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Fatma Al Rahma           H00159050

                 Autism in Children
                   Fatma Ahmad Al Rahma
                       March 19, 2012

Fatma Al Rahma                                    H00159050

                                            Table of content

About Autism.............................................................................4
Literature Review........................................................................5
Social Impacts.............................................................................8
Autism and its Characteristics.....................................................9
Role of Media..............................................................................10

Fatma Al Rahma                        H00159050


  We all know the Term “Autism” but I am sure not many of us are aware of its
 actual meaning and its deep impact on society. My intention is to highlight on
this subject to create an awareness among people and the media and what part
they can play in order to improve the lives of families dealing with Autism. Like
   any other normal child, autistic children need attention or shall I say extra
 attention and efforts by their family and surroundings. In this report, I will be
  discussing their daily issues and problems, their thought process along with
    their feelings in different scenarios. I will also explain some noteworthy
 suggestions for how media can support this cause and lastly, a piece of advice
  for mothers with significant guidelines on diagnosing their child's nurturing
 and how she can rescue her child from being neglected and providing a better


For years, Autism has been nothing but merely a name. We all are aware of it and we
do know that it is a disease but nothing more than that. Autism as a meaning is
something different from our perspective. All being said, it happens to some
unfortunate people and we are not supposed to mingle around them. To have a
broader view, I have presented this report in a manner just to have a transparent
clarification of Autism. What it exactly is and how it can effect us. People around
them are used to their way of dealing with children with autism but for strangers it is
quite confusing to realize what exactly the autistic child is trying to convey. Children
with autistic disorder usually are unable to interpret with the outer world.

Children suffering from Autism have a very complex developing disorder mainly
focusing on their issues while interacting socially, their communicational mode.
Some are observed to have an impaired verbal communication and some deal with
non verbal communication issues. Their growth is very gradual and is in a repetitive
manner. They do not wish to have a change in their rules or schedules. They feel it as
a threat to themselves when observe a change in their lifestyle. Further in this report
explains about the consequences faced by the children and their families. They have
limited restriction to their interests and how they love to be involved in their own
imaginary world.

As we go further, the report describes the problems faced by parents and family
Fatma Al Rahma                        H00159050

members when it comes to their autistic children, how they go through different
phases and from childhood to puberty and beyond, parents worry for them as they are
growing old. Advice to media on how they can cover the topic like parent's suffering
and their guilt, their daily problem with their normal children, their marriage being on
stake and other problems related to their lives, How media can focus on this area and
bring about a change in people's thing and judgements through ways like campaigns,
advertisements, shows and other channels. Lastly, giving out tips to all the mothers
having autistic children, how they can observe the symptoms at the very early age
and believe in their instincts. This report is giving out a detailed explanation about the
Autism along with children suffering from it and how we can be of a help to this

About Autism

Autism is mainly related to the neural disorder, which is known as disorder of neural
development. In this, the person's mental growth is very slow and restricted which
makes him or her grasp only limited habits and environment leading them to become
very less social. Their behavior will be repetitive due to which the surrounding
around them be it human or things cannot be changed often. If done so, leads to their
mental disturbance causing irritation and eventually illness. Usually the exact age for
detection of Autism in a child is not as such prescribed but on common basis, Autism
can be noticeable in a child between the age of 2-3 years. But like it is mentioned that
there is no age limit, some children show the characteristics much later. In Autism,
the nerve cells are altered along with their synapses which results affecting brain's
information processing but how this process takes place is not yet well understood by
the doctors.

Autism is a disability related to development. The developmental pattern of Autistic
person will be very slow or even remains the same for the rest of the life. It is a
developmental disability noticed through the Autistic person's communication, how
he is relating with people around them and most importantly how they take on the
world or sense people and everything surrounding them. It is a never ending
disability in simple words which can't be diagnosed permanently but can ease up on
them through different modes and medical medications.

Autism Spectrum which is also known as (ASDs) is one the most identifiable out of
other two autism disorders which are Asperger syndrome, it is concerned with
Autistic person who lacks behind in Cognitive and language development and the
other Disorder is Pervasive Developmental Disorder-Not otherwise Specified (PDD-

NOS) which is determined under a condition when complete autistic criteria or
Fatma Al Rahma                       H00159050

Asperger Syndrome lacks behind to meet the requisite. Coming back to Autism
Spectrum disorder or simply ASD, “ spectrum” is a term which is used in this case
because even when all autistic people contribute difficulty in the same three common
areas but their situations will vary from one another that Every individual with autism
will show different symptoms. For some will live everyday lives reasonably but some
will have to get used to specialist support for rest of their lives.

Literature Review
“The article by Tony Humphreys claiming that autism is caused by "cold" or
emotionally distant parents, displays such willful ignorance, lack of
understanding and density of inaccurate and offensive statements that it is
shocking that the Irish Examiner would publish it.”Kevin Mitchell said in his
letter to the Examiner

“In February 2007, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
announced that the previous rate of children diagnosed with autism before the
age of eight, 1 in 166, increased to 1 child in every 150. This sudden change
spawned conversation and controversy. Some factions such as parent advocacy
groups welcomed this announcement, but others completely dismissed them.
those in the who disagree that the rate of autism in children is rising state the
widening of the definition of autism over the years and more thorough
diagnosis are the reasons behind the increase. In an interview with 60 Minutes
aired February 18, 2007, Dr. Stephen Goodman, an epidemiologist at Johns
Hopkins University, stated, "The explosive increase that has been claimed is
almost certainly not true. The numbers, if they're rising, are not rising very
quickly, if it's going up at all." Yet later in the same story, it states, “There’s no
question more children are being diagnosed with autism than ever before,” and
there is extensive evidence, such as the new report published by the CDC, that
this statement is true.”posted by Terica E. Adams

“Autism is a relatively newly identified disability, it was recognized as a
distinct syndrome by an American psychologist, Leo Kanner in 1943. Initially
there was only academic interest in the condition, however, service provision
development began during the late 1950's in Europe and the U.S.A. Within
Victoria no services were provided specifically for children with Autism until
1968.”An Affiliate of Autism Victoria

Fatma Al Rahma                        H00159050

The signs or symptoms are noticeable by parents between the age of 1 to 2. the
symptoms are very gradual, like any other normal children an autistic child grow
normally at the earlier age but later shows regressive growth. Behavioral and
cognitive intervention at their earlier age can help the Autistic child in many positive
ways, a child benefits out socially and other useful communicational modes. There is
no such accurate cure for this kind of disorder, there have been scenarios in which
total recovery have been seen. Some children having Autistic disabilities grow out to
be independent whereas some still rely on their family members even reaching the

For parents it is quite hard to accept their precious angel is suffering from the never
ending disorder but the sooner they accept the reality and proceed with diagnoses the
better, finding solution at the earliest is for the betterment of the autistic child. The
impact is greater if diagnosed in the very beginning along with dealing other
developments helps a lot. The most essential part is to observe the warning symptoms
since the very early age like in babies and toddlers. If the the disorder is detected
within eighteen months, many of its side effects can be stopped or minimized. Even if
the detection is done later, still one should never let go of hope because treatment
supports in a child's growth mentally and physically as well. Some common signs are
seen very visibly like if a autistic child suffers in cognitive and motor along with
sensory mode.


“There is no lab test or X-ray that can confirm the diagnosis of autism. The diagnosis
of autism is based on clinical judgment regarding observations of the individual's
behavior. Information from family members and other observers is of primary
importance in making the diagnosis; however, the pediatrician may order tests to
rule out other conditions that might be confused with autism, such as mental
retardation, metabolic or genetic diseases, or deafness”explained Roxanne Dryden

There have been checklist created by the medical centers and doctors concerning the
symptoms of Autism in a child. The checklist varies from age to age like in toddlers,
the checklist is different from the one for babies. There have been seminars advising
parents to observe their children's growth in a very beginning stage so as to avoid any
obstacles. Parents should trust their own instincts in order to save their child health
both mentally and physically. If there is some unusual changes observed, immediate

action should be taken by the parents. Taking them to doctors and taking certain
necessary actions to further evaluate the child's developmental status.
Fatma Al Rahma                        H00159050

  “An evaluation of autism will often include a complete physical and nervous system
  (neurologic) examination. It may also include a specific screening tool, such as:
      • Autism Diagnostic Interview - Revised (ADI-R)
      • Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS)
      • Childhood Autism rating Scale (CARS)
      • Gilliam Autism Rating Scale
      • Pervasive Developmental Disorders Screening Test - Stage 3” mentioned in a
        Health Guide in the NewYorkTimes

   Social Impacts
  Children who are involved in high-functioning autism usually undergo a more
  intensive and reoccurring loneliness compare to that of non-autistic children. It is
  commonly believed that autistic children prefer being alone but the fact is creating
  and sustaining relationship or specifically friendship is not an easy task for them, they
  face a lot of mental difficulties. They prefer quality on quantity which results their
  rare friends and on this note prediction of their loneliness is done. Occasional or
  functional friendships which are made during events like birthday parties or any other
  festive impact on their quality of life. For autistic children, world consisting of
  people, events and places are very hard to sense causing anxiety within them.
  It is rather a challenge for them to participate in events and being surrounded with
  unknown faces. Socializing with new people or children is a dispute within
  themselves. For normal kids, making friends on birthday parties is not an issue for
  them but for autistic children, it is not only difficult but they end up pondering the
  visible difference between themselves and normal children.

  “Triad of impairments “or the major three difficulty areas faced by the autistic people
  are listed below:
     1. difficulty with social communication
     2. difficulty with social interaction
     3. difficulty with social imagination.

1.Difficulty with social communication
      •   fail to have an eye contact with new kids or objects around

      •   weak playing skills
      •   over focused on objects attracting them
Fatma Al Rahma                         H00159050

      •   difficulty in making new friends
      •   being cranky and unstable unreasonably on occasion to have their mother's
      •   feeling nervous when touched

   2.Difficulty with social interaction
Autistic children always face difficulty realizing other children or their closed one's
  emotions and at the same time they are inarticulate in expressing their own feelings
  and thought process to their family and friends.
   Below are some listed situations that obstructs them to be socially fit:
            •   Unable to get the unsaid rules for socializing, sometime talking to other
                children or elders about inconvenient topics
            •   Unable to realize someone else's emotions and turns to be ignorant
            •   prefer playing alone rather having company
            •   unable to seek comfort from unknown friends
            •   express their anger or irritating nature especially to their mothers
                irrelevant of people around

   3.Difficulties with social imagination
      • unable to interpret other children or elder's thought process
      • being highly predictive of future incidents or events
      • realize well the Danger concept, being already alert in case feel any threat
        approaching towards them
      • love to be in their own imaginary world
      • always ready for a change
      • coping up in unknown scenarios

   Autism and its Characteristics in Children
Fatma Al Rahma                       H00159050

Autistic children show different characteristics. It varies from one child to another
below listed are characteristics Autistic children can have or may show:

       1.   Love of routines
       2.   Sensory sensitivity
       3.   Special interests
       4.   Learning disabilities

Love of routines
For autistic children, world sometimes seems very doubtful and bewildering.
Sometimes they even prefer not being involved in any gatherings so as to feel safe,
they prefer their closed ones company the most especially their mothers. They opt for
a fixed timetable for their days. They feel uncomfortable if changes are made in the
daily routine. They like to be around things and people whom they have always been
used to, same schedules assures them that they are aware of what is going on in their
lives. For example, they will always like to have breakfast at the same time on the
same place with same people, any addition to above might disturb them resulting in
their inappropriate reactions. They sometimes sense threat when a change is made in
their lives especially when their closed ones are not paying enough attention towards
them, Autistic children usually seek their mother's attention the most.
Autistic children love to follow the rules that they have being following for a long
time now. Any alteration or modification disturbs them, Autistic children are not
happy with changes because their grasping power is very less as compare to the
normal kids. They do not wish to add any new rules except if explained to them
several times and in a very polite way which only mothers can do. Adapting a
different approach for same thing might disturb them. But if they are thought from
the very beginning to be prepare for future changes then its not a big issue. The
requisite is to teach the autistic child the ability to mould themselves in new

Sensory sensitivity
Fatma Al Rahma                        H00159050

Children with autism experience various forms of Sensory sensitivity which can
occur in either few or all of the five senses. Some will experience the sensitivity on

touch while some get irritated on high volume music or talks, autistic children are
usually very sensitive to smell and touch, some only prefer their mother's cooked
food, on giving different food their taste buds become alert and refuse the unfamiliar
taste offered to them. Autistic children can be Hypersensitive or Hypo-sensitive.
Their are cases where the autistic child will have sensory sensitivity in all five senses
like sight,smell,touch,sound and taste. In these case, family members have to be very
careful in order to maintain their autistic child's sensitivity balanced.

Special interests

Children often have an intensity towards some special interests in avery young age
itself. They can either change with time or remain same for the whole life. The
interest varies from music to art drawing or any moving technological objects even
plants. In these cases Autistic child would prefer studying about its interest more or
even work in their field of interest and for some it will just merely be a hobby or a
leisure time activity. There are cases where some autistic children will have a very
disturbing or unusual interest which can disturb their family and overcome that would
be a challenge for the family members.
Learning disabilities
Autistic children face learning disability on a very common basis which later on has
an impact in their later lives. There are some which can have eating disability, some
will find difficulty in washing themselves and some will find it hard studying at
school. Usually this happens because on initial stage all this was done by their
mothers in most of the cases and to maintain this bonding children refuse to
independent. But on proper motivation, some children bring about a change and some
mentally unprepared to break this bonding as a result, being dependent trough out
their lives.

Role of Media
Media has always played a significant role in representing Autism to the world and in
changing point of view towards this subject but it does lack behind focusing on
Autism spectrum Disorder.
The reason can be many, may be it is not that well know issue yet or may be media
faces difficulty in portraying this disorder mainly because of its dependence on
Spectrum. Due to its inadequate information in public it sometimes leads to
intolerable situations and strong and harsh judgements.

These not only affects the autistic children but their entire family and gatherings. If

Fatma Al Rahma                         H00159050

the disorder is not well explained, children having it is not only faces embarrassment
but also judged in a very negative way. Mostly ASD individuals are referred as
savants through media means. The media has to create a better and accurate

information on this disorder in order to correct people's perspective towards autistic
children and even adults.

There are many facts that has been missed by media all these years, besides this
should have been the center of point so as to improve people's judgements towards
this genre. Below are some important points listed for media to display for creating a
better and judgmental free environment.

   •   The treatment for this disorder is rather never ending and unaffordable by some
       parents, even if the family is well settled it does bring family to losses dealing
       with their autistic child's medical fees and other expenses. Portraying parent’s
       issues would be beneficial for them to an extent; they would be understood by
       others and will gain some sympathy and sometime help in form of money or
       other needs.

   •   Some families are lucky to be able to overcome expenses but some are in
       difficult situations not able to provide the right treatment for their autistic child
       like biomedical and other necessary treatments required to improve their child's
       mental and physical health. Thus, leading to parent’s guilt of not providing all
       the requisites. These family members should be targeted in order to get help
       and reduce down their guilt for their children.

   •   Like any other normal children, autistic children as well go through the phase
       of puberty. The family members face extreme difficulty dealing with this issue
       as the child, boy or a girl won’t be able to adapt this change in their body for
       long time resulting in their anger and irrigative nature. Media should focus on
       having programs for such issues so that parents or family can have better ideas
       to deal with these circumstances.

   •   There are many cases when children are diagnosed very much later in their life.
       Though an age range has been prescribed by doctors but again there is no such
       exact age limit to this disorder, media should arrange campaigns every 6
       months at the least in order to create awareness among society regarding this
       issues where doctors can check and give out speeches and some kind of
       checklist that parents can follow s o as to observe their children activities as
       per the list.

   •   An autistic child often binds his or her parents together more than a normal
       child can do but cases where financial problems are involved leads to more
Fatma Al Rahma                        H00159050

       distant relationship between couple which result in child's mental disturbance.

       This is a very important issue and media should create an awareness programs
       from time to time in order to resolve parents problems and advise tips for their
       relationship's betterment because Autistic child needs a very normal
       atmosphere in order to adapt a normal lifestyle and parents are the main part of
       the child's life. Media should suggest couple marriage counseling at the same
       time which wont cost them much and improve their issues as well.

   •   To give an autistic child a better environment and fulfill all his or her needs can
       often make parents neglect their other normal children. As a result, siblings
       who are normal even face psychological issues, feeling of being ignored does
       an impact on a child's life. Thus, media should target out some TV programs
       related to this issues which can improve this kind of families living.

   •    Parents always worry about their autistic child, especially when they are
       growing old and realizing that they wont always be there to help them out.
       Media should encourage big entities to accommodate such children under their
       guidance or finance them out. Doing this can resolve elderly parent's issues and
       worries and the child can be taken care of as well.

   •   Unexpectedly, there are autistic adults who can guide autistic child well with
       their experience in life and their adaptation for a better environment. Media
       can arrange shows regarding this where all adults suffering from tis disorder
       can chat and explain the autistic child about life issues and a better way of
       living. This can in a way ease up parent's worry and shed the load off them to
       an extent.

Media is mode of communication which has resolved many problems in the past be it
politics or any other but this time Media should appear as a helping hand for these
Autistic little angels through organizing programs, show, campaigns so that they can
have a better life.

Fatma Al Rahma                        H00159050

Recently there has been a debate on the causes of Autism. Some of the recommended
vaccinations (MMR) that is given to children in two intervals might be the cause of
Autism. The vaccinations carry a very high level of Mercury, which can cause a
Neuro disorder. This presumption is very much debatable, however, there are many
instances of this being true. This can go on and on, however, the real cause can only
be found in the coming years through research and innovation.

All the above discussions reveal that there is much more to this than just disorder. A
child having autism is as important as normal child in this society. Media should do
their part as they have access all over the map which can not only ease parent's
problem but provide improved future to the autistic child. One thing has been
examined in this whole report that parents play the most important role especially
mothers, They have to be more aware of their child's nurturing. Some very important
points have been highlighted in this report chiefly on child's growth. Mothers should
very closely observe their kids development, go through online article and doctors to
know a child's step by step growing at that certain age. If in case, the child is lacking
behind, trust you instinct and immediately show a doctor, be medically aware what
tests have been done on your child, never wait for the right time to come, if you are
doubtful, do approach a medical center concerning with Autism so as to be assure.
Most importantly, be aware of such centers and medical organizations so that you do
not face delay. Lastly, a second opinion is always a must. Rest is on God.

Fatma Al Rahma                           H00159050

Mitchell, Kevin ( February 4, 2012). Autism Spectrum — Tony Humphreys,
Clinical Psychologist, Blames the Parents. retrieved March 19, 2012, from
Bock The Robber Web Site:

Adams, Terica E ( February 4, 2012). Welcome to Autism Exposed! . retrieved
March 19, 2012, from Welcome to Autism Exposed! Web Site:

Victoria, Autism Autistic Citizens Residential & Resources Society of Victoria
Inc.. (n.d) retrieved March 19, 2012, from Autistic Citizens Residential &
Resources Society of Victoria Inc. Web Site:

Dryden, Roxanne Autism. (n.d) retrieved March 20, 2012, from
Web Site:

Health Guide. (March 20, 2012). retrieved March 20, 2012, from New York
Times Web Site:


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  • 1. Fatma Al Rahma H00159050 Autism in Children by Fatma Ahmad Al Rahma March 19, 2012 (H00159050) 1
  • 2. Fatma Al Rahma H00159050 Table of content Abstract......................................................................................2 Introduction................................................................................3 About Autism.............................................................................4 Literature Review........................................................................5 Symptoms...................................................................................6 Diagnosis....................................................................................7 Social Impacts.............................................................................8 Autism and its Characteristics.....................................................9 Role of Media..............................................................................10 Solution........................................................................................11 Conclusion....................................................................................12 References....................................................................................13 2
  • 3. Fatma Al Rahma H00159050 Abstract We all know the Term “Autism” but I am sure not many of us are aware of its actual meaning and its deep impact on society. My intention is to highlight on this subject to create an awareness among people and the media and what part they can play in order to improve the lives of families dealing with Autism. Like any other normal child, autistic children need attention or shall I say extra attention and efforts by their family and surroundings. In this report, I will be discussing their daily issues and problems, their thought process along with their feelings in different scenarios. I will also explain some noteworthy suggestions for how media can support this cause and lastly, a piece of advice for mothers with significant guidelines on diagnosing their child's nurturing and how she can rescue her child from being neglected and providing a better lifestyle. Introduction For years, Autism has been nothing but merely a name. We all are aware of it and we do know that it is a disease but nothing more than that. Autism as a meaning is something different from our perspective. All being said, it happens to some unfortunate people and we are not supposed to mingle around them. To have a broader view, I have presented this report in a manner just to have a transparent clarification of Autism. What it exactly is and how it can effect us. People around them are used to their way of dealing with children with autism but for strangers it is quite confusing to realize what exactly the autistic child is trying to convey. Children with autistic disorder usually are unable to interpret with the outer world. Children suffering from Autism have a very complex developing disorder mainly focusing on their issues while interacting socially, their communicational mode. Some are observed to have an impaired verbal communication and some deal with non verbal communication issues. Their growth is very gradual and is in a repetitive manner. They do not wish to have a change in their rules or schedules. They feel it as a threat to themselves when observe a change in their lifestyle. Further in this report explains about the consequences faced by the children and their families. They have limited restriction to their interests and how they love to be involved in their own imaginary world. As we go further, the report describes the problems faced by parents and family 3
  • 4. Fatma Al Rahma H00159050 members when it comes to their autistic children, how they go through different phases and from childhood to puberty and beyond, parents worry for them as they are growing old. Advice to media on how they can cover the topic like parent's suffering and their guilt, their daily problem with their normal children, their marriage being on stake and other problems related to their lives, How media can focus on this area and bring about a change in people's thing and judgements through ways like campaigns, advertisements, shows and other channels. Lastly, giving out tips to all the mothers having autistic children, how they can observe the symptoms at the very early age and believe in their instincts. This report is giving out a detailed explanation about the Autism along with children suffering from it and how we can be of a help to this genre. About Autism Autism is mainly related to the neural disorder, which is known as disorder of neural development. In this, the person's mental growth is very slow and restricted which makes him or her grasp only limited habits and environment leading them to become very less social. Their behavior will be repetitive due to which the surrounding around them be it human or things cannot be changed often. If done so, leads to their mental disturbance causing irritation and eventually illness. Usually the exact age for detection of Autism in a child is not as such prescribed but on common basis, Autism can be noticeable in a child between the age of 2-3 years. But like it is mentioned that there is no age limit, some children show the characteristics much later. In Autism, the nerve cells are altered along with their synapses which results affecting brain's information processing but how this process takes place is not yet well understood by the doctors. Autism is a disability related to development. The developmental pattern of Autistic person will be very slow or even remains the same for the rest of the life. It is a developmental disability noticed through the Autistic person's communication, how he is relating with people around them and most importantly how they take on the world or sense people and everything surrounding them. It is a never ending disability in simple words which can't be diagnosed permanently but can ease up on them through different modes and medical medications. Autism Spectrum which is also known as (ASDs) is one the most identifiable out of other two autism disorders which are Asperger syndrome, it is concerned with Autistic person who lacks behind in Cognitive and language development and the other Disorder is Pervasive Developmental Disorder-Not otherwise Specified (PDD- NOS) which is determined under a condition when complete autistic criteria or 4
  • 5. Fatma Al Rahma H00159050 Asperger Syndrome lacks behind to meet the requisite. Coming back to Autism Spectrum disorder or simply ASD, “ spectrum” is a term which is used in this case because even when all autistic people contribute difficulty in the same three common areas but their situations will vary from one another that Every individual with autism will show different symptoms. For some will live everyday lives reasonably but some will have to get used to specialist support for rest of their lives. Literature Review “The article by Tony Humphreys claiming that autism is caused by "cold" or emotionally distant parents, displays such willful ignorance, lack of understanding and density of inaccurate and offensive statements that it is shocking that the Irish Examiner would publish it.”Kevin Mitchell said in his letter to the Examiner “In February 2007, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced that the previous rate of children diagnosed with autism before the age of eight, 1 in 166, increased to 1 child in every 150. This sudden change spawned conversation and controversy. Some factions such as parent advocacy groups welcomed this announcement, but others completely dismissed them. those in the who disagree that the rate of autism in children is rising state the widening of the definition of autism over the years and more thorough diagnosis are the reasons behind the increase. In an interview with 60 Minutes aired February 18, 2007, Dr. Stephen Goodman, an epidemiologist at Johns Hopkins University, stated, "The explosive increase that has been claimed is almost certainly not true. The numbers, if they're rising, are not rising very quickly, if it's going up at all." Yet later in the same story, it states, “There’s no question more children are being diagnosed with autism than ever before,” and there is extensive evidence, such as the new report published by the CDC, that this statement is true.”posted by Terica E. Adams “Autism is a relatively newly identified disability, it was recognized as a distinct syndrome by an American psychologist, Leo Kanner in 1943. Initially there was only academic interest in the condition, however, service provision development began during the late 1950's in Europe and the U.S.A. Within Victoria no services were provided specifically for children with Autism until 1968.”An Affiliate of Autism Victoria 5
  • 6. Fatma Al Rahma H00159050 Symptoms The signs or symptoms are noticeable by parents between the age of 1 to 2. the symptoms are very gradual, like any other normal children an autistic child grow normally at the earlier age but later shows regressive growth. Behavioral and cognitive intervention at their earlier age can help the Autistic child in many positive ways, a child benefits out socially and other useful communicational modes. There is no such accurate cure for this kind of disorder, there have been scenarios in which total recovery have been seen. Some children having Autistic disabilities grow out to be independent whereas some still rely on their family members even reaching the adulthood. For parents it is quite hard to accept their precious angel is suffering from the never ending disorder but the sooner they accept the reality and proceed with diagnoses the better, finding solution at the earliest is for the betterment of the autistic child. The impact is greater if diagnosed in the very beginning along with dealing other developments helps a lot. The most essential part is to observe the warning symptoms since the very early age like in babies and toddlers. If the the disorder is detected within eighteen months, many of its side effects can be stopped or minimized. Even if the detection is done later, still one should never let go of hope because treatment supports in a child's growth mentally and physically as well. Some common signs are seen very visibly like if a autistic child suffers in cognitive and motor along with sensory mode. Diagnosis “There is no lab test or X-ray that can confirm the diagnosis of autism. The diagnosis of autism is based on clinical judgment regarding observations of the individual's behavior. Information from family members and other observers is of primary importance in making the diagnosis; however, the pediatrician may order tests to rule out other conditions that might be confused with autism, such as mental retardation, metabolic or genetic diseases, or deafness”explained Roxanne Dryden There have been checklist created by the medical centers and doctors concerning the symptoms of Autism in a child. The checklist varies from age to age like in toddlers, the checklist is different from the one for babies. There have been seminars advising parents to observe their children's growth in a very beginning stage so as to avoid any obstacles. Parents should trust their own instincts in order to save their child health both mentally and physically. If there is some unusual changes observed, immediate action should be taken by the parents. Taking them to doctors and taking certain necessary actions to further evaluate the child's developmental status. 6
  • 7. Fatma Al Rahma H00159050 “An evaluation of autism will often include a complete physical and nervous system (neurologic) examination. It may also include a specific screening tool, such as: • Autism Diagnostic Interview - Revised (ADI-R) • Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) • Childhood Autism rating Scale (CARS) • Gilliam Autism Rating Scale • Pervasive Developmental Disorders Screening Test - Stage 3” mentioned in a Health Guide in the NewYorkTimes Social Impacts Children who are involved in high-functioning autism usually undergo a more intensive and reoccurring loneliness compare to that of non-autistic children. It is commonly believed that autistic children prefer being alone but the fact is creating and sustaining relationship or specifically friendship is not an easy task for them, they face a lot of mental difficulties. They prefer quality on quantity which results their rare friends and on this note prediction of their loneliness is done. Occasional or functional friendships which are made during events like birthday parties or any other festive impact on their quality of life. For autistic children, world consisting of people, events and places are very hard to sense causing anxiety within them. It is rather a challenge for them to participate in events and being surrounded with unknown faces. Socializing with new people or children is a dispute within themselves. For normal kids, making friends on birthday parties is not an issue for them but for autistic children, it is not only difficult but they end up pondering the visible difference between themselves and normal children. “Triad of impairments “or the major three difficulty areas faced by the autistic people are listed below: 1. difficulty with social communication 2. difficulty with social interaction 3. difficulty with social imagination. 1.Difficulty with social communication • fail to have an eye contact with new kids or objects around • weak playing skills • over focused on objects attracting them 7
  • 8. Fatma Al Rahma H00159050 • difficulty in making new friends • being cranky and unstable unreasonably on occasion to have their mother's attention • feeling nervous when touched 2.Difficulty with social interaction Autistic children always face difficulty realizing other children or their closed one's emotions and at the same time they are inarticulate in expressing their own feelings and thought process to their family and friends. Below are some listed situations that obstructs them to be socially fit: • Unable to get the unsaid rules for socializing, sometime talking to other children or elders about inconvenient topics • Unable to realize someone else's emotions and turns to be ignorant • prefer playing alone rather having company • unable to seek comfort from unknown friends • express their anger or irritating nature especially to their mothers irrelevant of people around 3.Difficulties with social imagination • unable to interpret other children or elder's thought process • being highly predictive of future incidents or events • realize well the Danger concept, being already alert in case feel any threat approaching towards them • love to be in their own imaginary world • always ready for a change • coping up in unknown scenarios Autism and its Characteristics in Children 8
  • 9. Fatma Al Rahma H00159050 Autistic children show different characteristics. It varies from one child to another below listed are characteristics Autistic children can have or may show: 1. Love of routines 2. Sensory sensitivity 3. Special interests 4. Learning disabilities Love of routines For autistic children, world sometimes seems very doubtful and bewildering. Sometimes they even prefer not being involved in any gatherings so as to feel safe, they prefer their closed ones company the most especially their mothers. They opt for a fixed timetable for their days. They feel uncomfortable if changes are made in the daily routine. They like to be around things and people whom they have always been used to, same schedules assures them that they are aware of what is going on in their lives. For example, they will always like to have breakfast at the same time on the same place with same people, any addition to above might disturb them resulting in their inappropriate reactions. They sometimes sense threat when a change is made in their lives especially when their closed ones are not paying enough attention towards them, Autistic children usually seek their mother's attention the most. Autistic children love to follow the rules that they have being following for a long time now. Any alteration or modification disturbs them, Autistic children are not happy with changes because their grasping power is very less as compare to the normal kids. They do not wish to add any new rules except if explained to them several times and in a very polite way which only mothers can do. Adapting a different approach for same thing might disturb them. But if they are thought from the very beginning to be prepare for future changes then its not a big issue. The requisite is to teach the autistic child the ability to mould themselves in new environment. Sensory sensitivity 9
  • 10. Fatma Al Rahma H00159050 Children with autism experience various forms of Sensory sensitivity which can occur in either few or all of the five senses. Some will experience the sensitivity on touch while some get irritated on high volume music or talks, autistic children are usually very sensitive to smell and touch, some only prefer their mother's cooked food, on giving different food their taste buds become alert and refuse the unfamiliar taste offered to them. Autistic children can be Hypersensitive or Hypo-sensitive. Their are cases where the autistic child will have sensory sensitivity in all five senses like sight,smell,touch,sound and taste. In these case, family members have to be very careful in order to maintain their autistic child's sensitivity balanced. Special interests Children often have an intensity towards some special interests in avery young age itself. They can either change with time or remain same for the whole life. The interest varies from music to art drawing or any moving technological objects even plants. In these cases Autistic child would prefer studying about its interest more or even work in their field of interest and for some it will just merely be a hobby or a leisure time activity. There are cases where some autistic children will have a very disturbing or unusual interest which can disturb their family and overcome that would be a challenge for the family members. Learning disabilities Autistic children face learning disability on a very common basis which later on has an impact in their later lives. There are some which can have eating disability, some will find difficulty in washing themselves and some will find it hard studying at school. Usually this happens because on initial stage all this was done by their mothers in most of the cases and to maintain this bonding children refuse to independent. But on proper motivation, some children bring about a change and some mentally unprepared to break this bonding as a result, being dependent trough out their lives. Role of Media Media has always played a significant role in representing Autism to the world and in changing point of view towards this subject but it does lack behind focusing on Autism spectrum Disorder. The reason can be many, may be it is not that well know issue yet or may be media faces difficulty in portraying this disorder mainly because of its dependence on Spectrum. Due to its inadequate information in public it sometimes leads to intolerable situations and strong and harsh judgements. These not only affects the autistic children but their entire family and gatherings. If 10
  • 11. Fatma Al Rahma H00159050 the disorder is not well explained, children having it is not only faces embarrassment but also judged in a very negative way. Mostly ASD individuals are referred as savants through media means. The media has to create a better and accurate information on this disorder in order to correct people's perspective towards autistic children and even adults. There are many facts that has been missed by media all these years, besides this should have been the center of point so as to improve people's judgements towards this genre. Below are some important points listed for media to display for creating a better and judgmental free environment. • The treatment for this disorder is rather never ending and unaffordable by some parents, even if the family is well settled it does bring family to losses dealing with their autistic child's medical fees and other expenses. Portraying parent’s issues would be beneficial for them to an extent; they would be understood by others and will gain some sympathy and sometime help in form of money or other needs. • Some families are lucky to be able to overcome expenses but some are in difficult situations not able to provide the right treatment for their autistic child like biomedical and other necessary treatments required to improve their child's mental and physical health. Thus, leading to parent’s guilt of not providing all the requisites. These family members should be targeted in order to get help and reduce down their guilt for their children. • Like any other normal children, autistic children as well go through the phase of puberty. The family members face extreme difficulty dealing with this issue as the child, boy or a girl won’t be able to adapt this change in their body for long time resulting in their anger and irrigative nature. Media should focus on having programs for such issues so that parents or family can have better ideas to deal with these circumstances. • There are many cases when children are diagnosed very much later in their life. Though an age range has been prescribed by doctors but again there is no such exact age limit to this disorder, media should arrange campaigns every 6 months at the least in order to create awareness among society regarding this issues where doctors can check and give out speeches and some kind of checklist that parents can follow s o as to observe their children activities as per the list. • An autistic child often binds his or her parents together more than a normal child can do but cases where financial problems are involved leads to more 11
  • 12. Fatma Al Rahma H00159050 distant relationship between couple which result in child's mental disturbance. This is a very important issue and media should create an awareness programs from time to time in order to resolve parents problems and advise tips for their relationship's betterment because Autistic child needs a very normal atmosphere in order to adapt a normal lifestyle and parents are the main part of the child's life. Media should suggest couple marriage counseling at the same time which wont cost them much and improve their issues as well. • To give an autistic child a better environment and fulfill all his or her needs can often make parents neglect their other normal children. As a result, siblings who are normal even face psychological issues, feeling of being ignored does an impact on a child's life. Thus, media should target out some TV programs related to this issues which can improve this kind of families living. • Parents always worry about their autistic child, especially when they are growing old and realizing that they wont always be there to help them out. Media should encourage big entities to accommodate such children under their guidance or finance them out. Doing this can resolve elderly parent's issues and worries and the child can be taken care of as well. • Unexpectedly, there are autistic adults who can guide autistic child well with their experience in life and their adaptation for a better environment. Media can arrange shows regarding this where all adults suffering from tis disorder can chat and explain the autistic child about life issues and a better way of living. This can in a way ease up parent's worry and shed the load off them to an extent. Media is mode of communication which has resolved many problems in the past be it politics or any other but this time Media should appear as a helping hand for these Autistic little angels through organizing programs, show, campaigns so that they can have a better life. 12
  • 13. Fatma Al Rahma H00159050 Conclusion Recently there has been a debate on the causes of Autism. Some of the recommended vaccinations (MMR) that is given to children in two intervals might be the cause of Autism. The vaccinations carry a very high level of Mercury, which can cause a Neuro disorder. This presumption is very much debatable, however, there are many instances of this being true. This can go on and on, however, the real cause can only be found in the coming years through research and innovation. All the above discussions reveal that there is much more to this than just disorder. A child having autism is as important as normal child in this society. Media should do their part as they have access all over the map which can not only ease parent's problem but provide improved future to the autistic child. One thing has been examined in this whole report that parents play the most important role especially mothers, They have to be more aware of their child's nurturing. Some very important points have been highlighted in this report chiefly on child's growth. Mothers should very closely observe their kids development, go through online article and doctors to know a child's step by step growing at that certain age. If in case, the child is lacking behind, trust you instinct and immediately show a doctor, be medically aware what tests have been done on your child, never wait for the right time to come, if you are doubtful, do approach a medical center concerning with Autism so as to be assure. Most importantly, be aware of such centers and medical organizations so that you do not face delay. Lastly, a second opinion is always a must. Rest is on God. References 13
  • 14. Fatma Al Rahma H00159050 Mitchell, Kevin ( February 4, 2012). Autism Spectrum — Tony Humphreys, Clinical Psychologist, Blames the Parents. retrieved March 19, 2012, from Bock The Robber Web Site: humphreys-clinical-psychologist-blames-the-parents/ Adams, Terica E ( February 4, 2012). Welcome to Autism Exposed! . retrieved March 19, 2012, from Welcome to Autism Exposed! Web Site: Victoria, Autism Autistic Citizens Residential & Resources Society of Victoria Inc.. (n.d) retrieved March 19, 2012, from Autistic Citizens Residential & Resources Society of Victoria Inc. Web Site: Dryden, Roxanne Autism. (n.d) retrieved March 20, 2012, from emedicinehealth Web Site: %20and%20Tests Health Guide. (March 20, 2012). retrieved March 20, 2012, from New York Times Web Site: 14