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ISSUE 2/SUMMER/2008-2009                                         $5.00

                                      | norfolk pines to stay

                                      | the bob rasby story

                                      | boardroom summer slam

                                      | our people, our beach

                                      | the season of the orca
    A surfing way of life

 SUMMER ISSUE: 52 pages of news, views and infor mation
                                                                 BeachLife | 1
      Wainui & Makorori Beach Tsunami Plans
                                                                           DISTANT TSUNAMIS
                                                                           Distant tsunami are generated from a long way away, such as from
                                                                           across the Pacific in Chile. In this case, we will have more than
                                                                           three hours warning time (in most cases up to 11 hours) for New
 LOCAL TSUNAMI (The Worst Case)                                            THERE WILL BE WARNINGS FOR THESE EVENTS!
 A local tsunami may be caused by a major earthquake (similar to             If a Tsunami is generated from a distant Pacific location there is
 December 2008) or one that goes on for longer than a minute.              usually many hours (about 11 hours in most cases) to prepare for
 Local tsunami are generated very close to New Zealand. This type of       the event.
 tsunami is very dangerous because we may only have a few minutes            There will be a declared Civil Defence Emergency if evacuations
 warning and damage could be quite significant in specific areas.          are necessary.
 A landslide in the Hikurangi Trench or a large earthquake from an           Only the most low lying areas of Wainui will need to be
 offshore fault could cause a local tsunami                                evacuated.
 THERE WILL BE NO TIME FOR AN OFFICIAL WARNING!                              You can check where these areas are on the GDC website Civil
   If a Tsunami is generated it will probably arrive 20-30 minutes after   Defence pages at ( If unsure you can ring the
 the earthquake.                                                           District Council.
   If you observe the sea recede suddenly you have about 3-5                 Makorori Beach will be totally evacuated – so there is no map.
 minutes to get to higher ground.                                          POLICE, FIRE AND CIVIL DEFENCE PERSONAL WILL INITIATE
   You need a pre-planned escape route. Preferably one that does             You should plan to go to stay with friends or family outside of
 not require a vehicle. Include elderly neighbours in your plan.           the evacuation areas. There will be an official evacuation HQ at Te
   You need to know exactly how to walk quickly from your house to         Poho O Rawiri marae.
 the nearest hill you can easily climb.                                      You may have to stay away from your home for up to 24 hours.
   Once you are high enough to view the ocean and the incoming               Listen to the local radio stations (Classic Hits 90.9 or More FM
 wave you are probably safe and will have time to climb higher as          98.9) for information. If information on the radio conflicts with that
 necessary. At night you will hear the wave.                               given directly to you by Police or Civil Defence, obey the latter.
   If you live longer that 3 minutes walk away from the nearest hill, if   Make a plan with your family, and include elderly neighbours,
 you have young children or you are elderly you may need to plan to        before such an emergency. Make sure that everyone knows
 take your car to where you can easily climb a hill.                       where they go if the call comes to evacuate.
   When the first wave comes ashore it will have slowed to walking
 speed on steep slopes. A second wave may move faster and                     NOTE: In the event of a local tsunami event Wainui and
                                                                           Makorori residents should avoid driving if at all possible. With
 potentially go further inland on top of the first.
                                                                             only 20-30 minutes to get to high ground the highway will
   Prepare an emergency “getaway kit” with things you need if you          become jammed if all households try to drive to Makorori Hill
 have to leave the house in a hurry. Have a torch and a battery radio.     or Winifred Street. Take pets if possible but don’t waste time
                                                                            trying to gather precious items. Saving lives is the priority!
   Before returning you should wait for an official all clear, but
 generally one hour after the earthquake is considered “all clear”.         • The 1947 local tsunami event was caused by an earthquake
                                                                              that went on for over a minute but the shaking was hardly
   Wainui School has it’s own evacuation plan during school hours
                                                                              noticed at the beach. Prolonged shaking earthquakes are
   Keep listening to the radio for updates (Classic Hits 90.9 or More         potentially the most dangerous for generating big waves.
 FM 98.9).
 There will be no official warnings given for a localised tsunami.
   It is your responsibility to get yourself and family to safety.

   Ray Veal — 54 Moana Road — 867 6017
   Michael Willock — 18a Sirrah Street — 868 1083
   Paul Ericson — 14 Moana Road — 867 9141
                                                                                   GDC CIVIL DEFENCE 867 2049 EXT 8435
   Richard Busby — Makorori Station — 868 9027

2 | BeachLife
 Delivered free to every home
from Sponge Bay to Makorori.                views and opinions
  Published four times a year.               4 Intro: Editor’s comments and a preview of the issue.
                                            what’s up
PuBLiSheD anD PrinteD By
  Gray Clapham Design Arts                   5 Council rejects idea of a community representative group and calls seperate area
    ..................................       meetings. Wainui dad imports excellent sunscreen. B&B gets star rating. Protest stops
   eDitOriaL ManaGer                         removal of the Norfolks. Sponge Bay Estate site work completed. Election results show
          Gray Clapham                       Wainui’s “green” leanings. Sharron Stevenson promotes septic tank-friendly cleaning
         90 Moana Road                       products. Isabella Vita’s vision for the future wins art competition.
          Wainui Beach
                                            beach party
        Phone 868 0240                       12 Look out, the paparazzi are about. BeachLife brings you shocking and scandalous
          Fax 867 7010                       photos from the local party scene. Yeah right.

  aLL LetterS, artiCLeS &                   our ocean
    COrreSPOnDenCe tO                  14 The Season of the Orca: Amazing photographs by Tom Grimson and a look
                                             back at the visits from the orca pods.
            aDVertiSinG                     beach life
             Gray Clapham
           Phone 868 0240                    16 Summer concerts in Jack Richard’s garden. Rogan Houghton’s love for surf
             Fax 867 7010                    photography. Local lads record pop music CD. All about the Okitu Store. Soccer                 successes. Skateboard kids. Three generations at local school. Saren’s wedding.
                                            beach babes
 Extra copies available at $5.00
 All issues will be archived after           22 They just keep on coming! Introducing nine new residents with more on the horizon.
   publication on the website                    beach focus
             Cover:                          24 The Surfing Way of Life: An exploration of the surf culture and the history that
  Surfing photo by the editor, orca          defines life at our beaches. Plus lots of old photos.
 photo by Tom Grimson, old surfies
    from John Logan’s collection.
                                             34 The Bob Rasby Story: Once at the forefront of the world’s surfboard industry our
                                             Bob has been knocked down, but he’s not out.

                                            our kids
                                             36 Luke Morrell is the art director for leading world surf and skate label. Tommy Dalton
                                             is taking his surfboard shaping skills to a global level. Amanda Foubister is Miss Fitness

                                            our people
                                             39 The Ballad of Frankie and Laurie: Two nice Americans who love the Wainui
                                             way of life.

                                            our surf
Historical photographs and assistance
     courtesy Tairāwhiti Museum
                                             40 Wave Rave with Kelly Ryan: Surf stories, results and what the groms are up to.
                                             All BeachLife pages can be viewed online at

                                                                                                                         BeachLife | 3
InTRo                                                                      Publisher’s Comments | by Gray Clapham

WELL, HERE WE ARE, THE SECOND ISSuE OF BEACHLIFE, the                      Grave. This unusual protest by the council’s own representatives has
big summer issue. So far I have had nothing but congratulations            led to a turnaround in the council’s own reserve management plan,
and support for the concept of this community publication which            saving these majestic trees from the chop. There are three schools
premiered three months ago. It’s a great deal of fun to produce            of thought on the Norfolk pines. There are those that see them as
and provides heaps of satisfaction. And thanks to all our voluntary        “exotic pests” that have no place in a New Zealand coastal dune
subscribers! I do know who you are. Appreciated.                           ecosystem; those that see them as iconic of Wainui Beach adding to
   This magazine is “hand-made” in my basement garage on a                 the character of the foreshore; and those that just hate cutting down
very good, but second hand Fuji Xerox digital printer. First I print       any kind of mature tree. until the reserve plan is reviewed in perhaps
all the colour pages (11.5 hours), then the black and white sections       10 or 15 years time, the second and third schools are having it their
(17.5 hours). And that’s not counting the printer malfunctions, ink        way. The incident has set a precedent that shows that council policy
replacements and visits from the Fuji Xerox technician. I then gather      that has been signed and sealed can still be overturned in the face
the pages together and fold them into booklets, one at a time (6           of all the consultation, planning and voting.
hours). I take them all in to Printing House and they staple and              The real estate market is of great interest at the moment. Recently
guillotine-trim them off for me (thanks Grant!). It takes them a full      houses along Wairere Road and in Ocean Park have sold for prices
day just to do that bit.                                                   ranging from the high $400s to mid $500s. These were houses you
   So after all that printing, folding and stapling – not to mention the   would have expected to have fetched prices in the high $600s or
weeks of interviewing, photographing and hours of writing – this is        $700s not that many months ago. The downward adjustment of the
the second issue of our community lifestyle magazine.                      real estate market is now a firm reality and we are already living in a
                                                                           new era of property valuation. We all have to wake up to the fact that
   I’ve decided to make “surf” the theme of the issue. Because
                                                                           the boom is over – we once were millionaires, but not any longer.
surf is vital to so many people here at the beach and has a large
                                                                           What’s struck me as I have gone about meeting young families with
influence on everything we do. The twin beaches of Wainui and
                                                                           new babies around the community is that they just about all own
Makorori are wave making machines. They are world famous. There
                                                                           their own homes here, and so many of them are the children of
is nearly always a swell breaking of some kind along our sandy
                                                                           Wainui parents. That’s so great. That’s what we were mostly worried
shores and it is consistently better than average, often superb.
                                                                           about in the time of inflated property prices – and then the spectre
We do in fact live in a surfer’s mecca. So this issue explores that
                                                                           of a huge rates increase to cover reticulation – that our kids could
premise along with the social and historical implications surfing has
                                                                           not afford to live here. So this new era of more realistic property
on our local culture and lifestyle.
                                                                           price expectancies should be welcomed for that reason.
   The state of surfing nostalgia in which this issue may languish
                                                                              In this issue we also look back on an amazing thing that
is being reflected in a Gisborne surfers’ reunion being organised
                                                                           happened here at the beaches in late winter and early spring. The
over Easter weekend of 2009. There is talk of up to 300 old surfies
                                                                           visits by several groups or pods of orca. Many of us saw the pods
congregating in Gisborne for a weekend of reminiscing, partying
                                                                           go by, sometimes just metres off the beach. They swam right by,
and hopefully some surfing. The organisers are Victor Jacobs (868
                                                                           brushing the wetsuited legs of stunned surfers, surfing the inshore
9987) and Gail Patty (868 6680) who are focusing the reunion around
                                                                           waves, dolphining along the coastline in large, determined groups. In
50 years of surfing in Gisborne. There should be more information
                                                                           my research I was shocked to learn these orca are a few of the total
publicised as things get rolling and a website is imminent.
                                                                           New Zealand population of about 200 individuals. We review some
  If you’re not connected to surfing and find this issue is a bit          of the eye-witness accounts and do a bit of background research on
over the top in the surfing direction, don’t fear that we’ve turned        the species. Not to mention Tom Grimson’s stunning photos!
BeachLife into a “surfing magazine”. Other areas of historical and
                                                                              And – nine more babies! That’s on top of nine in the last issue
social importance will get similar focus in future issues.
                                                                           and still more on the way for the next issue. (Oops, I just heard Tim
   The Gisborne District Council recently rejected a well thought          and Phoebe Gander have had their baby as we print.) That’s 19 new
out proposal to set up an election of a “community representative
                                                                           children born at the beach in the last year, that we know of. I was
group” from nominated Wainui Beach residents who would liaise
                                                                           not surprised to read somewhere that New Zealand is going through
between the community and the council, mainly on the issue of
                                                                           a mini-baby boom with the most babies born in a nine month period
the management of our septic tank systems. It was quite a slap in
                                                                           since 1962. I am becoming an expert at baby photography.
the face for the people who had been assisting council officers, at
council request, to come up with a democratic way this community-            Plus more stories about what “our kids” are up to. I love writing
council collaboration concept could be achieved. The council is now        these stories. I apologise for calling you a “kid” if you are nearly
embarking on a totally different concept by staging area-by-area,          30 years old – it was the best catchline I could think of that sums
issue-by-issue meetings as a way of consulting with us. I guess if         up how proud we are of not only our own children, but also our
you want to keep up with what’s happening in the community as a            neighbours’, who are out in the world making a solid go of it.
whole, you will now have to attend all three area meetings. Will you          Plus this issue looks at the lives of some of our “big kids” too.
need some sort of ID to prove you come from a defined area to be
                                                                           At first I worried if would I be able to find enough to write about to
allowed to speak? The wisdom of the council’s decision to divide
                                                                           sustain a publication like this. I started the first issue with a long list
the community in this way will be evaluated in the goodness of time.
                                                                           of story ideas, and two issues later I have hardly made a dent in it as
  So, for now, the Norfolk pines are to stay. Only prompt action by        new ideas crop up. Don’t be shy to call with your ideas. Call too if
local residents, backed by the mayor and two councillors, halted           you want a special occasion or party photo taken. GC
contractors cutting down the three large pines over the Whales

4 | BeachLife
views and opinions
Puzzled by Council
                                                                       Send you views and opinions to
 decision to reject
 community group
the council meeting that rejected the
representative community group idea. It
seemed to me that there was an almost wilful
misinterpretation of the intent of the initiative.
                                                     Councillor explains rejection of Wainui
The locals who helped with the proposal                          community group concept
were there because we had been asked
and because we were willing to be involved.          OPPOSITION TO THE COuNCIL PAPER ON THE CONCEPT OF AN ELECTED WAINuI
After the June decision not to go ahead with         committee arose from a variety of perspectives.
the reticulation proposal, Council wanted            On enquiring of the chief executive if anyone from the pro-reticulation side of the debate
to engage in a ‘collaborative’ manner with           had been part of his consultation group he advised, “No.” So there was concern that
the community to work out the issues of              only one perspective had been considered.
water quality monitoring and other generally         The draft terms of reference for the establishment suggested that five members could
sustainable methods of continuing with on            be elected via a process overseen by a JP.
site waste water management.
                                                     There are a raft of issues here. How would a voters roll be established? Would it be
Many councillors seemed to think that the            residents? If so, for how long? Ratepayers or both? Cost of establishing the roll,
election of five (or thereabouts) members of         keeping it up to date and all that that entails. The council paper advised that in addition
the Wainui community represented some                to staff assistance it was proposed that council provides ongoing ‘administrative
threat to the established democratic process         resources.’
and that mainstream views could be hijacked
                                                     The very real cost to the ratepayer concerns us. Once one such committee is legitimised
by these people whoever they were.
                                                     there would be no reason why other areas should not have the same. All this has to be
I don’t see how that holds water given the           paid for via rates. Rates are a growing burden and it is the responsible councillors who
weight of community opinion that came out            make an effort to keep some control on expenditure.
in the submission process. That is, people
                                                     Some councillors have considerable experience of communities having meetings and
wanted to continue with on site disposal.
                                                     taking an interest in various matters affecting their community. Different issues interest
The election of a smallish group was thought
                                                     various members of our communities and they are entitled to respond accordingly.
to be a more practical way of working and
                                                     There is absolutely nothing stopping any group of residents have a meeting with
‘consulting’ than the larger forums of public
                                                     councillors and staff on any subject at any time. It does not need five elected people to
meetings. It was also seen as more efficient
                                                     enable it to happen
as staff would not be continually be in the
role of educators in bringing people up to           When it was agreed not to proceed with reticulation, primarily based on the cost, there
speed with complex issues as they arose.             was a view that the Lloyd George Road-Murphy Road area, often referred to as ‘Old
                                                     Wainui’, should have the opportunity to have discussions on reticulation as it affected
It seems to me that pressure had been
                                                     them and potentially find a solution.
applied to some councillors by some
residents who are unhappy with the June              The generally held view is that that sort of approach enables those directly affected
decision. The suggestion that elected                to be involved directly with their issue, What happens in Old Wainui is less relevant to
community representatives could somehow              Moana Road for example – and the reverse.
subvert the democratic process is rather             So we are not opposed to a “new era of consultation”, this was just not a well thought
ironic I think, given this apparent ‘rear guard’     option in my view, and that of most of my council colleagues. Hence the 10-3 vote
action.                                              against the paper, not against consultation.
                      andReW dOnaLdSOn                          PaT SeymOuR, ChaIR POLICy and envIROnmenT COmmITTee, GdC

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                                                                                                                                 BeachLife | 5
what’s up

THE GISBORNE DISTRICT COuNCIL HAS                                 Council calls area meetings
knocked back the concept of an elected
Wainui Beach Community Group – instead               after rejection of community group idea
the council is now planning seperate area-by-
area community meetings.
   In the wake of the overturning of the
                                                   Council officers presented a plan for the establishment of a “Wainui Beach
sewerage reticulation concept council
                                                   Community Group” – comprising an elected group of community members and
officers had been asked to “prepare a
                                                   an appointed Councillor. The purpose of the group would have been to assist the
proposal for how a collaborative approach
                                                   Council to collaborate with the community to develop alternatives and identify
could be given effect.”
                                                   solutions for management of wastewater and other environmental and planning
   After the overwhelming number of against-
                                                   issues. Councillors voted 10-3 to reject the mandating proposal. Instead the first
submissions which sunk the reticulation
                                                   round of area-by-area community consultation meetings have been set.
proposal, it was believed the council’s
standard consultation process had not
worked in this instance.
   When the idea of a Wainui Beach                 Hall voted in support of the recommendation.         reticulation” side of the debate had been
representative group was first discussed,             Councillor Gary Hope said that although           consulted. She also felt an elected group
right from the outset everyone involved            the community had suggested this, he was             was unnecessary as there was nothing to
voiced concerns about “obtaining a mandate         worried that the most prominent people in            stop any group of residents having meetings
from the people.”                                  the debate would dominate the issue and              with GDC officers and councillors.
   In preparing the plan council officers          the views of small minorities might not be              Her response is printed in full as a letter
proposed stringent terms of reference              represented.                                         back on page 5.
regarding representation.                             Kathy Sheldrake said it would still be               GDC chief executive Lindsay McKenzie
   Nominees for representation could have          hard to ensure such a group was truly                says while the “particular proposal” was not
come from any side of the reticulation debate      representative. She also had concerns over           supported by council, the Council did agree
and could have included Tangata Whenua, if         the administrative costs.                            to meet with the community on an area-by-
nominated and then elected.                           Pat Seymour said Wainui was a big area            area basis and on an issue-by-issue basis.
   Right up until the council meeting Wainui       with various pockets where there were                   He says staff have met to see what needs
residents involved in advising on the plan felt    specific issues. She did not believe five            to be done to implement the (latest) council
really proud and positive of what they had         people could cover all these things, or              decisions and have proposed a round of
achieved. It was with real shock that they         (represent) non-residential ratepayers. She          community meetings on December 10, 11
listened to the majority of councillors reject     believed the council would be abdicating its         and 15 at various Wainui meeting locations.
the proposal presented.                            own responsibility to consult with a wider              “We intend to use these meetings to
   The Gisborne Herald reported it succinctly:     group by setting up a small group.                   get the collaboration underway with the
“A bid to set up a mandated group of five to          In a response to an approach for an               community that was contemplated when the
represent the Wainui, Okitu and Sponge Bay         explanation of her stance, Councillor Pat            decision was taken not to reticulate.”
communities was tossed out by the District         Seymour, told BeachLife her opposition arose            A notice with agendas for the community
Council.”                                          from a variety of perspectives. Her primary          meetings is advertised below.
   Only Craig Bauld, Brian Wilson and Alan         concerns were that no person on the “pro-

      Wastewater Management Community Meetings with GDC
            The community is invited to attend a meeting to discuss future planning and environmental directions with a focus on
                               wastewater management. Council will be holding three area based meetings:

   1. OKITu: Surf Club WEDNESDAY 10 DECEMBER 5.30pm – 7.00pm

   2. WAINUI: Wainui School Hall THURSDAY 11 DECEMBER 7.00pm – 8.30pm

   3. LLOYD GEORGE ROAD AREA: Wainui Tennis Club – Cleary Road MONDAY 15 DECEMBER 5.30pm – 7.00pm

   • Debrief on recent reticulation and planning proposals and decisions (GDC presentation)
   • Where to from here for sustainable wastewater management (GDC presentation)
   • How can GDC and the community work together for sustainable wastewater management (group discussion)
   • Other Wainui environmental and planning issues (open forum)
                              For further information contact Kim Smith. Phone 867 2049 Extn 8751 Email:
                                 If you cannot attend a meeting and would like a copy of the minutes contact the above.

6 | BeachLife
Wainui dad imports world’s
best rated sunscreen                                                            Protect plants, stop
AS A WAINuI FATHER, CLIFF BLuMFIELD GOT SICK OF NAGGING                        weeds and save water
his kids to remember to reapply their sunscreen.
   “Giving the kid’s a tube of sunscreen to take to school doesn’t
                                                                             with garden bark from Judd Bark Supplies
necessarily mean they will remember to use it, “he says.
   “I had originally come across this really effective imported
sunscreen which I got from Pro Dive in Auckland. It lived up to its
promise of lasting for at least 8 hours and its claim of being the
world’s number-one rated sunscreen.
   “My children used it and I now make sure my grandchildren
use it,” says the owner of Wainui Dive and the Cylinder Testing
Laboratory based in Carnarvon Street.
   About 12 months ago Cliff’s began importing the favoured SPF44
sunscreen direct from the uSA-based manufacturers of the SolRx
range. Running a retail dive and instruction business, it made sense
that he stock the product.
   The strength of the SolRx sunscreen products lie in the company’s
ongoing testing and publishing of its own results. Waterproof and
sweatproof tests, using a panel of humans with various skin types,
have been conducted periodically since 1991. SolRx’s SPF ratings
                                                                                  Good for the Earth!
are assigned based on results after 8 consecutive hours on the skin,          Recycled greenwaste products
6 hours of which are in the water in twelve x 30 minute immersions.
    SolRx sunscreen has been proven to be still 97% -100% effective        Organic Compost       .........   cubic metre   $50
after this rigid 8 hour test scenario.
   The basic sunscreen comes in tubes of two sizes. The large 180ml
                                                                           Use for raised beds, improve the structure of your soil
tube is $34 and the smaller 60ml “Sports pack” is $14.
                                                                           Bark (Nos. 2,3,4) ............. cubic metre     $50
                                                                           Weed control, low maintenance, moisture retention
B&B recognised with four star plus
A WAIRERE ROAD HOME-BASED BED AND BREAKFAST                                Forest Floor Bark .......... cubic metre        $32
business has been recognised as one of New Zealand’s leading
                                                                           Style and texture, weed control, moisture retention
accommodation providers by being licensed for the second time to
use the Qualmark – New Zealand’s tourism official quality mark.
   To gain their Qualmark Andy and Lyn Broad’s “Absolute Wainui            Carpet Belt Bark ........... cubic metre        $26
B&B” underwent an onsite assessment using criteria made up of
                                                                           Economical weed control, moisture retention
over 400 quality checks including cleanliness, safety, facilities,
customer service, business operations and more. As a result of the
onsite assessment Absolute Wainui B&B was awarded a Four Star              All Products + Tub Mix available in 40 litre bags.
Plus grade in the Guest and Hosted category. .
   Absolute Wainui is the permanent home of Andy and Lynn Broad
who enjoy sharing their home’s incomparable location with their               We take and recycle all garden
guests.                                                                      greenwaste. Clean, user-friendly
   Absolute Wainui has been in operation for three years and Andy
and Lynn are enjoying the lifestyle it affords in conjunction with their      and very competitive charges.
other business interests. They decided to open a Boutique Bed
and Breakfast after identifying a gap in the Gisborne market for
affordable luxury accommodation.
   Andy’s mother Prue used to live in the house at Wainui Beach
and seven years ago Lynn and Andy moved into the house and                                   BARK SUPPLIES
embarked on a series of renovations. Chris Shaw from Abode
Coastal helped them with their plans and has produced a series of
areas and rooms all of which have stunning views across the endless
                                                                                    Mon to Fri: 7.30am to 4.30pm
Pacific Ocean. The variegated pohutakawa beside the front deck                        Sat & Sun: 9am to 2pm
was planted 40 years ago by Prue and in December 2005 Andy and                      MacDonald Road, Matawhero
Lynn were married underneath that same tree.
    Local food treats and local wines are served and guests are
                                                                                         Phone 867 6028
encouraged to visit those wineries, partake in stingray feeding just
up the road at Dive Tatapouri, have a surfing lesson with Frank or
just enjoy the beauty of Wainui Beach.

                                                                                                                           BeachLife | 7
what’s up?

  Protest action stays execution of norfolk pines
IT WAS ONLY 11TH HOuR PROTEST ACTION INSTIGATED BY                       simply that those who the consultation goes against can have
an observant resident that saved the three mature Norfolk pines          difficulties in accepting the decisions. It doesn’t matter whether
at “Whales” from succumbing to the                                                                 we go 50:50, 60:40 or 70:30 – there are
contractors chainsaws.                                                                             always going to be those who are unhappy
   No one was quick enough to stop two                                                             with outcomes and pass this on as being
similar 40-foot pines being cut down in the                                                        “unconsulted”.
Okitu Lagoon Reserve earlier.                                                                         “ If we have to get to 100 percent
   Gail Martin saw the contractors arrive                                                          acceptance, then nothing would get done
at “Whales” from her kitchen window on                                                             because we would be held up forever.
Wednesday morning, October 22, and                                                                 Although I am personally against the
twigged that GDC reserve management                                                                trees’ removal, there are those for it, and
plan policy to remove the “exotic trees” was                                                       the reserve management plan was largely
about to be implemented.                                                                           accepted. Personally I was pleased that
   She and husband John were able to halt                                                          something could be done at the 11th
the felling while urgent calls were put out to                                                     hour and that part of the plan is being
councillors Pat Seymour, Andy Cranston and                                                         reassessed.”
the mayor Meng Foon.                                                                                  does this mean that other recommendations
   Mrs Seymour was able to phone Council                                                           in the Wd Lysnar Reserve management Plan
chief executive Lindsay McKenzie and                                                               could also be vetoed by protest action if they
appealed to him to call off the job.                                                               are not popular at the time of implementation?
   The group then assembled for a picture                                                             Andy Cranston: “There is that danger
by the Gisborne Herald which was published                                                         but it is a public right to protest and put
under the headline: “Protest To Save Wainui                                                        their views. To get to a veto situation would
Pines.”                                                                                            require a very strong case and as it turned
   The protest action has led to a halt on                                                         out the case for the saving of the Norfolks
any further moves to remove the Norfolks                                                           was deemed to have merit.”
until such time as the WD Lysnar Reserve Management Plan can be             Pat Seymour: “ Possibly, with the wisdom of new information
reviewed. That is not expected to happen for at least 10 to 15 years.    or changed circumstances, but it would not be a simple as a ‘not
   Wainui resident and councillor Andy Cranston says there are some      popular’ idea. Generally a ‘not popular’ idea should not get included
straggly pines along the reserve which really don’t offer too much       in a management plan. You would be amazed how many people
in the way of beauty but it is becoming accepted that the Norfolks       are telling us, councillors and staff, that they did not know of the
should be seen in a different light.                                     management plan consultation.”
   He says he was not aware through the consultation process of             There is recommendation in the Plan to fence off the reserve with
any strong formal objections or submissions specifically against the     bollard type fencing and defined car park entrances etc. This also
Norfolks’ removal: “I guess the optimistic or practical side of us all   appears to be not a popular idea?
figured the discussion was largely about those trees which really            Andy Cranston: “I am aware of the unpopularity of the bollards
should be removed as opposed to a burnt earth policy.”                   and fencing in some quarters and am in two minds. Part of the case
   Pat Seymour, Chair GDC policy                                                                              for the bollards is “hoon related”
and environment committee, says:                                                                              as the only way to stop them
“At the time (of submissions) I was                                                                           denigrating our beautiful reserve is
opposed to the removal of the                                                                                 to keep them off it.
pines – but that was a minority view                                                                             “But it does go further because
– and the draft was adopted with                                                                              even an element of legal use is
the planned removal of the Norfolk                                                                            damaging. You know yourself just
Pines included. Subsequently there                                                                            how much of our beautiful reserve
has been renewed interest in the                                                                              is driven over and parked on. This
protection of significant trees in this                                                                       is now happening extensively right
community. The loss of sea views                                                                              along the length of the reserve and I
is one of the major reasons sited by                                                                          even do it myself – because I can.
those keen to see removal.”                                                                                      “The closer to the edge the better
   BeachLife asked if this issue                                                                              for viewing etc. This is simply not
revealed a fault in the consultation and planning process. how was it    good conservation practice! It seems fair that we lessen the effects
that the mayor and two councillors joined 11th hour resident protest     by restricting some of the current access ways. We need to ask:
action to halt what was in fact the implementation of agreed Council     Do we need vehicle access through the entire reserve at 150 metre
policy that had evolved out of the usual consultation process?           intervals so vehicles can drive all over the entire area and continue to
   Andy Cranston says: “The fault in the consultation process is         have these negative environmental impacts?”

8 | BeachLife
Housing development in final stages
                                                                                                            what’s up?
nearing completion with the installation of all services and the streets about to be sealed
as we went to print.                                                                             Wainui “Greenies”
   Project manager, Trevor Burrows, says all of the major construction is expected to be
completed by Christmas and – depending on the issuing of the 224 certificate by GDC
                                                                                                 help Labour’s
and the issuing of titles – section owners will be able to start building in March.
   Final landscaping and beautification will include fencing and planting along the Sponge
Bay Road boundary. The one hectare reserve in the centre of the development is to be
                                                                                                 MOST OF uS VOTED FOR NATIONAL IN
planted in clusters of native trees and park seating will be installed.
                                                                                                 the recent General Election. Historically
   A planted berm is to be created along the State Highway 35 boundary with space
                                                                                                 Wainui is a National stronghold.
allowed for the future construction of a cycleway-walking path linking Gisborne and
                                                                                                    Given our demographics the final local
Wainui Beach by the district council.
                                                                                                 tally was probably predictable, but there
   The development is 12 hectares and contains 95 building sites. The names of the
                                                                                                 was a notable increase in votes for the
streets have yet to be finalised.
                                                                                                 Green Party.
   Asked about what sort of housing we can expect to see in Sponge Bay Estate, Trevor
                                                                                                    Out of 732 votes cast at the Wainui
says the covenants are reasonably relaxed: “However there is a limitation on the use of
                                                                                                 School Polling Place way over half, 408,
brick (not to exceed 50%) and some other building materials. We expect to see the design
                                                                                                 voted for National. up 56 votes from 2005.
of the houses to fit in with today’s modern lifestyles. There will definitely be no acceptance
                                                                                                    148 voted for Labour and 116 for the
of removable dwellings.”
                                                                                                 Green Party, up 69 votes from 2005. Labour
   Towards mid December there will be an enquiries office on site where further
                                                                                                 was down 55. The Green vote was up from
information will be freely available. Any sales enquiries or questions can be directed to
                                                                                                 47 in 2005.
Trevor Burrows, phone 021 736 919.
                                                                                                    The Green swing was obviously away
Thanks for the show of support                                                                   from Labour who received 203 votes in
                                                                                                    25 voted for ACT (compared to just 3 in
                                                                                                 2005), 4 for Jim Anderton, 13 for NZ First
the community who chipped in to help him with his training costs in North America via the
                                                                                                 and 5 for united Future. 6 went for the
BeachLife voluntary subscription idea.
                                                                                                 Maori Party. Interestingly, only one person
“Thanks to all the local residents who have paid a voluntary subscription to this great
                                                                                                 voted for the Legalise Cannabis option.
community magazine and supported my Olympic dream. Bobsleigh costs approximately
                                                                                                    Those locals who voted for Winston
$17,000 per year for every athlete so all the financial support I can get helps, “he says.
                                                                                                 Peters and NZ First in 2005, weren’t
   “As you read this I will be in North America taking part in six events throughout October     swayed by the Owen Glenn Affair. NZ First
through to the end of December. It’s a great feeling coming from a small town and                at 14 votes this year was actually up one
knowing that there are a lot of local residents and friends behind me.”                          from the last election.
   “All the support that I have been getting – whether it is food from Charcoal Chicken,
Powerade from Coke or verbal support from local residents – is something special that                                                 2008
a lot of the guys in my team from the large cities (Auckland, Wellington and Dunedin)
don’t get. In fact they often cheekily comment, ‘Geez, I wish I lived in Gisborne’. All the               Green
best with the second issue and I will be thinking about the Wainui surf and sun while
surrounded by snow and sub-zero temperatures over the next few months.”
   BeachLife would also like to thank those who got the idea of the voluntary subscription,            Labour
that not only helped Mike a little way with his costs but also guaranteed the continuation
of the magazine. It was also a way of gauging support for the idea of the magazine and we
thank all those who took the time to write a cheque or go online and send in the money.
  If you missed the opportunity to subscribe, hey we’ll still be happy to receive your
cheque for $30.00. Post to BeachLife, PO Box 969, Gisborne.
Check out the website                                                                                       Green

BeachLife, tell them about the online version of the magazine at
                                                                                                       Labour              National
(don’t forget the hyphen, someone already has beachlife).

A GREAT WAy To AdvERTISE. Local people are catching onto the idea of using
BeachLife magazine to advertise within the beach community. The magazine has
staying power and everyone reads it thoroughly. Advertisers in the first issue all say
they have got results. Business profiles, houses for sale, goods and services.
ConTACT BEACHLIFE AdvERTISInG: Phone 868 0240 or                           Graphs created from votes cast in the Wainui
                                                                                                  School Polling Place in both 2005 and 2008.

                                                                                                                             BeachLife | 9
what’s up?                                      Sharron finds her particular shade of “green”
IT HAS BEEN A YEAR OF LEARNING FOR                 Sharron says one of the many positive            forever) range is the best. They have
Wairere Road’s Sharron Stevenson.               outcomes from her involvement with the              independent accreditation of the highest
   “Learning about the workings of local and    reticulation issue is that she is now more          standard – Environmental choice NZ – who
central government; long                                             “green”.                       look at every ingredient put into every
term community pans                                                      She says she has a         product. B_E_E is the only household
and the environment.                                                 greater awareness of           cleaning range to carry this world-leading
Words like sustainability,                                           the environment and in         eco-label.
collaboration,                                                       particular what works and          “I am excited to be able to bring them
consultation, became                                                 what doesn’t in septic or      to our community and have been receiving
part of my vocabulary this                                           on site systems.               positive feedback.”
year,” she says.                                                        Following on from               Sharron says feedback has included
   “ I toiled my way                                                 Council decision not to        comments like: “I have used them before and
through mountains of                                                 reticulate, Sharron felt       I really like them; My son has bad eczema
reports, documents,                                                  she needed to do her bit       and the washing powder dosen’t irritate
submissions, plans and                                               to be environmentally          him like other powders; I used to buy these
data – sometimes in                                                  responsible and to help        products when I lived in Auckland. Thank you
the small hours of the                                               ensure onsite systems          for bringing B_E_E to us; I just love these. I’ll
morning! I spoke at                                                  were “working the way          be back for more; The whitener took away a
council meetings, emailed                                            they were designed             really bad stain – fantastic; I got 30! washes
councillors and prepared                                             and not contributing           out of the Laundry Powder; This is great – so
submissions.                                                         to the pollution of the        convenient to pop in when I pick up the kids
   “I met neighbours I                                               environment”.                  from school”.
never really knew and                                                   “I wanted to find a             Sharron says: “Personally it just feels good
made new friends in                                                  range of eco-friendly          to know I am not putting harmful chemicals
                              ECO-CLEANING: Products available
our community. I learnt                                              products we could use.         and substances in my septic system. I
                              from Sharron Stevenson, 54 Wairere
how effective a group         Road, phone 867 5595.                  Not only that, but I wanted    believe our community can be a showcase
of people can be with                                                them to be New Zealand         for a sustainable – there’s that word again –
the same vision and how vitally important       made and I wanted to find the best!”                environment and I am proud to be a part of
effective communication is.”                       “I believe the B_E_E (Beauty Engineered          it.”

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10 | BeachLife
Isabella’s future vision
future of Gisborne.
   Her painting of what Gisborne might look like in 2018 was
selected as the winning entry in a Gisborne-wide schools’ art
competition to find a cover for the Gisborne District Council’s 10
Year Community Plan.
   The competition theme was: “Gisborne growing up – what will
Gisborne be like in 10 years time.”
   The competition was open to local primary, intermediate and
secondary schools with the aim of recognising and using the artistic
talents of local youth.
   Considerable effort was put in to entries with roads, high rise
buildings, the town clock, Maori culture and beach people being
recurring themes. The awards night was celebrated on October 11
with students and their families, the mayor and councillors.
   There were awards presented in primary, intermediate and
secondary schools categories but 12 year old Isabella, a Year 7
student at Campion College was chosen as the overall winner.
   Isabella, who received $200 for herself and $100 for her art
department at school, says her design for the future was all about
things she would like to be able to do in Gisborne.
   Her concept was of a beachside community with a rock climbing
facility, a bowling alley, a water park, a burger bar and, not
surprisingly when you know her dad Mike Vita, a soccer field right by
the beach.
   The design also included a safe walkway and cycling path along
side the road where people used both cars and public transport to
get around.
   High-rise apartment dwellings, one with a penthouse, owned by        BEACH LIFESTYLE: Isabella Vita’s artistic concept of Gisborne ten years
Isabella looked out over the beach.                                     from now will be featured on the cover of the Council’s community plan.

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                                                                                                                              BeachLife | 11
beach party

    Popular local identity and Gisborne accountant, Richard “Dicko” Coates, celebrated his 60th birthday recently with a large gathering at his
Murphy Road home. It was a great opportunity for a family photograph. From left: brother-in-law Sean McCormick, Dicko, daughter Charlotte,
sister Tessa McCormick, wife Prudence, his mother Joan Coates, nephew Alistair, brother Graeme Coates, niece Debbie and daughter

                   Noel and Alison, the Amor Bendalls, threw a
                great party at their home at the top of Wheatstone
                Road to celebrate Noel’s 50th recently.

   All smiles at Noel Amor’s birthday bash were Michelle Nyholt,
Pete Anderson and Ian Francis

                                         Mountain Warrior Shane Cameron met up
                                     with old mate Karl Geiseler at Noel’s party.

12 | BeachLife
BeachLife can’t gate crash all your parties!
If you have a special occasion, send photos to                         beach party

   All Thai-ed up at the
Tsunami Bar Thai Night
Banquet were Yvonne Beaufoy,
Darleen Funston, Bronwyn
Kay, Cindy Prosor and Ingrid

                                                                                                         Also taking part in the
                                                                                                     Thai food menu occasion
                                                                                                     – where the Tsunami
                                                                                                     Bar hired chef’s from
                                                                                                     Gisborne’s Thai Sunshine
                                                                                                     Restaurant to cook on
                                                                                                     premises for the night
                                                                                                     – were Sandra Ellmers,
                                                                                                     Margaret Winter, Buster
                                                                                                     Taylor and Diane Ritchie.

   Making up a group to enjoy the Tsunami Bar Thai Night were Christine      Sisters Bianca and Ashlee Destounis at the
Gunness, Murray McLeod, Maxine Francois, Fleur and Pete Anderson.         Tsunami Bar Thai occasion.

                                                                                                              BeachLife | 13
our ocean

                                                                                             YOUR WAVE: The large female orca which dropped
                                                                                             in on Jaydah Martin-Fitzharris at Wainui Beach.

           The season of the orca
IT REALLy WAS An AMAzInG THInG. For several weeks pods of orca frolicked in the seas off
Pouawa, Tatapouri, Makorori and Wainui. At times they were way out in the bay, surging north and
then surging back south in large groups. At other times they were right in close. on several occasions
they surfed beneath the waves sending stunned surfers scrambling for the beach. What were they
doing here, where did they come from, and where have they gone? Photographs by Tom Grimson.

WHILE MOST PEOPLE FELT THE HuGE SEA MAMMALS, OFTEN                          the ribs of his surf mat, making a high-pitched noise. Immediately
known as “killer whales”, posed no immediate harm to humans,                the baby veered away from the mother and came straight over to
young surfer girl Jayda Martin-Fitzharris got the fright of her life when   him. It submerged beneath his surf mat leaving big water boils on
a huge black and white orca came within touching distance as she            each side before veering back to join its mother. Paul says he could
was taking part in a surfing contest at the “Lone Pine” break in mid-       see the “daddy” orca out the back keeping an eye on things.
October.                                                                       Ben Cowper has posted a really good video on You Tube of at
   “It was really scary,” she told the Gisborne Herald. “I turned           least three orca swimming around not far behind a crowd of surfers
around and there was this big black fin, it was just behind my board.”      at Makorori Point on October 18.
   Watching from the shore, Boardriders Club organiser Heather Kohn            Just when we thought they had disappeared wave ski rider Nigel
of Lloyd George Road, said two orca, one a baby, appeared to chase          Bryant accidently videoed a pod of orca passing by Lone Pine in late
Jayda as she started yelling and paddling fast towards the shore.           November when he set up a remote video to film himself in training.
   Over the weeks orca were sighted numerous times around                      The zoological name for these creatures is Orcinus orca. This is
the beaches. Paul Dixon of Wairere Road says he had three orca              thought to be derived from the Latin word orcus, meaning “demon
encounters this year. The first was last summer off the Wainui surf         dolphin”. There are also many different common names for the
club when he spotted an estimated 2-metre high fin about 10 metres          species. The Society for Marine Mammalogy lists the English names
away. “It was coming straight for me and I paddled in so fast the           killer whale and orca as the most common.
clubbies asked if I wanted to compete for them in the next paddle              Department of Conservation spokesman Jamie Quirk said it was
board race,” he says.                                                       normal for orca to frequent East Coast beaches around October-
   The second encounter was the one many people witnessed at                November. It is believed the mothers come here to teach their young
“Schools” in October: “I was out body surfing and I looked over and         how to feed on stingray, he was reported in the Gisborne Herald.
saw this huge male orca surfing a wave. He was really going for it. It         “If you sit and watch them, you will notice the pod break into
was so cool.”                                                               groups. Two will act like sheep dogs, working a certain part of the
   Paul says even though he tried to control it, fascination turned         coast and shepherd the stingray into an area of the reef, at which
to fear on both occasions and his final reaction was to flee the            point they will all join in on the feeding frenzy,” he said.
perceived danger. He vowed the next time he would stay and make                “Gisborne people are very lucky to see a unique marine mammal
contact.                                                                    come so close to shore. And New Zealand orca are the only species
   He got his chance a few days later when a mother and baby came           of orca in the world that feed on stingray.”
by. He spotted the two dorsal fins and strummed his fingers along              “They will move through pretty quickly. They set themselves up

14 | BeachLife
in residence in the area between northern Hawke’s Bay, Mahia right         killed several people. A few New Zealander divers have tales of
through the East Cape,” Mr Quirk said.                                     close encounters with orca, during which their fins were nibbled and
   Fully grown orca can reach six metres in length. The males are          tugged. Such activity appears to be more an expression of curiosity
easily identified by their large, triangular dorsal fin, while female      or a bit of fun (for the orca, not necessarily for the diver) than testing
orcas have a curved fin. Juvenile orcas can be spotted swimming            for taste.
about the fins of the adults.                                                 It is possible that this high degree of interaction with humans has
   While there has been no record of orca attacking people or              evolved the unique nature of New Zealand orca hunting culture.
mistaking them for other sea creatures, Mr Quirk recommended that          Culture can be defined as traditions transmitted and reinforced
surfers or swimmers who found themselves in the company of orca            by members of a group. Orca culture is often unique to a small
exercise a degree of caution.                                              geographic location, not unlike human tribal culture. New Zealand
   “They live in the sea all their lives, so they are much more aware of   orca employ several different hunting methods, but most are aimed
humans being there than we are of them. But they are wild animals          at catching the same kind of prey— rays and sharks. New Zealand
so we must treat them with respect.”                                       orca were the first to be recognised as specialising in hunting this
   Scientist and orca researcher Ingrid Visser based at Tutukaka in        type of prey, and they remain the only orca that use these particular
Northland is New Zealand’s knowledge-base about orca. In a New             methods.
Zealand Geographic feature story recently she said her studies
                                                                           NEW ZEALAND ORCA FACT FILE:
indicated that there were fewer than 200 orca individuals living
                                                                           • 117 individual orca have been photo-identified in New Zealand waters. The
permanently around the New Zealand coastline.
                                                                           population estimate ranges between 65 and 167.
   “Three groups appear to exist—one that inhabits the waters of the
North Island, a second in the South Island, and a third that roams         • Some individual animals have been known to travel up to 170 km per day on
the entire area. Given this small population estimate, DOC has             average. The largest known range of a NZ orca is 4200 kms.
changed the status of orca from “common” to “nationally critical”—         • Orca are most frequently seen in the Bay of Plenty/East Cape/Hawke’s Bay
its highest threat ranking. This is because, although orca are found       region in June, and often from October to December.
in other parts of the world, those around New Zealand are unique,
                                                                           • NZ orca feed on a variety of prey, the most common being rays (long-tailed
with their own distinct dialects, hunting methods and other cultural
                                                                           and short-tailed stingrays, eagle rays, and torpedo rays), but also sharks
                                                                           (blue, mako, basking, and school sharks), a variety of fin-fish (yellow-fin tuna,
   “There is still much about them of which we remain ignorant, such
as how stable their groups are, but we have certainly come to realise      bluenose grouper, kahawai, and sunfish), and a blue penguin on one occasion.
that they are special and deserving of our respect and protection,”        • NZ orca have also been observed attacking and consuming other cetacean
Ingrid Visser says.                                                        species (common dolphins, bottlenose dolphins, dusky dolphins, Hector’s
   She says there isn’t a single verified record of an attack by wild      dolphins, sperm whales, pilot whales, humpback whales, and southern right
orca on people anywhere in the world, although captive orca have           whales).

  ORCWARD SITUATION: Duncan Gordon (left) and Willy Brown
  (right) meet one of the daddy orcas at Makorori Centre.

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                                                                                                                                        BeachLife | 15
beach life
Concert series in Tiromoana
FOR THE forthcoming season, featuring musicians
from New Zealand, Australia, united Kingdom and
Europe will be hosted at the home and garden of Jack
Richards at 41 Winifred Street this summer. Here is a
preview of what is to come.

December 18th | Simon Tedeschi returns:
   uS and Australian based virtuoso classical and jazz
pianist returns for another breathtaking performance
                                                              GOLF TOURNAMENT WINNERS: The Ray White Gisborne #1 team won the Gisborne
from both the classical and jazz repertoire.
                                                              Real Estate Golf Tournament with a four shot lead from the next best team the
January 10th | Emerging piano star Nicholas Young:            Gisborne Herald recently. All team members are Wainuians. From left: Peter Rouse,
                                                              organiser Bruce Third, Maxine Francois, Christine and Kim Gunness. The Ray White
   17 year old Nicholas Young from Sydney gives his
                                                              #2 team of Peter Ritchie, Phil Allan, Brent Rasby and the Editor took fourth place.
first New Zealand recital.

January 17th | Soprano Anna Pierard, Tenor Jose
                                                            reviews for his interpretation of the classical piano repertoire, which will be the
Aparicio, accompanied by David Harper.
                                                            feature of his Gisborne recital.
  uK and Spain-based Anna and Jose will give a
recital that includes operatic arias and selections from    February 14th: VENUE: | Margaret Medlyn soprano accompanied by Bruce
Spanish operetta.                                           Greenfield.
                                                              New Zealand diva Margaret Medlyn has been busy on the opera stage in new
January 31st | Student recital by Taleim Edwards and
                                                            Zealand throughout 2008, and thrilled us with her concert at Tiromoana last
Paul Romero – saxophone and piano
   Taleim and Paul are from Gisborne and will perform
a selection of pieces for saxopone and piano, and will        Tickets for all concerts are $25 (donated to the Gisborne Music Competition).
also play solo pieces.                                      Performances will start at 7.30 and will be followed by a light complementary
                                                            supper where you can meet the performers. You are welcome to come along
February 7th: VENUE | Introducing Polish-Australian
piano virtuoso Wotjek Wisniewski                            earlier to enjoy the garden.
  This will be the young Australian-based pianist’s first   You can reserve tickets by emailing:
recital in New Zealand. Wotjek has received glowing         or phone 868 6443.

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16 | BeachLife

                                                                                                                             beach life

                                                                                          A life-long passion
                                                                                        for surf photography
             pines these days. Rogan Houghton and his furry friend Precious
             are always about when the surf is up and pumping.
             Surf photography is a passion Rogey has had since a youngster
             when he first tried taking surfing pictures with his Kodak
             Instamatic while on surf trips with big brother Brett.
             He grew up on Auckland’s North Shore but is another local who
             now calls Wainui Beach home. Now aged 41, Rogey left school on
             the dot of turning 15.
             “I left school real quick, I was out of there like a shot,” he says. A
             scant education left Rogey with reading and writing problems but
             this year he has completed a three-year adult literacy course at
             Tairawhiti Polytechnic which he says has given him a real boost.
             Rogan also has a turned-out left eye which has possibly held him
             back a bit and must make it hard work to focus his camera for
             hours on end when the surf’s running high.
             His first decent SLR camera set up was a Minolta X300 with a
             300mm Sigma lens which he bought in his early 20s. Big brother
             Brett had moved down to Gisborne to live, so Rogan spent a lot
             of time down here. About 15 years ago when Budge Berge was
             running New Zealand Surfing magazine with CPL (Craig Levers)
             as chief photographer, they appreciated Rogan’s enthusiasm and
             helped him out a bit.
             CPL pointed Rogan in the direction of a great set of second-hand
             surf photography gear that was going cheap. He ended up with a
             Canon F1 body with 800mm, 600mm and 400mm lenses.
             His photos weren’t up to full page treatment, so they gave him
             a double-page spread of smaller images which they called “The
             Rogey Files”. The Rogey Files #2 and #3 followed in later years.
             He also had other photographs published in regular reader’s
                                                                                         DUNE WATCH: Surfing photographer Rogan Houghton and his dog
             photo pages during CPL’s editorship.
                                                                                              “Precious” keep their eyes peeled for the next big set.
             The editor also gave Rogan a boost when I ran one of his surfing
             pictures, a photo of Clint Daly, in my first calendar published over     of spring, good waves and bright light he is working hard chasing
             a decade ago.                                                            those great pictures.
             Rogey always stuck to the standards required by surf magazines           Rogan says he loves the satisfaction of photographing other
             which meant he had to spend a lot of money on slide film and             surfers. “I don’t surf big waves, but I love being behind the camera,
             professional processing. A single roll of processed slide film could     it’s almost the same sensation as being out there.”
             cost as much as $100. Every now and then CPL would send Rogey            It’s great to see Rogan out there, perched in the dunes with his
             the odd spare roll of Velvia to help him out.                            best-friend “Precious”, a tiny little Maltese Bichon who travels with
             So it was a relief when digital photography came of age recently         him everywhere, even on the back of his motorbike. Rogan may
             and about 12 months ago Rogey bought his first digital SLR Canon.        not be one of the world’s best-known surfing paparazzi, but when
             He can now fit hundreds of images on a single 2gig flash card.           Maz Quinn is pulling in to an overhead barrel at the Chalet on a late
             Sticking to the rules, Rogey is shooting both JPEG and Raw mode,         afternoon mid-week, it’s Rogan who’s behind the lens, motordrive
             which is what the magazines require should he get that elusive           whirring, capturing the fleeting moment of surfing brilliance in a
             “money shot”.                                                            mass of digital pixels.
             His chances have improved lately with the purchase of a decent           His images might not get published in Surfer’s Journal – yet – but
             300mm digital Canon lens ex Logan Murray and with the arrival            at least he’s out there, giving it a go. Keep it up Rogey.

                                                                                                                                          BeachLife | 17
beach life
  our people

Recording brings on memories of joy and innocense

                                                                                                  LOST INNOCENSE: Fresh-faced Trev and Pete
                                                                                                  in the 1980s bar band “Innocent Dingos” with
                                                                                                  Shane Bollingford, Tim Stewart and Andy
IF YOu REMEMBER THE INNOCENT DINGOS                                                               Schollum. Photo by Gray Clapham 1980s.
and can go as far back as Country Joy, then
you’ll be keen to listen to a CD of songs recently                                               is as good as you would expect from an
produced by Wainui jam band Big Water.                                                           amateur recording studio, but crank it up and
   Pete Stewart and Trevor Herk (that’s them                                                     you’ve got some great sounds. All the better
circa 1980 above second right and second left)                          with the understanding it’s organic, home-grown, Wainui Beach-born
are Gisborne’s elder statesmen of rock and roll.                        music to boot.
   Over the decades since the 1970s Trev has provided the bass line        Trevor Herk, the always unassuming bassist these days lives up
to numerous live performing bands around the town and Peter has         the Lysnar Street valley and is a well respected music teacher at
added his dexterous lead breaks to an equal number.                     Lytton High School. Think back to the mid 1970s when the band
   For several years now Pete’s lounge at his home on the corner of     Country Joy held the fort at the DB Gisborne Lounge Bar and you
Oneroa and the Highway has been the venue of legendary Thursday         can picture Trev thumping out the bass notes to Long Train Running,
night expression sessions and the Big Water CD is a creative coming     Cocaine and other anthems of that era. You have to also picture the
of age of those late night jams.                                        band’s drummer, Pare Street’s Paul Conole, hammering away at the
   Formerly known as the Borderline Trio, Bigwater came about when      rear as well. Those were the days.
Lincoln Wright (drummer) joined the long established Thursday night        If you have an interest in local music the first Bigwater CD is a
musical excursions.                                                     must for your collection. Keep listening and the songs grow on you,
   Trevor and Pete are long established Gisborne musicians that         and soon you think you’re listening to pop songs you’ve known
have played in several local bands together, including the celebrated   all your life. Oh, and hey, Bigwater? That’s Wainui, the English
Innocent Dingos from the River Bar heyday of the early ‘80s.            translation thereof. And, at $15 available from Peter and Trev and at
Lincoln Wright is a well-known DJ, (the Missing Link) with a CV from    the Wainui Store, this is perfect Christmas present material. There
Wellington that includes The Hairy Lollies and Gamut.                   are 11 tracks on the CD.
   Initially they explored a collection of mainly covers and a few         Since recording this initial sampling of some of their originals
original songs, but after a while originals replaced all the covers.    Bigwater has become in demand for live performances and are
Pete puts this down to his going through an especially creative song    already working on a follow up CD.
writing binge in recent times.                                             Bigwater are: Pete Stewart, guitar & vocals; Trevor Herk, bass &
   Don’t expect any head banging, plaster cracking mayhem from          vocals; Lincoln B. Wright, drums & backing vocals. Recorded and
these musicians. As Pete says, they are lyric-based pop songs.          engineered by Trevor Herk.
Sensible, easy to listen to, with catchy melodies. The sound quality       Bigwater have an online Blog at GC

18 | BeachLife
beach life

  Okitu Store has just about everything
Seaquinns Ltd – might look shabby on
the outside but it’s what’s on the inside
that really counts!
    Built way back in the ‘50s the Okitu
Store has serviced many people from
all walks of life, has had many changes
of ownership, and the normal ups and
downs of the retail and fast food world,
however the Okitu Store still stands as
strong today as the foundations on which
it is built.
    Maryanne Egan and Gary Quinn
ditched their educational careers and
stressful government influenced jobs and
purchased the Okitu Store in December
2006, two years on they still consider
it to be the best career choice they’ve
both made and compliment each others
strengths and weaknesses – making a
great duo!                                                                  IN ICE CREAM HEAVEN: Shop owners Maryanne Egan and Gary Quinn
    Maryanne is born and bred in Gisborne with affiliations to Ngati        outside their Okitu Store – the place to be beside the sea.
Kahungunu ki Wairoa, Rongomaiwahine, Whangara and Ngati Porou.            some hot food or takeaways to eat under the pohutukawa trees or
From a family of eight, one of her fondest childhood memories was         on the grassed area.
travelling all the way from Makaraka to the Okitu Store every Sunday         Of course when there are no waves to surf you might want to try
for an ice-cream treat. In summer they would                                             your luck fishing with the variety of fish bait and fishing
camp out at Tatapouri and Pouawa and come                                                supplies available and ice to keep it chilled. And then
to the store every second day for ice for the                                            perhaps relax on the deck in the evenings watching
chilly bin.                                                                              the sunset with one of the many wines or ales on sale
    Her childhood dream was to one day own                                               in hand.
the Okitu Store so she could have ice-cream                                                 Parking is never a problem whether it be truck and
whenever she wanted – while her dream has                                                trailers, harvesters, motorhomes, motorbikes or horses
come true she doesn’t eat as much ice-cream                                              – we’ve seen and had them all with room to spare.
anymore – even though they are still the                                                    While the hours maybe long, the winter mornings
best ice-creams in town! In her spare time                                               chilly and the summer days crazy – it’s all worth it.
Maryanne runs the Coastguard Radio Watch                                                    The key to our success is good communication,
from the shop, keeping a watchful ear and eye on those that love the      being organised, great family support, efficient service, good staff,
sea but may get into trouble and leads an active sporting role with       teamwork, fresh and plentiful supplies. Plus a good rapport with
her two daughters Kimberley and Karyn.                                    suppliers, good old fashion manners and service with a smile. It’s
    Gary has lived in Wainui for over 18 years and is passionate          also important to take time out and have quality family time to re-
about surfing. So of course the Okitu Store offers everything in the      energize.
surfing line from surfboard and wetsuit rentals, leg ropes, surf wax,        Where to from here – well watch this space as 2009 will see some
surf combs, wax bombs, Surfer’s Skin sunscreen (as worn by Maz            further development and more exciting things on offer!
Quinn!), sometimes a quick surf lesson and in the holidays the young
grommets may get the extra pleasure of bumping into Maz, Jay and              OkITU STORE IS OPEN SEVEN DAYS:
Holly when they come home and chill out with the family.                      Summer Hours:
    With their mutual passion being the sea Maryanne and Gary                 • Monday – Saturday 7.00am – 8.00pm
have the prime location for a retail business that provides almost            • Sunday 7.30am – 8.00pm
everything. Where else can you get the beautiful beach straight               Winter Hours:
outside the front door, a new funky playground for the kids across            • Monday – Saturday 7.00am – 7.00pm
the road to play on, picnic tables to sit in the sun and eat ice-             • Sunday 7.30am – 7.00pm
creams, chat and relax with a magazine, a surfboard to hire and test          Takeaways and hot food are available all day within shop
out your skills straight across the road. All topped off with fresh hot       opening hours. Phone orders welcome on 06 867 7013 .
coffee and a locally-made pie to warm you up afterwards or maybe

                                                                                                                                 BeachLife | 19
beach life

DEMONS RULE: The mighty Wainui Demons Walker Realty football team won both the Poverty Bay Soccer 2nd Division Competition and then the 2nd
Division Cup Knockout Round to complete an extremely successful 2008 season. Back Row: Hugh Higgins, Gary Smith, Clay Parker, Vince Ford, Steve
Sutherland, Mike Evans, Jay Papworth, Warren Muir, Craig Scott, Andrew Reid, Brett Parker. Front Row: Richard Page, John Hill, Brent Strong, Karl
Geiseler, Ben Drummond, Trev Williams, Adam Dawson, Aaron Welsh. Dion Williams (on ground).

SCHOOL SUCCESS: The Wainui Beach School A Grade Soccer team won the Gisborne Primary School A Grade competition for only the third time since
1965 (last time was 1995). They were undefeated throughout the season with only one draw and scored 116 goals for and only 10 against. Back Row:
Joel Robinson (Assistant Coach), Jonty Low, Isaiah Grace, Josh Meade, Jack Virtue, Charlie Scott, Rory Faulkner, Tewai Coulston, Cassidy Teaia, Josh
Cook, Craig Scott (Coach). Front Row: Kosta Atsalis, Hamish Robinson, Jarram Brouwer, Rangi Mitchell, Layne Nalder.

20 | BeachLife
                                                                                                               beach life

                                                                                                   Wainui School kids get to try out a lot of
IN THE LAST ISSuE of BeachLife we reported that Wainui School opened in 1964. Very quick           outdoor activities and recently BeachLife
on the phone was Jean Webster (pictured left) to correct that date to 1962. Mrs Webster, now       dropped in on a skateboard coaching
aged 89, was one of the three first day teachers way back then and Sandy Gibson (right) was        session. Above: Jack Dixon-Smith gets
                                                                                                   into the groove.
one of the first day pupils who was taught by Mrs Webster. When Sandy’s grand daughter Ella
Sutherland started at Wainui School in September this year she became the third generation of
the Gibson family to attend the school. Ella’s mum, and Sandy’s daughter, De-Arne Sutherland
went to Wainui School from 1983. While there are other families who have this generational
association with the school we thought it would be a nice way of acknowledging Mrs Webster’s
alertness in correcting the actual date the school opened. Liesje Bartie rounds off the story as
she first taught at the school in 1963, was De-Arne’s teacher in the early ‘80s and is this year
teaching Ella. Mrs Webster came from Ilminster School where she was also a first day teacher
with the new headmaster Lou Thompson and the third teacher Huri Callaghan.

                    L ov E A n d M A R R I AG E

                                                                                                   Charlie Klavs may turn down dad’s offer
                                                                                                   of the builder’s apron and embark on a
                                                                                                   career as a professional skateboarder.

PROuD DAD BOB RASBY made the trip up to Wellsford recently to be on hand to give away
his daughter Saren Rasby on the occasion of her marriage to Daniel Heywood. The couple
were married on the beach at Pakiri, north of Auckland. Brother Brent with wife Helena and
baby Perle are also pictured. A good sized crew of Wainui friends went north for the wedding.
                                                                                                   Skateboard tutor Karn Payne gets Angus
                                                                                                   Hayward going off the ramp.

                                                                                                                            BeachLife | 21
beach babes

                                                                               Local graphic artist Rees Morley couldn’t have drawn up a better
                                                                           looking baby boy than mac morley, with no small part played in
                                                                           the design concept by Cathy. Mac arrived on Tuesday, October 14,
                                                                           weighing 9lb 2oz.

    Born Sunday, September 7 Tilly Lisla Lovelock was a
perfect 81lb Fathers Day present for Jimmy from Georgina.
Georgina owns Talking Heads salon and James is the former
Tsunami Bar head chef, now operating his gardening and
landscaping business, Lawn and Garden Services.

                                                                                          Charlie Campbell Whitfield introduced himself
                                                                                       to his parents Amy and David and sister Olivia on
                                                                                       Halloween Night, Friday, October 31, weighing in at a
   Tigher Hill (4) is stoked to have a little brother, Ziggy hill, who arrived on
                                                                                       strapping 11lb 3oz.
Monday, June 26. His parents are John and Naome Hill and they live in Douglas

22 | BeachLife
Beach Life Issue#2
Beach Life Issue#2
Beach Life Issue#2
Beach Life Issue#2
Beach Life Issue#2
Beach Life Issue#2
Beach Life Issue#2
Beach Life Issue#2
Beach Life Issue#2
Beach Life Issue#2
Beach Life Issue#2
Beach Life Issue#2
Beach Life Issue#2
Beach Life Issue#2
Beach Life Issue#2
Beach Life Issue#2
Beach Life Issue#2
Beach Life Issue#2
Beach Life Issue#2
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Beach Life Issue#2

  • 1. Wa i n u i • M a k o r o r i • T a t a p o u r i • S p o n g e B a y ISSUE 2/SUMMER/2008-2009 $5.00 | norfolk pines to stay | the bob rasby story | boardroom summer slam | our people, our beach | the season of the orca A surfing way of life SUMMER ISSUE: 52 pages of news, views and infor mation BeachLife | 1
  • 2. GET READY GET THRU Wainui & Makorori Beach Tsunami Plans DISTANT TSUNAMIS Distant tsunami are generated from a long way away, such as from across the Pacific in Chile. In this case, we will have more than three hours warning time (in most cases up to 11 hours) for New Zealand. LOCAL TSUNAMI (The Worst Case) THERE WILL BE WARNINGS FOR THESE EVENTS! A local tsunami may be caused by a major earthquake (similar to If a Tsunami is generated from a distant Pacific location there is December 2008) or one that goes on for longer than a minute. usually many hours (about 11 hours in most cases) to prepare for Local tsunami are generated very close to New Zealand. This type of the event. tsunami is very dangerous because we may only have a few minutes There will be a declared Civil Defence Emergency if evacuations warning and damage could be quite significant in specific areas. are necessary. A landslide in the Hikurangi Trench or a large earthquake from an Only the most low lying areas of Wainui will need to be offshore fault could cause a local tsunami evacuated. THERE WILL BE NO TIME FOR AN OFFICIAL WARNING! You can check where these areas are on the GDC website Civil If a Tsunami is generated it will probably arrive 20-30 minutes after Defence pages at ( If unsure you can ring the the earthquake. District Council. If you observe the sea recede suddenly you have about 3-5 Makorori Beach will be totally evacuated – so there is no map. minutes to get to higher ground. POLICE, FIRE AND CIVIL DEFENCE PERSONAL WILL INITIATE EVERY HOUSEHOLD SHOULD HAVE IT’S OWN EVACUATION THE EVACUATION BY DOOR KNOCKING. THERE WILL BE NO PLAN AND PRE-PLANNED ROUTE TO HIGHER GROUND NEED TO PANIC. You need a pre-planned escape route. Preferably one that does You should plan to go to stay with friends or family outside of not require a vehicle. Include elderly neighbours in your plan. the evacuation areas. There will be an official evacuation HQ at Te You need to know exactly how to walk quickly from your house to Poho O Rawiri marae. the nearest hill you can easily climb. You may have to stay away from your home for up to 24 hours. Once you are high enough to view the ocean and the incoming Listen to the local radio stations (Classic Hits 90.9 or More FM wave you are probably safe and will have time to climb higher as 98.9) for information. If information on the radio conflicts with that necessary. At night you will hear the wave. given directly to you by Police or Civil Defence, obey the latter. If you live longer that 3 minutes walk away from the nearest hill, if Make a plan with your family, and include elderly neighbours, you have young children or you are elderly you may need to plan to before such an emergency. Make sure that everyone knows take your car to where you can easily climb a hill. where they go if the call comes to evacuate. When the first wave comes ashore it will have slowed to walking speed on steep slopes. A second wave may move faster and NOTE: In the event of a local tsunami event Wainui and Makorori residents should avoid driving if at all possible. With potentially go further inland on top of the first. only 20-30 minutes to get to high ground the highway will Prepare an emergency “getaway kit” with things you need if you become jammed if all households try to drive to Makorori Hill have to leave the house in a hurry. Have a torch and a battery radio. or Winifred Street. Take pets if possible but don’t waste time trying to gather precious items. Saving lives is the priority! Before returning you should wait for an official all clear, but generally one hour after the earthquake is considered “all clear”. • The 1947 local tsunami event was caused by an earthquake that went on for over a minute but the shaking was hardly Wainui School has it’s own evacuation plan during school hours noticed at the beach. Prolonged shaking earthquakes are Keep listening to the radio for updates (Classic Hits 90.9 or More potentially the most dangerous for generating big waves. FM 98.9). There will be no official warnings given for a localised tsunami. It is your responsibility to get yourself and family to safety. CIVIL DEFENCE COMMUNITY EMERGENCY MANAGERS: Ray Veal — 54 Moana Road — 867 6017 Michael Willock — 18a Sirrah Street — 868 1083 Paul Ericson — 14 Moana Road — 867 9141 GDC CIVIL DEFENCE 867 2049 EXT 8435 Richard Busby — Makorori Station — 868 9027 2 | BeachLife
  • 3. M A G A Z I N E contents Delivered free to every home from Sponge Bay to Makorori. views and opinions Published four times a year. 4 Intro: Editor’s comments and a preview of the issue. .................................. what’s up PuBLiSheD anD PrinteD By Gray Clapham Design Arts 5 Council rejects idea of a community representative group and calls seperate area .................................. meetings. Wainui dad imports excellent sunscreen. B&B gets star rating. Protest stops eDitOriaL ManaGer removal of the Norfolks. Sponge Bay Estate site work completed. Election results show Gray Clapham Wainui’s “green” leanings. Sharron Stevenson promotes septic tank-friendly cleaning 90 Moana Road products. Isabella Vita’s vision for the future wins art competition. Wainui Beach Gisborne beach party Phone 868 0240 12 Look out, the paparazzi are about. BeachLife brings you shocking and scandalous Fax 867 7010 photos from the local party scene. Yeah right. aLL LetterS, artiCLeS & our ocean COrreSPOnDenCe tO 14 The Season of the Orca: Amazing photographs by Tom Grimson and a look back at the visits from the orca pods. .................................. aDVertiSinG beach life Gray Clapham Phone 868 0240 16 Summer concerts in Jack Richard’s garden. Rogan Houghton’s love for surf Fax 867 7010 photography. Local lads record pop music CD. All about the Okitu Store. Soccer successes. Skateboard kids. Three generations at local school. Saren’s wedding. .................................. beach babes Extra copies available at $5.00 All issues will be archived after 22 They just keep on coming! Introducing nine new residents with more on the horizon. publication on the website beach focus Cover: 24 The Surfing Way of Life: An exploration of the surf culture and the history that Surfing photo by the editor, orca defines life at our beaches. Plus lots of old photos. photo by Tom Grimson, old surfies from John Logan’s collection. 34 The Bob Rasby Story: Once at the forefront of the world’s surfboard industry our Bob has been knocked down, but he’s not out. our kids 36 Luke Morrell is the art director for leading world surf and skate label. Tommy Dalton is taking his surfboard shaping skills to a global level. Amanda Foubister is Miss Fitness Australasia. our people 39 The Ballad of Frankie and Laurie: Two nice Americans who love the Wainui way of life. our surf Historical photographs and assistance courtesy Tairāwhiti Museum 40 Wave Rave with Kelly Ryan: Surf stories, results and what the groms are up to. All BeachLife pages can be viewed online at BeachLife | 3
  • 4. InTRo Publisher’s Comments | by Gray Clapham WELL, HERE WE ARE, THE SECOND ISSuE OF BEACHLIFE, the Grave. This unusual protest by the council’s own representatives has big summer issue. So far I have had nothing but congratulations led to a turnaround in the council’s own reserve management plan, and support for the concept of this community publication which saving these majestic trees from the chop. There are three schools premiered three months ago. It’s a great deal of fun to produce of thought on the Norfolk pines. There are those that see them as and provides heaps of satisfaction. And thanks to all our voluntary “exotic pests” that have no place in a New Zealand coastal dune subscribers! I do know who you are. Appreciated. ecosystem; those that see them as iconic of Wainui Beach adding to This magazine is “hand-made” in my basement garage on a the character of the foreshore; and those that just hate cutting down very good, but second hand Fuji Xerox digital printer. First I print any kind of mature tree. until the reserve plan is reviewed in perhaps all the colour pages (11.5 hours), then the black and white sections 10 or 15 years time, the second and third schools are having it their (17.5 hours). And that’s not counting the printer malfunctions, ink way. The incident has set a precedent that shows that council policy replacements and visits from the Fuji Xerox technician. I then gather that has been signed and sealed can still be overturned in the face the pages together and fold them into booklets, one at a time (6 of all the consultation, planning and voting. hours). I take them all in to Printing House and they staple and The real estate market is of great interest at the moment. Recently guillotine-trim them off for me (thanks Grant!). It takes them a full houses along Wairere Road and in Ocean Park have sold for prices day just to do that bit. ranging from the high $400s to mid $500s. These were houses you So after all that printing, folding and stapling – not to mention the would have expected to have fetched prices in the high $600s or weeks of interviewing, photographing and hours of writing – this is $700s not that many months ago. The downward adjustment of the the second issue of our community lifestyle magazine. real estate market is now a firm reality and we are already living in a new era of property valuation. We all have to wake up to the fact that I’ve decided to make “surf” the theme of the issue. Because the boom is over – we once were millionaires, but not any longer. surf is vital to so many people here at the beach and has a large What’s struck me as I have gone about meeting young families with influence on everything we do. The twin beaches of Wainui and new babies around the community is that they just about all own Makorori are wave making machines. They are world famous. There their own homes here, and so many of them are the children of is nearly always a swell breaking of some kind along our sandy Wainui parents. That’s so great. That’s what we were mostly worried shores and it is consistently better than average, often superb. about in the time of inflated property prices – and then the spectre We do in fact live in a surfer’s mecca. So this issue explores that of a huge rates increase to cover reticulation – that our kids could premise along with the social and historical implications surfing has not afford to live here. So this new era of more realistic property on our local culture and lifestyle. price expectancies should be welcomed for that reason. The state of surfing nostalgia in which this issue may languish In this issue we also look back on an amazing thing that is being reflected in a Gisborne surfers’ reunion being organised happened here at the beaches in late winter and early spring. The over Easter weekend of 2009. There is talk of up to 300 old surfies visits by several groups or pods of orca. Many of us saw the pods congregating in Gisborne for a weekend of reminiscing, partying go by, sometimes just metres off the beach. They swam right by, and hopefully some surfing. The organisers are Victor Jacobs (868 brushing the wetsuited legs of stunned surfers, surfing the inshore 9987) and Gail Patty (868 6680) who are focusing the reunion around waves, dolphining along the coastline in large, determined groups. In 50 years of surfing in Gisborne. There should be more information my research I was shocked to learn these orca are a few of the total publicised as things get rolling and a website is imminent. New Zealand population of about 200 individuals. We review some If you’re not connected to surfing and find this issue is a bit of the eye-witness accounts and do a bit of background research on over the top in the surfing direction, don’t fear that we’ve turned the species. Not to mention Tom Grimson’s stunning photos! BeachLife into a “surfing magazine”. Other areas of historical and And – nine more babies! That’s on top of nine in the last issue social importance will get similar focus in future issues. and still more on the way for the next issue. (Oops, I just heard Tim The Gisborne District Council recently rejected a well thought and Phoebe Gander have had their baby as we print.) That’s 19 new out proposal to set up an election of a “community representative children born at the beach in the last year, that we know of. I was group” from nominated Wainui Beach residents who would liaise not surprised to read somewhere that New Zealand is going through between the community and the council, mainly on the issue of a mini-baby boom with the most babies born in a nine month period the management of our septic tank systems. It was quite a slap in since 1962. I am becoming an expert at baby photography. the face for the people who had been assisting council officers, at council request, to come up with a democratic way this community- Plus more stories about what “our kids” are up to. I love writing council collaboration concept could be achieved. The council is now these stories. I apologise for calling you a “kid” if you are nearly embarking on a totally different concept by staging area-by-area, 30 years old – it was the best catchline I could think of that sums issue-by-issue meetings as a way of consulting with us. I guess if up how proud we are of not only our own children, but also our you want to keep up with what’s happening in the community as a neighbours’, who are out in the world making a solid go of it. whole, you will now have to attend all three area meetings. Will you Plus this issue looks at the lives of some of our “big kids” too. need some sort of ID to prove you come from a defined area to be At first I worried if would I be able to find enough to write about to allowed to speak? The wisdom of the council’s decision to divide sustain a publication like this. I started the first issue with a long list the community in this way will be evaluated in the goodness of time. of story ideas, and two issues later I have hardly made a dent in it as So, for now, the Norfolk pines are to stay. Only prompt action by new ideas crop up. Don’t be shy to call with your ideas. Call too if local residents, backed by the mayor and two councillors, halted you want a special occasion or party photo taken. GC contractors cutting down the three large pines over the Whales 4 | BeachLife
  • 5. views and opinions Puzzled by Council Send you views and opinions to decision to reject community group I WAS A LITTLE PuZZLED AFTER the council meeting that rejected the representative community group idea. It seemed to me that there was an almost wilful misinterpretation of the intent of the initiative. Councillor explains rejection of Wainui The locals who helped with the proposal community group concept were there because we had been asked and because we were willing to be involved. OPPOSITION TO THE COuNCIL PAPER ON THE CONCEPT OF AN ELECTED WAINuI After the June decision not to go ahead with committee arose from a variety of perspectives. the reticulation proposal, Council wanted On enquiring of the chief executive if anyone from the pro-reticulation side of the debate to engage in a ‘collaborative’ manner with had been part of his consultation group he advised, “No.” So there was concern that the community to work out the issues of only one perspective had been considered. water quality monitoring and other generally The draft terms of reference for the establishment suggested that five members could sustainable methods of continuing with on be elected via a process overseen by a JP. site waste water management. There are a raft of issues here. How would a voters roll be established? Would it be Many councillors seemed to think that the residents? If so, for how long? Ratepayers or both? Cost of establishing the roll, election of five (or thereabouts) members of keeping it up to date and all that that entails. The council paper advised that in addition the Wainui community represented some to staff assistance it was proposed that council provides ongoing ‘administrative threat to the established democratic process resources.’ and that mainstream views could be hijacked The very real cost to the ratepayer concerns us. Once one such committee is legitimised by these people whoever they were. there would be no reason why other areas should not have the same. All this has to be I don’t see how that holds water given the paid for via rates. Rates are a growing burden and it is the responsible councillors who weight of community opinion that came out make an effort to keep some control on expenditure. in the submission process. That is, people Some councillors have considerable experience of communities having meetings and wanted to continue with on site disposal. taking an interest in various matters affecting their community. Different issues interest The election of a smallish group was thought various members of our communities and they are entitled to respond accordingly. to be a more practical way of working and There is absolutely nothing stopping any group of residents have a meeting with ‘consulting’ than the larger forums of public councillors and staff on any subject at any time. It does not need five elected people to meetings. It was also seen as more efficient enable it to happen as staff would not be continually be in the role of educators in bringing people up to When it was agreed not to proceed with reticulation, primarily based on the cost, there speed with complex issues as they arose. was a view that the Lloyd George Road-Murphy Road area, often referred to as ‘Old Wainui’, should have the opportunity to have discussions on reticulation as it affected It seems to me that pressure had been them and potentially find a solution. applied to some councillors by some residents who are unhappy with the June The generally held view is that that sort of approach enables those directly affected decision. The suggestion that elected to be involved directly with their issue, What happens in Old Wainui is less relevant to community representatives could somehow Moana Road for example – and the reverse. subvert the democratic process is rather So we are not opposed to a “new era of consultation”, this was just not a well thought ironic I think, given this apparent ‘rear guard’ option in my view, and that of most of my council colleagues. Hence the 10-3 vote action. against the paper, not against consultation. andReW dOnaLdSOn PaT SeymOuR, ChaIR POLICy and envIROnmenT COmmITTee, GdC Wayne’s Septic Tank Cleaning Services Waste Septic Tank Cleaning & Bin Hire Owner driver: Wayne Baty PHONE 867 3606 MOBILE 027 434 0924 For all enquiries about the maintenance of your septic tank system. WasteTRACK compliant operator. BeachLife | 5
  • 6. what’s up THE GISBORNE DISTRICT COuNCIL HAS Council calls area meetings knocked back the concept of an elected Wainui Beach Community Group – instead after rejection of community group idea the council is now planning seperate area-by- area community meetings. In the wake of the overturning of the Council officers presented a plan for the establishment of a “Wainui Beach sewerage reticulation concept council Community Group” – comprising an elected group of community members and officers had been asked to “prepare a an appointed Councillor. The purpose of the group would have been to assist the proposal for how a collaborative approach Council to collaborate with the community to develop alternatives and identify could be given effect.” solutions for management of wastewater and other environmental and planning After the overwhelming number of against- issues. Councillors voted 10-3 to reject the mandating proposal. Instead the first submissions which sunk the reticulation round of area-by-area community consultation meetings have been set. proposal, it was believed the council’s standard consultation process had not worked in this instance. When the idea of a Wainui Beach Hall voted in support of the recommendation. reticulation” side of the debate had been representative group was first discussed, Councillor Gary Hope said that although consulted. She also felt an elected group right from the outset everyone involved the community had suggested this, he was was unnecessary as there was nothing to voiced concerns about “obtaining a mandate worried that the most prominent people in stop any group of residents having meetings from the people.” the debate would dominate the issue and with GDC officers and councillors. In preparing the plan council officers the views of small minorities might not be Her response is printed in full as a letter proposed stringent terms of reference represented. back on page 5. regarding representation. Kathy Sheldrake said it would still be GDC chief executive Lindsay McKenzie Nominees for representation could have hard to ensure such a group was truly says while the “particular proposal” was not come from any side of the reticulation debate representative. She also had concerns over supported by council, the Council did agree and could have included Tangata Whenua, if the administrative costs. to meet with the community on an area-by- nominated and then elected. Pat Seymour said Wainui was a big area area basis and on an issue-by-issue basis. Right up until the council meeting Wainui with various pockets where there were He says staff have met to see what needs residents involved in advising on the plan felt specific issues. She did not believe five to be done to implement the (latest) council really proud and positive of what they had people could cover all these things, or decisions and have proposed a round of achieved. It was with real shock that they (represent) non-residential ratepayers. She community meetings on December 10, 11 listened to the majority of councillors reject believed the council would be abdicating its and 15 at various Wainui meeting locations. the proposal presented. own responsibility to consult with a wider “We intend to use these meetings to The Gisborne Herald reported it succinctly: group by setting up a small group. get the collaboration underway with the “A bid to set up a mandated group of five to In a response to an approach for an community that was contemplated when the represent the Wainui, Okitu and Sponge Bay explanation of her stance, Councillor Pat decision was taken not to reticulate.” communities was tossed out by the District Seymour, told BeachLife her opposition arose A notice with agendas for the community Council.” from a variety of perspectives. Her primary meetings is advertised below. Only Craig Bauld, Brian Wilson and Alan concerns were that no person on the “pro- Wastewater Management Community Meetings with GDC The community is invited to attend a meeting to discuss future planning and environmental directions with a focus on wastewater management. Council will be holding three area based meetings: 1. OKITu: Surf Club WEDNESDAY 10 DECEMBER 5.30pm – 7.00pm 2. WAINUI: Wainui School Hall THURSDAY 11 DECEMBER 7.00pm – 8.30pm 3. LLOYD GEORGE ROAD AREA: Wainui Tennis Club – Cleary Road MONDAY 15 DECEMBER 5.30pm – 7.00pm AGENDA: • Debrief on recent reticulation and planning proposals and decisions (GDC presentation) • Where to from here for sustainable wastewater management (GDC presentation) • How can GDC and the community work together for sustainable wastewater management (group discussion) • Other Wainui environmental and planning issues (open forum) For further information contact Kim Smith. Phone 867 2049 Extn 8751 Email: If you cannot attend a meeting and would like a copy of the minutes contact the above. 6 | BeachLife
  • 7. Wainui dad imports world’s best rated sunscreen Protect plants, stop AS A WAINuI FATHER, CLIFF BLuMFIELD GOT SICK OF NAGGING weeds and save water his kids to remember to reapply their sunscreen. “Giving the kid’s a tube of sunscreen to take to school doesn’t with garden bark from Judd Bark Supplies necessarily mean they will remember to use it, “he says. “I had originally come across this really effective imported sunscreen which I got from Pro Dive in Auckland. It lived up to its promise of lasting for at least 8 hours and its claim of being the world’s number-one rated sunscreen. “My children used it and I now make sure my grandchildren use it,” says the owner of Wainui Dive and the Cylinder Testing Laboratory based in Carnarvon Street. About 12 months ago Cliff’s began importing the favoured SPF44 sunscreen direct from the uSA-based manufacturers of the SolRx range. Running a retail dive and instruction business, it made sense that he stock the product. The strength of the SolRx sunscreen products lie in the company’s ongoing testing and publishing of its own results. Waterproof and sweatproof tests, using a panel of humans with various skin types, have been conducted periodically since 1991. SolRx’s SPF ratings Good for the Earth! are assigned based on results after 8 consecutive hours on the skin, Recycled greenwaste products 6 hours of which are in the water in twelve x 30 minute immersions. SolRx sunscreen has been proven to be still 97% -100% effective Organic Compost ......... cubic metre $50 after this rigid 8 hour test scenario. The basic sunscreen comes in tubes of two sizes. The large 180ml Use for raised beds, improve the structure of your soil tube is $34 and the smaller 60ml “Sports pack” is $14. Bark (Nos. 2,3,4) ............. cubic metre $50 Weed control, low maintenance, moisture retention B&B recognised with four star plus A WAIRERE ROAD HOME-BASED BED AND BREAKFAST Forest Floor Bark .......... cubic metre $32 business has been recognised as one of New Zealand’s leading Style and texture, weed control, moisture retention accommodation providers by being licensed for the second time to use the Qualmark – New Zealand’s tourism official quality mark. To gain their Qualmark Andy and Lyn Broad’s “Absolute Wainui Carpet Belt Bark ........... cubic metre $26 B&B” underwent an onsite assessment using criteria made up of Economical weed control, moisture retention over 400 quality checks including cleanliness, safety, facilities, customer service, business operations and more. As a result of the onsite assessment Absolute Wainui B&B was awarded a Four Star All Products + Tub Mix available in 40 litre bags. Plus grade in the Guest and Hosted category. . Absolute Wainui is the permanent home of Andy and Lynn Broad who enjoy sharing their home’s incomparable location with their We take and recycle all garden guests. greenwaste. Clean, user-friendly Absolute Wainui has been in operation for three years and Andy and Lynn are enjoying the lifestyle it affords in conjunction with their and very competitive charges. other business interests. They decided to open a Boutique Bed and Breakfast after identifying a gap in the Gisborne market for affordable luxury accommodation. Andy’s mother Prue used to live in the house at Wainui Beach and seven years ago Lynn and Andy moved into the house and BARK SUPPLIES embarked on a series of renovations. Chris Shaw from Abode Coastal helped them with their plans and has produced a series of areas and rooms all of which have stunning views across the endless Mon to Fri: 7.30am to 4.30pm Pacific Ocean. The variegated pohutakawa beside the front deck Sat & Sun: 9am to 2pm was planted 40 years ago by Prue and in December 2005 Andy and MacDonald Road, Matawhero Lynn were married underneath that same tree. Local food treats and local wines are served and guests are Phone 867 6028 encouraged to visit those wineries, partake in stingray feeding just up the road at Dive Tatapouri, have a surfing lesson with Frank or just enjoy the beauty of Wainui Beach. BeachLife | 7
  • 8. what’s up? Protest action stays execution of norfolk pines IT WAS ONLY 11TH HOuR PROTEST ACTION INSTIGATED BY simply that those who the consultation goes against can have an observant resident that saved the three mature Norfolk pines difficulties in accepting the decisions. It doesn’t matter whether at “Whales” from succumbing to the we go 50:50, 60:40 or 70:30 – there are contractors chainsaws. always going to be those who are unhappy No one was quick enough to stop two with outcomes and pass this on as being similar 40-foot pines being cut down in the “unconsulted”. Okitu Lagoon Reserve earlier. “ If we have to get to 100 percent Gail Martin saw the contractors arrive acceptance, then nothing would get done at “Whales” from her kitchen window on because we would be held up forever. Wednesday morning, October 22, and Although I am personally against the twigged that GDC reserve management trees’ removal, there are those for it, and plan policy to remove the “exotic trees” was the reserve management plan was largely about to be implemented. accepted. Personally I was pleased that She and husband John were able to halt something could be done at the 11th the felling while urgent calls were put out to hour and that part of the plan is being councillors Pat Seymour, Andy Cranston and reassessed.” the mayor Meng Foon. does this mean that other recommendations Mrs Seymour was able to phone Council in the Wd Lysnar Reserve management Plan chief executive Lindsay McKenzie and could also be vetoed by protest action if they appealed to him to call off the job. are not popular at the time of implementation? The group then assembled for a picture Andy Cranston: “There is that danger by the Gisborne Herald which was published but it is a public right to protest and put under the headline: “Protest To Save Wainui their views. To get to a veto situation would Pines.” require a very strong case and as it turned The protest action has led to a halt on out the case for the saving of the Norfolks any further moves to remove the Norfolks was deemed to have merit.” until such time as the WD Lysnar Reserve Management Plan can be Pat Seymour: “ Possibly, with the wisdom of new information reviewed. That is not expected to happen for at least 10 to 15 years. or changed circumstances, but it would not be a simple as a ‘not Wainui resident and councillor Andy Cranston says there are some popular’ idea. Generally a ‘not popular’ idea should not get included straggly pines along the reserve which really don’t offer too much in a management plan. You would be amazed how many people in the way of beauty but it is becoming accepted that the Norfolks are telling us, councillors and staff, that they did not know of the should be seen in a different light. management plan consultation.” He says he was not aware through the consultation process of There is recommendation in the Plan to fence off the reserve with any strong formal objections or submissions specifically against the bollard type fencing and defined car park entrances etc. This also Norfolks’ removal: “I guess the optimistic or practical side of us all appears to be not a popular idea? figured the discussion was largely about those trees which really Andy Cranston: “I am aware of the unpopularity of the bollards should be removed as opposed to a burnt earth policy.” and fencing in some quarters and am in two minds. Part of the case Pat Seymour, Chair GDC policy for the bollards is “hoon related” and environment committee, says: as the only way to stop them “At the time (of submissions) I was denigrating our beautiful reserve is opposed to the removal of the to keep them off it. pines – but that was a minority view “But it does go further because – and the draft was adopted with even an element of legal use is the planned removal of the Norfolk damaging. You know yourself just Pines included. Subsequently there how much of our beautiful reserve has been renewed interest in the is driven over and parked on. This protection of significant trees in this is now happening extensively right community. The loss of sea views along the length of the reserve and I is one of the major reasons sited by even do it myself – because I can. those keen to see removal.” “The closer to the edge the better BeachLife asked if this issue for viewing etc. This is simply not revealed a fault in the consultation and planning process. how was it good conservation practice! It seems fair that we lessen the effects that the mayor and two councillors joined 11th hour resident protest by restricting some of the current access ways. We need to ask: action to halt what was in fact the implementation of agreed Council Do we need vehicle access through the entire reserve at 150 metre policy that had evolved out of the usual consultation process? intervals so vehicles can drive all over the entire area and continue to Andy Cranston says: “The fault in the consultation process is have these negative environmental impacts?” 8 | BeachLife
  • 9. Housing development in final stages what’s up? SITE DEVELOPMENT AT THE SPONGE BAY ESTATE HOuSING SuBDIVISION IS nearing completion with the installation of all services and the streets about to be sealed as we went to print. Wainui “Greenies” Project manager, Trevor Burrows, says all of the major construction is expected to be completed by Christmas and – depending on the issuing of the 224 certificate by GDC help Labour’s and the issuing of titles – section owners will be able to start building in March. Final landscaping and beautification will include fencing and planting along the Sponge demise Bay Road boundary. The one hectare reserve in the centre of the development is to be MOST OF uS VOTED FOR NATIONAL IN planted in clusters of native trees and park seating will be installed. the recent General Election. Historically A planted berm is to be created along the State Highway 35 boundary with space Wainui is a National stronghold. allowed for the future construction of a cycleway-walking path linking Gisborne and Given our demographics the final local Wainui Beach by the district council. tally was probably predictable, but there The development is 12 hectares and contains 95 building sites. The names of the was a notable increase in votes for the streets have yet to be finalised. Green Party. Asked about what sort of housing we can expect to see in Sponge Bay Estate, Trevor Out of 732 votes cast at the Wainui says the covenants are reasonably relaxed: “However there is a limitation on the use of School Polling Place way over half, 408, brick (not to exceed 50%) and some other building materials. We expect to see the design voted for National. up 56 votes from 2005. of the houses to fit in with today’s modern lifestyles. There will definitely be no acceptance 148 voted for Labour and 116 for the of removable dwellings.” Green Party, up 69 votes from 2005. Labour Towards mid December there will be an enquiries office on site where further was down 55. The Green vote was up from information will be freely available. Any sales enquiries or questions can be directed to 47 in 2005. Trevor Burrows, phone 021 736 919. The Green swing was obviously away Thanks for the show of support from Labour who received 203 votes in 2005. 25 voted for ACT (compared to just 3 in WAINuI WINTER OLYMPIC HOPEFuL MIKE KING WANTS TO THANKS THOSE IN 2005), 4 for Jim Anderton, 13 for NZ First the community who chipped in to help him with his training costs in North America via the and 5 for united Future. 6 went for the BeachLife voluntary subscription idea. Maori Party. Interestingly, only one person “Thanks to all the local residents who have paid a voluntary subscription to this great voted for the Legalise Cannabis option. community magazine and supported my Olympic dream. Bobsleigh costs approximately Those locals who voted for Winston $17,000 per year for every athlete so all the financial support I can get helps, “he says. Peters and NZ First in 2005, weren’t “As you read this I will be in North America taking part in six events throughout October swayed by the Owen Glenn Affair. NZ First through to the end of December. It’s a great feeling coming from a small town and at 14 votes this year was actually up one knowing that there are a lot of local residents and friends behind me.” from the last election. “All the support that I have been getting – whether it is food from Charcoal Chicken, Powerade from Coke or verbal support from local residents – is something special that 2008 a lot of the guys in my team from the large cities (Auckland, Wellington and Dunedin) don’t get. In fact they often cheekily comment, ‘Geez, I wish I lived in Gisborne’. All the Green best with the second issue and I will be thinking about the Wainui surf and sun while surrounded by snow and sub-zero temperatures over the next few months.” National BeachLife would also like to thank those who got the idea of the voluntary subscription, Labour that not only helped Mike a little way with his costs but also guaranteed the continuation of the magazine. It was also a way of gauging support for the idea of the magazine and we thank all those who took the time to write a cheque or go online and send in the money. If you missed the opportunity to subscribe, hey we’ll still be happy to receive your cheque for $30.00. Post to BeachLife, PO Box 969, Gisborne. 2005 Check out the website Green IF YOu WANT YOuR FRIENDS OR FAMILY OVERSEAS TO READ THE STORIES IN BeachLife, tell them about the online version of the magazine at Labour National (don’t forget the hyphen, someone already has beachlife). A GREAT WAy To AdvERTISE. Local people are catching onto the idea of using BeachLife magazine to advertise within the beach community. The magazine has staying power and everyone reads it thoroughly. Advertisers in the first issue all say they have got results. Business profiles, houses for sale, goods and services. ConTACT BEACHLIFE AdvERTISInG: Phone 868 0240 or Graphs created from votes cast in the Wainui School Polling Place in both 2005 and 2008. BeachLife | 9
  • 10. what’s up? Sharron finds her particular shade of “green” IT HAS BEEN A YEAR OF LEARNING FOR Sharron says one of the many positive forever) range is the best. They have Wairere Road’s Sharron Stevenson. outcomes from her involvement with the independent accreditation of the highest “Learning about the workings of local and reticulation issue is that she is now more standard – Environmental choice NZ – who central government; long “green”. look at every ingredient put into every term community pans She says she has a product. B_E_E is the only household and the environment. greater awareness of cleaning range to carry this world-leading Words like sustainability, the environment and in eco-label. collaboration, particular what works and “I am excited to be able to bring them consultation, became what doesn’t in septic or to our community and have been receiving part of my vocabulary this on site systems. positive feedback.” year,” she says. Following on from Sharron says feedback has included “ I toiled my way Council decision not to comments like: “I have used them before and through mountains of reticulate, Sharron felt I really like them; My son has bad eczema reports, documents, she needed to do her bit and the washing powder dosen’t irritate submissions, plans and to be environmentally him like other powders; I used to buy these data – sometimes in responsible and to help products when I lived in Auckland. Thank you the small hours of the ensure onsite systems for bringing B_E_E to us; I just love these. I’ll morning! I spoke at were “working the way be back for more; The whitener took away a council meetings, emailed they were designed really bad stain – fantastic; I got 30! washes councillors and prepared and not contributing out of the Laundry Powder; This is great – so submissions. to the pollution of the convenient to pop in when I pick up the kids “I met neighbours I environment”. from school”. never really knew and “I wanted to find a Sharron says: “Personally it just feels good made new friends in range of eco-friendly to know I am not putting harmful chemicals ECO-CLEANING: Products available our community. I learnt products we could use. and substances in my septic system. I from Sharron Stevenson, 54 Wairere how effective a group Road, phone 867 5595. Not only that, but I wanted believe our community can be a showcase of people can be with them to be New Zealand for a sustainable – there’s that word again – the same vision and how vitally important made and I wanted to find the best!” environment and I am proud to be a part of effective communication is.” “I believe the B_E_E (Beauty Engineered it.” You’re allowed to feel this good A pampering massage just to feel good. A relaxing massage for relief of stress. A therapeutic massage for relief from aches and pains. A sports massage for recovery from injury. Foot reflexology to soothe and balance. Pregnancy massage for ease and comfort. • Injury prevention and injury treatment • Sports preparation and recovery • Children and teens (especially for sports) • Treatment for pain and discomfort • Relief from headaches Adults: Half hour – $30 One hour – $50 Children and Teens at school: Half Price Gift vouchers available Providing therapeutic and relaxation massage services since 1994 NORMAN WEISS NCM, CSM, CMTMNZ 32 DOUGLAS STREET Seaview Massage OKITU, WAINUI BEACH PHONE 867 2790 10 | BeachLife
  • 11. Isabella’s future vision ISABELLA VITA OF PARE STREET HAS A VISION FOR THE future of Gisborne. Her painting of what Gisborne might look like in 2018 was selected as the winning entry in a Gisborne-wide schools’ art competition to find a cover for the Gisborne District Council’s 10 Year Community Plan. The competition theme was: “Gisborne growing up – what will Gisborne be like in 10 years time.” The competition was open to local primary, intermediate and secondary schools with the aim of recognising and using the artistic talents of local youth. Considerable effort was put in to entries with roads, high rise buildings, the town clock, Maori culture and beach people being recurring themes. The awards night was celebrated on October 11 with students and their families, the mayor and councillors. There were awards presented in primary, intermediate and secondary schools categories but 12 year old Isabella, a Year 7 student at Campion College was chosen as the overall winner. Isabella, who received $200 for herself and $100 for her art department at school, says her design for the future was all about things she would like to be able to do in Gisborne. Her concept was of a beachside community with a rock climbing facility, a bowling alley, a water park, a burger bar and, not surprisingly when you know her dad Mike Vita, a soccer field right by the beach. The design also included a safe walkway and cycling path along side the road where people used both cars and public transport to get around. High-rise apartment dwellings, one with a penthouse, owned by BEACH LIFESTYLE: Isabella Vita’s artistic concept of Gisborne ten years Isabella looked out over the beach. from now will be featured on the cover of the Council’s community plan. Wainui Beach’s reliable water supply DRIVER/OPERATIONS MANAGER: As a Wainui Beach homeowner, Greg Judd of Judd Water Supplies knows the importance of a reliable, clean source of household water for those times when the tanks run dry. Call the big green truck! 15500 litres of quality city water per load. Phone 867 6028 Greg Judd Mobile 027 230 2464 WATER SUPPLIES BeachLife | 11
  • 12. beach party Popular local identity and Gisborne accountant, Richard “Dicko” Coates, celebrated his 60th birthday recently with a large gathering at his Murphy Road home. It was a great opportunity for a family photograph. From left: brother-in-law Sean McCormick, Dicko, daughter Charlotte, sister Tessa McCormick, wife Prudence, his mother Joan Coates, nephew Alistair, brother Graeme Coates, niece Debbie and daughter Georgina. Noel and Alison, the Amor Bendalls, threw a great party at their home at the top of Wheatstone Road to celebrate Noel’s 50th recently. All smiles at Noel Amor’s birthday bash were Michelle Nyholt, Pete Anderson and Ian Francis Mountain Warrior Shane Cameron met up with old mate Karl Geiseler at Noel’s party. 12 | BeachLife
  • 13. BeachLife can’t gate crash all your parties! If you have a special occasion, send photos to beach party All Thai-ed up at the Tsunami Bar Thai Night Banquet were Yvonne Beaufoy, Darleen Funston, Bronwyn Kay, Cindy Prosor and Ingrid Spence. Also taking part in the Thai food menu occasion – where the Tsunami Bar hired chef’s from Gisborne’s Thai Sunshine Restaurant to cook on premises for the night – were Sandra Ellmers, Margaret Winter, Buster Taylor and Diane Ritchie. Making up a group to enjoy the Tsunami Bar Thai Night were Christine Sisters Bianca and Ashlee Destounis at the Gunness, Murray McLeod, Maxine Francois, Fleur and Pete Anderson. Tsunami Bar Thai occasion. BeachLife | 13
  • 14. our ocean YOUR WAVE: The large female orca which dropped in on Jaydah Martin-Fitzharris at Wainui Beach. The season of the orca IT REALLy WAS An AMAzInG THInG. For several weeks pods of orca frolicked in the seas off Pouawa, Tatapouri, Makorori and Wainui. At times they were way out in the bay, surging north and then surging back south in large groups. At other times they were right in close. on several occasions they surfed beneath the waves sending stunned surfers scrambling for the beach. What were they doing here, where did they come from, and where have they gone? Photographs by Tom Grimson. WHILE MOST PEOPLE FELT THE HuGE SEA MAMMALS, OFTEN the ribs of his surf mat, making a high-pitched noise. Immediately known as “killer whales”, posed no immediate harm to humans, the baby veered away from the mother and came straight over to young surfer girl Jayda Martin-Fitzharris got the fright of her life when him. It submerged beneath his surf mat leaving big water boils on a huge black and white orca came within touching distance as she each side before veering back to join its mother. Paul says he could was taking part in a surfing contest at the “Lone Pine” break in mid- see the “daddy” orca out the back keeping an eye on things. October. Ben Cowper has posted a really good video on You Tube of at “It was really scary,” she told the Gisborne Herald. “I turned least three orca swimming around not far behind a crowd of surfers around and there was this big black fin, it was just behind my board.” at Makorori Point on October 18. Watching from the shore, Boardriders Club organiser Heather Kohn Just when we thought they had disappeared wave ski rider Nigel of Lloyd George Road, said two orca, one a baby, appeared to chase Bryant accidently videoed a pod of orca passing by Lone Pine in late Jayda as she started yelling and paddling fast towards the shore. November when he set up a remote video to film himself in training. Over the weeks orca were sighted numerous times around The zoological name for these creatures is Orcinus orca. This is the beaches. Paul Dixon of Wairere Road says he had three orca thought to be derived from the Latin word orcus, meaning “demon encounters this year. The first was last summer off the Wainui surf dolphin”. There are also many different common names for the club when he spotted an estimated 2-metre high fin about 10 metres species. The Society for Marine Mammalogy lists the English names away. “It was coming straight for me and I paddled in so fast the killer whale and orca as the most common. clubbies asked if I wanted to compete for them in the next paddle Department of Conservation spokesman Jamie Quirk said it was board race,” he says. normal for orca to frequent East Coast beaches around October- The second encounter was the one many people witnessed at November. It is believed the mothers come here to teach their young “Schools” in October: “I was out body surfing and I looked over and how to feed on stingray, he was reported in the Gisborne Herald. saw this huge male orca surfing a wave. He was really going for it. It “If you sit and watch them, you will notice the pod break into was so cool.” groups. Two will act like sheep dogs, working a certain part of the Paul says even though he tried to control it, fascination turned coast and shepherd the stingray into an area of the reef, at which to fear on both occasions and his final reaction was to flee the point they will all join in on the feeding frenzy,” he said. perceived danger. He vowed the next time he would stay and make “Gisborne people are very lucky to see a unique marine mammal contact. come so close to shore. And New Zealand orca are the only species He got his chance a few days later when a mother and baby came of orca in the world that feed on stingray.” by. He spotted the two dorsal fins and strummed his fingers along “They will move through pretty quickly. They set themselves up 14 | BeachLife
  • 15. in residence in the area between northern Hawke’s Bay, Mahia right killed several people. A few New Zealander divers have tales of through the East Cape,” Mr Quirk said. close encounters with orca, during which their fins were nibbled and Fully grown orca can reach six metres in length. The males are tugged. Such activity appears to be more an expression of curiosity easily identified by their large, triangular dorsal fin, while female or a bit of fun (for the orca, not necessarily for the diver) than testing orcas have a curved fin. Juvenile orcas can be spotted swimming for taste. about the fins of the adults. It is possible that this high degree of interaction with humans has While there has been no record of orca attacking people or evolved the unique nature of New Zealand orca hunting culture. mistaking them for other sea creatures, Mr Quirk recommended that Culture can be defined as traditions transmitted and reinforced surfers or swimmers who found themselves in the company of orca by members of a group. Orca culture is often unique to a small exercise a degree of caution. geographic location, not unlike human tribal culture. New Zealand “They live in the sea all their lives, so they are much more aware of orca employ several different hunting methods, but most are aimed humans being there than we are of them. But they are wild animals at catching the same kind of prey— rays and sharks. New Zealand so we must treat them with respect.” orca were the first to be recognised as specialising in hunting this Scientist and orca researcher Ingrid Visser based at Tutukaka in type of prey, and they remain the only orca that use these particular Northland is New Zealand’s knowledge-base about orca. In a New methods. Zealand Geographic feature story recently she said her studies NEW ZEALAND ORCA FACT FILE: indicated that there were fewer than 200 orca individuals living • 117 individual orca have been photo-identified in New Zealand waters. The permanently around the New Zealand coastline. population estimate ranges between 65 and 167. “Three groups appear to exist—one that inhabits the waters of the North Island, a second in the South Island, and a third that roams • Some individual animals have been known to travel up to 170 km per day on the entire area. Given this small population estimate, DOC has average. The largest known range of a NZ orca is 4200 kms. changed the status of orca from “common” to “nationally critical”— • Orca are most frequently seen in the Bay of Plenty/East Cape/Hawke’s Bay its highest threat ranking. This is because, although orca are found region in June, and often from October to December. in other parts of the world, those around New Zealand are unique, • NZ orca feed on a variety of prey, the most common being rays (long-tailed with their own distinct dialects, hunting methods and other cultural and short-tailed stingrays, eagle rays, and torpedo rays), but also sharks characteristics. (blue, mako, basking, and school sharks), a variety of fin-fish (yellow-fin tuna, “There is still much about them of which we remain ignorant, such as how stable their groups are, but we have certainly come to realise bluenose grouper, kahawai, and sunfish), and a blue penguin on one occasion. that they are special and deserving of our respect and protection,” • NZ orca have also been observed attacking and consuming other cetacean Ingrid Visser says. species (common dolphins, bottlenose dolphins, dusky dolphins, Hector’s She says there isn’t a single verified record of an attack by wild dolphins, sperm whales, pilot whales, humpback whales, and southern right orca on people anywhere in the world, although captive orca have whales). ORCWARD SITUATION: Duncan Gordon (left) and Willy Brown (right) meet one of the daddy orcas at Makorori Centre. TERRY TAYLOR DRAINAGE PHONE 868 5383 Septic Tank Cleaning Services Mobile 0274 576 664 Locally Owned Licensed Operator 89 Customhouse Street Registered Drainlayer • Septic Tank Installations & Assessments •CCTV Camera Gisborne Local installer for Aerated Sewage Treatment Systems WasteTRACK compliant operator BeachLife | 15
  • 16. beach life Concert series in Tiromoana gardens AN EXCITING SERIES OF SuMMER CONCERTS FOR THE forthcoming season, featuring musicians from New Zealand, Australia, united Kingdom and Europe will be hosted at the home and garden of Jack Richards at 41 Winifred Street this summer. Here is a preview of what is to come. December 18th | Simon Tedeschi returns: uS and Australian based virtuoso classical and jazz pianist returns for another breathtaking performance GOLF TOURNAMENT WINNERS: The Ray White Gisborne #1 team won the Gisborne from both the classical and jazz repertoire. Real Estate Golf Tournament with a four shot lead from the next best team the January 10th | Emerging piano star Nicholas Young: Gisborne Herald recently. All team members are Wainuians. From left: Peter Rouse, organiser Bruce Third, Maxine Francois, Christine and Kim Gunness. The Ray White 17 year old Nicholas Young from Sydney gives his #2 team of Peter Ritchie, Phil Allan, Brent Rasby and the Editor took fourth place. first New Zealand recital. January 17th | Soprano Anna Pierard, Tenor Jose reviews for his interpretation of the classical piano repertoire, which will be the Aparicio, accompanied by David Harper. feature of his Gisborne recital. uK and Spain-based Anna and Jose will give a recital that includes operatic arias and selections from February 14th: VENUE: | Margaret Medlyn soprano accompanied by Bruce Spanish operetta. Greenfield. New Zealand diva Margaret Medlyn has been busy on the opera stage in new January 31st | Student recital by Taleim Edwards and Zealand throughout 2008, and thrilled us with her concert at Tiromoana last Paul Romero – saxophone and piano summer. Taleim and Paul are from Gisborne and will perform a selection of pieces for saxopone and piano, and will Tickets for all concerts are $25 (donated to the Gisborne Music Competition). also play solo pieces. Performances will start at 7.30 and will be followed by a light complementary supper where you can meet the performers. You are welcome to come along February 7th: VENUE | Introducing Polish-Australian piano virtuoso Wotjek Wisniewski earlier to enjoy the garden. This will be the young Australian-based pianist’s first You can reserve tickets by emailing: recital in New Zealand. Wotjek has received glowing or phone 868 6443. Carpet and upholster y cleaning to the highest standard PROTECT YOUR MOST VALUABLE INVESTMENT • Safe, non toxic system • Reduce/remove unattractive stains & soiling • Reduces damage to your carpet from sand / soil particles • Kills & removes dust mites & allergens • Remove smells & odours from carpets not cleaned regularly PROTECT YOUR CHILDREN & PETS • Less bacteria in your home • Non-toxic/non-allergenic • Help Prevent pet soiling by removing previous pet odours • Safer environment for asthma and allergen-sensitive people • Peace of mind for you & your family IMPROVE THE OVERALL HEALTH QUALITY OF YOUR HOME • Affordable means of ensuring clean carpets & upholstery • Less dust, hair, and other nasty particles in your home • Fast drying ensures minimal air moisture • Breathe easier with less dust mites and other creepy-crawlies Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Services • Save time, effort and money without sacrificing cleanliness Call Ray Morgan 20 years experience in cleaning industry 0800 000668 10 years in carpets & upholstery 16 | BeachLife
  • 17. ROGAN HOUGHTON beach life A life-long passion for surf photography HE’S AS ICONIC AROuND WAINuI BEACH AS THE NORFOLK pines these days. Rogan Houghton and his furry friend Precious are always about when the surf is up and pumping. Surf photography is a passion Rogey has had since a youngster when he first tried taking surfing pictures with his Kodak Instamatic while on surf trips with big brother Brett. He grew up on Auckland’s North Shore but is another local who now calls Wainui Beach home. Now aged 41, Rogey left school on the dot of turning 15. “I left school real quick, I was out of there like a shot,” he says. A scant education left Rogey with reading and writing problems but this year he has completed a three-year adult literacy course at Tairawhiti Polytechnic which he says has given him a real boost. Rogan also has a turned-out left eye which has possibly held him back a bit and must make it hard work to focus his camera for hours on end when the surf’s running high. His first decent SLR camera set up was a Minolta X300 with a 300mm Sigma lens which he bought in his early 20s. Big brother Brett had moved down to Gisborne to live, so Rogan spent a lot of time down here. About 15 years ago when Budge Berge was running New Zealand Surfing magazine with CPL (Craig Levers) as chief photographer, they appreciated Rogan’s enthusiasm and helped him out a bit. CPL pointed Rogan in the direction of a great set of second-hand surf photography gear that was going cheap. He ended up with a Canon F1 body with 800mm, 600mm and 400mm lenses. His photos weren’t up to full page treatment, so they gave him a double-page spread of smaller images which they called “The Rogey Files”. The Rogey Files #2 and #3 followed in later years. He also had other photographs published in regular reader’s DUNE WATCH: Surfing photographer Rogan Houghton and his dog photo pages during CPL’s editorship. “Precious” keep their eyes peeled for the next big set. The editor also gave Rogan a boost when I ran one of his surfing pictures, a photo of Clint Daly, in my first calendar published over of spring, good waves and bright light he is working hard chasing a decade ago. those great pictures. Rogey always stuck to the standards required by surf magazines Rogan says he loves the satisfaction of photographing other which meant he had to spend a lot of money on slide film and surfers. “I don’t surf big waves, but I love being behind the camera, professional processing. A single roll of processed slide film could it’s almost the same sensation as being out there.” cost as much as $100. Every now and then CPL would send Rogey It’s great to see Rogan out there, perched in the dunes with his the odd spare roll of Velvia to help him out. best-friend “Precious”, a tiny little Maltese Bichon who travels with So it was a relief when digital photography came of age recently him everywhere, even on the back of his motorbike. Rogan may and about 12 months ago Rogey bought his first digital SLR Canon. not be one of the world’s best-known surfing paparazzi, but when He can now fit hundreds of images on a single 2gig flash card. Maz Quinn is pulling in to an overhead barrel at the Chalet on a late Sticking to the rules, Rogey is shooting both JPEG and Raw mode, afternoon mid-week, it’s Rogan who’s behind the lens, motordrive which is what the magazines require should he get that elusive whirring, capturing the fleeting moment of surfing brilliance in a “money shot”. mass of digital pixels. His chances have improved lately with the purchase of a decent His images might not get published in Surfer’s Journal – yet – but 300mm digital Canon lens ex Logan Murray and with the arrival at least he’s out there, giving it a go. Keep it up Rogey. BeachLife | 17
  • 18. beach life our people Recording brings on memories of joy and innocense LOST INNOCENSE: Fresh-faced Trev and Pete in the 1980s bar band “Innocent Dingos” with Shane Bollingford, Tim Stewart and Andy IF YOu REMEMBER THE INNOCENT DINGOS Schollum. Photo by Gray Clapham 1980s. and can go as far back as Country Joy, then you’ll be keen to listen to a CD of songs recently is as good as you would expect from an produced by Wainui jam band Big Water. amateur recording studio, but crank it up and Pete Stewart and Trevor Herk (that’s them you’ve got some great sounds. All the better circa 1980 above second right and second left) with the understanding it’s organic, home-grown, Wainui Beach-born are Gisborne’s elder statesmen of rock and roll. music to boot. Over the decades since the 1970s Trev has provided the bass line Trevor Herk, the always unassuming bassist these days lives up to numerous live performing bands around the town and Peter has the Lysnar Street valley and is a well respected music teacher at added his dexterous lead breaks to an equal number. Lytton High School. Think back to the mid 1970s when the band For several years now Pete’s lounge at his home on the corner of Country Joy held the fort at the DB Gisborne Lounge Bar and you Oneroa and the Highway has been the venue of legendary Thursday can picture Trev thumping out the bass notes to Long Train Running, night expression sessions and the Big Water CD is a creative coming Cocaine and other anthems of that era. You have to also picture the of age of those late night jams. band’s drummer, Pare Street’s Paul Conole, hammering away at the Formerly known as the Borderline Trio, Bigwater came about when rear as well. Those were the days. Lincoln Wright (drummer) joined the long established Thursday night If you have an interest in local music the first Bigwater CD is a musical excursions. must for your collection. Keep listening and the songs grow on you, Trevor and Pete are long established Gisborne musicians that and soon you think you’re listening to pop songs you’ve known have played in several local bands together, including the celebrated all your life. Oh, and hey, Bigwater? That’s Wainui, the English Innocent Dingos from the River Bar heyday of the early ‘80s. translation thereof. And, at $15 available from Peter and Trev and at Lincoln Wright is a well-known DJ, (the Missing Link) with a CV from the Wainui Store, this is perfect Christmas present material. There Wellington that includes The Hairy Lollies and Gamut. are 11 tracks on the CD. Initially they explored a collection of mainly covers and a few Since recording this initial sampling of some of their originals original songs, but after a while originals replaced all the covers. Bigwater has become in demand for live performances and are Pete puts this down to his going through an especially creative song already working on a follow up CD. writing binge in recent times. Bigwater are: Pete Stewart, guitar & vocals; Trevor Herk, bass & Don’t expect any head banging, plaster cracking mayhem from vocals; Lincoln B. Wright, drums & backing vocals. Recorded and these musicians. As Pete says, they are lyric-based pop songs. engineered by Trevor Herk. Sensible, easy to listen to, with catchy melodies. The sound quality Bigwater have an online Blog at GC 18 | BeachLife
  • 19. beach life Okitu Store has just about everything THE GOOD OLD OKITu STORE – aka Seaquinns Ltd – might look shabby on the outside but it’s what’s on the inside that really counts! Built way back in the ‘50s the Okitu Store has serviced many people from all walks of life, has had many changes of ownership, and the normal ups and downs of the retail and fast food world, however the Okitu Store still stands as strong today as the foundations on which it is built. Maryanne Egan and Gary Quinn ditched their educational careers and stressful government influenced jobs and purchased the Okitu Store in December 2006, two years on they still consider it to be the best career choice they’ve both made and compliment each others strengths and weaknesses – making a great duo! IN ICE CREAM HEAVEN: Shop owners Maryanne Egan and Gary Quinn Maryanne is born and bred in Gisborne with affiliations to Ngati outside their Okitu Store – the place to be beside the sea. Kahungunu ki Wairoa, Rongomaiwahine, Whangara and Ngati Porou. some hot food or takeaways to eat under the pohutukawa trees or From a family of eight, one of her fondest childhood memories was on the grassed area. travelling all the way from Makaraka to the Okitu Store every Sunday Of course when there are no waves to surf you might want to try for an ice-cream treat. In summer they would your luck fishing with the variety of fish bait and fishing camp out at Tatapouri and Pouawa and come supplies available and ice to keep it chilled. And then to the store every second day for ice for the perhaps relax on the deck in the evenings watching chilly bin. the sunset with one of the many wines or ales on sale Her childhood dream was to one day own in hand. the Okitu Store so she could have ice-cream Parking is never a problem whether it be truck and whenever she wanted – while her dream has trailers, harvesters, motorhomes, motorbikes or horses come true she doesn’t eat as much ice-cream – we’ve seen and had them all with room to spare. anymore – even though they are still the While the hours maybe long, the winter mornings best ice-creams in town! In her spare time chilly and the summer days crazy – it’s all worth it. Maryanne runs the Coastguard Radio Watch The key to our success is good communication, from the shop, keeping a watchful ear and eye on those that love the being organised, great family support, efficient service, good staff, sea but may get into trouble and leads an active sporting role with teamwork, fresh and plentiful supplies. Plus a good rapport with her two daughters Kimberley and Karyn. suppliers, good old fashion manners and service with a smile. It’s Gary has lived in Wainui for over 18 years and is passionate also important to take time out and have quality family time to re- about surfing. So of course the Okitu Store offers everything in the energize. surfing line from surfboard and wetsuit rentals, leg ropes, surf wax, Where to from here – well watch this space as 2009 will see some surf combs, wax bombs, Surfer’s Skin sunscreen (as worn by Maz further development and more exciting things on offer! Quinn!), sometimes a quick surf lesson and in the holidays the young grommets may get the extra pleasure of bumping into Maz, Jay and OkITU STORE IS OPEN SEVEN DAYS: Holly when they come home and chill out with the family. Summer Hours: With their mutual passion being the sea Maryanne and Gary • Monday – Saturday 7.00am – 8.00pm have the prime location for a retail business that provides almost • Sunday 7.30am – 8.00pm everything. Where else can you get the beautiful beach straight Winter Hours: outside the front door, a new funky playground for the kids across • Monday – Saturday 7.00am – 7.00pm the road to play on, picnic tables to sit in the sun and eat ice- • Sunday 7.30am – 7.00pm creams, chat and relax with a magazine, a surfboard to hire and test Takeaways and hot food are available all day within shop out your skills straight across the road. All topped off with fresh hot opening hours. Phone orders welcome on 06 867 7013 . coffee and a locally-made pie to warm you up afterwards or maybe BeachLife | 19
  • 20. beach life DEMONS RULE: The mighty Wainui Demons Walker Realty football team won both the Poverty Bay Soccer 2nd Division Competition and then the 2nd Division Cup Knockout Round to complete an extremely successful 2008 season. Back Row: Hugh Higgins, Gary Smith, Clay Parker, Vince Ford, Steve Sutherland, Mike Evans, Jay Papworth, Warren Muir, Craig Scott, Andrew Reid, Brett Parker. Front Row: Richard Page, John Hill, Brent Strong, Karl Geiseler, Ben Drummond, Trev Williams, Adam Dawson, Aaron Welsh. Dion Williams (on ground). SCHOOL SUCCESS: The Wainui Beach School A Grade Soccer team won the Gisborne Primary School A Grade competition for only the third time since 1965 (last time was 1995). They were undefeated throughout the season with only one draw and scored 116 goals for and only 10 against. Back Row: Joel Robinson (Assistant Coach), Jonty Low, Isaiah Grace, Josh Meade, Jack Virtue, Charlie Scott, Rory Faulkner, Tewai Coulston, Cassidy Teaia, Josh Cook, Craig Scott (Coach). Front Row: Kosta Atsalis, Hamish Robinson, Jarram Brouwer, Rangi Mitchell, Layne Nalder. 20 | BeachLife
  • 21. THE GEnERATIon GAME beach life Wainui School kids get to try out a lot of IN THE LAST ISSuE of BeachLife we reported that Wainui School opened in 1964. Very quick outdoor activities and recently BeachLife on the phone was Jean Webster (pictured left) to correct that date to 1962. Mrs Webster, now dropped in on a skateboard coaching aged 89, was one of the three first day teachers way back then and Sandy Gibson (right) was session. Above: Jack Dixon-Smith gets into the groove. one of the first day pupils who was taught by Mrs Webster. When Sandy’s grand daughter Ella Sutherland started at Wainui School in September this year she became the third generation of the Gibson family to attend the school. Ella’s mum, and Sandy’s daughter, De-Arne Sutherland went to Wainui School from 1983. While there are other families who have this generational association with the school we thought it would be a nice way of acknowledging Mrs Webster’s alertness in correcting the actual date the school opened. Liesje Bartie rounds off the story as she first taught at the school in 1963, was De-Arne’s teacher in the early ‘80s and is this year teaching Ella. Mrs Webster came from Ilminster School where she was also a first day teacher with the new headmaster Lou Thompson and the third teacher Huri Callaghan. L ov E A n d M A R R I AG E Charlie Klavs may turn down dad’s offer of the builder’s apron and embark on a career as a professional skateboarder. PROuD DAD BOB RASBY made the trip up to Wellsford recently to be on hand to give away his daughter Saren Rasby on the occasion of her marriage to Daniel Heywood. The couple were married on the beach at Pakiri, north of Auckland. Brother Brent with wife Helena and baby Perle are also pictured. A good sized crew of Wainui friends went north for the wedding. Skateboard tutor Karn Payne gets Angus Hayward going off the ramp. BeachLife | 21
  • 22. beach babes Local graphic artist Rees Morley couldn’t have drawn up a better looking baby boy than mac morley, with no small part played in the design concept by Cathy. Mac arrived on Tuesday, October 14, weighing 9lb 2oz. Born Sunday, September 7 Tilly Lisla Lovelock was a perfect 81lb Fathers Day present for Jimmy from Georgina. Georgina owns Talking Heads salon and James is the former Tsunami Bar head chef, now operating his gardening and landscaping business, Lawn and Garden Services. Charlie Campbell Whitfield introduced himself to his parents Amy and David and sister Olivia on Halloween Night, Friday, October 31, weighing in at a Tigher Hill (4) is stoked to have a little brother, Ziggy hill, who arrived on strapping 11lb 3oz. Monday, June 26. His parents are John and Naome Hill and they live in Douglas Street. 22 | BeachLife