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Sale Manifesto
Sale Manifesto
The Sales Manifesto is the framework for the
organizations sales efforts. This document is a
living breathing document that will grow over
time, and be a snapshot of the sales strategy
for the organization.
Sales Principles
Guiding Values
Vision & Mission
Ideal Customer
We Love to work with
No A-Hole Policy
The People Who Buy from Us
Personas: The Buyer
Personas: The Influencer
Personas: The Detractor
Sales Strategy & Process
Pipeline Overview
Stage Definitions with Tips & Tricks
Sample Scripts & Templates
Sales Pitch
Meeting Agenda(s)
Presentation Deck(s)
Best Practices
Objections & Rebuttals
Capturing, Storage, Access, & Updating
Top 5 Objections by Industry
Team Design
Team & Management Structure
Compensation Structure
Training & Mentoring Schedule
Quota & Goals
Implementation Strategy
Releasing the New Strategy
Start Selling!
Chapter 1 We are an organization that
sells sales best practice and
strategy. Because of this
we must hold ourselves to
a standard of sales far and
beyond that of any normal
client as we are the example.
Holding ourselves as the example means that, always, we must
operate at the highest levels, and at a moment’s notice be ready
to sell. To do this we have very clear values we use to guide all
decisions we make.
PASSION We don’t just convey passion we prove it by being
early to meetings, going beyond what is asked in deliverables, and
always being the example of professionalism in how we present
ourselves personally and as a team.
CURIOSITY Always educate ourselves by asking questions to
increase our knowledge, so we can continue to drive better results
for our clients.
INNOVATION Results are learned from failure. Therefore, we
embrace failure as a win. We do this by trying new things and
constantly learning from the results. We work every day to be an
established business that innovates like a start-up.
TRANSPARENCY Be authentic and honest 100% of the time, no
matter how hard it may be. We use facts, not opinions, to prove our
FAMILY We always have one another’s back, and will be there to
support one another to be the best we can. We will always do our
best to make sure you never miss those important moments with
your family, and when you do we will do our best to make it up to
your family.
HUMILITY We may not know everything, but dam it we will find
out. Our willingness to admit our faults is what makes us so powerful.
PUNK We never conform to social norms! We march to the beat
of our own drum and create our own path as we know it can lead to
better results. It takes stamina to play at the speed of Punk, and is
only achieved through practice and dedication.
A business is built to bring
together people together to
achieve something greater
than any one person can
achieve alone.
Our Ultimate Destination
ECONOMY. Mission:
How We Reach Our Destination
To accomplish this every business must have two very important
pieces of their business so that every person in the organization
can always be working toward the same common goal.
Those two critical pieces are the Mission and Vision. To have one
without the other is like having a map with no destination.
The Vision serves as the destination that the entire organization
works to get closer to each day.
The Mission in relation is the path to ensure the organization
reach-es their destination. Therefore, without both you can never
place your team on the path toward success.
Chapter 2 BizSprints works with
business service and product
companies that have revenues
of at least a million dollars per
annum. Though we can work
with any organization that
sells products or services to
other businesses we have a
high degree of specialization
in software, call center,
and direct selling “MLM”
Curious what a business service company is? Yeah we get that
a lot. A business service company is a company that performs a
service for another business. This can be anything from a compa-
ny who supplies uniforms like Aramark or Cintas to Software as a
Service companies like FieldLogix or Bizness Apps. We help these
companies regain their focus on the sale, which will immediately
show results in their pipeline, and hold them accountable to the
new strategy through monthly check ins with their Strategy Guru.
We have a NO A-Hole Policy! No matter how much money you
have we will not work with you.
What is an A-Hole? This is a company…
That wants everything done for them, and unwilling to put in
any work to accomplish it.
Will not show up to meetings when they are scheduled and
agreed upon.
Complains that nothing is ever good enough even when the
results meet the expectations agreed upon.
Has unrealistic expectations, and unwilling to move from them.
Egotistical leadership that are all about how they come across
and not how their business looks.
Puts the needs of the owner above the needs of the business.
Secretive and not transparent (unless warranted due to industry)
Knowing the industries that
buy from us is critical, but at
the end of the day it is still
a person who will ultimately
make the final decision on if
their company will use our ser-
vices or not.
For this reason, we have created personas of the people that are
typically involved with the purchasing our services.
What’s important to note is that the demographics listed are gener-
al demographics based on our current knowledge of the market,
and are updated as the market changes. For instance, you may find
a decision maker that is a manager at a company instead of a CEO
or President. The title is not what is important, the power of the
person is what is critical to ensure you understand.
What we want you to pay closest attention to, is the essence be-
hind who these people are and what makes them tick. This way,
when you are standing in front of a Fred or Nick, you have an idea
of how to present yourself to them to make the greatest impact.
So take your time to study
these personas carefully,
and then role play (mini-
mum bi-weekly) with your-
self and with a team mem-
ber on how you would
present, talk to, email, or
even introduce yourself
to each of the people we
have created for you.
The Buyer is the person who has full autonomy to buy our compa-
ny’s services without the approval of anyone else. This is typically
the person who will actually sign the agreement once it is ap-
proved for signature. One of the easiest ways to figure out if you
are speaking to a buyer is to ask if the person you are speaking to,
“so is this something you can sign off on, or do you need to kick it
upstairs?” If they say they need to kick it upstairs, then you are not
speaking to a buyer. At best you are speaking to an influencer.
The Buyer
Chapter 2a
Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Managing Partner
Small Business (1M - 25M) to Me-
dium Business (25M - 250M) sized
organizations have the title of:
Chief Sales Officer (CSO)
Senior Partner
Senior Vice President (SVP) of Sale or
Executive Vice President (EVP) of Sales
Vice President (VP) of Sales
Senior Vice President (SVP) of
Sales & Marketing or
Executive Vice President (EVP) of
Sales & Marketing
Vice President (VP) of
Sales & Marketing
Director of Sales
Director of Sales & Marketing
Medium Business (25M - 250M) to
Enterprise Business (250M+) sized
organizations can be any of the
people above or have the title of:
Marketing Influencer
Fred is a CEO at a $50 Million call center outsourcer that has been
in business for 32 years. Starting this company with a loan from his
father, he has been able to navigate the last 30 years with some
very good years, and some very lean years. But, in the end he and
his company are still here. Most of his team has stood by his side
for 15 plus years, and he is as loyal to them as he is his own family.
After all, they played just as large a role in keeping this business
going as he did. Lately though, when Fred comes into the office
he doesn’t spend much time working on the business. Most of his
Andrew is the Founder and CEO at a $2 Million Software start-up
company that has been in business for just over a year and a half.
To date the company has not posted any profits, but has been able
to secure nearly a Million dollars in funding from a debt-round they
did with friends, family members, and a private equity firm. Andrew
still holds on to nearly 34% of all the companies’ equity making him
the largest single shareholder, but knows that does not guarantee
him his role as CEO. Coming out of Andrew’s last board meeting
with his investors, Andrew has been told that he must start posting
time is dedicated to his 3 children, and his hobbies of golf, skiing,
flying, and target shooting. As his 60th birthday quickly approach-
es, Fred is looking to get his company boosted up to have some
options for a possible exit. He knows his choices are going to be
around bringing in a new CEO to take over, selling it to a competi-
tor, or possibly selling it to the employees of the company.
Whatever the outcome he must get sales up and growing so he can
cash out or get the income he needs from it to sustain his pretty
expensive life style.
significant revenue growth numbers month over month so that
they can get a Venture Capital firm interested in leading a Series A
funding round.
This growth pressure does not allow much of a personal life, and
therefore makes his work life as fun as possible. Many times party-
ing hard with those people that he works with.
SEX SEXMale Male
AGE AGE55 36
RELIGION RELIGIONJewish/Catholic No Time
INCOME INCOME$500k - $1M+ $50k or less
HOBBIES HOBBIESGolf, Skiing, Tennis, & Flying Work, Health, & Parties
CONCERNS CONCERNSKids, Retirement, Death His company running out of money
Detailed but emotional.
Depends heavily on his team to guide decisions
Emotional and does not research purchases well.BUYING HABITS BUYING HABITS
Boost his ego and show him what you do will improve
how the board looks at him. POWER!
The Influencer(s) is a person(s) that a buyer looks to for advice
and counsel when making a decision. These people, many times,
come across as a buyer, but normally do not have the autonomy to
make the final purchasing decision.
In the sale these people are very important to educate and win
over as these people can make or break your deal. If you don’t
win over the Influencer(s) your deal will not be won. These people
are there to poke holes in your service, and you must satisfy those
holes with answers before they will sign off on the purchase.
The Influencer
Chapter 2b
Vice President (Vp)
Small Business (1M - 25M) to Me-
dium Business (25M - 250M) sized
organizations have the title of:
Chief Operating Officer (COO)
Chief Marketing Officer (CMO)
Senior Vice President (SVP) or
Executive Vice President (EVP)
Vice President (VP)
Senior Director
Managing/Regional/Division Director
Medium Business (25M - 250M) to
Enterprise Business (250M+) sized
organizations can be any of the
people above or have the title of:
Customer Service
Account Management
These influencers will typically be
in the following
Customer Service
Account Management
These influencers will typically be
in the following departments
Influencer Personas
Influencer Personas
Corey has been working as the VP of Sales for nearly 14 years.
When Corey was first brought on he was just a sales guy brought in
to help grow the company. Over the years, Corey was able to get
lucky and land some large deals that really changed the entire face
of the organization. As a way to thank Corey, and keep him there,
his CEO made Corey a VP of Sales with a very lucrative salary, great
bonus, and some equity in the business for Profit Share.
Being the VP of Sales, Corey is in almost daily meetings with his
CEO advising him to the state of sales and the competitive land-
Melissa just joined as the Director of Marketing about a year ago.
Being told her direct report is the CEO, but that the VP of Sales will
be her day-to-day contact. She has quickly realized that the VP of
Sales is her real boss.
When she joined the organization her training was next to nothing,
but she was expected to start creating leads immediately. When
she was interviewing she was so excited to hear about the freedom
she was going to be allowed, but she had no clue that this freedom
meant almost no guidance.
scape. Since they spend so much time together in the office Corey
and his CEO have become friends, and have started to have their
families spend time together outside of work functions as well. This
has positioned Corey as one of most influential advisors to his CEO,
but knows to make sure his agenda goes through 100% will need
the support of 1-2 of his fellow VP’s for any major purchases.
This is all topped off with the pressure of the sales team demanding
more and more leads to hit quota. Under incredible pressure she
works, what feels like 24 hours a day to try and get their market-
ing organized. The last thing she wants is to end up like the last 3
heads of Marketing who quit or were fired. She wants to make it!
SEX SEXMale Female
AGE AGE42 34
RELIGION RELIGIONChristian Christian
INCOME INCOME$325k - $525K $85k - $105k
HOBBIES HOBBIESBoating, Golf, Tennis, Concerts, Kids Hiking, Yoga, Reading, Dancing
CONCERNS CONCERNSBoredom with role, divorce, kids, & staying in budget to hit bonus Staying relevant and not being replaced
Emotional buyer if you can prove it will advance
their power & personal earnings
Very cautious buyer. Normally wants to triple check everythingBUYING HABITS BUYING HABITS
WEAKNESS WEAKNESSOnly in it for #1, and craves power at any cost Tries to please everyone
Influencer Personas
Account Management
Influencer Personas
11 years ago Harvey was recruited to work for this 20-year-old
organization as the VP of Operations and COO. In the interview he
could tell they were desparate for a person to come in and clean
up their operations so they could take it to the next level. Excited
by the challenge, and happy to see a company growing steadily he
jumped right in.
Now, 11 years later, Harvey is still working 12 – 16 hours per day,
6 – 7 days per week. This role has cost him his first marriage, made
him miss much of his kids growing up, but has made him a good
Heidi started 8 years ago as an account manager and only intend-
ed on staying for a year or two. Now, as the Director of Account
Management, her job places her over 100% of the revenue of the
company. This role makes her very powerful in theory, but really
she is more of the whipping poll when things go wrong, and does
not exist when things go great. She has come to grips with the fact
that her entire world is to keep the clients happy, which will keep
the sales people off her back. Additionally, she has to make sure to
reset expectations improperly set by the sales team before they get
amount of money and equity in the company. His goal is to ride
out a few more years and either get some investors to buy the com-
pany, or cash out his equity to retire.
So he can keep his income where he likes it, Harvey has learned
that spending has to be kept very tight. So he and the head of
sales get along on most things except spending money. He feels
sales are just party boys blowing the money that should go in his
to operations, so her head of Ops doesn’t want to kill her. Basically
she is Switzerland.
What keeps her in this role is the fair salary, but the even better
bonus based on the revenue of the clients her team oversees and
grows. Lucky for her, the clients they have are very loyal and grow-
ing, but if that were to change things may need to change.
SEX SEXMale Female
AGE AGE53 36
ETHNICITY ETHNICITYWhite / Black / Asian White / Black / Asian / Hispanic
RELIGION RELIGIONChristian Christian
INCOME INCOME$175k - $275K $90k - $115k
HOBBIES HOBBIESBowling, Car Racing, Golf, Racket Ball Church, Concerts, Dining, Travel, Kids
CONCERNS CONCERNSStaying relevant and not being replaced. Retirement & Death Keeping her job so she can keep her kids in private school
Very cheap and must be sold on the facts Detailed and wants a lot of referrals. But, will go with whatever Sales
and Operations says in the end
WEAKNESS WEAKNESSTo be viewed as the creator of the solution Push over by power players
Influencer Personas
Influencer Personas
Brett left college 3 years ago and was lucky enough to score himself
a position on the Salesforce sales team. He quickly graduated from
the telemarketing team up to the senior sales guy, and eventually
into a regional sales rep. When he finally got burnt out 6 months
ago, he started talking to some of his college buddies and his one
friend told him about his new software start-up that would love to
have him come run sales for him. The salary was nothing great, but
the equity could be worth a ton. Now, 6 months into the role, Brett
realizes all the crazy pressure he had at Salesforce was nothing com-
Nick’s best friend in college called him one day to tell him about
this amazing start-up he was running sales at, and told him that he
needed his marketing brain there to help get lead count up for his
sales boys. The pay was okay, but the perks were insane! So Nick
said what the hell and joined.
That was almost a year and a half ago, and ever since he said yes
his life has been insane! Work pretty much takes up every moment
of every day, but that is cool because work is basically an extension
pared to what he was under here. From insane sales quotas being
handed down from the board, to the software not living up to the
hype they are being told to create. This is not what he expected, but
must keep selling. He has a team of 10 insides sales people, all fresh
out of college that he cranks through about every 6 months. As long
as the beer is flowing and the marketing girls don’t get ugly he is
sure he can keep up with the turnover and paying these guys $35k
per year. He needs to figure out how to add in Enterprise sales that
are being demanded by the board that he has no bandwidth for.
of college. Yeah the pressure is insane, but he is working with his
best friends, have hot women, bro’s in his department, and the
party basically never stops. Yeah they have a ton of work to do as
well, but that is for all the worker bees. Nick’s job is to make sure
the leads keep flowing in, and sales stays fat and happy which never
SEX SEXMale Male
AGE AGE34 36
INCOME INCOME$100k plus Equity / Options $100k + Equity
HOBBIES HOBBIESAdrenaline Junky & Partying Hard Work & Partying
CONCERNS CONCERNSCompany running out of money or losing his job Company going out of business
100% Gut! Cautious, but emotional. Has been burned a few times,
but still very trusting
WEAKNESS WEAKNESSOver trusting people if they promise to help
Will buy anything that will keep sales happy.
Just wants to have fun. Ego can be bruised easily
Influencer Personas
Account Management
Influencer Personas
Karl walks into the office each day and still feels like he is father to
200 frat boys and sorority girls. A year ago, Karl was recruited out of
his comfy role at a major organization with the promise of a great
challenge and a HUGE payday once they sell. So at the age of 42
Karl made the jump to run operations for this start-up tech firm, and
has regretted it every day since.
Karl was used to structure and organization, and this environment
is anything but. Everyone seems to be working non-stop, but the
output is actually not that amazing. Then the worst part is that when
Ali was hired in 8 months ago with the simple mission of, “keep our
clients happy and loving us.” Beyond that she was pretty much left
to figure everything else out. No budget, and no guidance beyond
keeping clients happy and not leaving us.
So Ali quickly started calling clients and learning that they were not
that happy with the software. Many just did not fully understand
how to use it, or what it really did for them. They felt that they were
way over sold.
deadlines come up the engineering team is usually so far behind
they have to pull crazy all nighters to just get something shipped
and pray it does not break.
At the end of the day Karl knows his time here will be short, and
already looking around so he can jump ship.
To respond, Ali quickly hires in a bunch of her girlfriends to help
field calls and reach out to clients to keep them from leaving. It is
a thankless task as much of what they want is on the engineering
roadmap, but no date of delivery. Plus, sales keeps selling like it is
done, but it is not.
SEX SEXMale Female
AGE AGE38 26
RELIGION RELIGIONChristian Christian
INCOME INCOME$175k - $200K $60k
HOBBIES HOBBIESBoating, Tennis, Golf Dancing, Beach, Travel, Boyfriend
CONCERNS CONCERNSLosing his job and health benefits Losing her job, not being part of the cool kids at work,
or missing the party
VERY CAUTIOUS and SLOW Frugal, will buy from people who can make her feel important, and/or
who can provide her something that will allow her to standout
WEAKNESS WEAKNESSSell stability for him and his role. Karl is not trying to become
the CEO just hold on to this job long enough to jump ship
No self esteem
The Detractor is the person who will actively put up the most resis-
tance to purchase our services. This person is someone you typi-
cally will not engage with directly, but rather need to empower the
Buyer and Influencer(s) with answers to overcome their push back.
This person is the most dangerous as they are easy to miss, but can
kill a deal right as it is coming in to close. Never miss this person!
It is very important to note that a Detractor and Influencer can be
the same person.
The Detractor
Chapter 2c
Chief Financial Officer (CFO)
VP or Head of Sales
Small Business (1M - 25M) to Me-
dium Business (25M - 250M) sized
organizations have the title of:
Craig took the role of CFO after being the Controller for the
company for almost 10 years. Over that time, he has seen so much
change in the company both for the good and bad. He used to
get all worked up when he saw people wasting company money,
but now just realizes that no one really cares as long as they show
a profit at the end of the year. More importantly, as long as that
number is what it needs to be so he gets his bonus!
One of Craig’s biggest challenges is dealing with the head of sales.
It annoys him to no end how this guy can literally get away with
Brett left college 3 years ago and was lucky enough to score himself
a position on the Salesforce sales team. He quickly graduated from
the telemarketing team up to the senior sales guy, and eventually
into a regional sales rep. When he finally got burnt out 6 months
ago, he started talking to some of his college buddies and his one
friend told him about his new software start-up that would love to
have him come run sales for him. The salary was nothing great, but
the equity could be worth a ton. Now, 6 months into the role, Brett
realizes all the crazy pressure he had at Salesforce was nothing
murder, and it is okay. From $2,000 dinners with “clients” to suites
at the Ritz. It is just insane what the CEO allows him to do. That is
why any time he tries to push anything through Craig is always all
over it and typically having to have a conversation with the CEO
about it. Especially since last quarter it was him who lost Craig his
bonus. “Dam those morons in sales!”
compared to what he was under here. From insane sales quotas
being handed down from the board, to the software not living up to
the hype they are being told to create. This is not what he expected,
but must keep selling. He has a team of 10 insides sales people, all
fresh out of college that he cranks through about every 6 months. As
long as the beer is flowing and the marketing girls don’t get ugly he
is sure he can keep up with the turnover and paying these guys $35k
per year. He needs to figure out how to add in Enterprise sales that
are being demanded by the board that he has no bandwidth for.
SEX SEXMale Male
AGE AGE54 34
INCOME INCOME$200k $100k plus Equity / Options
HOBBIES HOBBIESGolf, Racket Ball, TV, Travel, Wine Adrenaline Junky & Partying Hard
CONCERNS CONCERNSRetirement and Death Company running out of money or losing his job
EXTREMELY CHEAP, and will only allow things through
he can see proof will create results
WEAKNESS WEAKNESSReferrals. If a service is sent to him from a trusted contact,
he will almost always buy it out of respect
Over trusting people if they promise to help
Chapter 3 The sales pipeline is the best
way for you to track your
progress toward quota and
your goals. Used correctly you
will be able to accurately
project your sales and income.
We see our sales cycle in two phases:
PHASE 1: PROSPECTING The prospecting pipeline takes us
from our ideas all the way through to the Buyer being Identified.
It is critical to always remember to keep this part of the pipeline
overflowing with deals, so we have an ample number of potential
prospects for us to work through our selling pipeline.
PHASE 2: SELLING The Selling pipeline is self-explanatory by
the name, but the actions you will take within this portion of the
pipeline can make or break your deal.
This portion of the pipeline is critical for you to manage carefully,
and constantly be working deals through.
Remember the longer a deal sits in any stage of the Selling pipe,
the less likely you are to convert them from one stage to the next.
Here is where you need to push the client toward being won or
lost, and always remembering that we celebrate both!
This is an idea
of someone you
believe could be
a prospect
Closing Probability
Proposal has
been present-
ed to client for
These are
companies who
have passed our
filtering criteria.
* Two-way communication means an email/text that has been sent
and responded to more than once, or a live phone call.
Either verbal or
written accep-
tance of the
proposal sent.
Contact made
This stage is
achieved once
two-way com-
munication* has
occurred with a
Upon sending
contract via
Docusign we
will be in
Introduction to
Strategy Guru
When a live call
has been com-
pleted between
prospect &
strategy guru
The real buyer
is identified and
documented in
Contract signed
and invoice sent
for payment.
Either in person
Or via zoom a
presentation of
our solution
with buyer
This is not just
the package
they want,
but what their
needs are with
our services.
What impact
will we have,
and what are
their expecta-
tions for us?
The sales strategy is something that we will continue to iterate
ongoing to ensure maximum pipeline velocity. These are specific
steps and tactics you can use to move a deal from one stage to the
next in the pipeline. Remember, our job in sales is to work every
day to increase the velocity in which we move people through our
pipeline. The more stage moves we make each day the more likely
we are to achieve our final goal of closed deals.
// Creating Ideas
This stage may seem easy as you can simply load in companies
qualified or not, but as you will quickly learn the more crap you put
into this stage the less likely you are to achieve your sales quota
and goals. The more shit you shove into the pipes the more shit
you get out (aka – lost deals). The reason is, for an idea to become
a prospect takes investigation and time. The more time you spend
on deals that have no opportunity to become prospects, the more
time you are not spending on deals that can convert. This is why we
strongly encourage you to really think through the companies you
are placing on your “idea” stage to ensure they have a chance to
pass vetting to become someone you really can work.
// Ideas To Prospect
Quite possibly the most important stage move in the entire pipe-
line is from idea to prospect. The reason this stage move is so
critical is because you are now confirming that this company has
the potential to turn into a paying client of the business, and you
are going to place all of your efforts toward making them so. This
means a large investment of time and resources. That is why we
strongly encourage you to pay close attention to the deals you
move into the prospect stage to ensure they are properly qualified
based on our vetting criteria, and you have a perception they are in
a place to buy.
// Contact Made
Here we go! You have now taken the first major step into making
this company a client. Many times this stage can take weeks or
months to achieve if you are going into it cold, but once here our
average sales cycle to won or lost is 14 days.
To achieve this stage, we suggest the following action items:
Send your prospect an inMail via LinkedIn rather than simply
emailing with them. Many times their LinkedIn accounts are
connected to their personal email rather than their work email
which will provide you a much higher chance to get your infor-
mation in front of them.
If you are cold calling, attempt to call at different times of the
day. For instance, if you have tried to call this prospect from 9am
– 11am on Monday, try 11am – 1pm, 1pm – 3pm, and then 3pm
– 5pm instead, on the same day. If those times do not work, try
moving days and go through the day parts again. At some point
you will find a day and time that will allow you to connect with
this prospect. Remember, the trick to cold calling is using days
and day parts to find the common holes in their schedule and
then exploit them. This is all about tenacity!
Email the prospect with value add material. Rather than the
same old BS please look at me, try sending something with
meat. This can be anything from a relevant article about their
company, industry, or them; to an introduction to a possible
client or partner. Remember, the best emails always come with
chocolate and hugs.
Send a hand written letter. Yes, you read that right, it is time to
put pen to paper! A handwritten note to a person has become
a lost art that will allow you to stand out. Make it short, sweet,
and most importantly 100% tailored to them. Do not use some
pre-written BS you send to everyone. Send something that will
speak to them personally. Search Facebook/Twitter/Pinterest/
etc… to figure out what they like and use that as inspiration.
Yes, this takes time, but the time you spend will be well worth it.
Random Encounter. This trick is as old as it gets, but still is far
and beyond the most effective. Find out what events this person
attends and be there just for them. Don’t make it obvious, but
when you go don’t get distracted. You are there to work one
person, and need to make sure you don’t miss it.
// Buyer Identified
Finding your true buyer is not as easy as you might think. As you
begin to work with larger and larger organizations it is very easy to
get lost in the organizational chart of authority.
The important thing to remember here is that you are looking for
who will ultimately sign your contract, and can authorize payment
to be processed.
Here are some tips you can use to make sure you are speaking to
the Buyer.
ASK! Yeah I just went there because really this is the most effec-
tive way, and the honesty of the answer can end up being very
telling. If a client says “Yes” I am the buyer, but then turns out
not to be then we need to possibly ask ourselves if this person
fits our no a-hole policy.
Now they could have originally thought they could have ap-
proved it, but then upon learning pricing had to kick it upstairs,
but then that means you did not properly identify the buyer at
this stage FYI.
So when you ask just go for it and say, “if this all proceeds, are
you going to be the signer of the contract and invoice at $x.xx
per year?” Then wait for the answer.
Test the waters with a Mutual Non-Disclosure (MNDA). One of
my favorite ways to find my buyer is to offer a MNDA to provide
a sense of security to the prospect for all information being
discussed and see who signs it. If your contact says they are the
Buyer, but the MNDA ends up being signed by someone else
then guess what, you are not working with the buyer.
It is also important to note that getting companies used to
signing things for you early and often is a great closing practice.
The more they are used to signing the easier it becomes when
you present the contract to them.
Offer up a one-on-one with your CEO, and use this as your
excuse to ask if they will be the ultimate buyer, or if it would be
more appropriate for their CEO/VP/etc…to come to the meeting.
I do not encourage you to use this one much, but it has shown
some progress over the years. The issue here is that many times it is
believed to be common curtesy for CEO to meet with their coun-
terpart, which may or may not be the buyer.
// Presentation Completed
This stage is reserved for the presentation with the Buyer only. The
reason this is critical is because until the Buyer has seen your pre-
sentation you are simply selling to influencers.
Once this stage is achieved you are on the fast track to a decision
as we are normally 7 days away from a final decision being made.
To ensure you get a presentation with the Buyer, here are a few tips
and tricks you can use so you can get this presentation made, and
be one step closer to closing this deal!
Send the agenda to your contact and include “Required” or
“Suggested” attendees. Under that column make sure you
include the Buyer and possibly all the influencers so you can get
it all done at once.
It is important to note that if you do this, most people will just
skim the agenda. You will need to make sure and call your con-
tact and specifically call out this section and ask them to help
get all these people in attendance, and explain why.
Remember it is always most effective to just be upfront and
If you have presented your solution to a number of people, but
just cannot catch the Buyer, reach out to them and “if local”
offer to take them to lunch or dinner, and perform the presenta-
tion there. If the deal is large enough, have a trip planned that
just happens to be taking you to their city and see if you can get
in to see them (this works like a charm!) I have used both meth-
ods many times with GREAT success.
Just remember if you are going to present over a meal it will not
be as formal, but you need to make sure to still cover all of your
material. Make sure you have practiced this sitting meal pitch
ahead of time.
Use your network to get them to meet with you. Similar to #2,
but rather than you asking them, use your network to help get
them out to an event or meal so you can get alone time with
them. Again, this will not be as formal so you will need to be
concise and to the point, but can many times be just what you
need so you can get your service in front of the buyer to keep
your deal flowing down the pipe.
// Needs Discovered
If you were on your game you may have completed the needs dis-
covery while at the presentation. Now we need to verify them.
To do this here are a few steps you can take.
Reach out to the head of sales and set up a call to review all
of the “needs” you documented in the meeting, and see what
their input is.
This move will buy you huge brownie points with the head of
sales as it shows how much you value their input on the process,
and should give you the real story of what is going on.
Now before you do this make sure you ask permission and it’s
ok to do so. What I mean by this is if you are working directly
with a CEO or Owner do not go to their head of sales without
their blessing first. One of the biggest mistakes you can make
in a deal is going below your contact without their expressed
permission to do so. It will look like you are trying to get his/her
team against them, or even worse tell them about something
they did not want them to know about yet. BE VERY CAREFUL!!!
Send a recap email to the Buyer outlining the specific needs and
expectations that you received in the meeting, and ask that he/
she confirms they are complete and accurate.
If you did not get any of the needs while at the meeting, then
you have some work to do. To get these post meeting will take
you digging back into your notes to format them yourself. Basi-
cally you need to compose a list of needs you have heard from
them, and then should set-up a call with the buyer and/or your
contact in attendance to run through them.
After this call you should recap everything and ask them to con-
firm them via email that this is the complete list of needs for the
company, and expectations they have by working with us.
We cannot stress the importance of getting these steps right.
Making sure we capture the right needs and expectations is
what will allow us to make sure we meet, and work to exceed the
needs and expectations of the client.
// Proposal Sent
The reason we pushed you so hard to ensure the needs were
captured accurately is for this stage right here. 99% of the time
your Proposal will be rejected. Not because of price or quality, but
because it did not match the needs of the client.
This is why it is so important to ensure Need Discovery was done
correctly, but also equally important is to convey those needs in the
proposal. For this reason, here are some important tips to help you
get your proposal out, and accepted.
Do not just send a stock proposal! The proposal is something you
should plan to customize each time you are sending it. It should
include a list of the needs and expectations shared with you, pain
points they may have shared with you during the sales process,
any conceptual solutions we have already created for them, and
most importantly a timeline for how we will roll out our services.
Remember this document needs to help them see a story from
how they first got to meet us, to why they came to want us, and
finally why they cannot live without our services in their life. It
should tell a tale that anyone could read and want to buy from.
Never just email a proposal, present it! The biggest mistake
most b2b sales people make is believing they can just send a
proposal and it will hold its own. WRONG! A proposal needs a
voice behind it, and that is why you should never send a propos-
al to an email and wait for a response. Get your contact/Buyer
on the phone first and then send it with them on the call.
When they get it, then walk them through the whole thing.
This allows you the opportunity to get instant feedback and re-
actions to the proposal and possibly move in for the kill (Close).
Remember a proposal sent without a voice is like a ring without
anyone on their knee asking the question that goes along with it.
// Proposal Accepted
Feels good to finally get someone to say yes, right? Well don’t sit
back just yet, we still have a little way to go before this deal is all
said and done. Remember, a deal is not done until the contract is
signed and payment received. Till then, you are still selling!
To help make sure you get to contract as fast as possible here are a
few things you need to ensure you do to get through this stage and
over to the introduction of the Strategy Guru.
Thank your primary contact via an email for their acceptance
of the proposal and lay out the next steps through contract in
a very clear and concise manor. Some of the items it should
include are:
Introduction to their Strategy Guru overview
Specific date and time when the agreement will be over to them
A calendar invite for a call when you send agreement
Overview of how to use DocuSign
Brief overview of how the Strategy Guru will get them started
Date you will need the agreement signed and returned to get
them scheduled for their preferred strategy session date
The last thing a prospect wants is to feel like they must do a ton
of work just to get the deal closed. You want to ensure your cli-
ent feels like they are going to simply sit back and be pampered
by you their servant (I mean sales person). LOL!
Remember, every day a deal sits in the proposal approved, con-
tract to be signed stage, your odds of closing go down expo-
nentially. Speed is the name of the game here!
Call or go see your Strategy Guru to review the account in depth
and get them moving onto the next stage of the pipeline as fast
as possible. SPEED-SPEED-SPEED!
// Introduction To Strategy Guru
Just because a client accepted your Proposal does not mean the
deal is done. Actually far from it! This stage may seem simple
enough, but actually can end up being the one stage that can make
or break your deal based on how you handle it.
Depending on the deal, this introduction may have already oc-
curred either in person, or on a Zoom call. This step still needs to
be performed because you are not just introducing two people.
You are allowing your potential client to meet the person who will
help guide their business to Sales Success. To ensure your deal
goes smoothly through the introduction here are a few tips.
Have a one-on-one meeting with the Strategy Guru assigned
to this deal prior to any emails or phone calls occurring. In this
meeting you want to walk the Strategy Guru through the entire
account, and clearly review their needs and expectations.
The last thing you want is your Strategy Guru getting on a call
with the prospect and sounding like they know nothing about
their business. This needs to appear like they have been right by
your side for the entire sales process. This is why detailed notes
in the CRM are mission critical!
When possible, try to have this introduction done in person. Re-
member we are a company that is very intimate with our clients,
and for that reason the ability for people to meet in person is
critical to the longevity and success of our business relation-
ships. We want people to feel we are part of their team from
day one, and there is no better way to do this than meeting in
Make sure to prep your prospect on what to expect when they
speak with a Strategy Guru. They should know what this person
does on our team, and more importantly what their goals will be
on the introduction call. Do not let your prospect walk into this
call cold as they can potentially get overwhelmed and then slow
down your deal from closing.
This one may sound obvious, but we do encourage you to
perform this step as close to the acceptance of the proposal as
possible, and yes we want you to wait on sending the contract
until this is done. This is because sometimes the deal may adjust
from this call. So be patient.
// Contract Negotiations
Welcome to the closing table! This is sacred ground in the world
of sales, and a place when real sales people are made or broken.
Now is not the time to let up the pressure. Actually just the oppo-
site. Now is the time when the real work begins.
This is when you stop educating and start selling. Our negotiations
typically last 24-48 hours, but can stretch out to 72 – 96 hours if the
agreement wasn’t properly presented.
Now is when you need to put your big girl pants on and get this
deal closed even if they say no, and here is how you will do that.
The art of closing a deal is to start closing the deal from the first
moment you meet a person. Assume the sale at every moment
and interact with a prospect as if they are already a client of
yours. Introduce them to strategic contacts in your network,
invite them to events, and start building bonds. If you have done
that, this stage should be quick and painless.
Contract is loaded up in DocuSign and ready to be sent.
PHONE! Even if Mike is telling you just to send it pull up this
page and show it to him. It is the kiss of death for your contract.
You must be on the phone with your Buyer when they receive
the contract so you can walk them through the entire thing.
When you walk your Buyer through the contract be detailed and
make sure to hit on any points they may have raised going into
contracting that were important to them.
Now is the time to be detailed, and ask pointed questions to
ensure your client is 100% on the document they have in front of
them. To do this you need to be 110% on the agreement. Make
sure you are well versed on every aspect of the agreement, but
if there is something you are unsure of DO NOT GUESS! Just
admit you are unsure, and get Mike on the phone ASAP.
// Won
Welcome to Victory! Time to have a drink, maybe eat something
bad, and get a high five from the team.
Congrats you just closed the deal!
Okay done celebrating? Time to get the next one. LOL! This is
sales, and now is not just the time to celebrate, we need to ride the
wave of victory into our next deal.
Here are a few things you want to make sure to do once your deal
is closed.
The moment you get that email saying the contract is signed
get an email and hand written note to your new client thanking
them for their business. Make sure to tell them how excited you
and the team is about taking their business to the next level,
and close it with “if you know of any other businesses that could
benefit from our services I would greatly appreciate an introduc-
Your new client is riding high on dopamine so now is the time
to ask for intros. You will get more chances as well, but this is
a great time to start prepping your client that you are a sales
person who lives on referrals.
Ask the Strategy Guru to add you to the calendar of deliverables
so you can have excuses to continually touch base with your
client. These are just more opportunities to ask for referrals, and
create a closer bond with your client.
When you check in, try and come with business for them.
Remember, the law of the sales jungle is for every referral you
give, you get paid back by 2x. So if a client refers you one
client you owe them two.
Set yourself reminders to send your client monthly check in
emails opposite from the Strategy Guru’s check in calls. In these
emails try and send relevant information that could help their
organization, or that you saw about their business. Again this
will provide you will a great excuse to chat with you client and
grow your bond with them.
I know this may sound crazy, but welcome to victory! You will never
close every deal you work, and nor do you want to. Lost deals are
the price we pay for the contracts we win. The faster you start to not
only accept this, but embrace it, the better off you will be.
The reason lost deals are so critical to your long term success is
because they provide you with a picture of how many it will take for
you to win deals. Then you can just simply do math. If 5 lost deals
lead you to a won deal then guess what, you need to get 5 no’s to
get to that yes. GET TO WORK!
Also, just because a deal is lost does not mean there is no oppor-
tunity there. When a deal says No you must document very clearly
why they said no. This way you can understand if they were just not
qualified, or if there is an opportunity to come back to them later
Beyond the future opportunity with this company, there is also the
opportunities they can possibly provide you. Yes, it was not for
them right now, but they may know someone who this would be
perfect for. All it takes is asking the question, “do you know of any-
one who may be able to benefit from our type of services?”
Remember you only get what you ask for, and a lost deal is some-
one who now knows what we do better than anyone, and can possi-
bly point you to someone who would do business with us. Just ask!
is 1 sale per week, goal is 2 sales per week, and a stretch goal is 3
sales per week. To achieve these metrics, we suggest you keep the
following number of prospects at each stage:
• Idea - 30
• Prospect - 20
• Contact Made - 15
• Buyer Identified - 10
• Presentation Completed - 8
• Needs Discovered – 7
• Proposal Sent - 6
• Proposal Accepted - 5
• Introduction to Strategy Guru - 4
• Contract Negotiations - 3
ensure you hit your weekly goal you must manage yourself by
stage moves per day. In Pipedrive you can see the number of stage
moves you made per day on all of your deals. To hit 2 deals per
week you need to accomplish 25 prospect stage moves per day
and 6 selling state moves per day.
• A stage move is defined as moving a deal from one stage to
the next, or closing a deal as won. Marking a deal as lost counts
as ½ of a move, and adding new deals as ideas counts as ½ of a
EACH STAGE: If you are hitting your 5 stage moves per day, and
these are mostly deals going from one stage to the next you will
easily reach a 14–21-day sales cycle from idea to won. Then go to
work to lower that range each month.
Sales success is achieved
through focusing on three
specific metrics that you
can manage in real time on
Pipedrive under the Tab
HI <First Name>
Hope you’re having an amazing day so far. I see we have quite a few mutual connections (e.g., list 3 names) and are both follow-
ing Example: Tony Robbins and Richard Branson.
I’d love to connect with you. (if it’s someone with an impressive profile I add--”You seem like someone I should know.”)
<Insert Name>
HI <First Name>
Is growing your sales something <Company Name> is currently working on? If yes, I would love an opportunity to bring your staff
donuts and meet with you for 30 minutes this week to talk about your sales strategy.
We believe everything starts with the sale.
I guarantee you will walk away from our meeting with a few nuggets to immediately implement into your organization and see
increased revenue.
10AM typically works best for most companies--hopefully for you as well.
Let me know which day this week works best for you.
BizSprints oversees the
creation and implementation
of a sales strategy to assist in
the growth of your revenue
and profits.
We start with performing a sales competitive analysis, and then run
your team through a full day strategy session.
From there we use all of that data to create your “Sales Manifesto”
which is what will detail everything out from what industry and peo-
ple you should sell to, to how and who you should be selling to.
It is your entire sales strategy in one concise booklet that you can
leverage to train people and present to prospective investors for
Add some text to introduce the two template on the right.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do
eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
LinkedIn Prospecting
Meeting must be built
purposeful and with clearly
defined goals. These
templates will help you craft
an agenda that will ensure
your meeting produces you
the results you need to move
your deal forward.
The meeting agenda we use for a pitch is a powerful weapon
when used appropriately. This is not just a document with times
and subjects on it. The agenda is a tool to help ensure the people
you want are in the meeting, and the specific topics that will help
ensure your sale is converted. To ensure your agenda is accom-
plished, we have provided you with a sample agenda on the next
page, and an overview of each section of the agenda below.
INTRODUCTION: Yes, we know these are a standard practice
item, but done right you can leverage the intro to shock the client
by your preparation. Have the client go first and then have each
member of our team introduce themselves. When we introduce
ourselves, we should provide examples of our role in relation to
theirs and how we would support the prospect. Done right this
explanation should hit on some sore points your primary contact
shared with you of stress points for why they are worried to buy.
MEETING OBJECTIVES: This is where you want to gather from
the client what they want from this meeting. Make sure your pros-
pect can see you writing their objectives down on paper or on your
computer as it will be critical for the recap.
DISCUSSION TOPICS: You will notice we do not ever put times
on these as we want to allow the meeting to go where it needs to.
Just make sure you cover everything!
MEETING RECAP: This is when you get to prove you were
listening, and taking notes. Make sure to recap all take always and
next steps in detail.
ATTENDEES: Never wait for your prospect to tell you who will
be there! Make a list of the specific people you want and have it on
your agenda. ie – Buyer!
Chapter 4
The version of the deck
reviewed here is the template
agreed upon as of the creation
of this deck. As decks are
living breathing documents
we strongly encourage you
to refer to the BizSprints
Knowledge base for any
updates that have occurred to
the deck since this Manifesto
was published.
00:00 – 00:00 Introductions
00:00 – 00:00 Review Meeting and Program Objectives
What would you like to get out of this meeting?
What are your short-term and long-term goals for our
Implementation Discussion Topics
Account Management
Implementation Task List and Timeline
Show Actual process
Gantt Chart
Burn Down Chart
Recruiting and Staffing
Visual Representation
Operational Discussion Topics (ROI)
Operations Structure and Standard Operating Procedures
Quality Assurance Procedures
Ability to reduce case load
Training Curriculum Development & Implementation
Daily/Weekly/Quarterly Reporting
Technology Discussion Topics
Support Systems
System Integration
00:00 – 00:00 Meeting Recap
Review any outstanding questions
Talk through next steps for program
Review any takeaway and action items
All Requested Name & Title for Prospect (Don’t be shy)
List all our team who will be in attendance
(match titles when possible)
Deck 1: Success by Design
This deck was created to sell our Sales Strategy consulting services.
Its intended purpose is to educate the audience about how our
program works, and why they need this for their company.
It is important to note that the deck being shown below is the
Presentation deck.
The Print deck has lot more detail on each slide as it is part of the
leave behind for the client.
Meeting Agenda Sample
The intro slide is what you should have on the screen from the mo-
ment you get in the room to present.
This is just a holding slide while people come in and get settled.
Once everyone is settled keep this slide up while you go around
the room for introductions, then advance to the next slide.
Do not get into who BizSprints is while this slide is up as we handle
that on the following slides.
The first educational slide will get people thinking, and this slide
will get purposefully uncomfortable.
Again simply deliver this slide, but then close on the fact that Bi-
zSprints was founded to help solve these issues.
This slide is to wake the audience up as to why our company is even
in existence.
The point here is to share this insane stat strongly, and then move
to the next slide.
Here is where you get to show them the light, and the answer to
these nasty issues which is us. What you will do over the next three
slides is share our story starting with why and how we were founded.
“Michael McMillan founded BizSprints in February, 2016 after working for
years running sales, marketing, and accounts operations for companies
around the globe. That experience showed Mike a massive issue with how
companies were running their sales operations, and he set out to help fix it.
Since that day our team has been focused on helping business owners fall
in love with their sales team by building them the ultimate pitch, process,
and sales team.”
As we started to see our clients begin to fall in love with their sales
teams we quickly saw an opportunity to take our solution to more
businesses both here in the U.S. and abroad to start working to-
ward our vision of being the globally recognized leader committed
to transforming companies to stay relevant in the radically shifting
economy. Or as we like to say, “We make sure you are not just an-
other failed business statistic!”
This slide is meant to pause the meeting for a moment so you can
ask the attendees what their goal is in attending the meeting.
The critical part of this slide is to make sure the client can see you
document all the objectives they share, but then for you to let them
know you will address and highlight them throughout the presen-
tation. This will allow you to keep your presentation going, and not
get sucked into a rabbit hole that will be very hard to get out of.
As everyone is aware in sales there is always the temptation to do
whatever it takes to make a sale.
For this reason, our team designed our guiding values which we
use to ensure all our decisions and business practices are not only
ethical, but also in alignment with what we hold dear.
The definition for all our values are in the speak notes on the deck
We start with the deliverable so the client can understand all that
they are going to get from us. In the speaker notes you will find
all the specifics for each category, and we strongly encourage you
to share those while on this slide to really show the value of our
The big item to make sure and tackle on this slide is that our com-
petitive analysis is not marketing analysis, but sales.This means that
we are comparing the effectiveness of a company’s sales efforts and
quality vs. our client.
Based on this data we can then best craft a go to market strategy
that will allow us to take advantage of the known weaknesses of
their competitors.
If you transition right, you can present this slide as a huge value add
that the client will be very impressed by.
Basically, you just need to close out the last slide with something
like, “that is a lot of stuff, right?”
Think of this as your, but wait there’s more slide.
Be ready to spend some time on this slide, and make sure you
know our strategy session inside and out. This slide may not have a
lot of words, but you will notice a ton of speaker notes.
The key here is to help the audience visualize what a strategy
session day looks and feels like so they can understand the value.
By leveraging both the agenda and the take away items on this, a
sense of wow should be on the faces of your attendees.
This is the slide specifically for the analytical and finance people in
the room. What your intended goal here is to help them under-
stand that beyond just helping the sales team sell better that you
will also teach them how to report better as well.
This is a critical slide to get just right so you can get the CFO/Con-
troller on your side and pushing this buy.
Now that you have the client riding high and excited it is time to hit
them with the solutions.
Start with Velocity and work your way over to Accelerator. We find
it best to say something like, “almost 100% of our clients typically
go with Velocity.”
That way it can make them feel like if they don’t go with it they will
be going against the grain somehow.
This slide is what will now stay up for the rest of the meeting.
Great work on the presentation.
Now get that deal closed!
Here is where we bring it all back to the beginning to remind the
client that why we do what we do is to help them improve cash flow
and stability through sales.
Presented right you will get some head nods and signs of approval
for the deck.
Before the Pitch
A deal is won or lost based on the work done prior to a pitch
meeting. Below are a few tactics you can use to ensure you and the
team are well prepared prior to a pitch.
Attendee Data
One of the most important aspects of meeting prep is making sure
you have all the possible data on the attendees in the meeting.
If you use the personas as a template, you are looking to paint a
clear picture for who each of the attendees are. Everything from
role in the company to their personal hobbies and family structure.
This provides you and the team talking points to be ready with in
the event they find themselves in a one-on-one situation with that
The best resource to capture this data is LinkedIn, Facebook, and
Google searches. Simply create a document with the attendee’s
picture and all the relevant data. Make sure to distribute this data
to the team a minimum of one week prior to the meeting.
Executive Summary of Deal
Never data dump on your team prior to a meeting. It is dangerous,
and just not efficient. Your best bet is to build a one-page summary
of all that you have learned so far, and then distribute this summary
to your team.
Make sure to highlight a minimum of 10 key points that you have
discovered that could help the team sound well informed and
educated about the prospects business while at the meeting. This
could include anything from current news to specific details on their
product or service.
Practice - Practice - Practice
You should personally practice the pitch a minimum of 2 times per
week by yourself to an empty room with your deck. You should also
be practicing with your pitch team once per month, and at least
once prior to your pitch meeting so everyone is ready.
Visualization Exercise
Right before your meeting take 15 minutes to walk the pitch team
through the meeting. Help them visualize it, and see the outcome
you want. Visualize the win!
At the Pitch
So many sales people practice so much they forget that a pitch is
an ever-evolving event. You practice so what you need to say is nat-
ural, but in the pitch, you must be hyper sensitive to what is going
on around you to ensure you walk out with a deal!
Be the Cruise Director
There is no greater skill to teach yourself than being able to read
body language. If you have not already done so make sure to read
the book “The Definitive Book of Body Language” By Barbara
Pease & Allan Pease.
Once you have educated yourself on body language, use this
knowledge to better guide your meetings. If you see people get-
ting bored change the pace or topic of the meeting. If people are
getting frustrated or upset attempt to move into a lighter topic if
possible. Your job in the pitch meeting is to function as the cruise
director and help keep everything on track and in a fun happy
environment. You control the emotional state of the meeting, and
therefore it is so critical to constantly be reading your audience and
adjusting as you go.
Ask Only What You Know
Questions are one of the most powerful tools us sales people have
in our tool box, but you must use them carefully. One tactic you
need to employ in the pitch is to only ask those questions you al-
ready know the answer to. Now, to be specific, I am not saying you
should only ask things you know the exact answer to.
What this means is, asking questions you know the result of the
answer to. So, for instance I can ask attendee ‘A’ his thoughts on
service XXX as I know he has already shared with me his love for it.
By asking him this question I set a positive tone to the meeting, and
have him start selling our services for us.
To do this you must be well prepared and know your audience very
well. Make sure you empower your team with questions like this as
well so you can guide the meeting toward the close, and get the
client selling themselves.
After the Pitch
What you do as you leave the meeting will set the tone for how
the client views your responsiveness. Wait for a couple days to say
thank you and they will see you as slow and potentially too busy.
Send something fast but with typos and missing items and you will
be viewed as unorganized and not focused on details. The trick
here is to show fast response in a very detailed and concise manor,
and here is how you do it.
The All Mighty Thank You
We use a three-stepped approach to showing our appreciation to
the team for spending time with us.
QUICK EMAIL Before you even leave the parking lot you should
write a quick personal email to each attendee thanking them for
their time today, and setting clear expectations for next steps. Typi-
cally, this email is no more than 4 – 6 lines.
HANDWRITTEN CARD Yes, it is old school and that is the
point. A card should be written to each attendee, and you should
insert something specific from the meeting that person brought
up. This shows your attentiveness and appreciation for them being
there. Put this in the mail the same day of your meeting in a mail-
box near their office. This way it can potentially be on their desk
the very next day.
RECAP EMAIL Within 24 hours of your meeting you need to
send the full meeting recap which should have been promised in
your “Quick Email.” This recap should include:
• Executive Summary of meeting (2 – 3 paragraphs with bullets
detailing all their meeting objectives)
• Timelines for any pending take away items from the meeting.
• Key takeaway items that our team had from the meeting with
any items that could possibly provide the client with reven
growth. (Introduction to possible prospect/partner/vendor.
Article you found that tied to a topic discussed).
Documenting the objections
we get from prospective
clients is far and beyond one
of the most critical elements
of our role. Each time we get
push back we can learn from
this and then improve our
ability to sell what we do. In
the long term this will allow
us to craft a better pitch and
reach the highest level of sales
velocity possible.
You get push back on deals all the time. The trick is to recognize it
and get in the habit of writing down what you are hearing. To do
this efficiently there are two methods we employ:
SOLO NOTES. When you are on your own at a meeting, or on a
call it is all on you. The best bet is just to inform your prospect you
will be taking notes, and then document the key push backs you
receive from them. Don’t worry about answers just get the push
back. We will work on answers later.
TEAMWORK. Ideally you are with a team member who can help
you by capturing all the push back they hear. This is always the
most effective. Again, make sure they do not try and document
answers just the push back.
Post meeting/call all objections should be placed into the
BizSprints Knowledge base via the submission link. This will then
go to the SME Team to craft responses for future use by the team,
and be uploaded into the knowledge base.
All Objections and Rebuttals are stored in the BizSprints Knowl-
edge Base.
All rebuttals are reviewed and updated on a quarterly basis. If any
rebuttal is found to be wrong it will be updated immediately in the
knowledge base by the SME team.
Chapter 5
Business Services
We have a head of sales. Why would we need you?
We work in collaboration with your head of sales to assist them with
an outsiders’ perspective of their team, and a comparison data set
from all the other clients we service. Many times, the strategies we
build with a sitting head of sales are some of our strongest.
We already have a sales strategy.
Great! When was the last time it was updated? Also, is it well doc-
umented so your team is all acting on it in the exact same way? If
you are not sure, then I would strongly encourage you to give some
thought to us coming to look at it. Many times, companies we work
with may have a strategy, but it is either out of date, or not even
used by their sales team. Many times, because they had no input
on it so feel no sense of ownership.
$15,000 seems like a lot for a one-time meeting
Therefore, most of our clients do not go with Accelerator and in-
stead opt for our Velocity package so we can also provide monthly
oversight to hold your team accountable to the strategy we help
your team build.
This is just not in the budget right now.
I understand you may be working on your cash flow, but you should
know that almost all our clients have seen enough increase in sales
to more than pay for our services in the first 30-90 days of engaging
with us. Now all of them are building massive profits to help drive
their business forward with.
We cannot get our whole team away for the entire day
Our team totally understands how hard and expensive this can be,
but this is also why you must do it.
Getting a day away to do nothing but work on your sales strategy
is what will help set the tone for your sales growth, and ensure your
team can start seeing ROI from our services right away.
We are waiting on investment capital before we can pull
the trigger on this
You are looking at this in reverse. Our services, and more specifi-
cally our Sales Manifesto can be one of your most powerful tools to
help you secure financing for your business.
How can you build us a sales strategy and not be from
our space?
Our lack of detailed knowledge about your space is many times
one of our greatest strengths in building your strategy as we are
not jaded by any industry buzz or trends.
We can leverage the best practices we have seen across many
industries to work together with your team of industry veterans to
build the best possible strategy.
$15,000 seems like a lot for a one-time meetings
Therefore, most of our clients do not go with Accelerator and in-
stead opt for our Velocity package so we can also provide monthly
oversight to hold your team accountable to the strategy we help
your team build.
This is just not in the budget right now.
I understand you may be working on your cash flow, but you should
know that almost all our clients have seen enough increase in sales
to more than pay for our services in the first 30-90 days of engaging
with us. Now all of them are building massive profits to help drive
their business forward with.
We cannot get our whole team away for the entire day
Our team totally understands how hard and expensive this can be,
but this is also why you must do it. Getting a day away to do noth-
ing but work on your sales strategy is what will help set the tone for
your sales growth, and ensure your team can start seeing ROI from
our services right away.
Objections provide us the
opportunity to open a
discussion about the
challenges our customer is
facing. Our rebuttals must be
well rehearsed so they come
across natural and caring.
Chapter 6
Sales Personnel
Training and mentoring are the most critical aspect of a sales per-
son’s long term success. To ensure our sales team is always running
at peak performance we have designed the following plan.
WEEKLY: Every Friday the CEO and sales team will have a
90-minute training and review meeting with the following agenda.
• 15 minutes – Recap of the week’s stage moves and sales totals
• 30 minutes – Review of objections from the week
• 30 minutes – Building & reviewing rebuttals to objections
• 15 minutes – Open conversation
MONTHLY: The last week of each month 30 minutes will be
added to the weekly meeting to talk through strategy for the next
month to ensure we achieve our results.
Our quota is based on revenue on a weekly basis.
Right now, as we are working to build up cash flow our focus is new
account acquisition that is on an ongoing basis.
For this reason, quota & goal is as follows.
WEEKLY QUOTA: $5,000 of new MRR
WEEKLY GOAL: $10,000 of new MRR
WEEKLY STRETCH GOAL: $10,000 of new MRR; $10,000 of
onetime or MRR
Our goal is to have no more than
one Sales Guru selling our service.
Base salary plus a onetime in and
out compensation plan.
All management will be performed
directly by the CEO Salary
Stephanie McMillan will function as the support
team for sales to assist with marketing and
sales materials when needed.
Chapter 7 Each time the sales strategy
has been updated the steps
below will be used as a rollout
plan to ensure continuity of
the team, and lower the risk
of disruption to the overall
LEADERSHIP BUY IN The first step of releasing a new strategy
is to ensure the entire leadership team is all on the same page with
exactly what the new sales strategy is, and are 100% on board with
how it works. This step is critical since all the troops look to their
leader to set the tone on what they do. If the head of HR is not
bough in and speaks against the plan it could potentially influence
one of your sales team not to take it seriously. This will cause a
domino effect in a sales team as a detractor’s negativity can spread
like cancer if not treated quickly and effectively. Therefore, before
anything the Manifesto must be presented and supported by the
entire leadership team of the organization.
ASSIGN PROJECT LEAD Implementing a new structure takes
proper oversight to ensure it is done accurately. To ensure this
happens we strongly suggest a project lead is assigned who will
function as the point person to ensure proper execution of all the
elements of the project.
ASSIGN A PRESENTER Now that leadership is on board, and
you have a project lead it is time to bring this to your sales team.
To make sure this is done right though we need to pick a presenter
who can ensure it is done in a way that is both educational and
motivational at the same time. We want to make sure the team
leaves this meeting feeling excited about this new strategy and all
the success it will bring them. To do this we suggest you assign the
presentation to an internal or external person who can ensure it is
presented in a motivational manor.
THE PRESENTATION When you bring this to your sales team
you want to make sure the presentation is done in a clean fashion.
You should take the print version of this Manifesto and distribute
a copy to every member of the team. Then utilize the Manifesto
presentation template that the BizSprints team provided you.
This presentation is built in a way that will walk your team through
the new strategy in an easy to understand way so they can both
understand how and why they should use it. Remember we need
their buy in if this strategy is going to work, and more importantly
get better.
FEEDBACK LOOP The last section of the presentation is all
about the Feedback Loop with your team about the strategy. This
section is so important we wanted to pull it out into its own step.
When presenting this portion, it is critical that the team under-
stands that the success from the strategy is only as good as the
feedback we get from them. For this reason, monthly they will
all be on a call with a Strategy Guru from the BizSprints team to
gather input on the strategy so at our next quarterly session it can
potentially be updated.
EMBRACE THE LEARNING CURVE As with any new strat-
egy or system there is always a learning curve that takes place. It
is important your team acknowledges this with your team so they
can understand what your real expectations are. Once the final
strategy is complete the BizSprints team will provide you with our
estimated impact threshold which will provide you with a baseline
to understand how much time the new strategy may take for your
team to fully implement based on the departure from your current
sales strategy. This way you can then convey to your team clear
expectations and not be disappointed in the results obtained.
Our team was founded with the simple mission to help companies fall in love with sales.
We knew to do this we needed to educate businesses on how sales works, but more
importantly how they don’t work.
As part of the BizSprints family it is your job to ensure every person you encounter knows our
mission, and after they get done speaking with you can accurately articulate how we help
companies achieve Success by Design. To help ensure you can do this again and again we are
dedicated to the continued education of ourselves on sales and business best practices. This
way no matter the circumstance we are properly trained and educated on how to assess the
circumstance and act accordingly.
The final piece of our equation is to never forget that we are the example in which we ask all
our clients to attempt to have their teams resemble. To be able to stay the example we must
always hold ourselves to the highest standard of service. From the way, we speak and dress, to
our punctuality and attentiveness at meetings. It is our job to remember we are always in the
spotlight and to do our very best to act accordingly, and help our team members always look
their best.
My goal for each of you is to make you very successful, and help you achieve whatever goals
you have set for yourself. To do that we simply ask you give 100% each day so we can hit our
numbers and have a lot of fun along the way.
To Your Success & Prosperity,
Michael McMillan
Founder & CEO
©2016 BizSprints
Chapter 1

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BizSprints Sales Manifesto (v.5.1.2017)

  • 2. Sale Manifesto The Sales Manifesto is the framework for the organizations sales efforts. This document is a living breathing document that will grow over time, and be a snapshot of the sales strategy for the organization. BIZSPRINTS
  • 3. TABLE OF CONTENT Sales Principles Guiding Values Vision & Mission Ideal Customer We Love to work with No A-Hole Policy The People Who Buy from Us Personas: The Buyer Personas: The Influencer Personas: The Detractor Sales Strategy & Process Pipeline Overview Pipeline Stage Definitions with Tips & Tricks Reporting Sample Scripts & Templates 6 7 8 10 11 11 12 14 18 28 32 33 34 36 43 44 Sales Pitch Meeting Agenda(s) Presentation Deck(s) Best Practices Objections & Rebuttals Capturing, Storage, Access, & Updating Top 5 Objections by Industry Team Design Team & Management Structure Compensation Structure Training & Mentoring Schedule Quota & Goals Implementation Strategy Releasing the New Strategy Start Selling! 46 47 49 58 60 61 62 64 65 65 65 65 66 67 69
  • 4. Chapter 1 We are an organization that sells sales best practice and strategy. Because of this we must hold ourselves to a standard of sales far and beyond that of any normal client as we are the example. 7 GUIDING VALUES Holding ourselves as the example means that, always, we must operate at the highest levels, and at a moment’s notice be ready to sell. To do this we have very clear values we use to guide all decisions we make. PASSION We don’t just convey passion we prove it by being early to meetings, going beyond what is asked in deliverables, and always being the example of professionalism in how we present ourselves personally and as a team. CURIOSITY Always educate ourselves by asking questions to increase our knowledge, so we can continue to drive better results for our clients. INNOVATION Results are learned from failure. Therefore, we embrace failure as a win. We do this by trying new things and constantly learning from the results. We work every day to be an established business that innovates like a start-up. TRANSPARENCY Be authentic and honest 100% of the time, no matter how hard it may be. We use facts, not opinions, to prove our points. FAMILY We always have one another’s back, and will be there to support one another to be the best we can. We will always do our best to make sure you never miss those important moments with your family, and when you do we will do our best to make it up to your family. HUMILITY We may not know everything, but dam it we will find out. Our willingness to admit our faults is what makes us so powerful. PUNK We never conform to social norms! We march to the beat of our own drum and create our own path as we know it can lead to better results. It takes stamina to play at the speed of Punk, and is only achieved through practice and dedication. 6 BIZSPRINTS SALES PRINCILPES
  • 5. A business is built to bring together people together to achieve something greater than any one person can achieve alone. Vision: Our Ultimate Destination BE THE GLOBALLY RECOGNIZED LEADERS COMMITTED TO TRANSFORMING COMPANIES TO STAY RELEVANT IN THE RADICALLY SHIFTING ECONOMY. Mission: How We Reach Our Destination HELP BUSINESS OWNERS FALL IN LOVE WITH SALES. 98 VISION & MISSION To accomplish this every business must have two very important pieces of their business so that every person in the organization can always be working toward the same common goal. Those two critical pieces are the Mission and Vision. To have one without the other is like having a map with no destination. The Vision serves as the destination that the entire organization works to get closer to each day. The Mission in relation is the path to ensure the organization reach-es their destination. Therefore, without both you can never place your team on the path toward success.
  • 6. 10 BIZSPRINTS IDEAL CUSTOMER Chapter 2 BizSprints works with business service and product companies that have revenues of at least a million dollars per annum. Though we can work with any organization that sells products or services to other businesses we have a high degree of specialization in software, call center, and direct selling “MLM” companies. 11 WHO WE LOVE TO WORK WITH Curious what a business service company is? Yeah we get that a lot. A business service company is a company that performs a service for another business. This can be anything from a compa- ny who supplies uniforms like Aramark or Cintas to Software as a Service companies like FieldLogix or Bizness Apps. We help these companies regain their focus on the sale, which will immediately show results in their pipeline, and hold them accountable to the new strategy through monthly check ins with their Strategy Guru. NO A-HOLE POLICY We have a NO A-Hole Policy! No matter how much money you have we will not work with you. What is an A-Hole? This is a company… That wants everything done for them, and unwilling to put in any work to accomplish it. Will not show up to meetings when they are scheduled and agreed upon. Complains that nothing is ever good enough even when the results meet the expectations agreed upon. Has unrealistic expectations, and unwilling to move from them. Egotistical leadership that are all about how they come across and not how their business looks. Puts the needs of the owner above the needs of the business. Secretive and not transparent (unless warranted due to industry)
  • 7. Knowing the industries that buy from us is critical, but at the end of the day it is still a person who will ultimately make the final decision on if their company will use our ser- vices or not. 13 THE PEOPLE WHO BUY OUR SERVICES For this reason, we have created personas of the people that are typically involved with the purchasing our services. What’s important to note is that the demographics listed are gener- al demographics based on our current knowledge of the market, and are updated as the market changes. For instance, you may find a decision maker that is a manager at a company instead of a CEO or President. The title is not what is important, the power of the person is what is critical to ensure you understand. What we want you to pay closest attention to, is the essence be- hind who these people are and what makes them tick. This way, when you are standing in front of a Fred or Nick, you have an idea of how to present yourself to them to make the greatest impact. So take your time to study these personas carefully, and then role play (mini- mum bi-weekly) with your- self and with a team mem- ber on how you would present, talk to, email, or even introduce yourself to each of the people we have created for you. 12 THE BUYER THE INFLUENCER THE DETRACTOR PERSONAS:
  • 8. A. BUSINESS SERVICES B. SOFTWARE TWO TYPE OF BUYER PERSONAS: 1514 DEFINITION The Buyer is the person who has full autonomy to buy our compa- ny’s services without the approval of anyone else. This is typically the person who will actually sign the agreement once it is ap- proved for signature. One of the easiest ways to figure out if you are speaking to a buyer is to ask if the person you are speaking to, “so is this something you can sign off on, or do you need to kick it upstairs?” If they say they need to kick it upstairs, then you are not speaking to a buyer. At best you are speaking to an influencer. PERSONAS: The Buyer Chapter 2a BUYER TITLE BY COMPANY SIZE Chief Executive Officer (CEO) President Founder Co-Founder Partner Managing Partner Small Business (1M - 25M) to Me- dium Business (25M - 250M) sized organizations have the title of: Chief Sales Officer (CSO) Senior Partner Senior Vice President (SVP) of Sale or Executive Vice President (EVP) of Sales Vice President (VP) of Sales Senior Vice President (SVP) of Sales & Marketing or Executive Vice President (EVP) of Sales & Marketing Vice President (VP) of Sales & Marketing Director of Sales Director of Sales & Marketing Medium Business (25M - 250M) to Enterprise Business (250M+) sized organizations can be any of the people above or have the title of:
  • 9. 1716 BUSINESS SERVICES SOFTWARE Buyer Personas Marketing Influencer Personas Fred is a CEO at a $50 Million call center outsourcer that has been in business for 32 years. Starting this company with a loan from his father, he has been able to navigate the last 30 years with some very good years, and some very lean years. But, in the end he and his company are still here. Most of his team has stood by his side for 15 plus years, and he is as loyal to them as he is his own family. After all, they played just as large a role in keeping this business going as he did. Lately though, when Fred comes into the office he doesn’t spend much time working on the business. Most of his Andrew is the Founder and CEO at a $2 Million Software start-up company that has been in business for just over a year and a half. To date the company has not posted any profits, but has been able to secure nearly a Million dollars in funding from a debt-round they did with friends, family members, and a private equity firm. Andrew still holds on to nearly 34% of all the companies’ equity making him the largest single shareholder, but knows that does not guarantee him his role as CEO. Coming out of Andrew’s last board meeting with his investors, Andrew has been told that he must start posting OVERVIEW OVERVIEW time is dedicated to his 3 children, and his hobbies of golf, skiing, flying, and target shooting. As his 60th birthday quickly approach- es, Fred is looking to get his company boosted up to have some options for a possible exit. He knows his choices are going to be around bringing in a new CEO to take over, selling it to a competi- tor, or possibly selling it to the employees of the company. Whatever the outcome he must get sales up and growing so he can cash out or get the income he needs from it to sustain his pretty expensive life style. significant revenue growth numbers month over month so that they can get a Venture Capital firm interested in leading a Series A funding round. This growth pressure does not allow much of a personal life, and therefore makes his work life as fun as possible. Many times party- ing hard with those people that he works with. SEX SEXMale Male AGE AGE55 36 ETHNICITY ETHNICITYWhite White MARITAL STATUS MARITAL STATUS2nd Marriage Single CHILDREN CHILDREN2 - 3 0 RELIGION RELIGIONJewish/Catholic No Time EDUCATION EDUCATIONMBA BA or MBA INCOME INCOME$500k - $1M+ $50k or less HOBBIES HOBBIESGolf, Skiing, Tennis, & Flying Work, Health, & Parties CONCERNS CONCERNSKids, Retirement, Death His company running out of money Detailed but emotional. Depends heavily on his team to guide decisions Emotional and does not research purchases well.BUYING HABITS BUYING HABITS WEAKNESS WEAKNESSEgo & Power Boost his ego and show him what you do will improve how the board looks at him. POWER!
  • 10. A. BUSINESS SERVICES B. SOFTWARE TWO TYPE OF INFLUENCER PERSONAS: 1918 DEFINITION The Influencer(s) is a person(s) that a buyer looks to for advice and counsel when making a decision. These people, many times, come across as a buyer, but normally do not have the autonomy to make the final purchasing decision. In the sale these people are very important to educate and win over as these people can make or break your deal. If you don’t win over the Influencer(s) your deal will not be won. These people are there to poke holes in your service, and you must satisfy those holes with answers before they will sign off on the purchase. PERSONAS: The Influencer Chapter 2b BUYER TITLE BY COMPANY SIZE Vice President (Vp) Director Small Business (1M - 25M) to Me- dium Business (25M - 250M) sized organizations have the title of: Chief Operating Officer (COO) Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) Senior Vice President (SVP) or Executive Vice President (EVP) Vice President (VP) Senior Director Managing/Regional/Division Director Director Medium Business (25M - 250M) to Enterprise Business (250M+) sized organizations can be any of the people above or have the title of: Sales Marketing Operations Customer Service Account Management These influencers will typically be in the following departments Sales Marketing Operations Customer Service Account Management These influencers will typically be in the following departments
  • 11. 2120 BUSINESS SERVICES BUSINESS SERVICES Sales Influencer Personas Marketing Influencer Personas Corey has been working as the VP of Sales for nearly 14 years. When Corey was first brought on he was just a sales guy brought in to help grow the company. Over the years, Corey was able to get lucky and land some large deals that really changed the entire face of the organization. As a way to thank Corey, and keep him there, his CEO made Corey a VP of Sales with a very lucrative salary, great bonus, and some equity in the business for Profit Share. Being the VP of Sales, Corey is in almost daily meetings with his CEO advising him to the state of sales and the competitive land- Melissa just joined as the Director of Marketing about a year ago. Being told her direct report is the CEO, but that the VP of Sales will be her day-to-day contact. She has quickly realized that the VP of Sales is her real boss. When she joined the organization her training was next to nothing, but she was expected to start creating leads immediately. When she was interviewing she was so excited to hear about the freedom she was going to be allowed, but she had no clue that this freedom meant almost no guidance. OVERVIEW OVERVIEW scape. Since they spend so much time together in the office Corey and his CEO have become friends, and have started to have their families spend time together outside of work functions as well. This has positioned Corey as one of most influential advisors to his CEO, but knows to make sure his agenda goes through 100% will need the support of 1-2 of his fellow VP’s for any major purchases. This is all topped off with the pressure of the sales team demanding more and more leads to hit quota. Under incredible pressure she works, what feels like 24 hours a day to try and get their market- ing organized. The last thing she wants is to end up like the last 3 heads of Marketing who quit or were fired. She wants to make it! SEX SEXMale Female AGE AGE42 34 ETHNICITY ETHNICITYWhite White MARITAL STATUS MARITAL STATUSMarried Newlywed CHILDREN CHILDREN2 0 RELIGION RELIGIONChristian Christian EDUCATION EDUCATIONBA BA working on MBA INCOME INCOME$325k - $525K $85k - $105k HOBBIES HOBBIESBoating, Golf, Tennis, Concerts, Kids Hiking, Yoga, Reading, Dancing CONCERNS CONCERNSBoredom with role, divorce, kids, & staying in budget to hit bonus Staying relevant and not being replaced Emotional buyer if you can prove it will advance their power & personal earnings Very cautious buyer. Normally wants to triple check everythingBUYING HABITS BUYING HABITS WEAKNESS WEAKNESSOnly in it for #1, and craves power at any cost Tries to please everyone
  • 12. 2322 BUSINESS SERVICES BUSINESS SERVICES Operations Influencer Personas Account Management Influencer Personas 11 years ago Harvey was recruited to work for this 20-year-old organization as the VP of Operations and COO. In the interview he could tell they were desparate for a person to come in and clean up their operations so they could take it to the next level. Excited by the challenge, and happy to see a company growing steadily he jumped right in. Now, 11 years later, Harvey is still working 12 – 16 hours per day, 6 – 7 days per week. This role has cost him his first marriage, made him miss much of his kids growing up, but has made him a good Heidi started 8 years ago as an account manager and only intend- ed on staying for a year or two. Now, as the Director of Account Management, her job places her over 100% of the revenue of the company. This role makes her very powerful in theory, but really she is more of the whipping poll when things go wrong, and does not exist when things go great. She has come to grips with the fact that her entire world is to keep the clients happy, which will keep the sales people off her back. Additionally, she has to make sure to reset expectations improperly set by the sales team before they get OVERVIEW OVERVIEW amount of money and equity in the company. His goal is to ride out a few more years and either get some investors to buy the com- pany, or cash out his equity to retire. So he can keep his income where he likes it, Harvey has learned that spending has to be kept very tight. So he and the head of sales get along on most things except spending money. He feels sales are just party boys blowing the money that should go in his pocket. to operations, so her head of Ops doesn’t want to kill her. Basically she is Switzerland. What keeps her in this role is the fair salary, but the even better bonus based on the revenue of the clients her team oversees and grows. Lucky for her, the clients they have are very loyal and grow- ing, but if that were to change things may need to change. SEX SEXMale Female AGE AGE53 36 ETHNICITY ETHNICITYWhite / Black / Asian White / Black / Asian / Hispanic MARITAL STATUS MARITAL STATUSMarried / Divorced Married CHILDREN CHILDREN3 2 RELIGION RELIGIONChristian Christian EDUCATION EDUCATIONMBA BA or MBA INCOME INCOME$175k - $275K $90k - $115k HOBBIES HOBBIESBowling, Car Racing, Golf, Racket Ball Church, Concerts, Dining, Travel, Kids CONCERNS CONCERNSStaying relevant and not being replaced. Retirement & Death Keeping her job so she can keep her kids in private school Very cheap and must be sold on the facts Detailed and wants a lot of referrals. But, will go with whatever Sales and Operations says in the end BUYING HABITS BUYING HABITS WEAKNESS WEAKNESSTo be viewed as the creator of the solution Push over by power players
  • 13. 2524 SOFTWARE SOFTWARE Sales Influencer Personas Marketing Influencer Personas Brett left college 3 years ago and was lucky enough to score himself a position on the Salesforce sales team. He quickly graduated from the telemarketing team up to the senior sales guy, and eventually into a regional sales rep. When he finally got burnt out 6 months ago, he started talking to some of his college buddies and his one friend told him about his new software start-up that would love to have him come run sales for him. The salary was nothing great, but the equity could be worth a ton. Now, 6 months into the role, Brett realizes all the crazy pressure he had at Salesforce was nothing com- Nick’s best friend in college called him one day to tell him about this amazing start-up he was running sales at, and told him that he needed his marketing brain there to help get lead count up for his sales boys. The pay was okay, but the perks were insane! So Nick said what the hell and joined. That was almost a year and a half ago, and ever since he said yes his life has been insane! Work pretty much takes up every moment of every day, but that is cool because work is basically an extension OVERVIEW OVERVIEW pared to what he was under here. From insane sales quotas being handed down from the board, to the software not living up to the hype they are being told to create. This is not what he expected, but must keep selling. He has a team of 10 insides sales people, all fresh out of college that he cranks through about every 6 months. As long as the beer is flowing and the marketing girls don’t get ugly he is sure he can keep up with the turnover and paying these guys $35k per year. He needs to figure out how to add in Enterprise sales that are being demanded by the board that he has no bandwidth for. of college. Yeah the pressure is insane, but he is working with his best friends, have hot women, bro’s in his department, and the party basically never stops. Yeah they have a ton of work to do as well, but that is for all the worker bees. Nick’s job is to make sure the leads keep flowing in, and sales stays fat and happy which never happens. SEX SEXMale Male AGE AGE34 36 ETHNICITY ETHNICITYWhite White MARITAL STATUS MARITAL STATUSSingle Single CHILDREN CHILDREN0 0 RELIGION RELIGIONNo Time No Time EDUCATION EDUCATIONBA or MBA BA INCOME INCOME$100k plus Equity / Options $100k + Equity HOBBIES HOBBIESAdrenaline Junky & Partying Hard Work & Partying CONCERNS CONCERNSCompany running out of money or losing his job Company going out of business 100% Gut! Cautious, but emotional. Has been burned a few times, but still very trusting BUYING HABITS BUYING HABITS WEAKNESS WEAKNESSOver trusting people if they promise to help Will buy anything that will keep sales happy. Just wants to have fun. Ego can be bruised easily
  • 14. 2726 SOFTWARE SOFTWARE Operations Influencer Personas Account Management Influencer Personas Karl walks into the office each day and still feels like he is father to 200 frat boys and sorority girls. A year ago, Karl was recruited out of his comfy role at a major organization with the promise of a great challenge and a HUGE payday once they sell. So at the age of 42 Karl made the jump to run operations for this start-up tech firm, and has regretted it every day since. Karl was used to structure and organization, and this environment is anything but. Everyone seems to be working non-stop, but the output is actually not that amazing. Then the worst part is that when Ali was hired in 8 months ago with the simple mission of, “keep our clients happy and loving us.” Beyond that she was pretty much left to figure everything else out. No budget, and no guidance beyond keeping clients happy and not leaving us. So Ali quickly started calling clients and learning that they were not that happy with the software. Many just did not fully understand how to use it, or what it really did for them. They felt that they were way over sold. OVERVIEW OVERVIEW deadlines come up the engineering team is usually so far behind they have to pull crazy all nighters to just get something shipped and pray it does not break. At the end of the day Karl knows his time here will be short, and already looking around so he can jump ship. To respond, Ali quickly hires in a bunch of her girlfriends to help field calls and reach out to clients to keep them from leaving. It is a thankless task as much of what they want is on the engineering roadmap, but no date of delivery. Plus, sales keeps selling like it is done, but it is not. SEX SEXMale Female AGE AGE38 26 ETHNICITY ETHNICITYWhite White MARITAL STATUS MARITAL STATUSMarried Single CHILDREN CHILDREN2 2 RELIGION RELIGIONChristian Christian EDUCATION EDUCATIONMBA BA INCOME INCOME$175k - $200K $60k HOBBIES HOBBIESBoating, Tennis, Golf Dancing, Beach, Travel, Boyfriend CONCERNS CONCERNSLosing his job and health benefits Losing her job, not being part of the cool kids at work, or missing the party VERY CAUTIOUS and SLOW Frugal, will buy from people who can make her feel important, and/or who can provide her something that will allow her to standout BUYING HABITS BUYING HABITS WEAKNESS WEAKNESSSell stability for him and his role. Karl is not trying to become the CEO just hold on to this job long enough to jump ship No self esteem
  • 15. A. BUSINESS SERVICES B. SOFTWARE TWO TYPE OF DETRACTOR PERSONAS: 2928 DEFINITION The Detractor is the person who will actively put up the most resis- tance to purchase our services. This person is someone you typi- cally will not engage with directly, but rather need to empower the Buyer and Influencer(s) with answers to overcome their push back. This person is the most dangerous as they are easy to miss, but can kill a deal right as it is coming in to close. Never miss this person! It is very important to note that a Detractor and Influencer can be the same person. PERSONAS: The Detractor Chapter 2c BUYER TITLE BY COMPANY SIZE Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Controller VP or Head of Sales Small Business (1M - 25M) to Me- dium Business (25M - 250M) sized organizations have the title of:
  • 16. 3130 BUSINESS SERVICES SOFTWARE Detractor Personas Detractor Personas Craig took the role of CFO after being the Controller for the company for almost 10 years. Over that time, he has seen so much change in the company both for the good and bad. He used to get all worked up when he saw people wasting company money, but now just realizes that no one really cares as long as they show a profit at the end of the year. More importantly, as long as that number is what it needs to be so he gets his bonus! One of Craig’s biggest challenges is dealing with the head of sales. It annoys him to no end how this guy can literally get away with Brett left college 3 years ago and was lucky enough to score himself a position on the Salesforce sales team. He quickly graduated from the telemarketing team up to the senior sales guy, and eventually into a regional sales rep. When he finally got burnt out 6 months ago, he started talking to some of his college buddies and his one friend told him about his new software start-up that would love to have him come run sales for him. The salary was nothing great, but the equity could be worth a ton. Now, 6 months into the role, Brett realizes all the crazy pressure he had at Salesforce was nothing OVERVIEW OVERVIEW murder, and it is okay. From $2,000 dinners with “clients” to suites at the Ritz. It is just insane what the CEO allows him to do. That is why any time he tries to push anything through Craig is always all over it and typically having to have a conversation with the CEO about it. Especially since last quarter it was him who lost Craig his bonus. “Dam those morons in sales!” compared to what he was under here. From insane sales quotas being handed down from the board, to the software not living up to the hype they are being told to create. This is not what he expected, but must keep selling. He has a team of 10 insides sales people, all fresh out of college that he cranks through about every 6 months. As long as the beer is flowing and the marketing girls don’t get ugly he is sure he can keep up with the turnover and paying these guys $35k per year. He needs to figure out how to add in Enterprise sales that are being demanded by the board that he has no bandwidth for. SEX SEXMale Male AGE AGE54 34 ETHNICITY ETHNICITYWhite White MARITAL STATUS MARITAL STATUSMarried Single CHILDREN CHILDREN3 0 RELIGION RELIGIONChristian No Time EDUCATION EDUCATIONMBA BA or MBA INCOME INCOME$200k $100k plus Equity / Options HOBBIES HOBBIESGolf, Racket Ball, TV, Travel, Wine Adrenaline Junky & Partying Hard CONCERNS CONCERNSRetirement and Death Company running out of money or losing his job EXTREMELY CHEAP, and will only allow things through he can see proof will create results 100% Gut!BUYING HABITS BUYING HABITS WEAKNESS WEAKNESSReferrals. If a service is sent to him from a trusted contact, he will almost always buy it out of respect Over trusting people if they promise to help
  • 17. 32 SALES STRATEGY & PROCESS Chapter 3 The sales pipeline is the best way for you to track your progress toward quota and your goals. Used correctly you will be able to accurately project your sales and income. 33 PIPELINE OVERVIEW We see our sales cycle in two phases: PHASE 1: PROSPECTING The prospecting pipeline takes us from our ideas all the way through to the Buyer being Identified. It is critical to always remember to keep this part of the pipeline overflowing with deals, so we have an ample number of potential prospects for us to work through our selling pipeline. PHASE 2: SELLING The Selling pipeline is self-explanatory by the name, but the actions you will take within this portion of the pipeline can make or break your deal. This portion of the pipeline is critical for you to manage carefully, and constantly be working deals through. Remember the longer a deal sits in any stage of the Selling pipe, the less likely you are to convert them from one stage to the next. Here is where you need to push the client toward being won or lost, and always remembering that we celebrate both!
  • 18. 3534 PIPELINE 5% Idea This is an idea of someone you believe could be a prospect Closing Probability STEP Explanation 70% Proposal sent Proposal has been present- ed to client for review. 10% Prospect These are companies who have passed our standard filtering criteria. * Two-way communication means an email/text that has been sent and responded to more than once, or a live phone call. 80% Proposal Accepted Either verbal or written accep- tance of the proposal sent. 15% Contact made This stage is achieved once two-way com- munication* has occurred with a prospect. 95% Contract negotiagion Upon sending contract via Docusign we will be in Contract Negotiations 90% Introduction to Strategy Guru When a live call has been com- pleted between prospect & strategy guru 25% Buyer identified The real buyer is identified and documented in pipedrive. 100% Won Contract signed and invoice sent for payment. 50% Buyer Presentation Completed Either in person Or via zoom a presentation of our solution with buyer 0% Lost GAME OVER 65% Need Descovered This is not just the package they want, but what their needs are with our services. What impact will we have, and what are their expecta- tions for us?
  • 19. 3736 STAGE DEFINITIONS WITH TIPS & TRICKS The sales strategy is something that we will continue to iterate ongoing to ensure maximum pipeline velocity. These are specific steps and tactics you can use to move a deal from one stage to the next in the pipeline. Remember, our job in sales is to work every day to increase the velocity in which we move people through our pipeline. The more stage moves we make each day the more likely we are to achieve our final goal of closed deals. // Creating Ideas This stage may seem easy as you can simply load in companies qualified or not, but as you will quickly learn the more crap you put into this stage the less likely you are to achieve your sales quota and goals. The more shit you shove into the pipes the more shit you get out (aka – lost deals). The reason is, for an idea to become a prospect takes investigation and time. The more time you spend on deals that have no opportunity to become prospects, the more time you are not spending on deals that can convert. This is why we strongly encourage you to really think through the companies you are placing on your “idea” stage to ensure they have a chance to pass vetting to become someone you really can work. // Ideas To Prospect Quite possibly the most important stage move in the entire pipe- line is from idea to prospect. The reason this stage move is so critical is because you are now confirming that this company has the potential to turn into a paying client of the business, and you are going to place all of your efforts toward making them so. This means a large investment of time and resources. That is why we strongly encourage you to pay close attention to the deals you move into the prospect stage to ensure they are properly qualified based on our vetting criteria, and you have a perception they are in a place to buy. // Contact Made Here we go! You have now taken the first major step into making this company a client. Many times this stage can take weeks or months to achieve if you are going into it cold, but once here our average sales cycle to won or lost is 14 days. To achieve this stage, we suggest the following action items: Send your prospect an inMail via LinkedIn rather than simply emailing with them. Many times their LinkedIn accounts are connected to their personal email rather than their work email which will provide you a much higher chance to get your infor- mation in front of them. If you are cold calling, attempt to call at different times of the day. For instance, if you have tried to call this prospect from 9am – 11am on Monday, try 11am – 1pm, 1pm – 3pm, and then 3pm – 5pm instead, on the same day. If those times do not work, try moving days and go through the day parts again. At some point you will find a day and time that will allow you to connect with this prospect. Remember, the trick to cold calling is using days and day parts to find the common holes in their schedule and then exploit them. This is all about tenacity! Email the prospect with value add material. Rather than the same old BS please look at me, try sending something with meat. This can be anything from a relevant article about their company, industry, or them; to an introduction to a possible client or partner. Remember, the best emails always come with chocolate and hugs. Send a hand written letter. Yes, you read that right, it is time to put pen to paper! A handwritten note to a person has become a lost art that will allow you to stand out. Make it short, sweet, and most importantly 100% tailored to them. Do not use some pre-written BS you send to everyone. Send something that will speak to them personally. Search Facebook/Twitter/Pinterest/ etc… to figure out what they like and use that as inspiration. Yes, this takes time, but the time you spend will be well worth it. Random Encounter. This trick is as old as it gets, but still is far and beyond the most effective. Find out what events this person attends and be there just for them. Don’t make it obvious, but when you go don’t get distracted. You are there to work one person, and need to make sure you don’t miss it. // Buyer Identified Finding your true buyer is not as easy as you might think. As you begin to work with larger and larger organizations it is very easy to get lost in the organizational chart of authority. The important thing to remember here is that you are looking for who will ultimately sign your contract, and can authorize payment to be processed. Here are some tips you can use to make sure you are speaking to the Buyer. ASK! Yeah I just went there because really this is the most effec- tive way, and the honesty of the answer can end up being very telling. If a client says “Yes” I am the buyer, but then turns out not to be then we need to possibly ask ourselves if this person fits our no a-hole policy. Now they could have originally thought they could have ap- proved it, but then upon learning pricing had to kick it upstairs, but then that means you did not properly identify the buyer at this stage FYI. So when you ask just go for it and say, “if this all proceeds, are you going to be the signer of the contract and invoice at $x.xx per year?” Then wait for the answer. Test the waters with a Mutual Non-Disclosure (MNDA). One of my favorite ways to find my buyer is to offer a MNDA to provide a sense of security to the prospect for all information being discussed and see who signs it. If your contact says they are the Buyer, but the MNDA ends up being signed by someone else then guess what, you are not working with the buyer. It is also important to note that getting companies used to signing things for you early and often is a great closing practice. The more they are used to signing the easier it becomes when you present the contract to them. Offer up a one-on-one with your CEO, and use this as your excuse to ask if they will be the ultimate buyer, or if it would be more appropriate for their CEO/VP/etc…to come to the meeting. I do not encourage you to use this one much, but it has shown some progress over the years. The issue here is that many times it is believed to be common curtesy for CEO to meet with their coun- terpart, which may or may not be the buyer.
  • 20. 3938 // Presentation Completed This stage is reserved for the presentation with the Buyer only. The reason this is critical is because until the Buyer has seen your pre- sentation you are simply selling to influencers. Once this stage is achieved you are on the fast track to a decision as we are normally 7 days away from a final decision being made. To ensure you get a presentation with the Buyer, here are a few tips and tricks you can use so you can get this presentation made, and be one step closer to closing this deal! Send the agenda to your contact and include “Required” or “Suggested” attendees. Under that column make sure you include the Buyer and possibly all the influencers so you can get it all done at once. It is important to note that if you do this, most people will just skim the agenda. You will need to make sure and call your con- tact and specifically call out this section and ask them to help get all these people in attendance, and explain why. Remember it is always most effective to just be upfront and honest. If you have presented your solution to a number of people, but just cannot catch the Buyer, reach out to them and “if local” offer to take them to lunch or dinner, and perform the presenta- tion there. If the deal is large enough, have a trip planned that just happens to be taking you to their city and see if you can get in to see them (this works like a charm!) I have used both meth- ods many times with GREAT success. Just remember if you are going to present over a meal it will not be as formal, but you need to make sure to still cover all of your material. Make sure you have practiced this sitting meal pitch ahead of time. Use your network to get them to meet with you. Similar to #2, but rather than you asking them, use your network to help get them out to an event or meal so you can get alone time with them. Again, this will not be as formal so you will need to be concise and to the point, but can many times be just what you need so you can get your service in front of the buyer to keep your deal flowing down the pipe. // Needs Discovered If you were on your game you may have completed the needs dis- covery while at the presentation. Now we need to verify them. To do this here are a few steps you can take. Reach out to the head of sales and set up a call to review all of the “needs” you documented in the meeting, and see what their input is. This move will buy you huge brownie points with the head of sales as it shows how much you value their input on the process, and should give you the real story of what is going on. Now before you do this make sure you ask permission and it’s ok to do so. What I mean by this is if you are working directly with a CEO or Owner do not go to their head of sales without their blessing first. One of the biggest mistakes you can make in a deal is going below your contact without their expressed permission to do so. It will look like you are trying to get his/her team against them, or even worse tell them about something they did not want them to know about yet. BE VERY CAREFUL!!! Send a recap email to the Buyer outlining the specific needs and expectations that you received in the meeting, and ask that he/ she confirms they are complete and accurate. If you did not get any of the needs while at the meeting, then you have some work to do. To get these post meeting will take you digging back into your notes to format them yourself. Basi- cally you need to compose a list of needs you have heard from them, and then should set-up a call with the buyer and/or your contact in attendance to run through them. After this call you should recap everything and ask them to con- firm them via email that this is the complete list of needs for the company, and expectations they have by working with us. We cannot stress the importance of getting these steps right. Making sure we capture the right needs and expectations is what will allow us to make sure we meet, and work to exceed the needs and expectations of the client. // Proposal Sent The reason we pushed you so hard to ensure the needs were captured accurately is for this stage right here. 99% of the time your Proposal will be rejected. Not because of price or quality, but because it did not match the needs of the client. This is why it is so important to ensure Need Discovery was done correctly, but also equally important is to convey those needs in the proposal. For this reason, here are some important tips to help you get your proposal out, and accepted. Do not just send a stock proposal! The proposal is something you should plan to customize each time you are sending it. It should include a list of the needs and expectations shared with you, pain points they may have shared with you during the sales process, any conceptual solutions we have already created for them, and most importantly a timeline for how we will roll out our services. Remember this document needs to help them see a story from how they first got to meet us, to why they came to want us, and finally why they cannot live without our services in their life. It should tell a tale that anyone could read and want to buy from. Never just email a proposal, present it! The biggest mistake most b2b sales people make is believing they can just send a proposal and it will hold its own. WRONG! A proposal needs a voice behind it, and that is why you should never send a propos- al to an email and wait for a response. Get your contact/Buyer on the phone first and then send it with them on the call. When they get it, then walk them through the whole thing. This allows you the opportunity to get instant feedback and re- actions to the proposal and possibly move in for the kill (Close). Remember a proposal sent without a voice is like a ring without anyone on their knee asking the question that goes along with it.
  • 21. 4140 // Proposal Accepted Feels good to finally get someone to say yes, right? Well don’t sit back just yet, we still have a little way to go before this deal is all said and done. Remember, a deal is not done until the contract is signed and payment received. Till then, you are still selling! To help make sure you get to contract as fast as possible here are a few things you need to ensure you do to get through this stage and over to the introduction of the Strategy Guru. Thank your primary contact via an email for their acceptance of the proposal and lay out the next steps through contract in a very clear and concise manor. Some of the items it should include are: Introduction to their Strategy Guru overview Specific date and time when the agreement will be over to them A calendar invite for a call when you send agreement Overview of how to use DocuSign Brief overview of how the Strategy Guru will get them started Date you will need the agreement signed and returned to get them scheduled for their preferred strategy session date The last thing a prospect wants is to feel like they must do a ton of work just to get the deal closed. You want to ensure your cli- ent feels like they are going to simply sit back and be pampered by you their servant (I mean sales person). LOL! Remember, every day a deal sits in the proposal approved, con- tract to be signed stage, your odds of closing go down expo- nentially. Speed is the name of the game here! Call or go see your Strategy Guru to review the account in depth and get them moving onto the next stage of the pipeline as fast as possible. SPEED-SPEED-SPEED! // Introduction To Strategy Guru Just because a client accepted your Proposal does not mean the deal is done. Actually far from it! This stage may seem simple enough, but actually can end up being the one stage that can make or break your deal based on how you handle it. Depending on the deal, this introduction may have already oc- curred either in person, or on a Zoom call. This step still needs to be performed because you are not just introducing two people. You are allowing your potential client to meet the person who will help guide their business to Sales Success. To ensure your deal goes smoothly through the introduction here are a few tips. Have a one-on-one meeting with the Strategy Guru assigned to this deal prior to any emails or phone calls occurring. In this meeting you want to walk the Strategy Guru through the entire account, and clearly review their needs and expectations. The last thing you want is your Strategy Guru getting on a call with the prospect and sounding like they know nothing about their business. This needs to appear like they have been right by your side for the entire sales process. This is why detailed notes in the CRM are mission critical! When possible, try to have this introduction done in person. Re- member we are a company that is very intimate with our clients, and for that reason the ability for people to meet in person is critical to the longevity and success of our business relation- ships. We want people to feel we are part of their team from day one, and there is no better way to do this than meeting in person. Make sure to prep your prospect on what to expect when they speak with a Strategy Guru. They should know what this person does on our team, and more importantly what their goals will be on the introduction call. Do not let your prospect walk into this call cold as they can potentially get overwhelmed and then slow down your deal from closing. This one may sound obvious, but we do encourage you to perform this step as close to the acceptance of the proposal as possible, and yes we want you to wait on sending the contract until this is done. This is because sometimes the deal may adjust from this call. So be patient. // Contract Negotiations Welcome to the closing table! This is sacred ground in the world of sales, and a place when real sales people are made or broken. Now is not the time to let up the pressure. Actually just the oppo- site. Now is the time when the real work begins. This is when you stop educating and start selling. Our negotiations typically last 24-48 hours, but can stretch out to 72 – 96 hours if the agreement wasn’t properly presented. Now is when you need to put your big girl pants on and get this deal closed even if they say no, and here is how you will do that. The art of closing a deal is to start closing the deal from the first moment you meet a person. Assume the sale at every moment and interact with a prospect as if they are already a client of yours. Introduce them to strategic contacts in your network, invite them to events, and start building bonds. If you have done that, this stage should be quick and painless. Contract is loaded up in DocuSign and ready to be sent. DON’T YOU DARE SEND IT IF THE CLIENT IS NOT ON THE PHONE! Even if Mike is telling you just to send it pull up this page and show it to him. It is the kiss of death for your contract. You must be on the phone with your Buyer when they receive the contract so you can walk them through the entire thing. When you walk your Buyer through the contract be detailed and make sure to hit on any points they may have raised going into contracting that were important to them. Now is the time to be detailed, and ask pointed questions to ensure your client is 100% on the document they have in front of them. To do this you need to be 110% on the agreement. Make sure you are well versed on every aspect of the agreement, but if there is something you are unsure of DO NOT GUESS! Just admit you are unsure, and get Mike on the phone ASAP.
  • 22. 4342 // Won Welcome to Victory! Time to have a drink, maybe eat something bad, and get a high five from the team. Congrats you just closed the deal! Okay done celebrating? Time to get the next one. LOL! This is sales, and now is not just the time to celebrate, we need to ride the wave of victory into our next deal. Here are a few things you want to make sure to do once your deal is closed. The moment you get that email saying the contract is signed get an email and hand written note to your new client thanking them for their business. Make sure to tell them how excited you and the team is about taking their business to the next level, and close it with “if you know of any other businesses that could benefit from our services I would greatly appreciate an introduc- tion.” Your new client is riding high on dopamine so now is the time to ask for intros. You will get more chances as well, but this is a great time to start prepping your client that you are a sales person who lives on referrals. Ask the Strategy Guru to add you to the calendar of deliverables so you can have excuses to continually touch base with your client. These are just more opportunities to ask for referrals, and create a closer bond with your client. When you check in, try and come with business for them. Remember, the law of the sales jungle is for every referral you give, you get paid back by 2x. So if a client refers you one client you owe them two. Set yourself reminders to send your client monthly check in emails opposite from the Strategy Guru’s check in calls. In these emails try and send relevant information that could help their organization, or that you saw about their business. Again this will provide you will a great excuse to chat with you client and grow your bond with them. Lost I know this may sound crazy, but welcome to victory! You will never close every deal you work, and nor do you want to. Lost deals are the price we pay for the contracts we win. The faster you start to not only accept this, but embrace it, the better off you will be. The reason lost deals are so critical to your long term success is because they provide you with a picture of how many it will take for you to win deals. Then you can just simply do math. If 5 lost deals lead you to a won deal then guess what, you need to get 5 no’s to get to that yes. GET TO WORK! Also, just because a deal is lost does not mean there is no oppor- tunity there. When a deal says No you must document very clearly why they said no. This way you can understand if they were just not qualified, or if there is an opportunity to come back to them later on. Beyond the future opportunity with this company, there is also the opportunities they can possibly provide you. Yes, it was not for them right now, but they may know someone who this would be perfect for. All it takes is asking the question, “do you know of any- one who may be able to benefit from our type of services?” Remember you only get what you ask for, and a lost deal is some- one who now knows what we do better than anyone, and can possi- bly point you to someone who would do business with us. Just ask! REPORTING NUMBER OF DEALS IN EACH OF YOUR STAGES: Quota is 1 sale per week, goal is 2 sales per week, and a stretch goal is 3 sales per week. To achieve these metrics, we suggest you keep the following number of prospects at each stage: • Idea - 30 • Prospect - 20 • Contact Made - 15 • Buyer Identified - 10 • Presentation Completed - 8 • Needs Discovered – 7 • Proposal Sent - 6 • Proposal Accepted - 5 • Introduction to Strategy Guru - 4 • Contract Negotiations - 3 NUMBER OF STAGE MOVES YOU MAKE PER DAY: To ensure you hit your weekly goal you must manage yourself by stage moves per day. In Pipedrive you can see the number of stage moves you made per day on all of your deals. To hit 2 deals per week you need to accomplish 25 prospect stage moves per day and 6 selling state moves per day. • A stage move is defined as moving a deal from one stage to the next, or closing a deal as won. Marking a deal as lost counts as ½ of a move, and adding new deals as ideas counts as ½ of a move. AVERAGE NUMBER OF DAYS’ DEALS ARE SPENT IN EACH STAGE: If you are hitting your 5 stage moves per day, and these are mostly deals going from one stage to the next you will easily reach a 14–21-day sales cycle from idea to won. Then go to work to lower that range each month. Sales success is achieved through focusing on three specific metrics that you can manage in real time on Pipedrive under the Tab “Statistics.”
  • 23. HI <First Name> Hope you’re having an amazing day so far. I see we have quite a few mutual connections (e.g., list 3 names) and are both follow- ing Example: Tony Robbins and Richard Branson. I’d love to connect with you. (if it’s someone with an impressive profile I add--”You seem like someone I should know.”) <Insert Name> HI <First Name> Is growing your sales something <Company Name> is currently working on? If yes, I would love an opportunity to bring your staff donuts and meet with you for 30 minutes this week to talk about your sales strategy. We believe everything starts with the sale. I guarantee you will walk away from our meeting with a few nuggets to immediately implement into your organization and see increased revenue. 10AM typically works best for most companies--hopefully for you as well. Let me know which day this week works best for you. BizSprints oversees the creation and implementation of a sales strategy to assist in the growth of your revenue and profits. 44 SAMPLE SCRIPTS & TEMPLATES We start with performing a sales competitive analysis, and then run your team through a full day strategy session. From there we use all of that data to create your “Sales Manifesto” which is what will detail everything out from what industry and peo- ple you should sell to, to how and who you should be selling to. It is your entire sales strategy in one concise booklet that you can leverage to train people and present to prospective investors for funding. Add some text to introduce the two template on the right. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. LinkedIn Prospecting Email
  • 24. Meeting must be built purposeful and with clearly defined goals. These templates will help you craft an agenda that will ensure your meeting produces you the results you need to move your deal forward. 4746 MEETING AGENDA(S) The meeting agenda we use for a pitch is a powerful weapon when used appropriately. This is not just a document with times and subjects on it. The agenda is a tool to help ensure the people you want are in the meeting, and the specific topics that will help ensure your sale is converted. To ensure your agenda is accom- plished, we have provided you with a sample agenda on the next page, and an overview of each section of the agenda below. INTRODUCTION: Yes, we know these are a standard practice item, but done right you can leverage the intro to shock the client by your preparation. Have the client go first and then have each member of our team introduce themselves. When we introduce ourselves, we should provide examples of our role in relation to theirs and how we would support the prospect. Done right this explanation should hit on some sore points your primary contact shared with you of stress points for why they are worried to buy. MEETING OBJECTIVES: This is where you want to gather from the client what they want from this meeting. Make sure your pros- pect can see you writing their objectives down on paper or on your computer as it will be critical for the recap. DISCUSSION TOPICS: You will notice we do not ever put times on these as we want to allow the meeting to go where it needs to. Just make sure you cover everything! MEETING RECAP: This is when you get to prove you were listening, and taking notes. Make sure to recap all take always and next steps in detail. ATTENDEES: Never wait for your prospect to tell you who will be there! Make a list of the specific people you want and have it on your agenda. ie – Buyer! SALES PITCH Chapter 4
  • 25. The version of the deck reviewed here is the template agreed upon as of the creation of this deck. As decks are living breathing documents we strongly encourage you to refer to the BizSprints Knowledge base for any updates that have occurred to the deck since this Manifesto was published. 49 00:00 – 00:00 Introductions 00:00 – 00:00 Review Meeting and Program Objectives What would you like to get out of this meeting? What are your short-term and long-term goals for our servicer? Implementation Discussion Topics Account Management Implementation Task List and Timeline Show Actual process Gantt Chart Burn Down Chart Recruiting and Staffing Visual Representation Operational Discussion Topics (ROI) Operations Structure and Standard Operating Procedures Quality Assurance Procedures Ability to reduce case load Training Curriculum Development & Implementation Daily/Weekly/Quarterly Reporting Technology Discussion Topics Support Systems System Integration 00:00 – 00:00 Meeting Recap Review any outstanding questions Talk through next steps for program Review any takeaway and action items Attendees All Requested Name & Title for Prospect (Don’t be shy) List all our team who will be in attendance (match titles when possible) PRESENTATION DECK(S) Deck 1: Success by Design This deck was created to sell our Sales Strategy consulting services. Its intended purpose is to educate the audience about how our program works, and why they need this for their company. It is important to note that the deck being shown below is the Presentation deck. The Print deck has lot more detail on each slide as it is part of the leave behind for the client. Meeting Agenda Sample
  • 26. 5150 1. THE INTRO The intro slide is what you should have on the screen from the mo- ment you get in the room to present. This is just a holding slide while people come in and get settled. Once everyone is settled keep this slide up while you go around the room for introductions, then advance to the next slide. Do not get into who BizSprints is while this slide is up as we handle that on the following slides. 2. EDUCATIONAL SLIDE REINFORCEMENT The first educational slide will get people thinking, and this slide will get purposefully uncomfortable. Again simply deliver this slide, but then close on the fact that Bi- zSprints was founded to help solve these issues. 2. EDUCATIONAL SLIDE This slide is to wake the audience up as to why our company is even in existence. The point here is to share this insane stat strongly, and then move to the next slide. 4. HISTORY & MISSION OF BIZSPRINTS Here is where you get to show them the light, and the answer to these nasty issues which is us. What you will do over the next three slides is share our story starting with why and how we were founded. “Michael McMillan founded BizSprints in February, 2016 after working for years running sales, marketing, and accounts operations for companies around the globe. That experience showed Mike a massive issue with how companies were running their sales operations, and he set out to help fix it. Since that day our team has been focused on helping business owners fall in love with their sales team by building them the ultimate pitch, process, and sales team.”
  • 27. 5352 5. THE LARGER VISION As we started to see our clients begin to fall in love with their sales teams we quickly saw an opportunity to take our solution to more businesses both here in the U.S. and abroad to start working to- ward our vision of being the globally recognized leader committed to transforming companies to stay relevant in the radically shifting economy. Or as we like to say, “We make sure you are not just an- other failed business statistic!” 7. PAUSE SLIDE This slide is meant to pause the meeting for a moment so you can ask the attendees what their goal is in attending the meeting. The critical part of this slide is to make sure the client can see you document all the objectives they share, but then for you to let them know you will address and highlight them throughout the presen- tation. This will allow you to keep your presentation going, and not get sucked into a rabbit hole that will be very hard to get out of. 6. OUR VALUES As everyone is aware in sales there is always the temptation to do whatever it takes to make a sale. For this reason, our team designed our guiding values which we use to ensure all our decisions and business practices are not only ethical, but also in alignment with what we hold dear. The definition for all our values are in the speak notes on the deck 8. WHAT’S IN THE BOX We start with the deliverable so the client can understand all that they are going to get from us. In the speaker notes you will find all the specifics for each category, and we strongly encourage you to share those while on this slide to really show the value of our Manifesto.
  • 28. 5554 9. SALES COMPETITIVE ANALYSIS The big item to make sure and tackle on this slide is that our com- petitive analysis is not marketing analysis, but sales.This means that we are comparing the effectiveness of a company’s sales efforts and quality vs. our client. Based on this data we can then best craft a go to market strategy that will allow us to take advantage of the known weaknesses of their competitors. 11. BUT WAIT THERE’S MORE If you transition right, you can present this slide as a huge value add that the client will be very impressed by. Basically, you just need to close out the last slide with something like, “that is a lot of stuff, right?” Think of this as your, but wait there’s more slide. 10. STRATEGY SESSION Be ready to spend some time on this slide, and make sure you know our strategy session inside and out. This slide may not have a lot of words, but you will notice a ton of speaker notes. The key here is to help the audience visualize what a strategy session day looks and feels like so they can understand the value. By leveraging both the agenda and the take away items on this, a sense of wow should be on the faces of your attendees. 12. MEASUREMENT SLIDE This is the slide specifically for the analytical and finance people in the room. What your intended goal here is to help them under- stand that beyond just helping the sales team sell better that you will also teach them how to report better as well. This is a critical slide to get just right so you can get the CFO/Con- troller on your side and pushing this buy.
  • 29. 5756 13. THE SOLUTION Now that you have the client riding high and excited it is time to hit them with the solutions. Start with Velocity and work your way over to Accelerator. We find it best to say something like, “almost 100% of our clients typically go with Velocity.” That way it can make them feel like if they don’t go with it they will be going against the grain somehow. 15. CLOSING SLIDE This slide is what will now stay up for the rest of the meeting. Great work on the presentation. Now get that deal closed! 14. TIE BACK SLIDE Here is where we bring it all back to the beginning to remind the client that why we do what we do is to help them improve cash flow and stability through sales. Presented right you will get some head nods and signs of approval for the deck.
  • 30. 5958 BEST PRACTICES Before the Pitch A deal is won or lost based on the work done prior to a pitch meeting. Below are a few tactics you can use to ensure you and the team are well prepared prior to a pitch. Attendee Data One of the most important aspects of meeting prep is making sure you have all the possible data on the attendees in the meeting. If you use the personas as a template, you are looking to paint a clear picture for who each of the attendees are. Everything from role in the company to their personal hobbies and family structure. This provides you and the team talking points to be ready with in the event they find themselves in a one-on-one situation with that person. The best resource to capture this data is LinkedIn, Facebook, and Google searches. Simply create a document with the attendee’s picture and all the relevant data. Make sure to distribute this data to the team a minimum of one week prior to the meeting. Executive Summary of Deal Never data dump on your team prior to a meeting. It is dangerous, and just not efficient. Your best bet is to build a one-page summary of all that you have learned so far, and then distribute this summary to your team. Make sure to highlight a minimum of 10 key points that you have discovered that could help the team sound well informed and educated about the prospects business while at the meeting. This could include anything from current news to specific details on their product or service. Practice - Practice - Practice You should personally practice the pitch a minimum of 2 times per week by yourself to an empty room with your deck. You should also be practicing with your pitch team once per month, and at least once prior to your pitch meeting so everyone is ready. Visualization Exercise Right before your meeting take 15 minutes to walk the pitch team through the meeting. Help them visualize it, and see the outcome you want. Visualize the win! At the Pitch So many sales people practice so much they forget that a pitch is an ever-evolving event. You practice so what you need to say is nat- ural, but in the pitch, you must be hyper sensitive to what is going on around you to ensure you walk out with a deal! Be the Cruise Director There is no greater skill to teach yourself than being able to read body language. If you have not already done so make sure to read the book “The Definitive Book of Body Language” By Barbara Pease & Allan Pease. Once you have educated yourself on body language, use this knowledge to better guide your meetings. If you see people get- ting bored change the pace or topic of the meeting. If people are getting frustrated or upset attempt to move into a lighter topic if possible. Your job in the pitch meeting is to function as the cruise director and help keep everything on track and in a fun happy environment. You control the emotional state of the meeting, and therefore it is so critical to constantly be reading your audience and adjusting as you go. Ask Only What You Know Questions are one of the most powerful tools us sales people have in our tool box, but you must use them carefully. One tactic you need to employ in the pitch is to only ask those questions you al- ready know the answer to. Now, to be specific, I am not saying you should only ask things you know the exact answer to. What this means is, asking questions you know the result of the answer to. So, for instance I can ask attendee ‘A’ his thoughts on service XXX as I know he has already shared with me his love for it. By asking him this question I set a positive tone to the meeting, and have him start selling our services for us. To do this you must be well prepared and know your audience very well. Make sure you empower your team with questions like this as well so you can guide the meeting toward the close, and get the client selling themselves. After the Pitch What you do as you leave the meeting will set the tone for how the client views your responsiveness. Wait for a couple days to say thank you and they will see you as slow and potentially too busy. Send something fast but with typos and missing items and you will be viewed as unorganized and not focused on details. The trick here is to show fast response in a very detailed and concise manor, and here is how you do it. The All Mighty Thank You We use a three-stepped approach to showing our appreciation to the team for spending time with us. QUICK EMAIL Before you even leave the parking lot you should write a quick personal email to each attendee thanking them for their time today, and setting clear expectations for next steps. Typi- cally, this email is no more than 4 – 6 lines. HANDWRITTEN CARD Yes, it is old school and that is the point. A card should be written to each attendee, and you should insert something specific from the meeting that person brought up. This shows your attentiveness and appreciation for them being there. Put this in the mail the same day of your meeting in a mail- box near their office. This way it can potentially be on their desk the very next day. RECAP EMAIL Within 24 hours of your meeting you need to send the full meeting recap which should have been promised in your “Quick Email.” This recap should include: • Executive Summary of meeting (2 – 3 paragraphs with bullets detailing all their meeting objectives) • Timelines for any pending take away items from the meeting. • Key takeaway items that our team had from the meeting with any items that could possibly provide the client with reven growth. (Introduction to possible prospect/partner/vendor. Article you found that tied to a topic discussed).
  • 31. Documenting the objections we get from prospective clients is far and beyond one of the most critical elements of our role. Each time we get push back we can learn from this and then improve our ability to sell what we do. In the long term this will allow us to craft a better pitch and reach the highest level of sales velocity possible. 6160 CAPTURING, STORAGE, ACCESS, & UPDATING Capturing You get push back on deals all the time. The trick is to recognize it and get in the habit of writing down what you are hearing. To do this efficiently there are two methods we employ: SOLO NOTES. When you are on your own at a meeting, or on a call it is all on you. The best bet is just to inform your prospect you will be taking notes, and then document the key push backs you receive from them. Don’t worry about answers just get the push back. We will work on answers later. TEAMWORK. Ideally you are with a team member who can help you by capturing all the push back they hear. This is always the most effective. Again, make sure they do not try and document answers just the push back. Storage Post meeting/call all objections should be placed into the BizSprints Knowledge base via the submission link. This will then go to the SME Team to craft responses for future use by the team, and be uploaded into the knowledge base. Access All Objections and Rebuttals are stored in the BizSprints Knowl- edge Base. Updating All rebuttals are reviewed and updated on a quarterly basis. If any rebuttal is found to be wrong it will be updated immediately in the knowledge base by the SME team. OBJECTIONS & REBUTTALS Chapter 5
  • 32. 6362 TOP 5 OBJECTIONS BY INDUSTRY Business Services We have a head of sales. Why would we need you? We work in collaboration with your head of sales to assist them with an outsiders’ perspective of their team, and a comparison data set from all the other clients we service. Many times, the strategies we build with a sitting head of sales are some of our strongest. We already have a sales strategy. Great! When was the last time it was updated? Also, is it well doc- umented so your team is all acting on it in the exact same way? If you are not sure, then I would strongly encourage you to give some thought to us coming to look at it. Many times, companies we work with may have a strategy, but it is either out of date, or not even used by their sales team. Many times, because they had no input on it so feel no sense of ownership. $15,000 seems like a lot for a one-time meeting Therefore, most of our clients do not go with Accelerator and in- stead opt for our Velocity package so we can also provide monthly oversight to hold your team accountable to the strategy we help your team build. This is just not in the budget right now. I understand you may be working on your cash flow, but you should know that almost all our clients have seen enough increase in sales to more than pay for our services in the first 30-90 days of engaging with us. Now all of them are building massive profits to help drive their business forward with. We cannot get our whole team away for the entire day Our team totally understands how hard and expensive this can be, but this is also why you must do it. Getting a day away to do nothing but work on your sales strategy is what will help set the tone for your sales growth, and ensure your team can start seeing ROI from our services right away. Software We are waiting on investment capital before we can pull the trigger on this You are looking at this in reverse. Our services, and more specifi- cally our Sales Manifesto can be one of your most powerful tools to help you secure financing for your business. How can you build us a sales strategy and not be from our space? Our lack of detailed knowledge about your space is many times one of our greatest strengths in building your strategy as we are not jaded by any industry buzz or trends. We can leverage the best practices we have seen across many industries to work together with your team of industry veterans to build the best possible strategy. $15,000 seems like a lot for a one-time meetings Therefore, most of our clients do not go with Accelerator and in- stead opt for our Velocity package so we can also provide monthly oversight to hold your team accountable to the strategy we help your team build. This is just not in the budget right now. I understand you may be working on your cash flow, but you should know that almost all our clients have seen enough increase in sales to more than pay for our services in the first 30-90 days of engaging with us. Now all of them are building massive profits to help drive their business forward with. We cannot get our whole team away for the entire day Our team totally understands how hard and expensive this can be, but this is also why you must do it. Getting a day away to do noth- ing but work on your sales strategy is what will help set the tone for your sales growth, and ensure your team can start seeing ROI from our services right away. Objections provide us the opportunity to open a discussion about the challenges our customer is facing. Our rebuttals must be well rehearsed so they come across natural and caring.
  • 33. 6564 TEAM DESIGN Chapter 6 TRAINING & MENTORING Sales Personnel Training and mentoring are the most critical aspect of a sales per- son’s long term success. To ensure our sales team is always running at peak performance we have designed the following plan. WEEKLY: Every Friday the CEO and sales team will have a 90-minute training and review meeting with the following agenda. • 15 minutes – Recap of the week’s stage moves and sales totals • 30 minutes – Review of objections from the week • 30 minutes – Building & reviewing rebuttals to objections • 15 minutes – Open conversation MONTHLY: The last week of each month 30 minutes will be added to the weekly meeting to talk through strategy for the next month to ensure we achieve our results. QUOTA & GOALS Quota Our quota is based on revenue on a weekly basis. Right now, as we are working to build up cash flow our focus is new account acquisition that is on an ongoing basis. For this reason, quota & goal is as follows. WEEKLY QUOTA: $5,000 of new MRR WEEKLY GOAL: $10,000 of new MRR WEEKLY STRETCH GOAL: $10,000 of new MRR; $10,000 of onetime or MRR SALES PERSONNEL TEAM & MANAGEMENT STRUCTURE COMPENSATION STRUCTURE Our goal is to have no more than one Sales Guru selling our service. Base salary plus a onetime in and out compensation plan. MANAGEMENT PERSONNEL All management will be performed directly by the CEO Salary SUPPORT STAFF Stephanie McMillan will function as the support team for sales to assist with marketing and sales materials when needed. Hourly
  • 34. 66 IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGY Chapter 7 Each time the sales strategy has been updated the steps below will be used as a rollout plan to ensure continuity of the team, and lower the risk of disruption to the overall organization. 67 RELEASING THE NEW STRATEGY LEADERSHIP BUY IN The first step of releasing a new strategy is to ensure the entire leadership team is all on the same page with exactly what the new sales strategy is, and are 100% on board with how it works. This step is critical since all the troops look to their leader to set the tone on what they do. If the head of HR is not bough in and speaks against the plan it could potentially influence one of your sales team not to take it seriously. This will cause a domino effect in a sales team as a detractor’s negativity can spread like cancer if not treated quickly and effectively. Therefore, before anything the Manifesto must be presented and supported by the entire leadership team of the organization. ASSIGN PROJECT LEAD Implementing a new structure takes proper oversight to ensure it is done accurately. To ensure this happens we strongly suggest a project lead is assigned who will function as the point person to ensure proper execution of all the elements of the project. ASSIGN A PRESENTER Now that leadership is on board, and you have a project lead it is time to bring this to your sales team. To make sure this is done right though we need to pick a presenter who can ensure it is done in a way that is both educational and motivational at the same time. We want to make sure the team leaves this meeting feeling excited about this new strategy and all the success it will bring them. To do this we suggest you assign the presentation to an internal or external person who can ensure it is presented in a motivational manor. THE PRESENTATION When you bring this to your sales team you want to make sure the presentation is done in a clean fashion. You should take the print version of this Manifesto and distribute a copy to every member of the team. Then utilize the Manifesto presentation template that the BizSprints team provided you.
  • 35. 6968 This presentation is built in a way that will walk your team through the new strategy in an easy to understand way so they can both understand how and why they should use it. Remember we need their buy in if this strategy is going to work, and more importantly get better. FEEDBACK LOOP The last section of the presentation is all about the Feedback Loop with your team about the strategy. This section is so important we wanted to pull it out into its own step. When presenting this portion, it is critical that the team under- stands that the success from the strategy is only as good as the feedback we get from them. For this reason, monthly they will all be on a call with a Strategy Guru from the BizSprints team to gather input on the strategy so at our next quarterly session it can potentially be updated. EMBRACE THE LEARNING CURVE As with any new strat- egy or system there is always a learning curve that takes place. It is important your team acknowledges this with your team so they can understand what your real expectations are. Once the final strategy is complete the BizSprints team will provide you with our estimated impact threshold which will provide you with a baseline to understand how much time the new strategy may take for your team to fully implement based on the departure from your current sales strategy. This way you can then convey to your team clear expectations and not be disappointed in the results obtained. START SELLING! Our team was founded with the simple mission to help companies fall in love with sales. We knew to do this we needed to educate businesses on how sales works, but more importantly how they don’t work. As part of the BizSprints family it is your job to ensure every person you encounter knows our mission, and after they get done speaking with you can accurately articulate how we help companies achieve Success by Design. To help ensure you can do this again and again we are dedicated to the continued education of ourselves on sales and business best practices. This way no matter the circumstance we are properly trained and educated on how to assess the circumstance and act accordingly. The final piece of our equation is to never forget that we are the example in which we ask all our clients to attempt to have their teams resemble. To be able to stay the example we must always hold ourselves to the highest standard of service. From the way, we speak and dress, to our punctuality and attentiveness at meetings. It is our job to remember we are always in the spotlight and to do our very best to act accordingly, and help our team members always look their best. My goal for each of you is to make you very successful, and help you achieve whatever goals you have set for yourself. To do that we simply ask you give 100% each day so we can hit our numbers and have a lot of fun along the way. To Your Success & Prosperity, Michael McMillan Founder & CEO BizSprints