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Lesson 1
The conversations below, shows several situations wherein two
individuals talk about the weather.

1. In the dialogue below, Gary and Sharon are complaining about how hot
the weather is today....
Gary:     Oh, my! It's really hot! I've never seen such scorching weather in my life!
Sharon: Tell me about it. It's like the whole world is broiling.
Gary:     Oh, look at the thermometer! The temperature has hit 98!
Sharon: I hope it's not going to break into three digits!
Gary:     But it's already awfully close!
Sharon: Well, I just hope it'll level off.
Gary:     I guess we can't do anything until after dark then.
Sharon: I guess so. What else can we do? You can't stay in the heat for long!

New vocabularies:
         Dialogue:        conversation
         Weather:        climate
         Scorching:       sizzling
         Broiling:        hot
         Thermometer: a device to measure temperature
         Temperature: warmth
         Awfully:        terribly

          1.   In the 4th sentence, the word “gonna” is grammatically wrong. It is more
               appropriate to use the phrase “going to be”. However in today’s daily
               conversation this word is frequently applied.
          2.   level off: to decrease
          3.   Tell me about it: its an expression used in order to agree with a statement
Lesson 2

2. It's such a hot day that the two people in the conversation below just
want to stay at home and spare themselves the worst of the heat.
Winnie: Oh, man! Nobody can stand this kind of scorching heat.
Marc:    Tell me about it! You can't even stay in the sun for five minutes.
Winnie: You'll be scorched like a shriveled plant.
Marc:    Or like a shriveled old man!
Winnie: I like your humor, Marc. Anyway, I guess this afternoon there's nothing we can do but
stay home.
Marc:    I guess so. I don't want to be taken to the hospital for heat exhaustion or sunstroke or
Winnie: You want my advice? Drink a lot of liquids and spare yourself the worst of the heat!
Marc:    Yeah, you're right. Got to drink a lot of fluids. Do we have any beer?
Winnie: Yes! Do you want Coors Light or Corona?
Marc:    Do you have any Bud or Michelobe?

New vocabularies:
        Shriveled:     dried up
        Humor:        joke
        Exhaustion: tiredness
        Sunstroke:    thirst
        Liquid:        fluid
        Spare:        extra
Lesson 3
3. It's a very hot day. The heat is so unbearable. To make it worse, the
air-conditioner is broken....
Chris:     Oh, the heat is unbearable! Didn't you turn on the air-conditioner?
Paul:      The heat has blown our air-conditioner on the roof!
Chris:     What the...! So, what are we going to do?
Paul:      We've got to have it fixed as soon as possible. I've called someone and they're on
the way.
Chris:     Thank God!
Paul:      Here you go. You can use the electric fan here. At least you can catch a breeze.

New vocabularies:
          Unbearable: intolerable
          Breeze: gentle wind
Lesson 4
4. A cold front has just set in. To make it worse, the water has just gone
off without a warning....
Nancy: What's going on? When you turn on the faucet, it's just drip, drip, drip.
Sandra: Well, it's the second day in a row. I guess the pipes are frozen again.
Nancy: Really?
Sandra: Yeah. Yesterday the water even went off without a warning. I couldn't take a shower,
nor could I wash the dishes.
Nancy: Well, I'm wondering why the manager isn't on top of this!

New vocabularies:
            Worse: not as good as
            Faucet: valve
            Pipe: tube
            Frozen: iced up

             1.   “Went off” a phrase referring to the disconnection of any thing, water in this
             2.   Being “on top of -----------“ means supervising
Lesson 5
5. Justine knew that there would be a shower today, but she didn't realize
it would rain so heavily....
Stephen: Wow, you look like a drowned rat! Didn't you know there's a thunderstorm today?
Justine: I knew there would be a shower, but I didn't realize it would rain cats and dogs today.
Stephen: Well, you'd better take a hot shower right now, or you'll catch a cold.
Justine: I know. I don't want to get sick, especially during finals week

New vocabularies:
             Drowned: covered with water
             Thunderstorm: cloudburst
             During: throughout

              1.   “ You look like a drowned cat” => you ate entirely wet
              2.   “it would rain cats and dogs” => it would rain very hard
Lesson 6
The dialogues below are two peoples conversation about their jobs.

1. May was recently promoted, but she doesn't seem happy. Her colleagues Cathy and
Jake are kind of curious....
Cathy:   Did you see May today?
Jake:    Yes. But why does she have such a long face?
Cathy:   I don't have the foggiest idea.
Jake:    I thought she'd be happy.
Cathy:   Yeah, especially since she got a promotion recently.
Jake:    Maybe it's some kind of personal problem.

New vocabularies:
            Recent: current
            Promoted: rose to higher level
            Colleagues: people in a group with the same profession
            Curious: inquisitive

             1.   “having a long face” => refers to looking sad and not being in a good mood.
             2.   “I don't have the foggiest idea” => Not knowing whats going on.
lesson 7
2. Janice is thinking of whether or not she should quit and look for another job
somewhere else because she hasn't gotten a raise in three years....
Eddie:   What are the chances of getting a raise this year?
Janice: Chances are slim!
Eddie:   Wow! You haven't gotten a raise for how many years now?
Janice: (Heave a sigh). It's been three years! The company keeps losing money and they
can't afford to give anyone a raise.
Eddie:   That's too bad. Did you ever think of working somewhere else?
Janice: Yeah. In fact, I have an interview next Monday.
Eddie:   Good luck!

New vocabularies:
             Quit: give up
             Raise: increase
             Afford: have the fond for
             Interview: dialogue

              1.   “chances are slim” the possibility is low
              2.   “I don't have the foggiest idea” => Not knowing whats going on.
lesson 8
3. Derrick complains to his good friend Terri that he is overwhelmed with a heavy
Terri:   Derrick, don't you think you should take a vacation? Even one or two days would be
Derrick: There's no way. There's too much work.
Terri:   But you look so exhausted. You need a break!
Derrick: I know. My chances would be better if they would hire more people.
Terri:   They won't hire more people?
Derrick: No. They always want to keep the cost down. I am really overwhelmed with a heavy
Terri:   Maybe you should talk to the manager.
Derrick: Yes. I'm going to bring this up in tomorrow's meeting.

New vocabularies:
              Complain:
              Overwhelmed:
              Vacation:
              Exhausted:

               1.   “to bring up something” means to mention a topic or a situation in a
                    meeting or in a conversation.
Lesson 9
4. Kent is going to have a job interview the next day. His friend Reese is trying to give
him some advice.
Reese: So, how was your interview?
Kent:   I haven't gone to the interview yet. It's tomorrow. I'm so nervous.
Reese: Don't worry. You should do fine. You have the experience.
Kent:   I hope so.
Reese: Remember, they want someone who works well with people. You've got to show
them how easy-going and personable you are!
Kent:   Thanks. I'll keep that in mind.

New vocabularies:
           Interview
           Advice
           Nervous
           Experience
           Personable

            1.   “ to keep something in mind “ is to remember or recall something in the right
Lesson 10
5. Burt is applying for a new job and is very confident about himself.
Raelene: Hi, Burt. I heard you're looking for a new job.
Burt: Yeah. I just had an interview yesterday.
Raelene: Oh. How did it go?
Burt: I think I did well. They said they would make a decision by this Friday.
Raelene: This Friday? Looks like they want to hire the person as quickly as possible.
Burt:Yeah! I think so, too.
Raelene: What are your chances of getting that job?
Burt: I believe I have a very good chance. The director seems to like me.
Raelene: Well, good luck, then.
Burt: Thanks. I hope it helps.

New vocabularies:
             Applying
             Confident
             Decision
             Quickly
             Director

Tom is waiting in the lobby to get on the train. But suddenly nature is calling, and he
has to ask his friend who is sitting right next to him for help....
Tom:     Can you do me a favor?
Jamie:   Sure. What is it?
Tom:     Can you keep an eye on my bag, please? Nature is calling.
Jamie:   Sure. Will you be long?
Tom:     No. I just want to use the bathroom.
Jamie:   Go ahead. It'll be safe with me.

              1.   “ Nature is calling” the need to use the bathroom
              2.   “ Sitting next to someone” sitting BESIDE someone
Lesson 11
Tom fell asleep when he was waiting in the lounge for his plane to arrive. When he woke up, he

found his backpack no longer there. He was very anxious and asked Mary about it....

Tom:     Where is my backpack?
Mary:    I don't know. Where did you leave it?
Tom:     I just put it on the chair a while ago, but now it's gone.
Mary:    Are you sure?
Tom:     Of course, I'm sure! I bet someone stole it.
Mary:    Well, you should've kept an eye on it.

New vocabularies:
             Asleep
             Lounge
             Arrive
             Anxious

              1.   “ keep eye on something” looking after something, taking care of something

Jill is waiting in line to buy some tickets for a concert coming up in a few days, but suddenly…

Jill: Excuse me, can you do me a favor?
Stranger: Sure. What can I do for you?
Jill: Can you save my place for me, please? Nature's calling.
Stranger: Sure. But hurry. The line is moving fast.
Jill: Thanks. It won't be long. I'll be right back.
Lesson 12
When Gerald and Denise get to the lobby of the train station, they are tired. Fortunately, they spot

two empty seats in the lobby....

Gerald: Excuse me. Is this seat taken?
Manager: (Put off the headphones.) I'm sorry. What did you just say?
Gerald: Oh. Will someone be using this seat?
Manager: No. You can take it.
Gerald: Would you mind moving over one seat so my wife and I can sit together?
Manager: No, not at all.

New vocabularies:
              Train station
              Fortunately
              Spot

Harry just came back from a vacation in Africa. He told his friend how badly he had missed the

comforts of home.

Gabby: Hi, Harry, it's great to see you again. I heard you've traveled a lot recently.
Harry:     Yeah. In the past three months I traveled to many countries in Africa.
Gabby: Well, I really envy you! Did you pet a hyena? (Harry is dumbfounded.) I'm just
Harry:     Well, I didn't pet a hyena, but I was once chased by a rhino, and it was fun!
Gabby: Are you serious?
Harry:     No. I'm just kidding.
Gabby: You really scared the heck out of me.
Harry:     (Laughing....) Well, I really missed the comforts of home. Now I just want to take a
break. A long break!

New vocabularies:
              Comfort
              Travel
              Recent
              Hyena
Lesson 13
The following conversation shows several situations wherein two people
are talking on the phone.
1. The conversation below shows a costumer asking favor from the front desk
A: Front desk. How may I help you?
B: Hi, this is room 707. Could I get a wake up call tomorrow?
A: Absolutely. At what time?
B: 7 o’clock in the morning.
A: Would that be all?
B: That would be all. Thank you.
A: Thank you for calling. Enjoy the rest of the evening!

Key Words:
      Front Desk : reception area
      Absolutely: sure; very much willing
      Wake up : rise up
lesson 14
2. The conversation below shows a customer asking for information from a
customer service representative….

A: Good Morning! Thank you for calling Washington Mutual Bank. How may I
help you?
B: Hi. I would like to ask about my current credit card balance.
A: Certainly. May I get your account name and number please?
B: Andy Chang. 529-755-3740.
A: I would just like to confirm, account name is Andy Chang and account
number is 529-755-3740. Under what branch is this?
B: Washington Mutual Bank, Orchard Avenue branch.
A: Thank you very much. One moment please… Thank you for waiting. Your
current credit card balance is $4,322.50. Is there anything else I can help you
B: Yes please. Could you tell me how much is the minimum payment required?
A: Minimum payment required is $520.00. Would there be anything else?
B: None. That would be all. Thank you.
A: Thank you very much for calling. Have a great day!

*Key words:
      minimum: the least possible quantity or degree
      branch: A division of a business or other organization
      certainly: surely; of course

*Key expressions:
Current credit card balance: the amount of purchases made within a certain
time period, usually within a one month period.
Minimum payment: the lowest amount required by a company to be paid within
a certain period of time
Lesson 15
3. The conversation below shows a situation wherein a customer is making
ticket reservations over the phone…

A: Hello, good morning! Thank you for calling Northwest Airlines. How may I
help you?
B: Hi. I would like to make a reservation please.
A: Certainly. May I ask for your complete name and phone number?
B: Pauline Son. My home phone is 02-311-8977.
A. That is Pauline Son with telephone number 02-311-8977. May I ask your
destination please?
B: Hawaii. Do you have any flights there next week?
A: We have regular flights to Hawaii on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and
Sundays. Which one would you like to take?
B: I’ll take the Sunday flight. Could I pay using my credit card?
A: Yes. You can visit our website at for more details
on the modes of payments.
B: If I take the Sunday flight, what time would the departure be?
A: Departure time is 10:00am. So you have to be at the airport 2 to 3 hours
before your flight. Is there anything else I could help you with?
B: None. That would be all. Thank you.
A: Thank you very much and we hope that you’ll enjoy your flight! Have a great

Key words:

Reservation: An arrangement by which accommodations are secured in
advance, as in a hotel or on an airplane
Departure: The act of leaving

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বাংলাদেশ অর্থনৈতিক সমীক্ষা (Economic Review) ২০২৪ UJS App.pdfবাংলাদেশ অর্থনৈতিক সমীক্ষা (Economic Review) ২০২৪ UJS App.pdf
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Film vocab for eal 3 students: Australia the movie
Film vocab for eal 3 students: Australia the movieFilm vocab for eal 3 students: Australia the movie
Film vocab for eal 3 students: Australia the movie

Biz english #1 practical situations vocabs and basic expressions

  • 1. Lesson 1 The conversations below, shows several situations wherein two individuals talk about the weather. 1. In the dialogue below, Gary and Sharon are complaining about how hot the weather is today.... Gary: Oh, my! It's really hot! I've never seen such scorching weather in my life! Sharon: Tell me about it. It's like the whole world is broiling. Gary: Oh, look at the thermometer! The temperature has hit 98! Sharon: I hope it's not going to break into three digits! Gary: But it's already awfully close! Sharon: Well, I just hope it'll level off. Gary: I guess we can't do anything until after dark then. Sharon: I guess so. What else can we do? You can't stay in the heat for long! New vocabularies:  Dialogue: conversation  Weather: climate  Scorching: sizzling  Broiling: hot  Thermometer: a device to measure temperature  Temperature: warmth  Awfully: terribly Pointers: 1. In the 4th sentence, the word “gonna” is grammatically wrong. It is more appropriate to use the phrase “going to be”. However in today’s daily conversation this word is frequently applied. 2. level off: to decrease 3. Tell me about it: its an expression used in order to agree with a statement
  • 2. Lesson 2 2. It's such a hot day that the two people in the conversation below just want to stay at home and spare themselves the worst of the heat. Winnie: Oh, man! Nobody can stand this kind of scorching heat. Marc: Tell me about it! You can't even stay in the sun for five minutes. Winnie: You'll be scorched like a shriveled plant. Marc: Or like a shriveled old man! Winnie: I like your humor, Marc. Anyway, I guess this afternoon there's nothing we can do but stay home. Marc: I guess so. I don't want to be taken to the hospital for heat exhaustion or sunstroke or something. Winnie: You want my advice? Drink a lot of liquids and spare yourself the worst of the heat! Marc: Yeah, you're right. Got to drink a lot of fluids. Do we have any beer? Winnie: Yes! Do you want Coors Light or Corona? Marc: Do you have any Bud or Michelobe? New vocabularies:  Shriveled: dried up  Humor: joke  Exhaustion: tiredness  Sunstroke: thirst  Liquid: fluid  Spare: extra
  • 3. Lesson 3 3. It's a very hot day. The heat is so unbearable. To make it worse, the air-conditioner is broken.... Chris: Oh, the heat is unbearable! Didn't you turn on the air-conditioner? Paul: The heat has blown our air-conditioner on the roof! Chris: What the...! So, what are we going to do? Paul: We've got to have it fixed as soon as possible. I've called someone and they're on the way. Chris: Thank God! Paul: Here you go. You can use the electric fan here. At least you can catch a breeze. New vocabularies:  Unbearable: intolerable  Breeze: gentle wind
  • 4. Lesson 4 4. A cold front has just set in. To make it worse, the water has just gone off without a warning.... Nancy: What's going on? When you turn on the faucet, it's just drip, drip, drip. Sandra: Well, it's the second day in a row. I guess the pipes are frozen again. Nancy: Really? Sandra: Yeah. Yesterday the water even went off without a warning. I couldn't take a shower, nor could I wash the dishes. Nancy: Well, I'm wondering why the manager isn't on top of this! New vocabularies:  Worse: not as good as  Faucet: valve  Pipe: tube  Frozen: iced up Pointers: 1. “Went off” a phrase referring to the disconnection of any thing, water in this case. 2. Being “on top of -----------“ means supervising
  • 5. Lesson 5 5. Justine knew that there would be a shower today, but she didn't realize it would rain so heavily.... Stephen: Wow, you look like a drowned rat! Didn't you know there's a thunderstorm today? Justine: I knew there would be a shower, but I didn't realize it would rain cats and dogs today. Stephen: Well, you'd better take a hot shower right now, or you'll catch a cold. Justine: I know. I don't want to get sick, especially during finals week New vocabularies:  Drowned: covered with water  Thunderstorm: cloudburst  During: throughout Pointers: 1. “ You look like a drowned cat” => you ate entirely wet 2. “it would rain cats and dogs” => it would rain very hard
  • 6. Lesson 6 The dialogues below are two peoples conversation about their jobs. 1. May was recently promoted, but she doesn't seem happy. Her colleagues Cathy and Jake are kind of curious.... Cathy: Did you see May today? Jake: Yes. But why does she have such a long face? Cathy: I don't have the foggiest idea. Jake: I thought she'd be happy. Cathy: Yeah, especially since she got a promotion recently. Jake: Maybe it's some kind of personal problem. New vocabularies:  Recent: current  Promoted: rose to higher level  Colleagues: people in a group with the same profession  Curious: inquisitive Pointers: 1. “having a long face” => refers to looking sad and not being in a good mood. 2. “I don't have the foggiest idea” => Not knowing whats going on.
  • 7. lesson 7 2. Janice is thinking of whether or not she should quit and look for another job somewhere else because she hasn't gotten a raise in three years.... Eddie: What are the chances of getting a raise this year? Janice: Chances are slim! Eddie: Wow! You haven't gotten a raise for how many years now? Janice: (Heave a sigh). It's been three years! The company keeps losing money and they can't afford to give anyone a raise. Eddie: That's too bad. Did you ever think of working somewhere else? Janice: Yeah. In fact, I have an interview next Monday. Eddie: Good luck! New vocabularies:  Quit: give up  Raise: increase  Afford: have the fond for  Interview: dialogue Pointers: 1. “chances are slim” the possibility is low 2. “I don't have the foggiest idea” => Not knowing whats going on.
  • 8. lesson 8 3. Derrick complains to his good friend Terri that he is overwhelmed with a heavy workload.... Terri: Derrick, don't you think you should take a vacation? Even one or two days would be fine. Derrick: There's no way. There's too much work. Terri: But you look so exhausted. You need a break! Derrick: I know. My chances would be better if they would hire more people. Terri: They won't hire more people? Derrick: No. They always want to keep the cost down. I am really overwhelmed with a heavy workload. Terri: Maybe you should talk to the manager. Derrick: Yes. I'm going to bring this up in tomorrow's meeting. New vocabularies:  Complain:  Overwhelmed:  Vacation:  Exhausted: Pointers: 1. “to bring up something” means to mention a topic or a situation in a meeting or in a conversation.
  • 9. Lesson 9 4. Kent is going to have a job interview the next day. His friend Reese is trying to give him some advice. Reese: So, how was your interview? Kent: I haven't gone to the interview yet. It's tomorrow. I'm so nervous. Reese: Don't worry. You should do fine. You have the experience. Kent: I hope so. Reese: Remember, they want someone who works well with people. You've got to show them how easy-going and personable you are! Kent: Thanks. I'll keep that in mind. New vocabularies:  Interview  Advice  Nervous  Experience  Personable Pointers: 1. “ to keep something in mind “ is to remember or recall something in the right time
  • 10. Lesson 10 5. Burt is applying for a new job and is very confident about himself. Raelene: Hi, Burt. I heard you're looking for a new job. Burt: Yeah. I just had an interview yesterday. Raelene: Oh. How did it go? Burt: I think I did well. They said they would make a decision by this Friday. Raelene: This Friday? Looks like they want to hire the person as quickly as possible. Burt:Yeah! I think so, too. Raelene: What are your chances of getting that job? Burt: I believe I have a very good chance. The director seems to like me. Raelene: Well, good luck, then. Burt: Thanks. I hope it helps. New vocabularies:  Applying  Confident  Decision  Quickly  Director Tom is waiting in the lobby to get on the train. But suddenly nature is calling, and he has to ask his friend who is sitting right next to him for help.... Tom: Can you do me a favor? Jamie: Sure. What is it? Tom: Can you keep an eye on my bag, please? Nature is calling. Jamie: Sure. Will you be long? Tom: No. I just want to use the bathroom. Jamie: Go ahead. It'll be safe with me. Pointers: 1. “ Nature is calling” the need to use the bathroom 2. “ Sitting next to someone” sitting BESIDE someone
  • 11. Lesson 11 Tom fell asleep when he was waiting in the lounge for his plane to arrive. When he woke up, he found his backpack no longer there. He was very anxious and asked Mary about it.... Tom: Where is my backpack? Mary: I don't know. Where did you leave it? Tom: I just put it on the chair a while ago, but now it's gone. Mary: Are you sure? Tom: Of course, I'm sure! I bet someone stole it. Mary: Well, you should've kept an eye on it. New vocabularies:  Asleep  Lounge  Arrive  Anxious Pointers: 1. “ keep eye on something” looking after something, taking care of something Jill is waiting in line to buy some tickets for a concert coming up in a few days, but suddenly… Jill: Excuse me, can you do me a favor? Stranger: Sure. What can I do for you? Jill: Can you save my place for me, please? Nature's calling. Stranger: Sure. But hurry. The line is moving fast. Jill: Thanks. It won't be long. I'll be right back.
  • 12. Lesson 12 When Gerald and Denise get to the lobby of the train station, they are tired. Fortunately, they spot two empty seats in the lobby.... Gerald: Excuse me. Is this seat taken? Manager: (Put off the headphones.) I'm sorry. What did you just say? Gerald: Oh. Will someone be using this seat? Manager: No. You can take it. Gerald: Would you mind moving over one seat so my wife and I can sit together? Manager: No, not at all. New vocabularies:  Train station  Fortunately  Spot Harry just came back from a vacation in Africa. He told his friend how badly he had missed the comforts of home. Gabby: Hi, Harry, it's great to see you again. I heard you've traveled a lot recently. Harry: Yeah. In the past three months I traveled to many countries in Africa. Gabby: Well, I really envy you! Did you pet a hyena? (Harry is dumbfounded.) I'm just kidding. Harry: Well, I didn't pet a hyena, but I was once chased by a rhino, and it was fun! Gabby: Are you serious? Harry: No. I'm just kidding. Gabby: You really scared the heck out of me. Harry: (Laughing....) Well, I really missed the comforts of home. Now I just want to take a break. A long break! New vocabularies:  Comfort  Travel  Recent  Hyena
  • 13. Lesson 13 The following conversation shows several situations wherein two people are talking on the phone. 1. The conversation below shows a costumer asking favor from the front desk assistant….. A: Front desk. How may I help you? B: Hi, this is room 707. Could I get a wake up call tomorrow? A: Absolutely. At what time? B: 7 o’clock in the morning. A: Would that be all? B: That would be all. Thank you. A: Thank you for calling. Enjoy the rest of the evening! Key Words: Front Desk : reception area Absolutely: sure; very much willing Wake up : rise up
  • 14. lesson 14 2. The conversation below shows a customer asking for information from a customer service representative…. A: Good Morning! Thank you for calling Washington Mutual Bank. How may I help you? B: Hi. I would like to ask about my current credit card balance. A: Certainly. May I get your account name and number please? B: Andy Chang. 529-755-3740. A: I would just like to confirm, account name is Andy Chang and account number is 529-755-3740. Under what branch is this? B: Washington Mutual Bank, Orchard Avenue branch. A: Thank you very much. One moment please… Thank you for waiting. Your current credit card balance is $4,322.50. Is there anything else I can help you with? B: Yes please. Could you tell me how much is the minimum payment required? A: Minimum payment required is $520.00. Would there be anything else? B: None. That would be all. Thank you. A: Thank you very much for calling. Have a great day! *Key words: minimum: the least possible quantity or degree branch: A division of a business or other organization certainly: surely; of course *Key expressions: Current credit card balance: the amount of purchases made within a certain time period, usually within a one month period. Minimum payment: the lowest amount required by a company to be paid within a certain period of time
  • 15. Lesson 15 3. The conversation below shows a situation wherein a customer is making ticket reservations over the phone… A: Hello, good morning! Thank you for calling Northwest Airlines. How may I help you? B: Hi. I would like to make a reservation please. A: Certainly. May I ask for your complete name and phone number? B: Pauline Son. My home phone is 02-311-8977. A. That is Pauline Son with telephone number 02-311-8977. May I ask your destination please? B: Hawaii. Do you have any flights there next week? A: We have regular flights to Hawaii on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Sundays. Which one would you like to take? B: I’ll take the Sunday flight. Could I pay using my credit card? A: Yes. You can visit our website at for more details on the modes of payments. B: If I take the Sunday flight, what time would the departure be? A: Departure time is 10:00am. So you have to be at the airport 2 to 3 hours before your flight. Is there anything else I could help you with? B: None. That would be all. Thank you. A: Thank you very much and we hope that you’ll enjoy your flight! Have a great day! Key words: Reservation: An arrangement by which accommodations are secured in advance, as in a hotel or on an airplane Departure: The act of leaving