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BIFM Level 4

Course Information
Welcome to the first day...
                                                               ...of the rest of your career
                                       If you’re reading this, it means        There are a multitude of ways to       At the Xenon Group, we’ve been
                                       you’re already considering the          try and raise the profile of           turning good Facilities Managers
                                       possibility of studying for a BIFM      Facilities Management within your      into great ones for over 10 years.
                                       accredited Facilities Management        organisation, many of which we
                                       Qualification.                          cover as part of the qualifications,   We hope you’ll be the next to join
                                                                               but ultimately raising your profile    us in our mission to make a more
                                       Before I go any further, I’d like to    is only worthwhile if the service      productive, more efficient, more
                                       congratulate you for having the         you are delivering is second-to-       recognised and above all more
                                       motivation to take your career into     none.                                  valued Facilities Management
                                       your own hands and to learn how to                                             industry.
                                       be the best Facilities Manager that     That is where the beauty of a BIFM
                                       you possibly can.                       Qualification lies. Whether you        I look forward to welcoming you
                                                                               study for an Award, Certificate or     onto a course in the near future.
                                       It is a well known but accurate         the full Diploma, you will learn new
                                       cliché in FM circles that the role of   ways to improve your service,
                                       the Facilities Manager is often         manage your budget and ensure
                                                                                                                                              David Morris
           David Morris FBIFM          undervalued or overlooked by the        that the work you are doing is in                  FBIFM FFA FinstLM MinstD MIMgt
      Xenon Group Managing Director    mainstream business world.              sync with the overall business plan                       Managing Director
                                                                               of your employer.
                                       Organisations such as the BIFM are
   I can't put a value on the          constantly striving to improve this     You will meet other like-minded
                                       perception, but the first steps must    FMs, both online and in person,
 knowledge I've gained while           be taken by people like you;            from a range of different
                                       facilities Managers working at the      backgrounds and sectors, and learn
   studying with The Xenon             sharp end of FM service delivery.       from them as well as from our
                                                                               tutors. You’ll then consolidate
Group but I know it has helped                                                 everything you have learned in your
                                       You are probably dealing with
  me turn a job into a career.         customers and clients on a daily        assignments and ultimately achieve
                                       basis — taking the rap when things      the qualification as proof that you
                                       go wrong whilst barely being            are on the road to becoming not
                  Naomi Crossan                                                just a good Facilities Manager, but
                                       noticed when it’s all going to plan.
                       Ernst & Young                                           a great one!
Why study for a qualification?
                                                                              Isn’t experience enough?
The experience vs qualifications debate in Facilities Management has been a hot topic for some time.

Of course, there is no substitute for experience, but in our opinion there is no substitute for a qualification either.

Rather than wonder which of the two is better, we have always been of the opinion that both are key for a Facilities
Manager to be able to do their job to the best of their ability.

We’re not alone in this mind-set, which is why when BIFM developed these qualifications in 2009, they structured them
in a way which allows you to draw on your own experience in order to complete the assessments, thereby helping you
apply all that you have learned into your own working practices.

Of course, there are many training options available and you may feel that simply attending master-class workshops is

Many of these ‘attend only’ courses are very good - some are exceptional - but here’s 4 reasons why we feel you’ll get
                                                                                                                              BIFM CEO Gareth Tancred presents Darren
more out of studying for a qualification.
                                                                                                                                 Shiels with his hard-earned Diploma
You’ll consolidate your        The assessments will             You’ll receive proof of         Qualifications      are
knowledge by completing        encourage you to apply           your understanding when         completely accountable
assessments.                   your knowledge to your           you complete the course.
                               own role.                                                                                      One of the most pound for
At an ‘attend only’            By asking you to draw on         The certificate that you’ll     As a BIFM recognised             pound, best value
master-class, there is no      your own experience in           gain    on     successful       centre, we’re monitored
way of checking that you       order to answer the              completion acts as proof        and audited by BIFM to        qualifications I’ve attained
have       understood          questions, the assessments       that you haven’t just slept     make sure we’re doing our
everything that you have       will help you use the            your way through your           job well. BIFM is, in turn,
been taught. With a            knowledge gained from            course! It can also inspire     monitored by OfQual, so if                       Rob Ratcliffe
‘qualification’, you’ll be     your course to improve           confidence in employers         you’re not happy with the
required to complete           the way you go about your        and clients by showing          service you receive, you                 Aberystwyth University
detailed     assessments       work.                            that    you    have     the     have plenty of options to
which will consolidate                                          underpinning knowledge          get something done about
your knowledge and check                                        required to do the job.         it.
your understanding.
A range of qualifications...
                                            ...and a range of different options
                                          So now you know why gaining a Facilities Management Qualification is worthwhile, the next stage is
                                                      to choose which level and which size of qualification you’d like to study.

                                        The Level

                                        The first step is to choose which level of qualification you wish to study for. At the Xenon Group, you can study for
                                        BIFM qualifications at levels 3, 4, 5 and 6.

                                        It’s important to choose the correct level as the content of the course will correspond to your own job. Too high a
                                        level and you will not have the experience required to complete the assessments, too low and you will find the
                                        course easy and less worthwhile.

                                        If you’re reading this brochure, you’ve probably identified the BIFM Level 4 as an appropriate option, however if
                                        you’re unsure, a good first step is to try our ‘One Minute Leveller’ an online tool that will ask you a series of
                                        multiple-choice questions and recommend a level based on your answers.

The Size                                                                                                                     I know I could not have
                                                                                                                               achieved what I have
After choosing your level, you need to decide on the scale of your course. BIFM Qualifications can be studied as
an Award, Certificate or Diploma. The only difference between them is the number of modules.                                within my role at work if
The Diploma includes 10 units, covering a range of topics giving you a wide breadth of knowledge.                               it were not for the
                                                                                                                            knowledge I have gained
The Certificate includes 5 units. This is appropriate for those with less time or perhaps constrained by budgets.
                                                                                                                               whilst on the course.
The Award is a basic introduction to FM and consists of 2 units. The Award is appropriate for those with tight
time or budget constraints or who do not work directly in an FM role but require an understanding of the                                 Dawn Marshall
Training for FM professionals…
                                                                 Delivered by FM professionals
Once you’ve decided on a Level and Scale, all that is left to decide is how you’d like to study. At the Xenon Group, we offer three options -
                                          Workshops, Distance Learning and Blended Learning

Our workshop courses offer the most comprehensive learning experience available. You will participate in tutor-led sessions
offering plenty of opportunities to learn from our tutors, who are all experienced Facilities Managers who have been there
and seen it all, as well as from other students who come from diverse FM backgrounds across a range of sectors.

As a workshop student you will also have full access to our Distance Learning material, so you don’t need to worry if you get
home and realise you can’t read your own notes!

Workshops are run as monthly, two-day sessions in our Leeds office or as weekly evening classes in London.

Distance Learning
Although our workshop sessions offer the most complete learning package, we realise that not everyone is able to commit to regularly attending workshops in Leeds or
London. That’s why we’ve developed our Distance Learning option.

As a Distance Learner, you’ll be given access to workbooks for all of the individual units in your course. These workbooks contain all of the information you will need,
as well as activities and exercises to test your understanding.

You’ll also have access to online learning resources, including articles of interest and discussion forums which allow you to ask questions of your fellow students.
Although you won’t get the same level of face-to-face contact with our tutors, help is never far away. You can contact us at any time to ask questions by e-mail, phone
or Skype. You’ll receive detailed guidance notes for your assessments and constructive feedback before final submission.

 Even though I was studying on                     Blended Learning
 my own, I never felt alone. Help                  Introduced in 2012, Blended Learning gives you the best of both worlds. If you opt for the Blended Learning option,
                                                   you will be able to attend workshops for up to half of the units for your course, with the remainder being studied by
  was only a phone call away.                      Distance Learning.

                                                   This combination of Workshops and Distance Learning allows you to focus in on your strengths and weaknesses, and
                            Kevin Brady            then make use of the face-to-face sessions for subjects you are less confident in.
                      University of Sussex                                                                             NB: Blended Learning not available for the Level 4 Award
So what will I actually learn?
  By now you’re probably raring to go out and achieve a qualification, so to whet your appetite even further, here’s a breakdown of the
  different units that comprise the BIFM Level 4 Award, Certificate and Diploma. The Level 4 qualification is aimed at first line managers
       and aspiring middle managers, usually with around two years experience in an FM role, or those progressing from the Level 3.

BIFM Level 4 Award                  BIFM Level 4 Certificate             BIFM Level 4 Diploma                   of    SLAs,      relationship
                                    Award units plus:                    Award & Certificate Units plus:        management, dealing with
                                                                                                                sensitive issues & monitoring &
Overview of Facilities              FM Support Service Operations        Understanding FM Strategy              managing customer satisfaction.
                                    This unit considers FM services      This unit considers in detail how      Property & Asset Management
This module will give you an        and     delivery      models,        the FM strategy aligns with the
introduction to Facilities          determining user requirements        overall business strategy & what       This unit looks at different
Management, explaining what         &     ensuring      customer         the drivers are for setting both.      building types & their uses, pros
exactly FM is and how it            satisfaction. You will learn         You will also look closely at risk     & cons of different building
contributes to the overall          about Health & Safety elements       management & how to mitigate           types, maintenance implications
Business Strategy. You will         of service delivery & cover the      against risk.                          & d i f fe r e n t ma i n t e n a n c e
cover delivery methods, FM          basics of managing FM budgets.                                              strategies. You will also consider
Services, the management role                                                                                   the use of building management
                                                                         People Management in FM
of the FM as well as touching on    FM Performance Measurement                                                  systems & other technology in
CSR and Sustainability.                                                                                         managing & maintaining buildings
                                                                         This unit covers a range of
                                    This module starts by looking at                                            & other assets.
                                                                         i mp o rt a n t fe a t u re s wh e n
Health & Safety in FM               the importance of Business           managing a team. You will
                                    Objectives. You will then learn      consider recruitment, workload         Understanding Environmental
This unit looks at relevant         about methods of monitoring          planning, managing & developing        Issues & Sustainability
legislation, the importance of a    the performance of individuals,      your team, communication skills,
health and safety culture, how      teams, assets & suppliers.           stress management & key                A hot topic at present, this
to undertake risk assessments                                            employment & equality                  module will consider the
and how to mitigate against         Procurement      &    Contract       legislation.                           meaning of CSR & Sustainability
risk. You will also consider the    Management                                                                  & the effect that FM Services
importance of communication in                                                                                  have on them. You will look at
                                                                         Managing Customer Service in FM
all aspects of Health & Safety as   This unit teaches the                                                       recent developments & how to
well as looking at writing and                                                                                  use     them        to  reduce
                                    importance of procurement            This unit considers the
reviewing a Health & Safety                                                                                     environmental impact, as well as
                                    procedures. You will cover           importance of customer service
Policy.                                                                                                         covering relevant legislation &
                                    tendering, legislation, types of     in FM & how best to manage your        t he p ri nci p le s o f Wa ste
                                    contracts & specifications & the     customers. This includes topics
                                    cost of procurement.                 such as communication, the role
Next Steps...

By downloading this brochure, you’ve already taken the first step towards becoming a great facilities manager. You’ve probably already got a
good idea of which level, size and delivery method you’d like to go for. Once you’ve made this decision, all that’s left to do is enrol onto your
chosen course.

To enrol on a course, you need to fill out our online enrolment form. This is a simple step by step process and shouldn’t take more than a few
minutes. Once it’s done, we’ll contact you to make the necessary arrangements to start your course.

Of course, it would be remiss of us to leave you without pointing you in the direction of some further information.

                                         For information on   fees, have a look at our online price checker.

                            To double check whether the Level 4 is the right   level   for you, try our One Minute Leveller

To find out more about the BIFM, visit their website. Here you can find more information about the qualifications, as well as about the organisation
                        as a whole, the benefits of membership, and up to date news from the leading UK FM industry body.

Of course, if you have any further questions that haven’t been answered, or if you’d just like to speak to a human being before committing, you
can call us during business hours on 0845 474 0054, or e-mail We’d be happy to give you any more information you
Meet the Team
                                                                                       The Permanent Staff...

 This is David, our Managing Director,         This is Sue, who will be your main          This is Aneta. You’ll be dealing with     This is Chris. If you attend workshops         This is Paul. If you call us to enquire
     FM Consultancy Director and               point of contact when it comes to              her regularly when submitting            in London, you’ll see him nearly            about a course, it’ll be Paul or one of
  principal tutor. David is the driving        critical feedback for assessments.           assignments and dealing with any                       every week.                       his team who you’ll most likely be
 force behind the Xenon Group. David                                                               administrative issues.                                                                        dealing with.
                                             Sue is a former teacher and nurse, so                                                     No-one is really sure what Chris’
  wrote the original course material.                                                                                                                                                 You can see from the picture how
                                               has the perfect skillset to coax you            In keeping with her Polish            actual role in the company is, but he
    A vastly experienced Facilities           through your assignments. Don’t be            nationality, Aneta has a fantastic          seems to get involved in nearly              happy he is to help with enquiries!
  Manager, David was once credited               fooled by the friendly exterior             work ethic but also an almost           everything! Look out for him at BIFM               Paul was horrified to learn his
   with providing FM services for               though - if your work isn’t up to            completely unpronounceable               events, particularly those organised            picture was to be included in this
  Noah’s Ark. Just watch out for his           standard, she’ll be sure to let you                       surname.                    by the Rising FMs group for which he            brochure - he claims not to be very
     sense of humour in classes!                              know!                                                                        is a committee member.                               photogenic.

                                                                                              And the Tutors...

 Wg Cdr Geoff Johnson (Rtd)             Jules Rutt                Samantha Bowman                  Victoria Glover-Ward                Mark Griffiths                   John Bowen                        Paul Carder
  Over 20 yrs FM Experience               CBIFM                         FBIFM                   CBIFM BEng CEng MIMechE              CBIFM MSc(FM)                  MBIFM MCIPS MCILT                  BSc (Hons) MRICS
Founder member of Trillium FM   Over 10 yrs FM Experience         BIFM Board Member              Over 20 yrs FM Experience       Over 20 yrs FM Experience   BIFM Recognition Award Winner 2009   Chartered FM Surveyor (RICS)
    (Now Telereal Trillium)                                    Over 20 yrs FM Experience                                                                          Over 25yrs FM Experience         Over 20yrs FM Experience

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BIFM Level 4 Brochure

  • 1. BIFM Level 4 Course Information
  • 2. Welcome to the first day... ...of the rest of your career If you’re reading this, it means There are a multitude of ways to At the Xenon Group, we’ve been you’re already considering the try and raise the profile of turning good Facilities Managers possibility of studying for a BIFM Facilities Management within your into great ones for over 10 years. accredited Facilities Management organisation, many of which we Qualification. cover as part of the qualifications, We hope you’ll be the next to join but ultimately raising your profile us in our mission to make a more Before I go any further, I’d like to is only worthwhile if the service productive, more efficient, more congratulate you for having the you are delivering is second-to- recognised and above all more motivation to take your career into none. valued Facilities Management your own hands and to learn how to industry. be the best Facilities Manager that That is where the beauty of a BIFM you possibly can. Qualification lies. Whether you I look forward to welcoming you study for an Award, Certificate or onto a course in the near future. It is a well known but accurate the full Diploma, you will learn new cliché in FM circles that the role of ways to improve your service, the Facilities Manager is often manage your budget and ensure David Morris David Morris FBIFM undervalued or overlooked by the that the work you are doing is in FBIFM FFA FinstLM MinstD MIMgt Xenon Group Managing Director mainstream business world. sync with the overall business plan Managing Director of your employer. Organisations such as the BIFM are I can't put a value on the constantly striving to improve this You will meet other like-minded perception, but the first steps must FMs, both online and in person, knowledge I've gained while be taken by people like you; from a range of different facilities Managers working at the backgrounds and sectors, and learn studying with The Xenon sharp end of FM service delivery. from them as well as from our tutors. You’ll then consolidate Group but I know it has helped everything you have learned in your You are probably dealing with me turn a job into a career. customers and clients on a daily assignments and ultimately achieve basis — taking the rap when things the qualification as proof that you go wrong whilst barely being are on the road to becoming not Naomi Crossan just a good Facilities Manager, but noticed when it’s all going to plan. Ernst & Young a great one!
  • 3. Why study for a qualification? Isn’t experience enough? The experience vs qualifications debate in Facilities Management has been a hot topic for some time. Of course, there is no substitute for experience, but in our opinion there is no substitute for a qualification either. Rather than wonder which of the two is better, we have always been of the opinion that both are key for a Facilities Manager to be able to do their job to the best of their ability. We’re not alone in this mind-set, which is why when BIFM developed these qualifications in 2009, they structured them in a way which allows you to draw on your own experience in order to complete the assessments, thereby helping you apply all that you have learned into your own working practices. Of course, there are many training options available and you may feel that simply attending master-class workshops is enough. Many of these ‘attend only’ courses are very good - some are exceptional - but here’s 4 reasons why we feel you’ll get BIFM CEO Gareth Tancred presents Darren more out of studying for a qualification. Shiels with his hard-earned Diploma You’ll consolidate your The assessments will You’ll receive proof of Qualifications are knowledge by completing encourage you to apply your understanding when completely accountable assessments. your knowledge to your you complete the course. own role. One of the most pound for At an ‘attend only’ By asking you to draw on The certificate that you’ll As a BIFM recognised pound, best value master-class, there is no your own experience in gain on successful centre, we’re monitored way of checking that you order to answer the completion acts as proof and audited by BIFM to qualifications I’ve attained have understood questions, the assessments that you haven’t just slept make sure we’re doing our everything that you have will help you use the your way through your job well. BIFM is, in turn, been taught. With a knowledge gained from course! It can also inspire monitored by OfQual, so if Rob Ratcliffe ‘qualification’, you’ll be your course to improve confidence in employers you’re not happy with the required to complete the way you go about your and clients by showing service you receive, you Aberystwyth University detailed assessments work. that you have the have plenty of options to which will consolidate underpinning knowledge get something done about your knowledge and check required to do the job. it. your understanding.
  • 4. A range of qualifications... ...and a range of different options So now you know why gaining a Facilities Management Qualification is worthwhile, the next stage is to choose which level and which size of qualification you’d like to study. The Level The first step is to choose which level of qualification you wish to study for. At the Xenon Group, you can study for BIFM qualifications at levels 3, 4, 5 and 6. It’s important to choose the correct level as the content of the course will correspond to your own job. Too high a level and you will not have the experience required to complete the assessments, too low and you will find the course easy and less worthwhile. If you’re reading this brochure, you’ve probably identified the BIFM Level 4 as an appropriate option, however if you’re unsure, a good first step is to try our ‘One Minute Leveller’ an online tool that will ask you a series of multiple-choice questions and recommend a level based on your answers. The Size I know I could not have achieved what I have After choosing your level, you need to decide on the scale of your course. BIFM Qualifications can be studied as an Award, Certificate or Diploma. The only difference between them is the number of modules. within my role at work if The Diploma includes 10 units, covering a range of topics giving you a wide breadth of knowledge. it were not for the knowledge I have gained The Certificate includes 5 units. This is appropriate for those with less time or perhaps constrained by budgets. whilst on the course. The Award is a basic introduction to FM and consists of 2 units. The Award is appropriate for those with tight time or budget constraints or who do not work directly in an FM role but require an understanding of the Dawn Marshall industry. Sodexo
  • 5. Training for FM professionals… Delivered by FM professionals Once you’ve decided on a Level and Scale, all that is left to decide is how you’d like to study. At the Xenon Group, we offer three options - Workshops, Distance Learning and Blended Learning Workshops Our workshop courses offer the most comprehensive learning experience available. You will participate in tutor-led sessions offering plenty of opportunities to learn from our tutors, who are all experienced Facilities Managers who have been there and seen it all, as well as from other students who come from diverse FM backgrounds across a range of sectors. As a workshop student you will also have full access to our Distance Learning material, so you don’t need to worry if you get home and realise you can’t read your own notes! Workshops are run as monthly, two-day sessions in our Leeds office or as weekly evening classes in London. Distance Learning Although our workshop sessions offer the most complete learning package, we realise that not everyone is able to commit to regularly attending workshops in Leeds or London. That’s why we’ve developed our Distance Learning option. As a Distance Learner, you’ll be given access to workbooks for all of the individual units in your course. These workbooks contain all of the information you will need, as well as activities and exercises to test your understanding. You’ll also have access to online learning resources, including articles of interest and discussion forums which allow you to ask questions of your fellow students. Although you won’t get the same level of face-to-face contact with our tutors, help is never far away. You can contact us at any time to ask questions by e-mail, phone or Skype. You’ll receive detailed guidance notes for your assessments and constructive feedback before final submission. Even though I was studying on Blended Learning my own, I never felt alone. Help Introduced in 2012, Blended Learning gives you the best of both worlds. If you opt for the Blended Learning option, you will be able to attend workshops for up to half of the units for your course, with the remainder being studied by was only a phone call away. Distance Learning. This combination of Workshops and Distance Learning allows you to focus in on your strengths and weaknesses, and Kevin Brady then make use of the face-to-face sessions for subjects you are less confident in. University of Sussex NB: Blended Learning not available for the Level 4 Award
  • 6. So what will I actually learn? By now you’re probably raring to go out and achieve a qualification, so to whet your appetite even further, here’s a breakdown of the different units that comprise the BIFM Level 4 Award, Certificate and Diploma. The Level 4 qualification is aimed at first line managers and aspiring middle managers, usually with around two years experience in an FM role, or those progressing from the Level 3. BIFM Level 4 Award BIFM Level 4 Certificate BIFM Level 4 Diploma of SLAs, relationship Award units plus: Award & Certificate Units plus: management, dealing with sensitive issues & monitoring & Overview of Facilities FM Support Service Operations Understanding FM Strategy managing customer satisfaction. Management This unit considers FM services This unit considers in detail how Property & Asset Management This module will give you an and delivery models, the FM strategy aligns with the introduction to Facilities determining user requirements overall business strategy & what This unit looks at different Management, explaining what & ensuring customer the drivers are for setting both. building types & their uses, pros exactly FM is and how it satisfaction. You will learn You will also look closely at risk & cons of different building contributes to the overall about Health & Safety elements management & how to mitigate types, maintenance implications Business Strategy. You will of service delivery & cover the against risk. & d i f fe r e n t ma i n t e n a n c e cover delivery methods, FM basics of managing FM budgets. strategies. You will also consider Services, the management role the use of building management People Management in FM of the FM as well as touching on FM Performance Measurement systems & other technology in CSR and Sustainability. managing & maintaining buildings This unit covers a range of This module starts by looking at & other assets. i mp o rt a n t fe a t u re s wh e n Health & Safety in FM the importance of Business managing a team. You will Objectives. You will then learn consider recruitment, workload Understanding Environmental This unit looks at relevant about methods of monitoring planning, managing & developing Issues & Sustainability legislation, the importance of a the performance of individuals, your team, communication skills, health and safety culture, how teams, assets & suppliers. stress management & key A hot topic at present, this to undertake risk assessments employment & equality module will consider the and how to mitigate against Procurement & Contract legislation. meaning of CSR & Sustainability risk. You will also consider the Management & the effect that FM Services importance of communication in have on them. You will look at Managing Customer Service in FM all aspects of Health & Safety as This unit teaches the recent developments & how to well as looking at writing and use them to reduce importance of procurement This unit considers the reviewing a Health & Safety environmental impact, as well as procedures. You will cover importance of customer service Policy. covering relevant legislation & tendering, legislation, types of in FM & how best to manage your t he p ri nci p le s o f Wa ste contracts & specifications & the customers. This includes topics Management. cost of procurement. such as communication, the role
  • 7. Next Steps... By downloading this brochure, you’ve already taken the first step towards becoming a great facilities manager. You’ve probably already got a good idea of which level, size and delivery method you’d like to go for. Once you’ve made this decision, all that’s left to do is enrol onto your chosen course. To enrol on a course, you need to fill out our online enrolment form. This is a simple step by step process and shouldn’t take more than a few minutes. Once it’s done, we’ll contact you to make the necessary arrangements to start your course. Of course, it would be remiss of us to leave you without pointing you in the direction of some further information. For information on fees, have a look at our online price checker. To double check whether the Level 4 is the right level for you, try our One Minute Leveller To find out more about the BIFM, visit their website. Here you can find more information about the qualifications, as well as about the organisation as a whole, the benefits of membership, and up to date news from the leading UK FM industry body. Of course, if you have any further questions that haven’t been answered, or if you’d just like to speak to a human being before committing, you can call us during business hours on 0845 474 0054, or e-mail We’d be happy to give you any more information you need.
  • 8. Meet the Team The Permanent Staff... This is David, our Managing Director, This is Sue, who will be your main This is Aneta. You’ll be dealing with This is Chris. If you attend workshops This is Paul. If you call us to enquire FM Consultancy Director and point of contact when it comes to her regularly when submitting in London, you’ll see him nearly about a course, it’ll be Paul or one of principal tutor. David is the driving critical feedback for assessments. assignments and dealing with any every week. his team who you’ll most likely be force behind the Xenon Group. David administrative issues. dealing with. Sue is a former teacher and nurse, so No-one is really sure what Chris’ wrote the original course material. You can see from the picture how has the perfect skillset to coax you In keeping with her Polish actual role in the company is, but he A vastly experienced Facilities through your assignments. Don’t be nationality, Aneta has a fantastic seems to get involved in nearly happy he is to help with enquiries! Manager, David was once credited fooled by the friendly exterior work ethic but also an almost everything! Look out for him at BIFM Paul was horrified to learn his with providing FM services for though - if your work isn’t up to completely unpronounceable events, particularly those organised picture was to be included in this Noah’s Ark. Just watch out for his standard, she’ll be sure to let you surname. by the Rising FMs group for which he brochure - he claims not to be very sense of humour in classes! know! is a committee member. photogenic. And the Tutors... Wg Cdr Geoff Johnson (Rtd) Jules Rutt Samantha Bowman Victoria Glover-Ward Mark Griffiths John Bowen Paul Carder Over 20 yrs FM Experience CBIFM FBIFM CBIFM BEng CEng MIMechE CBIFM MSc(FM) MBIFM MCIPS MCILT BSc (Hons) MRICS Founder member of Trillium FM Over 10 yrs FM Experience BIFM Board Member Over 20 yrs FM Experience Over 20 yrs FM Experience BIFM Recognition Award Winner 2009 Chartered FM Surveyor (RICS) (Now Telereal Trillium) Over 20 yrs FM Experience Over 25yrs FM Experience Over 20yrs FM Experience