times sharing
your site to facebook especially with how and
error on mobile phones. But when you get a
domain name, it will be easy for people to
recall your site address.
On the free domain creator below, you are
allowed to create either .tk, .ml, .ga or .cf. Step
to create these domain for your wapka are
Go to�
Check if your desired domain name is free and�
If you confirm that your domain name is free�
and available, the registration form,will show
up. Fill the form carefully and if you have any
problem don t hesitate to let me know.�
Submit your registration and if it s successful,� �
now,log into your freenom account.
Click on the domain s panel. You will find it on� �
At this point you will see the domain name�
that you registered. Now click on Modify.
Now 3 Options will show up they are:� �
Domain forwarding�
dot tk DNS service and�
Custom DNS�
Click on Custom DNS� �
Fill the DNS servers as and�
Now save this settings.�
Login to your wapka and go to settings>Own
Domain and here enter the .tk domain you
You are DONE!. You can now start driving
traffic to your parked domain and make money
from it.
Thanks for visiting and stay tuned. Post your
comments if any and appreciate the topic by
clicking on thanks.
How To Use Custom Domain/Sub Domain Name For Your Blogspot.
Using a Custom domain name for your blog is very simple and easy,Though some
people complain about having problem with the Process.If you want to change your
blospot,i.e( to a custom one like
(,You are at the right place i tell you.
Why you need a custom domain name?
1. Using Custom domain name make your Blog Professional and a serious blogger.
2. If you want to monetize with your Blog,some importants Affiliate Programs
and Ad companies may not accept a subdomain.
3. Some are usually too long, since they are a subdomain to and it
may be hard for people to memorize.People are not the same,it is preferable to
use short and memoriable domain name.
4. Changing to a custom domain name makes your blog more unique.
5. Custom domains are very good for Search Engine Optimization(SEO).
What you need To get Started!
1. A blogspot blog(I believe you already have a blogspot blog).
2. A domain name with control panel with dns control.You need to buy a custom
domain name with a reliable may buy .com/,just go for your
wish.i prefer using whogohost company,i really love there service.
You need to understand some words.
1.What is a CNAME?
A CNAME, or Canonical Name record is an entry within the Domain Name System(DNS)
that specifies where a user can find your web pages, or any other URL . You'll
use this to associate your custom domain name with your blogspot blog.
2.What is an A record?
Every host on the Internet has a unique number. This is called an IP address and
has a notation of four numbers (bytes). The numbers are separated by a dot. An
IP address might be This IP address is hard to remember and hard to
communicate with your friends or business relationships. To make life easier the
Internet uses names, or domain names, to recognize IP addresses. Therefore,
instead of we could say, which is much easier to
remember. This is very similar to having your very own name listed in the
phonebook- your name has a number there as well your phone number. An A record
is nothing more then an assignment of an IP address to a name.
Let go to the real issue,Changing to a Custom Sub Domain Name.
In this tutorial I will be emphasizing on using the domain control panel, Using
whogohost specifically and also talk about other registrars. Basically, the
settings is almost the same with all registrars, and this tutorial is just to
show you the psyche of linking your custom domain to your blog using any
1.Log in to your domain control panel( the company where you bought your domain
2.Click on my domains tab.
3.Click on view details button beside the domain you would like to link your
4.when the page loads click on manage DNS, after the page loads, you'll see a
select box=> Select CName and enter www.yoursubdomain in the host text box and in the address text box, then save changes.
5.Then add another CNAME with a special alias name which would be given to you
by google whenever you request to change to a custom domain name e.g
7ibkexqsrgr3 pointing to a special destination host e.g gv-
6.Also create four A records pointing to four different google IP addresses-,,, for your desired
domain name. Although the previous step is optional you can just create for one
IP but it is highly advisable to create A records for the four IP addresses
7.Now, log in to your Blogger Account. Afterwards you click on the Settings tab,
then Publishing tab, again click on the custom domain link.
8.Now, click on the switch to advanced settings link. You should see a page with
a text box to enter your sub domain name, enter your sub domain name with
Then tick the box with redirect your domain without www to the one with www(e.g
redirect to www. or else people who
type in your subdomain without the www won't be able to access your site. Done.
How to get your special CNAME and destination host.
From your blogger account, go to settings. Then under blogger address, go to Add
a custom domain. Now, go to switch to advanced settings, then settings
There,That is where you will get your CNAME given by google.
This tutorial apply to custom domain name/sub domain name.Hope you get this
tutorial helpful.If you are having any problem,dont hesitate to contact us via us by Liking our Facebook page here.
Top 10 Cheapest and Affordable Web Hosting in Nigeria.
benefits of having a cheap web hosting plan
in Nigeria is that we can easily begin to
market our services and products online.
When we talk about website hosting in
Nigeria, there are numerous options that
come to mind.
As you already know, all fingers are not
equal. You may be starting out and not
know anything about website hosting. I will
quickly suggest to you that you should take
advantage of all the companies that will be
listed in this article. The reason for this is
that I remembered when I started my online
journey, I had little capital to do anything.
When I finally learned WordPress, I bought a
web hosting package which cost about
N2,500 per year. After this I began building
my website.
So do not be afraid to get a cheap and
affordable web hosting in Nigeria as this
might turn out to be the best bet when you
are just coming to do your business online.
Putting up a website should not scare you
because of the cost and there are always
two sides to the coin. A cheap web hosting
package has its own ups and downs. There
are merits and demerits. So for someone
with little knowledge on websites, you need
to test the stream first.
There are some things you should personally
check out for when looking cheap hosting in
Nigeria. Some cheap hosting sites earn
money by allowing other companies to put
advertisements in the users websites. Don t� �
get surprised if you see advertisements that
you didn t put in your websites. These�
Cheap hosting sites might also use pop-ups
which can be very irritating for visitors. This
might lead to fewer customers visiting your
Another disadvantage is that cheap hosting
sites might have your website URL as a sub-
domain of the web hosting company
domain. This is not good for your business
as customers might think that your company
is not well established enough to have your
own website. Others might even think that
your company is a scam. There is a big
possibility that a potential customer will
disregard your website and choose another
company who sells the same product as
In conclusion, the advantages and
disadvantages of cheap hosting are many. If
you are only starting with your business
then it might be beneficial for you to choose
a free or cheap hosting site as this will cost
you less. However, if you are already a well-
established company and your goal is to
obtain more customers and increase their
confidence in your product, then a paid
webhosting service might be more beneficial
for you. It is important to analyze the pros
and cons of your web hosting providers
before deciding.
[b] List of 10 Cheap and Affordable Web
Hosting in Nigeria:[/b]
From N900 per year on their basic plan you
get the following features
1 GB Disk Space
5 GB Bandwidth
Unlimited FTP
Unlimited Mysql Databases
Unlimited Email Accounts
From N350/mo you get the following
features on their Aspire plan
1GB Webspace
4GB Bandwidth
Free .NG Domain
4 Subdomains
1 Hosted Addon Domain
1 Parked Domain
Unlimited Emails
Unlimited SQL Databases
From N93/mo you get the following features
on their civillian plan
500 MB Space
5 GB Bandwidth
1 Domain Allowed
Unlimited Email Accounts
Free Domain Not Available
From N300/mo you get the following
features on their starter plan
Control Panel
1,000Mb Web Space
4,000Mb Bandwidth
Unlimited Email Accounts
Unlimited MySQL
5 Sub Domains
From ?1000 on the faji starter plan you get
features such as:
100MB Storage Space
1GB Bandwidth
Free SEO tools
Over 340 Free Softwares
Multiple PHP (PHP 5.2 PHP 5.5)�
WordPress & Joomla Installer
Unlimited Email Access
From ?1000 on their net starter plan you get
features such as:
Host 1 Domain
100 MB Disk Space
2 GB Bandwidth
5 Email Accounts
Control panel
24/7 Support
From ?2500 on their starter plan you get
features such as:
100 MB Storage Space
1 GB Monthly Bandwidth
4 Sub-domains
4 Email Accounts
Control panel
24/7 Support
From ?2500 you get features such as:
1 GB Storage Space
10 GB Monthly Bandwidth
0 Sub-domains
Unlimited Email Accounts
Control panel
24/7 Support
For N3500 on their lite plan you get:
1GB Space
2GB Bandwidth
Free Domain
10 Email Accounts
For N2,500 on their standard package you
10GB Disk Space
30GB Bandwidth
0 Domain
Unlimited Email Accounts
20 Niche Suggestions for Nigerian Bloggers 2016.
Blogging has proven to be a successful career
in Nigeria. If you want to be a blogger, you'll
need to find a very good niche with high traffic
and less competition if possible. I'll make a
list of niches receiving high traffic in Nigeria
for new bloggers to capitalize their blog on.
Note; whatever you are blogging about has to
be something you really like and have good
knowledge about
Top 20 niches for new Bloggers in Nigeria
1. Moringa Benefits (over 20k searches every
month in Nigeria)
2. Latest phones (over 40k searches every
month in Nigeria)
3. Cheap Laptops (over 50k searches every
month in Nigeria)
4. Kids security tips (over 20k searches every
5. Prayer points (over 40k searches every
month in Nigeria)
6. Event Planning (over 20k searches every
month in Nigeria)
7. Zara basic sandals (over 30k searches
every month in Nigeria)
8. Sonik super saver bundle (Over 15k
searches every month in Nigeria)
9. Scar remover (over 25k searched every
month in Nigeria)
10. Table Manners (over 30k searched every
month in Nigeria)
11. Shea Butter (over 40k searches every
month in Nigeria)
12. New baby list (over 40k searches every
month in Nigeria)
13. Sugar mummy (over 100k searches every
month in Nigeria)
14. Cheap flight tickets (over 100k searches
every month in Nigeria)
15. Cheap hotels (over 200k searched in
16. Nigeria Events (over 30k searches every
month in Nigeria)
17. Baby carrier (over 15k searches every
month in Nigeria)
18. p3n!s enlargement (over 20k searched
every month in Nigeria)
19. Herbal Remedies (over 50k searches every
month in Nigeria)
20. Scientific Calculator (over 15k searches
every month in Nigeria)
Do you have other niches that are getting good
search presence in 2016? Share
How To Submit Sitemap To Google/Bing Webmasters SEO Series Ended.�
Sitemaps are the text files in XML form of
our web pages. As name of Sitemap clearly
explain about it meaning that is map of our
site. In my 1st first of SEO we learn about
submit site in search engine for crawl but by
submitting only site homepage URL doesn t�
means that search engines bots also crawl
your all site pages also. Sometime search
bots forget to crawl some pages. so this will
effect on index of your important pages in
search engines. This will leads to less traffic
So it is necessary to submit sitemap and also
update them time to time for better site
crawling and indexing.
Submission of sitemap in Google and bing
webmaster is last part of my seo series. This
seo series contain three different article.
Before start working on Seo for every new
site these three methods mention in my seo
series necessary for every to follow step by
step for effective SEO performance. These
three article series work as building block for
every new blog or site. now here i will start
with my last topic of seo about submission of
sitemap in webmasters. But before submitting
sitemap be sure to follow my first two parts
of SEO series.
Safe Tricks SEO Series For Blogs
Part 1:- Submit Your Website Or Blog in
Search Engines.
Part 2:- Verify your Blog On Google And Bing
Part 3:- Submit Sitemap In Google And Bing
Firstly Generate Sitemap Submit here�
Now enter URL of your blog in box and�
click generate site map button.
When you generate site then new box�
comes out which look like as shown
Now Your sitemap is generated successfully
and now time is to submit them in
Submit Sitemap in Google
Open Your Google Webmaster Account.
Open your Site or Blog.
Go to Optimization for left sidebar >>
Then to Sitemap.
Now click on the Add/Test Sitemap
Button from Right side top.
Now Paste the below sitemap which
we generate above simple copy the
exact code format as shown below for
your sitemap generates.
Note:- Don t copy this sitemap example which�
we generate in above steps because sitemap
is based on total number of posts.
Now Paste your sitemap in the Add/
Test Sitemap box and submit them as
shown below
After Click on the Submit sitemap and
refresh your to see sitemap is submit
successfully with an issue or error.
Submit Sitemap in Bing & Yahoo
Submit your sitemap is so easy their is
no need to open your bing webmaster.
Make sure that you have verify your
site with bing webmaster as mention is
my 2nd article of this series.
Now to submit your sitemap in Bing
simply replace
from below links and copy the whole
link and paste it in the url box and
press enter. After pressing enter you
will see the message like Thank you
for sitemap submission. now simply
copy below sitemap based on your
total posts
If your Blog Post are between 1 – 500
If your Blog Post are between 501 – 1000
If your Blog Post are between 1001 -1500
Now Simply copy the above code
based on total numbers of post on your
blog and paste in new tab and press
Your sitemap in bing will automatically
submit by Ping Service. You don–t
need to do anything.
Note:- Their is no other required method to
submit sitemap in yahoo. If you submit your
sitemap in bing successfully then yahoo will
automatically index your site.
I hope this series of there articles on seo will
effectively help you to increase your site
performance in search engines. This seo
series also make your site trusted in the eyes
of search engine bots and reduce the changes
of spam. So i suggest you to follow all the
steps carefully. If you enjoy our series must
share it will others also.
IF you F@ce any kind of problem in whole
series must share your comment.
Must Have WordPress Plugins for Security | Sharing | Seo 2016.
WordPress plugins are very useful. If you run a WordPress blog, you'll surely
understand what am saying. They do a lot of the work for you while you just have
to do the editorial work and there are still some smart plugins that can assist
you in the editorial aspect.
There are different types of plugins in almost every aspect of a blog. Such as:
- security
- seo
- design
- editorial
- user engagement and so many others.
Here, I'll be sharing a lot of useful WordPress plugins. Though I won't go into
details as to what each does, the plugins listed here are highly effective at
what they do. I caption them, must have WordPress plugins
Must Have WordPress Plugins 2016
1) WordPress SEO / All in one SEO.
2) Soliloquy.
3) W3 Total Cache
4) Floating Social Bar
5) OptinMonster
6) All In One WP Security & Firewall
With these, everything on the website like
security, display, promotions, speed, lead
generation will be taken care of
Pretty Link
WP Super Cache
1. WordPress SEO by Yoast
2. BackupBuddy
3. Gravity Forms
4. Soliloquy
5. TablePress
1) WordPress SEO / All in one SEO.
2) Soliloquy.
3) W3 Total Cache
4) Floating Social Bar
5) OptinMonster
6) All In One WP Security & Firewall
1. WordPress SEO by Yoast
2. BackupBuddy
3. Gravity Forms
4. Soliloquy
5. TablePress
2. WordPress SEO
3. Word Frence Security
4. Pretty Links Lite
5. W3 Total Cache
1. W3 Total cache
2. Google Analytics
3. All in one SEO
1. All in one SEO
2. Simple social share
3. Wordpress minify
4. XML sitemap generator
5. W3 super cache
Contact Form 7
Contact Form DB
Custom Login
Login LockDown
Peter's Login Redirect
SEO Smart Links
W3 Total Cache
WordPress SEO
WP Maintenance Mode
How To Receive Google Adsense Payment Through Ur Diamond Saving Acct With
welcome to potablenews,you are presently at our webmasters page.
Today,Our Post is Mainly for Those who want to use Diamond bank for one reason
or the other to receive Google Adsense Payment.
This simple tuturial Are Basically in Five (6) Process.
Step 1
Just work into any Diamond bank of your choice to Request for a form on How to
receive International Fund Transfer into your Saving Account.You will be given a
form to fill,Make sure to fill The form Correctly,The given form will look like
After you submitted the form,The remaining process in online.Keep calm,it is
just a simple process.
Step 2
Visit the google adsense link.
Click on sign in
Type in your AdSense email address and password
Step 3
Click on payments
Step 4
Click on payment settings
Click on +add a new payment method.
Step 5
Select wire transfer to bank account.
Then,follow the procedure by filling the name,Account no etc.You Can
see the setting in The pic
Step 6
Click on set this payment method as primary, then click on save.
Woa,You are done.
How the credit alert looks like when you are finally paid through DIAMOND BANK.
Credit Alert!
Acc#: *****5765
Amt: 33,596.34
Time: 24/05/16 2:41PM
Avail Bal:41,555.10
Total Bal:41,555.10.
Cheer.Dont forget to like our Facebook page here for Latest you encounter any problem,Don't
hesistate to mail us via can also use the comment
box Below.Thanks for Reading.
Early story of some websites.
As the first website when online 25 years ago
today, it–s easy to forget just how some of our
favourite websites looked back in their early
incarnations. Rhiannon Williams unearths the
The very first website went online 25 years ago
today in December 1990 – in which time the
Berlin Wall has come down, we–ve witnessed
one of the worst financial crisis ever and a
British man has finally won Wimbledon.
Following on from our previous list, here are
some of the moments you might not remember
– the homepages of famous websites.
1. – launched in 1996
Founded in 1996 when Larry Page and Sergey
Brin were PhD students at Standford University,
California, Google has grown to be the biggest
search engine in the world. This demo is
believed to be one of the earliest examples of
Google as we know it.
2. – launched in 2004
Eight years later Facebook was also founded at
a university – Harvard to be precise, and by
Mark Zuckerberg. Known as TheFacebook, it
was initially only available to fellow Harvard
students to rate each other–s photographs,
before being rolled out to selected high
schools. Today, Facebook boasts over 1.23
billion users worldwide.
3. – launched in 2003
Before there was Facebook, there was
MySpace. The social network of choice for
tortured teens in the mid 2000s, Rupert
Murdoch bought the site back in 2005 for $580
million. Following years of members flocking to
alternatives such as Facebook, Murdoch sold it
in 2011 for a rumoured $35 million, calling the
purchase a –huge mistake–.
4. – launched in 1994
Webportal Yahoo originally began life as David
and Jerry–s Guide to the World Wide Web, when
created by electrical engineering students
David Filo and Jerry Yang in 1994. The term
Yahoo actually stands for Yet Another
Hierarchical Officious Oracle.
How to Highlight, Copy and Extract Text from any Image Online.
Ever thought of extracting text content from an image? Sounds impossible right?
Well, I–ll reveal the trick I use to extract text content from any online image.
I can even choose to do same on images on my device.
I know that most of you have been looking for ways to extract text content from
images, maybe, you came across some inspirational or motivational image quotes,
and you plan on putting those texts content down. I–m pretty sure that you do
that manually, not knowing that you can easily copy text from image and paste.
You get to even copy text from funny image quotes and some lovely memes, you
don–t need to do that manually again, just with this simply copy and paste
method, and your text content is made visible. Sometimes, maybe it–s a long text
content in an image, be it infographics, comics, image documents, memes, or any
other image content. Just watch your mouse cursor highlighting those images and
that–s it.
How to Highlight, Copy and Extract Text from any Image Online
Well, there–s this chrome extension by name –Project Naptha–, it–s a tool that
automatically applies state-of-the-art computer vision algorithms on every image
you see while browsing the web. The result is a seamless and intuitive
experience, where you can highlight as well as copy and paste and even edit and
translate the text formerly trapped within an image. This is just pretty
Is your blog helping you to make money online by selling something? Blogging is
the best way to sell products. Let me teach you how.
Before we get deeper into the post, let me warn you that this is not an in-depth
guide, but for those who are getting started with blogging.
A lot of people either abandon their blogs halfway down the road or fails to
make a single sale no matter how hard they try. If you–re one of them, don–t
blame blogging already, it–s just because you–re not doing it right.
Trust me, I–ve had blogs that didn–t even drive a single sale, nor a dime
through ads. And I did abandon them too.
But, I studied top blogs and websites that sold something or the other. People
who were really bagging some big $$$. Be it any niche. I–ve examined over 15
blogs that surely made a lot of sales.
Can You Really Make Money Blogging Selling Stuff?
Yes, totally!
First of all, if you were someone who had a doubt whether you can squeeze money
out of a blog or someone who thought it–s not possible, you wouldn–t be reading
this post. So, just for the sake of helping you breathe,
Amal Rafeeq @ZionAmalRafeeq
#Blogging really is a great way to make money online.
10:39 PM - 7 Jul 2016
Retweets 1 1 like
In this post, I–ll share with you what I–ve learned from doing case studies and
my own experiments. I can assure you that these are simple steps that you can
easily execute if you have the patience.
Note: You might end up leaving your 9 to 5 job and start earning a 5 figure
income in no time.
A little bit of exaggeration? Just kidding! But hey, you never know, right?
So, How Do I Really Sell Products On My Blog?
This method works well for almost every niche. Each 6 steps that I–ve mentioned
below must be given equal priority. And they aren–t gonna produce any overnight
Work smart & work hard!
Let–s Make Your Stuff (Creating The Product)
Obviously, you–ll need something to sell. And you–ll need something really good.
By now, you–ll have an idea about your target audience. Time to do your
homework! Find out what–s that one thing that they are really struggling with.
Or, find out that one thing that they want the most. Both could be the same.
Your job is to find out what that one thing they–ll run behind like zombies.
Go to online forums, read social media comments, ask them. Or you could just
think. –What do they really need–?
Once you–ve decided your product idea, just make it. It could be an eBook, it
could be a software or it could be a service that you can offer. Just make it!
But hey, don–t create some stuff just for the sake of having something to sell.
Make sure you create something really good, something that could really help
your target audience.
Alright Now, Let–s Create Content.
If you–re a regular reader of, you won–t be really having a
tough time creating content and managing your blog.
Read Zac–s case study on How To Create A Successful Blog.
Brainstorm blog post ideas. Think of all those topics your target audience would
like to read. Write articles that will drive them in. Also, optimize the content
for search engines. I don–t think I should really dive much into explaining how
to create content. Just surf around this website and you–ll learn how to.
Focus on the niche you–re blogging on and write on topics that–s related to it.
You could visit similar blogs or run a keyword research to get more ideas.
Time To Do The The Promotion.
Now that your blog is ready, it–s time to promote it.
I think it–s better I list things out rather than writing long sentences. Who
doesn–t hate long sentences, I know right?
Do guest blogging.
Write for blogs that are similar to you. Write some good shit and make sure you
link back to your website.
Promote on Social Media.
Engage on similar communities, groups and content. Be helpful. Don–t just spam.
Curate useful content from the web.
Work on increasing your social media following and then promote your blog.
To get started, just focus on doing these two things.
Let–s Sell Your Product.
Now that you have your blog and your product ready, it–s time to make some
Oh, and I forgot to tell you one thing. You–re actually not going to sell your
product by using your blog. Confused?
Think about all those ads that pops up while you surf the internet. Do they
really make you buy things? Not really, right?
You–re not going to make them think that you–re selling something to them.
Instead, you–re going to recommend or suggest a highly effective or useful
product. Well, that–s your product by the way.
To do that, you need to:
Be Friends With Your Readers.
What are your favourite blogs or websites? And why do you love them so much?
Mostly because of the way they write their stuff. Or the way they present it to
you. Be friendly! Write in a conversational way. Don–t just write, talk and
explain. So next time when they think about the problem you were talking about,
they will remember you and your blog.
Make the connection.
Do Them A Really Big Favour!
Now to make that bond stronger, you–re gonna have to help them out with
something. Why?
Let me ask you one thing: Would you rather go see a doctor that I recommend to
you or another doctor that your best friend recommends? Obviously, you wouldn–t
trust me with that. And when you have your trust-worthy friend with you, you
need not even care about my suggestion.
That–s basic psychology!
What you can do is, give away a free eBook or something. The best part about
this is that you can get them to subscribe to your email list. And when you have
your audience inside your list, things get easier for you.
Out of all the money I made online, more than 70% of them were converted through
my newsletter. It works like magic!
Give away something that will really help them. Or, you could just write amazing
content on your blog that–ll leave them wanting more.
And For The Final Kill (Selling Your Stuff)
Remember what I told you earlier? You–re not actually going to sell your product
to them. I mean, you are, but you are going to help them.
Don–t tell your audience – –Hey, I made this awesome stuff so that I can sell it
to you and make some money–.
Instead, you–re gonna say – –Hey, I think since you–re having trouble with
_______, this will help you!–
–Get the _(your product)__ that will help you to get rid of __________–
Oh, I almost forgot! You like lists better than long content. So, here you go:
Create a landing page for your product.
Make sure your copy is compelling.
Then link to your product page from your blog posts.
Use CTAs under your blog posts, from your main site, have them on your menu bar.
Send an email to your list explaining how your product could help them, not an
email that introduces it.
You could also promote your product on the social media.
But remember! You–re not going to sell it. You–re going to suggest the product
to them.
Over to you.
If you–re really having a tough time making money with your blog, do try selling
products through it. And following these simple tips will sure help you. Guess
what? I will be back with my guest post on to teach you how to
increase product sales conversions by using psychology of marketing. So, stay
Thanks for reading. Good luck!
How To Know What Google Knows About You
When the thought –Internet– comes to our mind, one of the top 5 things that
follows the thought is the brand Google.
This is because Google has gone places and made its name in the digital word;
billions of people use Google services allover the world everyday.
If you are not using GMail, you will use YouTube; If you run from YouTube, then
what about your Android phone?
Okay! you may still somehow avoid all what I listed above, but I am sure you
will find it very hard not to use Google Search, unless you live in China,
Russia or North Korea.
However, since you are reading this my post, there are chances that you do not
live in any of the three countries; making it a possibility for Google to have
stored a lot of data about you.
Moreover, It is worth noting that data about you which are stored by Google are
not meant for evil or bad purposes; at least, Google–s slogan is Don–t Be Evil.
Hence, your data is just for analysis in order to sell ads to you.
Steps to Monitoring Your Online Track
– In your browser, visit
– If you are required to login, then login using your GMail Account.
– After logging in, the first page you would see is your YouTube history which
would be staring at you.
This page would show your YouTube search history as well as the videos you have
If you want to get really deep into knowing what Google knows about you, then do
the following:
– Click on the three vertical dots at the top right corner of the MY ACTIVITIES
page. It would display all available settings.
– Click on Activity Controls.
The Activity Controls page would show you all what Google can track about you.
These include
Web and App Activity
Device Information
Voice and Audio etc.
By Clicking on the Manage Activity link, you would be able to pause or resume
data collection about your activity online.
Note that pausing an activity on MY ACTIVITY page does not mean Google would
stop collecting data about your online activities, It will only limit the data
collection algorithms.
The dicey thing about this my activity page is that Google want it to also serve
as a medium by which it can understand you and better provide relevant
information to you. But I have a mixed feeling about this; who on earth really
want put all his or her online track in the hand of any organization that might
hand it over to the government one day.
How to Set Up Yoast WordPress SEO Plugin [Updated]
By:Harsh Agrawal In:WordPress Last Updated:2/06/2016
This is the guide to configure the SEO By Yoast plugin. In the 3.0 version there
are some changes in the UI, but configuration is still the same. I have updated
this with editing meta description & title for single post which is changed in
version 3.0.
Whenever we talk about best SEO Plugins for WordPress SEO by Yoast emerges as a
prominent name. Many of you who are using the All In One SEO plugin should know
about the much-advanced version of the plugin, which is available in WordPress
with the name –WordPress SEO by Yoast–.
Setup Yoast WordPress SEO Plugin
This plugin has integrated many known features of other plugins by Joost de
Valk, for example, Meta robots plugin, RSS Footer plugin, and many others. Since
this plugin offers many features, setting up Yoast WordPress SEO plugin is not
that easy. For this reason, I am sharing this tutorial, which will help you to
transition from All In One SEO to Yoast SEO plugin, and configure this plugin
for optimal performance.
for optimal performance.
A Guide for configuring WordPress Yoast SEO plugin:
WordPress SEO by Yoast is the powerhouse for WordPress search engine
optimization. However, setting up this plugin might be tricky for some, and a
new blogger or anyone without basic SEO skills, might find it difficult to
configure. An incorrect configuration can stop search engine bots from indexing
your blog, or you might let bots crawl a part that might not be important.
Before we go ahead with our setup guide, let s look into some of the SEO�
features offered by this plugin:
Verify sites in Google, Bing, and Alexa
Title meta settings
Hide RSD, WLW, Shortlinks from head
Meta-control for Taxonomies, author page
Supports Facebook Open Graph
Generate sitemap
Advance permalink control
Breadcrumbs support
RSS feed footer plugin settings
Import settings from other SEO plugins.
Edit .htaccess files
Hide date from Search engine snippets
Add Google authorship for single author
These are some of the settings offered by this plugin.
Now let s get started with the tutorial to set up this free SEO plugin.�
Complete Setup & Configuration guide for Yoast WordPress SEO Plugin:
If you are using any existing SEO plugins like All In One SEO, Old All In One
SEO, Headspace 2 or any other such plugins, or if you are using any plugins by
Yoast such as RSS footer, Robots meta or Yoast Breadcrumbs, you should start by
importing your settings into this plugin.
Once you have installed and activated WordPress SEO by Yoast, go to SEO> Import
& export under the left panel, and select the plugin from which you would like
to import your settings. I suggest making a backup of your database, and then
using the option that to Delete the old data after import? (recommended) .� �
Importing settings to WordPress SEO by yoast
WordPress SEO Dashboard:
Yoast Webmaster tool verification
The first step to getting started with this plugin is to submit your site to
Alexa, Google, Bing, and Yandex. After installing the plugin, click on SEO>
General > Webmaster tools to access this page.
You can refer to how to submit a site to Google and Alexa here to learn more
about the process. Once you have done this, let s move to advanced part of this�
Titles and Meta Settings:
This is one of the most important parts of this plugin, and I will explain most
of it with screenshots and brief explanations below them.
Once you click on titles and metas, click on the help section first to see what
operator is being used and what that operator does. This will help you to
quickly setup the title and metas SEO aspects of the plugin.
Titles & Metas - Yoast SEO
Homepage settings:
click on the home tab and configure the settings for your homepage title and
meta description. Here is a screenshot:
Yoast SEO Homepage Settings
Title template: the home title that you want to show in Google search.
Meta Description: your homepage meta description for search engines.
Post type SEO Settings:
This is where you will configure the SEO for all of your post types. By default
you will have Post, Pages & media type. If you are using more custom type in
WordPress, you will see the section here. Here you can define the SEO for the
post, page and media sections of your WordPress blog. As I mentioned above, be
sure to check out the help section to understand what templates you can use.
Also, by default WordPress SEO by Yoast hides the date from search engine
snippets, which is useful for blogs writing evergreen content. If you are
running a news blog and want to show the date for your posts in search engines,
you can check the Date in snippet preview box.� �
This is how I have configured it for my blog:
Post type SEO settings
Taxonomies & Archive SEO Settings:
I prefer keeping tags and categories as noindex and dofollow. However, this may
change depending on your blog s SEO plan. If you wish to use my settings,�
simply check the Noindex , follow and hide boxes. Once again, you can� � � � � �
configure the title template according to your needs. Since we are not indexing
tags and categories, you can add more user and brand-centric title templates.
Ex: %%term_title%% Archives %%page%% %%sep%% %%sitename%%� �
WordPress Duplicate content categories
Here you can set indexing for your author and date-based archive. Also, you can
disable or enable the date and author archive. I suggest that you check the
Noindex and follow boxes, and leave everything else as it is.� � � �
Author archive noindex
This is the last one under Title Meta settings. Here is what I m using which�
seems to be working well & driving almost 1 million page views from search
engine every month. you can ignore use meta keyword tag , as Google already� �
made it official that they do not care about keyword meta tags.
YOast SEO Guide
This completes the settings piece for the meta and titles settings of� �
WordPress SEO by Yoast.
The final options will keep your WordPress blog head section clean by hiding
information such as posted short links, WLW manifest links and others.
Social settings:
In SEO By Yoast 3.0, they have added the Google Knowledge Graph feature. This
will show your social media profile in the search engine whenever someone
searches for your brand name. The configuration is easy. Simply add all your
social media profiles in the format shown in the image below.
Here you can configure the Facebook open graph meta tags, the default image for
Facebook, and the Twitter Meta card. You can learn in depth about Facebook open
graph meta tags here. I recommend that you add a default image, which will help
Facebook to show an image when your posts have no image and are liked or shared
on Facebook.
XML sitemap:
Yoast SEO sitemap
Enable the Sitemap feature and this plugin will take care of your blog s�
sitemap. After creating the Sitemap file, submit the Sitemap to Google, Bing &
any other search engine that accepts Sitemap file.
Permalink Configuration:
Don t confuse this with the WordPress default Permalink setting. Here you can�
configure advanced permalink settings. I usually use 2-3 settings from here to
avoid parameters being indexed in Google searches. With this plugin in
particular, it is easier to get rid of the replytocom parameter, which is quite
a headache.
Note: Note: This setting is under Advanced > Permalink tab. Here is a screenshot
of my settings:
Advanced Yoast SEO settings
Internal link:
Breadcrumbs are useful for getting search engines to understand your site
structure, and they help users to navigating your site. However, I have never
tried and tested breadcrumbs on any of my sites. You can read the official guide
here for a better understanding of breadcrumbs.
Once you are done making all the changes in your SEO by Yoast plugin, go ahead
and use the Google rich snippet testing tool to check for authorship, and see
how Google will show your blog post in Google search.
Yoast RSS feature
This part integrates the feature of the RSS footer plugin. When using it you can
add a link back to the original article in RSS feeds. You can also use it to add
advertisements to your RSS feeds. I simply add the following line after the post
content section: The post %%POSTLINK%% appeared first on %%BLOGLINK%%.� �
Note: This setting is under the Advanced tab.
Edit files:
Yoast Robots file editor
This is another useful feature of the WordPress SEO by Yoast plugin. You can
edit the WordPress .htaccess and robots.txt file from the dashboard. A word of
caution: whenever you are editing your .htaccess file from your dashboard,
always keep FTP access as well, as misconfigured .htaccess files may stop your
site from functioning. You can read more about robots.txt and .htaccess below:
Optimize WordPress Robots.txt file for SEO
How to Create a WordPress .htaccess File
How to Edit a WordPress .htaccess File
I hope this tutorial will help you to setup WordPress SEO by Yoast correctly.
Note: The features below are in the pro version of SEO By Yoast. These are
optional, and you may or may not need them.
Issue with Adding meta description & title in latest SEO Yoast plugin:
Configuring Yoast WordPress plugin
In the latest version of SEO by Yoast, they have made a major design change
which is confusing for old users, when it comes to adding meta title &
description. You just need to click on META description and enter your meta,
actually it is modified in a new ways that you need to click on the DEFAULT meta
and when you click the default META which is picked up from post starting or
beginning will be emptied than you can put your own meta. Actually the concept
of block has been removed by NEW Yoast update, you just need to click on the
given TITLE to edit that title and click on META to edit the meta
SEO redirecs plugin
This is another handy feature of this plugin, as it allows you to direct any URL
to a URL of your choice. When you are getting too many 404 errors (you can check
that in the Google Webmaster tool), you can simply re-direct them to save your
link juice. If you want to learn much more about 404 error pages and SEO, you
should read this detailed guide.
Webmaster tools:
Google Crawl isse WordPress dashboard
In my earlier articles I explained how important it is for you to submit your
blog to Google Webmaster tools, and to monitor all the crawl errors. This way
you will know what errors they are getting while trying to crawl and index your
blog. With the SEO by Yoast Webmaster tool, you can see all of the errors inside
your WordPress dashboard. The first time you need to add the authentication code
(this is a simple step), and after that you can see all errors from within your
Here is a video tutorial to learn how to setup SEO by Yoast plugin:
In the end:
This is one of the best free SEO plugins for your WordPress blog, though I
highly recommend that you be sure of your settings before making any changes. An
incorrect configuration may bring negative SEO effects to your Blog.
What you Need To Know About The New WordPress 4.6
I was doing My Night Browsing with Airtel Last Night When I got The Notification
To UpDate My wordpress.Instantly,I Updated my wordpress blog within that time.
This was the second major release of the year 2016, and brings some exciting
new improvements and fixes several bugs. In this article, we will show you
what s new in WordPress 4.6 and which features you should try after updating�
your websites.
1.Native System Fonts in WordPress 4.6
Basically,Wordpress Uses Open sans google font In the Admin Bar so that The
admin side can look the same on Different device.
So.In this new wordpress 4.6,Wordpress now uses Different Font for the admin
Area.The benefit of it will make your wordpress Load Faster.
NOTE:This change only affects user interface elements inside WordPress admin
area. It will not affect content areas like post editor which uses your theme s�
editor stylesheet for fonts.You can only change your content area font in your
theme editor.
2.Editor Enhancements in WordPress 4.6
Each new version of WordPress brings improvements and new features to the post
editor. WordPress 4.6 introduces some cool new enhancements to the edit screen.
3.Good Auto-Save and Recovery.
WordPress 4.6 comes with a better disaster recovery mode for the auto-save
feature in the post editor. Previously, when users disabled revisions, it
affected restoring drafts from browser cache and autosave feature.
This issue is now fixed and users will be able to easily restore posts from
browser backups and autosave.You See That is Good enough.
4.Better Updates for Plugins & Themes.
Previously, when you installed a plugin or theme from, it showed
you a progress screen. This added a page load and increased the time spent on
installing plugins and themes.
WordPress 4.6 makes it faster to install and update your WordPress plugins and
themes without leaving a page.
Themes will also be using these faster updates. you dont need to leave same page
when installing and activating plugins.
5. Broken Links detected in Visual Editor.
Sometimes users end up adding a broken link or improper URL in a post. If you
publish the post, then that misspelled link goes live too.
Since 4.6, WordPress will now attempt to check for broken or poorly formatted
links when you are using the Visual Editor. If a link is broken, then it will
highlight the linked anchor text with red dots, showing the link URL in red.
6.Better Import Screen.
WordPress makes it super easy to import content from Blogger, Tumblr, and
several other platforms using the Importer plugins located at Tools Import�
WordPress 4.6 makes the import screen more readable and accessible.
It also uses shiny updates to install importer plugins in the background. This
means no more popup to install importer plugin and no extra page load to show
you the progress.
7.Localization and Translation Improvements
Translations from hosted community translations will now be given
preference over the translations included with the plugin.
The jQuery UI date picker is now displayed with proper locale.
Declension of comment numbers, and months in different languages are now
properly handled.
8.Under The Hood Improvements.
WordPress 4.6 also brings lots of new improvements for developers. Here are some
of those under the hood improvements.
(a)Resource Hints.
Resource hints is a new W3C specification, which allows browser to connect and
prefetch resources to improve performance. (#34292)
(b)Improved Meta Registration
WordPress 4.6 introduces register_meta() function for the registration of meta
keys. It works like register_post_type() function and allows developers to use a
standard way to work with metadata. (#35658)
(c)Persistent Comment Cache
WordPress 4.6 allows comments to be cached as a persistent object type. This
means comment cache is properly validated and updated when there are changes.
(c)WP_Post_Type Class
WordPress 4.6 introduces the new WP_Post_Type class. It changes $wp_post_types
to an array of WP_Post_Type objects. This provides methods to handle post type
supports, rewrite rules, meta boxes, hooks, and taxonomies. (#36217)
(d)WP_Term_Query Class.
The new WP_Term_Query class in WordPress 4.6 provides a better structure for
generating term queries. (#35381)
We hope this article offered you a good scope of what s new in WordPress 4.6.�
We are particularly excited about shiny updates and broken link highlighting.
What are you excited about?
How Browse A Website Without An Internet
You can carry the complete website which you access more often on your laptop,
like a blog or some tutorial website. You won t require the internet every time�
you want to access it.
In this article, I will bring to the spotlight the open source offline browser
HTTrack Website Copier. It is a well-liked software used for offline browsing of
websites. HTTrack (WinHTTrack for Windows) can download an entire website. And
entire means entire all the text, images, videos, GIFs, all of it.�
Download WinHTTrack(
1.Input Project and Category name (choose any name you like) in the field and
click Next.
From the drop-down menu in front of Action, select Download website(s). In�
future, if you want to update the downloaded data, select Update existing
websiteand follow the rest.
Click Add URLand type the website address.�
Click Set Options. Untick use proxy for ftp transfers check box. Click Ok.�
Click Next, followed by Finish.
Now the website download process will start.�
You can Cancel it anytime and you ll able to view download content.�
How To Browse The Downloaded Website
From the HTTrack:
Click File. Click Browse sites Your web browser will open displaying a� �
list of all the websites you ve downloaded.�
From Windows Explorer:
Navigate to C drive or whichever drive you have saved the website. Open My Web
sites. Open the folder of the offline website you want to browse. Open the index
file. Make sure the index file uses the Chrome (or any web browser) as the
default application.
HomeWordPressHow To Downgrade WordPress To A Previous Version
WordPress 70 Comments
how to downgrade wordpress to previous version
Have you ever updated to the newest version of WordPress, and then noticed that
your site starts to have a bunch of problems? Don t freak out. A lot of the�
times, it s an issue with a plugin or theme that s not compatible with the� �
newest update. Somtimes (rarely) there s an issue with the WordPress update�
itself. Whatever the case, one of of the quickest solutions to bring your site
back to normal is to downgrade WordPress back to the previous version.
Compatibility issues are one of the reasons I try to avoid plugins and themes
that don t get updated regularly. I don t want to be stuck with an older� �
version of WordPress just because one of my plugins or themes doesn t work with�
the latest update. Before you go through the process of downgrading, I d�
suggest checking to see if a plugin is what s causing the issue. If it is, you�
can just disable the plugin until there s an update for it. If it s a problem� �
with the theme though, that s an entirely different story. That s when you ll� � �
want to consider downgrading your version of WordPress.
Before you downgrade, I d highly recommend making sure you have a backup of�
your site just in case things don t go as planned and everything gets screwed�
up. I ve never run into an issue but I always have the feeling that the one�
time I downgrade and my site goes berserk, I won t have a backup. There are�
tons of backup plugins for WordPress and your web host might/should be able to
provide you with the latest backup they have.
The first thing you re going to need is a previous WordPress release. You can�
download any of the previous WordPress versions here > WordPress releases.�
Only downgrade down to the version before the newest one. Don t go way back�
into the archives to version 1.1. Some of the older versions of WordPress have
security issues that could put your site at risk.
Here s how to downgrade WordPress to an older version.�
After you ve created a backup of your site and downloaded the WordPress version�
you want to downgrade to, it s time to actually downgrade. The first thing you�
want to do is login to your WP Dashboard and deactivate all of your plugins.
After all your plugins have been deactivated, logout of WordPress.
This step will require that you have an FTP client. An FTP client allows you to
access all of the files on your site. I use FireFTP from Firefox and FileZilla
is another very popular option. Both are free and you can t go wrong with�
either. The images in this tutorial are from FireFTP. In your FTP client, locate
your WordPress files (wp-admin, wp-content, etc.). In FireFTP, they will be the
first thing you see when you open your site s folder.�
Delete both the wp-admin and wp-includes folders. Do not touch the wp-content
folder! You can leave all of the other files alone because you will overwrite
them in the next step.
While you re still in your FTP client, go into the folder where you have the�
WordPress version you want to downgrade to. Transfer over everything except the
wp-content folder. After all the files have been transferred, your downgrade is
Login to your WP Dashboard. You will be prompted to update your WordPress
database. Click on Update WordPress Database and then click continue to� �
Once you re logged in, you should see that you re running whatever version of� �
WordPress that you downgraded to. Congrats!
A word of caution. I don t recommend using older versions of WordPress when�
newer ones are available. Like I said in the beginning, a lot of the updates
come with security patches to stop known security threats that could leave your
site open to hackers.
If your theme isn t compatible with the most current version of WordPress,�
contact the theme developer and let them know. If there s no support offered�
for your theme, then you ll want to switch to a different one that s updated� �
on a regular basis.
I hope you found my guide helpful. If you have any questions, feel free to leave
a comment below!
FileZilla Tutorial
This tutorial will show you how to use FileZilla to upload your website.
FileZilla is a powerful and free software for transferring files over the
Internet. FileZilla is a very popular FTP client and is used by webmasters from
all over the world. Here you can download FileZilla software.
With SiteGround you get unlimited FTP access and unlimited FTP accounts.
FileZilla is fully compatible with our hosting services. If you would like to
change your host, our professionals will assist you with your website files and
database transfer. You can learn more about the FTP hosting services here.
Detailed FileZilla Tutorial
FileZilla features
FileZilla installation - learn how to install the FTP client on the three most
popular operating systems: Windows, Linux and Mac OS.
How to manage files with FileZilla
FileZilla functions
How to use FileZilla FTP client
Once you have the FileZilla client downloaded and activated on your computer,
enter the domain name in the address field (you can also use the server's IP
address). The username and the password you need to type in are the same as the
ones you use to log in to your cPanel. The FTP port is 21 and is filled in
Click Quickconnect and the file listing will appear. Find the www (it is a
symbolic link to public_html) directory and double click on it.
Then, select the files to be uploaded and drag-and-drop them under the www
folder. Wait for the transfer to be completed.
How to use FileZilla behind a firewall
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  • 1. 10 Things You Must Know And Have Before Creating A Blog. Today,Many People Dream of Having a blog Most especially The youth.There are some Thing you Must know before Creating A Blog.For a Successful Blogger,These are the things You need to know: 1.You Must Have Full interest. when you suff the Internet,There Are some Blog That are no More functioning Due to Lack of Interest when It Was been Created.If you Want to Make your Blog A sources of income,you Really need to Pay full Attention. 2.You must be a good writter. Your writing Skill is Very important in Blogging.If you Hate writing Articles,You will Definetely Have some problem with your blog Because COPY AND PASTE no longer work again if Truely You Want to earn Income with your Blog.Like the One You are Reading Presently,It took some time and Research to Come up with this helpful Article.So i advise you to Gain some Interest in writing. 3.You need Active social media accounts. No Blogger Can do without Social media account Because that is where you Publize your post.some important social media account you can have include Facebook,Twitter,Pinterest,Linkedin,google+ and many more.You need to have Those social media account so that you can easily share your post you Publish and earn you much Traffic. 4.Personal email account. Having a personal gmail account let your Reader connect with you better.An email account is one of the most essential tools to have and why google is most preferable is that you may need a blogger account,you may need google adsense in future,youtube e.t.c. 5.stay active and online. A successful blogger is always online for any latest News Most especially Those whose blog niche based on entertainment,politics news etc.You need to update latest to your Reader.For example,any celeb can buy a new car or house at anytime(Entertainment) or government may appoint any person to new Post(News Niche).Try to alway stay online. 6.Be ready to take insults most time. Dont be surprise with this,i Remenber when a publish a post concerning the country economy turn down.A guy use the comment box to insult me about what i posted.But,As a Blogger you should not reply those insult with Abusive word in Return. Don't think your viewers will credit your actions all day,learn to be patient and tolerant. 7.You need money. Yes,you need money if truly you Take Blog As a business If you had ever been told that blogging is free,false. YOU NEED MONEY! These are Examples of things you need money for,buy domain name,host your website (wordpress),Buy New themes,Buy Data and many more. 8.You need to learn little on php,css e.t.c. codes. As a Blogger,You need not to be A code Gurus,But still you need little coding Experience.If you employ a designer for your blog and you think you are free to go,you are absolutely wrong!The person you employ may even sell your blog to another person without even knowing,if you don't know about php,you may not even be able to suggest new features for your blog. 9.You must Be Patience. I know what am saying,if someone told you that making Money is That easy!shitYou need to have also work Hard.Google adsense approval is not That easy. so you have to be very patience. 10.Off to you,You Can also Add yours. Thanks for Following Our Article Can follow us for Fresh article on our Facebook Page.You can also subscribe to our email list.Thanks.
  • 2. 7 Tips And Tricks To Get Google Adsense Approval. In this tutorial,I will show you some Basic tips on how to get google Adsense may have been Hearing of different kind of affiliate program that can paay you well but I tell you,Google Adsense is the best advertising network for your blog. Google adsense is the best because they have the highest CPC rates when compared to other Adsense program that is the Mainly reason why many, infact let me say every Blogger want to get Adsense Approval. Getting Adsense approval is getting Strictly due to Adsense guildelines and the numbers of Blog many bloggers were rejected when they submit there application for one reason or the other. WHY ADSENSE WILL REJECT YOUR APPLICATION? 1.Insufficient content. Google adsense will include this in your email if you were not approve.Your website need to have sufficient contents.For you to get approval,Try and get many content on your blog.I cannot tell you the the exact number of post you need to have.I have seen A blog with 360 posts, still yet not Approve.NOTE:Don t copy or paste content.� 2.Have copied images from Google image Search. I will advice you not to use google image on your blog. Only use best quality images.NOTE:every image Has is own Links. 3.Domain Type and Age. It is always adviceable to use a custom domain name before applying because that show that u really want your blogging.Let me tell you this that,many people think You cannot get approval with using blogspot,i dont really agree with that.U can still use blogspot with adsense.I will just advice you to use a custom Domain name because it show you are professional.The Fact about Age is That you must Be 18 year old above. NOTE:Google adsense team approve your appilcation only when your blog is 6month old,though some get approval before 6month. 4. Traffic. Traffic plays a most important role for to get your google adsense approve.Some people still argue that traffic is not neccesary but i tell your Blog Traffic is neccesary to get approved by google.I recommend atleast 50+ page-views/day. 5.Make some unique design. Having a Unique design,Layout,color etc.Dont expect google adsense team to approve a blog with too many colors.imaging using a yellow color as backgroung and red as header.Am not saying using red or yellow color in blog is bad,but use the color in a unique way that will even attract visitor to visit your site next time. 6.Pages:There are some pages that must be included in your site,The pages are Contact us,About us,Disclamer pages,Privacy policy and Term of use. You can check our pages for examples. 7.Others Are:
  • 3. Avoid writing for any hacking. Avoid any pornographic content. Use google adsense approved language. Need to apply for Google Webmasters Verification. Domain Must Old At-least 6 Months.(As mentioned above). Just follow the Term and condition Above.Google is now strict to Adsense approval. If you have done everything correct, then Google will never reject your application. To get latest and update,Like our facebook page here and you can subscribe to our news letter.You are welcome to Potablenews.com7 Tips And Tricks To Get Google Adsense Approval. In this tutorial,I will show you some Basic tips on how to get google Adsense may have been Hearing of different kind of affiliate program that can paay you well but I tell you,Google Adsense is the best advertising network for your blog. Google adsense is the best because they have the highest CPC rates when compared to other Adsense program that is the Mainly reason why many, infact let me say every Blogger want to get Adsense Approval. Getting Adsense approval is getting Strictly due to Adsense guildelines and the numbers of Blog many bloggers were rejected when they submit there application for one reason or the other. WHY ADSENSE WILL REJECT YOUR APPLICATION? 1.Insufficient content. Google adsense will include this in your email if you were not approve.Your website need to have sufficient contents.For you to get approval,Try and get many content on your blog.I cannot tell you the the exact number of post you need to have.I have seen A blog with 360 posts, still yet not Approve.NOTE:Don t copy or paste content.� 2.Have copied images from Google image Search. I will advice you not to use google image on your blog. Only use best quality images.NOTE:every image Has is own Links. 3.Domain Type and Age. It is always adviceable to use a custom domain name before applying because that show that u really want your blogging.Let me tell you this that,many people think You cannot get approval with using blogspot,i dont really agree with that.U can still use blogspot with adsense.I will just advice you to use a custom Domain name because it show you are professional.The Fact about Age is That you must Be 18 year old above. NOTE:Google adsense team approve your appilcation only when your blog is 6month old,though some get approval before 6month. 4. Traffic. Traffic plays a most important role for to get your google adsense approve.Some people still argue that traffic is not neccesary but i tell your Blog Traffic is neccesary to get approved by google.I recommend atleast 50+ page-views/day. 5.Make some unique design. Having a Unique design,Layout,color etc.Dont expect google adsense team to approve a blog with too many colors.imaging using a yellow color as backgroung and red as header.Am not saying using red or yellow color in blog is bad,but use the color in a unique way that will even attract visitor to visit your site next time. 6.Pages:There are some pages that must be included in your site,The pages are Contact us,About us,Disclamer pages,Privacy policy and Term of use. You can check our pages for examples. 7.Others Are:
  • 4. Avoid writing for any hacking. Avoid any pornographic content. Use google adsense approved language. Need to apply for Google Webmasters Verification. Domain Must Old At-least 6 Months.(As mentioned above). Just follow the Term and condition Above.Google is now strict to Adsense approval. If you have done everything correct, then Google will never reject your application. To get latest and update,Like our facebook page here and you can subscribe to our news letter.You are welcome to Potablenews.com7 Tips And Tricks To Get Google Adsense Approval. In this tutorial,I will show you some Basic tips on how to get google Adsense may have been Hearing of different kind of affiliate program that can paay you well but I tell you,Google Adsense is the best advertising network for your blog. Google adsense is the best because they have the highest CPC rates when compared to other Adsense program that is the Mainly reason why many, infact let me say every Blogger want to get Adsense Approval. Getting Adsense approval is getting Strictly due to Adsense guildelines and the numbers of Blog many bloggers were rejected when they submit there application for one reason or the other. WHY ADSENSE WILL REJECT YOUR APPLICATION? 1.Insufficient content. Google adsense will include this in your email if you were not approve.Your website need to have sufficient contents.For you to get approval,Try and get many content on your blog.I cannot tell you the the exact number of post you need to have.I have seen A blog with 360 posts, still yet not Approve.NOTE:Don t copy or paste content.� 2.Have copied images from Google image Search. I will advice you not to use google image on your blog. Only use best quality images.NOTE:every image Has is own Links. 3.Domain Type and Age. It is always adviceable to use a custom domain name before applying because that show that u really want your blogging.Let me tell you this that,many people think You cannot get approval with using blogspot,i dont really agree with that.U can still use blogspot with adsense.I will just advice you to use a custom Domain name because it show you are professional.The Fact about Age is That you must Be 18 year old above. NOTE:Google adsense team approve your appilcation only when your blog is 6month old,though some get approval before 6month. 4. Traffic. Traffic plays a most important role for to get your google adsense approve.Some people still argue that traffic is not neccesary but i tell your Blog Traffic is neccesary to get approved by google.I recommend atleast 50+ page-views/day. 5.Make some unique design. Having a Unique design,Layout,color etc.Dont expect google adsense team to approve a blog with too many colors.imaging using a yellow color as backgroung and red as header.Am not saying using red or yellow color in blog is bad,but use the color in a unique way that will even attract visitor to visit your site next time. 6.Pages:There are some pages that must be included in your site,The pages are Contact us,About us,Disclamer pages,Privacy policy and Term of use. You can check our pages for examples. 7.Others Are:
  • 5. Avoid writing for any hacking. Avoid any pornographic content. Use google adsense approved language. Need to apply for Google Webmasters Verification. Domain Must Old At-least 6 Months.(As mentioned above). Just follow the Term and condition Above.Google is now strict to Adsense approval. If you have done everything correct, then Google will never reject your application. To get latest and update,Like our facebook page here and you can subscribe to our news letter.You are welcome to Potablenews.com7 Tips And Tricks To Get Google Adsense Approval. In this tutorial,I will show you some Basic tips on how to get google Adsense may have been Hearing of different kind of affiliate program that can paay you well but I tell you,Google Adsense is the best advertising network for your blog. Google adsense is the best because they have the highest CPC rates when compared to other Adsense program that is the Mainly reason why many, infact let me say every Blogger want to get Adsense Approval. Getting Adsense approval is getting Strictly due to Adsense guildelines and the numbers of Blog many bloggers were rejected when they submit there application for one reason or the other. WHY ADSENSE WILL REJECT YOUR APPLICATION? 1.Insufficient content. Google adsense will include this in your email if you were not approve.Your website need to have sufficient contents.For you to get approval,Try and get many content on your blog.I cannot tell you the the exact number of post you need to have.I have seen A blog with 360 posts, still yet not Approve.NOTE:Don t copy or paste content.� 2.Have copied images from Google image Search. I will advice you not to use google image on your blog. Only use best quality images.NOTE:every image Has is own Links. 3.Domain Type and Age. It is always adviceable to use a custom domain name before applying because that show that u really want your blogging.Let me tell you this that,many people think You cannot get approval with using blogspot,i dont really agree with that.U can still use blogspot with adsense.I will just advice you to use a custom Domain name because it show you are professional.The Fact about Age is That you must Be 18 year old above. NOTE:Google adsense team approve your appilcation only when your blog is 6month old,though some get approval before 6month. 4. Traffic. Traffic plays a most important role for to get your google adsense approve.Some people still argue that traffic is not neccesary but i tell your Blog Traffic is neccesary to get approved by google.I recommend atleast 50+ page-views/day. 5.Make some unique design. Having a Unique design,Layout,color etc.Dont expect google adsense team to approve a blog with too many colors.imaging using a yellow color as backgroung and red as header.Am not saying using red or yellow color in blog is bad,but use the color in a unique way that will even attract visitor to visit your site next time. 6.Pages:There are some pages that must be included in your site,The pages are Contact us,About us,Disclamer pages,Privacy policy and Term of use. You can check our pages for examples. 7.Others Are:
  • 6. Avoid writing for any hacking. Avoid any pornographic content. Use google adsense approved language. Need to apply for Google Webmasters Verification. Domain Must Old At-least 6 Months.(As mentioned above). Just follow the Term and condition Above.Google is now strict to Adsense approval. If you have done everything correct, then Google will never reject your application. To get latest and update,Like our facebook page here and you can subscribe to our news letter.You are welcome to Potablenews.com7 Tips And Tricks To Get Google Adsense Approval. In this tutorial,I will show you some Basic tips on how to get google Adsense may have been Hearing of different kind of affiliate program that can paay you well but I tell you,Google Adsense is the best advertising network for your blog. Google adsense is the best because they have the highest CPC rates when compared to other Adsense program that is the Mainly reason why many, infact let me say every Blogger want to get Adsense Approval. Getting Adsense approval is getting Strictly due to Adsense guildelines and the numbers of Blog many bloggers were rejected when they submit there application for one reason or the other. WHY ADSENSE WILL REJECT YOUR APPLICATION? 1.Insufficient content. Google adsense will include this in your email if you were not approve.Your website need to have sufficient contents.For you to get approval,Try and get many content on your blog.I cannot tell you the the exact number of post you need to have.I have seen A blog with 360 posts, still yet not Approve.NOTE:Don t copy or paste content.� 2.Have copied images from Google image Search. I will advice you not to use google image on your blog. Only use best quality images.NOTE:every image Has is own Links. 3.Domain Type and Age. It is always adviceable to use a custom domain name before applying because that show that u really want your blogging.Let me tell you this that,many people think You cannot get approval with using blogspot,i dont really agree with that.U can still use blogspot with adsense.I will just advice you to use a custom Domain name because it show you are professional.The Fact about Age is That you must Be 18 year old above. NOTE:Google adsense team approve your appilcation only when your blog is 6month old,though some get approval before 6month. 4. Traffic. Traffic plays a most important role for to get your google adsense approve.Some people still argue that traffic is not neccesary but i tell your Blog Traffic is neccesary to get approved by google.I recommend atleast 50+ page-views/day. 5.Make some unique design. Having a Unique design,Layout,color etc.Dont expect google adsense team to approve a blog with too many colors.imaging using a yellow color as backgroung and red as header.Am not saying using red or yellow color in blog is bad,but use the color in a unique way that will even attract visitor to visit your site next time. 6.Pages:There are some pages that must be included in your site,The pages are Contact us,About us,Disclamer pages,Privacy policy and Term of use. You can check our pages for examples. 7.Others Are:
  • 7. Avoid writing for any hacking. Avoid any pornographic content. Use google adsense approved language. Need to apply for Google Webmasters Verification. Domain Must Old At-least 6 Months.(As mentioned above). Just follow the Term and condition Above.Google is now strict to Adsense approval. If you have done everything correct, then Google will never reject your application. To get latest and update,Like our facebook page here and you can subscribe to our news letter.You are welcome to Potablenews.com7 Tips And Tricks To Get Google Adsense Approval. In this tutorial,I will show you some Basic tips on how to get google Adsense may have been Hearing of different kind of affiliate program that can paay you well but I tell you,Google Adsense is the best advertising network for your blog. Google adsense is the best because they have the highest CPC rates when compared to other Adsense program that is the Mainly reason why many, infact let me say every Blogger want to get Adsense Approval. Getting Adsense approval is getting Strictly due to Adsense guildelines and the numbers of Blog many bloggers were rejected when they submit there application for one reason or the other. WHY ADSENSE WILL REJECT YOUR APPLICATION? 1.Insufficient content. Google adsense will include this in your email if you were not approve.Your website need to have sufficient contents.For you to get approval,Try and get many content on your blog.I cannot tell you the the exact number of post you need to have.I have seen A blog with 360 posts, still yet not Approve.NOTE:Don t copy or paste content.� 2.Have copied images from Google image Search. I will advice you not to use google image on your blog. Only use best quality images.NOTE:every image Has is own Links. 3.Domain Type and Age. It is always adviceable to use a custom domain name before applying because that show that u really want your blogging.Let me tell you this that,many people think You cannot get approval with using blogspot,i dont really agree with that.U can still use blogspot with adsense.I will just advice you to use a custom Domain name because it show you are professional.The Fact about Age is That you must Be 18 year old above. NOTE:Google adsense team approve your appilcation only when your blog is 6month old,though some get approval before 6month. 4. Traffic. Traffic plays a most important role for to get your google adsense approve.Some people still argue that traffic is not neccesary but i tell your Blog Traffic is neccesary to get approved by google.I recommend atleast 50+ page-views/day. 5.Make some unique design. Having a Unique design,Layout,color etc.Dont expect google adsense team to approve a blog with too many colors.imaging using a yellow color as backgroung and red as header.Am not saying using red or yellow color in blog is bad,but use the color in a unique way that will even attract visitor to visit your site next time. 6.Pages:There are some pages that must be included in your site,The pages are Contact us,About us,Disclamer pages,Privacy policy and Term of use. You can check our pages for examples. 7.Others Are:
  • 8. Avoid writing for any hacking. Avoid any pornographic content. Use google adsense approved language. Need to apply for Google Webmasters Verification. Domain Must Old At-least 6 Months.(As mentioned above). Just follow the Term and condition Above.Google is now strict to Adsense approval. If you have done everything correct, then Google will never reject your application. To get latest and update,Like our facebook page here and you can subscribe to our news letter.You are welcome to Potablenews.com7 Tips And Tricks To Get Google Adsense Approval. In this tutorial,I will show you some Basic tips on how to get google Adsense may have been Hearing of different kind of affiliate program that can paay you well but I tell you,Google Adsense is the best advertising network for your blog. Google adsense is the best because they have the highest CPC rates when compared to other Adsense program that is the Mainly reason why many, infact let me say every Blogger want to get Adsense Approval. Getting Adsense approval is getting Strictly due to Adsense guildelines and the numbers of Blog many bloggers were rejected when they submit there application for one reason or the other. WHY ADSENSE WILL REJECT YOUR APPLICATION? 1.Insufficient content. Google adsense will include this in your email if you were not approve.Your website need to have sufficient contents.For you to get approval,Try and get many content on your blog.I cannot tell you the the exact number of post you need to have.I have seen A blog with 360 posts, still yet not Approve.NOTE:Don t copy or paste content.� 2.Have copied images from Google image Search. I will advice you not to use google image on your blog. Only use best quality images.NOTE:every image Has is own Links. 3.Domain Type and Age. It is always adviceable to use a custom domain name before applying because that show that u really want your blogging.Let me tell you this that,many people think You cannot get approval with using blogspot,i dont really agree with that.U can still use blogspot with adsense.I will just advice you to use a custom Domain name because it show you are professional.The Fact about Age is That you must Be 18 year old above. NOTE:Google adsense team approve your appilcation only when your blog is 6month old,though some get approval before 6month. 4. Traffic. Traffic plays a most important role for to get your google adsense approve.Some people still argue that traffic is not neccesary but i tell your Blog Traffic is neccesary to get approved by google.I recommend atleast 50+ page-views/day. 5.Make some unique design. Having a Unique design,Layout,color etc.Dont expect google adsense team to approve a blog with too many colors.imaging using a yellow color as backgroung and red as header.Am not saying using red or yellow color in blog is bad,but use the color in a unique way that will even attract visitor to visit your site next time. 6.Pages:There are some pages that must be included in your site,The pages are Contact us,About us,Disclamer pages,Privacy policy and Term of use. You can check our pages for examples. 7.Others Are:
  • 9. Avoid writing for any hacking. Avoid any pornographic content. Use google adsense approved language. Need to apply for Google Webmasters Verification. Domain Must Old At-least 6 Months.(As mentioned above). Just follow the Term and condition Above.Google is now strict to Adsense approval. If you have done everything correct, then Google will never reject your application. To get latest and update,Like our facebook page here and you can subscribe to our news letter.You are welcome to Potablenews.com7 Tips And Tricks To Get Google Adsense Approval. In this tutorial,I will show you some Basic tips on how to get google Adsense may have been Hearing of different kind of affiliate program that can paay you well but I tell you,Google Adsense is the best advertising network for your blog. Google adsense is the best because they have the highest CPC rates when compared to other Adsense program that is the Mainly reason why many, infact let me say every Blogger want to get Adsense Approval. Getting Adsense approval is getting Strictly due to Adsense guildelines and the numbers of Blog many bloggers were rejected when they submit there application for one reason or the other. WHY ADSENSE WILL REJECT YOUR APPLICATION? 1.Insufficient content. Google adsense will include this in your email if you were not approve.Your website need to have sufficient contents.For you to get approval,Try and get many content on your blog.I cannot tell you the the exact number of post you need to have.I have seen A blog with 360 posts, still yet not Approve.NOTE:Don t copy or paste content.� 2.Have copied images from Google image Search. I will advice you not to use google image on your blog. Only use best quality images.NOTE:every image Has is own Links. 3.Domain Type and Age. It is always adviceable to use a custom domain name before applying because that show that u really want your blogging.Let me tell you this that,many people think You cannot get approval with using blogspot,i dont really agree with that.U can still use blogspot with adsense.I will just advice you to use a custom Domain name because it show you are professional.The Fact about Age is That you must Be 18 year old above. NOTE:Google adsense team approve your appilcation only when your blog is 6month old,though some get approval before 6month. 4. Traffic. Traffic plays a most important role for to get your google adsense approve.Some people still argue that traffic is not neccesary but i tell your Blog Traffic is neccesary to get approved by google.I recommend atleast 50+ page-views/day. 5.Make some unique design. Having a Unique design,Layout,color etc.Dont expect google adsense team to approve a blog with too many colors.imaging using a yellow color as backgroung and red as header.Am not saying using red or yellow color in blog is bad,but use the color in a unique way that will even attract visitor to visit your site next time. 6.Pages:There are some pages that must be included in your site,The pages are Contact us,About us,Disclamer pages,Privacy policy and Term of use. You can check our pages for examples. 7.Others Are:
  • 10. Avoid writing for any hacking. Avoid any pornographic content. Use google adsense approved language. Need to apply for Google Webmasters Verification. Domain Must Old At-least 6 Months.(As mentioned above). Just follow the Term and condition Above.Google is now strict to Adsense approval. If you have done everything correct, then Google will never reject your application. To get latest and update,Like our facebook page here and you can subscribe to our news letter.You are welcome to Potablenews.com7 Tips And Tricks To Get Google Adsense Approval. In this tutorial,I will show you some Basic tips on how to get google Adsense may have been Hearing of different kind of affiliate program that can paay you well but I tell you,Google Adsense is the best advertising network for your blog. Google adsense is the best because they have the highest CPC rates when compared to other Adsense program that is the Mainly reason why many, infact let me say every Blogger want to get Adsense Approval. Getting Adsense approval is getting Strictly due to Adsense guildelines and the numbers of Blog many bloggers were rejected when they submit there application for one reason or the other. WHY ADSENSE WILL REJECT YOUR APPLICATION? 1.Insufficient content. Google adsense will include this in your email if you were not approve.Your website need to have sufficient contents.For you to get approval,Try and get many content on your blog.I cannot tell you the the exact number of post you need to have.I have seen A blog with 360 posts, still yet not Approve.NOTE:Don t copy or paste content.� 2.Have copied images from Google image Search. I will advice you not to use google image on your blog. Only use best quality images.NOTE:every image Has is own Links. 3.Domain Type and Age. It is always adviceable to use a custom domain name before applying because that show that u really want your blogging.Let me tell you this that,many people think You cannot get approval with using blogspot,i dont really agree with that.U can still use blogspot with adsense.I will just advice you to use a custom Domain name because it show you are professional.The Fact about Age is That you must Be 18 year old above. NOTE:Google adsense team approve your appilcation only when your blog is 6month old,though some get approval before 6month. 4. Traffic. Traffic plays a most important role for to get your google adsense approve.Some people still argue that traffic is not neccesary but i tell your Blog Traffic is neccesary to get approved by google.I recommend atleast 50+ page-views/day. 5.Make some unique design. Having a Unique design,Layout,color etc.Dont expect google adsense team to approve a blog with too many colors.imaging using a yellow color as backgroung and red as header.Am not saying using red or yellow color in blog is bad,but use the color in a unique way that will even attract visitor to visit your site next time. 6.Pages:There are some pages that must be included in your site,The pages are Contact us,About us,Disclamer pages,Privacy policy and Term of use. You can check our pages for examples. 7.Others Are:
  • 11. Avoid writing for any hacking. Avoid any pornographic content. Use google adsense approved language. Need to apply for Google Webmasters Verification. Domain Must Old At-least 6 Months.(As mentioned above). Just follow the Term and condition Above.Google is now strict to Adsense approval. If you have done everything correct, then Google will never reject your application. To get latest and update,Like our facebook page here and you can subscribe to our news letter.You are welcome to Potablenews.com7 Tips And Tricks To Get Google Adsense Approval. In this tutorial,I will show you some Basic tips on how to get google Adsense may have been Hearing of different kind of affiliate program that can paay you well but I tell you,Google Adsense is the best advertising network for your blog. Google adsense is the best because they have the highest CPC rates when compared to other Adsense program that is the Mainly reason why many, infact let me say every Blogger want to get Adsense Approval. Getting Adsense approval is getting Strictly due to Adsense guildelines and the numbers of Blog many bloggers were rejected when they submit there application for one reason or the other. WHY ADSENSE WILL REJECT YOUR APPLICATION? 1.Insufficient content. Google adsense will include this in your email if you were not approve.Your website need to have sufficient contents.For you to get approval,Try and get many content on your blog.I cannot tell you the the exact number of post you need to have.I have seen A blog with 360 posts, still yet not Approve.NOTE:Don t copy or paste content.� 2.Have copied images from Google image Search. I will advice you not to use google image on your blog. Only use best quality images.NOTE:every image Has is own Links. 3.Domain Type and Age. It is always adviceable to use a custom domain name before applying because that show that u really want your blogging.Let me tell you this that,many people think You cannot get approval with using blogspot,i dont really agree with that.U can still use blogspot with adsense.I will just advice you to use a custom Domain name because it show you are professional.The Fact about Age is That you must Be 18 year old above. NOTE:Google adsense team approve your appilcation only when your blog is 6month old,though some get approval before 6month. 4. Traffic. Traffic plays a most important role for to get your google adsense approve.Some people still argue that traffic is not neccesary but i tell your Blog Traffic is neccesary to get approved by google.I recommend atleast 50+ page-views/day. 5.Make some unique design. Having a Unique design,Layout,color etc.Dont expect google adsense team to approve a blog with too many colors.imaging using a yellow color as backgroung and red as header.Am not saying using red or yellow color in blog is bad,but use the color in a unique way that will even attract visitor to visit your site next time. 6.Pages:There are some pages that must be included in your site,The pages are Contact us,About us,Disclamer pages,Privacy policy and Term of use. You can check our pages for examples. 7.Others Are:
  • 12. Avoid writing for any hacking. Avoid any pornographic content. Use google adsense approved language. Need to apply for Google Webmasters Verification. Domain Must Old At-least 6 Months.(As mentioned above). Just follow the Term and condition Above.Google is now strict to Adsense approval. If you have done everything correct, then Google will never reject your application. To get latest and update,Like our facebook page here and you can subscribe to our news letter.You are welcome to Potablenews.com7 Tips And Tricks To Get Google Adsense Approval. In this tutorial,I will show you some Basic tips on how to get google Adsense may have been Hearing of different kind of affiliate program that can paay you well but I tell you,Google Adsense is the best advertising network for your blog. Google adsense is the best because they have the highest CPC rates when compared to other Adsense program that is the Mainly reason why many, infact let me say every Blogger want to get Adsense Approval. Getting Adsense approval is getting Strictly due to Adsense guildelines and the numbers of Blog many bloggers were rejected when they submit there application for one reason or the other. WHY ADSENSE WILL REJECT YOUR APPLICATION? 1.Insufficient content. Google adsense will include this in your email if you were not approve.Your website need to have sufficient contents.For you to get approval,Try and get many content on your blog.I cannot tell you the the exact number of post you need to have.I have seen A blog with 360 posts, still yet not Approve.NOTE:Don t copy or paste content.� 2.Have copied images from Google image Search. I will advice you not to use google image on your blog. Only use best quality images.NOTE:every image Has is own Links. 3.Domain Type and Age. It is always adviceable to use a custom domain name before applying because that show that u really want your blogging.Let me tell you this that,many people think You cannot get approval with using blogspot,i dont really agree with that.U can still use blogspot with adsense.I will just advice you to use a custom Domain name because it show you are professional.The Fact about Age is That you must Be 18 year old above. NOTE:Google adsense team approve your appilcation only when your blog is 6month old,though some get approval before 6month. 4. Traffic. Traffic plays a most important role for to get your google adsense approve.Some people still argue that traffic is not neccesary but i tell your Blog Traffic is neccesary to get approved by google.I recommend atleast 50+ page-views/day. 5.Make some unique design. Having a Unique design,Layout,color etc.Dont expect google adsense team to approve a blog with too many colors.imaging using a yellow color as backgroung and red as header.Am not saying using red or yellow color in blog is bad,but use the color in a unique way that will even attract visitor to visit your site next time. 6.Pages:There are some pages that must be included in your site,The pages are Contact us,About us,Disclamer pages,Privacy policy and Term of use. You can check our pages for examples. 7.Others Are:
  • 13. Avoid writing for any hacking. Avoid any pornographic content. Use google adsense approved language. Need to apply for Google Webmasters Verification. Domain Must Old At-least 6 Months.(As mentioned above). Just follow the Term and condition Above.Google is now strict to Adsense approval. If you have done everything correct, then Google will never reject your application. To get latest and update,Like our facebook page here and you can subscribe to our news letter.You are welcome to 5 Ways On How To Increase Your Earnings On Your Google Adsense Account. Hello NM users,i m here with another tutorial� for you,many wapmasters have been disturbing me to write a post on how to increase adsense earnings,well here is it. There are many ways to optimize your AdSense earnings. If you aren t� experimenting with things like placement, color, layout, size and other variables, you could be leaving a lot of money on the table. I increased my earnings by 20% just by following some of the tips mentioned below. Source; 1) Your AdSense earnings are directly related to your traffic. How much you make depends on your niche, click-through rate and how much ads in your niche pay. Find out why earnings vary. 2)Don t compare earnings. You cannot� estimate your earnings based on someone else s traffic because every niche is different.� 3)Three units is not always best. Even though AdSense allows you to use multiple units on one page, that doesn t mean it s� � always best for your user experience. Also, Google has been known to penalize the
  • 14. rankings of sites that have too many ads (especially near the top of the page). Learn to balance your ads with content. You don t want to run people away by� appearing greedy with ad overload. Not to mention it looks unprofessional. 4)Diversify. While AdSense can be a great way to earn additional income, you should also diversify your income streams. Not only are earnings unpredictable but you could get your account disabled and lose everything at once. Google s main priority is protecting their� advertisers because that s how they make� their money. So if they suspect that your account is generating fraudulent clicks or even has the potential to do so, they will disable your account with no warning. 5)Find The Right Theme. Rather than trying to tweak and manipulate your site s code,� it s best to find a theme/design that already� has the placement setup for where you want to put your AdSense ads. *With these few tips, i hope you would be able to Increase Your Adsense Earnings. How to register a free .tk .ml .cf and .ga domain with Getting a domain name for your site is very important because when you newly register a wapka site, the name may be too long and easy to forget. And at times sharing your site to facebook especially with how and error on mobile phones. But when you get a domain name, it will be easy for people to recall your site address. On the free domain creator below, you are allowed to create either .tk, .ml, .ga or .cf. Step to create these domain for your wapka are below..
  • 15. Go to� Check if your desired domain name is free and� available. If you confirm that your domain name is free� and available, the registration form,will show up. Fill the form carefully and if you have any problem don t hesitate to let me know.� Submit your registration and if it s successful,� � now,log into your freenom account. Click on the domain s panel. You will find it on� � top. At this point you will see the domain name� that you registered. Now click on Modify. Now 3 Options will show up they are:� � Domain forwarding� dot tk DNS service and� Custom DNS� Click on Custom DNS� � Fill the DNS servers as and� Now save this settings.� Login to your wapka and go to settings>Own Domain and here enter the .tk domain you created. You are DONE!. You can now start driving traffic to your parked domain and make money from it. Thanks for visiting and stay tuned. Post your comments if any and appreciate the topic by clicking on thanks. How To Use Custom Domain/Sub Domain Name For Your Blogspot. Using a Custom domain name for your blog is very simple and easy,Though some people complain about having problem with the Process.If you want to change your blospot,i.e( to a custom one like (,You are at the right place i tell you. Why you need a custom domain name? 1. Using Custom domain name make your Blog Professional and a serious blogger. 2. If you want to monetize with your Blog,some importants Affiliate Programs and Ad companies may not accept a subdomain. 3. Some are usually too long, since they are a subdomain to and it may be hard for people to memorize.People are not the same,it is preferable to use short and memoriable domain name. 4. Changing to a custom domain name makes your blog more unique. 5. Custom domains are very good for Search Engine Optimization(SEO).
  • 16. What you need To get Started! 1. A blogspot blog(I believe you already have a blogspot blog). 2. A domain name with control panel with dns control.You need to buy a custom domain name with a reliable may buy .com/,just go for your wish.i prefer using whogohost company,i really love there service. You need to understand some words. 1.What is a CNAME? A CNAME, or Canonical Name record is an entry within the Domain Name System(DNS) that specifies where a user can find your web pages, or any other URL . You'll use this to associate your custom domain name with your blogspot blog. 2.What is an A record? Every host on the Internet has a unique number. This is called an IP address and has a notation of four numbers (bytes). The numbers are separated by a dot. An IP address might be This IP address is hard to remember and hard to communicate with your friends or business relationships. To make life easier the Internet uses names, or domain names, to recognize IP addresses. Therefore, instead of we could say, which is much easier to remember. This is very similar to having your very own name listed in the phonebook- your name has a number there as well your phone number. An A record is nothing more then an assignment of an IP address to a name. Let go to the real issue,Changing to a Custom Sub Domain Name. In this tutorial I will be emphasizing on using the domain control panel, Using whogohost specifically and also talk about other registrars. Basically, the settings is almost the same with all registrars, and this tutorial is just to show you the psyche of linking your custom domain to your blog using any registrar. 1.Log in to your domain control panel( the company where you bought your domain name). 2.Click on my domains tab. 3.Click on view details button beside the domain you would like to link your blogspot. 4.when the page loads click on manage DNS, after the page loads, you'll see a select box=> Select CName and enter www.yoursubdomain in the host text box and in the address text box, then save changes. 5.Then add another CNAME with a special alias name which would be given to you by google whenever you request to change to a custom domain name e.g 7ibkexqsrgr3 pointing to a special destination host e.g gv- 6.Also create four A records pointing to four different google IP addresses-,,, for your desired domain name. Although the previous step is optional you can just create for one IP but it is highly advisable to create A records for the four IP addresses 7.Now, log in to your Blogger Account. Afterwards you click on the Settings tab, then Publishing tab, again click on the custom domain link. 8.Now, click on the switch to advanced settings link. You should see a page with a text box to enter your sub domain name, enter your sub domain name with www(e.g Then tick the box with redirect your domain without www to the one with www(e.g redirect to www. or else people who type in your subdomain without the www won't be able to access your site. Done. How to get your special CNAME and destination host. From your blogger account, go to settings. Then under blogger address, go to Add a custom domain. Now, go to switch to advanced settings, then settings instructions. There,That is where you will get your CNAME given by google. This tutorial apply to custom domain name/sub domain name.Hope you get this
  • 17. tutorial helpful.If you are having any problem,dont hesitate to contact us via us by Liking our Facebook page here. Top 10 Cheapest and Affordable Web Hosting in Nigeria. benefits of having a cheap web hosting plan in Nigeria is that we can easily begin to market our services and products online. When we talk about website hosting in Nigeria, there are numerous options that come to mind. As you already know, all fingers are not equal. You may be starting out and not know anything about website hosting. I will quickly suggest to you that you should take advantage of all the companies that will be listed in this article. The reason for this is that I remembered when I started my online journey, I had little capital to do anything. When I finally learned WordPress, I bought a web hosting package which cost about N2,500 per year. After this I began building my website. So do not be afraid to get a cheap and affordable web hosting in Nigeria as this might turn out to be the best bet when you are just coming to do your business online. Putting up a website should not scare you because of the cost and there are always two sides to the coin. A cheap web hosting package has its own ups and downs. There
  • 18. are merits and demerits. So for someone with little knowledge on websites, you need to test the stream first. There are some things you should personally check out for when looking cheap hosting in Nigeria. Some cheap hosting sites earn money by allowing other companies to put advertisements in the users websites. Don t� � get surprised if you see advertisements that you didn t put in your websites. These� Cheap hosting sites might also use pop-ups which can be very irritating for visitors. This might lead to fewer customers visiting your website. Another disadvantage is that cheap hosting sites might have your website URL as a sub- domain of the web hosting company domain. This is not good for your business as customers might think that your company is not well established enough to have your own website. Others might even think that your company is a scam. There is a big possibility that a potential customer will disregard your website and choose another company who sells the same product as you. In conclusion, the advantages and disadvantages of cheap hosting are many. If you are only starting with your business then it might be beneficial for you to choose a free or cheap hosting site as this will cost you less. However, if you are already a well- established company and your goal is to obtain more customers and increase their confidence in your product, then a paid webhosting service might be more beneficial for you. It is important to analyze the pros and cons of your web hosting providers before deciding. [b] List of 10 Cheap and Affordable Web Hosting in Nigeria:[/b] 1. From N900 per year on their basic plan you get the following features 1 GB Disk Space 5 GB Bandwidth Unlimited FTP Unlimited Mysql Databases Unlimited Email Accounts 2. From N350/mo you get the following features on their Aspire plan 1GB Webspace 4GB Bandwidth Free .NG Domain 4 Subdomains 1 Hosted Addon Domain 1 Parked Domain
  • 19. Unlimited Emails Unlimited SQL Databases 3. From N93/mo you get the following features on their civillian plan 500 MB Space 5 GB Bandwidth 1 Domain Allowed Unlimited Email Accounts Free Domain Not Available 4. From N300/mo you get the following features on their starter plan Control Panel 1,000Mb Web Space 4,000Mb Bandwidth Unlimited Email Accounts Unlimited MySQL 5 Sub Domains 5. From ?1000 on the faji starter plan you get features such as: 100MB Storage Space 1GB Bandwidth Free SEO tools Over 340 Free Softwares Multiple PHP (PHP 5.2 PHP 5.5)� WordPress & Joomla Installer Unlimited Email Access 6. From ?1000 on their net starter plan you get features such as: Host 1 Domain 100 MB Disk Space 2 GB Bandwidth 5 Email Accounts Control panel 24/7 Support 7. From ?2500 on their starter plan you get features such as: 100 MB Storage Space 1 GB Monthly Bandwidth 4 Sub-domains 4 Email Accounts Control panel 24/7 Support 8. From ?2500 you get features such as: 1 GB Storage Space 10 GB Monthly Bandwidth 0 Sub-domains Unlimited Email Accounts Control panel 24/7 Support 9. For N3500 on their lite plan you get:
  • 20. 1GB Space 2GB Bandwidth Free Domain 10 Email Accounts 10. For N2,500 on their standard package you get: 10GB Disk Space 30GB Bandwidth 0 Domain Unlimited Email Accounts 20 Niche Suggestions for Nigerian Bloggers 2016. Blogging has proven to be a successful career in Nigeria. If you want to be a blogger, you'll need to find a very good niche with high traffic and less competition if possible. I'll make a list of niches receiving high traffic in Nigeria for new bloggers to capitalize their blog on. Note; whatever you are blogging about has to be something you really like and have good knowledge about Top 20 niches for new Bloggers in Nigeria 1. Moringa Benefits (over 20k searches every month in Nigeria) 2. Latest phones (over 40k searches every month in Nigeria) 3. Cheap Laptops (over 50k searches every month in Nigeria) 4. Kids security tips (over 20k searches every month 5. Prayer points (over 40k searches every month in Nigeria) 6. Event Planning (over 20k searches every month in Nigeria) 7. Zara basic sandals (over 30k searches every month in Nigeria)
  • 21. 8. Sonik super saver bundle (Over 15k searches every month in Nigeria) 9. Scar remover (over 25k searched every month in Nigeria) 10. Table Manners (over 30k searched every month in Nigeria) 11. Shea Butter (over 40k searches every month in Nigeria) 12. New baby list (over 40k searches every month in Nigeria) 13. Sugar mummy (over 100k searches every month in Nigeria) 14. Cheap flight tickets (over 100k searches every month in Nigeria) 15. Cheap hotels (over 200k searched in Nigeria) 16. Nigeria Events (over 30k searches every month in Nigeria) 17. Baby carrier (over 15k searches every month in Nigeria) 18. p3n!s enlargement (over 20k searched every month in Nigeria) 19. Herbal Remedies (over 50k searches every month in Nigeria) 20. Scientific Calculator (over 15k searches every month in Nigeria) Do you have other niches that are getting good search presence in 2016? Share How To Submit Sitemap To Google/Bing Webmasters SEO Series Ended.� Sitemaps are the text files in XML form of our web pages. As name of Sitemap clearly explain about it meaning that is map of our site. In my 1st first of SEO we learn about submit site in search engine for crawl but by submitting only site homepage URL doesn t� means that search engines bots also crawl your all site pages also. Sometime search bots forget to crawl some pages. so this will effect on index of your important pages in search engines. This will leads to less traffic So it is necessary to submit sitemap and also update them time to time for better site crawling and indexing.
  • 22. Submission of sitemap in Google and bing webmaster is last part of my seo series. This seo series contain three different article. Before start working on Seo for every new site these three methods mention in my seo series necessary for every to follow step by step for effective SEO performance. These three article series work as building block for every new blog or site. now here i will start with my last topic of seo about submission of sitemap in webmasters. But before submitting sitemap be sure to follow my first two parts of SEO series. Safe Tricks SEO Series For Blogs Part 1:- Submit Your Website Or Blog in Search Engines. Part 2:- Verify your Blog On Google And Bing Webmaster. Part 3:- Submit Sitemap In Google And Bing Webmaster. Firstly Generate Sitemap Submit here� Now enter URL of your blog in box and� click generate site map button. When you generate site then new box� comes out which look like as shown below. Now Your sitemap is generated successfully and now time is to submit them in webmasters Submit Sitemap in Google Open Your Google Webmaster Account. Open your Site or Blog. Go to Optimization for left sidebar >> Then to Sitemap. Now click on the Add/Test Sitemap Button from Right side top. Now Paste the below sitemap which we generate above simple copy the exact code format as shown below for your sitemap generates. atom.xml?redirect=false&start- index=1&max-results=500 Note:- Don t copy this sitemap example which� we generate in above steps because sitemap is based on total number of posts. Now Paste your sitemap in the Add/ Test Sitemap box and submit them as shown below
  • 23. After Click on the Submit sitemap and refresh your to see sitemap is submit successfully with an issue or error. Submit Sitemap in Bing & Yahoo Submit your sitemap is so easy their is no need to open your bing webmaster. Make sure that you have verify your site with bing webmaster as mention is my 2nd article of this series. Now to submit your sitemap in Bing simply replace from below links and copy the whole link and paste it in the url box and press enter. After pressing enter you will see the message like Thank you for sitemap submission. now simply copy below sitemap based on your total posts If your Blog Post are between 1 – 500 %2Fatom.xml%3Fredirect%3Dfalse%26start- index%3D1%26max-results%3D500 If your Blog Post are between 501 – 1000 %2Fatom.xml%3Fredirect%3Dfalse%26start- index%3D501%26max-results%3D500 If your Blog Post are between 1001 -1500 %2Fatom.xml%3Fredirect%3Dfalse%26start- index%3D1001%26max-results%3D500 Now Simply copy the above code based on total numbers of post on your blog and paste in new tab and press enter. Your sitemap in bing will automatically submit by Ping Service. You don–t need to do anything. Note:- Their is no other required method to submit sitemap in yahoo. If you submit your sitemap in bing successfully then yahoo will automatically index your site. I hope this series of there articles on seo will effectively help you to increase your site performance in search engines. This seo series also make your site trusted in the eyes of search engine bots and reduce the changes of spam. So i suggest you to follow all the steps carefully. If you enjoy our series must
  • 24. share it will others also. IF you F@ce any kind of problem in whole series must share your comment. Must Have WordPress Plugins for Security | Sharing | Seo 2016. WordPress plugins are very useful. If you run a WordPress blog, you'll surely understand what am saying. They do a lot of the work for you while you just have to do the editorial work and there are still some smart plugins that can assist you in the editorial aspect. There are different types of plugins in almost every aspect of a blog. Such as: - security - seo - design - editorial - user engagement and so many others. Here, I'll be sharing a lot of useful WordPress plugins. Though I won't go into details as to what each does, the plugins listed here are highly effective at what they do. I caption them, must have WordPress plugins Must Have WordPress Plugins 2016 1) WordPress SEO / All in one SEO. 2) Soliloquy. 3) W3 Total Cache 4) Floating Social Bar 5) OptinMonster 6) All In One WP Security & Firewall With these, everything on the website like security, display, promotions, speed, lead generation will be taken care of Pretty Link WP Super Cache TablePress 1. WordPress SEO by Yoast 2. BackupBuddy 3. Gravity Forms 4. Soliloquy 5. TablePress
  • 25. 1) WordPress SEO / All in one SEO. 2) Soliloquy. 3) W3 Total Cache 4) Floating Social Bar 5) OptinMonster 6) All In One WP Security & Firewall 1. WordPress SEO by Yoast 2. BackupBuddy 3. Gravity Forms 4. Soliloquy 5. TablePress 1. WP AD GURU 2. WordPress SEO 3. Word Frence Security 4. Pretty Links Lite 5. W3 Total Cache 1. W3 Total cache 2. Google Analytics 3. All in one SEO 1. All in one SEO 2. Simple social share 3. Wordpress minify 4. XML sitemap generator 5. W3 super cache BackUpWordPress CloudFlare Contact Form 7 Contact Form DB Custom Login Login LockDown Peter's Login Redirect SEO Smart Links W3 Total Cache WP-Mail-SMTP WordPress SEO WP-Members WP-Optimize WP Maintenance Mode WP
  • 26. How To Receive Google Adsense Payment Through Ur Diamond Saving Acct With Photos. welcome to potablenews,you are presently at our webmasters page. Today,Our Post is Mainly for Those who want to use Diamond bank for one reason or the other to receive Google Adsense Payment. This simple tuturial Are Basically in Five (6) Process. Step 1 Just work into any Diamond bank of your choice to Request for a form on How to receive International Fund Transfer into your Saving Account.You will be given a form to fill,Make sure to fill The form Correctly,The given form will look like this: After you submitted the form,The remaining process in online.Keep calm,it is just a simple process. Step 2 Visit the google adsense link. Click on sign in Type in your AdSense email address and password Step 3 Click on payments Step 4 Click on payment settings Click on +add a new payment method. Step 5 Select wire transfer to bank account. Then,follow the procedure by filling the name,Account no etc.You Can see the setting in The pic below. Step 6 Click on set this payment method as primary, then click on save. Woa,You are done. How the credit alert looks like when you are finally paid through DIAMOND BANK. Diamond Credit Alert! Acc#: *****5765 Amt: 33,596.34 Desc:3513536393/GOOGLE IRELAND LIMI Time: 24/05/16 2:41PM Avail Bal:41,555.10 Total Bal:41,555.10. Cheer.Dont forget to like our Facebook page here for Latest you encounter any problem,Don't hesistate to mail us via can also use the comment box Below.Thanks for Reading.
  • 27. Early story of some websites. As the first website when online 25 years ago today, it–s easy to forget just how some of our favourite websites looked back in their early incarnations. Rhiannon Williams unearths the best The very first website went online 25 years ago today in December 1990 – in which time the Berlin Wall has come down, we–ve witnessed one of the worst financial crisis ever and a British man has finally won Wimbledon. Following on from our previous list, here are some of the moments you might not remember – the homepages of famous websites. 1. – launched in 1996 Founded in 1996 when Larry Page and Sergey Brin were PhD students at Standford University, California, Google has grown to be the biggest search engine in the world. This demo is believed to be one of the earliest examples of Google as we know it. 2. – launched in 2004 Eight years later Facebook was also founded at a university – Harvard to be precise, and by Mark Zuckerberg. Known as TheFacebook, it was initially only available to fellow Harvard students to rate each other–s photographs, before being rolled out to selected high schools. Today, Facebook boasts over 1.23 billion users worldwide. 3. – launched in 2003 Before there was Facebook, there was MySpace. The social network of choice for tortured teens in the mid 2000s, Rupert Murdoch bought the site back in 2005 for $580 million. Following years of members flocking to alternatives such as Facebook, Murdoch sold it in 2011 for a rumoured $35 million, calling the purchase a –huge mistake–.
  • 28. 4. – launched in 1994 Webportal Yahoo originally began life as David and Jerry–s Guide to the World Wide Web, when created by electrical engineering students David Filo and Jerry Yang in 1994. The term Yahoo actually stands for Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle. How to Highlight, Copy and Extract Text from any Image Online. Ever thought of extracting text content from an image? Sounds impossible right? Well, I–ll reveal the trick I use to extract text content from any online image. I can even choose to do same on images on my device. I know that most of you have been looking for ways to extract text content from images, maybe, you came across some inspirational or motivational image quotes, and you plan on putting those texts content down. I–m pretty sure that you do that manually, not knowing that you can easily copy text from image and paste. You get to even copy text from funny image quotes and some lovely memes, you don–t need to do that manually again, just with this simply copy and paste method, and your text content is made visible. Sometimes, maybe it–s a long text content in an image, be it infographics, comics, image documents, memes, or any other image content. Just watch your mouse cursor highlighting those images and that–s it. How to Highlight, Copy and Extract Text from any Image Online Well, there–s this chrome extension by name –Project Naptha–, it–s a tool that automatically applies state-of-the-art computer vision algorithms on every image you see while browsing the web. The result is a seamless and intuitive experience, where you can highlight as well as copy and paste and even edit and translate the text formerly trapped within an image. This is just pretty amazing–
  • 29. Is your blog helping you to make money online by selling something? Blogging is the best way to sell products. Let me teach you how. Before we get deeper into the post, let me warn you that this is not an in-depth guide, but for those who are getting started with blogging. A lot of people either abandon their blogs halfway down the road or fails to make a single sale no matter how hard they try. If you–re one of them, don–t blame blogging already, it–s just because you–re not doing it right. Trust me, I–ve had blogs that didn–t even drive a single sale, nor a dime through ads. And I did abandon them too. But, I studied top blogs and websites that sold something or the other. People who were really bagging some big $$$. Be it any niche. I–ve examined over 15 blogs that surely made a lot of sales. Can You Really Make Money Blogging Selling Stuff? Yes, totally! First of all, if you were someone who had a doubt whether you can squeeze money out of a blog or someone who thought it–s not possible, you wouldn–t be reading this post. So, just for the sake of helping you breathe, Follow Amal Rafeeq @ZionAmalRafeeq #Blogging really is a great way to make money online. 10:39 PM - 7 Jul 2016 Retweets 1 1 like In this post, I–ll share with you what I–ve learned from doing case studies and my own experiments. I can assure you that these are simple steps that you can easily execute if you have the patience. Note: You might end up leaving your 9 to 5 job and start earning a 5 figure income in no time. A little bit of exaggeration? Just kidding! But hey, you never know, right? So, How Do I Really Sell Products On My Blog? This method works well for almost every niche. Each 6 steps that I–ve mentioned below must be given equal priority. And they aren–t gonna produce any overnight results. Work smart & work hard! Let–s Make Your Stuff (Creating The Product) Obviously, you–ll need something to sell. And you–ll need something really good.
  • 30. By now, you–ll have an idea about your target audience. Time to do your homework! Find out what–s that one thing that they are really struggling with. Or, find out that one thing that they want the most. Both could be the same. Your job is to find out what that one thing they–ll run behind like zombies. Go to online forums, read social media comments, ask them. Or you could just think. –What do they really need–? Once you–ve decided your product idea, just make it. It could be an eBook, it could be a software or it could be a service that you can offer. Just make it! But hey, don–t create some stuff just for the sake of having something to sell. Make sure you create something really good, something that could really help your target audience. Alright Now, Let–s Create Content. If you–re a regular reader of, you won–t be really having a tough time creating content and managing your blog. Read Zac–s case study on How To Create A Successful Blog. Brainstorm blog post ideas. Think of all those topics your target audience would like to read. Write articles that will drive them in. Also, optimize the content for search engines. I don–t think I should really dive much into explaining how to create content. Just surf around this website and you–ll learn how to. Focus on the niche you–re blogging on and write on topics that–s related to it. You could visit similar blogs or run a keyword research to get more ideas. Time To Do The The Promotion. Now that your blog is ready, it–s time to promote it. I think it–s better I list things out rather than writing long sentences. Who doesn–t hate long sentences, I know right? Do guest blogging. Write for blogs that are similar to you. Write some good shit and make sure you link back to your website. Promote on Social Media. Engage on similar communities, groups and content. Be helpful. Don–t just spam. Curate useful content from the web. Work on increasing your social media following and then promote your blog. To get started, just focus on doing these two things. Let–s Sell Your Product. Now that you have your blog and your product ready, it–s time to make some money. Oh, and I forgot to tell you one thing. You–re actually not going to sell your product by using your blog. Confused? Think about all those ads that pops up while you surf the internet. Do they really make you buy things? Not really, right? You–re not going to make them think that you–re selling something to them. Instead, you–re going to recommend or suggest a highly effective or useful product. Well, that–s your product by the way. To do that, you need to:
  • 31. Be Friends With Your Readers. What are your favourite blogs or websites? And why do you love them so much? Mostly because of the way they write their stuff. Or the way they present it to you. Be friendly! Write in a conversational way. Don–t just write, talk and explain. So next time when they think about the problem you were talking about, they will remember you and your blog. Make the connection. Do Them A Really Big Favour! Now to make that bond stronger, you–re gonna have to help them out with something. Why? Let me ask you one thing: Would you rather go see a doctor that I recommend to you or another doctor that your best friend recommends? Obviously, you wouldn–t trust me with that. And when you have your trust-worthy friend with you, you need not even care about my suggestion. That–s basic psychology! What you can do is, give away a free eBook or something. The best part about this is that you can get them to subscribe to your email list. And when you have your audience inside your list, things get easier for you. Out of all the money I made online, more than 70% of them were converted through my newsletter. It works like magic! Give away something that will really help them. Or, you could just write amazing content on your blog that–ll leave them wanting more. And For The Final Kill (Selling Your Stuff) Remember what I told you earlier? You–re not actually going to sell your product to them. I mean, you are, but you are going to help them. Don–t tell your audience – –Hey, I made this awesome stuff so that I can sell it to you and make some money–. Instead, you–re gonna say – –Hey, I think since you–re having trouble with _______, this will help you!– OR –Get the _(your product)__ that will help you to get rid of __________– Oh, I almost forgot! You like lists better than long content. So, here you go: Create a landing page for your product. Make sure your copy is compelling. Then link to your product page from your blog posts. Use CTAs under your blog posts, from your main site, have them on your menu bar. Send an email to your list explaining how your product could help them, not an email that introduces it. You could also promote your product on the social media. But remember! You–re not going to sell it. You–re going to suggest the product to them. Over to you. If you–re really having a tough time making money with your blog, do try selling products through it. And following these simple tips will sure help you. Guess what? I will be back with my guest post on to teach you how to increase product sales conversions by using psychology of marketing. So, stay
  • 32. tuned! Thanks for reading. Good luck! How To Know What Google Knows About You When the thought –Internet– comes to our mind, one of the top 5 things that follows the thought is the brand Google. This is because Google has gone places and made its name in the digital word; billions of people use Google services allover the world everyday. If you are not using GMail, you will use YouTube; If you run from YouTube, then what about your Android phone? Okay! you may still somehow avoid all what I listed above, but I am sure you will find it very hard not to use Google Search, unless you live in China, Russia or North Korea. However, since you are reading this my post, there are chances that you do not live in any of the three countries; making it a possibility for Google to have stored a lot of data about you. Moreover, It is worth noting that data about you which are stored by Google are not meant for evil or bad purposes; at least, Google–s slogan is Don–t Be Evil. Hence, your data is just for analysis in order to sell ads to you. Steps to Monitoring Your Online Track – In your browser, visit – If you are required to login, then login using your GMail Account. – After logging in, the first page you would see is your YouTube history which would be staring at you. This page would show your YouTube search history as well as the videos you have watched. If you want to get really deep into knowing what Google knows about you, then do the following: – Click on the three vertical dots at the top right corner of the MY ACTIVITIES page. It would display all available settings. – Click on Activity Controls. The Activity Controls page would show you all what Google can track about you. These include Web and App Activity Device Information Location Voice and Audio etc.
  • 33. By Clicking on the Manage Activity link, you would be able to pause or resume data collection about your activity online. Note that pausing an activity on MY ACTIVITY page does not mean Google would stop collecting data about your online activities, It will only limit the data collection algorithms. The dicey thing about this my activity page is that Google want it to also serve as a medium by which it can understand you and better provide relevant information to you. But I have a mixed feeling about this; who on earth really want put all his or her online track in the hand of any organization that might hand it over to the government one day. How to Set Up Yoast WordPress SEO Plugin [Updated] By:Harsh Agrawal In:WordPress Last Updated:2/06/2016 This is the guide to configure the SEO By Yoast plugin. In the 3.0 version there are some changes in the UI, but configuration is still the same. I have updated this with editing meta description & title for single post which is changed in version 3.0. Whenever we talk about best SEO Plugins for WordPress SEO by Yoast emerges as a prominent name. Many of you who are using the All In One SEO plugin should know about the much-advanced version of the plugin, which is available in WordPress with the name –WordPress SEO by Yoast–. Setup Yoast WordPress SEO Plugin This plugin has integrated many known features of other plugins by Joost de Valk, for example, Meta robots plugin, RSS Footer plugin, and many others. Since this plugin offers many features, setting up Yoast WordPress SEO plugin is not that easy. For this reason, I am sharing this tutorial, which will help you to transition from All In One SEO to Yoast SEO plugin, and configure this plugin for optimal performance.
  • 34. for optimal performance. A Guide for configuring WordPress Yoast SEO plugin: WordPress SEO by Yoast is the powerhouse for WordPress search engine optimization. However, setting up this plugin might be tricky for some, and a new blogger or anyone without basic SEO skills, might find it difficult to configure. An incorrect configuration can stop search engine bots from indexing your blog, or you might let bots crawl a part that might not be important. Before we go ahead with our setup guide, let s look into some of the SEO� features offered by this plugin: Verify sites in Google, Bing, and Alexa Title meta settings Hide RSD, WLW, Shortlinks from head Meta-control for Taxonomies, author page Supports Facebook Open Graph Generate sitemap Advance permalink control Breadcrumbs support RSS feed footer plugin settings Import settings from other SEO plugins. Edit .htaccess files Hide date from Search engine snippets Add Google authorship for single author These are some of the settings offered by this plugin. Now let s get started with the tutorial to set up this free SEO plugin.� Complete Setup & Configuration guide for Yoast WordPress SEO Plugin: If you are using any existing SEO plugins like All In One SEO, Old All In One SEO, Headspace 2 or any other such plugins, or if you are using any plugins by Yoast such as RSS footer, Robots meta or Yoast Breadcrumbs, you should start by importing your settings into this plugin. Once you have installed and activated WordPress SEO by Yoast, go to SEO> Import & export under the left panel, and select the plugin from which you would like to import your settings. I suggest making a backup of your database, and then using the option that to Delete the old data after import? (recommended) .� � Importing settings to WordPress SEO by yoast WordPress SEO Dashboard: Yoast Webmaster tool verification The first step to getting started with this plugin is to submit your site to Alexa, Google, Bing, and Yandex. After installing the plugin, click on SEO> General > Webmaster tools to access this page. You can refer to how to submit a site to Google and Alexa here to learn more about the process. Once you have done this, let s move to advanced part of this� plugin: Titles and Meta Settings: This is one of the most important parts of this plugin, and I will explain most of it with screenshots and brief explanations below them. Once you click on titles and metas, click on the help section first to see what operator is being used and what that operator does. This will help you to quickly setup the title and metas SEO aspects of the plugin.
  • 35. Titles & Metas - Yoast SEO Homepage settings: click on the home tab and configure the settings for your homepage title and meta description. Here is a screenshot: Yoast SEO Homepage Settings Title template: the home title that you want to show in Google search. Meta Description: your homepage meta description for search engines. Post type SEO Settings: This is where you will configure the SEO for all of your post types. By default you will have Post, Pages & media type. If you are using more custom type in WordPress, you will see the section here. Here you can define the SEO for the post, page and media sections of your WordPress blog. As I mentioned above, be sure to check out the help section to understand what templates you can use. Also, by default WordPress SEO by Yoast hides the date from search engine snippets, which is useful for blogs writing evergreen content. If you are running a news blog and want to show the date for your posts in search engines, you can check the Date in snippet preview box.� � This is how I have configured it for my blog: Post type SEO settings Taxonomies & Archive SEO Settings: I prefer keeping tags and categories as noindex and dofollow. However, this may change depending on your blog s SEO plan. If you wish to use my settings,� simply check the Noindex , follow and hide boxes. Once again, you can� � � � � � configure the title template according to your needs. Since we are not indexing tags and categories, you can add more user and brand-centric title templates. Ex: %%term_title%% Archives %%page%% %%sep%% %%sitename%%� � WordPress Duplicate content categories Here you can set indexing for your author and date-based archive. Also, you can disable or enable the date and author archive. I suggest that you check the Noindex and follow boxes, and leave everything else as it is.� � � � Author archive noindex Other: This is the last one under Title Meta settings. Here is what I m using which� seems to be working well & driving almost 1 million page views from search engine every month. you can ignore use meta keyword tag , as Google already� � made it official that they do not care about keyword meta tags. YOast SEO Guide This completes the settings piece for the meta and titles settings of� � WordPress SEO by Yoast. The final options will keep your WordPress blog head section clean by hiding information such as posted short links, WLW manifest links and others. Social settings: In SEO By Yoast 3.0, they have added the Google Knowledge Graph feature. This will show your social media profile in the search engine whenever someone searches for your brand name. The configuration is easy. Simply add all your
  • 36. social media profiles in the format shown in the image below. KnowledgeGraph Here you can configure the Facebook open graph meta tags, the default image for Facebook, and the Twitter Meta card. You can learn in depth about Facebook open graph meta tags here. I recommend that you add a default image, which will help Facebook to show an image when your posts have no image and are liked or shared on Facebook. XML sitemap: Yoast SEO sitemap Enable the Sitemap feature and this plugin will take care of your blog s� sitemap. After creating the Sitemap file, submit the Sitemap to Google, Bing & any other search engine that accepts Sitemap file. Permalink Configuration: Don t confuse this with the WordPress default Permalink setting. Here you can� configure advanced permalink settings. I usually use 2-3 settings from here to avoid parameters being indexed in Google searches. With this plugin in particular, it is easier to get rid of the replytocom parameter, which is quite a headache. Note: Note: This setting is under Advanced > Permalink tab. Here is a screenshot of my settings: Advanced Yoast SEO settings Internal link: Breadcrumbs are useful for getting search engines to understand your site structure, and they help users to navigating your site. However, I have never tried and tested breadcrumbs on any of my sites. You can read the official guide here for a better understanding of breadcrumbs. Once you are done making all the changes in your SEO by Yoast plugin, go ahead and use the Google rich snippet testing tool to check for authorship, and see how Google will show your blog post in Google search. RSS: Yoast RSS feature This part integrates the feature of the RSS footer plugin. When using it you can add a link back to the original article in RSS feeds. You can also use it to add advertisements to your RSS feeds. I simply add the following line after the post content section: The post %%POSTLINK%% appeared first on %%BLOGLINK%%.� � Note: This setting is under the Advanced tab. Edit files: Yoast Robots file editor This is another useful feature of the WordPress SEO by Yoast plugin. You can edit the WordPress .htaccess and robots.txt file from the dashboard. A word of caution: whenever you are editing your .htaccess file from your dashboard, always keep FTP access as well, as misconfigured .htaccess files may stop your site from functioning. You can read more about robots.txt and .htaccess below: Optimize WordPress Robots.txt file for SEO
  • 37. How to Create a WordPress .htaccess File How to Edit a WordPress .htaccess File I hope this tutorial will help you to setup WordPress SEO by Yoast correctly. Note: The features below are in the pro version of SEO By Yoast. These are optional, and you may or may not need them. Issue with Adding meta description & title in latest SEO Yoast plugin: Configuring Yoast WordPress plugin In the latest version of SEO by Yoast, they have made a major design change which is confusing for old users, when it comes to adding meta title & description. You just need to click on META description and enter your meta, actually it is modified in a new ways that you need to click on the DEFAULT meta and when you click the default META which is picked up from post starting or beginning will be emptied than you can put your own meta. Actually the concept of block has been removed by NEW Yoast update, you just need to click on the given TITLE to edit that title and click on META to edit the meta Redirects: SEO redirecs plugin This is another handy feature of this plugin, as it allows you to direct any URL to a URL of your choice. When you are getting too many 404 errors (you can check that in the Google Webmaster tool), you can simply re-direct them to save your link juice. If you want to learn much more about 404 error pages and SEO, you should read this detailed guide. Webmaster tools: Google Crawl isse WordPress dashboard In my earlier articles I explained how important it is for you to submit your blog to Google Webmaster tools, and to monitor all the crawl errors. This way you will know what errors they are getting while trying to crawl and index your blog. With the SEO by Yoast Webmaster tool, you can see all of the errors inside your WordPress dashboard. The first time you need to add the authentication code (this is a simple step), and after that you can see all errors from within your dashboard. Here is a video tutorial to learn how to setup SEO by Yoast plugin: In the end: This is one of the best free SEO plugins for your WordPress blog, though I highly recommend that you be sure of your settings before making any changes. An incorrect configuration may bring negative SEO effects to your Blog.
  • 38. What you Need To Know About The New WordPress 4.6 I was doing My Night Browsing with Airtel Last Night When I got The Notification To UpDate My wordpress.Instantly,I Updated my wordpress blog within that time. This was the second major release of the year 2016, and brings some exciting new improvements and fixes several bugs. In this article, we will show you what s new in WordPress 4.6 and which features you should try after updating� your websites. 1.Native System Fonts in WordPress 4.6 Basically,Wordpress Uses Open sans google font In the Admin Bar so that The admin side can look the same on Different device. So.In this new wordpress 4.6,Wordpress now uses Different Font for the admin Area.The benefit of it will make your wordpress Load Faster. NOTE:This change only affects user interface elements inside WordPress admin area. It will not affect content areas like post editor which uses your theme s� editor stylesheet for fonts.You can only change your content area font in your theme editor. 2.Editor Enhancements in WordPress 4.6 Each new version of WordPress brings improvements and new features to the post editor. WordPress 4.6 introduces some cool new enhancements to the edit screen. 3.Good Auto-Save and Recovery. WordPress 4.6 comes with a better disaster recovery mode for the auto-save feature in the post editor. Previously, when users disabled revisions, it affected restoring drafts from browser cache and autosave feature. This issue is now fixed and users will be able to easily restore posts from browser backups and autosave.You See That is Good enough. 4.Better Updates for Plugins & Themes. Previously, when you installed a plugin or theme from, it showed you a progress screen. This added a page load and increased the time spent on installing plugins and themes. WordPress 4.6 makes it faster to install and update your WordPress plugins and themes without leaving a page. Themes will also be using these faster updates. you dont need to leave same page when installing and activating plugins. 5. Broken Links detected in Visual Editor. Sometimes users end up adding a broken link or improper URL in a post. If you publish the post, then that misspelled link goes live too. Since 4.6, WordPress will now attempt to check for broken or poorly formatted links when you are using the Visual Editor. If a link is broken, then it will highlight the linked anchor text with red dots, showing the link URL in red. 6.Better Import Screen. WordPress makes it super easy to import content from Blogger, Tumblr, and several other platforms using the Importer plugins located at Tools Import� page. WordPress 4.6 makes the import screen more readable and accessible.
  • 39. It also uses shiny updates to install importer plugins in the background. This means no more popup to install importer plugin and no extra page load to show you the progress. 7.Localization and Translation Improvements Translations from hosted community translations will now be given preference over the translations included with the plugin. The jQuery UI date picker is now displayed with proper locale. Declension of comment numbers, and months in different languages are now properly handled. 8.Under The Hood Improvements. WordPress 4.6 also brings lots of new improvements for developers. Here are some of those under the hood improvements. (a)Resource Hints. Resource hints is a new W3C specification, which allows browser to connect and prefetch resources to improve performance. (#34292) (b)Improved Meta Registration WordPress 4.6 introduces register_meta() function for the registration of meta keys. It works like register_post_type() function and allows developers to use a standard way to work with metadata. (#35658) (c)Persistent Comment Cache WordPress 4.6 allows comments to be cached as a persistent object type. This means comment cache is properly validated and updated when there are changes. (#37613). (c)WP_Post_Type Class WordPress 4.6 introduces the new WP_Post_Type class. It changes $wp_post_types to an array of WP_Post_Type objects. This provides methods to handle post type supports, rewrite rules, meta boxes, hooks, and taxonomies. (#36217) (d)WP_Term_Query Class. The new WP_Term_Query class in WordPress 4.6 provides a better structure for generating term queries. (#35381) We hope this article offered you a good scope of what s new in WordPress 4.6.� We are particularly excited about shiny updates and broken link highlighting. What are you excited about?
  • 40. How Browse A Website Without An Internet You can carry the complete website which you access more often on your laptop, like a blog or some tutorial website. You won t require the internet every time� you want to access it. In this article, I will bring to the spotlight the open source offline browser HTTrack Website Copier. It is a well-liked software used for offline browsing of websites. HTTrack (WinHTTrack for Windows) can download an entire website. And entire means entire all the text, images, videos, GIFs, all of it.� Download WinHTTrack( 1.Input Project and Category name (choose any name you like) in the field and click Next. From the drop-down menu in front of Action, select Download website(s). In� future, if you want to update the downloaded data, select Update existing websiteand follow the rest. Click Add URLand type the website address.� Click Set Options. Untick use proxy for ftp transfers check box. Click Ok.� Click Next, followed by Finish. Now the website download process will start.� You can Cancel it anytime and you ll able to view download content.� How To Browse The Downloaded Website From the HTTrack: Click File. Click Browse sites Your web browser will open displaying a� � list of all the websites you ve downloaded.� From Windows Explorer: Navigate to C drive or whichever drive you have saved the website. Open My Web sites. Open the folder of the offline website you want to browse. Open the index file. Make sure the index file uses the Chrome (or any web browser) as the default application.
  • 41. HOW TO DOWNGRADE WORDPRESS TO A PREVIOUS VERSION. HomeWordPressHow To Downgrade WordPress To A Previous Version HOW TO DOWNGRADE WORDPRESS TO A PREVIOUS VERSION Dominique 24 July, 2015 WordPress 70 Comments how to downgrade wordpress to previous version Have you ever updated to the newest version of WordPress, and then noticed that your site starts to have a bunch of problems? Don t freak out. A lot of the� times, it s an issue with a plugin or theme that s not compatible with the� � newest update. Somtimes (rarely) there s an issue with the WordPress update� itself. Whatever the case, one of of the quickest solutions to bring your site back to normal is to downgrade WordPress back to the previous version. Compatibility issues are one of the reasons I try to avoid plugins and themes that don t get updated regularly. I don t want to be stuck with an older� � version of WordPress just because one of my plugins or themes doesn t work with� the latest update. Before you go through the process of downgrading, I d� suggest checking to see if a plugin is what s causing the issue. If it is, you� can just disable the plugin until there s an update for it. If it s a problem� � with the theme though, that s an entirely different story. That s when you ll� � � want to consider downgrading your version of WordPress. Before you downgrade, I d highly recommend making sure you have a backup of� your site just in case things don t go as planned and everything gets screwed� up. I ve never run into an issue but I always have the feeling that the one� time I downgrade and my site goes berserk, I won t have a backup. There are� tons of backup plugins for WordPress and your web host might/should be able to provide you with the latest backup they have. The first thing you re going to need is a previous WordPress release. You can� download any of the previous WordPress versions here > WordPress releases.� Only downgrade down to the version before the newest one. Don t go way back� into the archives to version 1.1. Some of the older versions of WordPress have security issues that could put your site at risk. Here s how to downgrade WordPress to an older version.� MANUAL WORDPRESS DOWNGRADE TUTORIAL
  • 42. STEP 1: DEACTIVATE ALL YOUR PLUGINS After you ve created a backup of your site and downloaded the WordPress version� you want to downgrade to, it s time to actually downgrade. The first thing you� want to do is login to your WP Dashboard and deactivate all of your plugins. STEP 2: LOGOUT OF WORDPRESS After all your plugins have been deactivated, logout of WordPress. STEP 3: USE AN FTP CLIENT AND LOCATE YOUR SITE S WORDPRESS FILES� This step will require that you have an FTP client. An FTP client allows you to access all of the files on your site. I use FireFTP from Firefox and FileZilla is another very popular option. Both are free and you can t go wrong with� either. The images in this tutorial are from FireFTP. In your FTP client, locate your WordPress files (wp-admin, wp-content, etc.). In FireFTP, they will be the first thing you see when you open your site s folder.� STEP 4: DELETE THE WP-ADMIN AND WP-INCLUDES FOLDERS Delete both the wp-admin and wp-includes folders. Do not touch the wp-content folder! You can leave all of the other files alone because you will overwrite them in the next step. STEP 5: TRANSFER THE FILES FROM THE PREVIOUS WP VERSION TO YOUR SITE WITH FTP While you re still in your FTP client, go into the folder where you have the� WordPress version you want to downgrade to. Transfer over everything except the wp-content folder. After all the files have been transferred, your downgrade is finished. STEP 6: UPDATE YOUR WORDPRESS DATABASE Login to your WP Dashboard. You will be prompted to update your WordPress database. Click on Update WordPress Database and then click continue to� � login. Once you re logged in, you should see that you re running whatever version of� � WordPress that you downgraded to. Congrats! A word of caution. I don t recommend using older versions of WordPress when� newer ones are available. Like I said in the beginning, a lot of the updates come with security patches to stop known security threats that could leave your site open to hackers. If your theme isn t compatible with the most current version of WordPress,� contact the theme developer and let them know. If there s no support offered� for your theme, then you ll want to switch to a different one that s updated� � on a regular basis. I hope you found my guide helpful. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment below!
  • 43. FileZilla Tutorial This tutorial will show you how to use FileZilla to upload your website. FileZilla is a powerful and free software for transferring files over the Internet. FileZilla is a very popular FTP client and is used by webmasters from all over the world. Here you can download FileZilla software. With SiteGround you get unlimited FTP access and unlimited FTP accounts. FileZilla is fully compatible with our hosting services. If you would like to change your host, our professionals will assist you with your website files and database transfer. You can learn more about the FTP hosting services here. Detailed FileZilla Tutorial FileZilla features FileZilla installation - learn how to install the FTP client on the three most popular operating systems: Windows, Linux and Mac OS. How to manage files with FileZilla FileZilla functions How to use FileZilla FTP client Once you have the FileZilla client downloaded and activated on your computer, enter the domain name in the address field (you can also use the server's IP address). The username and the password you need to type in are the same as the ones you use to log in to your cPanel. The FTP port is 21 and is filled in automatically. Click Quickconnect and the file listing will appear. Find the www (it is a symbolic link to public_html) directory and double click on it. Then, select the files to be uploaded and drag-and-drop them under the www folder. Wait for the transfer to be completed. How to use FileZilla behind a firewall