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Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 3
A Little Milk Run™ History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 4
The New Milk Run™ 2004 — Obstacle Course . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pages 5–13
Charity and Fundraising Component . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pages 14–15
The New Milk Run™ 2004 — The Video Awards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pages 16–18
Prizing and Incentives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pages 19–20
Day of Event Execution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 21
Promotional Media Relations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pages 22–27
About BC Dairy Foundation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 28
Milk Run™ 2004 Contact Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 29
Appendix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pages 30–31
The Video Awards Entry Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pages 32–33
BC Dairy Foundation and BC School Sports would
like to welcome you and your school back to the
26th year of the Milk Run. Our goal is to make this
season the most successful yet and we could not
do it without YOU!
After 25 years of promoting school spirit and
physical activity and raising over $790,000 for
local charities all over British Columbia,
BC School Sports and BC Dairy Foundation have
a NEW challenge for schools out there –
The Ultimate Challenge!
It is with great excitement that we introduce the
new and improved Milk Run™ 2004: The Ultimate
Challenge. This event will deliver the traditional
message of “get out and get active,” and will
become a province-wide platform for your school
to showcase school spirit, and raise money for
your school or local charity. PLUS this year, run,
jump or crawl away with amazing prizes!
This kit will walk you through the steps to help you
make your school’s Milk Run event the most
successful ever.
The Milk Run originated in 1979 as part of the first
Canadian School Sport Week. BC Dairy Foundation
and BC School Sports have been proud organizers
of this event, which promotes an active lifestyle
while being a successful charitable fundraiser for
the past 25 years.
Many memorable experiences and stories have
developed at this annual event among students,
staff and administration alike. Schools right across
the province and over 2.8 million students have
participated in the Milk Run to date.
How is this year’s Milk Run
This past fall, BC Dairy Foundation and BC School
Sports got together with students and teachers
from a variety of schools and found a more exciting
way for everyone to participate in the Milk Run.
With help from students, teachers and our
Milk Run Coordinator – your school will build an
obstacle course from available PE and athletic
equipment. Indoors or outdoors, large or small,
tough or tougher – our challenge to you is to get
as many students through The Ultimate Challenge
and to raise as much money as you can!
As well, this year – we’re introducing the Milk
Run™ Video Awards. Showcase your school spirit
or wacky antics and your school could walk away
with some amazing prizes! Challenge your friends,
teachers or other schools.
This year we celebrate, Milk Run 2004: The
Ultimate Challenge, on Wednesday April 21, 2004.
Our Program Coordinator will be following up with
your school once you have read through this kit. If
you have any questions, concerns or feedback feel
free to call. Please refer to our contact information
at the back of this kit.
To fight the decline in fund-raising dollars, we’ve
created an event that we think will get students
hyped about the Milk Run again. The Ultimate
Obstacle Course is your school’s alternative to the
traditional 3km run. You can run the 3km course if
you want, but we think the Ultimate Obstacle
Course will get more students moving.
This course is yours to design. The focus should be
on utilizing as many school resources as possible.
By using pre-existing PE Equipment and your
school’s outdoor and indoor facilities there are
plenty of potential courses that can be put together.
You can measure the length of your course and
dedicate the number of laps it would take to
complete 3 km or you may time your event. For
example, your school has 1 hour to complete a
certain number of laps that equals 3 km’s.
On April 21st once you have created your course
and are ready, safety will be of the utmost
importance. Teachers, volunteers and those not
able to participate will play an important role in
maintaining safety throughout the course.
Position volunteers and/or teachers at different
points throughout the course. Ensure that all the
volunteers and teachers are aware of your
school’s emergency response system and are
aware of the first-aid kits on site. Ensure students
wear proper physical fitness attire for the event.
For example, running shoes, shorts, etc.
Ensure that at least one teacher on site is trained
in first-aid to respond to any emergencies.
We encourage you to get all the students in your
school involved with the Ultimate Challenge. That
includes students who find physical activity more
challenging. For students who require special
assistance we have a few suggestions to help get
everyone involved:
Create a buddy system where students who need
assistance can pair up with a fellow student to aid
with the portions they find challenging.
Create a section or portion of the course dedicated
for those who need some extra support or time to
Create alternative options to certain sections of the
course and determine other means of executing
them for those who may find that obstacle a little
more challenging. For example, if you have a
“Jump Tire” section where students need to jump
and leap between the tires on the course and you
have a student who is in a wheelchair, deem that
section a “Weaving” section for them and make
them weave in and out between the tires in their
As weather can sometimes be a concern in
mid-April we recommend that your school have
a contingency plan to have the obstacle course
indoors. As the school coordinator, you should
reserve the gym for the 21st to be sure that it is
available if weather does not cooperate.
Recommended Materials
and Supplies to Utilize:
The list below represents some of the inventory and facilities you
may find in your school’s Athletics Department. Use any of the
resources available at your school to build the best Ultimate
Challenge Obstacle Course.
■ Running tracks
■ Climbing walls
■ Tennis courts
■ Balance beams
■ Permanent track & field stations
(long jump pits, etc.)
■ Playground equipment (swings,
teeter-totters, monkey bars)
■ Jump ropes
■ Hula-hoops
■ Beanbags
■ Medicine balls
■ Basketballs
■ Soccer balls
■ Soft balls
■ Lacrosse sticks
■ Hockey sticks
■ Badminton rackets
■ Tennis rackets
■ Nets (portable)
■ Parachute material
■ Rope
■ Field-hockey sticks
■ Baseball gloves
■ Mats
■ High jump apparatus
■ Cones
■ Indoor set-up – jungle gym
■ Number of available gymnasiums
■ Climbing ropes
■ Basketball hoops
■ Volleyball nets
If your school does not have this equipment we suggest using whatever resources your school DOES have.
Students could bring items from home or you could approach a local community centre to supply some
material for the day. Be creative!
Who Should Execute
and Who Should Help?
First, we want teachers AND students to get
involved in the Obstacle Course Design Process.
Encourage students to submit ideas for course
designs and concepts to the school’s Milk Run
Coordinator(s). The PE Department, through their
Leadership classes or individual PE classes, could
test and build the courses to determine what is
and what is not feasible for your school.
Depending on the size and organization of your
school, the execution and set up of the Milk Run
Obstacle Course could be done by the Athletics
Department’s Leadership Class or the
department’s teachers.
Milk Run Coordinators (Leadership Class, PE
Teachers, grades 11 and 12s)
Teachers, Administration and Parent Volunteers
to oversee the course
Teacher or Student Assistants should keep track
of the number of laps being conducted and are
responsible for getting students through the course.
These are only examples of some potential
organizational structures. Each school should find
what works best for them. It is up to individual
schools to delegate roles and responsibilities
as they see fit.
Get the Whole School Involved!
This year’s new and improved Milk Run was
developed not only to get more students physically
active but also to create a platform to get schools,
clubs, teams and councils involved. It’s not
everyday that students get to see the hard work
that goes into a school’s activities. Here are some
suggestions to get the whole school involved:
The day of the run get the school pumped with a
pre-challenge warm-up before participants start
the course. Get those students who are into fitness
involved to lead the stretch.
Music is a great way to grab participant’s attention
and get them into the spirit of the event. Bring out
your school’s music department to play during the
event OR ask a student to MC or DJ the event. Play
funky, fun, CD’s on your school’s sound system.
Have your athletic teams break out their uniforms
and represent! This is an excellent opportunity to
create challenges. For example, boys basketball
VS girls basketball – who can get through the
Ultimate Challenge the fastest? – or who can raise
the most amount of money?
A picture or video is worth a thousand words (or
amazing prizes – see section 3. (B). The yearbook
committee should be out in full force documenting
your schools first Ultimate Challenge!
Get the school newspaper involved from the start.
They could help in promoting the event before it
takes place, creating discussions about the new
program and its benefits to their school life and
the community.
Promotional Materials
BC Dairy Foundation and BC School Sports will be sending all registered schools some pre-promotional
materials. These materials are to help promote the event beforehand.
Posters will be sent to each school. These posters will be informative tools to advertise and remind
students and teachers of the Milk Run date and most importantly summarize the who, what, where,
why and when.
Banners are visual tools that give life to an event.
They can be placed at the beginning or end of your
Obstacle Course – in assembly halls to promote or
even outside your school to let the world know
what’s going on.
Milk Promotional Materials and Premiums will
be sent to registered schools. Items such as
inflatable cows, milk branded towels and other
goodies can be used as prizes or as tools to
add to the look and feel of the event. These
items are perfect to use when creating your
Obstacle Course. For example, ride the
inflatable cows through cones while
twirling a BC Dairy foundation hand towel.
The most successful events are those that are
properly promoted. It’s our view that the BEST tools
for promotion are the internal channels that
already exist in your school. Here are some options
to consider when determining how to keep
students ‘in the loop’ about this year’s Milk Run.
PA announcements are a great communication
tool to reach the entire school at one time. Create
a simple script – add some background music and
get the students excited!
Newsletters are a good way to communicate.
These can be sent to students and teachers or can
even be sent home to parents. Have your school
newspaper or Journalism class put one together.
Discussions between teachers and students and
friends are a great way to get the ‘buzz’ going.
Create discussions in Home Room classes where
the groups can brainstorm course designs, charity
options, and/or potential fundraising mechanisms
for the event. (See Charity and Fundraising
Component, pages 14–15)
School Bulletin Boards are a great way to make
the 2004 Milk Run information available to both
students and staff. Use them to place posters, post
comments, and/or post volunteer or coordination
sign-up sheets.
PA Announcement
Suggested script for your daily PA Announcements
promoting this year’s Milk Run™ 2004: The Ultimate
“Hey – we’ve got some BREAKING NEWS so we
need you’re undivided attention! (MUSIC)
This year our school has decided to take the
ULTIMATE CHALLENGE. There’s a brand new Milk
Run this time around and schools right across the
province are takin’ it outside to create the craziest
obstacle courses.
The school with the funkiest course could walk
away with over $10,000 in prizing and be crowned
this year’s ULTIMATE SCHOOL. You might even win
a pair of running shoes for every participant.
BC Dairy Foundation and BC School Sports are
introducing us to the new generation, Milk Run
2004: The Ultimate Challenge.
Milk Run 2004: The Ultimate Challenge drops
April 21st 2004. See _________________________
for the 411 or to get involved.”
(Typically a Leadership Class, Student Council or
Athletic Department
For over 25 years the Milk Run has been raising
money for disabled and ill children in BC.
Over the past few years, the fundraising efforts
and donations have decreased drastically.
This year’s revitalized Milk Run program offers new
opportunities to get the fundraising initiatives back
on track.
This year we encourage the Student Council
and/or school leadership class(es) to take on a
larger role in fundraising. We would like to see
these groups design fun ways of raising money in
their schools, but more importantly we’d like to see
these groups decide where the money goes.
These student groups can utilize the Milk Run to
fund-raise for internal school needs or donate to a
local charity.
Please refer to the attached PR and Media
relations section in this kit for further guidance and
assistance in leveraging your community and
media in your fund-raising efforts. (See
Promotional Media Relations, pages 22–27)
You Raise – You Choose
Charitable donations are an important aspect of
the traditional Milk Run. Some schools in our
province though, need a little support of their own.
This year your school can either raise funds for a
province-wide charity, for an organization within
your community or funds can go to things that your
school needs – such as athletic equipment, new
team uniforms or graduation.
Administration Fund Approval
Money raised for internal school needs must first
be approved by your school’s administration.
Follow up with the head of your administration for
your school’s fund approval process.
Below are some examples of possible fundraising
mechanisms. Remember, these funds can be used
internally or given to charity.
■ ‘Milk Included’ Bake Sale: Have students and
teachers bring healthy baked goods for sale at
lunch hour. The key ingredient must be MILK!
This should be a week-long noon hour sale and
each grade can be responsible for a day of the
■ Lunch Hour or After School Intramurals:
students bring a buck or two or three and they
can use the gym facilities as they choose during
lunch hour or after school! Basketball, floor
hockey or set up their Obstacles Course early
and practice up for April 21st, 2004!!
■ Student VS Teacher Showdown: Get your
school sports teams (basketball, volleyball,
soccer etc.) to challenge teachers! Noon hour
games, all students and teachers welcome and
must pay loonie or toonie to watch. Use PA
announcements to promote it.
■ Community Dance: Approach a local
community centre or your own school to hold
a School Dance. Everyone pitches in, brings
music, decorations or whatever else is handy.
Attendees pay a cover charge.
■ Recycling: Get out in your community and
collect recycled cans or bottles and of course
milk jugs. This could be a grade by grade
■ Car Wash: If weather permits – grab your
hoses, suds and scrubbers and head to a local
community center or gas station. Great way to
get active, showcase your school spirit and
raise proceeds.
We suggest getting in touch with your local
community centres and using their facilities if
need be.
*We suggest making the entire week prior to the
Milk Run (or month), a time to fundraise. This will
give students ample time to bring donations, allow
more time to raise AND gives you an advantage
to WIN our ‘Top Fundraising School’ prize! (See
section 4).
Past Milk Run™ Causes
For the past 25 years, the Milk Run has raised
close to $800,000 in cash donations. The following
are some provincial charities proceeds have been
donated to:
■ Disabled Skiers Association of BC for the
program, “Reaching out: Connecting with
Disabled Children in BC”
■ Sport Ability (CP Sports) – Summer Sports
Camp Program
■ BC Wheelchair Basketball – Junior Provincial
■ BC Blind Sports/CNIB – Bowen Island
Summer Camp
In 2004, we want to up the fundraising ante.
BC Dairy Foundation has created some incentives
to get schools to increase fundraising efforts.
As part of the prizing and incentive structure,
BC Dairy Foundation has committed to match the
fundraising efforts of the school that raises the
most amount of money for their charity of choice
up to a maximum of $750 cash. (See Prizing and
Incentives, pages 19–20)
One of the most exciting new features of this
season’s Milk Run is the introduction of the 2004
Milk Run™ Video Awards. The Awards are set up
to get your school’s creative juices flowing while
showcasing your school spirit and desire to be #1!
The video contest is directly integrated into Milk
Run 2004: The Ultimate Challenge and is a platform
for students to create and direct a video that best
demonstrates their school’s spirit, dedication to the
Milk Run, its athleticism and its all out craziness!
Not only is your Challenge to make the most
visually stunning video, documenting the days
events, but be creative and unique in your
production, as you will compete against schools
from across BC! One winner will be chosen from
each of the seven zones. The winner from each
of those zones, and 3 Wild Card entries, will then
go on to be judged both by students and finally a
panel of celebrity judges! The selected winning
school will run away with a $10,000 Shopping
Spree from Wilson Team Sports for your school,
SCHOOL! (See Prizing and Incentives, pages 19–20)
What Are We Looking For?
There are some specific criteria we will be
looking for that you should include when producing
your video.
Milk: Since this is the Milk Run, we’d like to see
your most creative usage of milk, and/or anything
associated with milk on screen! Be creative.
Spirit: We want to see your school at its prime.
Create cheers, showcase your school colors, do
whatever it takes to set your school apart from 200
other schools chasing the same dream.
Athleticism: The traditional message of, get out
and get active, still holds strong in the Ultimate
Challenge and we want to see your school sweat!
Editing: We expect videos to be as slick and
professional as they can be. The production of the
video has as much weight in the judging process
as content. Make sure to get your New Media
Department involved.
Judging Process
Schools who submit videos will go through a two-
step judging process. One winner will be selected
from each of the school zones. The Grand Prize
winner will be chosen through an online voting
The process:
■ Submit videos to Milk Run Coordinator
■ Top 10 Videos chosen by a panel of judges
■ Students view all videos and determine their
favourite entry
■ Students will have the opportunity to view Top
10 Videos and vote online
■ Top Video selected as the 2004 MILK RUN™
■ Winning School wins grand prize and the
chance to win shoes for their entire school!
(See Prizing and Incentives, pages 19–20)
How to Submit Your Entries?
Once your school has created their video they
must submit it on time and to the right location. All
videotapes MUST be submitted by May 12th, 2004
(see Video Component check-list). They can be
forwarded to:
Brad Baumann
MILK RUN 2004, Program Coordinator
Suite 1600
777 Hornby Street
Vancouver, BC
V6Z 2T3
Video can be sent in a variety of formats:
■ VHS Video Tape
■ MPG (Digital)
■ Mini-DVD
Photo entries will also be accepted for other Prize
Categories (please let Program Coordinator know if
you will be making submissions by photos)
Video Production 101
Here is a list of web-sites students may wish to
refer to should they need some help with the video
production. They contain tips and tutorials.
■ http://csmp.ucoPEdu/tcap/nbpts/
Who Can Get Involved?
Anyone from the participating school can help with
the production of the video. To keep things more
organized we suggest dedicating a group of
students to take on the production. Here are some
good options.
Leadership Class: These classes are usually
comprised of students from a cross-section of
student life – different grades and ages. They take
direction from student council and help organize
events or other school functions. These classes
are found in most BC schools and would be the
group most likely to take on this challenge.
Aspire Programs: These classes or programs run
much like the leadership classes. They encourage
students to get involved in activities at their
schools and in the local community. This is a great
opportunity for new experiences and instruction in
audio and video production.
Audio/Video Club (New Media Club): Should work
closely with Leadership or Aspire classes to
coordinate the shooting, editing and submission of
the video.
Journalism Class or School Newspaper: Have a
student in your school who is an aspiring reporter
or news correspondent? Get them involved! Have
them create a ‘Newscast’ from the day’s events
(i.e. Milk TV!)
Our wish is to have all students from all parts of the
school working together on the video project.
If your school does not have the capacity to record
a video, be sure to document the event with photos
and submit them in a creative way by MAY 12th,
2004. This is your school’s chance to qualify for
some of the prize categories.
IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER (Please Read Carefully)
As video submissions may be viewed on-line
and/or broadcast on television, it is the
responsibility of your individual school and Milk
Run Video Awards Coordinator to inform parents
and/or guardians that their child may be
videotaped for the intent of promotional purposes.
Please read and understand the 2004 Milk Run™
Video Awards Rules and Regulations. It is
imperative that an adult supervisor or teacher read
and sign the consent section of rules and
regulations so students may compete.
Should you have questions or concerns call
Brad Baumann, Program Coordinator,
Milk Run 2004: The Ultimate Challenge.
The Milk Run Video Award Grand Prize
Create a Video and WIN! As the Milk Run Video
Award Grand Prize winner, not only will you get the
province-wide recognition of being the coolest
school with the most spirit – You will also win a
$10,000 shopping spree for new athletic gear from
Wilson Team Sports for your school. So whether
it’s new uniforms, basketballs, soccer balls or
whatever your school needs to get out and get
active – this will help keep your school spirit alive.
But remember – you need to submit a video to
qualify for this category!
Shoes for Your School BONUS
As the Grand Prize winner – your school also has
the chance to win new shoes for everyone who
participates in the Milk Run (valued at up to
$50,000). Your school will select one participant
to make a free throw basketball shot from half
court into a tub of milk – if he or she hits it (must
land and stay in) all those in the Milk Run will
be outfitted with new shoes from the BC Dairy
Foundation – to keep them running until Milk
Run 2005!
Best Course Design & School Spirit
It’s up to you and your school to design the
Ultimate Challenge. Get out, get active, make it
fun, make it different and WIN. If your school is
selected to have the best course and school spirit,
then your school will win a $750 Milk Run Athletic
Gear Shopping Spree from Wilson Team Sports.
Show us your video or show us pictures to qualify
for this category.
There are five prize categories that your school can participate in.
Milk Run Video Award Grand Prize $10,000 Milk Run Athletic Gear Shopping Spree
for your School
PLUS A Chance to win a pair of NEW RUNNING SHOES FOR
Best Obstacle Course & School Spirit $750 Milk Run Athletic Gear Shopping Spree for your School
Highest Number of Participants $750 Milk Run Athletic Gear Shopping Spree for your School
Best Usage of Milk $750 Milk Run Athletic Gear Shopping Spree for your School
Top Fundraising School $750 Donation to your school’s Cause
Highest Number of Participants
Big school, small school, it doesn’t matter.
The criteria for this category is about getting the
highest percentage of participants from your
school enrolled and running with the most spirit.
The school with the best display of both of these
will win a $750 Milk Run Athletic Gear Shopping
Spree from Wilson Team Sports. Show us your
video or show us pictures, plus your registration
list to qualify for this category.
Best Usage of Milk
The school that best incorporates milk into their
Milk Run activities will win a $750 Milk Run Athletic
Gear Shopping Spree from Wilson Team Sports.
Get creative with it and have fun. Show us your
video or show us pictures to qualify for this
Top Fund-Raising School
The Milk Run is about getting out and getting
active and raising money for your cause. BC Dairy
Foundation will donate $750 to the school that
raises the most money for their cause.
BC Dairy Foundation Milk Run Checklist
Create Milk Run Coordination Team
Discuss and Determine Charity of Choice
Finalize Course Creation and Development (Equipment needed and Layout)
Create Video Production Team (Leadership, Aspire etc)
Confirm you've received your Milk Run Promotional Kit (banners and prizing)
Banner and Poster Placement to Promote Milk Run
Organize Morning or Noon Hour PA Announcement
Contact Local Community Centre for Support (if needed)
Contact Local Media (see media section in this kit)
Volunteer Recruitment (parents etc)
Donation Collectors Recruitment
Course Supervisors Recruitment (first aid)
Contact Police or Neighbours (should the course go off school grounds)
Morning PA Milk Run Reminder
Ensure All Equipment Ready for Set-Up
Obstacle Course Set-Up
Banner Placement at Beginning and End of Course
Organize Music/DJ/MC for the Days Events
Video Team Set to Shoot
School Warm-Up
Welcome Media (If Applicable)
Coordinators and Course Supervisors Present
First AID Kits on hand
Course Clean-Up - Banner and Promotions Materials Collected
Collection of all Donations
Prize Category Submissions (see kit for details)
Thank You Letters to Media
As a participating school of the Milk Run™2004:
The Ultimate Challenge you will enjoy the benefits
of a campaign designed to create public
awareness for this event and your cause.
To further create awareness of your Milk Run,
we have developed an easy-to-follow manual to
assist your school in maximizing local publicity.
Your manual contains the following items:
■ Easy-to-follow instructions on approaching
■ A fill-in-the-blank pre-written community
calendar listing release to obtain ‘free’ listings
of your Milk Run in daily/community/weekly
newspapers, radio and TV
■ A media alert/photo opportunity release to
encourage TV cameras and print
reporters/photographers to attend your
Milk Run
■ A customized fax cover sheet to use when
faxing the media
■ A fill-in-the-blank pre-written post-Milk Run
press release that can be sent to your local
media to inform them of the success of your
Milk Run
Remember to try and follow the timeline to
maximize publicity – the more coverage and
awareness you can get, the more cash you raise
for your cause! Try getting journalism or marketing
students to help.
Easy-to-Follow Instructions On
Approaching Media
The following materials will assist your school in
creating public awareness for your Milk Run in
advance, on the event day and post event.
The pre-written materials are designed for you
to customize.
Community Calendar Listing
A community calendar listing is distributed to local
newspapers, radio and TV stations to obtain ‘free’
listings. Listings are usually found in newspapers
under a variety of headings such as Community
Events, Events Guide or What’s Happening. On
radio and TV, they are usually mentioned in Around
Town/Community Calendar reports.
Events tied to a charitable cause, will usually
receive good print, TV and radio mentions.
The following four-step process will assist you in
approaching the media:
TIMING: As community calendar sections have
various lead times, it is recommended that the
community calendar listing release be distributed
2 weeks prior to your Milk Run (April 7th) to
ensure optimal pick-up. To be sure, you may
confirm lead times when you make your initial
calls in Step 1, item 3.
■ Make a list of newspapers, radio and TV
stations in your community.
■ Obtain telephone numbers of the media outlets
(main switchboard numbers for each media
outlet can be found by looking in your local
telephone directory)
■ Contact the appropriate media outlets to obtain
the name of the calendar listing or listings editor
and the appropriate fax number designated to
the editor. Should the media outlet not have a
specific listings editor, explain that you would
like to send a community calendar listing
release and require the name of the appropriate
person handling listings (Please note: not all TV
stations have a listings segment)
■ Customize your community calendar listing
release to reflect your school, Milk Run
location, timing, cause, etc. (see attached)
■ Fill out the customized fax cover sheet (see
■ Fax the cover sheet and community calendar
listing release to the appropriate contact
person. Note that not all faxes reach their
destination, you may have to re-fax your listing
so save your fax cover sheet
■ Prior to contacting the media, review your
release so you know your facts and can answer
the media’s questions
■ Contact the appropriate person and identify
yourself. Ask if they received your listing, if they
have had an opportunity to review it and if they
are planning to include your Milk Run event in
their listings section
Media Alert / Photo Opportunity
A media alert/photo opportunity is distributed to
assignment or photo editors at local
daily/community/weekly newspapers and news or
assignment editors at local radio and television
stations to obtain reporters, photographers or
cameraman at your event. A media alert/photo
opportunity announces your event to the media
and is intended to generate a print story/photo of
your event, a radio report or television coverage on
the evening news.
A media alert/photo opportunity, which details an
event tied to a charitable cause, is usually fairly
successful in encouraging a media outlet to send a
reporter or photographer or cameraman to events
like your Milk Run.
The following five-step process will assist your
group in approaching the media:
TIMING: It is recommended that the media alert be
distributed 5 days (April 16th) prior to your Milk Run
to ensure it is filed with other events taking place
April 21st in your community
■ Compile a list of daily/community/weekly
newspapers, radio and TV stations in your
■ Obtain telephone numbers of the media outlets
■ Contact the media outlets to obtain the name
and appropriate fax number of the assignment
and photo editors at daily/community/weekly
newspapers and news/assignment editors at
local radio and TV stations
■ Customize your media alert/photo opportunity to
reflect timing, a brief paragraph about your
school, location address, etc. (see attached)
■ Fill out the customized fax cover (see attached)
■ Fax the cover sheet and media alert/photo
opportunity to the appropriate contact person.
Note that not all faxes reach their destination,
you may have to re-fax your media alert/photo
opportunity so save your fax cover sheet
■ Prior to calling the media, review your release
so you know your facts and can answer the
media’s questions
■ Contact the appropriate person and identify
yourself. Ask if they have received the alert,
if they have had a chance to review it and if
they are considering sending a reporter,
photographer or cameraman to cover the
Milk Run
■ Document the results of your dialogue with the
media so your school is aware of media who
will be attending the Milk Run
■ Bring additional copies of the media/alert photo
opportunity with you on-site, should the
reporter/photographer/cameraman request
■ A week before your Milk Run, call you local
community newspaper to obtain the name of
the community affairs reporter/local news/city
reporter and their fax number.
■ After your Milk Run is completed, fill in your
results in the areas indicated in the customized
post-Milk Run release (see attached)
Timing is everything! Fax your release to your local
press the day following your Milk Run on April 21
Call the reporter the day after you faxed the
release (Friday) to make sure it was received and
to answer any questions he/she may have about
your Milk Run. This step will further encourage the
media to provide post coverage of your Milk Run!
Milk Run™ 2004: The Ultimate Challenge assists (insert name of school) in
raising funds for (insert cause here).
WHEN: Wednesday, April 21st, 2004
WHAT: (school name here) will be participating in the 26th annual Milk Run.
WHO: For over 25 years, the BC Dairy Foundation’s Milk Run in conjunction
with BC School Sports has been one of the largest and most unique
annual events in high schools across British Columbia. In 2003, over
150 schools and 78,000 students participated. The objective of the
event is to promote active living and healthy eating by encouraging high
school students to get out, get active and have fun while raising money
for a variety of causes.
(A brief paragraph about the school that is hosting the Milk Run)
WHERE: (location name)
(location address)
(location cross streets)
WHY: The (community) Milk Run is being held to help raise funds for (include
detailed cause information and goal here)
Media requiring further information, please contact:
Contact name
Contact info. (be sure to include a daytime phone number)
To: (media contact name and media outlet goes here)
From: (your name and your school here)
Date: (insert date here)
Fax no: (of media contact)
No. of pages including this one: 2
If you do not receive all the pages, please telephone immediately.
Milk RunTM
2004: The Ultimate Challenge
Please see attached release on behalf of (insert your school
name here)
Please contact me at (daytime telephone number here) if you
require further information.
Thank you.
(School Name) RUNS AWAY AT
Your City/ Town, British Columbia (April 21) – (School name
here) was one of nearly 200 schools to participate in the 26th
Annual Milk Run.
(Place individual and unique school information here; including
your schools charity of choice.)
For media requiring more information, please contact:
Your Name
School Name
BC Dairy Foundation [BCDF] is a not-for-profit
organization with the mandate of increasing per
capita consumption of milk in British Columbia.
Since 1974, the Foundation has developed and
delivered leading edge nutrition education pro-
grams for many thousands of school children. In
addition, the Foundation markets and promotes
fluid milk and cream. The Foundation is funded by
the milk producers in the province and does not
receive any government funding.
Brad Baumann
Milk Run 2004 Program Coordinator
1600 – 777 Hornby St.
Vancouver, BC
V6Z 2T3
Office 604-640-4349
Fax 604-640-4343
Cell 604-306-1816
The Milk Run will take place on April 21, 2004.
The Video Entry deadline is May 12th, 2004.
Acceptable Formats: DVD, VHS, or MPG (digital)
Schools to submit only one video. A COMPLETED
entry form must accompany that submission.
The video must be sponsored by the Milk Run
teacher/organizer in your school. Permission for
BC Dairy Foundation’s Milk Run to use an excerpt
from any accepted form (not exceeding two
minutes), for promotional purposes, is considered
granted unless otherwise noted. DVDs, mini-DVD
tapes and VHS tapes used for judging/screenings
WILL NOT be returned.
If music or other copyrighted materials are used then
necessary permission and waivers must be granted
to permit broadcast of such materials. If requested,
the organizers (BCDF) may require proof that all
criteria have been met. The judges will be selected
by BC Dairy Foundation and their decision shall
be deemed final.
The contact person listed on the Entry Form is
responsible for any and all licenses, releases and
permissions needed to screen the video. The
organizers are not liable for any 3rd party actions
taken for unauthorized screenings, due to the fact
that the release information was not supplied to
the organizers.
Each video will be viewed by a minimum of 2
judges. They will critique each video and forward
the rating to organizers management. The ratings
are from 1-100 (100 being the best). Originality,
cinematography, direction, sound, editing, score,
acting are among some of the criteria that make
up the basis of the judging. BC Dairy Foundation
management will use the judge’s scores to
determine the awards. The judges will be selected
by BC Dairy Foundation and the judges’ decisions
shall be deemed final.
The top 10 finalists will be notified by May 18th,
2004 if their video made the shortlist. The winner
will be announced mid-June and will be notified
Ship all entries to BC Dairy Foundation’s Milk Run,
c/o Brad Baumann TrojanOne. Suite 1600 – 777
Hornby St. Vancouver, BC V6Z 2T3
Each 1/2” VHS/DVD should be shipped in a sturdy,
mailing container with postage paid by sender.
All videos chosen for screening by the BC Dairy
Foundation’s Milk Run must be received before
May 12th, 2004.
**The organizers are not responsible for entries
that are received damaged and all videos will
become the property of BC Dairy Foundation.**
The winning schools will receive their prize in
credit from Wilson Team Sports based on the
manufacturer’s suggested retail price of the goods.
Neither BC Dairy Foundation’s Milk Run, any
subsidiary, affiliate nor any of their respective
employees, agents or volunteers will be
responsible for: (a) any late, lost, garbled,
misdirected, incomplete, or damaged entries; (b)
any Organizer’s disruptions, injuries, losses or
damages caused by events beyond the control of
the BC Dairy Foundation’s Milk Run; or (c) any
printing or typographical errors in any materials
associated with the Organizers. By entering the
Organizers, the entrant grants to the BC Dairy
Foundation’s Milk Run and affiliates the right to use
and publish the entrant’s proper name, video title,
and awards won on-line and in any other media in
connection with the Organizers, unless prohibited
by law.
Each Milk Run Video entered into the contest must be accompanied by an entry form, completed
by either the Milk Run Coordinator or Milk Run Supervisor (18+); this person will be considered
the ‘key contact’ and will be contacted if your school’s submission is chosen.
(Please print clearly)
Title of Video: __________________________________________________________________
School Name: __________________________________________________________________
Address: ______________________________________________________________________
City: ____________________ Province: __________________ Postal Code: _____________
Milk Run Coordinator Contact Information:
Name: ________________________________________________________________________
Contact Number: _______________________________________________________________
Email: ________________________________________________________________________
Video Information:
In a few words, tell us about your Video Production Team (Who will be involved? What tools will
you use to produce it? How much time will you spend on producing the video?)
When your video is complete, please send us a few words describing the video production
process. (Who was involved? What tools did you use to produce it? How long did it take to
As entrant in this year’s 2004 Milk Run™ Video Awards, my school and all those involved in
the production of the video understand and agree to all Rules and Regulations outlined in the
Milk Run™ 2004: The Ultimate Challenge program Kit.
DEADLINE for entries: WEDNESDAY MAY 12th, 2004
Send completed entry forms with your video submission to:
Attention: Brad Baumann
TrojanOne Inc.
Suite 1600
777 Hornby Street
Vancouver, BC, Canada, V6Z 2T3
Phone: 604.640.4349
Cell: 604.306.1816
Fax: 604.640.4343

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BC Dairy Milk Run™ 2004BURN

  • 2. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 3 A Little Milk Run™ History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 4 The New Milk Run™ 2004 — Obstacle Course . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pages 5–13 Charity and Fundraising Component . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pages 14–15 The New Milk Run™ 2004 — The Video Awards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pages 16–18 Prizing and Incentives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pages 19–20 Day of Event Execution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 21 Promotional Media Relations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pages 22–27 About BC Dairy Foundation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 28 Milk Run™ 2004 Contact Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 29 Appendix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pages 30–31 The Video Awards Entry Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pages 32–33 TABLEOFCONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS 2
  • 3. BC Dairy Foundation and BC School Sports would like to welcome you and your school back to the 26th year of the Milk Run. Our goal is to make this season the most successful yet and we could not do it without YOU! After 25 years of promoting school spirit and physical activity and raising over $790,000 for local charities all over British Columbia, BC School Sports and BC Dairy Foundation have a NEW challenge for schools out there – The Ultimate Challenge! It is with great excitement that we introduce the new and improved Milk Run™ 2004: The Ultimate Challenge. This event will deliver the traditional message of “get out and get active,” and will become a province-wide platform for your school to showcase school spirit, and raise money for your school or local charity. PLUS this year, run, jump or crawl away with amazing prizes! This kit will walk you through the steps to help you make your school’s Milk Run event the most successful ever. INTRODUCTION 1.INTRODUCTION 3
  • 4. The Milk Run originated in 1979 as part of the first Canadian School Sport Week. BC Dairy Foundation and BC School Sports have been proud organizers of this event, which promotes an active lifestyle while being a successful charitable fundraiser for the past 25 years. Many memorable experiences and stories have developed at this annual event among students, staff and administration alike. Schools right across the province and over 2.8 million students have participated in the Milk Run to date. How is this year’s Milk Run NEW and IMPROVED? This past fall, BC Dairy Foundation and BC School Sports got together with students and teachers from a variety of schools and found a more exciting way for everyone to participate in the Milk Run. With help from students, teachers and our Milk Run Coordinator – your school will build an obstacle course from available PE and athletic equipment. Indoors or outdoors, large or small, tough or tougher – our challenge to you is to get as many students through The Ultimate Challenge and to raise as much money as you can! As well, this year – we’re introducing the Milk Run™ Video Awards. Showcase your school spirit or wacky antics and your school could walk away with some amazing prizes! Challenge your friends, teachers or other schools. This year we celebrate, Milk Run 2004: The Ultimate Challenge, on Wednesday April 21, 2004. Our Program Coordinator will be following up with your school once you have read through this kit. If you have any questions, concerns or feedback feel free to call. Please refer to our contact information at the back of this kit. ALITTLEMILKRUN™HISTORY 2. A LITTLE MILK RUN™ HISTORY 4
  • 5. “THE ULTIMATE OBSTACLE COURSE” To fight the decline in fund-raising dollars, we’ve created an event that we think will get students hyped about the Milk Run again. The Ultimate Obstacle Course is your school’s alternative to the traditional 3km run. You can run the 3km course if you want, but we think the Ultimate Obstacle Course will get more students moving. This course is yours to design. The focus should be on utilizing as many school resources as possible. By using pre-existing PE Equipment and your school’s outdoor and indoor facilities there are plenty of potential courses that can be put together. You can measure the length of your course and dedicate the number of laps it would take to complete 3 km or you may time your event. For example, your school has 1 hour to complete a certain number of laps that equals 3 km’s. THENEWMILKRUN™2004•OBSTACLECOURSE 5 3. (A) THE NEW MILK RUN™ 2004 — OBSTACLE COURSE
  • 6. On April 21st once you have created your course and are ready, safety will be of the utmost importance. Teachers, volunteers and those not able to participate will play an important role in maintaining safety throughout the course. Position volunteers and/or teachers at different points throughout the course. Ensure that all the volunteers and teachers are aware of your school’s emergency response system and are aware of the first-aid kits on site. Ensure students wear proper physical fitness attire for the event. For example, running shoes, shorts, etc. Ensure that at least one teacher on site is trained in first-aid to respond to any emergencies. We encourage you to get all the students in your school involved with the Ultimate Challenge. That includes students who find physical activity more challenging. For students who require special assistance we have a few suggestions to help get everyone involved: Create a buddy system where students who need assistance can pair up with a fellow student to aid with the portions they find challenging. Create a section or portion of the course dedicated for those who need some extra support or time to participate. Create alternative options to certain sections of the course and determine other means of executing them for those who may find that obstacle a little more challenging. For example, if you have a “Jump Tire” section where students need to jump and leap between the tires on the course and you have a student who is in a wheelchair, deem that section a “Weaving” section for them and make them weave in and out between the tires in their wheelchairs. As weather can sometimes be a concern in mid-April we recommend that your school have a contingency plan to have the obstacle course indoors. As the school coordinator, you should reserve the gym for the 21st to be sure that it is available if weather does not cooperate. THENEWMILKRUN™2004•OBSTACLECOURSE 6
  • 7. THENEWMILKRUN™2004•OBSTACLECOURSE 7 UltimateObstacleCourseUltimateObstacleCourse ExampleCourseExampleCourse START 1 234 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 END 7.OverandUnder:OverandUnder5Hurdles-FLAWLESSLY 8.Zipline:PullorGlidyourwaytothenextelement- HANGON! 9.TakeYourMedicineBall:MoveyourMedicineBall fromPointAtoB-Look,NOHANDS! 10.JumpHigh!:OvertheBar-OlympicStyle. 11.RopeClimb:ClimbYouWaytoVictory.END *CapturetheFlag:Aftereachcomponentorsectionofthe course-studentsmustgraborreleasea"FLAG"(BCDairy PromotionalTowel)orpinny.Thismeanstheyareableto moveontothenextsectionofthecourse.IftheyMISSaflag- 10secondswillbeaddedtotheirtimeforeveryflagmissed. 1.PotatoSac:HopIN-HopOver-HopAround- BetheFastest 2.TunnelCrawl:OnAllFours-BackwardsorForwards 3.SoccerThroughCones:RunandKickyourWay throughConesorPegs 4.BalanceBeam:KeepyourBalance-WatchyourStep 5.CowRideJump:Saddle-UpandJumpRope (UseYourBCDFInflattableCow) 6.BasketballSHOT:3PointLine-3Balls-SwishOne toMoveOn LEGEND START:GymnasiumParticipantswillrunthecourse1atatime.Oncethefirststudentcompletesthe firstobstacle,sendthesecondout,andsoon.*MakesuretohaveCourseCoordinatorsorSupervisors resetobstaclesthatfalland/orneedtobere-positionedforthenextChallenger. OBSTACLE COURSE
  • 8. Recommended Materials and Supplies to Utilize: THENEWMILKRUN™2004•OBSTACLECOURSE 8 The list below represents some of the inventory and facilities you may find in your school’s Athletics Department. Use any of the resources available at your school to build the best Ultimate Challenge Obstacle Course. ■ Running tracks ■ Climbing walls ■ Tennis courts ■ Balance beams ■ Permanent track & field stations (long jump pits, etc.) ■ Playground equipment (swings, teeter-totters, monkey bars) OUTDOOR FACILITIES
  • 9. THENEWMILKRUN™2004•OBSTACLECOURSE 9 EQUIPMENT ■ Jump ropes ■ Hula-hoops ■ Beanbags ■ Medicine balls ■ Basketballs ■ Soccer balls ■ Soft balls ■ Lacrosse sticks ■ Hockey sticks ■ Badminton rackets ■ Tennis rackets ■ Nets (portable) ■ Parachute material ■ Rope ■ Field-hockey sticks ■ Baseball gloves ■ Mats ■ High jump apparatus ■ Cones
  • 10. THENEWMILKRUN™2004•OBSTACLECOURSE 10 ■ Indoor set-up – jungle gym ■ Number of available gymnasiums ■ Climbing ropes ■ Basketball hoops ■ Volleyball nets INDOOR FACILITIES If your school does not have this equipment we suggest using whatever resources your school DOES have. Students could bring items from home or you could approach a local community centre to supply some material for the day. Be creative!
  • 11. Who Should Execute and Who Should Help? First, we want teachers AND students to get involved in the Obstacle Course Design Process. Encourage students to submit ideas for course designs and concepts to the school’s Milk Run Coordinator(s). The PE Department, through their Leadership classes or individual PE classes, could test and build the courses to determine what is and what is not feasible for your school. Depending on the size and organization of your school, the execution and set up of the Milk Run Obstacle Course could be done by the Athletics Department’s Leadership Class or the department’s teachers. SET-UP Milk Run Coordinators (Leadership Class, PE Teachers, grades 11 and 12s) EXECUTION Teachers, Administration and Parent Volunteers to oversee the course Teacher or Student Assistants should keep track of the number of laps being conducted and are responsible for getting students through the course. These are only examples of some potential organizational structures. Each school should find what works best for them. It is up to individual schools to delegate roles and responsibilities as they see fit. Get the Whole School Involved! This year’s new and improved Milk Run was developed not only to get more students physically active but also to create a platform to get schools, clubs, teams and councils involved. It’s not everyday that students get to see the hard work that goes into a school’s activities. Here are some suggestions to get the whole school involved: The day of the run get the school pumped with a pre-challenge warm-up before participants start the course. Get those students who are into fitness involved to lead the stretch. Music is a great way to grab participant’s attention and get them into the spirit of the event. Bring out your school’s music department to play during the event OR ask a student to MC or DJ the event. Play funky, fun, CD’s on your school’s sound system. Have your athletic teams break out their uniforms and represent! This is an excellent opportunity to create challenges. For example, boys basketball VS girls basketball – who can get through the Ultimate Challenge the fastest? – or who can raise the most amount of money? A picture or video is worth a thousand words (or amazing prizes – see section 3. (B). The yearbook committee should be out in full force documenting your schools first Ultimate Challenge! Get the school newspaper involved from the start. They could help in promoting the event before it takes place, creating discussions about the new program and its benefits to their school life and the community. THENEWMILKRUN™2004•OBSTACLECOURSE 11
  • 12. Promotional Materials BC Dairy Foundation and BC School Sports will be sending all registered schools some pre-promotional materials. These materials are to help promote the event beforehand. Posters will be sent to each school. These posters will be informative tools to advertise and remind students and teachers of the Milk Run date and most importantly summarize the who, what, where, why and when. Banners are visual tools that give life to an event. They can be placed at the beginning or end of your Obstacle Course – in assembly halls to promote or even outside your school to let the world know what’s going on. Milk Promotional Materials and Premiums will be sent to registered schools. Items such as inflatable cows, milk branded towels and other goodies can be used as prizes or as tools to add to the look and feel of the event. These items are perfect to use when creating your Obstacle Course. For example, ride the inflatable cows through cones while twirling a BC Dairy foundation hand towel. THENEWMILKRUN™2004•OBSTACLECOURSE 12
  • 13. The most successful events are those that are properly promoted. It’s our view that the BEST tools for promotion are the internal channels that already exist in your school. Here are some options to consider when determining how to keep students ‘in the loop’ about this year’s Milk Run. PA announcements are a great communication tool to reach the entire school at one time. Create a simple script – add some background music and get the students excited! Newsletters are a good way to communicate. These can be sent to students and teachers or can even be sent home to parents. Have your school newspaper or Journalism class put one together. Discussions between teachers and students and friends are a great way to get the ‘buzz’ going. Create discussions in Home Room classes where the groups can brainstorm course designs, charity options, and/or potential fundraising mechanisms for the event. (See Charity and Fundraising Component, pages 14–15) School Bulletin Boards are a great way to make the 2004 Milk Run information available to both students and staff. Use them to place posters, post comments, and/or post volunteer or coordination sign-up sheets. PA Announcement Suggested script for your daily PA Announcements promoting this year’s Milk Run™ 2004: The Ultimate Challenge. “Hey – we’ve got some BREAKING NEWS so we need you’re undivided attention! (MUSIC) This year our school has decided to take the ULTIMATE CHALLENGE. There’s a brand new Milk Run this time around and schools right across the province are takin’ it outside to create the craziest obstacle courses. The school with the funkiest course could walk away with over $10,000 in prizing and be crowned this year’s ULTIMATE SCHOOL. You might even win a pair of running shoes for every participant. BC Dairy Foundation and BC School Sports are introducing us to the new generation, Milk Run 2004: The Ultimate Challenge. Milk Run 2004: The Ultimate Challenge drops April 21st 2004. See _________________________ for the 411 or to get involved.” (Typically a Leadership Class, Student Council or Athletic Department THENEWMILKRUN™2004•OBSTACLECOURSE 13
  • 14. For over 25 years the Milk Run has been raising money for disabled and ill children in BC. Over the past few years, the fundraising efforts and donations have decreased drastically. This year’s revitalized Milk Run program offers new opportunities to get the fundraising initiatives back on track. This year we encourage the Student Council and/or school leadership class(es) to take on a larger role in fundraising. We would like to see these groups design fun ways of raising money in their schools, but more importantly we’d like to see these groups decide where the money goes. These student groups can utilize the Milk Run to fund-raise for internal school needs or donate to a local charity. Please refer to the attached PR and Media relations section in this kit for further guidance and assistance in leveraging your community and media in your fund-raising efforts. (See Promotional Media Relations, pages 22–27) You Raise – You Choose Charitable donations are an important aspect of the traditional Milk Run. Some schools in our province though, need a little support of their own. This year your school can either raise funds for a province-wide charity, for an organization within your community or funds can go to things that your school needs – such as athletic equipment, new team uniforms or graduation. Administration Fund Approval Money raised for internal school needs must first be approved by your school’s administration. Follow up with the head of your administration for your school’s fund approval process. Below are some examples of possible fundraising mechanisms. Remember, these funds can be used internally or given to charity. ■ ‘Milk Included’ Bake Sale: Have students and teachers bring healthy baked goods for sale at lunch hour. The key ingredient must be MILK! This should be a week-long noon hour sale and each grade can be responsible for a day of the week. ■ Lunch Hour or After School Intramurals: students bring a buck or two or three and they can use the gym facilities as they choose during lunch hour or after school! Basketball, floor hockey or set up their Obstacles Course early and practice up for April 21st, 2004!! ■ Student VS Teacher Showdown: Get your school sports teams (basketball, volleyball, soccer etc.) to challenge teachers! Noon hour games, all students and teachers welcome and must pay loonie or toonie to watch. Use PA announcements to promote it. THENEWMILKRUN™2004•CHARITY 14 3. (B) CHARITY AND FUNDRAISING COMPONENT
  • 15. ■ Community Dance: Approach a local community centre or your own school to hold a School Dance. Everyone pitches in, brings music, decorations or whatever else is handy. Attendees pay a cover charge. ■ Recycling: Get out in your community and collect recycled cans or bottles and of course milk jugs. This could be a grade by grade challenge. ■ Car Wash: If weather permits – grab your hoses, suds and scrubbers and head to a local community center or gas station. Great way to get active, showcase your school spirit and raise proceeds. We suggest getting in touch with your local community centres and using their facilities if need be. *We suggest making the entire week prior to the Milk Run (or month), a time to fundraise. This will give students ample time to bring donations, allow more time to raise AND gives you an advantage to WIN our ‘Top Fundraising School’ prize! (See section 4). Past Milk Run™ Causes For the past 25 years, the Milk Run has raised close to $800,000 in cash donations. The following are some provincial charities proceeds have been donated to: ■ Disabled Skiers Association of BC for the program, “Reaching out: Connecting with Disabled Children in BC” ■ Sport Ability (CP Sports) – Summer Sports Camp Program ■ BC Wheelchair Basketball – Junior Provincial Tournament ■ BC Blind Sports/CNIB – Bowen Island Summer Camp In 2004, we want to up the fundraising ante. BC Dairy Foundation has created some incentives to get schools to increase fundraising efforts. As part of the prizing and incentive structure, BC Dairy Foundation has committed to match the fundraising efforts of the school that raises the most amount of money for their charity of choice up to a maximum of $750 cash. (See Prizing and Incentives, pages 19–20) THENEWMILKRUN™2004•CHARITY 15
  • 16. “THE VIDEO AWARDS” One of the most exciting new features of this season’s Milk Run is the introduction of the 2004 Milk Run™ Video Awards. The Awards are set up to get your school’s creative juices flowing while showcasing your school spirit and desire to be #1! The video contest is directly integrated into Milk Run 2004: The Ultimate Challenge and is a platform for students to create and direct a video that best demonstrates their school’s spirit, dedication to the Milk Run, its athleticism and its all out craziness! Not only is your Challenge to make the most visually stunning video, documenting the days events, but be creative and unique in your production, as you will compete against schools from across BC! One winner will be chosen from each of the seven zones. The winner from each of those zones, and 3 Wild Card entries, will then go on to be judged both by students and finally a panel of celebrity judges! The selected winning school will run away with a $10,000 Shopping Spree from Wilson Team Sports for your school, PLUS A Chance to win NEW RUNNING SHOES FOR EVERY PARTICIPATING STUDENT IN YOUR SCHOOL! (See Prizing and Incentives, pages 19–20) What Are We Looking For? There are some specific criteria we will be looking for that you should include when producing your video. Milk: Since this is the Milk Run, we’d like to see your most creative usage of milk, and/or anything associated with milk on screen! Be creative. Spirit: We want to see your school at its prime. Create cheers, showcase your school colors, do whatever it takes to set your school apart from 200 other schools chasing the same dream. Athleticism: The traditional message of, get out and get active, still holds strong in the Ultimate Challenge and we want to see your school sweat! Editing: We expect videos to be as slick and professional as they can be. The production of the video has as much weight in the judging process as content. Make sure to get your New Media Department involved. Judging Process Schools who submit videos will go through a two- step judging process. One winner will be selected from each of the school zones. The Grand Prize winner will be chosen through an online voting process. The process: ■ Submit videos to Milk Run Coordinator ■ Top 10 Videos chosen by a panel of judges ■ Students view all videos and determine their favourite entry ■ Students will have the opportunity to view Top 10 Videos and vote online ■ Top Video selected as the 2004 MILK RUN™ VIDEO AWARD WINNER ■ Winning School wins grand prize and the chance to win shoes for their entire school! (See Prizing and Incentives, pages 19–20) THENEWMILKRUN™2004•THEVIDEOAWARDS 16 3. (C) THE NEW MILK RUN™ 2004 — THE VIDEO AWARDS
  • 17. How to Submit Your Entries? Once your school has created their video they must submit it on time and to the right location. All videotapes MUST be submitted by May 12th, 2004 (see Video Component check-list). They can be forwarded to: Brad Baumann MILK RUN 2004, Program Coordinator Suite 1600 777 Hornby Street Vancouver, BC V6Z 2T3 Video can be sent in a variety of formats: ■ VHS Video Tape ■ MPG (Digital) ■ Mini-DVD Photo entries will also be accepted for other Prize Categories (please let Program Coordinator know if you will be making submissions by photos) Video Production 101 Here is a list of web-sites students may wish to refer to should they need some help with the video production. They contain tips and tutorials. ■ http://csmp.ucoPEdu/tcap/nbpts/ tutorials/video.html ■ ■ VideoHelp/NannyVideo.html ■ ■ Production101.pdf Who Can Get Involved? Anyone from the participating school can help with the production of the video. To keep things more organized we suggest dedicating a group of students to take on the production. Here are some good options. Leadership Class: These classes are usually comprised of students from a cross-section of student life – different grades and ages. They take direction from student council and help organize events or other school functions. These classes are found in most BC schools and would be the group most likely to take on this challenge. Aspire Programs: These classes or programs run much like the leadership classes. They encourage students to get involved in activities at their schools and in the local community. This is a great opportunity for new experiences and instruction in audio and video production. Audio/Video Club (New Media Club): Should work closely with Leadership or Aspire classes to coordinate the shooting, editing and submission of the video. Journalism Class or School Newspaper: Have a student in your school who is an aspiring reporter or news correspondent? Get them involved! Have them create a ‘Newscast’ from the day’s events (i.e. Milk TV!) Our wish is to have all students from all parts of the school working together on the video project. THENEWMILKRUN™2004•THEVIDEOAWARDS 17
  • 18. If your school does not have the capacity to record a video, be sure to document the event with photos and submit them in a creative way by MAY 12th, 2004. This is your school’s chance to qualify for some of the prize categories. IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER (Please Read Carefully) As video submissions may be viewed on-line and/or broadcast on television, it is the responsibility of your individual school and Milk Run Video Awards Coordinator to inform parents and/or guardians that their child may be videotaped for the intent of promotional purposes. Please read and understand the 2004 Milk Run™ Video Awards Rules and Regulations. It is imperative that an adult supervisor or teacher read and sign the consent section of rules and regulations so students may compete. Should you have questions or concerns call Brad Baumann, Program Coordinator, Milk Run 2004: The Ultimate Challenge. THENEWMILKRUN™2004•THEVIDEOAWARDS 18
  • 19. The Milk Run Video Award Grand Prize Create a Video and WIN! As the Milk Run Video Award Grand Prize winner, not only will you get the province-wide recognition of being the coolest school with the most spirit – You will also win a $10,000 shopping spree for new athletic gear from Wilson Team Sports for your school. So whether it’s new uniforms, basketballs, soccer balls or whatever your school needs to get out and get active – this will help keep your school spirit alive. But remember – you need to submit a video to qualify for this category! Shoes for Your School BONUS As the Grand Prize winner – your school also has the chance to win new shoes for everyone who participates in the Milk Run (valued at up to $50,000). Your school will select one participant to make a free throw basketball shot from half court into a tub of milk – if he or she hits it (must land and stay in) all those in the Milk Run will be outfitted with new shoes from the BC Dairy Foundation – to keep them running until Milk Run 2005! Best Course Design & School Spirit It’s up to you and your school to design the Ultimate Challenge. Get out, get active, make it fun, make it different and WIN. If your school is selected to have the best course and school spirit, then your school will win a $750 Milk Run Athletic Gear Shopping Spree from Wilson Team Sports. Show us your video or show us pictures to qualify for this category. PRIZINGANDINCENTIVES 19 4.PRIZING AND INCENTIVES There are five prize categories that your school can participate in. PRIZE CATEGORY PRIZE Milk Run Video Award Grand Prize $10,000 Milk Run Athletic Gear Shopping Spree for your School PLUS A Chance to win a pair of NEW RUNNING SHOES FOR EVERY PARTICIPATING STUDENT IN YOUR SCHOOL* Best Obstacle Course & School Spirit $750 Milk Run Athletic Gear Shopping Spree for your School Highest Number of Participants $750 Milk Run Athletic Gear Shopping Spree for your School Best Usage of Milk $750 Milk Run Athletic Gear Shopping Spree for your School Top Fundraising School $750 Donation to your school’s Cause *
  • 20. Highest Number of Participants Big school, small school, it doesn’t matter. The criteria for this category is about getting the highest percentage of participants from your school enrolled and running with the most spirit. The school with the best display of both of these will win a $750 Milk Run Athletic Gear Shopping Spree from Wilson Team Sports. Show us your video or show us pictures, plus your registration list to qualify for this category. Best Usage of Milk The school that best incorporates milk into their Milk Run activities will win a $750 Milk Run Athletic Gear Shopping Spree from Wilson Team Sports. Get creative with it and have fun. Show us your video or show us pictures to qualify for this category. Top Fund-Raising School The Milk Run is about getting out and getting active and raising money for your cause. BC Dairy Foundation will donate $750 to the school that raises the most money for their cause. PRIZINGANDINCENTIVES 20
  • 21. DAYOFEVENTEXECUTION 21 BC Dairy Foundation Milk Run Checklist 5.DAY OF EVENT EXECUTION PRE MILK RUN TASKS Create Milk Run Coordination Team Discuss and Determine Charity of Choice Finalize Course Creation and Development (Equipment needed and Layout) Create Video Production Team (Leadership, Aspire etc) Confirm you've received your Milk Run Promotional Kit (banners and prizing) Banner and Poster Placement to Promote Milk Run Organize Morning or Noon Hour PA Announcement Contact Local Community Centre for Support (if needed) Contact Local Media (see media section in this kit) Volunteer Recruitment (parents etc) Donation Collectors Recruitment Course Supervisors Recruitment (first aid) Contact Police or Neighbours (should the course go off school grounds) DAY OF MILK RUN Morning PA Milk Run Reminder Ensure All Equipment Ready for Set-Up Obstacle Course Set-Up Banner Placement at Beginning and End of Course Organize Music/DJ/MC for the Days Events Video Team Set to Shoot School Warm-Up Welcome Media (If Applicable) Coordinators and Course Supervisors Present First AID Kits on hand Course Clean-Up - Banner and Promotions Materials Collected Collection of all Donations Prize Category Submissions (see kit for details) Thank You Letters to Media TASK WHEN WHO
  • 22. YOUR MANUAL FOR GENERATING PUBLICITY FOR YOUR MILK RUN 2004: THE ULTIMATE CHALLENGE As a participating school of the Milk Run™2004: The Ultimate Challenge you will enjoy the benefits of a campaign designed to create public awareness for this event and your cause. To further create awareness of your Milk Run, we have developed an easy-to-follow manual to assist your school in maximizing local publicity. Your manual contains the following items: ■ Easy-to-follow instructions on approaching media ■ A fill-in-the-blank pre-written community calendar listing release to obtain ‘free’ listings of your Milk Run in daily/community/weekly newspapers, radio and TV ■ A media alert/photo opportunity release to encourage TV cameras and print reporters/photographers to attend your Milk Run ■ A customized fax cover sheet to use when faxing the media ■ A fill-in-the-blank pre-written post-Milk Run press release that can be sent to your local media to inform them of the success of your Milk Run Remember to try and follow the timeline to maximize publicity – the more coverage and awareness you can get, the more cash you raise for your cause! Try getting journalism or marketing students to help. Easy-to-Follow Instructions On Approaching Media The following materials will assist your school in creating public awareness for your Milk Run in advance, on the event day and post event. The pre-written materials are designed for you to customize. Community Calendar Listing A community calendar listing is distributed to local newspapers, radio and TV stations to obtain ‘free’ listings. Listings are usually found in newspapers under a variety of headings such as Community Events, Events Guide or What’s Happening. On radio and TV, they are usually mentioned in Around Town/Community Calendar reports. Events tied to a charitable cause, will usually receive good print, TV and radio mentions. The following four-step process will assist you in approaching the media: TIMING: As community calendar sections have various lead times, it is recommended that the community calendar listing release be distributed 2 weeks prior to your Milk Run (April 7th) to ensure optimal pick-up. To be sure, you may confirm lead times when you make your initial calls in Step 1, item 3. STEP 1 – PREPARING YOUR MEDIA LIST ■ Make a list of newspapers, radio and TV stations in your community. ■ Obtain telephone numbers of the media outlets (main switchboard numbers for each media PROMOTIONALMEDIARELATIONS 22 6.PROMOTIONAL MEDIA RELATIONS
  • 23. outlet can be found by looking in your local telephone directory) ■ Contact the appropriate media outlets to obtain the name of the calendar listing or listings editor and the appropriate fax number designated to the editor. Should the media outlet not have a specific listings editor, explain that you would like to send a community calendar listing release and require the name of the appropriate person handling listings (Please note: not all TV stations have a listings segment) STEP 2 – CUSTOMIZING YOUR MATERIALS ■ Customize your community calendar listing release to reflect your school, Milk Run location, timing, cause, etc. (see attached) ■ Fill out the customized fax cover sheet (see attached) STEP 3 – DISTRIBUTING YOUR MATERIALS ■ Fax the cover sheet and community calendar listing release to the appropriate contact person. Note that not all faxes reach their destination, you may have to re-fax your listing so save your fax cover sheet STEP 4 – CONTACTING THE MEDIA ■ Prior to contacting the media, review your release so you know your facts and can answer the media’s questions ■ Contact the appropriate person and identify yourself. Ask if they received your listing, if they have had an opportunity to review it and if they are planning to include your Milk Run event in their listings section Media Alert / Photo Opportunity A media alert/photo opportunity is distributed to assignment or photo editors at local daily/community/weekly newspapers and news or assignment editors at local radio and television stations to obtain reporters, photographers or cameraman at your event. A media alert/photo opportunity announces your event to the media and is intended to generate a print story/photo of your event, a radio report or television coverage on the evening news. A media alert/photo opportunity, which details an event tied to a charitable cause, is usually fairly successful in encouraging a media outlet to send a reporter or photographer or cameraman to events like your Milk Run. The following five-step process will assist your group in approaching the media: TIMING: It is recommended that the media alert be distributed 5 days (April 16th) prior to your Milk Run to ensure it is filed with other events taking place April 21st in your community STEP 1 – PREPARING YOUR MEDIA LIST ■ Compile a list of daily/community/weekly newspapers, radio and TV stations in your community ■ Obtain telephone numbers of the media outlets ■ Contact the media outlets to obtain the name and appropriate fax number of the assignment and photo editors at daily/community/weekly newspapers and news/assignment editors at local radio and TV stations PROMOTIONALMEDIARELATIONS 23
  • 24. STEP 2 – CUSTOMIZING YOUR MATERIALS ■ Customize your media alert/photo opportunity to reflect timing, a brief paragraph about your school, location address, etc. (see attached) ■ Fill out the customized fax cover (see attached) STEP 3 – DISTRIBUTING YOUR MATERIALS ■ Fax the cover sheet and media alert/photo opportunity to the appropriate contact person. Note that not all faxes reach their destination, you may have to re-fax your media alert/photo opportunity so save your fax cover sheet STEP 4 – CONTACTING THE MEDIA ■ Prior to calling the media, review your release so you know your facts and can answer the media’s questions ■ Contact the appropriate person and identify yourself. Ask if they have received the alert, if they have had a chance to review it and if they are considering sending a reporter, photographer or cameraman to cover the Milk Run ■ Document the results of your dialogue with the media so your school is aware of media who will be attending the Milk Run ■ Bring additional copies of the media/alert photo opportunity with you on-site, should the reporter/photographer/cameraman request information. STEP 5 – FOLLOWING UP WITH THE MEDIA AFTER YOUR MILK RUN ■ A week before your Milk Run, call you local community newspaper to obtain the name of the community affairs reporter/local news/city reporter and their fax number. ■ After your Milk Run is completed, fill in your results in the areas indicated in the customized post-Milk Run release (see attached) Timing is everything! Fax your release to your local press the day following your Milk Run on April 21 Call the reporter the day after you faxed the release (Friday) to make sure it was received and to answer any questions he/she may have about your Milk Run. This step will further encourage the media to provide post coverage of your Milk Run! PROMOTIONALMEDIARELATIONS 24
  • 25. THENEWMILKRUN™ MEDIA ALERT/PHOTO OPPORTUNITY Milk Run™ 2004: The Ultimate Challenge assists (insert name of school) in raising funds for (insert cause here). WHEN: Wednesday, April 21st, 2004 WHAT: (school name here) will be participating in the 26th annual Milk Run. WHO: For over 25 years, the BC Dairy Foundation’s Milk Run in conjunction with BC School Sports has been one of the largest and most unique annual events in high schools across British Columbia. In 2003, over 150 schools and 78,000 students participated. The objective of the event is to promote active living and healthy eating by encouraging high school students to get out, get active and have fun while raising money for a variety of causes. (A brief paragraph about the school that is hosting the Milk Run) WHERE: (location name) (location address) (location cross streets) WHY: The (community) Milk Run is being held to help raise funds for (include detailed cause information and goal here) Media requiring further information, please contact: Contact name School Contact info. (be sure to include a daytime phone number) MEDIA ALERT TEMPLATE
  • 26. THENEWMILKRUN™ To: (media contact name and media outlet goes here) From: (your name and your school here) Date: (insert date here) Fax no: (of media contact) No. of pages including this one: 2 FAX MESSAGE If you do not receive all the pages, please telephone immediately. Milk RunTM 2004: The Ultimate Challenge Please see attached release on behalf of (insert your school name here) Please contact me at (daytime telephone number here) if you require further information. Thank you. FAX TEMPLATE
  • 27. THENEWMILKRUN™ FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (School Name) RUNS AWAY AT MILK RUNTM 2004: THE ULTIMATE CHALLENGE Your City/ Town, British Columbia (April 21) – (School name here) was one of nearly 200 schools to participate in the 26th Annual Milk Run. (Place individual and unique school information here; including your schools charity of choice.) For media requiring more information, please contact: Your Name School Name PRESS RELEASE TEMPLATE
  • 28. OUR STORY BC Dairy Foundation [BCDF] is a not-for-profit organization with the mandate of increasing per capita consumption of milk in British Columbia. Since 1974, the Foundation has developed and delivered leading edge nutrition education pro- grams for many thousands of school children. In addition, the Foundation markets and promotes fluid milk and cream. The Foundation is funded by the milk producers in the province and does not receive any government funding. ABOUTBCDAIRYFOUNDATION 28 7. ABOUT BC DAIRY FOUNDATION
  • 29. Brad Baumann Milk Run 2004 Program Coordinator 1600 – 777 Hornby St. Vancouver, BC V6Z 2T3 Office 604-640-4349 Fax 604-640-4343 Cell 604-306-1816 EMAIL: CONTACTINFORMATION 29 8.MILK RUN™ 2004 CONTACT INFORMATION
  • 30. MILK RUN™ 2004: THE ULTIMATE CHALLENGE: VIDEO AWARDS OFFICIAL RULES & REGULATIONS DATES The Milk Run will take place on April 21, 2004. ENTRY DEADLINES The Video Entry deadline is May 12th, 2004. ENTRY CRITERIA & PROCEDURES Acceptable Formats: DVD, VHS, or MPG (digital) Schools to submit only one video. A COMPLETED entry form must accompany that submission. The video must be sponsored by the Milk Run teacher/organizer in your school. Permission for BC Dairy Foundation’s Milk Run to use an excerpt from any accepted form (not exceeding two minutes), for promotional purposes, is considered granted unless otherwise noted. DVDs, mini-DVD tapes and VHS tapes used for judging/screenings WILL NOT be returned. If music or other copyrighted materials are used then necessary permission and waivers must be granted to permit broadcast of such materials. If requested, the organizers (BCDF) may require proof that all criteria have been met. The judges will be selected by BC Dairy Foundation and their decision shall be deemed final. The contact person listed on the Entry Form is responsible for any and all licenses, releases and permissions needed to screen the video. The organizers are not liable for any 3rd party actions taken for unauthorized screenings, due to the fact that the release information was not supplied to the organizers. JUDGING Each video will be viewed by a minimum of 2 judges. They will critique each video and forward the rating to organizers management. The ratings are from 1-100 (100 being the best). Originality, cinematography, direction, sound, editing, score, acting are among some of the criteria that make up the basis of the judging. BC Dairy Foundation management will use the judge’s scores to determine the awards. The judges will be selected by BC Dairy Foundation and the judges’ decisions shall be deemed final. NOTIFICATION The top 10 finalists will be notified by May 18th, 2004 if their video made the shortlist. The winner will be announced mid-June and will be notified promptly. SHIPPING INSTRUCTIONS Ship all entries to BC Dairy Foundation’s Milk Run, c/o Brad Baumann TrojanOne. Suite 1600 – 777 Hornby St. Vancouver, BC V6Z 2T3 Each 1/2” VHS/DVD should be shipped in a sturdy, mailing container with postage paid by sender. All videos chosen for screening by the BC Dairy Foundation’s Milk Run must be received before May 12th, 2004. **The organizers are not responsible for entries that are received damaged and all videos will become the property of BC Dairy Foundation.** PRIZING The winning schools will receive their prize in credit from Wilson Team Sports based on the manufacturer’s suggested retail price of the goods. APPENDIX 30 APPENDIX
  • 31. DISCLAIMER Neither BC Dairy Foundation’s Milk Run, any subsidiary, affiliate nor any of their respective employees, agents or volunteers will be responsible for: (a) any late, lost, garbled, misdirected, incomplete, or damaged entries; (b) any Organizer’s disruptions, injuries, losses or damages caused by events beyond the control of the BC Dairy Foundation’s Milk Run; or (c) any printing or typographical errors in any materials associated with the Organizers. By entering the Organizers, the entrant grants to the BC Dairy Foundation’s Milk Run and affiliates the right to use and publish the entrant’s proper name, video title, and awards won on-line and in any other media in connection with the Organizers, unless prohibited by law. APPENDIX 31
  • 32. THENEWMILKRUN™ THE VIDEO AWARDS ENTRY FORM Each Milk Run Video entered into the contest must be accompanied by an entry form, completed by either the Milk Run Coordinator or Milk Run Supervisor (18+); this person will be considered the ‘key contact’ and will be contacted if your school’s submission is chosen. (Please print clearly) Title of Video: __________________________________________________________________ School Name: __________________________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________________ City: ____________________ Province: __________________ Postal Code: _____________ Milk Run Coordinator Contact Information: Name: ________________________________________________________________________ Contact Number: _______________________________________________________________ Email: ________________________________________________________________________
  • 33. THENEWMILKRUN™ Video Information: In a few words, tell us about your Video Production Team (Who will be involved? What tools will you use to produce it? How much time will you spend on producing the video?) OR When your video is complete, please send us a few words describing the video production process. (Who was involved? What tools did you use to produce it? How long did it take to produce?) _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ As entrant in this year’s 2004 Milk Run™ Video Awards, my school and all those involved in the production of the video understand and agree to all Rules and Regulations outlined in the Milk Run™ 2004: The Ultimate Challenge program Kit. ____________________________________________ (Signature) ____________________________________________ (Date) DEADLINE for entries: WEDNESDAY MAY 12th, 2004 Send completed entry forms with your video submission to: Attention: Brad Baumann TrojanOne Inc. Suite 1600 777 Hornby Street Vancouver, BC, Canada, V6Z 2T3 Phone: 604.640.4349 Cell: 604.306.1816 Fax: 604.640.4343