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P. Terry Phang, MD, R. Cheifetz, MD, C.J. Brown, MD, C.E. McGahan, MSc,
                                                        Manoj Raval, MD

                                                        Revisiting rectal cancer
                                                        management in British
                                                        A high local recurrence rate for rectal cancer has been reduced with
                                                        the help of new clinical practice guidelines.

                                                           n 1996 a high local recurrence rate     awareness among family doctors, out-

      ABSTRACT: An audit of data from
      1996 found a high rate of local recur-               for rectal cancer was identified in     comes analysis using data from pa-
      rence in patients treated for rectal                 an audit of outcomes for patients       tient follow-up, and provision of feed-
      cancer in British Columbia. The Col-              treated for rectal cancer in BC.1 Pelvic   back to participating specialists and
      orectal Surgical Tumour Group of the              recurrence at 4 years occurred in 16%      family physicians.
      Surgical Oncology Network of the BC               of rectal cancer patients for all stages
      Cancer Agency addressed the high                  and in 27% of Stage 3 patients. In con-    Step 1: Outcomes review
      rate of local recurrence with treat-              trast, local recurrence from colon can-    Our review of 1996 rectal cancer man-
      ment strategies of short-course pre-              cer is estimated at 5% to 10%.             agement in BC1 determined that only
      operative radiation and total meso-                   Factors contributing to a higher       about 10% of operative reports includ-
      rectal excision. Education sessions               rate of local recurrence after surgical    ed statements that the rectal cancer
      were given for surgeons, oncologists,             resection of rectal cancer than after      was resected with clear gross radial
      and pathologists. Initial outcomes                resection of colon cancer include more     margins and that all mesorectal lymph
      following implementation of this                  difficult surgical anatomy in the pelvis   nodes were removed in keeping with
      management plan indicate a reduc-                 compared with the abdomen, nonstan-        the tenants of oncological surgical
      tion in local recurrence in BC. Issues            dardized technique for resection of the    resection. Only about 50% of pathol-
      identified that require further im-               rectum, and poor adherence to inter-       ogy reports assessed whether radial
      provement include facilitation of pre-            national standards in the provision of     margins were histologically free of
      operative MRI staging and strategies              adjuvant radiotherapy.                     cancer. The mean number of lymph
      to decrease high positive resection                                                          nodes identified at pathology evalua-
      margin rates for distal third rectal              Management plan                            tion was 6 instead of 12, the minimum
      cancer location. This communica-                  Having recognized this significant         recommended for accurate staging.
      tion to the BC medical community                  problem for rectal cancer patients, the
      completes the feedback loop for this              Colorectal Surgical Tumour Group           All authors are members of the Colorectal
      quality improvement project using a               of the Surgical Oncology Network           Surgical Tumour Group of the Surgical
      multidisciplinary approach.                       (SON) of the BC Cancer Agency de-          Oncology Network of the BC Cancer
                                                        signed a management plan aimed at          Agency. Additionally, Dr Phang is an asso-
                                                        standardizing care across the province     ciate professor of surgery at the University
                                                        and reducing local recurrence. The         of British Columbia; Dr Cheifetz is an assis-
                                                        plan included an outcomes review           tant professor of surgery at UBC; Dr Brown
                                                        to define the problem, strategy devel-     is a clinical assistant professor of surgery at
                                                        opment to address the problem, an          UBC; Dr Raval is chair of the Colorectal Sur-
                                                        education program for specialists,         gical Tumour Group of the Surgical Oncolo-
                                                        implementation of the strategy includ-     gy Network and clinical assistant professor
      This article has been peer reviewed.              ing an information campaign to raise       of surgery at UBC.

Revisiting rectal cancer management in British Columbia

Adjuvant radiation was given to about
50% of eligible patients with Stages 2
                                              1. Diagnosis is made on biopsy obtained during sigmoidos-
and 3 disease.
                                                 copy or colonoscopy.
Step 2: Strategy development                  2. Preoperative clinical stage is determined by CT (abdomen,
After recognizing these management               pelvis) to assess distant spread (clinical stage M) and by
deficiencies, we recommended a new               MRI (pelvis) or endorectal ultrasound to assess local
surgical technique, total mesorectal
                                                 invasion (clinical Stage T and N, and predicted radial
excision (TME), for excision of the
                                                 resection margin).
rectal cancer and all mesorectal lymph
nodes within an intact mesorectal fas-        3. Preoperative radiation is indicated for clinical Stages 2
cial envelope.2 Local recurrence rates           and 3 (T3-4, N1-2).
at 10 years for curative resections using        a. Short-course preoperative radiation over 5 days is
TME were reported to be as low as                   recommended for mobile lesions with clear predicted
4%. A new protocol for preoperative
                                                    radial resection margins.
short-course radiation recommended
                                                 b.Long-course preoperative radiation (with concurrent
by Pahlman and colleagues in Sweden
reduced local recurrence to 11% from                chemotherapy) over 5 weeks is recommended for
27% after follow-up for a minimum                   clinically fixed lesions or for close/involved predicted
of 5 years.3 The combination of short-              radial resection margins in order to maximize tumor
course preoperative radiation and TME               shrinkage prior to surgery.
resulted in a 2-year local recurrence
                                              4. Postoperative adjuvant chemotherapy over 4 to 6 months
of 2.4% in a Dutch national trial.4 On
                                                 is given for clinical Stages 2 and 3 lesions.
the basis of this and other studies, the
clinical guidelines for rectal cancer            a. Postoperative adjuvant radiation is given for clinical
management in BC (see Figure ) were                 Stages 2 and 3 lesions if radiation is not given
changed to recommend short-course                   preoperatively.
preoperative radiation for Stages 2 and       5. Surveillance is recommended in Stages 2 and 3 patients
3 rectal cancers followed by surgical
                                                 for 5 years: office visits for rectal examination and
resection using TME. The guidelines
                                                 carcinogenic embryonic antigen testing every 3 to 4
also include preoperative clinical stag-
ing using CT, MRI, and endorectal                months for 3 years, then every 6 months for years 4 and 5;
ultrasound in order to recommend pre-            liver imaging (ultrasound or CT) every 6 to 12 months in
operative radiation where appropri-              the first 3 years, then annually for years 4 and 5; chest
ate. Guidelines for pathology report-            X-ray every 6 to 12 months; colonoscopy at year 1 and
ing include assessment of the radial             year 4, then every 5 years thereafter. Flexible sigmoidos-
resection margin and examination of              copy every 6 to 12 months should also be considered.
at least 12 lymph nodes. The recom-
mendations were not changed for long-
course preoperative chemoradiation           Figure. Clinical guidelines for rectal cancer management in BC.
for clinically fixed tumors and lesions     Adapted from BC Cancer Agency web site (
having predicted close resection mar-
gins or for adjuvant postoperative          care of patients with rectal cancer.            (neoadjuvant) and postoperative (ad-
chemotherapy for Stage 3 cancers.5          Held in 2002 and 2003, the education            juvant) setting, pelvic anatomy, the
                                            sessions consisted of lectures, live sur-       surgical technique of total mesorectal
Step 3: Education program                   gery with a video link to the audience,         excision,6 gross pathology of the resect-
To implement the new treatment strat-       and hands-on dissection of the pelvis           ed TME specimen, and standardized
egies, we designed an education pro-        in cadaver labs. Session topics includ-         operative reporting. A parallel course
gram for surgeons, pathologists, and        ed preoperative imaging, radiation,             of lectures and live demonstration was
radiation oncologists involved in the       and chemotherapy in the preoperative            held for pathologists, including TME

                                                                  VOL. 52 NO. 10, DECEMBER 2010 BC MEDICAL JOURNAL   511
Revisiting rectal cancer management in British Columbia

                                                                                                       Use of preoperative imaging mo-
      Use of preoperative imaging modalities                                                       dalities of MRI and endorectal ultra-
                                                                                                   sound continue to be limited because
      of MRI and endorectal ultrasound                                                             of resource limitations in BC and
      continue to be limited because of                                                            because radiologists have not yet
                                                                                                   adopted a standardized report form for
      resource limitations in BC and                                                               rectal cancer. BC Cancer Agency cen-
      because radiologists have not yet                                                            tres in Victoria, Vancouver, Surrey,
                                                                                                   Kelowna, and Abbotsford, and soon
      adopted a standardized report                                                                in Prince George, offer potential for
      form for rectal cancer.                                                                      creating rectal cancer care pathways
                                                                                                   to improve accessibility of MR scan-
                                                                                                   ning and radiation. The Colorectal
                                                                                                   Surgical Tumour Group of the Surgi-
                                                                                                   cal Oncology Network has preopera-
                                                                                                   tive MR imaging on its working agen-
      specimen processing, gross and mi-                for Stage 3 rectal cancers and from        da and invites radiologists to join the
      crosopic findings, and standardized               9.6% to 6.9% overall.14 Use of adju-       community of family physicians, sur-
      pathology reporting.7,8 World experts             vant radiation increased to 65%, most-     geons, oncologists, and pathologists
      from the UK, Sweden, the Nether-                  ly given preoperatively. Negative          as integral contributors to the care of
      lands, and the US were invited to teach           radial margins were achieved in 87%        rectal cancer patients.
      at the sessions. Favorable feedback               of cases. Pathology reporting showed           Technical problems with surgical
      from course participants regarding the            increased assessment of the radial         resection of rectal cancer persist in
      educational value of the sessions and             margin to 97% of cases and an aver-        BC. Positive radial margins for rectal
      tests of knowledge retention suggest-             age of 12 lymph nodes per case. These      cancer location in proximity to the
      ed good knowledge transfer.9                      improvements were statistically and        anal sphincter were recorded in 35%
                                                        clinically significant.                    of specimens with cancers in the
      Step 4: Implementation with                                                                  distal-third of the rectum (located less
      information campaign                              Step 6: Feedback                           than 5 cm from the anus).15 Also, the
      Our next step was to implement the                The final step of the quality improve-     rate of permanent colostomy for distal-
      treatment plan and to inform family               ment process involved providing feed-      third rectal cancer location was not
      doctors in BC of the new rectal cancer            back to participants. Ongoing reports      decreased after the education courses.
      management strategy. This informa-                were provided to BC surgeons at their      It seems reasonable to recommend
      tion was transmitted via the BC Med-              annual spring meeting (BC Surgical         that surgeons who operate for rectal
      ical Journal in a two-part theme issue            Society) and to oncologists at their       cancer less frequently should consid-
      in July-August and September of                   annual fall meeting (BC Cancer Agen-       er referral of difficult distal-third rec-
      2003.10-13                                        cy), as well as through the SON news-      tal cancers to subspecialist surgeons
                                                        letter. A rectal cancer education course   in higher-volume centres.16
      Step 5: Outcomes analysis                         update was held in 2008 that reported
      Data on patient outcomes were col-                on the final outcomes.                     Conclusions
      lected and analyzed by the Colorectal                 Feedback to family doctors in BC       Quality improvement in rectal cancer
      Surgical Tumour Group of the SON.                 will continue to be provided through       treatment will ideally continue in cy-
      We audited patients treated with cura-            the BC Medical Journal.                    cles of assessment, strategy, and execu-
      tive-intent major resection of their                                                         tion. We have identified improvements
      rectal cancer in the year after the edu-          Further improvements                       needed in the care of rectal cancer
      cation courses. This group of patients            needed                                     patients and hope to use the recently
      was compared with patients treated in             As with many quality improvement           developed cancer surgeon network to
      our initial study. The main finding of            projects, important aspects of care        promote these. With a multidisciplinary
      this audit was a decrease in 2-year               requiring further attention have been      approach to care, physicians and sur-
      pelvic recurrence from 18.2% to 9.2%              identified.                                geons continue seeking to improve

Revisiting rectal cancer management in British Columbia

patient outcomes. However, limita-
tions in resources and geography pose
challenges for quality improvement in
our large province. Patient awareness,                                         Surgeons who operate for rectal
education, and advocacy will be im-
                                                                                  cancer less frequently should
portant drivers in the quest to beat col-
orectal cancer in British Columbia.                                          consider referral of difficult distal-
                                                                           third rectal cancers to subspecialist
Competing interests
None declared.                                                              surgeons in higher-volume centres.

1. Phang PT, MacFarlane J, Taylor RH, et al.
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   tumour distance from anus on rectal can-
   cer treatment outcomes. Am J Surg
   2002;183:504-508.                            7. Quirke P, Durdey P, Dixon MF, et al. Local          operative rectal cancer imaging. BCMJ
2. Heald RJ, Moran BJ, Ryall RDH, et al.            recurrence of rectal adenocarcinoma due            2003;45:259-261.
   Rectal cancer: The Basingstoke experi-           to inadequate surgical resection. Histo-       12. Phang PT, Law J, Toy E, et al. Pathology
   ence of total mesorectal excision, 1978-         pathological study of lateral tumour               audit of 1996 and 2000 reporting for rec-
   1997. Arch Surg 1998;133:894-899.                spread and surgical excision. Lancet               tal cancer in BC. BCMJ 2003;45:319-323.
3. Pahlman L, Glimelius B, and the Swedish          1986;2(8514):996-999.                          13. Phang PT, Strack T, Poole B. Proposal to
   Rectal Cancer Trial investigators. Improv-   8. Nagtegaal ID, van de Velde CJ, van der              improve rectal cancer outcomes in BC.
   ed survival with preoperative radiothera-        Worp E, et al.; Cooperative Clinical Inves-        BCMJ 2003;45:330-335.
   py in resectable rectal cancer. N Engl J         tigators of the Dutch Colorectal Cancer        14. Phang PT, McGahan CE, McGregor G, et
   Med 1997;336:980-987.                            Group. Macroscopic evaluation of rectal            al. Effects of change in rectal cancer man-
4. Kapiteijn E, Marijnen CA, Nagtegaal ID,          cancer resection specimen: Clinical sig-           agement on outcomes in British Colum-
   et al.; Dutch Colorectal Cancer Group.           nificance of the pathologist in quality con-       bia. Can J Surg 2010;53:225-231.
   Preoperative radiotherapy combined with          trol. J Clin Oncol 2002;20:1729-1734.          15. Phang PT, Kennecke H, McGahan CE, et
   total mesorectal excision for respectable    9. Cheifetz R, Phang PT. Evaluating learning           al. Predictors of positive radial margin sta-
   rectal cancer. N Engl J Med 2001;234:            and knowledge retention after a continu-           tus in a population-based cohort of pa-
   638-646.                                         ing medical education course on total              tients with rectal cancer. Curr Oncol
5. BC Cancer Agency. Management guide-              mesorectal excision for surgeons. Am J             2008;15:1-6.
   lines for rectal cancer. www.bccancer.bc         Surg 2006;191:687-690.                         16. Martling AL, Holm T, Rutqvist LE, et al.
   .ca/HPI/CancerManagementGuidelines/          10. Phang PT, MacFarlane J, Taylor RH, et al.          Effect of a surgical training programme
   Gastrointestinal/06.Rectum/Manage                Practice patterns and appropriateness of           on outcome of rectal cancer in the Coun-
   ment (accessed 8 October 2010).                  care for rectal cancer management in BC.           ty of Stockholm. Lancet 2000;356(9224):
6. Phang PT. Total mesorectal excision: Tech-       BCMJ 2003;45:324-329.                              93-96.
   nical aspects. Can J Surg 2004;47:130-137.   11. Malfair D, Brown JA, Phang PT. Pre-

                                                                        VOL. 52 NO. 10, DECEMBER 2010 BC MEDICAL JOURNAL         513

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British Columbia Medical Journal, December 2010 - Revisiting rectal cancer management in British Columbia

  • 1. P. Terry Phang, MD, R. Cheifetz, MD, C.J. Brown, MD, C.E. McGahan, MSc, Manoj Raval, MD Revisiting rectal cancer management in British Columbia A high local recurrence rate for rectal cancer has been reduced with the help of new clinical practice guidelines. n 1996 a high local recurrence rate awareness among family doctors, out- I ABSTRACT: An audit of data from 1996 found a high rate of local recur- for rectal cancer was identified in comes analysis using data from pa- rence in patients treated for rectal an audit of outcomes for patients tient follow-up, and provision of feed- cancer in British Columbia. The Col- treated for rectal cancer in BC.1 Pelvic back to participating specialists and orectal Surgical Tumour Group of the recurrence at 4 years occurred in 16% family physicians. Surgical Oncology Network of the BC of rectal cancer patients for all stages Cancer Agency addressed the high and in 27% of Stage 3 patients. In con- Step 1: Outcomes review rate of local recurrence with treat- trast, local recurrence from colon can- Our review of 1996 rectal cancer man- ment strategies of short-course pre- cer is estimated at 5% to 10%. agement in BC1 determined that only operative radiation and total meso- Factors contributing to a higher about 10% of operative reports includ- rectal excision. Education sessions rate of local recurrence after surgical ed statements that the rectal cancer were given for surgeons, oncologists, resection of rectal cancer than after was resected with clear gross radial and pathologists. Initial outcomes resection of colon cancer include more margins and that all mesorectal lymph following implementation of this difficult surgical anatomy in the pelvis nodes were removed in keeping with management plan indicate a reduc- compared with the abdomen, nonstan- the tenants of oncological surgical tion in local recurrence in BC. Issues dardized technique for resection of the resection. Only about 50% of pathol- identified that require further im- rectum, and poor adherence to inter- ogy reports assessed whether radial provement include facilitation of pre- national standards in the provision of margins were histologically free of operative MRI staging and strategies adjuvant radiotherapy. cancer. The mean number of lymph to decrease high positive resection nodes identified at pathology evalua- margin rates for distal third rectal Management plan tion was 6 instead of 12, the minimum cancer location. This communica- Having recognized this significant recommended for accurate staging. tion to the BC medical community problem for rectal cancer patients, the completes the feedback loop for this Colorectal Surgical Tumour Group All authors are members of the Colorectal quality improvement project using a of the Surgical Oncology Network Surgical Tumour Group of the Surgical multidisciplinary approach. (SON) of the BC Cancer Agency de- Oncology Network of the BC Cancer signed a management plan aimed at Agency. Additionally, Dr Phang is an asso- standardizing care across the province ciate professor of surgery at the University and reducing local recurrence. The of British Columbia; Dr Cheifetz is an assis- plan included an outcomes review tant professor of surgery at UBC; Dr Brown to define the problem, strategy devel- is a clinical assistant professor of surgery at opment to address the problem, an UBC; Dr Raval is chair of the Colorectal Sur- education program for specialists, gical Tumour Group of the Surgical Oncolo- implementation of the strategy includ- gy Network and clinical assistant professor This article has been peer reviewed. ing an information campaign to raise of surgery at UBC. 510 BC MEDICAL JOURNAL VOL. 52 NO. 10, DECEMBER 2010
  • 2. Revisiting rectal cancer management in British Columbia Adjuvant radiation was given to about 50% of eligible patients with Stages 2 1. Diagnosis is made on biopsy obtained during sigmoidos- and 3 disease. copy or colonoscopy. Step 2: Strategy development 2. Preoperative clinical stage is determined by CT (abdomen, After recognizing these management pelvis) to assess distant spread (clinical stage M) and by deficiencies, we recommended a new MRI (pelvis) or endorectal ultrasound to assess local surgical technique, total mesorectal invasion (clinical Stage T and N, and predicted radial excision (TME), for excision of the resection margin). rectal cancer and all mesorectal lymph nodes within an intact mesorectal fas- 3. Preoperative radiation is indicated for clinical Stages 2 cial envelope.2 Local recurrence rates and 3 (T3-4, N1-2). at 10 years for curative resections using a. Short-course preoperative radiation over 5 days is TME were reported to be as low as recommended for mobile lesions with clear predicted 4%. A new protocol for preoperative radial resection margins. short-course radiation recommended b.Long-course preoperative radiation (with concurrent by Pahlman and colleagues in Sweden reduced local recurrence to 11% from chemotherapy) over 5 weeks is recommended for 27% after follow-up for a minimum clinically fixed lesions or for close/involved predicted of 5 years.3 The combination of short- radial resection margins in order to maximize tumor course preoperative radiation and TME shrinkage prior to surgery. resulted in a 2-year local recurrence 4. Postoperative adjuvant chemotherapy over 4 to 6 months of 2.4% in a Dutch national trial.4 On is given for clinical Stages 2 and 3 lesions. the basis of this and other studies, the clinical guidelines for rectal cancer a. Postoperative adjuvant radiation is given for clinical management in BC (see Figure ) were Stages 2 and 3 lesions if radiation is not given changed to recommend short-course preoperatively. preoperative radiation for Stages 2 and 5. Surveillance is recommended in Stages 2 and 3 patients 3 rectal cancers followed by surgical for 5 years: office visits for rectal examination and resection using TME. The guidelines carcinogenic embryonic antigen testing every 3 to 4 also include preoperative clinical stag- ing using CT, MRI, and endorectal months for 3 years, then every 6 months for years 4 and 5; ultrasound in order to recommend pre- liver imaging (ultrasound or CT) every 6 to 12 months in operative radiation where appropri- the first 3 years, then annually for years 4 and 5; chest ate. Guidelines for pathology report- X-ray every 6 to 12 months; colonoscopy at year 1 and ing include assessment of the radial year 4, then every 5 years thereafter. Flexible sigmoidos- resection margin and examination of copy every 6 to 12 months should also be considered. at least 12 lymph nodes. The recom- mendations were not changed for long- course preoperative chemoradiation Figure. Clinical guidelines for rectal cancer management in BC. for clinically fixed tumors and lesions Adapted from BC Cancer Agency web site ( having predicted close resection mar- gins or for adjuvant postoperative care of patients with rectal cancer. (neoadjuvant) and postoperative (ad- chemotherapy for Stage 3 cancers.5 Held in 2002 and 2003, the education juvant) setting, pelvic anatomy, the sessions consisted of lectures, live sur- surgical technique of total mesorectal Step 3: Education program gery with a video link to the audience, excision,6 gross pathology of the resect- To implement the new treatment strat- and hands-on dissection of the pelvis ed TME specimen, and standardized egies, we designed an education pro- in cadaver labs. Session topics includ- operative reporting. A parallel course gram for surgeons, pathologists, and ed preoperative imaging, radiation, of lectures and live demonstration was radiation oncologists involved in the and chemotherapy in the preoperative held for pathologists, including TME VOL. 52 NO. 10, DECEMBER 2010 BC MEDICAL JOURNAL 511
  • 3. Revisiting rectal cancer management in British Columbia Use of preoperative imaging mo- Use of preoperative imaging modalities dalities of MRI and endorectal ultra- sound continue to be limited because of MRI and endorectal ultrasound of resource limitations in BC and continue to be limited because of because radiologists have not yet adopted a standardized report form for resource limitations in BC and rectal cancer. BC Cancer Agency cen- because radiologists have not yet tres in Victoria, Vancouver, Surrey, Kelowna, and Abbotsford, and soon adopted a standardized report in Prince George, offer potential for form for rectal cancer. creating rectal cancer care pathways to improve accessibility of MR scan- ning and radiation. The Colorectal Surgical Tumour Group of the Surgi- cal Oncology Network has preopera- tive MR imaging on its working agen- specimen processing, gross and mi- for Stage 3 rectal cancers and from da and invites radiologists to join the crosopic findings, and standardized 9.6% to 6.9% overall.14 Use of adju- community of family physicians, sur- pathology reporting.7,8 World experts vant radiation increased to 65%, most- geons, oncologists, and pathologists from the UK, Sweden, the Nether- ly given preoperatively. Negative as integral contributors to the care of lands, and the US were invited to teach radial margins were achieved in 87% rectal cancer patients. at the sessions. Favorable feedback of cases. Pathology reporting showed Technical problems with surgical from course participants regarding the increased assessment of the radial resection of rectal cancer persist in educational value of the sessions and margin to 97% of cases and an aver- BC. Positive radial margins for rectal tests of knowledge retention suggest- age of 12 lymph nodes per case. These cancer location in proximity to the ed good knowledge transfer.9 improvements were statistically and anal sphincter were recorded in 35% clinically significant. of specimens with cancers in the Step 4: Implementation with distal-third of the rectum (located less information campaign Step 6: Feedback than 5 cm from the anus).15 Also, the Our next step was to implement the The final step of the quality improve- rate of permanent colostomy for distal- treatment plan and to inform family ment process involved providing feed- third rectal cancer location was not doctors in BC of the new rectal cancer back to participants. Ongoing reports decreased after the education courses. management strategy. This informa- were provided to BC surgeons at their It seems reasonable to recommend tion was transmitted via the BC Med- annual spring meeting (BC Surgical that surgeons who operate for rectal ical Journal in a two-part theme issue Society) and to oncologists at their cancer less frequently should consid- in July-August and September of annual fall meeting (BC Cancer Agen- er referral of difficult distal-third rec- 2003.10-13 cy), as well as through the SON news- tal cancers to subspecialist surgeons letter. A rectal cancer education course in higher-volume centres.16 Step 5: Outcomes analysis update was held in 2008 that reported Data on patient outcomes were col- on the final outcomes. Conclusions lected and analyzed by the Colorectal Feedback to family doctors in BC Quality improvement in rectal cancer Surgical Tumour Group of the SON. will continue to be provided through treatment will ideally continue in cy- We audited patients treated with cura- the BC Medical Journal. cles of assessment, strategy, and execu- tive-intent major resection of their tion. We have identified improvements rectal cancer in the year after the edu- Further improvements needed in the care of rectal cancer cation courses. This group of patients needed patients and hope to use the recently was compared with patients treated in As with many quality improvement developed cancer surgeon network to our initial study. The main finding of projects, important aspects of care promote these. With a multidisciplinary this audit was a decrease in 2-year requiring further attention have been approach to care, physicians and sur- pelvic recurrence from 18.2% to 9.2% identified. geons continue seeking to improve 512 BC MEDICAL JOURNAL VOL. 52 NO. 10, DECEMBER 2010
  • 4. Revisiting rectal cancer management in British Columbia patient outcomes. However, limita- tions in resources and geography pose challenges for quality improvement in our large province. Patient awareness, Surgeons who operate for rectal education, and advocacy will be im- cancer less frequently should portant drivers in the quest to beat col- orectal cancer in British Columbia. consider referral of difficult distal- third rectal cancers to subspecialist Competing interests None declared. surgeons in higher-volume centres. References 1. Phang PT, MacFarlane J, Taylor RH, et al. Effects of positive resection margin and tumour distance from anus on rectal can- cer treatment outcomes. Am J Surg 2002;183:504-508. 7. Quirke P, Durdey P, Dixon MF, et al. Local operative rectal cancer imaging. BCMJ 2. Heald RJ, Moran BJ, Ryall RDH, et al. recurrence of rectal adenocarcinoma due 2003;45:259-261. Rectal cancer: The Basingstoke experi- to inadequate surgical resection. Histo- 12. Phang PT, Law J, Toy E, et al. Pathology ence of total mesorectal excision, 1978- pathological study of lateral tumour audit of 1996 and 2000 reporting for rec- 1997. Arch Surg 1998;133:894-899. spread and surgical excision. Lancet tal cancer in BC. BCMJ 2003;45:319-323. 3. Pahlman L, Glimelius B, and the Swedish 1986;2(8514):996-999. 13. Phang PT, Strack T, Poole B. Proposal to Rectal Cancer Trial investigators. Improv- 8. Nagtegaal ID, van de Velde CJ, van der improve rectal cancer outcomes in BC. ed survival with preoperative radiothera- Worp E, et al.; Cooperative Clinical Inves- BCMJ 2003;45:330-335. py in resectable rectal cancer. N Engl J tigators of the Dutch Colorectal Cancer 14. Phang PT, McGahan CE, McGregor G, et Med 1997;336:980-987. Group. Macroscopic evaluation of rectal al. Effects of change in rectal cancer man- 4. Kapiteijn E, Marijnen CA, Nagtegaal ID, cancer resection specimen: Clinical sig- agement on outcomes in British Colum- et al.; Dutch Colorectal Cancer Group. nificance of the pathologist in quality con- bia. Can J Surg 2010;53:225-231. Preoperative radiotherapy combined with trol. J Clin Oncol 2002;20:1729-1734. 15. Phang PT, Kennecke H, McGahan CE, et total mesorectal excision for respectable 9. Cheifetz R, Phang PT. Evaluating learning al. Predictors of positive radial margin sta- rectal cancer. N Engl J Med 2001;234: and knowledge retention after a continu- tus in a population-based cohort of pa- 638-646. ing medical education course on total tients with rectal cancer. Curr Oncol 5. BC Cancer Agency. Management guide- mesorectal excision for surgeons. Am J 2008;15:1-6. lines for rectal cancer. www.bccancer.bc Surg 2006;191:687-690. 16. Martling AL, Holm T, Rutqvist LE, et al. .ca/HPI/CancerManagementGuidelines/ 10. Phang PT, MacFarlane J, Taylor RH, et al. Effect of a surgical training programme Gastrointestinal/06.Rectum/Manage Practice patterns and appropriateness of on outcome of rectal cancer in the Coun- ment (accessed 8 October 2010). care for rectal cancer management in BC. ty of Stockholm. Lancet 2000;356(9224): 6. Phang PT. Total mesorectal excision: Tech- BCMJ 2003;45:324-329. 93-96. nical aspects. Can J Surg 2004;47:130-137. 11. Malfair D, Brown JA, Phang PT. Pre- VOL. 52 NO. 10, DECEMBER 2010 BC MEDICAL JOURNAL 513