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Antoni Giró,
UPC rector:                Top city for
Spearheading the project

Puma lands
in Barcelona               The 2010 European Cities Monitor
                           release shows Barcelona remains one of
Gas Natural                the top cities for business. Only topped
                           by the political and economic capitals
Fenosa, from gas           of the EU, the city brand is strong
lighting to electricity
                           because of the drive, creativity and
                           professionality of both its locals and
                           foreign inhabitants.


                                                                                                Balcelona Good News
                                         January 2011. N. 1   Barcelona Business Magazine

editor’s sectioNs

Barcelona Good News

                                    new stage, new views
                                    Until recently, Good News came in newsletter format; with the change to paper support, it became a magazine
                                    and therefore a new and expanded publication, both physically and in terms of content.

                                    We are pleased to present Barcelona’s new business magazine, a         enhanced transport, welfare and knowledge economy
                                    revamp of the existing Barcelona Good News but with fresh and          infrastructures. they attract investment from home and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   the cover shows the Rtve
                                    enhanced relevance.                                                    abroad and drive an economy based on added value as                                                     buildings (left), interface
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Building (centre) and indra
                                    this relevance, however, does not just come out of nowhere             the only way to ensure the prosperity of Barcelona over
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   (right) in 22@Barcelona,
                                    but instead is the consequence of the period Barcelona is              forthcoming decades.                                                                                    the innovation district.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   the picture was taken
                                    going through. indeed, the new format brings with it expanded          Nonetheless, alongside the favourable conditions created
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   by Lluís Bernat,
                                    communication to encompass a dimension of the city, the                by its institutions, the city’s prosperity is above all the result                                      BPMO photo.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   the font used for the
                                    economic one, which in the midst of the worst global crisis            of the excellent work done by its people and those who have
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   masthead is called
                                    in seventy years has been able to maintain its position at the         built their projects in Barcelona over recent decades. it is also                                       “Poster” and has been
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   specially designed for this
                                    international forefront. it is therefore only fair to provide a more   down to those who have more recently sited their business
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   issue by iñigo Jerez, from
                                    detailed and accurate portrayal of Barcelona’s economy.                initiatives in Barcelona to take advantage of the city’s positive                                       typo-Ø-tones. this chunky
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   didot-like typeface with
                                    Barcelona’s strength as a centre for economic activity and             dynamics that are recognized in the international rankings.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   thick strokes, thin arms
                                    innovation can be seen in the data produced by consultants             Good News intends to cover both cases.                                                                  and serifs owes its origin to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   the revivals of 19th century
                                    whose job it is to identify the best places for doing business in      Finally, it should be noted that Good News is in english
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Bodoni modifications.
                                    europe and around the world. As the cover story in this first issue    not only because english is the international language of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   the other fonts used in
                                    of the new Good News points out, Barcelona’s position in these         business today, but also because with this publication,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Good News Barcelona
                                    rankings is based not only on the city’s personality and well-         Barcelona is further extending its strategic commitment                                                 are akkurat and itC
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Barcelona, the latter
                                    known creative skills, but also on its figures and the confidence      to being open to foreign talent, talent that is a rewarding
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   designed by edward
                                    it generates among executives across the continent.                    opportunity for the entire city in its human, cultural, language                                        Benguiat for the 1992
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Barcelona Olympics.
                                    this competitive Barcelona with its european and worldwide             and, obviously, also economic aspects.
                                    relevance is largely the outcome of development policies
                                                                                                                                                        Jordi Hereu i Boher
                                    over the course of its history that now take the shape of
                                                                                                                                                       Mayor of Barcelona

                                                                                                                                                          Barcelona city council - economic Promotion Area
                                                                                                                                                          Llacuna 162, 08018 Barcelona (spain)
                                                                                                                                                          t. (+34) 932 563 915

                      BCN HIGHLIGHTS 3 /// STANDING OUT 4 Barcelona, top city for business                                                                Design and Production:
                                                                                                                                                          BPMo edigrup -
                                                                                                                                                          creative director: Paula Mastrángelo /// editorial coordinator: carmen Alcalde
                      /// BARCELONA WORLD 9 /// SPOTLIGHT ON 10 Antoni Giró, UPc rector /// WIDE                                                          /// Art director: Marta solà /// Photo editing: carlota Prats, BPMo photo ///
                                                                                                                                                          Language coordinator: raúl Pelegrín /// Print by enlaze3 Print Management
                      ANGLE 13 Gas Natural Fenosa /// DO IT IN BARCELONA 14 /// NETWORKING 15 /// TOP                                                     Cofunded by

                      SECRET 16 /// ZOOM IN 17 cFLabs /// DEPARTURES AND ARRIVALS 18 Puma / Almirall
                      /// PENSAT A BARCELONA 20 /// WHAT’S COOKING Bet 22 ///AGENDA 24
The CMT opens new headquarters

                                                                                                                                                                                             BCN HIGHLIGHTS
InnOVATIOn’                                         The Telecommunications Market Commission                                The new CMT offices are more symbolic, provide more space
Barcelona is among the 30 Spanish cities            (CMT) becomes first state agency to establish its                       and better security than its provisional headquarters in the
receiving the distinction of ‘City of Science       headquarters in Barcelona                                               Mapfre Tower. The Spanish Government, led by José Luis
and Innovation’ by the Ministry of Science and                                                                              Rodríguez Zapatero, approved the transfer of the CMT from
Technology for the first time. The title, which                                                                             Madrid to Barcelona in December 2004.
will be given in early 2011, recognizes the                                                                                 The Commission’s new offices have 600 full-time employees
efforts of the city in research and development                                                                             and occupy two buildings with a total area of over 12,000
and will benefit research programs.                                                                                         square metres. The first houses the CMT directorates and
For three years the recognised cities will                                                                                  the offices of the Presidential Department, the Council and
make up ‘Impulso Red’, a network of cities of                                                                               the Secretariat. Installed with solar panels and connected to
science and innovation. Barcelona is the only                                                                               the city’s urban heating and cooling systems, this bioclimatic
large city (over 10,000 inhabitants) that has                                                                               building is highly efficient in terms of energy. The second
received recognition from the Ministry for its                                                                              building houses an auditorium seating 330 and an interna-
commitment to research.                                                                                                     tional meeting room. Moreover, a crèche on the same floor
More info:                                                                                              helps CMT staff to reconcile work and family life.
                                                                                                                                                           More info:
nEw flIGhTS AnnOunCED
PAulO AnD MIAMI                                     The city presents its
Iberia has announced that the company will be
flying to Sao Paulo and Miami from Barcelona
                                                    candidature to host the
El Prat International Airport. The new thrice-      2022 Winter Olympiad
weekly direct flights, with no stopovers, will
begin next summer season, in March 2011.            Barcelona will have to pass through three

                                                                                                                                                                                                              Barcelona Good News
These new transatlantic destinations go a long      filters if the city’s Olympic hopes are to
way to meeting the long-held ambition cherished     finally prosper.
by both the Government of Catalonia and             The first is the selection of the candidature by
Barcelona City Council: to consolidate El Prat as   the Spanish Olympic Committee, which will meet
the Spain’s second-most important airport.          for this purpose in 2013. At the meeting, the
More info:                    Catalan capital’s rival will be Jaca, presenting           EVS27 2013, devoted
                                                    its seventh bid to host the Winter Olympics. The           to the electric vehicle
MSC COnTInuES ITS                                   second obstacle will be the International Olympic
COMMITMEnT wITh uS                                  Committee (IOC) meeting in 2014, whilst the final          The project, led by Barcelona City Council, the Insti-
The Swiss company MSC Cruises chose                 decision will be taken in October 2015.                    tute for Energy Diversification and Saving (IDAE) and
Barcelona to present its new developments           As Jordi Hereu, the mayor of Barcelona, ex-                the Spanish Association for the Electric Vehicle, won
for the 2010-2011 season. Company director          plained at a press conference in January this              the vote against candidatures put forward by other
Emiliano González stated that MSC “continues        year, the city’s proposal revolves around two              cities such as Geneva and Paris.
its commitment to the Port of Barcelona, one        Olympic villages. These are: Barcelona itself,             In 2013, Barcelona will host the most important international
of our key destinations”. Four MSC flagships,       which will host the opening and closing ceremo-            meeting in the specialist sector that is electric technology and mo-
including two of the most modern craft in           nies, the medal ceremonies and indoor sports               bility. The event is organised by the World Electric Vehicle Associa-
the company fleet, will pick up passengers in       (ice hockey, skating and curling) competitions;            tion (WEVA), which will stage the EVS25 symposium in Shenzhen
Barcelona next season. Moreover, MSC Cruises        and the Pyrenees, where all the other events               (China), whilst EVS26 will take place in Los Angeles (California,
also announced that, for the first time, the        will take place.                                           USA) in mid-2012. Finally, when the event returns to Europe, Barce-
company’s ships will also dock at the Port of       Barcelona-Pyrenees will also have to fight off             lona has been chosen to host the 27th edition of this exhibition.
Palamós.                                            competition from bids put forward by the likes             Not only professionals, but also users and ordinary citizens will
                                                    of New Zealand, Romania and Canada.                        also find much of interest at the show, as it includes a section
                                                                                    More info:                 where manufacturers can exhibit and test drive their vehicles.
                                                                                                                          More info:

                                                    Headquarters of the
                                                    Secretariat for the                                                             “Do it in Barcelona”
                                                    “Barcelona Process: Union                                                       wins Eurocities
                                                    for the Mediterranean”                                                          Awards 2010
More info:
                                                    The Barcelona Process: union for the Mediterranean                              The Deputy Mayor of Barcelona, Jordi William
nEw PrOPErTy SEArCh EnGInE                          (upM) is an international organisation set up to                                Carnes, picked up the Eurocities Awards 2010
fOr BuSInESS SPACES                                 promote cooperation and the development of                                      Innovation Award on behalf of the city for the
The new search engine will connect supply           international relations. Its members include all                                “Do it in Barcelona” programme run by the City
and demand in this sector by enabling the           43 Mediterranean countries.                                                     Council. Eurocities is a network of major Eu-
members of official associations to advertise       The new headquarters of the UpM, which was established in                       ropean cities which each year gives awards to
their offers. The application will help users to    2008 in Paris and Marseilles, will be in Barcelona. The Catalan                 the activities and programmes carried out by
find commercial premises, offices, business         capital was selected as to host the Secretariat for the “Bar-                   its more than 140 member cities. The innova-
centres and industrial units throughout the         celona Process: Union for the Mediterranean” organisation at                    tion category recognizes activity planning and
city of Barcelona, whether they are seeking to      the Euro-Med Conference of Ministers of Foreign Affairs. This                   implementation by local authorities. “Do it in
purchase or only to rent.                           Secretariat will play a key role in the institutional architecture,             Barcelona” is an initiative addressed at highly
More info:           identifying, monitoring and promoting projects and recruiting                   qualified people aged between 24 and 25 who
espaisdenegoci/es                                   members.                                                                        are looking to work in the city.
                                                                 More info:                        More info:
                      city                                                                                         for
Barcelona Good News

                      After the release of the 2010 European Cities Monitor (ECM), Barcelona can feel
                      proud of mantaining its position amongst the best cities for business in Europe.
                      Topped only by the political and economic capitals of the EU, the city remains
                      strong thanks to the creativeness and the professionalism of its local and
                      foreign inhabitants. By Toni Güell

                      A few weeks ago, oriol Barrachina,         Europe talks about                           access to markets and customers; pres-
                      manager of the consulting firm cush-       Barcelona                                    ence of skilled labour; quality of telecom-
                      man & Wakefield in Barcelona, said         this is precisely the case of the european   munications and presence of transport
                      that the catalan capital continues to      cities Monitor (ecM). on the world stage,    routes toward other cities and abroad.
                      enjoy a very good image on the europe-     the movement of capital and talented         With its study for 2010, the ecM has
                      an stage as an ideal city for business,    people is accelerating at an increasingly    reached its twenty-first year, and if we
                      but also pointed out that this idea is     faster pace, and therefore requires valid    wish to make an appropriate evaluation
                      not widespread at all among the city’s     references; among them, ecM is one           of Barcelona’s fifth position, we need to
                      inhabitants.                               of the most often consulted. the index       stress that the index has been topped
                      Nevertheless, the fact remains that        is the result of the work commissioned       by London, Paris and Frankfurt since
                      Barcelona is at the top of the rankings    by consulting firm cushman & Wake-           its creation. of course this shouldn’t
                      that evaluate cities as being suitable     field to tNs BrMB, and was created via       surprise anyone: the first two are the
                      for economic life. Moreover, the results   interviews with 500 senior managers at       capitals of two of the richest and stron-
                      of this ranking don’t just come from       leading companies from the old con-          gest countries in the european Union
                      cold statistics, but is also a result of   tinent. in its successive years, the four    and the international scene, and the
                      the opinions expressed directly by         factors considered most important for        third is not only the financial capital of
                      business-owners and professionals          these guidelines when deciding in which      the Union itself (the ecB is located there)
                      from across the continent.                 city to set up business have been: ease of   but also of a Germany whose economic
stANdiNG oUt

                                                    Barcelona Good News

ChrisTopher ColumBus sTaTue
   in BarCelona, his hands is
    poinTinG To The ameriCas.
       © Roberto A Sanchez by Istockphoto
Barcelona Good News

                                                                  power is demonstrated by having five           reflected in facts that can be translated    economic and entrepreneurial life, and
                      THE INTERNATIONAL                           of its cities among the top fifteen of the     into figures. the Barcelona of universal     here it is necessary to highlight the ar-
                      ECONOMIC CRISIS,                            ecM (Frankfurt, Berlin, Munich, düssel-        exhibitions, the Barcelona of the 1992       rival of the high-speed train (AVe) and
                      AN OPPORTUNITy                              dorf and Hamburg). Furthermore, the city       olympic Games and Barcelona as a             the opening of terminal t-1 at Barce-
                      New ways make it easier to establish        that takes the fourth position (occupied       capital of design (among other things)       lona-el Prat Airport, as both projects
                      your business in Barcelona                  by Barcelona in 2009) is Brussels, which,      for the 21st century are interlinked by a    improve competitiveness and elevate
                                                                  similarly to Washington, d.c. in the           common thread that is shown when you         Barcelona, the metropolitan area and
                      32% of office rental contracts in the       United states, enjoys the unbeatable           look at the data closely. For example, the   catalonia as a whole to the first level on
                      city centre. 112 contracts signed in the    advantage of being the headquarters            fact that 7.5% of the inhabitants set up     the international scale. this comes in
                      eixample district. 24% fall in the price    of the main bodies of the eU, as well as       their business in Barcelona means that       addition to other city assets that have
                      of office rental. 52,254 square metres      the political home of NAto. this implies       the city has a greater rate of entrepre-     been functioning at an excellent level
                      of office space rented in the last six      a great centre of attraction for lobbies       neurship by population than Germany,         for longer, such as the port. in 2009, the
                      months. european city with the sixth-       as well as all types of companies and          France, the Netherlands, the United          Port of Barcelona was the leader in the
                      best relation between quality and price     businesses.                                    Kingdom and the oecd average.                Mediterranean and the fourth in the
                      for offices. €333 per square metre.         on this basis, and also taking account                                                      world in terms of cruise ship traffic. in
                      Barcelona is one of the 15 cities with      of the power and resources of other            The ratings come from cold                   July 2010, around 1.1 million tourists
                      cheapest office rentals. it is cheaper      capitals and major cities of european          statistics as well as from                   passed through its facilities, meaning
                      than in london, paris, Frankfurt and        countries, Barcelona’s fifth position in       the opinions expressed                       an increase of 11.2% on the previous
                      Brussels and 33% cheaper than               the ecM 2010 edition has even greater          directly by business-                        year.
                      the average for the world’s major           value. in fact, Barcelona only fell by one     owners and professionals                     Looking beyond infrastructure, it seems
                      cities. Barcelona has responded to          hundredth (0.01) of its final score from       from across the continent                    appropriate to refer to data (most of
                      the economic crisis with the largest        2009, and has come in fourth or fifth                                                       which were provided by observatorio
                      investment in its history: €1.028 billion   since 2005. All this can only be indicative    in 2009 Barcelona attracted a total of       Barcelona’s 2008 report) such as the
                      in 2009 and €836 million in 2010            of a dynamism inscribed in the dNA of          153 investment projects from abroad.         business penetration of new technolo-
                                                                  the city, and by extension, its inhabitants.   this magnetic effect of the region is        gies. Here, the percentage of companies
                                                                                                                 combined with the role that the city         with broadband and that sell and buy
                                                                  Sensations… and data                           has played historically. therefore, by       over the internet are evaluated. cata-
                                                                  Barcelona is the second-best city at           combining the efforts of different cen-      lan firms obtain scores that fall in line
                                                                  business promotion in 2010, while in           tres, catalonia took sixth place among       or are above the european average.
                                                                  2009 it was the first. communication           the european regions that attract most       Barcelona has the third-largest per-
                                                                  makes sense, because giving the city           foreign investment in 2008, after the        centage of people employed in creative
                                                                  a positive image abroad really attracts        regions of London, Paris, düsseldorf,        sectors (12%) and it occupies a com-
                                                                  wealth. But Barcelona’s creative person-       Madrid and dublin.                           mendable number 21 in the world in
                                                                  ality is not merely a question of dis-         in addition, the city is making continu-     terms of scientific production. in 2007,
                                                                  course and its entrepreneurial character       ous efforts to set up infrastructure that    catalonia was the european region with
                                                                  is not a legendary quality; both are           keep it connected with international         the fifth-largest population working in
stANdiNG oUt

                                                                                                                                                                                                          Barcelona Good News
science and technology (11%, which            it is also important to cross-reference       from observatorio Barcelona, 43% of         direct jobs in 2011. this dynamic is fully
corresponds to almost 600,000 people).        the data on quality of life with living       catalan companies foresee a growth in       in tune with the needs of not just the
                                              expenses and income levels. While             exports in the near future. exports from    city, but of the continent as a whole, and
Quality of life                               Barcelona has a high quality of life, the     catalunya already represent 26% of          proof of this are the words spoken last
For the thirteenth consecutive year,          professionals who establish or con-           overall spanish exports in 2009.            8 April by the european commissioner
european executives surveyed in 2009          tinue their careers in Barcelona should                                                   Androulla Vassiliou in Barcelona, ac-
for the ecM chose Barcelona as the            know that it has fallen seven important       But Barcelona’s creative                    cording to whom one out of every three
best european city in terms of quality of     positions and settled at thirty-eighth        personality is not merely                   jobs created in the european Union
life for workers, above Geneva, Munich,       in the world in terms of living expenses      a question of discourse                     between 2010 and 2020 will be highly-
oslo and Madrid. But this concept is not      (the first is the most expensive, with        and its entrepreneurial                     skilled.
always subject to proper understand-          Barcelona coming from the thirty-first        character is not a                          However, it is fair to remember that
ing; as the aforementioned manager            position). they can also rest assured         legendary quality; both are                 the commitment to high-level train-
of cushman & Wakefield in Barcelona           that while the spanish economic crisis        reflected in facts that can                 ing and professionalism is not a recent
indicates, the concept of quality of life     has been particularly pronounced,             be translated into figures                  development in the city. Barcelona’s
should not be linked with a stereotype        salaries in Barcelona are average for                                                     prestigious educational institutions
of parties and sangria, nor only with the     similar large cities in the world (specifi-   in its territorial leadership role, the     generate knowledge and skilled labour
climate. Attracting the best profession-      cally, number 29 out of a total of 49, and    city is also immersed in changes            that are valued highly by international
als is because of many features of the        above Milan, Lisbon and rome).                to its economic model. With this            investors when deciding where to set
city, such as its size and its inhabitants’                                                 aim in mind, it faces challenges in         up their business. catalonia’s universi-
many initiatives that fill everyday life in   Continuous improvement                        terms of innovation, training and           ties (such as the University of Barcelona
Barcelona, like its wide-ranging cultural     As noted above, Barcelona’s excellence        internationalisation, in addition to        (UB), Polytechnic University of cata-
and leisure offering and work habits.         in attracting investment and wealth is        public-private collaboration. on            lonia (UPc), Pompeu Fabra University
Quality of life, ease of access thanks to     by no means a matter that can be re-          several occasions, the deputy Mayor         (UPF), the University of Lleida (UdL),
the presence of necessary infrastruc-         duced to discourse or marketing, nor to       and President of 22@Barcelona, Jordi        the University of rovira i Virgili (UrV)
ture and other variables interact to          favourable climatic conditions. indeed,       William carnes, has indicated that in       and ramon Llull University (UrL)) keep
generate even more data to show Bar-          it hinges on continuous effort led by all     the next few years, the city will need      gaining international recognition; this
celona leads international rankings. For      the city’s inhabitants, businesses and        to promote quality employment and a         year, most of these universities received
example, take the fact that in 2010 it is     institutions (in fact, Barcelona is one       new production model that will have to      the distinction campus of international
where the world’s second-largest num-         of the top ten european cities in terms       manage the Barcelona brand effectively,     excellence 2010. Moreover, Barcelona is
ber of meetings are held (after Vienna),      of government-generated business-             boost public-private collaboration and      the only european city with two schools
according to the international congress       friendly environments); an effort that        strengthen connectivity.                    in the european top ten for manage-
and convention Association. Likewise,         moves forward thanks to recognition           in the same vein, the catalan capital       ment training. esAde and iese, its two
according to the Union of international       of opportunities for improvement. For         is one of the main stages for promot-       business schools, respectively come in
Associations, Barcelona held 10.3%            example, exports are one area in which        ing the Quality employment Pact (Poc),      eighth and fourth in the Financial Times’
more conventions in 2008 than in the          these developments could occur, and it        which was signed in Barcelona in 2008       european ranking and beat the schools
previous year.                                is no coincidence that according to data      and is expected to create about 7,500       of London, rotterdam and Milan.

                                                                                                                   BARCELONA IN THE RANKINGS
                                                                                                                   SCORECARD ON PROSPERITy 2010              EUROPEAN CITIES AND REGIONS Of THE
                                                                                                                   (TORONTO BOARD Of TRADE)                  fUTURE 2010-2011 (fDI MAGAZINE)
                                                                                                                   3rd city in the overall ranking           5th   European city
                                                                                                                   1st city in the labour                    1st    city in the south of Europe
                                                                                                                         attractiveness ranking              4th    city in human resources
                                                                                                                                                             4th    city in infrastructure
                                                                                                                         a decade of economic
                                                                                                                         With respect to promoting and attracting local
                                                                                                                         and foreign investment and economic activity
                                                                                                                         in the city, ten years ago Barcelona began a
                                                                                                                         comprehensive project that is now well known
                                                                                                                         and produces tangible results.

                                                                                                                         Aimed at regenerating the economy and infrastructure
                                                                                                                         of an entire area of the city, and to reposition it to better
                                                                                                                         compete on the world urban stage, Barcelona equipped the
                                                                                                                         neighbourhood of Poblenou to meet the needs of the 21st
                                                                                                                         century. Today, this part of the city dedicates 200 hectares to
                                                                                                                         the work of five clusters in the knowledge economy (media,
                                                                                                                         ICTs, medical technologies, design and energy) in which the
                                                                                                                         city has the potential for international leadership.
                                                                                                                         While the death throes of the worst economic crisis in
                                                                                                                         70 years are still showing up in newspaper headlines,
                                                                                                                         Barcelona’s innovation district has 10 years of economic
                                                                                                                         growth behind it and since 2000 has created 4,500 companies

8                             BARCELONA IS STRONGLy PROMOTING ThE
                                                                                                                         and 56,000 workers. Its business volume has reached nearly
                                                                                                                         €9 billion.
                              NON-POLLUTING TRANSPORT IN ThE CITy, TRyING
Barcelona Good News

                              TO IMPROvE ITS LEvEL Of SUSTAINABILITy
                              © Carlota Prats by BPMOphoto
                                                                                                                         The technology district promotes knowledge-intensive
                                                                                                                         activities, which have a high added value. To attain its
                                                                                                                         objectives, 22@Barcelona brings together 10 universities, 12
                                                                                                                         R&D centres and technology transfer centres, companies,
                      Significant progress                                  strength as an attractive destination        investors and institutions in a single urban space, and strives
                      As indicated above, Barcelona’s                       because even with El Prat’s decrease         so that all these stakeholders can have close relations that
                      position in Europe’s science-related                  in tourist traffic, it was more than         give rise to what are usually leading international business
                      economic landscape is experiencing                    at the airports of Paris, Zurich and         initiatives. Ten years after it was created, the work to
                      a phase of growth. Catalonia was the                  Dublin. There are undoubted signs that       promote this project continues in force in programmes
                      European region with the fifth-highest                these figures will soon reach higher         such as “Do it in Barcelona”, which develops the strategy of
                      level of employment in science and                    levels. On the one hand, in 2010 El Prat     making it easier for entrepreneurial, creative and research-
                      technology in 2003-2008, and Barce-                   added 4 intercontinental routes to the       oriented talent to develop its business in Barcelona.
                      lona held the sixth position in Europe                existing 24. Moreover, the airport of        However, we must not forget that the reality of 22@Barcelona
                      and the fifteenth worldwide in terms of               Barcelona was considered the best            also entails more than substantial improvements in terms of
                      scientific production in 2009. This year,             in Europe by the ACE EUROPE 2010             facilities (sustainability, waste collection, Internet access,
                      the number of scientific publications                 awards.                                      green areas) and housing (socially protected, traditional
                      reached 12,211. Logically, one of the                 Speaking of large metropolises, it is        housing, lofts in renovated industrial buildings, flats for
                      main methods for transforming scien-                  clear that the decision to set a busi-       temporary rental linked with the companies, hotels), and
                      tific potential into economic progress                ness up can also depend on levels of         that the Industrial Heritage Protection Plan has helped to
                      is patent registration. Starting from a               sustainability, waste treatment and          conserve 114 architectural elements of interest that place the
                      positive base (there were 392 tech-                   similar variables. In terms of environ-      history of the district within the sight of all.
                      nological patents in 2007), this is a                 mental pollution, Barcelona does well
                      path which Barcelona and the Catalan                  once again by taking thirteenth place, a     22@Barcelona is committed to a compact, diverse and
                      economy continue to follow.                           one-place improvement with respect to        balanced city model, and in fact the success of this model
                                                                            2009 that offers glimpses of new devel-      has turned it into an international point of reference for
                      Barcelona’s position in                               opments in the years to come, especial-      urban regeneration. The knowledge accumulated from the
                      europe’s science-related                              ly given the promotion of non-polluting      experience in the Sant Martí district has created prestige and
                      economic landscape is                                 public transport in Barcelona.               led to the beginning of its exportation to other parts of the
                      experiencing a phase of                               In summary, the performance of Bar-          city of Barcelona such as La Sagrera and Marina, and even to
                      growth                                                celona, as well as that of other cities of   other countries. This is the case, for example, of Cape Town,
                                                                            southern Europe, remains very positive       South Africa, which last year signed an agreement to launch
                      As for the airport, since 2004 El Prat                despite the compromising situation           the process to import the 22@Barcelona model.
                      has held the ninth position in the Eu-                that the world economy has undergone
                      ropean ranking for passenger volume.                  (and, in a certain way, is still undergo-
                      Barcelona has given a decisive boost                  ing) in recent months.                       other figures:
                      to its international connectivity with                To sum up, Barcelona’s performance           3 out of every 4 companies in the district develop their
                      the construction of the T-1, and is now               and that of other cities in Southern         activities in knowledge-intensive and technology-intensive
                      considering the need to bring the Cer-                Europe remains positive despite the          sectors. In Catalonia as a whole, this percentage is 58%.
                      canías commuter rail network to the                   ravages of the credit crisis of 2008 and     72.5% of the companies’ workers have university degrees.
                      terminal to support future transport                  2009, which continues today. Barcelo-        67% of the companies located in 22@Barcelona think
                      in the city. Last year, traffic through El            na, with its strong brand, creativity and    that their company’s situation will improve next year; only
                      Prat amounted to 27.3 million passen-                 innovation, is showing the way forward       13% believe that the general economic situation will have
                      gers (59% of which were international)                and pulling others in the region up to.      worsened in a year. Of the 4,000 officially protected housing
                      and the tourist quota dropped by                      This process is expected to continue         units planned in the entire field of action, 998 are built and
                      9.7% over 2008. While this is a factor                over the next years with this city setting   583 are under construction.
                      to improve, it does reflect Barcelona’s               the pace.
FActs ANd FiGUres

                                                                                                                                                                                                              BArceLoNA WorLd
  Barcelona is amongst the top ten urban areas in
  europe. this article highlights some of the main
  economic facts and figures that helped to define the
  city in 2009 and 2010.


                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Barcelona Good News
the employment market is                                the business                          the economy is                      Barcelona is an                    Barcelona is
endowed with both critical mass                         property market is                    open and connected                  international                      committed to a model
and qualified human capital                             highly competitive                    to the world                        reference for tourism              of commerce based
•	the city provides more than one million jobs, the     · Barcelona Metropolitan              •	More than 3,400 foreign           and organising trade               on quality, diversity
 metropolitan area nearly 2.5 million. rates of           region devotes 7 million             companies are located in           fairs and congresses               and proximity
 activity and employment in Barcelona (79.2% and          square metres to high added          catalonia, and our country         •	the city received 6.5 million    •	With 16,650 companies and
 65.6% respectively) are higher than the catalan,         value economic activities            received a total of €1.804           visitors in 2009, with 12.8          151,724 jobs, commerce is
 spanish and european averages.                           (nanotechnology, medical             billion in direct foreign            million bed nights at its            one of the most important
•	According to the Financial Times 2010 MBA               technologies, energy,                investment (dFi) in 2009. that       wide range of quality hotels.        sectors of activity within the
 rankings, two Barcelona business schools –iese           aerospace, optics and                same year, catalan companies         Foreigners accounted for 69%         city’s economic structure.
 and esAde– are amongst the leading 10 in europe          photonics, among others),            made foreign investments             of visitors.                     •	Barcelona’s municipal
 and the world top 20.                                    with the capacity to generate        totalling around €1.374 billion.   •	Barcelona is second in the           markets, which occupy a total
                                                          more than 200,000 new               •	Barcelona generates one-fifth       world ranking of trade fair          area of over 200,000 square
Barcelona leads Spain’s advance towards a                 strategic jobs in the three          of all spanish exports.              and congress locations, with         metres, generate €1 billion in
knowledge economy                                         areas of activity that form         •	in 2009, Barcelona’s was            a total area of 280,000 square       economic impact.
•	23% of spanish innovative enterprises are based         the Barcelona Economic               the ninth-busiest european           metres of indoor exhibition
 in catalonia, which also account for 19% of total        Triangle, as well as providing       airport in terms of passenger        space and nearly 3 million       Barcelona is the leading
 state spending on innovative activities.                 the catalyst for other               traffic, handling more than          visitors in 2009.                European city for quality of life
•	catalonia’s focus on promoting research in              projects revolving around the        27.3 million passengers.                                              •	in 2010, for the thirteenth
 recent years has greatly increased spending on           knowledge economy and which         •	the Port of Barcelona was                                                consecutive year, Barcelona
 r&d, which reached 1.6% of GdP in 2008, whilst           offer excellent business and         ranked 12th amongst european                                              once more occupied first place
 the number of people working in research and             investment opportunities.            ports in terms of container                                               in the ranking of european
 development has risen to over 46,500.                                                         traffic in 2009.                                                          cities in terms of quality of life
•	there were 210 technology parks and technology                                              •	the Barcelona-Madrid bullet                                              for employees, according to
 and research centres in the Barcelona area in                                                 train (AVe) carried 2.7 million                                           the European Cities Monitor
 2010, as well as 9 science and technology facilities                                          passengers in its second year                                             (cushman & Wakefield).
 of international standing.                                                                    of operation.


458,918 6.7%
Barcelona houses the             The rate of entrepreneurial
                                                                    companies were created
                                                                                                     The ratio of business
                                                                                                                                          This year Catalonia has
                                                                                                                                                                          according to the 2009 Global
headquarters of 458,918          activity surpasses that of         in Barcelona in 2009, and        regeneration (which measures         received the entrepreneurial    entrepreneurship monitor
companies, 14% of all the        other countries with success-      the city is at the top of the    the rate of companies                region award 2010 from          on Catalonia, the average
companies in spain.              ful business traditions like       rankings for companies           closing versus those of new          the eu Committee of the         Barcelona entrepreneur
                                 Finland and Germany, along         created per 1,000                creation) is more favourable         regions.                        is an employed male with
                                 with the european (5.8%) and       inhabitants among large          in Barcelona province (26%)                                          university studies under 35
                                 spanish (5.1%) averages.           urban areas in spain.            than in Catalonia (39%), the                                         years of age.
                                                                                                     european union (49%) and
                                                                                                     spain (62%).
Barcelona Good News

Antoni Giró,
UPc rector

                                          © Lluís Bernat by BPMOphoto
sPotLiGHt oN
“we Have stRengtHeneD tHe
teCHnOLOgy tRansfeR CentRe,
wHiCH HeLPs Us tO geneRate new
ReseaRCH PROJeCts”
Antoni Giró, UPC rector since 2006, has been reelected this year to hold
the position for another four years, which will be his second and final
term. We spoke to him about the future of the UPC. By Toni ponCe

                                                                                                                                                                                            Barcelona Good News
With the perspective you have gained over these                      students dedicate to working than on teaching hours. this
four years, how would you evaluate the progress                      means that a large portion of our teaching materials must
of the UPC over this period?                                         also be changed. i think it is important to take full advantage   THE KNOWLEDGE AND
the four years of this first term have been very intense, but very   of the possibilities offered by it applications such as Atenea    RESEARCH VALUE CHAIN
positive. i think we have taken a qualitative leap forward in        to create adapted materials and at the same time to encour-       “We are resolved to value research.
every sphere.                                                        age as much as possible dialogue with students. these are         We have strengthened the Technology
these four years were devoted, among other things, to integrat-      not things we are making up as we go along, but rather are        Transfer Centre, which helps us to
ing our programs into the framework of the european Higher           part of a clear strategy that the research and teaching teams     generate new research projects. We
education Area (eHeA). From a teaching standpoint, we were           have been incorporating into their work and developing. this      have created a patent office to support
able to make a smooth transition to the eHeA, but it wasn’t easy.    way, while one group carries out a task, another modifies lab     our staff when applying for patents.
                                                                     practices, another works on changes to the working groups,        We have the innova programme, which
One of your defining characteristics is your                         another on the final research projects, etc., and when all        provides advice for those wishing to
innovative spirit, as you have shown through                         of this is posted on the web publicly, it helps to enrich our     create companies. and we have recently
your leadership as a teacher and as a researcher                     teaching and to give shape to the changes we are making and       opened the upC’s Technological
working on several projects. As UPC rector, do                       consolidate them. you can’t expect there to be a huge trans-      innovation Centre in order to help
you think applying this desire to innovate is                        formation overnight.                                              channel companies’ requests for
compatible with everyday management tasks?                                                                                             research”.
i would say that more than being an innovator i have taken           “It is important to take full advantage
full advantage of my detailed knowledge of the administra-           of the possibilities offered by IT                                CLEAR ACCOUNTS
tion and of management in order to optimise resources and to         applications to create adapted materials                          antoni Giró began his work as rector
be able to raise and manage the funds from several different         and at the same time to encourage as                              with a predicted déficit that reached
investment plans. it is clear that research is one thing and         much as possible dialogue with students”                          the level of €21 million, and ended
management is another, and they are very different. But it’s                                                                           up closing that first year with €13.5
true that having experience with research can help you to be         The implementation of the changes brought                         million in losses. The following year,
more creative as a manager. However, what really character-          about by the EHEA is coming to an end during                      the deficit decreased to €3.5 million,
ises the job of a manager is work, work and more work!               your term. What is your assessment of this                        and the next to €0.5 million. last
the team i have working with me is a very strong one. And            change in the model at the UPC?                                   year the result would have been a
that is critically important, because the rector can’t do every-     What we have done during this term has been to set out the        surplus of €2 million had the Catalan
thing. the key to success also lies with the team you have, as       specifics of the eHeA, but it was just last year that we have     government carried out its original
well as with everyone who works at the university every day.         begun the new degree programmes, as we already had a wide         financial plan.
                                                                     range of Master’s programmes on offer.
During your career you have also combined work                       But it was this year, in october, when the UPc’s programmes       THE UPC, OPEN TO
as a teacher with management positions. With                         were definitively adapted to the framework of the eHeA. that      THE WORLD
the experience you have amassed as rector, what                      is why we are introducing the new methodologies in each           For the 2010-2011 academic year, the
has changed? What remains to be changed?                             academic term.                                                    upC is offering 60 university master’s
currently, and regarding teaching, the change in teaching            over the next four years the changes will be monitored and        programmes, 20 of which are offered in
methodology that we need to enact is crucial. the eHeA               consolidated. to sum up, these past four years have been          english so as to facilitate the arrival of
does not consist only of the harmonisation of programs of            ones of adaptation, and the coming four years will be of con-     international students.
study, but also of a need to focus learning more on the time         solidation. that is the task we have before us now.
sPotLiGHt oN
                                                                                                                                                                               © Lluís Bernat by BPMOphoto

Barcelona Good News

                                                                   This change must also be accompanied by                          issue i mentioned earlier, the most positive aspect of the
                          ANTONI GIRÓ ROCA                         increased investment and support that should                     participation in the cie has been an increase in contact and
                          Antoni Giró (Reus, 1949), has been       come as a result of the university’s recent                      dialogue with the UB.
                          the rector of the UPC since 2006         designation as a Campus of International                         the cie is more than anything else a geographic campus
                          and will hold the job for another        Excellence (CIE), but will it be enough to meet the              located around diagonal. it has spurred us into dialogue and
                          four years. He has a degree and a        goals that have been set?                                        agreements on future joint undertakings between the two
                          doctorate in Physics from the UB         Unfortunately, our success in getting that recognition           universities in order to share projects and new services for
                          and has been a professor at the          coincided with the cuts in investments that the catalan          students, and to improve signage in the area, especially in the
                          Rovira i Virgili University (1971-77),   government has been forced to make as a result of the            outdoor area of the diagonal campus.
                          the University of Barcelona (1978-       recession. the monies coming in thanks to the cie will be        the area’s outward appearance was not a reflection of the
                          82) and the UPC, since 1983, as          used to make up for this lack of investment and will allow       scientific work that was being carried out within the buildings.
                          the Applied Physics department           us to be less affected by the spending cuts. even so, the        A campus of the highest scientific productivity should also
                          head. He was the general manager         leap forward that we had envisioned as a result of the cam-      project an image of excellence to the world.
                          of Research, the vice-president of       pus of international excellence project has been somewhat
                          CIRIT and the general manager            undercut. Part of the funding from the cie will be used to       Continuing education is among the areas you
                          of Universities in the Ministry of       improve and adapt classrooms to the new teaching meth-           have been emphasising. What is you assessment
                          Universities, Research and the           odologies called for by the eHeA, especially spaces on the       of its role in the university?
                          Information Society of the Catalan       campus Nord.                                                     continuing education is going to take on a more and more
                          government for seven years.              this year, in the new contest to further strengthen the          important role. in the eHeA system, the cyclical structure
                                                                   campus of international excellence, we have again asked          has meant the creation of a growing number of degrees
                                                                   for resources for the project, and so i hope that the project,   and university Master’s programmes, which means that
                                                                   for which we received recognition along with the University      students will be given an ever more diversified education.
                                                                   of Barcelona in the university area around diagonal,             However, it will be necessary during professional careers to
                                                                   becomes even more consolidated.                                  refresh knowledge continuously. A single educational pro-
                                                                                                                                    gram that lasts your whole life no longer exists. in today’s
                                                                   One of the university’s chief assets in the CIE                  world knowledge becomes obsolete quickly, faster in some
                                                                   contest was Barcelona Knowledge Campus                           fields than in others, and we have to bear this in mind.
                                                                   Project. What can you tell us about it?                          that’s why our continuing education programmes include a
                                                                   BKc was the name we gave to the project that the University      combination of distance learning and classes and time-
                                                                   of Barcelona (UB) and the UPc entered for the campus of          tables that make it possible to combine studies and work
                                                                   international excellence contest. Apart from the funding         for those who are already in the workplace.
Wide ANGLe
                                                                                                                                                      1841: the beginnings
      GAS NATURAL fENOSA                                                                                                                              in 1841 the French technician, charles Lebon, and

      FroM GAs LiGHtiNG
                                                                                                                                                      the financier, Pere Gil, won the public tender to
                                                                                                                                                      provide Barcelona with gas lighting, the first of its
                                                                                                                                                      kind in spain. construction began on the country’s

      to eLectricity                                                                                                                                  first gas production plant in the Barceloneta
                                                                                                                                                      neighbourhood near the port, using coal as the
                                                                                                                                                      raw material. the following year, the first gas-lit
       More than 150 years’ experience vouch for gas natural fenosa, a
                                                                                                                                                      streetlamps were in place.
       company created in 1843 to provide the city of Barcelona with gas-lit                                                                          the first activities carried out by the company,
       streetlamps. today, the gas natural fenosa group is the leading firm                                                                           sociedad catalana para el Alumbrado por Gas,
       on the iberian Peninsula combining both gas and electricity and amongst                                                                        founded in 1843, included extending the gas net-
       the top ten european public utilities, with a presence in more than                                                                            work throughout the city and progressively adding
                                                                                                                                                      streetlamps as well as finding private clients who
       23 countries and more than 20 million clients around the world.
                                                                                                                                                      wanted this type of lighting in their own homes. the
                                                                                                                                                      company also began its national expansion shortly
                                                                                                                                                      thereafter, opening gas plants in seville and Ferrol.
                                                                                                                                                      the company joined the Barcelona stock market in
                                                                                                                                                      1846, and it is the only company of its type to have
                                                                                                                                                      remained publicly listed uninterruptedly until this
                                                                                                                                                      very day. After various changes in name, sociedad
                                                                                                                                                      catalana para el Alumbrado por Gas is today known
                                                                                                                                                      as Gas Natural Fenosa. its new headquarters, in-
                                                                                                                                                      augurated in 2008, are found on the site of the very
                                                                                                                                                      first gas plant in Barcelona, spain.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Barcelona Good News
                                                                                                                                                      Looking towards the future
                                                                                                                                                      the merger between Gas Natural and Unión Fenosa
                                                                                                                                                      took place in 2009, creating the largest gas and
                                                                                                                                                      electricity company in spain and in Latin America,
                                                                                                                                                      while also making it the leader in natural gas com-
                                                                                                                                                      mercialisation on the iberian Peninsula, the third
                                                                                                                                                      liquefied natural gas (LNG) operator in the world
                                                                                                                                                      with a fleet of 13 carriers and the largest distributor
                                                                                                                                                      of LNG in the Mediterranean and the Atlantic.

                                                                                                                                                      The company, a leader in the
                                                                                                                                                      distribution sector, has a share
                                                                                                                                                      in 3 regasification plants (2
                                                                                                                                                      more in project), 2 liquefaction
                                                                                                                                                      plants and different projects in
                                                                                                                                                      the gas value chain

                                                                                                                                                      Leveraging its various strengths from a position
                                                                                                                                                      of leadership is a fundamental pillar for the
                                                                                                                                                      multinational. its business model is based around
                                                                                                                                                      global energy management that is able to compete
                                                                                                                                                      efficiently in markets that are submitted to an
                                                                                                                                                      increasing process of integration, globalisation and
                                                                                                                                                      high competition.
                                                                                                                                                      the company, a leader in the distribution sector,
                                                                                                                                                      has a share in 3 regasification plants (2 more in
                                                                                                                                                      project), 2 liquefaction plants and different projects
                                                                                                                                                      in the gas value chain.


French technician, Charles
                                  The company Compañía
                                                                  Juan ron and the marquis
                                                                                                 Catalana de Gas y electricidad,
                                                                                                                                     Gas natural began its pro-
                                                                                                                                                                      in 2000 the company began to sell
lebon, and financier,pere         madrileña de alumbrado          de urquijo began con-          through its affiliate with exxon,   cess of international expan-     electricity on the deregulated span-
Gil, won the public tender to     y Calefacción por Gas,          struction on the Bolarque      called Gas natural, began the       sion in 1992, with its entry     ish market, and in 2002 the company
provide Barcelona with gas        consisting of French capital,   hydraulic power plant in       era of natural gas in spain         into the argentine market.       began production at spain’s first
lighting, the first of its kind   entered the spanish             Guadalajara between the        signing supply contracts with       The group’s process of inter-    combined cycle power plant. after
in spain. Business activities     electricity market with the     Tagus and Guadiela rivers.     libya and algeria, the con-         nationalisation was intensi-     realizing its goal of uniting gas and
began in 1843 with the task of foundation of the company          The plant was inaugurated      struction of the first spanish      fied in 1997, when it began      electricity through its acquisition
providing the city of Barcelona Compañía General madrileña        in 1910 by h.r.h. King         methane carrier featuring cryo-     activities in Brazil, Colombia   of unión Fenosa in 2009, this year,
with gas street lighting          de electricidad, the leading    alfonso Xiii, with the power   genic technology, the launch        and mexico.                      2010, the company has launched its
                                  electrical energy firm in the   generated reaching the         of the regasification plant in                                       new brand, Gas naTural Fenosa.
                                  country’s capital over the      city of madrid.                Barcelona and the develop-
                                  following years.                                               ment of the lnG market.
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Barcelona Good News #1 January 2011 (English)

  • 1. Flaixos Antoni Giró, UPC rector: Top city for business Spearheading the project Puma lands in Barcelona The 2010 European Cities Monitor release shows Barcelona remains one of Gas Natural the top cities for business. Only topped by the political and economic capitals Fenosa, from gas of the EU, the city brand is strong lighting to electricity because of the drive, creativity and professionality of both its locals and foreign inhabitants. 1 Balcelona Good News Good news January 2011. N. 1 Barcelona Business Magazine
  • 2. editor’s sectioNs 2 Barcelona Good News new stage, new views Until recently, Good News came in newsletter format; with the change to paper support, it became a magazine and therefore a new and expanded publication, both physically and in terms of content. We are pleased to present Barcelona’s new business magazine, a enhanced transport, welfare and knowledge economy COVER: revamp of the existing Barcelona Good News but with fresh and infrastructures. they attract investment from home and the cover shows the Rtve enhanced relevance. abroad and drive an economy based on added value as buildings (left), interface Building (centre) and indra this relevance, however, does not just come out of nowhere the only way to ensure the prosperity of Barcelona over (right) in 22@Barcelona, but instead is the consequence of the period Barcelona is forthcoming decades. the innovation district. the picture was taken going through. indeed, the new format brings with it expanded Nonetheless, alongside the favourable conditions created by Lluís Bernat, communication to encompass a dimension of the city, the by its institutions, the city’s prosperity is above all the result BPMO photo. the font used for the economic one, which in the midst of the worst global crisis of the excellent work done by its people and those who have masthead is called in seventy years has been able to maintain its position at the built their projects in Barcelona over recent decades. it is also “Poster” and has been specially designed for this international forefront. it is therefore only fair to provide a more down to those who have more recently sited their business issue by iñigo Jerez, from detailed and accurate portrayal of Barcelona’s economy. initiatives in Barcelona to take advantage of the city’s positive typo-Ø-tones. this chunky didot-like typeface with Barcelona’s strength as a centre for economic activity and dynamics that are recognized in the international rankings. thick strokes, thin arms innovation can be seen in the data produced by consultants Good News intends to cover both cases. and serifs owes its origin to the revivals of 19th century whose job it is to identify the best places for doing business in Finally, it should be noted that Good News is in english Bodoni modifications. europe and around the world. As the cover story in this first issue not only because english is the international language of the other fonts used in of the new Good News points out, Barcelona’s position in these business today, but also because with this publication, Good News Barcelona rankings is based not only on the city’s personality and well- Barcelona is further extending its strategic commitment are akkurat and itC Barcelona, the latter known creative skills, but also on its figures and the confidence to being open to foreign talent, talent that is a rewarding designed by edward it generates among executives across the continent. opportunity for the entire city in its human, cultural, language Benguiat for the 1992 Barcelona Olympics. this competitive Barcelona with its european and worldwide and, obviously, also economic aspects. relevance is largely the outcome of development policies Jordi Hereu i Boher over the course of its history that now take the shape of Mayor of Barcelona Editor Barcelona city council - economic Promotion Area Llacuna 162, 08018 Barcelona (spain) t. (+34) 932 563 915 BCN HIGHLIGHTS 3 /// STANDING OUT 4 Barcelona, top city for business Design and Production: BPMo edigrup - creative director: Paula Mastrángelo /// editorial coordinator: carmen Alcalde /// BARCELONA WORLD 9 /// SPOTLIGHT ON 10 Antoni Giró, UPc rector /// WIDE /// Art director: Marta solà /// Photo editing: carlota Prats, BPMo photo /// Language coordinator: raúl Pelegrín /// Print by enlaze3 Print Management ANGLE 13 Gas Natural Fenosa /// DO IT IN BARCELONA 14 /// NETWORKING 15 /// TOP Cofunded by SECRET 16 /// ZOOM IN 17 cFLabs /// DEPARTURES AND ARRIVALS 18 Puma / Almirall /// PENSAT A BARCELONA 20 /// WHAT’S COOKING Bet 22 ///AGENDA 24
  • 3. The CMT opens new headquarters BCN HIGHLIGHTS ‘CITy Of SCIEnCE AnD InnOVATIOn’ The Telecommunications Market Commission The new CMT offices are more symbolic, provide more space Barcelona is among the 30 Spanish cities (CMT) becomes first state agency to establish its and better security than its provisional headquarters in the receiving the distinction of ‘City of Science headquarters in Barcelona Mapfre Tower. The Spanish Government, led by José Luis and Innovation’ by the Ministry of Science and Rodríguez Zapatero, approved the transfer of the CMT from Technology for the first time. The title, which Madrid to Barcelona in December 2004. will be given in early 2011, recognizes the The Commission’s new offices have 600 full-time employees efforts of the city in research and development and occupy two buildings with a total area of over 12,000 and will benefit research programs. square metres. The first houses the CMT directorates and For three years the recognised cities will the offices of the Presidential Department, the Council and make up ‘Impulso Red’, a network of cities of the Secretariat. Installed with solar panels and connected to science and innovation. Barcelona is the only the city’s urban heating and cooling systems, this bioclimatic large city (over 10,000 inhabitants) that has building is highly efficient in terms of energy. The second received recognition from the Ministry for its building houses an auditorium seating 330 and an interna- commitment to research. tional meeting room. Moreover, a crèche on the same floor More info: helps CMT staff to reconcile work and family life. More info: nEw flIGhTS AnnOunCED frOM BArCElOnA TO SAO PAulO AnD MIAMI The city presents its Iberia has announced that the company will be flying to Sao Paulo and Miami from Barcelona candidature to host the El Prat International Airport. The new thrice- 2022 Winter Olympiad weekly direct flights, with no stopovers, will begin next summer season, in March 2011. Barcelona will have to pass through three 3 Barcelona Good News These new transatlantic destinations go a long filters if the city’s Olympic hopes are to way to meeting the long-held ambition cherished finally prosper. by both the Government of Catalonia and The first is the selection of the candidature by Barcelona City Council: to consolidate El Prat as the Spanish Olympic Committee, which will meet the Spain’s second-most important airport. for this purpose in 2013. At the meeting, the More info: Catalan capital’s rival will be Jaca, presenting EVS27 2013, devoted its seventh bid to host the Winter Olympics. The to the electric vehicle MSC COnTInuES ITS second obstacle will be the International Olympic COMMITMEnT wITh uS Committee (IOC) meeting in 2014, whilst the final The project, led by Barcelona City Council, the Insti- The Swiss company MSC Cruises chose decision will be taken in October 2015. tute for Energy Diversification and Saving (IDAE) and Barcelona to present its new developments As Jordi Hereu, the mayor of Barcelona, ex- the Spanish Association for the Electric Vehicle, won for the 2010-2011 season. Company director plained at a press conference in January this the vote against candidatures put forward by other Emiliano González stated that MSC “continues year, the city’s proposal revolves around two cities such as Geneva and Paris. its commitment to the Port of Barcelona, one Olympic villages. These are: Barcelona itself, In 2013, Barcelona will host the most important international of our key destinations”. Four MSC flagships, which will host the opening and closing ceremo- meeting in the specialist sector that is electric technology and mo- including two of the most modern craft in nies, the medal ceremonies and indoor sports bility. The event is organised by the World Electric Vehicle Associa- the company fleet, will pick up passengers in (ice hockey, skating and curling) competitions; tion (WEVA), which will stage the EVS25 symposium in Shenzhen Barcelona next season. Moreover, MSC Cruises and the Pyrenees, where all the other events (China), whilst EVS26 will take place in Los Angeles (California, also announced that, for the first time, the will take place. USA) in mid-2012. Finally, when the event returns to Europe, Barce- company’s ships will also dock at the Port of Barcelona-Pyrenees will also have to fight off lona has been chosen to host the 27th edition of this exhibition. Palamós. competition from bids put forward by the likes Not only professionals, but also users and ordinary citizens will of New Zealand, Romania and Canada. also find much of interest at the show, as it includes a section More info: where manufacturers can exhibit and test drive their vehicles. More info: Headquarters of the Secretariat for the “Do it in Barcelona” “Barcelona Process: Union wins Eurocities for the Mediterranean” Awards 2010 More info: The Barcelona Process: union for the Mediterranean The Deputy Mayor of Barcelona, Jordi William nEw PrOPErTy SEArCh EnGInE (upM) is an international organisation set up to Carnes, picked up the Eurocities Awards 2010 fOr BuSInESS SPACES promote cooperation and the development of Innovation Award on behalf of the city for the The new search engine will connect supply international relations. Its members include all “Do it in Barcelona” programme run by the City and demand in this sector by enabling the 43 Mediterranean countries. Council. Eurocities is a network of major Eu- members of official associations to advertise The new headquarters of the UpM, which was established in ropean cities which each year gives awards to their offers. The application will help users to 2008 in Paris and Marseilles, will be in Barcelona. The Catalan the activities and programmes carried out by find commercial premises, offices, business capital was selected as to host the Secretariat for the “Bar- its more than 140 member cities. The innova- centres and industrial units throughout the celona Process: Union for the Mediterranean” organisation at tion category recognizes activity planning and city of Barcelona, whether they are seeking to the Euro-Med Conference of Ministers of Foreign Affairs. This implementation by local authorities. “Do it in purchase or only to rent. Secretariat will play a key role in the institutional architecture, Barcelona” is an initiative addressed at highly More info: identifying, monitoring and promoting projects and recruiting qualified people aged between 24 and 25 who espaisdenegoci/es members. are looking to work in the city. More info: More info:
  • 4. 4 Top city for Barcelona Good News business After the release of the 2010 European Cities Monitor (ECM), Barcelona can feel proud of mantaining its position amongst the best cities for business in Europe. Topped only by the political and economic capitals of the EU, the city remains strong thanks to the creativeness and the professionalism of its local and foreign inhabitants. By Toni Güell A few weeks ago, oriol Barrachina, Europe talks about access to markets and customers; pres- manager of the consulting firm cush- Barcelona ence of skilled labour; quality of telecom- man & Wakefield in Barcelona, said this is precisely the case of the european munications and presence of transport that the catalan capital continues to cities Monitor (ecM). on the world stage, routes toward other cities and abroad. enjoy a very good image on the europe- the movement of capital and talented With its study for 2010, the ecM has an stage as an ideal city for business, people is accelerating at an increasingly reached its twenty-first year, and if we but also pointed out that this idea is faster pace, and therefore requires valid wish to make an appropriate evaluation not widespread at all among the city’s references; among them, ecM is one of Barcelona’s fifth position, we need to inhabitants. of the most often consulted. the index stress that the index has been topped Nevertheless, the fact remains that is the result of the work commissioned by London, Paris and Frankfurt since Barcelona is at the top of the rankings by consulting firm cushman & Wake- its creation. of course this shouldn’t that evaluate cities as being suitable field to tNs BrMB, and was created via surprise anyone: the first two are the for economic life. Moreover, the results interviews with 500 senior managers at capitals of two of the richest and stron- of this ranking don’t just come from leading companies from the old con- gest countries in the european Union cold statistics, but is also a result of tinent. in its successive years, the four and the international scene, and the the opinions expressed directly by factors considered most important for third is not only the financial capital of business-owners and professionals these guidelines when deciding in which the Union itself (the ecB is located there) from across the continent. city to set up business have been: ease of but also of a Germany whose economic
  • 5. stANdiNG oUt 5 Barcelona Good News ChrisTopher ColumBus sTaTue in BarCelona, his hands is poinTinG To The ameriCas. © Roberto A Sanchez by Istockphoto
  • 6. 6 Barcelona Good News power is demonstrated by having five reflected in facts that can be translated economic and entrepreneurial life, and THE INTERNATIONAL of its cities among the top fifteen of the into figures. the Barcelona of universal here it is necessary to highlight the ar- ECONOMIC CRISIS, ecM (Frankfurt, Berlin, Munich, düssel- exhibitions, the Barcelona of the 1992 rival of the high-speed train (AVe) and AN OPPORTUNITy dorf and Hamburg). Furthermore, the city olympic Games and Barcelona as a the opening of terminal t-1 at Barce- New ways make it easier to establish that takes the fourth position (occupied capital of design (among other things) lona-el Prat Airport, as both projects your business in Barcelona by Barcelona in 2009) is Brussels, which, for the 21st century are interlinked by a improve competitiveness and elevate similarly to Washington, d.c. in the common thread that is shown when you Barcelona, the metropolitan area and 32% of office rental contracts in the United states, enjoys the unbeatable look at the data closely. For example, the catalonia as a whole to the first level on city centre. 112 contracts signed in the advantage of being the headquarters fact that 7.5% of the inhabitants set up the international scale. this comes in eixample district. 24% fall in the price of the main bodies of the eU, as well as their business in Barcelona means that addition to other city assets that have of office rental. 52,254 square metres the political home of NAto. this implies the city has a greater rate of entrepre- been functioning at an excellent level of office space rented in the last six a great centre of attraction for lobbies neurship by population than Germany, for longer, such as the port. in 2009, the months. european city with the sixth- as well as all types of companies and France, the Netherlands, the United Port of Barcelona was the leader in the best relation between quality and price businesses. Kingdom and the oecd average. Mediterranean and the fourth in the for offices. €333 per square metre. on this basis, and also taking account world in terms of cruise ship traffic. in Barcelona is one of the 15 cities with of the power and resources of other The ratings come from cold July 2010, around 1.1 million tourists cheapest office rentals. it is cheaper capitals and major cities of european statistics as well as from passed through its facilities, meaning than in london, paris, Frankfurt and countries, Barcelona’s fifth position in the opinions expressed an increase of 11.2% on the previous Brussels and 33% cheaper than the ecM 2010 edition has even greater directly by business- year. the average for the world’s major value. in fact, Barcelona only fell by one owners and professionals Looking beyond infrastructure, it seems cities. Barcelona has responded to hundredth (0.01) of its final score from from across the continent appropriate to refer to data (most of the economic crisis with the largest 2009, and has come in fourth or fifth which were provided by observatorio investment in its history: €1.028 billion since 2005. All this can only be indicative in 2009 Barcelona attracted a total of Barcelona’s 2008 report) such as the in 2009 and €836 million in 2010 of a dynamism inscribed in the dNA of 153 investment projects from abroad. business penetration of new technolo- the city, and by extension, its inhabitants. this magnetic effect of the region is gies. Here, the percentage of companies combined with the role that the city with broadband and that sell and buy Sensations… and data has played historically. therefore, by over the internet are evaluated. cata- Barcelona is the second-best city at combining the efforts of different cen- lan firms obtain scores that fall in line business promotion in 2010, while in tres, catalonia took sixth place among or are above the european average. 2009 it was the first. communication the european regions that attract most Barcelona has the third-largest per- makes sense, because giving the city foreign investment in 2008, after the centage of people employed in creative a positive image abroad really attracts regions of London, Paris, düsseldorf, sectors (12%) and it occupies a com- wealth. But Barcelona’s creative person- Madrid and dublin. mendable number 21 in the world in ality is not merely a question of dis- in addition, the city is making continu- terms of scientific production. in 2007, course and its entrepreneurial character ous efforts to set up infrastructure that catalonia was the european region with is not a legendary quality; both are keep it connected with international the fifth-largest population working in
  • 7. stANdiNG oUt 7 Barcelona Good News science and technology (11%, which it is also important to cross-reference from observatorio Barcelona, 43% of direct jobs in 2011. this dynamic is fully corresponds to almost 600,000 people). the data on quality of life with living catalan companies foresee a growth in in tune with the needs of not just the expenses and income levels. While exports in the near future. exports from city, but of the continent as a whole, and Quality of life Barcelona has a high quality of life, the catalunya already represent 26% of proof of this are the words spoken last For the thirteenth consecutive year, professionals who establish or con- overall spanish exports in 2009. 8 April by the european commissioner european executives surveyed in 2009 tinue their careers in Barcelona should Androulla Vassiliou in Barcelona, ac- for the ecM chose Barcelona as the know that it has fallen seven important But Barcelona’s creative cording to whom one out of every three best european city in terms of quality of positions and settled at thirty-eighth personality is not merely jobs created in the european Union life for workers, above Geneva, Munich, in the world in terms of living expenses a question of discourse between 2010 and 2020 will be highly- oslo and Madrid. But this concept is not (the first is the most expensive, with and its entrepreneurial skilled. always subject to proper understand- Barcelona coming from the thirty-first character is not a However, it is fair to remember that ing; as the aforementioned manager position). they can also rest assured legendary quality; both are the commitment to high-level train- of cushman & Wakefield in Barcelona that while the spanish economic crisis reflected in facts that can ing and professionalism is not a recent indicates, the concept of quality of life has been particularly pronounced, be translated into figures development in the city. Barcelona’s should not be linked with a stereotype salaries in Barcelona are average for prestigious educational institutions of parties and sangria, nor only with the similar large cities in the world (specifi- in its territorial leadership role, the generate knowledge and skilled labour climate. Attracting the best profession- cally, number 29 out of a total of 49, and city is also immersed in changes that are valued highly by international als is because of many features of the above Milan, Lisbon and rome). to its economic model. With this investors when deciding where to set city, such as its size and its inhabitants’ aim in mind, it faces challenges in up their business. catalonia’s universi- many initiatives that fill everyday life in Continuous improvement terms of innovation, training and ties (such as the University of Barcelona Barcelona, like its wide-ranging cultural As noted above, Barcelona’s excellence internationalisation, in addition to (UB), Polytechnic University of cata- and leisure offering and work habits. in attracting investment and wealth is public-private collaboration. on lonia (UPc), Pompeu Fabra University Quality of life, ease of access thanks to by no means a matter that can be re- several occasions, the deputy Mayor (UPF), the University of Lleida (UdL), the presence of necessary infrastruc- duced to discourse or marketing, nor to and President of 22@Barcelona, Jordi the University of rovira i Virgili (UrV) ture and other variables interact to favourable climatic conditions. indeed, William carnes, has indicated that in and ramon Llull University (UrL)) keep generate even more data to show Bar- it hinges on continuous effort led by all the next few years, the city will need gaining international recognition; this celona leads international rankings. For the city’s inhabitants, businesses and to promote quality employment and a year, most of these universities received example, take the fact that in 2010 it is institutions (in fact, Barcelona is one new production model that will have to the distinction campus of international where the world’s second-largest num- of the top ten european cities in terms manage the Barcelona brand effectively, excellence 2010. Moreover, Barcelona is ber of meetings are held (after Vienna), of government-generated business- boost public-private collaboration and the only european city with two schools according to the international congress friendly environments); an effort that strengthen connectivity. in the european top ten for manage- and convention Association. Likewise, moves forward thanks to recognition in the same vein, the catalan capital ment training. esAde and iese, its two according to the Union of international of opportunities for improvement. For is one of the main stages for promot- business schools, respectively come in Associations, Barcelona held 10.3% example, exports are one area in which ing the Quality employment Pact (Poc), eighth and fourth in the Financial Times’ more conventions in 2008 than in the these developments could occur, and it which was signed in Barcelona in 2008 european ranking and beat the schools previous year. is no coincidence that according to data and is expected to create about 7,500 of London, rotterdam and Milan. BARCELONA IN THE RANKINGS SCORECARD ON PROSPERITy 2010 EUROPEAN CITIES AND REGIONS Of THE (TORONTO BOARD Of TRADE) fUTURE 2010-2011 (fDI MAGAZINE) 3rd city in the overall ranking 5th European city 1st city in the labour 1st city in the south of Europe attractiveness ranking 4th city in human resources 4th city in infrastructure
  • 8. 22@Barcelona, a decade of economic growth With respect to promoting and attracting local and foreign investment and economic activity in the city, ten years ago Barcelona began a comprehensive project that is now well known and produces tangible results. Aimed at regenerating the economy and infrastructure of an entire area of the city, and to reposition it to better compete on the world urban stage, Barcelona equipped the neighbourhood of Poblenou to meet the needs of the 21st century. Today, this part of the city dedicates 200 hectares to the work of five clusters in the knowledge economy (media, ICTs, medical technologies, design and energy) in which the city has the potential for international leadership. While the death throes of the worst economic crisis in 70 years are still showing up in newspaper headlines, Barcelona’s innovation district has 10 years of economic growth behind it and since 2000 has created 4,500 companies 8 BARCELONA IS STRONGLy PROMOTING ThE and 56,000 workers. Its business volume has reached nearly €9 billion. NON-POLLUTING TRANSPORT IN ThE CITy, TRyING Barcelona Good News TO IMPROvE ITS LEvEL Of SUSTAINABILITy © Carlota Prats by BPMOphoto The technology district promotes knowledge-intensive activities, which have a high added value. To attain its objectives, 22@Barcelona brings together 10 universities, 12 R&D centres and technology transfer centres, companies, Significant progress strength as an attractive destination investors and institutions in a single urban space, and strives As indicated above, Barcelona’s because even with El Prat’s decrease so that all these stakeholders can have close relations that position in Europe’s science-related in tourist traffic, it was more than give rise to what are usually leading international business economic landscape is experiencing at the airports of Paris, Zurich and initiatives. Ten years after it was created, the work to a phase of growth. Catalonia was the Dublin. There are undoubted signs that promote this project continues in force in programmes European region with the fifth-highest these figures will soon reach higher such as “Do it in Barcelona”, which develops the strategy of level of employment in science and levels. On the one hand, in 2010 El Prat making it easier for entrepreneurial, creative and research- technology in 2003-2008, and Barce- added 4 intercontinental routes to the oriented talent to develop its business in Barcelona. lona held the sixth position in Europe existing 24. Moreover, the airport of However, we must not forget that the reality of 22@Barcelona and the fifteenth worldwide in terms of Barcelona was considered the best also entails more than substantial improvements in terms of scientific production in 2009. This year, in Europe by the ACE EUROPE 2010 facilities (sustainability, waste collection, Internet access, the number of scientific publications awards. green areas) and housing (socially protected, traditional reached 12,211. Logically, one of the Speaking of large metropolises, it is housing, lofts in renovated industrial buildings, flats for main methods for transforming scien- clear that the decision to set a busi- temporary rental linked with the companies, hotels), and tific potential into economic progress ness up can also depend on levels of that the Industrial Heritage Protection Plan has helped to is patent registration. Starting from a sustainability, waste treatment and conserve 114 architectural elements of interest that place the positive base (there were 392 tech- similar variables. In terms of environ- history of the district within the sight of all. nological patents in 2007), this is a mental pollution, Barcelona does well path which Barcelona and the Catalan once again by taking thirteenth place, a 22@Barcelona is committed to a compact, diverse and economy continue to follow. one-place improvement with respect to balanced city model, and in fact the success of this model 2009 that offers glimpses of new devel- has turned it into an international point of reference for Barcelona’s position in opments in the years to come, especial- urban regeneration. The knowledge accumulated from the europe’s science-related ly given the promotion of non-polluting experience in the Sant Martí district has created prestige and economic landscape is public transport in Barcelona. led to the beginning of its exportation to other parts of the experiencing a phase of In summary, the performance of Bar- city of Barcelona such as La Sagrera and Marina, and even to growth celona, as well as that of other cities of other countries. This is the case, for example, of Cape Town, southern Europe, remains very positive South Africa, which last year signed an agreement to launch As for the airport, since 2004 El Prat despite the compromising situation the process to import the 22@Barcelona model. has held the ninth position in the Eu- that the world economy has undergone ropean ranking for passenger volume. (and, in a certain way, is still undergo- Barcelona has given a decisive boost ing) in recent months. other figures: to its international connectivity with To sum up, Barcelona’s performance 3 out of every 4 companies in the district develop their the construction of the T-1, and is now and that of other cities in Southern activities in knowledge-intensive and technology-intensive considering the need to bring the Cer- Europe remains positive despite the sectors. In Catalonia as a whole, this percentage is 58%. canías commuter rail network to the ravages of the credit crisis of 2008 and 72.5% of the companies’ workers have university degrees. terminal to support future transport 2009, which continues today. Barcelo- 67% of the companies located in 22@Barcelona think in the city. Last year, traffic through El na, with its strong brand, creativity and that their company’s situation will improve next year; only Prat amounted to 27.3 million passen- innovation, is showing the way forward 13% believe that the general economic situation will have gers (59% of which were international) and pulling others in the region up to. worsened in a year. Of the 4,000 officially protected housing and the tourist quota dropped by This process is expected to continue units planned in the entire field of action, 998 are built and 9.7% over 2008. While this is a factor over the next years with this city setting 583 are under construction. to improve, it does reflect Barcelona’s the pace.
  • 9. FActs ANd FiGUres BArceLoNA WorLd Barcelona is amongst the top ten urban areas in europe. this article highlights some of the main economic facts and figures that helped to define the city in 2009 and 2010. 9 Barcelona Good News the employment market is the business the economy is Barcelona is an Barcelona is endowed with both critical mass property market is open and connected international committed to a model and qualified human capital highly competitive to the world reference for tourism of commerce based • the city provides more than one million jobs, the · Barcelona Metropolitan • More than 3,400 foreign and organising trade on quality, diversity metropolitan area nearly 2.5 million. rates of region devotes 7 million companies are located in fairs and congresses and proximity activity and employment in Barcelona (79.2% and square metres to high added catalonia, and our country • the city received 6.5 million • With 16,650 companies and 65.6% respectively) are higher than the catalan, value economic activities received a total of €1.804 visitors in 2009, with 12.8 151,724 jobs, commerce is spanish and european averages. (nanotechnology, medical billion in direct foreign million bed nights at its one of the most important • According to the Financial Times 2010 MBA technologies, energy, investment (dFi) in 2009. that wide range of quality hotels. sectors of activity within the rankings, two Barcelona business schools –iese aerospace, optics and same year, catalan companies Foreigners accounted for 69% city’s economic structure. and esAde– are amongst the leading 10 in europe photonics, among others), made foreign investments of visitors. • Barcelona’s municipal and the world top 20. with the capacity to generate totalling around €1.374 billion. • Barcelona is second in the markets, which occupy a total more than 200,000 new • Barcelona generates one-fifth world ranking of trade fair area of over 200,000 square Barcelona leads Spain’s advance towards a strategic jobs in the three of all spanish exports. and congress locations, with metres, generate €1 billion in knowledge economy areas of activity that form • in 2009, Barcelona’s was a total area of 280,000 square economic impact. • 23% of spanish innovative enterprises are based the Barcelona Economic the ninth-busiest european metres of indoor exhibition in catalonia, which also account for 19% of total Triangle, as well as providing airport in terms of passenger space and nearly 3 million Barcelona is the leading state spending on innovative activities. the catalyst for other traffic, handling more than visitors in 2009. European city for quality of life • catalonia’s focus on promoting research in projects revolving around the 27.3 million passengers. • in 2010, for the thirteenth recent years has greatly increased spending on knowledge economy and which • the Port of Barcelona was consecutive year, Barcelona r&d, which reached 1.6% of GdP in 2008, whilst offer excellent business and ranked 12th amongst european once more occupied first place the number of people working in research and investment opportunities. ports in terms of container in the ranking of european development has risen to over 46,500. traffic in 2009. cities in terms of quality of life • there were 210 technology parks and technology • the Barcelona-Madrid bullet for employees, according to and research centres in the Barcelona area in train (AVe) carried 2.7 million the European Cities Monitor 2010, as well as 9 science and technology facilities passengers in its second year (cushman & Wakefield). of international standing. of operation. DESPITE THE CRISIS, BARCELONA IS ENTREPRENEURIAL 458,918 6.7% Barcelona houses the The rate of entrepreneurial 6,233 companies were created 26% The ratio of business 2010 This year Catalonia has 35 according to the 2009 Global headquarters of 458,918 activity surpasses that of in Barcelona in 2009, and regeneration (which measures received the entrepreneurial entrepreneurship monitor companies, 14% of all the other countries with success- the city is at the top of the the rate of companies region award 2010 from on Catalonia, the average companies in spain. ful business traditions like rankings for companies closing versus those of new the eu Committee of the Barcelona entrepreneur Finland and Germany, along created per 1,000 creation) is more favourable regions. is an employed male with with the european (5.8%) and inhabitants among large in Barcelona province (26%) university studies under 35 spanish (5.1%) averages. urban areas in spain. than in Catalonia (39%), the years of age. european union (49%) and spain (62%).
  • 10. Barcelona Good News 10 Antoni Giró, UPc rector © Lluís Bernat by BPMOphoto
  • 11. sPotLiGHt oN “we Have stRengtHeneD tHe teCHnOLOgy tRansfeR CentRe, wHiCH HeLPs Us tO geneRate new ReseaRCH PROJeCts” Antoni Giró, UPC rector since 2006, has been reelected this year to hold the position for another four years, which will be his second and final term. We spoke to him about the future of the UPC. By Toni ponCe 11 Barcelona Good News With the perspective you have gained over these students dedicate to working than on teaching hours. this four years, how would you evaluate the progress means that a large portion of our teaching materials must of the UPC over this period? also be changed. i think it is important to take full advantage THE KNOWLEDGE AND the four years of this first term have been very intense, but very of the possibilities offered by it applications such as Atenea RESEARCH VALUE CHAIN positive. i think we have taken a qualitative leap forward in to create adapted materials and at the same time to encour- “We are resolved to value research. every sphere. age as much as possible dialogue with students. these are We have strengthened the Technology these four years were devoted, among other things, to integrat- not things we are making up as we go along, but rather are Transfer Centre, which helps us to ing our programs into the framework of the european Higher part of a clear strategy that the research and teaching teams generate new research projects. We education Area (eHeA). From a teaching standpoint, we were have been incorporating into their work and developing. this have created a patent office to support able to make a smooth transition to the eHeA, but it wasn’t easy. way, while one group carries out a task, another modifies lab our staff when applying for patents. practices, another works on changes to the working groups, We have the innova programme, which One of your defining characteristics is your another on the final research projects, etc., and when all provides advice for those wishing to innovative spirit, as you have shown through of this is posted on the web publicly, it helps to enrich our create companies. and we have recently your leadership as a teacher and as a researcher teaching and to give shape to the changes we are making and opened the upC’s Technological working on several projects. As UPC rector, do consolidate them. you can’t expect there to be a huge trans- innovation Centre in order to help you think applying this desire to innovate is formation overnight. channel companies’ requests for compatible with everyday management tasks? research”. i would say that more than being an innovator i have taken “It is important to take full advantage full advantage of my detailed knowledge of the administra- of the possibilities offered by IT CLEAR ACCOUNTS tion and of management in order to optimise resources and to applications to create adapted materials antoni Giró began his work as rector be able to raise and manage the funds from several different and at the same time to encourage as with a predicted déficit that reached investment plans. it is clear that research is one thing and much as possible dialogue with students” the level of €21 million, and ended management is another, and they are very different. But it’s up closing that first year with €13.5 true that having experience with research can help you to be The implementation of the changes brought million in losses. The following year, more creative as a manager. However, what really character- about by the EHEA is coming to an end during the deficit decreased to €3.5 million, ises the job of a manager is work, work and more work! your term. What is your assessment of this and the next to €0.5 million. last the team i have working with me is a very strong one. And change in the model at the UPC? year the result would have been a that is critically important, because the rector can’t do every- What we have done during this term has been to set out the surplus of €2 million had the Catalan thing. the key to success also lies with the team you have, as specifics of the eHeA, but it was just last year that we have government carried out its original well as with everyone who works at the university every day. begun the new degree programmes, as we already had a wide financial plan. range of Master’s programmes on offer. During your career you have also combined work But it was this year, in october, when the UPc’s programmes THE UPC, OPEN TO as a teacher with management positions. With were definitively adapted to the framework of the eHeA. that THE WORLD the experience you have amassed as rector, what is why we are introducing the new methodologies in each For the 2010-2011 academic year, the has changed? What remains to be changed? academic term. upC is offering 60 university master’s currently, and regarding teaching, the change in teaching over the next four years the changes will be monitored and programmes, 20 of which are offered in methodology that we need to enact is crucial. the eHeA consolidated. to sum up, these past four years have been english so as to facilitate the arrival of does not consist only of the harmonisation of programs of ones of adaptation, and the coming four years will be of con- international students. study, but also of a need to focus learning more on the time solidation. that is the task we have before us now.
  • 12. sPotLiGHt oN © Lluís Bernat by BPMOphoto 12 Barcelona Good News This change must also be accompanied by issue i mentioned earlier, the most positive aspect of the ANTONI GIRÓ ROCA increased investment and support that should participation in the cie has been an increase in contact and Antoni Giró (Reus, 1949), has been come as a result of the university’s recent dialogue with the UB. the rector of the UPC since 2006 designation as a Campus of International the cie is more than anything else a geographic campus and will hold the job for another Excellence (CIE), but will it be enough to meet the located around diagonal. it has spurred us into dialogue and four years. He has a degree and a goals that have been set? agreements on future joint undertakings between the two doctorate in Physics from the UB Unfortunately, our success in getting that recognition universities in order to share projects and new services for and has been a professor at the coincided with the cuts in investments that the catalan students, and to improve signage in the area, especially in the Rovira i Virgili University (1971-77), government has been forced to make as a result of the outdoor area of the diagonal campus. the University of Barcelona (1978- recession. the monies coming in thanks to the cie will be the area’s outward appearance was not a reflection of the 82) and the UPC, since 1983, as used to make up for this lack of investment and will allow scientific work that was being carried out within the buildings. the Applied Physics department us to be less affected by the spending cuts. even so, the A campus of the highest scientific productivity should also head. He was the general manager leap forward that we had envisioned as a result of the cam- project an image of excellence to the world. of Research, the vice-president of pus of international excellence project has been somewhat CIRIT and the general manager undercut. Part of the funding from the cie will be used to Continuing education is among the areas you of Universities in the Ministry of improve and adapt classrooms to the new teaching meth- have been emphasising. What is you assessment Universities, Research and the odologies called for by the eHeA, especially spaces on the of its role in the university? Information Society of the Catalan campus Nord. continuing education is going to take on a more and more government for seven years. this year, in the new contest to further strengthen the important role. in the eHeA system, the cyclical structure campus of international excellence, we have again asked has meant the creation of a growing number of degrees for resources for the project, and so i hope that the project, and university Master’s programmes, which means that for which we received recognition along with the University students will be given an ever more diversified education. of Barcelona in the university area around diagonal, However, it will be necessary during professional careers to becomes even more consolidated. refresh knowledge continuously. A single educational pro- gram that lasts your whole life no longer exists. in today’s One of the university’s chief assets in the CIE world knowledge becomes obsolete quickly, faster in some contest was Barcelona Knowledge Campus fields than in others, and we have to bear this in mind. Project. What can you tell us about it? that’s why our continuing education programmes include a BKc was the name we gave to the project that the University combination of distance learning and classes and time- of Barcelona (UB) and the UPc entered for the campus of tables that make it possible to combine studies and work international excellence contest. Apart from the funding for those who are already in the workplace.
  • 13. Wide ANGLe 1841: the beginnings GAS NATURAL fENOSA in 1841 the French technician, charles Lebon, and FroM GAs LiGHtiNG the financier, Pere Gil, won the public tender to provide Barcelona with gas lighting, the first of its kind in spain. construction began on the country’s to eLectricity first gas production plant in the Barceloneta neighbourhood near the port, using coal as the raw material. the following year, the first gas-lit More than 150 years’ experience vouch for gas natural fenosa, a streetlamps were in place. company created in 1843 to provide the city of Barcelona with gas-lit the first activities carried out by the company, streetlamps. today, the gas natural fenosa group is the leading firm sociedad catalana para el Alumbrado por Gas, on the iberian Peninsula combining both gas and electricity and amongst founded in 1843, included extending the gas net- the top ten european public utilities, with a presence in more than work throughout the city and progressively adding streetlamps as well as finding private clients who 23 countries and more than 20 million clients around the world. wanted this type of lighting in their own homes. the company also began its national expansion shortly thereafter, opening gas plants in seville and Ferrol. the company joined the Barcelona stock market in 1846, and it is the only company of its type to have remained publicly listed uninterruptedly until this very day. After various changes in name, sociedad catalana para el Alumbrado por Gas is today known as Gas Natural Fenosa. its new headquarters, in- augurated in 2008, are found on the site of the very first gas plant in Barcelona, spain. 13 Barcelona Good News Looking towards the future the merger between Gas Natural and Unión Fenosa took place in 2009, creating the largest gas and electricity company in spain and in Latin America, while also making it the leader in natural gas com- mercialisation on the iberian Peninsula, the third liquefied natural gas (LNG) operator in the world with a fleet of 13 carriers and the largest distributor of LNG in the Mediterranean and the Atlantic. The company, a leader in the distribution sector, has a share in 3 regasification plants (2 more in project), 2 liquefaction plants and different projects in the gas value chain Leveraging its various strengths from a position of leadership is a fundamental pillar for the multinational. its business model is based around global energy management that is able to compete efficiently in markets that are submitted to an increasing process of integration, globalisation and high competition. the company, a leader in the distribution sector, has a share in 3 regasification plants (2 more in project), 2 liquefaction plants and different projects in the gas value chain. HISTORIC MILESTONES 1841 French technician, Charles 1889 The company Compañía 1907 Juan ron and the marquis 1969 Catalana de Gas y electricidad, 1992 Gas natural began its pro- 2000-2010 in 2000 the company began to sell lebon, and financier,pere madrileña de alumbrado de urquijo began con- through its affiliate with exxon, cess of international expan- electricity on the deregulated span- Gil, won the public tender to y Calefacción por Gas, struction on the Bolarque called Gas natural, began the sion in 1992, with its entry ish market, and in 2002 the company provide Barcelona with gas consisting of French capital, hydraulic power plant in era of natural gas in spain into the argentine market. began production at spain’s first lighting, the first of its kind entered the spanish Guadalajara between the signing supply contracts with The group’s process of inter- combined cycle power plant. after in spain. Business activities electricity market with the Tagus and Guadiela rivers. libya and algeria, the con- nationalisation was intensi- realizing its goal of uniting gas and began in 1843 with the task of foundation of the company The plant was inaugurated struction of the first spanish fied in 1997, when it began electricity through its acquisition providing the city of Barcelona Compañía General madrileña in 1910 by h.r.h. King methane carrier featuring cryo- activities in Brazil, Colombia of unión Fenosa in 2009, this year, with gas street lighting de electricidad, the leading alfonso Xiii, with the power genic technology, the launch and mexico. 2010, the company has launched its electrical energy firm in the generated reaching the of the regasification plant in new brand, Gas naTural Fenosa. country’s capital over the city of madrid. Barcelona and the develop- following years. ment of the lnG market.