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Your Guide To
Includes Survey Results Showing How BBB Accredited Businesses Build Trust and Credibility with Customers
About This Guide
BBB Accredited Businesses want to know
what they can do to stand out and attract
new customers in today’s highly
competitive marketplace.
Traditional marketing and advertising is no
longer the most effective way to promote
your business. To stand out, you need
people talking about you, especially online.
You need positive word-of-mouth to grow
your business.
This guide reveals industry insights and
best practices, backed by primary research,
for becoming a highly visible and
trustworthy brand.
Who is it for?
All business owners, managers, marketers,
and business development professionals.
Table of Contents
Introduction [4]
Start With Trust®
The No. 1 Reason Businesses Choose BBB Accreditation
What It Takes To Be A Trusted Brand
Give People Something To Talk About [8]
The No. 1 Source Of New Customers
Give Them Something To Talk About By “Being More”
Do Something Good
Make An Emotional Connection
Become An Industry Expert
Increase Word-Of-Mouth Via Social Media [17]
The Power Of Social Media
Which Social Networks Should You Be On?
Master The Three E’s of Word-Of-Mouth
Create Shareworthy Content
Harness The Power Of Consumer Reviews [23]
Find Your Customer Reviews
Respond To Reviews Like A Pro
Positive Reviews Build Trust!
Best Places To Collect Reviews
Accreditation Builds Credibility And Trust With Customers [30]
Which BBB Tools Do Accredited Businesses Like Best?
Favorite BBB Tools Used By BBB Accredited Businesses
About BBB [35]
In today’s marketplace, the success of your business is
influenced by popular opinion. Consumers trust other
consumers to help them decide where to buy.
What does this mean for you?
Build a business worth talking about, so your
customers do the selling for you. Then, when
new referrals come your way, your Accreditation
will help prospects know they can trust you.
say they trust
recommendations of
friends and family.1
are influenced by
word-of-mouth when making
their buying decisions.2
trust online reviews as much as
personal recommendations.3
Here are the facts
identify word-of-mouth as a
key influencer in their
purchasing decisions.4
The No. 1 Reason Businesses
Choose BBB Accreditation
In the 2016 BBB Accredited Business Survey, BBB
Accredited Businesses were asked, “What was
the number one reason you decided to
become BBB Accredited?”5
Build Trust With
Consumers (66%)
Grow My
Business (7%)
Get More Leads (3%)
Support BBB’s
Mission To Build
Trust In The
Marketplace (21%)
Other (3%)
“81% of consumers
familiar with the BBB
Seal are more likely to
trust a business if it
carries the BBB
Accredited Seal.”6
Trust precedes everything: attracting
new customers, creating brand
advocates, and growing a
profitable business.
Starting with trust means you build it
into your organization from the ground
up (creating quality products, hiring
good employees, etc.). You don’t have
to convince consumers to buy. Your
reputation does the selling for you.
Establish and maintain a positive reputation.
Honor all of your written and verbal promises.
Respond quickly and professionally to
consumer concerns.
Always tell the truth, even if it costs you
a sale.
Be transparent and give your customers all
the information they need to make a well
informed buying decision.
Protect consumer information and respect
how they want you to use it.
Communicate honestly about products
and services.
Review the list above.
Can you check off
everything? If not, put
together a plan to get
your business on the
right track.
What It Takes To Be
A Trusted Brand
“The No. 1
of big
The No. 1 Source Of New Customers
What is the most
trusted form of
advertising these days?
Word-of-mouth. It’s also the
number one source of new
customers for BBB Accredited
Businesses, according to
BBB research.5
Today’s consumers prefer
learning about your business
from other customers.
BBB is top of mind as a source of
information, recommendations,
ratings, and advice about trusted
businesses. In a recent study, 91%
of consumers familiar with BBB
agreed that BBB is trustworthy.6
Word-of-mouth marketing:
Turn routine customer interactions into remarkable customer experiences.
Online or offline - be friendly, helpful, relevant, and trustworthy.
How do you generate
more word-of-mouth?
Observe what other successful
businesses are doing. Otherwise,
stick to the basics. Have integrity
and provide each customer
top-notch service. Then they won’t
be able to stop themselves from
telling their friends about you.
Give Them Something To Talk
About By “Being More”
BBB Accredited since 1971
Be More Friendly and Fun
This 45-year-old company is known for
its friendly and fun flight attendants, as
well as its top-notch customer service.
These core values help to support the
airline’s focus on providing great
customer experiences.
How do you get people talking about you? Differentiate yourself by “being more.” What does being more mean? It
means doing more to exceed customer expectations and deliver unforgettable customer experiences – the type of
experiences that turn into glowing reviews and increased referrals. Want to learn how to Be More? Follow those
who do it best.
“Customer appreciation day is
every day. Our customers mean
everything to us. We like to think
of ourselves as a Customer
Service company that happens
to fly airplanes.”
- Southwest Airlines
BBB Accredited since 2011
Chicago, IL
Be More Compassionate
“We treat our customers like
family. We want to be that
place that everyone wants to
go to after work or to bring
their family, kind of like that
old TV show, Cheers, where
everyone knows your name.
That’s the standard we live by,”
Justin Grohnke, Store Manager,
Beggar’s Pizza.
BBB Accredited since 2013
Nashville, TN
Be More Reliable
“We walk the walk. We work
very hard on that every day in
order to earn and keep the
loyalty of our customers.
BBB Accreditation helps drive
new customers to our door,
but it’s up to us to support
that trust and not disappoint
them,” Steve Bass, Owner,
Bass Tire Company.
BBB Accredited since 1976
St. Paul, MN
Be More Attentive
“We listen to our customers.
By delivering what they want,
first you need to understand
what they want, so we pay
attention to what they tell us.
The consumer will always give
you a roadmap to success if you
just pay attention,” Jeff Warner,
President & Owner, Warners’
Stellian Company, Inc.
Key Differentiators Of Businesses That Choose To Be More
1. Offer fun and friendly service.
2. Put employees first.
3. Listen to customers.
4. Treat customers like family.
5. Operate responsibly.
6. Go the extra mile.
7. Give back.
8. Honor every promise.
Ways Other BBB Accredited Businesses Have Chosen To Be More
Do Something Good
According to a study by Cone Communications and
Echo Research,
82% of consumers choose
businesses that demonstrate
corporate social responsibility.
If you want to get and keep your customers’
attention (especially millennials), do something
that has meaning and helps others. Younger
generations are passionate about the
environment, the cities they live in, and making
the world a better place.
Whether you’re putting on an event in your
community or taking on a good cause, ask people
to participate and get involved. Make doing good
part of your business strategy. In helping others,
you’ll build more trust, loyalty, and awareness for
your brand.
You already have a great start!
As a BBB Accredited Business you’re already
contributing significantly to a great cause, BBB’s
mission to advance trust in the marketplace. By
upholding higher standards of ethical business
practices, you are an example to your industry
peers and your Accredited status helps customers
recognize trustworthy businesses.
Make An
Making a good
impression with a
customer doesn’t
always stem from
better features and
lower prices. Most
often, customers form
to businesses that
make an emotional
connection with them.
People are influenced first by their
emotions. Logic and reason are
secondary when it comes to making
purchase decisions. “These
unconscious feelings can have a very
concrete impact on your business.
Emotional connections can determine
the strength and length of a customer
relationship. They drive passion,
loyalty, and advocacy.”9
Brands that make
emotional connections
with customers
outperform competitors by
26% in gross margin
outperform competitors by
85% in sales growth
form first
solve a
have a fun and
and empathy
take on
a social
in one
thank you
appeal to
at least 3 times more likely
to recommend a business
at least 3 times more likely
to purchase again
Their customers are
Become An Industry Expert
Post content online
Creating and posting your
own content online is a great
way to brand yourself as an
industry expert. You can do
this by producing webinars,
white papers, blog posts,
and other forms of content
specific to your industry.
Establish yourself as an expert or thought leader in your field. This can help your
brand’s credibility, recognition, and give you greater online exposure.
Host an event
Hosting events allows you to
have face time with potential
customers and build more
meaningful connections with
them. Types of events you
could host include: lunch and
learns, charity events, open
houses, block parties, grand
openings, and more.
Speak at an event
This is a great way to show
off your expertise and build
trust with prospects. If your
event goes well, people will
want to talk to you. You
may even generate more
leads from people they
know who are interested in
what you sell.
Write a blog
Writing a blog allows you to show your brand's
personality and provide additional value by offering
useful and relevant content to your customers and
prospects. It keeps your business on top of
consumers' minds, so the next time they're looking
to hire a business like yours, they will think of you.
Attend industry events
Get your name out there by attending
networking and industry-related events. Check
with your local BBB to see if they are holding
any professional events or seminars. Attending
one of these is a great opportunity to connect
with other BBB Accredited experts in your area.
1. Send a handwritten thank-you note to 5 customers.
2. Participate in one of your local BBB’s upcoming
community or networking events.
3. Create and post content online about topics relating to
your industry.
4. Have your team volunteer at a local event or cause.
More Ways To Become An Industry Expert
The Power Of Social Media
Social media can be a great tool for generating
real conversations about your brand and
building trust with customers and prospects.
Instead of using social media as just another
channel to promote your business, use it to
build a community that believes in what
you stand for.
of consumers use social
media networks for
If you’ve got all your
ducks in a row,
influential voices will be
singing your praises.
“Social Media gave a voice to consumers. It
helped them take control of the way brands
communicate and promote their products to
them. Nowadays, opinion leaders are called
influencers and they, more often than not,
share their influence on social media.”11
Largest BBB Industry Groups And Their Networks5
Construction &
Facebook 72%
LinkedIn 38%
Twitter 20%
HVAC, Electrical &
Facebook 77%
LinkedIn 38%
Twitter 28%
Facebook 76%
LinkedIn 53%
Twitter 33%
Facebook 88%
Twitter 44%
LinkedIn 31%
Auto Repair/Body
Facebook 84%
Twitter 27%
LinkedIn 22%
Financial Services
Facebook 69%
LinkedIn 62%
Twitter 36%
& Travel
Facebook 93%
Twitter 43%
Instagram 43%
Facebook 78%
LinkedIn 71%
Twitter 35%
Real Estate &
Property Management
Facebook 81%
LinkedIn 54%
Twitter 35%
Professional Cleaning
Facebook 73%
LinkedIn 45%
Twitter 23%
There are no short-cuts to building trusted relationships
with your customers. Many businesses don’t use social
media the way it is intended, to engage and connect
with people and be part of a two-way conversation.
Before you can expect thousands of followers, likes,
and shares, you must consistently engage and interact
with your audience. Answering their questions and
providing useful information is a great place to start.
Give your fans something to talk about. What content
would be interesting enough for them to want to share
with others? It could be amazing new products that
solve problems in a unique way, insider knowledge,
funny behind-the-scenes stories, community events,
shocking or little known facts, or inspiring videos or
Ask people to share. A call-to-action button saying,
“please share” or “reTweet” generates between 50-80%
more shares than businesses who never invite their
followers to share.12
Master The Three E’s
Of Word-Of-Mouth
To build a strong and loyal
following, you must engage
with your audience by being
helpful and having two-way
1. Share a piece of BBB content on your social networks.
2. Engage with at least 10 people on social media this week
(comment, share, or like their posts).
3. Share at least one post that is meaningful to your
customers and see if they comment, like, or share it.
Create Shareworthy Content
“How-to” Posts
Introduces a problem and
then offers a solution
Focuses on one topic
Detailed information on a
specific topic, may include
Gives a reason or purpose
for something, often
supported by research
and evidence
“List” Posts
“What” Posts
“Why” Posts
Articles, Videos,
Infographics, Webinars
Articles, Infographics,
Articles, Infographics,
Slideshares, Videos,
Podcasts, Webinars
Articles, Infographics,
Videos, Slideshares
“How To French-Braid
Your Hair In 30 Seconds”
“10 Surefire Ways To Get
Your Kids To Stop
“What Your Utility Bill
Will Look Like This Year”
“Why You Shouldn’t
Wait Until Black Friday
To Do Your Holiday
Customer reviews have never been more influential
than they are today. Over 90 percent of consumers are
looking at online reviews before making purchases.13
Besides, there are virtually dozens of places
where consumers can post a review. Some include
social media, local listings, and independent consumer
review sites.
Find Your Customer Reviews
There are dozens of online tools available that
can monitor your online reputation and alert you
each time your brand is mentioned. To see a list
of options, go to any search engine and type
“customer review monitoring tool.”
Sixty-seven percent
of consumers are
influenced by
independent online
review sites before
making purchases.14
To Reviews
Like A Pro
Once you start tracking your
reviews, be ready to respond
quickly and appropriately. Make
it a habit to respond to all your
reviews, positive or negative. It
shows you appreciate and value
your customers’ feedback, even
when it isn’t good.
An occasional bad review isn’t
going to ruin your reputation as
long as you address it. If anything,
it will make you more human -
more authentic - more trustworthy.
57% of consumers are
suspicious of brands
that only have
positive reviews.10
1. Automate the process
Use online tools to notify you when new reviews
or mentions about your business appear online.
2. Respond in a calm state
It’s natural to feel defensive and even angry
when getting a negative review. But, before
you hit send, put your emotions in check so you
can respond from a place that is professional
and helpful.
3. See criticism as an opportunity
Sometimes negative feedback can be really good
for your business. It can shed light on problems
and help you improve your business.
4. Say, “I’m sorry”
Saying a genuine "I’m sorry" has the power to
defuse the situation, allowing for open and
honest communication.
5. Don’t make excuses
Own your mistakes and find a way to make things
right. If you do nothing or fail to repair the
relationship, the average wronged customer will tell
16 people about it.15
6. Educate your customers
Sometimes your customers don’t have all the
information. Correct any inaccuracies and help them
understand why your prices may be higher or why
certain features aren’t included.
Don’t let bad reviews ruin your day. Use them as
opportunities to strengthen your hard earned reputation.
Positive Reviews Build Trust!
Your customers are your mouthpieces. They can influence hundreds (if not thousands) of strangers to buy from
you. Having lots of positive reviews helps to demonstrate you are a business people trust.
believe positive reviews
deliver a good return
on investment.16
say positive customer
reviews make them trust
a business more.3
researched a referral
before making contact
with that business.17
83% 72% 90%
Put a button or sign on your website, social media
pages, place of business, and other company assets
that says something like, “Check us out on!”
This not only helps consumers find more information
about you, but also shows them where they can
leave a review.
Deliver the type of exceptional service that knocks
your customers’ socks off. That’s the best way to
differentiate yourself and motivate your delighted
customers to tell everyone they know to do
business with you.
Two Ways To Get Positive Reviews Without Being Pushy
Show Consumers
Where You’re Listed
Go Above
And Beyond
1. Make sure all your listings are up-to-date,
especially your BBB Business Profile Page.
2. Ask 5 customers this week for a review.
Best Places To Collect Reviews
Each business can create a
BBB Profile that includes your
contact information, website,
and customer reviews. You
can attach a link from this
page to any email or card,
which invites your customers
to leave a review.
Social Media
Social media platforms can be
additional hubs for collecting
reviews and increasing your
exposure. One effective way to
get people to leave feedback on
social media is to conduct a
survey or poll about the services
or products you offer.
Local Listings
There are several consumer
review sites that will let you
list your business for free
online. Having a presence on
these sites shows
transparency and can
improve your website’s SEO.
Which BBB Tools Do
Accredited Businesses Like Best?
In 2016, almost 3,000 BBB Accredited
were asked which BBB tools
help them build the most credibility and
trust with consumers.
Word-of-mouth and referral marketing get
people to your door, but your mark of
Accreditation helps your business stand out
from the crowd.
Top Trust Building Tools Used
By Accredited Businesses
Showing and Telling Consumers
They are BBB Accredited
BBB Rating
BBB Accredited
Business Directory
BBB Seal
BBB Business
Profile Page
Mancuso Motorsports, Chicago, IL
We do over $6M in revenue annually. Seventy percent of our
business is out of state. Customers are looking for assurance
we are a dependable and honest organization. They
routinely look to BBB for verification. Probably every day.
People see my ad and BBB’s Accreditation
Seal and know it is legitimate.
A Step Beyond & Associates,
Winnipeg, MB
“ ”
BBB’s Seal counts for a lot. Most of my
business is word-of-mouth, but I think
seeing the Seal gives an extra
level of trust.
Riverway Recording Studio, LLC, Hartford, CT Temco Distributors, LLC, Oklahoma City, OK
Clients viewed our BBB profile and trusted our BBB
Accredited A+ rating, and this was enough for them
to order from our website, and we are talking
10K orders!
What Do Businesses Have To Say About Accreditation?
Having that sign on the door gives our
customers confidence that we will be
honest and provide good service.
Schaefer Auto Body Centers, St. Louis, MO
DISCLAIMER: The following testimonials are real-life accounts however they are not a typical reflection of BBB Accreditation as actual results may vary.
Favorite BBB Tools Used By
BBB Accredited Businesses
BBB research also shows what tools have helped BBB
Accredited Businesses the most.5
BBB Accredited Business
Directory (48%)
Opportunities (7%)
Report (10%)
Request A
Quote (12%)
Seal (53%)
Other (11%)
*more than one response allowed
It’s no surprise that BBB Accredited
Businesses place the highest value
on BBB’s Accreditation Seal. Why?
The Seal
1. Sets you apart from competitors.
2. Builds trust with prospects who
find your business online.
3. Boosts your credibility when
customers check out your
business after receiving a referral.
1. Make sure your BBB Accreditation Seal is on all your
digital assets: your social media pages, web pages,
email signature line, etc.
2. Call your local BBB to make sure you understand all the
benefits available to help you build trust and connect
with your customers. 34
Don’t conceal the Seal! Put it everywhere!
If you’re not using BBB’s Accreditation Seal now,
you could be missing out on customer leads and
business opportunities. “81% of consumers familiar
with the BBB Seal are more likely to trust a
business if it carries the BBB Accredited Seal.”6
Put the Seal on every customer touch point
Vehicle stickers or magnets
Doors and windows
Email signatures
Direct mail
Client proposals
Landing pages
Social media pages
Business cards
For over 100 Years BBB’s mission has been to be a leader
in promoting trust in the marketplace.
instances of service to
businesses, charities, and
the general public each year.
In the past couple of
years, BBB has provided 225 Million
• Business Profile Inquiries
• Consumer Complaints
• Scam Alerts
• Customer Reviews
• Mediations and Arbitrations
• Auto Line Cases
• Investigations
• Advertising Reviews
• General Assistance, Counseling,
and Industry Information
• Charity Reports and Tips on and
Some of these services include:
Our Mission
Our Work
We Invite You To Take The
Next Step
Become BBB Accredited
Be Part of a Movement
Join an elite group of
Accredited Businesses that are
proactively building trust and
credibility with customers.
Become an
Industry Leader
Be seen as an industry leader
who values ethical business
practices and promotes trust.
Differentiates Your
Stand out from your
competitors in a positive way.
Enhances Your Credibility
The BBB Seal Of Accreditation
adds additional credibility to every
BBB Accredited Business.
Business Perks
Accredited Businesses enjoy several
exclusive tools and resources that
help them build trust and increase
their marketplace exposure.
With BBB Accreditation Comes Great Advantages
If you’d like to know more about Accreditation, visit
BBB’s Your Guide To Becoming The Most Talked About Brand
Published by BBB & Streampage
Design by Streampage
1344 West 75 North
Centerville, UT 84014
No part of this publication may be reproduced,
distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, or
stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior
written permission of the publisher.
Visit our website at
Nielsen (2015), Nielsen Report: “Global Trust in Advertising” -
full citation: “More than eight-in-10 global respondents (83%)
say they completely or somewhat trust the recommendations of
friends and family.”
Useful Social Media (2014), “How Social Media Amplifies the
Power of Word-of-Mouth”
Search Engine Land (2014), “88% Of Consumers Trust Online
Reviews As Much As Personal Recommendations”
Ogilvy/Google/TNS (2014), “When the Path to Purchase
Becomes the Path to Purpose”
Streampage BBB Accredited Business Survey (2016)
Nielsen 2017
Cohn & Wolfe (2014), “The Age of Authenticity”
Cone Communications and Echo Research (2013), “2013 Cone
Communications/Echo Global CSR Study”
101 Business Insights (2015), “Four Key Strategies for Building
Emotional Connections with your Customers”
Mintel (2015), "Seven in 10 Americans Seek Out Opinions
Before Making Purchases"
WeRSM (2015), “The True Power Of Word Of Mouth In The
Digital Age”
Practical Ecommerce (2014), “7 Ways to Get People to
Share Your Content”
BrightLocal (2015), “92% of Consumers Now Read Online
Reviews for Local Businesses!”
Moz (2015), “New Study: Data Reveals 67% of Consumers
are Influenced by Online Reviews”
Retail Customer Experience (2011), “Survey: Twice as
many people tell others about bad service than good”
ReviewTrackers (2015), "Experts Weigh In: Improve Online
Reviews, Yield Positive ROI"
Yokoco (2014), "Word of Mouth Marketing in the
Digital Age”

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Better Business Bureau Accreditation Guide- Dallas, Tx

  • 1. BECOMING THE MOST TALKED ABOUT BRAND Your Guide To Includes Survey Results Showing How BBB Accredited Businesses Build Trust and Credibility with Customers
  • 2. About This Guide Why? BBB Accredited Businesses want to know what they can do to stand out and attract new customers in today’s highly competitive marketplace. What? Traditional marketing and advertising is no longer the most effective way to promote your business. To stand out, you need people talking about you, especially online. You need positive word-of-mouth to grow your business. How? This guide reveals industry insights and best practices, backed by primary research, for becoming a highly visible and trustworthy brand. Who is it for? All business owners, managers, marketers, and business development professionals. 2
  • 3. Table of Contents Introduction [4] Start With Trust® [5] The No. 1 Reason Businesses Choose BBB Accreditation What It Takes To Be A Trusted Brand Give People Something To Talk About [8] The No. 1 Source Of New Customers Give Them Something To Talk About By “Being More” Do Something Good Make An Emotional Connection Become An Industry Expert Increase Word-Of-Mouth Via Social Media [17] The Power Of Social Media Which Social Networks Should You Be On? Master The Three E’s of Word-Of-Mouth Create Shareworthy Content Harness The Power Of Consumer Reviews [23] Find Your Customer Reviews Respond To Reviews Like A Pro Positive Reviews Build Trust! Best Places To Collect Reviews Accreditation Builds Credibility And Trust With Customers [30] Which BBB Tools Do Accredited Businesses Like Best? Favorite BBB Tools Used By BBB Accredited Businesses About BBB [35] 3
  • 4. Introduction In today’s marketplace, the success of your business is influenced by popular opinion. Consumers trust other consumers to help them decide where to buy. What does this mean for you? Build a business worth talking about, so your customers do the selling for you. Then, when new referrals come your way, your Accreditation will help prospects know they can trust you. 4 83% OF GLOBAL CONSUMERS say they trust recommendations of friends and family.1 91% OF B2B BUYERS are influenced by word-of-mouth when making their buying decisions.2 88% OF CONSUMERS trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations.3 Here are the facts 74% OF CONSUMERS identify word-of-mouth as a key influencer in their purchasing decisions.4
  • 6. The No. 1 Reason Businesses Choose BBB Accreditation In the 2016 BBB Accredited Business Survey, BBB Accredited Businesses were asked, “What was the number one reason you decided to become BBB Accredited?”5 6 Build Trust With Consumers (66%) Grow My Business (7%) Get More Leads (3%) Support BBB’s Mission To Build Trust In The Marketplace (21%) Other (3%) “81% of consumers familiar with the BBB Seal are more likely to trust a business if it carries the BBB Accredited Seal.”6 Trust precedes everything: attracting new customers, creating brand advocates, and growing a profitable business. Starting with trust means you build it into your organization from the ground up (creating quality products, hiring good employees, etc.). You don’t have to convince consumers to buy. Your reputation does the selling for you.
  • 7. Establish and maintain a positive reputation. Honor all of your written and verbal promises. Respond quickly and professionally to consumer concerns. Always tell the truth, even if it costs you a sale. Be transparent and give your customers all the information they need to make a well informed buying decision. Protect consumer information and respect how they want you to use it. Communicate honestly about products and services. Review the list above. Can you check off everything? If not, put together a plan to get your business on the right track. Chapter Challenge What It Takes To Be A Trusted Brand “The No. 1 quality consumers demand of big brands.”7 7
  • 9. The No. 1 Source Of New Customers What is the most trusted form of advertising these days? Word-of-mouth. It’s also the number one source of new customers for BBB Accredited Businesses, according to BBB research.5 Today’s consumers prefer learning about your business from other customers. BBB is top of mind as a source of information, recommendations, ratings, and advice about trusted businesses. In a recent study, 91% of consumers familiar with BBB agreed that BBB is trustworthy.6 Word-of-mouth marketing: Turn routine customer interactions into remarkable customer experiences. Online or offline - be friendly, helpful, relevant, and trustworthy. How do you generate more word-of-mouth? Observe what other successful businesses are doing. Otherwise, stick to the basics. Have integrity and provide each customer top-notch service. Then they won’t be able to stop themselves from telling their friends about you. 9
  • 10. Give Them Something To Talk About By “Being More” BBB Accredited since 1971 Be More Friendly and Fun This 45-year-old company is known for its friendly and fun flight attendants, as well as its top-notch customer service. These core values help to support the airline’s focus on providing great customer experiences. How do you get people talking about you? Differentiate yourself by “being more.” What does being more mean? It means doing more to exceed customer expectations and deliver unforgettable customer experiences – the type of experiences that turn into glowing reviews and increased referrals. Want to learn how to Be More? Follow those who do it best. 10 “Customer appreciation day is every day. Our customers mean everything to us. We like to think of ourselves as a Customer Service company that happens to fly airplanes.” - Southwest Airlines
  • 11. BBB Accredited since 2011 Chicago, IL Be More Compassionate “We treat our customers like family. We want to be that place that everyone wants to go to after work or to bring their family, kind of like that old TV show, Cheers, where everyone knows your name. That’s the standard we live by,” Justin Grohnke, Store Manager, Beggar’s Pizza. 11 BBB Accredited since 2013 Nashville, TN Be More Reliable “We walk the walk. We work very hard on that every day in order to earn and keep the loyalty of our customers. BBB Accreditation helps drive new customers to our door, but it’s up to us to support that trust and not disappoint them,” Steve Bass, Owner, Bass Tire Company. BBB Accredited since 1976 St. Paul, MN Be More Attentive “We listen to our customers. By delivering what they want, first you need to understand what they want, so we pay attention to what they tell us. The consumer will always give you a roadmap to success if you just pay attention,” Jeff Warner, President & Owner, Warners’ Stellian Company, Inc. Key Differentiators Of Businesses That Choose To Be More 1. Offer fun and friendly service. 2. Put employees first. 3. Listen to customers. 4. Treat customers like family. 5. Operate responsibly. 6. Go the extra mile. 7. Give back. 8. Honor every promise. Ways Other BBB Accredited Businesses Have Chosen To Be More
  • 12. 12 Do Something Good According to a study by Cone Communications and Echo Research, 82% of consumers choose businesses that demonstrate corporate social responsibility. 8 If you want to get and keep your customers’ attention (especially millennials), do something that has meaning and helps others. Younger generations are passionate about the environment, the cities they live in, and making the world a better place. Whether you’re putting on an event in your community or taking on a good cause, ask people to participate and get involved. Make doing good part of your business strategy. In helping others, you’ll build more trust, loyalty, and awareness for your brand. You already have a great start! As a BBB Accredited Business you’re already contributing significantly to a great cause, BBB’s mission to advance trust in the marketplace. By upholding higher standards of ethical business practices, you are an example to your industry peers and your Accredited status helps customers recognize trustworthy businesses. 12
  • 13. 12 Make An Emotional Connection Making a good impression with a customer doesn’t always stem from better features and lower prices. Most often, customers form attachments to businesses that make an emotional connection with them. 13
  • 14. People are influenced first by their emotions. Logic and reason are secondary when it comes to making purchase decisions. “These unconscious feelings can have a very concrete impact on your business. Emotional connections can determine the strength and length of a customer relationship. They drive passion, loyalty, and advocacy.”9 14 Brands that make emotional connections with customers outperform competitors by 26% in gross margin outperform competitors by 85% in sales growth form first name relationships solve a unique problem have a fun and interactive environment offer validation and empathy take on a social cause specialize in one area send handwritten thank you notes appeal to customers’ values at least 3 times more likely to recommend a business at least 3 times more likely to purchase again Their customers are
  • 15. 15 Become An Industry Expert Post content online Creating and posting your own content online is a great way to brand yourself as an industry expert. You can do this by producing webinars, white papers, blog posts, and other forms of content specific to your industry. Establish yourself as an expert or thought leader in your field. This can help your brand’s credibility, recognition, and give you greater online exposure. Host an event Hosting events allows you to have face time with potential customers and build more meaningful connections with them. Types of events you could host include: lunch and learns, charity events, open houses, block parties, grand openings, and more. Speak at an event This is a great way to show off your expertise and build trust with prospects. If your event goes well, people will want to talk to you. You may even generate more leads from people they know who are interested in what you sell.
  • 16. Write a blog Writing a blog allows you to show your brand's personality and provide additional value by offering useful and relevant content to your customers and prospects. It keeps your business on top of consumers' minds, so the next time they're looking to hire a business like yours, they will think of you. Attend industry events Get your name out there by attending networking and industry-related events. Check with your local BBB to see if they are holding any professional events or seminars. Attending one of these is a great opportunity to connect with other BBB Accredited experts in your area. 16 1. Send a handwritten thank-you note to 5 customers. 2. Participate in one of your local BBB’s upcoming community or networking events. 3. Create and post content online about topics relating to your industry. 4. Have your team volunteer at a local event or cause. Chapter Challenge Pick One! More Ways To Become An Industry Expert
  • 18. 18 The Power Of Social Media Social media can be a great tool for generating real conversations about your brand and building trust with customers and prospects. Instead of using social media as just another channel to promote your business, use it to build a community that believes in what you stand for. of consumers use social media networks for recommendations.10 If you’ve got all your ducks in a row, influential voices will be singing your praises. 57% 18 “Social Media gave a voice to consumers. It helped them take control of the way brands communicate and promote their products to them. Nowadays, opinion leaders are called influencers and they, more often than not, share their influence on social media.”11
  • 19.
  • 20. 20 Largest BBB Industry Groups And Their Networks5 Construction & Remodeling Facebook 72% LinkedIn 38% Twitter 20% HVAC, Electrical & Plumbing Facebook 77% LinkedIn 38% Twitter 28% Healthcare Facebook 76% LinkedIn 53% Twitter 33% Retail Facebook 88% Twitter 44% LinkedIn 31% Auto Repair/Body Facebook 84% Twitter 27% LinkedIn 22% Financial Services Facebook 69% LinkedIn 62% Twitter 36% Hospitality & Travel Facebook 93% Twitter 43% Instagram 43% Legal Facebook 78% LinkedIn 71% Twitter 35% Real Estate & Property Management Facebook 81% LinkedIn 54% Twitter 35% Professional Cleaning Facebook 73% LinkedIn 45% Twitter 23%
  • 21. Engage There are no short-cuts to building trusted relationships with your customers. Many businesses don’t use social media the way it is intended, to engage and connect with people and be part of a two-way conversation. Before you can expect thousands of followers, likes, and shares, you must consistently engage and interact with your audience. Answering their questions and providing useful information is a great place to start. Equip Give your fans something to talk about. What content would be interesting enough for them to want to share with others? It could be amazing new products that solve problems in a unique way, insider knowledge, funny behind-the-scenes stories, community events, shocking or little known facts, or inspiring videos or stories. Empower Ask people to share. A call-to-action button saying, “please share” or “reTweet” generates between 50-80% more shares than businesses who never invite their followers to share.12 Master The Three E’s Of Word-Of-Mouth 21 To build a strong and loyal following, you must engage with your audience by being helpful and having two-way conversations.
  • 22. Chapter Challenge Pick One! 1. Share a piece of BBB content on your social networks. 2. Engage with at least 10 people on social media this week (comment, share, or like their posts). 3. Share at least one post that is meaningful to your customers and see if they comment, like, or share it. Create Shareworthy Content 22 “How-to” Posts Introduces a problem and then offers a solution Focuses on one topic Detailed information on a specific topic, may include comparisons Gives a reason or purpose for something, often supported by research and evidence “List” Posts “What” Posts “Why” Posts Articles, Videos, Infographics, Webinars Articles, Infographics, Slideshares Articles, Infographics, Slideshares, Videos, Podcasts, Webinars Articles, Infographics, Videos, Slideshares “How To French-Braid Your Hair In 30 Seconds” “10 Surefire Ways To Get Your Kids To Stop Complaining” “What Your Utility Bill Will Look Like This Year” “Why You Shouldn’t Wait Until Black Friday To Do Your Holiday Shopping” DESCRIPTIONTYPES WAYS TO SHARE EXAMPLE
  • 24. Customer reviews have never been more influential than they are today. Over 90 percent of consumers are looking at online reviews before making purchases.13 Besides, there are virtually dozens of places where consumers can post a review. Some include social media, local listings, and independent consumer review sites. Find Your Customer Reviews There are dozens of online tools available that can monitor your online reputation and alert you each time your brand is mentioned. To see a list of options, go to any search engine and type “customer review monitoring tool.” 24 Sixty-seven percent of consumers are influenced by independent online review sites before making purchases.14
  • 25. Respond To Reviews Like A Pro Once you start tracking your reviews, be ready to respond quickly and appropriately. Make it a habit to respond to all your reviews, positive or negative. It shows you appreciate and value your customers’ feedback, even when it isn’t good. An occasional bad review isn’t going to ruin your reputation as long as you address it. If anything, it will make you more human - more authentic - more trustworthy. 25 57% of consumers are suspicious of brands that only have positive reviews.10
  • 26. 1. Automate the process Use online tools to notify you when new reviews or mentions about your business appear online. 2. Respond in a calm state It’s natural to feel defensive and even angry when getting a negative review. But, before you hit send, put your emotions in check so you can respond from a place that is professional and helpful. 3. See criticism as an opportunity Sometimes negative feedback can be really good for your business. It can shed light on problems and help you improve your business. 4. Say, “I’m sorry” Saying a genuine "I’m sorry" has the power to defuse the situation, allowing for open and honest communication. 26 5. Don’t make excuses Own your mistakes and find a way to make things right. If you do nothing or fail to repair the relationship, the average wronged customer will tell 16 people about it.15 6. Educate your customers Sometimes your customers don’t have all the information. Correct any inaccuracies and help them understand why your prices may be higher or why certain features aren’t included. Don’t let bad reviews ruin your day. Use them as opportunities to strengthen your hard earned reputation.
  • 27. Positive Reviews Build Trust! 28 Your customers are your mouthpieces. They can influence hundreds (if not thousands) of strangers to buy from you. Having lots of positive reviews helps to demonstrate you are a business people trust. OF MARKETERS believe positive reviews deliver a good return on investment.16 OF CONSUMERS say positive customer reviews make them trust a business more.3 OF CONSUMERS researched a referral before making contact with that business.17 83% 72% 90% 27
  • 28. Put a button or sign on your website, social media pages, place of business, and other company assets that says something like, “Check us out on!” This not only helps consumers find more information about you, but also shows them where they can leave a review. Deliver the type of exceptional service that knocks your customers’ socks off. That’s the best way to differentiate yourself and motivate your delighted customers to tell everyone they know to do business with you. Two Ways To Get Positive Reviews Without Being Pushy 29 1 2 Show Consumers Where You’re Listed Go Above And Beyond 28
  • 29. Chapter Challenge Pick One! 1. Make sure all your listings are up-to-date, especially your BBB Business Profile Page. 2. Ask 5 customers this week for a review. Best Places To Collect Reviews 29 Each business can create a BBB Profile that includes your contact information, website, and customer reviews. You can attach a link from this page to any email or card, which invites your customers to leave a review. Social Media Social media platforms can be additional hubs for collecting reviews and increasing your exposure. One effective way to get people to leave feedback on social media is to conduct a survey or poll about the services or products you offer. Local Listings There are several consumer review sites that will let you list your business for free online. Having a presence on these sites shows transparency and can improve your website’s SEO.
  • 31. Which BBB Tools Do Accredited Businesses Like Best? 31 In 2016, almost 3,000 BBB Accredited Businesses5 were asked which BBB tools help them build the most credibility and trust with consumers. Word-of-mouth and referral marketing get people to your door, but your mark of Accreditation helps your business stand out from the crowd. Top Trust Building Tools Used By Accredited Businesses Showing and Telling Consumers They are BBB Accredited BBB Rating BBB Accredited Business Directory BBB Seal BBB Business Profile Page 34% 19% 17% 15% 15%
  • 32. 33 “ Mancuso Motorsports, Chicago, IL We do over $6M in revenue annually. Seventy percent of our business is out of state. Customers are looking for assurance we are a dependable and honest organization. They routinely look to BBB for verification. Probably every day. ” People see my ad and BBB’s Accreditation Seal and know it is legitimate. A Step Beyond & Associates, Winnipeg, MB “ ” “ ” BBB’s Seal counts for a lot. Most of my business is word-of-mouth, but I think seeing the Seal gives an extra level of trust. Riverway Recording Studio, LLC, Hartford, CT Temco Distributors, LLC, Oklahoma City, OK Clients viewed our BBB profile and trusted our BBB Accredited A+ rating, and this was enough for them to order from our website, and we are talking 10K orders! “ ” What Do Businesses Have To Say About Accreditation? 32 “ ” Having that sign on the door gives our customers confidence that we will be honest and provide good service. Schaefer Auto Body Centers, St. Louis, MO DISCLAIMER: The following testimonials are real-life accounts however they are not a typical reflection of BBB Accreditation as actual results may vary.
  • 33. Favorite BBB Tools Used By BBB Accredited Businesses 33 BBB research also shows what tools have helped BBB Accredited Businesses the most.5 BBB Accredited Business Directory (48%) Networking Opportunities (7%) Monthly Report (10%) Request A Quote (12%) BBB Accredited Business Seal (53%) Other (11%) *more than one response allowed It’s no surprise that BBB Accredited Businesses place the highest value on BBB’s Accreditation Seal. Why? The Seal 1. Sets you apart from competitors. 2. Builds trust with prospects who find your business online. 3. Boosts your credibility when customers check out your business after receiving a referral.
  • 34. Chapter Challenge Pick One! 1. Make sure your BBB Accreditation Seal is on all your digital assets: your social media pages, web pages, email signature line, etc. 2. Call your local BBB to make sure you understand all the benefits available to help you build trust and connect with your customers. 34 Don’t conceal the Seal! Put it everywhere! If you’re not using BBB’s Accreditation Seal now, you could be missing out on customer leads and business opportunities. “81% of consumers familiar with the BBB Seal are more likely to trust a business if it carries the BBB Accredited Seal.”6 Put the Seal on every customer touch point Vehicle stickers or magnets Doors and windows Email signatures Website Direct mail Blog Client proposals Products Ads Landing pages Social media pages Business cards $
  • 36. For over 100 Years BBB’s mission has been to be a leader in promoting trust in the marketplace. instances of service to businesses, charities, and the general public each year. In the past couple of years, BBB has provided 225 Million 36 • Business Profile Inquiries • Consumer Complaints • Scam Alerts • Customer Reviews • Mediations and Arbitrations • Auto Line Cases • Investigations • Advertising Reviews • General Assistance, Counseling, and Industry Information • Charity Reports and Tips on and Some of these services include: Our Mission Our Work
  • 37. 37 We Invite You To Take The Next Step Become BBB Accredited Be Part of a Movement Join an elite group of Accredited Businesses that are proactively building trust and credibility with customers. Become an Industry Leader Be seen as an industry leader who values ethical business practices and promotes trust. Differentiates Your Business Stand out from your competitors in a positive way. Enhances Your Credibility The BBB Seal Of Accreditation adds additional credibility to every BBB Accredited Business. Business Perks Accredited Businesses enjoy several exclusive tools and resources that help them build trust and increase their marketplace exposure. With BBB Accreditation Comes Great Advantages If you’d like to know more about Accreditation, visit
  • 38. BBB’s Your Guide To Becoming The Most Talked About Brand Published by BBB & Streampage Design by Streampage 1344 West 75 North Centerville, UT 84014 No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Visit our website at Appendix Nielsen (2015), Nielsen Report: “Global Trust in Advertising” - full citation: “More than eight-in-10 global respondents (83%) say they completely or somewhat trust the recommendations of friends and family.” Useful Social Media (2014), “How Social Media Amplifies the Power of Word-of-Mouth” Search Engine Land (2014), “88% Of Consumers Trust Online Reviews As Much As Personal Recommendations” Ogilvy/Google/TNS (2014), “When the Path to Purchase Becomes the Path to Purpose” Streampage BBB Accredited Business Survey (2016) Nielsen 2017 Cohn & Wolfe (2014), “The Age of Authenticity” Cone Communications and Echo Research (2013), “2013 Cone Communications/Echo Global CSR Study” 101 Business Insights (2015), “Four Key Strategies for Building Emotional Connections with your Customers” Mintel (2015), "Seven in 10 Americans Seek Out Opinions Before Making Purchases" WeRSM (2015), “The True Power Of Word Of Mouth In The Digital Age” Practical Ecommerce (2014), “7 Ways to Get People to Share Your Content” BrightLocal (2015), “92% of Consumers Now Read Online Reviews for Local Businesses!” Moz (2015), “New Study: Data Reveals 67% of Consumers are Influenced by Online Reviews” Retail Customer Experience (2011), “Survey: Twice as many people tell others about bad service than good” ReviewTrackers (2015), "Experts Weigh In: Improve Online Reviews, Yield Positive ROI" Yokoco (2014), "Word of Mouth Marketing in the Digital Age” 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 38