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A bi-monthly newsletter of the Buddhist Gem Fellowship
May - June 2019
Issue No. 161
In the Sutta I Retreat (March 15-17, 2019),
Ajahn Brahmali wasted no time in leading
us on a sutta adventure that chronicled The
Life of The Buddha. From a selection of short
delightful extracts highlighting the younger
days of the Buddha, our journey took us into
more sublime suttas about the Buddha’s
tireless search for the noble truths, the path to
awakening and the teaching of the Dhamma
right up until The Great Passing Away of the
Next up, the Meditation Retreat (March
18-21, 2019) was one with a twist - a sutta
twist, that is. Each day of meditation practice
was punctuated by 2 short sutta sessions in
which Ajahn Brahmali raised our awareness
in mindfulness of breathing and ways to calm
our minds and achieve ever more peaceful
If there was anyone who had been highly
anticipating Ajahn Brahmali’s Meditation
and Sutta Retreat, it had to be me. I saw this
as the perfect opportunity to escape the
daily grind and find some peace, completely
immersing myself in the Buddhist practices of
meditation and sutta study for the duration
of the retreat. I couldn’t wait to get started.
Looking at the schedule, what struck me
instantly was how the retreat had been
structured like a sandwich, with one sutta
retreat at each end and the meditation
retreat right smack in the middle. This idea
is pure genius, of course, simply because it
offers participants a nice meditative break
between the heavier, more intense sutta
meditative states. These study sessions were
certainly a welcome break from a day of
guided meditation and self-practice.
Finally, in the Sutta II Retreat (March 22-24,
2019), we embarked on The Thirty-Seven
Aids to Awakening. Ajahn Brahmali, with his
signature clear and systematic approach,
guided us into the depths of the 4 Right
Efforts, the 4 Applications of Mindfulness,
the 4 Foundations for Spiritual Power, the
5 Spiritual Faculties, the 5 Spiritual Powers,
the 7 Factors of Awakening and the Noble
Eightfold Path. Yes, we covered a lot of
ground in this retreat.
Throughout the retreat, Ajahn Brahmali was
patient, meticulous and often humorous
when explaining the suttas, guiding us
through meditation practice, and addressing
our questions at the end of each day. The
clever mix of suttas by Ajahn Brahmali - some
light and down-to-earth, others deeper
and more profound – was what kept me
interested and engaged the whole time.
I learned so much at this retreat and yet I
realize this is only the tip of the iceberg.
I hope Ajahn Brahmali likes us (and the
coffee!) enough to come back next year to
‘brainwash’ us again with more suttas and
meditation practice.
If you missed this retreat, you can watch
the talks by subscribing to BGF’s Youtube
Channel, or view a sample by clicking on this
To be notified of upcoming events via BGF’s
Official Whatsapp Broadcast Channel,
please add 018 6635730 to your phone
contacts and click on this link: http://tinyurl.
Congratulations to the new BGF EXCO
President: Datuk Seri Dr Victor Wee Eng Lye
Deputy President: Bro. Tee Chee Seng
Secretary: Sis. Jennifer Lim Chooi Har
Assistant Secretary: Sis. Ngooi Ngok Ling
Treasurer: Sis. Elain Low Lee Lim
Elected Committees:
1. Bro. Bobby Ng Joo Khiam
2. Bro. Lai Kim Looi
3. Sis. Karen Ng Siow Chan
4. Sis. Dolly Teoh Paik Cheng
5. Sis. Hor Kam Peng
6. Bro. Lim Eng Ugim (Allex)
7. Sis. Wong Chung Heong
8. Bro. Mooi Chee Onn
9. Bro. Daniel Kwok Tak Hoong
Honorary Auditors:
1. Sis. Chung Soo Hoon
2. Sis. Lee Siew Bee (Erin)
VESAK 2019 @ BGF
Programme Highlights
For more information, please contact:
Bro. Tee (010) 400 5354, Bro. Si Nan (016) 227 6328
or Office (03) 7734 7960
May 2019
9am – 10pm
May 2019
8.30am – 4pm
Birth | Enlightenment | Maha-parinibbana
VESAK is the day when devotees come
to the Buddhist Centre to pay homage to
the Buddha, reflect on His virtues, set
aspirations, perform wholesome deeds and
cultivate the mind through meditation.
This year, we have lined up a series of wholesome
opportunities for you and your family to participate in
and further strengthen your faith in the Buddha-Dhamma.
For more information, kindly contact :
Dolly (+60 19-356 8879)
Catherine Chen (+60 12-386 0785)
19-May-2019 | 9.00am - 2.00pm
Nasi Kunyit/Curry Chicken.
Assam Laksa
Fruit Rojak.
Mee Siam.
Fried Beehoon
Acar Awak.
Nasi Lemak(Vegetarian).
Kueh Mueh
Tong Sui
Kueh Tako
Tim Tum Krob
Coconut Jelly.
Swiss Roll
Healthy Organic Pau.
Butter Bread.
And Many Others.
Charity foodfair goes to BGF
extension of 3rd floor.
Ladies Connection will have a CRAFT
HANDIWORK and Preloved Items at Level 1.
From 9am to 2.30pm
Time 2.00 pm – 6.00 pm
Registration Fees RM 100 (Training Materials & Refreshments)
Closing Date 9-Jun-2019
Venue Buddhist Gem Fellowship
Online Registration
Dhamma Minders aims to allow new and
current Dhamma Teachers to
Learn, Unlearn and Relearn
effective approaches to teach
Buddhism to the Gen-Z.
In collaboration
For more information,
please contact:
Sis. Mei Joon (012-351 7615)
Sis. Pui Yen (017-321 1473)
Date Topic Facilitators
Learning Style, Personality & Teaching
Methods for the Gen-Z
Namo Buddhaya, Are You Praying?
Ron Leong
Tee Chee Seng
ABC of Mindful Parenting - 1
Creativity in Teaching Dhamma
Dr. Khoo Boon Hock
Dr. Bugs Tan
ABC of Mindful Parenting - 2
Quality of a Dhamma Teacher
Dr. Khoo Boon Hock
Dr. Tan Ho Soon
Circle Time
Introduction to the "Buddhist Bible"
Woo Sau Mun
Uncle Vijaya
Activity-based Dhamma Learning for
The Power of Speech
Tee Chee Seng
Datuk Charlie Chia
24-Aug Meditation for Children 1 & 2 Thang Mee Yuen
Buddhist Music, Art & Crafts
Mindful Cikgu - 1
Daniel Kwok &
Michelle Yap
KC Chiang
Anger Management
Mindful Cikgu - 2
Tee Chee Seng
KC Chiang
Handling Difficult Children
Law of Kamma
Tay Siok Eian
Datuk Charlie Chia
The Art of Giving
Practical Teaching
Graduation Ceremony
Tee Chee Seng
Bro. Kam Kok Wai is a Dhamma speaker
from Hong Kong. He was formerly an actor
with TVB and a singer in the Cantonese
modern songs and opera circuit. His talk
was in Cantonese and he has good speaking
qualities like a strong clear voice, facial and
hands gestures, use of rhythm and rhymes
and smooth delivery. His talk content
was well organized, and he uses a lot of
humour, analogies and anecdotes to help
with understanding the Dhamma which
includes the difficult concept of ‘non self’
and illustrations on ‘purifying the mind and
actions’. He kick-started and interacted
with the audience with humourous stories
of himself in his acting career and how
he got to learn and be more learned in
Buddhism along the way.
Although I am not fluent in Cantonese but
I was able to follow his talk. I appreciate
the Buddha and Dhamma much better
now after his explanation on why he felt
the Buddha is the greatest teacher of our
time and how the Dhamma can change our
lives. He said that there is no other teacher
who did, taught and achieve so much as the
I learnt a lot from the outing last
week although it was really hot but our
teammates went to MBO for some cold air.
At first we did not really started out good
so I begin to ask random strangers that
I saw, and all of them did not know any of
the answers.
We even stop to get TeaAlive and some
random teams were shouting at us. I
think they are jealous. My whole shirt was
drenched with sweat. The whole group
were really pumped out. We used Starbucks
to motivate us.
Then we passed by a pillar and saw two
sticky notes and we took it. After that
we only knew that it was a foul. Our whole
team was so angry.
I actually learned that we should motivate
each other so that our enthusiasm would
appear. I think that we should be prepared
and always show 100% of our spirit in
everything we do.
Lastly, on behalf of my teammates. I
would like to say thank you to the teachers
at BGF for spending time with us and
thank you Teacher Avans for treating us
Starbucks. I hope that the bill will not be
too expensive.
Sakyamuni Buddha and the Dhamma is just
simply the TRUTH. His teachings stand the
test of science and personal experiences.
And, he clearly stated that you are either a
FAN or DISCIPLE of the Buddha. A fan just
worships and has no inkling of the qualities
of the Buddha and Dhamma. Whereas a
disciple will always reflect on his teacher
and teachings to check if he/she is doing
right or wrong. That includes questioning
some of the stories of the Buddha, Buddhist
practices and rituals.
He also explained why the lotus is an
important symbol of the Buddha and
Buddhism. He said every human life is
like that of the muddy waters and always
moving and if not, in turmoil much of the
time. The Buddha being born as a human
is no different like a lotus seed thrown into
the muddy lake. But what grew from the
seed into a beautiful flower, untainted,
above the water and away from the mud is
the aim we all should strive for. To still the
mind, we need to pull out ‘attachment’ and
stop stirring with anger, delusion, hatred,
lust and all those bad thoughts and wants.
He asked if breaking the 5 precepts will
lead you to ‘hell’ situations while following
the 10 precepts leads you to many ‘heaven’
states, so why does one choose to break
the precepts? He reminded us to be
aware of our thoughts and actions and
once we realise it then we must correct
immediately. When blaming others, look
at ourselves in the mirror! Don’t grind on
past unhappy events, drop them and jump
out and let them go! He encouraged the
audience to practice compassion towards
everyone and be steadfast in purifying the
mind and actions towards a stream enterer.
The talk closed with a Q&A session with
some in the audience asking him to conduct
a workshop as the 2 hours talk was just not
enough. Bro Kam also delivered a duet
with his wife, Madam Chu for a Buddhist
song in Cantonese opera style. With a full
house audience, one could see there is a
clamour from the crowd for more Dhamma
talks from him!
2 March 2019 - CARE: Suicide Gate-
keeper Training
This free workshop was held on 2 March
primarily for our Para-Counselors but
was also open to the public for the first
part in the morning. It was conducted by
Bro Pheh Khai Shuen from UTAR. Read
the full account by our Para-counselor,
Sis Ho Mun Teng in this issue.
9 March 2019 - Para-Counselors Train-
ing (PCT) for New Volunteers for Tele-
phone Helplines
Ten volunteers attended this training
course. The intensive training conducted
by fully-qualified counselors and expe-
rienced facilitators is free-of-charge but
requires the volunteers to serve the coun-
seling lines for 2 years.
Here is an excerpt from the report by par-
ticipant Sis Catherine Seow:
“The handful of early birds helped to set up
the classroom but it was a nervy time for me
as I am used to form and order. As my anxiety
level cranked up, I continued to blunder by
mistaking the trainer for one of the facilita-
tors, as I have never met a trainer who had
to do physical labour by helping to set up the
classroom. My guilty conscience weighed on
me as I had forgotten what the trainer looked
like since the selection interview two months
As the class was delayed further by late com-
ers, the trainer sped through the slides but
oldie me needed a pee break or a breather from
the onslaught on the screen…The class ended
on a chaotic note for me because I was again
thrown off balance by the announcement that
the next two classes would be held at a dif-
ferent venue. That said, I must confess that
the fascinating middle of at least three solid
hours of the four-hour class kept me anchored
to journey on with Carl Rogers and more, as
I stay committed to one day see the beautiful
sunset in me unfold.”
13 April 2019 - Case Conceptualisation
Workshop for Para-Counselors
Here is the report by participant Sis Lily
“On 13th April, 16 Para-Counselors went
through a day’s workshop on Case Concep-
tualization.  We learnt techniques to enable
us to write case notes with better clarity and
precision for more effective planning of fur-
ther sessions with our Person-in-Need (PiN)
as well as for better understanding by our su-
pervising seniors handling our cases. While
that sounded like the group sat through ago-
nising hours of cardboard-dry lecture and
endless form-filling, the reality was, we had
such fun!
During the workshop, conducted by Sis
Siew Yin Heng, a Registered Counselor and
our very own Training Co-ordinator, there
were adrenaline-charged moments when we
were broken up into groups to complete the
assigned tasks which were then rated by our
peers. It was really exciting to see what we
learnt come to life! Of course, fun isn’t com-
plete without food. Lunch was the potluck
with abundance of mouth-watering pasta,
briyani, a whole cake!, local delicacies, fruits
and more (you feeling hungry yet? Join the
BGFCU for food for the hearts and tum-
mies...) happily chomped through with loads
of camaraderie.”
trip, really appreciate their tireless devotion to
the special children. Our trip ended at 2.00pm
after lunch with those children and before we
left the place, our coordinators handed over
some cash donations which were collected
from our BGF participants on the day. It was
with heavy hearts that we left heavens’ very
special children.” 
20 April 2019 - Broadening the Horizon
of Success Seminar
BGFCU together with the Buddhist Men-
tal Health Association organised a free
seminar, open to parents and their adoles-
cent children, on the night of Saturday 20
April 2019. It was successfully conducted
by Bro David Wong, a well-known fam-
ily and couple therapist from Sydney,
Australia. About 40 people attended the
23 June 2019 - Marriage Education Pro-
gram (MEP)
The next Marriage Education Program
will be held on 23 June 2019 at the BGF
Centre. Yes, ‘A Strong Marriage Doesn’t
30 March 2019 - 26th
BGF Counseling
Course Level 2: Field Visit to IQ70+
The Level 2 course is going smoothly and
due to be completed on 26 May 2019. Par-
ticipants who have attended at least 70%
of the lessons will be given Certificates
of Attendance. As part of their training,
30 course participants visited the IQ70+
Persatuan Kebajikan Kanak-Kanak Teren-
cat Akal Malaysia at Jalan Gasing, P. Jaya
on 30 March 2019. IQ70+ has 54 residents
who suffer from various mental health is-
sues including obsessive-compulsive dis-
order, attention-deficit hyperactivity dis-
order (ADHD), autism spectrum disorder
and others.
Here is an excerpt from the report from
course participant Bro Prakash Rao Sub-
rmaniam: “Undoubtedly, some of our BGF
participants in this Field Trip felt that the
IQ70+ children are “god gift angels” who need
true unconditional love which lies at the heart
of helping a loved one with mental issues to
develop positive self-esteem, healthier brain
development in childhood, enhanced ability to
forge positive relationships, greater stress re-
silience and stronger immune system….Last-
ly, we can’t deny the fact that the caregivers of
IQ70+ are doing their noble job with care, love
and patience. We, the participants of this field
The BGF Counseling Unit organized
a one-day workshop entitled “CARE:
Suicide Gatekeeper Training” on 2
March 2019. This event was opened to
the public (morning session only) and
our Para-Counselors (full day). We are
a member of Buddhist Mental Health
Association, and currently the Head of
Programme and Clinical Psychologist
at UTAR, lead this workshop.
Bro Pheh shared with us about C-A-
R-E, which includes 4 steps to helping
persons in a suicidal crisis. CARE
stands for Care and Concern for the
person, listening Attentively, Risks
and Review of suicidal tendencies, and
Ensuring that they seek professional
help for their suicidal issues.
We can show our empathy for people
in a suicidal crisis by listening and
acknowledging their feelings. While
listening, simple replies like mmm,
ei/eh, oh, wow can be given as a way
to indicate that we have been fully
Although it is generally a taboo in our
society to discuss suicides in public,
Bro Pheh pointed out that talking with
a suicidal person can help to relieve
their emotional pain. But WE SHOULD
NOT talk about the ways or methods of
committing suicide.
After the public talk in the morning,
Bro Pheh continued to train our Para-
Counselors on more extensive skills of
helping those in a suicidal crisis. It was
a very productive workshop that served
to equip our Para-Counselors with the
basic knowledge on how to handle a
suicidal crisis.
Just Happen!’ So please don’t miss the
opportunity to attend this workshop.
Further details are available on the
poster in this Outreach issue.
28 July 2019 - 27th
Counseling Workshop
The 27th
Counseling Workshop with the
tagline ‘Listening as a Gift’ provides an
opportunity for participants to discover
how a listening ear, a sincere smile and
the right questions can empower others
and turn lives around. It will be orga-
nized by graduates from the 26th
seling Course as follows:
Date : Sunday 28 July 2019
Time : 9.00am – 5.30pm
RM50 for adults and RM30 for students
(inclusive of lunch and 2 tea breaks).
For further details please contact the fol-
Sis Alice Wong 019-6642608
Sis Yvonne Mak 016-3691680
Sis Lee Lee 012-3820733
K n o w o u r s p e a k e r s
27th BGF Counseling Workshop
Empathy is seeing with the eyes of
another, listening with the ears of
another and feeling with the heart of
Join us in this journey to seek your
potential to be an empathetic listener to
yourself and those around you.
Give the gift of listening and make a
difference in your life and in the lives of
Sis Alice Wong +60 19-664 2608
Sis Yvonne Mak +60 16-369 1680
Sis Lee Lee +60 12-382 0733
Name : Buddhist Gem Fellowship
Bank : Public Bank Bhd (PBB)
Account No : 310 967 0729
RM 50 (adult)
RM 30 (student)
Inclusive of lunch and 2 tea breaks
BGF Counseling Unit
f : BGF.Counseling.Unit
Ven Jiru is going to teach the meditation
practice of "Four Foundations of
Mindfulness" and to show the importance
of the technique for people nowadays. He
usually teaches the mindfulness practice in
four postures: sitting, standing, walking and
laying down. Depending on the
participants' capability,Ven will flexibly
adjust his teaching content.
Born in Malaysia, Ven. Jiru was ordained as
a Theravāda monk in Thailand in 1980. He
later re-ordained in the Mahayana
tradition under the late Ven Zhumo in
Penang, in 1986. Ven Jiru came to the
United States in 1992 to give Dharma Talks,
and shortly thereafter was appointed the
Abbot of Great Enlightenment Temple of
Buddhist Association of U.S. in New York.
He became the Abbot of Mid-America
Buddhist Association since 1999, and
Chairman of International Buddhism
Friendship Association since 2000.
Register online at
For more information, kindly contact:
Bro Bobby Ng (012) 635 5571
Bro Lai Kim Looi (012) 210 2519
Email :
One Day Meditation Retreat:
Four Foundations of Mindfulness
by Ven Jiru, USA
D-G-2, Block D, Jalan PJU 1A/3K
Taipan 1, Ara Damansara
47301 Petaling Jaya
Selangor Darul Ehsan
For Non-Muslims Only
06.00 PM
About the Speaker
Dr. Peter Mack is a medical professional who specialises in
Surgery and works in a public hospital in Singapore for the past
four decades. Beyond his clinical practice, he has a special
interest in Wellness and Holistic Care. He is also a trained
Regression Therapist and has authored 4 books on past-life
healing and 2 books on adolescent anxiety and resilience. In
recent years he has delivered several public talks and seminars
1. Sis Chong Lang Chee
2. Bro Ong Fee Keng
3. Sis Yong Fooi Sze
4. Sis Tan Oi Yen
5. Sis Kok Tiow Keat
6. Sis Huen Su Yin
7. Bro Wee Joo Han
8. Sis Ho Hui Mei
9. Bro Chew Eng Hai
10. Sis Lim Ah Mee, Jane
11. Sis Goh Phoey Leng
12. Sis Kang Lee Chen
13. Sis Kong Poh Choo
The BGF Telephone Counseling Service now operates on Mondays to
Fridays from 7.30pm - 9.30pm. It is manned by volunteers who are trained
para-counselors from the BGF Counseling Unit and have been in service
since 1992. Please share this service with your family and friends who may
need a listening ear as they face life’s problems and challenges. Please
call 603-7859-9682 or 603-7859-9610.
Metta Meditation : Wednesdays : 8:30pm - 10:30pm
Guided by Prof. Datuk Seri Dr. Victor Wee, this meditation on metta (loving
kindness) to all sentient beings is excellent for mental cultivation and stress
relief. Suitable for beginners as well as experienced meditators. Please be
punctual in order not to disturb the sitting. For details, please contact Sis.
Elaine Low at 013-352 7662.
Qi Gong Class : Thursdays : 8:30pm - 10:30pm
You’ll be guided personally, stage by stage. Any queries, kindly contact
Bro. Chan Yin Hoong at 03-5519 2455 Ext. 211 or 012 – 328 6256.
Origin Point Therapy (OPT) : Saturdays : 10.00am - 12.00pm
Free Origin Point Therapy is available on Saturday 10am to 12pm. Please
wear soft cotton t-shirt and soft track bottom. Kindly bring along a bath and
a hand towel for hygiene purpose. Contact Bro. Lai Kim Looi 012-2102519, Sis.
Lee Wun Yin 019-2181259 or Bro. Steven Tan 012-2898133
Article / Feedback for Outreach : If you have attended any talks or events
organised by BGF and would like to share your experience, please write
to us. Email to the editor at Articles will be edited for
brevity and subjected to space availability. We welcome feedback or
suggestions for constant improvement.
Articles edited by Sis. Kit Lum. Layout by Sis. Quek Mei Joon.
Published by Buddhist Gem Fellowship, D-G-2, Block D, Jalan PJU 1A/3K,
Taipan 1, Ara Damansara, 47301 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia.
Contact: BGF Office 03-7734 7960 | BGF Administrator 018-663 5730
4 May 2019, Saturday
1.30am - 5.30pm
Abhidhamma in Daily Life
5 May 2019, Sunday
9.00am - 11.30am
Sunday@BGF with Sis. May Liu “Real
Parenting in Trigenerational Family”
9.00am - 12.30pm
Gem Kids & Gem Teens @L1&L2
11.30pm - 1.30pm
BGF Cafe Open
2.30pm - 5.30pm
26th BGF Couseling Course II@L1
6.00pm - 10.00pm
BGF 30th Anniversary Dinner
8 May 2019, Wednesday
8.00pm - 9.30pm
Dhamma Talk by Ven. Tshering Penjor,
11 May 2019, Saturday
1.30pm - 5.30pm
Abhidhamma in Daily Life (E)
12 May 2019, Sunday
1.30pm - 5.30pm
Abhidhamma in Daily Life (C)@L2
2.00pm - 4.00pm
Patchwork Craft @LG
2.30pm - 5.30pm
26th BGF Couseling Course II@L1
18 May 2019, Saturday
9.00am - 10.00pm
19 May 2019, Sunday
8.30am - 4.00pm
25 May 2019, Saturday
1.30pm - 5.30pm
Abhidhamma in Daily Life (E)
26 May 2019, Sunday
1.30pm - 5.30pm
Abhidhamma in Daily Life (C)@L2
2.00pm - 4.00pm
Patchwork Craft @LG
2.30pm - 5.30pm
26th BGF Couseling Course II@L1
2 June 2019, Sunday
9.00am - 11.30am
Sunday@BGF with Bro. Billy Tan
“Paticcasamuppada - part 1”
2, 9, 16, 23, 30 June 2019, Sunday
2.00pm - 4.00pm
Patchwork Craft @LG
5 - 8 June 2019
42nd INCOVAR Camp
5, 6, 8, 9 June 2019
9.00am - 5.30pm
4-Day Heart Sutta Workshop
15 June 2019, Saturday
2.00pm - 6.00pm
Dhamma Minders 5
16 June 2019, Sunday
9.00am - 11.30am
Sunday@BGF with Bro. Billy Tan
“Paticcasamuppada - part 2”
9.00am - 12.30pm
Gem Kids & Gem Teens @L1&L2
2.30pm - 5.30pm
26th BGF Couseling Course II@L1
23 June 2019, Sunday
9.00am - 5.30pm
Marriage Education Program
29 June 2019, Saturday
2.00pm - 6.00pm
Dhamma Minders 5
30 June 2019, Sunday
9.00am - 6.00pm
One Day Meditation Retreat with Ven. Jiru

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BGF Outreach May & June 2019

  • 1. A bi-monthly newsletter of the Buddhist Gem Fellowship May - June 2019 Issue No. 161 TEN DAYS OF SUTTA IMMERSION AND STILLNESS: AJAHN BRAHMALI’S MEDITATION AND SUTTA RETREAT SIS. KIT LUM OUTREACH In the Sutta I Retreat (March 15-17, 2019), Ajahn Brahmali wasted no time in leading us on a sutta adventure that chronicled The Life of The Buddha. From a selection of short delightful extracts highlighting the younger days of the Buddha, our journey took us into more sublime suttas about the Buddha’s tireless search for the noble truths, the path to awakening and the teaching of the Dhamma right up until The Great Passing Away of the Buddha. Next up, the Meditation Retreat (March 18-21, 2019) was one with a twist - a sutta twist, that is. Each day of meditation practice was punctuated by 2 short sutta sessions in which Ajahn Brahmali raised our awareness in mindfulness of breathing and ways to calm our minds and achieve ever more peaceful If there was anyone who had been highly anticipating Ajahn Brahmali’s Meditation and Sutta Retreat, it had to be me. I saw this as the perfect opportunity to escape the daily grind and find some peace, completely immersing myself in the Buddhist practices of meditation and sutta study for the duration of the retreat. I couldn’t wait to get started. Looking at the schedule, what struck me instantly was how the retreat had been structured like a sandwich, with one sutta retreat at each end and the meditation retreat right smack in the middle. This idea is pure genius, of course, simply because it offers participants a nice meditative break between the heavier, more intense sutta retreats. OUTREACH 1
  • 2. meditative states. These study sessions were certainly a welcome break from a day of guided meditation and self-practice. Finally, in the Sutta II Retreat (March 22-24, 2019), we embarked on The Thirty-Seven Aids to Awakening. Ajahn Brahmali, with his signature clear and systematic approach, guided us into the depths of the 4 Right Efforts, the 4 Applications of Mindfulness, the 4 Foundations for Spiritual Power, the 5 Spiritual Faculties, the 5 Spiritual Powers, the 7 Factors of Awakening and the Noble Eightfold Path. Yes, we covered a lot of ground in this retreat. Throughout the retreat, Ajahn Brahmali was patient, meticulous and often humorous when explaining the suttas, guiding us through meditation practice, and addressing our questions at the end of each day. The clever mix of suttas by Ajahn Brahmali - some light and down-to-earth, others deeper and more profound – was what kept me interested and engaged the whole time. I learned so much at this retreat and yet I realize this is only the tip of the iceberg. I hope Ajahn Brahmali likes us (and the coffee!) enough to come back next year to ‘brainwash’ us again with more suttas and meditation practice. If you missed this retreat, you can watch the talks by subscribing to BGF’s Youtube Channel, or view a sample by clicking on this link: To be notified of upcoming events via BGF’s Official Whatsapp Broadcast Channel, please add 018 6635730 to your phone contacts and click on this link: http://tinyurl. com/BGFBroadcast 30TH ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING ON 28 APRIL 2019 Congratulations to the new BGF EXCO 2019/2020! President: Datuk Seri Dr Victor Wee Eng Lye Deputy President: Bro. Tee Chee Seng Secretary: Sis. Jennifer Lim Chooi Har Assistant Secretary: Sis. Ngooi Ngok Ling Treasurer: Sis. Elain Low Lee Lim Elected Committees: 1. Bro. Bobby Ng Joo Khiam 2. Bro. Lai Kim Looi 3. Sis. Karen Ng Siow Chan 4. Sis. Dolly Teoh Paik Cheng 5. Sis. Hor Kam Peng 6. Bro. Lim Eng Ugim (Allex) 7. Sis. Wong Chung Heong 8. Bro. Mooi Chee Onn 9. Bro. Daniel Kwok Tak Hoong Honorary Auditors: 1. Sis. Chung Soo Hoon 2. Sis. Lee Siew Bee (Erin) OUTREACH2
  • 3.
  • 4. VESAK 2019 @ BGF Programme Highlights For more information, please contact: Bro. Tee (010) 400 5354, Bro. Si Nan (016) 227 6328 or Office (03) 7734 7960 May 2019 18Saturday 9am – 10pm May 2019 19Sunday 8.30am – 4pm Birth | Enlightenment | Maha-parinibbana VESAK is the day when devotees come to the Buddhist Centre to pay homage to the Buddha, reflect on His virtues, set aspirations, perform wholesome deeds and cultivate the mind through meditation. This year, we have lined up a series of wholesome opportunities for you and your family to participate in and further strengthen your faith in the Buddha-Dhamma.
  • 5. For more information, kindly contact : Dolly (+60 19-356 8879) Catherine Chen (+60 12-386 0785) 19-May-2019 | 9.00am - 2.00pm BGFCENTRE(LOWERGROUND) FOOD AVAILABLE Nasi Kunyit/Curry Chicken. Assam Laksa Fruit Rojak. Mee Siam. Fried Beehoon Acar Awak. Beehoon(Vegetarian) Nasi Lemak(Vegetarian). Kueh Mueh Tong Sui Kueh Tako Tim Tum Krob Coconut Jelly. Swiss Roll Healthy Organic Pau. Butter Bread. And Many Others. 9 Charity foodfair goes to BGF extension of 3rd floor. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Ladies Connection will have a CRAFT HANDIWORK and Preloved Items at Level 1. From 9am to 2.30pm
  • 6. Time 2.00 pm – 6.00 pm Registration Fees RM 100 (Training Materials & Refreshments) Closing Date 9-Jun-2019 Venue Buddhist Gem Fellowship Online Registration Dhamma Minders aims to allow new and current Dhamma Teachers to Learn, Unlearn and Relearn effective approaches to teach Buddhism to the Gen-Z. In collaboration with For more information, please contact: Sis. Mei Joon (012-351 7615) Sis. Pui Yen (017-321 1473) Date Topic Facilitators 15-Jun Learning Style, Personality & Teaching Methods for the Gen-Z Namo Buddhaya, Are You Praying? Ron Leong Tee Chee Seng 29-Jun ABC of Mindful Parenting - 1 Creativity in Teaching Dhamma Dr. Khoo Boon Hock Dr. Bugs Tan 6-Jul ABC of Mindful Parenting - 2 Quality of a Dhamma Teacher Dr. Khoo Boon Hock Dr. Tan Ho Soon 20-Jul Circle Time Introduction to the "Buddhist Bible" Woo Sau Mun Uncle Vijaya 3-Aug Activity-based Dhamma Learning for Gen-Z The Power of Speech Tee Chee Seng Datuk Charlie Chia 24-Aug Meditation for Children 1 & 2 Thang Mee Yuen 7-Sep Buddhist Music, Art & Crafts Mindful Cikgu - 1 Daniel Kwok & Michelle Yap KC Chiang 21-Sep Anger Management Mindful Cikgu - 2 Tee Chee Seng KC Chiang 5-Oct Handling Difficult Children Law of Kamma Tay Siok Eian Datuk Charlie Chia 19-Oct The Art of Giving Practical Teaching Graduation Ceremony Tee Chee Seng
  • 8. Bro. Kam Kok Wai is a Dhamma speaker from Hong Kong. He was formerly an actor with TVB and a singer in the Cantonese modern songs and opera circuit. His talk was in Cantonese and he has good speaking qualities like a strong clear voice, facial and hands gestures, use of rhythm and rhymes and smooth delivery. His talk content was well organized, and he uses a lot of humour, analogies and anecdotes to help with understanding the Dhamma which includes the difficult concept of ‘non self’ and illustrations on ‘purifying the mind and actions’. He kick-started and interacted with the audience with humourous stories of himself in his acting career and how he got to learn and be more learned in Buddhism along the way. Although I am not fluent in Cantonese but I was able to follow his talk. I appreciate the Buddha and Dhamma much better now after his explanation on why he felt the Buddha is the greatest teacher of our time and how the Dhamma can change our lives. He said that there is no other teacher who did, taught and achieve so much as the UNDERSTANDING DHAMMA BY BRO. KAM KOK WAI SIS. HOR KAM PENG I learnt a lot from the outing last week although it was really hot but our teammates went to MBO for some cold air. At first we did not really started out good so I begin to ask random strangers that I saw, and all of them did not know any of the answers. We even stop to get TeaAlive and some random teams were shouting at us. I think they are jealous. My whole shirt was drenched with sweat. The whole group were really pumped out. We used Starbucks to motivate us. Then we passed by a pillar and saw two sticky notes and we took it. After that we only knew that it was a foul. Our whole team was so angry. I actually learned that we should motivate each other so that our enthusiasm would appear. I think that we should be prepared and always show 100% of our spirit in everything we do. Lastly, on behalf of my teammates. I would like to say thank you to the teachers at BGF for spending time with us and thank you Teacher Avans for treating us Starbucks. I hope that the bill will not be too expensive. TREASURE HUNT AT CITTA MALL BY RYAN YEAP, 13 OUTREACH8
  • 9. Sakyamuni Buddha and the Dhamma is just simply the TRUTH. His teachings stand the test of science and personal experiences. And, he clearly stated that you are either a FAN or DISCIPLE of the Buddha. A fan just worships and has no inkling of the qualities of the Buddha and Dhamma. Whereas a disciple will always reflect on his teacher and teachings to check if he/she is doing right or wrong. That includes questioning some of the stories of the Buddha, Buddhist practices and rituals. He also explained why the lotus is an important symbol of the Buddha and Buddhism. He said every human life is like that of the muddy waters and always moving and if not, in turmoil much of the time. The Buddha being born as a human is no different like a lotus seed thrown into the muddy lake. But what grew from the seed into a beautiful flower, untainted, above the water and away from the mud is the aim we all should strive for. To still the mind, we need to pull out ‘attachment’ and stop stirring with anger, delusion, hatred, lust and all those bad thoughts and wants. He asked if breaking the 5 precepts will lead you to ‘hell’ situations while following the 10 precepts leads you to many ‘heaven’ states, so why does one choose to break the precepts? He reminded us to be aware of our thoughts and actions and once we realise it then we must correct immediately. When blaming others, look at ourselves in the mirror! Don’t grind on past unhappy events, drop them and jump out and let them go! He encouraged the audience to practice compassion towards everyone and be steadfast in purifying the mind and actions towards a stream enterer. The talk closed with a Q&A session with some in the audience asking him to conduct a workshop as the 2 hours talk was just not enough. Bro Kam also delivered a duet with his wife, Madam Chu for a Buddhist song in Cantonese opera style. With a full house audience, one could see there is a clamour from the crowd for more Dhamma talks from him! OUTREACH 9
  • 11. HIGHLIGHTS OF BGF COUNSELING UNIT (BGFCU) BRO. LIM CHEN YAM 2 March 2019 - CARE: Suicide Gate- keeper Training This free workshop was held on 2 March primarily for our Para-Counselors but was also open to the public for the first part in the morning. It was conducted by Bro Pheh Khai Shuen from UTAR. Read the full account by our Para-counselor, Sis Ho Mun Teng in this issue. 9 March 2019 - Para-Counselors Train- ing (PCT) for New Volunteers for Tele- phone Helplines Ten volunteers attended this training course. The intensive training conducted by fully-qualified counselors and expe- rienced facilitators is free-of-charge but requires the volunteers to serve the coun- seling lines for 2 years. Here is an excerpt from the report by par- ticipant Sis Catherine Seow: “The handful of early birds helped to set up the classroom but it was a nervy time for me as I am used to form and order. As my anxiety level cranked up, I continued to blunder by mistaking the trainer for one of the facilita- tors, as I have never met a trainer who had to do physical labour by helping to set up the classroom. My guilty conscience weighed on me as I had forgotten what the trainer looked like since the selection interview two months earlier.  As the class was delayed further by late com- ers, the trainer sped through the slides but oldie me needed a pee break or a breather from the onslaught on the screen…The class ended on a chaotic note for me because I was again thrown off balance by the announcement that the next two classes would be held at a dif- ferent venue. That said, I must confess that the fascinating middle of at least three solid hours of the four-hour class kept me anchored to journey on with Carl Rogers and more, as I stay committed to one day see the beautiful sunset in me unfold.” 13 April 2019 - Case Conceptualisation Workshop for Para-Counselors Here is the report by participant Sis Lily Chua: “On 13th April, 16 Para-Counselors went through a day’s workshop on Case Concep- tualization.  We learnt techniques to enable us to write case notes with better clarity and precision for more effective planning of fur- ther sessions with our Person-in-Need (PiN) as well as for better understanding by our su- pervising seniors handling our cases. While that sounded like the group sat through ago- nising hours of cardboard-dry lecture and endless form-filling, the reality was, we had such fun! During the workshop, conducted by Sis Siew Yin Heng, a Registered Counselor and our very own Training Co-ordinator, there were adrenaline-charged moments when we were broken up into groups to complete the assigned tasks which were then rated by our peers. It was really exciting to see what we learnt come to life! Of course, fun isn’t com- plete without food. Lunch was the potluck with abundance of mouth-watering pasta, briyani, a whole cake!, local delicacies, fruits and more (you feeling hungry yet? Join the BGFCU for food for the hearts and tum- mies...) happily chomped through with loads of camaraderie.” OUTREACH 11
  • 12. trip, really appreciate their tireless devotion to the special children. Our trip ended at 2.00pm after lunch with those children and before we left the place, our coordinators handed over some cash donations which were collected from our BGF participants on the day. It was with heavy hearts that we left heavens’ very special children.”  20 April 2019 - Broadening the Horizon of Success Seminar BGFCU together with the Buddhist Men- tal Health Association organised a free seminar, open to parents and their adoles- cent children, on the night of Saturday 20 April 2019. It was successfully conducted by Bro David Wong, a well-known fam- ily and couple therapist from Sydney, Australia. About 40 people attended the event. 23 June 2019 - Marriage Education Pro- gram (MEP) The next Marriage Education Program will be held on 23 June 2019 at the BGF Centre. Yes, ‘A Strong Marriage Doesn’t 30 March 2019 - 26th BGF Counseling Course Level 2: Field Visit to IQ70+ The Level 2 course is going smoothly and due to be completed on 26 May 2019. Par- ticipants who have attended at least 70% of the lessons will be given Certificates of Attendance. As part of their training, 30 course participants visited the IQ70+ Persatuan Kebajikan Kanak-Kanak Teren- cat Akal Malaysia at Jalan Gasing, P. Jaya on 30 March 2019. IQ70+ has 54 residents who suffer from various mental health is- sues including obsessive-compulsive dis- order, attention-deficit hyperactivity dis- order (ADHD), autism spectrum disorder and others. Here is an excerpt from the report from course participant Bro Prakash Rao Sub- rmaniam: “Undoubtedly, some of our BGF participants in this Field Trip felt that the IQ70+ children are “god gift angels” who need true unconditional love which lies at the heart of helping a loved one with mental issues to develop positive self-esteem, healthier brain development in childhood, enhanced ability to forge positive relationships, greater stress re- silience and stronger immune system….Last- ly, we can’t deny the fact that the caregivers of IQ70+ are doing their noble job with care, love and patience. We, the participants of this field OUTREACH12
  • 13. CARE: SUICIDE GATEKEEPER TRAINING SIS. HO MUN TENG The BGF Counseling Unit organized a one-day workshop entitled “CARE: Suicide Gatekeeper Training” on 2 March 2019. This event was opened to the public (morning session only) and our Para-Counselors (full day). We are gratefultohavehadBroPhehKaiShuen, a member of Buddhist Mental Health Association, and currently the Head of Programme and Clinical Psychologist at UTAR, lead this workshop. Bro Pheh shared with us about C-A- R-E, which includes 4 steps to helping persons in a suicidal crisis. CARE stands for Care and Concern for the person, listening Attentively, Risks and Review of suicidal tendencies, and Ensuring that they seek professional help for their suicidal issues. We can show our empathy for people in a suicidal crisis by listening and acknowledging their feelings. While listening, simple replies like mmm, ei/eh, oh, wow can be given as a way to indicate that we have been fully listening. Although it is generally a taboo in our society to discuss suicides in public, Bro Pheh pointed out that talking with a suicidal person can help to relieve their emotional pain. But WE SHOULD NOT talk about the ways or methods of committing suicide. After the public talk in the morning, Bro Pheh continued to train our Para- Counselors on more extensive skills of helping those in a suicidal crisis. It was a very productive workshop that served to equip our Para-Counselors with the basic knowledge on how to handle a suicidal crisis. Just Happen!’ So please don’t miss the opportunity to attend this workshop. Further details are available on the poster in this Outreach issue. 28 July 2019 - 27th Counseling Workshop The 27th Counseling Workshop with the tagline ‘Listening as a Gift’ provides an opportunity for participants to discover how a listening ear, a sincere smile and the right questions can empower others and turn lives around. It will be orga- nized by graduates from the 26th Coun- seling Course as follows: Date : Sunday 28 July 2019 Time : 9.00am – 5.30pm RM50 for adults and RM30 for students (inclusive of lunch and 2 tea breaks). For further details please contact the fol- lowing: Sis Alice Wong 019-6642608 Sis Yvonne Mak 016-3691680 Sis Lee Lee 012-3820733 OUTREACH 13
  • 15. K n o w o u r s p e a k e r s LoiHuiKong TrainingConsultant–CreativeThinking, LateralThinking,ManagementDevelopment LeeYukSuat QualifiedCounselor OrganisationalDevelopmentSpecialist RaymundJagan RegisteredCounselor KeekSengBee Consultant–StrategicThinking, LeadershipDevelopment&Competence 27th BGF Counseling Workshop Empathy is seeing with the eyes of another, listening with the ears of another and feeling with the heart of another. Join us in this journey to seek your potential to be an empathetic listener to yourself and those around you. Give the gift of listening and make a difference in your life and in the lives of others. Sis Alice Wong +60 19-664 2608 Sis Yvonne Mak +60 16-369 1680 Sis Lee Lee +60 12-382 0733 Name : Buddhist Gem Fellowship Bank : Public Bank Bhd (PBB) Account No : 310 967 0729 Fees RM 50 (adult) RM 30 (student) Inclusive of lunch and 2 tea breaks BGF Counseling Unit f : BGF.Counseling.Unit OUTREACH 15
  • 16. Ven Jiru is going to teach the meditation practice of "Four Foundations of Mindfulness" and to show the importance of the technique for people nowadays. He usually teaches the mindfulness practice in four postures: sitting, standing, walking and laying down. Depending on the participants' capability,Ven will flexibly adjust his teaching content. Born in Malaysia, Ven. Jiru was ordained as a Theravāda monk in Thailand in 1980. He later re-ordained in the Mahayana tradition under the late Ven Zhumo in Penang, in 1986. Ven Jiru came to the United States in 1992 to give Dharma Talks, and shortly thereafter was appointed the Abbot of Great Enlightenment Temple of Buddhist Association of U.S. in New York. He became the Abbot of Mid-America Buddhist Association since 1999, and Chairman of International Buddhism Friendship Association since 2000. Register online at 30 JUN SUNDAY ONE DAY RETREAT For more information, kindly contact: Bro Bobby Ng (012) 635 5571 Bro Lai Kim Looi (012) 210 2519 Email : One Day Meditation Retreat: Four Foundations of Mindfulness by Ven Jiru, USA BUDDHIST GEM FELLOWSHIP D-G-2, Block D, Jalan PJU 1A/3K Taipan 1, Ara Damansara 47301 Petaling Jaya Selangor Darul Ehsan OPEN TO PUBLIC For Non-Muslims Only 09.00 06.00 PM AM 2019 to
  • 17.
  • 18. About the Speaker Dr. Peter Mack is a medical professional who specialises in Surgery and works in a public hospital in Singapore for the past four decades. Beyond his clinical practice, he has a special interest in Wellness and Holistic Care. He is also a trained Regression Therapist and has authored 4 books on past-life healing and 2 books on adolescent anxiety and resilience. In recent years he has delivered several public talks and seminars onpastliferegressioninbothSingaporeandMalaysia. OUTREACH18
  • 19. 1. Sis Chong Lang Chee 2. Bro Ong Fee Keng 3. Sis Yong Fooi Sze 4. Sis Tan Oi Yen 5. Sis Kok Tiow Keat 6. Sis Huen Su Yin NEW ORDINARY MEMBER 7. Bro Wee Joo Han 8. Sis Ho Hui Mei 9. Bro Chew Eng Hai 10. Sis Lim Ah Mee, Jane 11. Sis Goh Phoey Leng 12. Sis Kang Lee Chen 13. Sis Kong Poh Choo The BGF Telephone Counseling Service now operates on Mondays to Fridays from 7.30pm - 9.30pm. It is manned by volunteers who are trained para-counselors from the BGF Counseling Unit and have been in service since 1992. Please share this service with your family and friends who may need a listening ear as they face life’s problems and challenges. Please call 603-7859-9682 or 603-7859-9610. Metta Meditation : Wednesdays : 8:30pm - 10:30pm Guided by Prof. Datuk Seri Dr. Victor Wee, this meditation on metta (loving kindness) to all sentient beings is excellent for mental cultivation and stress relief. Suitable for beginners as well as experienced meditators. Please be punctual in order not to disturb the sitting. For details, please contact Sis. Elaine Low at 013-352 7662. Qi Gong Class : Thursdays : 8:30pm - 10:30pm You’ll be guided personally, stage by stage. Any queries, kindly contact Bro. Chan Yin Hoong at 03-5519 2455 Ext. 211 or 012 – 328 6256. Origin Point Therapy (OPT) : Saturdays : 10.00am - 12.00pm Free Origin Point Therapy is available on Saturday 10am to 12pm. Please wear soft cotton t-shirt and soft track bottom. Kindly bring along a bath and a hand towel for hygiene purpose. Contact Bro. Lai Kim Looi 012-2102519, Sis. Lee Wun Yin 019-2181259 or Bro. Steven Tan 012-2898133 REGULAR & WEEKLY ACTIVITIES Article / Feedback for Outreach : If you have attended any talks or events organised by BGF and would like to share your experience, please write to us. Email to the editor at Articles will be edited for brevity and subjected to space availability. We welcome feedback or suggestions for constant improvement. Articles edited by Sis. Kit Lum. Layout by Sis. Quek Mei Joon. Published by Buddhist Gem Fellowship, D-G-2, Block D, Jalan PJU 1A/3K, Taipan 1, Ara Damansara, 47301 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia. Contact: BGF Office 03-7734 7960 | BGF Administrator 018-663 5730 Website: OUTREACH 19
  • 20. 4 May 2019, Saturday 1.30am - 5.30pm Abhidhamma in Daily Life 5 May 2019, Sunday 9.00am - 11.30am Sunday@BGF with Sis. May Liu “Real Parenting in Trigenerational Family” 9.00am - 12.30pm Gem Kids & Gem Teens @L1&L2 11.30pm - 1.30pm BGF Cafe Open 2.30pm - 5.30pm 26th BGF Couseling Course II@L1 6.00pm - 10.00pm BGF 30th Anniversary Dinner 8 May 2019, Wednesday 8.00pm - 9.30pm Dhamma Talk by Ven. Tshering Penjor, Bhutan 11 May 2019, Saturday 1.30pm - 5.30pm Abhidhamma in Daily Life (E) 12 May 2019, Sunday 1.30pm - 5.30pm Abhidhamma in Daily Life (C)@L2 2.00pm - 4.00pm Patchwork Craft @LG 2.30pm - 5.30pm 26th BGF Couseling Course II@L1 18 May 2019, Saturday 9.00am - 10.00pm VESAK EVE PROGRAM 19 May 2019, Sunday 8.30am - 4.00pm VESAK DAY PROGRAM 25 May 2019, Saturday 1.30pm - 5.30pm Abhidhamma in Daily Life (E) 26 May 2019, Sunday 1.30pm - 5.30pm Abhidhamma in Daily Life (C)@L2 2.00pm - 4.00pm Patchwork Craft @LG 2.30pm - 5.30pm 26th BGF Couseling Course II@L1 2 June 2019, Sunday 9.00am - 11.30am Sunday@BGF with Bro. Billy Tan “Paticcasamuppada - part 1” 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 June 2019, Sunday 2.00pm - 4.00pm Patchwork Craft @LG 5 - 8 June 2019 42nd INCOVAR Camp 5, 6, 8, 9 June 2019 9.00am - 5.30pm 4-Day Heart Sutta Workshop 15 June 2019, Saturday 2.00pm - 6.00pm Dhamma Minders 5 16 June 2019, Sunday 9.00am - 11.30am Sunday@BGF with Bro. Billy Tan “Paticcasamuppada - part 2” 9.00am - 12.30pm Gem Kids & Gem Teens @L1&L2 2.30pm - 5.30pm 26th BGF Couseling Course II@L1 23 June 2019, Sunday 9.00am - 5.30pm Marriage Education Program 29 June 2019, Saturday 2.00pm - 6.00pm Dhamma Minders 5 30 June 2019, Sunday 9.00am - 6.00pm One Day Meditation Retreat with Ven. Jiru MAY JUNE ACTIVITIES AT A GLANCE OUTREACH20