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    a Social
    Sharing, connecting and      “We wanted to enable a knowledge
    Sustaining a Collaborative   sharing experience to create a social
    Social Culture
                                 experience that drives sharing and the
                                 right behaviors to streamline information
                                      Chaitra Vedullapalli, Sr. Director, Microsoft Field Operations.


    The key ingredients to a social enterprise are well beyond social
    technology tools. Enterprises that are becoming socially enabled are
    quickly learning that engaged people, simple processes and effective
    technology play an increasingly important role.
    First, what does a social enterprise looks like?

    An effective social enterprise benefits the enterprise by evolving itself

    organically to become a relevant, connected and involved 2-way
    interaction between publishers and consumers.

    Our experience creating a social platform takes the form of InfoPedia,
    a wiki-style shared, consolidated portal for Microsoft’s 46,000 field
    sellers. Our 10-year-old legacy system had reached its limits which
    gave us an opportunity to make Microsoft a social enterprise and make
    our sellers more productive and more efficiently realize revenue through
    shared knowledge.

    The social enterprise includes several capabilities:

    • Generating content: Employees with subject expertise publish
      content using a process and technologies to collaborate; discuss and
                                                                                             Our outcome has been a major consolidation hundreds of separate
      network with each other.
                                                                                             destinations, reduction in complexity by focusing current, field ready
                                                                                             content in one place. The field to focus on their core job since they
    • Organizing content: Employees need a robust enterprise content
                                                                                             no longer needed to hunt through dozens of sites or spend hours
      management system with right surfacing experience such as search,
                                                                                             preparing for customer visits.
      navigation to increase discoverability.

    • Contributing content: Employees need to see a priority in stories
      to acquire and understand knowledge easily.                                 “What I do, I do for collaboration, sharing and
    • Sharing Content: Employees need social capabilities such as Like,
                                                                                  partnerships. This is an essential shift in thinking
      Comment with each other.                                                    that is required to embrace the social enterprise”
    • Measuring impact: Quantifying elements of the business receive
      the most positive results.
                                                                                             This paper shares our best practices and tips on making it work within
                                                                                             Microsoft or any another enterprise organization looking to turn social.
    It took over a year to make this transformation which impacts a large
    proportion of our employees and, nearly 10,000 people were involved
    in the effort which involved transforming 76 terabytes of information;
    387 portals, 13000 sub-sites and 1600 vendor teams.

    Here, we share enabled key learning that was captured through the
    20 core team members who led the effort. It is hoped that this insight
    can be shared within and outside of Microsoft as enterprises around

    the world take the same path.

    Key Ingredients
    1. Empowering people: Skilling Change Leaders
       & empowering individuals to enable the change
       and generate support for their organization to
                                                              2. Share a collaborative vision & metrics: The
                                                                 vision must include a “place” for everyone involved
                                                                 to feel that they are represented within the vision.

                                                              3. Gain executive buy-in when appropriate:
                                                                 There is a positive turning point in the team when
       mobilize around their new experience.                     the constituent leadership. The core team builds
                                                                 enabling metrics and content to help each
    2. Simple Processes: Inventory analysis; cleansing           constituent earn the buy-in from their executive
       content; developing topic ownerships, onboarding          team.
       a division and communicating effectively
                                                              4. Provide role clarity: The roles often self-emerge
    3. Culture of Sharing & Simplification: Developing           in a social project. The types of leaders you
       a mindset for sharing and consolidating the               define will typically have a specific subject
       enterprise digital experience.                            expertise and in our experience, they volunteer
    4. Effective Technology: Enabling technologies            If the effort is top-down then the leader of the effort
       & processes to maintain content.                       should not more than lip service experience in living
                                                              social media and fully embracing the openness,
    5. Impact & Measurement: Is the social working?           flexible and organic nature of such an effort.

    What the Future Holds                                     In your own organization, you should look for
                                                              individuals with a progressive vision and the ability
                                                              to generate thought-leading content. They will be
    For us, the platform has been popular and growing         your leaders for influence, advocacy and collaboration.
    so our plan to sustain includes:                           They are essential for establishing the team’s credibility
                                                              within the company. The individuals on our team
    •   Fully optimized mobile experience                     had a multi-faceted skill set that included an industry
    •   Sustain usage                                         (vs. purely corporate) view. These individuals could
    •   Encourage adoption                                    see the big picture and possessed a unique collaborative
    •   Promote publishers and SMEs                           mentality and their aggregate talent included topical
                                                              expertise that would help us develop rich and
    1: Empowering People                                      meaningful content. Being socially proactive them-
                                                              selves, they were also able to reach out to their own
                                                              personal network and act as a catalyst for the change.
    If the effort is a bottom-up effort (as ours was), then
    getting the right leaders in charge and influencers       Once we had the right people, we started with a
    who have information that requires significant            pitch deck for our key representatives from segments
    discussion and who would benefit the most. A              including marketing, enterprise sales, OEM,
    checklist for this might look like this:                  competitive, fastest-moving technologies and areas
                                                              where information was evolving quickly. We then
    1. Identify initial stakeholders: Where are we

                                                              invited them to a Workshop and titled the
       entering new markets or promoting new                  participants as “Change Leaders” and our goal was
       technologies? For example, Microsoft Lync as a         to make them successful and recognized for their
       new product and topic area, was an ever-evolving       contribution to the company and to justify their
       technology that required discussion, involvement       resources.
       and frequent updates – a perfect candidate for
       a topic to be part of the early stages of the

                                                              Then, together, we built a unified vision.
       enterprise social.

    2: Simple Processes
    At each stage, the team worked on the same step:

    1. Inventory analysis: There was a major undertaking
                                                           “Greater than Yourself” by Steve Farber.
                                                           Our experience was that it only takes one or two
                                                           outliers to block the collective focus on others. The
                                                           entire team must buy into this mentality.
       to review and catalogue what content to keep,
       archive and delete and each group defined their     The Learning-to-share paradigm is a shift for many
       own criteria for how they organized into these      enterprises where employee evaluations put peers
       categories.                                         in a “me” mentality of making themselves look good.
    2. Content cleansing: Assign content management         Not to imply that employees are selfish but this
       and development owners                              behavior is often driven by factors such as leadership
    3. Topic and owner development: To watch over          examples, cultural expectation and compensations.
       content areas, a topic owner was defined for a
       topic page that contained the priority content      The enterprise social effort at Microsoft took place
       and chief landing page for a particular topic.      simultaneously with another major initiative around
    4. Onboarding a division: Ensuring that divisional     simplification. “We all found special challenges in
       leadership was supportive. Since this was not a     simplification of complex messages and processes”,
       top-down effort, each change leader needed to       said one stakeholder. “We have more work to do in
       gain buy-in from their organization.                this area.”
    5. Communicating: Together, we developed core
       messages and synchronized timing and then each      Understanding the target for your social platform
       group would personalize and deliver what was        is also essential. In our case, we identified Microsoft
       most relevant to their organization.                field sellers, marketers, service delivery and country
                                                           leaders as the key target to benefit from our social
    Ample notification time is needed to ensure that any   solution. Discussions and surveys started our quest
    particular stakeholder has the opportunity to plan     as we learned the key pain points for our field which
    ahead for adoption of a consolidated.                  included this poignant remark:

                                                           Simplification came about in a massive scale at
    3: Changing culture: Developeing
    a Mindset for Shaping & Simplification
                                                           Microsoft due to a decade of ad-hoc and randomized
                                                           content sources. Our social effort dramatically
                                                           simplified the experience for our field which included:
                                                                                                                      “InfoWeb (legacy system) is the
    Learning to share is something we might have
    thought we mastered in kindergarten, but for           • 5 navigations became 1 navigation in order to            first place I look for information
                                                             reduce time spent to find relevant information
    enterprises taking on social enablement, there are
    some formed habits that must be replaced with new
    frames of mind, primarily the notion of
                                                           • Migrated 5,452 pieces of content
                                                           • Simplified 19 top field-facing brand sites
                                                                                                                      and the last place I find it”.
                                                           • Simplified 2 search engines into 1 search engine
                                                           • Consolidated 1,600 unmanaged vendors to 49
        “making others successful”.                          InfoPedia vendors
                                                           • Consolidated over 6,000 unmanaged tags one
    Additionally, there must be an understanding that        tagging set on InfoPedia
    the main point of the effort is to make others great   • Each organization such as SMSP, DPE has realized
    so the effort can be greater than yourself, a key        a 40-70% content and site consolidation
    concept in...


    4: Effective Technologies
    There are mountains of social tools available for the enterprise but the
    essential criteria for the technologies utilized in our project were:

    •   Showcase our own technologies in SharePoint and FAST Search
    •   Consider legacy apps already widely adopted
    •   Determine what can be measured
    •   Scale
    •   Discoverability
    •   Ease of use, adoption
    •   Manageability – Both cost of managing the platform and the cost
        to publish and share content

    Governance can conjure visions of bureaucracy, but in a social enterprise,
    governance must be democratizing, fruitful and high-value. Policies
    and processes around social enablement must be as clearly valuable
    as stop lights are viewed as a useful benefit to the overall flow of traffic.
    We set out to create policies with clear value so that publishers viewed
    them as policies for better user experience.

    Governance around content management in InfoPedia ensures that
    information is tagged, prioritized, connected and relevant for the long
    term sustainability of this simpler experience. The engagement involved
    design reviews, accountability assignments, standards and policies, and
    of course, good communication.

    Governance also includes policies that can capture outliers that can
    risk the overall user experience. In this case, once the majority of               Rhythm of business is the recurring routine of business planning and
    adopters are in place with carrots, the “stragglers” can be adopted with           execution that every company has in place formally or informally. To
    the stick. Here is a sample of our policy that was introduced after the            make our social platform more relevant, we enabled a built-in connection
    first wave of adopters were secured and we demonstrated success with               to the business
    our audience:
                                                                                       Communication was an essential element that involved and informed
    Infoweb site owners have been aware of the InfoWeb Platform Retirement             stakeholders on a routine basis. Weekly check-ins and sequenced
    for well over a 2 years now and have had adequate notice to act on                 communications ensured that top-level communications rolled properly
    their transition off of the platform. Transition help and guidance have            into the right organizations but were orchestrated from a central source
    been provided and therefore, Infoweb Site Owners should be equipped                to turn confusion into clarity:
    and prepared to successfully decommission their sites by the target
    decommission date that they have provided. A new policy is being                   We developed a routine course of targeted communication packaging,

    implemented to ensure all sites are successfully decommissioned as                 targeted rhythm of the business, targeted messages and reviews for
    committed before June 15th and recover costs of managing decommission              greatest impact of our marketing mobilization.
    changes and escalations.
                                                                                       Enabling the real-world social in the enterprise means getting specific
                                                                                       on what your employees (socially adept or not) can plug in. Here are

                                                                                       some of those areas:

    Improve Collaboration

      Private groups – We use discussion groups. We create private
      groups and invite individuals into a group discussion. This is good
      for internal teams working on similar projects.
    Amplify Communication

      Blogging – We use blogs for sharing news, tips and resources. We
      focus our blogs with a clear purpose; allow commenting for employee
      to share their voice. This is implemented witha right editorial process
      and privacy rules to protect employees with any severe consequences
      to raise their voice.

      Microblogging – We use micro blogging for broadcasting, public
      Q&A and sharing resources. This is a big hit and helpsus identify
      communities to engage. This is implemented with a monitoring
      process and messaging plans to increase the participation. At
      Microsoft, this tool is called OfficeTalk.

      Video – A platform like YouTube to share your insights and platform
      is really a good one. I believe it is a great way for employees to
      engage and share their voice.

    Research to understand behaviors

      Collective Intelligence – we use collective intelligence technology
      to understand behavior and insights via blogs, distribution lists and       Trip-and-Fall Alert!
      feeds. This is like a research on employee conversations inside a
      company. It will work provided employees share their voice in public.       Because each member of the team can feel like this project
      Predictive Markets – I remember it was implemented however                  is “their own” – many group members may communicate
      don’t have any bias around this technology. What I know is that
      this required a heavy process to make it effective.                         independently to their set of constituents which may lead
    Sharing ideas and knowledge
                                                                                  to lack of consistency. Keep circling the wagons around
      Knowledge Sharing-We have a knowledge sharing experience for
                                                                                  your core change leaders to ensure that they can leverage
      sharing content easily all in one place. I would say it is the best wiki    your base message.
      style topic sharing on sales and marketing content I have encountered

      which has grown into a vital source of knowledge every day.

      Ideaxchange – This technology allows employees to get involved.
      You can suggest new products, promote favorite features, and
      preview upcoming releases.


    5: Impact & Measurement:
       Is social working for your company?
    Most enterprises are driven by scorecards to know where a project
    starts and where it finishes. The key challenge with a collaborative
    project such as a social platform is how to share in the management

    How do you know when your social is effective?

    • When your share is increasing and trust in the content is rising
    • When you see comments and involvement
    • When productivity rises and employees are searching less and finding
      more relevance

    Collection and Prioritization of Requirements: There has to be a
    point person (PM) to collect all the requirements from various sources
    (team members, customers and management). Management of demand
    list helps to create roadmaps and ongoing improvement plans.

    Investment Allocation: This is a juggling act. Investment in new
    capabilities versus sustaining the experience is a delicate balance. I
    focus on allocating in capabilities that help my customers achieve their

    Resource Allocation: Self Service is everyone’s business in the
    organization. Clearly defining roles and responsibilities will help in
    reducing chaos and confusion. At the end of the day customers lose
    if the resources are not available at the time of need
    Listen and Respond: Ask these questions: Am I listening to my
    customer? What am I doing with the information? Active listening is
    key to the success of Self Service. Without a listen and respond plan
    all the effort becomes ineffective.

    For InfoPedia, our growth rates have been a satisfying hockey stick-
    shaped adoption rate.


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Becoming a Social Enterprise

  • 1. WHITEPAPER AUGUST 2011 Becoming a Social Enterprise Sharing, connecting and “We wanted to enable a knowledge Sustaining a Collaborative sharing experience to create a social Social Culture experience that drives sharing and the right behaviors to streamline information management.” Chaitra Vedullapalli, Sr. Director, Microsoft Field Operations. 1
  • 2. WHITEPAPER AUGUST 2011 The key ingredients to a social enterprise are well beyond social technology tools. Enterprises that are becoming socially enabled are quickly learning that engaged people, simple processes and effective technology play an increasingly important role. people First, what does a social enterprise looks like? An effective social enterprise benefits the enterprise by evolving itself simple organically to become a relevant, connected and involved 2-way interaction between publishers and consumers. Our experience creating a social platform takes the form of InfoPedia, a wiki-style shared, consolidated portal for Microsoft’s 46,000 field sellers. Our 10-year-old legacy system had reached its limits which gave us an opportunity to make Microsoft a social enterprise and make our sellers more productive and more efficiently realize revenue through shared knowledge. The social enterprise includes several capabilities: • Generating content: Employees with subject expertise publish content using a process and technologies to collaborate; discuss and Our outcome has been a major consolidation hundreds of separate network with each other. destinations, reduction in complexity by focusing current, field ready content in one place. The field to focus on their core job since they • Organizing content: Employees need a robust enterprise content no longer needed to hunt through dozens of sites or spend hours management system with right surfacing experience such as search, preparing for customer visits. navigation to increase discoverability. • Contributing content: Employees need to see a priority in stories to acquire and understand knowledge easily. “What I do, I do for collaboration, sharing and • Sharing Content: Employees need social capabilities such as Like, partnerships. This is an essential shift in thinking Comment with each other. that is required to embrace the social enterprise” • Measuring impact: Quantifying elements of the business receive the most positive results. This paper shares our best practices and tips on making it work within Microsoft or any another enterprise organization looking to turn social. It took over a year to make this transformation which impacts a large proportion of our employees and, nearly 10,000 people were involved in the effort which involved transforming 76 terabytes of information; 387 portals, 13000 sub-sites and 1600 vendor teams. Here, we share enabled key learning that was captured through the 20 core team members who led the effort. It is hoped that this insight can be shared within and outside of Microsoft as enterprises around 2 the world take the same path.
  • 3. WHITEPAPER AUGUST 2011 Key Ingredients 1. Empowering people: Skilling Change Leaders & empowering individuals to enable the change and generate support for their organization to 2. Share a collaborative vision & metrics: The vision must include a “place” for everyone involved to feel that they are represented within the vision. 3. Gain executive buy-in when appropriate: There is a positive turning point in the team when sharing mobilize around their new experience. the constituent leadership. The core team builds enabling metrics and content to help each 2. Simple Processes: Inventory analysis; cleansing constituent earn the buy-in from their executive content; developing topic ownerships, onboarding team. a division and communicating effectively 4. Provide role clarity: The roles often self-emerge 3. Culture of Sharing & Simplification: Developing in a social project. The types of leaders you a mindset for sharing and consolidating the define will typically have a specific subject enterprise digital experience. expertise and in our experience, they volunteer 4. Effective Technology: Enabling technologies If the effort is top-down then the leader of the effort & processes to maintain content. should not more than lip service experience in living social media and fully embracing the openness, 5. Impact & Measurement: Is the social working? flexible and organic nature of such an effort. What the Future Holds In your own organization, you should look for individuals with a progressive vision and the ability to generate thought-leading content. They will be For us, the platform has been popular and growing your leaders for influence, advocacy and collaboration. so our plan to sustain includes: They are essential for establishing the team’s credibility within the company. The individuals on our team • Fully optimized mobile experience had a multi-faceted skill set that included an industry • Sustain usage (vs. purely corporate) view. These individuals could • Encourage adoption see the big picture and possessed a unique collaborative • Promote publishers and SMEs mentality and their aggregate talent included topical expertise that would help us develop rich and 1: Empowering People meaningful content. Being socially proactive them- selves, they were also able to reach out to their own personal network and act as a catalyst for the change. If the effort is a bottom-up effort (as ours was), then getting the right leaders in charge and influencers Once we had the right people, we started with a who have information that requires significant pitch deck for our key representatives from segments discussion and who would benefit the most. A including marketing, enterprise sales, OEM, checklist for this might look like this: competitive, fastest-moving technologies and areas where information was evolving quickly. We then 1. Identify initial stakeholders: Where are we buy-in invited them to a Workshop and titled the entering new markets or promoting new participants as “Change Leaders” and our goal was technologies? For example, Microsoft Lync as a to make them successful and recognized for their new product and topic area, was an ever-evolving contribution to the company and to justify their technology that required discussion, involvement resources. and frequent updates – a perfect candidate for a topic to be part of the early stages of the 3 Then, together, we built a unified vision. enterprise social.
  • 4. WHITEPAPER AUGUST 2011 2: Simple Processes At each stage, the team worked on the same step: 1. Inventory analysis: There was a major undertaking “Greater than Yourself” by Steve Farber. Our experience was that it only takes one or two outliers to block the collective focus on others. The entire team must buy into this mentality. changing to review and catalogue what content to keep, archive and delete and each group defined their The Learning-to-share paradigm is a shift for many own criteria for how they organized into these enterprises where employee evaluations put peers categories. in a “me” mentality of making themselves look good. 2. Content cleansing: Assign content management Not to imply that employees are selfish but this and development owners behavior is often driven by factors such as leadership 3. Topic and owner development: To watch over examples, cultural expectation and compensations. content areas, a topic owner was defined for a topic page that contained the priority content The enterprise social effort at Microsoft took place and chief landing page for a particular topic. simultaneously with another major initiative around 4. Onboarding a division: Ensuring that divisional simplification. “We all found special challenges in leadership was supportive. Since this was not a simplification of complex messages and processes”, top-down effort, each change leader needed to said one stakeholder. “We have more work to do in gain buy-in from their organization. this area.” 5. Communicating: Together, we developed core messages and synchronized timing and then each Understanding the target for your social platform group would personalize and deliver what was is also essential. In our case, we identified Microsoft most relevant to their organization. field sellers, marketers, service delivery and country leaders as the key target to benefit from our social Ample notification time is needed to ensure that any solution. Discussions and surveys started our quest particular stakeholder has the opportunity to plan as we learned the key pain points for our field which ahead for adoption of a consolidated. included this poignant remark: Simplification came about in a massive scale at 3: Changing culture: Developeing a Mindset for Shaping & Simplification Microsoft due to a decade of ad-hoc and randomized content sources. Our social effort dramatically simplified the experience for our field which included: “InfoWeb (legacy system) is the Learning to share is something we might have thought we mastered in kindergarten, but for • 5 navigations became 1 navigation in order to first place I look for information reduce time spent to find relevant information enterprises taking on social enablement, there are some formed habits that must be replaced with new frames of mind, primarily the notion of • Migrated 5,452 pieces of content • Simplified 19 top field-facing brand sites and the last place I find it”. • Simplified 2 search engines into 1 search engine • Consolidated 1,600 unmanaged vendors to 49 “making others successful”. InfoPedia vendors • Consolidated over 6,000 unmanaged tags one Additionally, there must be an understanding that tagging set on InfoPedia the main point of the effort is to make others great • Each organization such as SMSP, DPE has realized so the effort can be greater than yourself, a key a 40-70% content and site consolidation concept in... 4
  • 5. WHITEPAPER AUGUST 2011 4: Effective Technologies There are mountains of social tools available for the enterprise but the essential criteria for the technologies utilized in our project were: • Showcase our own technologies in SharePoint and FAST Search rhythm • Consider legacy apps already widely adopted • Determine what can be measured • Scale • Discoverability • Ease of use, adoption • Manageability – Both cost of managing the platform and the cost to publish and share content Governance can conjure visions of bureaucracy, but in a social enterprise, governance must be democratizing, fruitful and high-value. Policies and processes around social enablement must be as clearly valuable as stop lights are viewed as a useful benefit to the overall flow of traffic. We set out to create policies with clear value so that publishers viewed them as policies for better user experience. Governance around content management in InfoPedia ensures that information is tagged, prioritized, connected and relevant for the long term sustainability of this simpler experience. The engagement involved design reviews, accountability assignments, standards and policies, and of course, good communication. Governance also includes policies that can capture outliers that can risk the overall user experience. In this case, once the majority of Rhythm of business is the recurring routine of business planning and adopters are in place with carrots, the “stragglers” can be adopted with execution that every company has in place formally or informally. To the stick. Here is a sample of our policy that was introduced after the make our social platform more relevant, we enabled a built-in connection first wave of adopters were secured and we demonstrated success with to the business our audience: Communication was an essential element that involved and informed Infoweb site owners have been aware of the InfoWeb Platform Retirement stakeholders on a routine basis. Weekly check-ins and sequenced for well over a 2 years now and have had adequate notice to act on communications ensured that top-level communications rolled properly their transition off of the platform. Transition help and guidance have into the right organizations but were orchestrated from a central source been provided and therefore, Infoweb Site Owners should be equipped to turn confusion into clarity: and prepared to successfully decommission their sites by the target decommission date that they have provided. A new policy is being We developed a routine course of targeted communication packaging, realworld implemented to ensure all sites are successfully decommissioned as targeted rhythm of the business, targeted messages and reviews for committed before June 15th and recover costs of managing decommission greatest impact of our marketing mobilization. changes and escalations. Enabling the real-world social in the enterprise means getting specific on what your employees (socially adept or not) can plug in. Here are 5 some of those areas:
  • 6. WHITEPAPER AUGUST 2011 Improve Collaboration Private groups – We use discussion groups. We create private groups and invite individuals into a group discussion. This is good for internal teams working on similar projects. ideas Amplify Communication Blogging – We use blogs for sharing news, tips and resources. We focus our blogs with a clear purpose; allow commenting for employee to share their voice. This is implemented witha right editorial process and privacy rules to protect employees with any severe consequences to raise their voice. Microblogging – We use micro blogging for broadcasting, public Q&A and sharing resources. This is a big hit and helpsus identify communities to engage. This is implemented with a monitoring process and messaging plans to increase the participation. At Microsoft, this tool is called OfficeTalk. Video – A platform like YouTube to share your insights and platform is really a good one. I believe it is a great way for employees to engage and share their voice. Research to understand behaviors Collective Intelligence – we use collective intelligence technology to understand behavior and insights via blogs, distribution lists and Trip-and-Fall Alert! feeds. This is like a research on employee conversations inside a company. It will work provided employees share their voice in public. Because each member of the team can feel like this project Predictive Markets – I remember it was implemented however is “their own” – many group members may communicate don’t have any bias around this technology. What I know is that this required a heavy process to make it effective. independently to their set of constituents which may lead Sharing ideas and knowledge to lack of consistency. Keep circling the wagons around Knowledge Sharing-We have a knowledge sharing experience for your core change leaders to ensure that they can leverage sharing content easily all in one place. I would say it is the best wiki your base message. style topic sharing on sales and marketing content I have encountered exchange which has grown into a vital source of knowledge every day. Ideaxchange – This technology allows employees to get involved. You can suggest new products, promote favorite features, and preview upcoming releases. 6
  • 7. WHITEPAPER AUGUST 2011 5: Impact & Measurement: Is social working for your company? Most enterprises are driven by scorecards to know where a project starts and where it finishes. The key challenge with a collaborative project such as a social platform is how to share in the management cost. How do you know when your social is effective? • When your share is increasing and trust in the content is rising • When you see comments and involvement • When productivity rises and employees are searching less and finding more relevance Collection and Prioritization of Requirements: There has to be a point person (PM) to collect all the requirements from various sources (team members, customers and management). Management of demand list helps to create roadmaps and ongoing improvement plans. Investment Allocation: This is a juggling act. Investment in new capabilities versus sustaining the experience is a delicate balance. I focus on allocating in capabilities that help my customers achieve their goals. Resource Allocation: Self Service is everyone’s business in the organization. Clearly defining roles and responsibilities will help in reducing chaos and confusion. At the end of the day customers lose if the resources are not available at the time of need . Listen and Respond: Ask these questions: Am I listening to my customer? What am I doing with the information? Active listening is key to the success of Self Service. Without a listen and respond plan all the effort becomes ineffective. For InfoPedia, our growth rates have been a satisfying hockey stick- shaped adoption rate. 6