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Dr. Dhanesh kumar
An ASD is a hole of variable size in
the atrial septum.
 Galen - foramen ovale and normal postnatal closure
 Leonardo Da Vinci- Described ASD in
human autopsy
 Murray(1948) - external suturing
 Charles Bailey - atrioseptopexy
 Tyge sondergard – purse string external
 Gross(1950) - atrial – well technique
Lewis and Taufic(1953) -inflow – occlusion
technique with surface cooling and
circulatory arrest
1st successful open heart ASD closure
 Gibbon(1953) - first time used
CPB to close ASD
 Mills and King -Device closure of
(1974) ASD
 Embryologically, the septum primum
separates the two atria first, moving inferiorly
toward the endocardial cushions.
 The ventricular septum forms by moving
upward from the ventricles to the endocardial
cushions at the same time.
 If the atrial septum does not make it all the
way, the residual defect in the septum
primum (ostium primum) results in the
primum ASD.
•If the septum primum makes it all the
way, a hole or holes (fenestrations) form
in the middle of the septum (forming the
ostium secundum).
• A second septum then moves down the
right side of the first and normally covers
the ostium secundum hole.
• If it does not cover the hole, a
secundum ASD is present.
The septum secundum normally
completely covers the right side of the atrial
septum except for an ovale hole in it (the
foramen ovale). If the septae do not fuse, a
patent path from the RA to the LA persists
(the patent foramen ovale PFO).
The most common form of ASD (80%
of cases) is persistence of the ostium
secundum in the mid septum; less
commonly, the ostium primum (which is
low in the septum) persists
Development of inter atrial septum
 Results either from shortening of the valve of the
foramem ovale,excessive resorption of the septum
primum or deficient growth of septum secundum
 Mc type
 50-70% of all ASD
 APVC is present in 10% case
 Female to male ratio – 2 : 1
 Located in the region of fossa ovalis bounded by
limbus anteriorly, superiorly, and posteriorly
 30% of all ASD
Ostium Primum
 Next most common type
 Located in the lower portion of
the atrial septum.
 Will often have a mitral valve
defect associated with it called a
mitral valve cleft.
 A mitral valve cleft is a slit-like or
elongated hole usually involves
the anterior leaflet of the mitral
Sinus Venosus
 Least common type of ASD
 Located in the upper portion of the
atrial septum.
 Association with an abnormal
pulmonary vein connection
 Four pulmonary veins, two from the
right lung and two from the left lung,
normally return red blood to the left
 Usually with a sinus venosus ASD, a
pulmonary vein from the right lung
will be abnormally connected to the
right atrium instead of the left
 This is called an anomalous
pulmonary vein.
 ..asd-veno.jpg
 Part of unroofed coronary sinus syndrome
 Uncommon
 Opening in the wall of distal end of coronary sinus or
unroofing caused by absence of the partition b/w the
coronary sinus and lt atrium.
 Accompanied by a left SVC
 A confluence of two defects
 Fossa ovalis defect with absence of posterior
 Fossa ovalis and coronary ASD
Redundancy of the valve of the
foramen ovale can result in an atrial
septal aneurysm.
 Respiratory excursion greater then 10
mm.ASA 2-4 % normal population and
70% of cases are associated with a PFO.
Patent foramen ovale
 Remnant of fetal circulation
 Beneath superior limbus, between it and floor of fossa
 Behaves like flap valve
 Failure of septum primum and septum secundum
to fuse
 1. valve competent “ probe patent “ PFO
2.valvular incompetence with or without an
aneurysm of septum primum component
 Incidence at birth (full – term ) - 60%
 Incidence in normal adult heart - 25% - 30%
 Paradoxical emboli
 Partial anomalous pulmonary venous connection exist
when one or more but not all pulmonary vein connect
anomalously to the rt atrium.
 Total anomalous pulmonary venous connection
applies when all four pulmonary vein connect
anomalously to the rt atrium either directly or
 10-15% OS ASD are associated with partial anomalous
 80-90% SVC sinus venous defect are associated with
anomalous connection of rt sup pulmonary vein to rt
atrium or SVC.
 Approximately 90% of PAPVC join the rt upper and
middle lobe pulmonary vein to the rt atrium and SVC.
 Anomalous connection of lt pulmonary vein is far less
prevalent (about 10% ) as anomalous connection of rt
pulmonary vein.
 b/l partial anomalous pulmonary venous connection
 A. rt pulmonary vein
drain into SVC with
sinus venosus ASD
 B . rt inferior pulmonary
vein drain in to IVC
 pulmonary vein
drain into lt innominate
 D . Lt pulmonary vein
drain into coronary sinus
The scimitar syndrome
 Described by Chassinat in 1836
 Rare anomaly
 Characterized by connection of all of the rt pulmonary
vein to inferior vena cava and usually by hypoplasia of
the ipsilateral lung and pulmonary artery.
 X ray shadow that resembles the shape of Turkish
sword .
 Rarely involve lt side.
 Lower portion of rt lung perfused by
systematic artery from abdominal aorta.
Associated anomalies
 aortic coarctation
 left sided superior vena cava.
 A –rt pulmonary vein
converge to form a
vascular trunk that drain
in to inferior vena cava
 B – levophase following
injection of contrast
material into pulmonary
trunk shows the
common pulmonary
venous channel
 C- Turkish sword
ASD: Associated cardiac anomalies
 ASD must for survival in TGA, TAPVC, and Tricuspid
 VSD-18%
 PS -31%
 AS
 MS 29%
 LSVC - 5%
 Lutembacher’s syndrome
 Cleft AML
 Mitral valve prolapse
Cardiac chambers in ASD
 RT atrium enlarged and thick walled.
RV diastolic size increased.
 Normal RV diastolic dimension are b/w .6 and 1.4 cm/
m2. in pt with atrial level large lt to rt shunts average
2.66cm/m2 ,may be large as 4 cm/m2.
 Cardiac apex often formed by the RV.
 LV normal or slightly decrease in size .
Mitral valve and ASD
 Mitral valve abnormalities consist of thickening and
fibrosis of leaflets and chordae tendinae attributed to
traumatic cusp movement resulting from left
ventricular deformity.
 Mitral prolapse
- prevalence of prolapse is about 20%. Increasing with
age and magnitude of pulmonary to systematic blood
flow ratio (Qp/Qs)
- Schreiber and colleagues have clarified a previously
confused subject by relating mitral valve prolapse to
abnormalities of LV shape in pt with ASD .
 Mitral regurgitation
-prevalence of severe mitral regurgitation 2-
 Cleft mitral leaflets
-cleft anterior and posterior leaflets that
cause mitral regurgitation are reported to
occurs occasionally.
Lung and pulmonary vasculature
 Pulmonary artery dilated which tend to compress the
smaller airway which result retention of secretion and
 Hypertensive pulmonary vascular disease develops
infrequently in pt with ASD , usually not until the
third or forth decade of life.
 This contrast sharply with VSD ,complete AV septal
defect and PDA in which pulmonary vascular disease
may be present early in life.
 In ASD ,pulmonary vascular disease is caused mainly
by secondary thrombus in the dilated pulmonary
artery branches , with changes in the intima and
media of vessels usually playing minor role.
 ASD with pulmonary HTN are relatively common in
pt born at high altitude.
Clinical feature and diagnostic
 The female to male ratio 2:1 in pt with an os secundum
ASD while sinus venosus ASD have sex ratio that are
approximately equal.
 OS ASD Some time familial
 Holt- Oram syndrome -AD
 ASD may be go unrecognized for decades b/a
symptoms are mild or absent and physical signs are
 An important exception is the symptomatic infant
with an OS ASD in whom congestive heart failure may
be followed by spontaneous closure.
 ASD occurs as an isolated anomaly in 5-10% of all
congenital heart defect.
 Dyspnea and fatigue are the earliest symptoms of an
 Orthopnea
 Platypnea –orthodeoxia rare syndrome
 Recurrent lower respiratory tract infection
 Older patient deteriorate chiefly on three counts-
1- A decrease lt ventricular destensibility associated with
aging , IHD , systematic HTN or acquired calcific
aortic stenosis augment the lt to rt shunt
2-Age related increase in prevalence paroxysmal atrial
tachycardia , atrial fibrillation and atrial flutter
precipitate congestive heart failure.
3- Mild to moderate pulmonary HTN in older adult
occurs in the face of a persistent lt to rt shunt
 Children with ASD may have a delicate gracile habitus
with wt more affected then height. May have lt
Precordial bulge with Harrison's grooves.
 Cyanosis also occurs when a large
Eustachian valve selectively channels
inferior vena caval blood into the left atrium
through an OS ASD or through an inferior
vena caval sinus venosus defect.
Natural history
 0.1% of individuals born with large ASD die in infancy
 Few die in 1st or 2nd decade of life
 5% - 15% die in 3rd decade of life ( PHT, Eisenmenger’s
 Premature late death with CHF occurs in increasing
proportion after 5th decade
 Lifetime risk of mortality 25%
Natural history
Functional status
 Presence and severity of functional limitation increase
with age
 1% with large ASD have symptoms during 1st yr of life
 Most patients asymptomatic through 1st and 2nd decade
, although many are shorter and thin.
 Effort intolerance and easy fatigability develop in 2nd
or 3rd decade.
 CHF common after 40 yr age
 Atrial arrhythmia incidence increase with age -
13% in >40 yr age
52%in 60 yr age
 Mitral incompetence - 2.5% to 10%
 Tricuspid regurgitation - annular
 Bacterial endocarditis - rare
 Paradoxical emboli
Natural history
Pulmonary hypertension
 Occur in 5% - 10% untreated ASD, predominantly
 Occur after 20 yr age
 Higher incidence at high altitude
 Incidence increases with advancing age
Clinical features
 Most infants - asymptomatic
 Older children with moderate LTRS
- asymptomatic
- mild fatigue or
 Children with large LTRS
- fatigue
- dysponea on exertion
- recurrent RTI
- growth retardation
 Adult patients - dysponea on
- palpitation
- fatigue
Clinical features
 Streaming of desaturated IVC blood across ASD,
caused by persistently enlarged Eustachian valve that
baffles blood flow into LA
 Advanced irreversible PHT
Physical examination
 Precordial bulge
 Hyperdynamic cardiac impulse
 Leftward displacement of apex
 Clinical sign diagnostic of a large (Qp/Qs greater then
1.8 to 2.0) shunt at atrial level are as follow-
- Overactive left parasternal systolic lift
- Fixed splitting second heart sound through out the
respiratory cycle
- A soft pulmonary mid systolic flow murmur(in second
and third ICS)
- A mid –diastolic tricuspid flow murmur(in fourth and
fifth ICS
 Right ventricular heave
 A dilated pulsatile pulmonary trunk is palpable in 2nd
Lt intercostal space.
 First heart sound-
- split at lower sternal edge and apex and the tricuspid
component is loud.
 Pulmonary systolic murmur –
- begins immediately after first heart sound
 Wide fixed splitting S2-
-wide splitting-
.prolong RV systole
.prolong hang out interval (decrease impedance)
.delayed electrical activation of RV If associated with RBBB
-Fix splitting –
. The phasic changes in systemic venous return during
respiration are associated with reciprocal changes in the
volume of lt to rt shunt minimizing respiratory variation in
the RV filling ie.
(hangout interval-time interval from the cross over of the
pressure to actual closer)
-increase venous return during inspiration is associated
with no lt to rt shunt through interatrial
-decrease venous return during expiration is associated
with lt to rt shunt through interatrial communication
minimizing the respiratory variation in RV filling.
 Mid – diastolic murmur at tricuspid area
 The loud second
component of split first
heart sound(T1) is
tricuspid and maximum
at lower sternal edge
 A soft pulmonary
systolic murmur in the
2nd ICS lt side followed
by wide fix splitting to
second heart sound
 Sinus node dysfunction and accelerated atrial rhythm
 Atrial fibrillation, atrial flutter and supraventricular
 PR interval prolonged
 The P wave axis with OS ASD is inferior and to the left
with upright P waves in leads II,IIIand Avf. The P wave
axis with superior vena caval sinus venosus ASD is
leftward with inverted P wave in lead II,III,avf and
upright P wave in lead v1.
 rSr or rsR pattern in right Precordial leads
 RVH, RAD .
 Incomplete or complete right bundle branch
block is present in nearly all cases of ASD,
and superior axis deviation is noted in the
AV canal defect, where complete heart block
is often seen as well
The X ray
 Increase pulmonary
vascularity extend
periphery of lung field.
 Pulmonary trunk and its
branch dilated
 Rt atrial enlargement
 Enlarged rt ventricle
occupies the apex and
form acute angle with lt
hemi diaphragm.
M - mode
 Enlargement of RA and RV dimensions
 Paradoxical ventricular septal motion – parasternal
short – axis view
 Mitral valve motion - normal
2 D echocardiography
 Subcostal 4 – chamber
 Echo – free space in
mid – atrial septum
 Echo – free space in
posterosuperior atrial
septum in sinus
venosus ASD
 Dilated coronary sinus
and communication at
level of orifice of
coronary sinus with LA
 2DECHO- sub costal
transducer position
 A ,sinus venosus
defect-defect located
in the posterosuperior
atrial septum,beneath
the orifice of SVC
 B . Secundum ASD –
the defect is located in
middle portion of the
atrial septum
 C . Primum ASD-the
defect is located in the
antero inferior atrial
septum just over the
inflow portion of each
Atrioventricular valve
Pulsed Doppler Echocardiography
 Shunting typically begins in mid – systole
 Velocity and volume of blood progressively decrease
until early diastole
 Early in ventricular systole – transient RTLS
 Determines
Qp : Qs
RV systolic pressure
Pulmonary artery pressure
 Color Doppler Echocardiography demonstrates
 Real time imaging identified a dilated hyperkinetic rt
ventricle with paradoxical motion of the ventricular
septum and vigorous pulsation of pulmonary trunk
and its branch.
Cardiac catheterization
 Catheter course- across mid –
septal portion
 Oxymetry - increase in oxygen saturation
of 10 % or more from svc to RA in one series of blood
samples or increase of 5% in two series of samples
Cardiac catheterization
pressure measurement
 Equal mean pressure in RA and LA
 a and v waves in RA - same magnitude,
appear as M – shaped
 RV systolic pressure slightly increased to 25 to 35 mm
 Pulmonary artery pressure normal to slightly
Cardiac catheterization
 cranially angulated LAO projection - defect in
middle of IAS in secundum ASD,defect at the top in
sinus venosus ASD,defect at bottom in AVSD
 For coronary sinus ASD selective injection into LSVC,
pulmonary vein, or LA shows passage of contrast into
LA, inferiorly to coronary sinus, and then into right
atrium (in absence of increased RA pressure)
Cardiac catheterization- indication
 In infants (b/a possible associated anomalies)
 In many adult (for assessing possible pulmonary HTN
and status of mitral valve)
 In any pt in whom noninvasive test suggest PAPVC
 Pt older then 35-40 years
Spontaneous closure
 In pt with an ASD less then 3 mm in size diagnosed
before 3 month of age , spontaneous closure occurs in
100% of pt at 1 and1/2 yr of age.
 More 80 % in b/w 3 and 8 mm
 In greater then 8 mm – rarely closes spontaneously
 Spontaneous closure of hemodynamically significant
isolated ASD occasionally occurs in 1st year.
 Spontaneous closer uncommon after first year.
Indication of operation
 Elective closer of ASD is generally recommended when
the Qp:Qs is 1.5:1 or greater.
 Ideally performed at the age 2-5 yr.
 An echo diagnosis of a significant defect with rt
ventricular volume overload is common and sufficient
indication to close ASD.
 Irreversible pulmonary HTN
 Pulmonary vascular disease of sufficient severity to
raise PVR 8-12 wood/m2 at rest and prevent its
decrease to less then 7 wood/m2 with a pulmonary
vasodilator is contraindication for surgery.
Trans – catheter Device closure of
Indicated in-
 Os secundum ASD
 5mm or more in diameter (but less then 32 mm)
 A significant Lt to Rt shunt with clinical evidence of rt
ventricular overload( i.e. Qp/Qs 1.5:1 or greater or RV
 There must be enough rim(4mm) of septal tissue
around the defect for appropriate placement of the
Defect unsuitable for device closer
 Failed attempted device closure
 Those without sufficient septal rim to engage the
 Sinus venosus defect for which device closer would
threaten obstruction of pulmonary veins ,IVC and
Trans – catheter devices
 Amplatzer septal occluder – FDA approved
 Helix septal occluder
 Rashkind ASD occluder
 Lock – USCI Clamshell occluder
 Cardioseal device
 Sideris Buttoned device
 ASD occlusion system (ASDOS)
 Das – Angel wings occlusion device
 Trans catheter polyurethane foam patch
Trans – catheter devices
Trans-catheter Approach
 Device is advance through an introducer sheath
 One- half of the device is deployed on left side of atrial
septum, the second half is deployed on the right side
 A “sandwich” is formed over the defect
 6-8 weeks, device as a frame work for scar tissue to
 In children the new tissue formation with continue to
Trans-catheter Approach
Complication of Percutaneous
 8%
 Device malposition or dislocation
 Device embolization
 Arrhythmia
 Atrial or ventricular perforation
 Aorto atrial fistula
 Eustachian valve entrapment
 RA or LA thrombus
 Pericardial effusion
 MR or TR
 Device erosion
 Sudden death
ostium secundum ASD :surgery
 Incision-
-Midline skin incision
- b/l fourth interspace sub mammary skin incision
-Rt anterolateral fifth intercostal space incision
- Small lower sternotomy approach
Surgical management
of ostium secundum ASD
1. Direct closure
2.Patch closure
 Care is exercised to place
suture – non coronary
sinus of aorta
 tricuspid or mitral valve
 the coronary sinus and AV
 IVC and rt lower
pulmonary vein orifice
 rt upper pulmonary vein
and SVC
Surgical management of sinus
venosus malformation
 When pulmonary vein entrance is near the cavoatrial
junction , a simple patch repair can be performed to
channel the pulmonary vein blood across the ASD into
the lt atrium .
 When entrance considerable distance from the
cavoatial junction-double patch technique repair done
 Lateral atriotomy
extending to SVC
 Pericardial patch
encompass the orifice
sinus venosus ASD
 The SVC and rt atrial
junction are augment
with a second pericardial
 V-Y atrioplasty
technique- for enlarging
 When RUPV enters
SVC too high to baffle
 Division and over
sewing of SVC
cephalad to entry of
pulmonary vein
 Intra atrial patch
baffling the entire SVC
orifice to LA
 Re – implantation of
cephalad SVC to RAA
by direct anastomosis
Surgical management of coronary
sinus ASD
 These defect can be divided into with and those with
out LSVC
 Repair of coronary sinus ASD without an LSVC-roofing
 the fossa ovalis incised
to view the left atrium,
the unroof coronary
sinus is shown in its
position medial to four
pulmonary vein.
Pericardial patch is used
to repair
 Repair of coronary sinus ASD with an LSVC-
- when LSVC is small and particularly when there
bridging vein the simplest option is usually to ligate
the LSVC and perform roofing procedure.
- If the LSVC is large intra-atrial baffle technique done.
 The baffle direct
pulmonary venous
drainage to mitral valve
while the left SVC and
coronary sinus drain to rt
Repair of Scimitar syndrome
1. Baffling of the rt pulmonary vein flow through the rt
atrium across a secundum ASD to the lt atrium.
2. Reimplantation of the anomalous pulmonary higher
into rt atrium with baffling across the ASD.
3. Reimplantation of anomalous pulmonary vein into
the lt atrium with closer of ASD
4. Incise the wall of the rt atrium and the rt common
pulmonary vein as they travel in parallel and then sew
the edge together in a side to side anastomosis and
baffled into the lt atrium through ASD.
Repair in presence of increased
pulmonary vascular resistance
 Indicated in high Rpi (greater then 6 u-m2 )
 Using flap valve patch
 The open rt to lt when rt atrial pressure exceed lt atrial
pressure in severe PHT
 Ppa and Rpi decrease late postoperatively the flap
valve will close by cicatrix
 A- flap valve patch
 B. – complex patch
higher rt atrial pressure
open flap leftward
 C- coronal section
Early (hospital) mortality
 Approached zero percent
 Fewer then .5%
 Causes of death - 1.
pulmonary vascular disease
2. old age (neurologic failure, ch.
3. air embolization
4. severe supraventricular arrhythmia
Survival rate
 Repair during first few yrs of life - survival that of
matched general population
 Repair later in childhood or early adult life -survival
very close to that of matched general population
 Repair in older patient - life expectancy improves but
survival is not that of matched general population
Functional status
 Asymptomatic children - no symptoms
before or after operation
 Symptomatic infants - complete
relief of symptoms
 Older symptomatic patients - improvement
in symptoms
Functional status
 Prior to ASD closure, > 60% patients older than 40 yr
NYHA class 3 or 4 After ASD closure, > 80% patients
NYHA class 1 or 2.
 Improvement in exercise physiology but less
pronounced with older age at operation
Hemodynamic Results
 Mean pressure in ascending aorta and mean aortic
flow increase
 Immediate reduction in pulmonary blood flow
 RA pressure decreases; LA pressure increases
 Cardiomegaly on chest x – Ray in asymptomatic
children resolve with in 2 yrs in 65% cases but not
regress to normal size in 27% cases
 In older patients PVR drops negligibly late after
Ventricular function
 Striking decrease in RVEDV
 in 64% children with surgery before 10 yrs of age -
RVEDV return to normal
 In 21% patients with age >25 yrs - RVEDV return to
 In 47% adults with impaired RV function, decreased
RV wall motion and EF - less reduction in RV size and
less improvement in EF
Ventricular function
 LV EF increases normally with maximal exercise
 Preoperative abnormal small LV ED dimensions
increase to normal within 6 months.
Arrhythmic events
 Closure of ASD in children improve AV conduction,
sinus node function, and decrease AVN refractory
 Incidence in children - 23%
 Adult with preoperative AF - postoperative AF
 50% patients with age >40 yrs at surgery develop AF.
thank you.

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Atrial septal defect

  • 2. DEFINITION An ASD is a hole of variable size in the atrial septum.
  • 3. HISTORY  Galen - foramen ovale and normal postnatal closure  Leonardo Da Vinci- Described ASD in human autopsy specimen
  • 4.  Murray(1948) - external suturing  Charles Bailey - atrioseptopexy  Tyge sondergard – purse string external suture  Gross(1950) - atrial – well technique Lewis and Taufic(1953) -inflow – occlusion technique with surface cooling and circulatory arrest 1st successful open heart ASD closure
  • 5.  Gibbon(1953) - first time used CPB to close ASD  Mills and King -Device closure of (1974) ASD
  • 6. EMBRYOLOGY  Embryologically, the septum primum separates the two atria first, moving inferiorly toward the endocardial cushions.  The ventricular septum forms by moving upward from the ventricles to the endocardial cushions at the same time.  If the atrial septum does not make it all the way, the residual defect in the septum primum (ostium primum) results in the primum ASD.
  • 7. •If the septum primum makes it all the way, a hole or holes (fenestrations) form in the middle of the septum (forming the ostium secundum). • A second septum then moves down the right side of the first and normally covers the ostium secundum hole. • If it does not cover the hole, a secundum ASD is present.
  • 8. The septum secundum normally completely covers the right side of the atrial septum except for an ovale hole in it (the foramen ovale). If the septae do not fuse, a patent path from the RA to the LA persists (the patent foramen ovale PFO).
  • 9. The most common form of ASD (80% of cases) is persistence of the ostium secundum in the mid septum; less commonly, the ostium primum (which is low in the septum) persists
  • 10. Development of inter atrial septum
  • 12. ASD
  • 13.
  • 14. OSTIUM SECUNDUM ASD  Results either from shortening of the valve of the foramem ovale,excessive resorption of the septum primum or deficient growth of septum secundum  Mc type  50-70% of all ASD  APVC is present in 10% case  Female to male ratio – 2 : 1
  • 15.  Located in the region of fossa ovalis bounded by limbus anteriorly, superiorly, and posteriorly
  • 17. Ostium Primum  Next most common type  Located in the lower portion of the atrial septum.  Will often have a mitral valve defect associated with it called a mitral valve cleft.  A mitral valve cleft is a slit-like or elongated hole usually involves the anterior leaflet of the mitral valve.
  • 18. Sinus Venosus  Least common type of ASD  Located in the upper portion of the atrial septum.  Association with an abnormal pulmonary vein connection  Four pulmonary veins, two from the right lung and two from the left lung, normally return red blood to the left atrium.  Usually with a sinus venosus ASD, a pulmonary vein from the right lung will be abnormally connected to the right atrium instead of the left atrium.  This is called an anomalous pulmonary vein.  ..asd-veno.jpg
  • 20. CORONARY SINUS DEFECT  Part of unroofed coronary sinus syndrome  Uncommon  Opening in the wall of distal end of coronary sinus or unroofing caused by absence of the partition b/w the coronary sinus and lt atrium.  Accompanied by a left SVC
  • 21.
  • 23. CONFLUENT DEFECT  A confluence of two defects  Fossa ovalis defect with absence of posterior limbus  Fossa ovalis and coronary ASD
  • 24. Redundancy of the valve of the foramen ovale can result in an atrial septal aneurysm.  Respiratory excursion greater then 10 mm.ASA 2-4 % normal population and 70% of cases are associated with a PFO.
  • 25. Patent foramen ovale  Remnant of fetal circulation  Beneath superior limbus, between it and floor of fossa ovalis  Behaves like flap valve
  • 26.  Failure of septum primum and septum secundum to fuse  1. valve competent “ probe patent “ PFO 2.valvular incompetence with or without an aneurysm of septum primum component  Incidence at birth (full – term ) - 60%  Incidence in normal adult heart - 25% - 30%  Paradoxical emboli
  • 27.  Partial anomalous pulmonary venous connection exist when one or more but not all pulmonary vein connect anomalously to the rt atrium.  Total anomalous pulmonary venous connection applies when all four pulmonary vein connect anomalously to the rt atrium either directly or indirectly.  10-15% OS ASD are associated with partial anomalous PVC.
  • 28.  80-90% SVC sinus venous defect are associated with anomalous connection of rt sup pulmonary vein to rt atrium or SVC.  Approximately 90% of PAPVC join the rt upper and middle lobe pulmonary vein to the rt atrium and SVC.  Anomalous connection of lt pulmonary vein is far less prevalent (about 10% ) as anomalous connection of rt pulmonary vein.  b/l partial anomalous pulmonary venous connection rare.
  • 29.  A. rt pulmonary vein drain into SVC with sinus venosus ASD  B . rt inferior pulmonary vein drain in to IVC  pulmonary vein drain into lt innominate vein  D . Lt pulmonary vein drain into coronary sinus
  • 30. The scimitar syndrome  Described by Chassinat in 1836  Rare anomaly  Characterized by connection of all of the rt pulmonary vein to inferior vena cava and usually by hypoplasia of the ipsilateral lung and pulmonary artery.  X ray shadow that resembles the shape of Turkish sword .  Rarely involve lt side.
  • 31.  Lower portion of rt lung perfused by systematic artery from abdominal aorta. Associated anomalies  ASD  aortic coarctation  left sided superior vena cava.
  • 32.  A –rt pulmonary vein converge to form a vascular trunk that drain in to inferior vena cava  B – levophase following injection of contrast material into pulmonary trunk shows the common pulmonary venous channel  C- Turkish sword
  • 33. ASD: Associated cardiac anomalies  ASD must for survival in TGA, TAPVC, and Tricuspid atresia  PAPVC  VSD-18%  PDA  PS -31%  AS  MS 29%  COA
  • 34.  LSVC - 5%  Lutembacher’s syndrome  Cleft AML  Mitral valve prolapse  TOF
  • 35. Cardiac chambers in ASD  RT atrium enlarged and thick walled. RV diastolic size increased.  Normal RV diastolic dimension are b/w .6 and 1.4 cm/ m2. in pt with atrial level large lt to rt shunts average 2.66cm/m2 ,may be large as 4 cm/m2.  Cardiac apex often formed by the RV.  LV normal or slightly decrease in size .
  • 36. Mitral valve and ASD  Mitral valve abnormalities consist of thickening and fibrosis of leaflets and chordae tendinae attributed to traumatic cusp movement resulting from left ventricular deformity.  Mitral prolapse - prevalence of prolapse is about 20%. Increasing with age and magnitude of pulmonary to systematic blood flow ratio (Qp/Qs) - Schreiber and colleagues have clarified a previously confused subject by relating mitral valve prolapse to abnormalities of LV shape in pt with ASD .
  • 37.  Mitral regurgitation -prevalence of severe mitral regurgitation 2- 10%.  Cleft mitral leaflets -cleft anterior and posterior leaflets that cause mitral regurgitation are reported to occurs occasionally.
  • 38. Lung and pulmonary vasculature  Pulmonary artery dilated which tend to compress the smaller airway which result retention of secretion and bronchiolitis.  Hypertensive pulmonary vascular disease develops infrequently in pt with ASD , usually not until the third or forth decade of life.  This contrast sharply with VSD ,complete AV septal defect and PDA in which pulmonary vascular disease may be present early in life.
  • 39.  In ASD ,pulmonary vascular disease is caused mainly by secondary thrombus in the dilated pulmonary artery branches , with changes in the intima and media of vessels usually playing minor role.  ASD with pulmonary HTN are relatively common in pt born at high altitude.
  • 40. Clinical feature and diagnostic criteria  The female to male ratio 2:1 in pt with an os secundum ASD while sinus venosus ASD have sex ratio that are approximately equal.  OS ASD Some time familial  Holt- Oram syndrome -AD
  • 41.  ASD may be go unrecognized for decades b/a symptoms are mild or absent and physical signs are subtle.  An important exception is the symptomatic infant with an OS ASD in whom congestive heart failure may be followed by spontaneous closure.  ASD occurs as an isolated anomaly in 5-10% of all congenital heart defect.
  • 42.  Dyspnea and fatigue are the earliest symptoms of an OS ASD.  Orthopnea  Platypnea –orthodeoxia rare syndrome  Recurrent lower respiratory tract infection  Older patient deteriorate chiefly on three counts- 1- A decrease lt ventricular destensibility associated with aging , IHD , systematic HTN or acquired calcific aortic stenosis augment the lt to rt shunt
  • 43. 2-Age related increase in prevalence paroxysmal atrial tachycardia , atrial fibrillation and atrial flutter precipitate congestive heart failure. 3- Mild to moderate pulmonary HTN in older adult occurs in the face of a persistent lt to rt shunt  Children with ASD may have a delicate gracile habitus with wt more affected then height. May have lt Precordial bulge with Harrison's grooves.
  • 44.  Cyanosis also occurs when a large Eustachian valve selectively channels inferior vena caval blood into the left atrium through an OS ASD or through an inferior vena caval sinus venosus defect.
  • 45. Natural history survival  0.1% of individuals born with large ASD die in infancy  Few die in 1st or 2nd decade of life  5% - 15% die in 3rd decade of life ( PHT, Eisenmenger’s syndrome)  Premature late death with CHF occurs in increasing proportion after 5th decade  Lifetime risk of mortality 25%
  • 46. Natural history Functional status  Presence and severity of functional limitation increase with age  1% with large ASD have symptoms during 1st yr of life  Most patients asymptomatic through 1st and 2nd decade , although many are shorter and thin.  Effort intolerance and easy fatigability develop in 2nd or 3rd decade.
  • 47.  CHF common after 40 yr age  Atrial arrhythmia incidence increase with age - 13% in >40 yr age 52%in 60 yr age  Mitral incompetence - 2.5% to 10%  Tricuspid regurgitation - annular dilation  Bacterial endocarditis - rare  Paradoxical emboli
  • 48. Natural history Pulmonary hypertension  Occur in 5% - 10% untreated ASD, predominantly female  Occur after 20 yr age  Higher incidence at high altitude  Incidence increases with advancing age
  • 49. Clinical features  Most infants - asymptomatic  Older children with moderate LTRS - asymptomatic - mild fatigue or dysponea  Children with large LTRS - fatigue - dysponea on exertion - recurrent RTI - growth retardation
  • 50.  Adult patients - dysponea on exertion - palpitation - fatigue - CHF
  • 51. Clinical features cyanosis  Streaming of desaturated IVC blood across ASD, caused by persistently enlarged Eustachian valve that baffles blood flow into LA  Advanced irreversible PHT
  • 52. Physical examination Inspection  Precordial bulge  Hyperdynamic cardiac impulse  Leftward displacement of apex
  • 53.  Clinical sign diagnostic of a large (Qp/Qs greater then 1.8 to 2.0) shunt at atrial level are as follow- - Overactive left parasternal systolic lift - Fixed splitting second heart sound through out the respiratory cycle - A soft pulmonary mid systolic flow murmur(in second and third ICS) - A mid –diastolic tricuspid flow murmur(in fourth and fifth ICS
  • 54. Palpation  Right ventricular heave  A dilated pulsatile pulmonary trunk is palpable in 2nd Lt intercostal space.
  • 55. Auscultation  First heart sound- - split at lower sternal edge and apex and the tricuspid component is loud.  Pulmonary systolic murmur – - begins immediately after first heart sound
  • 56.  Wide fixed splitting S2- -wide splitting- .prolong RV systole .prolong hang out interval (decrease impedance) .delayed electrical activation of RV If associated with RBBB -Fix splitting – . The phasic changes in systemic venous return during respiration are associated with reciprocal changes in the volume of lt to rt shunt minimizing respiratory variation in the RV filling ie. (hangout interval-time interval from the cross over of the pressure to actual closer)
  • 57. -increase venous return during inspiration is associated with no lt to rt shunt through interatrial communication -decrease venous return during expiration is associated with lt to rt shunt through interatrial communication minimizing the respiratory variation in RV filling.  Mid – diastolic murmur at tricuspid area
  • 58.  The loud second component of split first heart sound(T1) is tricuspid and maximum at lower sternal edge  A soft pulmonary systolic murmur in the 2nd ICS lt side followed by wide fix splitting to second heart sound
  • 59. ECG  Sinus node dysfunction and accelerated atrial rhythm  Atrial fibrillation, atrial flutter and supraventricular tachycardia  PR interval prolonged  The P wave axis with OS ASD is inferior and to the left with upright P waves in leads II,IIIand Avf. The P wave axis with superior vena caval sinus venosus ASD is leftward with inverted P wave in lead II,III,avf and upright P wave in lead v1.
  • 60.  rSr or rsR pattern in right Precordial leads  RVH, RAD .  Incomplete or complete right bundle branch block is present in nearly all cases of ASD, and superior axis deviation is noted in the AV canal defect, where complete heart block is often seen as well
  • 61. The X ray  Increase pulmonary vascularity extend periphery of lung field.  Pulmonary trunk and its branch dilated  Rt atrial enlargement characteristic  Enlarged rt ventricle occupies the apex and form acute angle with lt hemi diaphragm.
  • 62. Echocardiogram M - mode  Enlargement of RA and RV dimensions  Paradoxical ventricular septal motion – parasternal short – axis view  Mitral valve motion - normal
  • 63. Echocardiogram 2 D echocardiography  Subcostal 4 – chamber view  Echo – free space in mid – atrial septum  Echo – free space in posterosuperior atrial septum in sinus venosus ASD  Dilated coronary sinus and communication at level of orifice of coronary sinus with LA
  • 64.  2DECHO- sub costal transducer position  A ,sinus venosus defect-defect located in the posterosuperior atrial septum,beneath the orifice of SVC  B . Secundum ASD – the defect is located in middle portion of the atrial septum  C . Primum ASD-the defect is located in the antero inferior atrial septum just over the inflow portion of each Atrioventricular valve
  • 65. Echocardiogram Pulsed Doppler Echocardiography  Shunting typically begins in mid – systole  Velocity and volume of blood progressively decrease until early diastole  Early in ventricular systole – transient RTLS  Determines Qp : Qs RV systolic pressure Pulmonary artery pressure
  • 66. Echocardiography  Color Doppler Echocardiography demonstrates shunt
  • 67.  Real time imaging identified a dilated hyperkinetic rt ventricle with paradoxical motion of the ventricular septum and vigorous pulsation of pulmonary trunk and its branch.
  • 68. Cardiac catheterization  Catheter course- across mid – septal portion  Oxymetry - increase in oxygen saturation of 10 % or more from svc to RA in one series of blood samples or increase of 5% in two series of samples
  • 69. Cardiac catheterization pressure measurement  Equal mean pressure in RA and LA  a and v waves in RA - same magnitude, appear as M – shaped  RV systolic pressure slightly increased to 25 to 35 mm Hg  Pulmonary artery pressure normal to slightly increased
  • 70. Cardiac catheterization Angiocardiography  cranially angulated LAO projection - defect in middle of IAS in secundum ASD,defect at the top in sinus venosus ASD,defect at bottom in AVSD  For coronary sinus ASD selective injection into LSVC, pulmonary vein, or LA shows passage of contrast into LA, inferiorly to coronary sinus, and then into right atrium (in absence of increased RA pressure)
  • 71. Cardiac catheterization- indication  In infants (b/a possible associated anomalies)  In many adult (for assessing possible pulmonary HTN and status of mitral valve)  In any pt in whom noninvasive test suggest PAPVC  Pt older then 35-40 years
  • 72. Spontaneous closure  In pt with an ASD less then 3 mm in size diagnosed before 3 month of age , spontaneous closure occurs in 100% of pt at 1 and1/2 yr of age.  More 80 % in b/w 3 and 8 mm  In greater then 8 mm – rarely closes spontaneously  Spontaneous closure of hemodynamically significant isolated ASD occasionally occurs in 1st year.  Spontaneous closer uncommon after first year.
  • 73. Indication of operation  Elective closer of ASD is generally recommended when the Qp:Qs is 1.5:1 or greater.  Ideally performed at the age 2-5 yr.  An echo diagnosis of a significant defect with rt ventricular volume overload is common and sufficient indication to close ASD.
  • 74. Contraindication  Irreversible pulmonary HTN  Pulmonary vascular disease of sufficient severity to raise PVR 8-12 wood/m2 at rest and prevent its decrease to less then 7 wood/m2 with a pulmonary vasodilator is contraindication for surgery.
  • 75. Trans – catheter Device closure of ASD Indicated in-  Os secundum ASD  5mm or more in diameter (but less then 32 mm)  A significant Lt to Rt shunt with clinical evidence of rt ventricular overload( i.e. Qp/Qs 1.5:1 or greater or RV enlargement)  There must be enough rim(4mm) of septal tissue around the defect for appropriate placement of the device
  • 76. Defect unsuitable for device closer  Failed attempted device closure  Those without sufficient septal rim to engage the device  Sinus venosus defect for which device closer would threaten obstruction of pulmonary veins ,IVC and SVC.
  • 77. Trans – catheter devices  Amplatzer septal occluder – FDA approved  Helix septal occluder  Rashkind ASD occluder  Lock – USCI Clamshell occluder  Cardioseal device  Sideris Buttoned device  ASD occlusion system (ASDOS)  Das – Angel wings occlusion device  Trans catheter polyurethane foam patch
  • 79. Trans-catheter Approach  Device is advance through an introducer sheath  One- half of the device is deployed on left side of atrial septum, the second half is deployed on the right side  A “sandwich” is formed over the defect  6-8 weeks, device as a frame work for scar tissue to form  In children the new tissue formation with continue to grow
  • 81. Complication of Percutaneous Intervention  8%  Device malposition or dislocation  Device embolization  Arrhythmia  Atrial or ventricular perforation  Aorto atrial fistula  Eustachian valve entrapment  RA or LA thrombus  Pericardial effusion  MR or TR  Device erosion  Sudden death
  • 82. ostium secundum ASD :surgery  Incision- -Midline skin incision - b/l fourth interspace sub mammary skin incision -Rt anterolateral fifth intercostal space incision - Small lower sternotomy approach
  • 83. Surgical management of ostium secundum ASD 1. Direct closure 2.Patch closure
  • 84.  Care is exercised to place suture – non coronary sinus of aorta SUPERIORLY  tricuspid or mitral valve ANTERIORLY  the coronary sinus and AV node INFEROANTERIORLY  IVC and rt lower pulmonary vein orifice INFERIORLY AND POSTERIORLY  rt upper pulmonary vein and SVC SUPERIOPOSTERIORLY
  • 85. Surgical management of sinus venosus malformation  When pulmonary vein entrance is near the cavoatrial junction , a simple patch repair can be performed to channel the pulmonary vein blood across the ASD into the lt atrium .  When entrance considerable distance from the cavoatial junction-double patch technique repair done
  • 86.  Lateral atriotomy extending to SVC  Pericardial patch encompass the orifice sinus venosus ASD  The SVC and rt atrial junction are augment with a second pericardial patch
  • 87.  V-Y atrioplasty technique- for enlarging SCV
  • 88. WARDEN PROCEDURE  When RUPV enters SVC too high to baffle  Division and over sewing of SVC cephalad to entry of pulmonary vein  Intra atrial patch baffling the entire SVC orifice to LA  Re – implantation of cephalad SVC to RAA by direct anastomosis
  • 89. Surgical management of coronary sinus ASD  These defect can be divided into with and those with out LSVC  Repair of coronary sinus ASD without an LSVC-roofing procedure
  • 90.  the fossa ovalis incised to view the left atrium, the unroof coronary sinus is shown in its position medial to four pulmonary vein. Pericardial patch is used to repair
  • 91.  Repair of coronary sinus ASD with an LSVC- - when LSVC is small and particularly when there bridging vein the simplest option is usually to ligate the LSVC and perform roofing procedure. - If the LSVC is large intra-atrial baffle technique done.
  • 92.  The baffle direct pulmonary venous drainage to mitral valve while the left SVC and coronary sinus drain to rt atrium
  • 93. Repair of Scimitar syndrome 1. Baffling of the rt pulmonary vein flow through the rt atrium across a secundum ASD to the lt atrium. 2. Reimplantation of the anomalous pulmonary higher into rt atrium with baffling across the ASD. 3. Reimplantation of anomalous pulmonary vein into the lt atrium with closer of ASD
  • 94. 4. Incise the wall of the rt atrium and the rt common pulmonary vein as they travel in parallel and then sew the edge together in a side to side anastomosis and baffled into the lt atrium through ASD.
  • 95. Repair in presence of increased pulmonary vascular resistance  Indicated in high Rpi (greater then 6 u-m2 )  Using flap valve patch  The open rt to lt when rt atrial pressure exceed lt atrial pressure in severe PHT  Ppa and Rpi decrease late postoperatively the flap valve will close by cicatrix
  • 96.  A- flap valve patch  B. – complex patch higher rt atrial pressure open flap leftward  C- coronal section
  • 97. Results Early (hospital) mortality  Approached zero percent  Fewer then .5%  Causes of death - 1. pulmonary vascular disease 2. old age (neurologic failure, ch. CHF) 3. air embolization 4. severe supraventricular arrhythmia
  • 98. Results Survival rate  Repair during first few yrs of life - survival that of matched general population  Repair later in childhood or early adult life -survival very close to that of matched general population  Repair in older patient - life expectancy improves but survival is not that of matched general population
  • 99. Results Functional status  Asymptomatic children - no symptoms before or after operation  Symptomatic infants - complete relief of symptoms  Older symptomatic patients - improvement in symptoms
  • 100. Results Functional status  Prior to ASD closure, > 60% patients older than 40 yr NYHA class 3 or 4 After ASD closure, > 80% patients NYHA class 1 or 2.  Improvement in exercise physiology but less pronounced with older age at operation
  • 101. Results Hemodynamic Results  Mean pressure in ascending aorta and mean aortic flow increase  Immediate reduction in pulmonary blood flow  RA pressure decreases; LA pressure increases  Cardiomegaly on chest x – Ray in asymptomatic children resolve with in 2 yrs in 65% cases but not regress to normal size in 27% cases  In older patients PVR drops negligibly late after operation
  • 102. Results Ventricular function  Striking decrease in RVEDV  in 64% children with surgery before 10 yrs of age - RVEDV return to normal  In 21% patients with age >25 yrs - RVEDV return to normal  In 47% adults with impaired RV function, decreased RV wall motion and EF - less reduction in RV size and less improvement in EF
  • 103. Results Ventricular function  LV EF increases normally with maximal exercise  Preoperative abnormal small LV ED dimensions increase to normal within 6 months.
  • 104. Result Arrhythmic events  Closure of ASD in children improve AV conduction, sinus node function, and decrease AVN refractory period  Incidence in children - 23%  Adult with preoperative AF - postoperative AF  50% patients with age >40 yrs at surgery develop AF.