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Descriptive Essay About A Beautiful Place
The sweltering breeze rushes through my fingers as I sit on the soft green grass in the park. It's
such a beautiful day, the grassy plane clashes with the sapphire sky and the sunlight illuminates
the delicate area surrounding me. I quickly find myself becoming captivated by the amount of
diverse people who populate the parks space. The athletic runners, dog walkers, and adolescents
hidden in their smartphones; which, astonishes me because who knew that such a beautiful place
could bring so many contrasting individuals together. I arise to my feet and began traveling down
a narrow path which aligns itself along a lengthy river, but finally converged with the parkway
ahead. An elderly couple sits at the end of the path on a wooden bench eating ice cream that
slowly drizzles down their hands and onto the wedding rings that occupies their fingers. I observe
the elderly couple for a short amount of time noticing how happy and gullible they act towards
each other. I slowly began to lose interest in the couple, but then the elderly woman's ice cream
starts to run onto her blouse and the aged husband runs to fetch some napkins, quickly returning
with them. A melody ringing throughout the park quickly drew my attention away from the couple
and directed it to the truck that rests on the side of the road. The truck has a window fixtured on
its side where a man hands out ice cream to a long line of kids waiting. Finding myself in line, I
notice a younger couple at the very front who
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Describe My Favorite Place
I have always been the type of person that likes to explore. I don't like to be inside, I like to be
able to take everything in and watch what's round me. I love just watching the wildlife and
exploring, finding new plants and trees blossoms my imagination. As I have explored a lot of
places around me I have found one of my favorites. At Dawes Arboretum I have found and
experienced many different things on my adventures that I want to share like: the trails, the kinds
of people, the type of nature. When you go to a new place there is always that excitement of
what's out there. Where do the different trails go. At Dawes there are many different trails and
pathways to take. This place is huge you can follow the paths that they make or you can make
your own. That's my favorite thing to do. I always love to find my own new things and make my
own favorite paths. The Woodlands at Dawes is such a amazing but yet spooky place to visit. In
this area there is many native plants along the paths like the buttonbush, foamflower, wild geranium.
What makes this place so spooky but intriguing is the cemetery that lies here. It is named one of the
oldest cemeteries in Licking County and is stilled used my the Beard–Green Family to this day.
Another site that seems to be a popular one to explore is The Arboretum East. The trails here are a
lot me rough so a lot of times more adventurous hikers go for these. This beautiful place has a little
bit of everything. Its trailers are usually about
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College Admissions Essay: A Beautiful Place
'Ali, I have talked to your teachers and they say that they will help you cover up your leftover
course' said my mom. I have heard this for a lot of times now. My father has to change places as
part of his job and that's a reason why I don't know the specific place I was raised in. Since I was
born, I have lived in ten different homes in five different cities in two different countries: UAE
and Pakistan. Honestly, it used to be hectic for me once but now I have begun to enjoy the
process. Each place I lived in provided a plethora opportunities to explore innermost sanctum of my
passions and interests. While Dubai and Sharjah helped me explore beautiful places (especially City
Centre, which I still recall for its marvelous play area), Sargodha
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Descriptive Essay About My Favorite Place
As a child, people will always remember certain destinations that stick with them that made a
good impression. I have a place that not only made a good impression, it changed me. It made me
think off all the things in life people take for granted; places, people, activates. This place brought
all though special things in life to one place where I can enjoy them all at the same time. The
Oregon coast. Traveling there, as a kid was always special. Waking up early in the morning and
driving the long trip there, going through forests, valleys, and cities. The Oregon coast is such a
broad place to describe, but in reality, all the towns have the same feel but different atmosphere.
Pacific City is small and quiet with a more content...
Its cold, windy, and sunny all at the same time. The beach stretches for miles seeming endless,
until it reaches a tall cliff with waves crashing against it. The sun shines down on the moisture in
the air creating a "sparkling" affect to add to the view. In some spots on the coast giant rock
formations stick out of the water, creating a question on how they formed there. Sea creatures dot
the sand everywhere. Walking the beach with sand between your toes is and not a worry in your mind
is one of the best feelings. If you time it right early in the mornings and late in the night low tide
takes place and you can find sand dollars and unique shells. Beautiful houses and hotels line the
beach all with the same withered look they all strive to have, and balconies on every place to
capture the view. This destination is such an important place to Oregonians because its such a
magical place. It transports you into a different dimension where there are no other places like it.
You cannot be one the beach without a smile on your face, it's near impossible to be in a gloomy
mood when there. Mainly magical because you can escape there with family and friends with many
opportunities to try to experience new or traditional things. Like having a fire on a beach roasting
s'mores with family and friends, or trying weird sea creature at a restaurant. The Oregon Coast will
always hold a spot near to my heart. I can't wait for
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What Is New York A Beautiful Place
New York is a beautiful state.It would be an interesting place to visit because the rivers over there
like the Niagara Falls and the Genesee river are beautiful.Did you know that it's illegal to honk your
horns in New York streets?People still honk their horns and if it was an emergency you could
,sometimes it's
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The Park Is Beautiful And The Environment
Park plays an important role in a community creating safer and natural environment as well as
providing a location for people to spend quality time and to interact with each other. In addition,
Park welfares the city, communities, and families in several ways; for instance, provides an
intrinsic environment, help children's to learn, offer healthy lifestyle, creates a safer neighborhood,
and as well as plays a vital role in bringing the community together; for example, hosting big events
and other special activities in the park will create an opportunity for neighborhoods to engage with
each other and work together. Having a good relationship between neighborhoods in a community
will reduce crimes and violence as well as creates awareness community.
Deep Run Park is a sociable, ideal and Natural Park located in the western Henrico County; The Park
is inherently beautiful and the environment is secure and sanitary for everyone to come and enjoy,
and spend quality time with friends and families. Also, the park is accessible to everyone. The park
has beautiful attractions and provides a wide selection of activities and facilities for all ages, such as
a beautiful lake with fountain located in the heart of the park with picturesque view; bounded by
natural plants and a great relaxing space. Deep Run Park has a very well maintained and safe
environment for the children's. Because the park is a location for children's to learn, get exercise,
socialize with friends and families
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My Favorite Place Essay
RW Ch. 7 Writing Assignment
There are many beautiful places in this world. Some people like quite area, but some people also
like noisy area. Our world have that variety of places, so a people can chose what they want.
However, sometime people have a limit of chooses because they live in small city. Moreover, they
may stay in that city for impotent reasons such as if they are students. Students want to fine a
great university, and these kinds of universities are in small cities which are not a lot of variety if
places. However, almost all universities have a huge campus, so students will have places like to
spend time in it. Me as an example, I live in small city because I am a student. However, I enjoy
many places in the university such as library or students union center. Moreover, I love to spend
time in the university dining hall. Because of sight, sounds, teste and smell, dining hall is my
favorite place.
Frist, Dining hall has a great sights. It located in corner, so I can choose between too views. One
of them, I can see the mine street of the university. The other one, I can see colorful trees. The
dining hall have big tables and comfortable cheers. In addition, they are sofas and TV next each
other, so I can eat and watch at the same time. Also, I see many people are enjoying theirfood while
they are having conversation. In addition, I see many people are making friends which encourage
me to sit there because I want to make friends. For example, one time while I
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Thailand Vacation Essay
Thailand is the most preferred tourist place of many people. You will find there beautiful beaches,
seas, glitzy shopping malls, colorful markets and has rich culture. Thailand holidays package is
enticing mixture of establishing destination like Hua Hin and Phuket. Thailand appeals to many
different travelers, whether they are hippy chic or craving barefoot luxury. Thailand provides you
plenty of selections for every budget and taste. Pampering is an art form of this beautiful country and
throughout the country spas provide authentic treatments if it is in a 5 star resort or a beach side hut.
Package Thailand holidays provides you best sightseeing, variegated shopping, colorful history,
Thailand has an outstanding more content...
Chief northern cities are Khon Khen and Chiang Mai. Thailand country is full of fun and colors are
an outstanding destination to visit. Thailand holiday packages never fails for attracting and amazing
citizens of different age groups. Nonetheless, there are a number of stunning towns, shoreline and
isles as well as hospitality that people extend is beyond their imagination and it makes this city a
famous place with travelers. Few of the well known Thailand destinations during Package Thailand
holidays are Bangkok, Koh Samui, Chiang Mai, Hua Hin and Phuket.
Bangkok is on the edge of river named Chao Phraya, which is the capital city of Thailand. It is the
largest city in the entire country with the almost 7,000,000 population. a worldwide well–known
seashore resort named Pattaya is positioned almost 170 km south of Bangkok. Pattaya is premier
beach resort of Thailand and annually fascinates happiness seeking people from all across the
world. Comfortable tropical ambience of Pattaya is the ideal for an unforgettable holiday
experience for couples, singles and families too. Pattaya beach really touches the shoreline in a four
km long arc. Southern beach is famous for its best night time activities. Streets are alive to crowd
and bustle of entertainment halls, restaurants as well as crowded bars. Northern beach is sedate
enough and best for Pattaya.
Pattaya is full of water sports too. For people of more sporting nature, outdoor or indoor,
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Beautiful Places In Eastern Washington
There are many beautiful places in the Northwest of the United States, but Eastern Washington is
easily the most beautiful area of Washington State. I have lived in Eastern Washington for almost
seven years, I have lived in California and have been to Oregon several times and have seen many
beautiful regions on the West Coast. But, EasternWashington is the best.
Eastern Washington has many beautiful landforms and is full of wonderful Wildlife areas. These
Wildlife areas contain many large forests, camping grounds and places to explore the wildlife. In
Eastern Washington, there are lots of nature and wildlife, such as trees, animals, lakes, and rivers.
For the climate, the East side of Washington is much colder and has more snow than the rest
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Descriptive Essay About A Beautiful City
Imagine yourself coming to a city you have never been to for a vacation. You have just gotten a
leave from your job and you are expecting a relaxing vacation without any hassles. After a long
flight, you reach your final destination, Pearadex, California. You walk out of the airport into a
huge, beautiful city full of gigantic skyscrapers that is the home of the city's tech industry. As you
walk into the downtown area, you see a beautiful fountain with water gushing out in all directions
making its way through the city using a median of streams which resemble a microchip when
looked from above. Little kids are playing in the stream splashing around while the senior citizens sit
on pear–shaped benches watching the young children with glee. Hover cars make their way as
they gently glide on top of the river and the streets lining them and guide their passengers home
with the low sound of hover cars powered by compressed gases. Paddle boats and tour gondolas
glide across the water gently as their occupants heartily talk and laugh. Suddenly a bell rings out
of nowhere and you are alarmed as you do not know what is going on. You breathe a sigh of relief
as you see kids of all ages flock out of school in the thousands and hear their screams of joy as you
walk past. They all dash to Crystal Lake to escape the heat. The clear water with a hint of blue is
full of ripples going off in all directions from the boats and canoes. The familiar smell of freshly
cut grass from the field in Birchland Park enters your nose. You are home! You finally attain your
peace and quietness. The neighborhood is very quiet allowing you to take a peaceful nap and
dream about the wonderful sights you will see and the things you will do in this wonderful city
tomorrow. Pearadex city has surpassed all levels expected from the public and is the future
generation of cities. It is located in Northern California, United States of America, and has had
quite a big history considering that it was founded on June 19, 1984. Even though this city looks
and seems like it has had a steady and easy going past it has had its fair share of problems. But
learning from our mistakes, we have made our city the magnificent city it is today. First of all, tours
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Essay about The Best Places I've Ever Visited
I have visited a lot of places around the world. Traveling is fun to me and its very interesting to me.
Looking to learn more history about countries with their cultures trying new things around their
culture their past because if you wanna look at the future of somthing look at the past.
Lets start out with my favorite place my homeland Bosnia. I went there so far 4 times in my life
2000 , 2005 , 2008 and 2010. The reason I visit there is too see my Grandmother's and Grandfather's
grave. I see all my family around it and visit my camp. We cook our amazing lamb that we put lots
of salt on it so its really salty. I love visiting my other Grandfather and Grandmother's house where
we make more awesome food like our beef sausage and more content...
Another one of my favorite places I have ever visited Is Niagara Falls we went to the both sides of
falls American and Canadian side we loved the Canadian Side more because it was much cleaner
and they took more care into their side in my opinion. We went on a boat ride on the falls it was
beautiful they told us all kinds of facts and history about the Falls which was really interesting.
Another place I have loved visiting was Los Angeles during a delivery trip with my dads
commercial truck which we saw lots of cool stuff during our way down to Los Angeles we saw
new cool stuff out in the west new foods , new culture we tried out this weird food I have never
tried fried squirrel which was amazing food I wish they served in New York it kinda tasted like
fried chicken. While we were out on this trip we saw one of tournaments for my favorite video
game which was awesome to watch. My favorite team won during the tournament. After the
tourney we delivered our load to the destination and while we were coming back we got more of
our favorite food fried squirrel. We loved go out to Los Angeles its our favorite place to deliver a
load to because you find so much stuff out to west and instead of the south which is much interesting
to look for.
After those trips a year after them we went go see Italy vs Bosnia in Italy which was very fun match
to watch 2 really good teams going at each other we were seeing the city of Rome which was
beautiful city we were
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Frankenstein was a novel written by author Mary Shelley in 1818. The novel tells the story of a
scientist named Victor Frankenstein who creates a grotesque creature. The novel is a mix of Gothic
and romantic literature. Shelley sets her novel and exotic beautiful places, which is an example of
romanticism. She also uses gothicism by focusing on the death and gruesome macabre. Throughout
the novel Shelley uses both romantic and Gothic elements in the setting ,characterization ,subject
matter ,and plot . Mary Shelley the author of Frankenstein was born August 30th, 1797, in London
England. Percy Bysshe Shelley, Mary Shelley 's husband was a romantic poet. When Shelley first
published Frankenstein she published it anonymously. Many people believe her husband wrote the
novel. Mary Shelley I have been friends with many Romantic Poets such as William Wordsworth
and Samuel Coleridge. Even though her writing was not Britney in the same but tons of her
colleagues Mary Shelley was a contemporary of the Romantic Poets. Mary Shelley 's novel was
heavily influenced by The Romantics. "Romanticism was an attitude or intellectual orientation that
characterized many works of literature, painting, music, architecture, criticism, and historiography in
Western civilization over a period from the late 18th to the mid–19th century. Romanticism can be
seen as a rejection of the precepts of order, calm, harmony, balance, idealization, and rationality that
typified Classicism in general and
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A Beautiful City
In every country, there is a city that attracts people's attentions. It could be a beautiful city or bear
a great history displayed in its fascinating buildings or fabulous museums. Some people could
have memories to share with this city. Others could sense that this city is their place to gather with
their lovers and friends. Manhattan, which is known to be one of the most attractive cities in the
world, astonishes people in many ways. There was a noticeable advancement through the last
decades. Manhattan can be seen in different ways in the eyes of people, which reflects different
impressions on people. These astonishments show contradictions that make up Manhattan as it is
now. In the daily life of Manhattan, the rate of time is as fast as the speed of light. An explorer
walking around the city that never sleeps will discover that this city is constantly moving. People
are running to catch trains, buses, planes, etc. They have no time to sit and have a chat to one
another. "Manhattan from sense of sight", John Berger states that, " Everywhere there is talk......
The talk directly corresponds to what is going on in one's head at the moment.". Clearly, talking is a
formal protection and it protects oneself. Also, it diminishes the space between people. In addition,
communication prevents sliding into oblivion. In the play "The IMAGINARY INVALID" by
Moliere, Argan felt that he was lonely and couldn't find love from his surroundings. He develops a
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The World Is A Beautiful Place Poem Analysis
The world is a beautiful place to live in blissful ignorance. The grassy meadows, the alluring
sunset and the serene waters are a few of many scenery that beguile human beings into believing
that the world is beautiful. Lawrence Ferlinghetti's life experiences as an orphan and a soldier in
World War II had shown him the flaws of society that has existed in many generations such as
hunger, death and inequality. To raise consciousness of the world, he used his literature to achieve
this goal. In the didactic poem, "The World is a Beautiful Place", Lawrence Ferlinghetti reveals the
brutal truth of the world in order to break the narrow–minded and ignorant outlook people have
towards the world. Many poetic devices were used to emphasize the theme of the poem. Repetition
and imagery was used to remind the readers of the underlying bitter tone of the poem while
showcasing the different life scenes in the world. Enjambment was also used throughout the poem to more content...
There are always two sides of the world that shouldn't be ignored, but instead should be noticed
and appreciated by all humans. William Ferlinghetti's brutal honesty introduces readers to the
balance of goodness and wickedness in the world. "The World is a Beautiful Place" is a didactic
poem that uses various literary devices to emphasize the theme. Repetition and imagery was used to
give readers an extensive view of the scenes in life and reminds them of the underlying message in
the poem. Enjambment was also used to display the poet's never–ending train of thoughts of societal
problems and enjoyment, while death and ignorance are the archetype and connotation of the poem
that give readers a deeper understanding of the universal balance of life. Beauty comes from the eye
of the beholder and when one say that the world is beautiful, they should acknowledge both the
problems and blessings of the world to truly appreciate
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My Home Town Is A Beautiful Place: My Home Town
My home town is a beautiful place. It has a long history and splendid culture, He is Tengzhou. Teng
began with Huang Di, named for the territory of the "slugging ". Tengzhou is an ancient land,
according to archaeological discoveries, as early as 7300 years ago in the Neolithic period, there
have been human reproduction. It was the hometown of Mo–tse, an ancient great thinker, educator,
scientist, military strategist and social activist.
The area of Tengzhou city in the Qin and Han Dynasties is smaller; After Wei and Jin dynasties have
the increasing tendency to six into the Northern Qi County, area of unprecedented expansion, the
long–term stable condition. By the end of 2009, Tengzhou had a total area of 1485 square
kilometers, covering 4 streets, 17 towns, 179 neighborhood committees and 1047 village committees,
totaling 1 million 695 thousand people.
Located in the southwest foot of the mountainous area of Central South China, Tengzhou is a part of
the Huang Huai impact plain. The terrain slopes from northeast more content...
Mo–tse memorial hall was built in 1993, and was upgraded in 2007. It covers an area of 20000
square meters and covers an area of 8000 square meters. It is the only venue in the world devoted to
the study of Mo–tse culture, collection of Mo–tse information and exhibition of Mo–tse's research
results. Mo–tse memorial hall from the East, West and north part, East Institute for the exhibition
hall, the main hall, hall, hall, hall of science and technology, the military department etc.. West
courtyard built Pavilion and famous inscription Beilang head razed. In the north, it is a book and
information building, collecting books and materials on Mohism at home and
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I been in this world for quite some time and witness plenty of wonderful places in this world.
From Spain to Paris. I have witness beautiful places in those countries. I have visited Argentina
and also witness beautiful places. I have been fortunate enough to see a beauty like that. My
dream place that I will like to visit and also the place that I will be talking about is The Amalfi
Coast. Countries are fun to visit, however, coasts can be entertaining too. It is a beautiful coast in
the morning and also at night. I do understand that Italy has plenty of places to visit and that are
wonderful, however, I believe that the Amalfi Coast tops it. In this essay I will talk about the Amalfi
Coast and its history, the waves, currents, and tides. I will also speak about the influence on climate,
which should be important for all human beings.
The Amalfi Coast is a stretch of coastline in the Province of Salerno, Italy. The coast is a popular
tourist in Italy. It attracts thousands of tourist annually. By looking at the pictures, it seems like a more content...
As human beings we should be proud of the places, building, historical museum and everything
that we have built, therefore we should take care of all this. Places like The Amalfi Coast, which
it is a beautiful place. The waves rises and falls every day, and like I mention before, it has to do
with the changes in our planet. I believe that we should not play around with Mother Nature. She
plays a key role in extreme weather. While our understanding of how climate change affects extreme
weather is still developing, the evidence shows that extreme weather may affected sooner than
anticipated. Unfortunately, the extreme weather is on the rise. I hope that us human being we can
understand this and do everything possible to keep a place like The Amalfi Coast and save it from
destruction by taking care of our planet and it's
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Lawrence Ferlinghetti wrote his poem, "The World Is a Beautiful Place...," in 1955. It was a time of
war and suffering, especially due to the imminent Vietnam War and Civil Rights Movement
beginning in 1955. In this poem, Lawrence Ferlinghetti reveals the world's disguised beauty with his
distinctive poetic patterns, rhythm, irony and unique style to illustrate the connotative perception of
the world and how the world and life itself can truly be beautiful no matter how long it takes for one
to come to such conclusion. Lawrence Ferlinghetti's poem, "The World Is a Beautiful Place...," is
written in a ping–pong pattern. To the reader's eyes, this poetic form can be confusing and stressful
to interpret, or understand, the poet' more content...
Then, finally, the author depicts the bright side of our world, its revealed beauty after previous
sufferings and lost dreams, as people begin "smelling flowers" and "living it up."
Surprising and unexpectedly, Ferlinghetti stops the world's, and life's, beauty with the word
"but." It seems as if in the midst of all happiness there will always be a "but" that take a turn for
our hopes and dreams. By reading through the lines, the reader will see that Ferlinghetti is not
really depicting the world's beauty, yet he is ironically depicting the search for its beauty. For
most, the world's beauty is hidden, thus one may not vision such a beautiful world through all its
suffering, dying, and people starving. For some, it may take a lifetime to finally reveal our
world's beauty. However, Ferlinghetti uses irony by conveying that after the lifetime it would
take to find our world's beauty and happiness, it would be too late to enjoy it because we die, or
are soon will die; this could be referenced to Carpe diem, since Ferlinghetti conveys the idea that
one should seize their prime and take advantage of this beautiful world that is available to us
before our time is up. This would be compatible with the old belief that those in their prime are the
wise ones. People are not wise simply because they are old, it is because they have experienced the
world and life itself, and have acquired the valuable
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Italy : A Beautiful Place Of Italy
Italy is considered by many to be a very beautiful and wonderful place. It is a vacation spot for
many people and is famous for many reasons. It is located in southern Europe and is a peninsula that
protrudes into the central Mediterranean sea. For comparison it is a little larger than Arizona. The
climate is mostly mediterranean, being alpine in the far north and hot and dry in the south. The
terrain is mostly rugged and mountainous, with some plains and coastal lowlands. A natural hazard in
Italy is volcanoes. Etna which is europe's most active volcano which poses a threat to nearby villages.
The current population of italy is "62,137,802 (July 2017 est.)"(Cia). The people from Italy are
called Italians. The most common language spoken in Italy is Italian. Common stereotypes of
Italians are the Mafia with the gold chains and wifebeaters. Also there is Mario which is a famous
video game character who is a Italian Plumber. They are also known for racing and soccer.
Italy is famous for its landmarks and large cathedrals. There is the Trevi fountain which is in the
capital rome. Which is famous for throwing throwing coins in and is the largest Baroque fountain in
Rome. Then there is the coliseum which is located in the center of rome. During its use it could seat
50,000 spectators and was the site of gladiator battles, chariot races, fight between animals, and
humans fighting animals. It was also water tight so mock naval battles could be held. There is also
the leaning
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After one night relaxes, we were full of energy and planned to Universal Studios– the biggest movie
industry in the world. One the morning, it is a warm, sunny, pretty comfortable day. The way to the
Universal Studios was not smooth; I drove to the wrong way. We have come full circle to the
correct direction. This accident didn't affect our mood to enjoy but made us more exciting. The
universal studios are beautiful and amazing place. Every building in the park has different theme.
Walking in the street, there are lots of people dressed in costume to perform a street performance
or pose like a movie character to take picture with tourists. First activity we took is the Studio Tour;
the tour bus took us into the real movie set. Some of the movie sets are single, easy and nothing
special but some famous movies were film in those movie sets. There are different countries or
cities' famous stresses have been reproducing in the Universal Studios, like New York, Paris and
Tokyo. The bus shuttle the street just like real. Passing through the city street area, we went to an
"old town" in a hill, when the machine starts; tons of water erupts from the top of the hill just like
flash flooding. That scene was a pretty normal, but in the movie it becomes a fine spectacle. Then
the bus ridded us into a dark cave; it was a short 3D movie that let us be personally on the scene. We
all feel amazing about that incredible tour.
The travel was not run smooth. After we back from Universal
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Beautiful Place Essay

  • 1. Descriptive Essay About A Beautiful Place The sweltering breeze rushes through my fingers as I sit on the soft green grass in the park. It's such a beautiful day, the grassy plane clashes with the sapphire sky and the sunlight illuminates the delicate area surrounding me. I quickly find myself becoming captivated by the amount of diverse people who populate the parks space. The athletic runners, dog walkers, and adolescents hidden in their smartphones; which, astonishes me because who knew that such a beautiful place could bring so many contrasting individuals together. I arise to my feet and began traveling down a narrow path which aligns itself along a lengthy river, but finally converged with the parkway ahead. An elderly couple sits at the end of the path on a wooden bench eating ice cream that slowly drizzles down their hands and onto the wedding rings that occupies their fingers. I observe the elderly couple for a short amount of time noticing how happy and gullible they act towards each other. I slowly began to lose interest in the couple, but then the elderly woman's ice cream starts to run onto her blouse and the aged husband runs to fetch some napkins, quickly returning with them. A melody ringing throughout the park quickly drew my attention away from the couple and directed it to the truck that rests on the side of the road. The truck has a window fixtured on its side where a man hands out ice cream to a long line of kids waiting. Finding myself in line, I notice a younger couple at the very front who Get more content on
  • 2. Describe My Favorite Place I have always been the type of person that likes to explore. I don't like to be inside, I like to be able to take everything in and watch what's round me. I love just watching the wildlife and exploring, finding new plants and trees blossoms my imagination. As I have explored a lot of places around me I have found one of my favorites. At Dawes Arboretum I have found and experienced many different things on my adventures that I want to share like: the trails, the kinds of people, the type of nature. When you go to a new place there is always that excitement of what's out there. Where do the different trails go. At Dawes there are many different trails and pathways to take. This place is huge you can follow the paths that they make or you can make your own. That's my favorite thing to do. I always love to find my own new things and make my own favorite paths. The Woodlands at Dawes is such a amazing but yet spooky place to visit. In this area there is many native plants along the paths like the buttonbush, foamflower, wild geranium. What makes this place so spooky but intriguing is the cemetery that lies here. It is named one of the oldest cemeteries in Licking County and is stilled used my the Beard–Green Family to this day. Another site that seems to be a popular one to explore is The Arboretum East. The trails here are a lot me rough so a lot of times more adventurous hikers go for these. This beautiful place has a little bit of everything. Its trailers are usually about Get more content on
  • 3. College Admissions Essay: A Beautiful Place 'Ali, I have talked to your teachers and they say that they will help you cover up your leftover course' said my mom. I have heard this for a lot of times now. My father has to change places as part of his job and that's a reason why I don't know the specific place I was raised in. Since I was born, I have lived in ten different homes in five different cities in two different countries: UAE and Pakistan. Honestly, it used to be hectic for me once but now I have begun to enjoy the process. Each place I lived in provided a plethora opportunities to explore innermost sanctum of my passions and interests. While Dubai and Sharjah helped me explore beautiful places (especially City Centre, which I still recall for its marvelous play area), Sargodha Get more content on
  • 4. Descriptive Essay About My Favorite Place As a child, people will always remember certain destinations that stick with them that made a good impression. I have a place that not only made a good impression, it changed me. It made me think off all the things in life people take for granted; places, people, activates. This place brought all though special things in life to one place where I can enjoy them all at the same time. The Oregon coast. Traveling there, as a kid was always special. Waking up early in the morning and driving the long trip there, going through forests, valleys, and cities. The Oregon coast is such a broad place to describe, but in reality, all the towns have the same feel but different atmosphere. Pacific City is small and quiet with a more content... Its cold, windy, and sunny all at the same time. The beach stretches for miles seeming endless, until it reaches a tall cliff with waves crashing against it. The sun shines down on the moisture in the air creating a "sparkling" affect to add to the view. In some spots on the coast giant rock formations stick out of the water, creating a question on how they formed there. Sea creatures dot the sand everywhere. Walking the beach with sand between your toes is and not a worry in your mind is one of the best feelings. If you time it right early in the mornings and late in the night low tide takes place and you can find sand dollars and unique shells. Beautiful houses and hotels line the beach all with the same withered look they all strive to have, and balconies on every place to capture the view. This destination is such an important place to Oregonians because its such a magical place. It transports you into a different dimension where there are no other places like it. You cannot be one the beach without a smile on your face, it's near impossible to be in a gloomy mood when there. Mainly magical because you can escape there with family and friends with many opportunities to try to experience new or traditional things. Like having a fire on a beach roasting s'mores with family and friends, or trying weird sea creature at a restaurant. The Oregon Coast will always hold a spot near to my heart. I can't wait for Get more content on
  • 5. What Is New York A Beautiful Place New York is a beautiful state.It would be an interesting place to visit because the rivers over there like the Niagara Falls and the Genesee river are beautiful.Did you know that it's illegal to honk your horns in New York streets?People still honk their horns and if it was an emergency you could ,sometimes it's Get more content on
  • 6. The Park Is Beautiful And The Environment Park plays an important role in a community creating safer and natural environment as well as providing a location for people to spend quality time and to interact with each other. In addition, Park welfares the city, communities, and families in several ways; for instance, provides an intrinsic environment, help children's to learn, offer healthy lifestyle, creates a safer neighborhood, and as well as plays a vital role in bringing the community together; for example, hosting big events and other special activities in the park will create an opportunity for neighborhoods to engage with each other and work together. Having a good relationship between neighborhoods in a community will reduce crimes and violence as well as creates awareness community. Deep Run Park is a sociable, ideal and Natural Park located in the western Henrico County; The Park is inherently beautiful and the environment is secure and sanitary for everyone to come and enjoy, and spend quality time with friends and families. Also, the park is accessible to everyone. The park has beautiful attractions and provides a wide selection of activities and facilities for all ages, such as a beautiful lake with fountain located in the heart of the park with picturesque view; bounded by natural plants and a great relaxing space. Deep Run Park has a very well maintained and safe environment for the children's. Because the park is a location for children's to learn, get exercise, socialize with friends and families Get more content on
  • 7. My Favorite Place Essay RW Ch. 7 Writing Assignment There are many beautiful places in this world. Some people like quite area, but some people also like noisy area. Our world have that variety of places, so a people can chose what they want. However, sometime people have a limit of chooses because they live in small city. Moreover, they may stay in that city for impotent reasons such as if they are students. Students want to fine a great university, and these kinds of universities are in small cities which are not a lot of variety if places. However, almost all universities have a huge campus, so students will have places like to spend time in it. Me as an example, I live in small city because I am a student. However, I enjoy many places in the university such as library or students union center. Moreover, I love to spend time in the university dining hall. Because of sight, sounds, teste and smell, dining hall is my favorite place. Frist, Dining hall has a great sights. It located in corner, so I can choose between too views. One of them, I can see the mine street of the university. The other one, I can see colorful trees. The dining hall have big tables and comfortable cheers. In addition, they are sofas and TV next each other, so I can eat and watch at the same time. Also, I see many people are enjoying theirfood while they are having conversation. In addition, I see many people are making friends which encourage me to sit there because I want to make friends. For example, one time while I Get more content on
  • 8. Thailand Vacation Essay Thailand is the most preferred tourist place of many people. You will find there beautiful beaches, seas, glitzy shopping malls, colorful markets and has rich culture. Thailand holidays package is enticing mixture of establishing destination like Hua Hin and Phuket. Thailand appeals to many different travelers, whether they are hippy chic or craving barefoot luxury. Thailand provides you plenty of selections for every budget and taste. Pampering is an art form of this beautiful country and throughout the country spas provide authentic treatments if it is in a 5 star resort or a beach side hut. Package Thailand holidays provides you best sightseeing, variegated shopping, colorful history, gourmet. Thailand has an outstanding more content... Chief northern cities are Khon Khen and Chiang Mai. Thailand country is full of fun and colors are an outstanding destination to visit. Thailand holiday packages never fails for attracting and amazing citizens of different age groups. Nonetheless, there are a number of stunning towns, shoreline and isles as well as hospitality that people extend is beyond their imagination and it makes this city a famous place with travelers. Few of the well known Thailand destinations during Package Thailand holidays are Bangkok, Koh Samui, Chiang Mai, Hua Hin and Phuket. Bangkok is on the edge of river named Chao Phraya, which is the capital city of Thailand. It is the largest city in the entire country with the almost 7,000,000 population. a worldwide well–known seashore resort named Pattaya is positioned almost 170 km south of Bangkok. Pattaya is premier beach resort of Thailand and annually fascinates happiness seeking people from all across the world. Comfortable tropical ambience of Pattaya is the ideal for an unforgettable holiday experience for couples, singles and families too. Pattaya beach really touches the shoreline in a four km long arc. Southern beach is famous for its best night time activities. Streets are alive to crowd and bustle of entertainment halls, restaurants as well as crowded bars. Northern beach is sedate enough and best for Pattaya. Pattaya is full of water sports too. For people of more sporting nature, outdoor or indoor, Get more content on
  • 9. Beautiful Places In Eastern Washington There are many beautiful places in the Northwest of the United States, but Eastern Washington is easily the most beautiful area of Washington State. I have lived in Eastern Washington for almost seven years, I have lived in California and have been to Oregon several times and have seen many beautiful regions on the West Coast. But, EasternWashington is the best. Eastern Washington has many beautiful landforms and is full of wonderful Wildlife areas. These Wildlife areas contain many large forests, camping grounds and places to explore the wildlife. In Eastern Washington, there are lots of nature and wildlife, such as trees, animals, lakes, and rivers. For the climate, the East side of Washington is much colder and has more snow than the rest Get more content on
  • 10. Descriptive Essay About A Beautiful City Imagine yourself coming to a city you have never been to for a vacation. You have just gotten a leave from your job and you are expecting a relaxing vacation without any hassles. After a long flight, you reach your final destination, Pearadex, California. You walk out of the airport into a huge, beautiful city full of gigantic skyscrapers that is the home of the city's tech industry. As you walk into the downtown area, you see a beautiful fountain with water gushing out in all directions making its way through the city using a median of streams which resemble a microchip when looked from above. Little kids are playing in the stream splashing around while the senior citizens sit on pear–shaped benches watching the young children with glee. Hover cars make their way as they gently glide on top of the river and the streets lining them and guide their passengers home with the low sound of hover cars powered by compressed gases. Paddle boats and tour gondolas glide across the water gently as their occupants heartily talk and laugh. Suddenly a bell rings out of nowhere and you are alarmed as you do not know what is going on. You breathe a sigh of relief as you see kids of all ages flock out of school in the thousands and hear their screams of joy as you walk past. They all dash to Crystal Lake to escape the heat. The clear water with a hint of blue is full of ripples going off in all directions from the boats and canoes. The familiar smell of freshly cut grass from the field in Birchland Park enters your nose. You are home! You finally attain your peace and quietness. The neighborhood is very quiet allowing you to take a peaceful nap and dream about the wonderful sights you will see and the things you will do in this wonderful city tomorrow. Pearadex city has surpassed all levels expected from the public and is the future generation of cities. It is located in Northern California, United States of America, and has had quite a big history considering that it was founded on June 19, 1984. Even though this city looks and seems like it has had a steady and easy going past it has had its fair share of problems. But learning from our mistakes, we have made our city the magnificent city it is today. First of all, tours Get more content on
  • 11. Essay about The Best Places I've Ever Visited I have visited a lot of places around the world. Traveling is fun to me and its very interesting to me. Looking to learn more history about countries with their cultures trying new things around their culture their past because if you wanna look at the future of somthing look at the past. Lets start out with my favorite place my homeland Bosnia. I went there so far 4 times in my life 2000 , 2005 , 2008 and 2010. The reason I visit there is too see my Grandmother's and Grandfather's grave. I see all my family around it and visit my camp. We cook our amazing lamb that we put lots of salt on it so its really salty. I love visiting my other Grandfather and Grandmother's house where we make more awesome food like our beef sausage and more content... Another one of my favorite places I have ever visited Is Niagara Falls we went to the both sides of falls American and Canadian side we loved the Canadian Side more because it was much cleaner and they took more care into their side in my opinion. We went on a boat ride on the falls it was beautiful they told us all kinds of facts and history about the Falls which was really interesting. Another place I have loved visiting was Los Angeles during a delivery trip with my dads commercial truck which we saw lots of cool stuff during our way down to Los Angeles we saw new cool stuff out in the west new foods , new culture we tried out this weird food I have never tried fried squirrel which was amazing food I wish they served in New York it kinda tasted like fried chicken. While we were out on this trip we saw one of tournaments for my favorite video game which was awesome to watch. My favorite team won during the tournament. After the tourney we delivered our load to the destination and while we were coming back we got more of our favorite food fried squirrel. We loved go out to Los Angeles its our favorite place to deliver a load to because you find so much stuff out to west and instead of the south which is much interesting to look for. After those trips a year after them we went go see Italy vs Bosnia in Italy which was very fun match to watch 2 really good teams going at each other we were seeing the city of Rome which was beautiful city we were Get more content on
  • 12. Frankenstein was a novel written by author Mary Shelley in 1818. The novel tells the story of a scientist named Victor Frankenstein who creates a grotesque creature. The novel is a mix of Gothic and romantic literature. Shelley sets her novel and exotic beautiful places, which is an example of romanticism. She also uses gothicism by focusing on the death and gruesome macabre. Throughout the novel Shelley uses both romantic and Gothic elements in the setting ,characterization ,subject matter ,and plot . Mary Shelley the author of Frankenstein was born August 30th, 1797, in London England. Percy Bysshe Shelley, Mary Shelley 's husband was a romantic poet. When Shelley first published Frankenstein she published it anonymously. Many people believe her husband wrote the novel. Mary Shelley I have been friends with many Romantic Poets such as William Wordsworth and Samuel Coleridge. Even though her writing was not Britney in the same but tons of her colleagues Mary Shelley was a contemporary of the Romantic Poets. Mary Shelley 's novel was heavily influenced by The Romantics. "Romanticism was an attitude or intellectual orientation that characterized many works of literature, painting, music, architecture, criticism, and historiography in Western civilization over a period from the late 18th to the mid–19th century. Romanticism can be seen as a rejection of the precepts of order, calm, harmony, balance, idealization, and rationality that typified Classicism in general and Get more content on
  • 13. A Beautiful City In every country, there is a city that attracts people's attentions. It could be a beautiful city or bear a great history displayed in its fascinating buildings or fabulous museums. Some people could have memories to share with this city. Others could sense that this city is their place to gather with their lovers and friends. Manhattan, which is known to be one of the most attractive cities in the world, astonishes people in many ways. There was a noticeable advancement through the last decades. Manhattan can be seen in different ways in the eyes of people, which reflects different impressions on people. These astonishments show contradictions that make up Manhattan as it is now. In the daily life of Manhattan, the rate of time is as fast as the speed of light. An explorer walking around the city that never sleeps will discover that this city is constantly moving. People are running to catch trains, buses, planes, etc. They have no time to sit and have a chat to one another. "Manhattan from sense of sight", John Berger states that, " Everywhere there is talk...... The talk directly corresponds to what is going on in one's head at the moment.". Clearly, talking is a formal protection and it protects oneself. Also, it diminishes the space between people. In addition, communication prevents sliding into oblivion. In the play "The IMAGINARY INVALID" by Moliere, Argan felt that he was lonely and couldn't find love from his surroundings. He develops a Get more content on
  • 14. The World Is A Beautiful Place Poem Analysis The world is a beautiful place to live in blissful ignorance. The grassy meadows, the alluring sunset and the serene waters are a few of many scenery that beguile human beings into believing that the world is beautiful. Lawrence Ferlinghetti's life experiences as an orphan and a soldier in World War II had shown him the flaws of society that has existed in many generations such as hunger, death and inequality. To raise consciousness of the world, he used his literature to achieve this goal. In the didactic poem, "The World is a Beautiful Place", Lawrence Ferlinghetti reveals the brutal truth of the world in order to break the narrow–minded and ignorant outlook people have towards the world. Many poetic devices were used to emphasize the theme of the poem. Repetition and imagery was used to remind the readers of the underlying bitter tone of the poem while showcasing the different life scenes in the world. Enjambment was also used throughout the poem to more content... There are always two sides of the world that shouldn't be ignored, but instead should be noticed and appreciated by all humans. William Ferlinghetti's brutal honesty introduces readers to the balance of goodness and wickedness in the world. "The World is a Beautiful Place" is a didactic poem that uses various literary devices to emphasize the theme. Repetition and imagery was used to give readers an extensive view of the scenes in life and reminds them of the underlying message in the poem. Enjambment was also used to display the poet's never–ending train of thoughts of societal problems and enjoyment, while death and ignorance are the archetype and connotation of the poem that give readers a deeper understanding of the universal balance of life. Beauty comes from the eye of the beholder and when one say that the world is beautiful, they should acknowledge both the problems and blessings of the world to truly appreciate Get more content on
  • 15. My Home Town Is A Beautiful Place: My Home Town My home town is a beautiful place. It has a long history and splendid culture, He is Tengzhou. Teng began with Huang Di, named for the territory of the "slugging ". Tengzhou is an ancient land, according to archaeological discoveries, as early as 7300 years ago in the Neolithic period, there have been human reproduction. It was the hometown of Mo–tse, an ancient great thinker, educator, scientist, military strategist and social activist. The area of Tengzhou city in the Qin and Han Dynasties is smaller; After Wei and Jin dynasties have the increasing tendency to six into the Northern Qi County, area of unprecedented expansion, the long–term stable condition. By the end of 2009, Tengzhou had a total area of 1485 square kilometers, covering 4 streets, 17 towns, 179 neighborhood committees and 1047 village committees, totaling 1 million 695 thousand people. Located in the southwest foot of the mountainous area of Central South China, Tengzhou is a part of the Huang Huai impact plain. The terrain slopes from northeast more content... Mo–tse memorial hall was built in 1993, and was upgraded in 2007. It covers an area of 20000 square meters and covers an area of 8000 square meters. It is the only venue in the world devoted to the study of Mo–tse culture, collection of Mo–tse information and exhibition of Mo–tse's research results. Mo–tse memorial hall from the East, West and north part, East Institute for the exhibition hall, the main hall, hall, hall, hall of science and technology, the military department etc.. West courtyard built Pavilion and famous inscription Beilang head razed. In the north, it is a book and information building, collecting books and materials on Mohism at home and Get more content on
  • 16. I been in this world for quite some time and witness plenty of wonderful places in this world. From Spain to Paris. I have witness beautiful places in those countries. I have visited Argentina and also witness beautiful places. I have been fortunate enough to see a beauty like that. My dream place that I will like to visit and also the place that I will be talking about is The Amalfi Coast. Countries are fun to visit, however, coasts can be entertaining too. It is a beautiful coast in the morning and also at night. I do understand that Italy has plenty of places to visit and that are wonderful, however, I believe that the Amalfi Coast tops it. In this essay I will talk about the Amalfi Coast and its history, the waves, currents, and tides. I will also speak about the influence on climate, which should be important for all human beings. The Amalfi Coast is a stretch of coastline in the Province of Salerno, Italy. The coast is a popular tourist in Italy. It attracts thousands of tourist annually. By looking at the pictures, it seems like a more content... As human beings we should be proud of the places, building, historical museum and everything that we have built, therefore we should take care of all this. Places like The Amalfi Coast, which it is a beautiful place. The waves rises and falls every day, and like I mention before, it has to do with the changes in our planet. I believe that we should not play around with Mother Nature. She plays a key role in extreme weather. While our understanding of how climate change affects extreme weather is still developing, the evidence shows that extreme weather may affected sooner than anticipated. Unfortunately, the extreme weather is on the rise. I hope that us human being we can understand this and do everything possible to keep a place like The Amalfi Coast and save it from destruction by taking care of our planet and it's Get more content on
  • 17. Lawrence Ferlinghetti wrote his poem, "The World Is a Beautiful Place...," in 1955. It was a time of war and suffering, especially due to the imminent Vietnam War and Civil Rights Movement beginning in 1955. In this poem, Lawrence Ferlinghetti reveals the world's disguised beauty with his distinctive poetic patterns, rhythm, irony and unique style to illustrate the connotative perception of the world and how the world and life itself can truly be beautiful no matter how long it takes for one to come to such conclusion. Lawrence Ferlinghetti's poem, "The World Is a Beautiful Place...," is written in a ping–pong pattern. To the reader's eyes, this poetic form can be confusing and stressful to interpret, or understand, the poet' more content... Then, finally, the author depicts the bright side of our world, its revealed beauty after previous sufferings and lost dreams, as people begin "smelling flowers" and "living it up." Surprising and unexpectedly, Ferlinghetti stops the world's, and life's, beauty with the word "but." It seems as if in the midst of all happiness there will always be a "but" that take a turn for our hopes and dreams. By reading through the lines, the reader will see that Ferlinghetti is not really depicting the world's beauty, yet he is ironically depicting the search for its beauty. For most, the world's beauty is hidden, thus one may not vision such a beautiful world through all its suffering, dying, and people starving. For some, it may take a lifetime to finally reveal our world's beauty. However, Ferlinghetti uses irony by conveying that after the lifetime it would take to find our world's beauty and happiness, it would be too late to enjoy it because we die, or are soon will die; this could be referenced to Carpe diem, since Ferlinghetti conveys the idea that one should seize their prime and take advantage of this beautiful world that is available to us before our time is up. This would be compatible with the old belief that those in their prime are the wise ones. People are not wise simply because they are old, it is because they have experienced the world and life itself, and have acquired the valuable Get more content on
  • 18. Italy : A Beautiful Place Of Italy Italy is considered by many to be a very beautiful and wonderful place. It is a vacation spot for many people and is famous for many reasons. It is located in southern Europe and is a peninsula that protrudes into the central Mediterranean sea. For comparison it is a little larger than Arizona. The climate is mostly mediterranean, being alpine in the far north and hot and dry in the south. The terrain is mostly rugged and mountainous, with some plains and coastal lowlands. A natural hazard in Italy is volcanoes. Etna which is europe's most active volcano which poses a threat to nearby villages. The current population of italy is "62,137,802 (July 2017 est.)"(Cia). The people from Italy are called Italians. The most common language spoken in Italy is Italian. Common stereotypes of Italians are the Mafia with the gold chains and wifebeaters. Also there is Mario which is a famous video game character who is a Italian Plumber. They are also known for racing and soccer. Italy is famous for its landmarks and large cathedrals. There is the Trevi fountain which is in the capital rome. Which is famous for throwing throwing coins in and is the largest Baroque fountain in Rome. Then there is the coliseum which is located in the center of rome. During its use it could seat 50,000 spectators and was the site of gladiator battles, chariot races, fight between animals, and humans fighting animals. It was also water tight so mock naval battles could be held. There is also the leaning Get more content on
  • 19. After one night relaxes, we were full of energy and planned to Universal Studios– the biggest movie industry in the world. One the morning, it is a warm, sunny, pretty comfortable day. The way to the Universal Studios was not smooth; I drove to the wrong way. We have come full circle to the correct direction. This accident didn't affect our mood to enjoy but made us more exciting. The universal studios are beautiful and amazing place. Every building in the park has different theme. Walking in the street, there are lots of people dressed in costume to perform a street performance or pose like a movie character to take picture with tourists. First activity we took is the Studio Tour; the tour bus took us into the real movie set. Some of the movie sets are single, easy and nothing special but some famous movies were film in those movie sets. There are different countries or cities' famous stresses have been reproducing in the Universal Studios, like New York, Paris and Tokyo. The bus shuttle the street just like real. Passing through the city street area, we went to an "old town" in a hill, when the machine starts; tons of water erupts from the top of the hill just like flash flooding. That scene was a pretty normal, but in the movie it becomes a fine spectacle. Then the bus ridded us into a dark cave; it was a short 3D movie that let us be personally on the scene. We all feel amazing about that incredible tour. The travel was not run smooth. After we back from Universal Get more content on