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The biotechnology
in Barcelona
Barcelona City Council
Economy, Business and Employment Area
Llacuna 162
08018 Barcelona

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                                        Table of contents
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D.L. (Copyright): B-11044-2012
Barcelona, January 2012

                                        01. Barcelona, the Mediterranean’s innovation hub 	                              05

                                        02. 10 reasons to invest in Barcelona 	                                          06

                                        03. The biotechnology sector in Barcelona and Catalonia 	                        08

                                        04. The top 10 strong points of Barcelona and Catalonia’s
                                              biotechnology and biomedical sectors
                                              01. The presence of large domestic pharmaceutical companies
                                              and major international groups	                                            10
                                              02. Entrepreneurship and innovation in biotech and medical
                                              technology companies 	                                                     12
                                              03. Network of leading hospitals engaged in research          	            14
                                              04. Benchmark training and research centres in the life sciences field 	   16
                                              05. Barcelona Science Park (PCB): where research
                                              and innovation meet, and the country’s first bio-incubator	                18
                                              06. Barcelona’s Biomedical Research Park (PRBB), a centre
                                              for leading research groups 	                                              19
                                              07. Autonomous University of Barcelona’s Research Park (PRUAB):
                                              research institutes and a bio-incubator	                                   20
                                              08. Large hospital research centres: IDIBAPS IDIBELL and VHIR	             22
                                              09. Biocat, promoting the Bioregion of Catalonia 	                         23
                                              10. Active government support for the biotechnology world	                 24

                                        05.   Links	                                                                     26
the Mediterranean’s
innovation hub

           Euro-Mediterranean region

Barcelona, located in North-Eastern           services, it is positioned second regarding    centres and more than 400 consoli-
Spain and on the shores of the Medi-          national gross value added generated           dated research groups engaged in the
terranean, is one of the largest cities in    (19.5% of total). Catalonia accounts for       field of life sciences; excelling in areas
Europe and the centre of a vast metro-        28.2% of all Spain’s companies in indus-       such as oncology, bio nano-medicine
politan region of more than 160 towns         tries with high and medium high-tech and       and cardiovascular disease. Catalonia
with a total population of about 5 million    knowledge-based services.                      also boasts trained specialists that are
people. It is the economic, cultural and                                                     highly prepared for the future. Of the
administrative capital of Catalonia and       Moreover, the rate of entrepreneurial          twelve universities located on Catalan
the principal emerging area of economic       activity in Catalonia in 2010 was 5.5%,        territory, five offer bioscience studies
activity in Southern Europe, with 17 mi-      higher than the Spanish and European           and over 24,000 students have already
llion people and 800,000 businesses. The      averages, according to the Global Entre-       undergone training here.
Euro-Mediterranean region, including the      preneurship Monitor (GEM) 2010.
Balearic Islands, Valencia, Aragon and                                                       22% of Spain’s biotech companies are lo-
South Eastern France, is primarily spe-       Barcelona’s international economic             cated in Catalonia; while 45% of Spain’s
cialising in new strategically competitive    activities are mainly driven by the Trade      pharmaceutical companies are based in
international sectors, whilst consolidating   Fair, the Port, Airport, the Zona Franca       Catalonia, including the largest in the sec-
its position internationally as one of        Consortium, Barcelona’s Tourism Consor-        tor, which happen to all be Catalan firms:
Europe’s major regions.                       tium, Barcelona City Council and its new       Almirall, Esteve Ferrer, Grifols, Lacer and
                                              technological innovation districts. As such,   Uriach. The Spanish pharmaceutical sec-
We can find the basis of economic             and given the importance of innovation         tor is Europe’s seventh biggest in terms
growth in metropolises with a poly-           in fostering competitiveness, productivity     of production volume.
centric and economically diversified          and the internationalisation of companies,
business structure that facilitates and       the biotechnology sector is one of the key     In the last five years, according to the

                                                                                                                                            The biotechnology sector in Barcelona
helps incubate new ideas, products and        sectors for Barcelona and Catalonia.           2011 Biocat Report, over 450 Catalan
companies.                                                                                   companies (biotechnology, pharma-
                                              Catalonia’s bio cluster is one the most        ceutical, medical technology innovators
Taking into account the distribution of       dynamic in Spain, which overall happens        and service sectors) have experienced
gross value added across business activi-     to be one of the most active areas in          fluctuating growth rates between 15%
ties, Catalonia is Spain’s top autonomous     southern Europe in this field. And it is es-   and 30%, which, given the current
region in the industrial sector, accounting   pecially active in clinical research and the   economic downturn, shows the potential
for 25.2% of the total market. In terms of    human health care field, with 90 research      of the sector.

                                        10 reasons to invest
                                        in the biotechnology
                                        sector Catalan
                                        Barcelona offers a va-        01. Strategic Geographical Location                                                      06. Skilled professionals prepared for the future
                                        riety of characteristics     Two hours by road from France and one day by road from the major European                Catalonia has more than 25,000 researchers (7% of the working population) based in
                                        that make it an attractive   cities. The gateway to southern Europe, Barcelona boasts a major port, airport,          900 research centres, and of these there are 430 dedicated to the area of life sciences and,
                                                                     free trade zone, logistics parks, an international trade fair and a city centre all      on the other hand, 90 research centres dedicating around 50% of their work to the life scien-
                                        place to live, work and                                                                                               ces area. Ten of Catalonia’s twelve universities –eight of these located in the metropolitan
                                                                     within a radius of five kilometres
                                        do business. The biote-                                                                                               area around Barcelona- offer bioscience studies: 155 courses taught with 24,000 students
                                        chnology and biomedical       02. Extensive transport infrastructure                                                  (Biocat 2009 report). Two of Barcelona’s top four business schools -ESADE and IESE- are
                                                                                                                                                              among the world’s best 25. In addition, Barcelona has 34 international schools.
                                        sector is one of the most    With its network of highways connected with Europe, Barcelona has the fastest
                                        dynamic, offering some       growing European airport, Spain’s top port and the largest container port in the
                                                                     Mediterranean; a comprehensive metro and bus network, and a high-speed train              07. Excellent quality of life
                                        of the best investment       infrastructure that is due to connect directly to the TGV and European network in        For the 14th year running, Barcelona boasts Europe’s best quality of life for employees*. It
                                        opportunities.               2013.                                                                                    has a mild climate, sun, beaches, culture, splendid leisure time and arts programmes, a net-
                                                                                                                                                              work of 4,500 educational institutions, modern and accessible health system. It is easy to
                                                                      03. Barcelona, center of aarea dynamic
                                                                          and diverse economic
                                                                                                large,                                                        get around on the public transport system and boasts beautiful parks that surround the city.

                                                                     The city of Barcelona and its metropolitan area have a total population of 5 million
                                                                     people. This city is the capital of Catalonia, one of the most dynamic regions of
                                                                                                                                                               08. Consolidated science parks and growth
                                                                     Spain, with 7.5 million inhabitants, located in the heart of the Mediterranean, a        The city of Barcelona has six biotechnology-related science and technology parks (Parc
                                                                     large economic area with 18 million inhabitants. Barcelona accounts for 30%              Científic Barcelona, Parc de Recerca Biomèdica de Barcelona, Parc Barcelona Nord, Parc
                                                                     of Catalonia’s GDP and has a growth rate of 1, 7% GDP per year (2008). It is             de Recerca i Innovació de la UPC, Parc de Recerca de la UPF and 22@ Barcelona), in
                                                                     Europe’s sixth biggest urban agglomeration and its fifth largest in terms of indus-      addition to those in the surrounding environment: Biopol (Hospitalet), Parc Tecnològic del
                                                                     try density. Catalonia has nearly 7,000 businesses working in innovation related         Vallès and the Parc de Recerca de la UAB (Cerdanyola) and the newly created Parc de
                                                                     activities, most of which are located in Barcelona and its surrounding area.             l’Alba (in the ALBA Synchrotron environment, also in Cerdanyola) and Orbital 40 (Te-
                                                                                                                                                              rrassa). Lleida, Girona, Tarragona, Reus, Manresa also have science parks with activities
                                                                      04. Successful foreign investment and
                                                                          recognized international positioning
                                                                                                                                                              related to the sector.

                                                                     Sixth best city for business in Europe*, Barcelona has the most foreign inves-
                                                                     tment in Catalonia, which in 2010 was 3.999 billion, or 36% of all production
                                                                                                                                                               09. Unique research facilities
                                                                     investment received by Spain. There are more than 3,400 foreign companies                The Mare Nostrum Supercomputer (Barcelona Supercomputing Center BSC), the Na-
                                                                     established in Catalonia, 90% of whom are located in the Barcelona area, which           tional Centre for Genome Analysis (CNAG) and ALBA Synchrotron-CELLS are three of
                                                                     has established itself as a centre for multinationals’ European divisions. Its qua-      Europe’s benchmark research facilities that are located in Barcelona and its surrounds.
                                                                     lity of life and human capital are among the most valued aspects of Barcelona            BSC, supported by the Governments of Catalonia and Spain, is currently developing the
                                                                     by foreign companies already set up in the city and in various other international       PRACE project, which is designed to provide Barcelona with one of the most powerful su-
                                                                     rankings.                                                                                percomputers in Europe in 2012, and this should help develop and enhance both scientific
                                                                                                                                                              research centres and companies’ investigation.

                                                                      05. Leading position in the Spanish and
                                                                          European biopharmaceutical market                                                    10. Unique public-private cooperation

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              The biotechnology sector in Barcelona
The biotechnology sector in Barcelona

                                                                     Catalonia is home to 22% of all biotech companies in Spain and 45% of its phar-          Barcelona City Council and the Government of Catalonia are committed to creating a
                                                                     maceutical companies; the largest in the sector –all Catalonian- are: Almirall, Esteve   favourable business environment, with the success of traditional local public-private
                                                                     Ferrer, Grifols, Lacer and Uriach. The Spanish pharmaceutical sector is ranked           partnerships being a key to the transformation of Barcelona to date.
                                                                     seventh in Europe in terms of production volume. Catalonia also boasts 40% of
                                                                     Spain’s medical technology companies, responsible for 50% of all turnover in the
                                                                     sector (7.400 bn € in 2008), with 3% of this invested in R&D.                            *According to Cushman & Wakefield, European Cities Monitor 2011.

06                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            07
                                        sector in
                                        and Catalonia

                                        Biotechnology is a key sector      Catalonia’s bio cluster is the most          services for the sector), with                     Type of Company in Catalonia’s              This document aims to set out the underlying features of the current
                                                                           dynamic in Spain, a country which            growth rates fluctuating between                   BioRegió                                    and future biotechnology sector in Catalonia and Barcelona under
                                        in order to transform the
                                        region’s current economic          also happens to be one of the                15% and 30% over the last 5 years,                                                             10 strategic reasons why:
                                        model into a system based          most active areas of southern Eu-            and its 90 research centres and                     Fine Chemistry   Bioinformatics

                                                                           rope in this field. It has more than         over 400 research groups excel in                                                              01 The presence of large domestic pharmaceutical companies and
                                        on the knowledge economy.                                                                                                                                       Medical        major international groups
                                                                           450 sector related companies                 areas such as oncology, cardio-                                                 technologies
                                        The recession that began in                                                                                                        Food
                                                                           (biotechnology, pharmaceutical,              vascular disease or bio nano                                         3%
                                        2008 has shown the im-                                                                                                                          8%                             02 Entrepreneurship and innovation in biotech and medical technolo-
                                                                           medical innovation technology and            medicine.
                                        portance of this particular                                                                                                                                    30%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       gy companies
                                        sector, especially given the                                                                                                                                                   03 Network of leading hospitals engaged in research
                                        fact that traditional industries     Number of biotechnology companies in Spain
                                        have suffered badly from the         Companies fully engaged in biotechnology 	                                          399                                                   04 Benchmark training and research centres in the life sciences field
                                        severe downturn. In 2010,            Companies partly involved in biotechnology 	                                        161
                                                                                                                                                                                                  26%                  05 Barcelona Science Park (PCB): where research and innovation
                                        the US biotechnology ranked          Companies that use biotechnology 	                                                  535
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       meet, and the country’s first bio-incubator
                                        second in terms of inves-            Total biotechnology companies	                                                 1,095	        Pharmaceutical            Biotechnology
                                        tment volume -behind the             	
                                                                             Geographical distribution of biotechnology companies across Spain
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       06 Barcelona’s Biomedical Research Park (PRBB), a centre for
                                        software industry- with nearly       25%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       leading research groups
                                        $ 4 billion (3% more than                  21.19%                                                                                 We have, therefore, a sector that            07 Autonomous University of Barcelona’s Research Park (PRUAB):
                                        in 2009) and over 450 tran-          20%
                                                                                                                                                                          has huge potential for Barcelona             research institutes and a bio-incubator
                                        sactions closed. Emerging

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               The biotechnology sector in Barcelona
The biotechnology sector in Barcelona

                                                                             15%                14.43%                                                                    and Catalonia, and that has strong
                                        economies such as China or           10%                                            9.50%                                         points and resources associated              08 Large hospital research centres: IDIBAPS IDIBELL and VHIR
                                        Brazil are also investing in                                                                                  7.40%               with its industry, research institu-
                                                                             5%                                                                                                                                        09 Biocat, promoting the Bioregion of Catalonia
                                        these sectors, with particular                                                                                                    tions and government support – all
                                        emphasis on the industrial           0%                                                                                           factors that foster innovation and           10 Active government support for the biotechnology world
                                        and agricultural applications              Catalonia    Madrid      Andalucia     Comunitat    Pais Vasco      Galícia            development.
                                        of biotechnology.
                                                                                                                                                    Source: Asebio 2010

08                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             09
                                        10 principal
                                        of Barcelona
                                        and Catalonia’s
                                        and biomedical
                                        The presence     Biotechnology plays a lea-       In fact, Catalonia is the country-
                                                         ding role in the pharmaceuti-    of-origin of Spain’s top six phar-
                                        of large                                          maceutical companies: Almirall,
                                                         cal sector, even to the extent
                                        domestic                                          Esteve, Ferrer, Grífols, Lacer and
                                                         that we talk about a conver-
                                        pharmaceutical   gence of the two sectors.
                                                                                          Uriach. In 2008, these companies’
                                        companies                                         spending on R&D stood at 381
                                                                                                                                 The world’s main pharmaceutical groups’       The world’s main pharmaceutical groups’
                                                                                          million euros. This tradition, and
                                        and major        The presence of drugs in         their dynamic nature, has attrac-      profits, 2009 (in billions of $)              profits, 2009 (in billions of $)
                                        international    today’s markets that have a      ted major foreign investments:
                                        groups           biotech origin is increasing     the Catalan region has about 70        01 Pfizer 	                       $45,448     01 	Roche/Genentech 	                                      $36,017
                                                         significantly, bringing out      pharmaceutical companies and           02 	Sanofi-Aventis 	              $40,871     02 	Amgen 	                                                $14,642
                                                         new drugs that are more          is home to five of the world’s top     03 	Novartis 	                    $38,455     03 	Novo Nordisk 	                                           $9,566
                                                         specific and effective with      ten biopharmaceutical companies:
                                                                                                                                 04 	GlaxoSmithKline 	             $36,746     04 	Merck Serono 	                                           $7,454
                                                         fewer side effects.              Amgen, Novartis, Pfizer, Roche and
                                                                                          Sanofi-Aventis.                        05 	AstraZeneca 	                 $31,905     05 	Baxter BioScience 	                                      $5,573
                                                         The Spanish pharmaceutical                                              06 	Merck & Co. 	                 $26,929
                                                                                          The agrofoods business sector, with

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              The biotechnology sector in Barcelona
The biotechnology sector in Barcelona

                                                         industry is mainly concen-                                              07 	Johnson & Johnson	            $22,520
                                                                                          strong roots in Catalonia and with a                                               In bold type those with activity in Catalonia
                                                         trated in Catalonia, where                                              08 	Eli Lilly & Co. 	             $20,629   Source:
                                                                                          huge growth potential, is also one
                                                         45% of the sector’s labo-                                                                                           IB09: Biocat report on the state of the biotechnology, biomedicine and medical
                                                                                          of the main users of biotechnology,    09 	Bristol-Myers Squibb 	        $18,808   technologies sector in Catalonia 2009” (
                                                         ratories are located, along      mainly in order to create more pro-                                                “2010 Top 10 Biopharmaceutical Companies Report“, Contract Pharma
                                                                                                                                 10	 Abbott Laboratories 	         $16,486
                                                         with 50% of production and       fitable crops or plants that provide
                                                         80% of companies working                                                11 	Takeda Chem. Ind. 	           $14,204
                                                                                          the best quality products.
                                                         in the fine chemicals sector.

10                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            11
                                        10 principal
                                        strengths of
                                        Barcelona and
                                        and biomedical

                                        ship and
                                        innovation in
                                        biotech and medi-
                                        cal technology

                                        The 480 companies that cu-    In the last five years, biotechno-    and masters students, accounting        of Biotechnology Companies           Sub-sectors of activity of the companies of the Bioregion
                                        rrently make up the Catalan   logy has grown between 15%            for 12.5% of the whole Spanish          in Spain). According the Biocat      Industries of R&D
                                        biotechnology sector          and 30%. AB Biotics (functional       university system (2009-10 data).       Report 2011, in Catalonia there              white biotechnology                    green tehnology
                                                                      foods), Advancell (nanomedicine),     Some 43,500 students were enro-         are 480 companies involved in
                                        (91 entirely dedicated to
                                                                      Archivel Farma (therapeutic vacci-    lled on postgraduate studies during     Catalonia’s biotech sector, of
                                        biotechnology) were all set
                                                                      ne against tuberculosis), Bioglane    this period.                            which 91 are principally engaged                                              YES
                                        up after the year 2000.                                                                                                                                                                  28.1%
                                                                      (industrial biotechnology), Bioin-    Regarding business schools, which       in biotechnology related business,
                                                                      genium (bioremediation), ERA          is often an indicator associated with   71 are pharmaceuticals, 106                YES                 NO
                                                                                                                                                                                              47.1%               52.9%
                                                                      Biotech (cell technology), Immu-      entrepreneurship, Barcelona boasts      are medical technology compa-
                                                                      novative developments (drugs for      two of the top twenty schools in the    nies, 29 are in fine chemicals (a                                                                 NO
                                                                      inflammatory immune disorders),       world: IESE and ESADE (according        major sector for the development
                                                                      Neurotech Pharma (multiple scle-      to the Financial Times 2011). In        of active ingredients), 45 are
                                                                      rosis), Omnia molecular (anti-in-     addition, in 2008 Barcelona was the     foodstuffs companies, 9 from the
                                                                                                                                                                                                  red biotechnology                medical technologies
                                                                      fectives) and Oryzon (biomarkers)     third European city attracting most     biocomputing area, and the rest
                                                                      are just some examples.               international MBA students, only        are providing support services.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            The biotechnology sector in Barcelona
The biotechnology sector in Barcelona

                                                                                                            beaten by Paris and London, accor-      Of those companies in the R+D
                                                                      What lies behind the growth of the    ding to the aforesaid newspaper.        area, 58.7% are working on red
                                                                      biotechnology sector is talent and                                            biotechnology (health); 47.1% in           YES                NO             YES                    NO
                                                                      skilled human capital, and strong     Catalonia accounts for one fifth        white biotechnology (industrial);         58.7%              41.3%          45.5%                  54.5%
                                                                      collaborative bonds between acade-    (20.98%) of all Spain’s biotech         and 28.1% in green tehnology
                                                                      mia and business. Catalonia has       companies, according to the latest      (agrofoodstuffs), and 45.5% in
                                                                      12 universities with 177,000 degree   report by Asebio (Association           medical technologies.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Source: Report Biocat 2011

12                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          13
                                        10 principal
                                        strengths of
                                        Barcelona and
                                        and biomedical

                                        Network of
                                        engaged in
                                        research                                                                                       Hospital Clínic of Barcelona

                                        In Catalonia, there is a         The Barcelona area has a large              undertaken here, because of safety
                                        unique form of interaction       network of teaching hospitals too,          and research effectiveness in terms
                                        between hospitals, univer-       among them Hospital Clínic Provincial       of patient selection and its compe-
                                                                         de Barcelona, Hospital de Bellvitge,        titive pricing structure. Over the last
                                        sities, research centres and
                                                                         Hospital de la Vall d’Hebron, Hospital      10 years, the Catalan public health
                                        industry in general, covering
                                                                         de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau, Hospital       system has increased its research
                                        all areas from basic to clini-   de Sant Joan de Déu, Hospital del Mar       trials by 95%, making Catalonia the
                                        cal research.                    and Hospital Germans Trias i Pujol, all     leading region in Spain in terms of
                                        Catalonia stands out in the      carrying out world leading research,        percentage points (52.4%), mainly in
                                        field of clinical research and   ranging from basic research to advan-       phase II and III trials.
                                        human health research. It        ced diagnostic and clinical research.
                                        has a network of 215 hospi-                                                  The private and public sectors work
                                        tals, 13 of which are develo-    One example is a Hospital Clínic            closely together. There are nume-
                                        ping outstanding research.       research centre, the Centre for Inter-      rous cases of collaboration, and
                                                                         national Health Research (CRESIB),          these days hospitals themselves
                                        Amongst them, six are
                                                                         which leads the worldwide develo-           are starting their own entrepreneu-
                                        amongst Spain’s top science
                                                                         pment of a vaccine against malaria,         rial projects. Catalonia has seen a
                                        research producers.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                   The biotechnology sector in Barcelona
The biotechnology sector in Barcelona

                                                                         thanks to sponsorship by the Bill and       number of companies that have set
                                                                         Melinda Gates Foundation.                   up and become highly successful
                                                                                                                     across various therapeutic areas.
                                                                         Barcelona and Catalonia enjoy an            There is a sub-sector of services
                                                                         outstanding tradition in quality clinical   companies of about 30 CRO (con-
                                                                         trials. This region enjoys competitive      tract research organizations) that
                                                                         advantages in this field because            contribute to the development and                cibek, a patronage initiative in Barcelona
                                                                         of the quality research that can be         maturity of this sector in Catalonia.

14                                                                                                                                                                                                                 15
                                        10 principal
                                        strengths of
                                        Barcelona and
                                        and biomedical

                                                                                      Lleida                                                                     mechanisms and work on applica-          basic level up to medical applica-         ALBA Synchrotron
                                                                                                                    Cerdanyola del Vallès                        tions for these cells in the treatment   tions; it has become an international      Alba is a new generation synchro-
                                                                                                                                                                 of degenerative diseases.                benchmark in this field. Its location in   tron located near the Autonomous

                                                                                                                      Barcelona                                                                           the Barcelona Science Park (PCB)           University of Barcelona. The
                                                                                                                                                                 Centre for International Health          means it can keep up with this highly      synchrotron and the nearby new
                                                                                                                                                                 Research (CRESIB)                        dynamic area of life sciences.             Parc de l’Alba facilities have been
                                                                                         Tarragona                                                               CRESIB researches issues related
                                        Benchmark                                                                                                                to the new international health cha-     Catalan Institute of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     equipped to host researchers from
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     around the world that use X-ray
                                        training and                                                                                                             llenges we face in the twenty-first      Cardiovascular Sciences (ICCC)             analysis on their samples.
                                        research                                                                                  Universities
                                                                                                                                                                 century. Since May 2010, CRESIB          ICCC is located in the Hospital de
                                        centres in                                                                                Science and technology parks
                                                                                                                                                                 has been part of the Barcelona Glo-      la Santa Creu i Sant Pau in Barce-         Vall d’Hebron Institute of
                                                                                                                                                                 bal Health Institute (ISGLOBAL).         lona, and it conducts research on          Oncology (VHIO)
                                        the life                                                                                                                                                          cardiovascular and heart disease,          Recent years have seen key
                                        sciences field                                                                                                           National Centre for Genome               competing at the highest internatio-       findings emerge on the molecular
                                                                                                                                                                 Analysis (CNAG)                          nal level. The centre has been highly      basis of cancer, and this has led
                                                                                                                                                                 This centre is dedicated to the          successful at transferring research        to new and better treatments for
                                        Catalonia has 430 research          In Catalonia, training in life scien-    the degree of research speciali-            study of sequencing, analysis            into therapeutic developments and          this disease. VHIO is working along
                                        groups and 90 recognized            ces and healthcare in general has        zation in Catalonia is the fact that        and interpretation of information        diagnostics.                               similar research lines, providing a
                                        research centres that are           increased considerably in recent         over 60% of centres do research             contained in organisms’ genomes.                                                    common space for scientists and
                                                                            years, both at universities and          on human health, and over 70% of            10 years after the publication of the    Institute of Biomedical                    doctors working on basic science
                                        developing activities in the
                                                                            business schools in order to meet        all researchers working in the field        first human genome sequence after        Research (IRB)                             and clinical research.
                                        life sciences field.
                                                                            the needs of a sector that is emer-      of genomic science in Spain do so           decades of research, CNAG can            Founded in 2005 and located in
                                                                            ging as a major economic driver          in research centres in Catalonia.           now sequence in just a day.              Barcelona’s Science Park (PCB),            The growth and development of the
                                                                            for the country. Ten of Catalonia’s                                                                                           IRB is dedicated to basic and              biotechnology industry in Catalo-
                                                                            twelve universities teach studies        Barcelona Supercomputing                    Centre for Genomic                       applied biomedical research. Highly        nia is possible because there is an
                                                                            related to this area, although the       Center (BSC)                                Regulation (CRG)                         dynamic and working to the highest         adequate supply of science and te-
                                                                            University of Barcelona (UB),            Located in the emblematic Torre             One of the main areas of excellence      international levels of excellence,        chnology parks suitable for business
                                                                            the Autonomous University of             Girona building in Barcelona, the           that Barcelona boasts is research        some of its main achievements              incubation during their early stages
                                                                            Barcelona (UAB) and the Po-              BSC-CNS (Barcelona Supercompu-              is related to this centre. At CRG        have been in the area of cancer            of creation. Of Catalonia’s 17 parks,
                                                                            lytechnic University of Catalonia        ting Center) is Spain’s National Su-        they carry out basic research in         research.                                  13 are actively involved in biotech-
                                                                            (UPC) account for almost 60% of          percomputing Center that plays host         biomedicine, especially in the areas                                                nology and biomedicine. In addition
                                                                            the training given in this field. The    to the Mare Nostrum supercomputer,          of genomics and proteomics. Its          Institute for AIDS Research                to providing science and technology
                                                                            number of students enrolled on           one of the most powerful in Europe.         researchers and group leaders are        (IrsiCaixa)                                facilities, offices and laboratories,

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             The biotechnology sector in Barcelona
The biotechnology sector in Barcelona

                                                                            these courses is nearly 25,000.                                                      recruited and evaluated internatio-      It works to develop knowledge,             these parks provide a meeting
                                                                                                                     Centre for Regenerative Medici-             nally, ensuring the highest scientific   prevention and treatment of HIV            point for research, innovation and
                                                                            Bioscience research is carried out       ne in Barcelona (CMR)                       levels.                                  infection and AIDS, with the ultimate      companies, as well as a competitive
                                                                            at 10 universities, with 25,000          CMR is located in the Barcelona                                                      goal of eradicating this disease.          environment, and support services
                                                                            researchers generating 25% of all        Biomedical Research Park (PRBB)             Catalonian Institute of                  Located in the University Hospital         to help grow business projects while
                                                                            Spain’s scientific output and 57%        and principally researches human            Bioengineering (IBEC)                    Germans Trias i Pujol in Badalona,         also providing access to experts in
                                                                            of its biomedicine publications*.        embryonic stem cells to unders-             IBEC carries out research into bioen-    it conducts research in partnership        intellectual property and investors.
                                        *recent bibliometrics data, 2006.   One important figure that shows          tand their basic development                gineering all the way from its most      with Barcelona’s Hospital Clínic.

16                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           17
                                        10 principal
                                        strengths of
                                        Barcelona and
                                        and biomedical

                                        05.                                                                                                                             06.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Barcelona Biomedical Research Park (PRBB)

                                        Barcelona                                                                                                                       Barcelona
                                        Science Park                                                                                                                    Biomedical
                                        (PCB): where                                                                                                                    Research Park
                                        research and                                                                                                                    (PRBB), a centre
                                        innovation                                                                                                                      for leading
                                        meet, and the                                                      The National Centre for Genome Analysis is one of the most
                                                                                                    important centres for sequencing and molecular research in Europe
                                                                                                                                                                        research groups
                                        country’s first
                                        Science parks are catalysts   Barcelona Science Park (PCB) is a          for the creation and growth of                         The Barcelona Biomedi-          Created in 2002 by the UPF, the           Barcelona Biomedical Research
                                        for regional economic         recognised successful model. This          biotech SMEs and has contributed                       cal Research Park (PRBB)        Autonomous Regional Government            Park (PRBB) has 8 institutes and
                                        development and facilitate    is the largest business incubator in       hugely to a new innovation-based                                                       of Catalonia and Barcelona City           independent research centres
                                                                                                                                                                        occupies 55,000 m2 on the
                                                                      Catalonia and it produced the first        economy.                                                                               Council, its expansion process en-        that have achieved excellence in
                                        the creation and growth                                                                                                         city’s shoreline overlooking
                                                                      Catalan biotechnology company in                                                                                                  ded in late 2005 and now employs          their fields, all focused on different
                                        of new technology-based                                                                                                         beaches and next to Hos-
                                                                      2009; the Park also plays host the         One of its main values is its own                                                      over 1,300 people, the majority of        aspects of biomedicine.
                                        companies, promoting                                                                                                            pital del Mar in the 22@
                                                                      latest science facility to be opened       internal triple helix model (public                                                    these foreigners (covering 50 diffe-      - Municipal Institute of Medical
                                        knowledge transfer from       in our country, the National Centre        administration, business and uni-                      area. Here we find scientific   rent nationalities).                      Research (IMIM)
                                        universities to industry.     for Genome Analysis (CNAG), which          versity), which is a key to compe-                     experts, some working on                                                  - Centre for Genomic Regulation
                                                                      together creates an innovation area        titiveness in this sector with public                  molecular analysis, others      The scientific activities of research     (CRG)
                                                                      that currently occupies 60,000 m2.         and private research and techno-                       in terms of the population      groups that are working here              - Institute of Advanced Technology
                                                                      PCB houses 75 companies,                   logy platforms. Within this same                       perspective. PRBB has           are grouped under the areas of            (IAT)
                                                                      9 technology platforms, 36 technical       space we find companies, techno-                       become one of the leading       biomedical computing and the              - Centre for Regenerative Medicine
                                                                      units, 4 research institutes and           logy platforms and research groups                     biomedical research centres     biology of systems, epigenetics and       in Barcelona (CMR)
                                                                      70 research groups. It also organi-        which enjoy full access to a wide                                                      gene regulation, cell biology and
                                                                                                                                                                        in southern Europe.                                                       - Centre for Research in Environ-
                                                                      zes more than 120 activities a year        range of science and technology                                                        its development, pharmacology,            mental Epidemiology (CREAL)
                                                                      in order to promote a culture and          support services.                                                                      pathophysiology and clinical human        - Pompeu Fabra University’s De-
                                                                      vocation for science, which involves                                                                                              genetics and evolutionary biology,        partment of Experimental and Health
                                                                      close to 6,000 people.                     Setting up the National Centre for                                                     epidemiology and public health.           Sciences (CEXS-UPF)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              The biotechnology sector in Barcelona
The biotechnology sector in Barcelona

                                                                                                                 Genome Analysis (CNAG) within
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  - Pasqual Maragall Foundation (FPM)
                                                                      Founded by the University of               the Barcelona Science Park (PCB)                                                       The Park has also produced busi-          - IBE - Institute of Evolutionary Biolo-
                                                                      Barcelona in 1997, this was the            –which happens to be Catalonia                                                         ness initiatives like the start-up qGe-   gy (CSIC-UPF)
                                                                      first science park to open in Spain.       and Spain’s newest facility–                                                           nomics and Chemotargets based on
                                                                      These days it is regarded as a             reflects the excellent results                                                         science initiatives.
                                                                      benchmark for the international            achieved so far and its role as a                                                                                                PRBB also offers four technology
                                                                      promotion of innovation with over          driving force in this area.                                                                                                      service platforms, including the Cata-
                                                                      2,200 employees. It is a model                                                                                                                                              lonian Anti-Doping Laboratory (IMIM).

18                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            19
                                        10 principal
                                        strengths of
                                        Barcelona and
                                        and biomedical

                                        of Barcelona’s
                                        Park (PRUAB):
                                        institutes and                                           Autonomous University of Barcelona’s Research Park (PRUAB)
                                        a bio-incubator

                                        The Autonomous University      The UAB Research Park was set             and Food Safety, Health and Beha-            PRUAB Research Centres and          The UAB Research Park’s tech-           UAB Research Park, besides the
                                        of Barcelona’s Research        up in late 2007 by three leading          vioural Sciences, Social Sciences            Institutes working in fields        nology transfer services, and its       university’s own research groups.
                                        Park (PRUAB) is one of         research institutions: the UAB, the       and Humanities and Science and               related to biotechnology and        scientific and technical services are   Companies located in the Park and
                                                                       Council for Scientific Research           Technology.                                  biomedicine include:                available to researchers at the UAB,    those that have come about from
                                        Catalonia and Spain’s most
                                                                       (CSIC) and the Institute for Re-                                                       - CBATEG: Centre for Ani-           CSIC and IRTA related centres and       Park-related projects like start-ups
                                        important business, industry
                                                                       search and Technology (IRTA) in           Currently, the UAB Research Park             mal Biotechnology and Gene          institutes as well as other centres     or spin-offs can also make the most
                                        and knowledge generators.
                                                                       order to foster, promote and impro-       has 30 research centres and insti-           Therapy                             and institutes that make up the         of these services.
                                                                       ve the transfer of knowledge and          tutes and more than 4,000 resear-
                                                                                                                                                              - CRAG: Agrogenomics Re-
                                                                       technology between universities           chers. In 2006 it registered
                                                                                                                                                              search Centre
                                                                       and companies.                            60 patents and generated funds
                                                                                                                 worth 68 million euros.                      - IBB: Institute of Biotechnology
                                                                       In addition to the UAB’s own                                                           and Biomedicine
                                                                       departments and research groups,          PRUAB has 14 small and medium                - INc: Institute of Neuroscience
                                                                       the Park has numerous centres and         sized companies located there in
                                                                                                                                                              - LP CSIC-UAB: CSIC-UAB
                                                                       institutes located on its Bellaterra      various life sciences activities.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  The biotechnology sector in Barcelona
The biotechnology sector in Barcelona

                                                                                                                                                              Laboratory of Proteomics
                                                                       Campus and at the Torre Mari-
                                                                       mon Farm (Caldes de Montbui).                                                          - ALBA Synchrotron
                                                                       They all carry out research in five                                                    - Centre for Research in Na-
                                                                       main themes: Biotechnology and                                                         noscience and Nanotechnology
                                                                       Biomedicine, Health and Animal                                                         (CIN2)
                                                                       Production, Processing of Food
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               ALBA Synchrotron

20                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                21
                                        10 principal
                                        strengths of
                                        Barcelona and
                                        and biomedical

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Over 600 representatives of Catalonia’s biotech sector meet every year for the Biocat Forum

                                        Large hospital
                                                                                                                                                                                     Biocat, promoting
                                        research                                                                                        Research Institute of the Hospital del Mar
                                                                                                                                                                                     the Bioregion of
                                        centres: IDIBAPS                                                                                                                             Catalonia
                                        IDIBELL and VHIR
                                                                                    state support agency for research that      therapeutics and the treatment of                    Biocat is an entity that       Created in 2006 thanks to the Gover-                 To achieve its goals in the above
                                                                                    provides accreditation for institutes and   problems related to healthcare issues.               coordinates and promotes       nment of Catalonia and Barcelona City                stated five priority areas, it has
                                                                                    networks and focuses research on set        Besides this, the Institute is highly                                               Council, Biocat’s foundation gover-                  designed tailor made programmes
                                                                                                                                                                                     innovation into biotechnolo-
                                                                                    objectives, a mission that only one other   committed to supporting entrepreneu-                                                nance structure includes extensive re-               that address the needs and specifi-
                                                                                                                                                                                     gy, biomedicine and medi-
                                                                                    hospital in Spain, the Virgen del Rocío     rial business ventures that arise from                                              presentation from the biomedical and                 cities of the sector, offering a range
                                                                                    de Sevilla, has.                            their research programmes.
                                                                                                                                                                                     cal technology in Catalonia.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    biotechnology sector, as well as the                 of services that run from training
                                                                                                                                                                                     Its mission is to promote      Administration, universities, research               programmes to the publishing of
                                                                                                                                The Sant Pau Biomedical                              and energize stakeholders
                                        Catalonia’s university hos-                 Research institutes in                                                                                                          companies and support organizations.                 industry reports, organizing sector
                                                                                                                                Research Institute (IIB Sant Pau)
                                                                                    Barcelona’s hospital system                                                                      operating in this sector and                                                        meetings and providing support
                                        pitals have a long tradition                                                            The Sant Pau Institute for Biome-
                                                                                                                                                                                     develop related initiatives    Biocat promotes collaboration bet-                   in the internationalization process,
                                        bringing together excellence                August Pi i Sunyer Biomedical               dical Research carries out medical
                                                                                    Research Institute (IDIBAPS)
                                                                                                                                                                                     in order to create the right   ween biocluster stakeholders and a                   and even personalized advice for
                                        in health care, training and                                                            research into basic, clinical, and
                                                                                    IDIBAPS’ research focuses on six            epidemiological health care issues,                  environment for a powerful     variety of other entities both inside and            companies, project start-ups or the
                                        basic and related research.                                                                                                                                                 outside of Catalonia, at the national                design of sector relevant strategic
                                                                                    main investigation lines and it aims to     and their investigation lines come                   research system to flourish.
                                        This can be seen by the fact                                                                                                                                                and international level. It offers flexible          initiatives.
                                                                                    integrate quality clinical research with    together in 10 of the highest quality                Other objectives include
                                        that Barcelona’s principal                                                                                                                                                  and innovative solutions to challenges
                                                                                    high quality basic research through its     research entities. Occupying 6,000 m2                helping to create active
                                        hospitals all have their own                                                                                                                                                facing the sector, always pursuing the               Biocat, along with the City Coun-
                                                                                    60-or-so research teams.                    of space, the shared research facili-                knowledge transfers and an
                                        research institutes.                                                                    ties play host to more than 400 basic
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    highest quality and efficiency. The Bio-             cil, drives the city’s international
                                                                                    Bellvitge Biomedical Research                                                                    entrepreneurial business       cat action plan has a clear customer                 promotion as a place for biotech-
                                                                                    Institute (IDIBELL)                         scientists and clinicians grouped in                 network so that this sector
                                        In Barcelona and its surrounds there are                                                                                                                                    focus, reflecting a strong commitment                nology companies to set up via the
                                                                                                                                7 areas of research.
                                        six hospital research institutes, five of
                                                                                    IDIBELL is a stem cell medical                                                                   can become an economic         to its goals and people in general.                  Barcelona Biotech brand and it also
                                                                                    research centre, including the par-         Municipal Institute of Medical                       driver for the country and                                                          establishes partnerships with coun-
                                        which - Vall d’Hebron Researh Institute
                                                                                    ticipation of the University Hospital       Research (IMIM)
                                        (VHIR), Bellvitge Biomedical Research                                                                                                        also so that it contributes     Its action plan is divided into five                terpart institutions and stakeholders
                                                                                    of Bellvitge, the Catalan Institute of      The Research Institute of the Hospital                                               strategic priorities:
                                        Institute (IDIBELL), Health Sciences                                                                                                         to the overall welfare of                                                           in the main international markets
                                                                                    Oncology, the University of Barce-          del Mar forms a part of the Pompeu                                                   - Consolidation of Catalonia’s                      of interest to promote exchanges
                                        Research Institute of the “Germans                                                                                                           society.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 The biotechnology sector in Barcelona
The biotechnology sector in Barcelona

                                                                                    lona and the Institute of Diagnostic        Fabra University (UPF) and boasts                                                    biocluster                                          and cooperation between sector
                                        Trias i Pujol” Foundation (IGTP), August
                                                                                    Imaging. The Institute is part of           350 researchers. Their research is                                                   - Promoting business competiti-                     members.
                                        Pi i Sunyer Biomedical Research
                                                                                    Hospitalet’s Biopol’H health care           divided into five programme areas:                                                   veness
                                        Institute (IDIBAPS) and Sant Pau
                                                                                    research park.                              cancer, epidemiology and public                                                      - Internationalization                              More information from
                                        Biomedical Research Institute (IIB Sant
                                        Pau)— are certified as medical research     Vall d’Hebron Researh                       health, inflammation and cardiovas-                                                  - Training and attracting talent          
                                        institutes by the Ministry of Science and   Institute (VHIR))                           cular processes, neuroscience and                                                    - Generating a positive social
                                        Innovation, a quality stamp awarded         VHIR is a biomedical research centre        biomedical computing.                                                                perception of biotechnology
                                        by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, a     working in the fields of diagnostics,

22                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               23
The Biotechnology sector in Barcelona
The Biotechnology sector in Barcelona
The Biotechnology sector in Barcelona

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The Biotechnology sector in Barcelona

  • 2. Edition Barcelona City Council Economy, Business and Employment Area Llacuna 162 08018 Barcelona With the help of Table of contents Design and layout: g.grafic D.L. (Copyright): B-11044-2012 Barcelona, January 2012 01. Barcelona, the Mediterranean’s innovation hub 05 02. 10 reasons to invest in Barcelona 06 03. The biotechnology sector in Barcelona and Catalonia 08 04. The top 10 strong points of Barcelona and Catalonia’s biotechnology and biomedical sectors 01. The presence of large domestic pharmaceutical companies and major international groups 10 02. Entrepreneurship and innovation in biotech and medical technology companies 12 03. Network of leading hospitals engaged in research 14 04. Benchmark training and research centres in the life sciences field 16 05. Barcelona Science Park (PCB): where research and innovation meet, and the country’s first bio-incubator 18 06. Barcelona’s Biomedical Research Park (PRBB), a centre for leading research groups 19 07. Autonomous University of Barcelona’s Research Park (PRUAB): research institutes and a bio-incubator 20 08. Large hospital research centres: IDIBAPS IDIBELL and VHIR 22 09. Biocat, promoting the Bioregion of Catalonia 23 10. Active government support for the biotechnology world 24 05. Links 26
  • 3. 01 Barcelona, the Mediterranean’s innovation hub Euro-Mediterranean region catalONIA Barcelona Barcelona, located in North-Eastern services, it is positioned second regarding centres and more than 400 consoli- Spain and on the shores of the Medi- national gross value added generated dated research groups engaged in the terranean, is one of the largest cities in (19.5% of total). Catalonia accounts for field of life sciences; excelling in areas Europe and the centre of a vast metro- 28.2% of all Spain’s companies in indus- such as oncology, bio nano-medicine politan region of more than 160 towns tries with high and medium high-tech and and cardiovascular disease. Catalonia with a total population of about 5 million knowledge-based services. also boasts trained specialists that are people. It is the economic, cultural and highly prepared for the future. Of the administrative capital of Catalonia and Moreover, the rate of entrepreneurial twelve universities located on Catalan the principal emerging area of economic activity in Catalonia in 2010 was 5.5%, territory, five offer bioscience studies activity in Southern Europe, with 17 mi- higher than the Spanish and European and over 24,000 students have already llion people and 800,000 businesses. The averages, according to the Global Entre- undergone training here. Euro-Mediterranean region, including the preneurship Monitor (GEM) 2010. Balearic Islands, Valencia, Aragon and 22% of Spain’s biotech companies are lo- South Eastern France, is primarily spe- Barcelona’s international economic cated in Catalonia; while 45% of Spain’s cialising in new strategically competitive activities are mainly driven by the Trade pharmaceutical companies are based in international sectors, whilst consolidating Fair, the Port, Airport, the Zona Franca Catalonia, including the largest in the sec- its position internationally as one of Consortium, Barcelona’s Tourism Consor- tor, which happen to all be Catalan firms: Europe’s major regions. tium, Barcelona City Council and its new Almirall, Esteve Ferrer, Grifols, Lacer and technological innovation districts. As such, Uriach. The Spanish pharmaceutical sec- We can find the basis of economic and given the importance of innovation tor is Europe’s seventh biggest in terms growth in metropolises with a poly- in fostering competitiveness, productivity of production volume. centric and economically diversified and the internationalisation of companies, business structure that facilitates and the biotechnology sector is one of the key In the last five years, according to the The biotechnology sector in Barcelona helps incubate new ideas, products and sectors for Barcelona and Catalonia. 2011 Biocat Report, over 450 Catalan companies. companies (biotechnology, pharma- Catalonia’s bio cluster is one the most ceutical, medical technology innovators Taking into account the distribution of dynamic in Spain, which overall happens and service sectors) have experienced gross value added across business activi- to be one of the most active areas in fluctuating growth rates between 15% ties, Catalonia is Spain’s top autonomous southern Europe in this field. And it is es- and 30%, which, given the current region in the industrial sector, accounting pecially active in clinical research and the economic downturn, shows the potential for 25.2% of the total market. In terms of human health care field, with 90 research of the sector. 05
  • 4. 02 10 reasons to invest in the biotechnology sector Catalan Barcelona offers a va- 01. Strategic Geographical Location 06. Skilled professionals prepared for the future riety of characteristics Two hours by road from France and one day by road from the major European Catalonia has more than 25,000 researchers (7% of the working population) based in that make it an attractive cities. The gateway to southern Europe, Barcelona boasts a major port, airport, 900 research centres, and of these there are 430 dedicated to the area of life sciences and, free trade zone, logistics parks, an international trade fair and a city centre all on the other hand, 90 research centres dedicating around 50% of their work to the life scien- place to live, work and ces area. Ten of Catalonia’s twelve universities –eight of these located in the metropolitan within a radius of five kilometres do business. The biote- area around Barcelona- offer bioscience studies: 155 courses taught with 24,000 students chnology and biomedical 02. Extensive transport infrastructure (Biocat 2009 report). Two of Barcelona’s top four business schools -ESADE and IESE- are among the world’s best 25. In addition, Barcelona has 34 international schools. sector is one of the most With its network of highways connected with Europe, Barcelona has the fastest dynamic, offering some growing European airport, Spain’s top port and the largest container port in the Mediterranean; a comprehensive metro and bus network, and a high-speed train 07. Excellent quality of life of the best investment infrastructure that is due to connect directly to the TGV and European network in For the 14th year running, Barcelona boasts Europe’s best quality of life for employees*. It opportunities. 2013. has a mild climate, sun, beaches, culture, splendid leisure time and arts programmes, a net- work of 4,500 educational institutions, modern and accessible health system. It is easy to 03. Barcelona, center of aarea dynamic and diverse economic large, get around on the public transport system and boasts beautiful parks that surround the city. The city of Barcelona and its metropolitan area have a total population of 5 million people. This city is the capital of Catalonia, one of the most dynamic regions of 08. Consolidated science parks and growth projects Spain, with 7.5 million inhabitants, located in the heart of the Mediterranean, a The city of Barcelona has six biotechnology-related science and technology parks (Parc large economic area with 18 million inhabitants. Barcelona accounts for 30% Científic Barcelona, Parc de Recerca Biomèdica de Barcelona, Parc Barcelona Nord, Parc of Catalonia’s GDP and has a growth rate of 1, 7% GDP per year (2008). It is de Recerca i Innovació de la UPC, Parc de Recerca de la UPF and 22@ Barcelona), in Europe’s sixth biggest urban agglomeration and its fifth largest in terms of indus- addition to those in the surrounding environment: Biopol (Hospitalet), Parc Tecnològic del try density. Catalonia has nearly 7,000 businesses working in innovation related Vallès and the Parc de Recerca de la UAB (Cerdanyola) and the newly created Parc de activities, most of which are located in Barcelona and its surrounding area. l’Alba (in the ALBA Synchrotron environment, also in Cerdanyola) and Orbital 40 (Te- rrassa). Lleida, Girona, Tarragona, Reus, Manresa also have science parks with activities 04. Successful foreign investment and recognized international positioning related to the sector. Sixth best city for business in Europe*, Barcelona has the most foreign inves- tment in Catalonia, which in 2010 was 3.999 billion, or 36% of all production 09. Unique research facilities investment received by Spain. There are more than 3,400 foreign companies The Mare Nostrum Supercomputer (Barcelona Supercomputing Center BSC), the Na- established in Catalonia, 90% of whom are located in the Barcelona area, which tional Centre for Genome Analysis (CNAG) and ALBA Synchrotron-CELLS are three of has established itself as a centre for multinationals’ European divisions. Its qua- Europe’s benchmark research facilities that are located in Barcelona and its surrounds. lity of life and human capital are among the most valued aspects of Barcelona BSC, supported by the Governments of Catalonia and Spain, is currently developing the by foreign companies already set up in the city and in various other international PRACE project, which is designed to provide Barcelona with one of the most powerful su- rankings. percomputers in Europe in 2012, and this should help develop and enhance both scientific research centres and companies’ investigation. 05. Leading position in the Spanish and European biopharmaceutical market 10. Unique public-private cooperation The biotechnology sector in Barcelona The biotechnology sector in Barcelona Catalonia is home to 22% of all biotech companies in Spain and 45% of its phar- Barcelona City Council and the Government of Catalonia are committed to creating a maceutical companies; the largest in the sector –all Catalonian- are: Almirall, Esteve favourable business environment, with the success of traditional local public-private Ferrer, Grifols, Lacer and Uriach. The Spanish pharmaceutical sector is ranked partnerships being a key to the transformation of Barcelona to date. seventh in Europe in terms of production volume. Catalonia also boasts 40% of Spain’s medical technology companies, responsible for 50% of all turnover in the sector (7.400 bn € in 2008), with 3% of this invested in R&D. *According to Cushman & Wakefield, European Cities Monitor 2011. 06 07
  • 5. 03 The biotechnology sector in Barcelona and Catalonia Biotechnology is a key sector Catalonia’s bio cluster is the most services for the sector), with Type of Company in Catalonia’s This document aims to set out the underlying features of the current dynamic in Spain, a country which growth rates fluctuating between BioRegió and future biotechnology sector in Catalonia and Barcelona under in order to transform the region’s current economic also happens to be one of the 15% and 30% over the last 5 years, 10 strategic reasons why: model into a system based most active areas of southern Eu- and its 90 research centres and Fine Chemistry Bioinformatics rope in this field. It has more than over 400 research groups excel in 01 The presence of large domestic pharmaceutical companies and on the knowledge economy. Medical major international groups 450 sector related companies areas such as oncology, cardio- technologies The recession that began in Food (biotechnology, pharmaceutical, vascular disease or bio nano 3% 2008 has shown the im- 8% 02 Entrepreneurship and innovation in biotech and medical technolo- medical innovation technology and medicine. portance of this particular 30% gy companies 13% sector, especially given the 03 Network of leading hospitals engaged in research fact that traditional industries Number of biotechnology companies in Spain have suffered badly from the Companies fully engaged in biotechnology 399 04 Benchmark training and research centres in the life sciences field 20% severe downturn. In 2010, Companies partly involved in biotechnology 161 26% 05 Barcelona Science Park (PCB): where research and innovation the US biotechnology ranked Companies that use biotechnology 535 meet, and the country’s first bio-incubator second in terms of inves- Total biotechnology companies 1,095 Pharmaceutical Biotechnology tment volume -behind the Geographical distribution of biotechnology companies across Spain 06 Barcelona’s Biomedical Research Park (PRBB), a centre for software industry- with nearly 25% leading research groups $ 4 billion (3% more than 21.19% We have, therefore, a sector that 07 Autonomous University of Barcelona’s Research Park (PRUAB): in 2009) and over 450 tran- 20% has huge potential for Barcelona research institutes and a bio-incubator sactions closed. Emerging The biotechnology sector in Barcelona The biotechnology sector in Barcelona 15% 14.43% and Catalonia, and that has strong 12.15% economies such as China or 10% 9.50% points and resources associated 08 Large hospital research centres: IDIBAPS IDIBELL and VHIR 8.22% Brazil are also investing in 7.40% with its industry, research institu- 5% 09 Biocat, promoting the Bioregion of Catalonia these sectors, with particular tions and government support – all emphasis on the industrial 0% factors that foster innovation and 10 Active government support for the biotechnology world and agricultural applications Catalonia Madrid Andalucia Comunitat Pais Vasco Galícia development. valenciana of biotechnology. Source: Asebio 2010 08 09
  • 6. 04 10 principal strengths of Barcelona and Catalonia’s biotechnology and biomedical sectors 01. The presence Biotechnology plays a lea- In fact, Catalonia is the country- ding role in the pharmaceuti- of-origin of Spain’s top six phar- of large maceutical companies: Almirall, cal sector, even to the extent domestic Esteve, Ferrer, Grífols, Lacer and that we talk about a conver- pharmaceutical gence of the two sectors. Uriach. In 2008, these companies’ companies spending on R&D stood at 381 The world’s main pharmaceutical groups’ The world’s main pharmaceutical groups’ million euros. This tradition, and and major The presence of drugs in their dynamic nature, has attrac- profits, 2009 (in billions of $) profits, 2009 (in billions of $) international today’s markets that have a ted major foreign investments: groups biotech origin is increasing the Catalan region has about 70 01 Pfizer $45,448 01 Roche/Genentech $36,017 significantly, bringing out pharmaceutical companies and 02 Sanofi-Aventis $40,871 02 Amgen $14,642 new drugs that are more is home to five of the world’s top 03 Novartis $38,455 03 Novo Nordisk $9,566 specific and effective with ten biopharmaceutical companies: 04 GlaxoSmithKline $36,746 04 Merck Serono $7,454 fewer side effects. Amgen, Novartis, Pfizer, Roche and Sanofi-Aventis. 05 AstraZeneca $31,905 05 Baxter BioScience $5,573 The Spanish pharmaceutical 06 Merck & Co. $26,929 The agrofoods business sector, with The biotechnology sector in Barcelona The biotechnology sector in Barcelona industry is mainly concen- 07 Johnson & Johnson $22,520 strong roots in Catalonia and with a In bold type those with activity in Catalonia trated in Catalonia, where 08 Eli Lilly & Co. $20,629 Source: huge growth potential, is also one 45% of the sector’s labo- IB09: Biocat report on the state of the biotechnology, biomedicine and medical of the main users of biotechnology, 09 Bristol-Myers Squibb $18,808 technologies sector in Catalonia 2009” ( ratories are located, along mainly in order to create more pro- “2010 Top 10 Biopharmaceutical Companies Report“, Contract Pharma 10 Abbott Laboratories $16,486 with 50% of production and fitable crops or plants that provide ( companies-report). 80% of companies working 11 Takeda Chem. Ind. $14,204 the best quality products. in the fine chemicals sector. 10 11
  • 7. 04 10 principal strengths of Barcelona and Catalonia’s biotechnology and biomedical sectors 02. Entrepreneur- ship and innovation in biotech and medi- cal technology companies The 480 companies that cu- In the last five years, biotechno- and masters students, accounting of Biotechnology Companies Sub-sectors of activity of the companies of the Bioregion rrently make up the Catalan logy has grown between 15% for 12.5% of the whole Spanish in Spain). According the Biocat Industries of R&D biotechnology sector and 30%. AB Biotics (functional university system (2009-10 data). Report 2011, in Catalonia there white biotechnology green tehnology foods), Advancell (nanomedicine), Some 43,500 students were enro- are 480 companies involved in (91 entirely dedicated to Archivel Farma (therapeutic vacci- lled on postgraduate studies during Catalonia’s biotech sector, of biotechnology) were all set ne against tuberculosis), Bioglane this period. which 91 are principally engaged YES up after the year 2000. 28.1% (industrial biotechnology), Bioin- Regarding business schools, which in biotechnology related business, genium (bioremediation), ERA is often an indicator associated with 71 are pharmaceuticals, 106 YES NO 47.1% 52.9% Biotech (cell technology), Immu- entrepreneurship, Barcelona boasts are medical technology compa- novative developments (drugs for two of the top twenty schools in the nies, 29 are in fine chemicals (a NO 71.9% inflammatory immune disorders), world: IESE and ESADE (according major sector for the development Neurotech Pharma (multiple scle- to the Financial Times 2011). In of active ingredients), 45 are rosis), Omnia molecular (anti-in- addition, in 2008 Barcelona was the foodstuffs companies, 9 from the red biotechnology medical technologies fectives) and Oryzon (biomarkers) third European city attracting most biocomputing area, and the rest are just some examples. international MBA students, only are providing support services. The biotechnology sector in Barcelona The biotechnology sector in Barcelona beaten by Paris and London, accor- Of those companies in the R+D What lies behind the growth of the ding to the aforesaid newspaper. area, 58.7% are working on red biotechnology sector is talent and biotechnology (health); 47.1% in YES NO YES NO skilled human capital, and strong Catalonia accounts for one fifth white biotechnology (industrial); 58.7% 41.3% 45.5% 54.5% collaborative bonds between acade- (20.98%) of all Spain’s biotech and 28.1% in green tehnology mia and business. Catalonia has companies, according to the latest (agrofoodstuffs), and 45.5% in 12 universities with 177,000 degree report by Asebio (Association medical technologies. Source: Report Biocat 2011 12 13
  • 8. 04 10 principal strengths of Barcelona and Catalonia’s biotechnology and biomedical sectors 03. Network of leading hospitals engaged in research Hospital Clínic of Barcelona In Catalonia, there is a The Barcelona area has a large undertaken here, because of safety unique form of interaction network of teaching hospitals too, and research effectiveness in terms between hospitals, univer- among them Hospital Clínic Provincial of patient selection and its compe- de Barcelona, Hospital de Bellvitge, titive pricing structure. Over the last sities, research centres and Hospital de la Vall d’Hebron, Hospital 10 years, the Catalan public health industry in general, covering de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau, Hospital system has increased its research all areas from basic to clini- de Sant Joan de Déu, Hospital del Mar trials by 95%, making Catalonia the cal research. and Hospital Germans Trias i Pujol, all leading region in Spain in terms of Catalonia stands out in the carrying out world leading research, percentage points (52.4%), mainly in field of clinical research and ranging from basic research to advan- phase II and III trials. human health research. It ced diagnostic and clinical research. has a network of 215 hospi- The private and public sectors work tals, 13 of which are develo- One example is a Hospital Clínic closely together. There are nume- ping outstanding research. research centre, the Centre for Inter- rous cases of collaboration, and national Health Research (CRESIB), these days hospitals themselves Amongst them, six are which leads the worldwide develo- are starting their own entrepreneu- amongst Spain’s top science pment of a vaccine against malaria, rial projects. Catalonia has seen a research producers. The biotechnology sector in Barcelona The biotechnology sector in Barcelona thanks to sponsorship by the Bill and number of companies that have set Melinda Gates Foundation. up and become highly successful across various therapeutic areas. Barcelona and Catalonia enjoy an There is a sub-sector of services outstanding tradition in quality clinical companies of about 30 CRO (con- trials. This region enjoys competitive tract research organizations) that advantages in this field because contribute to the development and cibek, a patronage initiative in Barcelona of the quality research that can be maturity of this sector in Catalonia. 14 15
  • 9. 04 10 principal strengths of Barcelona and Catalonia’s biotechnology and biomedical sectors Girona Vic Lleida mechanisms and work on applica- basic level up to medical applica- ALBA Synchrotron Cerdanyola del Vallès tions for these cells in the treatment tions; it has become an international Alba is a new generation synchro- of degenerative diseases. benchmark in this field. Its location in tron located near the Autonomous 04. Barcelona the Barcelona Science Park (PCB) University of Barcelona. The Centre for International Health means it can keep up with this highly synchrotron and the nearby new Research (CRESIB) dynamic area of life sciences. Parc de l’Alba facilities have been Tarragona CRESIB researches issues related Benchmark to the new international health cha- Catalan Institute of equipped to host researchers from around the world that use X-ray training and llenges we face in the twenty-first Cardiovascular Sciences (ICCC) analysis on their samples. research Universities century. Since May 2010, CRESIB ICCC is located in the Hospital de centres in Science and technology parks Hospitals has been part of the Barcelona Glo- la Santa Creu i Sant Pau in Barce- Vall d’Hebron Institute of bal Health Institute (ISGLOBAL). lona, and it conducts research on Oncology (VHIO) the life cardiovascular and heart disease, Recent years have seen key sciences field National Centre for Genome competing at the highest internatio- findings emerge on the molecular Analysis (CNAG) nal level. The centre has been highly basis of cancer, and this has led This centre is dedicated to the successful at transferring research to new and better treatments for Catalonia has 430 research In Catalonia, training in life scien- the degree of research speciali- study of sequencing, analysis into therapeutic developments and this disease. VHIO is working along groups and 90 recognized ces and healthcare in general has zation in Catalonia is the fact that and interpretation of information diagnostics. similar research lines, providing a research centres that are increased considerably in recent over 60% of centres do research contained in organisms’ genomes. common space for scientists and years, both at universities and on human health, and over 70% of 10 years after the publication of the Institute of Biomedical doctors working on basic science developing activities in the business schools in order to meet all researchers working in the field first human genome sequence after Research (IRB) and clinical research. life sciences field. the needs of a sector that is emer- of genomic science in Spain do so decades of research, CNAG can Founded in 2005 and located in ging as a major economic driver in research centres in Catalonia. now sequence in just a day. Barcelona’s Science Park (PCB), The growth and development of the for the country. Ten of Catalonia’s IRB is dedicated to basic and biotechnology industry in Catalo- twelve universities teach studies Barcelona Supercomputing Centre for Genomic applied biomedical research. Highly nia is possible because there is an related to this area, although the Center (BSC) Regulation (CRG) dynamic and working to the highest adequate supply of science and te- University of Barcelona (UB), Located in the emblematic Torre One of the main areas of excellence international levels of excellence, chnology parks suitable for business the Autonomous University of Girona building in Barcelona, the that Barcelona boasts is research some of its main achievements incubation during their early stages Barcelona (UAB) and the Po- BSC-CNS (Barcelona Supercompu- is related to this centre. At CRG have been in the area of cancer of creation. Of Catalonia’s 17 parks, lytechnic University of Catalonia ting Center) is Spain’s National Su- they carry out basic research in research. 13 are actively involved in biotech- (UPC) account for almost 60% of percomputing Center that plays host biomedicine, especially in the areas nology and biomedicine. In addition the training given in this field. The to the Mare Nostrum supercomputer, of genomics and proteomics. Its Institute for AIDS Research to providing science and technology number of students enrolled on one of the most powerful in Europe. researchers and group leaders are (IrsiCaixa) facilities, offices and laboratories, The biotechnology sector in Barcelona The biotechnology sector in Barcelona these courses is nearly 25,000. recruited and evaluated internatio- It works to develop knowledge, these parks provide a meeting Centre for Regenerative Medici- nally, ensuring the highest scientific prevention and treatment of HIV point for research, innovation and Bioscience research is carried out ne in Barcelona (CMR) levels. infection and AIDS, with the ultimate companies, as well as a competitive at 10 universities, with 25,000 CMR is located in the Barcelona goal of eradicating this disease. environment, and support services researchers generating 25% of all Biomedical Research Park (PRBB) Catalonian Institute of Located in the University Hospital to help grow business projects while Spain’s scientific output and 57% and principally researches human Bioengineering (IBEC) Germans Trias i Pujol in Badalona, also providing access to experts in of its biomedicine publications*. embryonic stem cells to unders- IBEC carries out research into bioen- it conducts research in partnership intellectual property and investors. *recent bibliometrics data, 2006. One important figure that shows tand their basic development gineering all the way from its most with Barcelona’s Hospital Clínic. 16 17
  • 10. 04 10 principal strengths of Barcelona and Catalonia’s biotechnology and biomedical sectors 05. 06. Barcelona Biomedical Research Park (PRBB) Barcelona Barcelona Science Park Biomedical (PCB): where Research Park research and (PRBB), a centre innovation for leading meet, and the The National Centre for Genome Analysis is one of the most important centres for sequencing and molecular research in Europe research groups country’s first bio-incubator Science parks are catalysts Barcelona Science Park (PCB) is a for the creation and growth of The Barcelona Biomedi- Created in 2002 by the UPF, the Barcelona Biomedical Research for regional economic recognised successful model. This biotech SMEs and has contributed cal Research Park (PRBB) Autonomous Regional Government Park (PRBB) has 8 institutes and development and facilitate is the largest business incubator in hugely to a new innovation-based of Catalonia and Barcelona City independent research centres occupies 55,000 m2 on the Catalonia and it produced the first economy. Council, its expansion process en- that have achieved excellence in the creation and growth city’s shoreline overlooking Catalan biotechnology company in ded in late 2005 and now employs their fields, all focused on different of new technology-based beaches and next to Hos- 2009; the Park also plays host the One of its main values is its own over 1,300 people, the majority of aspects of biomedicine. companies, promoting pital del Mar in the 22@ latest science facility to be opened internal triple helix model (public these foreigners (covering 50 diffe- - Municipal Institute of Medical knowledge transfer from in our country, the National Centre administration, business and uni- area. Here we find scientific rent nationalities). Research (IMIM) universities to industry. for Genome Analysis (CNAG), which versity), which is a key to compe- experts, some working on - Centre for Genomic Regulation together creates an innovation area titiveness in this sector with public molecular analysis, others The scientific activities of research (CRG) that currently occupies 60,000 m2. and private research and techno- in terms of the population groups that are working here - Institute of Advanced Technology PCB houses 75 companies, logy platforms. Within this same perspective. PRBB has are grouped under the areas of (IAT) 9 technology platforms, 36 technical space we find companies, techno- become one of the leading biomedical computing and the - Centre for Regenerative Medicine units, 4 research institutes and logy platforms and research groups biomedical research centres biology of systems, epigenetics and in Barcelona (CMR) 70 research groups. It also organi- which enjoy full access to a wide gene regulation, cell biology and in southern Europe. - Centre for Research in Environ- zes more than 120 activities a year range of science and technology its development, pharmacology, mental Epidemiology (CREAL) in order to promote a culture and support services. pathophysiology and clinical human - Pompeu Fabra University’s De- vocation for science, which involves genetics and evolutionary biology, partment of Experimental and Health close to 6,000 people. Setting up the National Centre for epidemiology and public health. Sciences (CEXS-UPF) The biotechnology sector in Barcelona The biotechnology sector in Barcelona Genome Analysis (CNAG) within - Pasqual Maragall Foundation (FPM) Founded by the University of the Barcelona Science Park (PCB) The Park has also produced busi- - IBE - Institute of Evolutionary Biolo- Barcelona in 1997, this was the –which happens to be Catalonia ness initiatives like the start-up qGe- gy (CSIC-UPF) first science park to open in Spain. and Spain’s newest facility– nomics and Chemotargets based on These days it is regarded as a reflects the excellent results science initiatives. benchmark for the international achieved so far and its role as a PRBB also offers four technology promotion of innovation with over driving force in this area. service platforms, including the Cata- 2,200 employees. It is a model lonian Anti-Doping Laboratory (IMIM). 18 19
  • 11. 04 10 principal strengths of Barcelona and Catalonia’s biotechnology and biomedical sectors 07. Autonomous University of Barcelona’s Research Park (PRUAB): research institutes and Autonomous University of Barcelona’s Research Park (PRUAB) a bio-incubator The Autonomous University The UAB Research Park was set and Food Safety, Health and Beha- PRUAB Research Centres and The UAB Research Park’s tech- UAB Research Park, besides the of Barcelona’s Research up in late 2007 by three leading vioural Sciences, Social Sciences Institutes working in fields nology transfer services, and its university’s own research groups. Park (PRUAB) is one of research institutions: the UAB, the and Humanities and Science and related to biotechnology and scientific and technical services are Companies located in the Park and Council for Scientific Research Technology. biomedicine include: available to researchers at the UAB, those that have come about from Catalonia and Spain’s most (CSIC) and the Institute for Re- - CBATEG: Centre for Ani- CSIC and IRTA related centres and Park-related projects like start-ups important business, industry search and Technology (IRTA) in Currently, the UAB Research Park mal Biotechnology and Gene institutes as well as other centres or spin-offs can also make the most and knowledge generators. order to foster, promote and impro- has 30 research centres and insti- Therapy and institutes that make up the of these services. ve the transfer of knowledge and tutes and more than 4,000 resear- - CRAG: Agrogenomics Re- technology between universities chers. In 2006 it registered search Centre and companies. 60 patents and generated funds worth 68 million euros. - IBB: Institute of Biotechnology In addition to the UAB’s own and Biomedicine departments and research groups, PRUAB has 14 small and medium - INc: Institute of Neuroscience the Park has numerous centres and sized companies located there in - LP CSIC-UAB: CSIC-UAB institutes located on its Bellaterra various life sciences activities. The biotechnology sector in Barcelona The biotechnology sector in Barcelona Laboratory of Proteomics Campus and at the Torre Mari- mon Farm (Caldes de Montbui). - ALBA Synchrotron They all carry out research in five - Centre for Research in Na- main themes: Biotechnology and noscience and Nanotechnology Biomedicine, Health and Animal (CIN2) Production, Processing of Food ALBA Synchrotron 20 21
  • 12. 04 10 principal strengths of Barcelona and Catalonia’s biotechnology and biomedical sectors Over 600 representatives of Catalonia’s biotech sector meet every year for the Biocat Forum 08. Large hospital 09. Biocat, promoting research Research Institute of the Hospital del Mar the Bioregion of centres: IDIBAPS Catalonia IDIBELL and VHIR state support agency for research that therapeutics and the treatment of Biocat is an entity that Created in 2006 thanks to the Gover- To achieve its goals in the above provides accreditation for institutes and problems related to healthcare issues. coordinates and promotes nment of Catalonia and Barcelona City stated five priority areas, it has networks and focuses research on set Besides this, the Institute is highly Council, Biocat’s foundation gover- designed tailor made programmes innovation into biotechnolo- objectives, a mission that only one other committed to supporting entrepreneu- nance structure includes extensive re- that address the needs and specifi- gy, biomedicine and medi- hospital in Spain, the Virgen del Rocío rial business ventures that arise from presentation from the biomedical and cities of the sector, offering a range de Sevilla, has. their research programmes. cal technology in Catalonia. biotechnology sector, as well as the of services that run from training Its mission is to promote Administration, universities, research programmes to the publishing of The Sant Pau Biomedical and energize stakeholders Catalonia’s university hos- Research institutes in companies and support organizations. industry reports, organizing sector Research Institute (IIB Sant Pau) Barcelona’s hospital system operating in this sector and meetings and providing support pitals have a long tradition The Sant Pau Institute for Biome- develop related initiatives Biocat promotes collaboration bet- in the internationalization process, bringing together excellence August Pi i Sunyer Biomedical dical Research carries out medical Research Institute (IDIBAPS) in order to create the right ween biocluster stakeholders and a and even personalized advice for in health care, training and research into basic, clinical, and IDIBAPS’ research focuses on six epidemiological health care issues, environment for a powerful variety of other entities both inside and companies, project start-ups or the basic and related research. outside of Catalonia, at the national design of sector relevant strategic main investigation lines and it aims to and their investigation lines come research system to flourish. This can be seen by the fact and international level. It offers flexible initiatives. integrate quality clinical research with together in 10 of the highest quality Other objectives include that Barcelona’s principal and innovative solutions to challenges high quality basic research through its research entities. Occupying 6,000 m2 helping to create active hospitals all have their own facing the sector, always pursuing the Biocat, along with the City Coun- 60-or-so research teams. of space, the shared research facili- knowledge transfers and an research institutes. ties play host to more than 400 basic highest quality and efficiency. The Bio- cil, drives the city’s international Bellvitge Biomedical Research entrepreneurial business cat action plan has a clear customer promotion as a place for biotech- Institute (IDIBELL) scientists and clinicians grouped in network so that this sector In Barcelona and its surrounds there are focus, reflecting a strong commitment nology companies to set up via the 7 areas of research. six hospital research institutes, five of IDIBELL is a stem cell medical can become an economic to its goals and people in general. Barcelona Biotech brand and it also research centre, including the par- Municipal Institute of Medical driver for the country and establishes partnerships with coun- which - Vall d’Hebron Researh Institute ticipation of the University Hospital Research (IMIM) (VHIR), Bellvitge Biomedical Research also so that it contributes Its action plan is divided into five terpart institutions and stakeholders of Bellvitge, the Catalan Institute of The Research Institute of the Hospital strategic priorities: Institute (IDIBELL), Health Sciences to the overall welfare of in the main international markets Oncology, the University of Barce- del Mar forms a part of the Pompeu - Consolidation of Catalonia’s of interest to promote exchanges Research Institute of the “Germans society. The biotechnology sector in Barcelona The biotechnology sector in Barcelona lona and the Institute of Diagnostic Fabra University (UPF) and boasts biocluster and cooperation between sector Trias i Pujol” Foundation (IGTP), August Imaging. The Institute is part of 350 researchers. Their research is - Promoting business competiti- members. Pi i Sunyer Biomedical Research Hospitalet’s Biopol’H health care divided into five programme areas: veness Institute (IDIBAPS) and Sant Pau research park. cancer, epidemiology and public - Internationalization More information from Biomedical Research Institute (IIB Sant Pau)— are certified as medical research Vall d’Hebron Researh health, inflammation and cardiovas- - Training and attracting talent institutes by the Ministry of Science and Institute (VHIR)) cular processes, neuroscience and - Generating a positive social Innovation, a quality stamp awarded VHIR is a biomedical research centre biomedical computing. perception of biotechnology by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, a working in the fields of diagnostics, 22 23