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“Basically Redux”
Cody Engel
Senior Engineer
Redux Basics
@POTUS404Redux Basics
Actions are payloads of information that send
data from your application to your store. They
are the only source of information for the
store. Actions do not describe how the actions
will change the state.
@POTUS404Redux Basics
type: ADD_TODO,
text: 'Build my first Redux app'
@POTUS404Redux Basics
Reducers specify how the application's state
changes in response to actions sent to the
store. Remember that actions only describe
what happened, but don't describe how the
application's state changes.
@POTUS404Redux Basics
function todoApp(state = initialState, action) {
switch (action.type) {
return Object.assign({}, state, {
visibilityFilter: action.filter
return state
@POTUS404Redux Basics
The Store
The Store brings the actions and reducers
together. It holds the application’s state and
allows state to be updated and observed on.
You’ll only ever have one store in a Redux
@POTUS404Redux Basics
Data Flow
Redux follows a strict unidirectional data flow.
This means data in your systems follows a
predictable path which is easier to
@POTUS404Redux Basics
Data Flow
Actions Reducers Store
State Tree Updated
Algebraic Data
@POTUS404Algebraic Data Types
Product Type
A product type is a structure made up of
multiple other types.
@POTUS404Algebraic Data Types
Product Type
data class Gumball(
val size: GumballSize,
val color: GumballColor
@POTUS404Algebraic Data Types
Sum Type
A structure used to hold a value that could
take on several different, but fixed types.
@POTUS404Algebraic Data Types
Sum Type
sealed class GumballSize {
object Small : GumballSize()
object Medium : GumballSize()
object Large : GumballSize()
Pure Functions
@POTUS404Pure Functions
Pure Functions
A pure function is a function where the return
value is only determined by its input values,
without observable side effects.
@POTUS404Pure Functions
fun add(left: Int, right: Int): Int {
return left + right
Pure Functions
@POTUS404Pure Functions
fun giveMeAGumball(
gumballSize: GumballSize,
gumballColor: GumballColor
): Gumball {
return Gumball(gumballSize, gumballColor)
Pure Functions
@POTUS404Finite-state Machine
A finite state machine is one that has a
limited or finite number of possible states.
Finite-state Machines
@POTUS404Finite-state Machines
• How many gumballs are left?
• Is it currently dispensing?
Gumball Machine
Finite-state Machines
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val gumballMachine = GumballMachine()
while(true) {
if (gumballMachine.hasGumballs) {
println("Purchased a ${gumballMachine.buyGumball()}")
} else {
println("Sorry, no more gumballs.")
print("Would you like to refill the gumball machine? y/n: ")
if (readLine() == "y") {
} else {
Gumball Machine Usage
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val gumballMachine = GumballMachine()
while(true) {
if (gumballMachine.hasGumballs) {
println("Purchased a ${gumballMachine.buyGumball()}")
} else {
println("Sorry, no more gumballs.")
print("Would you like to refill the gumball machine? y/n: ")
if (readLine() == "y") {
} else {
Gumball Machine Usage
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val gumballMachine = GumballMachine()
while(true) {
if (gumballMachine.hasGumballs) {
println("Purchased a ${gumballMachine.buyGumball()}")
} else {
println("Sorry, no more gumballs.")
print("Would you like to refill the gumball machine? y/n: ")
if (readLine() == "y") {
} else {
Gumball Machine Usage
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val gumballMachine = GumballMachine()
while(true) {
if (gumballMachine.hasGumballs) {
println("Purchased a ${gumballMachine.buyGumball()}")
} else {
println("Sorry, no more gumballs.")
print("Would you like to refill the gumball machine? y/n: ")
if (readLine() == "y") {
} else {
Gumball Machine Usage
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val gumballMachine = GumballMachine()
while(true) {
if (gumballMachine.hasGumballs) {
println("Purchased a ${gumballMachine.buyGumball()}")
} else {
println("Sorry, no more gumballs.")
print("Would you like to refill the gumball machine? y/n: ")
if (readLine() == "y") {
} else {
Gumball Machine Usage
The Gumball Machine
class GumballMachine(private val timeToDispense: Long = 50) {
object Gumball {
override fun toString() = "$color Gumball"
private val color
get() = when(Random().nextInt(8) + 1) {
1 -> "Blue"
2 -> "Red"
3 -> "Green"
4 -> "Yellow"
5 -> "Pink"
6 -> "Purple"
7 -> "Orange"
else -> "White"
val hasGumballs
get() = state.remainingGumballs > 0
private val gumballReducer = GumballReducer()
private var state = GumballState()
fun buyGumball(): Gumball {
state = gumballReducer.reduce(state, GumballAction.BuyGumball)
state = gumballReducer.reduce(state, GumballAction.Dispensed)
return Gumball
fun refill() {
state = gumballReducer.reduce(state, GumballAction.RefillGumballs)
The Gumball Machine
class GumballMachine(private val timeToDispense: Long = 50) {
object Gumball {
override fun toString() = "$color Gumball"
private val color
get() = when(Random().nextInt(8) + 1) {
1 -> "Blue"
2 -> "Red"
3 -> "Green"
4 -> "Yellow"
5 -> "Pink"
6 -> "Purple"
7 -> "Orange"
else -> "White"
val hasGumballs
get() = state.remainingGumballs > 0
private val gumballReducer = GumballReducer()
private var state = GumballState()
fun buyGumball(): Gumball {
state = gumballReducer.reduce(state, GumballAction.BuyGumball)
state = gumballReducer.reduce(state, GumballAction.Dispensed)
return Gumball
fun refill() {
state = gumballReducer.reduce(state, GumballAction.RefillGumballs)
The Gumball Machine
class GumballMachine(private val timeToDispense: Long = 50) {
object Gumball {
override fun toString() = "$color Gumball"
private val color
get() = when(Random().nextInt(8) + 1) {
1 -> "Blue"
2 -> "Red"
3 -> "Green"
4 -> "Yellow"
5 -> "Pink"
6 -> "Purple"
7 -> "Orange"
else -> "White"
The Gumball Machine
class GumballMachine(private val timeToDispense: Long = 50) {
object Gumball {
override fun toString() = "$color Gumball"
private val color
get() = when(Random().nextInt(8) + 1) {
1 -> "Blue"
2 -> "Red"
3 -> "Green"
4 -> "Yellow"
5 -> "Pink"
6 -> "Purple"
7 -> "Orange"
else -> "White"
val hasGumballs
get() = state.remainingGumballs > 0
private val gumballReducer = GumballReducer()
private var state = GumballState()
fun buyGumball(): Gumball {
state = gumballReducer.reduce(state, GumballAction.BuyGumball)
state = gumballReducer.reduce(state, GumballAction.Dispensed)
return Gumball
fun refill() {
state = gumballReducer.reduce(state, GumballAction.RefillGumballs)
The Gumball Machine
class GumballMachine(private val timeToDispense: Long = 50) {
object Gumball {
override fun toString() = "$color Gumball"
private val color
get() = when(Random().nextInt(8) + 1) {
1 -> "Blue"
2 -> "Red"
3 -> "Green"
4 -> "Yellow"
5 -> "Pink"
6 -> "Purple"
7 -> "Orange"
else -> "White"
val hasGumballs
get() = state.remainingGumballs > 0
private val gumballReducer = GumballReducer()
private var state = GumballState()
fun buyGumball(): Gumball {
state = gumballReducer.reduce(state, GumballAction.BuyGumball)
state = gumballReducer.reduce(state, GumballAction.Dispensed)
return Gumball
fun refill() {
state = gumballReducer.reduce(state, GumballAction.RefillGumballs)
The Gumball Machine
class GumballMachine(private val timeToDispense: Long = 50) {
object Gumball {
override fun toString() = "$color Gumball"
private val color
get() = when(Random().nextInt(8) + 1) {
1 -> "Blue"
2 -> "Red"
3 -> "Green"
4 -> "Yellow"
5 -> "Pink"
6 -> "Purple"
7 -> "Orange"
else -> "White"
val hasGumballs
get() = state.remainingGumballs > 0
private val gumballReducer = GumballReducer()
private var state = GumballState()
fun buyGumball(): Gumball {
state = gumballReducer.reduce(state, GumballAction.BuyGumball)
state = gumballReducer.reduce(state, GumballAction.Dispensed)
return Gumball
fun refill() {
state = gumballReducer.reduce(state, GumballAction.RefillGumballs)
The Gumball Machine
class GumballMachine(private val timeToDispense: Long = 50) {
object Gumball {
override fun toString() = "$color Gumball"
private val color
get() = when(Random().nextInt(8) + 1) {
1 -> "Blue"
2 -> "Red"
3 -> "Green"
4 -> "Yellow"
5 -> "Pink"
6 -> "Purple"
7 -> "Orange"
else -> "White"
val hasGumballs
get() = state.remainingGumballs > 0
private val gumballReducer = GumballReducer()
private var state = GumballState()
fun buyGumball(): Gumball {
state = gumballReducer.reduce(state, GumballAction.BuyGumball)
state = gumballReducer.reduce(state, GumballAction.Dispensed)
return Gumball
fun refill() {
state = gumballReducer.reduce(state, GumballAction.RefillGumballs)
The Gumball Machine
class GumballMachine(private val timeToDispense: Long = 50) {
object Gumball {
override fun toString() = "$color Gumball"
private val color
get() = when(Random().nextInt(8) + 1) {
1 -> "Blue"
2 -> "Red"
3 -> "Green"
4 -> "Yellow"
5 -> "Pink"
6 -> "Purple"
7 -> "Orange"
else -> "White"
val hasGumballs
get() = state.remainingGumballs > 0
private val gumballReducer = GumballReducer()
private var state = GumballState()
fun buyGumball(): Gumball {
state = gumballReducer.reduce(state, GumballAction.BuyGumball)
state = gumballReducer.reduce(state, GumballAction.Dispensed)
return Gumball
fun refill() {
state = gumballReducer.reduce(state, GumballAction.RefillGumballs)
sealed class GumballAction : Action {
object BuyGumball : GumballAction()
object RefillGumballs : GumballAction()
object Dispensed : GumballAction()
The Gumball Actions
data class GumballState(
val remainingGumballs: Int = 100,
val isDispensing: Boolean = false
) : State
The Gumball State
class GumballReducer : Reducer<GumballState, GumballAction> {
override fun reduce(state: GumballState, action: GumballAction): GumballState {
return when(action) {
is GumballAction.BuyGumball -> {
if (state.isDispensing) {
throw IllegalStateException(“…”)
} else if (state.remainingGumballs <= 0) {
throw IllegalStateException(“…”)
remainingGumballs = state.remainingGumballs - 1,
isDispensing = true
is GumballAction.RefillGumballs -> state.copy(
remainingGumballs = 100,
isDispensing = false
is GumballAction.Dispensed -> state.copy(isDispensing = false)
The Gumball Reducer
class GumballReducer : Reducer<GumballState, GumballAction> {
override fun reduce(state: GumballState, action: GumballAction): GumballState{
return when(action) {
is GumballAction.BuyGumball -> {
if (state.isDispensing) {
throw IllegalStateException(“…”)
} else if (state.remainingGumballs <= 0) {
throw IllegalStateException(“…”)
remainingGumballs = state.remainingGumballs - 1,
isDispensing = true
is GumballAction.RefillGumballs -> state.copy(
remainingGumballs = 100,
isDispensing = false
is GumballAction.Dispensed -> state.copy(isDispensing = false)
The Gumball Reducer
class GumballReducer : Reducer<GumballState, GumballAction> {
override fun reduce(state: GumballState, action: GumballAction): GumballState {
return when(action) {
is GumballAction.BuyGumball -> {
if (state.isDispensing) {
throw IllegalStateException(“…”)
} else if (state.remainingGumballs <= 0) {
throw IllegalStateException(“…”)
remainingGumballs = state.remainingGumballs - 1,
isDispensing = true
is GumballAction.RefillGumballs -> state.copy(
remainingGumballs = 100,
isDispensing = false
is GumballAction.Dispensed -> state.copy(isDispensing = false)
The Gumball Reducer
class GumballReducer : Reducer<GumballState, GumballAction> {
override fun reduce(state: GumballState, action: GumballAction): GumballState {
return when(action) {
is GumballAction.BuyGumball -> {
if (state.isDispensing) {
throw IllegalStateException(“…”)
} else if (state.remainingGumballs <= 0) {
throw IllegalStateException(“…”)
remainingGumballs = state.remainingGumballs - 1,
isDispensing = true
is GumballAction.RefillGumballs -> state.copy(
remainingGumballs = 100,
isDispensing = false
is GumballAction.Dispensed -> state.copy(isDispensing = false)
The Gumball Reducer
class GumballReducer : Reducer<GumballState, GumballAction> {
override fun reduce(state: GumballState, action: GumballAction): GumballState {
return when(action) {
is GumballAction.BuyGumball -> {
if (state.isDispensing) {
throw IllegalStateException(“…”)
} else if (state.remainingGumballs <= 0) {
throw IllegalStateException(“…”)
remainingGumballs = state.remainingGumballs - 1,
isDispensing = true
is GumballAction.RefillGumballs -> state.copy(
remainingGumballs = 100,
isDispensing = false
is GumballAction.Dispensed -> state.copy(isDispensing = false)
The Gumball Reducer
class GumballReducer : Reducer<GumballState, GumballAction> {
override fun reduce(state: GumballState, action: GumballAction): GumballState {
return when(action) {
is GumballAction.BuyGumball -> {
if (state.isDispensing) {
throw IllegalStateException(“…”)
} else if (state.remainingGumballs <= 0) {
throw IllegalStateException(“…”)
remainingGumballs = state.remainingGumballs - 1,
isDispensing = true
is GumballAction.RefillGumballs -> state.copy(
remainingGumballs = 100,
isDispensing = false
is GumballAction.Dispensed -> state.copy(isDispensing = false)
The Gumball Reducer
Observable.fromPublisher<CompanyAction> { subscriber ->
0.until(320).map {
if (it % 11 == 0) CompanyAction.Add(Requisition.requisition) else CompanyAction.Hire(Requisition.requisition,
}.forEach { subscriber.onNext(it) }.also { subscriber.onComplete() }
.reduceWith({ Company("ActiveCampaign") }, { prevState, action ->
when(action) {
is CompanyAction.Hire -> {
val employees = prevState.employees.toMutableList()
prevState.copy(employees = employees)
is CompanyAction.Add -> {
val requisitions = prevState.requisitions.toMutableList()
prevState.copy(requisitions = requisitions)
.subscribe { state ->
println("These numbers are most likely inaccurate.")
println("ActiveCampaign has ${state.requisitions.size} job openings with around ${state.employees.size} employees.")
println("There are ${state.employees.filter { == "Cody" }.size} employees named Cody.")
println("Here is the raw state output:")
Observable.fromPublisher<CompanyAction> { subscriber ->
0.until(320).map {
if (it % 11 == 0) CompanyAction.Add(Requisition.requisition)
else CompanyAction.Hire(Requisition.requisition, Employee.employee)
.forEach { subscriber.onNext(it) }
.also { subscriber.onComplete() }
.reduceWith({ Company("ActiveCampaign") }, { prevState, action ->
when(action) {
is CompanyAction.Hire -> {
val employees = prevState.employees.toMutableList()
prevState.copy(employees = employees)
is CompanyAction.Add -> {
val requisitions = prevState.requisitions.toMutableList()
prevState.copy(requisitions = requisitions)
.subscribe { state ->
println("These numbers are most likely inaccurate.")
println("ActiveCampaign has ${state.requisitions.size} job openings with around ${state.employees.size} employees.")
println("There are ${state.employees.filter { == "Cody" }.size} employees named Cody.")
println("Here is the raw state output:")
Observable.fromPublisher<CompanyAction> { subscriber ->
0.until(320).map {
if (it % 11 == 0) CompanyAction.Add(Requisition.requisition) else CompanyAction.Hire(Requisition.requisition, Employee.employee)
}.forEach { subscriber.onNext(it) }.also { subscriber.onComplete() }
.reduceWith({ Company("ActiveCampaign") }, { prevState, action ->
when(action) {
is CompanyAction.Hire -> {
val employees = prevState.employees.toMutableList()
prevState.copy(employees = employees)
is CompanyAction.Add -> {
val requisitions = prevState.requisitions.toMutableList()
prevState.copy(requisitions = requisitions)
.subscribe { state ->
println("These numbers are most likely inaccurate.")
println("ActiveCampaign has ${state.requisitions.size} job openings with around ${state.employees.size} employees.")
println("There are ${state.employees.filter { == "Cody" }.size} employees named Cody.")
println("Here is the raw state output:")
Observable.fromPublisher<CompanyAction> { subscriber ->
0.until(320).map {
if (it % 11 == 0) CompanyAction.Add(Requisition.requisition) else CompanyAction.Hire(Requisition.requisition, Employee.employee)
}.forEach { subscriber.onNext(it) }.also { subscriber.onComplete() }
.reduceWith({ Company("ActiveCampaign") }, { prevState, action ->
when(action) {
is CompanyAction.Hire -> {
val employees = prevState.employees.toMutableList()
prevState.copy(employees = employees)
is CompanyAction.Add -> {
val requisitions = prevState.requisitions.toMutableList()
prevState.copy(requisitions = requisitions)
.subscribe { state ->
println("These numbers are most likely inaccurate.")
println("ActiveCampaign has ${state.requisitions.size} job openings
with around ${state.employees.size} employees.")
println("There are ${state.employees.filter { == "Cody" }.size}
employees named Cody.")
println("Here is the raw state output:")
These numbers are most likely inaccurate.
ActiveCampaign has 30 job openings with around 290 employees.
There are 19 employees named Cody.
Here is the raw state output:
requisitions=[Requisition(name=Full Stack Engineer, department=Engineering),
Cody Engel
Senior Engineer
(We’re Hiring)

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Basically Redux - Android Listeners

  • 3. @POTUS404Redux Basics Actions Actions are payloads of information that send data from your application to your store. They are the only source of information for the store. Actions do not describe how the actions will change the state.
  • 5. @POTUS404Redux Basics Reducers Reducers specify how the application's state changes in response to actions sent to the store. Remember that actions only describe what happened, but don't describe how the application's state changes.
  • 6. @POTUS404Redux Basics Reducers function todoApp(state = initialState, action) { switch (action.type) { case SET_VISIBILITY_FILTER: return Object.assign({}, state, { visibilityFilter: action.filter }) default: return state } }
  • 7. @POTUS404Redux Basics The Store The Store brings the actions and reducers together. It holds the application’s state and allows state to be updated and observed on. You’ll only ever have one store in a Redux application.
  • 8. @POTUS404Redux Basics Data Flow Redux follows a strict unidirectional data flow. This means data in your systems follows a predictable path which is easier to understand.
  • 9. @POTUS404Redux Basics Data Flow Actions Reducers Store State Tree Updated
  • 11. @POTUS404Algebraic Data Types Product Type A product type is a structure made up of multiple other types.
  • 12. @POTUS404Algebraic Data Types Product Type data class Gumball( val size: GumballSize, val color: GumballColor )
  • 13. @POTUS404Algebraic Data Types Sum Type A structure used to hold a value that could take on several different, but fixed types.
  • 14. @POTUS404Algebraic Data Types Sum Type sealed class GumballSize { object Small : GumballSize() object Medium : GumballSize() object Large : GumballSize() }
  • 16. @POTUS404Pure Functions Pure Functions A pure function is a function where the return value is only determined by its input values, without observable side effects.
  • 17. @POTUS404Pure Functions fun add(left: Int, right: Int): Int { return left + right } Pure Functions
  • 18. @POTUS404Pure Functions fun giveMeAGumball( gumballSize: GumballSize, gumballColor: GumballColor ): Gumball { return Gumball(gumballSize, gumballColor) } Pure Functions
  • 20. @POTUS404Finite-state Machine A finite state machine is one that has a limited or finite number of possible states. Finite-state Machines
  • 22. @POTUS404 • How many gumballs are left? • Is it currently dispensing? Gumball Machine States Finite-state Machines
  • 24. @POTUS404REDUCE! fun main(args: Array<String>) { val gumballMachine = GumballMachine() while(true) { if (gumballMachine.hasGumballs) { println("Purchased a ${gumballMachine.buyGumball()}") } else { println("Sorry, no more gumballs.") print("Would you like to refill the gumball machine? y/n: ") if (readLine() == "y") { gumballMachine.refill() println() } else { return } } } } Gumball Machine Usage
  • 25. @POTUS404REDUCE! fun main(args: Array<String>) { val gumballMachine = GumballMachine() while(true) { if (gumballMachine.hasGumballs) { println("Purchased a ${gumballMachine.buyGumball()}") } else { println("Sorry, no more gumballs.") print("Would you like to refill the gumball machine? y/n: ") if (readLine() == "y") { gumballMachine.refill() println() } else { return } } } } Gumball Machine Usage
  • 26. @POTUS404REDUCE! fun main(args: Array<String>) { val gumballMachine = GumballMachine() while(true) { if (gumballMachine.hasGumballs) { println("Purchased a ${gumballMachine.buyGumball()}") } else { println("Sorry, no more gumballs.") print("Would you like to refill the gumball machine? y/n: ") if (readLine() == "y") { gumballMachine.refill() println() } else { return } } } } Gumball Machine Usage
  • 27. @POTUS404REDUCE! fun main(args: Array<String>) { val gumballMachine = GumballMachine() while(true) { if (gumballMachine.hasGumballs) { println("Purchased a ${gumballMachine.buyGumball()}") } else { println("Sorry, no more gumballs.") print("Would you like to refill the gumball machine? y/n: ") if (readLine() == "y") { gumballMachine.refill() println() } else { return } } } } Gumball Machine Usage
  • 28. @POTUS404REDUCE! fun main(args: Array<String>) { val gumballMachine = GumballMachine() while(true) { if (gumballMachine.hasGumballs) { println("Purchased a ${gumballMachine.buyGumball()}") } else { println("Sorry, no more gumballs.") print("Would you like to refill the gumball machine? y/n: ") if (readLine() == "y") { gumballMachine.refill() println() } else { return } } } } Gumball Machine Usage
  • 29. @POTUS404REDUCE! The Gumball Machine class GumballMachine(private val timeToDispense: Long = 50) { object Gumball { override fun toString() = "$color Gumball" private val color get() = when(Random().nextInt(8) + 1) { 1 -> "Blue" 2 -> "Red" 3 -> "Green" 4 -> "Yellow" 5 -> "Pink" 6 -> "Purple" 7 -> "Orange" else -> "White" } } val hasGumballs get() = state.remainingGumballs > 0 private val gumballReducer = GumballReducer() private var state = GumballState() fun buyGumball(): Gumball { state = gumballReducer.reduce(state, GumballAction.BuyGumball) Thread.sleep(timeToDispense) state = gumballReducer.reduce(state, GumballAction.Dispensed) return Gumball } fun refill() { state = gumballReducer.reduce(state, GumballAction.RefillGumballs) } }
  • 30. @POTUS404REDUCE! The Gumball Machine class GumballMachine(private val timeToDispense: Long = 50) { object Gumball { override fun toString() = "$color Gumball" private val color get() = when(Random().nextInt(8) + 1) { 1 -> "Blue" 2 -> "Red" 3 -> "Green" 4 -> "Yellow" 5 -> "Pink" 6 -> "Purple" 7 -> "Orange" else -> "White" } } val hasGumballs get() = state.remainingGumballs > 0 private val gumballReducer = GumballReducer() private var state = GumballState() fun buyGumball(): Gumball { state = gumballReducer.reduce(state, GumballAction.BuyGumball) Thread.sleep(timeToDispense) state = gumballReducer.reduce(state, GumballAction.Dispensed) return Gumball } fun refill() { state = gumballReducer.reduce(state, GumballAction.RefillGumballs) } }
  • 31. @POTUS404REDUCE! The Gumball Machine class GumballMachine(private val timeToDispense: Long = 50) { object Gumball { override fun toString() = "$color Gumball" private val color get() = when(Random().nextInt(8) + 1) { 1 -> "Blue" 2 -> "Red" 3 -> "Green" 4 -> "Yellow" 5 -> "Pink" 6 -> "Purple" 7 -> "Orange" else -> "White" } }
  • 32. @POTUS404REDUCE! The Gumball Machine class GumballMachine(private val timeToDispense: Long = 50) { object Gumball { override fun toString() = "$color Gumball" private val color get() = when(Random().nextInt(8) + 1) { 1 -> "Blue" 2 -> "Red" 3 -> "Green" 4 -> "Yellow" 5 -> "Pink" 6 -> "Purple" 7 -> "Orange" else -> "White" } } val hasGumballs get() = state.remainingGumballs > 0 private val gumballReducer = GumballReducer() private var state = GumballState() fun buyGumball(): Gumball { state = gumballReducer.reduce(state, GumballAction.BuyGumball) Thread.sleep(timeToDispense) state = gumballReducer.reduce(state, GumballAction.Dispensed) return Gumball } fun refill() { state = gumballReducer.reduce(state, GumballAction.RefillGumballs) } }
  • 33. @POTUS404REDUCE! The Gumball Machine class GumballMachine(private val timeToDispense: Long = 50) { object Gumball { override fun toString() = "$color Gumball" private val color get() = when(Random().nextInt(8) + 1) { 1 -> "Blue" 2 -> "Red" 3 -> "Green" 4 -> "Yellow" 5 -> "Pink" 6 -> "Purple" 7 -> "Orange" else -> "White" } } val hasGumballs get() = state.remainingGumballs > 0 private val gumballReducer = GumballReducer() private var state = GumballState() fun buyGumball(): Gumball { state = gumballReducer.reduce(state, GumballAction.BuyGumball) Thread.sleep(timeToDispense) state = gumballReducer.reduce(state, GumballAction.Dispensed) return Gumball } fun refill() { state = gumballReducer.reduce(state, GumballAction.RefillGumballs) } }
  • 34. @POTUS404REDUCE! The Gumball Machine class GumballMachine(private val timeToDispense: Long = 50) { object Gumball { override fun toString() = "$color Gumball" private val color get() = when(Random().nextInt(8) + 1) { 1 -> "Blue" 2 -> "Red" 3 -> "Green" 4 -> "Yellow" 5 -> "Pink" 6 -> "Purple" 7 -> "Orange" else -> "White" } } val hasGumballs get() = state.remainingGumballs > 0 private val gumballReducer = GumballReducer() private var state = GumballState() fun buyGumball(): Gumball { state = gumballReducer.reduce(state, GumballAction.BuyGumball) Thread.sleep(timeToDispense) state = gumballReducer.reduce(state, GumballAction.Dispensed) return Gumball } fun refill() { state = gumballReducer.reduce(state, GumballAction.RefillGumballs) } }
  • 35. @POTUS404REDUCE! The Gumball Machine class GumballMachine(private val timeToDispense: Long = 50) { object Gumball { override fun toString() = "$color Gumball" private val color get() = when(Random().nextInt(8) + 1) { 1 -> "Blue" 2 -> "Red" 3 -> "Green" 4 -> "Yellow" 5 -> "Pink" 6 -> "Purple" 7 -> "Orange" else -> "White" } } val hasGumballs get() = state.remainingGumballs > 0 private val gumballReducer = GumballReducer() private var state = GumballState() fun buyGumball(): Gumball { state = gumballReducer.reduce(state, GumballAction.BuyGumball) Thread.sleep(timeToDispense) state = gumballReducer.reduce(state, GumballAction.Dispensed) return Gumball } fun refill() { state = gumballReducer.reduce(state, GumballAction.RefillGumballs) } }
  • 36. @POTUS404REDUCE! The Gumball Machine class GumballMachine(private val timeToDispense: Long = 50) { object Gumball { override fun toString() = "$color Gumball" private val color get() = when(Random().nextInt(8) + 1) { 1 -> "Blue" 2 -> "Red" 3 -> "Green" 4 -> "Yellow" 5 -> "Pink" 6 -> "Purple" 7 -> "Orange" else -> "White" } } val hasGumballs get() = state.remainingGumballs > 0 private val gumballReducer = GumballReducer() private var state = GumballState() fun buyGumball(): Gumball { state = gumballReducer.reduce(state, GumballAction.BuyGumball) Thread.sleep(timeToDispense) state = gumballReducer.reduce(state, GumballAction.Dispensed) return Gumball } fun refill() { state = gumballReducer.reduce(state, GumballAction.RefillGumballs) } }
  • 37. @POTUS404REDUCE! sealed class GumballAction : Action { object BuyGumball : GumballAction() object RefillGumballs : GumballAction() object Dispensed : GumballAction() } The Gumball Actions
  • 38. @POTUS404REDUCE! data class GumballState( val remainingGumballs: Int = 100, val isDispensing: Boolean = false ) : State The Gumball State
  • 39. @POTUS404REDUCE! class GumballReducer : Reducer<GumballState, GumballAction> { override fun reduce(state: GumballState, action: GumballAction): GumballState { return when(action) { is GumballAction.BuyGumball -> { if (state.isDispensing) { throw IllegalStateException(“…”) } else if (state.remainingGumballs <= 0) { throw IllegalStateException(“…”) } state.copy( remainingGumballs = state.remainingGumballs - 1, isDispensing = true ) } is GumballAction.RefillGumballs -> state.copy( remainingGumballs = 100, isDispensing = false ) is GumballAction.Dispensed -> state.copy(isDispensing = false) } } } The Gumball Reducer
  • 40. @POTUS404REDUCE! class GumballReducer : Reducer<GumballState, GumballAction> { override fun reduce(state: GumballState, action: GumballAction): GumballState{ return when(action) { is GumballAction.BuyGumball -> { if (state.isDispensing) { throw IllegalStateException(“…”) } else if (state.remainingGumballs <= 0) { throw IllegalStateException(“…”) } state.copy( remainingGumballs = state.remainingGumballs - 1, isDispensing = true ) } is GumballAction.RefillGumballs -> state.copy( remainingGumballs = 100, isDispensing = false ) is GumballAction.Dispensed -> state.copy(isDispensing = false) } } } The Gumball Reducer
  • 41. @POTUS404REDUCE! class GumballReducer : Reducer<GumballState, GumballAction> { override fun reduce(state: GumballState, action: GumballAction): GumballState { return when(action) { is GumballAction.BuyGumball -> { if (state.isDispensing) { throw IllegalStateException(“…”) } else if (state.remainingGumballs <= 0) { throw IllegalStateException(“…”) } state.copy( remainingGumballs = state.remainingGumballs - 1, isDispensing = true ) } is GumballAction.RefillGumballs -> state.copy( remainingGumballs = 100, isDispensing = false ) is GumballAction.Dispensed -> state.copy(isDispensing = false) } } } The Gumball Reducer
  • 42. @POTUS404REDUCE! class GumballReducer : Reducer<GumballState, GumballAction> { override fun reduce(state: GumballState, action: GumballAction): GumballState { return when(action) { is GumballAction.BuyGumball -> { if (state.isDispensing) { throw IllegalStateException(“…”) } else if (state.remainingGumballs <= 0) { throw IllegalStateException(“…”) } state.copy( remainingGumballs = state.remainingGumballs - 1, isDispensing = true ) } is GumballAction.RefillGumballs -> state.copy( remainingGumballs = 100, isDispensing = false ) is GumballAction.Dispensed -> state.copy(isDispensing = false) } } } The Gumball Reducer
  • 43. @POTUS404REDUCE! class GumballReducer : Reducer<GumballState, GumballAction> { override fun reduce(state: GumballState, action: GumballAction): GumballState { return when(action) { is GumballAction.BuyGumball -> { if (state.isDispensing) { throw IllegalStateException(“…”) } else if (state.remainingGumballs <= 0) { throw IllegalStateException(“…”) } state.copy( remainingGumballs = state.remainingGumballs - 1, isDispensing = true ) } is GumballAction.RefillGumballs -> state.copy( remainingGumballs = 100, isDispensing = false ) is GumballAction.Dispensed -> state.copy(isDispensing = false) } } } The Gumball Reducer
  • 44. @POTUS404REDUCE! class GumballReducer : Reducer<GumballState, GumballAction> { override fun reduce(state: GumballState, action: GumballAction): GumballState { return when(action) { is GumballAction.BuyGumball -> { if (state.isDispensing) { throw IllegalStateException(“…”) } else if (state.remainingGumballs <= 0) { throw IllegalStateException(“…”) } state.copy( remainingGumballs = state.remainingGumballs - 1, isDispensing = true ) } is GumballAction.RefillGumballs -> state.copy( remainingGumballs = 100, isDispensing = false ) is GumballAction.Dispensed -> state.copy(isDispensing = false) } } } The Gumball Reducer
  • 46. @POTUS404RxJava Observable.fromPublisher<CompanyAction> { subscriber -> 0.until(320).map { if (it % 11 == 0) CompanyAction.Add(Requisition.requisition) else CompanyAction.Hire(Requisition.requisition, Employee.employee) }.forEach { subscriber.onNext(it) }.also { subscriber.onComplete() } } .reduceWith({ Company("ActiveCampaign") }, { prevState, action -> when(action) { is CompanyAction.Hire -> { val employees = prevState.employees.toMutableList() employees.add(action.employee) prevState.copy(employees = employees) } is CompanyAction.Add -> { val requisitions = prevState.requisitions.toMutableList() requisitions.add(action.requisition) prevState.copy(requisitions = requisitions) } } }) .subscribe { state -> println("These numbers are most likely inaccurate.") println("ActiveCampaign has ${state.requisitions.size} job openings with around ${state.employees.size} employees.") println("There are ${state.employees.filter { == "Cody" }.size} employees named Cody.") println("Here is the raw state output:") println(state) }
  • 47. @POTUS404RxJava Observable.fromPublisher<CompanyAction> { subscriber -> 0.until(320).map { if (it % 11 == 0) CompanyAction.Add(Requisition.requisition) else CompanyAction.Hire(Requisition.requisition, Employee.employee) } .forEach { subscriber.onNext(it) } .also { subscriber.onComplete() } } .reduceWith({ Company("ActiveCampaign") }, { prevState, action -> when(action) { is CompanyAction.Hire -> { val employees = prevState.employees.toMutableList() employees.add(action.employee) prevState.copy(employees = employees) } is CompanyAction.Add -> { val requisitions = prevState.requisitions.toMutableList() requisitions.add(action.requisition) prevState.copy(requisitions = requisitions) } } }) .subscribe { state -> println("These numbers are most likely inaccurate.") println("ActiveCampaign has ${state.requisitions.size} job openings with around ${state.employees.size} employees.") println("There are ${state.employees.filter { == "Cody" }.size} employees named Cody.") println("Here is the raw state output:") println(state) }
  • 48. @POTUS404RxJava Observable.fromPublisher<CompanyAction> { subscriber -> 0.until(320).map { if (it % 11 == 0) CompanyAction.Add(Requisition.requisition) else CompanyAction.Hire(Requisition.requisition, Employee.employee) }.forEach { subscriber.onNext(it) }.also { subscriber.onComplete() } } .reduceWith({ Company("ActiveCampaign") }, { prevState, action -> when(action) { is CompanyAction.Hire -> { val employees = prevState.employees.toMutableList() employees.add(action.employee) prevState.copy(employees = employees) } is CompanyAction.Add -> { val requisitions = prevState.requisitions.toMutableList() requisitions.add(action.requisition) prevState.copy(requisitions = requisitions) } } }) .subscribe { state -> println("These numbers are most likely inaccurate.") println("ActiveCampaign has ${state.requisitions.size} job openings with around ${state.employees.size} employees.") println("There are ${state.employees.filter { == "Cody" }.size} employees named Cody.") println("Here is the raw state output:") println(state) }
  • 49. @POTUS404RxJava Observable.fromPublisher<CompanyAction> { subscriber -> 0.until(320).map { if (it % 11 == 0) CompanyAction.Add(Requisition.requisition) else CompanyAction.Hire(Requisition.requisition, Employee.employee) }.forEach { subscriber.onNext(it) }.also { subscriber.onComplete() } } .reduceWith({ Company("ActiveCampaign") }, { prevState, action -> when(action) { is CompanyAction.Hire -> { val employees = prevState.employees.toMutableList() employees.add(action.employee) prevState.copy(employees = employees) } is CompanyAction.Add -> { val requisitions = prevState.requisitions.toMutableList() requisitions.add(action.requisition) prevState.copy(requisitions = requisitions) } } }) .subscribe { state -> println("These numbers are most likely inaccurate.") println("ActiveCampaign has ${state.requisitions.size} job openings with around ${state.employees.size} employees.") println("There are ${state.employees.filter { == "Cody" }.size} employees named Cody.") println("Here is the raw state output:") println(state) }
  • 50. These numbers are most likely inaccurate. ActiveCampaign has 30 job openings with around 290 employees. There are 19 employees named Cody. Here is the raw state output: Company(name=ActiveCampaign, requisitions=[Requisition(name=Full Stack Engineer, department=Engineering), …) @POTUS404RxJava