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A. Uji Normalitas Data

    B. NPar Tests
                                      Descriptive Statistics

                                  N          Mean         Std. Deviation      Minimum          Maximum

Nilai sebelum pembelajaran
                                      100     49,2700             10,30137           30,00          70,00
Nilai Harian 1 setelah
                                      100     70,4400              9,63718           40,00          90,00
pembelajaran matematika
Nilai Harian 2                        100     74,3500             11,56132           45,00         100,00
Nilai Formatif                        100     75,9400             11,43344           50,00         100,00
Nilai Sumatif                         100     76,2700             11,47756           30,00          95,00
Nilai Raport                          100     74,4500              7,42011           50,00          90,00

                                 One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test

                                 Nilai sebelum    Nilai Harian 1           Nilai       Nilai        Nilai     Nilai
                                 pembelajaran           setelah         Harian 2      Formatif     Sumatif   Raport
                                 matematika       pembelajaran

N                                           100                   100          100           100       100       100

Normal Parameters                      49,2700              70,4400        74,3500    75,9400      76,2700   74,4500

                                  e                                    11,4334   11,4775
                                       10,30137   9,63718   11,56132                        7,42011
                                  v                                         4           6
                                           ,131      ,122       ,167      ,189      ,167       ,180
Most Extreme Differences
                                  it       ,122      ,111       ,113      ,101      ,093       ,127
                                  a       -,131     -,122      -,167     -,189     -,167      -,180
Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z                      1,312     1,218      1,675     1,887     1,674      1,795
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed)                     ,064      ,103       ,007      ,002      ,007       ,003

a. Test distribution is Normal.
b. Calculated from data.

[DataSet1] C:UsersTOSHIBADocumentsdata komputer spss dina.sav

                                         Case Processing Summary

                                           Nilai         Nilai Harian Nilai Harian         Nilai         Nilai         Nilai
                                         sebelum           1 setelah          2           Formatif      Sumatif       Raport
                                        pembelajar        pembelajar
                                            an                an
                                       matematika matematika

Series or Sequence Length                          100             100            100          100           100            100
                                                    0                  0              0            0              0            0
Number of Missing Values in Missing
the Plot                    System-
                                                    0                  0              0            0              0            0

The cases are unweighted.

                                              Estimated Distribution Parameters

                                         Nilai           Nilai Harian 1    Nilai Harian        Nilai       Nilai Sumatif            Nilai
                                       sebelum              setelah               2          Formatif                              Raport
                                      pembelajara        pembelajaran
                                          n              matematika

                                          49,2700             70,4400          74,3500         75,9400            76,2700          74,4500
    Normal Distribution     on
                            Scale       10,30137              9,63718         11,56132        11,43344           11,47756          7,42011

    The cases are unweighted.

           Nilai sebelum pembelajaran matematika

Nilai Harian 1 setelah pembelajaran matematika

Nilai Harian 2

Nilai Formatif

Nilai Sumatif

Nilai Raport

C. Statistika Deskriftif

    1. Analisis Frequensi


        Frequency Table


                    Asal SD        Pendidikan         Sex           Minat         Motivasi           Kegiatan            Keikutsertaan
                                   Orang Tua                                                      Ekstrakurikuler            Bimbingan
                                                                                                  yg diikuti siswa            Belajar

    Valid                100                100            100             100         100                      100                     100
    Missing                   0                 0             0              0               0                      0                    0

                                                          Asal SD

                                           Frequency         Percent          Valid Percent              Cumulative

                     Kota Negeri                     24             24,0                24,0                        24,0

                     Kota Suasta                     37             37,0                37,0                        61,0

            Valid    Desa Negeri                     21             21,0                21,0                        82,0

                     Desa Suasta                     18             18,0                18,0                     100,0

                     Total                          100           100,0                100,0

                                                    Pendidikan Orang Tua

                                                Frequency         Percent         Valid Percent              Cumulative

                     Tidak sekolah                          11             11,0                   11,0                     11,0

                     Lulus SD                               24             24,0                   24,0                     35,0

                     Lulus SMP                              23             23,0                   23,0                     58,0

            Valid    Lulus SMA                              19             19,0                   19,0                     77,0

                     Lulus S1                               15             15,0                   15,0                     92,0

                     Lulus S2 atau S3                        8              8,0                    8,0                  100,0

                     Total                                100          100,0                     100,0


                             Frequency     Percent             Valid Percent           Cumulative

        Laki-laki                    57              57,0                   57,0                     57,0

Valid   Perempuan                    43              43,0                   43,0                    100,0

        Total                       100          100,0                    100,0


                                 Frequency           Percent          Valid Percent              Cumulative

        Kurang Minat                       29                29,0                   29,0                     29,0

        Berminat                           41                41,0                   41,0                     70,0
        Sangat Berminat                    30                30,0                   30,0                    100,0

        Total                             100               100,0                  100,0


                                    Frequency          Percent            Valid Percent            Cumulative

        Tidak ada Motivasi                      18             18,0                   18,0                      18,0

        Kurang Motivasi                         30             30,0                   30,0                      48,0

Valid   Bermotivasi                             23             23,0                   23,0                      71,0

        Sangat Bermotivasi                      29             29,0                   29,0                    100,0

        Total                                100              100,0                  100,0

                                 Keikutsertaan Bimbingan Belajar

                                     Frequency          Percent           Valid Percent              Cumulative

        0                                        1                  1,0                    1,0                      1,0

        Tidak Ikut                              24              24,0                   24,0                      25,0

Valid   Kadang-kadang ikut                      46              46,0                   46,0                      71,0

        Sering Ikut                             28              28,0                   28,0                      99,0

        4                                        1                  1,0                    1,0                  100,0

        Total                              100            100,0             100,0

                               Kegiatan Ekstrakurikuler yg diikuti siswa

                                          Frequency         Percent       Valid Percent      Cumulative

        Tidak pernah aktif sama sekali             11              11,0              11,0                  11,0

        Tidak pernah aktif                         26              26,0              26,0                  37,0

        Jarang aktif                               24              24,0              24,0                  61,0

Valid   Aktif                                      10              10,0              10,0                  71,0

        Sering Aktif                               21              21,0              21,0                  92,0

        Sangat Aktif                                  8             8,0               8,0              100,0

        Total                                     100             100,0             100,0

Bar Chart

Frequency Table

                Nilai sebelum pembelajaran matematika

                 Frequency   Percent     Valid Percent   Cumulative

        30,00            6         6,0             6,0              6,0

        35,00            5         5,0             5,0           11,0

Valid   40,00           19        19,0            19,0           30,0

        45,00           13        13,0            13,0           43,0

        47,00            1         1,0             1,0           44,0

        50,00                21         21,0               21,0            65,0

        55,00                 7          7,0                7,0            72,0

        60,00                19         19,0               19,0            91,0

        65,00                 5          5,0                5,0            96,0

        70,00                 4          4,0                4,0           100,0

        Total              100        100,0               100,0

                Nilai Harian 1 setelah pembelajaran matematika

                    Frequency      Percent     Valid Percent       Cumulative

        40,00                 1          1,0                1,0               1,0

        45,00                 1          1,0                1,0               2,0

        50,00                 1          1,0                1,0               3,0

        55,00                 2          2,0                2,0               5,0

        60,00                20         20,0               20,0            25,0

        65,00                 8          8,0                8,0            33,0

        67,00                 1          1,0                1,0            34,0

        68,00                 2          2,0                2,0            36,0

        70,00                22         22,0               22,0            58,0

Valid   72,00                 1          1,0                1,0            59,0

        74,00                 1          1,0                1,0            60,0

        75,00                12         12,0               12,0            72,0

        76,00                 2          2,0                2,0            74,0

        77,00                 1          1,0                1,0            75,0

        80,00                16         16,0               16,0            91,0

        85,00                 5          5,0                5,0            96,0

        86,00                 1          1,0                1,0            97,0

        90,00                 3          3,0                3,0           100,0

        Total              100        100,0               100,0

                                  Nilai Harian 2

                      Frequency     Percent        Valid Percent    Cumulative

        45,00            1           1,0                1,0              1,0

        50,00            4           4,0                4,0              5,0

        55,00            2           2,0                2,0              7,0

        60,00           12          12,0               12,0           19,0

        65,00            5           5,0                5,0           24,0

        70,00           19          19,0               19,0           43,0
        75,00            9           9,0                9,0           52,0

        80,00           28          28,0               28,0           80,0

        85,00            8           8,0                8,0           88,0

        90,00            9           9,0                9,0           97,0

        100,00           3           3,0                3,0          100,0

        Total          100         100,0              100,0

                             Nilai Formatif

                 Frequency     Percent        Valid Percent   Cumulative

        50,00            3           3,0                3,0              3,0

        55,00            1           1,0                1,0              4,0

        60,00           14          14,0               14,0           18,0

        65,00            6           6,0                6,0           24,0

        68,00            2           2,0                2,0           26,0

        70,00           11          11,0               11,0           37,0

        75,00            6           6,0                6,0           43,0

        77,00            1           1,0                1,0           44,0
        78,00            1           1,0                1,0           45,0

        80,00           29          29,0               29,0           74,0

        85,00            8           8,0                8,0           82,0

        88,00            1           1,0                1,0           83,0

        90,00           12          12,0               12,0           95,0

        95,00            4           4,0                4,0           99,0

        100,00           1           1,0                1,0          100,0

        Total          100         100,0              100,0

                            Nilai Sumatif

                Frequency    Percent        Valid Percent   Cumulative

        30,00           1          1,0                1,0              1,0

        40,00           1          1,0                1,0              2,0

        50,00           1          1,0                1,0              3,0

        57,00           1          1,0                1,0              4,0

        60,00          11         11,0               11,0           15,0

        65,00           2          2,0                2,0           17,0

        70,00          15         15,0               15,0           32,0

        75,00          11         11,0               11,0           43,0

Valid   77,00           1          1,0                1,0           44,0

        78,00           2          2,0                2,0           46,0

        80,00          26         26,0               26,0           72,0

        85,00          12         12,0               12,0           84,0

        87,00           2          2,0                2,0           86,0

        88,00           1          1,0                1,0           87,0

        90,00           9          9,0                9,0           96,0

        95,00           4          4,0                4,0          100,0

        Total         100        100,0              100,0

                            Nilai Raport

                Frequency    Percent        Valid Percent   Cumulative

        50,00           2          2,0                2,0              2,0

        55,00           1          1,0                1,0              3,0

        60,00           4          4,0                4,0              7,0

        65,00           6          6,0                6,0           13,0

        70,00          20         20,0               20,0           33,0
        71,00           1          1,0                1,0           34,0

        74,00           1          1,0                1,0           35,0

        75,00          26         26,0               26,0           61,0

        76,00           2          2,0                2,0           63,0

        78,00           2          2,0                2,0           65,0

      80,00    25    25,0    25,0    90,0

      85,00    8      8,0     8,0    98,0

      87,00    1      1,0     1,0    99,0

      90,00    1      1,0     1,0   100,0

      Total   100   100,0   100,0

Bar Chart

2. Analisis Deskriftif

                                  Descriptive Statistics

                              N         Minimum     Maximum         Mean      Std. Deviation

 Nilai sebelum pembelajaran
                                  100       30,00           70,00   49,2700        10,30137
 Nilai Harian 1 setelah
                                  100       40,00           90,00   70,4400         9,63718
 pembelajaran matematika
 Nilai Harian 2                   100       45,00          100,00   74,3500        11,56132
 Nilai Formatif                   100       50,00          100,00   75,9400        11,43344
 Nilai Sumatif                    100       30,00           95,00   76,2700        11,47756
 Nilai Raport                     100       50,00           90,00   74,4500         7,42011
 Valid N (listwise)               100

3. Analisis Crosstabs



[DataSet1] C:UsersTOSHIBADocumentsdata komputer spss dina.sav

                                        Case Processing Summary


                                         Valid                  Missing                Total

                                    N            Percent    N         Percent    N             Percent

 Asal SD * Minat                        100        100,0%         0       0,0%        100        100,0%
 Asal SD * Motivasi                     100        100,0%         0       0,0%        100        100,0%
 Asal SD * Kegiatan
                                        100        100,0%         0       0,0%        100        100,0%
 Ekstrakurikuler yg diikuti siswa
 Asal SD * Keikutsertaan
                                        100        100,0%         0       0,0%        100        100,0%
 Bimbingan Belajar
 Asal SD * Belajar di rumah             100        100,0%         0       0,0%        100        100,0%
 Pendidikan Orang Tua * Minat           100        100,0%         0       0,0%        100        100,0%
 Pendidikan Orang Tua *
                                        100        100,0%         0       0,0%        100        100,0%
 Pendidikan Orang Tua *
 Kegiatan Ekstrakurikuler yg            100        100,0%         0       0,0%        100        100,0%
 diikuti siswa
 Pendidikan Orang Tua *
 Keikutsertaan Bimbingan                100        100,0%         0       0,0%        100        100,0%
 Pendidikan Orang Tua * Belajar
                                        100        100,0%         0       0,0%        100        100,0%
 di rumah
 Sex * Minat                            100        100,0%         0       0,0%        100        100,0%
 Sex * Motivasi                         100        100,0%         0       0,0%        100        100,0%
 Sex * Kegiatan Ekstrakurikuler
                                        100        100,0%         0       0,0%        100        100,0%
 yg diikuti siswa
 Sex * Keikutsertaan Bimbingan
                                        100        100,0%         0       0,0%        100        100,0%

Sex * Belajar di rumah                   100            100,0%                 0           0,0%                100   100,0%

Asal SD * Minat


                                                             Minat                                Total

                                 Kurang Minat           Berminat          Sangat Berminat
            Kota Negeri                            7                 10                    7              24

            Kota Suasta                            8                 14                    15             37
Asal SD
            Desa Negeri                            9                 9                     3              21

            Desa Suasta                            5                 8                     5              18
Total                                              29                41                    30         100

                               Chi-Square Tests

                                    Value               df            Asymp. Sig. (2-
Pearson Chi-Square                     5,391                    6                   ,495
Likelihood Ratio                       5,563                    6                   ,474
Linear-by-Linear Association             ,634                   1                   ,426
N of Valid Cases                         100

a. 0 cells (,0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is

Asal SD * Motivasi


                                                     Motivasi                                        Total

                        Tidak ada       Kurang Motivasi         Bermotivasi         Sangat
                        Motivasi                                                  Bermotivasi

          Kota Negeri               5                   7                     6                 6

Asal SD   Kota Suasta               6                 14                      5                 12

          Desa Negeri               5                   3                     8                 5

            Desa Suasta                           2                   6             4         6
Total                                             18                 30             23        29

                               Chi-Square Tests

                                    Value              df       Asymp. Sig. (2-
Pearson Chi-Square                    7,768                 9                ,558
Likelihood Ratio                       8,078                9                ,526
Linear-by-Linear Association            ,413                1                ,520
N of Valid Cases                         100

a. 5 cells (31,3%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count
is 3,24.

Asal SD * Kegiatan Ekstrakurikuler yg diikuti siswa


                                                                   Kegiatan Ekstrakurikuler yg diikuti siswa

                                Tidak pernah aktif      Tidak pernah aktif      Jarang aktif       Aktif        Sering Aktif
                                   sama sekali

             Kota Negeri                           2                     9                     3           3                   5

             Kota Suasta                           4                     8                     8           4                   9
Asal SD
             Desa Negeri                           2                     6                     7           1                   5

             Desa Suasta                           3                     3                     6           2                   2
Total                                              11                  26                  24              10              21

                               Chi-Square Tests

                                    Value               df        Asymp. Sig. (2-
Pearson Chi-Square                     9,850                 15                  ,829
Likelihood Ratio                      11,791                 15                  ,695
Linear-by-Linear Association             ,278                1                   ,598
N of Valid Cases                         100

a. 16 cells (66,7%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected
count is 1,44.

Asal SD * Keikutsertaan Bimbingan Belajar


                                       Keikutsertaan Bimbingan Belajar                          Tota

                        0       Tidak Ikut       Kadang-kadang       Sering Ikut        4

          Kota Negeri       1                5                   9                 9        0

Asal SD   Kota Suasta       0            11                  21                    5        0

          Desa Negeri       0                6                   6                 8        1

            Desa Suasta                     0            2                  10    6     0
Total                                       1            24                 46    28    1

                               Chi-Square Tests

                                    Value           df        Asymp. Sig. (2-
Pearson Chi-Square                   16,509              12                ,169
Likelihood Ratio                      16,482             12                ,170
Linear-by-Linear Association           1,175              1                ,278
N of Valid Cases                         100

a. 9 cells (45,0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count
is ,18.

Asal SD * Belajar di rumah


                                       Belajar di rumah                     Total

                                 Tidak belajar          Belajar

            Kota Negeri                            12             12                24

            Kota Suasta                            18             19                37
Asal SD
            Desa Negeri                            9              12                21

            Desa Suasta                            9              9                 18
Total                                              48             52            100

                               Chi-Square Tests

                                    Value               df             Asymp. Sig. (2-
Pearson Chi-Square                      ,296                 3                       ,961
Likelihood Ratio                         ,297                3                       ,961
Linear-by-Linear Association             ,026                1                       ,871
N of Valid Cases                         100

a. 0 cells (,0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is

Pendidikan Orang Tua * Minat


                                                            Minat                          Total

                                       Kurang Minat       Berminat       Sangat Berminat

                       Tidak sekolah                  2              5                 4           11

                       Lulus SD                   12                 9                 3           24
Pendidikan Orang Tua
                       Lulus SMP                      6              7                10           23

                       Lulus SMA                      0             14                 5           19

                               Lulus S1                             7             3         5     15

                               Lulus S2 atau S3                     2             3         3     8
Total                                                             29              41        30   100

                                Chi-Square Tests

                                      Value         df        Asymp. Sig. (2-
Pearson Chi-Square                     22,951            10                ,011
Likelihood Ratio                          27,617         10                ,002
Linear-by-Linear Association                ,604         1                 ,437
N of Valid Cases                            100

a. 8 cells (44,4%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count
is 2,32.

Pendidikan Orang Tua * Motivasi


                                                                              Motivasi                          Total

                                               Tidak            Kurang        Bermotivasi         Sangat
                                                  ada           Motivasi                        Bermotivasi

                                                           2              4                4               1       11

                               Lulus SD                    3              7                5               9       24

                               Lulus SMP                   4              3                5               11      23
Pendidikan Orang Tua
                               Lulus SMA                   3          10                   3               3       19

                               Lulus S1                    5              3                4               3       15

                               Lulus S2
                                                           1              3                2               2        8
                               atau S3
Total                                                      18         30                 23                29     100

                                Chi-Square Tests

                                       Value                    df            Asymp. Sig. (2-
Pearson Chi-Square                       16,775                      15                        ,333
Likelihood Ratio                          16,733                     15                        ,335
Linear-by-Linear Association                ,782                     1                         ,376
N of Valid Cases                            100

a. 16 cells (66,7%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected
count is 1,44.

Pendidikan Orang Tua * Kegiatan Ekstrakurikuler yg diikuti


                               Kegiatan Ekstrakurikuler yg diikuti siswa           Total

                          Tidak         Tidak   Jarang    Aktif   Sering Sang
                         pernah        pernah     aktif           Aktif     at
                        aktif sama      aktif                              Aktif

                                                      3        3        2        1          0    2        11

                                                      2        5        6        2          8    1        24

                                                      3        6        4        4          4    2        23
Pendidikan Orang Tua
                                                      2        2        7        2          5    1        19

                                                      0        5        5        1          3    1        15

                                                      1        5        0        0          1    1        8
Total                                           11             26     24     10             21   8    100

                                   Chi-Square Tests

                                        Value             df        Asymp. Sig. (2-
Pearson Chi-Square                       24,654                25                    ,482
Likelihood Ratio                          28,992               25                    ,264
Linear-by-Linear Association                ,013                1                    ,908
N of Valid Cases                            100

a. 31 cells (86,1%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected
count is ,64.

Pendidikan Orang Tua * Keikutsertaan Bimbingan Belajar


                             Keikutsertaan Bimbingan Belajar       Total

                         0     Tidak      Kadang-     Sering   4
                                Ikut    kadang ikut    Ikut

                                             1        1             6        3      0    11

                                             0        7             9        8      0    24

                                             0        6           12         5      0    23
Pendidikan Orang Tua
                                             0        5             8        6      0    19

                                             0        2             6        6      1    15

                                             0        3             5        0      0    8
Total                                        1        24          46         28     1   100

                                   Chi-Square Tests

                                        Value         df        Asymp. Sig. (2-
Pearson Chi-Square                       21,508            20                ,368
Likelihood Ratio                          18,432           20                ,559
Linear-by-Linear Association                ,029           1                 ,865
N of Valid Cases                            100

a. 20 cells (66,7%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected
count is ,08.

Pendidikan Orang Tua * Belajar di rumah

                                                       Belajar di rumah              Total

                                                  Tidak belajar       Belajar

                       Tidak sekolah                              6             5            11

                       Lulus SD                               11                13           24

                       Lulus SMP                              14                9            23
Pendidikan Orang Tua
                       Lulus SMA                                  8             11           19

                       Lulus S1                                   7             8            15

                       Lulus S2 atau S3                           2             6            8
Total                                                         48                52       100

                               Chi-Square Tests

                                    Value          df        Asymp. Sig. (2-
Pearson Chi-Square                    3,731              5                ,589
Likelihood Ratio                       3,829             5                ,574
Linear-by-Linear Association           1,187             1                ,276
N of Valid Cases                         100

a. 2 cells (16,7%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count
is 3,84.

Sex * Minat


                                                      Minat                             Total

                               Kurang Minat         Berminat       Sangat Berminat

         Laki-laki                        17                  23                  17            57
         Perempuan                        12                  18                  13            43
Total                                     29                  41                  30        100

                                Chi-Square Tests

                                     Value             df           Asymp. Sig. (2-
Pearson Chi-Square                       ,046                  2                 ,977
Likelihood Ratio                         ,046                  2                 ,977
Linear-by-Linear Association             ,022                  1                 ,881
N of Valid Cases                          100

a. 0 cells (,0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is

Sex * Motivasi

                                                       Motivasi                                   Total

                          Tidak ada           Kurang            Bermotiva           Sangat
                           Motivasi           Motivasi                si          Bermotivasi

         Laki-laki                    8                   17                14               18           57
         Perempuan                    10                  13                 9               11           43
Total                                 18                  30                23               29      100

                               Chi-Square Tests

                                      Value                df              Asymp. Sig. (2-
Pearson Chi-Square                         1,604                  3                       ,659
Likelihood Ratio                           1,593                  3                       ,661
Linear-by-Linear Association               1,277                  1                       ,258
N of Valid Cases                             100

a. 0 cells (,0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is

Sex * Kegiatan Ekstrakurikuler yg diikuti siswa

                                    Kegiatan Ekstrakurikuler yg diikuti siswa                           T

                     Tidak            Tidak         Jarang      Aktif       Sering Aktif   Sangat       o

                     pernah          pernah           aktif                                 Aktif       t

                   aktif sama         aktif                                                             a

                     sekali                                                                             l

           Laki-                                                                                        5
                               4              16          13            8            10             6
           laki                                                                                         7
           Perem                                                                                        4
                               7              10          11            2            11             2
           puan                                                                                         3
Total                        11               26          24        10               21             8 0

                                   Chi-Square Tests

                                         Value                 df            Asymp. Sig. (2-
Pearson Chi-Square                            6,178                     5                  ,289
Likelihood Ratio                              6,422                     5                  ,267
Linear-by-Linear Association                   ,646                     1                  ,422
N of Valid Cases                                   100

a. 4 cells (33,3%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count
is 3,44.

Sex * Keikutsertaan Bimbingan Belajar

                                     Keikutsertaan Bimbingan Belajar                            Total

                          0         Tidak           Kadang-        Sering          4
                                     Ikut        kadang ikut        Ikut

          Laki-laki            1        17                    24           14            1           57
          Perempuan            0            7                 22           14            0           43
Total                          1        24                    46           28            1          100

                                   Chi-Square Tests

                                            Value             df       Asymp. Sig. (2-
Pearson Chi-Square                              4,379              4                         ,357
Likelihood Ratio                                5,190              4                         ,268
Linear-by-Linear Association                    1,882              1                         ,170
N of Valid Cases                                  100

a. 4 cells (40,0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count
is ,43.

Sex * Belajar di rumah

                                    Belajar di rumah                  Total

                             Tidak belajar          Belajar

         Laki-laki                           30               27               57
         Perempuan                           18               25               43
Total                                        48               52            100

                                    Chi-Square Tests

                            Value       df        Asymp. Sig.      Exact Sig. (2-    Exact Sig.
                                                   (2-sided)          sided)         (1-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square          1,139            1           ,286
Continuity Correction         ,749           1           ,387
Likelihood Ratio             1,143           1           ,285
Fisher's Exact Test                                                           ,317         ,194
                             1,128           1           ,288
N of Valid Cases               100

a. 0 cells (,0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 20,64.
b. Computed only for a 2x2 table

    A. Analisis Statistika Parametrik

    1. Uji Beda Satu Sampel

    [DataSet0] C:UsersTOSHIBADocumentsSPSS latihan komputer
    2.s baruav.sav
                                         One-Sample Statistics

                                          N              Mean           Std. Deviation        Std. Error Mean

Nilai Harian 1 setelah
                                              100         70,4400              9,63718                 ,96372
pembelajaran matematika
Nilai Harian 2                                100         74,3500             11,56132                1,15613
Nilai Formatif                                100         75,9400             11,43344                1,14334
Nilai Sumatif                                 100         76,2700             11,47756                1,14776
Nilai Raport                                  100         74,4300              7,41314                 ,74131

                                        One-Sample Test

                                                      Test Value = 70

                         t         df      Sig. (2-      Mean       95% Confidence Interval of
                                           tailed)     Difference            the Difference

                                                                                                      Lower            Upper

                Nilai Harian 1
                                           ,457       99              ,649         ,44000               -1,4722          2,3522
                Nilai Harian 2         3,763          99              ,000        4,35000                2,0560          6,6440
                Nilai Formatif         5,195          99              ,000        5,94000                3,6714          8,2086
                Nilai Sumatif          5,463          99              ,000        6,27000                3,9926          8,5474
                Nilai Raport           5,976          99              ,000        4,43000                2,9591          5,9009


                                      Group Statistics

                                      Sex             N               Mean              Std.           Std.
                                                                                   Deviation           Error

                                      Laki-laki        57             70,6491           8,56382       1,13431
Nilai Harian 1 setelah
pembelajaran matematika                                43             70,1628          10,99985       1,67746

                                                      Independent Samples Test

                                                      Levene's                                    t-test for Equality of Means
                                                       Test for

                                                       F         Sig      t       df       Sig. (2-      Mea        Std. Error     95% Confidence
                                                                  .                         tailed)        n        Difference      Interval of the
                                                                                                         Diffe                        Difference
                                                                                                         renc                     Lower       Upper

Nilai Harian 1 setelah pembelajaran                    3,9 ,05 ,24                                        ,486
                                             ces                                   98           ,804                  1,95590     -3,39508     4,36774
matematika                                             41             0       9                                33

                          ces                    ,24         77,1                     ,486
                                                                             ,811                 2,02498      -3,54583       4,51849
                          not                        0           00                     33

[DataSet1] C:UsersTOSHIBADocumentsdata komputer spss dina.sav
                           Paired Samples Statistics

                                          Mean               N          Std.           Std. Error
                                                                      Deviation            Mean

         Nilai Harian 1 setelah
                                       70,4400               100        9,63718              ,96372
Pair 1   pembelajaran matematika

         Minat                                2,01           100              ,772               ,077
         Nilai Harian 1 setelah
                                       70,4400               100        9,63718              ,96372
Pair 2   pembelajaran matematika

         Motivasi                             2,63           100             1,089               ,109
                           Paired Samples Correlations

                                                         N             Correlation               Sig.

         Nilai Harian 1 setelah
Pair 1   pembelajaran matematika &                           100                -,016               ,878
         Nilai Harian 1 setelah
Pair 2   pembelajaran matematika &                           100                    ,010            ,922
                                                 Paired Samples Test

                                                         Paired Differences                                    t        df    Sig. (2-

                                   Mean          Std.             Std. Error        95% Confidence                             tailed)

                                              Deviation               Mean           Interval of the

                                                                                     Lower        Upper

         Nilai Harian 1
         setelah                  68,4300                                           66,5092 70,350
Pair 1                                          9,67999                ,96800                                70,692      99        ,000
         pembelajaran                     0                                                  8          72
         matematika - Minat

          Nilai Harian 1
                                67,8100                                         65,8877 69,732
Pair 2    pembelajaran                           9,68775            ,96877                                 69,996          99           ,000
                                       0                                                  4          26
          matematika -

   2. Uji Beda 2 Variabel Bebas

                           Group Statistics

                           Sex               N         Mean          Std.          Std.
                                                                   Deviation       Error

                           Laki-laki            57    70,6491       8,56382
Nilai Harian 1 setelah                                                                     1
pembelajaran matematika    Perempu                                                 1,6774
                                                43    70,1628      10,99985
                           an                                                              6
                                           Independent Samples Test

                                           Levene's                            t-test for Equality of Means
                                            Test for
                                           Equality of

                                            F        Sig.     t       df       Sig. (2-       Mean         Std.            95%
                                                                               tailed)        Differe     Error        Confidence
                                                                                               nce        Differe     Interval of the
                                                                                                           nce         Difference

                                                                                                                      Lower     Uppe

                           varianc                                                                                          -
                                           3,94                                                           1,9559                 4,36
                           es                        ,050 ,249         98         ,804 ,48633                         3,3950
                                                1                                                                 0              774
                           assume                                                                                           8
Nilai Harian 1 setelah     d
pembelajaran matematika    Equal
                           varianc                                                                                          -
                                                                    77,10                                 2,0249                 4,51
                           es not                           ,240                  ,811 ,48633                         3,5458
                                                                           0                                      8              849
                           assume                                                                                           3

                2. Uji Beda 3 Variabel Bebas

                [DataSet1] C:UsersTOSHIBADocumentsdata komputer spss

Nilai Raport

                       N         Mea           Std.      Std. Error           95% Confidence             Minimum          Maximum
                                  n         Deviation                         Interval for Mean

                                                                          Lower         Upper
                                                                          Bound         Bound

Tidak sekolah              11                10,31327    3,10957          66,2533       80,1104                50,00           85,00
Lulus SD                   24                 7,15954        1,46144      72,0185       78,0649                60,00           87,00
Lulus SMP                  23                 8,42240        1,75619      68,4883       75,7726                50,00           85,00
Lulus SMA                  19                 6,42956        1,47504      73,2168       79,4147                65,00           90,00
Lulus S1                   15                 6,39940        1,65232      71,1228       78,2105                60,00           85,00
Lulus S2 atau                    76,2
                           8                  3,53553        1,25000      73,2942       79,2058                70,00           80,00
S3                                500
Total                  100                    7,42011         ,74201      72,9777       75,9223                50,00           90,00

               Test of Homogeneity of Variances
Nilai Raport

 Levene Statistic               df1              df2              Sig.

               1,305                    5               94             ,268

Nilai Raport

                            Sum of Squares                   df          Mean Square              F          Sig.

Between Groups                              242,608                5               48,522             ,876         ,501
Within Groups                           5208,142                  94               55,406

Total                        5450,750            99

             Post Hoc Tests

                                       Multiple Comparisons
Dependent Variable: Nilai Raport

(I) Pendidikan Orang Tua    (J) Pendidikan      Mean       Std.        Sig.   95% Confidence Interval
                            Orang Tua          Differen    Error                Lower       Upper
                                                ce (I-J)                       Bound        Bound

                                                       -   2,7102
                            Lulus SD                                   ,494      -7,2411      3,5214
                                               1,85985             5

                            Lulus SMP          1,05138                 ,701      -4,3665      6,4693

                                                       -   2,8201
Tidak sekolah               Lulus SMA                                  ,269      -8,7334      2,4654
                                               3,13397             0

                                                       -   2,9547
                            Lulus S1                                   ,616      -7,3516      4,3819
                                               1,48485             6

                                                       -   3,4587
                            Lulus S2 atau S3                           ,377      -9,9355      3,7991
                                               3,06818             0
                            Tidak sekolah      1,85985                 ,494      -3,5214      7,2411
                            Lulus SMP          2,91123                 ,183      -1,4013      7,2238
                                                       -   2,2857
Lulus SD                    Lulus SMA                                  ,579      -5,8125      3,2643
                                               1,27412             5
                            Lulus S1            ,37500                 ,879      -4,4894      5,2394
                                                       -   3,0388
                            Lulus S2 atau S3                           ,692      -7,2419      4,8253
                                               1,20833             0
                                                       -   2,7287
                            Tidak sekolah                              ,701      -6,4693      4,3665
                                               1,05138             1
                                                       -   2,1719
                            Lulus SD                                   ,183      -7,2238      1,4013
                                               2,91123             9
Lulus SMP
                                                       -   2,3076
                            Lulus SMA                                  ,073      -8,7672       ,3964
                                               4,18535             0
                                                       -   2,4703
                            Lulus S1                                   ,307      -7,4412      2,3687
                                               2,53623             6

                                               -   3,0552
                      Lulus S2 atau S3                      ,181   -10,1859    1,9467
                                         4,11957       7
                      Tidak sekolah      3,13397            ,269    -2,4654    8,7334
                      Lulus SD           1,27412            ,579    -3,2643    5,8125
Lulus SMA             Lulus SMP          4,18535            ,073     -,3964    8,7672
                      Lulus S1           1,64912            ,523    -3,4556    6,7538
                      Lulus S2 atau S3    ,06579            ,983    -6,1631    6,2947
                      Tidak sekolah      1,48485            ,616    -4,3819    7,3516
                      Lulus SD           -,37500            ,879    -5,2394    4,4894
Lulus S1              Lulus SMP          2,53623            ,307    -2,3687    7,4412
                                               -   2,5709
                      Lulus SMA                             ,523    -6,7538    3,4556
                                         1,64912       6
                                               -   3,2587
                      Lulus S2 atau S3                      ,628    -8,0537    4,8870
                                         1,58333       5
                      Tidak sekolah      3,06818            ,377    -3,7991    9,9355

                      Lulus SD           1,20833            ,692    -4,8253    7,2419

Lulus S2 atau S3      Lulus SMP          4,11957            ,181    -1,9467   10,1859

                      Lulus SMA          -,06579            ,983    -6,2947    6,1631

                      Lulus S1           1,58333            ,628    -4,8870    8,0537

   4. Uji Regresi dan Korelasi antar Variabel

        a. Regresi Linier Sederhana

            [DataSet1] C:UsersTOSHIBADocumentsdata komputer spss

                              Descriptive Statistics

                                         Mean           Std. Deviation           N

Nilai Sumatif                            76,2700             11,47756                100
Keikutsertaan Bimbingan
                                             2,04                      ,777          100
Motivasi                                     2,63                     1,089          100

                                                                        Nilai Sumatif       Keikutsertaan       Motivasi

                              Nilai Sumatif                                      1,000                   ,090       ,075

                              Keikutsertaan Bimbingan
Pearson Correlation                                                               ,090               1,000          -,078

                              Motivasi                                            ,075               -,078         1,000
                              Nilai Sumatif                                             .                ,185       ,229
                              Keikutsertaan Bimbingan
Sig. (1-tailed)                                                                   ,185                      .       ,221
                              Motivasi                                            ,229                   ,221              .
                              Nilai Sumatif                                        100                   100         100

                              Keikutsertaan Bimbingan
N                                                                                  100                   100         100

                              Motivasi                                             100                   100         100
                Variables Entered/Removed

Model           Variables               Variables          Method
                  Entered               Removed

1                                                       . Enter

a. Dependent Variable: Nilai Sumatif
b. All requested variables entered.
                                Model Summary

Model             R           R Square        Adjusted R              Std. Error of the
                                                Square                   Estimate
1                  ,122            ,015                   -,005               11,50807

a. Predictors: (Constant), Motivasi, Keikutsertaan Bimbingan Belajar
b. Dependent Variable: Nilai Sumatif

Model                     Sum of Squares         df           Mean Square                 F               Sig.
           Regression            195,439                2                    97,719           ,738          ,481

1          Residual            12846,271               97                132,436

           Total               13041,710               99

a. Dependent Variable: Nilai Sumatif
b. Predictors: (Constant), Motivasi, Keikutsertaan Bimbingan Belajar

Model                                      Unstandardized Coefficients                 Standardized                t          Sig.

                                               B                  Std. Error               Beta

           (Constant)                            71,058                      4,447                                15,979         ,000

           Keikutsertaan Bimbingan
1                                                  1,431                     1,492                   ,097              ,959      ,340

           Motivasi                                   ,872                   1,066                   ,083              ,818      ,415

a. Dependent Variable: Nilai Sumatif
                                     Residuals Statistics

                          Minimum       Maximum              Mean            Std. Deviation           N

Predicted Value              73,3605       79,3967           76,2700                  1,40504             100
Residual                   -43,36050      21,63950            ,00000                 11,39124             100
Std. Predicted Value          -2,071          2,225               ,000                  1,000             100
Std. Residual                 -3,768          1,880               ,000                   ,990             100

a. Dependent Variable: Nilai Sumatif



[DataSet1] C:UsersTOSHIBADocumentsdata komputer spss dina.sav


                                                           Nilai Harian 1       Nilai Harian 2       Motivasi

                          Pearson Correlation                               1              ,133           ,010
Nilai Harian 1 setelah
                          Sig. (2-tailed)                                                  ,187           ,922
pembelajaran matematika
                          N                                             100                 100            100
                          Pearson Correlation                           ,133                     1        ,234
Nilai Harian 2            Sig. (2-tailed)                               ,187                              ,019
                          N                                             100                 100            100

                                      Pearson Correlation                               ,010                      ,234                     1

Motivasi                              Sig. (2-tailed)                                   ,922                          ,019

                                      N                                                  100                          100                 100

*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).

     A. Analisis Statistika Nonparametrik

     1. Uji Beda 1 Variabel Bebas

                                                        Runs Test

                           Nilai sebelum       Nilai Harian 1       Nilai             Nilai              Nilai               Nilai
                           pembelajaran           setelah        Harian 2            Formatif           Sumatif          Raport
                            matematika         pembelajaran
Test Value                          50,00               70,00         75,00              80,00             80,00               75,00
Cases < Test Value                        44                36              43                 45                46                  35
Cases >= Test Value                       56                64              57                 55                54                  65
Total Cases                           100                 100             100                 100            100                 100
Number of Runs                            46                39              49                 37                33                  52
Z                                    -,873              -1,764         -,209            -2,741            -3,577               1,216
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed)                ,383               ,078             ,834            ,006               ,000               ,224

a. Median
NPar Tests

Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test

                                                                      N              Mean Rank             Sum of Ranks
Nilai Harian 1 setelah                Negative Ranks                         3                   9,50                        28,50
pembelajaran matematika - Nilai Positive Ranks                              92                  49,26                   4531,50
sebelum pembelajaran                  Ties                                   5
matematika                            Total                                 100
                                      Negative Ranks                        44                  40,94                   1801,50
                                      Positive Ranks                        46                  49,86                   2293,50
Nilai Formatif - Nilai Harian 2                                                  f
                                      Ties                                  10
                                      Total                                 100
                                      Negative Ranks                        56                  42,49                   2379,50
Nilai Raport - Nilai Sumatif          Positive Ranks                        31                  46,73                   1448,50
                                      Ties                                  13

                                      Total                                       100

a. Nilai Harian 1 setelah pembelajaran matematika < Nilai sebelum pembelajaran matematika
b. Nilai Harian 1 setelah pembelajaran matematika > Nilai sebelum pembelajaran matematika
c. Nilai Harian 1 setelah pembelajaran matematika = Nilai sebelum pembelajaran matematika
d. Nilai Formatif < Nilai Harian 2
e. Nilai Formatif > Nilai Harian 2
f. Nilai Formatif = Nilai Harian 2
g. Nilai Raport < Nilai Sumatif
h. Nilai Raport > Nilai Sumatif
i. Nilai Raport = Nilai Sumatif

                                      Test Statistics

                                  Nilai Harian 1            Nilai Formatif -            Nilai Raport -
                                     setelah                Nilai Harian 2              Nilai Sumatif
                                  matematika -
                                  Nilai sebelum
                                                        b                         b                      c
Z                                            -8,373                       -,994                 -1,991
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed)                               ,000                  ,320                     ,046

a. Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test
b. Based on negative ranks.
c. Based on positive ranks.

Sign Test

Nilai Harian 1 setelah                Negative Differences                                      3
pembelajaran matematika - Nilai Positive Differences                                           92
sebelum pembelajaran                  Ties                                                      5
matematika                            Total                                                   100
                                      Negative Differences                                     44
                                      Positive Differences                                     46
Nilai Formatif - Nilai Harian 2              c,f,i
                                      Ties                                                     10
                                      Total                                                   100
                                      Negative Differences                                     56
Nilai Raport - Nilai Sumatif                                    b,e,h
                                      Positive Differences                                     31

                                       Ties                                                13

                                       Total                                             100

a. Nilai Harian 1 setelah pembelajaran matematika < Nilai sebelum
pembelajaran matematika
b. Nilai Harian 1 setelah pembelajaran matematika > Nilai sebelum
pembelajaran matematika
c. Nilai Harian 1 setelah pembelajaran matematika = Nilai sebelum
pembelajaran matematika
d. Nilai Formatif < Nilai Harian 2
e. Nilai Formatif > Nilai Harian 2
f. Nilai Formatif = Nilai Harian 2
g. Nilai Raport < Nilai Sumatif
h. Nilai Raport > Nilai Sumatif
i. Nilai Raport = Nilai Sumatif

                                          Test Statistics

                                     Nilai Harian 1            Nilai Formatif -    Nilai Raport - Nilai
                                        setelah                Nilai Harian 2           Sumatif
                                  matematika - Nilai

Z                                                     -9,029               -,105                -2,573
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed)                                 ,000                 ,916                  ,010

a. Sign Test

               2. Uji Beda 2 Variabel Bebas

               NPar Tests
                 Mann-Whitney Test

                                       Motivasi                               N          Mean Rank        Sum of Ranks

                                       Tidak ada Motivasi                          18             20,97           377,50
Nilai sebelum pembelajaran
                                       Bermotivasi                                 23             21,02           483,50
                                       Total                                       41
Nilai Harian 1 setelah                 Tidak ada Motivasi                          18             18,61           335,00

         pembelajaran matematika               Bermotivasi                                     23            22,87             526,00
                                               Total                                           41
                                               Tidak ada Motivasi                              18            19,44             350,00
         Nilai Harian 2                        Bermotivasi                                     23            22,22             511,00
                                               Total                                           41
                                               Tidak ada Motivasi                              18            21,44             386,00
         Nilai Formatif                        Bermotivasi                                     23            20,65             475,00
                                               Total                                           41
                                               Tidak ada Motivasi                              18            22,33             402,00
         Nilai Sumatif                         Bermotivasi                                     23            19,96             459,00
                                               Total                                           41
                                               Tidak ada Motivasi                              18            23,00             414,00

         Nilai Raport                          Bermotivasi                                     23            19,43             447,00

                                               Total                                           41

                                                        Test Statistics

                               Nilai sebelum           Nilai Harian 1           Nilai           Nilai         Nilai    Nilai Raport
                               pembelajaran               setelah              Harian          Formatif      Sumatif
                               matematika              pembelajaran              2

Mann-Whitney U                        206,500                  164,000 179,000                   199,000     183,000       171,000
Wilcoxon W                            377,500                  335,000 350,000                   475,000     459,000       447,000
Z                                        -,013                   -1,145          -,751               -,213     -,641          -,978
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed)                    ,989                      ,252          ,453               ,832       ,522           ,328

a. Grouping Variable: Motivasi

                          3.         Uji Beda 3 Variabel Bebas

                          Kruskal-Wallis Test

                                         Minat                                       N              Mean

                                         Kurang Minat                                     29         57,83
         Nilai sebelum
                                         Berminat                                         41         47,16
                                         Sangat Berminat                                  30         47,98
                                         Total                                           100

                                              Kurang Minat                              29       54,48
              Nilai Harian 1 setelah
                                              Berminat                                  41       46,12
                                              Sangat Berminat                           30       52,63
                                              Total                                   100
                                              Kurang Minat                              29       55,28
                                              Berminat                                  41       47,39
              Nilai Harian 2
                                              Sangat Berminat                           30       50,13
                                              Total                                   100
                                              Kurang Minat                              29       54,24
                                              Berminat                                  41       50,93
              Nilai Formatif
                                              Sangat Berminat                           30       46,30
                                              Total                                   100
                                              Kurang Minat                              29       50,38
                                              Berminat                                  41       47,90
              Nilai Sumatif
                                              Sangat Berminat                           30       54,17
                                              Total                                   100
                                              Kurang Minat                              29       49,31

                                              Berminat                                  41       47,93
              Nilai Raport
                                              Sangat Berminat                           30       55,17

                                              Total                                   100

                                                      Test Statistics

                 Nilai sebelum       Nilai Harian 1       Nilai Harian 2       Nilai Formatif    Nilai Sumatif       Nilai Raport
                 pembelajaran           setelah
                  matematika         pembelajaran

Chi-Square                2,689               1,685                1,304                1,156             ,830              1,198
df                               2                    2                    2                 2                   2              2
Asymp. Sig.                  ,261                 ,431              ,521                 ,561             ,660               ,549

a. Kruskal Wallis Test
Bab iii
Bab iii
Bab iii
Bab iii

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Diina BLeghugg
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Diina BLeghugg
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Bab iii

  • 1. 45 BAB III HASIL PRINT OUT A. Uji Normalitas Data B. NPar Tests Descriptive Statistics N Mean Std. Deviation Minimum Maximum Nilai sebelum pembelajaran 100 49,2700 10,30137 30,00 70,00 matematika Nilai Harian 1 setelah 100 70,4400 9,63718 40,00 90,00 pembelajaran matematika Nilai Harian 2 100 74,3500 11,56132 45,00 100,00 Nilai Formatif 100 75,9400 11,43344 50,00 100,00 Nilai Sumatif 100 76,2700 11,47756 30,00 95,00 Nilai Raport 100 74,4500 7,42011 50,00 90,00 One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test Nilai sebelum Nilai Harian 1 Nilai Nilai Nilai Nilai pembelajaran setelah Harian 2 Formatif Sumatif Raport matematika pembelajaran matematika N 100 100 100 100 100 100 M a,b e Normal Parameters 49,2700 70,4400 74,3500 75,9400 76,2700 74,4500 a n
  • 2. 46 S t d . D e 11,4334 11,4775 10,30137 9,63718 11,56132 7,42011 v 4 6 i a ti o n A b s o ,131 ,122 ,167 ,189 ,167 ,180 l u t e P o s Most Extreme Differences it ,122 ,111 ,113 ,101 ,093 ,127 i v e N e g a -,131 -,122 -,167 -,189 -,167 -,180 ti v e Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z 1,312 1,218 1,675 1,887 1,674 1,795 Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) ,064 ,103 ,007 ,002 ,007 ,003 a. Test distribution is Normal. b. Calculated from data. [DataSet1] C:UsersTOSHIBADocumentsdata komputer spss dina.sav
  • 3. 47 Case Processing Summary Nilai Nilai Harian Nilai Harian Nilai Nilai Nilai sebelum 1 setelah 2 Formatif Sumatif Raport pembelajar pembelajar an an matematika matematika Series or Sequence Length 100 100 100 100 100 100 User- 0 0 0 0 0 0 Number of Missing Values in Missing the Plot System- 0 0 0 0 0 0 Missing The cases are unweighted. Estimated Distribution Parameters Nilai Nilai Harian 1 Nilai Harian Nilai Nilai Sumatif Nilai sebelum setelah 2 Formatif Raport pembelajara pembelajaran n matematika matematika Locati 49,2700 70,4400 74,3500 75,9400 76,2700 74,4500 Normal Distribution on Scale 10,30137 9,63718 11,56132 11,43344 11,47756 7,42011 The cases are unweighted. Nilai sebelum pembelajaran matematika
  • 4. 48
  • 5. 49 Nilai Harian 1 setelah pembelajaran matematika
  • 6. 50
  • 10. 54 C. Statistika Deskriftif 1. Analisis Frequensi Frequencies
  • 11. 55 Frequency Table Statistics Asal SD Pendidikan Sex Minat Motivasi Kegiatan Keikutsertaan Orang Tua Ekstrakurikuler Bimbingan yg diikuti siswa Belajar Valid 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 N Missing 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Asal SD Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Kota Negeri 24 24,0 24,0 24,0 Kota Suasta 37 37,0 37,0 61,0 Valid Desa Negeri 21 21,0 21,0 82,0 Desa Suasta 18 18,0 18,0 100,0 Total 100 100,0 100,0 Pendidikan Orang Tua Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Tidak sekolah 11 11,0 11,0 11,0 Lulus SD 24 24,0 24,0 35,0 Lulus SMP 23 23,0 23,0 58,0 Valid Lulus SMA 19 19,0 19,0 77,0 Lulus S1 15 15,0 15,0 92,0 Lulus S2 atau S3 8 8,0 8,0 100,0 Total 100 100,0 100,0
  • 12. 56 Sex Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Laki-laki 57 57,0 57,0 57,0 Valid Perempuan 43 43,0 43,0 100,0 Total 100 100,0 100,0 Minat Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Kurang Minat 29 29,0 29,0 29,0 Berminat 41 41,0 41,0 70,0 Valid Sangat Berminat 30 30,0 30,0 100,0 Total 100 100,0 100,0 Motivasi Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Tidak ada Motivasi 18 18,0 18,0 18,0 Kurang Motivasi 30 30,0 30,0 48,0 Valid Bermotivasi 23 23,0 23,0 71,0 Sangat Bermotivasi 29 29,0 29,0 100,0 Total 100 100,0 100,0 Keikutsertaan Bimbingan Belajar Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent 0 1 1,0 1,0 1,0 Tidak Ikut 24 24,0 24,0 25,0 Valid Kadang-kadang ikut 46 46,0 46,0 71,0 Sering Ikut 28 28,0 28,0 99,0 4 1 1,0 1,0 100,0
  • 13. 57 Total 100 100,0 100,0 Kegiatan Ekstrakurikuler yg diikuti siswa Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Tidak pernah aktif sama sekali 11 11,0 11,0 11,0 Tidak pernah aktif 26 26,0 26,0 37,0 Jarang aktif 24 24,0 24,0 61,0 Valid Aktif 10 10,0 10,0 71,0 Sering Aktif 21 21,0 21,0 92,0 Sangat Aktif 8 8,0 8,0 100,0 Total 100 100,0 100,0 Bar Chart
  • 14. 58
  • 15. 59
  • 16. 60
  • 17. 61 Frequency Table Nilai sebelum pembelajaran matematika Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent 30,00 6 6,0 6,0 6,0 35,00 5 5,0 5,0 11,0 Valid 40,00 19 19,0 19,0 30,0 45,00 13 13,0 13,0 43,0 47,00 1 1,0 1,0 44,0
  • 18. 62 50,00 21 21,0 21,0 65,0 55,00 7 7,0 7,0 72,0 60,00 19 19,0 19,0 91,0 65,00 5 5,0 5,0 96,0 70,00 4 4,0 4,0 100,0 Total 100 100,0 100,0 Nilai Harian 1 setelah pembelajaran matematika Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent 40,00 1 1,0 1,0 1,0 45,00 1 1,0 1,0 2,0 50,00 1 1,0 1,0 3,0 55,00 2 2,0 2,0 5,0 60,00 20 20,0 20,0 25,0 65,00 8 8,0 8,0 33,0 67,00 1 1,0 1,0 34,0 68,00 2 2,0 2,0 36,0 70,00 22 22,0 22,0 58,0 Valid 72,00 1 1,0 1,0 59,0 74,00 1 1,0 1,0 60,0 75,00 12 12,0 12,0 72,0 76,00 2 2,0 2,0 74,0 77,00 1 1,0 1,0 75,0 80,00 16 16,0 16,0 91,0 85,00 5 5,0 5,0 96,0 86,00 1 1,0 1,0 97,0 90,00 3 3,0 3,0 100,0 Total 100 100,0 100,0 Nilai Harian 2 Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
  • 19. 63 45,00 1 1,0 1,0 1,0 50,00 4 4,0 4,0 5,0 55,00 2 2,0 2,0 7,0 60,00 12 12,0 12,0 19,0 65,00 5 5,0 5,0 24,0 70,00 19 19,0 19,0 43,0 Valid 75,00 9 9,0 9,0 52,0 80,00 28 28,0 28,0 80,0 85,00 8 8,0 8,0 88,0 90,00 9 9,0 9,0 97,0 100,00 3 3,0 3,0 100,0 Total 100 100,0 100,0 Nilai Formatif Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent 50,00 3 3,0 3,0 3,0 55,00 1 1,0 1,0 4,0 60,00 14 14,0 14,0 18,0 65,00 6 6,0 6,0 24,0 68,00 2 2,0 2,0 26,0 70,00 11 11,0 11,0 37,0 75,00 6 6,0 6,0 43,0 77,00 1 1,0 1,0 44,0 Valid 78,00 1 1,0 1,0 45,0 80,00 29 29,0 29,0 74,0 85,00 8 8,0 8,0 82,0 88,00 1 1,0 1,0 83,0 90,00 12 12,0 12,0 95,0 95,00 4 4,0 4,0 99,0 100,00 1 1,0 1,0 100,0 Total 100 100,0 100,0
  • 20. 64 Nilai Sumatif Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent 30,00 1 1,0 1,0 1,0 40,00 1 1,0 1,0 2,0 50,00 1 1,0 1,0 3,0 57,00 1 1,0 1,0 4,0 60,00 11 11,0 11,0 15,0 65,00 2 2,0 2,0 17,0 70,00 15 15,0 15,0 32,0 75,00 11 11,0 11,0 43,0 Valid 77,00 1 1,0 1,0 44,0 78,00 2 2,0 2,0 46,0 80,00 26 26,0 26,0 72,0 85,00 12 12,0 12,0 84,0 87,00 2 2,0 2,0 86,0 88,00 1 1,0 1,0 87,0 90,00 9 9,0 9,0 96,0 95,00 4 4,0 4,0 100,0 Total 100 100,0 100,0 Nilai Raport Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent 50,00 2 2,0 2,0 2,0 55,00 1 1,0 1,0 3,0 60,00 4 4,0 4,0 7,0 65,00 6 6,0 6,0 13,0 70,00 20 20,0 20,0 33,0 Valid 71,00 1 1,0 1,0 34,0 74,00 1 1,0 1,0 35,0 75,00 26 26,0 26,0 61,0 76,00 2 2,0 2,0 63,0 78,00 2 2,0 2,0 65,0
  • 21. 65 80,00 25 25,0 25,0 90,0 85,00 8 8,0 8,0 98,0 87,00 1 1,0 1,0 99,0 90,00 1 1,0 1,0 100,0 Total 100 100,0 100,0 Bar Chart
  • 22. 66
  • 23. 67
  • 24. 68
  • 25. 69
  • 26. 70 2. Analisis Deskriftif Descriptives Descriptive Statistics N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation Nilai sebelum pembelajaran 100 30,00 70,00 49,2700 10,30137 matematika Nilai Harian 1 setelah 100 40,00 90,00 70,4400 9,63718 pembelajaran matematika Nilai Harian 2 100 45,00 100,00 74,3500 11,56132 Nilai Formatif 100 50,00 100,00 75,9400 11,43344 Nilai Sumatif 100 30,00 95,00 76,2700 11,47756 Nilai Raport 100 50,00 90,00 74,4500 7,42011 Valid N (listwise) 100
  • 27. 71 3. Analisis Crosstabs Crosstabs Crosstabs [DataSet1] C:UsersTOSHIBADocumentsdata komputer spss dina.sav Case Processing Summary Cases Valid Missing Total N Percent N Percent N Percent Asal SD * Minat 100 100,0% 0 0,0% 100 100,0% Asal SD * Motivasi 100 100,0% 0 0,0% 100 100,0% Asal SD * Kegiatan 100 100,0% 0 0,0% 100 100,0% Ekstrakurikuler yg diikuti siswa Asal SD * Keikutsertaan 100 100,0% 0 0,0% 100 100,0% Bimbingan Belajar Asal SD * Belajar di rumah 100 100,0% 0 0,0% 100 100,0% Pendidikan Orang Tua * Minat 100 100,0% 0 0,0% 100 100,0% Pendidikan Orang Tua * 100 100,0% 0 0,0% 100 100,0% Motivasi Pendidikan Orang Tua * Kegiatan Ekstrakurikuler yg 100 100,0% 0 0,0% 100 100,0% diikuti siswa Pendidikan Orang Tua * Keikutsertaan Bimbingan 100 100,0% 0 0,0% 100 100,0% Belajar Pendidikan Orang Tua * Belajar 100 100,0% 0 0,0% 100 100,0% di rumah Sex * Minat 100 100,0% 0 0,0% 100 100,0% Sex * Motivasi 100 100,0% 0 0,0% 100 100,0% Sex * Kegiatan Ekstrakurikuler 100 100,0% 0 0,0% 100 100,0% yg diikuti siswa Sex * Keikutsertaan Bimbingan 100 100,0% 0 0,0% 100 100,0% Belajar
  • 28. 72 Sex * Belajar di rumah 100 100,0% 0 0,0% 100 100,0% Asal SD * Minat Crosstab Count Minat Total Kurang Minat Berminat Sangat Berminat Kota Negeri 7 10 7 24 Kota Suasta 8 14 15 37 Asal SD Desa Negeri 9 9 3 21 Desa Suasta 5 8 5 18 Total 29 41 30 100 Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. Sig. (2- sided) a Pearson Chi-Square 5,391 6 ,495 Likelihood Ratio 5,563 6 ,474 Linear-by-Linear Association ,634 1 ,426 N of Valid Cases 100 a. 0 cells (,0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 5,22.
  • 29. 73 Asal SD * Motivasi Crosstab Count Motivasi Total Tidak ada Kurang Motivasi Bermotivasi Sangat Motivasi Bermotivasi Kota Negeri 5 7 6 6 Asal SD Kota Suasta 6 14 5 12 Desa Negeri 5 3 8 5
  • 30. 74 Desa Suasta 2 6 4 6 Total 18 30 23 29 Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. Sig. (2- sided) a Pearson Chi-Square 7,768 9 ,558 Likelihood Ratio 8,078 9 ,526 Linear-by-Linear Association ,413 1 ,520 N of Valid Cases 100 a. 5 cells (31,3%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 3,24.
  • 31. 75 Asal SD * Kegiatan Ekstrakurikuler yg diikuti siswa Crosstab Count Kegiatan Ekstrakurikuler yg diikuti siswa Tidak pernah aktif Tidak pernah aktif Jarang aktif Aktif Sering Aktif sama sekali Kota Negeri 2 9 3 3 5 Kota Suasta 4 8 8 4 9 Asal SD Desa Negeri 2 6 7 1 5 Desa Suasta 3 3 6 2 2 Total 11 26 24 10 21 Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. Sig. (2- sided) a Pearson Chi-Square 9,850 15 ,829 Likelihood Ratio 11,791 15 ,695 Linear-by-Linear Association ,278 1 ,598 N of Valid Cases 100 a. 16 cells (66,7%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 1,44.
  • 32. 76 Asal SD * Keikutsertaan Bimbingan Belajar Crosstab Count Keikutsertaan Bimbingan Belajar Tota 0 Tidak Ikut Kadang-kadang Sering Ikut 4 ikut Kota Negeri 1 5 9 9 0 Asal SD Kota Suasta 0 11 21 5 0 Desa Negeri 0 6 6 8 1
  • 33. 77 Desa Suasta 0 2 10 6 0 Total 1 24 46 28 1 Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. Sig. (2- sided) a Pearson Chi-Square 16,509 12 ,169 Likelihood Ratio 16,482 12 ,170 Linear-by-Linear Association 1,175 1 ,278 N of Valid Cases 100 a. 9 cells (45,0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is ,18.
  • 34. 78 Asal SD * Belajar di rumah Crosstab Count Belajar di rumah Total Tidak belajar Belajar Kota Negeri 12 12 24 Kota Suasta 18 19 37 Asal SD Desa Negeri 9 12 21 Desa Suasta 9 9 18 Total 48 52 100 Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. Sig. (2- sided) a Pearson Chi-Square ,296 3 ,961 Likelihood Ratio ,297 3 ,961 Linear-by-Linear Association ,026 1 ,871 N of Valid Cases 100 a. 0 cells (,0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 8,64.
  • 35. 79 Pendidikan Orang Tua * Minat Crosstab Count Minat Total Kurang Minat Berminat Sangat Berminat Tidak sekolah 2 5 4 11 Lulus SD 12 9 3 24 Pendidikan Orang Tua Lulus SMP 6 7 10 23 Lulus SMA 0 14 5 19
  • 36. 80 Lulus S1 7 3 5 15 Lulus S2 atau S3 2 3 3 8 Total 29 41 30 100 Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. Sig. (2- sided) a Pearson Chi-Square 22,951 10 ,011 Likelihood Ratio 27,617 10 ,002 Linear-by-Linear Association ,604 1 ,437 N of Valid Cases 100 a. 8 cells (44,4%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 2,32.
  • 37. 81 Pendidikan Orang Tua * Motivasi Crosstab Count Motivasi Total Tidak Kurang Bermotivasi Sangat ada Motivasi Bermotivasi Motiva si Tidak 2 4 4 1 11 sekolah Lulus SD 3 7 5 9 24 Lulus SMP 4 3 5 11 23 Pendidikan Orang Tua Lulus SMA 3 10 3 3 19 Lulus S1 5 3 4 3 15 Lulus S2 1 3 2 2 8 atau S3 Total 18 30 23 29 100 Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. Sig. (2- sided) a Pearson Chi-Square 16,775 15 ,333 Likelihood Ratio 16,733 15 ,335 Linear-by-Linear Association ,782 1 ,376 N of Valid Cases 100 a. 16 cells (66,7%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 1,44.
  • 38. 82 Pendidikan Orang Tua * Kegiatan Ekstrakurikuler yg diikuti siswa Crosstab Count Kegiatan Ekstrakurikuler yg diikuti siswa Total Tidak Tidak Jarang Aktif Sering Sang pernah pernah aktif Aktif at aktif sama aktif Aktif sekali
  • 39. 83 Tida k 3 3 2 1 0 2 11 sekol ah Lulus 2 5 6 2 8 1 24 SD Lulus 3 6 4 4 4 2 23 SMP Pendidikan Orang Tua Lulus 2 2 7 2 5 1 19 SMA Lulus 0 5 5 1 3 1 15 S1 Lulus S2 1 5 0 0 1 1 8 atau S3 Total 11 26 24 10 21 8 100 Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. Sig. (2- sided) a Pearson Chi-Square 24,654 25 ,482 Likelihood Ratio 28,992 25 ,264 Linear-by-Linear Association ,013 1 ,908 N of Valid Cases 100 a. 31 cells (86,1%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is ,64.
  • 40. 84 Pendidikan Orang Tua * Keikutsertaan Bimbingan Belajar Crosstab Count Keikutsertaan Bimbingan Belajar Total 0 Tidak Kadang- Sering 4 Ikut kadang ikut Ikut
  • 41. 85 Tida k 1 1 6 3 0 11 sekol ah Lulus 0 7 9 8 0 24 SD Lulus 0 6 12 5 0 23 SMP Pendidikan Orang Tua Lulus 0 5 8 6 0 19 SMA Lulus 0 2 6 6 1 15 S1 Lulus S2 0 3 5 0 0 8 atau S3 Total 1 24 46 28 1 100 Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. Sig. (2- sided) a Pearson Chi-Square 21,508 20 ,368 Likelihood Ratio 18,432 20 ,559 Linear-by-Linear Association ,029 1 ,865 N of Valid Cases 100 a. 20 cells (66,7%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is ,08.
  • 42. 86 Pendidikan Orang Tua * Belajar di rumah Crosstab Count Belajar di rumah Total Tidak belajar Belajar Tidak sekolah 6 5 11 Lulus SD 11 13 24 Lulus SMP 14 9 23 Pendidikan Orang Tua Lulus SMA 8 11 19 Lulus S1 7 8 15 Lulus S2 atau S3 2 6 8 Total 48 52 100
  • 43. 87 Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. Sig. (2- sided) a Pearson Chi-Square 3,731 5 ,589 Likelihood Ratio 3,829 5 ,574 Linear-by-Linear Association 1,187 1 ,276 N of Valid Cases 100 a. 2 cells (16,7%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 3,84. Sex * Minat
  • 44. 88 Crosstab Count Minat Total Kurang Minat Berminat Sangat Berminat Laki-laki 17 23 17 57 Sex Perempuan 12 18 13 43 Total 29 41 30 100 Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. Sig. (2- sided) a Pearson Chi-Square ,046 2 ,977 Likelihood Ratio ,046 2 ,977 Linear-by-Linear Association ,022 1 ,881 N of Valid Cases 100 a. 0 cells (,0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 12,47.
  • 45. 89 Sex * Motivasi Crosstab Count Motivasi Total Tidak ada Kurang Bermotiva Sangat Motivasi Motivasi si Bermotivasi Laki-laki 8 17 14 18 57 Sex Perempuan 10 13 9 11 43 Total 18 30 23 29 100 Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. Sig. (2- sided) a Pearson Chi-Square 1,604 3 ,659 Likelihood Ratio 1,593 3 ,661 Linear-by-Linear Association 1,277 1 ,258 N of Valid Cases 100 a. 0 cells (,0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 7,74.
  • 46. 90 Sex * Kegiatan Ekstrakurikuler yg diikuti siswa Crosstab Count Kegiatan Ekstrakurikuler yg diikuti siswa T Tidak Tidak Jarang Aktif Sering Aktif Sangat o pernah pernah aktif Aktif t aktif sama aktif a sekali l Laki- 5 4 16 13 8 10 6 laki 7 Sex Perem 4 7 10 11 2 11 2 puan 3 1 Total 11 26 24 10 21 8 0 0 Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. Sig. (2- sided) a Pearson Chi-Square 6,178 5 ,289 Likelihood Ratio 6,422 5 ,267 Linear-by-Linear Association ,646 1 ,422 N of Valid Cases 100 a. 4 cells (33,3%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 3,44.
  • 47. 91 Sex * Keikutsertaan Bimbingan Belajar Crosstab Count Keikutsertaan Bimbingan Belajar Total 0 Tidak Kadang- Sering 4 Ikut kadang ikut Ikut Laki-laki 1 17 24 14 1 57 Sex Perempuan 0 7 22 14 0 43 Total 1 24 46 28 1 100 Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. Sig. (2- sided) a Pearson Chi-Square 4,379 4 ,357 Likelihood Ratio 5,190 4 ,268 Linear-by-Linear Association 1,882 1 ,170 N of Valid Cases 100 a. 4 cells (40,0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is ,43.
  • 48. 92 Sex * Belajar di rumah Crosstab Count Belajar di rumah Total Tidak belajar Belajar Laki-laki 30 27 57 Sex Perempuan 18 25 43 Total 48 52 100 Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. Sig. Exact Sig. (2- Exact Sig. (2-sided) sided) (1-sided) a Pearson Chi-Square 1,139 1 ,286 b Continuity Correction ,749 1 ,387 Likelihood Ratio 1,143 1 ,285 Fisher's Exact Test ,317 ,194 Linear-by-Linear 1,128 1 ,288 Association N of Valid Cases 100
  • 49. 93 a. 0 cells (,0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 20,64. b. Computed only for a 2x2 table A. Analisis Statistika Parametrik 1. Uji Beda Satu Sampel T-Test [DataSet0] C:UsersTOSHIBADocumentsSPSS latihan komputer 2.s baruav.sav One-Sample Statistics N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean Nilai Harian 1 setelah 100 70,4400 9,63718 ,96372 pembelajaran matematika Nilai Harian 2 100 74,3500 11,56132 1,15613 Nilai Formatif 100 75,9400 11,43344 1,14334 Nilai Sumatif 100 76,2700 11,47756 1,14776 Nilai Raport 100 74,4300 7,41314 ,74131 One-Sample Test Test Value = 70 t df Sig. (2- Mean 95% Confidence Interval of tailed) Difference the Difference
  • 50. 94 Lower Upper Nilai Harian 1 setelah ,457 99 ,649 ,44000 -1,4722 2,3522 pembelajaran matematika Nilai Harian 2 3,763 99 ,000 4,35000 2,0560 6,6440 Nilai Formatif 5,195 99 ,000 5,94000 3,6714 8,2086 Nilai Sumatif 5,463 99 ,000 6,27000 3,9926 8,5474 Nilai Raport 5,976 99 ,000 4,43000 2,9591 5,9009 T-Test Group Statistics Sex N Mean Std. Std. Deviation Error Mean Laki-laki 57 70,6491 8,56382 1,13431 Nilai Harian 1 setelah Perempu pembelajaran matematika 43 70,1628 10,99985 1,67746 an Independent Samples Test Levene's t-test for Equality of Means Test for Equality of Varianc es F Sig t df Sig. (2- Mea Std. Error 95% Confidence . tailed) n Difference Interval of the Diffe Difference renc Lower Upper e Equal varian Nilai Harian 1 setelah pembelajaran 3,9 ,05 ,24 ,486 ces 98 ,804 1,95590 -3,39508 4,36774 matematika 41 0 9 33 assum ed
  • 51. 95 Equal varian ces ,24 77,1 ,486 ,811 2,02498 -3,54583 4,51849 not 0 00 33 assum ed T-Test [DataSet1] C:UsersTOSHIBADocumentsdata komputer spss dina.sav Paired Samples Statistics Mean N Std. Std. Error Deviation Mean Nilai Harian 1 setelah 70,4400 100 9,63718 ,96372 Pair 1 pembelajaran matematika Minat 2,01 100 ,772 ,077 Nilai Harian 1 setelah 70,4400 100 9,63718 ,96372 Pair 2 pembelajaran matematika Motivasi 2,63 100 1,089 ,109 Paired Samples Correlations N Correlation Sig. Nilai Harian 1 setelah Pair 1 pembelajaran matematika & 100 -,016 ,878 Minat Nilai Harian 1 setelah Pair 2 pembelajaran matematika & 100 ,010 ,922 Motivasi Paired Samples Test Paired Differences t df Sig. (2- Mean Std. Std. Error 95% Confidence tailed) Deviation Mean Interval of the Difference Lower Upper Nilai Harian 1 setelah 68,4300 66,5092 70,350 Pair 1 9,67999 ,96800 70,692 99 ,000 pembelajaran 0 8 72 matematika - Minat
  • 52. 96 Nilai Harian 1 setelah 67,8100 65,8877 69,732 Pair 2 pembelajaran 9,68775 ,96877 69,996 99 ,000 0 4 26 matematika - Motivasi 2. Uji Beda 2 Variabel Bebas Group Statistics Sex N Mean Std. Std. Deviation Error Mean 1,1343 Laki-laki 57 70,6491 8,56382 Nilai Harian 1 setelah 1 pembelajaran matematika Perempu 1,6774 43 70,1628 10,99985 an 6 Independent Samples Test Levene's t-test for Equality of Means Test for Equality of Variances F Sig. t df Sig. (2- Mean Std. 95% tailed) Differe Error Confidence nce Differe Interval of the nce Difference Lower Uppe r Equal varianc - 3,94 1,9559 4,36 es ,050 ,249 98 ,804 ,48633 3,3950 1 0 774 assume 8 Nilai Harian 1 setelah d pembelajaran matematika Equal varianc - 77,10 2,0249 4,51 es not ,240 ,811 ,48633 3,5458 0 8 849 assume 3 d
  • 53. 97 2. Uji Beda 3 Variabel Bebas Oneway [DataSet1] C:UsersTOSHIBADocumentsdata komputer spss dina.sav Descriptives Nilai Raport N Mea Std. Std. Error 95% Confidence Minimum Maximum n Deviation Interval for Mean Lower Upper Bound Bound 73,1 Tidak sekolah 11 10,31327 3,10957 66,2533 80,1104 50,00 85,00 818 75,0 Lulus SD 24 7,15954 1,46144 72,0185 78,0649 60,00 87,00 417 72,1 Lulus SMP 23 8,42240 1,75619 68,4883 75,7726 50,00 85,00 304 76,3 Lulus SMA 19 6,42956 1,47504 73,2168 79,4147 65,00 90,00 158 74,6 Lulus S1 15 6,39940 1,65232 71,1228 78,2105 60,00 85,00 667 Lulus S2 atau 76,2 8 3,53553 1,25000 73,2942 79,2058 70,00 80,00 S3 500 74,4 Total 100 7,42011 ,74201 72,9777 75,9223 50,00 90,00 500 Test of Homogeneity of Variances Nilai Raport Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig. 1,305 5 94 ,268 ANOVA Nilai Raport Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Between Groups 242,608 5 48,522 ,876 ,501 Within Groups 5208,142 94 55,406
  • 54. 98 Total 5450,750 99 Post Hoc Tests Multiple Comparisons Dependent Variable: Nilai Raport LSD (I) Pendidikan Orang Tua (J) Pendidikan Mean Std. Sig. 95% Confidence Interval Orang Tua Differen Error Lower Upper ce (I-J) Bound Bound - 2,7102 Lulus SD ,494 -7,2411 3,5214 1,85985 5 2,7287 Lulus SMP 1,05138 ,701 -4,3665 6,4693 1 - 2,8201 Tidak sekolah Lulus SMA ,269 -8,7334 2,4654 3,13397 0 - 2,9547 Lulus S1 ,616 -7,3516 4,3819 1,48485 6 - 3,4587 Lulus S2 atau S3 ,377 -9,9355 3,7991 3,06818 0 2,7102 Tidak sekolah 1,85985 ,494 -3,5214 7,2411 5 2,1719 Lulus SMP 2,91123 ,183 -1,4013 7,2238 9 - 2,2857 Lulus SD Lulus SMA ,579 -5,8125 3,2643 1,27412 5 2,4499 Lulus S1 ,37500 ,879 -4,4894 5,2394 6 - 3,0388 Lulus S2 atau S3 ,692 -7,2419 4,8253 1,20833 0 - 2,7287 Tidak sekolah ,701 -6,4693 4,3665 1,05138 1 - 2,1719 Lulus SD ,183 -7,2238 1,4013 2,91123 9 Lulus SMP - 2,3076 Lulus SMA ,073 -8,7672 ,3964 4,18535 0 - 2,4703 Lulus S1 ,307 -7,4412 2,3687 2,53623 6
  • 55. 99 - 3,0552 Lulus S2 atau S3 ,181 -10,1859 1,9467 4,11957 7 2,8201 Tidak sekolah 3,13397 ,269 -2,4654 8,7334 0 2,2857 Lulus SD 1,27412 ,579 -3,2643 5,8125 5 2,3076 Lulus SMA Lulus SMP 4,18535 ,073 -,3964 8,7672 0 2,5709 Lulus S1 1,64912 ,523 -3,4556 6,7538 6 3,1371 Lulus S2 atau S3 ,06579 ,983 -6,1631 6,2947 7 2,9547 Tidak sekolah 1,48485 ,616 -4,3819 7,3516 6 2,4499 Lulus SD -,37500 ,879 -5,2394 4,4894 6 2,4703 Lulus S1 Lulus SMP 2,53623 ,307 -2,3687 7,4412 6 - 2,5709 Lulus SMA ,523 -6,7538 3,4556 1,64912 6 - 3,2587 Lulus S2 atau S3 ,628 -8,0537 4,8870 1,58333 5 3,4587 Tidak sekolah 3,06818 ,377 -3,7991 9,9355 0 3,0388 Lulus SD 1,20833 ,692 -4,8253 7,2419 0 3,0552 Lulus S2 atau S3 Lulus SMP 4,11957 ,181 -1,9467 10,1859 7 3,1371 Lulus SMA -,06579 ,983 -6,2947 6,1631 7 3,2587 Lulus S1 1,58333 ,628 -4,8870 8,0537 5 4. Uji Regresi dan Korelasi antar Variabel a. Regresi Linier Sederhana Regression [DataSet1] C:UsersTOSHIBADocumentsdata komputer spss dina.sav
  • 56. 100 Descriptive Statistics Mean Std. Deviation N Nilai Sumatif 76,2700 11,47756 100 Keikutsertaan Bimbingan 2,04 ,777 100 Belajar Motivasi 2,63 1,089 100 Correlations Nilai Sumatif Keikutsertaan Motivasi Bimbingan Belajar Nilai Sumatif 1,000 ,090 ,075 Keikutsertaan Bimbingan Pearson Correlation ,090 1,000 -,078 Belajar Motivasi ,075 -,078 1,000 Nilai Sumatif . ,185 ,229 Keikutsertaan Bimbingan Sig. (1-tailed) ,185 . ,221 Belajar Motivasi ,229 ,221 . Nilai Sumatif 100 100 100 Keikutsertaan Bimbingan N 100 100 100 Belajar Motivasi 100 100 100 a Variables Entered/Removed Model Variables Variables Method Entered Removed Motivasi, Keikutsertaan 1 . Enter Bimbingan b Belajar a. Dependent Variable: Nilai Sumatif b. All requested variables entered. b Model Summary Model R R Square Adjusted R Std. Error of the Square Estimate a 1 ,122 ,015 -,005 11,50807 a. Predictors: (Constant), Motivasi, Keikutsertaan Bimbingan Belajar b. Dependent Variable: Nilai Sumatif a ANOVA
  • 57. 101 Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. b Regression 195,439 2 97,719 ,738 ,481 1 Residual 12846,271 97 132,436 Total 13041,710 99 a. Dependent Variable: Nilai Sumatif b. Predictors: (Constant), Motivasi, Keikutsertaan Bimbingan Belajar a Coefficients Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized t Sig. Coefficients B Std. Error Beta (Constant) 71,058 4,447 15,979 ,000 Keikutsertaan Bimbingan 1 1,431 1,492 ,097 ,959 ,340 Belajar Motivasi ,872 1,066 ,083 ,818 ,415 a. Dependent Variable: Nilai Sumatif a Residuals Statistics Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation N Predicted Value 73,3605 79,3967 76,2700 1,40504 100 Residual -43,36050 21,63950 ,00000 11,39124 100 Std. Predicted Value -2,071 2,225 ,000 1,000 100 Std. Residual -3,768 1,880 ,000 ,990 100 a. Dependent Variable: Nilai Sumatif Charts
  • 58. 102 Correlations [DataSet1] C:UsersTOSHIBADocumentsdata komputer spss dina.sav Correlations Nilai Harian 1 Nilai Harian 2 Motivasi setelah pembelajaran matematika Pearson Correlation 1 ,133 ,010 Nilai Harian 1 setelah Sig. (2-tailed) ,187 ,922 pembelajaran matematika N 100 100 100 * Pearson Correlation ,133 1 ,234 Nilai Harian 2 Sig. (2-tailed) ,187 ,019 N 100 100 100
  • 59. 103 * Pearson Correlation ,010 ,234 1 Motivasi Sig. (2-tailed) ,922 ,019 N 100 100 100 *. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed). A. Analisis Statistika Nonparametrik 1. Uji Beda 1 Variabel Bebas Runs Test Nilai sebelum Nilai Harian 1 Nilai Nilai Nilai Nilai pembelajaran setelah Harian 2 Formatif Sumatif Raport matematika pembelajaran matematika a Test Value 50,00 70,00 75,00 80,00 80,00 75,00 Cases < Test Value 44 36 43 45 46 35 Cases >= Test Value 56 64 57 55 54 65 Total Cases 100 100 100 100 100 100 Number of Runs 46 39 49 37 33 52 Z -,873 -1,764 -,209 -2,741 -3,577 1,216 Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) ,383 ,078 ,834 ,006 ,000 ,224 a. Median NPar Tests Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test Ranks N Mean Rank Sum of Ranks a Nilai Harian 1 setelah Negative Ranks 3 9,50 28,50 b pembelajaran matematika - Nilai Positive Ranks 92 49,26 4531,50 c sebelum pembelajaran Ties 5 matematika Total 100 d Negative Ranks 44 40,94 1801,50 e Positive Ranks 46 49,86 2293,50 Nilai Formatif - Nilai Harian 2 f Ties 10 Total 100 g Negative Ranks 56 42,49 2379,50 h Nilai Raport - Nilai Sumatif Positive Ranks 31 46,73 1448,50 i Ties 13
  • 60. 104 Total 100 a. Nilai Harian 1 setelah pembelajaran matematika < Nilai sebelum pembelajaran matematika b. Nilai Harian 1 setelah pembelajaran matematika > Nilai sebelum pembelajaran matematika c. Nilai Harian 1 setelah pembelajaran matematika = Nilai sebelum pembelajaran matematika d. Nilai Formatif < Nilai Harian 2 e. Nilai Formatif > Nilai Harian 2 f. Nilai Formatif = Nilai Harian 2 g. Nilai Raport < Nilai Sumatif h. Nilai Raport > Nilai Sumatif i. Nilai Raport = Nilai Sumatif a Test Statistics Nilai Harian 1 Nilai Formatif - Nilai Raport - setelah Nilai Harian 2 Nilai Sumatif pembelajaran matematika - Nilai sebelum pembelajaran matematika b b c Z -8,373 -,994 -1,991 Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) ,000 ,320 ,046 a. Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test b. Based on negative ranks. c. Based on positive ranks. Sign Test Frequencies N a,d,g Nilai Harian 1 setelah Negative Differences 3 b,e,h pembelajaran matematika - Nilai Positive Differences 92 c,f,i sebelum pembelajaran Ties 5 matematika Total 100 a,d,g Negative Differences 44 b,e,h Positive Differences 46 Nilai Formatif - Nilai Harian 2 c,f,i Ties 10 Total 100 a,d,g Negative Differences 56 Nilai Raport - Nilai Sumatif b,e,h Positive Differences 31
  • 61. 105 c,f,i Ties 13 Total 100 a. Nilai Harian 1 setelah pembelajaran matematika < Nilai sebelum pembelajaran matematika b. Nilai Harian 1 setelah pembelajaran matematika > Nilai sebelum pembelajaran matematika c. Nilai Harian 1 setelah pembelajaran matematika = Nilai sebelum pembelajaran matematika d. Nilai Formatif < Nilai Harian 2 e. Nilai Formatif > Nilai Harian 2 f. Nilai Formatif = Nilai Harian 2 g. Nilai Raport < Nilai Sumatif h. Nilai Raport > Nilai Sumatif i. Nilai Raport = Nilai Sumatif a Test Statistics Nilai Harian 1 Nilai Formatif - Nilai Raport - Nilai setelah Nilai Harian 2 Sumatif pembelajaran matematika - Nilai sebelum pembelajaran matematika Z -9,029 -,105 -2,573 Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) ,000 ,916 ,010 a. Sign Test 2. Uji Beda 2 Variabel Bebas NPar Tests Mann-Whitney Test Ranks Motivasi N Mean Rank Sum of Ranks Tidak ada Motivasi 18 20,97 377,50 Nilai sebelum pembelajaran Bermotivasi 23 21,02 483,50 matematika Total 41 Nilai Harian 1 setelah Tidak ada Motivasi 18 18,61 335,00
  • 62. 106 pembelajaran matematika Bermotivasi 23 22,87 526,00 Total 41 Tidak ada Motivasi 18 19,44 350,00 Nilai Harian 2 Bermotivasi 23 22,22 511,00 Total 41 Tidak ada Motivasi 18 21,44 386,00 Nilai Formatif Bermotivasi 23 20,65 475,00 Total 41 Tidak ada Motivasi 18 22,33 402,00 Nilai Sumatif Bermotivasi 23 19,96 459,00 Total 41 Tidak ada Motivasi 18 23,00 414,00 Nilai Raport Bermotivasi 23 19,43 447,00 Total 41 a Test Statistics Nilai sebelum Nilai Harian 1 Nilai Nilai Nilai Nilai Raport pembelajaran setelah Harian Formatif Sumatif matematika pembelajaran 2 matematika Mann-Whitney U 206,500 164,000 179,000 199,000 183,000 171,000 Wilcoxon W 377,500 335,000 350,000 475,000 459,000 447,000 Z -,013 -1,145 -,751 -,213 -,641 -,978 Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) ,989 ,252 ,453 ,832 ,522 ,328 a. Grouping Variable: Motivasi 3. Uji Beda 3 Variabel Bebas Kruskal-Wallis Test Ranks Minat N Mean Rank Kurang Minat 29 57,83 Nilai sebelum Berminat 41 47,16 pembelajaran Sangat Berminat 30 47,98 matematika Total 100
  • 63. 107 Kurang Minat 29 54,48 Nilai Harian 1 setelah Berminat 41 46,12 pembelajaran Sangat Berminat 30 52,63 matematika Total 100 Kurang Minat 29 55,28 Berminat 41 47,39 Nilai Harian 2 Sangat Berminat 30 50,13 Total 100 Kurang Minat 29 54,24 Berminat 41 50,93 Nilai Formatif Sangat Berminat 30 46,30 Total 100 Kurang Minat 29 50,38 Berminat 41 47,90 Nilai Sumatif Sangat Berminat 30 54,17 Total 100 Kurang Minat 29 49,31 Berminat 41 47,93 Nilai Raport Sangat Berminat 30 55,17 Total 100 a,b Test Statistics Nilai sebelum Nilai Harian 1 Nilai Harian 2 Nilai Formatif Nilai Sumatif Nilai Raport pembelajaran setelah matematika pembelajaran matematika Chi-Square 2,689 1,685 1,304 1,156 ,830 1,198 df 2 2 2 2 2 2 Asymp. Sig. ,261 ,431 ,521 ,561 ,660 ,549 a. Kruskal Wallis Test