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facial care • product assortment guide
facial care
Product assortment guide
Table of Contents
Chapter 1. TianDe facial skincare products . .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 4
Chapter 2. Getting to know your skin. .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 5
Chapter 3. “203040…” line.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 9
Chapter 4. Gingko Biloba + E line .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 34
Chapter 5. Vitamin ĐĄ line.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 40
Chapter 6. Tibetan Herbs line .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 46
Chapter 7. Zhenfei Perfect line .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 56
Chapter 8. Collagen Active line .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 64
Chapter 9. Sheep Placenta line .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 74
Chapter 10. Marine Collagen line .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 80
Chapter 11. Master Herb line .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 88
Chapter 12. SPA Technology line. .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 98
Chapter 13. Solution line. .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 114
Chapter 14. Line For men .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 118
Chapter 15. Corrective Serum capsular skincare products .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 124
Chapter 16. NANO CORRECTOR ampular skincare products .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 128
Chapter 17. Mezoroller . .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 132
Chapter 18. Day cream masks. .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 136
Chapter 19. Night cream masks .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 142
Chapter 20. Pro-Comfort molding masks.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 146
Chapter 21. Dual-System molding masks.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 153
Chapter 22. Skin Triumph molding masks. .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 160
Chapter 23. De Luxe molding masks.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 162
Chapter 24. APPENDIX “Complex skincare programs .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 166
TianDe facial skincare products
The cosmetic products of the TianDe Company are the synthesis of the latest scientific
advances and the centuries-old experience of traditional Chinese medicine. Eastern
healers’ secrets are earning the sincere admiration of scientists and physicians
worldwide, as their efficacy is superior to many modern drugs and therapeutic
procedures. Traditional Chinese medicine utilizes more than 5 thousand healing
components of vegetable and animal origin. The effect of many of them is unique,
making them highly prized in the West and Europe. They include ginseng, cordyceps,
green tea, lingzhi mushroom, shiitake mushroom, and placenta, etc.
When combined with modern technologies, these ancient Chinese medical formulas,
perfected over five millennia, become even more effective, thereby providing a solution
to the most challenging cosmetic problems.
TianDe cosmetic products are manufactured at first-rate
Chinese enterprises in accordance with international
quality standards (ISO 9001:2002 and GMP).
Imagine for a moment that cosmetic ingredients are animate objects. Finding themselves
in a jar containing cream or toner, they begin to interact and communicate. This
communication generates new effects that could not be achieved by each ingredient
in isolation, despite the best attempts. This process is reminiscent of a performance
by a philharmonic orchestra: the music created by the harmonious interplay of 100
musicians is something much greater than a simple sound combination. And no one
musician can reproduce such a sound alone. This comparison dramatically illustrates the
synergistic principle underlying all TianDe products.
Adding together the different ingredients in TianDe cosmetic formulas yields not just
a sum, but a fundamentally-new quality ensuring the maximum efficiency of TianDe
TianDe cosmetic products are aimed at maintaining and supporting the skin’s own
functional mechanisms. They are intended to enhance its protective functions — not
to perform this work in its place. This is achieved thanks to the restoration of natural
balance and bolstering of the skin’s immunity and protective functions. Targeting the
causes as opposed to the consequences of problems — this is the key principle upon
which traditional Chinese medicine rests. Cosmetological programs based on phyto-
protective complexes, vegetable bio-proteins and ceramides, marine bio-complexes,
peptides and many other components help the skin cope with disturbances in its vital
functions on its own.
The cosmetic lines of TianDe Company are based on a systemic approach to preserving
the skin’s natural beauty. The surface cleansing, systematic deep cleansing, toning,
moisturizing and protection needed by young skin are harmoniously supplemented over
time by procedures designed for intensive nutrition, skin recovery at the cellular level,
and lifting. Each product formula is developed in due consideration of individual skin
type, sensitivity, age and existing problems.
Take care of yourself using TianDe cosmetic products and follow the main trend —
beauty and youth. Your skin is worth it!
Getting to know your skin
Getting to know your skin
The skin is the “envelope” of the human body  — its main protector, containing a
description of its entire history. The skin experiences great stresses: indoor air dryness,
outdoor cold and heat, air pollution, baking sun; all of these factors result in problems.
The skin significantly surpasses other bodily organs in terms of the number and
diversity of its functions. It acts as a third lung — it breathes, maintaining the constant
temperature of internal organs. What’s more, the skin is also like a border guard — it
shields the internal organs from the outer world while allowing them to remain in close
contact with one other. Thus, the skin covering prevents harmful microorganisms and
chemicals from penetrating the body, excretes toxins and metabolic byproducts, and
is actively involved in water-salt, carbohydrate and protein metabolism. Furthermore,
the skin performs a regulatory function (controls vitamin D synthesis, which is required
for growth and calcium delivery to the bones); a notification function (transfers signals
to the brain with the help of 500 nerve receptors located in each square centimeter);
an immune function (Langerhans’ cells are the skin’s main immune system elements);
and a thermoregulatory function (regulates heat exchange between the body and the
environment: when vessels are constricted, body heat is retained, when dilated — body
heat is released).
Skin structure
The skin is the body’s largest organ: in a human adult, it covers an average area of 2
square meters, while it weighs roughly three times more than the liver (the largest organ
in the human body), accounting for about 15% of total body weight.
The skin comprises about 150 nerve endings, more than
3 million cells, approximately 100-300 sweat glands and
1 kilometer of blood vessels. The dermal vascular system
contains one third of all blood circulating in the human
body, i.e. 1.6 liters.
The skin consists of three basic layers: periderm (epidermis), inner skin (derma) and
subcutaneous fatty cellular tissue.
Epidermis is the skin’s uppermost, thinnest layer: its thickness is comparable to that of
construction paper, but it is precisely the epidermis that is responsible for many dermal
protection functions. It consists of five cellular layers: metabolic processes take place
and new cells develop in the lowest, i.e. basal (germinal) layer. While moving gradually
upwards, they lose their nucleus and become corneous cells. Thus, the uppermost
(corneous) epidermis layer consists of “dead” cells peeling away in the permanent
process of skin renewal.
Every day, a human loses about 1 gram of corneous
scales — accounting for the bulk (70%) of all household
dust. The skin “shed” by a human over her entire lifetime
can weigh up to 18 kilograms.
In addition to keratinocytes, its predominant cell type,
the epidermis also contains melanocytes, responsible for
skin pigmentation, Langerhans’ cells and lymphocytes.
Derma consists of two layers: papillary and reticular.
The papillary layer gets its name from the numerous
papillae jutting out into the epidermis. They determine
surface skin pattern, which is unique to the individual.
This fact is used in forensic science for the identification
of fingerprints. The reticular layer of derma is formed
by thick bundles of collagen fibers and a network of
reticular fibers. The main derma cells, fibroblasts, are a
“factory” of sorts for the production of elastin, collagen
and hyaluronic acid.
Collagen fiber bundles run mainly in two directions:
some of them are located perpendicular to the surface of
the skin, while others are positioned obliquely. Together,
they form a network whose structure is determined by
functional stress on the skin. A wide-cellular, rough-
hewn network of collagen fiber is well developed in
regions experiencing intensive pressure (feet, finger-
pads, elbows etc.). In regions where the skin is subject
to significant stretching (dorsal surface of the foot, face
etc.), the reticular layer contains a finer collagen network.
Elastic fibers follow the pattern of collagen fibers.
Collagen and elastin fibers form the dermal support
framework and, acting in conjunction with the
intercellular substance, ensure its elasticity and strength.
This framework is similar to a three-dimensional net to
which all dermal structural components and cell are
The tallest American
skyscraper, Willis Tower
(110 storeys — more than 500
meters high) follows the natural
architecture of collagen fibers;
therefore, it is able to withstand
the power of Chicago’s famous winds.
The derma also contains nerves, blood and lymphatic
vessels, hair follicles, sweat glands and oil glands. It
also houses the smooth muscles that control facial
changes we make everyday! Young skin contains strong
collagen fibers but, as we grow older, they become
weaker, are damaged more quickly and recover more
slowly. Permanent “traces” begin to appear in the regions
of regularly-repeated expressions.
Hypoderm (subcutaneous fatty cellular tissue) includes fatty tissue, subcutaneous
nerve channels and vascular channels. Hair follicles and sweat glands are located in the
same layer. The hypoderm provides thermal insulation and softens mechanical stress on
the internal organs. The thickness of this layer is from 2 to 10 mm. Subcutaneous cellular
tissue consists of bundles of connective tissue that intertwine and form the network of
thick collagen and elastin fibers continuing from the derma, and of fatty tissue lobules.
Adipocytes are the main cells in subcutaneous fatty cellular tissue; their basic feature is
their ability to become significantly enlarged, almost completely filled with fat.
Skin types
In order to select optimum skincare products, it is important to correctly determine
your skin type. Several skin types are distinguished depending on the intensity of oil
gland function: normal, dry, oily and combination skin.
Normal skin: smooth, velvety, without oily shine, elastic and… extremely rare, occurring
in just 2-3% of all people. But even normal skin can become dry or oily without everyday
care. If cosmetic procedures are performed insufficiently or excessively, it is extremely
rare for normal skin condition to last to age 30. Therefore, with any — even excellent —
skin condition, you should systematically take care of facial and neck skin.
Dry skin: skin dryness is unnoticeable at first glance: the skin appears beautiful,
delicate — even rosy. Dryness results from the underactivity of oil glands, which can be
either hereditary or age-related or caused by the use of unsuitable cosmetic products.
Deprived of proper care, such skin fades rapidly, with superficial fine lines becoming
more pronounced. Dry skin is sensitive to exposure to water and soap, wind, heat and
cold. This causes the skin to become irritated, resulting in red spots and peeling — first
in isolated areas, then over the entire surface of the face. Skin dryness — even latent —
can be corrected, provided you take care of it properly for an extended period of time.
Oily skin: rough, reminiscent of orange peel, prone to blackheads and acne. Oily skin
results from the overactivity of oil glands. Binding with dust and dead corneous cells, the
sebum forms plugs that clog the excretory ducts of oil glands. Systematic care and the
use of special creams, lotions and masks make oily skin normal, correcting its excessive
shine and dirty-gray tinge; the skin becomes soft and has a pleasant matte tint.
Combination skin: combination, or mixed-type skin, is the most common skin type.
Human skin has a distinctive feature: the highest number of oil glands is located within
Знакомимся с кожей
Please take comfort in
knowing that your skin can
become ideal with the help of TianDe
Company cosmetic products —
irrespective of your age or skin type.
the face’s T-zone, and they produce the greatest amount
of oil. Skin is oily in areas of intensified sebum production
(forehead, chin and nose), and dry around the eyes, on
the temples, cheeks and neck. Combination skin often
changes quite dramatically during seasonal changes: it
behaves like oily skin in summer and dry skin in winter.
Therefore, people with such skin should be ready to
change their skincare regimen more often than others.
Throughout the world, approximately 70% of all people
characterize their skin as sensitive, and this is confirmed
skin types may face such problems as skin sensitivity.
Sensitive skin reacts to different irritants — cold or heat,
temperature change, wind, tap water and even sleep
deprivation and stress — by reddening, burning, drying
out and scaling.
Skin hypersensitivity can be predicated on its structure,
whereby the uppermost epidermis layer is very thin and
cannot provide an effective barrier against different
irritants. Acquired sensitivity develops as a consequence
of the incorrect use of aggressive cosmetic products.
Another cause of skin hypersensitivity is internal
disease: most commonly, these include endocrine
and gastrointestinal pathologies, immune disorders,
infectious diseases and allergies.
«20,30,40…» line
«20,30,40…» line
to wearing the same size clothes at any age. After all, you
wouldn’t try putting on a onesie today that fit you when
you were a baby! The skin also has age-related nuances,
and you should select your skincare products accordingly.
Modern scientists have proven that it is sufficient for
young women under age 30 to use moisturizing products
in the morning and in the evening. Yet, the skin of women
over 30 is more demanding: it needs moisturizing in
the daytime and nutrition and regeneration-stimulating
products in the nighttime. The cosmetic products of the
“203040…” line have been specially developed to account
for the skin’s unique biorhythms.
But certain cosmetic procedures are equally necessary at
any age. At issue here is regular skin cleansing and toning.
They are selected in accordance with the individual’s skin
Cleansing and toning
Proper cleansing of the skin is the key to its eternal beauty!
It is precisely the improper selection
of cleansing products that causes the
skin the most harm.
Women often splurge on a good skin cream, yet scrimp
on gentle cleansing products, opting instead to use
bathroom soap in the old-fashioned way. This can result
in the following:
pH Imbalance
The skin’s natural acid-base balance is equidermal: pH =
The pH value of soap is 9-12.
So, by washing with regular soap, you dry out your skin
almost twice too much!
Insufficient cleansing
Soap provides only superficial cleansing  — it doesn’t
purify pores.
Pore obstruction
Soap contains carboxylic acids that interact with the
calcium and magnesium salts contained in water. This
results in the formation of an insoluble “lime deposit,”
which settles on the skin and clogs pores.
A well-chosen cleansing product not only removes dirt,
but also maintains proper pH balance and preserves the
integrity of the skin’s protective mantle.
Toning also is an essential facial care procedure at any age. The choice of toner depends
on the type and needs of your skin.
Cleansing and toning, just like twins, should always be
Toner accomplishes several tasks at once:
•	 “adds final lustre”: completes the skin-cleansing stage, removes keratinized cells,
make-up traces and cleansing-product residue;
•	 prepares the skin for the subsequent application of cosmetic products: it enhances
the skin’s receptiveness to the cosmetics products to be applied later;
•	 constricts pores: after cleansing, pores must be be “closed” to avoid being penetrated
by dust and bacteria.
«20,30,40…» line
Skin cleansing and toning products with
aloe extract
Since ancient times, aloe has been prized as an effective substance for cleansing and
moisturizing the skin and giving it a healthy appearance. Aloe’s valuable property lies
in its universality: it effectively moisturizes dry skin, soothes and softens inflamed skin,
and lowers oil gland activity in oily skin.
Экстракт алоэ вера (Aloe barbadensis extract):
•	 contains more than 200 biologically-active substances, including: vitamins, amino
acids, enzymes, minerals, microelements, glycosides, and many more;
•	 contains polysaccharides, which help maintain the skin’s normal hydrobalance;
•	 contains salycilyc acid and essential oils that prevent acne;
•	 its pH level coincides with the skin’s natural pH level; therefore, aloe normalizes its
acid-base balance;
•	 has the unique ability to meet the needs of absolutely any skin type. If your skin
gives you “surprises,” alternating between oiliness, dryness and scaliness, cosmetic
products with Aloe extract are just what it needs.
Aloe is called a “vehicle” for its ability to penetrate body
tissue, which it does 3-4 times faster than water. Thanks
to this, the beneficial substances contained in Aloe
extract are rapidly delivered to the skin’s deeper layers.
Aloe Facial Cleanser
When coming in contact with water, this gentle cleanser easily transforms into airy foam.
It cleanses the skin gently yet deeply, without causing any sensation of tightness. The
cleanser is enriched with vitamin E.
Vitamin Е (Tocopherol):
•	 skin’s “youth vitamin”: it allows the skin to look younger by nourishing, moisturizing,
regenerating and strengthening the epidermis barrier layer;
•	 shields cells from the effects of free radicals, slowing down aging processes;
•	 makes the skin more resistant to UV-ray exposure;
•	 is involved in tissue respiration and its other critical metabolic processes, preventing
the elevated permeability and fragility of capillaries.
If a competition were held among all vitamins for the title
of most-beneficial to the skin, vitamin E would certainly
be among the top-3.
•	 Gently removes make-up residue, excessive sebum
excreted by oil glands and keratinized skin cells.
•	 Cleanses pores, adds a matte tint to the skin.
•	 Preserves the skin’s natural moisture, soothes
Spread the product with light massaging movements
across the face and neck until a foam develops. Rinse
Facial Toner. Use in the morning and in the evening.
Suitable for all skin types.
Natural sensation of freshness and cleanness, soft and
velvety skin.
Package: 100 g. Code: 12001.
«20,30,40…» line
Aloe Facial Cleanser
The process of facial skin cleansing is sure to become a pleasure when you use this
cleanser with a delicate airy texture. It cleanses the skin gently yet effectively from dirt
and excess sebum.
•	 Cleanses the skin effectively and deeply, constricts pores — thereby encouraging the
normalization of oil gland functioning.
•	 Helps get rid of oily shine, blackheads and acne.
•	 Moisturizes the skin, neutralizing the tightening effect of washing.
Apply a small quantity of the cleanser to the face and neck with massaging movements,
then rinse thoroughtly with warm water. Complete the procedure by using Aloe Balance
Facial Toner. Use in the morning and in the evening.
Suitable for oily skin types.
The skin glows with cleanness — not with oily shine!
Package: 100 g. Code: 12025.
Aloe Facial Hydrating Tonic
If your skin suffers from a lack of moisture, this delicately-textured Hydrating Tonic is just
what it needs. The Hydrating Tonic contains Aloe extract, plus vitamin E and allantoin.
Allantoin is produced from the roots of woundwort (Symphytum officinale), a plant that
has been used since ancient times in the healing of wounds and regeneration of injured
tissue. Allantoin:
•	 has a regenerating effect, softens and soothes sensitive skin;
•	 has a keratolytic effect: softens the corneous layer, thereby encouraging the
shedding of dead cells;
•	 effectively prevents pore obstruction and the development of blackheads.
•	 Gently cleanses and tones the skin.
•	 Normalizes hydro-lipid balance, moisturizes.
•	 Strengthens skin structure, making it smoother and more elastic.
Apply a small quantity of Hydrating Tonic to the face and neck with massaging movements,
then rinse thoroughly with warm water. Complete the procedure by using Aloe Balance
Facial Toner. Use in the morning and in the evening.
Suitable for all skin types.
Unparalleled feeling of freshness and comfort!
Package: 100 g. Code: 12026.
Allantoin was first discovered in
avian embryonic tissue (“allantois”
is the name of an embryonic
membrane), where embryo
on it.
«20,30,40…» line
Aloe Balance Facial Toner
This ultra-light toning product is really a “freshness concentrate,” designed to saturate
the skin with energy. In addition to Aloe extract, Balance Facial Toner contains algae
extract and allantoin.
Algae extract is an “energizer battery for cells”: It contains a mineral energy cocktail in
which zinc, copper and magnesium are of the greatest significance to “tired” skin cells.
•	 Zinc is an important conponent for the more than 200 enzymes involved in metabolic
and tissue-regeneration processes
•	 Copper encourages the healing of wounds and scratches, activates cell growth.
•	 Magnesium is essential to the proper functioning of the enzymes involved in the
formation of connective tissue.
Fact: 1 kg of algae contains the same quantity of copper,
zinc and magnesium as 10 tons of sea water
•	 Gently removes make-up while moisturizing and toning the skin.
•	 Normalizes oil-gland production, cleanses and constricts the pores, giving the skin a
matte tint.
•	 Clarifies and smoothes the skin’s surface, soothing skin irritation and reddening.
After washing, apply a small quantity of the toner to the face and neck using
a cosmetic pad.
Suitable for all skin types.
Physiological skin balance: sebum production is normalized, pH-balance is achieved.
Package: 100 g. Code: 12002..
«20,30,40…» line
Skin cleansing and toning products
with olive extract
Like people, skin can become stressed. Skin cells react to stress faster than others — after
all, they are the first to feel the effects of the outside world. Frost and heat, airborne dust
and harmful chemical substances, UV-radiation and free radicals “attack” our skin every
minute of the day.
“Tired” skin manifests itself as dull, lifeless facial complexion, often accompanied by
flakiness and reddening. The mission of cosmetic products containing olive extract is to
help your skin “escape” from stress.
Olive extract (Olea europaea fruit extract) is a product obtained from the fruit pulp of
the European olive-tree. This is a valuable natural ingredient, known as “liquid gold” for
the skin:
•	 oleic acid contained in olive extract is related to the skin: it is included in the lipid
composition of the epidermal barrier, therefore, it is well assimilated, improving the
skin’s own protective properties;
•	 vitamin Е contained in olive extract is called the “vitamin of youth” for its ability to
protect the skin from the harmful effects of free radicals. If a competition were held
among all vitamins for the title of most-beneficial to the skin, vitamin E would certainly
be among the top-3;
•	 non-comedogenic: thanks to their olive-extract content, these cosmetic products
won’t clog pores and are suitable for problem skin.
«20,30,40…» line
Olive Facial Cleanser
This gentle cleanser with a pearly tint “wipes” the skin free of everything unnecessary:
make-up residue, dirt and oily shine. It optimizes energetic cell potential. The cleanser is
enriched with aloe extract, Camelina sativa seed oil and salvia leaf extract.
Camelina sativa seed oil:
•	 contains linoleic and linolenic fatty acids related to the skin, which protect its water-
lipid mantle while lowering transepidermal moisture loss;
•	 promotes normalization of the skin’s natural pH value;
•	 contains vitamin E, the skin’s “vitamin of youth” and a powerful antioxidant.
Salvia offcinalis leaf extract:
•	 contains flavonoids, which destroy free radicals and accelerate skin regeneration
after its injury by ultraviolet radiation;
•	 contains phytoncides (from the Greek φυτóν — “plant” and the Latin caedo — “I kill”),
biologically-active vegetable substances that have a destructive effect on bacteria and
•	 contains vitamin РР, a bonus for the face, an enzyme component involved in cellular
respiration. The skin would truly suffocate without vitamin PP!
Romans and medieval Arabic doctors even credited salvia
with the ability to endow people with immortality. As the
ancient Arabic proverb goes: “How can a human die when
he has salvia in the garden?”
•	 Cleanses the skin softly and gently.
•	 Normalizes the skin’s hydrobalance, controls oil-gland
production, prevents oily shine and irritation.
•	 Softens and soothes the skin.
Mix in the palm of your hand with warm water. Apply the
product to the face and neck with massaging movements,
then rinse thoroughly. Complete the procedure by using
Olive Facial Lotion. Use in the morning and in the evening.
Suitable for stressed skin.
The skin is ideally cleansed, oily shine is eliminated.
Package: 100 g. Code: 12024.
«20,30,40…» line
Olive Facial Lotion
This lotion not only cleanses but also disinfects, making it
ideal for inflammation- and acne-prone skin. The product
is enriched with hyaluronic acid, vitamin E and allantoin.
Hyaluronic acid is an “apple of youth” for the skin:
•	 it’s a skin super-moisturizer: 1 molecule of hyaluronic
acid attracts 1000 molecules of water;
•	 has an “absorbent” effect: doesn’t allow water to
evaporate — even when its content in the environment
•	 preserves skin resiliency and elasticity;
•	 is a “trap” for free radicals.
•	 Cleanses the skin gently yet deeply, leaving it
•	 Controls oil-gland production, constricting pores.
•	 Soothes irritation and flakiness.
After washing, apply a small quantity of lotion to the face
and neck skin using a cosmetic pad.
Suitable for stressed skin.
Pores are constricted, preparing the skin for subsequent
stages of care.
Package: 100 g. Code: 12027.
Cleansing and toning products
for sensitive skin
Sensitive skin does not depend on age. It may be sensitive at 20, 30 and 40 years of age.
According to statistics, about 70% of all people in
the world consider their skin sensitive, although only
12% have sensitive skin by nature. In other cases,
hypersensitivity symptoms result from exposure to
aggressive environmental factors, stress, internal
diseases and improper skin care.
As a rule, sensitive skin is quite dry, with its oil glands producing little sebum. As a
result, the corneal layer becomes very thin and insufficiently protects the skin from
external factors.
Cosmetic products in the “203040…” line are intended to meet the requirements of
sensitive skin. They comply with the basic rules of care for such skin.
•	 The main rule that should be followed by people with sensitive skin: the fewer care
products used, the better the result! The skin comes in contact with approximately
30 different substances during one care procedure (cleansing, toning, nutrition).
The fewer the substances affecting the skin, the lower the risk of it not tolerating
any one of them.
•	 Cosmetic products for sensitive skin should be hypoallergenic, i.e. free of skin
Active ingredients of sensitive skincare products in the “203040...” line include aloe
vera extract, panthenol, allantoin and vitamin E.
«20,30,40…» line
Cleansing Facial Milk
Cleansing Facial Milk is one of the gentlest cosmetic
products, intended for the delicate care of dry, sensitive
skin. This gentle formula compensates for the dry
sensation that comes after washing with hard water.
Active ingredients: aloe vera extract, allantoin, vitamin E.
•	 Cleanses while gently softening and moisturizing the
•	 Normalizes skin pH value and hydrobalance.
•	 Tones, giving the face the sensation of freshness and
Apply a small quantity of the product into the palm of
your hand, mix with water to obtain foam, spread on
the face and neck with massaging movements. Rinse
thoroughly with warm water. Complete the procedure by
using Moisturizing Facial Toner. Use in the morning and
in the evening.
Suitable for all skin types.
Feeling of tightness and flakiness (peeling) no longer
torment your skin!
Package: 100 g. Code: 12003.
Moisturizing Facial Toner
This product immerses the skin in relaxation while
simultaneously enhancing its natural protective
mechanisms and lowering its sensitivity threshold. Active
ingredients: aloe vera extract, allantoin and panthenol.
Panthenol is provitamin B5, a derivative of pantothenic
acid (from the Greek word pantos meaning“everywhere”).
Pantothenic acid is contained in all biological tissue — if
it’s damaged, the need for it greatly increases. Panthenol:
•	 has a dermatoprotective property: promotes
accelerated tissue regeneration, soothes irritation;
•	 acts as a moisturizer improving hydration of the skin’s
corneal layer while decreasing water loss;
•	 protects the skin from harmful environmental effects.
•	 Completes the skin cleansing process, smoothes out
its texture.
•	 Restores the skin’s hydrobalance.
•	 Softens and soothes sensitive skin.
Apply to the face and neck in the morning or in the
evening using a cosmetic pad. Use after each washing.
Suitable for dry, sensitive skin.
Your skin says “thank you” for such gentle cleansing and
Package: 100 g. Code: 12004.
«20,30,40…» line
Daytime skincare products: moisturizing
Moisturizing is one of the basic preconditions for preserving the skin’s youthful
appearance. Moisture deficiency accelerates its aging processes, irrespective of skin
Normal skin is 60% water, making proper moisturizing
essential. On average, 8 liters of water is contained in
the skin of man with a body weight of 70 kg.
Contrary to popular opinion, it isn’t just dry skin that suffers from a lack of moisture.
Incidentally, “dry” and “dehydrated” are absolutely different concepts. Normal,
combination and oily skin can also become “parched with thirst.” Only external
dehydration manifestations are different. For example, oily skin intensifies oil-gland
production in case of moisture deficit: it begins to produce more sebum (in order to
retain remaining moisture). As a result, the face becomes oily more quickly, and the skin
becomes more sensitive.
It’s a paradox: the more the skin comes in contact with
water, the more it loses moisture. But there’s a simple
explanation: the moisture contained in the skin strives
to merge with topically-applied water. Therefore, skin
should always be moisturized after washing.
As soon as the skin’s moisture volume begins to decrease, the results are immediately
apparent on the face: the skin loses its tone, becomes dry and tight, the face looks tired,
and the person looks older than their years.
Day creams in the “203040…” line meet basic skin requirements and moisture needs,
making them suitable for any age.
Skin moisturizer with aloe extract
Aloe Balance Facial Cream
Balance Cream has a delicate texture and a pleasant, fresh aroma. It is easily spread over
the skin and rapidly absorbed. Active cream ingredients: aloe vera extract, vitamin E,
allantoin and titanium dioxide.
Titanium dioxide:
A UV-filter obtained through the processing of mineral rutile, ilmenite and arkansite;
much like a mirror, its mineral particles reflect ultraviolet rays, protecting the skin from
•	 Normalizes oil-gland production, giving the skin a light
matte tint.
•	 Promotes normalization of the skin’s metabolic
processes, enhancing its protective properties.
•	 Moisturizes the skin, leaving it soft and velvety.
Apply a small quantity of cream to the cleansed face and
Suitable for all skin types.
The skin is in physiologically-balanced condition.
Package: 50 g. Code: 12016.
«20,30,40…» line
Olive Energy Light Facial Cream
A cream with a delicate, weightless texture. Gliding smoothly over the skin, it is absorbed
immediately — without leaving an oily shine or clogging pores. Active ingredients: olive
extract, vitamin E, Ural licorice root extract, niacinamide and hyaluronic acid.
Ural licorice root extract (Glycyrrhiza uralensis root extract) contains:
•	 phenolic acids inhibiting melanin synthesis and preventing the development of nevi
•	 vitamin С with whitening properties;
•	 phytoestrogens, vegetable substances whose chemical structure is similar to human
estrogen, and which are capable of locally simulating their effect on the skin;
phytoestrogens not only slow down aging processes, but also normalize melanin
synthesis, thereby preventing hyperpigmentation;
•	 flavonoids, vitamin-like vegetable substances with strong antioxidant properties.
Niacinamide, the active form of vitamin В3:
•	 improves microcirculation, removing congestive phenomena and enhancing
metabolism in skin cells;
•	 increases the ceramide quantity of the skin’s fatty acids, restoring the epidermis’
barrier function;
•	 reduces transepidermal moisture loss.
•	 Promotes the recovery of “tired” skin, restoring its tone and healthy appearance.
•	 Prevents the appearance of early aging signs.
•	 Moisturizes, firms skin texture and helps counteract negative environmental factors.
Apply a small quantity of cream to the cleansed face and neck (except for areas around
the eyes) with circular movements
Suitable for stressed skin.
The skin “escapes” the effect of such factors as stress and fatigue. The skin’s “water
channels” are filled with moisture.
Package: 50 g. Code: 12028.
«20,30,40…» line
Sensitive skin moisturizer
Optimum Hydration Day Facial Cream
This ultralight cream carefully envelops the skin in a protective “barrier.” Your skin will be
carefree with this cream!
Active cream ingredients: collagen, hydrolyzed silk, ascorbic acid, arbutin, allantoin,
hydrolyzed wheat-germ protein and hyaluronic acid.
Collagen is the skin’s basic protein and is responsible for its youth:
•	 moisturizes the skin, creating a light protective “barrier” on its surface that prevents
moisture loss;
•	 improves skin firmness, strength and elasticity;
•	 promotes the skin’s extended youth.
Hydrolyzed silk is “liquid silk” obtained through the hydrolysis of silk fibers produced by
the silkworm:
•	 forms a light “barrier” on the skin’s surface; this “barrier” gives the skin silky
smoothness and provides a slight lifting effect;
•	 contains fibroins (from the Latin word “fibra” — “fiber”), the proteins forming the
basis of natural silk fiber;
•	 fibroin contains a significant quantity of glycin: each second amino acid in its structure
is glycin, a component in the skin’s natural moisturizing factor (NMF);
•	 fibroins have marvelous moisturizing properties: their molecules are able to attract
and retain 300x their weight in water!
Ascorbic acid is vitamin C:
•	 a powerful antioxidant that combats free radicals — one of the main causes of
premature skin aging;
•	 enhances collagen production, which is responsible for the skin’s smoothness and
youthful appearance;
•	 improves local immunity and the skin’s protective properties, preventing the
development of acne.
Arbutin is produced from bearberry leaves. Arbutin:
•	 has a whitening effect;
•	 while penetrating deep into the skin, it blocks melanin synthesis;
•	 while influencing pigmentation, it does not suppress the vital activity of melanocytes
and other skin cells.
•	 Provides the optimum moisturizing level, restoring
skin elasticity and resiliency.
•	 Softens and soothes sensitive skin.
•	 Improves skin immunity, stimulates skin regeneration
Apply a small quantity of cream to the cleansed face and
Suitable for dry, sensitive skin.
“Calmed,” moisturized skin radiates beauty and health!
Package: 50 g. Code: 12017.
«20,30,40…» line
Skin moisturizers with silk proteins
Silk proteins are the “companions” of female beauty — the light proteins that form silk
threads. The cosmetic properties of silk were first discovered in China: female workers
at silk factories began noticing that their hands were becoming marvelously smooth and
delicate. Since that time, the wives of emperors began wrapping their bodies in silk strips
in order to achieve such fine skin. The silk fabric was also used for maintaining hair luster:
hair was wiped with a piece of silk fabric after washing; as a result, the hair became
extraordinarily silky and shiny.
Silk proteins:
•	 thanks to their close relation to the protein structures of human skin (keratin), they
couple well with the epidermal surface, creating a thin, breathable “veil” that superbly
retains moisture. The skin looks smoother and fresher under such a “veil;”
•	 cotain amino acids, comparable to the “building blocks” of collagen and elastin
synthesis. As is well known, this is the main skin requirement for people over 30;
•	 promote deep, long-lasting skin moisturizing, insofar as the basic protein, fibroin,
retains up to 300x its weight in water.
Silk Touch Moisturizing Facial Cream
Like silk, this cream envelops the skin, softening and saturating it with moisture. The
cream contains: hydrolyzed silk, aloe vera extract, hyalurinic acid and allantoin.
•	 Provides intensive skin moisturizing.
•	 Improves skin contour, making it more resilient and elastic.
•	 Activates the skin’s own regeneration processes, protecting it from the effects of
aggressive environmental factors.
except for areas around the eyes.
Suitable for any skin type.
“Silky” skin!
Package: 50 g. Code: 12022.
«20,30,40…» line
Silk Touch Intensive Moisture Face Mask
This molding mask consists of the finest network of silk threads. Silk-protein penetration
promotes deep moisturizing. Mask composition includes: hydrolyzed silk, aloe leaf
extract, panthenol and niacinamide.
Sodium hyaluronate is a hyaluronic acid derivative:
•	 acts similarly to hyaluronic acid, known as the “star with 1000 admirers”: its one
molecule attracts 1000 water molecules;
•	 forms a light film on the skin; this film actively absorbs moisture from the air and has
the effect of “additional moisture”, reducing water evaporation;
•	 increases skin firmness, making it smoother.
•	 Intensively moisturizes the skin, smoothing it out.
•	 Reduces the appearance of age-related changes.
•	 Nourishes, softens, maintains skin elasticity, improves complexion.
Use the mask immediately after opening the package!
	 Remove the blue protective film and apply the mask to the face for 3 minutes.
	 Remove the silver film and apply the mask to the face for 15-20 minutes.
	 Take the mask off and spread its residue evenly over the face with massaging
It is recommended to use the mask 1-2 times a week.
You should not apply the mask to injured or irritated skin
Your skin is as smooth and delicate as silk!
Package: 38 g. Code: 12023.
«20,30,40…» line
Nighttime skincare products:
nutrition and recovery
Many women neglect nighttime cosmetic procedures, not suspecting that night is the
best time for skincare.
When Brigitte Bardot was asked her secret for
preserving youth and beauty, she answered:
“Don’t mix up your jars with day and night creams.”
Sleep is therapeutic! Skin cells don’t have to protect themselves from adverse
environmental factors (sun, wind, cold, heat, etc.) at night, leaving them focused on
Skin switches to its “recovery regimen” at night, making
cosmetic products most effective at that time.
The nighttime skincare products in the “203040…” line have been developed to account
for the chronological “habits” of the skin and its age-related features. As we grow older,
our skin requirements begin to increase. While moisturizing in both the daytime and
nighttime is sufficient for young skin, mature skin needs additional “feeding” and
recovery stimulation.
Night care
Old age remains an abstract concept. Theoretically, the skin will remain in good condition
over the next decade, provided that basic skincare rules are followed.
Active wrinkle prevention should be started early, and good moisturizing will become “an
investment in youth.”
Cosmetologists’ observation: the skin of those who’ve
been using moisturizing cream since early youth ages
6 times more slowly than the skin of those who didn’t
bother with skincare.
Nighttime skincare products for young skin should contain ingredients that promote its
deep saturation with moisture.
«20,30,40…» line
Hydrating Facial Cream
This cream, with a dissolving texture and delicate aroma, intensifies water metabolism,
providing optimum skin-moisture level for a long time!
Cream active ingredients: aloe vera extract, vitamin E and allantoin.
•	 Promotes the moisturizing of deep skin layers, reduction of flaking and irritation.
•	 Stimulates skin cell regeneration, slows down aging processes.
•	 Softens and smoothes the skin, giving it elasticiy and a fresh appearance.
Apply a small quantity of cream to the cleansed face and neck.
Suitable for day- and nighttime use from age 20.
The natural potential of skin cells is “awakening!”
The natural potential of skin cells is “awakening!”
Package: 50 g. Code: 12018.
30+ Night care
in the world, begin to become fatigued by age 30. Problems such as inflammation and
acne become less significant due to reduced oil-gland production, while new problems
arise, i.e. wrinkles.
Age 30 triggers the microaging process, whereby the skin loses its elasticity in the most
expressive areas, i.e. in the contours of the eyes and lips and on the forehead. Simply
moisturizing the skin is no longer enough: it must also be stimulated to renewal.
Skin changes occurring after 30: the cell regeneration
process slows down, and the skin loses its firmness
due to the inhibition of collagen and elastin synthesis.
Keratinization processes begin to prevail.
Cosmetic products should contain ingredients such as hyaluronic acid and peptides for
the effective nighttime skincare of those over 30.
«20,30,40…» line
•	 Reduces skin tension and stress, providing it with
valuable nutrients.
•	 Promotes the recovery of dermal structural integrity,
stimulates cell regeneration, improves skin color.
•	 Increases moisture level, which helps smooth out
Apply a small quantity of cream to the cleansed face
and neck, except for areas around the eyes, with circular
Suitable for any skin type at ages over 30.
Preserved “youth capital” of skin cells!
Package: 50 g, сode: 12019.
Night Recovery Facial Cream
This cream-gel contains peptides (translation from the Greek — “nutritive”), one of the
most promising ingredients in cosmetic products. Similar to proteins, peptides consist
of amino acids, but unlike proteins, their size is much smaller, enabling them to easily
penetrate the skin barrier.
protein in a form that is optimal for assimilation by the
skin, i.e. in the form of a short chain consisting of 2-8
amino acids.
The most valuable property of peptides — their ability to influence vital cell activity.
Various processes in the skin, including aging, can be controlled with the help of peptide
Palmitoyl oligopeptide is a “signal molecule” for the production of collagen:
•	 a tripeptide derivative consisting of three amino acid residues (glycin, histidine and
lysine) bound with palmitic acid, which facilitates penetration through the epidermal
•	 a collagen molecule fragment involved in the formation of new collagen fibers;
•	 promotes the better penetration of active ingredients in cosmetic products.
Caprooyl tetrapeptide-3:
•	 consists of short chains of four amino acids (histidine, lysine, glutamine and isoleicine)
bound with caproic acid;
•	 helps strengthen collagen and elastin fibers;
•	 has softening and soothing effects on the skin, promotes reduced pigmentation.
This cream also contains hydrolyzed silk, hyaluronic acid and allantoin.
«20,30,40…» line
Night care
Age 40 is a milestone triggering the involution process (the opposite of evolution):
•	 connective tissue (derma) element degradation — collagen fibers become thicker,
part of them disintegrate or stick together. As a result, the skin loses its elasticity and
begins to sag. Skin turgor (water saturation) is also lowered;
•	 significantly decreased or atrophied function of the oil glands — the skin becomes dry
and more susceptible to harmful environmental effects;
•	 thinned epidermal basal layer — cell division rate is reduced in the basal layer, which is
responsible for the “origination” of skin cells, its thickness decreases. On the contrary,
corneal layer thickness significantly increases. The skin begins to appear “pursed;”
•	 disturbed microcirculation — vascular wall permeability changes, resulting in the
development of vascular stars and telangiectasias (visible surface blood vessels).
The skin should be stimulated to renewal starting at age 30. You should mainly rely on
cosmetic products stimulating collagen and elastin production at age 40.
Firming and Lifting Facial Cream
This cream contains aloe leaf extract and the “gold standard” of anti-aging products, i.e.
hyaluronic acid and hydrolyzed collagen.
Collagen is known as a “youth protein,” it forms a compact reticular structure of elastic
fibers in the skin; similar to framework, it supports the skin. But collagen synthesis
processes become slower in most people by age 25-30.
If you examine a wrinkle under a microscope, you can see
the worn collagen layer underneath it.
Hyaluronic acid is also a natural component of the human skin. While filling the space
between collagen fibers, it maintains cell water balance, skin resiliency and elasticity. At
a young age, the synthesis and degradation of hyaluronic acid in the human body take
place uniformly. But its content begins dropping at age 20, with the process speeding up
with each successive year. The quantity of hyaluronic acid in a 50-year-old human is two
times lower than in a 20-year-old. The reduced synthesis of hyaluronic acid results in skin
dryness and the occurrence of wrinkles.
Hyaluronic acid:
•	 “queen of moisturizing” for the skin — each acid
molecule has up to 1000 “servants”: water molecules.
If you add just 2 mg of hyaluronic acid to 1 liter of
water, you will obtain a thick, gel-like mass;
•	 “great logistician” — it delivers liquid to the areas
where it is required;
•	 “trap” for free radicals;
•	 maintains skin resiliency and elasticity.
Hydrolyzed collagen is collagen that easily penetrates
epidermal barriers with the help of enhancer substances
(from the English “enhance” — “to improve, to intensify”:
•	 stimulates the renewal of natural dermal collagen
•	 improves skin strength, elasticity and firmness;
•	 forms a protective film on the skin; this film binds to
water, thereby reducing transepidermal moisture loss
•	 Stimulates collagen synthesis, has a lifting-effect.
•	 Promotes the reduction of expression lines and
nasolabial folds, preventing their further development.
•	 Stimulates the natural cell regeneration process,
improves complexion.
Apply a small quantity of cream to the cleansed face and
Suitable for any skin type, starting at ages over 40.
The skin is “awakened” from fading slumber!
Package: 50 g. Code: 12020.
«20,30,40…» line
Anti-Wrinkle Active Facial
Essence is a concentrate of beneficial substances — an
period of time. It contains many more active substances
than those found in ordinary creams. Essence is applied
after cleanser and toner under basic facial cream.
Essence contains acetyl tetrapeptide-5, hyaluronic acid,
collagen, Hibiscus militaris extract and allantoin.
Acetyl tetrapeptide-5:
•	 improves microcirculation and lymphatic outflow,
whose disturbance causes edema;
•	 maintains the skin’s “architecture,” accelerates the cell
regeneration process;
•	 enhances skin elasticity.
Hibiscus militaris flower extract:
•	 a source of tartaric, citric and malic fruit acids, which
ensure deep pore cleansing and the shedding of
keratinized skin cells;
•	 a source of polysaccharides — substances that
serve as water “reservoirs” for plants and normalize
hydrobalance in the human skin;
•	 restores skin tone due to antocyanidine content; this is
a special flavonoid group promoting the maintenance
of collagen fibers.
•	 Slows the skin’s aging process, restores its protective
and water-retention ability.
•	 Stimulates metabolism and the cell regeneration
•	 Strengthens skin structure, enhances its smoothness
and elasticity, improves the complexion.
Suitable for any skin type, starting at ages over 40.
Apply to a well-cleansed face and neck under basic cream
in the morning and/or evening.
The skin regains its youthful glow, elasticity and sensation
of total comfort.
Package: 30 g. Code: 12011.
«20,30,40…» line
Revitalising Eye Cream-Gel
The term “revitalization” (from the Latin “vita” — “life”) can be literally interpreted as
“returning to life.” This involves the revival of natural skin functions lost with age.
This progressive cream-gel formula is based on bio-gold.
Colloidal gold (bio-gold) is a “luxury ingredient”:
•	 a form of gold (“colloidal”: from the Greek word “kolla” — “glue”) obtained by the
electrolysis method using high-frequency currents and ozone treatment. This process
results in the formation of microscopic particles of precious metal measuring less
than a micron;
•	 promotes the rapid penetration of oxygen into skin cells, improving metabolic
processes, enhancing circulation, and freeing the skin from harmful metabolic
byproducts and toxins;
•	 stabilizes collagen and elastin, improves hydration and metabolic processes,
normalizes local immune reactions;
•	 acts as a “conductor” for other active ingredients, therefore, cosmetic products
containing it are always well absorbed into the skin.
way back in Ancient Egypt: Cleopatra slept with a mask of
pure gold on her face.
This cream-gel contains peptides (translation from the Greek — “nutritive”), some of the
most promising ingredients in cosmetic products. Peptides are capable of penetrating
the corneal layer of skin cells and, even more importantly, influencing their vital activity.
Processes unfolding in the skin can be controlled using peptide complexes, making it
possible to slow down aging.
•	 peptide consisting of a molecular chain of six amino acids and classified as a
remodeling peptide, stimulating the synthesis of intercellular matrix components
(collagen and elastin);
•	 restructures and strengthens the skin;
•	 dramatically improves the appearance of thinning, fading skin.
This revitalizing cream-gel also contains Butyrospermum parkii butter, Hedera helix leaf
extract and Hibiscus militaris extract.
Butyrospermum parkii butter:
•	 has regenerating properties due to its content of unsaponifiable fats, influences
collagen synthesis;
•	 has a plasticizing effect and enhances skin barrier proterties due to its content of
triglyciredes, which include essential fatty acids;
•	 has antioxidant properties, is a natural UV-filter.
30+Working with “delicate
material”: eye skincare
Skin thickness around the eyes is just 0.5 mm — equal
to a sheet of paper. The first wrinkles and sagginess
appear precisely in this delicate and sensitive zone,
where dark circles and bags begin to develop.
•	 The skin around the eyes is the thinnest — it is 5-7
times thinner than the skin on the cheeks.
•	 The skin around the eyes has no subcutaneous
fatty layer, it contains few oil/sweat-gland ducts and
comprises virtually no collagen or elastin fibers.
•	 Eyelid skin experiences the maximum expressive
load: the average eye blinks roughly 20 thousand
times a day.
Eye skincare involves working with “delicate material.”
The products in the “203040…” line have been specially
developed in due consideration of the nuances of
delicate eyelid skin.
«20,30,40…» line
As far back as 1940, many scientific observations
confirmed that peoples who had been using
Butyrospermum parkii butter since ancient times
suffered from virtually no dermatological diseases
and that their skin was strikingly smooth and
elastic. In Africa, every infant is massaged with
Butyrospermum parkii butter at birth, protecting the
baby’s skin from severe climatic conditions.
Hedera helix leaf extract is derived from the leaves of evergreen liana:
•	 contains phytoestrogens, vegetable substances whose chemical structure is
similar to human estrogen, and which are able to locally simulate their effect
on the skin; phytoestrogens not only slow down aging processes but also
normalize melanin synthesis, preventing hyperpigmentation;
•	 reduce the permeability of capillaries and cell membranes, normalizing skin
•	 has stimulating and regenerating effects, promotes skin strengthening and
•	 Ensures deep skin nutrition, restores its structure by activating cellular
•	 Reduces the number of wrinkles and their depth, increases skin elasticity and
•	 Promotes the reduction of edemas, protects the skin from adverse
environmental factors.
Apply to the skin around the eyes with light tapping movements using a special
applicator. Use in the morning and in the evening to enhance the effect. Do not
massage in.
Recommended for use from age 30 and up.
Eyelid skin glows with health, becoming smooth and elastic.
Package: 30 g. Code: 12021.
«20,30,40…» line
Eye Cream-Gel
In this cosmetic product, bio-gold acts as a “conductor”
for Pisum sativum, Hibiscus militaris and Hedera helix leaf
extracts. This cream-gel also contains hyaluronic acid.
Pisum sativum extract:
•	 stimulates skin regeneration processes;
•	 slows down collagen degradation, enhances skin
elasticity and resiliency;
•	 contains a significant quantity of protein substances
and amino acids that nourish and moisturize the skin.
Peas are a leader among vegetables
in terms of their content of protein
substances: the protein content of
peas is almost the same at that of
•	 Softens and moisturizes the delicate skin of the eyelids.
•	 Promotes the minimization of wrinkles, restores skin
resiliency and elasticity.
•	 Soothes the skin, preventing the development of
irritation and reddening.
Apply on the skin around the eyes with light tapping
movements using a special applicator. Use in the morning
and in the evening to achieve the best results.
Recommended for use from age 30 and up.
Visible wrinkle minimization, restoration of the resiliency
and elasticity of delicate eyelid skin.
Package: 30 g. Code: 12013.
Firming and Lifting Eye Cream-Gel
“Lifting” (from the English “lifting” — “tightening”) is the name of a cosmetic procedure
aimed at the correction and prevention of sagging skin. Lifting effect is provided by
hyaluronic acid, acetyl tetrapeptide-5 and Hibiscus militaris extract.
In addition to wrinkles, at age 30 and over, our appearance starts to suffer from dark
circles under the eyes and puffiness that can be difficult to conceal.
•	 Swelling in the eye area occurs more frequently than foot swelling.
•	 The skin around the eyes is predisposed towards fluid retention.
•	 Swelling in the eye area occurs most often at night, when lymph microcirculation
slows down.
The acetyl tertapeptide-5 and Hamamelis virginiana leaf extract contained in this cream-
gel are intended to combat this particular cosmetic problem.
Hamamelis virginiana leaf extract:
•	 improves microcirculation and favors liquid outflow, which eases puffiness;
•	 contains bioflavonoids, which are vitamin-like vegetable substances with strong
antioxidant properties;
•	 contains tannins that firm the skin and constrict pores.
Hamamelis is a perennial bush commonly known as
“witch-hazel.” It was so named for its many wondeful
properties: bushes exposed to stress sometimes begin to
blosson absolutely unexpectedly — even in mid-autumn.
And hamamelis flowers are extremely frost-resistant:
they become hardened due to overnight frost and thaw
out and open again in the daytime. Another interesting
fact: hamamelis is never affected by pests.
•	 Has a lymph drainage effect, reduces swelling and dark circles around the eyes.
•	 Restores the skin’s hydro-lipid balance, smoothes its overall contour.
•	 Ensures antioxidant protection for cells.
Apply a small quantity of gel to the skin around eyes. Use in the morning and in the
evening to achieve the best result.
Recommended for use from age 30.
Simple arithmetic of eyelid skin: minus puffiness and dark circles, plus elasticity and
Package: 30 g. Code: 12012.
30+ 30+
«20,30,40…» line
Anti-Wrinkle Eye Gel
This gel with a light texture is easily spread over the skin and rapidly absorbed. It contains
Butyrospermum parkii butter, acetyl tetrapeptide-5 and vitamin E.
•	 Has a multifunctional effect on the skin around eyes, stimulates regeneration and
accelerates collagen synthesis.
•	 Restores circulation, thereby promoting a reduction in puffiness and dark circles.
•	 Nourishes and softens delicate eyelid skin, has a pronounced antioxidant effect.
Apply to clean skin around the eyes in the morning and/or in the evening.
Recommended for use from age 40.
Your eyes become noticeable for their beauty — not for their wrinkles and puffiness.
Package: 30 g. Code: 12014.
«20,30,40…» line
Erasing everything you don’t need:
deep skin-cleansing products
Our skin is like our permanent “clothing.” Imagine clothes that have been worn for
decades without being taken off. The skin, particularly mature skin, also has the tendency
of “wearing out.” You see, as we grow older, renewal processes begin to slow down:
keratinized (dead) cells accumulate as a thick layer pressing down on “new” cells. This
results in dull, “parchment-like” skin covered in wrinkles.
Such skin should be stimulated to renewal. Peels triggering the regeneration process are
available for this purpose.
Peels differ from scrubs in terms of the nature of their effect on the skin. Scrubs involve
mechanical cleansing — they remove dead cells with the help of abrasive particles. The
word “abrasive” originates from the Latin “abrasio,” meaning erasure, scratching. This
procedure is quite traumatizing for the skin. Peels remove dead cells by softening and
dissolving them.
The word “peeling” originates from the English “peel,”
which means “to remove the rind.” Since ancient times,
people have attempted to artificially stimulate skin
renewal: they burned their faces with vinegar, applied
red-hot metal, scraped with pumice, ashes etc.
The TianDe Company offers a reliable solution for the problem of keratinized cell
accumulation: peels. Peeling involves the desquamation process of superior epidermis
layers and the dermal papillary layer. It stimulates regeneration processes in the skin and
promotes its renewal.
Peels in the “203040…” line provide for the superficial
exfoliation of facial skin
Superficial peeling is known as “lunchtime-peeling.” This is the most sparing method
of all chemical peels: it leaves no traces requiring healing. Superficial peeling causes
desquamation of the epidermis layer approximately 0.06 mm thick; this is sufficient
to refresh the overall “look of the face,” improving the condition of skin affected by
acne, smoothing fine wrinkles, making superficial nevi pigmentosis less noticeable, and
shrinking large pores.
It is not recommended to sunbathe, use masks-films or
other exfoliants for 2-4 days after peeling, depending on
skin type.
«20,30,40…» line
Active Facial Gel Peel
This peel contains algae extract, hyaluronic acid and Portulaca oleracea extract.
Portulaca oleracea extract:
•	 is a natural muscle relaxant that relaxes expression muscles, neutralizes their
“excessive” contractions, and promotes wrinkle minimization;
•	 soothes irritated skin, stimulates regeneration processes;
•	 contains vitamic C, which intensifies collagen synthesis.
•	 Provides for the exfoliation of dead, keratinized skin cells.
•	 Activatescellregeneration,moisturises,enhancesskinelasticity,improvescomplexion,
constricts pores, smoothes lines and wrinkles.
•	 Clarifies and evens complexion.
Recommendations on frequency of use:
•	 oily skin — 2-3 times a week,
•	 normal skin — 1-2 times a week,
•	 dry and sensitive skin — once every two weeks.
Apply a small quantity of the peel to cleansed facial skin, avoiding the region around
the eyes. Massage for 1-2 minutes and wash off thoroughly with cold water. The skin
becomes sensitive after using the peel, therefore, it is recommended to use sunscreen
with a UV protective filter.
Your skin rids itself of everything it doesn’t need!
Package: 80 g. Code: 12008.
Delicate Facial Gel Peel
Thanks to its content of hyaluronic acid analogue  —
sodium hyaluronate  — this peel has a pronounced
moisturizing effect.
•	 Gently removes keratinized cells.
•	 Softens the epidermis and promotes rapid cell
recovery, smoothes the skin and makes it elastic.
•	 Encourages natural skin moisturizing and improves
circulation, enriching cells with oxygen.
Apply a small quantity of peel to cleansed facial skin,
avoiding the region around the eyes. Massage for 1-2
minutes and wash off thoroughly with cold water. It is
recommended to use sunscreen with a UV protective
filter after peeling.
Recommendations on frequency of use:
•	 oily skin — 2-3 times a week,
•	 normal skin — 1-2 times a week,
•	 dry and sensitive skin — once every two weeks.
Your skin “sighs with relief!”
Package: 100 g. Code: 12031.
30+20+ 40+
«20,30,40…» line
Gingko Biloba + E
Gingko Biloba + E 25+
This little leaf was brought to my unpretentious garden from the East,
And it reveals secret meaning for a seeing eye.
Could it be that a living creature has halved here?
Or, on the contrary, that the two appear before us in unity at once?
I. Goethe. Ginkgo Biloba
The leaf extract of an ancient tree, the oldest on Earth, is the basic ingredient of this
cosmetic line. This tree is much older not only than mankind, but also than long-
extinct dinosaurs!
Ginkgo biloba is the most valuable link we have between the present and the distant
past. According to botanists’ calculations, the tree has existed for more than 300 million
years! It is rightly called a “living fossil” — an accidental remnant of distant geological
periods. None of today’s modern plants are similar to ginkgo biloba. Ginkgo was
considered extinct for a long time — until, in the 20th Century, the tree was found
growing in two regions of Eastern China.
Over millions of years, ginkgo biloba has acquired the incredible ability to survive and
has emerged as the embodiment of the Earth’s life-giving forces. It is often said of the
tree that “it does not burn in flame.” Ginkgo wood is truly resistant to fire: the tree was
completely charred during the mighty atomic disaster at Hiroshima — but survived and
began blossoming the very next spring!
In the East, Ginkgo is viewed as the symbol of yin and yang (the essence of male and
female — a symbol of vital harmony). Ginkgo is a diclinous plant; there are male and
female trees. The seeds, which are as large as an apricot, are wonderfully colored in an
amber-silver tint, explaining why Ginkgo is known as “silver nut” in China.
Biochemical studies have shown that the leaves are the most valuable part of the
Ginkgo tree. It is they that contain many biological substances regarded as natural
stimulants of vitality.
Ginkgo biloba leaf extract is one of the most-commonly administered preparations in
France, and is recognized as the most popular in Germany. Different formulations based
on Ginkgo biloba are included in the top-5 most sought-after preparations in America.
The plant’s incredible popularity is driven by its ability to have a beneficial effect on
blood vessels, improve microcirculation and strengthen capillary walls. Recent studies
prove convincingly that the lion’s share of all diseases are caused by circulatory disorders.
This property of Ginkgo biloba is of particular importance to cosmetology, because
normalized circulation means the prevention of many (if not all) skin problems. After
all, it is blood and blood alone that delivers nutrients, moisture and oxygen to the skin.
Gingko Biloba + E
Ginkgo biloba leaf extract contains more than 100 biologically-active components,
•	 ginkgolides and bilobalides — ginko’s “signature” components, unique to it alone;
they enhance vascular wall elasticity and normalize blood circulation. As a result,
bloodflow increases, resulting in improved cell metabolism and enhanced moisture
absorption by the skin;
•	 quercetin — a flavonoid that targets the vascular system: it relieves tension, reduces
capillary permeability and fragility, enhances vascular elasticity and tone, and
promotes swelling reduction;
•	 complex of powerful antioxidants that not only destroy existing free radicals
but also prevent the production of new free radicals! Ginkgo extract acts as a
scavenger (from the English “scavenger” — “garbage collector”) of active oxygen
forms (free radicals).
Thanks to its powerful antioxidant effect, ability to normalize metabolic processes
and improve skin structure, Ginkgo extract is actively used in anti-aging products. The
Ginkgo Biloba + E line is intended for the young skin of 25-year-olds, insofar as skin aging
processes begin precisely at this age. While external appearance radiates wellbeing,
internal fading processes have already become activated.
•	 collagen production decreases, with firmness suffering as a result;
•	 disturbances develop in the production of the skin’s own moisturizer — its natural
moisturizing factor — with dehydration and the sensation of tightness becoming
more pronounced;
•	 the skin’s cell-renewal process is slowed down, with complexion becoming gray and
of aging. They contain vitamin E, which is rightly called “the vitamin of youth.”
Vitamin Е (Tocopherol):
•	 this “vitamin of youth” gives the skin a more youthful appearance while nourishing
and moisturizing it, regenerating and strengthening the epidermal barrier layer;
•	 releases cells from the effect of free radicals, slowing down aging processes;
•	 makes the skin more resistant to the effect of UV-rays;
•	 is involved in tissue respiration and the tissue’s other vital metabolic processes,
preventing increased capillary permeability and fragility.
The Gingko Biloba + E cosmetic line provides young skin with all of the necessary care
stages: cleansing, toning, moisturizing and eye skin care.
The “vascular system” of the Ginkgo tree is unique in its
simplicity: the main trunk is divided into two stems. No
other tree in the world boasts anything of the kind.
Gingko Biloba + E 25+
Deep Cleansing Facial Milk
This cleansing milk, with a fine aromatic texture, is ideally absorbed by the skin, without
damaging the delicate hydrolipid film on its surface. The cosmetic product contains
gentle-cleansing amphoteric tensides (SAS) and cocamidopropyl hydroxysultaine.
Amphoteric, i.e. “sparing” SAS is one of the most expensive soapy-based ingredients.
Cocamidopropyl hydroxysultaine is made of coconut oil. This ingredient:
•	 gently cleanses the skin;
•	 protects the skin from dryness and irritation;
•	 “restores” the epidermal corneal layer, making the skin soft, and giving the foam its
creamy texture.
In addition to Ginkgo biloba leaf extract and tocopherol, this cleansing milk contains
natural fatty acids — myristic acid and lauryl acid.
Myristic acid is contained in nutmeg. This acid:
•	 promotes recovery of the skin’s protective properties;
•	 helps combat aging;
•	 enhances the penetration of other beneficial ingredients into the skin.
Lauryl acid is a product derived from the processing of bay leaf oil. This acid:
•	 is contained in female breast milk and protects infants against disease;
•	 has an antimicrobial effect;
•	 has antioxidant properties.
•	 Gently removes external contaminants and metabolic byproducts from the skin
without leaving a sensation of tightness or dryness.
•	 Promotes normalization of the skin’s natural physiological balance, stimulates cell
•	 Boosts the skin’s own protective properties, slows down aging processes.
Deposit a small quantity of the product into the palm of your hand, mix with water
to obtain a foam, spread over the face and neck with massaging movements. Rinse
thoroughly with warm water. Complete the procedure by using the Emollient Facial
Toner in the Ginkgo Biloba + E line.
Suitable for skin of all types, starting at age 25.
Ultra-soft skin that radiates cleanness and health!
Package: 100 g. Code: 14501.
Gingko Biloba + E
Emollient Facial Tonic
Emollient Facial Tonic ideally completes the skin cleansing procedure while strengthening
its natural protective mechanisms and lowering its sensitivity threshold.
By excluding tonic from your skincare procedure, you
lower the efficiency of further cosmetic products.
The skin’s natural microcirculation process and antioxidant protection system are
activated thanks to the Ginkgo biloba leaf extract contained in this product. The tonic
contains allantoin and sodium hyaluronate.
Allantoin is made from the roots of woundwort (Symphytum officinale), a plant that
has been used in the healing of wounds and regeneration of injured tissue since ancient
times. Allantoin:
•	 has a regenerating effect, stimulates skin healing while softening and soothing it;
•	 has a keratolytic effect: softens the corneous layer, thereby promoting the removal
of dead cells;
•	 effectively prevents the clogging of pores and development of blackheads.
Sodium hyaluronate is a hyaluronic acid derivative. It:
•	 acts similarly to hyaluronic acid, known as the “star with 1000 admirers”: its one
molecule attracts 1000 water molecules;
•	 forms a light film on the skin; this film actively absorbs moisture from the air and adds
an effect of “additional moisture,” thereby reducing water evaporation;
•	 increases skin firmness, making it smoother.
•	 Completes the skin cleansing procedure, removing make-up residue and dead
epidermal cells.
•	 Softens and moisturises the skin, preventing transepidermal moisture loss.
•	 Stimulates cell renewal, enhances the skin’s resistance to the effects of adverse
environmental factors.
Apply a small quantity of toner to the face and neck after washing, using a cosmetic pad.
Suitable for skin of all types, starting at age 25.
The skin is cleansed and perfectly prepared for the application of moisturizing cream.
Package: 100 g. Code: 14502.
Gingko Biloba + E 25+
Moisturizing Facial Fluid Cream
This cream has an ultralight fluid texture (from the Latin “fluidus” — “liquid, runny”);
thanks to which it can be applied to the face uniformly, creating a weightless transparent
coating. This cream contains Ginkgo biloba leaf extract and vitamin E (tocopherol) in
the form of acetate, which is resistant to oxidation, as well as allantoin and sodium
•	 Moisturizes the skin intensively so that it retains moisture for a long time, and
removes the sensation of tightness and dryness — making facial skin look healthy
again, restoring its natural softness and smoothness.
•	 Provides reliable antioxidant protection, neutralizing the effects of free radicals and
preventing the appearance of aging signs.
•	 Stimulating metabolic processes and boosting epidermal barrier functions.
Apply to the cleansed face and neck with light massaging movements, except for areas
around the eyes. Use in the morning and in the evening.
Suitable for skin of all types, starting at age 25.
The skin is moisturized, reliably protected and enriched with nutrients.
Package: 50 g. Code: 14503.
Revitalizing Eye Cream
This cream provides balanced care for the delicate and sensitive skin around the eyes. It
has a weightless texture that is rapidly absorbed without making the eyelid skin heavy.
Active cream ingredients: Ginkgo biloba leaf extract, vitamin E (tocopherol) in the form
of acetate, which is resistant to oxidation, and sodium hyaluronate.
•	 Provides reliable antioxidant protection for delicate eyelid skin, softens and
moisturizes it.
•	 Promotes the minimization of “crow’s feet” and smoothing of fine wrinkles.
•	 Prevents appearance of dark circles and edemas.
Apply a small quantity of cream to cleansed skin around the eyes with light tapping
movements. Use in the morning and in the evening.
Suitable for skin of all types, starting at age 25.
Eyelid skin looks rested and refreshed.
Package: 25 g. Code: 14505.
“Vitamin C” lineСерия «Витамин С»
“Vitamin C” line 20+
All a person has to do to pucker and wrinkle up is to imagine biting into a lemon wedge —
that’s simply the way tastebuds react to ascorbic acid (vitamin C).
In contrast to people, the skin isn’t wrinkled up but smoothed by “acidic” matter:
•	 Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant, it fights against free radicals — one of the leading
causes of premature skin aging;
•	 Cosmetic products containing vitamin C intensify collagen production, which is
responsible for the skin’s smoothness and youthful appearance.
The literal translation of “ascorbic acid” is “against scorbutus” (from the Latin “anti” —
“against” and “scorbutus” — “scurvy”), as the disease is caused by vitamin C deficiency
resulting in collagen synthesis disturbances and the breakdown of connective tissue.
More than half of all sailors participating in the age
of geographic discoveries died of scurvy. The English
seafarer James Cook managed to win an accidental
victory over it, stocking his ships with a vitamin C-rich
food — sauerkraut.
What’s best: eating or topical application?
The human body does not produce vitamin C, so vegetables are the main source of
ascorbic acid for humans. But even those who make an effort to eat nutritious food don’t
always succeed in obtaining beautiful skin as a bonus. The skin receives nutrients per the
residual principle, with vital organs supplied with important vitamins first. The targeted
delivery of vitamin C with the help of cosmetic products is highly beneficial to the skin.
It’s a fact: two thirds of all vitamin C delivered to the skin
from nutritional sources is destroyed by ultraviolet rays.
The cosmetic products in the Vitamin C line contain an active form of ascorbic acid that
is able to easily overcome the skin’s natural barrier and preserve its beneficial properties
for a long time. This is a significant advantage, insofar as vitamin C is naturally a highly-
unstable compound: it is rapidly oxidized and loses its beneficial properties when exposed
to air.
The cosmetic products of the Vitamin C line are ideally suited to young skin because they
meet two main conditions:
•	 prevention of aging is ensured by the antioxidant properties of vitamin C, and also by
its ability to activate collagen production;
•	 prevention of acne  — vitamin C enhances local immunity and the skin’s natural
protective properties, thereby preventing the onset of inflammation.
“Vitamin C” line
Cleansing Milky Facial Emulsion
Your skin is smooth and elastic when you’re 20 years old. At this age, the main task is to
cleanse it correctly.
During the day, our skin is exposed to:
•	 excreted byproducts of approximately
•	 2 mln sweat glands; this means at least 500 grams of water, urea, lactic acid, sodium
chloride and carbon dioxide;
•	 dirt, dust, sulfur dioxide and carbon monoxide.
Add creams and make-up, and a mixture will be formed that throws the skin into
prolonged imbalance in the absence of good cleansing.
Cleansing Milky Facial Emulsion with
vitamin C gently removes contaminants without damaging the hydro-lipid skin mantle or
leaving a sensation of tightness. The product is enriched with Morus alba root extract.
Morus alba root extract:
•	 evens the complexion and prevents the occurrence of nevi pigmentosis by regulating
melanin production;
•	 brightens dark circles under the eyes;
•	 contains flavonoids, which are vitamin-like vegetable substances boasting strong
antioxidant properties that protect the skin from premature aging.
•	 Effectively removes contaminants and make-up.
•	 Refreshes the skin, maintains its protective properties.
•	 Recommended for immunity-impaired skin (acne, dull complexion, sloughing).
Deposit a small amount of the product into the palms of your hands, mix with warm
water and spread over the face with massaging movements. Rinse thoroughly. Use in the
morning and in the evening. Complete the procedure by using the refreshing Facial Toner
in the Vitamin C series.
Suitable for all skin types.
Glowing skin!
Package: 100 g. Code: 13801.
“Vitamin C” line 20+
Refreshing Facial Toner
While skin cleansing is a given for most people, many ignore the need for proper toning.
This is due to popular ignorance as to the important functions of toner. It not only
completes the cleansing stage by removing make-up residue and the cleanser itself, but
also enhances the efficacy of day and night creams applied immediately thereafter by
20-30%. In other words, by ignoring the toning stage, you’re effectively throwing 1/3
of the total benefit of your cream tube out the window.
Cleansers and toner should be used in tandem, as they complement one another.
Cleansing and toning complement one another to a “T.”
Refreshing Facial Toner with vitamin C contains hydrolyzed soy proteins, Aloe barbadensis
leaf extract, hyaluronic acid and allantoin.
Hydrolyzed soy protein:
•	 is a source of phytoestrogens, which are vegetable analogues of female hormones;
our skin receptors react to phytoestrogens just as they do to hormones triggering cell
regeneration processes and activating hyaluronic acid production. The process of cell
saturation with moisture and oxygen is stimulated, sebum reproduction is normalized;
•	 is a source of amino acids and peptide-containing substances with low molecular
weight that easily overcome the skin’s natural barrier and become “building blocks”
for cells;
•	 moisturizes the skin and prevents transepidermal moisture loss.
Aloe barbadensis leaf extract:
•	 contains more than 200 biologically-active substances, including: vitamins, amino
acids, enzymes, minerals and microelements, glycosides and many others;
•	 promotes maintenance of the skin’s normal hydrobalance thanks to its rich
polysaccharide content;
•	 prevents the development of acne because it contains salycilyc acid and essential oils;
•	 normalizes the skin’s acid-base balance because its pH level coincides with the skin’s
natural pH level;
•	 called “a vehicle” for its ability to penetrate body tissue, which it accomplishes 3-4
times faster than water. Thanks to this, the beneficial substances contained in Aloe
extract are rapidly delivered to deep skin layers;
•	 has the unique ability to meet the requirements of absolutely any skin type. If your
skin tends to give you “surprises,” alternating from oiliness to dryness and flakiness,
cosmetic products with Aloe extract are just what it needs.
Hyaluronic acid:
•	 “star with 1000 admirers”: one acid molecule attracts up to 1000 water molecules;
•	 “great logistician”: it delivers moisture only to those areas that need it;
•	 protects skin cells from the adverse effect of free radicals;
•	 promotes tissue regeneration.
The production of hyaluronic acid in the human body
becomes less intensive from age 20.
•	 Effectively removes the residue of cosmetic products
and cleansers from the skin’s surface, restores natural
•	 pH-balance.
•	 Prevents skin dehydration.
•	 Prepares the skin for further cosmetic procedures.
Apply to the face and neck using a cotton ball.
Recommended for use after each cleansing.
Your perfectly-moisturized skin glows with good health!
Package: 100 g. Code: 13802.
Light Moisturising
Facial Cream
Young skin is amazingly forgiving — but it also has its own
requirements, the most important of which is the need
for moisturizing. This concerns dry and oily skin alike.
Strange as it may seem, skin dehydration and dryness are
different conditions:
•	 dehydration is water (intracellular liquid) deficiency;
•	 dryness is fatty component deficiency.
95% of all city-dwellers suffer from
skin dehydration.
Unfortunately, it’s impossible to quench the skin’s thirst
by drinking a glass of water or taking a bath. The problem
of moisturizing can only be solved by special cosmetic
products. They form a very thin film (protective barrier)
on the skin and moisture is “locked up,” with practically
no chance of evaporating!
Light Facial Moisturizing Cream with vitamin C contains
the following moisturizing ingredients: algae extract,
hyaluronic acid and hydrolyzed soy proteins. Squalane is
also included in this cream.
Algae extract is an “energizer battery for cells”:
•	 contains alginic acid, which tightens and moisturizes
the skin because it is able to absorb roughly 300x its
own weight in water;
•	 contains a mineral energy cocktail in which zinc,
copper and magnesium are of the most significance
for “tired” skin cells:
“Vitamin C” line
VV zinc is an important component for more than 200 enzymes involved in metabolic and
tissue-regeneration processes;
VV copper promotes the healing of wounds and scratches, activates cell growth;
VV magnesium is essential to the proper functioning of enzymes involved in the formation
of connective tissue.
Fact: 1 kg of algae contains the same quantity of copper,
zinc and magnesium as 10 tons of sea water.
Squalane is an oxygen “supplier” for the skin:
•	 is an analogue of squalene (from the Latin squalus — “shark”), a substance isolated
from the liver of deep-sea shark. As an unsaturated hydrocarbon, squalene easily
produces oxygen in water, allowing the shark to survive at a depth of 1000 m under
conditions of permanent oxygen starvation;
•	 derived from olive oil and wheat corn, this substance boasts the beneficial properties
of its analogue, saturating the skin with oxygen and improving cell respiration. But
in contrast to squalene, squalane is more stable and resistant to oxidation, i.e. it
preserves its properties for a longer period;
•	 has natural affinity with the skin and easily penetrates the epidermis without leaving
an oily sensation, leaving the skin soft and silky.
•	 Provides long-lasting, deep-skin moisturizing, evens the complexion.
•	 Leaves the skin smooth and glowing with health, improving its tone and firmness.
•	 Enhances the skin’s natural protective properties, slowing down aging processes.
Apply a small quantity of cream with circular movements to the cleansed face and neck,
excluding the area around the eyes.
The skin is enriched with moisture!
Package: 50 g. Code: 13803.
Renewal Facial Cream
Your skin can look dull and tired in the evening. This special cream
will help remove the consequences of the stresses to which it was
exposed during the day. Renewal Facial Cream with Vitamin C contains
Scoparia dulcis extract, hydrolyzed soy proteins and hyaluronic acid.
Scoparia dulcis extract is a plant in the Begonia family:
•	 is a good source of flavonoids, which are vitamin-like vegetable
substances boasting powerful antioxidant properties;
•	 has an antioxidant effect and protects skin cells from premature
•	 contains terpenes scopadulins, which boast antiseptic properties;
•	 enhances the skin’s natural protective properties.
“Vitamin C” line 20+
Phyllacantha fibrosa extract:
•	 activates cell metabolism and cell respiration;
•	 prevents the process of premature skin fading and stimulates cell regeneration;
•	 restores the natural mineral balance of skin cells;
•	 saturates the skin with moisture.
Algae are an extraordinarily-valuable medicinal
resource — a virtual pharmacy from the bottom of the
sea: investigations of the world ocean have revealed that
the composition of sea water mirrors human plasma and
that the composition of the various elements contained
in algae virtually duplicates their composition in human
blood and tissue.
Centella asiatica leaf extract is the “herb of memory”: this plant was so named because
of its ability to improve cerebral blood supply, thereby enhancing intelligence. The
cosmetic effect of this property is manifested in reduced swelling. The extract
•	 normalizes microcirculation, strengthens vascular walls, promotes fluid discharge and
the removal of puffiness;
•	 is a source of magnesium, vitamins А, В, Е, K;
•	 the triterpene saponins contained in the plant are essential for collagen synthesis.
•	 Moisturizes and protects the skin around the eyes, prevents the appearance of
•	 Nourishes the skin, stimulates regeneration processes.
•	 Helps reduce dark circles around the eyes and edemas.
Apply to the skin around the eyes with light tapping movements. Do not massage in. Use
in the morning and in the evening to achieve the best result.
Eyelid skin becomes soft, smooth and shiny!
Package: 25 g. Code: 13805.
•	 Stimulates cell regeneration, moisturizes the skin
during sleep.
•	 Activates cell metabolism and cell respiration.
•	 Neutralizes the effects of aggressive factors, prevents
the premature fading process.
Apply a small quantity of cream with circular movements
to the cleansed face and neck, excluding the area around
the eyes.
Your skin looks fresh and rested in the morning!
Package: 50 g. Code: 13804.
Eye Contour Cream
The skin around the eyes is 8 times thinner than in other
areas of the face. This is a delicate matter requiring special
attention. Therefore, you should already begin to take
care of it when you’re 20.
Apply the cream in the morning to remove puffiness and
swelling, and in the evening — to moisturize it and relieve
fatigue. Eye Contour Cream with Vitamin C contains
squalane, Carica papaya fruit extract, Harpagophytum
procumbens root extract, Aloe barbadensis extract,
hyaluronic acid, Centella asiatica leaf extract and
Phyllacantha fibrosa extract.
Carica papaya fruit extract:
•	 contains the enzyme papain, which is a light exfoliant
that gently removes keratinized cells;
•	 accelerates the regeneration process and improves cell
•	 papain easily retains moisture in the epidermal
corneous layer, thanks to its “molecular sponge.”
Harpagophytum procumbens root extract: this plant is
commonly known as “devil’s claw” due to its large hook-
shaped fruit. This plant extract:
•	 contains flavonoids, which are vitamin-like vegetable
substances that protect the skin from the effects of
free radicals, the main cause of premature aging;
•	 soothes irritated and sensitive skin;
•	 stimulates tissue regeneration.
Tibetan Herbs lineСерия «Tibetan Herbs»
Tibetan Herbs line 35+
In Tibet, herbs are much more than mere plants. There are “kings” and “ministers,”
“serfs” and “commoners” among them. Similar to human society, a hierarchy is formed
in Tibetan phytoformulas. The rank of a specific plant depends on its role and intensity
of medicinal effect.
So great is the power of herbs that it sometimes eliminates the need for surgery —
instead of removing an appendix, for example, Tibetan doctors often “dissolve” its
contents using special herbal infusions.
Tibetan healers say: “Brews (teas) are the smile of medicinal plants, pills (a traditional
Chinese drug in the form of large pellets for oral intake) are the look of plants, and
Tibetan infusions are the soul of plants.”
Tibetan herbs have successfully been used for cosmetic purposes for thousands of
years. The methods for using them to manipulate the skin are somewhat similar to
the methods of European cosmetology. For instance, “Lum” in Tibetan medicine is
analogous to the popular spa procedure (lum is translated from the Tibetan as “to
Imagine that you are at a spa-center in Tibet. It is located high in the mountains where the
snow-covered peaks look like as if they support the sky. You relax and enjoy the aroma of
a thousand herbs, the water from a mountain spring breathing with cool freshness. The
TianDe Company has turned this fantasy into reality by adding the force and energy of
Tibetan plants to the cosmetic facial care products of its Tibetan Herbs line.
Crocus sativus flower extract is the main ingredient in this line.
Stigmas of Crocus sativus flowers are used to prepare Crocus sativus flower extract. A
single flower has just three stigmas. Crocus sativus blooms only once for 2-3 weeks. The
flower opens for just 2 hours.
This extract is worth its weight in gold: at least 150 flowers
must be processed in order to obtain 1 gram of saffron.
Today, only 300 tons of saffron are produced in the world
every year.
Chemical composition of the plant: 5-7% mineral and glycoside substances, 5-8% wax
and fats, 12-13% proteins and a small quantity of essential oil, which gives Crocus sativus
its signature, pleasant aroma.
Crocus sativus flower extract is an essential ingredient of the “beauty formula” of
the Ancient East: Cleopatra took baths with Crocus sativus to preserve the youthful
appearance of her skin.
Crocus sativus flower extract is:
•	 a natural moisturizer, which maintains optimum water balance in the skin cells;
•	 an antioxidant, which makes the skin “glow from the inside,” firms and saturates it
with energy, improves its resistance to external factors and prevents loss of elasticity;
•	 a natural whitener, evening the complexion, “smoothing away” traces of nevi
Facial Cleansing Milk
Skin cleansing is essential at any age. The efficacy of subsequent procedures depends to
a great extent on this important facial skincare stage. The older you are, the more effort
is required to cleanse the skin well: the thickness of the corneous skin layer increases
after age 30: it becomes thicker by approximately 1% every year. The task for cosmetic
products is to help the face get rid of its “dead weight.
The cleansing procedure should be performed at least
twice daily — in the morning and in the evening —
irrespective of whether or not cosmetics have been used.
Facial Cleansing Milk in the Tibetan Herbs line will gently but effectively cleanse your skin
from contaminants and keratinized cells. The delicate milky texture of the formula gives
the skin an incredible sensation of comfort while compensating for the dryness that
often follows washing with hard water. This milk is enriched with vitamin E (tocopherol).
Vitamin E (Tocopherol):
•	 “vitamin of youth”: it allows the skin to look younger, nourishes, moisturizes,
regenerates and strengthens the epidermis barrier layer;
•	 releases cells from the effect of free radicals, thereby slowing down aging processes;
•	 makes the skin more resistant to exposure to UV-rays;
•	 is involved in tissue respiration and other vital metabolic tissue processes, prevents
the increased permeability and fragility of capillaries.
•	 Gently removes contaminants and make-up, softens the skin.
•	 Removes the unpleasant sensation of dryness and tightness.
•	 Enhances the skin’s resistance to external factors and prevents elasticity loss.
Pour a small quantity of the milk into the palm of your hand and make a foam with warm
water. Spread it over the face with massaging movements, then wash off thoroughly.
Suitable for all skin types, starting at age 30.
Incomparable feeling of freshness and comfort!
Package: 100 g. Code: 12108.
Multi-Action Facial Lotion
The word “lotion” originates from the Latin “lotio”  —
“washing.” Most likely, the first lotion was wine diluted
with water.
•	 Lotion helps complete the cleansing procedure by
removing everything unnecessary  — contaminants
and dead cells — from the skin;
•	 The product prepares the skin for the absorption of
moisturizers and nutrients.
Thanks to its light, non-oily texture, this lotion is rapidly
absorbed, cleansing and softening the skin. It leaves a
pleasant, refreshing aroma. It contains Crocus sativus
flower extract, Hamamelis virginiana leaf extract,
allantoin and vitamin E (tocopherol).
Hamamelis virginiana leaf extract:
•	 improves microcirculation, promotes fluid drainage,
thereby relieving puffiness;
•	 contains bioflavonoids, which are vitamin-like
vegetable substances with powerful antioxidant
•	 contains tannins, which firm the skin and constrict
Allantoin is made from the roots of woundwort
(Symphytum officinale), a plant that has been used in
the healing of wounds and regeneration of injured tissue
since ancient times. Allantoin:
•	 has a regenerating effect, softening and soothing
sensitive skin;
•	 has a keratolytic effect: softens the corneous layer,
thereby promoting the removal of dead cells;
•	 effectively prevents pore obstruction and the
development of blackheads.
35+ 35+
Tibetan Herbs line
Hamamelis is a perennial bush commonly known as
“witch-hazel.” It was so named for its many wonderful
properties: bushes exposed to stress sometimes begin to
blossom absolutely unexpectedly — even in mid-autumn.
And hamamelis flowers are extremely frost-resistant: they
become hardened due to overnight frost and thaw out
and open again in the daytime. Another interesting fact:
hamamelis is never affected by pests.
•	 Completes the cleansing process, refreshing and
firming the skin.
•	 Normalizes pH level, improves cell metabolism,
intensifies water metabolism.
•	 Protects against the effect of free radicals. Optimizes
further care.
Apply a small quantity of lotion to the face and neck after
washing using a cotton ball
Suitable for all skin types, starting at age 30.
The skin is perfectly prepared for the application of
subsequent products.
Package: 120 ml. Code: 12109.
Tibetan Herbs line 35+
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beauty studio facial care

  • 1. 1 BEAUTY STUDIO: facial care • product assortment guide
  • 2. 2
  • 4. 4
  • 5. 5 Table of Contents Chapter 1. TianDe facial skincare products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Chapter 2. Getting to know your skin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Chapter 3. “203040…” line. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Chapter 4. Gingko Biloba + E line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Chapter 5. Vitamin ĐĄ line. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Chapter 6. Tibetan Herbs line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Chapter 7. Zhenfei Perfect line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Chapter 8. Collagen Active line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Chapter 9. Sheep Placenta line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 Chapter 10. Marine Collagen line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 Chapter 11. Master Herb line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 Chapter 12. SPA Technology line. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 Chapter 13. Solution line. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 Chapter 14. Line For men . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118 Chapter 15. Corrective Serum capsular skincare products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124 Chapter 16. NANO CORRECTOR ampular skincare products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128 Chapter 17. Mezoroller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132 Chapter 18. Day cream masks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136 Chapter 19. Night cream masks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142 Chapter 20. Pro-Comfort molding masks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146 Chapter 21. Dual-System molding masks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153 Chapter 22. Skin Triumph molding masks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160 Chapter 23. De Luxe molding masks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162 Chapter 24. APPENDIX “Complex skincare programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166
  • 6. 6 TianDe facial skincare products The cosmetic products of the TianDe Company are the synthesis of the latest scientific advances and the centuries-old experience of traditional Chinese medicine. Eastern healers’ secrets are earning the sincere admiration of scientists and physicians worldwide, as their efficacy is superior to many modern drugs and therapeutic procedures. Traditional Chinese medicine utilizes more than 5 thousand healing components of vegetable and animal origin. The effect of many of them is unique, making them highly prized in the West and Europe. They include ginseng, cordyceps, green tea, lingzhi mushroom, shiitake mushroom, and placenta, etc. When combined with modern technologies, these ancient Chinese medical formulas, perfected over five millennia, become even more effective, thereby providing a solution to the most challenging cosmetic problems. TianDe cosmetic products are manufactured at first-rate Chinese enterprises in accordance with international quality standards (ISO 9001:2002 and GMP). Imagine for a moment that cosmetic ingredients are animate objects. Finding themselves in a jar containing cream or toner, they begin to interact and communicate. This communication generates new effects that could not be achieved by each ingredient in isolation, despite the best attempts. This process is reminiscent of a performance by a philharmonic orchestra: the music created by the harmonious interplay of 100 musicians is something much greater than a simple sound combination. And no one musician can reproduce such a sound alone. This comparison dramatically illustrates the synergistic principle underlying all TianDe products. Adding together the different ingredients in TianDe cosmetic formulas yields not just a sum, but a fundamentally-new quality ensuring the maximum efficiency of TianDe products. TianDe cosmetic products are aimed at maintaining and supporting the skin’s own functional mechanisms. They are intended to enhance its protective functions — not to perform this work in its place. This is achieved thanks to the restoration of natural balance and bolstering of the skin’s immunity and protective functions. Targeting the causes as opposed to the consequences of problems — this is the key principle upon which traditional Chinese medicine rests. Cosmetological programs based on phyto- protective complexes, vegetable bio-proteins and ceramides, marine bio-complexes, peptides and many other components help the skin cope with disturbances in its vital functions on its own. The cosmetic lines of TianDe Company are based on a systemic approach to preserving the skin’s natural beauty. The surface cleansing, systematic deep cleansing, toning, moisturizing and protection needed by young skin are harmoniously supplemented over time by procedures designed for intensive nutrition, skin recovery at the cellular level, and lifting. Each product formula is developed in due consideration of individual skin type, sensitivity, age and existing problems. Take care of yourself using TianDe cosmetic products and follow the main trend — beauty and youth. Your skin is worth it!
  • 7. 7 Getting to know your skin Getting to know your skin The skin is the “envelope” of the human body  — its main protector, containing a description of its entire history. The skin experiences great stresses: indoor air dryness, outdoor cold and heat, air pollution, baking sun; all of these factors result in problems. The skin significantly surpasses other bodily organs in terms of the number and diversity of its functions. It acts as a third lung — it breathes, maintaining the constant temperature of internal organs. What’s more, the skin is also like a border guard — it shields the internal organs from the outer world while allowing them to remain in close contact with one other. Thus, the skin covering prevents harmful microorganisms and chemicals from penetrating the body, excretes toxins and metabolic byproducts, and is actively involved in water-salt, carbohydrate and protein metabolism. Furthermore, the skin performs a regulatory function (controls vitamin D synthesis, which is required for growth and calcium delivery to the bones); a notification function (transfers signals to the brain with the help of 500 nerve receptors located in each square centimeter); an immune function (Langerhans’ cells are the skin’s main immune system elements); and a thermoregulatory function (regulates heat exchange between the body and the environment: when vessels are constricted, body heat is retained, when dilated — body heat is released). Skin structure The skin is the body’s largest organ: in a human adult, it covers an average area of 2 square meters, while it weighs roughly three times more than the liver (the largest organ in the human body), accounting for about 15% of total body weight. The skin comprises about 150 nerve endings, more than 3 million cells, approximately 100-300 sweat glands and 1 kilometer of blood vessels. The dermal vascular system contains one third of all blood circulating in the human body, i.e. 1.6 liters. The skin consists of three basic layers: periderm (epidermis), inner skin (derma) and subcutaneous fatty cellular tissue. Epidermis is the skin’s uppermost, thinnest layer: its thickness is comparable to that of construction paper, but it is precisely the epidermis that is responsible for many dermal protection functions. It consists of five cellular layers: metabolic processes take place and new cells develop in the lowest, i.e. basal (germinal) layer. While moving gradually upwards, they lose their nucleus and become corneous cells. Thus, the uppermost (corneous) epidermis layer consists of “dead” cells peeling away in the permanent process of skin renewal. Every day, a human loses about 1 gram of corneous scales — accounting for the bulk (70%) of all household dust. The skin “shed” by a human over her entire lifetime can weigh up to 18 kilograms. In addition to keratinocytes, its predominant cell type, the epidermis also contains melanocytes, responsible for skin pigmentation, Langerhans’ cells and lymphocytes. Derma consists of two layers: papillary and reticular. The papillary layer gets its name from the numerous papillae jutting out into the epidermis. They determine surface skin pattern, which is unique to the individual. This fact is used in forensic science for the identification of fingerprints. The reticular layer of derma is formed by thick bundles of collagen fibers and a network of reticular fibers. The main derma cells, fibroblasts, are a “factory” of sorts for the production of elastin, collagen and hyaluronic acid. Collagen fiber bundles run mainly in two directions: some of them are located perpendicular to the surface of the skin, while others are positioned obliquely. Together, they form a network whose structure is determined by functional stress on the skin. A wide-cellular, rough- hewn network of collagen fiber is well developed in regions experiencing intensive pressure (feet, finger- pads, elbows etc.). In regions where the skin is subject to significant stretching (dorsal surface of the foot, face etc.), the reticular layer contains a finer collagen network. Elastic fibers follow the pattern of collagen fibers. Collagen and elastin fibers form the dermal support framework and, acting in conjunction with the intercellular substance, ensure its elasticity and strength. This framework is similar to a three-dimensional net to which all dermal structural components and cell are attached. ” The tallest American skyscraper, Willis Tower (110 storeys — more than 500 meters high) follows the natural architecture of collagen fibers; therefore, it is able to withstand the power of Chicago’s famous winds. The derma also contains nerves, blood and lymphatic vessels, hair follicles, sweat glands and oil glands. It also houses the smooth muscles that control facial movements.
  • 8. 8 Expressionlinesarethefinalresultofthe15000expression changes we make everyday! Young skin contains strong collagen fibers but, as we grow older, they become weaker, are damaged more quickly and recover more slowly. Permanent “traces” begin to appear in the regions of regularly-repeated expressions. Hypoderm (subcutaneous fatty cellular tissue) includes fatty tissue, subcutaneous nerve channels and vascular channels. Hair follicles and sweat glands are located in the same layer. The hypoderm provides thermal insulation and softens mechanical stress on the internal organs. The thickness of this layer is from 2 to 10 mm. Subcutaneous cellular tissue consists of bundles of connective tissue that intertwine and form the network of thick collagen and elastin fibers continuing from the derma, and of fatty tissue lobules. Adipocytes are the main cells in subcutaneous fatty cellular tissue; their basic feature is their ability to become significantly enlarged, almost completely filled with fat. Skin types In order to select optimum skincare products, it is important to correctly determine your skin type. Several skin types are distinguished depending on the intensity of oil gland function: normal, dry, oily and combination skin. Normal skin: smooth, velvety, without oily shine, elastic and… extremely rare, occurring in just 2-3% of all people. But even normal skin can become dry or oily without everyday care. If cosmetic procedures are performed insufficiently or excessively, it is extremely rare for normal skin condition to last to age 30. Therefore, with any — even excellent — skin condition, you should systematically take care of facial and neck skin. Dry skin: skin dryness is unnoticeable at first glance: the skin appears beautiful, delicate — even rosy. Dryness results from the underactivity of oil glands, which can be either hereditary or age-related or caused by the use of unsuitable cosmetic products. Deprived of proper care, such skin fades rapidly, with superficial fine lines becoming more pronounced. Dry skin is sensitive to exposure to water and soap, wind, heat and cold. This causes the skin to become irritated, resulting in red spots and peeling — first in isolated areas, then over the entire surface of the face. Skin dryness — even latent — can be corrected, provided you take care of it properly for an extended period of time. Oily skin: rough, reminiscent of orange peel, prone to blackheads and acne. Oily skin results from the overactivity of oil glands. Binding with dust and dead corneous cells, the sebum forms plugs that clog the excretory ducts of oil glands. Systematic care and the use of special creams, lotions and masks make oily skin normal, correcting its excessive shine and dirty-gray tinge; the skin becomes soft and has a pleasant matte tint. Combination skin: combination, or mixed-type skin, is the most common skin type. Human skin has a distinctive feature: the highest number of oil glands is located within
  • 9. 9 Знакомимся с кОМоК ” Please take comfort in knowing that your skin can become ideal with the help of TianDe Company cosmetic products — irrespective of your age or skin type. the face’s T-zone, and they produce the greatest amount of oil. Skin is oily in areas of intensified sebum production (forehead, chin and nose), and dry around the eyes, on the temples, cheeks and neck. Combination skin often changes quite dramatically during seasonal changes: it behaves like oily skin in summer and dry skin in winter. Therefore, people with such skin should be ready to change their skincare regimen more often than others. Throughout the world, approximately 70% of all people characterize their skin as sensitive, and this is confirmed bydermatologists.Peoplewithanyoftheaforementioned skin types may face such problems as skin sensitivity. Sensitive skin reacts to different irritants — cold or heat, temperature change, wind, tap water and even sleep deprivation and stress — by reddening, burning, drying out and scaling. Skin hypersensitivity can be predicated on its structure, whereby the uppermost epidermis layer is very thin and cannot provide an effective barrier against different irritants. Acquired sensitivity develops as a consequence of the incorrect use of aggressive cosmetic products. Another cause of skin hypersensitivity is internal disease: most commonly, these include endocrine and gastrointestinal pathologies, immune disorders, infectious diseases and allergies.
  • 11. 11 ÂŤ20,30,40…» line Stickingtoonefacialskincareregimenforlifeistantamount to wearing the same size clothes at any age. After all, you wouldn’t try putting on a onesie today that fit you when you were a baby! The skin also has age-related nuances, and you should select your skincare products accordingly. Modern scientists have proven that it is sufficient for young women under age 30 to use moisturizing products in the morning and in the evening. Yet, the skin of women over 30 is more demanding: it needs moisturizing in the daytime and nutrition and regeneration-stimulating products in the nighttime. The cosmetic products of the “203040…” line have been specially developed to account for the skin’s unique biorhythms. But certain cosmetic procedures are equally necessary at any age. At issue here is regular skin cleansing and toning. Cleansingandtoningproductsdonothaveagerestrictions. They are selected in accordance with the individual’s skin type. Cleansing and toning Proper cleansing of the skin is the key to its eternal beauty! It is precisely the improper selection of cleansing products that causes the skin the most harm. Women often splurge on a good skin cream, yet scrimp on gentle cleansing products, opting instead to use bathroom soap in the old-fashioned way. This can result in the following: pH Imbalance The skin’s natural acid-base balance is equidermal: pH = 5.5. The pH value of soap is 9-12. So, by washing with regular soap, you dry out your skin almost twice too much! Insufficient cleansing Soap provides only superficial cleansing  — it doesn’t purify pores. Pore obstruction Soap contains carboxylic acids that interact with the calcium and magnesium salts contained in water. This results in the formation of an insoluble “lime deposit,” which settles on the skin and clogs pores. A well-chosen cleansing product not only removes dirt, but also maintains proper pH balance and preserves the integrity of the skin’s protective mantle. Toning also is an essential facial care procedure at any age. The choice of toner depends on the type and needs of your skin. Cleansing and toning, just like twins, should always be paired. Toner accomplishes several tasks at once: • “adds final lustre”: completes the skin-cleansing stage, removes keratinized cells, make-up traces and cleansing-product residue; • prepares the skin for the subsequent application of cosmetic products: it enhances the skin’s receptiveness to the cosmetics products to be applied later; • constricts pores: after cleansing, pores must be be “closed” to avoid being penetrated by dust and bacteria.
  • 12. 12 ÂŤ20,30,40…» line Skin cleansing and toning products with aloe extract Since ancient times, aloe has been prized as an effective substance for cleansing and moisturizing the skin and giving it a healthy appearance. Aloe’s valuable property lies in its universality: it effectively moisturizes dry skin, soothes and softens inflamed skin, and lowers oil gland activity in oily skin. Экстракт алоэ вера (Aloe barbadensis extract): • contains more than 200 biologically-active substances, including: vitamins, amino acids, enzymes, minerals, microelements, glycosides, and many more; • contains polysaccharides, which help maintain the skin’s normal hydrobalance; • contains salycilyc acid and essential oils that prevent acne; • its pH level coincides with the skin’s natural pH level; therefore, aloe normalizes its acid-base balance; • has the unique ability to meet the needs of absolutely any skin type. If your skin gives you “surprises,” alternating between oiliness, dryness and scaliness, cosmetic products with Aloe extract are just what it needs. Aloe is called a “vehicle” for its ability to penetrate body tissue, which it does 3-4 times faster than water. Thanks to this, the beneficial substances contained in Aloe extract are rapidly delivered to the skin’s deeper layers. Aloe Facial Cleanser When coming in contact with water, this gentle cleanser easily transforms into airy foam. It cleanses the skin gently yet deeply, without causing any sensation of tightness. The cleanser is enriched with vitamin E. Vitamin Е (Tocopherol): • skin’s “youth vitamin”: it allows the skin to look younger by nourishing, moisturizing, regenerating and strengthening the epidermis barrier layer; • shields cells from the effects of free radicals, slowing down aging processes; • makes the skin more resistant to UV-ray exposure; • is involved in tissue respiration and its other critical metabolic processes, preventing the elevated permeability and fragility of capillaries. If a competition were held among all vitamins for the title of most-beneficial to the skin, vitamin E would certainly be among the top-3. Purpose • Gently removes make-up residue, excessive sebum excreted by oil glands and keratinized skin cells. • Cleanses pores, adds a matte tint to the skin. • Preserves the skin’s natural moisture, soothes irritation. Application Spread the product with light massaging movements across the face and neck until a foam develops. Rinse thoroughly.CompletetheprocedurebyusingAloeBalance Facial Toner. Use in the morning and in the evening. Suitable for all skin types. Result Natural sensation of freshness and cleanness, soft and velvety skin. Package: 100 g. Code: 12001.
  • 13. 13 ÂŤ20,30,40…» line Aloe Facial Cleanser The process of facial skin cleansing is sure to become a pleasure when you use this cleanser with a delicate airy texture. It cleanses the skin gently yet effectively from dirt and excess sebum. Purpose • Cleanses the skin effectively and deeply, constricts pores — thereby encouraging the normalization of oil gland functioning. • Helps get rid of oily shine, blackheads and acne. • Moisturizes the skin, neutralizing the tightening effect of washing. Application Apply a small quantity of the cleanser to the face and neck with massaging movements, then rinse thoroughtly with warm water. Complete the procedure by using Aloe Balance Facial Toner. Use in the morning and in the evening. Suitable for oily skin types. Result The skin glows with cleanness — not with oily shine! Package: 100 g. Code: 12025. Aloe Facial Hydrating Tonic If your skin suffers from a lack of moisture, this delicately-textured Hydrating Tonic is just what it needs. The Hydrating Tonic contains Aloe extract, plus vitamin E and allantoin. Allantoin is produced from the roots of woundwort (Symphytum officinale), a plant that has been used since ancient times in the healing of wounds and regeneration of injured tissue. Allantoin: • has a regenerating effect, softens and soothes sensitive skin; • has a keratolytic effect: softens the corneous layer, thereby encouraging the shedding of dead cells; • effectively prevents pore obstruction and the development of blackheads. Purpose • Gently cleanses and tones the skin. • Normalizes hydro-lipid balance, moisturizes. • Strengthens skin structure, making it smoother and more elastic. Application Apply a small quantity of Hydrating Tonic to the face and neck with massaging movements, then rinse thoroughly with warm water. Complete the procedure by using Aloe Balance Facial Toner. Use in the morning and in the evening. Suitable for all skin types. Result Unparalleled feeling of freshness and comfort! Package: 100 g. Code: 12026. Allantoin was first discovered in avian embryonic tissue (“allantois” is the name of an embryonic membrane), where embryo formationandtissuegrowthdepend on it.
  • 14. 14 ÂŤ20,30,40…» line Aloe Balance Facial Toner This ultra-light toning product is really a “freshness concentrate,” designed to saturate the skin with energy. In addition to Aloe extract, Balance Facial Toner contains algae extract and allantoin. Algae extract is an “energizer battery for cells”: It contains a mineral energy cocktail in which zinc, copper and magnesium are of the greatest significance to “tired” skin cells. • Zinc is an important conponent for the more than 200 enzymes involved in metabolic and tissue-regeneration processes • Copper encourages the healing of wounds and scratches, activates cell growth. • Magnesium is essential to the proper functioning of the enzymes involved in the formation of connective tissue. Fact: 1 kg of algae contains the same quantity of copper, zinc and magnesium as 10 tons of sea water Purpose • Gently removes make-up while moisturizing and toning the skin. • Normalizes oil-gland production, cleanses and constricts the pores, giving the skin a matte tint. • Clarifies and smoothes the skin’s surface, soothing skin irritation and reddening. Application After washing, apply a small quantity of the toner to the face and neck using a cosmetic pad. Suitable for all skin types. Result Physiological skin balance: sebum production is normalized, pH-balance is achieved. Package: 100 g. Code: 12002..
  • 15. 15 ÂŤ20,30,40…» line Skin cleansing and toning products with olive extract Like people, skin can become stressed. Skin cells react to stress faster than others — after all, they are the first to feel the effects of the outside world. Frost and heat, airborne dust and harmful chemical substances, UV-radiation and free radicals “attack” our skin every minute of the day. “Tired” skin manifests itself as dull, lifeless facial complexion, often accompanied by flakiness and reddening. The mission of cosmetic products containing olive extract is to help your skin “escape” from stress. Olive extract (Olea europaea fruit extract) is a product obtained from the fruit pulp of the European olive-tree. This is a valuable natural ingredient, known as “liquid gold” for the skin: • oleic acid contained in olive extract is related to the skin: it is included in the lipid composition of the epidermal barrier, therefore, it is well assimilated, improving the skin’s own protective properties; • vitamin Е contained in olive extract is called the “vitamin of youth” for its ability to protect the skin from the harmful effects of free radicals. If a competition were held among all vitamins for the title of most-beneficial to the skin, vitamin E would certainly be among the top-3; • non-comedogenic: thanks to their olive-extract content, these cosmetic products won’t clog pores and are suitable for problem skin.
  • 16. 16 ÂŤ20,30,40…» line Olive Facial Cleanser This gentle cleanser with a pearly tint “wipes” the skin free of everything unnecessary: make-up residue, dirt and oily shine. It optimizes energetic cell potential. The cleanser is enriched with aloe extract, Camelina sativa seed oil and salvia leaf extract. Camelina sativa seed oil: • contains linoleic and linolenic fatty acids related to the skin, which protect its water- lipid mantle while lowering transepidermal moisture loss; • promotes normalization of the skin’s natural pH value; • contains vitamin E, the skin’s “vitamin of youth” and a powerful antioxidant. Salvia offcinalis leaf extract: • contains flavonoids, which destroy free radicals and accelerate skin regeneration after its injury by ultraviolet radiation; • contains phytoncides (from the Greek φυτóν — “plant” and the Latin caedo — “I kill”), biologically-active vegetable substances that have a destructive effect on bacteria and fungi; • contains vitamin Đ Đ , a bonus for the face, an enzyme component involved in cellular respiration. The skin would truly suffocate without vitamin PP! Romans and medieval Arabic doctors even credited salvia with the ability to endow people with immortality. As the ancient Arabic proverb goes: “How can a human die when he has salvia in the garden?” Purpose • Cleanses the skin softly and gently. • Normalizes the skin’s hydrobalance, controls oil-gland production, prevents oily shine and irritation. • Softens and soothes the skin. Application Mix in the palm of your hand with warm water. Apply the product to the face and neck with massaging movements, then rinse thoroughly. Complete the procedure by using Olive Facial Lotion. Use in the morning and in the evening. Suitable for stressed skin. Result The skin is ideally cleansed, oily shine is eliminated. Package: 100 g. Code: 12024.
  • 17. 17 ÂŤ20,30,40…» line Olive Facial Lotion This lotion not only cleanses but also disinfects, making it ideal for inflammation- and acne-prone skin. The product is enriched with hyaluronic acid, vitamin E and allantoin. Hyaluronic acid is an “apple of youth” for the skin: • it’s a skin super-moisturizer: 1 molecule of hyaluronic acid attracts 1000 molecules of water; • has an “absorbent” effect: doesn’t allow water to evaporate — even when its content in the environment decreases; • preserves skin resiliency and elasticity; • is a “trap” for free radicals. Purpose • Cleanses the skin gently yet deeply, leaving it moisturized. • Controls oil-gland production, constricting pores. • Soothes irritation and flakiness. Application After washing, apply a small quantity of lotion to the face and neck skin using a cosmetic pad. Suitable for stressed skin. Result Pores are constricted, preparing the skin for subsequent stages of care. Package: 100 g. Code: 12027. Cleansing and toning products for sensitive skin Sensitive skin does not depend on age. It may be sensitive at 20, 30 and 40 years of age. According to statistics, about 70% of all people in the world consider their skin sensitive, although only 12% have sensitive skin by nature. In other cases, hypersensitivity symptoms result from exposure to aggressive environmental factors, stress, internal diseases and improper skin care. As a rule, sensitive skin is quite dry, with its oil glands producing little sebum. As a result, the corneal layer becomes very thin and insufficiently protects the skin from external factors. Cosmetic products in the “203040…” line are intended to meet the requirements of sensitive skin. They comply with the basic rules of care for such skin. • The main rule that should be followed by people with sensitive skin: the fewer care products used, the better the result! The skin comes in contact with approximately 30 different substances during one care procedure (cleansing, toning, nutrition). The fewer the substances affecting the skin, the lower the risk of it not tolerating any one of them. • Cosmetic products for sensitive skin should be hypoallergenic, i.e. free of skin irritants. Active ingredients of sensitive skincare products in the “203040...” line include aloe vera extract, panthenol, allantoin and vitamin E.
  • 18. 18 ÂŤ20,30,40…» line Cleansing Facial Milk Cleansing Facial Milk is one of the gentlest cosmetic products, intended for the delicate care of dry, sensitive skin. This gentle formula compensates for the dry sensation that comes after washing with hard water. Active ingredients: aloe vera extract, allantoin, vitamin E. Purpose • Cleanses while gently softening and moisturizing the skin. • Normalizes skin pH value and hydrobalance. • Tones, giving the face the sensation of freshness and cleanness. Application Apply a small quantity of the product into the palm of your hand, mix with water to obtain foam, spread on the face and neck with massaging movements. Rinse thoroughly with warm water. Complete the procedure by using Moisturizing Facial Toner. Use in the morning and in the evening. Suitable for all skin types. Result Feeling of tightness and flakiness (peeling) no longer torment your skin! Package: 100 g. Code: 12003. Moisturizing Facial Toner This product immerses the skin in relaxation while simultaneously enhancing its natural protective mechanisms and lowering its sensitivity threshold. Active ingredients: aloe vera extract, allantoin and panthenol. Panthenol is provitamin B5, a derivative of pantothenic acid (from the Greek word pantos meaning“everywhere”). Pantothenic acid is contained in all biological tissue — if it’s damaged, the need for it greatly increases. Panthenol: • has a dermatoprotective property: promotes accelerated tissue regeneration, soothes irritation; • acts as a moisturizer improving hydration of the skin’s corneal layer while decreasing water loss; • protects the skin from harmful environmental effects. Purpose • Completes the skin cleansing process, smoothes out its texture. • Restores the skin’s hydrobalance. • Softens and soothes sensitive skin. Application Apply to the face and neck in the morning or in the evening using a cosmetic pad. Use after each washing. Suitable for dry, sensitive skin. Result Your skin says “thank you” for such gentle cleansing and moisturizing! Package: 100 g. Code: 12004.
  • 19. 19 ÂŤ20,30,40…» line Daytime skincare products: moisturizing Moisturizing is one of the basic preconditions for preserving the skin’s youthful appearance. Moisture deficiency accelerates its aging processes, irrespective of skin type. Normal skin is 60% water, making proper moisturizing essential. On average, 8 liters of water is contained in the skin of man with a body weight of 70 kg. Contrary to popular opinion, it isn’t just dry skin that suffers from a lack of moisture. Incidentally, “dry” and “dehydrated” are absolutely different concepts. Normal, combination and oily skin can also become “parched with thirst.” Only external dehydration manifestations are different. For example, oily skin intensifies oil-gland production in case of moisture deficit: it begins to produce more sebum (in order to retain remaining moisture). As a result, the face becomes oily more quickly, and the skin becomes more sensitive. It’s a paradox: the more the skin comes in contact with water, the more it loses moisture. But there’s a simple explanation: the moisture contained in the skin strives to merge with topically-applied water. Therefore, skin should always be moisturized after washing. As soon as the skin’s moisture volume begins to decrease, the results are immediately apparent on the face: the skin loses its tone, becomes dry and tight, the face looks tired, and the person looks older than their years. Day creams in the “203040…” line meet basic skin requirements and moisture needs, making them suitable for any age. Skin moisturizer with aloe extract Aloe Balance Facial Cream Balance Cream has a delicate texture and a pleasant, fresh aroma. It is easily spread over the skin and rapidly absorbed. Active cream ingredients: aloe vera extract, vitamin E, allantoin and titanium dioxide. Titanium dioxide: A UV-filter obtained through the processing of mineral rutile, ilmenite and arkansite; much like a mirror, its mineral particles reflect ultraviolet rays, protecting the skin from damage. Purpose • Normalizes oil-gland production, giving the skin a light matte tint. • Promotes normalization of the skin’s metabolic processes, enhancing its protective properties. • Moisturizes the skin, leaving it soft and velvety. Application Apply a small quantity of cream to the cleansed face and neck. Suitable for all skin types. Result The skin is in physiologically-balanced condition. Package: 50 g. Code: 12016.
  • 20. 20 ÂŤ20,30,40…» line Olive Energy Light Facial Cream A cream with a delicate, weightless texture. Gliding smoothly over the skin, it is absorbed immediately — without leaving an oily shine or clogging pores. Active ingredients: olive extract, vitamin E, Ural licorice root extract, niacinamide and hyaluronic acid. Ural licorice root extract (Glycyrrhiza uralensis root extract) contains: • phenolic acids inhibiting melanin synthesis and preventing the development of nevi pigmentosis; • vitamin ĐĄ with whitening properties; • phytoestrogens, vegetable substances whose chemical structure is similar to human estrogen, and which are capable of locally simulating their effect on the skin; phytoestrogens not only slow down aging processes, but also normalize melanin synthesis, thereby preventing hyperpigmentation; • flavonoids, vitamin-like vegetable substances with strong antioxidant properties. Niacinamide, the active form of vitamin В3: • improves microcirculation, removing congestive phenomena and enhancing metabolism in skin cells; • increases the ceramide quantity of the skin’s fatty acids, restoring the epidermis’ barrier function; • reduces transepidermal moisture loss. Purpose • Promotes the recovery of “tired” skin, restoring its tone and healthy appearance. • Prevents the appearance of early aging signs. • Moisturizes, firms skin texture and helps counteract negative environmental factors. Application Apply a small quantity of cream to the cleansed face and neck (except for areas around the eyes) with circular movements Suitable for stressed skin. Result The skin “escapes” the effect of such factors as stress and fatigue. The skin’s “water channels” are filled with moisture. Package: 50 g. Code: 12028.
  • 21. 21 ÂŤ20,30,40…» line Sensitive skin moisturizer Optimum Hydration Day Facial Cream This ultralight cream carefully envelops the skin in a protective “barrier.” Your skin will be carefree with this cream! Active cream ingredients: collagen, hydrolyzed silk, ascorbic acid, arbutin, allantoin, hydrolyzed wheat-germ protein and hyaluronic acid. Collagen is the skin’s basic protein and is responsible for its youth: • moisturizes the skin, creating a light protective “barrier” on its surface that prevents moisture loss; • improves skin firmness, strength and elasticity; • promotes the skin’s extended youth. Hydrolyzed silk is “liquid silk” obtained through the hydrolysis of silk fibers produced by the silkworm: • forms a light “barrier” on the skin’s surface; this “barrier” gives the skin silky smoothness and provides a slight lifting effect; • contains fibroins (from the Latin word “fibra” — “fiber”), the proteins forming the basis of natural silk fiber; • fibroin contains a significant quantity of glycin: each second amino acid in its structure is glycin, a component in the skin’s natural moisturizing factor (NMF); • fibroins have marvelous moisturizing properties: their molecules are able to attract and retain 300x their weight in water! Ascorbic acid is vitamin C: • a powerful antioxidant that combats free radicals — one of the main causes of premature skin aging; • enhances collagen production, which is responsible for the skin’s smoothness and youthful appearance; • improves local immunity and the skin’s protective properties, preventing the development of acne. Arbutin is produced from bearberry leaves. Arbutin: • has a whitening effect; • while penetrating deep into the skin, it blocks melanin synthesis; • while influencing pigmentation, it does not suppress the vital activity of melanocytes and other skin cells. Purpose • Provides the optimum moisturizing level, restoring skin elasticity and resiliency. • Softens and soothes sensitive skin. • Improves skin immunity, stimulates skin regeneration processes. Application Apply a small quantity of cream to the cleansed face and neck. Suitable for dry, sensitive skin. Result “Calmed,” moisturized skin radiates beauty and health! Package: 50 g. Code: 12017.
  • 22. 22 ÂŤ20,30,40…» line Skin moisturizers with silk proteins Silk proteins are the “companions” of female beauty — the light proteins that form silk threads. The cosmetic properties of silk were first discovered in China: female workers at silk factories began noticing that their hands were becoming marvelously smooth and delicate. Since that time, the wives of emperors began wrapping their bodies in silk strips in order to achieve such fine skin. The silk fabric was also used for maintaining hair luster: hair was wiped with a piece of silk fabric after washing; as a result, the hair became extraordinarily silky and shiny. Silk proteins: • thanks to their close relation to the protein structures of human skin (keratin), they couple well with the epidermal surface, creating a thin, breathable “veil” that superbly retains moisture. The skin looks smoother and fresher under such a “veil;” • cotain amino acids, comparable to the “building blocks” of collagen and elastin synthesis. As is well known, this is the main skin requirement for people over 30; • promote deep, long-lasting skin moisturizing, insofar as the basic protein, fibroin, retains up to 300x its weight in water. Silk Touch Moisturizing Facial Cream Like silk, this cream envelops the skin, softening and saturating it with moisture. The cream contains: hydrolyzed silk, aloe vera extract, hyalurinic acid and allantoin. Purpose • Provides intensive skin moisturizing. • Improves skin contour, making it more resilient and elastic. • Activates the skin’s own regeneration processes, protecting it from the effects of aggressive environmental factors. Application Applyasmallquantityofcreamtothecleansedfaceandneckwithmassagingmovements, except for areas around the eyes. Suitable for any skin type. Result “Silky” skin! Package: 50 g. Code: 12022.
  • 23. 23 ÂŤ20,30,40…» line Silk Touch Intensive Moisture Face Mask This molding mask consists of the finest network of silk threads. Silk-protein penetration promotes deep moisturizing. Mask composition includes: hydrolyzed silk, aloe leaf extract, panthenol and niacinamide. Sodium hyaluronate is a hyaluronic acid derivative: • acts similarly to hyaluronic acid, known as the “star with 1000 admirers”: its one molecule attracts 1000 water molecules; • forms a light film on the skin; this film actively absorbs moisture from the air and has the effect of “additional moisture”, reducing water evaporation; • increases skin firmness, making it smoother. Purpose • Intensively moisturizes the skin, smoothing it out. • Reduces the appearance of age-related changes. • Nourishes, softens, maintains skin elasticity, improves complexion. Application Use the mask immediately after opening the package! Remove the blue protective film and apply the mask to the face for 3 minutes. Remove the silver film and apply the mask to the face for 15-20 minutes. Take the mask off and spread its residue evenly over the face with massaging movements. It is recommended to use the mask 1-2 times a week. You should not apply the mask to injured or irritated skin Result Your skin is as smooth and delicate as silk! Package: 38 g. Code: 12023. 21 3
  • 24. ÂŤ20,30,40…» line 24 Nighttime skincare products: nutrition and recovery Many women neglect nighttime cosmetic procedures, not suspecting that night is the best time for skincare. When Brigitte Bardot was asked her secret for preserving youth and beauty, she answered: “Don’t mix up your jars with day and night creams.” Sleep is therapeutic! Skin cells don’t have to protect themselves from adverse environmental factors (sun, wind, cold, heat, etc.) at night, leaving them focused on regeneration. Skin switches to its “recovery regimen” at night, making cosmetic products most effective at that time. The nighttime skincare products in the “203040…” line have been developed to account for the chronological “habits” of the skin and its age-related features. As we grow older, our skin requirements begin to increase. While moisturizing in both the daytime and nighttime is sufficient for young skin, mature skin needs additional “feeding” and recovery stimulation. Night care Old age remains an abstract concept. Theoretically, the skin will remain in good condition over the next decade, provided that basic skincare rules are followed. Active wrinkle prevention should be started early, and good moisturizing will become “an investment in youth.” Cosmetologists’ observation: the skin of those who’ve been using moisturizing cream since early youth ages 6 times more slowly than the skin of those who didn’t bother with skincare. Nighttime skincare products for young skin should contain ingredients that promote its deep saturation with moisture. 20+
  • 25. ÂŤ20,30,40…» line 25 Hydrating Facial Cream This cream, with a dissolving texture and delicate aroma, intensifies water metabolism, providing optimum skin-moisture level for a long time! Cream active ingredients: aloe vera extract, vitamin E and allantoin. Purpose • Promotes the moisturizing of deep skin layers, reduction of flaking and irritation. • Stimulates skin cell regeneration, slows down aging processes. • Softens and smoothes the skin, giving it elasticiy and a fresh appearance. Application Apply a small quantity of cream to the cleansed face and neck. Suitable for day- and nighttime use from age 20. The natural potential of skin cells is “awakening!” Result The natural potential of skin cells is “awakening!” Package: 50 g. Code: 12018. 20+ 30+ Night care Theinternalresourcesoftheskin,“tired”fromyourconstantattemptstojuggleeverything in the world, begin to become fatigued by age 30. Problems such as inflammation and acne become less significant due to reduced oil-gland production, while new problems arise, i.e. wrinkles. Age 30 triggers the microaging process, whereby the skin loses its elasticity in the most expressive areas, i.e. in the contours of the eyes and lips and on the forehead. Simply moisturizing the skin is no longer enough: it must also be stimulated to renewal. Skin changes occurring after 30: the cell regeneration process slows down, and the skin loses its firmness due to the inhibition of collagen and elastin synthesis. Keratinization processes begin to prevail. Cosmetic products should contain ingredients such as hyaluronic acid and peptides for the effective nighttime skincare of those over 30.
  • 26. 26 ÂŤ20,30,40…» line Purpose • Reduces skin tension and stress, providing it with valuable nutrients. • Promotes the recovery of dermal structural integrity, stimulates cell regeneration, improves skin color. • Increases moisture level, which helps smooth out wrinkles. Application Apply a small quantity of cream to the cleansed face and neck, except for areas around the eyes, with circular movements. Suitable for any skin type at ages over 30. Result Preserved “youth capital” of skin cells! Package: 50 g, сode: 12019. Night Recovery Facial Cream This cream-gel contains peptides (translation from the Greek — “nutritive”), one of the most promising ingredients in cosmetic products. Similar to proteins, peptides consist of amino acids, but unlike proteins, their size is much smaller, enabling them to easily penetrate the skin barrier. Peptidesare“deliveredyouth”:theyhaveahighcapability ofpenetratingtheepidermalbarrierbecausetheycontain protein in a form that is optimal for assimilation by the skin, i.e. in the form of a short chain consisting of 2-8 amino acids. The most valuable property of peptides — their ability to influence vital cell activity. Various processes in the skin, including aging, can be controlled with the help of peptide complexes. Palmitoyl oligopeptide is a “signal molecule” for the production of collagen: • a tripeptide derivative consisting of three amino acid residues (glycin, histidine and lysine) bound with palmitic acid, which facilitates penetration through the epidermal barrier; • a collagen molecule fragment involved in the formation of new collagen fibers; • promotes the better penetration of active ingredients in cosmetic products. Caprooyl tetrapeptide-3: • consists of short chains of four amino acids (histidine, lysine, glutamine and isoleicine) bound with caproic acid; • helps strengthen collagen and elastin fibers; • has softening and soothing effects on the skin, promotes reduced pigmentation. This cream also contains hydrolyzed silk, hyaluronic acid and allantoin. 30+
  • 27. ÂŤ20,30,40…» line 27 Night care Age 40 is a milestone triggering the involution process (the opposite of evolution): • connective tissue (derma) element degradation — collagen fibers become thicker, part of them disintegrate or stick together. As a result, the skin loses its elasticity and begins to sag. Skin turgor (water saturation) is also lowered; • significantly decreased or atrophied function of the oil glands — the skin becomes dry and more susceptible to harmful environmental effects; • thinned epidermal basal layer — cell division rate is reduced in the basal layer, which is responsible for the “origination” of skin cells, its thickness decreases. On the contrary, corneal layer thickness significantly increases. The skin begins to appear “pursed;” • disturbed microcirculation — vascular wall permeability changes, resulting in the development of vascular stars and telangiectasias (visible surface blood vessels). The skin should be stimulated to renewal starting at age 30. You should mainly rely on cosmetic products stimulating collagen and elastin production at age 40. Firming and Lifting Facial Cream This cream contains aloe leaf extract and the “gold standard” of anti-aging products, i.e. hyaluronic acid and hydrolyzed collagen. Collagen is known as a “youth protein,” it forms a compact reticular structure of elastic fibers in the skin; similar to framework, it supports the skin. But collagen synthesis processes become slower in most people by age 25-30. If you examine a wrinkle under a microscope, you can see the worn collagen layer underneath it. Hyaluronic acid is also a natural component of the human skin. While filling the space between collagen fibers, it maintains cell water balance, skin resiliency and elasticity. At a young age, the synthesis and degradation of hyaluronic acid in the human body take place uniformly. But its content begins dropping at age 20, with the process speeding up with each successive year. The quantity of hyaluronic acid in a 50-year-old human is two times lower than in a 20-year-old. The reduced synthesis of hyaluronic acid results in skin dryness and the occurrence of wrinkles. Hyaluronic acid: • “queen of moisturizing” for the skin — each acid molecule has up to 1000 “servants”: water molecules. If you add just 2 mg of hyaluronic acid to 1 liter of water, you will obtain a thick, gel-like mass; • “great logistician” — it delivers liquid to the areas where it is required; • “trap” for free radicals; • maintains skin resiliency and elasticity. Hydrolyzed collagen is collagen that easily penetrates epidermal barriers with the help of enhancer substances (from the English “enhance” — “to improve, to intensify”: • stimulates the renewal of natural dermal collagen fibers; • improves skin strength, elasticity and firmness; • forms a protective film on the skin; this film binds to water, thereby reducing transepidermal moisture loss (TEWL). Purpose • Stimulates collagen synthesis, has a lifting-effect. • Promotes the reduction of expression lines and nasolabial folds, preventing their further development. • Stimulates the natural cell regeneration process, improves complexion. Application Apply a small quantity of cream to the cleansed face and neck. Suitable for any skin type, starting at ages over 40. Result The skin is “awakened” from fading slumber! Package: 50 g. Code: 12020. 40+ 40+
  • 28. 28 ÂŤ20,30,40…» line Anti-Wrinkle Active Facial Essence Essence is a concentrate of beneficial substances — an intensivecareproductallowingtheskintorecoverinashort period of time. It contains many more active substances than those found in ordinary creams. Essence is applied after cleanser and toner under basic facial cream. Essence contains acetyl tetrapeptide-5, hyaluronic acid, collagen, Hibiscus militaris extract and allantoin. Acetyl tetrapeptide-5: • improves microcirculation and lymphatic outflow, whose disturbance causes edema; • maintains the skin’s “architecture,” accelerates the cell regeneration process; • enhances skin elasticity. Hibiscus militaris flower extract: • a source of tartaric, citric and malic fruit acids, which ensure deep pore cleansing and the shedding of keratinized skin cells; • a source of polysaccharides — substances that serve as water “reservoirs” for plants and normalize hydrobalance in the human skin; • restores skin tone due to antocyanidine content; this is a special flavonoid group promoting the maintenance of collagen fibers. Purpose • Slows the skin’s aging process, restores its protective and water-retention ability. • Stimulates metabolism and the cell regeneration process. • Strengthens skin structure, enhances its smoothness and elasticity, improves the complexion. Suitable for any skin type, starting at ages over 40. Application Apply to a well-cleansed face and neck under basic cream in the morning and/or evening. Result The skin regains its youthful glow, elasticity and sensation of total comfort. Package: 30 g. Code: 12011. 40+
  • 29. 29 ÂŤ20,30,40…» line Revitalising Eye Cream-Gel The term “revitalization” (from the Latin “vita” — “life”) can be literally interpreted as “returning to life.” This involves the revival of natural skin functions lost with age. This progressive cream-gel formula is based on bio-gold. Colloidal gold (bio-gold) is a “luxury ingredient”: • a form of gold (“colloidal”: from the Greek word “kolla” — “glue”) obtained by the electrolysis method using high-frequency currents and ozone treatment. This process results in the formation of microscopic particles of precious metal measuring less than a micron; • promotes the rapid penetration of oxygen into skin cells, improving metabolic processes, enhancing circulation, and freeing the skin from harmful metabolic byproducts and toxins; • stabilizes collagen and elastin, improves hydration and metabolic processes, normalizes local immune reactions; • acts as a “conductor” for other active ingredients, therefore, cosmetic products containing it are always well absorbed into the skin. Peoplebeganusingthefirst“golden”cosmeticprocedures way back in Ancient Egypt: Cleopatra slept with a mask of pure gold on her face. This cream-gel contains peptides (translation from the Greek — “nutritive”), some of the most promising ingredients in cosmetic products. Peptides are capable of penetrating the corneal layer of skin cells and, even more importantly, influencing their vital activity. Processes unfolding in the skin can be controlled using peptide complexes, making it possible to slow down aging. Hexapeptide-10: • peptide consisting of a molecular chain of six amino acids and classified as a remodeling peptide, stimulating the synthesis of intercellular matrix components (collagen and elastin); • restructures and strengthens the skin; • dramatically improves the appearance of thinning, fading skin. This revitalizing cream-gel also contains Butyrospermum parkii butter, Hedera helix leaf extract and Hibiscus militaris extract. Butyrospermum parkii butter: • has regenerating properties due to its content of unsaponifiable fats, influences collagen synthesis; • has a plasticizing effect and enhances skin barrier proterties due to its content of triglyciredes, which include essential fatty acids; • has antioxidant properties, is a natural UV-filter. 30+Working with “delicate material”: eye skincare Skin thickness around the eyes is just 0.5 mm — equal to a sheet of paper. The first wrinkles and sagginess appear precisely in this delicate and sensitive zone, where dark circles and bags begin to develop. • The skin around the eyes is the thinnest — it is 5-7 times thinner than the skin on the cheeks. • The skin around the eyes has no subcutaneous fatty layer, it contains few oil/sweat-gland ducts and comprises virtually no collagen or elastin fibers. • Eyelid skin experiences the maximum expressive load: the average eye blinks roughly 20 thousand times a day. Eye skincare involves working with “delicate material.” The products in the “203040…” line have been specially developed in due consideration of the nuances of delicate eyelid skin.
  • 30. 30 ÂŤ20,30,40…» line As far back as 1940, many scientific observations confirmed that peoples who had been using Butyrospermum parkii butter since ancient times suffered from virtually no dermatological diseases and that their skin was strikingly smooth and elastic. In Africa, every infant is massaged with Butyrospermum parkii butter at birth, protecting the baby’s skin from severe climatic conditions. Hedera helix leaf extract is derived from the leaves of evergreen liana: • contains phytoestrogens, vegetable substances whose chemical structure is similar to human estrogen, and which are able to locally simulate their effect on the skin; phytoestrogens not only slow down aging processes but also normalize melanin synthesis, preventing hyperpigmentation; • reduce the permeability of capillaries and cell membranes, normalizing skin metabolism; • has stimulating and regenerating effects, promotes skin strengthening and lifting. Purpose • Ensures deep skin nutrition, restores its structure by activating cellular processes. • Reduces the number of wrinkles and their depth, increases skin elasticity and resiliency. • Promotes the reduction of edemas, protects the skin from adverse environmental factors. Application Apply to the skin around the eyes with light tapping movements using a special applicator. Use in the morning and in the evening to enhance the effect. Do not massage in. Recommended for use from age 30 and up. Result Eyelid skin glows with health, becoming smooth and elastic. Package: 30 g. Code: 12021.
  • 31. 31 ÂŤ20,30,40…» line Anti-Wrinkle Eye Cream-Gel In this cosmetic product, bio-gold acts as a “conductor” for Pisum sativum, Hibiscus militaris and Hedera helix leaf extracts. This cream-gel also contains hyaluronic acid. Pisum sativum extract: • stimulates skin regeneration processes; • slows down collagen degradation, enhances skin elasticity and resiliency; • contains a significant quantity of protein substances and amino acids that nourish and moisturize the skin. Peas are a leader among vegetables in terms of their content of protein substances: the protein content of peas is almost the same at that of beef. Purpose • Softens and moisturizes the delicate skin of the eyelids. • Promotes the minimization of wrinkles, restores skin resiliency and elasticity. • Soothes the skin, preventing the development of irritation and reddening. Application Apply on the skin around the eyes with light tapping movements using a special applicator. Use in the morning and in the evening to achieve the best results. Recommended for use from age 30 and up. Result Visible wrinkle minimization, restoration of the resiliency and elasticity of delicate eyelid skin. Package: 30 g. Code: 12013. Firming and Lifting Eye Cream-Gel “Lifting” (from the English “lifting” — “tightening”) is the name of a cosmetic procedure aimed at the correction and prevention of sagging skin. Lifting effect is provided by hyaluronic acid, acetyl tetrapeptide-5 and Hibiscus militaris extract. In addition to wrinkles, at age 30 and over, our appearance starts to suffer from dark circles under the eyes and puffiness that can be difficult to conceal. • Swelling in the eye area occurs more frequently than foot swelling. • The skin around the eyes is predisposed towards fluid retention. • Swelling in the eye area occurs most often at night, when lymph microcirculation slows down. The acetyl tertapeptide-5 and Hamamelis virginiana leaf extract contained in this cream- gel are intended to combat this particular cosmetic problem. Hamamelis virginiana leaf extract: • improves microcirculation and favors liquid outflow, which eases puffiness; • contains bioflavonoids, which are vitamin-like vegetable substances with strong antioxidant properties; • contains tannins that firm the skin and constrict pores. Hamamelis is a perennial bush commonly known as “witch-hazel.” It was so named for its many wondeful properties: bushes exposed to stress sometimes begin to blosson absolutely unexpectedly — even in mid-autumn. And hamamelis flowers are extremely frost-resistant: they become hardened due to overnight frost and thaw out and open again in the daytime. Another interesting fact: hamamelis is never affected by pests. Purpose • Has a lymph drainage effect, reduces swelling and dark circles around the eyes. • Restores the skin’s hydro-lipid balance, smoothes its overall contour. • Ensures antioxidant protection for cells. Application Apply a small quantity of gel to the skin around eyes. Use in the morning and in the evening to achieve the best result. Recommended for use from age 30. Result Simple arithmetic of eyelid skin: minus puffiness and dark circles, plus elasticity and resiliency. Package: 30 g. Code: 12012. 30+ 30+
  • 32. 32 ÂŤ20,30,40…» line Anti-Wrinkle Eye Gel This gel with a light texture is easily spread over the skin and rapidly absorbed. It contains Butyrospermum parkii butter, acetyl tetrapeptide-5 and vitamin E. Purpose • Has a multifunctional effect on the skin around eyes, stimulates regeneration and accelerates collagen synthesis. • Restores circulation, thereby promoting a reduction in puffiness and dark circles. • Nourishes and softens delicate eyelid skin, has a pronounced antioxidant effect. Application Apply to clean skin around the eyes in the morning and/or in the evening. Recommended for use from age 40. Result Your eyes become noticeable for their beauty — not for their wrinkles and puffiness. Package: 30 g. Code: 12014. 40+
  • 33. 33 ÂŤ20,30,40…» line Erasing everything you don’t need: deep skin-cleansing products Our skin is like our permanent “clothing.” Imagine clothes that have been worn for decades without being taken off. The skin, particularly mature skin, also has the tendency of “wearing out.” You see, as we grow older, renewal processes begin to slow down: keratinized (dead) cells accumulate as a thick layer pressing down on “new” cells. This results in dull, “parchment-like” skin covered in wrinkles. Such skin should be stimulated to renewal. Peels triggering the regeneration process are available for this purpose. Peels differ from scrubs in terms of the nature of their effect on the skin. Scrubs involve mechanical cleansing — they remove dead cells with the help of abrasive particles. The word “abrasive” originates from the Latin “abrasio,” meaning erasure, scratching. This procedure is quite traumatizing for the skin. Peels remove dead cells by softening and dissolving them. The word “peeling” originates from the English “peel,” which means “to remove the rind.” Since ancient times, people have attempted to artificially stimulate skin renewal: they burned their faces with vinegar, applied red-hot metal, scraped with pumice, ashes etc. The TianDe Company offers a reliable solution for the problem of keratinized cell accumulation: peels. Peeling involves the desquamation process of superior epidermis layers and the dermal papillary layer. It stimulates regeneration processes in the skin and promotes its renewal. Peels in the “203040…” line provide for the superficial exfoliation of facial skin Superficial peeling is known as “lunchtime-peeling.” This is the most sparing method of all chemical peels: it leaves no traces requiring healing. Superficial peeling causes desquamation of the epidermis layer approximately 0.06 mm thick; this is sufficient to refresh the overall “look of the face,” improving the condition of skin affected by acne, smoothing fine wrinkles, making superficial nevi pigmentosis less noticeable, and shrinking large pores. It is not recommended to sunbathe, use masks-films or other exfoliants for 2-4 days after peeling, depending on skin type.
  • 34. 34 ÂŤ20,30,40…» line Active Facial Gel Peel This peel contains algae extract, hyaluronic acid and Portulaca oleracea extract. Portulaca oleracea extract: • is a natural muscle relaxant that relaxes expression muscles, neutralizes their “excessive” contractions, and promotes wrinkle minimization; • soothes irritated skin, stimulates regeneration processes; • contains vitamic C, which intensifies collagen synthesis. Purpose • Provides for the exfoliation of dead, keratinized skin cells. • Activatescellregeneration,moisturises,enhancesskinelasticity,improvescomplexion, constricts pores, smoothes lines and wrinkles. • Clarifies and evens complexion. Recommendations on frequency of use: • oily skin — 2-3 times a week, • normal skin — 1-2 times a week, • dry and sensitive skin — once every two weeks. Application Apply a small quantity of the peel to cleansed facial skin, avoiding the region around the eyes. Massage for 1-2 minutes and wash off thoroughly with cold water. The skin becomes sensitive after using the peel, therefore, it is recommended to use sunscreen with a UV protective filter. Result Your skin rids itself of everything it doesn’t need! Package: 80 g. Code: 12008. Delicate Facial Gel Peel Thanks to its content of hyaluronic acid analogue  — sodium hyaluronate  — this peel has a pronounced moisturizing effect. Purpose • Gently removes keratinized cells. • Softens the epidermis and promotes rapid cell recovery, smoothes the skin and makes it elastic. • Encourages natural skin moisturizing and improves circulation, enriching cells with oxygen. Application Apply a small quantity of peel to cleansed facial skin, avoiding the region around the eyes. Massage for 1-2 minutes and wash off thoroughly with cold water. It is recommended to use sunscreen with a UV protective filter after peeling. Recommendations on frequency of use: • oily skin — 2-3 times a week, • normal skin — 1-2 times a week, • dry and sensitive skin — once every two weeks. Result Your skin “sighs with relief!” Package: 100 g. Code: 12031. 30+20+ 40+
  • 37. Gingko Biloba + E 25+ 37 This little leaf was brought to my unpretentious garden from the East, And it reveals secret meaning for a seeing eye. Could it be that a living creature has halved here? Or, on the contrary, that the two appear before us in unity at once? I. Goethe. Ginkgo Biloba The leaf extract of an ancient tree, the oldest on Earth, is the basic ingredient of this cosmetic line. This tree is much older not only than mankind, but also than long- extinct dinosaurs! Ginkgo biloba is the most valuable link we have between the present and the distant past. According to botanists’ calculations, the tree has existed for more than 300 million years! It is rightly called a “living fossil” — an accidental remnant of distant geological periods. None of today’s modern plants are similar to ginkgo biloba. Ginkgo was considered extinct for a long time — until, in the 20th Century, the tree was found growing in two regions of Eastern China. Over millions of years, ginkgo biloba has acquired the incredible ability to survive and has emerged as the embodiment of the Earth’s life-giving forces. It is often said of the tree that “it does not burn in flame.” Ginkgo wood is truly resistant to fire: the tree was completely charred during the mighty atomic disaster at Hiroshima — but survived and began blossoming the very next spring! In the East, Ginkgo is viewed as the symbol of yin and yang (the essence of male and female — a symbol of vital harmony). Ginkgo is a diclinous plant; there are male and female trees. The seeds, which are as large as an apricot, are wonderfully colored in an amber-silver tint, explaining why Ginkgo is known as “silver nut” in China. Biochemical studies have shown that the leaves are the most valuable part of the Ginkgo tree. It is they that contain many biological substances regarded as natural stimulants of vitality. Ginkgo biloba leaf extract is one of the most-commonly administered preparations in France, and is recognized as the most popular in Germany. Different formulations based on Ginkgo biloba are included in the top-5 most sought-after preparations in America. The plant’s incredible popularity is driven by its ability to have a beneficial effect on blood vessels, improve microcirculation and strengthen capillary walls. Recent studies prove convincingly that the lion’s share of all diseases are caused by circulatory disorders. This property of Ginkgo biloba is of particular importance to cosmetology, because normalized circulation means the prevention of many (if not all) skin problems. After all, it is blood and blood alone that delivers nutrients, moisture and oxygen to the skin.
  • 38. Gingko Biloba + E 38 Ginkgo biloba leaf extract contains more than 100 biologically-active components, including: • ginkgolides and bilobalides — ginko’s “signature” components, unique to it alone; they enhance vascular wall elasticity and normalize blood circulation. As a result, bloodflow increases, resulting in improved cell metabolism and enhanced moisture absorption by the skin; • quercetin — a flavonoid that targets the vascular system: it relieves tension, reduces capillary permeability and fragility, enhances vascular elasticity and tone, and promotes swelling reduction; • complex of powerful antioxidants that not only destroy existing free radicals but also prevent the production of new free radicals! Ginkgo extract acts as a scavenger (from the English “scavenger” — “garbage collector”) of active oxygen forms (free radicals). Thanks to its powerful antioxidant effect, ability to normalize metabolic processes and improve skin structure, Ginkgo extract is actively used in anti-aging products. The Ginkgo Biloba + E line is intended for the young skin of 25-year-olds, insofar as skin aging processes begin precisely at this age. While external appearance radiates wellbeing, internal fading processes have already become activated. • collagen production decreases, with firmness suffering as a result; • disturbances develop in the production of the skin’s own moisturizer — its natural moisturizing factor — with dehydration and the sensation of tightness becoming more pronounced; • the skin’s cell-renewal process is slowed down, with complexion becoming gray and ashy. ThecosmeticproductsoftheGingkoBiloba+Elineareintendedfortheactiveprevention of aging. They contain vitamin E, which is rightly called “the vitamin of youth.” Vitamin Е (Tocopherol): • this “vitamin of youth” gives the skin a more youthful appearance while nourishing and moisturizing it, regenerating and strengthening the epidermal barrier layer; • releases cells from the effect of free radicals, slowing down aging processes; • makes the skin more resistant to the effect of UV-rays; • is involved in tissue respiration and the tissue’s other vital metabolic processes, preventing increased capillary permeability and fragility. The Gingko Biloba + E cosmetic line provides young skin with all of the necessary care stages: cleansing, toning, moisturizing and eye skin care. The “vascular system” of the Ginkgo tree is unique in its simplicity: the main trunk is divided into two stems. No other tree in the world boasts anything of the kind.
  • 39. Gingko Biloba + E 25+ 39 Deep Cleansing Facial Milk This cleansing milk, with a fine aromatic texture, is ideally absorbed by the skin, without damaging the delicate hydrolipid film on its surface. The cosmetic product contains gentle-cleansing amphoteric tensides (SAS) and cocamidopropyl hydroxysultaine. Amphoteric, i.e. “sparing” SAS is one of the most expensive soapy-based ingredients. Cocamidopropyl hydroxysultaine is made of coconut oil. This ingredient: • gently cleanses the skin; • protects the skin from dryness and irritation; • “restores” the epidermal corneal layer, making the skin soft, and giving the foam its creamy texture. In addition to Ginkgo biloba leaf extract and tocopherol, this cleansing milk contains natural fatty acids — myristic acid and lauryl acid. Myristic acid is contained in nutmeg. This acid: • promotes recovery of the skin’s protective properties; • helps combat aging; • enhances the penetration of other beneficial ingredients into the skin. Lauryl acid is a product derived from the processing of bay leaf oil. This acid: • is contained in female breast milk and protects infants against disease; • has an antimicrobial effect; • has antioxidant properties. Purpose • Gently removes external contaminants and metabolic byproducts from the skin without leaving a sensation of tightness or dryness. • Promotes normalization of the skin’s natural physiological balance, stimulates cell renewal. • Boosts the skin’s own protective properties, slows down aging processes. Application Deposit a small quantity of the product into the palm of your hand, mix with water to obtain a foam, spread over the face and neck with massaging movements. Rinse thoroughly with warm water. Complete the procedure by using the Emollient Facial Toner in the Ginkgo Biloba + E line. Suitable for skin of all types, starting at age 25. Result Ultra-soft skin that radiates cleanness and health! Package: 100 g. Code: 14501. 25+
  • 40. Gingko Biloba + E 40 Emollient Facial Tonic Emollient Facial Tonic ideally completes the skin cleansing procedure while strengthening its natural protective mechanisms and lowering its sensitivity threshold. By excluding tonic from your skincare procedure, you lower the efficiency of further cosmetic products. The skin’s natural microcirculation process and antioxidant protection system are activated thanks to the Ginkgo biloba leaf extract contained in this product. The tonic contains allantoin and sodium hyaluronate. Allantoin is made from the roots of woundwort (Symphytum officinale), a plant that has been used in the healing of wounds and regeneration of injured tissue since ancient times. Allantoin: • has a regenerating effect, stimulates skin healing while softening and soothing it; • has a keratolytic effect: softens the corneous layer, thereby promoting the removal of dead cells; • effectively prevents the clogging of pores and development of blackheads. Sodium hyaluronate is a hyaluronic acid derivative. It: • acts similarly to hyaluronic acid, known as the “star with 1000 admirers”: its one molecule attracts 1000 water molecules; • forms a light film on the skin; this film actively absorbs moisture from the air and adds an effect of “additional moisture,” thereby reducing water evaporation; • increases skin firmness, making it smoother. Purpose • Completes the skin cleansing procedure, removing make-up residue and dead epidermal cells. • Softens and moisturises the skin, preventing transepidermal moisture loss. • Stimulates cell renewal, enhances the skin’s resistance to the effects of adverse environmental factors. Application Apply a small quantity of toner to the face and neck after washing, using a cosmetic pad. Suitable for skin of all types, starting at age 25. Result The skin is cleansed and perfectly prepared for the application of moisturizing cream. Package: 100 g. Code: 14502. 25+
  • 41. Gingko Biloba + E 25+ 41 Moisturizing Facial Fluid Cream This cream has an ultralight fluid texture (from the Latin “fluidus” — “liquid, runny”); thanks to which it can be applied to the face uniformly, creating a weightless transparent coating. This cream contains Ginkgo biloba leaf extract and vitamin E (tocopherol) in the form of acetate, which is resistant to oxidation, as well as allantoin and sodium hyaluronate. Purpose • Moisturizes the skin intensively so that it retains moisture for a long time, and removes the sensation of tightness and dryness — making facial skin look healthy again, restoring its natural softness and smoothness. • Provides reliable antioxidant protection, neutralizing the effects of free radicals and preventing the appearance of aging signs. • Stimulating metabolic processes and boosting epidermal barrier functions. Application Apply to the cleansed face and neck with light massaging movements, except for areas around the eyes. Use in the morning and in the evening. Suitable for skin of all types, starting at age 25. Result The skin is moisturized, reliably protected and enriched with nutrients. Package: 50 g. Code: 14503. Revitalizing Eye Cream This cream provides balanced care for the delicate and sensitive skin around the eyes. It has a weightless texture that is rapidly absorbed without making the eyelid skin heavy. Active cream ingredients: Ginkgo biloba leaf extract, vitamin E (tocopherol) in the form of acetate, which is resistant to oxidation, and sodium hyaluronate. Purpose • Provides reliable antioxidant protection for delicate eyelid skin, softens and moisturizes it. • Promotes the minimization of “crow’s feet” and smoothing of fine wrinkles. • Prevents appearance of dark circles and edemas. Application Apply a small quantity of cream to cleansed skin around the eyes with light tapping movements. Use in the morning and in the evening. Suitable for skin of all types, starting at age 25. Result Eyelid skin looks rested and refreshed. Package: 25 g. Code: 14505. 25+ 25+
  • 42. 42 “Vitamin C” lineСерия «Витамин ĐĄÂť
  • 43. 43 “Vitamin C” line 20+ All a person has to do to pucker and wrinkle up is to imagine biting into a lemon wedge — that’s simply the way tastebuds react to ascorbic acid (vitamin C). In contrast to people, the skin isn’t wrinkled up but smoothed by “acidic” matter: • Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant, it fights against free radicals — one of the leading causes of premature skin aging; • Cosmetic products containing vitamin C intensify collagen production, which is responsible for the skin’s smoothness and youthful appearance. The literal translation of “ascorbic acid” is “against scorbutus” (from the Latin “anti” — “against” and “scorbutus” — “scurvy”), as the disease is caused by vitamin C deficiency resulting in collagen synthesis disturbances and the breakdown of connective tissue. More than half of all sailors participating in the age of geographic discoveries died of scurvy. The English seafarer James Cook managed to win an accidental victory over it, stocking his ships with a vitamin C-rich food — sauerkraut. What’s best: eating or topical application? The human body does not produce vitamin C, so vegetables are the main source of ascorbic acid for humans. But even those who make an effort to eat nutritious food don’t always succeed in obtaining beautiful skin as a bonus. The skin receives nutrients per the residual principle, with vital organs supplied with important vitamins first. The targeted delivery of vitamin C with the help of cosmetic products is highly beneficial to the skin. It’s a fact: two thirds of all vitamin C delivered to the skin from nutritional sources is destroyed by ultraviolet rays. The cosmetic products in the Vitamin C line contain an active form of ascorbic acid that is able to easily overcome the skin’s natural barrier and preserve its beneficial properties for a long time. This is a significant advantage, insofar as vitamin C is naturally a highly- unstable compound: it is rapidly oxidized and loses its beneficial properties when exposed to air. The cosmetic products of the Vitamin C line are ideally suited to young skin because they meet two main conditions: • prevention of aging is ensured by the antioxidant properties of vitamin C, and also by its ability to activate collagen production; • prevention of acne  — vitamin C enhances local immunity and the skin’s natural protective properties, thereby preventing the onset of inflammation.
  • 44. 44 “Vitamin C” line Cleansing Milky Facial Emulsion Your skin is smooth and elastic when you’re 20 years old. At this age, the main task is to cleanse it correctly. During the day, our skin is exposed to: • excreted byproducts of approximately • 2 mln sweat glands; this means at least 500 grams of water, urea, lactic acid, sodium chloride and carbon dioxide; • dirt, dust, sulfur dioxide and carbon monoxide. Add creams and make-up, and a mixture will be formed that throws the skin into prolonged imbalance in the absence of good cleansing. Cleansing Milky Facial Emulsion with vitamin C gently removes contaminants without damaging the hydro-lipid skin mantle or leaving a sensation of tightness. The product is enriched with Morus alba root extract. Morus alba root extract: • evens the complexion and prevents the occurrence of nevi pigmentosis by regulating melanin production; • brightens dark circles under the eyes; • contains flavonoids, which are vitamin-like vegetable substances boasting strong antioxidant properties that protect the skin from premature aging. Purpose • Effectively removes contaminants and make-up. • Refreshes the skin, maintains its protective properties. • Recommended for immunity-impaired skin (acne, dull complexion, sloughing). Application Deposit a small amount of the product into the palms of your hands, mix with warm water and spread over the face with massaging movements. Rinse thoroughly. Use in the morning and in the evening. Complete the procedure by using the refreshing Facial Toner in the Vitamin C series. Suitable for all skin types. Result Glowing skin! Package: 100 g. Code: 13801. 20+
  • 45. 45 “Vitamin C” line 20+ Refreshing Facial Toner While skin cleansing is a given for most people, many ignore the need for proper toning. This is due to popular ignorance as to the important functions of toner. It not only completes the cleansing stage by removing make-up residue and the cleanser itself, but also enhances the efficacy of day and night creams applied immediately thereafter by 20-30%. In other words, by ignoring the toning stage, you’re effectively throwing 1/3 of the total benefit of your cream tube out the window. Cleansers and toner should be used in tandem, as they complement one another. Cleansing and toning complement one another to a “T.” Refreshing Facial Toner with vitamin C contains hydrolyzed soy proteins, Aloe barbadensis leaf extract, hyaluronic acid and allantoin. Hydrolyzed soy protein: • is a source of phytoestrogens, which are vegetable analogues of female hormones; our skin receptors react to phytoestrogens just as they do to hormones triggering cell regeneration processes and activating hyaluronic acid production. The process of cell saturation with moisture and oxygen is stimulated, sebum reproduction is normalized; • is a source of amino acids and peptide-containing substances with low molecular weight that easily overcome the skin’s natural barrier and become “building blocks” for cells; • moisturizes the skin and prevents transepidermal moisture loss. Aloe barbadensis leaf extract: • contains more than 200 biologically-active substances, including: vitamins, amino acids, enzymes, minerals and microelements, glycosides and many others; • promotes maintenance of the skin’s normal hydrobalance thanks to its rich polysaccharide content; • prevents the development of acne because it contains salycilyc acid and essential oils; • normalizes the skin’s acid-base balance because its pH level coincides with the skin’s natural pH level; • called “a vehicle” for its ability to penetrate body tissue, which it accomplishes 3-4 times faster than water. Thanks to this, the beneficial substances contained in Aloe extract are rapidly delivered to deep skin layers; • has the unique ability to meet the requirements of absolutely any skin type. If your skin tends to give you “surprises,” alternating from oiliness to dryness and flakiness, cosmetic products with Aloe extract are just what it needs. Hyaluronic acid: • “star with 1000 admirers”: one acid molecule attracts up to 1000 water molecules; • “great logistician”: it delivers moisture only to those areas that need it; • protects skin cells from the adverse effect of free radicals; • promotes tissue regeneration. The production of hyaluronic acid in the human body becomes less intensive from age 20. Purpose • Effectively removes the residue of cosmetic products and cleansers from the skin’s surface, restores natural • pH-balance. • Prevents skin dehydration. • Prepares the skin for further cosmetic procedures. Application Apply to the face and neck using a cotton ball. Recommended for use after each cleansing. Result Your perfectly-moisturized skin glows with good health! Package: 100 g. Code: 13802. Light Moisturising Facial Cream Young skin is amazingly forgiving — but it also has its own requirements, the most important of which is the need for moisturizing. This concerns dry and oily skin alike. Strange as it may seem, skin dehydration and dryness are different conditions: • dehydration is water (intracellular liquid) deficiency; • dryness is fatty component deficiency. 95% of all city-dwellers suffer from skin dehydration. Unfortunately, it’s impossible to quench the skin’s thirst by drinking a glass of water or taking a bath. The problem of moisturizing can only be solved by special cosmetic products. They form a very thin film (protective barrier) on the skin and moisture is “locked up,” with practically no chance of evaporating! Light Facial Moisturizing Cream with vitamin C contains the following moisturizing ingredients: algae extract, hyaluronic acid and hydrolyzed soy proteins. Squalane is also included in this cream. Algae extract is an “energizer battery for cells”: • contains alginic acid, which tightens and moisturizes the skin because it is able to absorb roughly 300x its own weight in water; • contains a mineral energy cocktail in which zinc, copper and magnesium are of the most significance for “tired” skin cells: 20+ 20+
  • 46. 46 “Vitamin C” line VV zinc is an important component for more than 200 enzymes involved in metabolic and tissue-regeneration processes; VV copper promotes the healing of wounds and scratches, activates cell growth; VV magnesium is essential to the proper functioning of enzymes involved in the formation of connective tissue. Fact: 1 kg of algae contains the same quantity of copper, zinc and magnesium as 10 tons of sea water. Squalane is an oxygen “supplier” for the skin: • is an analogue of squalene (from the Latin squalus — “shark”), a substance isolated from the liver of deep-sea shark. As an unsaturated hydrocarbon, squalene easily produces oxygen in water, allowing the shark to survive at a depth of 1000 m under conditions of permanent oxygen starvation; • derived from olive oil and wheat corn, this substance boasts the beneficial properties of its analogue, saturating the skin with oxygen and improving cell respiration. But in contrast to squalene, squalane is more stable and resistant to oxidation, i.e. it preserves its properties for a longer period; • has natural affinity with the skin and easily penetrates the epidermis without leaving an oily sensation, leaving the skin soft and silky. Purpose • Provides long-lasting, deep-skin moisturizing, evens the complexion. • Leaves the skin smooth and glowing with health, improving its tone and firmness. • Enhances the skin’s natural protective properties, slowing down aging processes. Application Apply a small quantity of cream with circular movements to the cleansed face and neck, excluding the area around the eyes. Result The skin is enriched with moisture! Package: 50 g. Code: 13803. Renewal Facial Cream Your skin can look dull and tired in the evening. This special cream will help remove the consequences of the stresses to which it was exposed during the day. Renewal Facial Cream with Vitamin C contains Scoparia dulcis extract, hydrolyzed soy proteins and hyaluronic acid. Scoparia dulcis extract is a plant in the Begonia family: • is a good source of flavonoids, which are vitamin-like vegetable substances boasting powerful antioxidant properties; • has an antioxidant effect and protects skin cells from premature aging; • contains terpenes scopadulins, which boast antiseptic properties; • enhances the skin’s natural protective properties. 20+
  • 47. 47 “Vitamin C” line 20+ Phyllacantha fibrosa extract: • activates cell metabolism and cell respiration; • prevents the process of premature skin fading and stimulates cell regeneration; • restores the natural mineral balance of skin cells; • saturates the skin with moisture. Algae are an extraordinarily-valuable medicinal resource — a virtual pharmacy from the bottom of the sea: investigations of the world ocean have revealed that the composition of sea water mirrors human plasma and that the composition of the various elements contained in algae virtually duplicates their composition in human blood and tissue. Centella asiatica leaf extract is the “herb of memory”: this plant was so named because of its ability to improve cerebral blood supply, thereby enhancing intelligence. The cosmetic effect of this property is manifested in reduced swelling. The extract • normalizes microcirculation, strengthens vascular walls, promotes fluid discharge and the removal of puffiness; • is a source of magnesium, vitamins А, В, Е, K; • the triterpene saponins contained in the plant are essential for collagen synthesis. Purpose • Moisturizes and protects the skin around the eyes, prevents the appearance of wrinkles. • Nourishes the skin, stimulates regeneration processes. • Helps reduce dark circles around the eyes and edemas. Application Apply to the skin around the eyes with light tapping movements. Do not massage in. Use in the morning and in the evening to achieve the best result. Result Eyelid skin becomes soft, smooth and shiny! Package: 25 g. Code: 13805. Purpose • Stimulates cell regeneration, moisturizes the skin during sleep. • Activates cell metabolism and cell respiration. • Neutralizes the effects of aggressive factors, prevents the premature fading process. Application Apply a small quantity of cream with circular movements to the cleansed face and neck, excluding the area around the eyes. Result Your skin looks fresh and rested in the morning! Package: 50 g. Code: 13804. Eye Contour Cream The skin around the eyes is 8 times thinner than in other areas of the face. This is a delicate matter requiring special attention. Therefore, you should already begin to take care of it when you’re 20. Apply the cream in the morning to remove puffiness and swelling, and in the evening — to moisturize it and relieve fatigue. Eye Contour Cream with Vitamin C contains squalane, Carica papaya fruit extract, Harpagophytum procumbens root extract, Aloe barbadensis extract, hyaluronic acid, Centella asiatica leaf extract and Phyllacantha fibrosa extract. Carica papaya fruit extract: • contains the enzyme papain, which is a light exfoliant that gently removes keratinized cells; • accelerates the regeneration process and improves cell metabolism; • papain easily retains moisture in the epidermal corneous layer, thanks to its “molecular sponge.” Harpagophytum procumbens root extract: this plant is commonly known as “devil’s claw” due to its large hook- shaped fruit. This plant extract: • contains flavonoids, which are vitamin-like vegetable substances that protect the skin from the effects of free radicals, the main cause of premature aging; • soothes irritated and sensitive skin; • stimulates tissue regeneration. 20+ m s s e e
  • 49. 49 Tibetan Herbs line 35+ In Tibet, herbs are much more than mere plants. There are “kings” and “ministers,” “serfs” and “commoners” among them. Similar to human society, a hierarchy is formed in Tibetan phytoformulas. The rank of a specific plant depends on its role and intensity of medicinal effect. So great is the power of herbs that it sometimes eliminates the need for surgery — instead of removing an appendix, for example, Tibetan doctors often “dissolve” its contents using special herbal infusions. Tibetan healers say: “Brews (teas) are the smile of medicinal plants, pills (a traditional Chinese drug in the form of large pellets for oral intake) are the look of plants, and Tibetan infusions are the soul of plants.” Tibetan herbs have successfully been used for cosmetic purposes for thousands of years. The methods for using them to manipulate the skin are somewhat similar to the methods of European cosmetology. For instance, “Lum” in Tibetan medicine is analogous to the popular spa procedure (lum is translated from the Tibetan as “to moisturize”). Imagine that you are at a spa-center in Tibet. It is located high in the mountains where the snow-covered peaks look like as if they support the sky. You relax and enjoy the aroma of a thousand herbs, the water from a mountain spring breathing with cool freshness. The TianDe Company has turned this fantasy into reality by adding the force and energy of Tibetan plants to the cosmetic facial care products of its Tibetan Herbs line. Crocus sativus flower extract is the main ingredient in this line. Stigmas of Crocus sativus flowers are used to prepare Crocus sativus flower extract. A single flower has just three stigmas. Crocus sativus blooms only once for 2-3 weeks. The flower opens for just 2 hours. This extract is worth its weight in gold: at least 150 flowers must be processed in order to obtain 1 gram of saffron. Today, only 300 tons of saffron are produced in the world every year. Chemical composition of the plant: 5-7% mineral and glycoside substances, 5-8% wax and fats, 12-13% proteins and a small quantity of essential oil, which gives Crocus sativus its signature, pleasant aroma. Crocus sativus flower extract is an essential ingredient of the “beauty formula” of the Ancient East: Cleopatra took baths with Crocus sativus to preserve the youthful appearance of her skin. Crocus sativus flower extract is: • a natural moisturizer, which maintains optimum water balance in the skin cells; • an antioxidant, which makes the skin “glow from the inside,” firms and saturates it with energy, improves its resistance to external factors and prevents loss of elasticity; • a natural whitener, evening the complexion, “smoothing away” traces of nevi pigmentosis.
  • 50. Facial Cleansing Milk Skin cleansing is essential at any age. The efficacy of subsequent procedures depends to a great extent on this important facial skincare stage. The older you are, the more effort is required to cleanse the skin well: the thickness of the corneous skin layer increases after age 30: it becomes thicker by approximately 1% every year. The task for cosmetic products is to help the face get rid of its “dead weight. The cleansing procedure should be performed at least twice daily — in the morning and in the evening — irrespective of whether or not cosmetics have been used. Facial Cleansing Milk in the Tibetan Herbs line will gently but effectively cleanse your skin from contaminants and keratinized cells. The delicate milky texture of the formula gives the skin an incredible sensation of comfort while compensating for the dryness that often follows washing with hard water. This milk is enriched with vitamin E (tocopherol). Vitamin E (Tocopherol): • “vitamin of youth”: it allows the skin to look younger, nourishes, moisturizes, regenerates and strengthens the epidermis barrier layer; • releases cells from the effect of free radicals, thereby slowing down aging processes; • makes the skin more resistant to exposure to UV-rays; • is involved in tissue respiration and other vital metabolic tissue processes, prevents the increased permeability and fragility of capillaries. Purpose • Gently removes contaminants and make-up, softens the skin. • Removes the unpleasant sensation of dryness and tightness. • Enhances the skin’s resistance to external factors and prevents elasticity loss. Application Pour a small quantity of the milk into the palm of your hand and make a foam with warm water. Spread it over the face with massaging movements, then wash off thoroughly. Suitable for all skin types, starting at age 30. Result Incomparable feeling of freshness and comfort! Package: 100 g. Code: 12108. Multi-Action Facial Lotion The word “lotion” originates from the Latin “lotio”  — “washing.” Most likely, the first lotion was wine diluted with water. • Lotion helps complete the cleansing procedure by removing everything unnecessary  — contaminants and dead cells — from the skin; • The product prepares the skin for the absorption of moisturizers and nutrients. Thanks to its light, non-oily texture, this lotion is rapidly absorbed, cleansing and softening the skin. It leaves a pleasant, refreshing aroma. It contains Crocus sativus flower extract, Hamamelis virginiana leaf extract, allantoin and vitamin E (tocopherol). Hamamelis virginiana leaf extract: • improves microcirculation, promotes fluid drainage, thereby relieving puffiness; • contains bioflavonoids, which are vitamin-like vegetable substances with powerful antioxidant properties; • contains tannins, which firm the skin and constrict pores. Allantoin is made from the roots of woundwort (Symphytum officinale), a plant that has been used in the healing of wounds and regeneration of injured tissue since ancient times. Allantoin: • has a regenerating effect, softening and soothing sensitive skin; • has a keratolytic effect: softens the corneous layer, thereby promoting the removal of dead cells; • effectively prevents pore obstruction and the development of blackheads. 35+ 35+ 50 Tibetan Herbs line
  • 51. Hamamelis is a perennial bush commonly known as “witch-hazel.” It was so named for its many wonderful properties: bushes exposed to stress sometimes begin to blossom absolutely unexpectedly — even in mid-autumn. And hamamelis flowers are extremely frost-resistant: they become hardened due to overnight frost and thaw out and open again in the daytime. Another interesting fact: hamamelis is never affected by pests. Purpose • Completes the cleansing process, refreshing and firming the skin. • Normalizes pH level, improves cell metabolism, intensifies water metabolism. • Protects against the effect of free radicals. Optimizes further care. Application Apply a small quantity of lotion to the face and neck after washing using a cotton ball Suitable for all skin types, starting at age 30. Result The skin is perfectly prepared for the application of subsequent products. Package: 120 ml. Code: 12109. 51 Tibetan Herbs line 35+