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                                                                           Think like Peter Senge:
      o                                                                    Tough economic conditions require tough
                                                                           decisions. That may be so, but uncertain times
                                                                           can also force us to act hastily, and make game-
                                                                           changing decisions without the appropriate level
                                                                           of consideration for all of the possible outcomes.
                                                                           Thus, tough times can lead to bad decisions.
                                                                           Applying Peter Senge’s principles of systems
                                                                           thinking to the problems we face in the business
                                                                           world is one way to validate the decision and all
                                                                           of the potential outcomes that can result.

                                                                           Peter Michael Senge (born 1947) is an American
                                                                           scientist and director of the Center for
                                                                           Organizational Learning at the MIT Sloan School
                                                                           of Management. He is best known as the author
                                                                           of the book, The Fifth Discipline: The art and
                                                                           practice of the learning organization. He
                                                                           describes systems thinking as the process of
                                                                           understanding how things influence one another
                                                                           within a whole. Systems thinking has been
                                                                           defined as an approach to problem solving, by
                                                                           viewing "problems" as parts of an overall system.
                                                                           We owe the concept of the business ecosystem,
                                                                           in large part, to Peter Senge and his systems
                                                                           thinking principles.

                                                                           We all know the metaphor of being able to "step
                                                                           back" far enough from the details to "see the
                                                                           forest for the trees." But, unfortunately, many
                                                                           times we may step back and just see "lots of
                                                                           trees." We pick our favorite one or two ―trees‖
                                                                           and focus our attention and efforts for change on
                                                                           those. This is even more likely in uncertain

                                                                           This concept is evidenced in the latest economic
                                                                           downturn. Some companies immediately began
                                                                           reducing the size of their organizations, stopped
                                                                           investing in their business, pulled back on
                                                                           advertising and basically hunkered down in every
                                                                           way imaginable. On the other hand, there were
                                                                           those companies that continued to drive ahead,   having faith in their products and their marketing
    D=ct1_solg_met_industry&WT.svl=PNRO_L1                                 and sales programs. While all had to experience
                                                                           a deterioration in sales, when the turn around
                                                                           began to take place, those with the ability to
                                                                           apply systems thinking were good to go and
                                                                           came out swinging.

The Voice of VICS –                                        1 of 7                     Don’t wait to be great… Collaborate!
 The VICS Monthly Newsletter
Joe’s Corner (Continued)

So those who applied a Systems Thinking approach                     It’s interesting to note that most companies
and had faith in their abilities to understand their                 don’t last much longer than 40 years. The
overall strengths, focused on them rather than                       primary reason being they become comfortable
getting caught up in the hysteria of the economic                    with their success and revel in their financials.
downturn.                                                            Unfortunately, they don’t understand that
                                                                     today’s solutions may be tomorrows problems.
      Senge on Change Management:                                    An individual, a team, an organization can
      * The easy way out usually leads back in.                      never stop learning and when that happens the
      (Saving your way to prosperity)                                end is in sight.
      Senge points out that change cannot be
      accomplished without the organization applying             * Dividing an elephant in half does not
      individual and organizational learning, which              produce two small elephants.
      comes about by an encouraging management                   Systems are alive, and their character depends
      that takes a holistic view of the challenges of the        upon the whole. To understand difficult problems
      situation against the strength of the                      or plot strategy, you will have to see the whole
      organization.                                              system that creates the issues. For instance,
                                                                 when a company decides to divest itself of what it
      * The cure can be worse than the disease.                  believes to be ―non-strategic‖ operations, the
      The familiar solution is sometimes not just                problem may be seen as a financial one, while the
      ineffective but also dangerous. The long-term,             operations people may view the problem in terms
      most insidious consequence of applying non-                of the additional cuts that will have to be made if
      systemic solutions is increased need for more              the synergy of the ―non-strategic‖ product line is
      and more of the solution.      While I don’t want          removed from the ―growth‖ businesses.
      to interject my personal views, one would have
      to question whether the problems with our                  As Nabisco attempted to reinvent itself during the
      healthcare system, the financial and credit                80’s and 90’s, one of the many steps it took was
      markets, and consumer product safety (to name              to sell off a very profitable – but comparatively
      a few) are likely to be resolved by increasing the         small cereal business.       Consequently, the entire
      level of government intervention.                          product portfolio was impacted as many customers
                                                                 were no longer able to buy in truckload quantities.
      Senge on Business Growth:                                  Nabisco’s logistics costs increased as the reduced
      * Faster is slower.                                        volume increased overall logistics costs. This
      All natural systems, whether new products or               ultimately raised unit costs and made us less
      entire organizations, have an optimal rate of              competitive on the shelf, as product is priced on
      growth that may be far slower than the fast                the shelf based on how it is purchased from the
      pace managers desire. For instance, the                    supplier.      This is just one example of the ―plug
      current drive to ―perform for the quarter‖ can             and play‖ acquisition and divestiture strategy that
      disrupt or break long term trends.                         plagued the company at the time. Brands were
                                                                 bought and sold, and relocated seemingly at a
    One of our member companies, UPS, was founded                moment’s notice and with little rationale. Had
    96 years ago in a little office under a saloon in            the management of the day taken a systems
    Seattle. They survived two World Wars, a                     thinking approach and stepped back to look for the
    depression, changing business models, and                    real underlying business problems, perhaps
    countless economic cycles. Their time horizon for            Nabisco would still exist today.
    determining success is probably a little longer than
    those companies that have bent to the pressure of          All the very best, Joe
    quarterly earnings reports.

 U.S. Firms See Strong Profits
    Sara Murray of the Wall Street Journal recently            Pretax profits rose 8% to a seasonally adjusted $1.5
    reported on the upswing in profits related to              trillion annual rate in the fourth quarter from the third
    increased consumer purchasing across the United            quarter, the Commerce Department said Friday, as it
    States.                                                    released a slight downward revision to its estimate of
                                                               fourth-quarter economic growth.
    The government, in the broadest tally of corporate
    earnings, said profits grew smartly in the fourth          Gross domestic product, the value of all the goods
    quarter as the economy rebounded from a deep               and services produced by the U.S., grew at a 5.6%
    recession.                                                 inflation-adjusted annual rate. The change reflected
                                                               weaker than previously estimated business and

The Voice of VICS –                                         2 of 7                      Don’t wait to be great… Collaborate!
 The VICS Monthly Newsletter
residential investment, as construction spending               In the fourth quarter, companies' profits from
declined. Economists are expecting more modest                 domestic operations climbed $124.7 billion, while
growth for the first quarter, with most estimates              profits from the rest of the world dropped $16.1
around 2.8%.                                                   billion.

While conditions are clearly improving for companies,          Rising profits are a boon for stock market investors,
consumers still aren't yet confident in the economic           but not a guarantee companies will use improved
recovery. An index of consumer sentiment remained              earnings for big capital spending projects and hiring.
flat at 73.6 in March from the prior month, the                "Are we going to see hiring pick up and the money
University of Michigan and Reuters said Friday.                start to flow through the economy?" said Joshua
Consumers' gauge of current conditions improved                Shapiro, a MFR Inc. economist. "That's obviously the
slightly but their optimism about where the economy            great hope." Still, he said, "I think they're going to
is headed declined. "It is unlikely that sentiment will        be a bit cautious."
improve to truly optimistic levels until robust job
creation returns and home prices stabilize," said              Government stimulus has been responsible for
Steven Wood, an Insight Economics LLC analyst.                 propping up much of recent demand. But recent data
                                                               suggest strength in business purchases of
The 8% quarterly increase in profits, which isn't              equipment, computers and software.
adjusted for inflation, followed a 10.8% increase in
the third quarter. Profits were fueled by an increase          After-tax profits increased 6.5% in the fourth quarter
in output, as companies replenished inventories, and           and were up 22.8% from a year ago. Taxes on
little change in compensation costs, as companies              corporate income rose 12.7% in the fourth quarter
got more productivity from workers.                            and were 62.1% higher than a year ago.

The combination pushed pretax profits 30.6% higher             The increase in fourth-quarter profits was split nearly
than a year earlier—the biggest increase in 25                 evenly between both domestic financial and
years—but from the low $1.1 trillion annual rate in            nonfinancial companies. For all of 2009, however,
late 2008, when the financial crisis mushroomed. For           profits at financial companies were up $45.2 billion,
the full-year 2009, profits were down 3.8% from                compared with a $31.3 billion decline among
2008.                                                          nonfinancial businesses.

VICS Member News:

In this next series of articles, we’ve focused on recently published financial results and other newsworthy events related
to several VICS member companies. We intend to periodically provide these updates and welcome input from our

    Best Buy Offers Rosy Outlook for the Year

    At the beginning of April, Best Buy reported                   The consumer-electronics company had a strong
    increase in expected profits, Mary Ellen Lloy and              holiday season, with same-store sales in December
    Nathan Becker reported in the Wall Street                      rising above analysts' forecasts at the time, amid
    Journal.                                                       particular strength in sales of home-office products
                                                                                 and consumer electronics.
    On a conference call Thursday morning,
    Chief Financial Officer Jim Muehlbauer said                                For the quarter ended Feb. 27, Best
    the strength in Best Buy's computing                                       Buy reported a profit of $779 million,
    business was key to the fourth-quarter                                     or $1.82 a share, up from $570
    results and is important to the future.                                    million, or $1.35 a share, a year
    While the lower-margin nature of the                                       earlier, which included 26 cents of
    category pressures gross margin, the high                                  restructuring charges. Revenue
    velocity of sales and efficient use of                                     jumped a stronger-than-expected
    overhead means "at the operating margin line, it is            12.4% to $16.55 billion, and same-store sales rose
    much closer to the domestic company average," he               7% after a 4.9% drop the prior-year period.
                                                                   Same-store sales of TVs and other consumer-
    Mr. Muehlbauer acknowledged Best Buy's services                electronics products at Best Buy rose 4.2% in the
    category, which includes installation, tech support            quarter, while home-office sales jumped 22% and
    and warranties, hasn't grown as fast over the past             appliances rose 6.5%. Entertainment-software
    several quarters as hardware categories. "The                  same-store sales dropped 4.9% and revenue from
    opportunity is to find new ways to improve these               services, including Best Buy's Geek Squad tech
    value propositions and make them more relevant to              support unit, fell 2.3%.
    our customers," he said. Best Buy in fiscal 2011 will
    test new services, content and connection                      Best Buy said it will open 50 to 55 Best Buy
    offerings, he said.                                            branded large-format stores, mostly in the U.S.,
                                                                   and up to 15 Five Star stores in China. It also plans
The Voice of VICS –                                         3 of 7                     Don’t wait to be great… Collaborate!
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up to 100 new smaller stores, primarily under the          Best Buy Mobile brand in the U.S.

Polo profits up 5.5% in Q4
The New York Times reported Ralph Lauren’s Polo            Retail sales were up 8 percent, to $592 million. Sales
brand has had a substantial increase in profits,           in stores open at least a year, which includes
revealing the economic turn around and           , were up 6 percent year-over-year.
improvement amongst luxury purchases.             sales were up 13 percent.
                                                           For the first nine months of the fiscal year, earnings
Polo Ralph Lauren reported Wednesday that its fiscal       were up 1 percent, to $365 million, compared with
fourth-quarter 2010 profits increased 5.5 percent          the same period a year earlier. Sales declined about
and raised its full-year outlook.                               4 percent, to $3.6 billion.

The New York-based company reported that                          The company reported better-than-expected
its earnings increased to $111 million, or                        sales so far this year, but anticipates sales to
$1.10 per diluted share, compared with                            decline at a low single-digit rate for the full fiscal
earnings of $105 million, or $1.05 per diluted                    year, an improvement over previous
share, for fiscal fourth quarter 2009.                            expectations of mid-single-digit declines.

Polo Ralph Lauren’s (NYSE: RL) sales were                         Polo operates a 330,000-square-foot
down slightly, about 1 percent, to $1.2 billion,         distribution and fulfillment
which the company attributed to lower                             center in High Point, which has more than 200
wholesale sales, which dropped about 8                            employees and handles orders for Ralph Lauren
percent year-over-year, domestically and in                       products via the Internet or by phone.
Japanese markets.

Jones Apparel profit rises more than expected
Jones Apparel Group Inc., maker of Nine West shoes
and Jones New York clothing, reported on its website       "On a macroeconomic level, we are encouraged by
April 29, 2010 that its first-quarter profit surged to     rising consumer confidence and positive retail
$37.5 million, or 45 cents a share, from                                    trends," said Chief Executive Wesley
$300,000, or break even, a year earlier.                                    Card. "While we believe these trends
                                                                            should continue, the economic
Total revenue fell to $887.3 million from                                   environment remains unclear and
$891.1 million. Excluding store closing and                                 consumer spending is unpredictable.
other charges, the company said it would have              We will continue to position our core brands for
earned 47 cents a share. Analysts, on average,             growth and fill the white space in our portfolio with
estimated Jones to earn 34 cents a share on sales of       selected acquisitions and growth initiatives.
$866.01 million.

JCPenney Receives 2010 ENERGY STAR® Award for Sustained Excellence
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has         objectives," said Gina McCarthy, EPA assistant
awarded J. C. Penney Company, Inc. (NYSE: JCP)             administrator. "That is why EPA is proud to recognize
with a 2010 ENERGY STAR Sustained Excellence               JCPenney with our highest ENERGY STAR distinction
Award in recognition of its continued leadership                        – the 2010 Sustained Excellence Award."
in protecting environmental resources through
energy efficiency. This is the Company's second                         JCPenney is credited with being the first
time to win the prestigious Sustained                                   national retailer to achieve Sustained
Excellence Award since receiving the ENERGY                             Excellence for its comprehensive "hands-
STAR Partner of the Year awards in 2007 and                             on" approach to energy management.
2008. JCPenney's accomplishments will be                                Last year, the Company invested more
recognized at an awards ceremony in                                     than $10 million to install advanced
Washington, D.C. on March 18.                                           meter technology, lighting retrofits and
                                                                        high-efficiency heating, ventilation and
"JCPenney is honored for its inclusive approach to         air-conditioning (HVAC) systems in Stores across the
reducing energy usage throughout its entire                country with nine locations utilizing solar power. In
operation by incorporating superior energy                 addition, JCPenney has adopted an enterprise-wide
management into its overall organizational

The Voice of VICS –                                      4 of 7                        Don’t wait to be great… Collaborate!
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culture of energy stewardship that encourages every       day how their individual actions and habits can have
Associate to seek innovative ways to save energy.         a profound effect in achieving energy conservation."
                                                          Currently, 96 JCPenney stores and the JCPenney
"We believe everyone has a responsibility to              Home Office in Plano, Texas have qualified for the
minimize their impact on the environment," said           ENERGY STAR Building Label. The Company expects
Myron E. (Mike) Ullman, III, chairman and chief           to expand the number of ENERGY STAR certifications
executive officer of JCPenney. "This award is a           to 200 Stores by the end of 2010.
testament to our Associates who demonstrate each

Kimberly Clark’s Global Supply Chain Transformation

Ben Cook, Director of Global Transportation & B2B         process and provide advantaged capabilities to
for Kimberly Clark (KCC), recently presented a case       increase on time deliveries, reduce expedited freight
study at the University of Tennessee                                      costs and increase productivity.
Supply Chain Forum. The presentation                                      Ben defined the implementation
addressed Kimberly-Clark’s                                                challenges faced along the way:
implementation of the Global Logistics                                    Internal: Customer service buy-in
Management (GLM) guidelines defined                                       to process change. Kimberly-Clark
by the VICS Logistics Committee.                                          Information Technology resources to
                                                          support the Global Logistics Model setup and ongoing
Ben identified KCC’s business issues:                     maintenance.
Prior to the summer of 2008, Kimberly-Clark was           External: Carrier commitment to consistently send
experiencing double digit growth in North American        over EDI tracking status messages (EDI 315).
import and export demand. The company lacked              Customer buy-in to freight forwarder changes.
international shipping automation (air and ocean),
was experiencing a very low on time service (51%          In spite of the challenges, benefits realized following
on time delivery to customer) and a high occurrence       the 18-month implementation period have been
of expedited shipments via air (>10% of total             significant both in dollar savings and service level
import-export freight spend). Additionally, all ocean     gains.
and air invoicing was paper based and sent via mail,      Cost savings: $3.8 million (reduced expedited
resulting in increased delays of payment to               freight cost, courier fees, increased low cost carrier
Kimberly-Clark’s carriers and service providers.          utilization). Air freight cost reduced from 13% of
                                                          total freight spend to 8% (38% year over year
The solution:                                             reduction). Primary carrier utilization increased from
Kimberly-Clark partnered with a 3PL (Expeditors           82% - 97%.
International) and implemented the VICS Global            Service improvement: On time delivery to customer
Logistics Model (EDI 850 & EDI 315) to automate           increased from 51% (2008 average) to 86% (2009
purchase order transmission, carrier booking              average). 67% increase in on time service.
process, ocean and air shipment tracking, shipment
document imaging, and automated invoicing. The            Congratulations to Ben and his team and a special
VICS Global Logistics Model provided the framework        thanks to KCC making the presentation available on
for the international transformation initiative to        the VICS website. Please visit and
automate our end to end process. The VICS                 look for our ―VICS Committee Updates‖ section.
guidelines helped them to automate a very manual

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The Focus on Sustainability at U Connect 2010

U Connect 2010 will provide insight into the state of        these topics as well as answer questions from the
sustainability as it pertains to packaging, fuel             audience.
consumption, carbon emissions, and other areas
where waste and inefficiency impact your business            The End of Cheap Oil – Are You Awake?
and our world. U Connect will provide the                    With oil prices moderating, some question the
opportunity to hear from industry leaders who are at         premise of a peak in conventional world oil
the forefront of the sustainability movement.                production. The session explains why lower prices
                                                             are a short term gift and why the end of cheap oil is
VICS Empty Miles -A Retailer’s Commitment to                 one of those inevitable "surprises" that will change
the Environment and the Bottom Line                          the world as we know it.
This session will explore how Macy’s made a
significant leap towards achieving their sustainability      The State of Sustainability – An Introduction to
objectives without the huge up-front investment              the Sustainability Consortium
many ―green‖ initiatives require. Attendees will learn       Leading consumer products companies and retailers
how the VICS Empty Miles portal works and how                such as P&G, Cargill, Walmart, Disney, and Unilever
Macy’s and Schneider National used this simple, low-         have partnered to work collaboratively on innovative
cost solution to significantly reduce environmental          approaches to improve consumer product
impact and transportation expense.                           sustainability. The goal of the consortium is to
                                                             develop measurements of sustainability across the
Case Study: Driving Savings, Curbing                         entire life cycle of the product including
Emissions with VICS Empty Miles Service™                     manufacture, distribution, consumer use, and post-
Find out how your company can save money and be              use
good to the environment at the same time. Major
department stores are saving costs and reducing              GDSN 2012: Upcoming Major GDSN
emissions by filling their return trucks by matching         Functionality
loads using a new service from VICS. Companies               In an ongoing effort to drive global change in
that typically ship truckloads with empty return miles       packaging, leaders from many of the world’s largest
can learn more as we explore a case history during           consumer goods companies and major retailers have
this session                                                 approved a suggested set of common definitions and
                                                             principles for packaging in the framework of
Packaging and Sustainability Attributes                      sustainability. This common language will support a
This session provides an opportunity to understand           global discourse on packaging in the context of
what GS1 Standards are already in place or pending           environmental, economic and social impacts.
to support the exchange of packaging information.            Attendees will learn progress to date and what’s to
This background will be used to describe how                 come in the next phase of validating this work within
businesses may effectively exchange product and              real business situations.
packaging characteristics across the supply chain.
The implications to data synchronization, the Global         Supply Chain Visibility to Chemical Ingredients
Data Synchronization Network® (GDSN®) and                    - A Confidential Solution
Global Product Classification system will be                 If your company makes, uses, or sells products
considered. This detailed session is tailored to those       which contain regulated chemical ingredients
who must understand and communicate product and              requiring special handling, storage or disposal, this
packaging characteristics, together with those               session is for you. J&J and Walmart will present on
responsible for product design decisions.                    how this information can be shared using the GDSN
                                                             within companies and between trading partners.
Sustainability Panel                                         Attendees will learn the latest on development
The establishment of a green economy will have a             efforts of GS1 Standards in this area and learn the
profound impact on the way we do business.                   positive impact on sustainability efforts,
Legislation such as the American Clean Energy                supplementing supplier regulatory expertise, and
Security Act (ACES) is placing a substantial focus on        minimizing recalls due to prohibited chemical
climate change. How can companies be proactive               content.
while maintaining their bottom lines? What strategies
should companies enact today to remain competitive           To register now and learn more about U Connect
in light of impending changes to the business                2010, visit
landscape? This panel will be a forum to discuss              Follow U Connect on Twitter

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VICS Meetings & Events
       Date            2010 Meetings/Events                                                      Location

                       PSU: Supply Chain Collaboration Program
       May 10-13                                                                                 State College, PA
                       Details & Registrations

                       Processes and Tools for Supply Chain Success
       May 17-21                                                                                 University Park, PA

                       RFID: A Retailer’s Story today
       May 19          Presented by CSCMP                                                        Webcast
                       Details & Registrations

                       Item-Level RFID Meeting
       Jun 7                                                                                     San Antonio, TX
                       Details & Registrations

                       U Connect 2010
       Jun 7-10                                                                                  San Antonio, TX
                       Annual Conference

                       Applying Lean Principles Across the Supply Chain
       Jun 7-11                                                                                  University Park, PA

       Jun 8           VICS Board of Directors' Meeting                                          San Antonio, TX

                       VICS Annual Achievement Awards Ceremony & Dinner
       Jun 8                                                                                     San Antonio, TX
                       Sponsored by Hewlett-Packard

                       VICS Logistics Sub-Committee Meetings
       July 12-13                                                                                Lombard, IL
                       Hosted by CSCMP

                       PSU: Supply Chain Collaboration Program
       Aug 23-25                                                                                 State College, PA
                       Details & Registrations

       Sept 26-29      CSCMP Annual Global Conference 2010                                       San Diego, CA

                       VICS Board of Directors’ Meeting
       Oct 20-21                                                                                 Chicago, IL
                       Hosted by Accenture

                       VICS CPFR® Certification Program
       Nov 9-11                                                                                  Lawrenceville,NJ



Princeton Pike Corporate          Tel: 609-620-4590             Websites       Joe Andraski             Jo Ann Fiordland
Center                            Fax : 609-620-1201     President & CEO, VICS
1009 Lenox Dr., Suite 202         Email:   www.emptymil
Lawrenceville, NJ 08648                               

  The Voice of VICS –                                           7 of 7                 Don’t wait to be great… Collaborate!
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Bill Stankiewicz Copy Voice Of Vics April 2010 V3

  • 1. o o o o Think like Peter Senge: o Tough economic conditions require tough decisions. That may be so, but uncertain times can also force us to act hastily, and make game- changing decisions without the appropriate level of consideration for all of the possible outcomes. Thus, tough times can lead to bad decisions. Applying Peter Senge’s principles of systems thinking to the problems we face in the business world is one way to validate the decision and all of the potential outcomes that can result. Peter Michael Senge (born 1947) is an American scientist and director of the Center for Organizational Learning at the MIT Sloan School of Management. He is best known as the author of the book, The Fifth Discipline: The art and practice of the learning organization. He describes systems thinking as the process of understanding how things influence one another within a whole. Systems thinking has been defined as an approach to problem solving, by viewing "problems" as parts of an overall system. We owe the concept of the business ecosystem, in large part, to Peter Senge and his systems thinking principles. We all know the metaphor of being able to "step back" far enough from the details to "see the forest for the trees." But, unfortunately, many times we may step back and just see "lots of trees." We pick our favorite one or two ―trees‖ and focus our attention and efforts for change on those. This is even more likely in uncertain times. This concept is evidenced in the latest economic downturn. Some companies immediately began reducing the size of their organizations, stopped investing in their business, pulled back on advertising and basically hunkered down in every way imaginable. On the other hand, there were those companies that continued to drive ahead, having faith in their products and their marketing D=ct1_solg_met_industry&WT.svl=PNRO_L1 and sales programs. While all had to experience a deterioration in sales, when the turn around began to take place, those with the ability to apply systems thinking were good to go and came out swinging. TM The Voice of VICS – 1 of 7 Don’t wait to be great… Collaborate! - The VICS Monthly Newsletter
  • 2. Joe’s Corner (Continued) So those who applied a Systems Thinking approach It’s interesting to note that most companies and had faith in their abilities to understand their don’t last much longer than 40 years. The overall strengths, focused on them rather than primary reason being they become comfortable getting caught up in the hysteria of the economic with their success and revel in their financials. downturn. Unfortunately, they don’t understand that today’s solutions may be tomorrows problems. Senge on Change Management: An individual, a team, an organization can * The easy way out usually leads back in. never stop learning and when that happens the (Saving your way to prosperity) end is in sight. Senge points out that change cannot be accomplished without the organization applying * Dividing an elephant in half does not individual and organizational learning, which produce two small elephants. comes about by an encouraging management Systems are alive, and their character depends that takes a holistic view of the challenges of the upon the whole. To understand difficult problems situation against the strength of the or plot strategy, you will have to see the whole organization. system that creates the issues. For instance, when a company decides to divest itself of what it * The cure can be worse than the disease. believes to be ―non-strategic‖ operations, the The familiar solution is sometimes not just problem may be seen as a financial one, while the ineffective but also dangerous. The long-term, operations people may view the problem in terms most insidious consequence of applying non- of the additional cuts that will have to be made if systemic solutions is increased need for more the synergy of the ―non-strategic‖ product line is and more of the solution. While I don’t want removed from the ―growth‖ businesses. to interject my personal views, one would have to question whether the problems with our As Nabisco attempted to reinvent itself during the healthcare system, the financial and credit 80’s and 90’s, one of the many steps it took was markets, and consumer product safety (to name to sell off a very profitable – but comparatively a few) are likely to be resolved by increasing the small cereal business. Consequently, the entire level of government intervention. product portfolio was impacted as many customers were no longer able to buy in truckload quantities. Senge on Business Growth: Nabisco’s logistics costs increased as the reduced * Faster is slower. volume increased overall logistics costs. This All natural systems, whether new products or ultimately raised unit costs and made us less entire organizations, have an optimal rate of competitive on the shelf, as product is priced on growth that may be far slower than the fast the shelf based on how it is purchased from the pace managers desire. For instance, the supplier. This is just one example of the ―plug current drive to ―perform for the quarter‖ can and play‖ acquisition and divestiture strategy that disrupt or break long term trends. plagued the company at the time. Brands were bought and sold, and relocated seemingly at a One of our member companies, UPS, was founded moment’s notice and with little rationale. Had 96 years ago in a little office under a saloon in the management of the day taken a systems Seattle. They survived two World Wars, a thinking approach and stepped back to look for the depression, changing business models, and real underlying business problems, perhaps countless economic cycles. Their time horizon for Nabisco would still exist today. determining success is probably a little longer than those companies that have bent to the pressure of All the very best, Joe quarterly earnings reports. U.S. Firms See Strong Profits Sara Murray of the Wall Street Journal recently Pretax profits rose 8% to a seasonally adjusted $1.5 reported on the upswing in profits related to trillion annual rate in the fourth quarter from the third increased consumer purchasing across the United quarter, the Commerce Department said Friday, as it States. released a slight downward revision to its estimate of fourth-quarter economic growth. The government, in the broadest tally of corporate earnings, said profits grew smartly in the fourth Gross domestic product, the value of all the goods quarter as the economy rebounded from a deep and services produced by the U.S., grew at a 5.6% recession. inflation-adjusted annual rate. The change reflected weaker than previously estimated business and TM The Voice of VICS – 2 of 7 Don’t wait to be great… Collaborate! - The VICS Monthly Newsletter
  • 3. residential investment, as construction spending In the fourth quarter, companies' profits from declined. Economists are expecting more modest domestic operations climbed $124.7 billion, while growth for the first quarter, with most estimates profits from the rest of the world dropped $16.1 around 2.8%. billion. While conditions are clearly improving for companies, Rising profits are a boon for stock market investors, consumers still aren't yet confident in the economic but not a guarantee companies will use improved recovery. An index of consumer sentiment remained earnings for big capital spending projects and hiring. flat at 73.6 in March from the prior month, the "Are we going to see hiring pick up and the money University of Michigan and Reuters said Friday. start to flow through the economy?" said Joshua Consumers' gauge of current conditions improved Shapiro, a MFR Inc. economist. "That's obviously the slightly but their optimism about where the economy great hope." Still, he said, "I think they're going to is headed declined. "It is unlikely that sentiment will be a bit cautious." improve to truly optimistic levels until robust job creation returns and home prices stabilize," said Government stimulus has been responsible for Steven Wood, an Insight Economics LLC analyst. propping up much of recent demand. But recent data suggest strength in business purchases of The 8% quarterly increase in profits, which isn't equipment, computers and software. adjusted for inflation, followed a 10.8% increase in the third quarter. Profits were fueled by an increase After-tax profits increased 6.5% in the fourth quarter in output, as companies replenished inventories, and and were up 22.8% from a year ago. Taxes on little change in compensation costs, as companies corporate income rose 12.7% in the fourth quarter got more productivity from workers. and were 62.1% higher than a year ago. The combination pushed pretax profits 30.6% higher The increase in fourth-quarter profits was split nearly than a year earlier—the biggest increase in 25 evenly between both domestic financial and years—but from the low $1.1 trillion annual rate in nonfinancial companies. For all of 2009, however, late 2008, when the financial crisis mushroomed. For profits at financial companies were up $45.2 billion, the full-year 2009, profits were down 3.8% from compared with a $31.3 billion decline among 2008. nonfinancial businesses. VICS Member News: In this next series of articles, we’ve focused on recently published financial results and other newsworthy events related to several VICS member companies. We intend to periodically provide these updates and welcome input from our members. Best Buy Offers Rosy Outlook for the Year At the beginning of April, Best Buy reported The consumer-electronics company had a strong increase in expected profits, Mary Ellen Lloy and holiday season, with same-store sales in December Nathan Becker reported in the Wall Street rising above analysts' forecasts at the time, amid Journal. particular strength in sales of home-office products and consumer electronics. On a conference call Thursday morning, Chief Financial Officer Jim Muehlbauer said For the quarter ended Feb. 27, Best the strength in Best Buy's computing Buy reported a profit of $779 million, business was key to the fourth-quarter or $1.82 a share, up from $570 results and is important to the future. million, or $1.35 a share, a year While the lower-margin nature of the earlier, which included 26 cents of category pressures gross margin, the high restructuring charges. Revenue velocity of sales and efficient use of jumped a stronger-than-expected overhead means "at the operating margin line, it is 12.4% to $16.55 billion, and same-store sales rose much closer to the domestic company average," he 7% after a 4.9% drop the prior-year period. said. Same-store sales of TVs and other consumer- Mr. Muehlbauer acknowledged Best Buy's services electronics products at Best Buy rose 4.2% in the category, which includes installation, tech support quarter, while home-office sales jumped 22% and and warranties, hasn't grown as fast over the past appliances rose 6.5%. Entertainment-software several quarters as hardware categories. "The same-store sales dropped 4.9% and revenue from opportunity is to find new ways to improve these services, including Best Buy's Geek Squad tech value propositions and make them more relevant to support unit, fell 2.3%. our customers," he said. Best Buy in fiscal 2011 will test new services, content and connection Best Buy said it will open 50 to 55 Best Buy offerings, he said. branded large-format stores, mostly in the U.S., and up to 15 Five Star stores in China. It also plans TM The Voice of VICS – 3 of 7 Don’t wait to be great… Collaborate! - The VICS Monthly Newsletter
  • 4. up to 100 new smaller stores, primarily under the Best Buy Mobile brand in the U.S. Polo profits up 5.5% in Q4 The New York Times reported Ralph Lauren’s Polo Retail sales were up 8 percent, to $592 million. Sales brand has had a substantial increase in profits, in stores open at least a year, which includes revealing the economic turn around and, were up 6 percent year-over-year. improvement amongst luxury purchases. sales were up 13 percent. For the first nine months of the fiscal year, earnings Polo Ralph Lauren reported Wednesday that its fiscal were up 1 percent, to $365 million, compared with fourth-quarter 2010 profits increased 5.5 percent the same period a year earlier. Sales declined about and raised its full-year outlook. 4 percent, to $3.6 billion. The New York-based company reported that The company reported better-than-expected its earnings increased to $111 million, or sales so far this year, but anticipates sales to $1.10 per diluted share, compared with decline at a low single-digit rate for the full fiscal earnings of $105 million, or $1.05 per diluted year, an improvement over previous share, for fiscal fourth quarter 2009. expectations of mid-single-digit declines. Polo Ralph Lauren’s (NYSE: RL) sales were Polo operates a 330,000-square-foot down slightly, about 1 percent, to $1.2 billion, distribution and fulfillment which the company attributed to lower center in High Point, which has more than 200 wholesale sales, which dropped about 8 employees and handles orders for Ralph Lauren percent year-over-year, domestically and in products via the Internet or by phone. Japanese markets. Jones Apparel profit rises more than expected Jones Apparel Group Inc., maker of Nine West shoes and Jones New York clothing, reported on its website "On a macroeconomic level, we are encouraged by April 29, 2010 that its first-quarter profit surged to rising consumer confidence and positive retail $37.5 million, or 45 cents a share, from trends," said Chief Executive Wesley $300,000, or break even, a year earlier. Card. "While we believe these trends should continue, the economic Total revenue fell to $887.3 million from environment remains unclear and $891.1 million. Excluding store closing and consumer spending is unpredictable. other charges, the company said it would have We will continue to position our core brands for earned 47 cents a share. Analysts, on average, growth and fill the white space in our portfolio with estimated Jones to earn 34 cents a share on sales of selected acquisitions and growth initiatives. $866.01 million. JCPenney Receives 2010 ENERGY STAR® Award for Sustained Excellence The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has objectives," said Gina McCarthy, EPA assistant awarded J. C. Penney Company, Inc. (NYSE: JCP) administrator. "That is why EPA is proud to recognize with a 2010 ENERGY STAR Sustained Excellence JCPenney with our highest ENERGY STAR distinction Award in recognition of its continued leadership – the 2010 Sustained Excellence Award." in protecting environmental resources through energy efficiency. This is the Company's second JCPenney is credited with being the first time to win the prestigious Sustained national retailer to achieve Sustained Excellence Award since receiving the ENERGY Excellence for its comprehensive "hands- STAR Partner of the Year awards in 2007 and on" approach to energy management. 2008. JCPenney's accomplishments will be Last year, the Company invested more recognized at an awards ceremony in than $10 million to install advanced Washington, D.C. on March 18. meter technology, lighting retrofits and high-efficiency heating, ventilation and "JCPenney is honored for its inclusive approach to air-conditioning (HVAC) systems in Stores across the reducing energy usage throughout its entire country with nine locations utilizing solar power. In operation by incorporating superior energy addition, JCPenney has adopted an enterprise-wide management into its overall organizational TM The Voice of VICS – 4 of 7 Don’t wait to be great… Collaborate! - The VICS Monthly Newsletter
  • 5. culture of energy stewardship that encourages every day how their individual actions and habits can have Associate to seek innovative ways to save energy. a profound effect in achieving energy conservation." Currently, 96 JCPenney stores and the JCPenney "We believe everyone has a responsibility to Home Office in Plano, Texas have qualified for the minimize their impact on the environment," said ENERGY STAR Building Label. The Company expects Myron E. (Mike) Ullman, III, chairman and chief to expand the number of ENERGY STAR certifications executive officer of JCPenney. "This award is a to 200 Stores by the end of 2010. testament to our Associates who demonstrate each Kimberly Clark’s Global Supply Chain Transformation Ben Cook, Director of Global Transportation & B2B process and provide advantaged capabilities to for Kimberly Clark (KCC), recently presented a case increase on time deliveries, reduce expedited freight study at the University of Tennessee costs and increase productivity. Supply Chain Forum. The presentation Ben defined the implementation addressed Kimberly-Clark’s challenges faced along the way: implementation of the Global Logistics Internal: Customer service buy-in Management (GLM) guidelines defined to process change. Kimberly-Clark by the VICS Logistics Committee. Information Technology resources to support the Global Logistics Model setup and ongoing Ben identified KCC’s business issues: maintenance. Prior to the summer of 2008, Kimberly-Clark was External: Carrier commitment to consistently send experiencing double digit growth in North American over EDI tracking status messages (EDI 315). import and export demand. The company lacked Customer buy-in to freight forwarder changes. international shipping automation (air and ocean), was experiencing a very low on time service (51% In spite of the challenges, benefits realized following on time delivery to customer) and a high occurrence the 18-month implementation period have been of expedited shipments via air (>10% of total significant both in dollar savings and service level import-export freight spend). Additionally, all ocean gains. and air invoicing was paper based and sent via mail, Cost savings: $3.8 million (reduced expedited resulting in increased delays of payment to freight cost, courier fees, increased low cost carrier Kimberly-Clark’s carriers and service providers. utilization). Air freight cost reduced from 13% of total freight spend to 8% (38% year over year The solution: reduction). Primary carrier utilization increased from Kimberly-Clark partnered with a 3PL (Expeditors 82% - 97%. International) and implemented the VICS Global Service improvement: On time delivery to customer Logistics Model (EDI 850 & EDI 315) to automate increased from 51% (2008 average) to 86% (2009 purchase order transmission, carrier booking average). 67% increase in on time service. process, ocean and air shipment tracking, shipment document imaging, and automated invoicing. The Congratulations to Ben and his team and a special VICS Global Logistics Model provided the framework thanks to KCC making the presentation available on for the international transformation initiative to the VICS website. Please visit and automate our end to end process. The VICS look for our ―VICS Committee Updates‖ section. guidelines helped them to automate a very manual TM The Voice of VICS – 5 of 7 Don’t wait to be great… Collaborate! - The VICS Monthly Newsletter
  • 6. The Focus on Sustainability at U Connect 2010 U Connect 2010 will provide insight into the state of these topics as well as answer questions from the sustainability as it pertains to packaging, fuel audience. consumption, carbon emissions, and other areas where waste and inefficiency impact your business The End of Cheap Oil – Are You Awake? and our world. U Connect will provide the With oil prices moderating, some question the opportunity to hear from industry leaders who are at premise of a peak in conventional world oil the forefront of the sustainability movement. production. The session explains why lower prices are a short term gift and why the end of cheap oil is VICS Empty Miles -A Retailer’s Commitment to one of those inevitable "surprises" that will change the Environment and the Bottom Line the world as we know it. This session will explore how Macy’s made a significant leap towards achieving their sustainability The State of Sustainability – An Introduction to objectives without the huge up-front investment the Sustainability Consortium many ―green‖ initiatives require. Attendees will learn Leading consumer products companies and retailers how the VICS Empty Miles portal works and how such as P&G, Cargill, Walmart, Disney, and Unilever Macy’s and Schneider National used this simple, low- have partnered to work collaboratively on innovative cost solution to significantly reduce environmental approaches to improve consumer product impact and transportation expense. sustainability. The goal of the consortium is to develop measurements of sustainability across the Case Study: Driving Savings, Curbing entire life cycle of the product including Emissions with VICS Empty Miles Service™ manufacture, distribution, consumer use, and post- Find out how your company can save money and be use good to the environment at the same time. Major department stores are saving costs and reducing GDSN 2012: Upcoming Major GDSN emissions by filling their return trucks by matching Functionality loads using a new service from VICS. Companies In an ongoing effort to drive global change in that typically ship truckloads with empty return miles packaging, leaders from many of the world’s largest can learn more as we explore a case history during consumer goods companies and major retailers have this session approved a suggested set of common definitions and principles for packaging in the framework of Packaging and Sustainability Attributes sustainability. This common language will support a This session provides an opportunity to understand global discourse on packaging in the context of what GS1 Standards are already in place or pending environmental, economic and social impacts. to support the exchange of packaging information. Attendees will learn progress to date and what’s to This background will be used to describe how come in the next phase of validating this work within businesses may effectively exchange product and real business situations. packaging characteristics across the supply chain. The implications to data synchronization, the Global Supply Chain Visibility to Chemical Ingredients Data Synchronization Network® (GDSN®) and - A Confidential Solution Global Product Classification system will be If your company makes, uses, or sells products considered. This detailed session is tailored to those which contain regulated chemical ingredients who must understand and communicate product and requiring special handling, storage or disposal, this packaging characteristics, together with those session is for you. J&J and Walmart will present on responsible for product design decisions. how this information can be shared using the GDSN within companies and between trading partners. Sustainability Panel Attendees will learn the latest on development The establishment of a green economy will have a efforts of GS1 Standards in this area and learn the profound impact on the way we do business. positive impact on sustainability efforts, Legislation such as the American Clean Energy supplementing supplier regulatory expertise, and Security Act (ACES) is placing a substantial focus on minimizing recalls due to prohibited chemical climate change. How can companies be proactive content. while maintaining their bottom lines? What strategies should companies enact today to remain competitive To register now and learn more about U Connect in light of impending changes to the business 2010, visit landscape? This panel will be a forum to discuss Follow U Connect on Twitter TM The Voice of VICS – 6 of 7 Don’t wait to be great… Collaborate! - The VICS Monthly Newsletter
  • 7. VICS Meetings & Events Date 2010 Meetings/Events Location PSU: Supply Chain Collaboration Program May 10-13 State College, PA Details & Registrations Processes and Tools for Supply Chain Success May 17-21 University Park, PA Details RFID: A Retailer’s Story today May 19 Presented by CSCMP Webcast Details & Registrations Item-Level RFID Meeting Jun 7 San Antonio, TX Details & Registrations U Connect 2010 Jun 7-10 San Antonio, TX Annual Conference Applying Lean Principles Across the Supply Chain Jun 7-11 University Park, PA Details Jun 8 VICS Board of Directors' Meeting San Antonio, TX VICS Annual Achievement Awards Ceremony & Dinner Jun 8 San Antonio, TX Sponsored by Hewlett-Packard VICS Logistics Sub-Committee Meetings July 12-13 Lombard, IL Hosted by CSCMP PSU: Supply Chain Collaboration Program Aug 23-25 State College, PA Details & Registrations Sept 26-29 CSCMP Annual Global Conference 2010 San Diego, CA VICS Board of Directors’ Meeting Oct 20-21 Chicago, IL Hosted by Accenture VICS CPFR® Certification Program Nov 9-11 Lawrenceville,NJ Details VICS Princeton Pike Corporate Tel: 609-620-4590 Websites Joe Andraski Jo Ann Fiordland Center Fax : 609-620-1201 President & CEO, VICS 1009 Lenox Dr., Suite 202 Email: www.emptymil Lawrenceville, NJ 08648 TM The Voice of VICS – 7 of 7 Don’t wait to be great… Collaborate! - The VICS Monthly Newsletter