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             Grow Your
          Business with
                  B Y K AY C O R RY A U B R E Y
                                                VIRTUAL TEAMS
                  Usability Resources Inc. • Bedford, MA •

                                                        has become so common that we scarcely notice anymore: com-
                                                        puters, inexpensive telephone service and the internet allow
                                                        many of us solo professionals to run complex full-service qual-
                   Virtual teams                 itative research operations out of our home offices. We partner ad hoc
                                                 with others whose expertise complements our own, and we stay in
                 are a good way                  touch largely via electronic communications. This kind of “virtual”
              for you to take on                 work arrangement is, for many of us, just the way we do business.
                                                 And for good reason: this model offers small businesses unique oppor-
               bigger projects,                  tunities for growth with very low investment.
                                                    This article covers practical tips and best practices on how to create
              reach out into new                 thriving virtual teams. I am focusing on the type of ad hoc groups
              markets and offer                  most of us work within — small teams (no more than five people) of
                                                 equals who know one another and come to work together on a project
              outstanding value                  basis. I gathered the advice below from interviews with 14 people
                 to your clients.                from my LinkedIn network who have extensive experience in either
                                                 leading or taking part in virtual teams. Several are QRCA members;
                                                 others are consultants from other industries, high-level managers and
                                                 virtual company owners.

                                                 Working Virtually Offers
                                                 Compelling Advantages
                                                 Working virtually offers so many advantages — companionship (albeit
                                                 mostly by electronic means), low overhead and access to a large pool
                                                 of people with very specific skills that you can match to the needs of
                                                 a particular project. As Susan Saurage of Saurage Research remarks,
                                                 “You get a better mix of talent, and the client expects it. I dip into my
                                                 network of 18 people with specific talents on whom I can rely — qual,
                                                 quant, web evaluation, segmentation strategy — and people who have
                                                 these skills, plus who know my industries. I want to draw on the right

56   QRCA VIEWS    SUMMER 2010
people when I need them, but I do              Susan Abbott of Abbott Research           they are really good at,” she says.
not need them 40 hours a week.             agrees that human relationships               “Sometimes we build goodwill by
QRCA has been wonderful in help-           trump everything else when it comes           mentoring: you back me up, and I
ing me find the right people.”             to choosing virtual teammates. “I             will share with you what I know
   If you are a solo practitioner, being   have to like and trust the person,”           about online research.”
part of a network of people with           she states. “If I can’t find people I            Small teams work best, and ideally
whom you have good working rela-           like, I don’t bid. You need to find           people should already know each
tionships allows you to expand your        partners who share your values, and           other before they start working as a
operation when a really big project        it is really important to talk about          virtual team. To minimize coordi-
presents itself. Lisa Figlioli, a solo     these values upfront.”                        nation headaches, each person on
public relations consultant in Cos                                                       your virtual team needs a unique
Cob, Conn., scales her business up         Use Your Moderator Skills                     and clearly defined role, as well as
as needed by tapping into a network                                                      a set of deliverables for which to
of colleagues she has worked with
                                           to Find Good Partners and                     be responsible.
for over a dozen years. “It’s all very     Run Well-Oiled Teams                             Even on a team of equals, you
loose,” she says. “We are all sole         Finding the right business partner            need a leader. This person is usually
proprietors, mirror images of each         is like a research project. Look for          the one who closed the project sale
other. When an opportunity comes           highly experienced people with                and assembled the group. The team
my way, I get a sense of what the          distinct skills who can function              leader is responsible for coordina-
project might be, I choose my people,      independently. Liz Van Patten                 tion and serves as client interface
and we pitch together as though            recommends that you “write down               and traffic cop. The virtual team
they work for my company.”                 the things you are concerned                  leader must have the people skills to
                                           about, what matters to you, and               ensure that high-quality work gets
The Cornerstone of a Virtual               use these questions to guide your             done on time without coming across
                                           initial conversation.”                        as a micromanager. Tasks and deliv-
Team Is Picking People You                    Once you have chosen your team-            erables need to be broken into small
Like and Trust                             mates, spend time learning about one          enough chunks, and the leader needs
It takes effort to set up a virtual team   another and building the relation-            to hold someone responsible for each
that can present itself as a cohesive      ship, maybe by working together               one. The leader also needs to keep in
unit. According to Dr. Aline Yurik,        on a smaller project. Susan Abbott’s          continuous contact, perhaps by talk-
who founded the master’s program           approach is also very much relation-          ing with each person on the team
in virtual team management and             ship-driven. “I want to know the              every day to ask how things are
communications at Brandeis Univer-         type of work they enjoy and what              going. The leader serves as the “glue”
sity, trust is a key factor in determin-
ing team success. “People on virtual
teams can work together for years
and never see each other, yet they
have forged deep and trusting rela-            TOP 10 TRICKS FOR SUCCESSFUL VIRTUAL TEAMS
tionships,” she says. “In any work
situation, we develop trust when we             1. Pick teammates you know, trust and like and who are committed
find similarities between ourselves                to the success of your project.
and others, by doing things together,           2. Select highly seasoned people who can work independently and
by being responsive, by completing                 deliver quality work without being prodded.
tasks on time.”                                 3. Do a test run with a new potential partner by working together on
    Many partnerships last for years,              a smaller project.
like marriages. Liz Van Patten of Van           4. As you compose your virtual team, each person should have a
Patten Research notes that it took                 clearly defined role, to avoid coordination headaches. Some overlap
time for her to find the people who                is good so that you can fill in as needed.
were right for her. “Choosing busi-             5. Break larger deliverables down into smaller chunks, and check in
ness partners is a lot like picking                with team members regularly to make sure they are on track.
your friends,” she comments. “It’s              6. Get everyone to sign off on “rules of the road” that define how
like gold when you find someone you                your team will communicate with each other.
work well with; everything flows so             7. Hold weekly check-in meetings with your team.
smoothly. I like to get to know the             8. Detect conflict early and deal with it.
person on a trial basis, shoulder to            9. Try to meet in person with your client and team at least once during
shoulder, to gain some history and                 a project.
see if we understand each other’s              10. Practice your presentation (including technology) before giving it
personal style. I need to know if I                to your client.
can work with them.”

                                                                           Q U A L I TAT I V E R E S E A R C H C O N S U LTA N T S A S S O C I AT I O N   57
Grow Your Business with Virtual Teams C O N T I N U E D

     for the team: keeping everyone on             owner of Life Meets Work, a com-          Technology…
     track, establishing norms and guid-           pany that trains organizations in         You Need More than Email
     ing interactions.                             how to transition workers to virtual      My interviewees describe a range of
        Deliverables should flow through           environments. Kyra recommends vir-        inexpensive or free tools as “indis-
     the team leader for review before             tual team members sign off on a set       pensable” for virtual teams: WebEx,
     they are sent out to the client. Susan        of “rules of engagement” that for-        Google Docs, Doodle, BaseCamp
     Abbott remarks, “As the project               malize how the team communicates.         and Tom’s Planner. Virtual teams
     leader, I always tell people what I              For instance, everyone might agree     need internet-based project-tracking
     need, when I need it and in what              that after two emails on a particular     technologies such as “to do” lists,
     format. I always build time into the          subject, the parties need to pick up      a team calendar, contacts, milestones
     schedule to fix anything I do not like        the phone. Another rule might be          and customer notes. Teammates
     before sending the deliverable to the         that the subject lines of all team        should be able to log into this system
     client; for instance, I’ll set a Tuesday      emails have a set format: “Review:        at any time to see what others are
     deadline for a Friday deliverable.”           proposal xyz.” These little things go     working on, what progress they are
        The more-established virtual teams         a long way toward saving everyone’s       making, what they are talking about
     follow style guides and templates.            time, minimizing conflict and facil-      and what help they need. Online
     At the outset of a project, the team          itating clear communication.              project-tracking systems also cut
     should also insist on getting clear                                                     down on email.
     requirements from the client, as well                                                      On the other hand, some teams
     as a statement of work and a formal
                                                   Detect Conflict Early, and
                                                   Deal with It Immediately                  thrive with limited technology. Anne
     change-control process. And as in                                                       Tobin’s human resources company,
     any project, you need to manage               It is crucial for virtual teams to
                                                   have an early warning system to           Tobin Connex, is totally virtual. She
     client expectations aggressively.                                                       stays in continuous contact with her
                                                   detect and address conflict. Pay close
                                                   attention to changes in writing tone,     consultants and clients via the phone
     Maintaining Open                                                                        and face-to-face communication.
                                                   communication patterns and other
     Communication and Group                       behavior to detect conflict and emo-      “My business is all about relation-
     Cohesion Takes Time                           tion. Changes in behavior — a mem-        ships and proving your value,” she
     Even small teams need infrastructure          ber stops responding to IMs or            says. “I need to make sure I have up-
     to operate smoothly. Rituals help. For        emails, shows up late for meetings        to-date information on my clients so
     example, you might have a weekly              or starts sending in flat single-page     I can do the HR work they require.
     phone huddle to touch base. It is             status reports instead of lively three-   Managing a virtual team requires a
     always a good practice for everyone           page memos — may signal trouble.          lot of follow-up on my part. I regu-
     to contribute to a weekly status              Aline Yurik advises, “Notice any          larly attend customer staff meetings.
     report that is sent to the client. The        changes in behavior or attitude. You      I am able to keep a lot of balls in
     process of pulling together a status          need to bring conflict to light, even     the air.”
     report allows team members to reg-            more so on a virtual team because
     ularly evaluate their performance,            people don’t see each other.”             Your Rolodex Is Your Gold
     measure their progress against the               When you suspect problems, call        It is difficult to have a virtual busi-
     schedule and clear up conflict and            the person and hear him out. Identify     ness without many contacts, both
     misunderstanding.                             the people involved and engage in a       vendors and partners. You need to
        In the physical work environment,          positive open-minded talk with each       be established in your field. Paige
     we spend a lot of time understanding          party. Tell them you are sensing ten-     Arnoff-Fenn’s virtual marketing
     and interpreting the social envi-             sion and invite them talk about their     firm, Mavens & Moguls, has been
     ronment and norms of the people               concerns. Once you understand these       featured in two Harvard Business
     around us. In a virtual environment,          and have discussed possible solu-         Review case studies. Paige also feels
     “you need to put all of this on               tions, arrange a meeting to resolve       she is essentially in the “relation-
     paper,” advises Kyra Cavanaugh,               the conflict.                             ship business.” She spends most
                                                                                             of her time traveling to meet with
                                                                                             customers, networking and gen-
                                                                                             erating more leads and business.
                                                                                             “Once you have a seat at the table
       Changes in behavior — a member stops                                                  and have their trust, you see all
       responding to IMs or emails, shows up                                                 your customer’s problems,” she
                                                                                             points out, “and this opens up even
       late for meetings or starts sending in flat                                           more opportunities. In today’s
       single-page status reports instead of lively                                          climate, your real asset is your
                                                                                             Rolodex, your relationships; this
       three-page memos — may signal trouble.                                                is the gold.”

58   QRCA VIEWS       SUMMER 2010
Virtual teams
  should meet before
  a presentation —
  to transfer knowledge,
  get their messaging
  aligned and practice.

Virtual Client Management
How do you make sure your virtual client
relationships work well? Some virtual
teams get into trouble because they fail
to make clear to the client the team’s chain
of command or to explain each member’s
role. Bonnie Cooper oversees complex
projects for the Massachusetts Medical
Society. Her first piece of advice to virtual
teams is to make sure your client under-
stands how your team is organized. Bonnie
recommends that you tell them, “‘Here’s
who we are, here’s how we operate, here
is our escalation path, and this individual
is responsible for your project.’ You need
to give them a context.” All communica-
tion should flow through the designated
team leader, who should also have the
ability to triage client needs and get a
quick response to them.
   A lack of business systems can be
another area of weakness for virtual teams.
“So often, I need to spend time learning a
vendor’s systems, which is time-consuming
and frustrating,” Bonnie says. The virtual
team should have business systems that
allow them to track their work, know
where things are and get a quick and
accurate status of where things stand
against the Statement of Work.
   Presentations can be another area of
challenge for virtual teams, especially if
members are working independently and
do not check in with one another in their
analysis and reporting. Bonnie works with
vendors who have lots of virtual team mem-
bers (both employees and consultants),
and they don’t all take time to be sure
that everyone is on the same page. “You
can tell quickly when the team has not
Grow Your Business with Virtual Teams C O N T I N U E D

     prepared as a group,” she says.              interface designer, there is always a      don’t have the chance to pick up on
     “They stumble, they disagree, hand-          risk that things will get lost in trans-   the nonverbal communication going
     offs are not smooth, and they do not         lation when she works virtually with       on in the other end. You don’t see
     seem to be paying attention in a vir-        people who do not understand her           people’s facial expressions (who
     tual way. Teams need time to delib-          expertise. To prevent this, when start-    looks discouraged, who is making
     erate so they have a unified voice.”         ing up with a new client, she and her      eye contact). “Sometimes this is just
        Virtual teams should meet before          team schedule a kickoff meeting            unavoidable,” she says. “I have
     a presentation — to transfer knowl-          where they walk through a full-            clients whom I have never met, and
     edge, get their messaging aligned            blown design exercise. The meeting         it has been fine. But they have a
     and practice. Particularly in the            gives everyone a chance to get to          sophisticated sense of visual design
     realm of presentations, “the virtual         know one another. This initial meet-       and the design process, and they
     element exacerbates any issues,”             ing also provides an opportunity for       shield me from the internal politics
     Bonnie says. As they practice, the           “group therapy,” where clients can         of the work we are doing.”
     team should also test the technologies       voice frustration with their product’s        Using virtual teams to build your
     they plan to use. On the day of the          appearance and usability.                  business will not be without chal-
     meeting, it is a good idea to convene           There is such a thing as being too      lenges. But it represents a good way
     at least a half an hour before the           virtual. When she can, Debbie likes        for you to take on bigger projects,
     actual meeting to make sure every-           to be physically present at key points     reach out into new markets and give
     thing is set up and working; even a          in a project, such as initial design       outstanding value to your clients.
     bad phone connection will throw              reviews. “The worst thing is to be            For summaries of all the inter-
     everything off.                              talking about visual issues remotely,      views I conducted on virtual teams,
        Another area of challenge is stay-        and you have no idea what they see         please visit www.virtual-team-
     ing in tune with the client’s mindset.       on their end, for example with color
     To Debbie Falck, a graphic and user-         shifts,” she comments. Further, you

60   QRCA VIEWS      SUMMER 2010

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Virtual Team Success

  • 2. • BUSINESS MATTERS • Grow Your Business with B Y K AY C O R RY A U B R E Y VIRTUAL TEAMS Usability Resources Inc. • Bedford, MA • It has become so common that we scarcely notice anymore: com- puters, inexpensive telephone service and the internet allow many of us solo professionals to run complex full-service qual- Virtual teams itative research operations out of our home offices. We partner ad hoc with others whose expertise complements our own, and we stay in are a good way touch largely via electronic communications. This kind of “virtual” for you to take on work arrangement is, for many of us, just the way we do business. And for good reason: this model offers small businesses unique oppor- bigger projects, tunities for growth with very low investment. This article covers practical tips and best practices on how to create reach out into new thriving virtual teams. I am focusing on the type of ad hoc groups markets and offer most of us work within — small teams (no more than five people) of equals who know one another and come to work together on a project outstanding value basis. I gathered the advice below from interviews with 14 people to your clients. from my LinkedIn network who have extensive experience in either leading or taking part in virtual teams. Several are QRCA members; others are consultants from other industries, high-level managers and virtual company owners. Working Virtually Offers Compelling Advantages Working virtually offers so many advantages — companionship (albeit mostly by electronic means), low overhead and access to a large pool of people with very specific skills that you can match to the needs of a particular project. As Susan Saurage of Saurage Research remarks, “You get a better mix of talent, and the client expects it. I dip into my network of 18 people with specific talents on whom I can rely — qual, quant, web evaluation, segmentation strategy — and people who have these skills, plus who know my industries. I want to draw on the right 56 QRCA VIEWS SUMMER 2010
  • 3. people when I need them, but I do Susan Abbott of Abbott Research they are really good at,” she says. not need them 40 hours a week. agrees that human relationships “Sometimes we build goodwill by QRCA has been wonderful in help- trump everything else when it comes mentoring: you back me up, and I ing me find the right people.” to choosing virtual teammates. “I will share with you what I know If you are a solo practitioner, being have to like and trust the person,” about online research.” part of a network of people with she states. “If I can’t find people I Small teams work best, and ideally whom you have good working rela- like, I don’t bid. You need to find people should already know each tionships allows you to expand your partners who share your values, and other before they start working as a operation when a really big project it is really important to talk about virtual team. To minimize coordi- presents itself. Lisa Figlioli, a solo these values upfront.” nation headaches, each person on public relations consultant in Cos your virtual team needs a unique Cob, Conn., scales her business up Use Your Moderator Skills and clearly defined role, as well as as needed by tapping into a network a set of deliverables for which to of colleagues she has worked with to Find Good Partners and be responsible. for over a dozen years. “It’s all very Run Well-Oiled Teams Even on a team of equals, you loose,” she says. “We are all sole Finding the right business partner need a leader. This person is usually proprietors, mirror images of each is like a research project. Look for the one who closed the project sale other. When an opportunity comes highly experienced people with and assembled the group. The team my way, I get a sense of what the distinct skills who can function leader is responsible for coordina- project might be, I choose my people, independently. Liz Van Patten tion and serves as client interface and we pitch together as though recommends that you “write down and traffic cop. The virtual team they work for my company.” the things you are concerned leader must have the people skills to about, what matters to you, and ensure that high-quality work gets The Cornerstone of a Virtual use these questions to guide your done on time without coming across initial conversation.” as a micromanager. Tasks and deliv- Team Is Picking People You Once you have chosen your team- erables need to be broken into small Like and Trust mates, spend time learning about one enough chunks, and the leader needs It takes effort to set up a virtual team another and building the relation- to hold someone responsible for each that can present itself as a cohesive ship, maybe by working together one. The leader also needs to keep in unit. According to Dr. Aline Yurik, on a smaller project. Susan Abbott’s continuous contact, perhaps by talk- who founded the master’s program approach is also very much relation- ing with each person on the team in virtual team management and ship-driven. “I want to know the every day to ask how things are communications at Brandeis Univer- type of work they enjoy and what going. The leader serves as the “glue” sity, trust is a key factor in determin- ing team success. “People on virtual teams can work together for years and never see each other, yet they have forged deep and trusting rela- TOP 10 TRICKS FOR SUCCESSFUL VIRTUAL TEAMS tionships,” she says. “In any work situation, we develop trust when we 1. Pick teammates you know, trust and like and who are committed find similarities between ourselves to the success of your project. and others, by doing things together, 2. Select highly seasoned people who can work independently and by being responsive, by completing deliver quality work without being prodded. tasks on time.” 3. Do a test run with a new potential partner by working together on Many partnerships last for years, a smaller project. like marriages. Liz Van Patten of Van 4. As you compose your virtual team, each person should have a Patten Research notes that it took clearly defined role, to avoid coordination headaches. Some overlap time for her to find the people who is good so that you can fill in as needed. were right for her. “Choosing busi- 5. Break larger deliverables down into smaller chunks, and check in ness partners is a lot like picking with team members regularly to make sure they are on track. your friends,” she comments. “It’s 6. Get everyone to sign off on “rules of the road” that define how like gold when you find someone you your team will communicate with each other. work well with; everything flows so 7. Hold weekly check-in meetings with your team. smoothly. I like to get to know the 8. Detect conflict early and deal with it. person on a trial basis, shoulder to 9. Try to meet in person with your client and team at least once during shoulder, to gain some history and a project. see if we understand each other’s 10. Practice your presentation (including technology) before giving it personal style. I need to know if I to your client. can work with them.” Q U A L I TAT I V E R E S E A R C H C O N S U LTA N T S A S S O C I AT I O N 57
  • 4. Grow Your Business with Virtual Teams C O N T I N U E D for the team: keeping everyone on owner of Life Meets Work, a com- Technology… track, establishing norms and guid- pany that trains organizations in You Need More than Email ing interactions. how to transition workers to virtual My interviewees describe a range of Deliverables should flow through environments. Kyra recommends vir- inexpensive or free tools as “indis- the team leader for review before tual team members sign off on a set pensable” for virtual teams: WebEx, they are sent out to the client. Susan of “rules of engagement” that for- Google Docs, Doodle, BaseCamp Abbott remarks, “As the project malize how the team communicates. and Tom’s Planner. Virtual teams leader, I always tell people what I For instance, everyone might agree need internet-based project-tracking need, when I need it and in what that after two emails on a particular technologies such as “to do” lists, format. I always build time into the subject, the parties need to pick up a team calendar, contacts, milestones schedule to fix anything I do not like the phone. Another rule might be and customer notes. Teammates before sending the deliverable to the that the subject lines of all team should be able to log into this system client; for instance, I’ll set a Tuesday emails have a set format: “Review: at any time to see what others are deadline for a Friday deliverable.” proposal xyz.” These little things go working on, what progress they are The more-established virtual teams a long way toward saving everyone’s making, what they are talking about follow style guides and templates. time, minimizing conflict and facil- and what help they need. Online At the outset of a project, the team itating clear communication. project-tracking systems also cut should also insist on getting clear down on email. requirements from the client, as well On the other hand, some teams as a statement of work and a formal Detect Conflict Early, and Deal with It Immediately thrive with limited technology. Anne change-control process. And as in Tobin’s human resources company, any project, you need to manage It is crucial for virtual teams to have an early warning system to Tobin Connex, is totally virtual. She client expectations aggressively. stays in continuous contact with her detect and address conflict. Pay close attention to changes in writing tone, consultants and clients via the phone Maintaining Open and face-to-face communication. communication patterns and other Communication and Group behavior to detect conflict and emo- “My business is all about relation- Cohesion Takes Time tion. Changes in behavior — a mem- ships and proving your value,” she Even small teams need infrastructure ber stops responding to IMs or says. “I need to make sure I have up- to operate smoothly. Rituals help. For emails, shows up late for meetings to-date information on my clients so example, you might have a weekly or starts sending in flat single-page I can do the HR work they require. phone huddle to touch base. It is status reports instead of lively three- Managing a virtual team requires a always a good practice for everyone page memos — may signal trouble. lot of follow-up on my part. I regu- to contribute to a weekly status Aline Yurik advises, “Notice any larly attend customer staff meetings. report that is sent to the client. The changes in behavior or attitude. You I am able to keep a lot of balls in process of pulling together a status need to bring conflict to light, even the air.” report allows team members to reg- more so on a virtual team because ularly evaluate their performance, people don’t see each other.” Your Rolodex Is Your Gold measure their progress against the When you suspect problems, call It is difficult to have a virtual busi- schedule and clear up conflict and the person and hear him out. Identify ness without many contacts, both misunderstanding. the people involved and engage in a vendors and partners. You need to In the physical work environment, positive open-minded talk with each be established in your field. Paige we spend a lot of time understanding party. Tell them you are sensing ten- Arnoff-Fenn’s virtual marketing and interpreting the social envi- sion and invite them talk about their firm, Mavens & Moguls, has been ronment and norms of the people concerns. Once you understand these featured in two Harvard Business around us. In a virtual environment, and have discussed possible solu- Review case studies. Paige also feels “you need to put all of this on tions, arrange a meeting to resolve she is essentially in the “relation- paper,” advises Kyra Cavanaugh, the conflict. ship business.” She spends most of her time traveling to meet with customers, networking and gen- erating more leads and business. “Once you have a seat at the table Changes in behavior — a member stops and have their trust, you see all responding to IMs or emails, shows up your customer’s problems,” she points out, “and this opens up even late for meetings or starts sending in flat more opportunities. In today’s single-page status reports instead of lively climate, your real asset is your Rolodex, your relationships; this three-page memos — may signal trouble. is the gold.” 58 QRCA VIEWS SUMMER 2010
  • 5. Virtual teams should meet before a presentation — to transfer knowledge, get their messaging aligned and practice. Virtual Client Management How do you make sure your virtual client relationships work well? Some virtual teams get into trouble because they fail to make clear to the client the team’s chain of command or to explain each member’s role. Bonnie Cooper oversees complex projects for the Massachusetts Medical Society. Her first piece of advice to virtual teams is to make sure your client under- stands how your team is organized. Bonnie recommends that you tell them, “‘Here’s who we are, here’s how we operate, here is our escalation path, and this individual is responsible for your project.’ You need to give them a context.” All communica- tion should flow through the designated team leader, who should also have the ability to triage client needs and get a quick response to them. A lack of business systems can be another area of weakness for virtual teams. “So often, I need to spend time learning a vendor’s systems, which is time-consuming and frustrating,” Bonnie says. The virtual team should have business systems that allow them to track their work, know where things are and get a quick and accurate status of where things stand against the Statement of Work. Presentations can be another area of challenge for virtual teams, especially if members are working independently and do not check in with one another in their analysis and reporting. Bonnie works with vendors who have lots of virtual team mem- bers (both employees and consultants), and they don’t all take time to be sure that everyone is on the same page. “You can tell quickly when the team has not
  • 6. Grow Your Business with Virtual Teams C O N T I N U E D prepared as a group,” she says. interface designer, there is always a don’t have the chance to pick up on “They stumble, they disagree, hand- risk that things will get lost in trans- the nonverbal communication going offs are not smooth, and they do not lation when she works virtually with on in the other end. You don’t see seem to be paying attention in a vir- people who do not understand her people’s facial expressions (who tual way. Teams need time to delib- expertise. To prevent this, when start- looks discouraged, who is making erate so they have a unified voice.” ing up with a new client, she and her eye contact). “Sometimes this is just Virtual teams should meet before team schedule a kickoff meeting unavoidable,” she says. “I have a presentation — to transfer knowl- where they walk through a full- clients whom I have never met, and edge, get their messaging aligned blown design exercise. The meeting it has been fine. But they have a and practice. Particularly in the gives everyone a chance to get to sophisticated sense of visual design realm of presentations, “the virtual know one another. This initial meet- and the design process, and they element exacerbates any issues,” ing also provides an opportunity for shield me from the internal politics Bonnie says. As they practice, the “group therapy,” where clients can of the work we are doing.” team should also test the technologies voice frustration with their product’s Using virtual teams to build your they plan to use. On the day of the appearance and usability. business will not be without chal- meeting, it is a good idea to convene There is such a thing as being too lenges. But it represents a good way at least a half an hour before the virtual. When she can, Debbie likes for you to take on bigger projects, actual meeting to make sure every- to be physically present at key points reach out into new markets and give thing is set up and working; even a in a project, such as initial design outstanding value to your clients. bad phone connection will throw reviews. “The worst thing is to be For summaries of all the inter- everything off. talking about visual issues remotely, views I conducted on virtual teams, Another area of challenge is stay- and you have no idea what they see please visit www.virtual-team- ing in tune with the client’s mindset. on their end, for example with color To Debbie Falck, a graphic and user- shifts,” she comments. Further, you 60 QRCA VIEWS SUMMER 2010