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Bancroftian Filariasis
The common name is bancroftian filariasis
3. The worm is long slender and smooth with a swollen head that has two circles. The males and
females are different in size because males are around 40mm and females are around 10 cm.
Females also have a bump around the head.
4. The worms start off as babies in the bloodstream of an animal where they are sucked out by
mosquitoes. The mosquitoes will bite a new victim and put the worm in the the animal where it will
go to a lymph gland and start to spread disease and irritate the host. The adults stay for around 5
years if not treated. The adults will reproduce and the babies will go to the blood where the process
will restart.
5. This worm lives in tropical and subtropical regions such as pacific islands, southeast Asia and
South America. ... Show more content on ...
The disease that this worm causes is lymphatic fibrosis also known as elephantiasis.
7. These worms are mostly found in tropical regions such as Asia, Pacific Island and South America.
8. The symptoms are weakness, fever and chills. Then the host starts to develop large growths on the
9. The host of the worm are all animals.
10. The risk factors and being extremely sick and developing the large growths. The biggest risks of
getting this is people in tropical regions that are around bodies of water when it is getting dark. They
are more likely because that the highest chance of getting bitten by a mosquito carrying the worm.
11. The disease is transmitted between mosquitoes.
12. The best way to treat the disease is by taking medicine called Diethylcarbamazine which will
kill the parasites. They best way to stay away is to not get bitten by mosquitoes.
13. There are around 120 million people around the world currently with the disease. Southeast Asia
accounts for 65 percent of people who have it. The worm can live for up to 15
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Fecal Matters
Fecal matters, as well as overgrown trees and bushes, can result in severe environmental hazards
and threats. The inadequate and unsafe disposal of human fecal matters can lead to the
contamination of the soil and could provide breeding sites for flies and mosquitoes which may carry
infections (Rottier & Ince, 2012). The faeces may attract domestic animals and pests which can both
increase the potential for diseases. These animals been drawn to this land would probably digest
these fecal matters resulting in them been infected. These animals then, would be butchered, if they
are animals been reared and their contaminated meat would be sold to other individuals who would
now be exposed to the diseases possibly resulting in illnesses as well as death. The fecal matters
could also result in an unpleasant environmental odour and slight. Fecal–related communicable
diseases include cholera, typhoid, dysentery (including Shigellosis), diarrhoea, hookworm,
schistosomiasis, filariasis and especially epidemics such as cholera (Ziraba, Haregu, & Mberu,
2016). These fecal matters at fresh state as well as state of decomposition are releasing a ... Show
more content on ...
In the document entitled "Overgrown or Unsightly Premises" by Gladstone Regional Council, the
land can become a breeding ground or a place of rest for vermin such as rats, mosquitoes, especially
in wet seasons, which would nest in these tall grasses. This, therefore, would result in mosquito
borne diseases such as leptospirosis, malaria, dengue among others and also become a problem for
surrounding residents as they are now prone to these diseases. In the dry season, these trees and
bushes are the perfect fire hazards that can assist in the spreading of the fire even quicker than fire
fighters could possible put it out due to them been
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Lymphatic System Associated With Edema
The system being attacked is the lymphatic system. We knew this because he was pronounced with
edema. Edema is a condition where there is excess watery fluid in the cavities or tissues throughout
the body. It was known that the lymphatic system returns leaked fluid to the blood vessels. The
lymphatic system disposes of debris in the lymphatic stream. This system plays a very important
role. It is in charge of housing the white blood cells that are involved in the immune systems.
Blood tests were taken the afternoon before. The blood tests that were taken then came back
negative. In order for the lymphatic filariasis disease to show in blood tests, it must be tested at
night. This is because the parasites will only show up throughout the blood
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The Unfortunate Reality Of Africa 's Water Problem
The Unfortunate Reality of Africa's Water Problem
Intro, statistics– Water scarcity is defined as the lack of sufficient water resources to meet the
demands of usage in different regions. Worldwide, 782 million people lack access to safe and
sanitary water, 37% of those people live in Sub–Saharan Africa. According to World Health
Organization (2006), in 2004, only 16% of those in Africa had access to drinking water through a
household connection. According to an estimation done by the United Nations, Africa alone loses 40
billions hours per year collecting water. (World Health Organization, 2015) Currently in Africa over
300 million people have no access to clean water. That is 40% of the total population, and 60% of
the population ... Show more content on ...
Volunteer work A good friend of mine, Abbie lumani spent three weeks on the reserves of Kenya
with a program called Me to We, the sister company of Free The Children. While in Kenya, she
participated in a 'water walk' making a 5K trek to gather water for the village. After returning to
home, Abbie's experience facing adversity inspired her to make a difference. Abbie created the
organization, "Picture This– Quenching Kenya's Thirst" a 5K and 10K run to raise money towards
clean water projects in Kenya. After hearing Abbie's story, I couldn't help but want to get involved
to make a difference. On July 8th, 2012 I volunteered to help out which was a wonderful
experience, seeing so many people come out to raise money for an amazing cause. Over $10,500
was raised and all proceeds went directly to Free The Children. Everyone was so involved and
excited to make a difference, Quenching Kenya's Thirst launched their second annual 5K and 10K
run on July 7th, 2013 which I took part in again and upped the previous years total raising over $14
000. Being a part of this was an amazing experience which gave me a very different outlook on
things, and inspired me to continue to get involved to help Africa's water crisis. Figure 1.2 is a photo
captured on July 7th at Gibbons Park, London Ontario.
Quenching Kenya's Thirst Run Figure 1.2
Water Diseases–
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LF Disease Pathogenesis Paper
Pathogenesis of LF disease:
There are several important progress have been achieved in understanding of pathogenesis of LF
disease, which primarily based on animal experiments and biopsy from the patients.
Figure: Pathogenesis of LF disease (lymphedema, hydrocele, elephantiasis).
Adapted from Nutman, 2013.
The Filarial worm and their products have direct effect on lymphatic endothelial cells, and cells of
adaptive and innate immune system. The interaction of inflammatory/immune mediators, molecules
of parasite, Wolbachia and other factors contribute to pathogenesis and development of LF disease.
The secondary bacterial infections further complicate the pathology.
The adult and developing worm of Wuchereria bancrofti, ... Show more content on
Worms produces small reaction when they are alive. However, after death of adult worm, a
granulomatous reaction started (Dreyer et al., 2000; Figueredo–Silva et al., 2002)
The host adaptive immune response produces an inflammatory reaction to the death or dying
parasites. The subsequent release of parasite molecules and inflammatory mediators results an
irreversible lymphatics dysfunction. (Figueredo–Silva et al., 2002; Nutman, 2013). The lymphatic
dysfunction predispose a suitable environment for secondary bacterial or fungal infection, initiate
inflammatory reaction in the skin and subcutaneous tissue, and enhance progression of lymphedema
and precipitate the development of elephantiasis (Nutman, 2013)
The role of inflammatory cytokines of innate origin have been shown to have vital role in
pathogenesis of lymphedema. Individuals having chronic LF disease, contain elevated level of pro
inflammatory cytokines and C–reactive protein.
An important factor associated with the inflammatory response and increase release of C–reactive
protein plus vascular endothelial growth factor might be the Wolbachia, an endosymbiotic,
intracellular bacteria live in the most filarial nematodes (Pfarr et al., 2009; Nutman,
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Parasitic Infections : Humans And Infectious Diseases Essay
When reflecting on the history of the human species, it is said that the narrative of mankind and
infectious diseases are intertwined. For centuries, humans have been exposed to a seemingly infinite
amount of contagions. Many viruses, bacteria, and fungi have plagued human beings for ages and
have eradicated populations thousands at a time. Through medical innovations and the advancement
of scientific knowledge, humans have been able to combat disease and disease–carrying vectors.
Through proper hygiene, antibiotics and vaccinations humans have been able to control and
eliminate many viruses and bacteria. It would seem that with the growing amount of medical
knowledge, that infections would be less common, but this is not the case. Not only are humans
threatened by viral and bacterial infections, there are various parasites that also invade the human
body. Parasitic infections are common in underdeveloped countries and are a prominent threat in
rural areas. Though parasitic infections are known to happen in well–developed countries such as
the United States. Contaminated water supplies, contact with infected animals, and improperly
stored and cooked food can lead to parasitic infections. Parasites like tapeworms, protozoa, flukes,
and nematodes can infect humans, causing serious health issues. These parasites enter through
various parts of the body, and then live and reproduce in certain organs. Though there are many
points of entry into the human body, most parasites enter
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Lymphatic Filariasis Research Paper
Lymphatic Filariasis Introduction Over 120 million people worldwide are affected by lymphatic
filariasis. This disease is caused by nematode worms, most of the cases being from a species known
as Wuchereria bancrofti, or just W. bancrofti. Those who experience the conditions of the disease
the worst are older individuals whom have lived in an endemic area for an extended period of time.
This is because of the long gestational period for the parasitic presence to become prevalent by
repeated mosquito bites and by the larva reproducing. (USAID, 2014) The disease is commonly
referred to as elephantiasis due to the symptom of lymphedema. (W.H.O., 2015) Lymphdema causes
the limbs to swell and become immobile, which stems from the lymph vessels becoming blocked by
larva nests. (M.C.S., 2014) Another common visible symptom is genital swelling in men, known as
a ... Show more content on ...
In Egypt, a statue of Pharaoh Mentuhotep II dating to about 2000BC shows signs of what might
have been elephantiasis; a common symptom of lymphatic filariasis. Between 1588 and 1592, Jan
Hyugen Linschoten described the symptoms of lymphatic filariasis during a trip to the Indian state
of Goa. The first actual documented observation of larva in the blood stream was by Jean–Nicolas
Demarquay, a French surgeon who extracted it from a hydrocele. A short time later, Otto Henry
Wucherer discovered the presence of microfilariae in urine. The connection between the two
discoveries and between microfilariae presence and elephantiasis was later discovered by Timothy
Lewis. In 1876, Joseph Bancroft documented the adult parasitic worm. Perhaps most importantly; in
the following year, Patrick Manson discovered microfilariae in mosquitos. This was the first time
mosquitos were found to carry diseases, and would not only affect studies in regard to lymphatic
filariasis, but other mosquito–borne illnesses such as malaria. (Stanford,
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How Lymphedema Is An Abnormal Distension
Lymphedema is an abnormal distension, composed of protein and fluid secondary to the improper
functioning of the lymphatic system, which leads to a decreased balance of flow and fluid discharge
(Viehoff, Hidding, Heerkens, van Ravensberg, & Neumann, 2014). Lymphedema may occur in the
upper extremity, lower extremity, head, neck, and thorax (Viehoff et al., 2014). Lymphedema is
classified as either primary or secondary lymphedema (Viehoff et al., 2014). According to Viehoff et
al. (2014), primary lymphedema in hereditary in nature and may affect any body part, but occurs
mostly in the legs. Secondary lymphedema results from damage to the lymphatic system secondary
to infection with lymphatic filariasis, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, or inguinal and axillary node
dissection (Viehoff et al., 2014).
According to Viehoff et al., (2014), lymphedema is under–recognized due to the fact that is not a
registered pathology. Viehoff et al., (2014) reports that there are approximately 140 to 250 million
people worldwide affected by lymphedema. The same author states that there is an estimated 120
million impacted by lymphedema in 72 countries, concurrently or previously infected with
lymphatic filariasis. 15 million of those were positively confirmed to have lymphedema as reported
in the World Health organization.
Lymphatic System
The lymphatic system plays an important part in the body's defense against infection (Rockson,
Signs and Symptoms of Lymphedema
1. Decreased range of
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Essay on Elephantitis
Elephantiasis Unit 3 Case Study 1 Jessica Beadles Dr. Stephen Brown Anatomy and Physiology 2
Abstract With this case study, I am presenting to the class the medical condition called
Elephantiasis. Included in this presentation is a definition of the disease, early symptoms, treatment
options and known preventative measures that can be taken to protect yourself from this horrible
condition that alters the active daily living activities of a little over a billion people, worldwide.
Definition Elephantiasis is the end stage lesion of filariasis; characterized by extensive swelling
usually of the external genitalia and legs. It is usually the end symptom of filarial worms present for
years ... Show more content on ...
The red streaks on the skins also indicate cellulitis which means that the lymph tissues are infected.
Treatment Options The most common treatment option is often continuous rounds of antibiotic
therapy, most likely the antibiotic called Doxycycline. The antibiotic treatment used to treat
elephantiasis must be administered for a consecutive 8 months. If the treatment is not administered
for the full 8 months and for any as long as symptoms are apparent, the parasitic worms will return a
year after treatment. Another treatment option is the use of antifilarial drugs, such as Albendazole,
which is simply put a broad spectrum de–wormer commonly used in domestic animals. Severe cases
of the parasitic infection that has taken over any of the extremities or genitalia must be amputated
due to the lack of blood flow and circulation. Some cases have been known to be remedied by the
use of chemotherapy which uses low dose radiation to kill the parasitic worms in the body, but this
is an extreme treatment seeing to how chemotherapy can sometimes do more harm than good for the
body. Prevention The only absolute prevention is to avoid the tropic countries that are plagued with
this problem, but if there is an absolute need to travel in these areas, precautions include; Use of a
bug repellant spray, preferable one that is DEET free. These sprays can be found in health food
stores, or any place
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Elephantiasis Research Paper
After viewing a couple of pictures of people infected with elephantiasis it makes me thankful to live
in a country where we mostly do not have this problem. The name is appropriate because people
who have this disease in like there foot or leg makes them look like they have elephant feet.
Elephantiasis is a neglected tropical disease. Infection occurs when filarial parasites are transmitted
to humans through mosquitoes. The mosquito grows into a adult worm and the worm lives in the
lymphatic system. It is usually acquired in childhood causing hidden damage to the lymphatic
system. There are 8 filariasis worms known to affect humans and these can be divided according to
the body area they affect. The first recorded cases of elephantiasis date back before Biblical time. At
this time the cause of elephantiasis was unknown. The occurrence in Asia and Africa was
recognized for centuries and was known to be associated with leprosy. Celsus is ... Show more
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It consists of a network of tubular channels that drain a thin watery fluid known as lymph from
different areas of the body into the bloodstream. Obstruction of these vessels results in the massive
swelling and gross enlargement characteristic of elephantiasis. The arms and legs are the most likely
place to be infected with. One way to prevent from getting this disease is taking DEC preventively
which has been shown to be effective. Another way is avoiding mosquito bites with bug repellent
and wearing proper clothing. Before visiting a country where elephantiasis is found it would be wise
to talk to a travel physician. Elephantiasis is a dangerous disease and can be very harmful to your
body. I have told you in this paper everything you need to know on how to stay safe how this
disease can be very harmful to your body. Be safe if you go out of country and don't let elephantiasis
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Asymmetric Low Limbs Edema Case Study
We report a case of a 46–year–old Caucasian female with asymmetric lower limbs edema and a
feeling of heaviness in the limb, especially at the end of the day and in hot weather, starting to 2
years ago. She also described Raynaud's phenomenon in hands and feet, lasting for more than 15
years. Digital ulceration and cardiorespiratory, genitourinary or gastrointestinal symptoms were
denied. No histories of trauma, travel outside Europe, recurrent infections or malignancy were
reported. Family history was negative for autoimmune or neoplastic diseases.
On physical examination, we observed a triphasic Raynaud's phenomenon and cutaneous thickening
in upper limbs, extending from the extremities of the fingers to the proximal metacarpophalangeal
joints, and in lower limbs involving feet and legs. Her Modified Rodnan Skin Score was 13 out of
51. Sclerodactyly, telangiectasia or pitting scars were not noticed. Lower limbs had ... Show more
content on ...
Liver and kidney function, thyroid hormones and electrolytes were normal. No serologic evidence
for filariasis infection was found. Nailfold capillaroscopy revealed a reduced number of capillaries,
some megacapillaries and spontaneous hemorrhages (Figure 2). These features are typical of active
SSc. Arterial and venous Doppler ultrasonography of the limbs did not reveal any compression or
thrombosis. Lymphoscintigraphy showed a compromise in lymphatic drainage of the right lower
limb with a starting point in the upper 2/3 of the thigh and a tortuous lymphatic path with slowed
and tortuous flow in the lower left limb (Figure 3). These findings suggested lymphatic impairment
of the limbs. Abdominal and pelvic computed tomography (CT) excluded injuries with compressive
effect in the emergence of the lymphatic system of lower limbs. Echocardiogram, pulmonary
function tests, and high–resolution thorax CT excluded heart and pulmonary
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Colonialism and Imperialism in Africa Essay
Disease and Imperialism in Africa
Diseases were prevalent in Africa during the time of European Imperialism. Disease affected both
natives and European peoples in Africa. African diseases affected both natives and European
explorers and soldiers as well as diseases brought by the Europeans that affected the Africans.
Numerouks diseases impadcted the Europeans in Africa during the time of Imperialism. During the
time of Imperialism many explorers and soldiers died of disease. "During 1804–25 over 60 per cent
of the men sent out by the Church Missionary Society died of disease" (McLynn 228). Traveling to
Africa was very dangerous. "Before the 19th century, European soldiers in the tropical areas [in
Africa] died ... Show more content on ...
Although malaria was a major problem among Europeans, it "was uncommon among Africans"
because they had developed an immunity to malaria (McLynn 228). In the 1850's, the primary
"breakthrough in the fight against malaria came with quinine" (McLynn 232). "The introduction of
prophylactic quinine for malaria, [sic] suddenly reduced mortality by one–half" (Smaldone).
European medicine was brought over to help the explorers. "Colonial medicine existed primarily to
make the tropics fit for the white man to inhabit" (Manderson 102). The hospitals were built in
European settlements which were generally far away from the natives' homes and to benefit the
Europeans only (Manderson 103). The improvement of tropical medicine accelerated imperialism
because the military and explorers were not being stopped by disease (Smaldone).
Disease, native to Africa as well as those brought by Europeans, also took a large toll on the native
peoples of Africa. Native diseases included "malaria, sleeping sickness (trypunosomiasis), bilharzia,
filariasis, hookworm infestation (ahkylostomiasis) and river blindness (onchocerciasis)" (McLynn
227). It was "sleeping sickness or tryanosomiasis that cause the greatest ravages among Africa's
indigenous population" (McLynn 238). Sleeping sickness was "highly contagious once contracted,
was initiated by the parasitic trypanosomes conveyed in the bite of the tsetse fly" (McLynn 239).
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Elephantiasis Disease
There is no vaccine or cure for lymphatic filariasis. Diethylcarbamazine (DEC), Albendazole and
Ivermectine are drugs used for people seeking prevention or already suffer from Lymphatic
Filariasis. The treatment help reduce microfilariae in human. People diagnosed with the disease
require taking DEC for a long period of time. The medication can kill adult worms slowly. People at
risk of getting the disease take the medication annually such as Albendazole 400 mg combined with
Ivermectin 200 mcg for every kg of body weight, or take Diethylcarbamazine citrate ( DEC) 6mg/
kg. Dosage is taken three times a day for three weeks annually for five years. This is a method of
prevention for non–infected individuals. For people that already have signs ... Show more content
on ...
This will reduce the swelling of the infected limbs and will help prevent further swelling. Also
washing the affected area with soap and water, then drying it and applying antibacterial and
antifungal cream, this step is done on a daily bases, it will prevent bacterial or fungal infection.
Patients with elephantiasis are prone to infections due to their damaged lymphatic system. Therefore
it is important to prevent any infections from spreading because the immune system cannot fight
any infections (Hoerauf 980). In Nepal there are clinics that use herbal remedies to help reduce the
appearance of the inflamed area like essential oils of Lavender, tea tree, Thyme, Lemon Balm,
Calendula and Arnica. These herbal remedies are mixed with distilled water to wash the surface of
the skin and used to make a paste to apply on top of the skin: And then wrapped using pressure
bandages for compression. This procedure can help calm the inflamed cite and reduce any microbial
contamination that causes irritation of the skin. This technique has shown good results. In some
sever cases, medical therapy by itself is not enough and performing surgery or radiation therapy
may be more beneficial for effected patients. For example, in cases where the male genitals have
been affected, a reconstructive procedure is done on the penis and scrotum to remove tumorous and
infected tissues. These types of surgery have shown lots of
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Insects Pollination
Insects are some of the most important creatures in our world. They play a very large role in many
tasks that are vital to human surviva,l like pollinating and effective decomposing. Insects have
impacted science, environment, human development, and food supply in a variety of ways. Insect
pollination is one of the primary beneficial functions of insects on human development. Insect
pollination as we all know, is the process that enables reproduction and fertilization by the transfer
of pollen performed by insects. Insects are some of the oldest pollinators of plants. Pollinating
insects date back to 140 million years ago. Since then, due to how effective insect pollinators are,
these flowering plants have become the major group of ... Show more content on ...
Yet many of these diseases affect man's economy profoundly by spreading disease not only among
man, but also among his livestock. There are also the groups of diseases known as arthropod–borne
zoonosis, which are primarily diseases of animals transmitted to man by arthropods. For
understanding the role of insects in spreading disease, knowledge of the biology of the insects, as
well as the biology of the pathogens they transmit, is essential. Along with causing plagues
throughout the world, insects have played a major role in wars. Diseases transmitted to soldiers
from insects have had enormous effects on warfare in our history. For instance, during the Vietnam
War there were a larger number of casualties due to insect transmitted diseases than deaths due to
the fighting of war. In cases where such losses of men and resources are one–sided, the actions of
insects have determined the outcome of entire wars and thus have altered the course of history.
Studying insects has played an important role in the development and understanding of biology.
Insect's genetics, ecology, and mainly their life cycles have contributed a lot to biology. A man name
Antoni van Leeuwehoek, a microscopist from
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Ddt Research Paper
DDT, also known as dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane. It is a colorless, tasteless, odorless, and see
through. DDT is an organochlorine that was created in 1874. DDT was commonly used in the
second World War to control various diseases. DDT was used because it was cheap, reliable and
lasted for an extended period of time in the environment.The effects of DDT. There are many effects
related to DDT, though some benefits over rule these effects, they can not be ignored since they
have a major effect on our eco–system. DDT is a very persistent chemical, it gets into and stays
inside the fats of living organisms. Though it does not kill by disturbing the cells of an organism,
they do open up the cell's membrane so it can enter. Most of the time DDT opens up the membrane
too much therefore leaving the cell to leak and allow the entrance of other harmful things such as
sodium ions and potassium ions. ... Show more content on ...
Originally, DDT was thought to be harmless to humans and was used to control lice, as well as for
agriculture uses. In 1968, a study showed that Americans consumed average of 0.025 milligrams of
DDT per day. DDT is found in human milk. Since milk production is extremely dependent on the
fats of the human, it is then transferred into the consumer. Though it hasn't been completely proven
yet, some researchers say that DDT is a cause for breast cancer. The scientists are also saying that
DDT is an estrogen mimic. In humans, more than 236 mg of DDT per kg of body weight can result
in immediate death. Anything between 6–10 mg of DDT per kg of body weight can result in
headache, nausea, vomiting, confusion and tremors. Are the benefits of DDT enough for us to
dismiss all these dangers?DDT is for controlling and killing harmful insects. It is also used in
agriculture to make any unwanted pests never come
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Environmental Issues In Nicaragua Essay
Nicaragua has a population of 6 million and a land mass of about 50,000 square miles. It's located
near the bottom of Central America between Costa Rica and Honduras.The language that is
primarily spoken in Nicaragua is Spanish but English is spoken albeit to a lesser degree. The
currency used is the Nicaraguan Cordoba, which is about 28 times less valuable than the US Dollar.
Nicaragua is the poorest country in Central America and the second poorest country in the Western
hemisphere. They have a Republic Government, which is a representative government ruled by law.
Nicaragua has many problems including hunger and poverty, lack of education, disease, and
environmental issues. In Nicaragua, poverty and hunger are constant occurrences in ... Show more
content on ...
The environment of Nicaragua has caused complications to the quality of living in Nicaragua. One
of the main environmental issues is the lack of safe drinking water. Those who cannot afford clean
water become susceptible to disease. Most of the land in Nicaragua is devoted to farming. However
to do create new land forests needed to be deforested. About 70 percent of all of Nicaragua's forests
have been cut down in favor of producing more arable farmland. ( Foundation 1). The lack of
natural barriers in the form of trees has made Nicaragua prone to severe floods and landslides.
Along with floods and landslides nicaragua is also susceptible to hurricanes, earthquakes and
volcanoes (Encyclopedia). Due to Nicaragua's predominant farming community, tremendous
amounts of pesticides need to be used to protect the fruits and cotton that are exported. These
pesticides have caused skin and breast cancer, liver, pancreas, and kidney problems, nervous
disorders, and miscarriages. 22,000 workers and family members are said to have been affected by
the harmful pesticides (Foundation 1). Nicaragua's environmental issues also have an effect on
human rights. Land that was set aside by the government is being taken over by large corporations
minimizing the amount of land for the indigenous people. The government is doing nothing to stop
these big businesses from taking more land
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A Brief Note On Tackle Complex Policy Issues
The most interesting part of the article to me is how it explains how to tackle complex policy issues
and exactly what the hardest problems are to agree on how to mitigate/combat most efficiently. The
paper discusses the most complex policy issues and their characteristics, how to tackle them with
possible strategies, avoiding the narrow approach and instead the need for flexible approaches, the
importance of working across organisation boundaries, reviewing the framework, effectively
engaging with stakeholders, and the importance of achieving behaviour change within the citizens. I
have not come across anything similar to this before, and so I feel indifferent towards the attitude of
the paper; I was neither surprised nor confronted by ... Show more content on ...
Discussion: Public transport services can have social and environmental impacts; these include air
and noise pollution, land disturbance (train tracks), and traffic congestion. According to the
Australian Bureau of Statistics (2003), "there is concern that current technology for powering
transport systems may be unsustainable in the long–term", which is why funding is needed to
upgrade to renewable trains and trams. Although public transport emits carbon dioxide (CO2), the
emission is significantly lower compared to private vehicles; public transport such as trains use 2%,
whilst private vehicles (cars) use 43% (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2003).
Resources required: According to the Government of South Australia in Department of Planning,
Transport, and Infrastructure (n.d.), recent upgrades to one of the train lines to be electrified cost $2
billion. It is expected other lines will estimate to cost around the same budget.
Risks: The risks associated with this proposal revolve around political, legal, economic, and
environmental risks. Recently, Adelaide Metro employees were on strike due to low pay; if the
Government were to build more train tracks and improve the services by creating more routes, the
employees may go on strike again, creating a political and legal risk. An economic risk is
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Virtual Body Circulation, Respiration, Breathing
Sophia Ho
Virtual Body Circulation, Respiration, Breathing
Ventilation is a process in which our body extracts oxygen from the atmosphere and releases carbon
dioxide as a byproduct. Overall, this process exchanges air between our lungs and the atmosphere.
According to Boyle's Law, at a constant temperature, pressure of a gas is inversely proportional to
volume. Therefore, when we breathe in, the chest cavity expands, and the pressure inside the lungs
becomes slightly lower than the atmospheric pressure.
When the muscles relax and the volume of the chest cavity decreases, the air inside the lungs is
forced out. This is the process of expiration .
For normal breathing, 3% of the body's energy is used.
For those with lung disease, ... Show more content on ...
Pharmacologic interventions are used to prevent blood clots from occurring in the body. Coronary
vasodilators and antithrombotic drugs are used to increase oxygen delivery to the myocardium.
Vasodilators and cardiac depressants, which decrease heart rate and contractility), are drugs used to
decrease the oxygen demand. A decrease in demand compensates for the lack of oxygen going to the
myocardium . Vasodilators include calcium channel blockers and nitrodilators; cardioinhibitory
drugs include beta–blockers and calcium channel blockers; and antithrombotic drugs include
anticoagulants and antiplatelet
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Explain Why Should Society Fund Research In The Department...
Why should Society fund research in the Department of Chemistry?
Chemistry research could be find useful by society in many way. There are three main type of
societal issues which may take advantage from research provided by Department of Chemistry of
University of Liverpool. First of them all, help improve healthcare technologies which is obviously
important for medicine, because they may rationalize medical tests, by making them faster, cost
effective and more convenient for patient and doctors. The same positive impact from Chemistry
research can be find by enhance energy. This area cover variety of topic, green chemistry, catalysis,
biomass conversion, solar fuels, batteries, etc. Last but not least is manufacturing the future, this is
general impact for technology what chemistry can offer. Accurate impact of these 3 field will be ...
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For instance, one of them is about unsymmetrical disprio– and spiro–tetraoxanes. This research was
based on many different reactions with ketones. These synthetics reactions connect together water–
soluble and polar functionalities to produce several analogues with low nanomolar in vitro
antimalarial activity. This project end up successfully giving as a result example of excellent
antimalarial activities in vitro with very promising oral activities. What is more, this research project
also find out that discovered product can by synthetize in good yield and from simple starting
materials. This paper is widely quoted which is proving that result from this publication found
application in science.
Energy and Catalysis
Chemistry Department do plenty of research connect with Energy and Catalysis. This is one of the
seven highest priority area at University of Liverpool. Currently they open new centre for
innovative energy research. In this institute chemists collaborate with different scientist.
Manufacturing the
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How To Write A Case Study Sam's Lymphatic System
I.We have reason to believe that the system that is being attacked in Sam is his lymphatic system.
There are many signs that point to this conclusion with the most strong point being his edema on his
right leg. This Edema, or abnormal accumulation of fluid, is believed to have been caused by a
compromised amount of function in the lymphatic system. This system's primary function is to pick
up and return leaked fluid from blood vessels. When this system can not function properly it could
result in an edema and pain, both of which are being experienced by our patient. The next point that
leads us to believe the lymphatic system is being attacked is the fact that there are signs of bacterial
infections. The lymphatic system also plays an immunal role in helping the body function, and if it
couldn't produce the white blood cells needed to fight infections, bacteria could potentially take
over, which could be the case with Samuel.
II.Because ... Show more content on ...
The first step to helping Samuel is for him to try to remain off of his feet, laying in bed with his
right leg elevated. Furthermore, he should wrap his infected area with a compression wrap to help to
fight the swelling. Due to the fact that we have reason to believe the disease was picked up outside
of the United States, we are going to prescribe Sam albendazole and ivermectin. Had Sam not had
the history of being outside of the United States, we would have prescribed diethylcarbamazine
which would kill the microfilariae in Sam's system. A lower dosage of steroid should also be
administered to Sam to help his immune system stay strong as the worms in his system are being
killed off. His prognosis is that he will most likely continue to experience some pain as well as
swelling for the next few days, but within a matter of a week or two he should begin to feel like his
normal self again. We recommend bed rest for a week and to be sure that he keeps the infected area
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Why Are Vaccines Necessary
The United States of America has survived wars, natural disasters, and terrorist attacks, yet we are
still assaulted by outbreaks of preventable diseases. These outbreaks of illnesses are the only thing
on that list that can be virtually completely avoided. There are vaccines for a plethora of illnesses,
and they need to be utilized to keep America disease–free. Some vaccines are already required by
law. For example, Diphtheria, Tetanus, and Pertussis (whooping cough) are required in nearly every
state for children going into kindergarten. Other vaccinations are required at different ages in
different states, and some schools and daycare programs require children to be caught up on their
vaccines. By requiring vaccines for children, the United ... Show more content on ...
Vaccines save thousands of lives each year and provide health for the general population. According
to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, "The CDC estimates that vaccinations will
prevent more than 21 million hospitalizations and 732,000 deaths among children born in the last 20
years ("Report Shows 20–Year"). Nearly 22 million people will not endure meaningless suffering
due to a preventable infection since they got a vaccine. Another benefit of vaccinations is that the
"herd" will be protected. The herd is all the people that cannot be vaccinated, such as babies and
very young children, those going through chemotherapy, and the immune compromised. By
purposely not having children vaccinated, the people contained in the herd are endangered. If
someone who is not vaccinated contracts a preventable disease, everyone who is in the herd is at
high risk for also contracting the disease and dying because their immune systems cannot fight the
disease. Vaccines can also save unborn babies from birth defects and diseases. According to the
March of Dimes Foundation, if a pregnant women contracts rubella, her unborn baby is at risk for
"heart defects, vision problems, and hearing problems" as well as "miscarriage, stillbirth, [or]
premature birth" (March of Dimes Foundation). It is clear that getting the vaccination would be
better than contracting the infection for both mother and child. By not passing these infections onto
children, it becomes more likely that the infections can be eliminated from the
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Lymphatic Filariasis Essay
While this infection does cause harm to the lymphatic system, it still affects the integumentary
system (skin). The skin and lymphatic system go hand in hand when this infection is present in the
individual. This is seen when the skin reacts to the decreased function of the lymphatic system due
to the parasitic worm. History of Lymphatic Filariasis
It is unknown of how or where this infectious disease (lymphatic filariasis) arouse. The first
documentation of lymphatic filariasis was not seen until an exploration that occurred in Goa during
the years 1588 to 1592. Ancient artifacts though have suggested that it could have been present in
early 2000BC. These artifacts were found in a number of areas in the world including Africa and
Asia. Those ... Show more content on ...
Since lymphatic filariasis is not commonly found in America, this drug is no longer approved by the
FDA and can only be obtained by a physician if lab tests come back positive for the infection. When
the drug is administered, there is a 1 or 12 day treatment of DEC. This drug does not kill all adult
worms, but can prevent the infection from spreading. Areas that are at high risk for becoming
affected are treated through a process called preventive chemotherapy that uses 2 medicines:
albendazole and ivermectin (or in some cases DEC). This medicine combination clears all
microfilariae from the bloodstream and thus can prevent the further of transmission of this
infectious disease. Other treatments aside from taking DEC can be the following: washing the
swollen area with soap and water daily, elevate the affected area in order to improve lymph flow,
and disinfect any wounds that may arise by using antibacterial.
Present day research on Lymphatic Filariasis
Recent research shows the transmission of lymphatic filariasis in high risk populations has dropped
by 43% since the start of GPELF. Before GPELF, 81 countries were deemed as being "common" for
lymphatic filariasis. From 2000 to 2013, over 5 billion treatments were delivered to a targeted
population of about 984 million individuals in 56 countries, which reduced the transmission. Other
research suggests that 73 countries are still "common" for this disease and out of those 73, 17 have
proposed strategies to eliminate the transmission of
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Essentials Required for the Travel to Philippines
Travel to the Philippines Entry / Exit Information According to the U.S. Department of State (2010),
U.S. citizens may travel to Philippines with a U.S. passport that is valid for at least six months after
the date of entry into the Philippines. Travelers must also possess a valid return ticket to the United
States or a ticket to another country. If the visitor is traveling to the Philippines for tourism,
Philippine immigration officials will stamp the passport with a 21 day visa. If the visitor would like
to extend the stay past 21 days, he must apply for an extension with the Philippine Bureau of
Immigration and Deportation. Persons who overstay their visas are subject to fines and detention by
Philippine immigration authorities. Travelers who plan to stay beyond 21 days must apply for a visa
in advance from the Embassy of the Philippines prior to travel. Immunization Requirements The
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC, 2012) recommends that travelers be current on
routine vaccinations including: Influenza Chicken pox Polio Measles/mumps/rubella (MMRP)
Diptheria/pertussis/tetanus (DPT) In addition, the CDC recommends immunization against the
following vaccine–preventable diseases: Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Typhoid Japanese encephalitis
Rabies Finally, the CDC recommends taking an anti–malarial drug if the traveler will be visiting
rural areas <600 m (1,969 ft) on the islands of Luzon, Mindanao, Mindoro, and Palawan. Diseases
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Global Climate Change And Global Warming
Energy is a huge part of our daily lives and over the years we have seen energy consumption rates
raise significantly. It really isn 't much of a secret that global climate change is happening. From the
melting of the polar ice caps, to record severe temperatures, rise in natural disasters, rise in
pollution, greater number of vector–borne and water borne illnesses, and much more. Unless there is
something done to change the current technology being used to provide energy to the human
population global climate change will only continue to get worse. Climate change is the biggest
global health threat of the 21st century and we must act and change the use of energy technology
and oil for our sustainable future. In order to understand the health impacts of global climate change
we must first look into what is global climate change and global warming. In short global climate
change are any natural changes on our planet that are being caused by human activities. These
human activates mainly consist of the burning fossil fuels, coal and oil. When these fossil fuels are
burned pollution is created. This pollution fills and form what is called greenhouse gasses and in
turn creates the greenhouse effect. These gasses re–radiate thermal radiation in all directions and
trap in heat on our planet. Without these gasses this thermal radiation would normally dissipate back
outside of the atmosphere. This is much like the effect of a greenhouse in which this effect gets its
name from.
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Water Pollution
Abstract India's vast and developing population is putting quite a stress on all of the country's
natural resources. Most sources of water are polluted by unmanaged sewage and agricultural
overflow. Even though the country has made some progress, water contamination is still a big issue
throughout the country. Although access to clean drinking water has improved, the World Bank
calculated that 21% of communicable diseases in India are still related to contaminated water.
According to, In India, diarrhea alone causes more than 1,600 deaths daily, the same as if
eight jumbo jets crashed to the ground each day. Hygiene is another problem that affects India, in
the city and in rural areas. In rural areas of the country latrines ... Show more content on ...
However the population in rural areas is declining because people are moving to the cities. People
are leaving the rural areas because they want to move away from living off the land. Mumbai is the
largest city in India, more than 12 million people live there (Sekhar, &amp; Padmaja, 2013).
With the growing population it becomes harder to keep up with sanitation and health care. Only two
cities in India have continuous water supply and an estimated 69% of India still lack access to
improved sanitation facilities (Goli, &amp; Arokiasamy, 2013). The government claims that they
don't have enough funds to supply everyone with clean water.
Affected Population
The majority of India's population follows the Hinduism religion. Hindu religious practices happen
in the central locations sometimes at the river banks. The Hindu religious practice involves
immersing statues as well as throwing flowers, pots, ashes and disposing of cremated bodies into the
rivers (Idol immersion polluting India's waters, 2012). India's holiest river named the Ganges is
considered to be a source of spiritual purification and healing which can have restorative powers for
devout Hindus. The Ganges runs for 1,550 miles and has more than two dozen urban centers located
on its banks. 400 million people live along this river. Around two million people are ritually bathing
in the river every day. Hindus believe that by immersing their love one's body into the water they
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What Is Lymphatic Filariasis?
Lymphatic filariasis is a vector borne disease that can serve in the role of infectious disease by
harboring pathogens that cause disease only in susceptible populations. Lymphatic filariasis is
spread by infected mosquitoes because their bites deposition travels to the lymphatic system,
causing it to affect the lymph nodes and lymph vessels. This is in over 80 tropical and subtropical
countries, but mainly found in India. In some cases, Filariasis is one of the leading disability that
can affect 120 million citizens but it is very rare. In time, the damage to the lymphatic system can
cause swelling in the legs, arms, and genitals. This disease increases the risk of more bacterial
infections that causes the skin to thicken and harden. In the
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Causes And Consequences Of Mosquitoes
Mosquitoes are significant groups of arthropods that inhabit aquatic habitats. They are probably
adverse arthropods, which transmits wide range of pathogens that cause drastic deadly diseases such
as human malaria, dengue, filariasis, viral encephalitis (Leopoldo 2008). Zika virus, another
mosquitoe borne infection was first reported in Brazil by Pan American Health Organization in
2015. After the identification, the Zika virus has spread tremendously all around America. The
illness begins with mild symptoms lasting up to a week after being bitten by vector mosquito.
However, an infection during pregnancy may cause certain neurological anomalies like
microcephaly and several other brain defects (Plourde & Bloch 2016).Thus control of mosquitoes
becomes the need of the hour to prevent wide epidemic infections. However, it is difficult to control
and prevent severe consequences created by mosquito species (Aneesh 2009).
Currently a total of 3549 recognized mosquito species belonging to subfamily Culicinae are
reported all over the world (Harbach 2016). Out of this more than hundred species of mosquitoes
are capable of disease transmission to humans and other ... Show more content on ...
Pupae don't require food and be alive for 1–3 days before the adult form. Male adult mosquitoes
primarily feed nectar from plants to get sugar while the female mosquitoes imbibe the blood meal to
generate viable eggs (Leopoldo 2008). Female mosquitoes usually nourish every 3–5days. A.
albopictus females are diurnal feeders; they not only give preference to attack large mammals but
also imbibe blood meals from birds (Savage et al
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Baby Safety
Here is a list of what should be done to keep your baby safe.
1. Keep your baby clean and neat, always.
2. Cut his nails regularly, properly and carefully.
3. Remove wet diapers at once.
4. Hygiene and cleanliness of genital the area should be maintained. Always keep genital parts dry.
These body parts are prone to infection, especially when wet.
5. Clean the scalp regularly and properly to prevent dermatitis and fungal infections.
6. Baby clothing should be loose enough not to restrict body movements, ease aeration and prevent
skin irritation.
7. Keep your baby' room properly ventilated and lighted. Free it from insects and dusts.
8. Your Baby' bed should be separate but close to mothers'. A water proof bed is preferable.
9. Musical ... Show more content on ...
Clean toilet seats using antiseptic liquid before and after their use. Do not let other children share
one's potty.
20. Seek doctor's help every time your baby shows symptoms of ailment. The signs include
convulsions, excessive crying, fever, frequent vomiting, stiff neck, bluish body discoloration,
diarrhea, breathing difficulty with grunting, etc.
21. Keep a separate first aid kit and medicine box for your child. Make sure first aid kits always
contain dressing materials, sterile cotton, antiseptic ointment and lotion and forceps. Maintain a
separate notebook containing contact information of doctors, police, ambulance services, and the
like. Information on dosage and application procedures should be written on paper and posted close
to the medicine box.
22. When driving with your baby on board, fix him with a separate seat belt.
23. When the baby goes out with you, put inside his small pocket his identity card and your contact
24. When your baby begins to walk, maintain your close distance to him and prevent possible
injuries from accidental fall or slip.
25. Apply first aid in times of emergency. Lose no time in taking your baby to the hospital. Here are
cases of emergency situations and the steps you can
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The Apicomplexan Cyclospora
The apicomplexan Cyclospora cayetanensis is an obligate intracellular protozoan that infects human
and causing diarrhea worldwide (Lainson 2005; Ortega and Sanchez, 2010) leading to a significant
morbidity and mortality in both immunocompromised and immunocompetent hosts (Legua and Seas
2013). Cyclsosporiosis patients may be gastrointestinal symptomatic or asymptomatic and/ or
having extraintestinal constitutional symptoms such as weight loss, fever, chills, muscle aches, joint
aches, generalized body aches, headache, or fatigue (Mansfield and Gajadhar 2004). Fecally
contaminated water, food or soil with sporulated oocysts of C. cayetanensis are the main sources of
infection transmission (Herwaldt, 2000; Crist et al., 2004). The host specificity ... Show more
content on ...
2015). Also, silver oxides NPs induced strong anti–parasitic activities against malaria and filariasis
vectors larvae and Ixodidae (Marimuthu et al. 2011). However, MgO has some advantages that prior
it to other metals (Asgharzadehahmadi et al., 2013) such as nonmutagenic effect, good stability and
a normal component of the human body (Sawai 2003; Krishnamoorthy et al.,
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Samuel's Edema And The Lymphatic System
I. The system that is being attacked is the Lymphatic System. Samuel has edema or another word for
this is lymphedema. Edema is a type of lymphatic obstruction or a blockage in lymph system. This
is the medical term for swelling in this case it is the swelling or his lymph nodes and this is mostly
in the arms and legs. The swelling he is having is coming from the lymphatic fluids that are not
being taken back into the bloodstream. Since the Lymphatic system helps cleanse the blood and
takes toxic wastes out of the body. Those cells are involved in immunity is why he is getting
infections on his skin because the lymphatic system is not working right is making him get these
infections. If the body is not taking out all of the
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The Epidemic Of The Smallpox Vaccine
Eradication is the concept that a disease is entirely eliminated in a region. (Carter n.d.) Only one
infectious disease to date, smallpox, has been categorized as eradicated worldwide (CDC 2010).
How did this eradication occur? From 1958 to 1965 all fifty states enacted legislation mandating
school age children receive the smallpox vaccine (College of Philadelphia). Consequently, by 1971,
no smallpox cases had been reported in the United States for 20 years. The last known smallpox
case in the world was in Somalia in 1977 (CDC 2010). Even though small pox is the only listed
eradicated disease, the Carter Foundation has listed six other diseases as having the potential to be
eradicated: lymphatic filariasis (Elephantiasis), ... Show more content on ...
That being said, serious damage from vaccination is a rare occurrence (Malone and Hinaman). A
Glanz study (2013) from the Vaccine Safety data link demonstrated a direct magnitude that as
communities were under vaccinated for Pertussis, the risk of Pertusis increased. The study also
showed a 28 times higher rate of Pertussis in children that had no Pertussis vaccination
documentation (Glanz et al. 2913). This study as well as an intense list of data by the CDC emulates
supportive data for the effectiveness of vaccinations.
Current Law
However, even with the evidence, there continue to be citizens who fear vaccinations and refuse to
inoculate their children. Currently, in the state of Ohio, any minor child, through the child's parent or
guardian can provide documentation based on religious or philosophical reasons to not receive the
vaccination (CDC 2010). That child is then considered exempt from the Ohio law 3313.671. This
law states that" no pupil at the initial entry as the beginning of each school year, to an elementary of
high school .... shall be permitted to remain in school for more than fourteen days unless the pupil
presents by a method of immunization approved" (Ohio 3313.671). However, in section four, the
law has allowed declination of vaccination based on reasons of conscience (Ohio 3313.671) The law
does not mandate
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Elephantiasis Research Paper
Elephantiasis is a rare medical condition which is easily identifiable. This is due to effects of the
condition which is described as gross enlargement of an area of the body, especially the limbs. This
enlargement or extreme swelling of body parts is said to reach seven times the normal size. The
enlargement is caused from obstruction of the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system is network
of tissues and organs that help rid the body of toxins, waste and other unwanted materials. So, when
the condition blocks off the proper function of this system the fluid with toxins build up and causes
the gross enlargement.Along with the massive swelling, the skin of the affected area turns dry, thick,
and has a pebbly appearance. The disease can be
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Lymphatic Disease : A General Overview Essay
Lymphatic Filarial Disease: A General Overview
Lymphatic filarial disease is a disease that is caused by a parasitic infection of the lymphatic system.
The parasites that cause this disease are found in the roundworm nematode family –– there are three
types that cause it. The primary one is Wuchereria bancrofti; the other two are Brugia malayi, and
Brougia timori (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2013). The severity of infection
ranges from asymptomatic, acute clinical, to chronic (World Health Organization [WHO], 2015). In
all cases, damage of the lymphatic system is occurring even without symptomology (WHO, 2015).
In acute and chronic infections, physical deformities can occur (WHO, 2015). The disease is spread
by mosquitoes in tropical areas. Countries most affected include Bangladesh, Cote d'Ivoire,
Democratic Republic of Congo, India, Indonesia, Myanmar, Nigeria, Nepal, Philippines, and United
Republic of Tanzania (WHO, 2015).
The following is a brief description of the infection cycle. A person is bitten by an infected
mosquito. The young parasite takes up residence in a lymph node or lymphatic vessel, then it
matures into an adult producing microfilariae (larvae) that circulate in the blood. This damages the
lymph node, eventually making it nonfunctional. The body's lymphatic system is designed to fight
infection, so the lymph nodes become inflamed and fevers result as the body struggles in vain to
overcome this pathogen. In addition, lymphatic fluid
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Current Interventions And Impact Of Lymphatic Filariasis
Current Interventions and Impact One of the most influential and impactful interventions for
lymphatic filariasis is the Global Programme to Eliminate Lymphatic Filariasis (GPELF). The
program was started in 2000 by WHO, and the planned elimination date was 2020 (WHO, 2014).
This program mirrors the prophylactic prevention and treatment methods detailed previously, with
the two main strategies being:
"– stopping transmission through large–scale annual treatment of all eligible people in an area or
region where infection is present;
– alleviating the suffering caused by lymphatic filariasis through increased morbidity management
and disability prevention activities" (WHO, 2014, no page)
WHO is training workers to address both goals; ... Show more content on ...
c). As of 2013, 45 countries had complete surveillance systems in place and another 12 countries
were in the process of completing coverage (WHO, 2013a).
The maintenance of complete coverage is unclear, though, as different WHO websites report
different levels of completion. For example, the WHO progress site claims that "17 countries out of
the 53 countries have already completed five or more rounds with 100% of geographical coverage"
(WHO, n.d. c, no page), but the data on the project suggests only 14 had complete geographical
coverage in 2013 (WHO, 2013a). The former information is not cited by year, and it is possible that
some people were lost to follow up or the treatment plans have ceased due to perceived completion,
given that five treatments would be sufficient to interrupt microfilariae transmission. Regardless, it
is estimated that there has been more than a 40% decrease in the number of infected since 2000, and
the economic benefit has been placed in the billions of United States dollars (WHO, 2014).
The second goal, mitigating the economic and socio–emotional impact of the disability caused by
lymphedema, elephantiasis, acute dermatolymphangioadenitis, and hydrocele, is less obvious and
more difficult for GPELF to target (WHO, 2013b). One approach is to reduce the symptoms
themselves. Internal program goals include increasing access to surgery for severe cases, improving
education on how to treat and/or prevent
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Filariasis, Malaria, Dengue Fever and Lyme Disease
Insects–the most diverse group of animals on Earth, are the major group from arthropods class.
Insects could be found in almost everywhere, in any conditions, and environments, which why we
would classify insects as the most successful, and diverse organisms to dominate the earth's
population. However, these magnificent, simple yet sophisticated organisms are capable to produce
massive casualties. The manner of how these diseases are introduced to human through insects will
further be discussed in this paper. This paper will attempt a further analysis on the history, the
distribution of the diseases worldwide, and the further impact noted caused by the diseases.
Vector could be defined as an organism that does not involve in causing ... Show more content on ...
Filariasis has no clear vaccine. Thus, the best way to eradicate the disease is by eliminating
microfilaria from the infected individuals, which therefore will interrupt the process of transmitting
the infection by the mosquito. Administration of diethylcarbamazine concurrently with albendazole
or invermectin (DEC) is proven to eliminate 99% of microfilaria from the infected individual. Albeit
advance treatment of this disease is currently available, vigorous action should be taken by the
communities and the respective agencies to abolish all potential breeding sites for mosquitoes.
WHO classify this disease a disease of the poor, due to its pervasiveness to occur in remote rural
areas. Thus, if I were to construct two premises on filariasis, I would say; first, to have a filariasis is
to live in poverty. Second, people are infected by filariasis. And therefore, I would conclude that
those who are infected by filariasis are most likely to live in poverty. As has been stated by the
WHO, "the fight to eliminate filariasis is also a fight against poverty".
Malaria is another example of vector–borne infectious disease that uses mosquitos as vectors and
would infects the blood. Malaria remains a big problem in many sub tropical and tropical countries.
The United States is considered Malaria free since it has been eradicated in this country since early
1950's. However, over 1300 cases of malaria, including 8 deaths were reported in 2002.
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Elephantiasis Research Paper
Lymphatic Filariasis also known as Elephantiasis has been a neglected disease until more recent
years. In 1997 the World Health Assembly Resolution suggested that the World Health Organization
eliminate Lymphatic Filariasis as a health problem. Wuchereria bancrofti worms are the parasites
causing around 90% of the lymphatic filariasis cases. One abnormal condition resulting from the
disease is a swollen scrotal sac due to fluid collection. A procedure called Immunochromato graphic
card test or ICT is a simple test used to detect adult levels of transmission. This test uses
ultrasonography to detect the adult Wuchereria bancrofti worms in the scrotal lymphatic vessels.
Ultrasound exams are known as a non–invasive tool. The World Health Assembly
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Lymphatic Disease: What Is Elephantiasis?
Elephantiasis What is Elephantiasis? Elephantiasis, also known as lymphatic filariasis, is a parasitic
infection that results in extreme swelling in the legs and arms. This condition is generally caused by
the filarial worm that is transmitted from person to person through the female mosquito. At times an
infected female mosquito bites a person; she might inject the worm larvae into their bloodstream.
The worm larvae then replicate and extend throughout the bloodstream. Elephantiasis can put
impact on psychological state, personal life, economical state, and physical disability of the patients.
What are the causes associated with elephantiasis? Elephantiasis is mainly caused by parasitic
worms, which are often spread by mosquitoes. There are three ... Show more content on ...
To diagnose elephantiasis, the doctor can enquire about your medical history and symptoms and
perform a physical examination. To help your doctor to make a diagnosis, you might also have to
undergo blood tests. After taking a sample of your blood, doctor will sent to a lab to inspect for the
presence of the parasites. The doctor might also ask you for X–rays and ultrasounds to exclude any
possibility of other problems with same symptoms. How is Elephantiasis treated? Elephantiasis is
mainly treated with the help of medications. The most recommended medication to treat
Elephantiasis is diethylcarbamazine or DEC. This medicine kills the microfilaria along with some
adult worms and mostly is well tolerated. However, it can produce certain side effects like dizziness,
fever and aching muscles. Majority of times, medications do not prove quite effective against adult
worms as new microfilariae produced by the adult worms mostly keep showing up for a long time
after treatment. Apart from medications, doctor may recommend some other treatment options for
elephantiasis to patients that mainly
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Causes And Treatment Of Lymphatic Filariasis
Lymphatic filariasis related to Wuchereria bancrofti INTRODUCITON
Seventeen distinct diseases run rampant through developing countries, known as the neglected
tropical diseases. They infect an average of 2.7 billion people world wide, but mainly infect those
living in poverty stricken countries. These diseases can lead to life–long disabilities, disfigurement,
and promote poverty. Most of the infected countries live on an average of two U.S. dollars a day
with no access to healthcare, making some of the relatively cheap drug therapies unattainable. Even
though the neglected tropical diseases infect over two billion people and cause an average of five–
hundred thousand deaths a year respectively, research and awareness for these diseases are virtually
nonexistent. Since these diseases are not found in first world countries with adequate health care,
research and funding is not seen as a priority.
The neglected tropical diseases are caused by different pathogens. Eight are caused by Helminths,
three by protozoa, two by viruses, and the remaining four diseases are caused by bacteria. The most
common of the seventeen diseases include: ascariasis, trichuriasis, hookworm infection,
schistosmoiasis, trachoma, onchocerciasis, and lymphatic filariasis.
Lymphatic filariasis, also known as elephantiasis, infects over a hundred and twenty million people
a year, with forty million left disfigured and incapacitated, and 1.3 billion at risk of infection. With a
total of eighty–three
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When people think of diseases, they usually think about the diseases that are most commonly
known. In reality, there are tons of minimally known diseases out there and some that people have
not even heard of. Schistosomiasis, also known as bilharzia, is one of those types of diseases.
Although the pronunciation sounds deadly, this disease is avoidable and the chances of getting
infected can be slim if there is awareness of the following information.
Schistosomiasis, also known as bilharzia, is a parasitic disease that is carried by fresh water snails
infected with one of the five varieties of the parasite Schistosoma. This disease is caused by
helminths specifically blood flukes (trematode worms). The symptoms for this disease vary
depending ... Show more content on ...
Unfortunately, there are no vaccines available to avoid the infection. An oral treatment called
Praziquantel is the most common treatment that is given for Schistosomiasis. This treatment is
effective, low–cost, and safe. Reinfection can occur but the risk for a severe case of Schistosomiasis
to develop is much lower. Schistosomiasis can also be prevented by avoiding swimming in
freshwaters in countries where Schistosomiasis is common such as the Caribbean, South America,
and Africa. It is advisable to research the country that you are traveling to beforehand and inform
yourself of diseases prevalent in that country. Also, the most important tip is to drink safe water.
Even though you cannot get infected with consuming contaminated water, infection can occur if the
contaminated water touches your lips or skin on the face. Schistosomiasis is not prevalent in the
United States. It is more commonly found in tropical or subtropical areas and countries that are
higher in poverty with poor sanitation. It is highly important that travelers that plan to travel to
countries known to have Schistosomiasis cases avoid bathing or swimming in freshwaters. It is also
recommended that water used for bathing should be boiled for up to 1 minute to get rid of cecariae.
Schistosomiasis is a serious disease that can become deadly if the proper treatments or preventions
are neglected. It's important to not be blind of the fact that diseases
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Bancroftian Filariasis

  • 1. Bancroftian Filariasis The common name is bancroftian filariasis 3. The worm is long slender and smooth with a swollen head that has two circles. The males and females are different in size because males are around 40mm and females are around 10 cm. Females also have a bump around the head. 4. The worms start off as babies in the bloodstream of an animal where they are sucked out by mosquitoes. The mosquitoes will bite a new victim and put the worm in the the animal where it will go to a lymph gland and start to spread disease and irritate the host. The adults stay for around 5 years if not treated. The adults will reproduce and the babies will go to the blood where the process will restart. 5. This worm lives in tropical and subtropical regions such as pacific islands, southeast Asia and South America. ... Show more content on ... The disease that this worm causes is lymphatic fibrosis also known as elephantiasis. 7. These worms are mostly found in tropical regions such as Asia, Pacific Island and South America. 8. The symptoms are weakness, fever and chills. Then the host starts to develop large growths on the body. 9. The host of the worm are all animals. 10. The risk factors and being extremely sick and developing the large growths. The biggest risks of getting this is people in tropical regions that are around bodies of water when it is getting dark. They are more likely because that the highest chance of getting bitten by a mosquito carrying the worm. 11. The disease is transmitted between mosquitoes. 12. The best way to treat the disease is by taking medicine called Diethylcarbamazine which will kill the parasites. They best way to stay away is to not get bitten by mosquitoes. 13. There are around 120 million people around the world currently with the disease. Southeast Asia accounts for 65 percent of people who have it. The worm can live for up to 15 ... Get more on ...
  • 2. Fecal Matters Fecal matters, as well as overgrown trees and bushes, can result in severe environmental hazards and threats. The inadequate and unsafe disposal of human fecal matters can lead to the contamination of the soil and could provide breeding sites for flies and mosquitoes which may carry infections (Rottier & Ince, 2012). The faeces may attract domestic animals and pests which can both increase the potential for diseases. These animals been drawn to this land would probably digest these fecal matters resulting in them been infected. These animals then, would be butchered, if they are animals been reared and their contaminated meat would be sold to other individuals who would now be exposed to the diseases possibly resulting in illnesses as well as death. The fecal matters could also result in an unpleasant environmental odour and slight. Fecal–related communicable diseases include cholera, typhoid, dysentery (including Shigellosis), diarrhoea, hookworm, schistosomiasis, filariasis and especially epidemics such as cholera (Ziraba, Haregu, & Mberu, 2016). These fecal matters at fresh state as well as state of decomposition are releasing a ... Show more content on ... In the document entitled "Overgrown or Unsightly Premises" by Gladstone Regional Council, the land can become a breeding ground or a place of rest for vermin such as rats, mosquitoes, especially in wet seasons, which would nest in these tall grasses. This, therefore, would result in mosquito borne diseases such as leptospirosis, malaria, dengue among others and also become a problem for surrounding residents as they are now prone to these diseases. In the dry season, these trees and bushes are the perfect fire hazards that can assist in the spreading of the fire even quicker than fire fighters could possible put it out due to them been ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Lymphatic System Associated With Edema The system being attacked is the lymphatic system. We knew this because he was pronounced with edema. Edema is a condition where there is excess watery fluid in the cavities or tissues throughout the body. It was known that the lymphatic system returns leaked fluid to the blood vessels. The lymphatic system disposes of debris in the lymphatic stream. This system plays a very important role. It is in charge of housing the white blood cells that are involved in the immune systems. Blood tests were taken the afternoon before. The blood tests that were taken then came back negative. In order for the lymphatic filariasis disease to show in blood tests, it must be tested at night. This is because the parasites will only show up throughout the blood ... Get more on ...
  • 4. The Unfortunate Reality Of Africa 's Water Problem The Unfortunate Reality of Africa's Water Problem Intro, statistics– Water scarcity is defined as the lack of sufficient water resources to meet the demands of usage in different regions. Worldwide, 782 million people lack access to safe and sanitary water, 37% of those people live in Sub–Saharan Africa. According to World Health Organization (2006), in 2004, only 16% of those in Africa had access to drinking water through a household connection. According to an estimation done by the United Nations, Africa alone loses 40 billions hours per year collecting water. (World Health Organization, 2015) Currently in Africa over 300 million people have no access to clean water. That is 40% of the total population, and 60% of the population ... Show more content on ... Volunteer work A good friend of mine, Abbie lumani spent three weeks on the reserves of Kenya with a program called Me to We, the sister company of Free The Children. While in Kenya, she participated in a 'water walk' making a 5K trek to gather water for the village. After returning to home, Abbie's experience facing adversity inspired her to make a difference. Abbie created the organization, "Picture This– Quenching Kenya's Thirst" a 5K and 10K run to raise money towards clean water projects in Kenya. After hearing Abbie's story, I couldn't help but want to get involved to make a difference. On July 8th, 2012 I volunteered to help out which was a wonderful experience, seeing so many people come out to raise money for an amazing cause. Over $10,500 was raised and all proceeds went directly to Free The Children. Everyone was so involved and excited to make a difference, Quenching Kenya's Thirst launched their second annual 5K and 10K run on July 7th, 2013 which I took part in again and upped the previous years total raising over $14 000. Being a part of this was an amazing experience which gave me a very different outlook on things, and inspired me to continue to get involved to help Africa's water crisis. Figure 1.2 is a photo captured on July 7th at Gibbons Park, London Ontario. Quenching Kenya's Thirst Run Figure 1.2 Water Diseases– ... Get more on ...
  • 5. LF Disease Pathogenesis Paper Pathogenesis of LF disease: There are several important progress have been achieved in understanding of pathogenesis of LF disease, which primarily based on animal experiments and biopsy from the patients. Figure: Pathogenesis of LF disease (lymphedema, hydrocele, elephantiasis). Adapted from Nutman, 2013. The Filarial worm and their products have direct effect on lymphatic endothelial cells, and cells of adaptive and innate immune system. The interaction of inflammatory/immune mediators, molecules of parasite, Wolbachia and other factors contribute to pathogenesis and development of LF disease. The secondary bacterial infections further complicate the pathology. The adult and developing worm of Wuchereria bancrofti, ... Show more content on ... Worms produces small reaction when they are alive. However, after death of adult worm, a granulomatous reaction started (Dreyer et al., 2000; Figueredo–Silva et al., 2002) The host adaptive immune response produces an inflammatory reaction to the death or dying parasites. The subsequent release of parasite molecules and inflammatory mediators results an irreversible lymphatics dysfunction. (Figueredo–Silva et al., 2002; Nutman, 2013). The lymphatic dysfunction predispose a suitable environment for secondary bacterial or fungal infection, initiate inflammatory reaction in the skin and subcutaneous tissue, and enhance progression of lymphedema and precipitate the development of elephantiasis (Nutman, 2013) The role of inflammatory cytokines of innate origin have been shown to have vital role in pathogenesis of lymphedema. Individuals having chronic LF disease, contain elevated level of pro inflammatory cytokines and C–reactive protein. An important factor associated with the inflammatory response and increase release of C–reactive protein plus vascular endothelial growth factor might be the Wolbachia, an endosymbiotic, intracellular bacteria live in the most filarial nematodes (Pfarr et al., 2009; Nutman, ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Parasitic Infections : Humans And Infectious Diseases Essay When reflecting on the history of the human species, it is said that the narrative of mankind and infectious diseases are intertwined. For centuries, humans have been exposed to a seemingly infinite amount of contagions. Many viruses, bacteria, and fungi have plagued human beings for ages and have eradicated populations thousands at a time. Through medical innovations and the advancement of scientific knowledge, humans have been able to combat disease and disease–carrying vectors. Through proper hygiene, antibiotics and vaccinations humans have been able to control and eliminate many viruses and bacteria. It would seem that with the growing amount of medical knowledge, that infections would be less common, but this is not the case. Not only are humans threatened by viral and bacterial infections, there are various parasites that also invade the human body. Parasitic infections are common in underdeveloped countries and are a prominent threat in rural areas. Though parasitic infections are known to happen in well–developed countries such as the United States. Contaminated water supplies, contact with infected animals, and improperly stored and cooked food can lead to parasitic infections. Parasites like tapeworms, protozoa, flukes, and nematodes can infect humans, causing serious health issues. These parasites enter through various parts of the body, and then live and reproduce in certain organs. Though there are many points of entry into the human body, most parasites enter ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Lymphatic Filariasis Research Paper Lymphatic Filariasis Introduction Over 120 million people worldwide are affected by lymphatic filariasis. This disease is caused by nematode worms, most of the cases being from a species known as Wuchereria bancrofti, or just W. bancrofti. Those who experience the conditions of the disease the worst are older individuals whom have lived in an endemic area for an extended period of time. This is because of the long gestational period for the parasitic presence to become prevalent by repeated mosquito bites and by the larva reproducing. (USAID, 2014) The disease is commonly referred to as elephantiasis due to the symptom of lymphedema. (W.H.O., 2015) Lymphdema causes the limbs to swell and become immobile, which stems from the lymph vessels becoming blocked by larva nests. (M.C.S., 2014) Another common visible symptom is genital swelling in men, known as a ... Show more content on ... In Egypt, a statue of Pharaoh Mentuhotep II dating to about 2000BC shows signs of what might have been elephantiasis; a common symptom of lymphatic filariasis. Between 1588 and 1592, Jan Hyugen Linschoten described the symptoms of lymphatic filariasis during a trip to the Indian state of Goa. The first actual documented observation of larva in the blood stream was by Jean–Nicolas Demarquay, a French surgeon who extracted it from a hydrocele. A short time later, Otto Henry Wucherer discovered the presence of microfilariae in urine. The connection between the two discoveries and between microfilariae presence and elephantiasis was later discovered by Timothy Lewis. In 1876, Joseph Bancroft documented the adult parasitic worm. Perhaps most importantly; in the following year, Patrick Manson discovered microfilariae in mosquitos. This was the first time mosquitos were found to carry diseases, and would not only affect studies in regard to lymphatic filariasis, but other mosquito–borne illnesses such as malaria. (Stanford, ... Get more on ...
  • 8. How Lymphedema Is An Abnormal Distension Lymphedema is an abnormal distension, composed of protein and fluid secondary to the improper functioning of the lymphatic system, which leads to a decreased balance of flow and fluid discharge (Viehoff, Hidding, Heerkens, van Ravensberg, & Neumann, 2014). Lymphedema may occur in the upper extremity, lower extremity, head, neck, and thorax (Viehoff et al., 2014). Lymphedema is classified as either primary or secondary lymphedema (Viehoff et al., 2014). According to Viehoff et al. (2014), primary lymphedema in hereditary in nature and may affect any body part, but occurs mostly in the legs. Secondary lymphedema results from damage to the lymphatic system secondary to infection with lymphatic filariasis, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, or inguinal and axillary node dissection (Viehoff et al., 2014). According to Viehoff et al., (2014), lymphedema is under–recognized due to the fact that is not a registered pathology. Viehoff et al., (2014) reports that there are approximately 140 to 250 million people worldwide affected by lymphedema. The same author states that there is an estimated 120 million impacted by lymphedema in 72 countries, concurrently or previously infected with lymphatic filariasis. 15 million of those were positively confirmed to have lymphedema as reported in the World Health organization. Lymphatic System The lymphatic system plays an important part in the body's defense against infection (Rockson, 2016). Signs and Symptoms of Lymphedema 1. Decreased range of ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Essay on Elephantitis Elephantiasis Unit 3 Case Study 1 Jessica Beadles Dr. Stephen Brown Anatomy and Physiology 2 7/07/2013 Abstract With this case study, I am presenting to the class the medical condition called Elephantiasis. Included in this presentation is a definition of the disease, early symptoms, treatment options and known preventative measures that can be taken to protect yourself from this horrible condition that alters the active daily living activities of a little over a billion people, worldwide. Definition Elephantiasis is the end stage lesion of filariasis; characterized by extensive swelling usually of the external genitalia and legs. It is usually the end symptom of filarial worms present for years ... Show more content on ... The red streaks on the skins also indicate cellulitis which means that the lymph tissues are infected. Treatment Options The most common treatment option is often continuous rounds of antibiotic therapy, most likely the antibiotic called Doxycycline. The antibiotic treatment used to treat elephantiasis must be administered for a consecutive 8 months. If the treatment is not administered for the full 8 months and for any as long as symptoms are apparent, the parasitic worms will return a year after treatment. Another treatment option is the use of antifilarial drugs, such as Albendazole, which is simply put a broad spectrum de–wormer commonly used in domestic animals. Severe cases of the parasitic infection that has taken over any of the extremities or genitalia must be amputated due to the lack of blood flow and circulation. Some cases have been known to be remedied by the use of chemotherapy which uses low dose radiation to kill the parasitic worms in the body, but this is an extreme treatment seeing to how chemotherapy can sometimes do more harm than good for the body. Prevention The only absolute prevention is to avoid the tropic countries that are plagued with this problem, but if there is an absolute need to travel in these areas, precautions include; Use of a bug repellant spray, preferable one that is DEET free. These sprays can be found in health food stores, or any place ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Elephantiasis Research Paper After viewing a couple of pictures of people infected with elephantiasis it makes me thankful to live in a country where we mostly do not have this problem. The name is appropriate because people who have this disease in like there foot or leg makes them look like they have elephant feet. Elephantiasis is a neglected tropical disease. Infection occurs when filarial parasites are transmitted to humans through mosquitoes. The mosquito grows into a adult worm and the worm lives in the lymphatic system. It is usually acquired in childhood causing hidden damage to the lymphatic system. There are 8 filariasis worms known to affect humans and these can be divided according to the body area they affect. The first recorded cases of elephantiasis date back before Biblical time. At this time the cause of elephantiasis was unknown. The occurrence in Asia and Africa was recognized for centuries and was known to be associated with leprosy. Celsus is ... Show more content on ... It consists of a network of tubular channels that drain a thin watery fluid known as lymph from different areas of the body into the bloodstream. Obstruction of these vessels results in the massive swelling and gross enlargement characteristic of elephantiasis. The arms and legs are the most likely place to be infected with. One way to prevent from getting this disease is taking DEC preventively which has been shown to be effective. Another way is avoiding mosquito bites with bug repellent and wearing proper clothing. Before visiting a country where elephantiasis is found it would be wise to talk to a travel physician. Elephantiasis is a dangerous disease and can be very harmful to your body. I have told you in this paper everything you need to know on how to stay safe how this disease can be very harmful to your body. Be safe if you go out of country and don't let elephantiasis attack ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Asymmetric Low Limbs Edema Case Study We report a case of a 46–year–old Caucasian female with asymmetric lower limbs edema and a feeling of heaviness in the limb, especially at the end of the day and in hot weather, starting to 2 years ago. She also described Raynaud's phenomenon in hands and feet, lasting for more than 15 years. Digital ulceration and cardiorespiratory, genitourinary or gastrointestinal symptoms were denied. No histories of trauma, travel outside Europe, recurrent infections or malignancy were reported. Family history was negative for autoimmune or neoplastic diseases. On physical examination, we observed a triphasic Raynaud's phenomenon and cutaneous thickening in upper limbs, extending from the extremities of the fingers to the proximal metacarpophalangeal joints, and in lower limbs involving feet and legs. Her Modified Rodnan Skin Score was 13 out of 51. Sclerodactyly, telangiectasia or pitting scars were not noticed. Lower limbs had ... Show more content on ... Liver and kidney function, thyroid hormones and electrolytes were normal. No serologic evidence for filariasis infection was found. Nailfold capillaroscopy revealed a reduced number of capillaries, some megacapillaries and spontaneous hemorrhages (Figure 2). These features are typical of active SSc. Arterial and venous Doppler ultrasonography of the limbs did not reveal any compression or thrombosis. Lymphoscintigraphy showed a compromise in lymphatic drainage of the right lower limb with a starting point in the upper 2/3 of the thigh and a tortuous lymphatic path with slowed and tortuous flow in the lower left limb (Figure 3). These findings suggested lymphatic impairment of the limbs. Abdominal and pelvic computed tomography (CT) excluded injuries with compressive effect in the emergence of the lymphatic system of lower limbs. Echocardiogram, pulmonary function tests, and high–resolution thorax CT excluded heart and pulmonary ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Colonialism and Imperialism in Africa Essay Disease and Imperialism in Africa Diseases were prevalent in Africa during the time of European Imperialism. Disease affected both natives and European peoples in Africa. African diseases affected both natives and European explorers and soldiers as well as diseases brought by the Europeans that affected the Africans. Numerouks diseases impadcted the Europeans in Africa during the time of Imperialism. During the time of Imperialism many explorers and soldiers died of disease. "During 1804–25 over 60 per cent of the men sent out by the Church Missionary Society died of disease" (McLynn 228). Traveling to Africa was very dangerous. "Before the 19th century, European soldiers in the tropical areas [in Africa] died ... Show more content on ... Although malaria was a major problem among Europeans, it "was uncommon among Africans" because they had developed an immunity to malaria (McLynn 228). In the 1850's, the primary "breakthrough in the fight against malaria came with quinine" (McLynn 232). "The introduction of prophylactic quinine for malaria, [sic] suddenly reduced mortality by one–half" (Smaldone). European medicine was brought over to help the explorers. "Colonial medicine existed primarily to make the tropics fit for the white man to inhabit" (Manderson 102). The hospitals were built in European settlements which were generally far away from the natives' homes and to benefit the Europeans only (Manderson 103). The improvement of tropical medicine accelerated imperialism because the military and explorers were not being stopped by disease (Smaldone). Disease, native to Africa as well as those brought by Europeans, also took a large toll on the native peoples of Africa. Native diseases included "malaria, sleeping sickness (trypunosomiasis), bilharzia, filariasis, hookworm infestation (ahkylostomiasis) and river blindness (onchocerciasis)" (McLynn 227). It was "sleeping sickness or tryanosomiasis that cause the greatest ravages among Africa's indigenous population" (McLynn 238). Sleeping sickness was "highly contagious once contracted, was initiated by the parasitic trypanosomes conveyed in the bite of the tsetse fly" (McLynn 239). "Initial ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Elephantiasis Disease There is no vaccine or cure for lymphatic filariasis. Diethylcarbamazine (DEC), Albendazole and Ivermectine are drugs used for people seeking prevention or already suffer from Lymphatic Filariasis. The treatment help reduce microfilariae in human. People diagnosed with the disease require taking DEC for a long period of time. The medication can kill adult worms slowly. People at risk of getting the disease take the medication annually such as Albendazole 400 mg combined with Ivermectin 200 mcg for every kg of body weight, or take Diethylcarbamazine citrate ( DEC) 6mg/ kg. Dosage is taken three times a day for three weeks annually for five years. This is a method of prevention for non–infected individuals. For people that already have signs ... Show more content on ... This will reduce the swelling of the infected limbs and will help prevent further swelling. Also washing the affected area with soap and water, then drying it and applying antibacterial and antifungal cream, this step is done on a daily bases, it will prevent bacterial or fungal infection. Patients with elephantiasis are prone to infections due to their damaged lymphatic system. Therefore it is important to prevent any infections from spreading because the immune system cannot fight any infections (Hoerauf 980). In Nepal there are clinics that use herbal remedies to help reduce the appearance of the inflamed area like essential oils of Lavender, tea tree, Thyme, Lemon Balm, Calendula and Arnica. These herbal remedies are mixed with distilled water to wash the surface of the skin and used to make a paste to apply on top of the skin: And then wrapped using pressure bandages for compression. This procedure can help calm the inflamed cite and reduce any microbial contamination that causes irritation of the skin. This technique has shown good results. In some sever cases, medical therapy by itself is not enough and performing surgery or radiation therapy may be more beneficial for effected patients. For example, in cases where the male genitals have been affected, a reconstructive procedure is done on the penis and scrotum to remove tumorous and infected tissues. These types of surgery have shown lots of ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Insects Pollination Insects are some of the most important creatures in our world. They play a very large role in many tasks that are vital to human surviva,l like pollinating and effective decomposing. Insects have impacted science, environment, human development, and food supply in a variety of ways. Insect pollination is one of the primary beneficial functions of insects on human development. Insect pollination as we all know, is the process that enables reproduction and fertilization by the transfer of pollen performed by insects. Insects are some of the oldest pollinators of plants. Pollinating insects date back to 140 million years ago. Since then, due to how effective insect pollinators are, these flowering plants have become the major group of ... Show more content on ... Yet many of these diseases affect man's economy profoundly by spreading disease not only among man, but also among his livestock. There are also the groups of diseases known as arthropod–borne zoonosis, which are primarily diseases of animals transmitted to man by arthropods. For understanding the role of insects in spreading disease, knowledge of the biology of the insects, as well as the biology of the pathogens they transmit, is essential. Along with causing plagues throughout the world, insects have played a major role in wars. Diseases transmitted to soldiers from insects have had enormous effects on warfare in our history. For instance, during the Vietnam War there were a larger number of casualties due to insect transmitted diseases than deaths due to the fighting of war. In cases where such losses of men and resources are one–sided, the actions of insects have determined the outcome of entire wars and thus have altered the course of history. Studying insects has played an important role in the development and understanding of biology. Insect's genetics, ecology, and mainly their life cycles have contributed a lot to biology. A man name Antoni van Leeuwehoek, a microscopist from ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Ddt Research Paper DDT, also known as dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane. It is a colorless, tasteless, odorless, and see through. DDT is an organochlorine that was created in 1874. DDT was commonly used in the second World War to control various diseases. DDT was used because it was cheap, reliable and lasted for an extended period of time in the environment.The effects of DDT. There are many effects related to DDT, though some benefits over rule these effects, they can not be ignored since they have a major effect on our eco–system. DDT is a very persistent chemical, it gets into and stays inside the fats of living organisms. Though it does not kill by disturbing the cells of an organism, they do open up the cell's membrane so it can enter. Most of the time DDT opens up the membrane too much therefore leaving the cell to leak and allow the entrance of other harmful things such as sodium ions and potassium ions. ... Show more content on ... Originally, DDT was thought to be harmless to humans and was used to control lice, as well as for agriculture uses. In 1968, a study showed that Americans consumed average of 0.025 milligrams of DDT per day. DDT is found in human milk. Since milk production is extremely dependent on the fats of the human, it is then transferred into the consumer. Though it hasn't been completely proven yet, some researchers say that DDT is a cause for breast cancer. The scientists are also saying that DDT is an estrogen mimic. In humans, more than 236 mg of DDT per kg of body weight can result in immediate death. Anything between 6–10 mg of DDT per kg of body weight can result in headache, nausea, vomiting, confusion and tremors. Are the benefits of DDT enough for us to dismiss all these dangers?DDT is for controlling and killing harmful insects. It is also used in agriculture to make any unwanted pests never come ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Environmental Issues In Nicaragua Essay Nicaragua has a population of 6 million and a land mass of about 50,000 square miles. It's located near the bottom of Central America between Costa Rica and Honduras.The language that is primarily spoken in Nicaragua is Spanish but English is spoken albeit to a lesser degree. The currency used is the Nicaraguan Cordoba, which is about 28 times less valuable than the US Dollar. Nicaragua is the poorest country in Central America and the second poorest country in the Western hemisphere. They have a Republic Government, which is a representative government ruled by law. Nicaragua has many problems including hunger and poverty, lack of education, disease, and environmental issues. In Nicaragua, poverty and hunger are constant occurrences in ... Show more content on ... The environment of Nicaragua has caused complications to the quality of living in Nicaragua. One of the main environmental issues is the lack of safe drinking water. Those who cannot afford clean water become susceptible to disease. Most of the land in Nicaragua is devoted to farming. However to do create new land forests needed to be deforested. About 70 percent of all of Nicaragua's forests have been cut down in favor of producing more arable farmland. ( Foundation 1). The lack of natural barriers in the form of trees has made Nicaragua prone to severe floods and landslides. Along with floods and landslides nicaragua is also susceptible to hurricanes, earthquakes and volcanoes (Encyclopedia). Due to Nicaragua's predominant farming community, tremendous amounts of pesticides need to be used to protect the fruits and cotton that are exported. These pesticides have caused skin and breast cancer, liver, pancreas, and kidney problems, nervous disorders, and miscarriages. 22,000 workers and family members are said to have been affected by the harmful pesticides (Foundation 1). Nicaragua's environmental issues also have an effect on human rights. Land that was set aside by the government is being taken over by large corporations minimizing the amount of land for the indigenous people. The government is doing nothing to stop these big businesses from taking more land ... Get more on ...
  • 17. A Brief Note On Tackle Complex Policy Issues The most interesting part of the article to me is how it explains how to tackle complex policy issues and exactly what the hardest problems are to agree on how to mitigate/combat most efficiently. The paper discusses the most complex policy issues and their characteristics, how to tackle them with possible strategies, avoiding the narrow approach and instead the need for flexible approaches, the importance of working across organisation boundaries, reviewing the framework, effectively engaging with stakeholders, and the importance of achieving behaviour change within the citizens. I have not come across anything similar to this before, and so I feel indifferent towards the attitude of the paper; I was neither surprised nor confronted by ... Show more content on ... Discussion: Public transport services can have social and environmental impacts; these include air and noise pollution, land disturbance (train tracks), and traffic congestion. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (2003), "there is concern that current technology for powering transport systems may be unsustainable in the long–term", which is why funding is needed to upgrade to renewable trains and trams. Although public transport emits carbon dioxide (CO2), the emission is significantly lower compared to private vehicles; public transport such as trains use 2%, whilst private vehicles (cars) use 43% (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2003). Resources required: According to the Government of South Australia in Department of Planning, Transport, and Infrastructure (n.d.), recent upgrades to one of the train lines to be electrified cost $2 billion. It is expected other lines will estimate to cost around the same budget. Risks: The risks associated with this proposal revolve around political, legal, economic, and environmental risks. Recently, Adelaide Metro employees were on strike due to low pay; if the Government were to build more train tracks and improve the services by creating more routes, the employees may go on strike again, creating a political and legal risk. An economic risk is ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Virtual Body Circulation, Respiration, Breathing Sophia Ho A13369046 Virtual Body Circulation, Respiration, Breathing Ventilation is a process in which our body extracts oxygen from the atmosphere and releases carbon dioxide as a byproduct. Overall, this process exchanges air between our lungs and the atmosphere. According to Boyle's Law, at a constant temperature, pressure of a gas is inversely proportional to volume. Therefore, when we breathe in, the chest cavity expands, and the pressure inside the lungs becomes slightly lower than the atmospheric pressure. When the muscles relax and the volume of the chest cavity decreases, the air inside the lungs is forced out. This is the process of expiration . For normal breathing, 3% of the body's energy is used. For those with lung disease, ... Show more content on ... Pharmacologic interventions are used to prevent blood clots from occurring in the body. Coronary vasodilators and antithrombotic drugs are used to increase oxygen delivery to the myocardium. Vasodilators and cardiac depressants, which decrease heart rate and contractility), are drugs used to decrease the oxygen demand. A decrease in demand compensates for the lack of oxygen going to the myocardium . Vasodilators include calcium channel blockers and nitrodilators; cardioinhibitory drugs include beta–blockers and calcium channel blockers; and antithrombotic drugs include anticoagulants and antiplatelet ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Explain Why Should Society Fund Research In The Department... Why should Society fund research in the Department of Chemistry? Introduction Chemistry research could be find useful by society in many way. There are three main type of societal issues which may take advantage from research provided by Department of Chemistry of University of Liverpool. First of them all, help improve healthcare technologies which is obviously important for medicine, because they may rationalize medical tests, by making them faster, cost effective and more convenient for patient and doctors. The same positive impact from Chemistry research can be find by enhance energy. This area cover variety of topic, green chemistry, catalysis, biomass conversion, solar fuels, batteries, etc. Last but not least is manufacturing the future, this is general impact for technology what chemistry can offer. Accurate impact of these 3 field will be ... Show more content on ... For instance, one of them is about unsymmetrical disprio– and spiro–tetraoxanes. This research was based on many different reactions with ketones. These synthetics reactions connect together water– soluble and polar functionalities to produce several analogues with low nanomolar in vitro antimalarial activity. This project end up successfully giving as a result example of excellent antimalarial activities in vitro with very promising oral activities. What is more, this research project also find out that discovered product can by synthetize in good yield and from simple starting materials. This paper is widely quoted which is proving that result from this publication found application in science. Energy and Catalysis Chemistry Department do plenty of research connect with Energy and Catalysis. This is one of the seven highest priority area at University of Liverpool. Currently they open new centre for innovative energy research. In this institute chemists collaborate with different scientist. How Manufacturing the ... Get more on ...
  • 20. How To Write A Case Study Sam's Lymphatic System I.We have reason to believe that the system that is being attacked in Sam is his lymphatic system. There are many signs that point to this conclusion with the most strong point being his edema on his right leg. This Edema, or abnormal accumulation of fluid, is believed to have been caused by a compromised amount of function in the lymphatic system. This system's primary function is to pick up and return leaked fluid from blood vessels. When this system can not function properly it could result in an edema and pain, both of which are being experienced by our patient. The next point that leads us to believe the lymphatic system is being attacked is the fact that there are signs of bacterial infections. The lymphatic system also plays an immunal role in helping the body function, and if it couldn't produce the white blood cells needed to fight infections, bacteria could potentially take over, which could be the case with Samuel. II.Because ... Show more content on ... The first step to helping Samuel is for him to try to remain off of his feet, laying in bed with his right leg elevated. Furthermore, he should wrap his infected area with a compression wrap to help to fight the swelling. Due to the fact that we have reason to believe the disease was picked up outside of the United States, we are going to prescribe Sam albendazole and ivermectin. Had Sam not had the history of being outside of the United States, we would have prescribed diethylcarbamazine which would kill the microfilariae in Sam's system. A lower dosage of steroid should also be administered to Sam to help his immune system stay strong as the worms in his system are being killed off. His prognosis is that he will most likely continue to experience some pain as well as swelling for the next few days, but within a matter of a week or two he should begin to feel like his normal self again. We recommend bed rest for a week and to be sure that he keeps the infected area very ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Why Are Vaccines Necessary The United States of America has survived wars, natural disasters, and terrorist attacks, yet we are still assaulted by outbreaks of preventable diseases. These outbreaks of illnesses are the only thing on that list that can be virtually completely avoided. There are vaccines for a plethora of illnesses, and they need to be utilized to keep America disease–free. Some vaccines are already required by law. For example, Diphtheria, Tetanus, and Pertussis (whooping cough) are required in nearly every state for children going into kindergarten. Other vaccinations are required at different ages in different states, and some schools and daycare programs require children to be caught up on their vaccines. By requiring vaccines for children, the United ... Show more content on ... Vaccines save thousands of lives each year and provide health for the general population. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, "The CDC estimates that vaccinations will prevent more than 21 million hospitalizations and 732,000 deaths among children born in the last 20 years ("Report Shows 20–Year"). Nearly 22 million people will not endure meaningless suffering due to a preventable infection since they got a vaccine. Another benefit of vaccinations is that the "herd" will be protected. The herd is all the people that cannot be vaccinated, such as babies and very young children, those going through chemotherapy, and the immune compromised. By purposely not having children vaccinated, the people contained in the herd are endangered. If someone who is not vaccinated contracts a preventable disease, everyone who is in the herd is at high risk for also contracting the disease and dying because their immune systems cannot fight the disease. Vaccines can also save unborn babies from birth defects and diseases. According to the March of Dimes Foundation, if a pregnant women contracts rubella, her unborn baby is at risk for "heart defects, vision problems, and hearing problems" as well as "miscarriage, stillbirth, [or] premature birth" (March of Dimes Foundation). It is clear that getting the vaccination would be better than contracting the infection for both mother and child. By not passing these infections onto children, it becomes more likely that the infections can be eliminated from the ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Lymphatic Filariasis Essay While this infection does cause harm to the lymphatic system, it still affects the integumentary system (skin). The skin and lymphatic system go hand in hand when this infection is present in the individual. This is seen when the skin reacts to the decreased function of the lymphatic system due to the parasitic worm. History of Lymphatic Filariasis It is unknown of how or where this infectious disease (lymphatic filariasis) arouse. The first documentation of lymphatic filariasis was not seen until an exploration that occurred in Goa during the years 1588 to 1592. Ancient artifacts though have suggested that it could have been present in early 2000BC. These artifacts were found in a number of areas in the world including Africa and Asia. Those ... Show more content on ... Since lymphatic filariasis is not commonly found in America, this drug is no longer approved by the FDA and can only be obtained by a physician if lab tests come back positive for the infection. When the drug is administered, there is a 1 or 12 day treatment of DEC. This drug does not kill all adult worms, but can prevent the infection from spreading. Areas that are at high risk for becoming affected are treated through a process called preventive chemotherapy that uses 2 medicines: albendazole and ivermectin (or in some cases DEC). This medicine combination clears all microfilariae from the bloodstream and thus can prevent the further of transmission of this infectious disease. Other treatments aside from taking DEC can be the following: washing the swollen area with soap and water daily, elevate the affected area in order to improve lymph flow, and disinfect any wounds that may arise by using antibacterial. Present day research on Lymphatic Filariasis Recent research shows the transmission of lymphatic filariasis in high risk populations has dropped by 43% since the start of GPELF. Before GPELF, 81 countries were deemed as being "common" for lymphatic filariasis. From 2000 to 2013, over 5 billion treatments were delivered to a targeted population of about 984 million individuals in 56 countries, which reduced the transmission. Other research suggests that 73 countries are still "common" for this disease and out of those 73, 17 have proposed strategies to eliminate the transmission of ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Essentials Required for the Travel to Philippines Travel to the Philippines Entry / Exit Information According to the U.S. Department of State (2010), U.S. citizens may travel to Philippines with a U.S. passport that is valid for at least six months after the date of entry into the Philippines. Travelers must also possess a valid return ticket to the United States or a ticket to another country. If the visitor is traveling to the Philippines for tourism, Philippine immigration officials will stamp the passport with a 21 day visa. If the visitor would like to extend the stay past 21 days, he must apply for an extension with the Philippine Bureau of Immigration and Deportation. Persons who overstay their visas are subject to fines and detention by Philippine immigration authorities. Travelers who plan to stay beyond 21 days must apply for a visa in advance from the Embassy of the Philippines prior to travel. Immunization Requirements The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC, 2012) recommends that travelers be current on routine vaccinations including: Influenza Chicken pox Polio Measles/mumps/rubella (MMRP) Diptheria/pertussis/tetanus (DPT) In addition, the CDC recommends immunization against the following vaccine–preventable diseases: Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Typhoid Japanese encephalitis Rabies Finally, the CDC recommends taking an anti–malarial drug if the traveler will be visiting rural areas <600 m (1,969 ft) on the islands of Luzon, Mindanao, Mindoro, and Palawan. Diseases ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Global Climate Change And Global Warming Energy is a huge part of our daily lives and over the years we have seen energy consumption rates raise significantly. It really isn 't much of a secret that global climate change is happening. From the melting of the polar ice caps, to record severe temperatures, rise in natural disasters, rise in pollution, greater number of vector–borne and water borne illnesses, and much more. Unless there is something done to change the current technology being used to provide energy to the human population global climate change will only continue to get worse. Climate change is the biggest global health threat of the 21st century and we must act and change the use of energy technology and oil for our sustainable future. In order to understand the health impacts of global climate change we must first look into what is global climate change and global warming. In short global climate change are any natural changes on our planet that are being caused by human activities. These human activates mainly consist of the burning fossil fuels, coal and oil. When these fossil fuels are burned pollution is created. This pollution fills and form what is called greenhouse gasses and in turn creates the greenhouse effect. These gasses re–radiate thermal radiation in all directions and trap in heat on our planet. Without these gasses this thermal radiation would normally dissipate back outside of the atmosphere. This is much like the effect of a greenhouse in which this effect gets its name from. ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Water Pollution Abstract India's vast and developing population is putting quite a stress on all of the country's natural resources. Most sources of water are polluted by unmanaged sewage and agricultural overflow. Even though the country has made some progress, water contamination is still a big issue throughout the country. Although access to clean drinking water has improved, the World Bank calculated that 21% of communicable diseases in India are still related to contaminated water. According to, In India, diarrhea alone causes more than 1,600 deaths daily, the same as if eight jumbo jets crashed to the ground each day. Hygiene is another problem that affects India, in the city and in rural areas. In rural areas of the country latrines ... Show more content on ... However the population in rural areas is declining because people are moving to the cities. People are leaving the rural areas because they want to move away from living off the land. Mumbai is the largest city in India, more than 12 million people live there (Sekhar, &amp; Padmaja, 2013). With the growing population it becomes harder to keep up with sanitation and health care. Only two cities in India have continuous water supply and an estimated 69% of India still lack access to improved sanitation facilities (Goli, &amp; Arokiasamy, 2013). The government claims that they don't have enough funds to supply everyone with clean water. Affected Population The majority of India's population follows the Hinduism religion. Hindu religious practices happen in the central locations sometimes at the river banks. The Hindu religious practice involves immersing statues as well as throwing flowers, pots, ashes and disposing of cremated bodies into the rivers (Idol immersion polluting India's waters, 2012). India's holiest river named the Ganges is considered to be a source of spiritual purification and healing which can have restorative powers for devout Hindus. The Ganges runs for 1,550 miles and has more than two dozen urban centers located on its banks. 400 million people live along this river. Around two million people are ritually bathing in the river every day. Hindus believe that by immersing their love one's body into the water they ... Get more on ...
  • 26. What Is Lymphatic Filariasis? Lymphatic filariasis is a vector borne disease that can serve in the role of infectious disease by harboring pathogens that cause disease only in susceptible populations. Lymphatic filariasis is spread by infected mosquitoes because their bites deposition travels to the lymphatic system, causing it to affect the lymph nodes and lymph vessels. This is in over 80 tropical and subtropical countries, but mainly found in India. In some cases, Filariasis is one of the leading disability that can affect 120 million citizens but it is very rare. In time, the damage to the lymphatic system can cause swelling in the legs, arms, and genitals. This disease increases the risk of more bacterial infections that causes the skin to thicken and harden. In the ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Causes And Consequences Of Mosquitoes Mosquitoes are significant groups of arthropods that inhabit aquatic habitats. They are probably adverse arthropods, which transmits wide range of pathogens that cause drastic deadly diseases such as human malaria, dengue, filariasis, viral encephalitis (Leopoldo 2008). Zika virus, another mosquitoe borne infection was first reported in Brazil by Pan American Health Organization in 2015. After the identification, the Zika virus has spread tremendously all around America. The illness begins with mild symptoms lasting up to a week after being bitten by vector mosquito. However, an infection during pregnancy may cause certain neurological anomalies like microcephaly and several other brain defects (Plourde & Bloch 2016).Thus control of mosquitoes becomes the need of the hour to prevent wide epidemic infections. However, it is difficult to control and prevent severe consequences created by mosquito species (Aneesh 2009). Currently a total of 3549 recognized mosquito species belonging to subfamily Culicinae are reported all over the world (Harbach 2016). Out of this more than hundred species of mosquitoes are capable of disease transmission to humans and other ... Show more content on ... Pupae don't require food and be alive for 1–3 days before the adult form. Male adult mosquitoes primarily feed nectar from plants to get sugar while the female mosquitoes imbibe the blood meal to generate viable eggs (Leopoldo 2008). Female mosquitoes usually nourish every 3–5days. A. albopictus females are diurnal feeders; they not only give preference to attack large mammals but also imbibe blood meals from birds (Savage et al ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Baby Safety Here is a list of what should be done to keep your baby safe. 1. Keep your baby clean and neat, always. 2. Cut his nails regularly, properly and carefully. 3. Remove wet diapers at once. 4. Hygiene and cleanliness of genital the area should be maintained. Always keep genital parts dry. These body parts are prone to infection, especially when wet. 5. Clean the scalp regularly and properly to prevent dermatitis and fungal infections. 6. Baby clothing should be loose enough not to restrict body movements, ease aeration and prevent skin irritation. 7. Keep your baby' room properly ventilated and lighted. Free it from insects and dusts. 8. Your Baby' bed should be separate but close to mothers'. A water proof bed is preferable. 9. Musical ... Show more content on ... Clean toilet seats using antiseptic liquid before and after their use. Do not let other children share one's potty. 20. Seek doctor's help every time your baby shows symptoms of ailment. The signs include convulsions, excessive crying, fever, frequent vomiting, stiff neck, bluish body discoloration, diarrhea, breathing difficulty with grunting, etc. 21. Keep a separate first aid kit and medicine box for your child. Make sure first aid kits always contain dressing materials, sterile cotton, antiseptic ointment and lotion and forceps. Maintain a separate notebook containing contact information of doctors, police, ambulance services, and the like. Information on dosage and application procedures should be written on paper and posted close to the medicine box. 22. When driving with your baby on board, fix him with a separate seat belt.
  • 29. 23. When the baby goes out with you, put inside his small pocket his identity card and your contact information. 24. When your baby begins to walk, maintain your close distance to him and prevent possible injuries from accidental fall or slip. 25. Apply first aid in times of emergency. Lose no time in taking your baby to the hospital. Here are cases of emergency situations and the steps you can ... Get more on ...
  • 30. The Apicomplexan Cyclospora The apicomplexan Cyclospora cayetanensis is an obligate intracellular protozoan that infects human and causing diarrhea worldwide (Lainson 2005; Ortega and Sanchez, 2010) leading to a significant morbidity and mortality in both immunocompromised and immunocompetent hosts (Legua and Seas 2013). Cyclsosporiosis patients may be gastrointestinal symptomatic or asymptomatic and/ or having extraintestinal constitutional symptoms such as weight loss, fever, chills, muscle aches, joint aches, generalized body aches, headache, or fatigue (Mansfield and Gajadhar 2004). Fecally contaminated water, food or soil with sporulated oocysts of C. cayetanensis are the main sources of infection transmission (Herwaldt, 2000; Crist et al., 2004). The host specificity ... Show more content on ... 2015). Also, silver oxides NPs induced strong anti–parasitic activities against malaria and filariasis vectors larvae and Ixodidae (Marimuthu et al. 2011). However, MgO has some advantages that prior it to other metals (Asgharzadehahmadi et al., 2013) such as nonmutagenic effect, good stability and a normal component of the human body (Sawai 2003; Krishnamoorthy et al., ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Samuel's Edema And The Lymphatic System I. The system that is being attacked is the Lymphatic System. Samuel has edema or another word for this is lymphedema. Edema is a type of lymphatic obstruction or a blockage in lymph system. This is the medical term for swelling in this case it is the swelling or his lymph nodes and this is mostly in the arms and legs. The swelling he is having is coming from the lymphatic fluids that are not being taken back into the bloodstream. Since the Lymphatic system helps cleanse the blood and takes toxic wastes out of the body. Those cells are involved in immunity is why he is getting infections on his skin because the lymphatic system is not working right is making him get these infections. If the body is not taking out all of the ... Get more on ...
  • 32. The Epidemic Of The Smallpox Vaccine Introduction Eradication is the concept that a disease is entirely eliminated in a region. (Carter n.d.) Only one infectious disease to date, smallpox, has been categorized as eradicated worldwide (CDC 2010). How did this eradication occur? From 1958 to 1965 all fifty states enacted legislation mandating school age children receive the smallpox vaccine (College of Philadelphia). Consequently, by 1971, no smallpox cases had been reported in the United States for 20 years. The last known smallpox case in the world was in Somalia in 1977 (CDC 2010). Even though small pox is the only listed eradicated disease, the Carter Foundation has listed six other diseases as having the potential to be eradicated: lymphatic filariasis (Elephantiasis), ... Show more content on ... That being said, serious damage from vaccination is a rare occurrence (Malone and Hinaman). A Glanz study (2013) from the Vaccine Safety data link demonstrated a direct magnitude that as communities were under vaccinated for Pertussis, the risk of Pertusis increased. The study also showed a 28 times higher rate of Pertussis in children that had no Pertussis vaccination documentation (Glanz et al. 2913). This study as well as an intense list of data by the CDC emulates supportive data for the effectiveness of vaccinations. Current Law However, even with the evidence, there continue to be citizens who fear vaccinations and refuse to inoculate their children. Currently, in the state of Ohio, any minor child, through the child's parent or guardian can provide documentation based on religious or philosophical reasons to not receive the vaccination (CDC 2010). That child is then considered exempt from the Ohio law 3313.671. This law states that" no pupil at the initial entry as the beginning of each school year, to an elementary of high school .... shall be permitted to remain in school for more than fourteen days unless the pupil presents by a method of immunization approved" (Ohio 3313.671). However, in section four, the law has allowed declination of vaccination based on reasons of conscience (Ohio 3313.671) The law does not mandate ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Elephantiasis Research Paper Elephantiasis is a rare medical condition which is easily identifiable. This is due to effects of the condition which is described as gross enlargement of an area of the body, especially the limbs. This enlargement or extreme swelling of body parts is said to reach seven times the normal size. The enlargement is caused from obstruction of the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system is network of tissues and organs that help rid the body of toxins, waste and other unwanted materials. So, when the condition blocks off the proper function of this system the fluid with toxins build up and causes the gross enlargement.Along with the massive swelling, the skin of the affected area turns dry, thick, and has a pebbly appearance. The disease can be ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Lymphatic Disease : A General Overview Essay Lymphatic Filarial Disease: A General Overview Lymphatic filarial disease is a disease that is caused by a parasitic infection of the lymphatic system. The parasites that cause this disease are found in the roundworm nematode family –– there are three types that cause it. The primary one is Wuchereria bancrofti; the other two are Brugia malayi, and Brougia timori (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2013). The severity of infection ranges from asymptomatic, acute clinical, to chronic (World Health Organization [WHO], 2015). In all cases, damage of the lymphatic system is occurring even without symptomology (WHO, 2015). In acute and chronic infections, physical deformities can occur (WHO, 2015). The disease is spread by mosquitoes in tropical areas. Countries most affected include Bangladesh, Cote d'Ivoire, Democratic Republic of Congo, India, Indonesia, Myanmar, Nigeria, Nepal, Philippines, and United Republic of Tanzania (WHO, 2015). The following is a brief description of the infection cycle. A person is bitten by an infected mosquito. The young parasite takes up residence in a lymph node or lymphatic vessel, then it matures into an adult producing microfilariae (larvae) that circulate in the blood. This damages the lymph node, eventually making it nonfunctional. The body's lymphatic system is designed to fight infection, so the lymph nodes become inflamed and fevers result as the body struggles in vain to overcome this pathogen. In addition, lymphatic fluid ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Current Interventions And Impact Of Lymphatic Filariasis Current Interventions and Impact One of the most influential and impactful interventions for lymphatic filariasis is the Global Programme to Eliminate Lymphatic Filariasis (GPELF). The program was started in 2000 by WHO, and the planned elimination date was 2020 (WHO, 2014). This program mirrors the prophylactic prevention and treatment methods detailed previously, with the two main strategies being: "– stopping transmission through large–scale annual treatment of all eligible people in an area or region where infection is present; – alleviating the suffering caused by lymphatic filariasis through increased morbidity management and disability prevention activities" (WHO, 2014, no page) WHO is training workers to address both goals; ... Show more content on ... c). As of 2013, 45 countries had complete surveillance systems in place and another 12 countries were in the process of completing coverage (WHO, 2013a). The maintenance of complete coverage is unclear, though, as different WHO websites report different levels of completion. For example, the WHO progress site claims that "17 countries out of the 53 countries have already completed five or more rounds with 100% of geographical coverage" (WHO, n.d. c, no page), but the data on the project suggests only 14 had complete geographical coverage in 2013 (WHO, 2013a). The former information is not cited by year, and it is possible that some people were lost to follow up or the treatment plans have ceased due to perceived completion, given that five treatments would be sufficient to interrupt microfilariae transmission. Regardless, it is estimated that there has been more than a 40% decrease in the number of infected since 2000, and the economic benefit has been placed in the billions of United States dollars (WHO, 2014). The second goal, mitigating the economic and socio–emotional impact of the disability caused by lymphedema, elephantiasis, acute dermatolymphangioadenitis, and hydrocele, is less obvious and more difficult for GPELF to target (WHO, 2013b). One approach is to reduce the symptoms themselves. Internal program goals include increasing access to surgery for severe cases, improving education on how to treat and/or prevent ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Filariasis, Malaria, Dengue Fever and Lyme Disease Insects–the most diverse group of animals on Earth, are the major group from arthropods class. Insects could be found in almost everywhere, in any conditions, and environments, which why we would classify insects as the most successful, and diverse organisms to dominate the earth's population. However, these magnificent, simple yet sophisticated organisms are capable to produce massive casualties. The manner of how these diseases are introduced to human through insects will further be discussed in this paper. This paper will attempt a further analysis on the history, the distribution of the diseases worldwide, and the further impact noted caused by the diseases. Vector could be defined as an organism that does not involve in causing ... Show more content on ... Filariasis has no clear vaccine. Thus, the best way to eradicate the disease is by eliminating microfilaria from the infected individuals, which therefore will interrupt the process of transmitting the infection by the mosquito. Administration of diethylcarbamazine concurrently with albendazole or invermectin (DEC) is proven to eliminate 99% of microfilaria from the infected individual. Albeit advance treatment of this disease is currently available, vigorous action should be taken by the communities and the respective agencies to abolish all potential breeding sites for mosquitoes. WHO classify this disease a disease of the poor, due to its pervasiveness to occur in remote rural areas. Thus, if I were to construct two premises on filariasis, I would say; first, to have a filariasis is to live in poverty. Second, people are infected by filariasis. And therefore, I would conclude that those who are infected by filariasis are most likely to live in poverty. As has been stated by the WHO, "the fight to eliminate filariasis is also a fight against poverty". Malaria is another example of vector–borne infectious disease that uses mosquitos as vectors and would infects the blood. Malaria remains a big problem in many sub tropical and tropical countries. The United States is considered Malaria free since it has been eradicated in this country since early 1950's. However, over 1300 cases of malaria, including 8 deaths were reported in 2002. ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Elephantiasis Research Paper Lymphatic Filariasis also known as Elephantiasis has been a neglected disease until more recent years. In 1997 the World Health Assembly Resolution suggested that the World Health Organization eliminate Lymphatic Filariasis as a health problem. Wuchereria bancrofti worms are the parasites causing around 90% of the lymphatic filariasis cases. One abnormal condition resulting from the disease is a swollen scrotal sac due to fluid collection. A procedure called Immunochromato graphic card test or ICT is a simple test used to detect adult levels of transmission. This test uses ultrasonography to detect the adult Wuchereria bancrofti worms in the scrotal lymphatic vessels. Ultrasound exams are known as a non–invasive tool. The World Health Assembly ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Lymphatic Disease: What Is Elephantiasis? Elephantiasis What is Elephantiasis? Elephantiasis, also known as lymphatic filariasis, is a parasitic infection that results in extreme swelling in the legs and arms. This condition is generally caused by the filarial worm that is transmitted from person to person through the female mosquito. At times an infected female mosquito bites a person; she might inject the worm larvae into their bloodstream. The worm larvae then replicate and extend throughout the bloodstream. Elephantiasis can put impact on psychological state, personal life, economical state, and physical disability of the patients. What are the causes associated with elephantiasis? Elephantiasis is mainly caused by parasitic worms, which are often spread by mosquitoes. There are three ... Show more content on ... To diagnose elephantiasis, the doctor can enquire about your medical history and symptoms and perform a physical examination. To help your doctor to make a diagnosis, you might also have to undergo blood tests. After taking a sample of your blood, doctor will sent to a lab to inspect for the presence of the parasites. The doctor might also ask you for X–rays and ultrasounds to exclude any possibility of other problems with same symptoms. How is Elephantiasis treated? Elephantiasis is mainly treated with the help of medications. The most recommended medication to treat Elephantiasis is diethylcarbamazine or DEC. This medicine kills the microfilaria along with some adult worms and mostly is well tolerated. However, it can produce certain side effects like dizziness, fever and aching muscles. Majority of times, medications do not prove quite effective against adult worms as new microfilariae produced by the adult worms mostly keep showing up for a long time after treatment. Apart from medications, doctor may recommend some other treatment options for elephantiasis to patients that mainly ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Causes And Treatment Of Lymphatic Filariasis Lymphatic filariasis related to Wuchereria bancrofti INTRODUCITON Seventeen distinct diseases run rampant through developing countries, known as the neglected tropical diseases. They infect an average of 2.7 billion people world wide, but mainly infect those living in poverty stricken countries. These diseases can lead to life–long disabilities, disfigurement, and promote poverty. Most of the infected countries live on an average of two U.S. dollars a day with no access to healthcare, making some of the relatively cheap drug therapies unattainable. Even though the neglected tropical diseases infect over two billion people and cause an average of five– hundred thousand deaths a year respectively, research and awareness for these diseases are virtually nonexistent. Since these diseases are not found in first world countries with adequate health care, research and funding is not seen as a priority. The neglected tropical diseases are caused by different pathogens. Eight are caused by Helminths, three by protozoa, two by viruses, and the remaining four diseases are caused by bacteria. The most common of the seventeen diseases include: ascariasis, trichuriasis, hookworm infection, schistosmoiasis, trachoma, onchocerciasis, and lymphatic filariasis. Lymphatic filariasis, also known as elephantiasis, infects over a hundred and twenty million people a year, with forty million left disfigured and incapacitated, and 1.3 billion at risk of infection. With a total of eighty–three ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Schistosomiasis When people think of diseases, they usually think about the diseases that are most commonly known. In reality, there are tons of minimally known diseases out there and some that people have not even heard of. Schistosomiasis, also known as bilharzia, is one of those types of diseases. Although the pronunciation sounds deadly, this disease is avoidable and the chances of getting infected can be slim if there is awareness of the following information. Schistosomiasis, also known as bilharzia, is a parasitic disease that is carried by fresh water snails infected with one of the five varieties of the parasite Schistosoma. This disease is caused by helminths specifically blood flukes (trematode worms). The symptoms for this disease vary depending ... Show more content on ... Unfortunately, there are no vaccines available to avoid the infection. An oral treatment called Praziquantel is the most common treatment that is given for Schistosomiasis. This treatment is effective, low–cost, and safe. Reinfection can occur but the risk for a severe case of Schistosomiasis to develop is much lower. Schistosomiasis can also be prevented by avoiding swimming in freshwaters in countries where Schistosomiasis is common such as the Caribbean, South America, and Africa. It is advisable to research the country that you are traveling to beforehand and inform yourself of diseases prevalent in that country. Also, the most important tip is to drink safe water. Even though you cannot get infected with consuming contaminated water, infection can occur if the contaminated water touches your lips or skin on the face. Schistosomiasis is not prevalent in the United States. It is more commonly found in tropical or subtropical areas and countries that are higher in poverty with poor sanitation. It is highly important that travelers that plan to travel to countries known to have Schistosomiasis cases avoid bathing or swimming in freshwaters. It is also recommended that water used for bathing should be boiled for up to 1 minute to get rid of cecariae. Schistosomiasis is a serious disease that can become deadly if the proper treatments or preventions are neglected. It's important to not be blind of the fact that diseases ... Get more on ...