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Barriers to
                                                                                                 Retail Growth
                                                                                                 And how to overcome them
                                                                                                 Dick Baynham & Sarah Mitchell - April 2013

Foreword   Introduction   Problem   Solution          Ticketing                      Rationale       Service       Personalisation      Contact

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Foreword                                                                                                                                      Page 2

       The retail industry has never been as dynamic or competitive.

       Operational complexities cause many retailers to unwittingly
       weaken their own marketing departments and degrade their
       customers’ experience – resulting in a failure to maximise the
       potential return from each shopper visit.

       Yet there is ample evidence that marketers can use retail
       ticketing to gain tighter control of in-store promotions and:

       	      • Increase sales on each shopper visit
       	      • Differentiate the customer experience
       	      • Deliver a powerful competitive advantage

       This paper explores the barriers preventing this from happening
       and explains how the simple outsourced service provided by our
       company is turning this situation around by assisting retailers to
       set new standards of excellence.
                                                                                                                     Edward Breese CEO SignIQ

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Introduction                                                                                                                                           Page 3

       Retailers have never been more under threat or better                     In this report we show how this situation has been turned
       positioned to achieve sustainable sales growth.                           on its head, enabling retailers of all sizes to begin tapping
                                                                                 into the data that matters most.
       Advances in technology enable companies to process vast
       amounts of data and transform it into operational insights on a           This is done by placing an additional window into the IT
       previously unattainable scale, yet most businesses have been              wall, allowing marketers to communicate directly with
       unable to capitalise on this opportunity. Why?                            stores and shoppers in real time at the shelf’s edge.

       Part of the reason is because technology keeps changing. The              Is this ‘big data’ revisited? No, this is an easy to use service
       volume of facts and figures is so large many businesses struggle          coming at the issue from an entirely different perspective. The
       to process the data passing through their systems. The vision of          information flow is simplified and made accountable in real time
       enabling marketers to mine this information has remained largely          for the sole purpose of ensuring marketing departments have
       unfulfilled for the majority of retailers.                                direct control of the product information on retail tickets.

       While a few exceptional companies are obtaining key insights              However, it is what can be done once marketing has control of
       after developing world-class intergrated systems, most retailers          ticketing that makes this service so unique. It enables retailers
       are sceptical of ever seeing ‘big data’ provide down-to-earth             to test offers in real time and build a bank of knowledge to assist in
       benefits that add real value to their business.                           differentiating their brand and competing at a higher level.

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A Complex Problem                                                                                                                                Page 4

                                                                                   Only someone who has been heavily involved in retailing for a
       The Promotional Collaboration Survey, a research project                    lengthy period can appreciate the multi-layered tasks involved
       sponsored by IBM Smarter Commerce & Booz Allen Hamilton,                    in designing a mass marketing delivery system capable of
       repeatedly cites problems with data as a major barrier to                   competing in today’s offline and online environment.
       collaboration between retailers and manufacturers, including:
                                                                                Whatever category of retail you operate in, the realities of
       •	 42% - Systems can’t talk with one another, so the data 	            	 purchasing, distributing and keeping track of inventory and
       		       can’t be shared                                                 transactions are a complicated and never-ending challenge.

       •	 50% - Systems have inadequate tools to work with data                 It is all too easy to depersonalise the shopper experience by
                                                                                inadvertently treating customers as numbers and manufacturers
       •	 50% - Systems are under-resourced to utilise the growing 	          	
                                                                                as suppliers of commodities. New advances in ticketing
       		       sources of data
                                                                                technology provide an opportunity to avoid this problem.
       •	 67% - Data is not made available on a timely basis
                                                                                So as IT departments juggle ever changing systems, how
       •   75% - Data lacks consistency in hierarchies, formats, 		           	 can marketers access the information within their control to
       	         attributes, etc.                                               better influence their shoppers’ buying decisions?

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A Simple Solution                                                                                                                                                Page 5

       In order for marketers to access the information they need                   However it is becoming critical for all retailers to find a solution
       they must remove the complexity, but there are difficulties to               that empowers their marketers to communicate directly with
       overcome in order to achieve this.                                           shoppers through their ticketing in real time.

       As retailers compete on the cutting edge of technology on a                         ‘Today the in-store decision rate has reached an
       continual basis, most have been forced to keep adapting their                  all-time high of 76%. Shoppers are specifically planning
       existing systems to accommodate new advances.                                  less and deciding more at the shelf - suggesting today’s
                                                                                                 shopper is more flexible than ever.’
       Consequently few businesses use the same combination of
                                                                                                            POPAI – 2012 Shopper Engagement Study, Topline Report
       hardware and software. This situation is made worse because
       the formats used to store data in different parts of the system              The fact that a few larger retailers have invested so much is
       are often inconsistent or incompatible.                                      indicative of the universal truth that all retailers are governed by -
                                                                                    the customer must always come first.
       Over time this practise can build an invisible barrier of gigantic
       proportions that places customers on one side and marketing                  If retailers don’t place the information in front of the right
       people on the other.                                                         people, in the right place, at the right time - everything
                                                                                    else is irrelevant.
       A few companies have met this challenge, but they are the
       exception rather than the rule and the costs have been high.

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Ticketing is the starting point                                                                                                                           Page 6

       To appreciate how marketers can reassert their influence it is vital           As marketing departments gain control and fine-tune these
       to understand the role ticketing plays at the heart of retailing.              levers, they can persuade more people to buy more often –
                                                                                      and they can also increase the value of each shopper visit.
       The complexities of distribution are designed to process goods
       in the minimum time frame to produce a ‘just in time’ result and
                                                                                       The Nielsen Global Survey of New Product Purchase
       maximise the return on investment.
                                                                                       Sentiment lists the three major reasons shoppers are likely
       The longer it takes to get products through the distribution chain,             to purchase as being:
       the more capital is required and the less profit is made.
                                                                                       •	 81% - Friends/Family told me about it
       While other areas of retailing have been streamlined in                         •	 73% - Saw it in store
       recent years, ticketing has largely been forgotten because                      •	 71% - Active Internet search
       it is literally the last thing that happens.                                    Any retailer seeking to become or remain a market leader
       As a result, ticketing is seen as a low priority - an operational               needs a strategy that responds to each of those challenges so
       necessity rather than a strategic opportunity. It has fallen to sales           they can:
       staff to bridge the gap by spending hours ensuring promotional                  •	    Generate referrals
       signage and ticketing is current, which takes them away from their              •	    Maximise every advantage through merchandising and ticketing
       primary function of serving customers.                                          •	    Mobilise online offers to match and align with the quality of
                                                                                       	     in-store marketing
       The slow nature of traditional ticketing in a fast-paced industry
       contributes to increased costs caused by inefficient marketing                  Note: These statistics combine people defined as ‘Much More
       processes, operational store issues and compliance violations.                  Likely’ or ‘Somewhat More Likely’ to purchase products.
       It is also responsible for lowering staff morale.

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The rationale for an outsourced service                                                                                                                  Page 7

       The issues surrounding IT systems is an area of risk that often               •	 No implementation costs
       carries a huge price tag to resolve.                                          •	 No consulting fee for IT services
       SignIQ has moved to reduce both the risk and the cost by                      •	 No software to develop, maintain or license
       providing a specialised service that focuses on combining                     •	 No hardware / peripherals to buy, except a printer at each store
       both the ‘operational’ and ‘strategic’ benefits of having a                   •	 No additional services or staff training costs to pay for
       fully coordinated and simplified retail ticketing service.                    •	 No charges for designing templates

       Within a month of partnering with SignIQ store managers and / or              •	 Expert management of your ticketing processes
       franchisees feel the benefit of greater flexibility and having more           •	 Future proof ticketing, driven by industry best practice
       time to spend getting ‘closer to customers’.                                  •	 Freeing up valuable time in IT and marketing departments
                                                                                     •	 Empowerment of marketing to fully control, monitor and 	
       These savings are further magnified at head office where
       ticketing templates can be changed in minutes and sent to all                 	     manage ticketing across the entire network in real time
       stores at the press of a button.                                              •	 Optional capacity to enable individual stores to create fully 	
                                                                                     	     compliant, high quality, ad-hoc ticketing
       The immediate advantages of outsourcing your ticketing
       services to SignIQ are many.

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The rationale for an outsourced service                                                                                                   Page 8

       The long-term advantages of partnering with us however are
       even more important than the immediate benefits.

       SignIQ tailors its services for each client. The more
       marketing departments adapt our reporting systems,
       the more they are able to differentiate their customer
       experience and maximise every shopper visit.

       Every service we provide is included in one low monthly cost.
       While there are minor variables depending on the level of
       involvement you may want us to have in refining your reporting
       systems, we know we can deliver our service for…

        …the cost of one cup of coffee, per store, per day.

       This is the why SignIQ is now operational in over 6,000 stores
       across Australia and New Zealand.

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How our service works                                                                                                                                     Page 9

       As the illustration on the next page shows, SignIQ has the                     By adding an extra layer of data connected to your
       capacity to plug into your system without interrupting the data                store’s ticketing, we place your marketing department’s
       flow or compromising enterprise data security.                                 finger directly on the pulse of your business.

       There is no special hardware or software required at either                    Management knows immediately which stores have printed the
       head office or store level.                                                    current promotional ticketing and which stores haven’t. There
                                                                                      is an instant flag raised, highlighting compliance levels at every
       All you will ever need at the store level is a suitable printer, a
                                                                                      store in real time across your entire group.
       workstation and a good internet connection.
                                                                                      This service alone can save hundreds of thousands of dollars
       Once everything is in place, your marketing department has
                                                                                      a year. Again this only scratches the surface in terms of the
       direct and ongoing access to our expertise and systems. They
                                                                                      competitive advantage that occurs once your marketing
       can immediately cut the time frame for putting tickets into your
                                                                                      department is placed in control of your ticketing.
       stores from weeks or days to hours and minutes.
                                                                                      As retailers realise the critical role ticketing plays within their
       If you currently use a centralised ticketing system, SignIQ can
                                                                                      marketing mix, they are able to improve the quality of their
       save you a small fortune in wasted print costs, as well as time.
                                                                                      decision-making and generate a favourable impact on their
       We stress once again this is not the main benefit.
                                                                                      company’s bottom line.
       The real competitive advantages lies in the simplicity of
       the information we add to the reporting tools sitting on
       the back-end of your Head Office systems.                                                                                              Continues...

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How our service works                                                                                                                            Page 10

                                                     Improving the proposition
                                      STORE                                                                      HEAD OFFICE
What do
           Ticket > Decision >        Purchase         POS
I buy?                                                                                                              HOS
                                                       BOS                                                          ONL
                                                       TKT                                         MGT              INV

           STORE SYSTEMS
            POS Point Of Sale                                                                                       PUR          Reporting Tools
            BOS Back Office                           SignIQ
            HOS Head Office
            ONL Online Store
            INV   Inventory
            PUR Purchasing                           Analytics                                                      ERP
            MER Merchandising                                                                                                     Key Insights     What do
            ERP   Enterprise Resource Planning
                                                                                                                   SignIQ                          we offer?
            TKT SignIQ Ticketing
            MGT SignIQ Management                   SignIQ
                                                        Improving the process
 SignIQ provides in-store ticketing and delivers personalised marketing reports to assist retailers to grow.

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The process of personalisation                                                                                                                          Page 11

       The point of retailing is to develop an experience differentiating          The range of potential offers your marketing department can
       your business from any other to the extent you establish greater            test is limitless and it is easy to begin that process as soon as
       trust and build a reputation.                                               the SignIQ service is implemented.

       However, in order to build that trust and protect your reputation,          Your marketing department can review your inventory and
       you need access to processes that enable you to constantly test             choose to up-sell, cross-sell or develop different product
       and measure your marketing efforts against shopper’s actions.               combinations – but they can only do this if they have all the
                                                                                   necessary information and can produce tickets in real time.
       This is how each business develops a unique personality
       and becomes a brand.                                                        If marketing is not testing and measuring results in real time,
                                                                                   they are not learning from experience or adding to your bank
       Without developing a formal process to test and measure your
                                                                                   of knowledge. They are simply rolling the dice and going on gut
       marketing effort against the action of your shoppers, the words
                                                                                   feel. Which is what we mean when we say…
       ‘continuous improvement’ amount to little more than lip service.
                                                                                           Improving the process - improves the proposition
       How can you do this? You do it by seeing what happens when
       you place a specific product in a specific place, on a specific                     Improving the proposition - improves the process
       day, with a specific offer attached to it.                                  Gut feel is fine for a single store retailer that survives by ducking
       The offer might be a variation on ‘buy one get one free’, but it            and diving, but it’s not a viable strategy for a multi-store chain
       might also be as basic as moving an item from one place on                  that plans to grow its brand on a sustainable basis.
       your plan-o-gram to another or changing the size of a ticket.                                                                     Continues...

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The process of personalisation                                                                                                          Page 12

       The SignIQ service is intended to assist our clients to gain a
       better balance between a potentially ‘vicious cycle’ - based
       purely on driving down prices and commoditising the shopper
       experience - and a potentially ‘virtuous cycle’ - based on adding
       value and enhancing the shopper experience.

       The subtle distinctions between those two extremes are what
       will eventually determine where your brand is positioned - and
       how successful and profitable it will be.

       At SignIQ we offer a simple and intelligent system for assisting
       retailers to use their ticketing to refine and improve their position
       in the marketplace.

       The more you use this feedback loop, the more it helps to
       develop a differentiated and sustainable business.

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Contact                                                                                                                                         Page 13

       For more information on SignIQ and how we can assist in
       personalising your ticketing process please contact...

       Peter Kennedy
       GM Business Development  | SignIQ

       T: +61 3 9028 0385  |   M: +61 417 030 031
       E: | W :
                                                                               About the authors
                                                                               Dick Baynham is an award winning Copywriter and Creative
                                                                               Director who used to run his own advertising agency. He is now
                                                                               focused on turning business into brands and he sees ticketing as
                                                                               a critically important part of that process for retailers.

                                                                               M: +61 4333 08000  | E: | W:

                                                                               Sarah Mitchell is a highly experienced Content Manager.
                                                                               She hails from Michigan, lives in Fremantle, has many years
                                                                               experience in the software industry and is the Australian editor of
                                                                               CCO, the magazine of the Content Marketing Institute.

                                                                               M: +61 410 024 404  | E: | W:

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Barriers to Retail Growth - And How to Overcome Them

  • 1. Barriers to Retail Growth And how to overcome them Dick Baynham & Sarah Mitchell - April 2013 Foreword Introduction Problem Solution Ticketing Rationale Service Personalisation Contact Esc to exit Copyright © SignIQ Pty Ltd - April 2013
  • 2. Foreword Page 2 The retail industry has never been as dynamic or competitive. Operational complexities cause many retailers to unwittingly weaken their own marketing departments and degrade their customers’ experience – resulting in a failure to maximise the potential return from each shopper visit. Yet there is ample evidence that marketers can use retail ticketing to gain tighter control of in-store promotions and: • Increase sales on each shopper visit • Differentiate the customer experience • Deliver a powerful competitive advantage This paper explores the barriers preventing this from happening and explains how the simple outsourced service provided by our company is turning this situation around by assisting retailers to set new standards of excellence. Edward Breese CEO SignIQ Home Introduction Problem Solution Ticketing Rationale Service Personalisation Contact Esc to exit Copyright © SignIQ Pty Ltd - April 2013
  • 3. Introduction Page 3 Retailers have never been more under threat or better In this report we show how this situation has been turned positioned to achieve sustainable sales growth. on its head, enabling retailers of all sizes to begin tapping into the data that matters most. Advances in technology enable companies to process vast amounts of data and transform it into operational insights on a This is done by placing an additional window into the IT previously unattainable scale, yet most businesses have been wall, allowing marketers to communicate directly with unable to capitalise on this opportunity. Why? stores and shoppers in real time at the shelf’s edge. Part of the reason is because technology keeps changing. The Is this ‘big data’ revisited? No, this is an easy to use service volume of facts and figures is so large many businesses struggle coming at the issue from an entirely different perspective. The to process the data passing through their systems. The vision of information flow is simplified and made accountable in real time enabling marketers to mine this information has remained largely for the sole purpose of ensuring marketing departments have unfulfilled for the majority of retailers. direct control of the product information on retail tickets. While a few exceptional companies are obtaining key insights However, it is what can be done once marketing has control of after developing world-class intergrated systems, most retailers ticketing that makes this service so unique. It enables retailers are sceptical of ever seeing ‘big data’ provide down-to-earth to test offers in real time and build a bank of knowledge to assist in benefits that add real value to their business. differentiating their brand and competing at a higher level. Home Foreword Problem Solution Ticketing Rationale Service Personalisation Contact Esc to exit Copyright © SignIQ Pty Ltd - April 2013
  • 4. A Complex Problem Page 4 Only someone who has been heavily involved in retailing for a The Promotional Collaboration Survey, a research project lengthy period can appreciate the multi-layered tasks involved sponsored by IBM Smarter Commerce & Booz Allen Hamilton, in designing a mass marketing delivery system capable of repeatedly cites problems with data as a major barrier to competing in today’s offline and online environment. collaboration between retailers and manufacturers, including: Whatever category of retail you operate in, the realities of • 42% - Systems can’t talk with one another, so the data purchasing, distributing and keeping track of inventory and can’t be shared transactions are a complicated and never-ending challenge. • 50% - Systems have inadequate tools to work with data It is all too easy to depersonalise the shopper experience by inadvertently treating customers as numbers and manufacturers • 50% - Systems are under-resourced to utilise the growing as suppliers of commodities. New advances in ticketing sources of data technology provide an opportunity to avoid this problem. • 67% - Data is not made available on a timely basis So as IT departments juggle ever changing systems, how • 75% - Data lacks consistency in hierarchies, formats, can marketers access the information within their control to attributes, etc. better influence their shoppers’ buying decisions? Home Foreword Introduction Solution Ticketing Rationale Service Personalisation Contact Esc to exit Copyright © SignIQ Pty Ltd - April 2013
  • 5. A Simple Solution Page 5 In order for marketers to access the information they need However it is becoming critical for all retailers to find a solution they must remove the complexity, but there are difficulties to that empowers their marketers to communicate directly with overcome in order to achieve this. shoppers through their ticketing in real time. As retailers compete on the cutting edge of technology on a ‘Today the in-store decision rate has reached an continual basis, most have been forced to keep adapting their all-time high of 76%. Shoppers are specifically planning existing systems to accommodate new advances. less and deciding more at the shelf - suggesting today’s shopper is more flexible than ever.’ Consequently few businesses use the same combination of POPAI – 2012 Shopper Engagement Study, Topline Report hardware and software. This situation is made worse because the formats used to store data in different parts of the system The fact that a few larger retailers have invested so much is are often inconsistent or incompatible. indicative of the universal truth that all retailers are governed by - the customer must always come first. Over time this practise can build an invisible barrier of gigantic proportions that places customers on one side and marketing If retailers don’t place the information in front of the right people on the other. people, in the right place, at the right time - everything else is irrelevant. A few companies have met this challenge, but they are the exception rather than the rule and the costs have been high. Home Foreword Introduction Problem Ticketing Rationale Service Personalisation Contact Esc to exit Copyright © SignIQ Pty Ltd - April 2013
  • 6. Ticketing is the starting point Page 6 To appreciate how marketers can reassert their influence it is vital As marketing departments gain control and fine-tune these to understand the role ticketing plays at the heart of retailing. levers, they can persuade more people to buy more often – and they can also increase the value of each shopper visit. The complexities of distribution are designed to process goods in the minimum time frame to produce a ‘just in time’ result and The Nielsen Global Survey of New Product Purchase maximise the return on investment. Sentiment lists the three major reasons shoppers are likely The longer it takes to get products through the distribution chain, to purchase as being: the more capital is required and the less profit is made. • 81% - Friends/Family told me about it While other areas of retailing have been streamlined in • 73% - Saw it in store recent years, ticketing has largely been forgotten because • 71% - Active Internet search it is literally the last thing that happens. Any retailer seeking to become or remain a market leader As a result, ticketing is seen as a low priority - an operational needs a strategy that responds to each of those challenges so necessity rather than a strategic opportunity. It has fallen to sales they can: staff to bridge the gap by spending hours ensuring promotional • Generate referrals signage and ticketing is current, which takes them away from their • Maximise every advantage through merchandising and ticketing primary function of serving customers. • Mobilise online offers to match and align with the quality of in-store marketing The slow nature of traditional ticketing in a fast-paced industry contributes to increased costs caused by inefficient marketing Note: These statistics combine people defined as ‘Much More processes, operational store issues and compliance violations. Likely’ or ‘Somewhat More Likely’ to purchase products. It is also responsible for lowering staff morale. Home Foreword Introduction Problem Solution Rationale Service Personalisation Contact Esc to exit Copyright © SignIQ Pty Ltd - April 2013
  • 7. The rationale for an outsourced service Page 7 The issues surrounding IT systems is an area of risk that often • No implementation costs carries a huge price tag to resolve. • No consulting fee for IT services SignIQ has moved to reduce both the risk and the cost by • No software to develop, maintain or license providing a specialised service that focuses on combining • No hardware / peripherals to buy, except a printer at each store both the ‘operational’ and ‘strategic’ benefits of having a • No additional services or staff training costs to pay for fully coordinated and simplified retail ticketing service. • No charges for designing templates Within a month of partnering with SignIQ store managers and / or • Expert management of your ticketing processes franchisees feel the benefit of greater flexibility and having more • Future proof ticketing, driven by industry best practice time to spend getting ‘closer to customers’. • Freeing up valuable time in IT and marketing departments • Empowerment of marketing to fully control, monitor and These savings are further magnified at head office where ticketing templates can be changed in minutes and sent to all manage ticketing across the entire network in real time stores at the press of a button. • Optional capacity to enable individual stores to create fully compliant, high quality, ad-hoc ticketing The immediate advantages of outsourcing your ticketing services to SignIQ are many. Continues... Home Foreword Introduction Problem Solution Ticketing Service Personalisation Contact Esc to exit Copyright © SignIQ Pty Ltd - April 2013
  • 8. The rationale for an outsourced service Page 8 The long-term advantages of partnering with us however are even more important than the immediate benefits. SignIQ tailors its services for each client. The more marketing departments adapt our reporting systems, the more they are able to differentiate their customer experience and maximise every shopper visit. Every service we provide is included in one low monthly cost. While there are minor variables depending on the level of involvement you may want us to have in refining your reporting systems, we know we can deliver our service for… …the cost of one cup of coffee, per store, per day. This is the why SignIQ is now operational in over 6,000 stores across Australia and New Zealand. Home Foreword Introduction Problem Solution Ticketing Service Personalisation Contact Esc to exit Copyright © SignIQ Pty Ltd - April 2013
  • 9. How our service works Page 9 As the illustration on the next page shows, SignIQ has the By adding an extra layer of data connected to your capacity to plug into your system without interrupting the data store’s ticketing, we place your marketing department’s flow or compromising enterprise data security. finger directly on the pulse of your business. There is no special hardware or software required at either Management knows immediately which stores have printed the head office or store level. current promotional ticketing and which stores haven’t. There is an instant flag raised, highlighting compliance levels at every All you will ever need at the store level is a suitable printer, a store in real time across your entire group. workstation and a good internet connection. This service alone can save hundreds of thousands of dollars Once everything is in place, your marketing department has a year. Again this only scratches the surface in terms of the direct and ongoing access to our expertise and systems. They competitive advantage that occurs once your marketing can immediately cut the time frame for putting tickets into your department is placed in control of your ticketing. stores from weeks or days to hours and minutes. As retailers realise the critical role ticketing plays within their If you currently use a centralised ticketing system, SignIQ can marketing mix, they are able to improve the quality of their save you a small fortune in wasted print costs, as well as time. decision-making and generate a favourable impact on their We stress once again this is not the main benefit. company’s bottom line. The real competitive advantages lies in the simplicity of the information we add to the reporting tools sitting on the back-end of your Head Office systems. Continues... Home Foreword Introduction Problem Solution Ticketing Rationale Personalisation Contact Esc to exit Copyright © SignIQ Pty Ltd - April 2013
  • 10. How our service works Page 10 Improving the proposition STORE HEAD OFFICE What do Ticket > Decision > Purchase POS I buy? HOS Systems BOS ONL Systems TKT MGT INV STORE SYSTEMS POS Point Of Sale PUR Reporting Tools BOS Back Office SignIQ HEAD OFFICE SYSTEMS HOS Head Office MER ONL Online Store INV Inventory PUR Purchasing Analytics ERP MER Merchandising Key Insights What do ERP Enterprise Resource Planning SignIQ we offer? SIGNIQ SYSTEMS TKT SignIQ Ticketing MGT SignIQ Management SignIQ Improving the process SignIQ provides in-store ticketing and delivers personalised marketing reports to assist retailers to grow. Home Foreword Introduction Problem Solution Ticketing Rationale Personalisation Contact Esc to exit Copyright © SignIQ Pty Ltd - April 2013
  • 11. The process of personalisation Page 11 The point of retailing is to develop an experience differentiating The range of potential offers your marketing department can your business from any other to the extent you establish greater test is limitless and it is easy to begin that process as soon as trust and build a reputation. the SignIQ service is implemented. However, in order to build that trust and protect your reputation, Your marketing department can review your inventory and you need access to processes that enable you to constantly test choose to up-sell, cross-sell or develop different product and measure your marketing efforts against shopper’s actions. combinations – but they can only do this if they have all the necessary information and can produce tickets in real time. This is how each business develops a unique personality and becomes a brand. If marketing is not testing and measuring results in real time, they are not learning from experience or adding to your bank Without developing a formal process to test and measure your of knowledge. They are simply rolling the dice and going on gut marketing effort against the action of your shoppers, the words feel. Which is what we mean when we say… ‘continuous improvement’ amount to little more than lip service. Improving the process - improves the proposition How can you do this? You do it by seeing what happens when you place a specific product in a specific place, on a specific Improving the proposition - improves the process day, with a specific offer attached to it. Gut feel is fine for a single store retailer that survives by ducking The offer might be a variation on ‘buy one get one free’, but it and diving, but it’s not a viable strategy for a multi-store chain might also be as basic as moving an item from one place on that plans to grow its brand on a sustainable basis. your plan-o-gram to another or changing the size of a ticket. Continues... Home Foreword Introduction Problem Solution Ticketing Rationale Service Contact Esc to exit Copyright © SignIQ Pty Ltd - April 2013
  • 12. The process of personalisation Page 12 The SignIQ service is intended to assist our clients to gain a better balance between a potentially ‘vicious cycle’ - based purely on driving down prices and commoditising the shopper experience - and a potentially ‘virtuous cycle’ - based on adding value and enhancing the shopper experience. The subtle distinctions between those two extremes are what will eventually determine where your brand is positioned - and how successful and profitable it will be. At SignIQ we offer a simple and intelligent system for assisting retailers to use their ticketing to refine and improve their position in the marketplace. The more you use this feedback loop, the more it helps to develop a differentiated and sustainable business. Home Foreword Introduction Problem Solution Ticketing Rationale Service Contact Esc to exit Copyright © SignIQ Pty Ltd - April 2013
  • 13. Contact Page 13 For more information on SignIQ and how we can assist in personalising your ticketing process please contact... Peter Kennedy GM Business Development | SignIQ T: +61 3 9028 0385 | M: +61 417 030 031 E: | W : About the authors Dick Baynham is an award winning Copywriter and Creative Director who used to run his own advertising agency. He is now focused on turning business into brands and he sees ticketing as a critically important part of that process for retailers. M: +61 4333 08000 | E: | W: Sarah Mitchell is a highly experienced Content Manager. She hails from Michigan, lives in Fremantle, has many years experience in the software industry and is the Australian editor of CCO, the magazine of the Content Marketing Institute. M: +61 410 024 404 | E: | W: Home Foreword Introduction Problem Solution Ticketing Rationale Service Personalisation Esc to exit Copyright © SignIQ Pty Ltd - April 2013