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Blank Verses in Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare Essay
"Epic, Passionate and Poetic." Romeo and Juliet is written in blank verse. This simply means
"unrhymed iambic pentameter." For example, Two households, both alike in dignity In fair Verona,
where we lay our scene, From ancient grudge break to new mutiny, Where civil blood makes civil
hands unclean. From forth the fatal loins of these two foes A pair of star–crossed lovers take their
life. It may seem "melodramatic", but it's perfect for the play. Shakespeare makes it work by the plot
actually living up to the hype (Romeo and Juliet Writing Style). "It truly entices the heart of the
reader as they empathize with the protagonists' universal, unconditional and ideal romance, the
portrayal of perfect, undying love that is captured ... Show more content on ...
Shakespeare really stresses in all these scenes the ease in which messages can go wrong (Huntley).
When Romeo finds out about Juliet's "death" he believes he has all the facts. He suddenly makes the
decision to kill himself, aided by poison. "Romeos best speech is perhaps the one he delivers in the
tomb; with it he gives dignity, meaning, and finality to the one act he plans and executes" (Huntley).
The speech and characters of the play have been depicted all throughout music, literature, dance,
and theater. There's a certain musical flow and intense alternation of mood that enliven the speech.
Mercutio is a big part of this. When Romeo needs guidance, Mercutio is there quickly giving him
advice worth hearing. In fact, some believe the wisest words in the entire play are said by him. Why,
is not this better now than groaning for love? Now art though sociable, now art thou Romeo; Now
art thou what thou art, by art as well as by nature. These words are also said to be the most ironic.
Romeo here has not found his identity and doesn't truly find it except for in those spontaneous
moments he shares with Juliet. Mercutio has plenty dialogue but is commonly known for his
passionate repetition of "A plague a'both your houses!" right before his death. The main concern for
the two lovers though is keeping their marriage secret. They hope to one day bring peace among the
feuding families but are distraught. In Juliet's balcony speech you hear this concern. O
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William Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet Essay
William Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet Shakespeare's most famous tragedy is probably the tale of
"Romeo and Juliet". The immortal tale of two 'star–cross'd lovers' destined to an early demise,
originated in Italian folklore. Shakespeare's prologue is possibly the most insightful piece of the play
regarding their death and the explanation of it. The "ancient grudge" immediately sets the ominous
tone of the play. This allows the audience to understand that their "death" is the only way their
"parents strife" could end: "But their children end nought could remove". The recurring theme of
fate and destiny, which frequents many Shakespeare's plays, is seen also in the prologue.
Shakespeare ... Show more content on ...
The separation of Romeo and Juliet, leads to the plot twist where Juliet drinks the 'distilling liquor'
to appear in death. While Romeo was intended to wake her, a twist of fate means he doesn't get the
letter and does not know that the death is faked. The plan to run away from the feud between their
parents wasn't free from danger, on the contrary it was the only way they could be together and
escape the 'grudge'. The 'ancient grudge' is very important to the play because they died in order to
'bury' the 'grudge'. Shakespeare puts an emphasis on the fact that the feud is about their name;
Romeo feels his name is 'hateful' for he knows because of it; he and Juliet couldn't be together.
Similarly, Juliet knows if she was to be 'sworn her love she would 'no longer be a Capulet'. The
younger generation are dragged into the feud because of the family they're born into. Juliet questions
'what's in a name?' which shows she doesn't understand that their name means they automatically
have a 'grudge' against each other. Another input towards the death of 'Romeo and Juliet' would be
their parents. Shakespeare suggests that Romeo and Juliet barely know their parents and find it
difficult to confide in them or they would have spoken about their love rather then trying to run
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Young Misleading Love in Romeo and Juliet
Young love is a very deep immature feeling, which tends to misguide those affected by it, and the
affected ones fall too deeply in love, which leads to a tendency of self–destruction. The concept of
the young misguiding love is emphasized in the drama, Romeo and Juliet, by William Shakespeare.
Romeo and Juliet are young when they first see each other and make the mistake of loving each
other without knowing their family names. Their deep love without any understanding of the
concept of love leads to the young lovers committing suicide, which is a rash decision. They do not
embrace their situation, and think about other solutions other than suicide. Romeo and Juliet act on
impulse and make rash decisions without thinking about the ... Show more content on ...
He jumps right in, and tells Balthasar to get the horses ready at once. Romeo and Juliet's lack of
maturity also causes them to love one another without a limit. They are too immature to realize that
the feeling of love should not conquer common sense and reasoning. They love each other too such
an extreme, that they are inseparable; and once separated, they are willing to go up to any extent to
be loyal to each other and their love. This idea is strongly emphasized when Juliet is willing to kill
herself rather than marry Paris which proves that she is loyal to her love. Romeo, in return, kills
himself after he sees Juliet dead, which shows that he too is loyal to his love. Romeo and Juliet are
both young and immature when they fall in love with each other, and their immaturity results in
them not understanding that love has its limits. The young lovers love to an extreme neglecting
love's limits, which leads to them not taking mature decisions and steps, but rather rashly and
abruptly on impulse to honor their love for each other. Romeo and Juliet feel such a burden to honor
their love for each other that they end up committing suicide.
Romeo and Juliet's excessive love and blind love are the most powerful ingredients to their self–
destruction. The young lovers, Romeo and Juliet's idolatry for each other symbolizes excessive love
by them willing to go against their families and committing suicide at the
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Free Brave New World Essays: Huxley and Shakespeare
Huxley and Shakespeare
"Do they read Shakespeare?" asked the Savage as they walked, on their way to the Bio–chemical
Laboratories, past the School Library. "Certainly not," said the Head Mistress, blushing.
In Aldous Huxley's "Brave New World", allusions to William Shakespeare and his works emphasize
the contrast between the ""Brave New World"" and the world in Shakespeare's time and even the
current time period. Enhancing the work's meaning, the allusions and character's reactions to the
allusions reveal the positive and negative aspects of our society today.
The main characters in "Brave New World", Lenina Crowne, Henry Foster, and Bernard Marx, live
in a futuristic world where babies are mass produced in laboratories and ... Show more content on ...
With little knowledge of the past, the characters only have heard vague information about worship
of God, respect for Shakespeare, and psychology of Freud. Instead of God, they worship Ford
partially because of his T–model and its influence on the future of technology and his existence as
the spark for their world. They cannot fathom the events in Shakespeare's works. For example, in
Romeo and Juliet, Capulet and Lady Capulet plan Juliet's marriage to Paris even though Juliet loves
Romeo. Since the characters in "Brave New World" live in a self–satisfying world where they are
promiscuous and rely on drugs like soma and mescal, they cannot relate to Shakespeare.
Enhancing the meaning of the work, Huxley chooses Shakespeare––an author and playwright so
well–known and influential for many centuries. Shakespeare seems so normal to us, disregarding
certain details. Divided into groups including comedies, tragedies, and histories, his works touch on
conflicts and romances. They address morals, values, and beliefs of the time. While many of these
beliefs still hold true to people today, the world is changing. People are changing, but are scientific
advances causing this change? Aldous Huxley asks his readers this as they concentrate on the
descriptions in "Brave New World". Are science and technology actually harming society instead of
helping? Huxley forecasts the future from the experiences in his lifetime. In his writing, he reflects
how society today
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The Excerpts From The Overspent American ' I Was Not...
Before reading the excerpts from "The Overspent American" I was not familiar with Juliet Schor's
work. While reading however, I saw that her views were different from many of the other authors
that we have read so far. When I had finished the reading I found the reading enjoyable and
fascinating. The reason that her writing intrigued me was because of her multiple perspectives while
writing. Not only does she concentrate on the economics of American people, but she also uses a
sociologist lens to show the purchasing habits of our culture. "The Overspent American" focuses on
how we as a society have changed our spending patterns from the past. During the 1950s the phrase
"keeping up with the Jones'" was coined and it represented Americans trying to outspend their
neighbors and friends. For example, my friend buys a boat and I also need to buy a boat to make
sure my friends saw me as being wealthy. Today our society as changed in many ways but Schor
finds that our spending habits have altered the most since the 1950s. By analyzing and evaluating
her work, one can see how Americans spending habits have changed over time and how our
economics have been overtaken by television and broadcast media. As mentioned earlier, during the
1950s people were more likely to compare themselves to their neighbors and community. There was
limited forms of media that everyone saw on a mass scale so most class groups would read or watch
the same movies, books, etc. People would look out their
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Critical Analysis of The Electronic Sweatshop by Barbara...
Critical Analysis of The Electronic Sweatshop by Barbara Garson *No Works Cited Summary In her
introduction, Barbara Garson gives the reader an idea of her personal work experience as a clerk
with automation. One can see that Garson is a strong critique of automation. In order to convey how
automation is affecting our society the author begins by analyzing and studying various jobs from
the bottom on up (i.e. starting with the most unskilled labor). Chapter one examines the various
occupations at McDonalds's. Barbara Garson finds that most workers here tend to dislike their jobs.
Due to the tremendous amount of stress created by automated systems such as timers and computer
generated productivity statistics McDonald's has a high ... Show more content on ...
At first I tried to use my own conversational skills when dealing with customers, but it did not take
long until my supervisors started to discipline me about how important it supposedly is to follow the
given scripts. Hence, I used these scripts and my 5 hour work day seemed like an eternity. I felt like
a wind–up doll and eventually quit the job although I was desperately in need of money. The reason
I am mentioning this is because I believe that in reality there is no difference between the fast food
employee and the reservation agent in terms of individuality. Through automation, both professions
have lost their personal touch to the public. In my case I tried to solicit funds from individuals using
my own ideas and creativity, yet was not allowed to do so. Hence, my job became monotonous.
Quite honestly I do not believe "Kenny" when he states that he likes his work. He argues that he gets
to deal with the public. But in order to do so he follows an unoriginal set of scripts and phrases.
Thus, does he really get to talk to the public or is he merely a machine or parrot triggered by certain
key words such as Yes, No, or Maybe. Furthermore, Kenny was an actor. This profession also
requires one to follow scripts, yet what sets one actor apart from another is their individuality. When
Kenny plays a role where he has to portray certain emotions he does not follow a
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Juliet's Growth Since the Start of William Shakespeare's...
Juliet's Growth Since the Start of William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet The play "Romeo and
Juliet was written in approximately 1595, by William Shakespeare. It is set in Venice, Italy, in
Venetian society women played little role in anything other than to be a wife to their husband and a
mother. This is why many Venetian women married at such an early age. The play is about 2
families whom are separated by a long forgotten ancient feud. Throughout the play of 'Romeo and
Juliet' we see Juliet emerging as a woman. There are many people that influence this growth.
However there are also many people which inhibit and even try to prevent her from growing from a
child into a woman. Romeo encourages ... Show more content on ...
In this scene we see Juliet as a very naïve character, and in a later scene we see the complete
antithesis of her character, where she is no longer a naïve young girl, who does everything her
parents command her to do. We see her as an independent and sophisticated married woman. Act 1
Scene 5 is the scene set at the party at the Capulet's household. Juliet's mother introduces her to the
County Paris, but before that, she sets eyes on Romeo, of the House of Montague. Romeo is not
aware the Juliet is from the house of Capulet, he thinks she is exceptionally beautiful. He describes
her as "a snowy dove, trooping with crows", the dove symbolises purity, peace and is associated
with the colour white, however crows symbolise hatred and are usually associated with the colour
black. This can be linked to the theme of the feud which exists between the two households, Juliet is
pure, but the rest of her house is filled with hatred and distrust. We then see Juliet's first move to
disobey her mother, she leaves the hall of the ball with Romeo. We see the beginning of Juliet's
journey from a child into an independent woman. We are also made aware of her emerging
sexuality. Romeo uses an extended metaphor in an attempt to get Juliet to kiss him; he describes her
as a saintly being and himself as a sinner who needs his sins cleansing. Juliet knows
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The Business Model Of Uber And Dropbox
Around the world, people are chanting. "Shame on Uber!" "Stop the evictions, stop the greed!" They
are making signs. "Homelessness: Love, Airbnb." They are organizing strikes in New York City.
They are storming headquarters in San Francisco. They are blocking roads in France. Uber drivers
are protesting Uber's sudden fare cuts. Community organizations are protesting Airbnb's opposition
to housing affordability bills. Taxi drivers are protesting Uber's opposition to comparable taxi
regulation. Their outrages differ but boil down to the same grievance – these multibillion dollar
companies are exploiting the legal gray zone that is the sharing economy. Uber and Airbnb are two
of many technology firms promising visionary futures built on collaborative consumption, but
without finding a regulatory solution, the sharing economy's future may not be as bright as it seems.
What is the Sharing Economy?
An Emerging Business Model Uber, an application that connects ride–hailing users with drivers, and
Airbnb, an online lodging platform that derives its name from bed and breakfasts, have practically
become synonymous with collaborative consumption. Companies compete to become the next
"Uber of" an industry. There is an "Uber of flowers" that delivers bouquets, an "Uber of lawn care"
that encourages lawnmower sharing, and even an "Uber of medical marijuana" (Entis, 2014). The
analogy is precarious considering the variations between these companies, but the basic premise of
the sharing
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The Success of Baz Luhrmann's Romeo And Juliet
The Success of Baz Luhrmann's Romeo And Juliet
Baz Luhrmann's Romeo and Juliet was highly successful. The film sold millions at the box office
and was well received by critics such as Paul Matthews who said that Romeo and Juliet was a,
"radical invention of a classic text". Although the film was released to late in the year to receive any
awards, "William Shakespeare's Romeo + Juliet" was and always will be considered a classic. The
reason for the film's success was because the film was made accessible to young people in a way
that Shakespeare usually isn't by giving it modern location and using special effects. The film
makers wanted to knock Shakespeare down and put him where he belongs which is ... Show more
content on ...
He cut the lines which cannot be transferred to 20th century context are cut such as the convocation
between Romeo and the Apothecary, this convocation still takes place but in a much reduced way.
Baz Luhrmann also cuts a lot of the complex imagery as it would not have been as appealing to a
younger audience. Luhrmann's version of the script is far more concise than the original and does
not overwhelm the audience with too difficult language making the film far more successful with the
younger viewers. Shakespeare's script was written for a very basic set but the film's setting was very
elaborate so no complex imagery or soliloquies are needed as the setting speaks for its self. Baz
Luhrmann made the Shakespearian play far more concise, slick and easier to understand which
helped make the film be so successful.
As I already mentioned in my introduction bringing the play up to date made the film highly
successful. This is shown in almost every scene in the play. It's shown in the opening scenes to the
movie when the "Montague Boys" arrive in a bright yellow car with modern music blaring out of
the stereo. They almost look like college beach boys, with their Hawaiian shirts and baggy trousers.
This was a very good way to start the film as it gave it a modern "cool" look which would be
appealing to the
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William Shakespeare 's Romeo And Juliet
Love can be defined in many ways to many different people. It can be affected by their past
experience, a romance novel they've read, or a love between two individuals they look up to. To
most people it's something they strive to experience, no matter the obstacles, heartbreak, or baggage
that comes with it. Not too long ago I read an article about whether love is a choice or more than a
feeling and it really made me wonder; wonder how can we tell if it is true love and when we're ready
for it. It lead me to ask the question, did Romeo and Juliet really love each other? Or was it just a
simple feeling of lust? As a teenager you're practically smothered in romanticism wherever you go.
Whether it's your relatives and their spouse, the ... Show more content on ...
Although love can be astonishing, it can be hurtful and negative if not treated the right way. Love
can hurt someone mentally and physically because it's such an overwhelming feeling that can cloud
our judgement. Sometimes the choice of loving someone comes with regrets and inhumane
decisions. A person may close themselves off from past experiences that come with a worry or
should I let someone in? I've never actually experienced Pragma Love (long standing love), but I've
witnessed the effects of divorce or when the feelings just aren't mutual. I think love is a risky choice
people take and the response we get from it can either be good or bad. In all, my definition of love is
caring for someone so strongly that you'd never give up on them. Love is putting yourself after them
in any situation. It's a practice, something we learn to give and receive, depending on how open our
heart is; we can be our natural self and not worry if we're doing something wrong or if they won't
like me. We can dress down, act ditzy, and become the crabbiest person in the world and they could
care less. When you're having a bad day or you're thinking of a regrettable action they erase that
negatively and place positivity inside. Giving things up isn't so easy, but when you need to do it for
them you accept that and realize they need to be happy also. Love is letting yourself be happy when
others say you
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Romeo And Juliet by William Shakespeare
Romeo And Juliet by William Shakespeare In Romeo and Juliet the beauty and ardour of young love
is seen by Shakespeare as the irradiating glory of sunlight and starlight in a dark work. Discuss the
techniques that Shakespeare would have used to capture this dominating image of light. In the time
of Shakespeare, his plays would have been performed during the day, using natural light from the
open centre of the theatre. Since there could be no dramatic lighting and there was very little scenery
or props, Shakespeare used actors' lines and stage directions to supply the time of day and year, the
weather, location and mood of the scenes. Props would also be used for this purpose. For example, if
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Nearly all the elements of the play; conflict, death, poison are dark, while the love between Romeo
and Juliet is the only element which could be described as light in the play. Romeo speaks of Juliet
as a "bright angle shining in the night", again the vision that the love is the only light in the play and
is surrounded by darkness. Also, Juliet describes Romeo as "whiter than new snow upon a raven's
back". The language throughout the play also makes this comparison between light and dark.
Shakespeare's characters are continually cursing and banishing each other throughout the play, even
in the very first scene when Tybalt says "What drawn and talk of peace? I hate the word as I hate
heel and all Montagues and thee!". (Act 1, scene 1) However, this is contrasted by the beautiful
language between Romeo and Juliet. In the famous balcony scene Romeo says "It is the east and
Juliet is the sun, Arise, fair sun and kill the envious moon". This further illustrates the idea that their
young love is seen as the light in the play, as Romeo refers Juliet to the sun. When Romeo meets
Juliet he uses a metaphor to describe her "She doth teach the torches to burn bright" He is saying
that she is so beautiful her beauty outshines the torches. This tells the audience that she is supposed
to be very beautiful.
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The Opening of Baz Luhrman's Film Version of Romeo and Juliet
The Opening of Baz Luhrman's Film Version of Romeo and Juliet Franco Zeffirelli's 1969 version
of 'Romeo and Juliet' was actually filmed on location in Verona and is set in the 15th century, when
the story of Romeo and Juliet was meant to happen. Its opening prologue is very plain and simple,
there are just two long shots and the voiceovers voice speaks very slowly. The first shot is a long
shot of medieval Verona on a misty morning, the camera pans around to the river and tilts up and
zooms in slowly into the sun, the name 'William Shakespeare' then appears below it – this could
signify that he is 'looking down' over what is happening in Verona. The second shot simply shows an
empty market place ... Show more content on ...
After the static, a black woman news reporter comes on. This makes the film more modern and
multicultural, also she speaks with an American accent showing that its set somewhere in America.
Behind the news reporter is an image of a broken wedding ring, and below shows a caption stating
'star–crossed lovers'. 'Star–crossed lovers' is a line from the prologue, and basically sums up what
the play is about; 'star–crossed lovers' means that the two people in love (Romeo and Juliet) have
everything against them being in love, their stars are against them (their star–signs clash); if
however some people have not understood this phrase, then the image above (broken ring) explains
it, i.e. the ring represents a wedding ring and also 'never ending love; being split in half represents
that it (i.e. their wedding, love) has ended, or couldn't carry on. After this first prologue has ended,
the camera zooms into a point on the TV screen, and then with a 'whooshing' sound (like we're being
sucked right into it) the camera zooms quite fast onto a statue of Jesus. With this 'whooshing'
zooming in, comes 'operatic' music which is dramatic and has big bass drums, it's like religious or
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Romeo and Juliet Movies Analysis on the Theme: "Fate Has...
Romeo and Juliet is a classic love story written by William Shakespeare, in the Elizabethan era of
English history. The work tells of the fatal attraction between Romeo and Juliet, how they met and
why, their falling in love and their ultimate sacrifice for each other's love, their actual lives. Fate has
complete control, is a theme that is riddled throughout the text written by Shakespeare. It is
essentially pointing out the view that everything we do or will, is at the mercy of fate, and whatever
we do to counteract it, fate still holds the final judgement over our lives. This theme is also prevalent
in cinematic codes written into both the visual representations of the Shakespearean love story by
Franco Zefirelli and Baz Luhrmann. Two ... Show more content on ...
While Romeo is accompanying her, Zefirelli uses more visual code to express the importance that
fate has complete control. A visual code that he uses is the lighting effect on the scene. By using a
full moon, Franco encapsulates to the viewers sense that he is out in the open, exposed to being
caught because of the moonlight. But the film shows contrary to this statement, implying the theme
on the situation. Fate is also associated with fairy tales and sorcery, as the full moon is to them.
Using the full moon as a symbolic code, he relates back to the theme of fate again. Baz Luhrmann,
another acclaimed movie director also recreated the story of the two "star crossed lovers". Again
because of the medium the story is portrayed in, he can also acquire the use of symbolic, audio and
visual codes. Baz Luhrmann just under over uses these to keep his audience compelled to the edge
of their seats, to watch the film. Using large amounts of cinematic code, the spectator's attentions are
at the mercy of the movie. The way Luhrmann uses visual codes are similar yet different to those
used by Franco Zefirelli in his representation of the story. The same important scene used above is
the point when it is obvious. Romeo is in the back of Benvolios convertible, he then jumps out, and
runs to scale the Capulet mansion wall. In Luhrmann's version of the play rite, he adds a security
dispatchment, in the same area Romeo is climbing the wall. The
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Mercutio as Catalyst in Shakespeare’s play, Romeo and Juliet
Mercutio as Catalyst in Shakespeare's play, Romeo and Juliet
In Shakespeare's play, Romeo and Juliet, the quick–witted character Mercutio "is a notorious scene–
stealer" (Utterback 105). Mercutio's major function in the play is to be a catalyst for the plot.
Mercutio's purpose as a character is most significantly revealed in his relationship with Romeo, his
baiting of Tybalt, and his death. More importantly, Mercutio functions as the catalyst for the pattern
of disasters in the play that follows his own tragic death, making him, as described by critic Stephen
Greenblatt "a spirit that seems to challenge the very possibility of romantic love or tragic destiny"
Mercutio's role in the play is directly ... Show more content on ...
Mercutio urges Romeo to end his romantic relationships. Mercutio tells Romeo "If thou are dun
we'll draw thee from the mire / Of–save your reverence–love, wherein though stickest / Up to the
ears" (I.iv.41–43). Mercutio scorns the romantic love and relationships that weaken their friendship.
Mercutio's bawdry and scorn are seen as especially ill mannered because he expresses it "in an age
celebrating domesticity and middle–class marriage" (Porter 34). The connection of Mercutio's name
to the misogynistic god Mercury supports his view of love and relationships (Porter 38). "Mercutio's
Mercurian message is that Romeo should stay with, or come back to, the world of male
comradeship" (Porter 107).
Furthermore, Mercury was a troublesome, quick to anger, and swift messenger. Likewise, Mercutio
is hot–headed and quick to act. Mercutio's need for action and his ridiculing nature are also seen in
his aggressive baiting of Tybalt. At first, Mercutio seems almost excited to see Romeo fight Tybalt
in Act Three, Scene One. "And but one word with one of us? Couple it with / something; make it a
word and a blow" (III.i.35–36). However, Romeo does not give in to Tybalt's insults and does not
accept Tybalt's challenge to fight. The passive Romeo instead wants love and peace with Tybalt
because of his love for Juliet.
I do protest I never injured thee,
But love thee better than thou canst
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Comm 101 Tutorial 4A Essay
Week 9 Tutorial: Ethics of Consumption (Assessed)
Shaw et. al. (2013), Chapter 5: The Morality and Ethics of Consumption. Textbook Reading: Why
Do We Consume So Much, by Juliet Schor, pp.258–66.
Task for students
Once you have read the textbook chapter and the Reading, answer discussion questions 1, 3– 5
(ignore questions 2 and 6).
Q1. Who is the "we" in the question "Why do we consume so much?" Is Juliet Schor correct that
"there is increasingly little that we do which is not a consumption experience"? And that we have
become a culture of excessive consumption? Explain your answers.
The "we" in the question "why do we consume so much?" is stands for the majority of Americans
those whose basic needs are met, who have ... Show more content on ...
Also, the income that people earned determines the level of consumption. The more they earned, the
more or luxury goods they are able to purchase.
I do not agree that working long hours encourages people to consume more. I have some working
experiences before. After working for the whole day, I felt very tired and I thought money does not
come easily, so I would not buy as much as I earned. I would like to save it and buy wait until I
think the price of the good I want to buy is acceptable and it is useful.
Q4. Schor refers to the second structural feature that creates too much consumption as "the
ecological bias". What does she mean by this? Do you agree with her that it is serious?
Schor means that people overuse of the ecological resources of the earth, which account for global
warming, species extinction, ecosystem depletion, water shortages, deforestation and soil erosion. I
absolutely agree with her that overuse of natural capital is serious because the rate of resource use,
pollution, and ecological degradation exceeds earth's absorptive and regenerative capacities. We are
already beyond a sustainable relation with earth. If rest of the world lived like the Americans do,
need an additional four planets to support this lifestyle.
Q5. Explain why you agree or disagree with Schor's contention that consumption has become a
social competition. How has the old
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So Much Debt According To Juliet Schor
Debt does not come across most people's minds when it comes down to making them happy.
According to Juliet Schor people will put themselves in thousands of dollars in debt till they make
themselves happy and get everything they want to fit in with society. families in New York are
making $600,000 a year and claim they are not making enough to live in that environment, society
are putting themselves in so much debt they are worried about bouncing their checks. Humans will
do whatever they can to make them happy when it comes to money, and there are people that no
matter what you do you can never please them, "[w]hatever we think of these malcontents – whether
we find them funny, pathetic, or reprehensible –we must acknowledge that these feelings
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The Sharing Economy : Based On Uber Case
The Sharing Economy has been one of the most popular words recently and companies like Uber,
Airbnb as well as more startups are still sprawling all over the world. Yet, what is Sharing economy?
What happens to the Sharing Economy? And upon that, most arguably, what are pros and cons of it?
What shall we do? Towering amount of article have only one definition and few side of perspective.
The Article instead summarize Allen's research (2014) on sharing economy and efforts by Franzetti,
A. (2015) and Juliet Schor (2014).
The whole article will give you an overall landscape of various reasons both for and against the
sharing economy. Suggestion at last will also be given to different departments.
Keywords: Sharing Economy, Pros and Cons, Uber ... Show more content on ...
Such transactions are often facilitated via community–based online services.
According to previous researches, Juliet Schor (2014) have already divided sharing economy into 4
main categories: recirculation of goods, increased utilization of durable assets, exchange of services,
and sharing of productive assets.
Besides the common way, in our understanding, the sharing economy can also be divided into 3
parts according to its nature: space, time, tools. Specifically, we could share public space with other,
which is mostly provided by government, we could also provide living place through Airbnb. We at
the same time share our time to work for others like driving Uber or other labor services. Tools are
more widely spread. We share our used book, CD etc.
In terms of suppliers and consumers, we can share peer to peer, we can also share via business to
individuals, we have non–profit sharing such as time bank, we currently have increasing number of
for–profit companies such as the most successful Uber. (In this article, we will take Uber for
example in analyzing the sharing economy)
Ultimately, why do we want to share? This question cannot be more important since it helps to learn
from the origin and procedure of the sharing economy. Basically speaking, people do things because
motivation, and we could benefit each other by sharing extra capacity with
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William Shakespeare 's Romeo And Juliet
William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet tells the tragic story of two "star–crossed lovers" whose
deaths bring about peace between their families in the denouement of the play. To a great extent
Romeo and Juliet portrays to the audience the need to control their emotions through the tragic
events. However, not only the characters excessive emotions compromise their intentions, but it is
the manner in which they respond to their emotions. Shakespeare conveys how the characters
respond to their motions through the use of different characters and their misadventures which are
ultimately driven by a strong emotional stance. The tragic events that take place ultimately occur
due to the characters not being able to control their emotions, through ... Show more content on ...
Shakespeare portrays how the tragic events rise because of the characters ill–consideration of the
causes of their actions when their emotions take control over their reason. Shakespeare first explores
one's actions leading to a tragedy when Romeo slays Tybalt. Shakespeare uses the contrast of natural
and violent motions when Romeo slays Tybalt to show how he cannot control his emotions when he
is violent, but shows how his emotions are expressed through the natural motion of the people
around him in Verona, hatred drowns the values of love and peace in Verona. This is expressed
through Shakespeare's use of Mercutio as a symbol of the tragedy that can arise from hatred "a
plague on both your houses" and signifies the disease and death imagery that is present every day in
Verona. The cause of this loss is primarily the lack of one's ability to control their emotions, thus
their inability results in them lashing out in violence. Shakespeare's use of Juliet when she takes the
potion is significant as her 'death' is a tragedy to the people of Verona, this signifies people of
Verona are caught up in a daydream of fantasy, and when they realize that they have lost something
so important, they find it impossible to control their emotions. This is revealed through the
mourning of all the Capulets and Paris but most significantly Lord Capulet, "O child! O child! My
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Comparing Romeo and Juliet and Much Ado About Nothing Essay
Comparing Romeo and Juliet and Much Ado About Nothing
As illustrated by the two plays Romeo and Juliet and Much Ado About Nothing, William
Shakespeare was a true romantic. In each play, his characters suffer great hardship, but in the end, he
delivers them to a life of eternal love. Characters plot against each other in each play. The
relationships of the people in his plays are not always what they seem. Whether it be a tragedy or a
comedy, Shakespeare encompasses three elements into his plays: love, intrigue, and identity.
Love is the biggest theme in both Romeo and Juliet and Much Ado About Nothing. In both plays,
hate acts as a force that attempts to tear both lovers apart, but their love holds them together. In
Romeo and Juliet, ... Show more content on ...
The nurse makes it possible for Romeo and Juliet to be married by relaying information between the
two. In Much Ado About Nothing, Beatrice and Benedick also have liaisons. Friends of Beatrice
give the illusion that Benedick is madly in love with Beatrice and Benedick's friends do the same.
Eventually, Benedick and Beatrice realize they are in love. They would have never gotten together if
the liaisons had not intervened.
Identity also plays a major role in both plays. In Romeo and Juliet, the lovers would never expect to
fall in love because they have been raised to hate each other's families. Romeo never would have
taken it upon himself to court someone in Juliet's family because in those two families it is
considered forbidden. Beatrice and Benedick from Much Ado About Nothing insulted each other
every chance they could. They considered their relationship as a friendly one, but until their friends
set Beatrice and Benedick up, they never thought they would fall in love with each other. Had both
couples taken their relationships at face value, they would never gotten together.
Romeo and Juliet and Much Ado About Nothing, two very different plays; however, they both
contain love, intrigue and identity. Even with forces working against them, Romeo and Juliet and
Claudio and Hero fell in love and were married. Characters were able to fall in love with the aid of
the liaisons who helped them make sure things worked. Lovers would not have
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To Be or Not to Be
Term Paper Outline:
"To be or not to be...." For most it leaves no question as to who wrote these infamous words.
William Shakespeare is regarded by some as the greatest author within all of the English language.
Regardless of one's true opinion of Shakespeare's writings, they continue to cycle their way from
one generation to the next. His works still hold significant value within all levels of academic
teachings. Shakespeare's literatures range from poems and plays to sonnets. Once he gathered the
notion of how the style of blank verse operated, he began to cultivate it into something unique and
one he could call his very own. His latest works was that of sonnets, in which were found to be the
last of his non–dramatic works to be ... Show more content on ...
Shakespeare gives the mirror the ability to reflect not just an image, but also, the truth. Thus, paving
the way in the personification of the glass mirror found in Sonnet 62. Now seeing the reality of it all
he questions who and what he was praising all along. Surprised at the vanity, he saw a change must
occur. Shakespeare tells a story of human perception, human nature, and its desire to long for
everything we are not. Here in sonnet 62, one finds the main character in visioning something he is
not and loses all direct grasps on reality. Shakespeare tries to convey that it is important not to
engulf ones self with the sin of no humility, yet, remain in touch with reality at all times.
One can conclude by reading Shakespeare's Sonnet 12 that the predominant motif deals with the
course of time. When read aloud the reader can easily compare the pace of the sonnet and the
internal rhyming to that of a ticking clock. Every line is short and steady as it progresses just as the
steady ticking of a clock. In the second line, Shakespeare generates a metaphor in which he
compares the life of a violet to that of one's own life, "when I behold the violet past prime and sable
curls all silvered o'er with white." Shakespeare pursues the cycle of life in this sonnet with
illustrations of nature and humankind. Just as a flower blooms and a leaf falls likewise, a human is
born, reaches its potential, grows old, and at
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Comparing Arthur Laurents' West Side Story and...
Although the discrepancies between Romeo and Juliet and West Side Story are too frequent to
categorize in such limited space, it is impossible for anyone familiar with both texts to not notice the
obvious similarities between the two works ("Theme"). From the opening scenes in both, up through
the rumble in West Side Story/death of Mercutio in Romeo and Juliet, the plays mirror each other
(Poelstra). It isn't until the last part of West Side Story, where Tony (our modern–day Romeo) dies
and Maria (Tony's Juliet) doesn't (unlike the two star–crossed lovers of Shakespeare's work, both of
whom perish), that the major difference between the two works becomes apparent.
Granted, instead of tension between feuding families ... Show more content on ...
The best way to approach this work was by reading over West Side Story, then noting the
similarities (and, there were many) that exist between it and Shakespeare's fare. In the opening act of
Romeo and Juliet, Sampson and Gregory, servants of Capulet, harass Balthasar and Abraham,
servants to the Montagues. "I will bite my thumb at them; which is a disgrace to them, if they bear
it," boasts Sampson (I.i.48–50). In the opening scene of West Side Story, several Sharks (the Puerto
Rican gang led by Bernardo) harass A–rab (notice the similarity in name to Abraham) ÐÐ a white
dude, a Jet, and therefore, an enemy of the immigrants. In no time at all, other Jets (led by Riff) rush
to A–rab's side. No words are exchanged between the gangs, since it is, after all, a musical, and they
basically just jump around in exaggerated fashion; nevertheless, the scene (like the opening of
Romeo and Juliet) sets the stage for the remainder of the production.
It is here where Lt. Schrank and his faithful compatriot, Officer Krupke, happen on the scene to
break apart a potential rumble ÐÐ just like Escalus, Prince of Verona, did in Romeo and Juliet: "If
ever you disturb our streets again, your lives shall pay the forfeit of the peace" (I.i.103–4). Or, as
Schrank would phrase it, "I got a
hot surprise for you: you hoodlums don't own the streets" (Laurents 6).
Following the
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The Causes Behind the Tragedy of William Shakespeare's...
The Causes Behind the Tragedy of William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet Romeo and Juliet is a
tragic love story written by William Shakespeare. The play is based around two lovers, who commit
suicide when their feuding families prevent them from being together, set in Verona, in northern
Italy. The play is generally involving love and family honour, in the days when the play was written,
parents expected to be obeyed–they even decided who their children should marry. Romeo and
Juliet go against their parent's wishes and the feud when they fall in love. There are many reasons as
to why the final tragedy may have occurred. Some of the main characters contribute to it; the pace
of the play ... Show more content on ...
However at the time the Friar was thinking of reuniting the families, rather than other
circumstances. The Friar influences the play's outcome dramatically by his decisions; he marries
Romeo and Juliet; what if he refused to marry them? Would it end up differently? Or were they
destined to die? After Romeo and Juliet get married, they are separated, as Romeo killed Tybalt and
is banished. In order to prevent Romeo from committing suicide, the Friar made a promise to
Romeo, he also arranges Romeo and Juliet to consummate their marriage. Later when Juliet is also
threatening suicide (to avoid the arranged marriage with Paris) the Friar uses one of his medicines to
fake Juliet's death. The Friar's intervention fails, and they both end up dead. His message to Romeo
of the current circumstances is not delivered, so Romeo is unaware that Juliet wasn't truly dead, and
as a result commits suicide. However what if The Friar didn't give Juliet the medicine?–she may
have committed suicide or would she have married Paris, and Romeo Rosaline? Or was their deaths
the destined end? I feel Shakespeare portrays Friar Lawrence as involved in causing the final
tragedy, even though his intentions were of a good nature: ''To turn your
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William Shakespeare 's Romeo And Juliet And A Midsummer...
What if I told you that no matter what you look at or how many times you look at it, you'll never
truly be able to see it. Often the things we perceive as the most trustworthy are only
misinterpretations of reality created by our perspective, which make common illusions. Characters
in Romeo & Juliet and A Midsummer Night 's Dream also experience this idea, demonstrated when
they are tricked by their own perspective and only see what they think is the best scenario. Illusions
are created based on people 's perceptions of reality. It is then clear that in Romeo & Juliet and A
Midsummer Night 's Dream, perspective creates reality. This perspective creates a version of truth
that hides the reality from people 's eyes. This is shown when Lysander is tricked by the magic
flower into loving Helena, Friar Lawrence calling Romeo a girl due to his tears, as well as having
hallucinations while under the effects of drugs. The theme in Romeo & Juliet and A Midsummer
Night 's Dream is that perspective creates reality. This is demonstrated by Lysander's fake love for
Helena. This theme is clearly represented when the love flower influences Lysander to change his
perspective on how he viewed both Helena and Hermia, thus hiding his true emotions and making
the fabricated one real. "Content with Hermia! no;I do repent the tedious minutes I have with her
spent. Not Hermia but Helena I love: Who will not change a raven for a dove? The will of man is by
his reason sway'd."(2, 2, 111–115) In this
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Love is an important theme in most of Shakespeare's play, including in Romeo and Juliet because
love is a stronger force than all the animosity and forces of fate in Romeo and Juliet. In Romeo and
Juliet, Shakespeare's play, Shakespeare explores Romeo's change in attitude to love between
Rosaline and Juliet. In Act 1 Scene 1 Shakespeare introduces us to Romeo's passionate desire
towards Rosaline through the use of oxymoron, monologues and vivid imagery. In contrast, in Act 2
Scene 2, when Romeo is addressing Juliet, his language shifts through the use of light, religious and
mythical imagery to reflect his newly found romantic love to Juliet.
In Act 1 scene ... Show more content on ...
This notion is furthered through the use of binary opposition throughout Romeo's oxymoron 'O
brawling love, O loving hate'. This monologue of strong contrasting images of love and hate in one
sentence suggests that Romeo finds the intensity of his emotion towards Rosaline destabilising and
his emotion is not calm and peaceful. Indeed, the deployment of oxymoron throughout Romeo's
speech such as 'heavy lightness' or 'cold fire, sick health' suggests that the character so overwhelmed
by his feelings that he loses the sight of his common sense and spins and turns into mad love
towards Rosaline.
In Act 2, Scene, 2 Romeo's attitude to love shifts from an infatuated love towards Rosaline to more
true and youthful love he feels for Juliet. When Romeo sets his eyes on Juliet for the first time, he
uses light imagery to express his feelings 'Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon'. For Romeo,
Juliet is the sun who has brought brightness into his life like the sun that brought brightness to
people's lives. This beautifully romantic imagery highlights the purity of Romeo's feelings and
underscores to the reader the powerful force of love that Romeo is now entangled in.
Moreover, Shakespeare uses religious imagery to strengthen Romeo's feelings. He refers Juliet as a
'bright angel', who is 'a winged messenger of heaven' .This religious imagery highlights the
perfection of Romeo's love to Juliet
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William Shakespeare 's Romeo And Juliet
Love in Romeo and Juliet
Chelsea Murphy
English 521
December 16 2014
Mr. Chandler
"For never was a story of more woe, than this of Juliet and her Romeo" (5.3.309–310). In William
Shakespeare's Tragedy, Romeo and Juliet, love is one of the most prominent themes of the story. In
the play, Shakespeare explores and illustrates the emotions of love with precise details in which
every major character in the play experiences some form of desire or love. Many different types of
love are shown, from the sensual and physical love advocated by the Nurse and Benvolio, proper
contractual love (Paris), unrequited love between Romeo and Rosaline, friendship (Nurse/Juliet,
Benvolio/Mercutio–Romeo, Friar–Romeo), romantic love, and eventually to the most important,
real passionate love between Romeo and Juliet. There are many different kinds of love discussed in
the play; love is illustrated as powerful, tumultuous and passionate, which is a dividing force in
social contexts, between families and friends and even Romeo and Juliet. Shakespeare describes
love as beautiful, violent and spiritual. In exploring Shakespeare's tragedy, Romeo and Juliet; there
are three kinds of love that will be discussed: the immature love of Romeo and Rosaline, the
passionate love of Romeo and Juliet, and the friendship love of Benvolio, Mercutio and Friar
Lawrence. We realize Shakespeare enjoys exploring young passionate love, but also morns the
ephemeral quality of that love.
Romeo and Juliet consists of
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Pros And Cons Of Television On TV
According to Juliet Schor, TV has been considered as a promoter of consumerism or TV is a popular
alternative way to costing a lot of spending such as concerts, restaurants, and shopping. Therefore,
the more TV a person watches, the more he/she will spend. In other words, what we see on TV
every day inflates our sense of what's normal or what's not, and what we should be buying just to
look like the lifestyle in TV. Ironically, the lifestyle depicted on TV are far different from the
typically Americans' lifestyle, because those characters in the TV are upper–middle class with
glamorous clothing or even the rich people. Besides, watching a lot of TV leads to a significant
increase in crime rate. The most important crime is larceny. Because by watching those products on
TV made people who didn't have that want to have and led to steal them. Likewise, by watching the
TV, people have imbedded themselves in the unbearable lifestyle, which is filled with tennis courts,
private planes, swimming pool, private cinema, private gym and separated vacation homes. By
seeing these things, people start to feel the need to spend more than what they should, and care less
about the consequences they're about to face.
The role of luxury good advertisements does create many significant problems. Those ads such as
cars, diamonds, perfume, dresses, and other expensive items have placed a wrong image in people's
mind. It affects us by showing us the real information about those items, but in a
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Friar Lawrence Is Responsible for the Deaths of Romeo and...
In the Shakespearean tragedy, Romeo and Juliet, Friar Lawrence was a monk, and a counselor, who
came up with intricate plots and concocted a seemingly magical elixir in order to solve problems
that the lovers encountered. Friar Lawrence had a profound impact on the outcome of this
Shakespearean play; however, in a way that led to catastrophe. There are many factors that caused
the deaths of the lovers, but two of the most important were how Friar Lawrence disregarded his
own logic, and how he missed numerous opportunities to save the lovers. First of all, Friar
Lawrence explicitly knew better than to do many of the things he did. First, he should not have
agreed to marry Romeo and Juliet so quickly. Romeo wanted to marry Juliet after ... Show more
content on ...
Had he done so, he could have informed Romeo that Juliet was alive, thus he could have prevented
Romeo's death. Also, Friar Lawrence did not physically stop Juliet's suicide; he simply said "Come,
come away... I'll dispose of thee among a sisterhood of nuns"(V. iii. 154–157), and ran away. Had he
not been so hasty, he could have realized that the consequences of being caught trespassing are less
punitive than those of abandoning Juliet. In fact, Friar Lawrence knew that if he abandoned Juliet,
she likely would have committed suicide, because she threatened to so in the past "...And with this
knife I'll help it presently"(IV. i. 54). Furthermore, he planned on solving the family feud with the
marriage "...To turn your household's rancour to pure love"(II. iii. 92), but he did not make any
arrangements to inform Montague and Capulet that he married Romeo and Juliet; he simply
disappeared. Had he explained the situation to Montague and Capulet, at any time before the
catastrophe, they would have trusted the friar, a holy man who everyone respected, and they would
have hopefully dissolved their family feud. They did so in the end after the friar was forced to
explain (V. iii). In brief, Friar Lawrence should have been more proactive, and he should have
stepped in at the right time. Friar Lawrence meant well, but as an adult, he had to take responsibility
for his actions. As an adult, he should have thought things through, and he should have used any
means necessary to
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True Wealth, She Presents, By Juliet Schor
In Juliet Schor's True Wealth, she presents, argues for, and envisions an economy, which stresses on
the conceptualization of plentitude. In her publication, the main points can be broken down into
three separate categories: challenges, the ideals of plentitude, and the four fundamentals or solution
towards plentitude. The collection of formal analysis and insight towards key economical concepts
and data serves as a concrete foundation for her proposed framework of a sustainable economic and
environmental future.
In chapter 1, page 12–20, Schor present a series of statements to criticize on the sustainability and
concept of the BAU or defined as "business as usual" economy. She emphasizes that the BAU
economy will yield less of a return in profitability in the coming decades with a possibility towards
economic stagnation, and an increase in unemployment rate as a result of industrial decline in
profitability. Furthermore, she illustrates how there will be an increase in environmental pollution
and damages to the world, and scarcities in resources due to abnormal climate change in relation to
the profitability of natural resource industries such as agriculture and so forth.
Throughout chapter 2 and 3, Schor condemns the notion of BAU growth and a higher GDP. She
presents an "Ecological Footprint, Carbon Footprint, and Biocapacity" on page 60, and breaks down
the basis of the "Environmental Kuznet Curve (EKC)" on page 73–75. Through the analysis of these
figures, she
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Romeo and Juliet
Friar Lawrence is one of the most important characters in the play, Romeo & Juliet.
He plays a crutial role in the tragic fates of Romeo & Juliet.
Friar Lawrence is trusted and respected by other characters. The younger characters of the play who
can not share their feelings with their parents seek advice from Friar Lawrence. When
Romeo confesses his love for Juliet, Friar's advice is of wisdom of an old man: In Act 2 Scene 3 he
Romeo that people who rush in make mistakes. "Wisely and slow. They stumble that run fast." He
brings out solutions to conflicts of Romeo & Juliet throughout the play with good intention but with
fatal consequences. Althrough Friar finds it dificult to understand Romeo's ... Show more content on ...
Whether someone becomes good or evil depends on the course of life he chooses. Good may be
tansformed to evil, and evil may be swept away by good: " For naught so vile that on the earth doth
live. But to the earth some special good doth give,
Nor caught so good but strain'd from that fair use , Revolts from true birth, stumbling on abuse,
Virtue itself turns vice, being misapplied, And vice sometimes by action dignified." So Friar agrees
to marry Romeo & Juliet hoping the good of their love will end the evil of the hatred.
This view of Friar leaads his course of actions throuhout the play. All of his well intentioned plans
and advices ,– soothing Romeo on his banishment and advising him to go to Mantua, encoraging
Romeo to visit Juliet before his departure for Mantua, giving sleep potion to Juliet and planning her
escape with Romeo , turn out to prepare the tragic moments of the Play. We can say that these plans
are well intentioned to unite Romeo & Juliet in the hope that their love will bring peace .However
they don't seem to be well thought, as events take place in an unexpected direction, his plans don't
give the desired results, in fact they become the majör cause of tragic deaths of Romeo, Juliet and
even Paris. He talks about how he made the mistakes which led to deaths of Romeo and Juliet, "
And I here stand both to impeach and purge myself condemned and myself encused."
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William Shakespeare 's Romeo And Juliet
Considered by critics, scholars, and the theater–going public the most important dramatist in English
literature, Shakespeare occupies a well–known position in the world of talented authors. His canon
contains thirty–seven plays, written in the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries.
Additionally, throughout the years, they continue to sustain critical attention, with the majority of
his works circling tragedies, one being Romeo and Juliet. William Shakespeare 's Romeo and Juliet
speaks to the timeless appeal of star–crossed lovers. Their love in the beginning borders upon a
reality of maturity and immaturity, eventually becoming something of authenticity. Themes running
throughout the play address the issues and consequences of ... Show more content on ...
He included stylistic elements from Roman classicism, medieval morality plays, French popular
farce, and modern Italian drama ("William Shakespeare"). Although his use of these sources was not
imitative or copyrighted, he experimented with traditional forms in an original way, creating Italian
Renaissance literature. Shakespeare was best known for well–written tragedies, one popular play,
often overlooked is Romeo and Juliet. His tragedies, similar to his comedies, were divided into
separate yet related categories, the "Roman" tragedies, and the "great" tragedies (William
Shakespeare). The roman tragedies were three Shakespeare productions condensed into six hours
which included Julius Caesar, Antony and Cleopatra, and Coriolanus whereas the great tragedies
were some of Shakespeare's more popular works, a few being Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, and
Macbeth. Romeo and Juliet is one of William Shakespeare's most studied plays throughout high
school literature. It has been reworked and adapted to the preferences and times of audiences
throughout history. Shakespeare himself even adapted his play from a folktale that originated earlier
("Romeo" Students). However, despite the changes in the storyline over the centuries, it still
embodies the original theme and message. Shakespeare just sharpened some of the details for
dramatic effect, such as shortening the period and reducing Juliet 's age, which emphasizes her naïve
innocence ("Romeo" – Criticism).
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romeo and Juliet metaphor essay
Jennavieve Sullens
Honors English
Romeo and Juliet, two lovers are faced with a grave problem when falling in love was inevitable;
however, both sides of their families are participants in an ancient feud against one another, but even
their own blood wont come between the passionate love that they share. For Romeo and Juliet many
choices were made for them, but the madness that drove them to be together would eventually take
their lives. The playwright Shakespeare utilizes metaphors in Romeo and Juliet to help us better
understand the emotionally charged and complex relationship dynamics amongst the main
protagonists. Metaphors are a useful literary device that help enhance the readers interpretation of
the author 's ... Show more content on ...
Torches never being used in the day, tells us that she stands out amongst the darkness; all in all, the
darkness being figuratively compared to all other women, and Romeo only sees her. Shes the jewel
that stands out against the dark Ethiop 's skin, drawing the attention of all who would behold her.
She is simply to be admired and not tarnished by use. Juliet is too fine for the earth, belonging in the
heavens amongst the angels. Going anywhere besides earth would either be heaven or hell, in this
case Romeo sees Juliet as a prized possession; furthermore, she belongs in the heavens with angels
that are as great as she. Juliet is one of the heavenly bodies incarnate upon the earth, here only to be
loved by Romeo. This helps us comprehend the unconditional love that Romeo feels for Juliet.
Metaphors are a useful literary device that help enhance the readers interpretation of the author 's
intent and they provide clarity to the context. With such intricate metaphors used throughout all of
Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet it benefits the reader with constant evidence of the unique and
extravagant love that the two main characters
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Themes Presented in Shakespeare's Tragic Play Romeo and...
Romeo and Juliet is one of the most famous plays in history, which is written by William
Shakespeare. This play is Shakespeare's first play about tragedy. Romeo and Juliet is a very deep
and profound play about two 'star–crossed' lovers met at a ball. Within this play Shakespeare used
deep, complex language to describe their insightful character also their actions towards each other.
Romeo and Juliet is about two lovers from families who have set a grudge upon each other, in this
complex piece of art William Shakespeare has put the protagonist within ruinous events where love
is hard and where love has to be flawless. The plot of Romeo and Juliet is as I said earlier, about two
star–crossed lovers met at a ball. Although they have ... Show more content on ...
Then Romeo realises that he made a fatal flaw. As Romeo dies Juliet's loneliness grows over her,
from that she stabs her self with Romeo's sword and they both just lay their lifelessly. This play fits
within the tragic genre because at Elizabethan times, tragic plays had to incorporate the death of the
protagonist at the end, leaving the audience with a feeling of loss, regret and a hollow victory. In this
case the protagonists are Romeo and Juliet. The themes that are embraced within this play are
mostly arrogance, male pride, secrecy and physical violence. First of all arrogance is shown
principally by Mercutio, given in act 3 scene 1, he insults Tybalt by calling him a "ratcatcher". The
word "ratcatcher" links in with Tybalt's name which means 'king of cats'. He has much courage to
insult the cousin of Romeo's love; also his arrogance overpowers his mind when he tries to scare
Tybalt by giving the names of sword's moves ('passado'). To make this play fit more into the tragic
genre,the arrogance also link in with another theme that Shakespeare has put in which is male pride.
this is shown by several character but it is mainly shown by Romeo and Mercutio. As Tybalt killed
Mercutio, Romeo
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Romeo and Juliet: Effects of Censorship
Romeo and Juliet has always been one of Shakespeare's most popular plays (Bryant xxiii) "This
play, like Shakespeare's other works, is a tribute to his discernment of the human soul" (Lipson and
Lipson 1). The Elizabethan people of that time saw in the drama a reflection of their own life and
experience. It's appearance, then, was human rather than analytical or educational. "Romeo and
Juliet is one of the world's greatest plays because Romeo and Juliet are what Shakespeare has made
them" Lipson and Lipson 11). Shakespeare's works depend on language. One of the most important
dimensions of Shakespeare's language is imagery. Through the use of metaphors, similes, symbols,
passages of heightened natural description, Shakespeare's writing, ... Show more content on ...
Presenting a certain age group with an abridged version "protects" that age group (and even the
teacher) from "morally objectionable material," however, it seems that this not only distorts what the
writer (in this case, Shakespeare) originally intended, but it also treats what once existed as
nonexistent. "Shakespeare knew the human mind, and its most minute and intimate workings, and
he never introduces a word, or a thought, in vain or out of place...He never wrote at random, or hit
upon points of character and conduct by chance; and the smallest fragment of his mind not
unfrequently gives a clue to the most perfect, regular, and consistent whole" (Coleridge 183). In
many respects, the imagery or dramatic irony aspects, the graphic, figurative, rich language that
Shakespeare is so noted for is lost. The preciousness of youth remains untouched by the hands of a
genius. Fundamental writing principles of contrasting characters such as Mercutio's wit to Romeo's
can never be explored or examined and are sacrificed for the sake of innocence.
Perhaps one might think that the above examples are trivial in tampering with the true meaning
Shakespeare had in mind. Another example will bring us to Act One, Scene 3. This scene (according
to the abridged version), introduces us to Juliet, her mother, and the nurse:
NURSE: Of all the days of the
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The Dramatization of Act 3 Scene 1 of William...
The Dramatization of Act 3 Scene 1 of William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet Romeo and Juliet is
a very famous play about two lovers in two different families who are rivals. Romeo and Juliet has
love, passion, fighting, sadness, madness, lust and jealousy packed into one. It was written by
William Shakespeare around 1595 over 400 years ago. Romeo and Juliet is a great play for all ages
and genders this is one of the things that makes it so special. This is why it is still performed around
the world today. Before Fight This is how William Shakespeare makes the story dramatic before the
fight. In the play Shakespeare uses dramatic and emotive language for example "for now those hot
days, ... Show more content on ...
Either withdraw unto some private place, or reason coldly of your grievevances, or else depart, here
all eyes gaze on us." But Mercutio ignores him and carries on. The scene began in a light hearted
tone but soon turns serious During fight During the fight Shakespeare makes it dramatises by
making Romeo happy and joyful as he meets his best friend Mercutio but his joy soon turns to anger
when Tybalt appears and a fight is started. Romeo tries to interfere with the fight and stop it, as he
must feel guilty if anything should happen to Tybalt because he has just married Juliet. Romeo is at
first placid but as the scene goes on he becomes increasingly agitated and angry until finally he
totally loses control and stabs Tybalt to death. At this point Romeo rejects all logic and becomes a
revenge hero "away to heaven respective lenity and fire eyed fury be my conduct now. This is
dramatic language, which contrasts with Romeo's earlier mild replies to Tybalt's taunting. When
Mercutio is fatally stabbed, he still manages to retain his sense of humour. His jokes in the face of
death are dramatically effective. "no,' tis not so deep as a well, nor so wide as a church door. But tis
enough. 'twill serve. Ask me tomorrow, and you shall find me a grave man. This is a example of
black humour and this
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Power of Women in William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet...
Female sovereignty was uncommon in Renaissance England. The social structure of the family
assured the subjugation of woman under man. Daughters remained under the care of their fathers
until they were married, at which time they became subject to their husband's authority. Economics
ensured the wife's dependence on her husband. Unmarried and widowed women retained far more
legal rights than married women, therefore, "for a woman, marriage meant the loss of her legal and
economic rights, and therefore a dependence on the (chosen) man" (Motte 29). Even though
marriage often meant a loss of legal rights, those daughters who had the good fortune to choose their
mates faired better than those whose marriages were arranged. ... Show more content on ...
The standard upheld had been the normal marriage practice among the elite during the Renaissance.
The act required that "'banns had to be published two weeks before the ceremony was to take place;
second, that the marriage had to be solemnized in a parish church in the presence of a priest and two
other witnesses; and third, that parental consent was necessary for persons under 21'" (Cacicedo
193). This practice ensured parental control over the couple and transfer of property.
Under this strict system, Renaissance marriage became a "system of fair market exchange"
(Matchinske 156). The husband was expected to provide economically for his wife. In turn, the wife
was obligated to render herself, her chastity, her silence, and her obedience unto her husband.
Because of this system of exchange, "marriages of interest became the target of severe censure at the
beginning of the century as a form of legalized prostitution" (Massai 71). Fathers exchanged their
daughter's virginity for family connections, sons promised security in order to win a wife, and
women were transferred from one lord to another.
Shakespeare's Juliet completely breaks with convention and culture by assuming female sovereignty.
A daughter in Juliet's social class should marry a man of her father's choosing. Juliet refuses to
marry Paris, forcing Capulet to give her an ultimatum:
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Comparing the Starts of Two Film Versions of Romeo and Juliet
Comparing the Starts of Two Film Versions of Romeo and Juliet Romeo and Juliet is a timeless,
classical love story written by the unmatched author, William Shakespeare. Many of Shakespeare's
works are considered literary classics, but none are more loved, well known than Romeo and Juliet.
This play masterfully tells the love story of two teenagers in Verona, Italy. The title characters,
Romeo and Juliet, are members of two feuding families. Romeo is a Montague and Juliet is a
Capulet. There are different stylistic ways of portraying Romeo and Juliet, and the two most popular
film versions render two very different styles of the Shakespearean classic. Zeffirelli's Romeo and
Juliet was made in ... Show more content on ...
Actress Claire Danes played Juliet. Claire Danes became popular while playing "Angela" on the
short–lived television series 'My So Called Life', it now in reruns on MTV. Leonardo and Claire
were the perfect Romeo and Juliet in this brilliant production. Every director has his own vision of
how he sees the scenes of his production playing out. Zeffirelli and Luhrmann had different
interpretations of certain scenes of Romeo and Juliet. One such scene was the famous balcony
scene. Zeffirelli stuck to the classical interpretation, while Luhrmann did not. In Zeffirelli's version
Juliet was on the balcony outside her bedroom calling rhetorically, "Romeo, Romeo where fore art
thou Romeo?" Romeo appears and climbs up the balcony, and they share a couple of small kisses
before he departs. However, in Luhrmann's version of the play, things happen differently. Juliet is
walking by the pool when Romeo startles her and they both fall into the pool. Their conversation
then takes place in the pool. They share a several passionate kisses between getting interrupted by a
nosy security guard. Another significant scene that was portrayed differently in the two films was
the suicide scene Zeffirelli's version is once again almost exact to what we read in the book. Romeo
sees what he perceives to be a dead Juliet lying in her family's tomb, and distraught by the sight he
drinks poison. When
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The Relationship Between Parents And Children In William...
The Relationship Between Parents And Children In William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet The
tragedy of 'Romeo and Juliet' is the result of feuding between two noble families in Verona/Italy.
Romeo was born into the Montague household, who were the more controlled, quieter family. They
did not 'enjoy' the fights therefore tried to avoid the feuds. They were not one to start a fight
calculatingly unlike their opposing enemies; the Capulets, who they loathed more than death itself.
Wherever a potential fight was building up, the Capulets couldn't resist the urge in ... Show more
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As time passed this old grudge broke to utter hatred which led to chaotic civil fights. This dispute
had been ongoing for so long that it is forgotten why it had begun. Each member of each household
just had to pass on the streets and one way or another chaos would start. Shouting, crashing from
civil pillar to post, cursing and bawling, with or without knowing it they filled the good, innocent
and helpless citizens of Verona with trepidation and fury to have their cities peace and tranquillity so
senselessly disturbed by two uncontrollable and reckless households over a fight they did not know
how started. Romeo and Juliet are described as 'star–crossed lovers'. This means that they are both
from two separate opposing families and this makes their love impossible. It is impossible in the
sense that their love, feelings and emotions will never be accepted by both sides therefore they are
forced to keep it all a secret. This Shakespeare play is about these two young lovers and how the
hate from the two families resulted to such a tragic ending. If at the start they were free to love each
other then everything would have gone smoothly but of course there is their biggest obstacle, their
parents which they could not equivocate. The feuding the two households had repelled them away
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How Baz Luhrmann's Interpretation of the Prologue Engages...
How Baz Luhrmann's Interpretation of the Prologue Engages the Audience's Attention and Makes
them Want to Watch the Rest of the Film How is it that after watching the opening sequence to Baz
Luhrmann's Romeo and Juliet film (properly titled William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet) about
twenty times, the exhilarating thrill I experience from it still has not faded out? To grab the attention
of the viewers and keep their eyes glued to the screen as the movie starts, the director uses a variety
of special techniques, also to make it clear to the audience that this film is a far cry from the original
dullness associated with Shakespeare play recreations. Firstly, the range of music; the booming ...
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This is the thought which Baz Luhrmann wants to put into the audiences' mind for their first
impression of not so "fair" Verona; so after the news report is told, the camera whizzes into the
screen behind the news reader which displays a blown up petrol station, burning away as chaos fills
the air. The serenade of blasting classic opera music, which is played while the images of the
shocking city are presented, makes the seriousness and dramatic quality. The rapid montage of
imagery adds to the rush of adrenaline that is felt when you watch this scene. A police helicopter is
shown hovering unsteadily in the air. Moreover, as if it is being shot from the helicopter, bird's eye
view shots are taken with speed shots – many long shots zooming into close–ups as the panoramic
view of the city is previewed. It is as if Verona is being shaken by the crime when the noisy
helicopter makes the camera focus shaky. The fast editing which shows us police cars, people being
chased and people being injured makes the upbeat anxiety more effective. Another aspect of the
opening, which I found effective, is the voice–over. Made to seem God–like, it echoes the story in
brief, in a somewhat worried and disappointed tone of voice. Luhrmann indicates the ongoing
vendetta by showing the close up pictures of the families on Newspaper with flames flickering in
front of the headlines,
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Marketing Technique For The Marketing Of Cool By Juliet...
For many years, corporations have targeted adults, but as the years progressed their main focus and
targeted audience have been children. Countless corporations often focus their products such as toys,
clothes, and drugs to children in order to increase their own economic gain. In Juliet Schor's article,
" Selling to children: The Marketing of Cool", she mentions how products are accepted and
interpreted by children in today's society. However, in Eric Schlosser article, " Kid Kustomers", he
emphasizes on the constant antagonizing strategies through ads and televisions shows to target kids.
Although Juliet Schors and Eric Schlosser are both speaking about corporations marketing to
children, their articles differ quite significantly. While they both speak about corporation and their
marketing directed to children, Schor maintains her focus on how society perceived these products
as cool or geeky, while Schlosser focuses his article on the negative way corporations have marketed
their products to underage children. In Schlosser's article, "Kid Kustomers", the author focuses on
many disturbing facts as the marketing technique for tobacco products used to target children. It was
really astounding to see that in the early 90's these commercials of tobacco use was made kid
friendly through the use of the cartoon camel. The image itself became so popular that they were
compared to the images of Mickey Mouse. The author state, " all of America's six–year olds could
... Get more on ...

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Blank Verses In Romeo And Juliet By William Shakespeare Essay

  • 1. Blank Verses in Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare Essay "Epic, Passionate and Poetic." Romeo and Juliet is written in blank verse. This simply means "unrhymed iambic pentameter." For example, Two households, both alike in dignity In fair Verona, where we lay our scene, From ancient grudge break to new mutiny, Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean. From forth the fatal loins of these two foes A pair of star–crossed lovers take their life. It may seem "melodramatic", but it's perfect for the play. Shakespeare makes it work by the plot actually living up to the hype (Romeo and Juliet Writing Style). "It truly entices the heart of the reader as they empathize with the protagonists' universal, unconditional and ideal romance, the portrayal of perfect, undying love that is captured ... Show more content on ... Shakespeare really stresses in all these scenes the ease in which messages can go wrong (Huntley). When Romeo finds out about Juliet's "death" he believes he has all the facts. He suddenly makes the decision to kill himself, aided by poison. "Romeos best speech is perhaps the one he delivers in the tomb; with it he gives dignity, meaning, and finality to the one act he plans and executes" (Huntley). The speech and characters of the play have been depicted all throughout music, literature, dance, and theater. There's a certain musical flow and intense alternation of mood that enliven the speech. Mercutio is a big part of this. When Romeo needs guidance, Mercutio is there quickly giving him advice worth hearing. In fact, some believe the wisest words in the entire play are said by him. Why, is not this better now than groaning for love? Now art though sociable, now art thou Romeo; Now art thou what thou art, by art as well as by nature. These words are also said to be the most ironic. Romeo here has not found his identity and doesn't truly find it except for in those spontaneous moments he shares with Juliet. Mercutio has plenty dialogue but is commonly known for his passionate repetition of "A plague a'both your houses!" right before his death. The main concern for the two lovers though is keeping their marriage secret. They hope to one day bring peace among the feuding families but are distraught. In Juliet's balcony speech you hear this concern. O ... Get more on ...
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  • 3. William Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet Essay William Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet Shakespeare's most famous tragedy is probably the tale of "Romeo and Juliet". The immortal tale of two 'star–cross'd lovers' destined to an early demise, originated in Italian folklore. Shakespeare's prologue is possibly the most insightful piece of the play regarding their death and the explanation of it. The "ancient grudge" immediately sets the ominous tone of the play. This allows the audience to understand that their "death" is the only way their "parents strife" could end: "But their children end nought could remove". The recurring theme of fate and destiny, which frequents many Shakespeare's plays, is seen also in the prologue. Shakespeare ... Show more content on ... The separation of Romeo and Juliet, leads to the plot twist where Juliet drinks the 'distilling liquor' to appear in death. While Romeo was intended to wake her, a twist of fate means he doesn't get the letter and does not know that the death is faked. The plan to run away from the feud between their parents wasn't free from danger, on the contrary it was the only way they could be together and escape the 'grudge'. The 'ancient grudge' is very important to the play because they died in order to 'bury' the 'grudge'. Shakespeare puts an emphasis on the fact that the feud is about their name; Romeo feels his name is 'hateful' for he knows because of it; he and Juliet couldn't be together. Similarly, Juliet knows if she was to be 'sworn her love she would 'no longer be a Capulet'. The younger generation are dragged into the feud because of the family they're born into. Juliet questions 'what's in a name?' which shows she doesn't understand that their name means they automatically have a 'grudge' against each other. Another input towards the death of 'Romeo and Juliet' would be their parents. Shakespeare suggests that Romeo and Juliet barely know their parents and find it difficult to confide in them or they would have spoken about their love rather then trying to run away. ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Young Misleading Love in Romeo and Juliet Young love is a very deep immature feeling, which tends to misguide those affected by it, and the affected ones fall too deeply in love, which leads to a tendency of self–destruction. The concept of the young misguiding love is emphasized in the drama, Romeo and Juliet, by William Shakespeare. Romeo and Juliet are young when they first see each other and make the mistake of loving each other without knowing their family names. Their deep love without any understanding of the concept of love leads to the young lovers committing suicide, which is a rash decision. They do not embrace their situation, and think about other solutions other than suicide. Romeo and Juliet act on impulse and make rash decisions without thinking about the ... Show more content on ... He jumps right in, and tells Balthasar to get the horses ready at once. Romeo and Juliet's lack of maturity also causes them to love one another without a limit. They are too immature to realize that the feeling of love should not conquer common sense and reasoning. They love each other too such an extreme, that they are inseparable; and once separated, they are willing to go up to any extent to be loyal to each other and their love. This idea is strongly emphasized when Juliet is willing to kill herself rather than marry Paris which proves that she is loyal to her love. Romeo, in return, kills himself after he sees Juliet dead, which shows that he too is loyal to his love. Romeo and Juliet are both young and immature when they fall in love with each other, and their immaturity results in them not understanding that love has its limits. The young lovers love to an extreme neglecting love's limits, which leads to them not taking mature decisions and steps, but rather rashly and abruptly on impulse to honor their love for each other. Romeo and Juliet feel such a burden to honor their love for each other that they end up committing suicide. Romeo and Juliet's excessive love and blind love are the most powerful ingredients to their self– destruction. The young lovers, Romeo and Juliet's idolatry for each other symbolizes excessive love by them willing to go against their families and committing suicide at the ... Get more on ...
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  • 7. Free Brave New World Essays: Huxley and Shakespeare Huxley and Shakespeare "Do they read Shakespeare?" asked the Savage as they walked, on their way to the Bio–chemical Laboratories, past the School Library. "Certainly not," said the Head Mistress, blushing. In Aldous Huxley's "Brave New World", allusions to William Shakespeare and his works emphasize the contrast between the ""Brave New World"" and the world in Shakespeare's time and even the current time period. Enhancing the work's meaning, the allusions and character's reactions to the allusions reveal the positive and negative aspects of our society today. The main characters in "Brave New World", Lenina Crowne, Henry Foster, and Bernard Marx, live in a futuristic world where babies are mass produced in laboratories and ... Show more content on ... With little knowledge of the past, the characters only have heard vague information about worship of God, respect for Shakespeare, and psychology of Freud. Instead of God, they worship Ford partially because of his T–model and its influence on the future of technology and his existence as the spark for their world. They cannot fathom the events in Shakespeare's works. For example, in Romeo and Juliet, Capulet and Lady Capulet plan Juliet's marriage to Paris even though Juliet loves Romeo. Since the characters in "Brave New World" live in a self–satisfying world where they are promiscuous and rely on drugs like soma and mescal, they cannot relate to Shakespeare. Enhancing the meaning of the work, Huxley chooses Shakespeare––an author and playwright so well–known and influential for many centuries. Shakespeare seems so normal to us, disregarding certain details. Divided into groups including comedies, tragedies, and histories, his works touch on conflicts and romances. They address morals, values, and beliefs of the time. While many of these beliefs still hold true to people today, the world is changing. People are changing, but are scientific advances causing this change? Aldous Huxley asks his readers this as they concentrate on the descriptions in "Brave New World". Are science and technology actually harming society instead of helping? Huxley forecasts the future from the experiences in his lifetime. In his writing, he reflects how society today ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. The Excerpts From The Overspent American ' I Was Not... Before reading the excerpts from "The Overspent American" I was not familiar with Juliet Schor's work. While reading however, I saw that her views were different from many of the other authors that we have read so far. When I had finished the reading I found the reading enjoyable and fascinating. The reason that her writing intrigued me was because of her multiple perspectives while writing. Not only does she concentrate on the economics of American people, but she also uses a sociologist lens to show the purchasing habits of our culture. "The Overspent American" focuses on how we as a society have changed our spending patterns from the past. During the 1950s the phrase "keeping up with the Jones'" was coined and it represented Americans trying to outspend their neighbors and friends. For example, my friend buys a boat and I also need to buy a boat to make sure my friends saw me as being wealthy. Today our society as changed in many ways but Schor finds that our spending habits have altered the most since the 1950s. By analyzing and evaluating her work, one can see how Americans spending habits have changed over time and how our economics have been overtaken by television and broadcast media. As mentioned earlier, during the 1950s people were more likely to compare themselves to their neighbors and community. There was limited forms of media that everyone saw on a mass scale so most class groups would read or watch the same movies, books, etc. People would look out their ... Get more on ...
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  • 11. Critical Analysis of The Electronic Sweatshop by Barbara... Critical Analysis of The Electronic Sweatshop by Barbara Garson *No Works Cited Summary In her introduction, Barbara Garson gives the reader an idea of her personal work experience as a clerk with automation. One can see that Garson is a strong critique of automation. In order to convey how automation is affecting our society the author begins by analyzing and studying various jobs from the bottom on up (i.e. starting with the most unskilled labor). Chapter one examines the various occupations at McDonalds's. Barbara Garson finds that most workers here tend to dislike their jobs. Due to the tremendous amount of stress created by automated systems such as timers and computer generated productivity statistics McDonald's has a high ... Show more content on ... At first I tried to use my own conversational skills when dealing with customers, but it did not take long until my supervisors started to discipline me about how important it supposedly is to follow the given scripts. Hence, I used these scripts and my 5 hour work day seemed like an eternity. I felt like a wind–up doll and eventually quit the job although I was desperately in need of money. The reason I am mentioning this is because I believe that in reality there is no difference between the fast food employee and the reservation agent in terms of individuality. Through automation, both professions have lost their personal touch to the public. In my case I tried to solicit funds from individuals using my own ideas and creativity, yet was not allowed to do so. Hence, my job became monotonous. Quite honestly I do not believe "Kenny" when he states that he likes his work. He argues that he gets to deal with the public. But in order to do so he follows an unoriginal set of scripts and phrases. Thus, does he really get to talk to the public or is he merely a machine or parrot triggered by certain key words such as Yes, No, or Maybe. Furthermore, Kenny was an actor. This profession also requires one to follow scripts, yet what sets one actor apart from another is their individuality. When Kenny plays a role where he has to portray certain emotions he does not follow a ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. Juliet's Growth Since the Start of William Shakespeare's... Juliet's Growth Since the Start of William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet The play "Romeo and Juliet was written in approximately 1595, by William Shakespeare. It is set in Venice, Italy, in Venetian society women played little role in anything other than to be a wife to their husband and a mother. This is why many Venetian women married at such an early age. The play is about 2 families whom are separated by a long forgotten ancient feud. Throughout the play of 'Romeo and Juliet' we see Juliet emerging as a woman. There are many people that influence this growth. However there are also many people which inhibit and even try to prevent her from growing from a child into a woman. Romeo encourages ... Show more content on ... In this scene we see Juliet as a very naïve character, and in a later scene we see the complete antithesis of her character, where she is no longer a naïve young girl, who does everything her parents command her to do. We see her as an independent and sophisticated married woman. Act 1 Scene 5 is the scene set at the party at the Capulet's household. Juliet's mother introduces her to the County Paris, but before that, she sets eyes on Romeo, of the House of Montague. Romeo is not aware the Juliet is from the house of Capulet, he thinks she is exceptionally beautiful. He describes her as "a snowy dove, trooping with crows", the dove symbolises purity, peace and is associated with the colour white, however crows symbolise hatred and are usually associated with the colour black. This can be linked to the theme of the feud which exists between the two households, Juliet is pure, but the rest of her house is filled with hatred and distrust. We then see Juliet's first move to disobey her mother, she leaves the hall of the ball with Romeo. We see the beginning of Juliet's journey from a child into an independent woman. We are also made aware of her emerging sexuality. Romeo uses an extended metaphor in an attempt to get Juliet to kiss him; he describes her as a saintly being and himself as a sinner who needs his sins cleansing. Juliet knows ... Get more on ...
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  • 15. The Business Model Of Uber And Dropbox Around the world, people are chanting. "Shame on Uber!" "Stop the evictions, stop the greed!" They are making signs. "Homelessness: Love, Airbnb." They are organizing strikes in New York City. They are storming headquarters in San Francisco. They are blocking roads in France. Uber drivers are protesting Uber's sudden fare cuts. Community organizations are protesting Airbnb's opposition to housing affordability bills. Taxi drivers are protesting Uber's opposition to comparable taxi regulation. Their outrages differ but boil down to the same grievance – these multibillion dollar companies are exploiting the legal gray zone that is the sharing economy. Uber and Airbnb are two of many technology firms promising visionary futures built on collaborative consumption, but without finding a regulatory solution, the sharing economy's future may not be as bright as it seems. What is the Sharing Economy? An Emerging Business Model Uber, an application that connects ride–hailing users with drivers, and Airbnb, an online lodging platform that derives its name from bed and breakfasts, have practically become synonymous with collaborative consumption. Companies compete to become the next "Uber of" an industry. There is an "Uber of flowers" that delivers bouquets, an "Uber of lawn care" that encourages lawnmower sharing, and even an "Uber of medical marijuana" (Entis, 2014). The analogy is precarious considering the variations between these companies, but the basic premise of the sharing ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. The Success of Baz Luhrmann's Romeo And Juliet The Success of Baz Luhrmann's Romeo And Juliet Baz Luhrmann's Romeo and Juliet was highly successful. The film sold millions at the box office and was well received by critics such as Paul Matthews who said that Romeo and Juliet was a, "radical invention of a classic text". Although the film was released to late in the year to receive any awards, "William Shakespeare's Romeo + Juliet" was and always will be considered a classic. The reason for the film's success was because the film was made accessible to young people in a way that Shakespeare usually isn't by giving it modern location and using special effects. The film makers wanted to knock Shakespeare down and put him where he belongs which is ... Show more content on ... He cut the lines which cannot be transferred to 20th century context are cut such as the convocation between Romeo and the Apothecary, this convocation still takes place but in a much reduced way. Baz Luhrmann also cuts a lot of the complex imagery as it would not have been as appealing to a younger audience. Luhrmann's version of the script is far more concise than the original and does not overwhelm the audience with too difficult language making the film far more successful with the younger viewers. Shakespeare's script was written for a very basic set but the film's setting was very elaborate so no complex imagery or soliloquies are needed as the setting speaks for its self. Baz Luhrmann made the Shakespearian play far more concise, slick and easier to understand which helped make the film be so successful. As I already mentioned in my introduction bringing the play up to date made the film highly successful. This is shown in almost every scene in the play. It's shown in the opening scenes to the movie when the "Montague Boys" arrive in a bright yellow car with modern music blaring out of the stereo. They almost look like college beach boys, with their Hawaiian shirts and baggy trousers. This was a very good way to start the film as it gave it a modern "cool" look which would be appealing to the ... Get more on ...
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  • 19. William Shakespeare 's Romeo And Juliet Love can be defined in many ways to many different people. It can be affected by their past experience, a romance novel they've read, or a love between two individuals they look up to. To most people it's something they strive to experience, no matter the obstacles, heartbreak, or baggage that comes with it. Not too long ago I read an article about whether love is a choice or more than a feeling and it really made me wonder; wonder how can we tell if it is true love and when we're ready for it. It lead me to ask the question, did Romeo and Juliet really love each other? Or was it just a simple feeling of lust? As a teenager you're practically smothered in romanticism wherever you go. Whether it's your relatives and their spouse, the ... Show more content on ... Although love can be astonishing, it can be hurtful and negative if not treated the right way. Love can hurt someone mentally and physically because it's such an overwhelming feeling that can cloud our judgement. Sometimes the choice of loving someone comes with regrets and inhumane decisions. A person may close themselves off from past experiences that come with a worry or should I let someone in? I've never actually experienced Pragma Love (long standing love), but I've witnessed the effects of divorce or when the feelings just aren't mutual. I think love is a risky choice people take and the response we get from it can either be good or bad. In all, my definition of love is caring for someone so strongly that you'd never give up on them. Love is putting yourself after them in any situation. It's a practice, something we learn to give and receive, depending on how open our heart is; we can be our natural self and not worry if we're doing something wrong or if they won't like me. We can dress down, act ditzy, and become the crabbiest person in the world and they could care less. When you're having a bad day or you're thinking of a regrettable action they erase that negatively and place positivity inside. Giving things up isn't so easy, but when you need to do it for them you accept that and realize they need to be happy also. Love is letting yourself be happy when others say you ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Romeo And Juliet by William Shakespeare Romeo And Juliet by William Shakespeare In Romeo and Juliet the beauty and ardour of young love is seen by Shakespeare as the irradiating glory of sunlight and starlight in a dark work. Discuss the techniques that Shakespeare would have used to capture this dominating image of light. In the time of Shakespeare, his plays would have been performed during the day, using natural light from the open centre of the theatre. Since there could be no dramatic lighting and there was very little scenery or props, Shakespeare used actors' lines and stage directions to supply the time of day and year, the weather, location and mood of the scenes. Props would also be used for this purpose. For example, if ... Show more content on ... Nearly all the elements of the play; conflict, death, poison are dark, while the love between Romeo and Juliet is the only element which could be described as light in the play. Romeo speaks of Juliet as a "bright angle shining in the night", again the vision that the love is the only light in the play and is surrounded by darkness. Also, Juliet describes Romeo as "whiter than new snow upon a raven's back". The language throughout the play also makes this comparison between light and dark. Shakespeare's characters are continually cursing and banishing each other throughout the play, even in the very first scene when Tybalt says "What drawn and talk of peace? I hate the word as I hate heel and all Montagues and thee!". (Act 1, scene 1) However, this is contrasted by the beautiful language between Romeo and Juliet. In the famous balcony scene Romeo says "It is the east and Juliet is the sun, Arise, fair sun and kill the envious moon". This further illustrates the idea that their young love is seen as the light in the play, as Romeo refers Juliet to the sun. When Romeo meets Juliet he uses a metaphor to describe her "She doth teach the torches to burn bright" He is saying that she is so beautiful her beauty outshines the torches. This tells the audience that she is supposed to be very beautiful. ... Get more on ...
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  • 23. The Opening of Baz Luhrman's Film Version of Romeo and Juliet The Opening of Baz Luhrman's Film Version of Romeo and Juliet Franco Zeffirelli's 1969 version of 'Romeo and Juliet' was actually filmed on location in Verona and is set in the 15th century, when the story of Romeo and Juliet was meant to happen. Its opening prologue is very plain and simple, there are just two long shots and the voiceovers voice speaks very slowly. The first shot is a long shot of medieval Verona on a misty morning, the camera pans around to the river and tilts up and zooms in slowly into the sun, the name 'William Shakespeare' then appears below it – this could signify that he is 'looking down' over what is happening in Verona. The second shot simply shows an empty market place ... Show more content on ... After the static, a black woman news reporter comes on. This makes the film more modern and multicultural, also she speaks with an American accent showing that its set somewhere in America. Behind the news reporter is an image of a broken wedding ring, and below shows a caption stating 'star–crossed lovers'. 'Star–crossed lovers' is a line from the prologue, and basically sums up what the play is about; 'star–crossed lovers' means that the two people in love (Romeo and Juliet) have everything against them being in love, their stars are against them (their star–signs clash); if however some people have not understood this phrase, then the image above (broken ring) explains it, i.e. the ring represents a wedding ring and also 'never ending love; being split in half represents that it (i.e. their wedding, love) has ended, or couldn't carry on. After this first prologue has ended, the camera zooms into a point on the TV screen, and then with a 'whooshing' sound (like we're being sucked right into it) the camera zooms quite fast onto a statue of Jesus. With this 'whooshing' zooming in, comes 'operatic' music which is dramatic and has big bass drums, it's like religious or ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Romeo and Juliet Movies Analysis on the Theme: "Fate Has... Romeo and Juliet is a classic love story written by William Shakespeare, in the Elizabethan era of English history. The work tells of the fatal attraction between Romeo and Juliet, how they met and why, their falling in love and their ultimate sacrifice for each other's love, their actual lives. Fate has complete control, is a theme that is riddled throughout the text written by Shakespeare. It is essentially pointing out the view that everything we do or will, is at the mercy of fate, and whatever we do to counteract it, fate still holds the final judgement over our lives. This theme is also prevalent in cinematic codes written into both the visual representations of the Shakespearean love story by Franco Zefirelli and Baz Luhrmann. Two ... Show more content on ... While Romeo is accompanying her, Zefirelli uses more visual code to express the importance that fate has complete control. A visual code that he uses is the lighting effect on the scene. By using a full moon, Franco encapsulates to the viewers sense that he is out in the open, exposed to being caught because of the moonlight. But the film shows contrary to this statement, implying the theme on the situation. Fate is also associated with fairy tales and sorcery, as the full moon is to them. Using the full moon as a symbolic code, he relates back to the theme of fate again. Baz Luhrmann, another acclaimed movie director also recreated the story of the two "star crossed lovers". Again because of the medium the story is portrayed in, he can also acquire the use of symbolic, audio and visual codes. Baz Luhrmann just under over uses these to keep his audience compelled to the edge of their seats, to watch the film. Using large amounts of cinematic code, the spectator's attentions are at the mercy of the movie. The way Luhrmann uses visual codes are similar yet different to those used by Franco Zefirelli in his representation of the story. The same important scene used above is the point when it is obvious. Romeo is in the back of Benvolios convertible, he then jumps out, and runs to scale the Capulet mansion wall. In Luhrmann's version of the play rite, he adds a security dispatchment, in the same area Romeo is climbing the wall. The ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. Mercutio as Catalyst in Shakespeare’s play, Romeo and Juliet Mercutio as Catalyst in Shakespeare's play, Romeo and Juliet In Shakespeare's play, Romeo and Juliet, the quick–witted character Mercutio "is a notorious scene– stealer" (Utterback 105). Mercutio's major function in the play is to be a catalyst for the plot. Mercutio's purpose as a character is most significantly revealed in his relationship with Romeo, his baiting of Tybalt, and his death. More importantly, Mercutio functions as the catalyst for the pattern of disasters in the play that follows his own tragic death, making him, as described by critic Stephen Greenblatt "a spirit that seems to challenge the very possibility of romantic love or tragic destiny" (856). Mercutio's role in the play is directly ... Show more content on ... Mercutio urges Romeo to end his romantic relationships. Mercutio tells Romeo "If thou are dun we'll draw thee from the mire / Of–save your reverence–love, wherein though stickest / Up to the ears" (I.iv.41–43). Mercutio scorns the romantic love and relationships that weaken their friendship. Mercutio's bawdry and scorn are seen as especially ill mannered because he expresses it "in an age celebrating domesticity and middle–class marriage" (Porter 34). The connection of Mercutio's name to the misogynistic god Mercury supports his view of love and relationships (Porter 38). "Mercutio's Mercurian message is that Romeo should stay with, or come back to, the world of male comradeship" (Porter 107). Furthermore, Mercury was a troublesome, quick to anger, and swift messenger. Likewise, Mercutio is hot–headed and quick to act. Mercutio's need for action and his ridiculing nature are also seen in his aggressive baiting of Tybalt. At first, Mercutio seems almost excited to see Romeo fight Tybalt in Act Three, Scene One. "And but one word with one of us? Couple it with / something; make it a word and a blow" (III.i.35–36). However, Romeo does not give in to Tybalt's insults and does not accept Tybalt's challenge to fight. The passive Romeo instead wants love and peace with Tybalt because of his love for Juliet. I do protest I never injured thee, But love thee better than thou canst ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Comm 101 Tutorial 4A Essay Week 9 Tutorial: Ethics of Consumption (Assessed) Readings: Shaw et. al. (2013), Chapter 5: The Morality and Ethics of Consumption. Textbook Reading: Why Do We Consume So Much, by Juliet Schor, pp.258–66. Task for students Once you have read the textbook chapter and the Reading, answer discussion questions 1, 3– 5 (ignore questions 2 and 6). Q1. Who is the "we" in the question "Why do we consume so much?" Is Juliet Schor correct that "there is increasingly little that we do which is not a consumption experience"? And that we have become a culture of excessive consumption? Explain your answers. The "we" in the question "why do we consume so much?" is stands for the majority of Americans those whose basic needs are met, who have ... Show more content on ... Also, the income that people earned determines the level of consumption. The more they earned, the more or luxury goods they are able to purchase. I do not agree that working long hours encourages people to consume more. I have some working experiences before. After working for the whole day, I felt very tired and I thought money does not come easily, so I would not buy as much as I earned. I would like to save it and buy wait until I think the price of the good I want to buy is acceptable and it is useful. Q4. Schor refers to the second structural feature that creates too much consumption as "the ecological bias". What does she mean by this? Do you agree with her that it is serious? Schor means that people overuse of the ecological resources of the earth, which account for global warming, species extinction, ecosystem depletion, water shortages, deforestation and soil erosion. I absolutely agree with her that overuse of natural capital is serious because the rate of resource use, pollution, and ecological degradation exceeds earth's absorptive and regenerative capacities. We are already beyond a sustainable relation with earth. If rest of the world lived like the Americans do, need an additional four planets to support this lifestyle. Q5. Explain why you agree or disagree with Schor's contention that consumption has become a social competition. How has the old ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. So Much Debt According To Juliet Schor Debt does not come across most people's minds when it comes down to making them happy. According to Juliet Schor people will put themselves in thousands of dollars in debt till they make themselves happy and get everything they want to fit in with society. families in New York are making $600,000 a year and claim they are not making enough to live in that environment, society are putting themselves in so much debt they are worried about bouncing their checks. Humans will do whatever they can to make them happy when it comes to money, and there are people that no matter what you do you can never please them, "[w]hatever we think of these malcontents – whether we find them funny, pathetic, or reprehensible –we must acknowledge that these feelings ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. The Sharing Economy : Based On Uber Case The Sharing Economy has been one of the most popular words recently and companies like Uber, Airbnb as well as more startups are still sprawling all over the world. Yet, what is Sharing economy? What happens to the Sharing Economy? And upon that, most arguably, what are pros and cons of it? What shall we do? Towering amount of article have only one definition and few side of perspective. The Article instead summarize Allen's research (2014) on sharing economy and efforts by Franzetti, A. (2015) and Juliet Schor (2014). The whole article will give you an overall landscape of various reasons both for and against the sharing economy. Suggestion at last will also be given to different departments. Keywords: Sharing Economy, Pros and Cons, Uber ... Show more content on ... Such transactions are often facilitated via community–based online services. According to previous researches, Juliet Schor (2014) have already divided sharing economy into 4 main categories: recirculation of goods, increased utilization of durable assets, exchange of services, and sharing of productive assets. Besides the common way, in our understanding, the sharing economy can also be divided into 3 parts according to its nature: space, time, tools. Specifically, we could share public space with other, which is mostly provided by government, we could also provide living place through Airbnb. We at the same time share our time to work for others like driving Uber or other labor services. Tools are more widely spread. We share our used book, CD etc. In terms of suppliers and consumers, we can share peer to peer, we can also share via business to individuals, we have non–profit sharing such as time bank, we currently have increasing number of for–profit companies such as the most successful Uber. (In this article, we will take Uber for example in analyzing the sharing economy) Ultimately, why do we want to share? This question cannot be more important since it helps to learn from the origin and procedure of the sharing economy. Basically speaking, people do things because motivation, and we could benefit each other by sharing extra capacity with ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. William Shakespeare 's Romeo And Juliet William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet tells the tragic story of two "star–crossed lovers" whose deaths bring about peace between their families in the denouement of the play. To a great extent Romeo and Juliet portrays to the audience the need to control their emotions through the tragic events. However, not only the characters excessive emotions compromise their intentions, but it is the manner in which they respond to their emotions. Shakespeare conveys how the characters respond to their motions through the use of different characters and their misadventures which are ultimately driven by a strong emotional stance. The tragic events that take place ultimately occur due to the characters not being able to control their emotions, through ... Show more content on ... Shakespeare portrays how the tragic events rise because of the characters ill–consideration of the causes of their actions when their emotions take control over their reason. Shakespeare first explores one's actions leading to a tragedy when Romeo slays Tybalt. Shakespeare uses the contrast of natural and violent motions when Romeo slays Tybalt to show how he cannot control his emotions when he is violent, but shows how his emotions are expressed through the natural motion of the people around him in Verona, hatred drowns the values of love and peace in Verona. This is expressed through Shakespeare's use of Mercutio as a symbol of the tragedy that can arise from hatred "a plague on both your houses" and signifies the disease and death imagery that is present every day in Verona. The cause of this loss is primarily the lack of one's ability to control their emotions, thus their inability results in them lashing out in violence. Shakespeare's use of Juliet when she takes the potion is significant as her 'death' is a tragedy to the people of Verona, this signifies people of Verona are caught up in a daydream of fantasy, and when they realize that they have lost something so important, they find it impossible to control their emotions. This is revealed through the mourning of all the Capulets and Paris but most significantly Lord Capulet, "O child! O child! My ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Comparing Romeo and Juliet and Much Ado About Nothing Essay Comparing Romeo and Juliet and Much Ado About Nothing As illustrated by the two plays Romeo and Juliet and Much Ado About Nothing, William Shakespeare was a true romantic. In each play, his characters suffer great hardship, but in the end, he delivers them to a life of eternal love. Characters plot against each other in each play. The relationships of the people in his plays are not always what they seem. Whether it be a tragedy or a comedy, Shakespeare encompasses three elements into his plays: love, intrigue, and identity. Love is the biggest theme in both Romeo and Juliet and Much Ado About Nothing. In both plays, hate acts as a force that attempts to tear both lovers apart, but their love holds them together. In Romeo and Juliet, ... Show more content on ... The nurse makes it possible for Romeo and Juliet to be married by relaying information between the two. In Much Ado About Nothing, Beatrice and Benedick also have liaisons. Friends of Beatrice give the illusion that Benedick is madly in love with Beatrice and Benedick's friends do the same. Eventually, Benedick and Beatrice realize they are in love. They would have never gotten together if the liaisons had not intervened. Identity also plays a major role in both plays. In Romeo and Juliet, the lovers would never expect to fall in love because they have been raised to hate each other's families. Romeo never would have taken it upon himself to court someone in Juliet's family because in those two families it is considered forbidden. Beatrice and Benedick from Much Ado About Nothing insulted each other every chance they could. They considered their relationship as a friendly one, but until their friends set Beatrice and Benedick up, they never thought they would fall in love with each other. Had both couples taken their relationships at face value, they would never gotten together. Romeo and Juliet and Much Ado About Nothing, two very different plays; however, they both contain love, intrigue and identity. Even with forces working against them, Romeo and Juliet and Claudio and Hero fell in love and were married. Characters were able to fall in love with the aid of the liaisons who helped them make sure things worked. Lovers would not have ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. To Be or Not to Be Term Paper Outline: "To be or not to be...." For most it leaves no question as to who wrote these infamous words. William Shakespeare is regarded by some as the greatest author within all of the English language. Regardless of one's true opinion of Shakespeare's writings, they continue to cycle their way from one generation to the next. His works still hold significant value within all levels of academic teachings. Shakespeare's literatures range from poems and plays to sonnets. Once he gathered the notion of how the style of blank verse operated, he began to cultivate it into something unique and one he could call his very own. His latest works was that of sonnets, in which were found to be the last of his non–dramatic works to be ... Show more content on ... Shakespeare gives the mirror the ability to reflect not just an image, but also, the truth. Thus, paving the way in the personification of the glass mirror found in Sonnet 62. Now seeing the reality of it all he questions who and what he was praising all along. Surprised at the vanity, he saw a change must occur. Shakespeare tells a story of human perception, human nature, and its desire to long for everything we are not. Here in sonnet 62, one finds the main character in visioning something he is not and loses all direct grasps on reality. Shakespeare tries to convey that it is important not to engulf ones self with the sin of no humility, yet, remain in touch with reality at all times. One can conclude by reading Shakespeare's Sonnet 12 that the predominant motif deals with the course of time. When read aloud the reader can easily compare the pace of the sonnet and the internal rhyming to that of a ticking clock. Every line is short and steady as it progresses just as the steady ticking of a clock. In the second line, Shakespeare generates a metaphor in which he compares the life of a violet to that of one's own life, "when I behold the violet past prime and sable curls all silvered o'er with white." Shakespeare pursues the cycle of life in this sonnet with illustrations of nature and humankind. Just as a flower blooms and a leaf falls likewise, a human is born, reaches its potential, grows old, and at ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Comparing Arthur Laurents' West Side Story and... Although the discrepancies between Romeo and Juliet and West Side Story are too frequent to categorize in such limited space, it is impossible for anyone familiar with both texts to not notice the obvious similarities between the two works ("Theme"). From the opening scenes in both, up through the rumble in West Side Story/death of Mercutio in Romeo and Juliet, the plays mirror each other (Poelstra). It isn't until the last part of West Side Story, where Tony (our modern–day Romeo) dies and Maria (Tony's Juliet) doesn't (unlike the two star–crossed lovers of Shakespeare's work, both of whom perish), that the major difference between the two works becomes apparent. Granted, instead of tension between feuding families ... Show more content on ... The best way to approach this work was by reading over West Side Story, then noting the similarities (and, there were many) that exist between it and Shakespeare's fare. In the opening act of Romeo and Juliet, Sampson and Gregory, servants of Capulet, harass Balthasar and Abraham, servants to the Montagues. "I will bite my thumb at them; which is a disgrace to them, if they bear it," boasts Sampson (I.i.48–50). In the opening scene of West Side Story, several Sharks (the Puerto Rican gang led by Bernardo) harass A–rab (notice the similarity in name to Abraham) ÐÐ a white dude, a Jet, and therefore, an enemy of the immigrants. In no time at all, other Jets (led by Riff) rush to A–rab's side. No words are exchanged between the gangs, since it is, after all, a musical, and they basically just jump around in exaggerated fashion; nevertheless, the scene (like the opening of Romeo and Juliet) sets the stage for the remainder of the production. It is here where Lt. Schrank and his faithful compatriot, Officer Krupke, happen on the scene to break apart a potential rumble ÐÐ just like Escalus, Prince of Verona, did in Romeo and Juliet: "If ever you disturb our streets again, your lives shall pay the forfeit of the peace" (I.i.103–4). Or, as Schrank would phrase it, "I got a hot surprise for you: you hoodlums don't own the streets" (Laurents 6). Following the ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. The Causes Behind the Tragedy of William Shakespeare's... The Causes Behind the Tragedy of William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet Romeo and Juliet is a tragic love story written by William Shakespeare. The play is based around two lovers, who commit suicide when their feuding families prevent them from being together, set in Verona, in northern Italy. The play is generally involving love and family honour, in the days when the play was written, parents expected to be obeyed–they even decided who their children should marry. Romeo and Juliet go against their parent's wishes and the feud when they fall in love. There are many reasons as to why the final tragedy may have occurred. Some of the main characters contribute to it; the pace of the play ... Show more content on ... However at the time the Friar was thinking of reuniting the families, rather than other circumstances. The Friar influences the play's outcome dramatically by his decisions; he marries Romeo and Juliet; what if he refused to marry them? Would it end up differently? Or were they destined to die? After Romeo and Juliet get married, they are separated, as Romeo killed Tybalt and is banished. In order to prevent Romeo from committing suicide, the Friar made a promise to Romeo, he also arranges Romeo and Juliet to consummate their marriage. Later when Juliet is also threatening suicide (to avoid the arranged marriage with Paris) the Friar uses one of his medicines to fake Juliet's death. The Friar's intervention fails, and they both end up dead. His message to Romeo of the current circumstances is not delivered, so Romeo is unaware that Juliet wasn't truly dead, and as a result commits suicide. However what if The Friar didn't give Juliet the medicine?–she may have committed suicide or would she have married Paris, and Romeo Rosaline? Or was their deaths the destined end? I feel Shakespeare portrays Friar Lawrence as involved in causing the final tragedy, even though his intentions were of a good nature: ''To turn your ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. William Shakespeare 's Romeo And Juliet And A Midsummer... What if I told you that no matter what you look at or how many times you look at it, you'll never truly be able to see it. Often the things we perceive as the most trustworthy are only misinterpretations of reality created by our perspective, which make common illusions. Characters in Romeo & Juliet and A Midsummer Night 's Dream also experience this idea, demonstrated when they are tricked by their own perspective and only see what they think is the best scenario. Illusions are created based on people 's perceptions of reality. It is then clear that in Romeo & Juliet and A Midsummer Night 's Dream, perspective creates reality. This perspective creates a version of truth that hides the reality from people 's eyes. This is shown when Lysander is tricked by the magic flower into loving Helena, Friar Lawrence calling Romeo a girl due to his tears, as well as having hallucinations while under the effects of drugs. The theme in Romeo & Juliet and A Midsummer Night 's Dream is that perspective creates reality. This is demonstrated by Lysander's fake love for Helena. This theme is clearly represented when the love flower influences Lysander to change his perspective on how he viewed both Helena and Hermia, thus hiding his true emotions and making the fabricated one real. "Content with Hermia! no;I do repent the tedious minutes I have with her spent. Not Hermia but Helena I love: Who will not change a raven for a dove? The will of man is by his reason sway'd."(2, 2, 111–115) In this ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. HOW SHAKESPEARE PRESENTS ROMEO‚ÄôS FEELINGS IN ACT 1 SCENE... HOW SHAKESPEARE PRESENTS ROMEO'S FEELINGS IN ACT 1 SCENE 1 AND ACT 2 SCENE 2 Love is an important theme in most of Shakespeare's play, including in Romeo and Juliet because love is a stronger force than all the animosity and forces of fate in Romeo and Juliet. In Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare's play, Shakespeare explores Romeo's change in attitude to love between Rosaline and Juliet. In Act 1 Scene 1 Shakespeare introduces us to Romeo's passionate desire towards Rosaline through the use of oxymoron, monologues and vivid imagery. In contrast, in Act 2 Scene 2, when Romeo is addressing Juliet, his language shifts through the use of light, religious and mythical imagery to reflect his newly found romantic love to Juliet. In Act 1 scene ... Show more content on ... This notion is furthered through the use of binary opposition throughout Romeo's oxymoron 'O brawling love, O loving hate'. This monologue of strong contrasting images of love and hate in one sentence suggests that Romeo finds the intensity of his emotion towards Rosaline destabilising and his emotion is not calm and peaceful. Indeed, the deployment of oxymoron throughout Romeo's speech such as 'heavy lightness' or 'cold fire, sick health' suggests that the character so overwhelmed by his feelings that he loses the sight of his common sense and spins and turns into mad love towards Rosaline. In Act 2, Scene, 2 Romeo's attitude to love shifts from an infatuated love towards Rosaline to more true and youthful love he feels for Juliet. When Romeo sets his eyes on Juliet for the first time, he uses light imagery to express his feelings 'Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon'. For Romeo, Juliet is the sun who has brought brightness into his life like the sun that brought brightness to people's lives. This beautifully romantic imagery highlights the purity of Romeo's feelings and underscores to the reader the powerful force of love that Romeo is now entangled in. Moreover, Shakespeare uses religious imagery to strengthen Romeo's feelings. He refers Juliet as a 'bright angel', who is 'a winged messenger of heaven' .This religious imagery highlights the perfection of Romeo's love to Juliet ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. William Shakespeare 's Romeo And Juliet Love in Romeo and Juliet Chelsea Murphy English 521 December 16 2014 Mr. Chandler "For never was a story of more woe, than this of Juliet and her Romeo" (5.3.309–310). In William Shakespeare's Tragedy, Romeo and Juliet, love is one of the most prominent themes of the story. In the play, Shakespeare explores and illustrates the emotions of love with precise details in which every major character in the play experiences some form of desire or love. Many different types of love are shown, from the sensual and physical love advocated by the Nurse and Benvolio, proper contractual love (Paris), unrequited love between Romeo and Rosaline, friendship (Nurse/Juliet, Benvolio/Mercutio–Romeo, Friar–Romeo), romantic love, and eventually to the most important, real passionate love between Romeo and Juliet. There are many different kinds of love discussed in the play; love is illustrated as powerful, tumultuous and passionate, which is a dividing force in social contexts, between families and friends and even Romeo and Juliet. Shakespeare describes love as beautiful, violent and spiritual. In exploring Shakespeare's tragedy, Romeo and Juliet; there are three kinds of love that will be discussed: the immature love of Romeo and Rosaline, the passionate love of Romeo and Juliet, and the friendship love of Benvolio, Mercutio and Friar Lawrence. We realize Shakespeare enjoys exploring young passionate love, but also morns the ephemeral quality of that love. Romeo and Juliet consists of ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Pros And Cons Of Television On TV According to Juliet Schor, TV has been considered as a promoter of consumerism or TV is a popular alternative way to costing a lot of spending such as concerts, restaurants, and shopping. Therefore, the more TV a person watches, the more he/she will spend. In other words, what we see on TV every day inflates our sense of what's normal or what's not, and what we should be buying just to look like the lifestyle in TV. Ironically, the lifestyle depicted on TV are far different from the typically Americans' lifestyle, because those characters in the TV are upper–middle class with glamorous clothing or even the rich people. Besides, watching a lot of TV leads to a significant increase in crime rate. The most important crime is larceny. Because by watching those products on TV made people who didn't have that want to have and led to steal them. Likewise, by watching the TV, people have imbedded themselves in the unbearable lifestyle, which is filled with tennis courts, private planes, swimming pool, private cinema, private gym and separated vacation homes. By seeing these things, people start to feel the need to spend more than what they should, and care less about the consequences they're about to face. The role of luxury good advertisements does create many significant problems. Those ads such as cars, diamonds, perfume, dresses, and other expensive items have placed a wrong image in people's mind. It affects us by showing us the real information about those items, but in a ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Friar Lawrence Is Responsible for the Deaths of Romeo and... In the Shakespearean tragedy, Romeo and Juliet, Friar Lawrence was a monk, and a counselor, who came up with intricate plots and concocted a seemingly magical elixir in order to solve problems that the lovers encountered. Friar Lawrence had a profound impact on the outcome of this Shakespearean play; however, in a way that led to catastrophe. There are many factors that caused the deaths of the lovers, but two of the most important were how Friar Lawrence disregarded his own logic, and how he missed numerous opportunities to save the lovers. First of all, Friar Lawrence explicitly knew better than to do many of the things he did. First, he should not have agreed to marry Romeo and Juliet so quickly. Romeo wanted to marry Juliet after ... Show more content on ... Had he done so, he could have informed Romeo that Juliet was alive, thus he could have prevented Romeo's death. Also, Friar Lawrence did not physically stop Juliet's suicide; he simply said "Come, come away... I'll dispose of thee among a sisterhood of nuns"(V. iii. 154–157), and ran away. Had he not been so hasty, he could have realized that the consequences of being caught trespassing are less punitive than those of abandoning Juliet. In fact, Friar Lawrence knew that if he abandoned Juliet, she likely would have committed suicide, because she threatened to so in the past "...And with this knife I'll help it presently"(IV. i. 54). Furthermore, he planned on solving the family feud with the marriage "...To turn your household's rancour to pure love"(II. iii. 92), but he did not make any arrangements to inform Montague and Capulet that he married Romeo and Juliet; he simply disappeared. Had he explained the situation to Montague and Capulet, at any time before the catastrophe, they would have trusted the friar, a holy man who everyone respected, and they would have hopefully dissolved their family feud. They did so in the end after the friar was forced to explain (V. iii). In brief, Friar Lawrence should have been more proactive, and he should have stepped in at the right time. Friar Lawrence meant well, but as an adult, he had to take responsibility for his actions. As an adult, he should have thought things through, and he should have used any means necessary to ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. True Wealth, She Presents, By Juliet Schor In Juliet Schor's True Wealth, she presents, argues for, and envisions an economy, which stresses on the conceptualization of plentitude. In her publication, the main points can be broken down into three separate categories: challenges, the ideals of plentitude, and the four fundamentals or solution towards plentitude. The collection of formal analysis and insight towards key economical concepts and data serves as a concrete foundation for her proposed framework of a sustainable economic and environmental future. In chapter 1, page 12–20, Schor present a series of statements to criticize on the sustainability and concept of the BAU or defined as "business as usual" economy. She emphasizes that the BAU economy will yield less of a return in profitability in the coming decades with a possibility towards economic stagnation, and an increase in unemployment rate as a result of industrial decline in profitability. Furthermore, she illustrates how there will be an increase in environmental pollution and damages to the world, and scarcities in resources due to abnormal climate change in relation to the profitability of natural resource industries such as agriculture and so forth. Throughout chapter 2 and 3, Schor condemns the notion of BAU growth and a higher GDP. She presents an "Ecological Footprint, Carbon Footprint, and Biocapacity" on page 60, and breaks down the basis of the "Environmental Kuznet Curve (EKC)" on page 73–75. Through the analysis of these figures, she ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Romeo and Juliet Friar Lawrence is one of the most important characters in the play, Romeo & Juliet. He plays a crutial role in the tragic fates of Romeo & Juliet. Friar Lawrence is trusted and respected by other characters. The younger characters of the play who can not share their feelings with their parents seek advice from Friar Lawrence. When Romeo confesses his love for Juliet, Friar's advice is of wisdom of an old man: In Act 2 Scene 3 he tells Romeo that people who rush in make mistakes. "Wisely and slow. They stumble that run fast." He brings out solutions to conflicts of Romeo & Juliet throughout the play with good intention but with fatal consequences. Althrough Friar finds it dificult to understand Romeo's ... Show more content on ... Whether someone becomes good or evil depends on the course of life he chooses. Good may be tansformed to evil, and evil may be swept away by good: " For naught so vile that on the earth doth live. But to the earth some special good doth give, Nor caught so good but strain'd from that fair use , Revolts from true birth, stumbling on abuse, Virtue itself turns vice, being misapplied, And vice sometimes by action dignified." So Friar agrees to marry Romeo & Juliet hoping the good of their love will end the evil of the hatred. This view of Friar leaads his course of actions throuhout the play. All of his well intentioned plans and advices ,– soothing Romeo on his banishment and advising him to go to Mantua, encoraging Romeo to visit Juliet before his departure for Mantua, giving sleep potion to Juliet and planning her escape with Romeo , turn out to prepare the tragic moments of the Play. We can say that these plans are well intentioned to unite Romeo & Juliet in the hope that their love will bring peace .However they don't seem to be well thought, as events take place in an unexpected direction, his plans don't give the desired results, in fact they become the majör cause of tragic deaths of Romeo, Juliet and even Paris. He talks about how he made the mistakes which led to deaths of Romeo and Juliet, " And I here stand both to impeach and purge myself condemned and myself encused." Although ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. William Shakespeare 's Romeo And Juliet Considered by critics, scholars, and the theater–going public the most important dramatist in English literature, Shakespeare occupies a well–known position in the world of talented authors. His canon contains thirty–seven plays, written in the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries. Additionally, throughout the years, they continue to sustain critical attention, with the majority of his works circling tragedies, one being Romeo and Juliet. William Shakespeare 's Romeo and Juliet speaks to the timeless appeal of star–crossed lovers. Their love in the beginning borders upon a reality of maturity and immaturity, eventually becoming something of authenticity. Themes running throughout the play address the issues and consequences of ... Show more content on ... He included stylistic elements from Roman classicism, medieval morality plays, French popular farce, and modern Italian drama ("William Shakespeare"). Although his use of these sources was not imitative or copyrighted, he experimented with traditional forms in an original way, creating Italian Renaissance literature. Shakespeare was best known for well–written tragedies, one popular play, often overlooked is Romeo and Juliet. His tragedies, similar to his comedies, were divided into separate yet related categories, the "Roman" tragedies, and the "great" tragedies (William Shakespeare). The roman tragedies were three Shakespeare productions condensed into six hours which included Julius Caesar, Antony and Cleopatra, and Coriolanus whereas the great tragedies were some of Shakespeare's more popular works, a few being Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, and Macbeth. Romeo and Juliet is one of William Shakespeare's most studied plays throughout high school literature. It has been reworked and adapted to the preferences and times of audiences throughout history. Shakespeare himself even adapted his play from a folktale that originated earlier ("Romeo" Students). However, despite the changes in the storyline over the centuries, it still embodies the original theme and message. Shakespeare just sharpened some of the details for dramatic effect, such as shortening the period and reducing Juliet 's age, which emphasizes her naïve innocence ("Romeo" – Criticism). ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. romeo and Juliet metaphor essay Jennavieve Sullens Honors English 1/16/14 Romeo and Juliet, two lovers are faced with a grave problem when falling in love was inevitable; however, both sides of their families are participants in an ancient feud against one another, but even their own blood wont come between the passionate love that they share. For Romeo and Juliet many choices were made for them, but the madness that drove them to be together would eventually take their lives. The playwright Shakespeare utilizes metaphors in Romeo and Juliet to help us better understand the emotionally charged and complex relationship dynamics amongst the main protagonists. Metaphors are a useful literary device that help enhance the readers interpretation of the author 's ... Show more content on ... Torches never being used in the day, tells us that she stands out amongst the darkness; all in all, the darkness being figuratively compared to all other women, and Romeo only sees her. Shes the jewel that stands out against the dark Ethiop 's skin, drawing the attention of all who would behold her. She is simply to be admired and not tarnished by use. Juliet is too fine for the earth, belonging in the heavens amongst the angels. Going anywhere besides earth would either be heaven or hell, in this case Romeo sees Juliet as a prized possession; furthermore, she belongs in the heavens with angels that are as great as she. Juliet is one of the heavenly bodies incarnate upon the earth, here only to be loved by Romeo. This helps us comprehend the unconditional love that Romeo feels for Juliet. Metaphors are a useful literary device that help enhance the readers interpretation of the author 's intent and they provide clarity to the context. With such intricate metaphors used throughout all of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet it benefits the reader with constant evidence of the unique and extravagant love that the two main characters ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. Themes Presented in Shakespeare's Tragic Play Romeo and... Romeo and Juliet is one of the most famous plays in history, which is written by William Shakespeare. This play is Shakespeare's first play about tragedy. Romeo and Juliet is a very deep and profound play about two 'star–crossed' lovers met at a ball. Within this play Shakespeare used deep, complex language to describe their insightful character also their actions towards each other. Romeo and Juliet is about two lovers from families who have set a grudge upon each other, in this complex piece of art William Shakespeare has put the protagonist within ruinous events where love is hard and where love has to be flawless. The plot of Romeo and Juliet is as I said earlier, about two star–crossed lovers met at a ball. Although they have ... Show more content on ... Then Romeo realises that he made a fatal flaw. As Romeo dies Juliet's loneliness grows over her, from that she stabs her self with Romeo's sword and they both just lay their lifelessly. This play fits within the tragic genre because at Elizabethan times, tragic plays had to incorporate the death of the protagonist at the end, leaving the audience with a feeling of loss, regret and a hollow victory. In this case the protagonists are Romeo and Juliet. The themes that are embraced within this play are mostly arrogance, male pride, secrecy and physical violence. First of all arrogance is shown principally by Mercutio, given in act 3 scene 1, he insults Tybalt by calling him a "ratcatcher". The word "ratcatcher" links in with Tybalt's name which means 'king of cats'. He has much courage to insult the cousin of Romeo's love; also his arrogance overpowers his mind when he tries to scare Tybalt by giving the names of sword's moves ('passado'). To make this play fit more into the tragic genre,the arrogance also link in with another theme that Shakespeare has put in which is male pride. this is shown by several character but it is mainly shown by Romeo and Mercutio. As Tybalt killed Mercutio, Romeo ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Romeo and Juliet: Effects of Censorship Romeo and Juliet has always been one of Shakespeare's most popular plays (Bryant xxiii) "This play, like Shakespeare's other works, is a tribute to his discernment of the human soul" (Lipson and Lipson 1). The Elizabethan people of that time saw in the drama a reflection of their own life and experience. It's appearance, then, was human rather than analytical or educational. "Romeo and Juliet is one of the world's greatest plays because Romeo and Juliet are what Shakespeare has made them" Lipson and Lipson 11). Shakespeare's works depend on language. One of the most important dimensions of Shakespeare's language is imagery. Through the use of metaphors, similes, symbols, passages of heightened natural description, Shakespeare's writing, ... Show more content on ... Presenting a certain age group with an abridged version "protects" that age group (and even the teacher) from "morally objectionable material," however, it seems that this not only distorts what the writer (in this case, Shakespeare) originally intended, but it also treats what once existed as nonexistent. "Shakespeare knew the human mind, and its most minute and intimate workings, and he never introduces a word, or a thought, in vain or out of place...He never wrote at random, or hit upon points of character and conduct by chance; and the smallest fragment of his mind not unfrequently gives a clue to the most perfect, regular, and consistent whole" (Coleridge 183). In many respects, the imagery or dramatic irony aspects, the graphic, figurative, rich language that Shakespeare is so noted for is lost. The preciousness of youth remains untouched by the hands of a genius. Fundamental writing principles of contrasting characters such as Mercutio's wit to Romeo's can never be explored or examined and are sacrificed for the sake of innocence. Perhaps one might think that the above examples are trivial in tampering with the true meaning Shakespeare had in mind. Another example will bring us to Act One, Scene 3. This scene (according to the abridged version), introduces us to Juliet, her mother, and the nurse: NURSE: Of all the days of the ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. The Dramatization of Act 3 Scene 1 of William... The Dramatization of Act 3 Scene 1 of William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet Romeo and Juliet is a very famous play about two lovers in two different families who are rivals. Romeo and Juliet has love, passion, fighting, sadness, madness, lust and jealousy packed into one. It was written by William Shakespeare around 1595 over 400 years ago. Romeo and Juliet is a great play for all ages and genders this is one of the things that makes it so special. This is why it is still performed around the world today. Before Fight This is how William Shakespeare makes the story dramatic before the fight. In the play Shakespeare uses dramatic and emotive language for example "for now those hot days, ... Show more content on ... Either withdraw unto some private place, or reason coldly of your grievevances, or else depart, here all eyes gaze on us." But Mercutio ignores him and carries on. The scene began in a light hearted tone but soon turns serious During fight During the fight Shakespeare makes it dramatises by making Romeo happy and joyful as he meets his best friend Mercutio but his joy soon turns to anger when Tybalt appears and a fight is started. Romeo tries to interfere with the fight and stop it, as he must feel guilty if anything should happen to Tybalt because he has just married Juliet. Romeo is at first placid but as the scene goes on he becomes increasingly agitated and angry until finally he totally loses control and stabs Tybalt to death. At this point Romeo rejects all logic and becomes a revenge hero "away to heaven respective lenity and fire eyed fury be my conduct now. This is dramatic language, which contrasts with Romeo's earlier mild replies to Tybalt's taunting. When Mercutio is fatally stabbed, he still manages to retain his sense of humour. His jokes in the face of death are dramatically effective. "no,' tis not so deep as a well, nor so wide as a church door. But tis enough. 'twill serve. Ask me tomorrow, and you shall find me a grave man. This is a example of black humour and this ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Power of Women in William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet... Female sovereignty was uncommon in Renaissance England. The social structure of the family assured the subjugation of woman under man. Daughters remained under the care of their fathers until they were married, at which time they became subject to their husband's authority. Economics ensured the wife's dependence on her husband. Unmarried and widowed women retained far more legal rights than married women, therefore, "for a woman, marriage meant the loss of her legal and economic rights, and therefore a dependence on the (chosen) man" (Motte 29). Even though marriage often meant a loss of legal rights, those daughters who had the good fortune to choose their mates faired better than those whose marriages were arranged. ... Show more content on ... The standard upheld had been the normal marriage practice among the elite during the Renaissance. The act required that "'banns had to be published two weeks before the ceremony was to take place; second, that the marriage had to be solemnized in a parish church in the presence of a priest and two other witnesses; and third, that parental consent was necessary for persons under 21'" (Cacicedo 193). This practice ensured parental control over the couple and transfer of property. Under this strict system, Renaissance marriage became a "system of fair market exchange" (Matchinske 156). The husband was expected to provide economically for his wife. In turn, the wife was obligated to render herself, her chastity, her silence, and her obedience unto her husband. Because of this system of exchange, "marriages of interest became the target of severe censure at the beginning of the century as a form of legalized prostitution" (Massai 71). Fathers exchanged their daughter's virginity for family connections, sons promised security in order to win a wife, and women were transferred from one lord to another. Shakespeare's Juliet completely breaks with convention and culture by assuming female sovereignty. A daughter in Juliet's social class should marry a man of her father's choosing. Juliet refuses to marry Paris, forcing Capulet to give her an ultimatum: ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. Comparing the Starts of Two Film Versions of Romeo and Juliet Comparing the Starts of Two Film Versions of Romeo and Juliet Romeo and Juliet is a timeless, classical love story written by the unmatched author, William Shakespeare. Many of Shakespeare's works are considered literary classics, but none are more loved, well known than Romeo and Juliet. This play masterfully tells the love story of two teenagers in Verona, Italy. The title characters, Romeo and Juliet, are members of two feuding families. Romeo is a Montague and Juliet is a Capulet. There are different stylistic ways of portraying Romeo and Juliet, and the two most popular film versions render two very different styles of the Shakespearean classic. Zeffirelli's Romeo and Juliet was made in ... Show more content on ... Actress Claire Danes played Juliet. Claire Danes became popular while playing "Angela" on the short–lived television series 'My So Called Life', it now in reruns on MTV. Leonardo and Claire were the perfect Romeo and Juliet in this brilliant production. Every director has his own vision of how he sees the scenes of his production playing out. Zeffirelli and Luhrmann had different interpretations of certain scenes of Romeo and Juliet. One such scene was the famous balcony scene. Zeffirelli stuck to the classical interpretation, while Luhrmann did not. In Zeffirelli's version Juliet was on the balcony outside her bedroom calling rhetorically, "Romeo, Romeo where fore art thou Romeo?" Romeo appears and climbs up the balcony, and they share a couple of small kisses before he departs. However, in Luhrmann's version of the play, things happen differently. Juliet is walking by the pool when Romeo startles her and they both fall into the pool. Their conversation then takes place in the pool. They share a several passionate kisses between getting interrupted by a nosy security guard. Another significant scene that was portrayed differently in the two films was the suicide scene Zeffirelli's version is once again almost exact to what we read in the book. Romeo sees what he perceives to be a dead Juliet lying in her family's tomb, and distraught by the sight he drinks poison. When ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. The Relationship Between Parents And Children In William... The Relationship Between Parents And Children In William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet The tragedy of 'Romeo and Juliet' is the result of feuding between two noble families in Verona/Italy. Romeo was born into the Montague household, who were the more controlled, quieter family. They did not 'enjoy' the fights therefore tried to avoid the feuds. They were not one to start a fight calculatingly unlike their opposing enemies; the Capulets, who they loathed more than death itself. Wherever a potential fight was building up, the Capulets couldn't resist the urge in ... Show more content on ... As time passed this old grudge broke to utter hatred which led to chaotic civil fights. This dispute had been ongoing for so long that it is forgotten why it had begun. Each member of each household just had to pass on the streets and one way or another chaos would start. Shouting, crashing from civil pillar to post, cursing and bawling, with or without knowing it they filled the good, innocent and helpless citizens of Verona with trepidation and fury to have their cities peace and tranquillity so senselessly disturbed by two uncontrollable and reckless households over a fight they did not know how started. Romeo and Juliet are described as 'star–crossed lovers'. This means that they are both from two separate opposing families and this makes their love impossible. It is impossible in the sense that their love, feelings and emotions will never be accepted by both sides therefore they are forced to keep it all a secret. This Shakespeare play is about these two young lovers and how the hate from the two families resulted to such a tragic ending. If at the start they were free to love each other then everything would have gone smoothly but of course there is their biggest obstacle, their parents which they could not equivocate. The feuding the two households had repelled them away from ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. How Baz Luhrmann's Interpretation of the Prologue Engages... How Baz Luhrmann's Interpretation of the Prologue Engages the Audience's Attention and Makes them Want to Watch the Rest of the Film How is it that after watching the opening sequence to Baz Luhrmann's Romeo and Juliet film (properly titled William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet) about twenty times, the exhilarating thrill I experience from it still has not faded out? To grab the attention of the viewers and keep their eyes glued to the screen as the movie starts, the director uses a variety of special techniques, also to make it clear to the audience that this film is a far cry from the original dullness associated with Shakespeare play recreations. Firstly, the range of music; the booming ... Show more content on ... This is the thought which Baz Luhrmann wants to put into the audiences' mind for their first impression of not so "fair" Verona; so after the news report is told, the camera whizzes into the screen behind the news reader which displays a blown up petrol station, burning away as chaos fills the air. The serenade of blasting classic opera music, which is played while the images of the shocking city are presented, makes the seriousness and dramatic quality. The rapid montage of imagery adds to the rush of adrenaline that is felt when you watch this scene. A police helicopter is shown hovering unsteadily in the air. Moreover, as if it is being shot from the helicopter, bird's eye view shots are taken with speed shots – many long shots zooming into close–ups as the panoramic view of the city is previewed. It is as if Verona is being shaken by the crime when the noisy helicopter makes the camera focus shaky. The fast editing which shows us police cars, people being chased and people being injured makes the upbeat anxiety more effective. Another aspect of the opening, which I found effective, is the voice–over. Made to seem God–like, it echoes the story in brief, in a somewhat worried and disappointed tone of voice. Luhrmann indicates the ongoing vendetta by showing the close up pictures of the families on Newspaper with flames flickering in front of the headlines, ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Marketing Technique For The Marketing Of Cool By Juliet... For many years, corporations have targeted adults, but as the years progressed their main focus and targeted audience have been children. Countless corporations often focus their products such as toys, clothes, and drugs to children in order to increase their own economic gain. In Juliet Schor's article, " Selling to children: The Marketing of Cool", she mentions how products are accepted and interpreted by children in today's society. However, in Eric Schlosser article, " Kid Kustomers", he emphasizes on the constant antagonizing strategies through ads and televisions shows to target kids. Although Juliet Schors and Eric Schlosser are both speaking about corporations marketing to children, their articles differ quite significantly. While they both speak about corporation and their marketing directed to children, Schor maintains her focus on how society perceived these products as cool or geeky, while Schlosser focuses his article on the negative way corporations have marketed their products to underage children. In Schlosser's article, "Kid Kustomers", the author focuses on many disturbing facts as the marketing technique for tobacco products used to target children. It was really astounding to see that in the early 90's these commercials of tobacco use was made kid friendly through the use of the cartoon camel. The image itself became so popular that they were compared to the images of Mickey Mouse. The author state, " all of America's six–year olds could identify ... Get more on ...