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Matronal ^nti
. . mmw &nti-c$tovcftj gtaRttorfl.
100 Jvorln-TtniA Sirnl. PhUaidpMa.
pav it mmt fmitllv tltclatf fir rcpnrntbs:, and dil-
ution. Tie South was interested mat ™> n,uth
we in reunion. Slavery on Hi..' o)J baMS was the,
way to reunion, lie referred to the almost exact
rdmilnrit, of the two ConBiiluiiona-Federal and
Confederate- I Li il.-:- impossibility ol keeping up
two mi--1. ..ovrn >'s without " natural boundary.
want'of'th-Vd:' ''m rl".'ii'''' nri'i "'" ll ' tbu war lasted
„ ,,. n . , . - If tha country were really
1 f
.1 .
w .,, ,,,,.. ..,.->!( 1 bn- military experiment
bad been 'nod l"i,g enough, run! enough ol Mood
! lie may not think tho ^voattbei
111 for bin ranks. Hi' uiny (".'"' ,il,a
nUrelv jublifying reason) irwi'c them
._„. rebellions or loyal masters simply h
would thereby reduce the force which pro
food ami oilier eh- "'-" "< cVilbcrn m
Bonthein sueceM. In nil 'bis ,ho
not bo Buying thai the relation
1 ...nirnrin'hT
... other relations referred to.
,),, o, ...slaver) ]>rea.K0
ill.iM.u-.i.. .: -"-: "].i.jri- - h I
«(. '.".' '
monitor upon '!-: I.W.utu.'ioi, .",1, only be likened
or i
Theodor8HoDklMluwDgi.ponflBXterB Saint b
BttUy steamers Mil steamships again
ruoifan Visit ihe North nnd Wear.  isit .be
ui,|, liNchnmiunowspap.-rs. Migrate, liitor.n.irrv
I- -u.„«W. lbVcl-.t M.'V'H"-'
mcs. l.el us ehoo.ic a new President in 1SW.
,,d when .In* Go.-|..-l of Pome "ball have sounded
-nil. (W.i-1 U»™ inte lli" :r I"'"!-'", "till tin; Bpsprl
i" l, .,],.; in.l lint" Ittn ..'-.polled, lot yt
...I tho Cbm-ehcs meet again »'<:'
North and Soul"
very jirt a
b lip was juat oa mnoli
,. Ii:.>1 worn 11 pigtail m" 1
„ ( or,lon„d Mr. Phillip" -
julgnr Aboli ' '
1Y.IV I 1>V
„,| fllb:
. . . .0 "tolrtl nbslinoi
more nnd less than i-rsii.
mid mow in.M.nsnlde lb
will, whom he has allied
of Iho
( nmbrido....
I. reek oral'
1, .be " I'ickwii'W 1'niHTs,
and lea, is to do bim bol
. Lie ia boll. l.' ; .s..ll..-nMV
„ Mil- p-riiistulio twfi'ldltr*
„,,-, 11 |V, f years. Horn of
hrad,tti ordine 10 Out me«r
;' ;,'.;;.,, ,.',.,, ,, .
,... t .»i: S iu oi
n^w'bosu'in^iuTju'TB i"j""Hsk" "'wiffi
f .
svlicn tbey fin'l Hie multiliidrj
..pruin Mol
a enying tbnt bo fooli
1 accordance with
wnrfnru 10 weiikei
irrupted by slnverv
nut down the reWllK .
;: ,v,„M.i.iiii,a«-.i,^e i,,,.... r...„i
;:. h.;i: Vv , ; t- jld tben l.avc waaW
nnd produced
Naked plnndi
iiroly uciwronjiL-il
Lave beun put down wit
c.inst.iuence.s aa would cbnrni
vse of a Btcrn father 10 jral
lid. WliodonbtH Ibat wiiti
,.[ bi-en lint clown iiiRtanlly I
iisjn rjticiv
and «pOttlt&jij of (liclr
lle chould bo —
3 dealt '
cnlns ntn sa t.i p.ji |
'.". to s'.vt
ing tWAbolilionwU. This, bo
inlp'.lil- Il'ly wick'.-d peoplo b(
failbtil proiilietB:
'ela of itae Aboli tiomata-ot tha men wbo
BlaTorv llj.;ir lil'.-loi,- ptudy—:;m slvii'-',
uiuir Hod, save our ,
T[.ftUiiiL;lj imv-.-'nll.-d nation.
"•"-'atep tilken by Ler in accordftnee with (bose
'; ia n stun in tli.s way of li'.T -iiKalio'i .
y atop to Ibe contrary ia in the way to bcr
more. In Bhort, givi
.nCbriatian . __.
; orders, and voluntary
0 reuritu aa brethren once
all the natural and nil (he
mpi.'l us lunclber tbi'"
ne do its office in drying team, dUrell-
.... mellowing paasiona, and making Iho
heW and 111..- gn.B*. and llic tnwsJo BT<* «8«' n
tbo bundle.) Listtlc-ficlil* "'of Ibifl terrible '
in-, II II... I. Mil LI'. 'I I'MllT-IKlua " "« ~
'. . Uy npprov.d of oudiMion ns a meanaof
,,!„', al.o -i the .n-t-.-riant l.;s«o.ia tbo war bad
.' ..l. ... ..oil. ..,.1, ._in i'Milanii'i!: aiHi-iln.'.-ii
strength of the South,
Invery, instead of weakness, ««
power—that the non-.-.lav.'liold.nR wl.110 wen ol tb
So.ilU were Hie tliiif i^il'l"-'"- *' "lavir, 1 -i i'
tbure was no diuisjur ..Is-.rul- iiisni-r.
^,,1 ll,.- ^ it- I.:"S I'iirn-'l. ""- '
Went, were tbeir cpiatfl. Twenty nion,b 9 of wa
had corrected many error*, and (..uabt ««»»"*»
H nf a e-nturv and 1. we would only reiiiiiie
"ho Union "onld U atronRer and more durable thai
ipilled to Llni.anl.
naked "w hot tier be regards this as
nt with the roles of honorable warfan;. lb-
bo informed that if he riereiats in this eonree,
espect retaliation in the hardest words ccl-
r coined by Dr. Johnson, with i-orhapa come
is from Jon Be'a r'lruh dielionarr, • 'hat
orlby of n
Having agreed upon lint policy of abolishment,
die n.M"bir". ii to provi b- Hie public with a term
by wl.ifti tho^- win:, liver thai policy aro to bo df-
inualcd. An ing-ini- "' I'ri- n-1 M,,:i;C5tB the tortn nW
.shmtnten. which .tell, ["avis., il In: mcaiiB to .111:1 'r.
like a Kcntli'tiian, nlionl-1 he r.-coni ...ended herenfl.
— instead of " abolitionists.'
Tan " neacc-at-any-price nemocrnla " in Uiojree
Stales "c.t little ..0111I....1 item tr..:ir friends the rebels.
Tbo following is Ibc reply which comes up from
nichmond. in Th<- Zi,-,.:'.^ of January^lO, to the
pence propositions mado by Sir- J.
ntvia, tl-.-.r .i.tU.-u i-.n.l. [ il-.
.fficiltiia bai sated, ami timidity l.ri - cone-ale.
Only give thorn a " chance,' and . bia peopl* will
----) Iho governinei.1 or [.uhl.c elinrny lb.
tnkinr. care of thorn, Thai "cbnnco
making them independent of tba Bvatero
of wages aa to tile land, l'„r .hi., to them, will be
OEpreSon, under any system likely to be mango-
e more sufrgealioi
vuav bo Ibc only remedy ot
l,-,b, l.-i f l.i'I^nii^v-arv loell.:et any g 0*1 c-
_jl be obtain*! in li ,
and il n. doubt «l . .
Chen let all who have been interested in tbo cj.ubo ol
ili^ ircedfiicD of ibii H-ieirinivnt vt the South, unno
what means tlu-v can .par,- to .ho,, of tbo negroes
themsolves. who can be easily indued by Uj»S«p«f-
intcudentsof the plbn.tatioiiG to coiitribnte their all
and let 1he=o means be employed .0 purchase, these
lauds in lure* "act* as ™M by ihe l;is'-»«™=*'»";
to bo reJivi.lcd iiiuouk the ncgrovsnl
md« "ilselfto tbo benovo-
,tly It
) be i
This plim especially
len. i> 'in. I'H.- :l f '
r. " 1 .1 1
.! lb'.'
York, Itosion, Philadelphia
0, for the relief of Iho free.
Slates. Even if the Associatiot
large OJttCOt, it will bo
id pay tbe
Mr. Ilrooks appenra
eitravagunt proiiotiii.-.n--. s'ran.i;.; .1- it '»»>' "I'l
, '
10 nn," 11111.1 »l".l.»i rr-.'-r.',.. .!, In:, -r,',-. .
1, .
upon Iho occasion ot presenting -Una,. bo miul* «.
Ion" speech, and ..rp.vs--t hini-.-ll confident o hen
succVs. Arc ihe Neril...-™ |»-q-le all natural-horn >h-i enly ai.-ekon ".lb that ,ud,c,a
-— '^ld tbe gods always mllict
wrath preparatory to tboir
t... iinf
Of 1
t Iho S
,.,.1 thai
ni.uli I he viei
uin! r-
"',"••1 lb- enbeard-of outrages under which (b.
,vc 'Miller.:-! .luring the war! Can they belie
them capable of bo soon burying in ot-liv...ii Jul II.:'
thev have done. ..i.d nil ihat Ibc, l.av.- si.tered .'
'If the whole l'„iiv.' r.icc j/mr.A/ /..« 'h-n, 1,
the Just to-inarrw ami pray m (- ic'icn- -'"«i''
ir^ ,rc,«l'I i/i'/ni i'k-in <'-" "= ^'""'- J-
(Jor onl-v v "b
is to bo aeparated from them finally and forever—
.cluttered that thesi
Icll l'billips ia ono
r>B in the world, he
ill routine of decorous
been ono long tilt of p
Had fha causa -ho cspi
veiled creed nf n ! t
^1 Ir.nal
lived and died nr
k night -crran fry
jd to be the per
a he might hnv.
i.tdel.nt not ncontc-" 1 -
_.... '
of hii
if nil thing.
irdiyioii V .-npy
innJr-of live., and direcily tuid n.dir f .
ily ih...
a( dollars, have already be-" ''
^.ndsof .-.--
penalty of this mistake; nnd
ib- liv.r that ihe l.-sol ihe 111
a the same
.tub the
I ih.- elnirch-
rany clerk
It a.-qni.'S-
a paralonea! and ami.„.. B
American, but not an Krostralus of lb
Unfortunately for himself, however, he now finds
Ihe doctrines Tvbi.h he loved, mamly bcennse other
people bated them. tl,d.le,d> adopted into tbe policy
of a national odmir^traiion. hen the awect habit
of tila.-pheiuing all manner ol 1'residenla and proela-
matiniA be 1- -uddeiilv tilled upon to descend tolhe
.-ndor,"iiient nf a l'repid.nt r.r.d a proclnmat,,
From a pestilent Luther ihundi
doora be it; .-i-.ddcnl, ..-nrnirrlcd
r—"ing decont Mopooacs and <li
tv... *, na ;.in., nr-< uci't" r l.i^ gem
—it night, delivered
'-'lljat il": Hiivard of ih-.-ev-e-Jimnu
jnists has dulefnllv declined into
,.*li'i,yiiiil lu.lgcttyof Ihegi.n-contrnciing ltep
me when Mr. Phillips would bardly
o ,be.rjel:B ( .l
low hi= climate ol hA auihen
L- would ha>" respected his own
.„ much to confound BUuBinian phrases
„bout : '
broken IctK-i-.-. bred Irom Ihe bastion of abso-
lulf iuaike
" willicU:eli"i...-lir.^el.4>-lr-;i
cent atnens. The po
bis habits,
this city, prove
ealcd Aboli*-"
There was a
have descended
when, however
might have
intellect ic
PubitakIUM ia bred in ihe bono,
n.iiv n- it nils hnndn'rls of years ii|l
like, liciieration I.1...C-. ds «-" ratio:
atnmpof Piiritan ehnraoter, taking ....
tico egotism Tor sreatnc-, for wisdom
cupdilyforeuierpn- ledition to, ^.«*"»*
ror piety, funiann-u. v-.l'l rclorm men a morals
by atalule and make 1' by polities. I do not
iipsaob n whol" pmple fot Ihe error, 0! a pnrt -In
ilnlail,,.,..-. an H-'luoir w„- relieved by » .0-
tl.rop :es in later limes,  ebhler stands like a gran.
,,.. , -1; repelline the wave of Puritanism. 1 would
n of train-e.r,.| Willi the ' boaH and
who hove cultivated Ihe graces of civil
order I speak of that ruling clement in New U^
n (heir sorrows, 11
__a prospect of her r
been shot dead nt nr
(herein that he is iua
and knows not bow
rather, whoever deni
i-picion that be ayi
a participant in ill
dent bavu brouglll
ad he should liavo
irdcr. I speak of that ruliti;
and called Puritamam, wbi
Holland, ai Plymouth,
eelfieh, Pharisaical,
type of eharacti
dlin E ,Hnd only
.elf. Even in
il, n hundred yet:
reasonabk' is
1 will be needed to
„^ 1,nn |;ll
if bis pro-slavery cducotion,
nnd toil from this oi.prc-.-ivo
ousanda of bereaved families
I our country from the appall-
1 ! The rebellion abould have
.. Whoever denies it proves
sible of lis infernal character,
deal with Bucb a crime. Or,
it makes room thereby far the
albinos with die rebellion and
:rime. At once should the Pre-
ilthe big Emancipation Gun;
- charged it, and to aimed 1'
Consul iti thi
port of Buenos Ayi
hose lias
the following lotlor:
Already somu harpit
" :i ir.jud phi
inca of ihu Southern
a become land'Oivc-
betler for tho poor
of ihis-kind
of Iho freedmen strike
ick"here. for we are in danger of having Ml Iho
bbor in thia Departi t blasted 11
c lb" inc.
lb" party
''' :
fnlt.,, .
studied with ihe inlcnsity — ..
King and James Mudi.on b'di,:V,rs ,n the Joctrine
of Hw 'irreprc=-.:iL'h- eonllid," and asserting thai
South Carolina put her destiny into hotch-potch with
Massachusetts when she consentedI
to the Union.
Mr. l'!-llii.s's ,bie:.nei-y ens ..,,0,1 him as ungr.icc-
fully as bii loyalty. W Ifully .0 deceive (be s, lj
people who hang upon Lie ,,1-r l,
P s : to mo e tbo
idle laughter and ihe t"'i- ile api'laus.- of an unthinl..
ing crowd is the lowest liiuiiiph ol the speaker art.
The aptitudes which cniiiinnd it are nen her rare no.
„i„„..l , Beorge Gordon could kindle mobs to
freniy when a lo.rl:.- -.-..t l.-.-lMdrca 'oe^ep^an
J)mn a CaJinin'i'' .''niro^l th/ elect "of the State.
To echo ti-e ardor oi ihe |" ople clamoring for wrong
Ind reckless acts: ,0 fool 'to the_ lop of ihr- -"
l!l „„ li , .outs wh,» crave 10 te dec-.v.-d-tl..
,-nn h.-lovsilv dor...-, I hey ear- he .(".' ol.l..
t; „ , ,., i
». tora lusavolbe I'resbyl
provided a punishment for the Separatists. 1 oil
cannot rely on the varnished ....count the 1 ur.lana
,.ive of theuesekes. 1 1 is false. If they write tbe
hlslory of Ibis war the truth wdl never appear.
Tb.'ir'key-noic is that slaven is its i-nuse, nnd must
be c.-.iiri,nted. The truth is that slavery waa med-
.p,,l will, and reiurned in violence what was given
,d malice. H'lt it dues not ibene. toll"-.'
hat slavery was the cvuseot .he vi„!e,,-:e. The doc-
tnueofiheireriel.^.'e^l^t il property is robbery
nnd therefore abould be abolished, is n sample of the
fallacy. Aboliti
.pare one -bred of t'lnvery ia all thi
The rebellion would have, b.,cu ended by the Brat
"ndwhntri-bi bad tbe rebels to our sbriuk-
delay i-rebela who, wilhout llie least provo-
-- malionantly nail murderously elruck nt
it the life of our country, and therefore at
sad exhibition of ihe power of ombitioa
and party over a groat intellect, combined with a
gentlCand rcfincf spin., .H your insisting that
slavery shall be r..-e,iai,lis I: that tho South,
",l,.,„;.ni, „r|.ro.ln.-iioi, < ' be unimpaired ;
H'M,',,,!,.",' of ibia '.-.- command be si
n»> nnhe major-iti ol tlic Ainenein people .
when, if there ever was, there is no longer
itulipnal obsiaele in ihe wa, ol tbe sluveh
freedom even now -vbcii tbe slaveholder has bim
^.l.bepn .l-.r.voi, are .till de,,r,iiiu,d
U0l ne shall re in in bondage, and his cb, hirer.
Mid children's children after hini-slill delennined
shall eonl ituic to be a land in wbieb niuln-
illioaa have no rigSt to husbnnd, nor-
ren nor wages, nor Biblea, nor schools,
To the iltuttrl of .-bnrncoa rcKc(* I" ft* Purl of JJiwnoj
GestleMBS: for tho QrBt time since my assump-
tioa of ihe duties of this office, during which period
more than Bis monibs have clapired.aa extraordinary
oceaaion, as I cone.-iv-, renders it particularly appro-
priate that"! should b.-L-t high, and display in its
fullest and freest, the Hag of this Consulate.
To-day, as some of you will have p.r.eivcd, the good
old banner, of which every loyal son and lover of the
New World has t" much cause to bu proud, is so
hoisted and ao dUplaycd. This I have done in cele-
if adviees received hop- yesterday, detailing
the just, wise and mnnlv a.lioii recently taken by r—
jvernment on the subject of slavery, which, w
1 bottom oi all
,,. ,,„lilical trouble.
In a proclamniien . ncl bv President Lincoln,
ruler dm,- of ecptcmber T!. V.-(.2. ir is auspiciously
1 -r "ii ii
]tf States
.... of them ag.
„..other Yankee on the sont
r tbe north—to have nu tnifh'
__ if any description wb'itever
beia!"""nV...-,' h-iklL*':) frr vV :it.H;».,<v*l?
June it, if H coil the lift of every man n the
' 1, «r. — _™n^ ibnt many persons believe Hull
Urooka and Van Buren ni
mil design to reatoro pei
I fiiii at present they dare not speak out t'
do not believe they aro" in 'favor of aiiy'eucTi to, no"'.
They would like pence on .oudiiioa of our return to
tho Union, and Ibey are fools enough to believo that
a majority tf Ihe people m ibe Confederacy
favor of reunion. They would like peace -
erms, becauac it would restore the commemn. nv.-
.remaee of the North, arid especially of the city of
Jew York, which is gone forever if the Union bo not
restored. But they arc au bitterly opposed to sepa-
.n as Lincoln himself, or any of the thieve- and
murderers who leod his armies. In tho event of a
refusal to reluro to Ihe Union, they would, to a man,
unite iii bounding on the ns.sns.ius who arc deaolat-
iuu- our country and murdering our people ns fiercely
n-Tthev have ever been hounded on by Beecher and
Hale. Thru hob o;lu t-> th.:ir jlMheh ir/.en tltey
preach .-/"rcc!":er.
.o:io''(ioo eef !-T,i(i,..n. If the same
obj'., 1 could be ellectcd by eniindy destroying the
,k' ,0 ii,..-
- tte re cii. -, a-. I
"Unle.«s something is done soon lo ward oil Ihe eon-
,„„ evil the North will have to bear Ihe disgraceful
atrgma oi having liberated this pn.-r |...'onlu from one
bondngo, organi7.e.l and, to another, private,
chaotic, nad, i i y-^.ble, mere ...cipoii sibk.
Chip Pafoi.b. Annapolis, Ml, Jan. G, 1803.
ne.VB Slit: I will attempt, in accordance with
nis camp, and of my sojourn at Libby I rison >n
Richmond. A low day, after my capture 1 »ias
,ont to Jackson's camp at Nincv.-h,  arr-n 1 ot.i.t) ,
reached there Tuesday. Nov. 11. in company
Qon. Jackson came out 01
leaving for tbo guard
uld "il
all pos Let (bom be satisfied, however,
of I
V It is the offspring of
PfrrGn Bono, Jan. 12th, 1SC3.
Hon. Hon-vno SF.i:ioiT.-l»eoc Sir; 1 have rei
vour Message. Although 1 belong to no party,
belong to a country. All bough there an 1,0 par
inirnCtt. f.,r in- to piomole and nd|..-t mis. If to,
feel Ibo preciousness of (bo
,,-ulls, I
life of lie monster, and
.is ptipera of naturalize!!
Pliillip.-, has lost the a"
to bim the svm|iaihy eve
,.,ir:ivaganee ...I bis view
Of I'.'t 11, ir. 01.'
Pan I a.
in t be-
ta tbo r-kicn tie
claims hal how
iiis old i
orb his
„ under Tlr
ribules which
ol those who
and abhorred
um ridiculous and palhi
^ ..),..- wiih which. Hirer .^lolling
111 -r, policv of Mr. Lincoln, hi
vcr the President may try "to
1 the verge of Niagara, both In
ile will Hiirely go over tin
abidingly CI
S-1-l.iii more than when
vo 1 fell tbe ureal peril
die, that the
s - euipb'ilieiilly. if
ihpiece of a party comprising nearly hair Ihe
'-co Slfties. 1 rcmembor, too, what
b his r.sirlv have tbe woidsol a g-10
mnding talents, high culture, mulu-
entisl public relulioas, bland nnd winning
admired social and domestic life. How
d 10 fear that Hi, Democratic parly, if not
el^ady fully identiDed wilt :heso dan^-ouc -
voters of tha free S
great weight w""
piled ir
_ jflhosoul. Youareindecdt
pitied. Von were not made lo he what .0,1
You were mado to be a strong nnd helpful and
i-ilnin.' I.r,,ili.-i- among lour pour and needy nnd
I- not ni, ,,i,i,et of terror, but a tower
;;;;,,!.;;, oil:.,.; ..„ were,„ade,.ottoboi t,bu.
to unboll the door of the oppressed ; not to extin-
guish, but lo multiply nnd realise their hopes. But
alas! vour party t.:riie-l lot btrcngtb aad
alavery, and so entirely ,d-iit.lred itscll
the party can live only in th
must die when Ihe monatet
you are what you are. You are B.onc- dind. loth
morally and politically. Von e-o not I. oil s hand 1.1
this war. You eec nol that His time has at last
come far Belling live bis sabb. ..1,,1-lreu. ^deluded
e^r7o"cTr"iln.r"ibo)itio.. un r
iru [
,bc sun ol the cvjniuurs.aiid Kvndera and Woods
t .— .— I .
v( L|| ,[.„.;. !,„,., ;
„.,„1 il,,.. sun -,t the t..arn-
ol ll.u^ imo™»«.
Illl(1 Pl.mips and l.l.eevcrs will soon rise in
of 11s d.irgerous
„,,i,rious 1 ._ 111 .....
c-v r ,.. party,'l
Z[ l h , ihe Dickinson, and Dollers, and by all
love country more tbaa parly, aad freedom
tbim slavery, will soon pass aivny, leaving
history lo loll on one of her bit
iso and wicked a party na 0'
say ttafatevoty U not tbo cause of tho rob.
.f all
mid Tcrri mries of Ibe United States found in arm
rebellion a,:ninsr tbo l-' g'lvernment 011 the til
,'j.v .J Jtii-oiTV. I si.!. --bull
uud titatcd 11s al^.diilclv and irrevocably tree, and
that tho e*islcnee of alavery in all auCb Btntca and
rriiorid shall 1 belief.., rib cease forever.
Sv thnie of us who, peering into the future, have
view the highest and best interests of America,
s timely declaration of ihe President of the V tilled
ik" iua. be regarded as seeond only in imporlance
Ihe Deelarslion ol" lr,,l-|,,'i,'1ei,ee. in I bdadelphia,
on the lib. of Jul v. 1TTG, which, bul a few years
"terwanl, was so gloriously b. Honed by tho eslab-
hment o'r American nationality.
I beg lo request, therefore, that yoo will, rbi* day
the hoisting ot your rcspeetive Ibigs. join meic
dr.ii," honor to lie.- patriotic, prurient are! progress iv,
polic" foreehiirlowed in tbe Presidents proclamation
I also seize 'bis o|'|.ort-mity to inform you that 1
haet, .ii|i[":d from an English newspaper.
now having framed in gold, a copy ol aa address
latelv d-liv-red bv Al.rabaiu Lincoln, lavonng.
1 replied.
1 few
3 juik 11a a few .picslioaa.
Mc0 bl, i-, "be
plied that we had not, but told him I had rend
fa-uldo' ihe fub, which had reached enmp on
Ihe day of my capture.
"Atil did you." said bo, " f wanted to inquire
about tbo recent elections. Ho you know what
ority Seymour received ?
liclween ten ami liir.-oi thousand," I replied.
Do you know hoe. many 1 'ongressmen the Uemo.
selected in the State J
answered thai it was believed they bad elected
leea oul of the thirty-one.
Were the Woods I....1I1 elected?
answered that they were, and thai all '
" Good 1" ho replied
Inimtd as Demoeratic.
"Now York City will have
icsaion of L'ongreas than all
diluents would hardly feel llaltered to
/•r.:ii,km Lh-txU rprc-smil the
Confer/erac/ in Ws fp'xch the other
.'Hid the Vdhplt ItoitUI I'.'Cier mil/.' idi/Ii .1 ihil.on of I
hi/mas thitn with th.' <L-!-mv..L- .m-/ •kw.'l l""'"---.-
'..n/rtiu.-f oar that. Kn'l'.ish cotoiiLJiifio",
IssaUigc, J.
„..-.Y,.. w./^>w, .i'-'. -'i/n--' pre-
foratile to ant/ association aiUt the Yankees.'
ny one who still rctaiaB a decent self-respect
rebuff as this would be Midicienl ;
bul such
spaniels as John Van Purer, and Ilrooks can take a
dozen sueb culls, and ho dragged through the^anKllo
afterwards, and then
" should o
bad such n
I,.ii-i,,i, 1..- la'. ,
I he-re
:.,,:, i.c 'oobi ei,ily
Ihat thi
contcmi'inoiis retort of a Kichmond rebel wi
resented bv the poor creatures at whom it 1
elled: N'ot Mali; they will go on i.r.'i.uic.
..„,.• .Tltiie- d.'V.-n on rbeir knee-,, and e,!,
r,-b.|7„., .lis Ibe nature of some persons I.
kicking; Hiei- even pb.rne iheruselve.s _on tbe
temptof ngentlemnn. Liko those unfnm
un'de'n-iaii'l it. the deportation of all tho negro
aad which address, in u
full of good f
nd so worthy of being ct
leasurd in ibns couiuieiidiDg" it lo your tttteiitioi
nd shall bo but too happy to submit it for y.or.
, [,i'-il u'in-niiv.'i' Irom a deriro lo h-von," lau-iti:
,'iib'i,s.s,vo.-„'ts. von may lie pleased to call at Ih
1 nu .T.iiibrrieii, with great respect,
Your friend and servant,
H. R. Helvef.
ibe '-r-utheru Stales who are known as " clay-eators,
they havo contracted Glihy but uncountable
habit of onlitig dirt 1 their coastilutionr
the vicious i.raciu.o. an-i there
to thebeallb and recti
[Extract from tho report orciemcnt Vullandlahiirn'sln
p-pevcli in die V. S. Ifoi.^e of Reprcsentutlree.]
He maintained that Ihe causes which led to di
*on were not clenril ind ineradicable, and we
veaker than those which tended to reunion; that
slavery wics not the cause, but only the devclopi
of iliecause of sectionalism; Ibat there ,8 no
prcssiblo conlliet between slav- labor and free I
111 Iho slaveboldiug and a " -.-lav. !..• bin. ;.'
.'. '
s ,
thO (undHtnelllal , b . -t I.' ' " button WOJ
perfi'cl and eternal . oiu|.h|i 0I1 y a
§lale»,part slavi nnd , irt in-. »nd tba eu
rill, by force of such coinineiidationi
on become bo 1 .
I liiul denoneialion in tho inessag '. but ie.
nioiii-.iih- re" !, Thev.iici^ialesand Ihe Ne
luland scares do ... )c.r . -t.- u, share about npiall)
ibe guilt of the rebellion. New England, becao-
„. ,„[i,.r.:.l her IJarrism, 1.. win.- against el-iv
„1 her Phillip- eo .u-a.inl .:. is m your eyed
im-.iul as .be una who ile.v at the throat
f,f tbeir iiiiollending canity- New Eegland, wl,.., to
help put them down, pron.p.l, nruied hundreds ol
.-.ndsofber. .'.. ---els""--'.-' Ipr.'t.-plli pen
icoreaof millions of her wealth, lias no less
.1 r ,-™ t lavor than li
propose to pul down
debed tlo'l
0 habi
s no hope of
But Ihev all elainiod to b
itiaucd," and in favor of n
ion or Iho war.' Was t
dodge! Youi
should think."
" "
ho replied. " They
prosecuting Ihe war with more vn...
thai if we are to be conquered, it shoub. __
once, before Spring. If wo are nut subjugated by
ih'ii lime ibev will demand a peace, mid force your
government 'to etop ibc war. Wo know wo can
Bold oul, and when tbe nest Congress meets they
will nil bo found lo be Peace men, and willing tc
recogu.ze our in.lependenci
, favo
T'bey I
s is a serious question for tbo government and
OouUo!s?li"lhe!'laiols under tbe taa law. Tho
estates of Ibo ui Herein rebel owners will bo put o[.
for you lo say it ii
ifinitely absurd. And jet
.« „, anything but strange. For you
1 politician; and as all your political hopes are
identified with slavery, you love n, cling to it, and
are ever alert to screen it Horn blame, la consent-
in » to let your idol be held responsible for Ibis hor-
rid rebellion, you would consent to tho only death
yon dread—your political death. Hence your queer
theory Hint the rebellion resulted Irom ^o^lmracjerj
o be called the
e of Mec
tales. II ndro
ie bloody iuu... -j
t.-bellioii 1
li'H how -an ibis be done it nearly
ballof us are like yourself? How could wo havo
the heart to do il even at little coM-much less at
the rcriuired cost-if the rebels are no womo than
the people of New England t And how if we
/idijihe heart, would ir be, should you
succeed, as is your loo manifesl intent. 1"
the Western and 1 ei-iral Msites against New bngland
jnsi-.-adof reholdomt
I see you still regret that Ibe s.alane [!
|ir .,pe,"d two v.-arsago was 1.01 adopled. i
'n,,,. I., 1
a use it sviia lo I"' a curopr ,-: I"
iivo ciiliv parties at tbe e.vpeare—aad lb„
Z ..J'"rwlSilmil v
.nse-of an innocent 1 bird
Fresh outrages were to be heaped u]
e.isi-'tu-e of these dillercncea.
that they haw. iii the main, proceeded from slavery
- imply that had there been as much houiogene
,.,, Imiv,, „ these p':'.|'b-:i- r- I 'Ui-d " intbe
,„!,« in.i--rsed by Ibe P .
.' 1 i-t a - I  -t lin, s
ommerce," there would hi. l-.n no rebellion.
I agree with you. Put 1 b. 1
, " .-ml., tbai this
ii a hundred lo ono t
mid dolect in il bo
alura ivbich learned
1 that hoc old variety, tin
named tbo skunk cabbage,
1st many fastidious pereoot
lethiug of the odor of thi
ia!urnlistBi-all ihe mephitis
"bloody and endless t
that ihey cannot eon.,-,,
ono or two baltles, they will cense to be W
Democrats. It ia because we know Ib-ini to
more reasonable than the Kepublieans, thai 1
men cheered the news of Seymour's election. U
what other news wns Ibero r
"New Jersey,'* I aaswered, "bus gone atrou h ii
Demoeratic, ate! the parte toes r-aoe.-d in Ohio.
-Ye "p-tid the llenernl. "I beard that ihe.v bad
carried' Ohio. Did yo„ noiioe whether Vnlland.u-
the reach or small buyui
ot a word, 6v wOw-ity. a
1 behalf of the laboring n
. Meanwhile 1
ction. But
Those who have agitated the nueation of pulling
an end lo slavery have been . died Abolitiouucts,
which has grown inlo a term of opprobrium, as .1
itcoidd be a shame for a man to desire the liberty
of all his fellow-went ures. Now that tho large
majority of eiii;eus ol Ibe free States, aad in some
of ibe tlavo States :ilso-u. Missouri cerlaialy—are
if getting rid of alavery, it baa occurred
fur they
d bbek res id 01
rory diDereut Irom
iborcre geuerallv. They aro truly
-.,,,,' and will be f.-ll "•'''' it, unless
s mado for iheir indopendenco Iroru
II of those on whoso hands they will
i = ,., .till. These ]*opIe are as yet tollou
iu'w-Liorn freed , Thee are i.-nder. timid.
lo,,'. aro espeeiallv afraid ol tbe de-ens of
men 'fhev aro as vet ignorant ol their rights,
-in bo easily hectored out oi ihou., t.i every
" Yoorhees !
"A good Dccuocral,"
was too oul^pokcti at
reelected if he had been
tucVdillcreiit ideas ,,t r-lig,..., morals rjad poll
Ho rejeelcd the idea of excluding New England and
insisted that there was a large iion-Pnritim and
scrvulive element in that section, which won
negroes—»n i-» ——,
Democratic compromise, which not
s also favored (for there are Ilepubli
capable of being --•"
clement, Ibo euprem
that of tbo Mnytb
rilh the pencu of soeicly and
luded 10 liogor Williams as th
iuglund Civilization different fror
and PI; ih Rock. He'Ivinolllll I'oeK
irk, Nun Jerse;
uinig.s were 10 bo ue,. :
.™ "f"" ;"'
ay, aad oterai/.ed. The malignity of thi:
;=~ _i.Tr.1i not 11 law ltepubli-
_,, .. equalled only by
'they, who could propose further
mes a-ainsl tin. gudlh'Ss and helpl.-.-e.
nbV:.,!! make mull i«l -t their Pibh-s aad
,„„l,..s, argues cither iheir inaiehlvss delusion 01
c"rmiitchless brn^enneas. 1 do not s-v thai thei
uuld have made tbemsulvca better by
their liibles and Cliurcbcs; bul I do a
lid havo (hereby mado Uicmsclves in
. „. _BVo that 0110 ol Ihese " lin
ski r la of tho a lave holding seetioi
all traverse Stales consecrated
aiioh. I thank you for tbo illual
geooitsness and pcacufiili
- pari ions " or tho
the falseness of yc
brought you again
tho contrary, I aubmi
penalty of the Ai
if the poor.
ofths country, they
1 freedom, nud only
nlion of iho homo-
jf the anti-slavery
-,._lor ibis illustration ol
position that an anil-slavery
iponBibility of the rebellion.
,t ihe providence whieh has
to high political power. On
y that Ihey
.._ u Iho South,
1 iho North, and spoke of Ihu pi
nrnnhical lies which bound lliem together, f
^nrihiwest woub t
,",„„:,.,' Irom the South. The
day which divided ibc slaveholdmrr from Iho non-
slaveh.ilding .-siates would deeree Ihe eternal divorce
of the Wtai Irom lh« East. There was nn_ cause of
conlroversy excepting slavery. 'I ho agitation of lha
BU bic-et as a p,,liiio:il lenient imut cease. Me must
rolura lo the old .oti-tii.iii'inal nnd aclunl basis o
fifty years ago-lhe threc-liiths rule, ihe speedy and
ready return of fugitive- slaves, no more agitation,
and Ihe transit and l.uiporury "flonrn "«'»«
with their slaves in the free Males. This was I he
price oi tbe Colon, and whoever was uot willing tc
instead oitbe ele. lien ot
ibe deliver"
ulection, ins
ihe brave and noble man who rejoices
of the slave, and who. wuh bis thiee *:,..-,
irmy ol his eouutrv instead id being m tl.'
f.-ls of its lo.-.s, is. m.twiihslniMliug il issuing
idured as one ol our menu
in favf r of gelt
(o sooSo ol ihum
of tbe thing by a cbnngo
A like expedient h>,_ been
1 ihe ease of proper nur
,-ho; e daughter—a pet
uok lo the stage as a
inne ..S.S Sail*, "^he
iickson," said her mot
,|,|,ear on die play-bills
sjll; should be ..bang..,!
i!,! llie ,
who saw the playbills
familiar name under it
Our excellent Pi
and brief intervals of
ried with some success
1, We remember a In!/,
n ol brilbnnt talents—
rofessiou. Her Christian
ball never be called tal
r; "bo her uamti ehall
Sarah." AOor som
a agreed that the
Sallie. and under
the spelling tho young lady
1 to escape tho dreaded nick'
supposed that ihe blackguards
colored man or
II send you away from your
ey were born and bred and have a
for Ihe most part, on these plnntat
iwns tbie land will h-ite the hearts
ocoiifc in 'us hands-
Now, lot any one, who bos any humanity, put
theao conditions together, and be wdl .„eo wbai re 0..,
there is here for abuse and cruelty. Even slavery
bad some guarantees that will he taken away from
sec: ^t,
ilhing but a ninicria! interest ,, ibe 1-..V
of 11 rought h
.1 lli'h the
This i.
actual'condition oli
(be negro*5 an d jf tWrchRi-cc-.e:.-.
They would be " totO," if the Uoda^
.v .bsguis;
dent, who, e o then
out any regard to thei
great nation, fighting
ealio'i of Irec iiisliiu 1
^.opb: against a landed
deny Iho right of the Head of tho army to
a liberty to Ihe slaves of loyalists. ^ on seem
wards paid for shall ever befall -hem. 1 he military
commander is. however, at as all liberty o burn
tj,e dwelling of the lujalis, ,u ot the rebel, if in his
judgment tbe necessities of war call fur it. It is bis
J :r-~ weaken tho foe by calling away from bim
r red, or black n
ranks' by uniting to lb.
Cut hers and tbe iipprenn
be may
ittde oura very
driuk it. As a part of the punishment lot our 111
passed criiii-s ni-aiiis.I bu ily. wo may Lac ...
witness the failure ,.11.11 endeavors to save our be-
loved country, nnd may have to pass through the
humiliation of r gaining th- Southern I onleden.ey.
But God bo pr»i=e.l that over against all tins deep
and unutterable sorrow will be the deep and unut-
terable joy that the slave is free 1 In spite ol tnu
parly - "
. ih ibo
him, relrcshes himself wiih subtle pbilo-
io-ical speculations, has bit upon an expedient to
^ , .J „diuui o, Abulii.otnsm while air, nig a
tbe etbtencu of slavery. Instead of abolition he
„ toP abolisbmeiit-the disiiuctioo between the
two being jusl as broad and ob. e.'Us US
^"'J^^ltC° V
when he declared that slavery woa not the
l,i„ ,1^,11.1,1,1 (be sO.,Ir„v.-.M between the
North and the South, and gravely insisted ibat —
, r ,-relliu" iil-'-ut slaiery and not Oocausi
tS" U is^lelightlul to find the emincnl_- -
Is this worthy of n
/ now are for the vindi-
,nd tho protection ol the
locracyl They will thus
landed aristocracy worse for the negroes
than ihoir former master.". Ihe linger of Byim
well be pointed at the mushroom iiphility that
spring up instead ol the old families lha hsu «
least thu Baaetioa of " umc-hooored uaago for their
three remedies have been BUggesled for Ihe
_...n of this coming evil, The, brst is that the
nmeat should boy the land
ition 11 sufficient ponio
tbo nearoea. Another
. -. ...~ „„l* -f Ihn
L.,sT night Ihe great public heart was stirred to its
,ry depths. The people in ono mighty uprising,
with ono accord, and in tbuador tones, guvo a unani-
mous aye lo Iho great event of the a-; the hmaiici-
paiion proclamation. Soon after C clock Ihe rush
'it Urvau Hall commetieed, rind long before Ihe hour
ior Hie meeting .0 open had arrived the large ball
y,-„, packed i„ it, utmost c.naeity, and at least ten
tbou-aud persons bad assemtd-.d m Ihe afreet along
ibe east side of the Court House square. Some one
having announced ibat the First Baptist Church
could be obtained ibe crowd uomednilely moved
toward il and in less time than we are wnling i
that large edifice was oae mass of living. cnlhu.iastic
men And yet there were thousands oul ol dnoro,
making van, endeavor, to p-i within hearing dia-
tance.nU e..--:r ibat the eboru, migTit be
swelled to ibc highest nole.
Thu lower Brvari Hall was n- t appropriated and
densely crowded, and still the
manded more room. Our noble
Ulfill l'-lk'H -eili'-ie' poured ill one -
into M,-,r..|-'l,ini Hall. -'I'ieh had been set apart fa,
Iheir mother's milk il •- uuiturci 1 strengthened
The love ol freedom brought thei
lo Ibis republican
olic tier
but if
...— of loyal _
these to break away from thi
1 rcl.iliouB. how much more may h_
uu it Ihose of rebels or loyalists, to break
from their inbnitely unjust and unnatural r*uV
.A-!., con
Tree. Ye.
. and of y
ough the guili
ambition, muy L
nevertheless shall
individual nnt
trnry, the slave will g
nee ted Ihe highest obj.
left to
hich I express myself at this point 1
that this being, tiigl, ni,,,ve all b nn purposes
issues in it, a euro! 'ioil against alavery, pro-sla
men are but faols in it, and only Abolitionists i
potent to advise in it, and foresee ils graud results- I slavery, we el
Faithful were Iho Abobtmnists.allthroughaquar.lJeUereou^a^ calliog ihi
"lilyT , L
servo as home-
that tho govern-
lands in parcels
thin the reach of
as steel la the princi-
niH n f our free Government.
coibusiastic outpounng of popi
as then and there wiuics.-cl
proud of Chicago, proud of her citilens, but
'.. _ . : ... —;.t- nt .b,' r. oriuus crnl,
tbe negroes thenisclvea.
Thin is by n~ —
pied with
JTtb^'reaU>t"momu(ii, capable at the e
. ^...r,...- -ueb minute discriminations,
pursuance of ibo recommendations o. the President,
P - - i--„s brought betore Congress for the
|. iu.
n in M,,souii and Maryland.
ir its abolition. Emancipation, ibo
of 'slavery, the abrogation ot the lav. of
, of these as you please, but do
.„.„.. lortend I We ore not com
When we consider how carefully Abobur
been avoided
,,.-.' ro-'S
r„, 1 „iu ily nt-als mote iua,, .en ~'-.j
iudependent. This, at a dollar and a .juarlei
,wo dollars on acre, will cost at most twenty
»,,d we know from personal ol untoi™, 'ha
,bo negro famibes can raise thus much, and t
an emergency like that. A moderale cred
Ihetn for one or two years wdl easily env
deficiencies. .
great mistake
on these p|anlfltions^are abject paupers
We 1
the nonnonp op southmix institution.
measures token 10 extinguish
iot but read with mdigiisiiun Abut
ihe bead of the rebel Confederacy,
auppose that Ibe negroes
nd alto
,- of money.
woaid bU 80.J ™ a. to ,..
'11, i' '. 101 '"H '- -11 , - , 1
1 would be allowed 10 h,= lau 1
bend the Troj T11
In lapport oftbi
aided ii
1 barmVortlnr
family of the
daughters n
by slavery.
ter of a century, t. 1 their countrymen of this <
L the majortty of these negroes have features 10 those
told by Col. Richard'on'a
ill know oi the degradation
I detuted to tell its 1
n 1 have 10 often heard advo
st-j*a^fv ^^MV^>
ode.l only on the belief that Ibe ow «ns U>°
enfi t.l of (bO olbcr- These lalsc ft-wl"
been from H.a facfptiriafl "* w**1*18"
its ihnt ban- beset tho life '•< »''ii "«'l n "-
„„, -l,.l. srannsbip, I- ll >" ,
",t '
wnso- though tbcro U less difference
,„„ .wo tlm.. Ibo UU.o-wise by whom tho world is
govorr.ol would have u* think-le Ubm tho occasion
of lie «u wbioll tot brought u* I" ueaU. * d
lion untouched: and protected, in nil Ibo region
,„ (bo preservation of ibo nn
her to ehoni from her sober
now lbs! a moderate (
pltnod. well comm^ndc
lu-lVu :«.' Ilu'
GliBKT, N. V., .Inn. !<!, Infill.
.,..,. [,„,MsborcaiiIUiBr!o,lMVHbccn
, r , ir, Uv icgsllv pronounced fiil'kI A now nation, ciual
, number* W Ibo original of our <""> «e«,cl1 b>" »
10Ut ofcbntfeHMn! WUilo wa V«i
«n ^*c«1.ttair « to tbo chance. <>' recoctd-ion "*
jrolan Bowers U tho " Confederacy," lo! the federal
overrent has rccogntau « now South-* South of
on.oni.y which K bM hilhorto hold and treated •>
.rupcrty- »"'! '"- promised to help aolliovo freedom
n .l l„.l ..Jenc- rnr this newly created n ilinn.
ibou lb*l
Tho venerable Jolin Piarpont IiM bwn msdo I.ibTft-
r[f„ of ll'io Treasury Department nt Washington.
nloffD. Weld spoke In Concord, N. 1I-. *•" 1- il^v
.... ,i,- !3d lost-, nnd again on Sunday evening
E, R. Ames has accepted an invitation l« :;.i|'I''X
mo pulpit of tbo l 5 t Church, ClnoinnnlUor si*, "tenths.
This I* Lite pulpit lately IMca by M. D. Conway.
. -
may bo quaUllod—
I ,.r piooorly lo the position uf d
loo -.» tbo first nl January to »
r Ihcir
itid from
,, Into
by Ibo
.hem thus fur
fol of E tit I
. t,:„rjpb Of Hull
lOnlitl.avo been nil ibo morv) signal.
,rly 10 ftfllrni that tbo [imaHcipftiioii President will bu sufficient to .mo iU
lion ll nmy l-no been delayed loo long. Tho.
,r of absolute power, of positive dictatorship, vol.
lailly Bubiuiltcil to by ibo peopjo. bnving piwicd
,««,-. bo niny not b«vo force enough lo enrry .1
tbrougl> by tbo strong band. Tnwwos nt homo, now
ecept out of it« lurkine-plncw .n,.l ramping ... lce*
lativo bull. n»d courts of jiwtiea, [»«y be strong
,lttr tbo deatruelion of Ibo poWM ol
«binD 2 is the n«ift nnd MtM"' '-''"" Bu'
: :r " !
^W.u.wc I"Hevo it rony bo miidfl
gutidmil |nti-£lavMg »mim,
hero; lei .Ici-.-.k-suc^I
mltit Ksst-nwl I ibinkj
n doj . but nut It
uumry lo plcct
" "« Orati
lew, poil"Ie currom in
,t,jji:y lUvpeaina nnd b
....ik f I
.. ,..,
nrd, by Col. IlijJl
pro Itcpubllo of Liborii ; »lso thioLlnit Mr. Tnol.-
,.ii,.,'i[..ti . Antlmr Kinnalnl. Mr. Gerald Rn1*t->
c Canjal-Oonorftl for Liborl*, and olhrra, f>- "
oublo they bid Ukcn on Andersoo't bohnlf.
i. Jooe G. Swluhclm is e*ml
leolure-i open tbe exleul nod alro
. ,
.-. reoeuily perpetrated
iJul.Hril Slate.
Com.NuttwillBOt aa aroomiuisn at Ibo «
ii» friend Toni Thumb, and tfio brldesmild
liltls «itU>r of Uio britlo-n yoonff lady quite
,nd pretty u O.o future Mm. Tbumb.
B»t lo dfllirei
f of tho Indiai
Minnwola, he
* Cb.i
r. SI. D. Coo way prMohed in Ibe S
ber in ffiuliinglon, In place of Rev. ff. H. ChaniimB
on Sandw iMt. H!» *ubjeet «»». "God'a rnreoog-
„l,,,l Git., to Amorica." Among «» a a at«n
Wcnil.'ll I'hlllipi.
DeujimLo F, Wado, the lion-hearted Sen
Hie Union Society ill Canibnl^ Collejie. iv.jlmd,
: viu rceentlj
a rul'
lio debate on Amoritan .nt'ilr.i,
m nliicliaaon of !>"» John Kni-ioll and .Mr. Trovel-
yan epoko ngainil llio Union c»u50 and in tnpporl of
' """
i. Asoaof Elwar.1 Krorelt, nho ii t «to-
ibrMge, followed in defence of hla country
moot, nnd an English oloraymin, who par-
tielpnlca la tho doluilo, writes: "After him got up
young Eto'rott (Edwar.1 Eforott't lOnl.WhO, by III*
bye, ll considered on- ol tliet inoit di.lingobhed men in
CiuibrMtfo. tbo wli-^i lum-i' a.Mimt him, but cool anil
perfeollv eollccted. Ho look 'i'r.-v, . «i- h '"
pkew. point by point, used him op bit by bit, till Ibo
imly turnetl In his foTor, and ho
irrly dislinROish hiunolf
jrlcj. Look not for
. It wa;
will i
®hv ^Mhinst0U ©oncspoiuU-iitf.
cctcd n of a
n fse-t I
1: t>(
.,,,-i.riNi; ir it hom tt tbe b;
.k. lb.- by J
he tlcn-cnls ol clvllmtion, nil 1'rotcil .v =
.„..„,. :.!! ....r :-<-."..' U«..t !.•> '••'I ']
ilo lo lis llonl ai.J absolute dcitruoU*. 1 say.
.lie I am not so saogulr.o ol ii.s-ant K« '"* -
u.l kiww thai ii* <
:!..,! .Mil I- 1 « l.i, Hull r.i.,.l n a -.- i
„, and Heaven nioM..[.|.f..>.;. I" lint .'
ank (.".l.l lu hi > livid in this d'1 !' nnd l»jrni: "i;
bumbK-Vi"-! '
i.Ki,-.,_. l
;le.[H..l..i.t.-Mii cvi-yl.i.nd
anil ••.'> lii-liuurr »" t"''d on d man tu mku l^i una
6 forward (great applause),
. .
in, ii.u- tMeomiiia.—tho full
!a»cry has not yot bet-n reached, but I have faith iu
tho dcapciate madness of IhB slaveholders, and that
terriblo toonVgiug and di«cin!ino of the nation will
,1-,... ,...-.1 Uivaugh suffEriiig nnd r^ieonmc the
tbango -HI ha-o boon roadered eomplelo. There will
dowuaiu ili'-i -'vilu'i"!!. l.iitlbiiiilb.:iroii^lil.i
The oounlry and tbo President belli find Ibem-elvoB
bv both to be tbo polity t-.u,e ol tho Unl « »f
Withoul -Uverv nucli a war hnd been .u.pos.ible
With slavery it'hu been InavIUUi from tbo begin.
*2 All Ibo eo.npr.mi^ wbieb oor pmchbeck
statesmanship ha, dnei«d h»vo only been .1 tempi,
h i. on i' inn- i«w- Tli ° t,c ",Bnda of
, of iu o*n nature nml iiecussitiea, continuiilly
growmg, it Wlowcl that a lim. m«.l «>»i
thov must bo reeled, if there renamed n shadow o
public .piril or sense of pnva.o intores in th
non^lavioldiiR Slate,, nnd if reeled, that «i
most follow Tho Civil War has-been stoutly logi-
eal In (act it bean long years ngo, nnd it didored
froin that now opting, ft* the 1m( thirty yo.ira. nay,
more than forty, in tbo fact (hat the defeats of_ tho
North were submitted to without figlitiiig- They
woro ignominious surrenders of right.-) to nyoid
defending them. How much longer this inglorious
warfare would have gono on had not the slnvehold
crs been encouraged to shorten tho road to their
nbsol u lo empire nvot ul by opening hroupon om or,
we cannot toll and do no! can) to conn.dcr. Jhoj
did at last compel us to „:... by refosing lU oflcr
mada of everylliing tbo, bod demanded mid C.v,nB
us the first blow in ibo fnot.
The war exists, flnvcry tho acknowledged cause.
Acknowledged, we my, for those «ho deny
slavery is Ibe cuitc »IErm that Aboliuon is. and
that, we conceive, is only iif-olbcr way or slating the
same thing. The President and tbo nation—for the
nation desen-es, perhaps, as much as Ibe President,
whatever blnme of slowness his oourso ban brought
upon bim-acltuowledging that slavery, and slavery
only, was tbo cause of tho war, insisted on Carrying
it on for nearly two years on the principle of oatcr-
tuinatio- ibe effect and leaving Ibe cause in full Opiv
ration. "And, oven now that tho President, all that
is good nnd loyal in the nation being behind him, has
aimed a blow at I ha cause of tbo rebellion, ho still
leaves it alive mid entitled to tbe proleetion of tbe
national laws and arms, in four States nnd in parts
of two others. This wo must think one of tho
atran-ast prodienmenta in wbieh n. groat nation nnd
its Dead were ever placed. Could the truth
slavery is the cause of all our woe* be washed
rebellion in tlio field.
lay the axe at the root of Ibis evil tree I If
slavery be tho cnuec and ordinal of this war, nnd
lis abolishment be cssenlinl to viclory and tbe eslab-
ihment of the vqmblie in .Is integrity, does not Ibis.
Hilary necessity apply '> '"" ,ha b1iwo Sln,cs BS
ell as to thoee openly in arms ? If this bo true-
1( l what clear-sighted lover of his country enn deny
T_ia ibe time gono by when a supplomcntnry pro-
clamation may declare slavery at an cud in Ibe Dor-
dor Stales us well us the Cotton St ites, as inevitable,
lis to livof Tbo dny is short and the
„ ... band (nnd Such ll night!), if tlio work
ayTpoinUid for that day be not done.
. SrAKLHT, by bis pro-slavery policy, has given
K n„. odence to the soundly loyal portion of the poo-
pin of North Carolina, who nro praying and hoping for
his removal, and for the appointment in Ilia placo of
us that he was not loo K since removed, and we he-
t ,.-l,« wmildliftVi- l.i-ii h"t I>t tl.f mnli^ll inll .'-'
mmiUnlu the country, and conB.
B n the slave to re h
;r oelly, if ho could thereby develop n Union sentl-
led by Mr. S. fjABAB, closed Ihe i
£ the Jol
is [nihil
id with on i> Accord
ing by
calHihl fol ll.c f
y'|!°- :
t'.'l...V, jrl
Ohio, Im been retltcicu tor .u« .v,.., -.
ftotn the foorlh of Sareli nWt » his tpiol M been
Infused into the Administration from tho slwt, we
)W bo ii'joieine in the oierUirt.w of tbe rebel-
Ibo omaocipnUon of every slave.
'resident nnd U™. Luieoln have prnontec
Ex-Gov. Nowell. of New Jersey, with n beautiful am
itly gold-headed cane, iu a testimonial of theli
appreciation of his professional serrices to theli
ily when suffering from sickness seiernl month:
il then
Us, Hit
11 ha
. If
t.l..iv] 1-1..I ".'.
re Stat. o IVwi.:
ind is sVror-elv ursal to appoint it.ia. SrenunlHi
nco ol Uov Stanley. It in thought by Ihoso who p
[his ohango upon the geiernoient that the nam,
freniopt would (.uuinma in » vml'U ulniost an ormj oi
iolored Unionisls, as large as the white army Koster
.;, I. i,ii.
,ai re'lgiu toilny I
John Urown«"vi.|,ii(i-ll' .•<-. m
."i.'iViV-.r. ".'.'il'l.ll.'r'i. ..!.!•'
Iti.l'r '
Freedom rojguj, clc.
Julia tJrnwn'i I""'! lies'ilni: i
l„i..|,l„V. it,.- .1 b'ltliL -utrv
",r .. -..:. - ; .I
' '< •
Pcvtdom Klgat, tie.
e TrAwt of Thursday spoke of Mr. Phillips's le
in the following terms:
tho Cooper Ins iliu I e, e
re bo separation, the Confederacy will dud that In
military orn among Ihe negroes a ghost has been
1 CI] ,„, which will not vanish at their bidding. The
C nKo"of tho slaves so slwmotully returned by Gen.
Steele not long ago, by burning their master's dwelling
,d firing shots at the inraatoi, la a lorowtiraing of tho
.,. ( ,| Kelioning which will como lo the Confedfralcs
cmniioipotlon by Ibu Federal government is pre-
Tho proidaroriti'.n ' ns i-nlunblc lor ivbi.l it ia acennv
plishing in Ibo Norlli as atlho South. Tho " situation
idng defined by it. It is omanelpnCng many
trio apulogUW of slavery, who .ay amen to Duller
j|a new .loetrint.i. U ii ellVctuiilly iiimirnSunu' Hie
diabnlie:.! champions of slavery and rebellion,
are less for innpenly iutimi.Lntins; a l^-jm-
-o at Albany, lb in when a year ngo they w oro mbI-
» patriotically " suppovtinfr and proUini; " Hon
Abrahntu Lincoln. The pn- e I. u nation has severed
ibo " tap root" of the " Demoeracy," so that it cannot
henceforth as in tlio past draw its nourishment from
the '
sacred soil
r of the South.
was in riochwter on the d:iy c( Hi... i
,„.^. ll .,., ,:i,l,ll... Ilr«t i
-•: - the p^-rs CO..-
ling the message of freed.-.m. .'as. in advance ol mi
and "aid'to hit.., 'l',.i;». tir " " olTerinB him tho Butfu.
tfaioii «nd ddwrfUer (prMlavcry). The man
beid and parted en, Uie toy continued, say ...„.
Proclamation is out. The niggers aro all free Lin.
>ln has done il I
" Our business man suddenly slopped
vtd he wanted a paper, nnd added with siRniflcani
I; ••
I Ill-IK lilt Jit.j;;<T:
jr Ibo r
...... jtnled that Ii
Republican ticket,
for Chni
takes the trouble K
says, there Is not a
I. Adai:
marking as he did no,
s Sumner." The ftov
:onlMdiet the story, in
ord of truth.
, but Hie
u to lini
at tho mo
vo been c ried Into
,dell Phillips, at the request of the New iork
„lilc l.ibrare AwooLition, will deliver b^letture
"Tho Ixiit Arts," at the Cooper Institute, on
"twill no doubt command a lull house. On Tuesday
evening Mr. Phillips will speak upon ' Oat Fuluro"
in Plymouth Church |l!ev. H. W. Ccoeber'a), Brooklyn,
_. Id's plans wore to h
illon. Tho vorj' element! seem somelimeB to bo
iguo against u« in iliii conflict with Ibo pro-slavery
llion, but tho fact is that nations, liko individuals,
be able, if they are successful, to triumph even
over the elements, Ilurnndo was nil ready (or a bat-
tle Ihreo weeks .ten. when Ger.erals of his army came
'eio and made repreicnlalions to tho President
,st Ibe movement. Ii is said tbnt Mr, Lincoln
fered and postponed Um advance. Ido nel believe
lory. If ho did thus Interfere, tho responMbility
ii shoulders is very great, Inasmuch as if Ibe
! hnd moved three weeks ngo, it would have bad
good weather nnd roads for the movement. It has
now. There is a good deal ol curiosity here
who it wan that came up from Palmoutli lo
labor wllh Ihe President. Some say It wan John Coch-
rane—others that It was Gens. Sumner and Hooker.
The Free Lobor Movcnu
laliins rapid progress. Til
,shor A?sociallons of Cra
leaufort Counties have ree
icnt Northern statesmen,
pressing the earnest comff
and principles. They nro I
sympathy nnd coSpo ration
witluliindioi! the parsiatool
'-.the movement. Tho mi
rength, and already melo.™ - -
aa r.eEiment- A movement is on foot to ask the
uiithority or Congress for Ihe formation of ton loyal
North Carolina regiments, tho material for which i:
Tho foHowinprefoluti..n* have been adopted
by the First Nor 111 Carolina Loynl Volunteers:
Resolved. Thai <„„ ' Jermim- l>';'i'.".";' n ':'*•"""'
.,..,, ,.1 U..,.,-. ., iitili.- Ir t'ni l>i :
'rn-t. i.h" cam
. S-.',vt,ern a i-v. «<-cks .i!M r.-..n. Washington.,1". C
it iii North Cwollon is
l're*idcnls of the Free
en. Gartenet, Hyde nnd
ived lottem from promi-
rrcspectlvo ol pstty, ei-
odallons of their object
so assured of the hearty
I President Lincoln, not-
ipposition of Gov. 3innl<>y
I'ement is rapidly ,-niniii(t
cs tho Fi
,r tho great champion of unce
Ii iet a ii|-.eiH]ti"0 ilL'iiinsl i i"l'''
„ .M-Vi-h.m.l-ivY l..i..l.l.tKi-
,,( pnliee was present in tho lobb;
.'[i.. j.t-ti....
i-il( Lincoln .'
"  loc
,. ,*, fdl.r.vrr:!.,:,' .-. v,-: r.f.wl:: .:
:„ t'l I,
-.«...-.etw 1 .. n 
bany? Mr. Phillip--.; Anion .lo U.o I roe aum .on,
_ -'.n. nn,i
„„ i„6|,irin:i. it ['i.r. ,n «nh sutii treucn
m through the clou.ln tin" eiit-.iii|.n.-s «> i..r
lent, that wo report it entire in Ibis morning s
Monday evening nest Mr. Phillips, under Ihe
, f ihe Mercantile Library Ai-iocialh^will
his lecture upon "The Lost ArLs" in the
institute ; and on Tuesday evening he will speak
Jim FirroRB " in Plymouth Church, lirooklyn.
nwnrdly saying, "Alast im
[hose good old days of fral
dear Southern brethren';
,b, , more torove "
ii shall henceforth kn^
The Washington correspondent of Tht IHftwie says
i. hail- almost tlio highest official authcrity undei
be government for staling that Mrs. Lincoln has a
ust become thoroughly anti-slavery-is hearty in he,
.pproval of tho Emancipation proclamation, and ore.:-
mmedlatc nnd comprehensive arming of slaves win
mvo been made frcu by it.'
The Waihington cor«« ol 71,i UfTOld statca,
nK-n oi-ms r^nliar siamp went in a body last niglii
iho President's heo-e and thnmnded the removal ei
ward They are not without fear that their Are and
rvor wus not nuita consilient with court language
d conduct -, but they say that the President treated
em kindly/'
A dispatch in Tbt Time, dated ffaahlnglen, Jan. 20,
jys: " Wendell rhillips, in cemp my with Mr. St.
of lit. t..n, and Itev. M. D. Conway, was, to-day, (
or Iho House, and was introduced by lion
.way to ihe uiomuers, who crowded around I
ir respects. In tho evening Mr. Stearns g
in! entortninuieiil, at which Jlr. Phillips wo
All Iheio have been up here wilhin a fortnight. I heat
olin Cochrane is falling back into pro-slave ryisnt
leClellanism. He was known all last Summer and
o be one ot those who had litllo faith in Gen. Mo-
Clcllan.but it is reported that ho Is now urging tho
recall of that General lo the cuituond of Ihe Army "I
tho rotomnc. Co mndo some very nlnrming repre-
sentations of Iho condition of tho oroiy while in this
city. I must confess that olhor testimony fully cor-
roborates hi' statements. Se nri tor Wilson has moved
an inquiry imo ihe subject in ihe Senate.
The Fit! John Porter aflnir has created a niiKMlnri)
sonsnlion. Goo. Wilkes, who long ago gave the Gene-
ral tho nomo of " Sit* Velloiv," was in town when
the decision of the Court nnd Ihe President was made
known. It uoj no njj« I" 'ij.a.i—Ilu„-,»«-Tn« rlgn>.
The ru.'i'l.tit'i courage in this affair is combining.
or lb Carolina. . .
|| ivc.l. That as native citizens of Cmii
and loynl men who havo taken op arms fo
; h,-:
rl,.;t l-i.c some:l ; :c ;.
11 be Ihe KeprecTiUltve fi Cuiiitf"; ft
! ii,„l ii.nnnmeb n. tin- Tii.ij.oit, r.| ..
,-.. .iniVnn-.lii.v .1 ilifiuiili 'I'-- "*' k '
v >
l.;„v.S|..nlev anil hi i i ..nfe.l.T.iiv., ilml
invented for it, there would be at least the .-.
ftmienrnnee of "round on, which lo stand. It would
be « sbifting quicksnnd, to bo sure, none Ihe less,
under ihcir feel, ns it has proved itself, but there
would have been nt least the plensuro of being
cheated with n of n substniilinl footin K under
them. But the necessities ol disaster having compelled
the President and tho people to see tbnt there is none
other provocation of tho war nnd all the miseries it
bus brought wilb it, than slavery, it followed ns the
llcht tl,0 tiny tbnt slnvcry must bo struck down or
(be wnr must end in its lavor. Struck down in ihe
Stales netunlly in flagrant delict, of course, but not
left s'aiHlinf and bolstered up by bayonets nnd
marshal's po**S in those States that pretend to hold
on to their loyally nnd their slaves at iho SB
Slavery is one of iboss uionslora Ibnt ..._ ....
killed by being scotched. It rather resembles Ihe
Hydra of old fable, whose heads sprung up again,
two for one, as ofien as the hero Lowed Ibetn off,
unlil the actual cautery wus resorted to and provcdjjj
The following is among the resell
the Gartenet County Free Labor Assc
llcsolvctl, Thai Edward filsnleyV "'
on of Ibe freedom of tbo Press by
i .
ii. .1. r.-h-.ui'.H in !..... ... -/
fundamental principle oi republican gov
ions adopted by
miptcd auppros-
rcst ai i any I
derogation of nul
Till: evening obosen for the lecture of Wmoeli
lUira in this city (Wednesday, Jan. 21) was, u
,pect ol weather and the condilion of the streets, tht
very worst, lima Inr, of the whole Winter. A furiou
North-east storm, which hnd prevailed during the day
more furious at nightfall ; tho street
iddy, the rain fell fast, and a high wind
made It almost impossible lo hold an open umbrelh
Iht Fra »>"l'', i" nn article which wo have copied
on tho first page, expresses tho deep aniioty which
prevails amnog Ihe Frecdmen nnd their friend
Department nf Ihe Sooth, in view of tho dam
tho plantations, when sold by the government, i
into the bauds of speculators, whoso selflih greed may
,, | ,, or intent ol Iree labor that bos been inau-
... I ,t a niiarler with such encournging results
r-„,| ,„ i,ai been appealed to to delay the sale of Ihe
di and a bill for t hot purpose has already passed
,c Senate. Wo Irust It will pass the House also.
The United Stales Tax Commissioners for South Car-
olina have made a preliminary f*port, in which they
iv it must be ubvi.nn Ihe nvstcni of free labor lins nut
ad a fair trial in the pari of that Stale under Untied
laics control Scarcely any system has been put to
practical tested.
onnTn"hlb'o7'p"lh-i cm he iuangoraled. The great
impediment to progress is tho uncertainty which over-
hangs Ibo future ol the colored people. It Is a Rrcat
mistake to suppose them unmindful of the uncertainty
of their condition. Nevertheless, thoy nro but tenants
at will on the grace of tho government, subject to nuh-
isry caprice and necessity, with a strong desire lo
obtain permanent and free homes where they w
born ond reared. This class ol people, Iho Come
.loners say, are daily thronging tl.e.r doors an,,,,,
i„g about their destiny when the lands shall ..
,r taxes. They feel Urn necessily of some guld-
mis in ilirf-el theiii imo a new state of , sulenie,
amense magnitude el which they appreciate, but
Iho details of Which Ihoy nro uoablo to comprehend.
let especially two ooxinos to continue on, or
o their former labor, protitled they nnd their
f Dies can lie assort d of Ibolr freedom, moderate
compensation, Irco homes, and permanent employ-
„„ ...lglsnd emancipated in Ibe
still continue in bondage by authority "I
Iho Federal government, to remain " for the present,
» though this proclamation had not been issued."
rhcao slaves are in tho districts still hotly contested
i or where there is at hc«l hut constrained
loyalty They «"' «» lh0 ^°'K* W"M° ""^'
,ad under tho control ol ibe Federal arm. It is a con-
tinuation ol the old Ilopublican policy, which, as one
of ihe editors of Tht WIiiiim once defined it lo mo.
was- "ffenre oppo^-J to slavery where it is not, ond
in lavor ol it where -it is." That is, the President pro
claims the abolition of slavery In Iho sections beyond
his present reach, and volunteers lo uphold the ac
cursed system which would otherwise fall to no
ground ill the very region* wherein his military nnlho
rity could bo nt Once beneficently asserted. This is
infamous nnd utterly inexcusable tampering with life
and liberty. God will probably con I in ue to provid.
rain and mud, and still longer to bailie nnd disappoint
the hopes of the nation centered in its great Army of
tho Potomac so long ns the President allowa himself
tho mud of Curder Stnto
es of meeting! i
my last letter n deeply interesting
n Central nnd Wcstarn New York.
Of these I cannot in this letter speak In detail. I have
the most thongbtiul, earnest listeners 1 have ever
un any lecturing lour. Men are laking nidei unit
nestoees. The - Licm-crats." stimulated
by GOV. j-cymuur'. im|iu0enl tin.l
"J"™* """"f1
o lately becmuiH' mueh more hold nnd dettant in
ne As wc advance In tbo revolution it will not be
rprislng it there shall ba clashiug of arms on our
vnsoil. I think I see occasional sytuptomsjif this
Hoof thing , as coming evenls cut thiiir shadows
.fori them. How »"ious and general Ibis shall be-
,nic will depend very largely upon the vigilance and
jrnejilnoss of the real friends ol Irecdoui. Want o
One faithfulness in .his c.i.ical hour is sure to h
rely punhOied, and it de..erve, to be. Abolitionist
great and important responsibilities restini; ,i|.ei
, until lhat Prosidontial licenio of Blavory, " Fo
,V fow days since, Secretary Chase gave n sumptuous
mer to a largo company. Among his guests were
Hon. Simon Cameron ; Hon. Georgo Bancroft, tho bis-
torian John Jay. grandson of John Jay of ltevolution-
DOry;Senatoi'C.,llanier,of Vermont; Collector
, uf Mow York; Repreicntalivcs Hickman, of
Pennsylvania; Thomas, of Massachusetts ;
Edwards of
-Now [lampsblre ; Poller, of Wlecomln, and ulhers.
Cephas Bralnord.'of this city, has been appointed
.rbitrator'on tho part of the United States under Ihe
rely will) Great liritsio for Ihe more effectual sup-
jrcssion of the slave trade. This is on excellent
appointment Mr. Crainerd belongs to the null-slavery
wing ol tbo Republican party, and lias dono much to
u. nanee the cause of freedom.
Gen nooker, says the Washington correspondent ol
The 7H6ims, applied for authority to appoint Georgo
W. Smilley, from civil lire, one' of his nids^ecamp.
TheDsed rules of Iho service fornsdo Iho selection.
Mr. Smalley's graphic deicrlption of tho batl o ol
in 57.0 TVi'.vir, won the approval of nil the
Ihe Army ol Iho Potomac, and it was thought
Uiat tho author of such a letter could not but mako nn
invaluable staff offlcor.
And Ibis 1 toy without expressing nn opinion ui
.n ol Ihe guilt or innocence of Gen. Porter. Tin.
President unquestionably thought tho verdict of Ibe
Court was just, nnd ho had the courage lo drivu a
Mnjor-Gencral from tho ranks. It was a bold act. and
he deserves greni credit lor It. Any one who will loot
at Uie charges and tho evidence will find no difficulty
whatever in arriving at one concl union, namely, that
Gen. Porter did la point of foci disobey the order* nl
Gen. 'Pope, Take this sioglo order for instance, lor
tlKMiouiuTrtJ An'iv or VumiMi, (
iirislow Any. ^7, lf.iVi-3 p..u. ,
Maj.-ii.-».V. J.lV.i:r.-.r: ,
It:,.,-,..!..,! ./...i-rf,,-...
I (Ji-seiui. : The M .j...-t,uu-f.ii i.'oniiuanillng dirccls
you slart nt I o'elo.k to-nieht. and comu forward
l„ ,!,._, l,
r in to-n,orv.-,w morning.
n v.'i-.i n'.io.ii Willi the cni-niy,
,1 :,iin Lilt. .1 and wounded. Tho
veil back and in retreating along
usl drive him Ironi Manilas, nnd
intry between that placo and Gainesville,
yon.M, -j.,
splto of nil this, Im , i...,.,
ihe heads of our Lernnan pet that row- ibemselvM
i„ Carolinn and Mississippi, If he Icavo ibo.o
untouehed by sword and ecarinff-iron that e.tnlt their
insolent Cresls in Kentucky and Jlnrylnnd. Il is one
and indivisible, with ono heart out of which pro-
ceeds nil Ibeso issues ofdoalb.nnd in all tho I imo
giving strength and lifo lo tbe struggling trunk. Wo
do not mean lo say that, in process of time, should
alnvery bo extinguished by ibo arms, or
Iboso of Ibe slaves themselves, in tbo Cotton Stales,
that it would continue indefinitely in the LWding;
Biitles. Of cnurse it would die in course of lium,
perhaps immediately, in ihe ISorder Slnlcs, nfter il
had yielded lo doom in ils'fnvorilo abode. Hat wu
do aflinn llmt Ihe abolition or slavery, as a inililary
necessity, in the openly rebellious Stales, must be
greatly hindered and rctnrdetl.if not utterly defended,
by Ibo meroy shown to il in thoao Slate which pro
(ess a hollow nnd treacherous loyalty. Hollo* and
ireucboious just as fur as Ihcy nro slaveholding.
That a great number of tlio inbnbilanls of those
Slate* nro truly loyal, nnd «o becnutc Ihoy long lo be
' '--
to their prosperity ami progrc*.-,
.,. cd for opening the
jseiged by an eager crowd, who seenjed
lo got a-wotting it thoy could thereby
,uio petitions within Iho hall; and long
:ue iiuur appointed for the lecture to begin, tho
it hall was filled in every part by an assembly which
speaker might bo proud of on opportunity to
ress. Il embraced mam' lending ci linens, of various
occupations and professions, who have not htrotoiora
ecn very ollen seen in nntUhwery gatherings ;
nnd it
thought that nbou t one-third of thoso who hnd braved
ic lempcat to hear Ihe great Orator of freedom wore
tu sec in tho remarkable demonsti
'he Slavo Interest i° everywhere identical, and, wilb
xceplions 10 few nnd insignificant that they can
inly be Isken n* proofs of the general rule, wherever
,,. [, , . ,
,, l, hlec I nils rebel at bear
oi, .,„,.. il t'.i ii it.,0 we know by ibo
indtlie words ol Wieklillcand Sanlsbi.ry and whnl
ivcr ropresenla'ives tho Hordor State lUvehotili
lavo in Congress. Tbo treason of these men
.enrccly disguised. The ideutily of slavery wilb iho
islionia (be axiom of iheir philosophy, and win
ittncks slavery overthrows their feeble nllcgin
. Le;h ,_fln Monday last, sfte
iration, tho Assembly s
r in the person ofTbcodoro
i Domocrtt.
e Mcliowelii;
If M-. ilnwl j
,] word lo Mi
i ,-., il, |..._-.l tolnkoyour
inn. Ills nccefSJiry, nn nil i
ie hero by daylig' " '
ot..l|.l> I
flight, 'l seodnnoffl.
i i:»,
™u™ad u-ains'to't'hiisido of Cedar Run. If he is not
witli i, oi write hi > lhat efl'ccL
By command of M.U.-Ges. Foitl
GK0. D. Kc.iuu-:-, Cohmcl ami Chief ut Staff.
Nobody pretends that God. Potior executed this po<i-
live command. Z/e iroifcl Ml niornino. Tho main evi-
dence before iho Court was to prove that Porler was
justified In wailing lill dnylight. Now, it may bo Ir
Ihnt ho was fully jusliflcd by the ci
delaying his movement-! n.u ineompei
opinion upon lhat point— but il is very
did disobey Gun. Pope.
. Cameron, it is said, will e
!iBter lo St. Petersburg. 1
s M. Clay, immediately after
, will lie redeemed by .lino IT 10
. Iti. i pity
srd Taylo
pity to wl
»Ir.Clivy i not a soiut.h noin b
ho United States at any European Court
bettor minister at St. l'elorsburg than Bay
Iho preiont Chargi ds Affaires, and il is
:o money in Bonding another.
Tlio i Dcm raoy
EM»SCirA.T10S IK TUB DtrtCll C
Antl Startry Report"- for Januar)
' In Surinam there seems to be a
among all classes, bond nn;l tree
proiichitig emanoipiition. Ihe u
,-.-;.—Tho b'rilish
...1. Tie
.1 in, of I
Ur. Puu.lhv;, as he stopped upon the platform, was
welcomed by Ihreo rousing cheers, the waving of hats
and handkerchiefs, and other demonstration* of ap-
plause On million ofTii>:oooi:i: Tii.tos, Lim in Kt.rciiou,
Esq., was appointed to preside ; and Mr. Phillips, on
being presented by the Chairman in a fow well-ehosen
words, was once more greeted with enthusiastic cheers.
He held the audience In close attention for one hour
and twenty minutes. His speech was universally
regarded as among Iho best ovor heard from bis
in this city- H was reported in full tho next mon
by Tl.r> TrihiiM am! oilier papers, and many of
readers may bo dfsappoinled ia not seeing it in
Miliums this week. It ia-propor to say, therefore,
ho reports of Iho daily journals, being very hastily
mde arc necessarily smnowhst Imperfect, and wc
,bey the Injunction of Mr. Phillips in not transferring
my of them to The StakoIIid before he has had oppi
ceeded in clecling a
C. Cullicott, of Broomyn. no a
ulioni tlio llopoblli iii-i (being unable i., uil-cv ii mini -
.heir own parly) voted, in order to do Tost tho regolnr
3e moo rnlie candid ale, who was believed to be a tool of
r'ernaodo Wood and pledged, in ease of his election, to
aid Iho plot for preventing tho election of a U. S.
Senator the present year. It was openly declared by
leading Wood Democrats, that if they could conlrol
rgn'mMlion of Iho Assembly, thoy would not allow
Hint body, on the day fixed by law (Tuesday nixt) lo
for L*. S. Senator, but by defeating an election
Iho present year, put into tho hands of Governor Sey-
nurtho power to appoint a Senator to servo until
a next Legislature should mako nn election, failing
elect a Spenkar of their ownslripc.plcdged to carry
4t this plot, their purpose was to keep the Assembly
unorganised lill alter Iho day fixed by law for Ibe
choice of a Senator.
The Demcornts charge Calllcott with having cor-
ruplly sold himself to tbo Republicans, but wo pre-
1U me lhat lie did no more than to promise, it chosen
mainly by Republican voles, to deal as fairly by them
ns ho could consistently wilb his allegiance lo his own
''Thorn 1= scarcely a doubt that a Republican Senator
111 ho cho.en on Tuesday next, but who Is likely to
j„r. il I, and "hen the i.heoi
iiultiiiiilo had sut»iJcd, spoke substantially i
iW-CrriRKKs : When this struggle commenced I
was not as gay nnd as sanguine as most of ynu
I .ii.l not l.elieve. if we hnd civil,,... i
did believe and I
le a little war by striking
id striking
.1-.I..-..I, by
"EC.!"-'- "' -,"""
,,' I. ,,.,.,,,, Ui.. I.l.i.lnlv ,[.<!, ...l.l ...... .
.,j„„"thei "Governor, and dejir.d ,,„„
Ihe Ivlng of Holland their thanks lor he
'' '
, .
„ (
",]„. :, nU-r read ihe docuiiienls. Many
ifiuld not read, tiaiight the papers and kissed
in Is i
>f Thurlow Weed will
TDK Fiihk South.—The first number of this paper
,ted Cemiforr, S. C, Jim. 10, is before us. It Is to be
antinned weekly, at S3 per annum. Lftlgh.lOO
Broadway, is the agent for receiving smVerlp.loi
and a.lverlUemenls from Iho Norlh. We shall look
paper for reliable information of nil importa-
menls in ibe Department of Ibo South, especially
those relating to tho condition and prospects of U"
freedmen. We havo copied from the first number
poem by Mrs. Gage, nnd an editorial article upon
question of great importance. See first page,
Dm111 LlTF. T i.—A dispatch in Tin Times.
dated Ssihlngton, 2Cib inst., says : "Tho President's
f'aianeipalion i'roclnmalioil wa-,, yestorday. issued OS
Orders No. 1, and dated dan. 2, 1563.- Tho
iaf slowness of tho Administration is herein
illuslrsled. Why this delay of almost a month in the
fomul promolBnlion to the Army of the Proclamation
he should oflerwards wait twenty-four days bc-
pulUng bis Proclamation ia official shape before
pleader, ol the army, many of whom woro ready to
avail Ihem-elven .if any technical wouso for neglecting
lo enforce it 1 Such delays as this, alike sbsmefi:
a of tho country in
On Sunday evening last, says Tht .lmtnw.i Septal,
Theodora Tilton delivered one ol hi* best lectures lo n
crowded house nt tho Dollieada Daptitt Church, Jer-
sey City. The onportuniliea of the nation, and the
dangers of delaying tho execution of joitieo lo the
master pencil, nnd the nudienco listened wilb almost
breathless silance lor nn hour and a half.
Thurlow Weed has retired from Ihe Albany EbnlEntJ ...signing as the reason Tor so doing that lie
" widely, radically nnd irreconcilably" with his
parly •- about the best means of crushing the rebel,
lion." In Other words, he i. no Inngcr a Republican.
hn r a Copperhead lleuiocral. If he had mndo Ihil
I before 'he recent Male election, instead .,1
,il,« with the republican party for tile porpi.ote
.-0 effectually working for Ihe defeat of its can
dldatcs. his coui-se ivoold have been Tar itioro honora.
ble. And now, if Mr. Seward would only follow Mr.
Weed's example:
Dr Dlo Lewis, Principal of the Uoston Normal Insii
uto for Physical Traloing, attended an eihibilion o
Urs. Z. IL Plumb"s Class hi Light Gymnastics, nt Ucd
worth's llall, on Tuesday evening. Mrs. Plumb, ivh,
ia a rraduam ot the bo.ion institution abovo named
lias met with great soccess in introducing tho new sys
teui in Ibis city, as ibo latgo and intelligent audience
wbieh ai-.en.blod to witness the exhibition fully ... -
The performances of tbe class woro alike cred.lablo lo
Iherusolves nnd lo their (cichcr. nnd Dr. Lewis s expo-
sition ot the peculiar advantages of tbo new sys
were likened to with deep interest. Tbo med
clo'ed with elnging tbe John Urown song, and tl
successively for the Union nnd lor Dr. Lewi
led at ibe exhibition u. ..;
dent. It looks to them as il ho meant to make
short work with all men who attempt to obstruct tho
government in its war upon the rebellion. I think the
President nl last has got fully nwtke. Ilo has been not
n liitlc nervous over the sen ol Ihe DomoeraU In
York, llliuoH, Ne- .lei-.ey, and in other States,
nnd he Is convinced that soft words and tufti of grass
will not answer any longer. Il in time to throw stones
at tbe enemy, whether he be found in the ranks ol the
Cbala or at homo. I think tbe President baa made up
lis mind that ho may ns well perish in a bold attempt
o crush out all di-h,yol opposition lo Iho government
n Ihe free States as to lie still nnd see llio government
crumble peacefully to pieces. Tho Democrats of iho
North may ns well understand that they can only tri-
umph in their traitorous lelieiues through civil wnr ot
o Korlh-In other words, Hint the government will
ook no interference with its vigorous prosecution ot
c wnr nnd ll such interference is offered, it Will
.dearer to crush ihe traitors, North as well as South.
James brook* ready tor war lo Iho streets of Now
Vorkt h Fernando Wood I And if they ore, arc lh«
csneclable Democrats, who have property and an
,,' Jt in nrcservioc law nnd order ""»»" 'or civil
a/),. nil-.' bellevi uitliis :;' .
o States If tl
Xany ^n'm.ivemenVin aid ..1 the rebellion. 1
a'iact. and It may just as well bo understood i:
. hnrx iftar. Mr. Sluftn madu a great many bl
1 -t Summer lie arreilcl men whom tie
,c let ,1 Ihe
John Anderson.lho lugllive who so narrowly escaped
.endilion to his master in Missouri by tlio Una-
dian amhorliies, la response lo a fictitious claim under
Iho extradition trealy beiweca Great Ilr.Uin and the
United States, and who alterwardu went to Lngland,
I ;i , r ia in Uccmutier U.L • '" Hie eicn-
B pre.iou. to lib. doparlure, he was entertained at s.
farewell wir/o hold at Shirley's Tvmpcracoc Hotel in
Undon. The company assembled on the oceasloo con-
sisted ehiefly of members of ihe Committee who as-
mmcdlhe reipon.lbdity of his education during the
'eriod of his residence ia England. Harper Twel.e-
%Z E-n the ch.iru.nn of the Commi.teo, presided at
" "
,' , i fj-iiiai'tory report of Ihe progreis
ntle'V' i,..l..--oa at school wa, (urDlshe.M.y "Jr.
BucI EoU„r^ iim^„a™.-TheWaihm;
:t,.„ .,-
J'"'^' "^ri 7 ;;'; (^^Ueni'au 'Vcolor,. and lles.r..
respondent of 11, 1IWM, under date of Tuc^y. ,
He- h .. 1
< ij
p ff_ ^^ w F„.
Gov. Andrew left for Doston lo-day, takuic. >"»'" - J
^ i (solutions wore pns«u «*"
, authority lo raise regiments olnegroe*, rc,,
. ..
Lc mteli lorKiic pr0(.
!ho State of ^^^^"^.^^^^^^.^ wishing snocesa to the
;.,-, ice.
" Wc hopethbis true, but fear it isnot. peritj oi juuu
do ivill not prevent tho government from ar-
jffier men who are guilty ol troasoo in any ot
the free Stale*. Such a thing as a peaceable disunion
i, an impossibility, and Northern Democrats should
,,ni ;| [ho lact.
Congress is prosecuting the business that
for it to do with n good deal of vigor. Hut five utor.
„ceks remain. The financial nueltlon is yet unsettled.
Tbo House has passed a bill, sntlstactory In mo.t re-
peels to Sir. Chase and now llio Senate will lako up
Iho subjecl. By the end of Ibo present week It should
beseltlcdh. CoagroM finally, lor tho country bn. a
right to know whit Uie financial [lolicy of the govern-
ment Is lo be. It seems to mo the President is right in
urging tbo impropriety of issuing such a .astamouot
of paper currency, and Ihe LM-U-rn members commit a
great political blunder lo a tax upon bank
notes. The West feels .ore upon this subjecl, and il i.
time to force an issue on any such tjueiUon. Tho
. ouoW to give way to Iho government, .ay. Jlr
o—savs Iho President, but the House will not
, ,i. ,1k BiMrliun It '• cjcS,JlDgly tmportonl
Iba7u.o«ovorntt7nt should havo a financial policy lhat
Will carry [tthrongh U.o war, and ll ba. .oinoUme*
.cemed lo me, in watching tho proceeding, ot tho
huso, lhat certain ardent Republicans care about a,
mod. for the kaok. as thoy do for Urn country, and
j, do for the sUrc, about whom they
Cut this is a monetary question, opon
wl** WQS.1L1 differ, sad it !> not necessary to im.
peael. anv one's patriotism lo account lor ibo ungoUr
I, is growing smaller erery day. and tbo
Department begins lo bare a look-out for tho
v llow aro wo lo bare more troops! Wo must
them, it is laid, but the question U-how w« Ihoy
got! Some geollemen In Congress talk, of con-
lion, but they hardly lao» ol what they talk'
UoLcu our forces nlrendy in lite Held, who ool
lliO rebels nearly two lo 0110, es.
nonnlo will no! submit lo another
oonicrlritiou act. Tin' very licet way 11 tor too fc,..
liienlto put ill best foot (ore ni rial, and endi Ivor to »
sonio TiolorlM thin coming Spring, nod Uton all w.l!
well. A great victory between lliis and onl May n
iire ua from many dilHeuliins.
Tboro is (rouble in Iho Army Of the Poloio
of llio divisions ot least is budly demoralised,
by its McClcllati General and elHcors. li ii
that something must toon bo iloho with thl - I
pnrt ol it clamors for MeClellan. and Ihc VjvtHcnUi
no idea of granting Uielr desire*: in ibjs i-espf.
r i ,n of (hi army ii.i'i been. b»
lotpald. This should noil
d willingly ne-copt Ihi
Ihe Oommnndei-lnCliIcf. Whatever cj
. in. ,.1 Hint the President line made up
...idl SledtUan (o command, simply be
inced of ilmt General's inenmpcieucy. Avon.
Qm guMtaifow.
TUB ATLWHC UojrrnliT. lor F0Ur.11.ry t.Bcutno. Tick-
nor and Fields) is on eiccllent number. Here Is n lisi
li f article* npd author* Sovereigns and Sons, by C. C.
Harwell ; Under llio Pcar-Troo—a Hory-by Mr:
Hopkinton ; Threnody, by llio author of "Charles
AucliMtor"; Tho UUlity Mid iho Futility of *pl'»'
linuu, by W. R. Alger ; Bholley, by a son of Leigh
Hunt: Tho Tcit—n poem—by Bnynrd Taylor;
Preacher's Trinl, by C. A. Barlol ;
The Ghost of Llllle i
.Licmies; Boston Hymn, by lUlph Waldo Em
The Siege of Cincinnati, by T. 11. H*ndo ;
Jnnn Austen,
by lira. Watorston ; Tho Proclamation, by J. G. WW
Her ;
The Law of Com, by D. A. Wesson ;
Tho Clio,
soure i. Pled, by YV. J. Tinto ;
Latent Vioyie of >ii
faiulow, by J. 11. Lowell ; Reviews and Literary N.
I'noreo "a "Boston Hymn" (rood
,..lnhih Concert ill that ully OP r.
ml oiinurfoiirlhpifto. W
,- proclamation we insert in this pin
c.,i„i i>, rick, slave 10 Mitel " - :
r.l,.ii II, j: no so r..or :il hand. ..nil I con t
cot alt (uluru lUiCiV^-r.i.). All l'..c In. .
„. world h flu wing hiilie'r i
wo hove hot to wed this
lib 111... lilo-blond of Ihc liiliu; I-..', will, , I -•-..- I
,„1 jiMioo, mid God has i" store no lile^mi: for no-
bk-ii iniii"iu lint "ill no' l "-' secured (or oura."
g In Ihc !.i
"TlioLmv n(
ona in polilicnl e
,ry of niitiuD*, am
Kenltime. It sen
(ShVOMClCiS ot tttc Wat.
VIlD fln.i) „r .i,o P . ,
Re Burnsldo lias rv
'"" '
'-hi I....1 1,0 ft
ceptcil on Saturday nii^
''"'ii.^1-!.',." tt'htn'lho ol
is deparluro. llii pnrtins ail
nlstliempv.-vue lor [heir
ila aucecasor.
tnc Anuv or rnc lY.r.n.
1Hull til Sloles. ih i.'.-.iii hii.: (hi '""
, Viin Ei. On
.1, limy it-iked in ("'"»
tt,.-i,i nt n dim:ii.r:.j lo n !'.- i "I tlieii-i. IVo liiul r
bteil llo-l'. I.'iii-' I". lore j-iii.-d tlielii, each -'|ie:
inn i
; w-:,nl (In iili U"' koy-li..le, widioot win
i|„„ i.-i.oild i;ol ii" reply Irom lli"'.o vviihin. fh
„-k'.| n- ilinmiiernUi- 'I
iL.-loni- «' ' "" i'oo-lli t
'u'..ll^ i'.-'-'i »'l'.. ii
ii,i Unit ilitv »er -e.nii?^! im-. i,.-. -lot E ,ieiotii
llif.,,,,.1,.,,,1 ii,.- -oinh. m, -I ,v. .. |..n.iiTitly wnluiiK ('
n„ „ tll
i„riunity to render tho President.'* espcr-
,.[ Hioir Hid.
cunlidenoe in ili.-m. Tln-y f.pii,.-ni-,.-l ( I- "'•H )"• .''-'
in imblic airniiv.nnd t Vl-nt ilnt tin- Cnfe.loiMoj
,i" - Their cliaii" L In Ir- 11
ro, and p re {j a rat ion to i.-lni, pe i'.l 1
black ami white), <
bcra, oadl-aaido childre
worn), old dre*Ms, uien'ii coata, nnd other gar
etc. II your friends can help ihLi poor people
and hope, I (Link they mil do then:
h row full. Iihli very c.,iiv,l.-i] ilere. Slrje! InMitl
wore Innnx-
nethlnB mora to "y—J'Ai
o pi-,.],.,-
ii. (..i-iiicil in nquiro (Jen. ltunlur en-
in. Li,-..-,-, oi (,! Mii-^ui.-.ii. iiim! mi
nkiiiK with "'='*' ''-'i.,^ I. .!,:- nlwiiya to li.?
it men who celdoio ihroiv away word*.
!.:'.. ';.; !:,: „- ; - '.'.v.i
o do what wo can in roiponso lo tbi
mr peraonnl friouda in ihla eily, and w.
i, miiny of whom know Ura. Gage, (.
The Editor of TiiKET.iMiiito respon.
to the above appeal, a bo* of clothing from Mary 1
Poat nnd Phebe W. Titua, North lleoipatead, L. I.
bundle from Sirnh Mann, Now York; nod tho fulluwi
nr—batefol and horrit
the prico which tho nation must pa;
ila masnaniniily. If ynu (alio n c!
ward any great end, you thereby a
nd completic
says Mr. Wa
i lltongb it be—
for ila ideas nr
l,!..h l,:l-
will not (ril lo
ihnpcof retrihotinn wlili
Iho has signed ahipping-
eail or suffer.
Into rights of
inicrt lo shed blood, has
, itseir the burden of a high deaiinalion, and
it, irnot willingly, relucllaiilly, if not in joy
then in shame and weeping." This is admi-
ccrtainly. Wo ijunlc again : ttsiem.'nt is ttiin— that whatever has
o nil thnt blr-fcs notions ; but by li
iia war Providence is thundering J
naltemblc law, dial man l-Iid.I1 hold
l-rinn Winn "mill .:i..l)l|dni.iiii;: "I toird liiuee, Mid
,i. |nr V in'". One e l'l.n-'l tin- Coiilcdi'i-ii'.') !>
,et ileor in the i-ooin which bung on only uno
mid tint cracked!
, .
.-., o.',...-. -Ti,. I- ' -I the Mis-
;,.,,,.,, i „ •
i' l.-i.
.... .,. - [ending,
• . lie lined
... -!- finiiki.
:l, >. llio li' I
.re ol worn! cl ibe boot i ii-y. ntin,
,n two thousand eords.secr.i- n in ill- in
i hunk, i" a place where it w,.,ihl not readily bavn
ib instantly
i,[ Uncle .Sain. Every soldier
da were well supplied for nearly
.1 thcni a very flue Irani
a which he said :
id has been Identiiled
.ill 101
the •oMii-rs, wiiliout muni ado, bume
iwn. Mooy .if Hi-' nogroea, if not all earn
.1. and arc now under tho protection ol tli
( to the renown our jiius and tin
our i-jii/u. To srenru .n Is jr.ur m iuki
will r. ;.iuo tl.o Chuerlul Olid Si-nltun cno^rriCeri of
every officer and i.dd.or in tlii-, army. In equipment,
iotcUigenco nod vnl„, (!,o enemy 'u our inferior, Let
ts ccier l.i,.,:ai - !• giee him battle wherever wc find
.',.„ -,!,. .„- I .- .- - i
-i^y (si.-e-i espro'.-ion lo the
,.. „. hi il„, a.i.iv aIkii lie conveys to our Into eom-
... o, -
... i, :i. ;(urn,iilv, ilicmost iordir.1 puoJ
r his fun
.. i. Codch .;t'i,
.li Sumner, and YV. 1-'. Smith ;•
Jeneral is .. . i!.. with most ol hia late Stnfl, 1
:,,-r I I. ... . I alienee for thirty days, nnd <
.. edlaioly to New York.
form of relribnliuii hi coiw.; the
. meet it i.ilnrwi' c- Hut llio pe-.-n-
ii. as hie'j been,-,l.tli:,lit win
ami ii.-tdlilv of Hie nalion which cre-
nually felt by any oilier. Our
laid with the
Ihe 111,--! rili'l I'-.-I 01 ll
Vln-d ""I) '• i" rlh "
We thus estublbherl a
., il.Li
.._ .ight bond, '
Every mac
tho right from God tn maki
Mik-Tiro. an,] Boclcly is catnb
nd guard Ihis sacred right.
it scale "I justice ; wo rallied
I givilijj b
t plan
noddy Ih
lory. It it affirmed,
ordially supported by
-: Henry J. Itnyoi
edltnrof (be MjWlon
the ground, nddresecd o Idler to that paper, in wl
,.-- ',.
.,"'.^.:n'-l--i,i,n- !:.- I, I. ii n I I "."I
sand. Ureak tlir
good deal has be
EXECUTiov or i Mi rro.nKii.—l-'fvileriett Led, an arm.
tcainit-.T. hut ."j. ir.old, wna liung nt the Kip li-ini
,.n ii.- vs.l iMi-.fur '-- -tnlli murdering n negro. Say
ttc eorr**FOndv'il'.l '"-'"- '/im-.i -
' ;
l( tr.'.|iiently oceor
(hat (V'.l.r. i r army i i id ul no low ami brutal tr
.... .. -, , ,Li.i;..tril;i,iKoi-iii,u)ui,.'in,r.,i
blacks. wbi«.- only crime is that' '
thoie Hueeilora bnvo been for generatioi
„,.] ,,,j.i.||,.:,,. Tho yotlll] in qui Hion, .!. w.o
„l i.i.lnl.:..,] a. Ica.t in the nv„la,i l.-...|oiioo
,(,,,,.... ,•:,:,., .!„),: In.i lell.i.v-., ::n.!, uo,-n n l irlo
mion. ii'iv: cull.:.! bv hi-.i violim a -erippl..! •
,  x
j]q ] md men no weapon, but promised
the nest 'ilny. Tliid ho n,-..-.r, -bed at II
.,p,.oilled, bv ileliliei-alolv -,| ii,,,: him in told blcvl.
lie wna tried Ihvi-o wick', noo, by Luurt-ninrliil, anil
mdilycnuleiied hi.oriu|.; .o M,.o-."ini- ,1 Willi nho I,
U a lew ni'iro 'd—d nigpeivi.' Tin' result was a f ..-n
ncool, nppi-,,v.l by t.i-.-n. lb'- ry m pithy f.n
v culprit ii i;vpr,-..|-d I... Ce.l'lin povjons hero, bo
,me lie. only killed a m-erro.' 'linn- enunlei-purl.
... „ti.,n found clfcwliei-e. It i;i
if,i'il'.i"it In mini-.
ihut aa mi end has nrrived lo nvindlmL' poo
erneri of Ihoir waves. Lollinu rninili. -. iI-kkiiii
loir back) raw, nu.l niniihuiiii: tbeiii, m.iler Unile,
..-in.-, i-ulo. in iih.T .:.i.i ili-.y be moid, -rod with imp.
.ii, no here!.>io i-o. Tho poor ereatiiies will iiladh i
; Ihu llm.iB bt."
A Ni:w Pkatore—lays the I aire i
i nl
7,f Vim,-,, under date Jan. l.l~h,i„ ! .
Hhooompleit- '
III . nil-
...,, |,l.;-rr
flMMttiujnt oi (Sioitgttiis.
he prneeedinga of Congres-s during the past week
fur the most part such ns do not require record in
these columns. The Sennlc has passed Mr. Sumner's
i suspend the sale of conflscittd lands in South
Carolina and Georgia. The Hondo has passed tho
nance bill, in a shape, ratislhotory, on Ihu whole, lo
a Secretory of Ihc Xrensury. On Mnnilay, Jlr.Slc-
na (licp., I'a.l reported a bill nulhorizing the Prcsi-
nt lo raise and ciinip one tiundred and lit iy thou5:iud
soldiers of African descent. By request nf Mr.Slevens
it? consideration was deferred till next day, when ho
inbred a substitute, authorizing President Lincoln to
inroll.nrm ami equtp.ln Iho MM and naval service,
ii*}- iW**-"!--.- 'nl ' '
i' '' rebellion, nnd
litute, nuthoriiing President I
leedlng throe hundred regime
leiceiit.orcoloreil pcrmms, to
quipped as he may direct, (or
Martha Erwln,
Story L, Gilbert,
Hannah L. Brooke,
IVm. IlronPe,
7nd ;;,,.i.i
o dopariation ol freed pe
list, Mr. Harding of Kentutliy
ialory of tho Emancipation ]
. He aaid: Tho Abolition creed
error and blood. Thu Seeessio
nnd tho Abolitionists Ilia fuel
I Lie,lie Powell '•! fol I, Ghent, Col. Co.,
;: ss6.«-.-'V=»/-"i
ht'.J A.'.-II-Suvtuv I'oOiM.-Niiiolooiilcai'.-. nfO
lersjgaed published, ill Jtoston, an edition of
Lntl-Shivery Poems of John Piurpont." It is
out or print, and I do not know where to And
copy. A rjr.ili.i-.tiild ot tin' author is l-voeO'l-
isinua lo possess a copy, and if any loader of
i grent fnv
willei tent to re, lie
Anli-ffl yOffi
111- flrjnilinr; i
f n reuanuabl
, Anc Tort-.
more U, S. Senators, as follows: Oliio— Benjamin
Watte, llepubliean. reelected. II «™n.*iii—James :
Doolittlo, Itepublicnn, retlccled. Weil Virginia-
l^miu-l J. Iluwdeii, Adminiiilrili if course.
The Boston Ju lek Cos oca noLlcn th
which was hande d over to tl j treasure:
tionilCsmmiosio for tho bor cflt of free
'. offenc
leonth lowii Infuiiiiy, pa-j^.-d
throueh here vesterdny, in rout, for Helena, ninnd
wilh Iho pnwora necessary lo carry out this laudable
purpose. He proposes to i.nrul iln'in in regiments,
brigade tlieni, and mr hi- fiorVi,,.-. will probably bo ,..-
signed In the eollimaild "I iho whole '-',.i;o. ! -I,"i.-
nil. wiili ii, Hi
i.l-.-lil b.
liiOl) adapt, d I
shedding of blood. cillinK Cii
nnnd fell, and miicd
lly nnd scdf^tektng,
ur nation dared lo
it by the
nil good
m grand i
the hearts „ -
KB aocumpllcoj ;
all the
iror i
hinra, forgotiiut
ires into virtue and generosity, lent it Coot
or even good arms ; it was Buccessful ; and oi
nnry success wuiied aueh proapevllica oa (In
ias aoldom seen.
:, because tho deed was noble, great cost* mm
Micro) It. attend K long. And m-i-l all lb'
opinio Of pri'fii'tt ic.'M.n our oir« Urdtra-
wo looked duivn. nndlo: at cur leet iho Afr
, chains. A benighted and (ub.-..i,si.o rac
rodden and despised from uf old, a race of oo
rt Mid {•r-f^'iy- bereile
rily and mainly, to Iho
better evidence uf this than iho l.inj.-iuir.e openly held
by them, in presence ol their uubnrdini " - -
pnper repc
Ml Iti:o.:i. S1.SVK3.—" Halm!" laughed
s he suddenly remembered another incident.
.mi a I, .How named Van Meter, wl
Moorelleld, Virginia; a rebel. Two of 'Ilia
nway one day when sonio of my bnya we
through th
d ol all v
I,'.' !.
in progress and nfler ii
.d'beeu abandoned. UnleE-s common report, which
reives tho eoiinl. naiieo ll not lliv diatinet i.inillrniii
..uii of I lit! nlllcorn llio-l ci.nrorned, iii i-ulirol, ill (anil.
Ih" CommaiMliiii;,i;,;,,ei,,il in., overwhelmed with pro-
from his subordinates noam^t his movcmoiiin,
they hod been deeidi d .i[,i.n.iiiid with via ego rait,
o'nd iinlrtie report;, of the ub.laeh-s in hia way. So far
or (hem went so far as to refuse obe-
lem; but ovcrylhing short of thai
jld do to embarrass aud llmert hi-
J done. i.e. as on seme pi.-n.u-
Willi '
. I.,., I
in.) .
( il .!...
without a remedy. While it
requircmiuts of the service, i
huu hcarlcl ucd poulbl) prco
/.I.:, tr;-...-
a (tan
p,,illl' d 6|iut
e 1 h-
i for Ihla lool.v
turn (hem (o ai
iiey in his poekulu, and roni
bands and feet of his runaways. My boy;
him, look hia inonev, hishorici nnd wa^on
him to trot back tn h'-
ll ;!
o Ohio, and iho:
Wo ..lit lb
Dug 11.01
: .i„.
ty hard on  an Meier. Cnutsin."
* I tell you ho was a lucky man.
y boye don't hie tbesa ma . u» ;
ood ho was liiiitht) lucky tkol to did u.,( gel a shut In
(ho bead from somebody's |u»i..I -.V.imtliie of Gtpt.
'.'.irjrfi.lrr, tbwmanJrr t>J i'.e "Jr.'S't .%oul(.
SouoitusBBtrtjiivti S'.oii"..-. inn Siaveav.—A
cspoodont of jf« 'JrhWie, wriung t...m Norfolk, V t;,
ipeech denut
of the Admlniatralii
was short but full ol
Isli ioruiahed the tit
kindle Iho eoiifligration now swetpiug througl
hind. Withdraw tlm fuel, and Iho (Iro would soon I
burn out. no hid no hope of reuoion under the pro-
sent radical policy. The DemooraVic party of iho |
Korlh ami Saulli would crush nut belli Abolitionists
and Secesaiouisls, and snatch Ihe government from
ruin. [Mr. Harding's metaphor dues not strike ua as
n happy one. 57i( TWliiiue ivoll says: "Every man
liimiiti fuel which i i eieooJiQ|;iy tempting to the man
heard this offered to prove invoitmouLii In booses lo bo
al. 15 very man with n pocket-book leads light
i into templitiou ;
but tills supplies no argument
jt carrying a enliven ion t amount nf eiili upon iho
person for law Moccasions. Tho chances lor wrong-
dng aro afforded by tho very virtues of society."!
On Tuesday, in Ihe House, Mr. Conway of Kansas
ado a very able speech, wliieh. uncording to a dispatch
, Tin Times, " was listeucd to with marked nltculion,
and elicited general praisn Tor its ability and honesty
purpose, if not (or ils popularity of sentiment. The
eaker took Ihe ground that tho war had now
element nf reaction, and that ils tendency
ing Into power n Democratic fusion party, pU
rce(orn|lon of the Union on (ernis r-nll*foctor
,uth. He thought tint force hid spent itself, nnd
,it Ihe dispule must bo sullied by enmpromiso
partition. Uo was in favor of separation, on I
en Ihat reunion would uliiinitol.. follow on an ni
lnlhoiienate on Tuesday, Mr. Wilson introduce!!
ill to otgnuilo tho militia of the United Slates,
rovldes-fnr a volunteer loroo in tho aerornl Smt™,
e called tbo Guard of the United Slates,
i consist of livo hundred regiments oi twelve com
ics. each company ol one hundred men. divided
the Slates (ira ruin. Enlistments con embrace r
;es nf 31 and 35 year*. Any part nf i
ordered iiflo the service nf the Unl
States by tho President, duriug any war of invasion
Ohl Dr. Bceehcr once, prayed ;
" Lord, w t wo miy nnt despise our rulrrj; and. Of
(unbar pray that ih.y mny not iirhave -u ibat in
help it !
1 '
Ttiero is great need of this prayer In ihc
Emnr.ATios to ILvvrt,—Tliu President has
.-,'.1,11,1 ary ."IniiiEiiloa oT nogrocs mi the
J'I'iic/m:. M. Kook lia.:a ku-:.. ..., lai„
y or (Tooilj lu tile hil-.r.r. Kornierly Ihe 1-ioa ion
wiu obliged 10 pay Ihedehl: ni Id- p:„.i ' Tin- i-enlee.
it bee, nil-l iioid,. illiberal- . I'n,; I. ot onlr ol,|l-oi
con who owes Hie i-rvl-e lo p rform it. This (lie
iiurlblnk. s-rov.i;. nnd ;• -.miiiii.-mI - il...t Hie l.o.'i'l.i-
.1 I,.- [In- l.;„il,-t S:,lr., „,,! ill,, I lb,, |. „lla„.. be
riu-.i i.. Irl.;ii..llv ml,..-, i.l.ii" ili.-.r belong in .nob
ii, .Hid oli.-i. in, I, l„- ili-l-.-.-il ula. C-prigrtu lult-i llii-
, may lliluk best—Kct. 1'oU.
your ikipor (:,:ei:.lin.'lv "I'll null t >,i;pIlIon ol Ibe
[.dlll/oal, > nl...-', I. [I,e.ii..,h-I.y
' l '
1 'vr '.
it Sil|'.[.,r'l 1
I'-; i l:,
ih...' I'h.n, I,,
..If ,v,ir b.r II, ev l.jv.1 .lo.'liil.d ill,-
,. .hii:
I,- ,l|..-,i.-,ii.e l,i- eheibilli.- to lb,.- I',
„„cr. me FfJrn*! may calm Itself. KLei-ili.e
-,,, L-|.i|i. ,-.,,.: i-...:, ,.:ry ,HlhT„iil Ihi,,.--. A niHiir.,1 n
.,,. ,,,..,1,, ,-,,n:,a" ivllbin iho 11.....11.1.1; ol Iti-i..'
iiini, 10..171,- fV,-. l:-,-!-j edii.-.r ,, -..., I.;--:-.--.:.-
, ibe otll.o ot Pro. Idem ;
linl there 111 no duugor of
Em.ism patios Iihsoi'mjuii.—The licmoerai* of (he
„...;,, l',.,|,l.. ... ,11,,-,,,-. ..,1 (li- III..;.' S:l
.|,i,,l„i:„.| l„ |.. I! „! ..II l,,,-.'.r-,!. 1,,.,
..,,, (I,,.-!,- ..hi;.., I
;-,'!. ,
V ,,nl u II
iii, 1 ,,,,111-1 " '
iie.iih..ei,. ' ''. ..
" r,'-. 1 j- -V-- :... .-'
llii,!' r-lllie |»..-.plo bin I 'Im
1 S, nt lieu
right ».s.-.i..l
n If. IDjutJi of our n j-. !
brow ; and at lougih a devd ,
pie), rrtosid to pay Ihe lawlu) cosU of i1
Uco. Fill John Porlcr. euntt.iry 10 general oipeulo
.n. h.iv bee.i lu I gudi) by Ihe ij..urt Martial upoi
1 ihc charge, hiouglii naii.s: bin. nnd sentenced b
F..r . pusl. negroes l,iv" I- „ !• .pn
,tv in n mioicKous mauner. and Iboj hot. been 1 uo ll 'beyond
V.:' .,
In the Semite 011 Tuesday, in the midst of a debate
upon iho bill fur the Indomnifleatioa of the President
puraona lor suspending ihe privileges of the
. 1 , -i. 1
n.d win'..- it bin rally conceded that a good
Mr. Saulsbury (Dem., Del.) made a long speech, and
wua called to order several limit 111 the course thereof.
Finally, when censuring tho course of the President nf
the United Slate*, calling him on imbecile, aud colling
him by name, Iho Vice President called lihn to Order,
and 11 quested the Senator tn tnk,- his sent,
Mr. 5a 1 il.-. bury contiuum;; hi-i remarks,
Tho Viee-Prcoldont said if Ihu Senator did nol take
his seat, he should order the Serge an HI-Arms to tnko
Mr. Saulsbu:
lowed bi ibe Ainerics
The Vic-lYLSidcut-
Mr.SauL.bury was thereupon taken out of llio Senate,
displaying a revolver which ho look from his —
After a short lime Mr. &
I lien. H-.i-lisot ILalo! (,.,,.
.,'„.i.- Iiain lib
'utimay." And
Pope's hull against
gentleman wilh rnlher
A i'.vi-.n.— How i-.-iubl we lo iv- K.i|i
, Ih. ii,.,;.,-, yon are Ireo r„
i,,u.'i',' a. !l". ,'ii
I S.u- 11, ,- !?..,i',.-t 1 1
..,,. 10 ibe.ik lip Ihi- ehai.
.- P.;,.-,, Ilrovo aid i-i...',l-....l
,„ .... iv,
..... Iih'lbeia. yours truly
—JV. F. Bcan!no-.
NHatioriioniA 1.1 IxntJKA.—Thu Indinnannlis cor-
respondent of llio t.' ' .„,:-.-l'ir!-.l -.IV-: J'Oin,' I. .1
illsposllfon or
— iiiijaniyol i .'I.
< it iio-..- ;.,. it,. ni.ii.-
ma],, ill. ,,l ih,- |,-.,|.!.i ,,l 1 nil. i .n are .]..-.-i.
Ihe lalrolucllonol oliiai|.i|..ili d i.'-gp.. - I
I U „, in-,.1 .-Placet, and (rein nil |,.irl.,.l I
'ViUablo eondl i. i.-r l.'.i.. t .
. lu
i iini
" ^an'dlhe
'" !
: '
i ; l'"' ^i
ibe'ii,.ie. Joa. 1.1-1." 'Tils
;,;!.>;,- ,.|"..,:i I loth, e-tptlre. J*u. 1. 15CJ."-
0,f..-<i(;V. J/.l/..iI.i9rtii.
fucinv's Work- —Mr. Wise, of iho firm of Walter,
of an art |i«-i I by ' I 1 -"ri>.vli].iai ..I an uoi I
Then llio roico of Ireednm
.ni— Tho Serge a nt-at- Arms will lake
Mr. Doo
called lo order lor contempt ol ill
ot bo allowed to go on without lea
,,J tin'
, o ,.;.;
:/'- ; ;.','.,-; ,!'.);
" "'i;;
I""""'!-! s"s:-;.y».'£-»',-
»»,;;»,£;'-, ;"-i;
., l«do/ V-- Bosftiii Annul-.
["beedoii.—Large tiumbera
jnliui ol .iner "-
Jaimnryjiv Iho prt
'Mr. SauUbury-IJots U.c Senator from Wiicon ,ln wy i;',;,';^;;
^l J
;,; ^^''-^'r
'.'hl'b ' U^ ii
Ihalfoniln thoc.lltemi.t ol mr, l,..|„.rAb:e n, in : i
.;-! '"; . ,
ThoCtinir I Mr Link I -The .-en:.'.-.' ll'vll, ll.' ', ' '. '
,., „.,|,|, n., inJI.i Jin..-.i nlv. ur.-l "pie
ISSl. Upon lllll parll.-ll:
boldly .„. . ,,-;.-lil„il
r iiomilled to i ill i'< till' '
Tory party, and ill
|.-:(„ealh.,'i •
Inipr.' : I, fur no .,lli- ; r
l.l-.-.-N l:ii. Tl,-. Ton-,.. Ill,,
nppeiidage of the S-)u(bctn CynfeJerjey,
National Anti-Slavery Standard, Year 1863, Jan 31

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National Anti-Slavery Standard, Year 1863, Jan 31

  • 1. Matronal ^nti VOL. XXIII. NO. 38. 0/ taniWil NEW YORK. SATURDAY, JANUARY 31, 1863. WHOLE NO, 1,182. . . mmw &nti-c$tovcftj gtaRttorfl. IMSMED WEEKLY. UN SATURDAY. UHMUOAS MTI-SLMEM SOflF.TV, PENNSYLVANIA. ANTI-SLAVERY SOCIETY. 100 Jvorln-TtniA Sirnl. PhUaidpMa. pav it mmt fmitllv tltclatf fir rcpnrntbs:, and dil- ution. Tie South was interested mat ™> n,uth ," we in reunion. Slavery on Hi..' o)J baMS was the, way to reunion, lie referred to the almost exact rdmilnrit, of the two ConBiiluiiona-Federal and Confederate- I Li il.-:- impossibility ol keeping up two mi--1. ..ovrn >'s without " natural boundary. want'of'th-Vd:' ''m rl".'ii'''' nri'i "'" ll ' tbu war lasted l „,' „ ,,. n . , . - If tha country were really 1 f .1 . w .,, ,,,,.. ..,.->!( 1 bn- military experiment bad been 'nod l"i,g enough, run! enough ol Mood ! lie may not think tho ^voattbei 111 for bin ranks. Hi' uiny (".'"' ,il,a nUrelv jublifying reason) irwi'c them ._„. rebellions or loyal masters simply h would thereby reduce the force which pro food ami oilier eh- "'-" "< cVilbcrn m Bonthein sueceM. In nil 'bis ,ho , not bo Buying thai the relation 1 ...nirnrin'hT ' ... other relations referred to. gto-^liu'mt. ,),, o, ...slaver) ]>rea.K0 ill.iM.u-.i.. .: -"-: "].i.jri- - h I «(. '.".' ' irJLTvYDELL PHILLIPS: monitor upon '!-: I.W.utu.'ioi, .",1, only be likened or i Theodor8HoDklMluwDgi.ponflBXterB Saint b BttUy steamers Mil steamships again , ruoifan Visit ihe North nnd Wear. isit .be ui,|, liNchnmiunowspap.-rs. Migrate, liitor.n.irrv I- -u.„«W. lbVcl-.t M.'V'H"-' mcs. l.el us ehoo.ic a new President in 1SW. ,,d when .In* Go.-|..-l of Pome "ball have sounded -nil. (W.i-1 U»™ inte lli" :r I"'"!-'", "till tin; Bpsprl i" l, .,],.; in.l lint" Ittn ..'-.polled, lot yt ...I tho Cbm-ehcs meet again »'<:' North and Soul" very jirt a b lip was juat oa mnoli ,. Ii:.>1 worn 11 pigtail m" 1 „ ( or,lon„d Mr. Phillip" - julgnr Aboli ' ' 1Y.IV I 1>V „,| fllb: ,..-„,, . . . .0 "tolrtl nbslinoi more nnd less than i-rsii. mid mow in.M.nsnlde lb will, whom he has allied of Iho EudlsofBo. ( nmbrido.... I. reek oral' 1, .be " I'ickwii'W 1'niHTs, and lea, is to do bim bol . Lie ia boll. l.' ; .s..ll..-nMV „ Mil- p-riiistulio twfi'ldltr* „,,-, 11 |V, f years. Horn of hrad,tti ordine 10 Out me«r ;' ;,'.;;.,, ,.',.,, ,, . ,... t .»i: S iu oi n^w'bosu'in^iuTju'TB i"j""Hsk" "'wiffi mfn(> f . svlicn tbey fin'l Hie multiliidrj Wbttl ..pruin Mol a enying tbnt bo fooli ' 1 accordance with wnrfnru 10 weiikei irrupted by slnverv nut down the reWllK . i',i;::r ;: ,v,„M.i.iiii,a«-.i,^e i,,,.... r...„i ;:. h.;i: Vv , ; t- jld tben l.avc waaW nnd produced Naked plnndi iiroly uciwronjiL-il Lave beun put down wit c.inst.iuence.s aa would cbnrni vse of a Btcrn father 10 jral lid. WliodonbtH Ibat wiiti ,.[ bi-en lint clown iiiRtanlly I iisjn rjticiv -- and «pOttlt&jij of (liclr lle chould bo — 3 dealt ' cnlns ntn sa t.i p.ji | '.". to s'.vt ing tWAbolilionwU. This, bo inlp'.lil- Il'ly wick'.-d peoplo b( failbtil proiilietB: 'ela of itae Aboli tiomata-ot tha men wbo BlaTorv llj.;ir lil'.-loi,- ptudy—:;m slvii'-', uiuir Hod, save our , T[.ftUiiiL;lj imv-.-'nll.-d nation. "•"-'atep tilken by Ler in accordftnee with (bose '; ia n stun in tli.s way of li'.T -iiKalio'i . and y atop to Ibe contrary ia in the way to bcr more. In Bhort, givi whicli .nCbriatian . __. ; orders, and voluntary 0 reuritu aa brethren once all the natural and nil (he mpi.'l us lunclber tbi'" '"' fullest ne do its office in drying team, dUrell- .... mellowing paasiona, and making Iho heW and 111..- gn.B*. and llic tnwsJo BT<* «8«' n tbo bundle.) Listtlc-ficlil* "'of Ibifl terrible ' in-, II II... I. Mil LI'. 'I I'MllT-IKlua " "« ~ '. . Uy npprov.d of oudiMion ns a meanaof ,,!„', al.o -i the .n-t-.-riant l.;s«o.ia tbo war bad .' ..l. ... ..oil. ..,.1, ._in i'Milanii'i!: aiHi-iln.'.-ii strength of the South, Invery, instead of weakness, «« power—that the non-.-.lav.'liold.nR wl.110 wen ol tb So.ilU were Hie tliiif i^il'l"-'"- *' "lavir, 1 -i i' tbure was no diuisjur ..Is-.rul- iiisni-r. _ ^ ^,,1 ll,.- ^ it- I.:"S I'iirn-'l. ""- ' Went, were tbeir cpiatfl. Twenty nion,b 9 of wa had corrected many error*, and (..uabt ««»»"*» H nf a e-nturv and 1. we would only reiiiiiie "ho Union "onld U atronRer and more durable thai ipilled to Llni.anl. Iiould'be ' naked "w hot tier be regards this as nt with the roles of honorable warfan;. lb- bo informed that if he riereiats in this eonree, espect retaliation in the hardest words ccl- r coined by Dr. Johnson, with i-orhapa come is from Jon Be'a r'lruh dielionarr, • 'hat orlby of n Having agreed upon lint policy of abolishment, die n.M"bir". ii to provi b- Hie public with a term by wl.ifti tho^- win:, liver thai policy aro to bo df- inualcd. An ing-ini- "' I'ri- n-1 M,,:i;C5tB the tortn nW .shmtnten. which .tell, ["avis., il In: mcaiiB to .111:1 'r. like a Kcntli'tiian, nlionl-1 he r.-coni ...ended herenfl. — instead of " abolitionists.' THE POOIl DIRT-EATERS' Tan " neacc-at-any-price nemocrnla " in Uiojree Stales "c.t little ..0111I....1 item tr..:ir friends the rebels. Tbo following is Ibc reply which comes up from nichmond. in Th<- Zi,-,.:'.^ of January^lO, to the pence propositions mado by Sir- J. ntvia, tl-.-.r .i.tU.-u i-.n.l. [ il-. " .fficiltiia bai sated, ami timidity l.ri - cone-ale. Only give thorn a " chance,' and . bia peopl* will ----) Iho governinei.1 or [.uhl.c elinrny lb. tnkinr. care of thorn, Thai "cbnnco making them independent of tba Bvatero of wages aa to tile land, l'„r .hi., to them, will be OEpreSon, under any system likely to be mango- " e more sufrgealioi vuav bo Ibc only remedy ot l,-,b, l.-i f l.i'I^nii^v-arv loell.:et any g 0*1 c- _jl be obtain*! in li , and il n. doubt «l . . can, Chen let all who have been interested in tbo cj.ubo ol ili^ ircedfiicD of ibii H-ieirinivnt vt the South, unno what means tlu-v can .par,- to .ho,, of tbo negroes themsolves. who can be easily indued by Uj»S«p«f- intcudentsof the plbn.tatioiiG to coiitribnte their all and let 1he=o means be employed .0 purchase, these lauds in lure* "act* as ™M by ihe l;is'-»«™=*'»"; to bo reJivi.lcd iiiuouk the ncgrovsnl md« "ilselfto tbo benovo- ,tly It ) be i This plim especially len. i> 'in. I'H.- :l f ' r. " 1 .1 1 .! lb'.' -' York, Itosion, Philadelphia -' 0, for the relief of Iho free. Slates. Even if the Associatiot large OJttCOt, it will bo -'- id pay tbe Mr. Ilrooks appenra eitravagunt proiiotiii.-.n--. s'ran.i;.; .1- it '»»>' "I'l , ' 11 10 nn," 11111.1 »l".l.»i rr-.'-r.',.. .!, In:, -r,',-. . 1, . upon Iho occasion ot presenting -Una,. bo miul* «. Ion" speech, and ..rp.vs--t hini-.-ll confident o hen succVs. Arc ihe Neril...-™ |»-q-le all natural-horn >h-i enly ai.-ekon ".lb that ,ud,c,a -— '^ld tbe gods always mllict wrath preparatory to tboir t... iinf Of 1 t Iho S ,.,.1 thai ni.uli I he viei uin! r- "',"••1 lb- enbeard-of outrages under which (b. ,vc 'Miller.:-! .luring the war! Can they belie them capable of bo soon burying in ot-liv...ii Jul II.:' thev have done. ..i.d nil ihat Ibc, l.av.- si.tered .' 'If the whole l'„iiv.' r.icc j/mr.A/ /..« 'h-n, 1, the Just to-inarrw ami pray m (- ic'icn- -'"«i'' ir^ ,rc,«l'I i/i'/ni i'k-in <'-" "= ^'""'- J- (Jor onl-v v "b is to bo aeparated from them finally and forever— .cluttered that thesi Icll l'billips ia ono r>B in the world, he ill routine of decorous been ono long tilt of p Had fha causa -ho cspi veiled creed nf n ! t ^1 Ir.nal lived and died nr k night -crran fry jd to be the per a he might hnv. i.tdel.nt not ncontc-" 1 - kind, _.... ' of hii if nil thing. 8=] irdiyioii V .-npy THB SLAVERY AND NIWHO '•' r.->T[<.>li innJr-of live., and direcily tuid n.dir f . ily ih... ,- fMTl.Ti STATES. a( dollars, have already be-" '' ^.ndsof .-.-- penalty of this mistake; nnd ib- liv.r that ihe l.-sol ihe 111 a the same .tub the I ih.- elnirch- rany clerk It a.-qni.'S- a paralonea! and ami.„.. B American, but not an Krostralus of lb '" Unfortunately for himself, however, he now finds Ihe doctrines Tvbi.h he loved, mamly bcennse other people bated them. tl,d.le,d> adopted into tbe policy of a national odmir^traiion. hen the awect habit of tila.-pheiuing all manner ol 1'residenla and proela- matiniA be 1- -uddeiilv tilled upon to descend tolhe .-ndor,"iiient nf a l'repid.nt r.r.d a proclnmat,, From a pestilent Luther ihundi doora be it; .-i-.ddcnl, ..-nrnirrlcd r—"ing decont Mopooacs and <li tv... *, na ;.in., nr-< uci't" r l.i^ gem —it night, delivered '-'lljat il": Hiivard of ih-.-ev-e-Jimnu jnists has dulefnllv declined into ,.*li'i,yiiiil lu.lgcttyof Ihegi.n-contrnciing ltep me when Mr. Phillips would bardly o ,be.rjel:B ( .l , aeitii.:us.leuiH^' low hi= climate ol hA auihen L- would ha>" respected his own .„ much to confound BUuBinian phrases „bout : ' broken IctK-i-.-. bred Irom Ihe bastion of abso- lulf iuaike " willicU:eli"i...-lir.^el.4>-lr-;i cent atnens. The po bis habits, this city, prove ealcd Aboli*-" There was a have descended when, however might have intellect ic PubitakIUM ia bred in ihe bono, n.iiv n- it nils hnndn'rls of years ii|l like, liciieration I.1...C-. ds «-" ratio: atnmpof Piiritan ehnraoter, taking .... tico egotism Tor sreatnc-, for wisdom cupdilyforeuierpn- ledition to, ^.«*"»* ror piety, funiann-u. v-.l'l rclorm men a morals by atalule and make 1' by polities. I do not iipsaob n whol" pmple fot Ihe error, 0! a pnrt -In ilnlail,,.,..-. an H-'luoir w„- relieved by » .0- tl.rop :es in later limes, ebhler stands like a gran. ,,.. , -1; repelline the wave of Puritanism. 1 would n of train-e.r,.| Willi the ' boaH and who hove cultivated Ihe graces of civil order I speak of that ruling clement in New U^ n (heir sorrows, 11 __a prospect of her r been shot dead nt nr (herein that he is iua and knows not bow rather, whoever deni i-picion that be ayi a participant in ill dent bavu brouglll ad he should liavo irdcr. I speak of that ruliti; and called Puritamam, wbi Holland, ai Plymouth, eelfieh, Pharisaical, type of eharacti aatboTudon.Jj dlin E ,Hnd only ' .elf. Even in HoMon golist il, n hundred yet: la'Chiii reasonabk' is 1 will be needed to „^ 1,nn |;ll if bis pro-slavery cducotion, nnd toil from this oi.prc-.-ivo ousanda of bereaved families I our country from the appall- 1 ! The rebellion abould have .. Whoever denies it proves sible of lis infernal character, deal with Bucb a crime. Or, it makes room thereby far the albinos with die rebellion and :rime. At once should the Pre- ilthe big Emancipation Gun; - charged it, and to aimed 1' Consul iti thi port of Buenos Ayi hose lias the following lotlor: Already somu harpit " :i ir.jud phi inca of ihu Southern a become land'Oivc- betler for tho poor of ihis-kind .lalnf.nn'" U-I'tboVrlendB r of Iho freedmen strike ick"here. for we are in danger of having Ml Iho bbor in thia Departi t blasted 11 bud. c lb" inc. lb" party rail!- rail? "", ; ''' : ;. fan fnlt.,, . studied with ihe inlcnsity — .. King and James Mudi.on b'di,:V,rs ,n the Joctrine of Hw 'irreprc=-.:iL'h- eonllid," and asserting thai South Carolina put her destiny into hotch-potch with Massachusetts when she consentedI to the Union. Mr. l'!-llii.s's ,bie:.nei-y ens ..,,0,1 him as ungr.icc- fully as bii loyalty. W Ifully .0 deceive (be s, lj people who hang upon Lie ,,1-r l, P s : to mo e tbo idle laughter and ihe t"'i- ile api'laus.- of an unthinl.. ' ing crowd is the lowest liiuiiiph ol the speaker art. The aptitudes which cniiiinnd it are nen her rare no. „i„„..l , Beorge Gordon could kindle mobs to freniy when a lo.rl:.- -.-..t l.-.-lMdrca 'oe^ep^an J)mn a CaJinin'i'' .''niro^l th/ elect "of the State. To echo ti-e ardor oi ihe |" ople clamoring for wrong Ind reckless acts: ,0 fool 'to the_ lop of ihr- -" l!l „„ li , .outs wh,» crave 10 te dec-.v.-d-tl.. ,-nn h.-lovsilv dor...-, I hey ear- he .(".' ol.l.. t; „ , ,., i M'.i-llr-.haulp ». tora lusavolbe I'resbyl provided a punishment for the Separatists. 1 oil cannot rely on the varnished ....count the 1 ur.lana ,.ive of theuesekes. 1 1 is false. If they write tbe hlslory of Ibis war the truth wdl never appear. Tb.'ir'key-noic is that slaven is its i-nuse, nnd must be c.-.iiri,nted. The truth is that slavery waa med- .p,,l will, and reiurned in violence what was given ,d malice. H'lt it dues not ibene. toll"-.' hat slavery was the cvuseot .he vi„!e,,-:e. The doc- tnueofiheireriel.^.'e^l^t il property is robbery nnd therefore abould be abolished, is n sample of the fallacy. Aboliti .pare one -bred of t'lnvery ia all thi The rebellion would have, b.,cu ended by the Brat "ndwhntri-bi bad tbe rebels to our sbriuk- delay i-rebela who, wilhout llie least provo- -- malionantly nail murderously elruck nt it the life of our country, and therefore at sad exhibition of ihe power of ombitioa and party over a groat intellect, combined with a gentlCand rcfincf spin., .H your insisting that slavery shall be r..-e,iai,lis I: that tho South, ",l,.,„;.ni, „r|.ro.ln.-iioi, < ' be unimpaired ; a H'M,',,,!,.",' of ibia '.-.- command be si n»> nnhe major-iti ol tlic Ainenein people . res, when, if there ever was, there is no longer itulipnal obsiaele in ihe wa, ol tbe sluveh freedom even now -vbcii tbe slaveholder has bim * ^.l.bepn .l-.r.voi, are .till de,,r,iiiu,d U0l ne shall re in in bondage, and his cb, hirer. Mid children's children after hini-slill delennined •- shall eonl ituic to be a land in wbieb niuln- illioaa have no rigSt to husbnnd, nor- ren nor wages, nor Biblea, nor schools, To the iltuttrl of .-bnrncoa rcKc(* I" ft* Purl of JJiwnoj GestleMBS: for tho QrBt time since my assump- tioa of ihe duties of this office, during which period more than Bis monibs have clapired.aa extraordinary oceaaion, as I cone.-iv-, renders it particularly appro- priate that"! should b.-L-t high, and display in its fullest and freest, the Hag of this Consulate. To-day, as some of you will have p.r.eivcd, the good old banner, of which every loyal son and lover of the New World has t" much cause to bu proud, is so hoisted and ao dUplaycd. This I have done in cele- if adviees received hop- yesterday, detailing the just, wise and mnnlv a.lioii recently taken by r— jvernment on the subject of slavery, which, w 1 bottom oi all ,,. ,,„lilical trouble. In a proclamniien . ncl bv President Lincoln, ruler dm,- of ecptcmber T!. V.-(.2. ir is auspiciously 1 -r "ii ii ]tf States .... of them ag. „..other Yankee on the sont r tbe north—to have nu tnifh' __ if any description wb'itever ; , beia!"""nV...-,' h-iklL*':) frr vV :it.H;».,<v*l? June it, if H coil the lift of every man n the ' 1, «r. — _™n^ ibnt many persons believe Hull Urooka and Van Buren ni mil design to reatoro pei I fiiii at present they dare not speak out t' do not believe they aro" in 'favor of aiiy'eucTi to, no"'. They would like pence on .oudiiioa of our return to tho Union, and Ibey are fools enough to believo that a majority tf Ihe people m ibe Confederacy favor of reunion. They would like peace - erms, becauac it would restore the commemn. nv.- .remaee of the North, arid especially of the city of Jew York, which is gone forever if the Union bo not restored. But they arc au bitterly opposed to sepa- " .n as Lincoln himself, or any of the thieve- and murderers who leod his armies. In tho event of a refusal to reluro to Ihe Union, they would, to a man, unite iii bounding on the ns.sns.ius who arc deaolat- iuu- our country and murdering our people ns fiercely n-Tthev have ever been hounded on by Beecher and Hale. Thru hob o;lu t-> th.:ir jlMheh ir/.en tltey preach .-/"rcc!":er. , .o:io''(ioo eef !-T,i(i,..n. If the same obj'., 1 could be ellectcd by eniindy destroying the [ „-;, l ,k' ,0 ii,..- - tte re cii. -, a-. I t!.. ilii "Unle.«s something is done soon lo ward oil Ihe eon- ,„„ evil the North will have to bear Ihe disgraceful atrgma oi having liberated this pn.-r |...'onlu from one bondngo, organi7.e.l and, to another, private, chaotic, nad, i i y-^.ble, mere ...cipoii sibk. INTERVIEW WITH STQ2SEWALL IAGKS0X. [Ksiristrron.nlTib.l-IKr.1 Chip Pafoi.b. Annapolis, Ml, Jan. G, 1803. ne.VB Slit: I will attempt, in accordance with nis camp, and of my sojourn at Libby I rison >n Richmond. A low day, after my capture 1 »ias ,ont to Jackson's camp at Nincv.-h, arr-n 1 ot.i.t) , reached there Tuesday. Nov. 11. in company Qon. Jackson came out 01 leaving for tbo guard wo b uld "il all pos Let (bom be satisfied, however, of I V It is the offspring of GMBB1T SMITH TO 0V SEVMOUli. PfrrGn Bono, Jan. 12th, 1SC3. Hon. Hon-vno SF.i:ioiT.-l»eoc Sir; 1 have rei vour Message. Although 1 belong to no party, belong to a country. All bough there an 1,0 par inirnCtt. f.,r in- to piomole and nd|..-t mis. If to, feel Ibo preciousness of (bo plyin, ,,-ulls, I life of lie monster, and .is ptipera of naturalize!! . Pliillip.-, has lost the a" to bim the svm|iaihy eve ,.,ir:ivaganee ...I bis view Of I'.'t 11, ir. 01.' Pan I a. eno'.^l in t be- ta tbo r-kicn tie claims hal how iiis old i orb his „ under Tlr ribules which ol those who and abhorred um ridiculous and palhi ^ ..),..- wiih which. Hirer .^lolling 111 -r, policv of Mr. Lincoln, hi vcr the President may try "to 1 the verge of Niagara, both In ile will Hiirely go over tin abidingly CI S-1-l.iii more than when vo 1 fell tbe ureal peril die, that the s - euipb'ilieiilly. if ihpiece of a party comprising nearly hair Ihe -'- '-co Slfties. 1 rcmembor, too, what b his r.sirlv have tbe woidsol a g-10 mnding talents, high culture, mulu- entisl public relulioas, bland nnd winning admired social and domestic life. How d 10 fear that Hi, Democratic parly, if not el^ady fully identiDed wilt :heso dan^-ouc - — voters of tha free S great weight w"" '* piled ir _ jflhosoul. Youareindecdt pitied. Von were not made lo he what .0,1 You were mado to be a strong nnd helpful and i-ilnin.' I.r,,ili.-i- among lour pour and needy nnd it,.., I- not ni, ,,i,i,et of terror, but a tower ;;;;,,!.;;, oil:.,.; ..„ were,„ade,.ottoboi t,bu. to unboll the door of the oppressed ; not to extin- guish, but lo multiply nnd realise their hopes. But alas! vour party t.:riie-l lot btrcngtb aad alavery, and so entirely ,d-iit.lred itscll ~ the party can live only in th -'« must die when Ihe monatet you are what you are. You are B.onc- dind. loth morally and politically. Von e-o not I. oil s hand 1.1 this war. You eec nol that His time has at last come far Belling live bis sabb. ..1,,1-lreu. ^deluded e^r7o"cTr"iln.r"ibo)itio.. un r ^p"ula7fo"everr , iru [ ,bc sun ol the cvjniuurs.aiid Kvndera and Woods ,,;.,,., t .— .— I . v( L|| ,[.„.;. !,„,., ; „.,„1 il,,.. sun -,t the t..arn- ol ll.u^ imo™»«. Illl(1 Pl.mips and l.l.eevcrs will soon rise in of 11s d.irgerous „,,i,rious 1 ._ 111 ..... c-v r ,.. party,'l Z[ l h , ihe Dickinson, and Dollers, and by all love country more tbaa parly, aad freedom tbim slavery, will soon pass aivny, leaving history lo loll on one of her bit iso and wicked a party na 0' To P say ttafatevoty U not tbo cause of tho rob. .f all mid Tcrri mries of Ibe United States found in arm rebellion a,:ninsr tbo l-' g'lvernment 011 the til ,'j.v .J Jtii-oiTV. I si.!. --bull uud titatcd 11s al^.diilclv and irrevocably tree, and that tho e*islcnee of alavery in all auCb Btntca and rriiorid shall 1 belief.., rib cease forever. Sv thnie of us who, peering into the future, have view the highest and best interests of America, s timely declaration of ihe President of the V tilled ik" iua. be regarded as seeond only in imporlance Ihe Deelarslion ol" lr,,l-|,,'i,'1ei,ee. in I bdadelphia, on the lib. of Jul v. 1TTG, which, bul a few years "terwanl, was so gloriously b. Honed by tho eslab- hment o'r American nationality. I beg lo request, therefore, that yoo will, rbi* day the hoisting ot your rcspeetive Ibigs. join meic dr.ii," honor to lie.- patriotic, prurient are! progress iv, polic" foreehiirlowed in tbe Presidents proclamation I also seize 'bis o|'|.ort-mity to inform you that 1 haet, .ii|i[":d from an English newspaper. now having framed in gold, a copy ol aa address latelv d-liv-red bv Al.rabaiu Lincoln, lavonng. 1 replied. 1 few 3 juik 11a a few .picslioaa. iaquired. Mc0 bl, i-, "be plied that we had not, but told him I had rend fa-uldo' ihe fub, which had reached enmp on Ihe day of my capture. "Atil did you." said bo, " f wanted to inquire about tbo recent elections. Ho you know what ority Seymour received ? " liclween ten ami liir.-oi thousand," I replied. Do you know hoe. many 1 'ongressmen the Uemo. selected in the State J ' answered thai it was believed they bad elected leea oul of the thirty-one. Were the Woods I....1I1 elected? " answered that they were, and thai all ' '' ;rdia " Good 1" ho replied Inimtd as Demoeratic. "Now York City will have icsaion of L'ongreas than all State." diluents would hardly feel llaltered to /•r.:ii,km Lh-txU rprc-smil the Confer/erac/ in Ws fp'xch the other .'Hid the Vdhplt ItoitUI I'.'Cier mil/.' idi/Ii .1 ihil.on of I hi/mas thitn with th.' <L-!-mv..L- .m-/ •kw.'l l""'"---.- '..n/rtiu.-f oar that. Kn'l'.ish cotoiiLJiifio", IssaUigc, J. , „..-.Y,.. w./^>w, .i'-'. -'i/n--' pre- foratile to ant/ association aiUt the Yankees.' ny one who still rctaiaB a decent self-respect rebuff as this would be Midicienl ; bul such spaniels as John Van Purer, and Ilrooks can take a dozen sueb culls, and ho dragged through the^anKllo afterwards, and then " should o bad such n I,.ii-i,,i, 1..- la'. , I he-re :.,,:, i.c 'oobi ei,ily Ihat thi contcmi'inoiis retort of a Kichmond rebel wi resented bv the poor creatures at whom it 1 elled: N'ot Mali; they will go on i.r.'i.uic. ..„,.• .Tltiie- d.'V.-n on rbeir knee-,, and e,!, r,-b.|7„., .lis Ibe nature of some persons I. kicking; Hiei- even pb.rne iheruselve.s _on tbe temptof ngentlemnn. Liko those unfnm un'de'n-iaii'l it. the deportation of all tho negro aad which address, in u full of good f nd so worthy of being ct leasurd in ibns couiuieiidiDg" it lo your tttteiitioi nd shall bo but too happy to submit it for y.or. , [,i'-il u'in-niiv.'i' Irom a deriro lo h-von," lau-iti: ,'iib'i,s.s,vo.-„'ts. von may lie pleased to call at Ih Eve. 1 nu .T.iiibrrieii, with great respect, Your friend and servant, H. R. Helvef. ibe '-r-utheru Stales who are known as " clay-eators, they havo contracted Glihy but uncountable habit of onlitig dirt 1 their coastilutionr '" the vicious i.raciu.o. an-i there * to thebeallb and recti YALLANDlOBASrS WAT. [Extract from tho report orciemcnt Vullandlahiirn'sln p-pevcli in die V. S. Ifoi.^e of Reprcsentutlree.] He maintained that Ihe causes which led to di *on were not clenril ind ineradicable, and we veaker than those which tended to reunion; that slavery wics not the cause, but only the devclopi of iliecause of sectionalism; Ibat there ,8 no prcssiblo conlliet between slav- labor and free I 111 Iho slaveboldiug and a " -.-lav. !..• bin. ;.' . .'. ' s , thO (undHtnelllal , b . -t I.' ' " button WOJ perfi'cl and eternal . oiu|.h|i 0I1 y a §lale»,part slavi nnd , irt in-. »nd tba eu rill, by force of such coinineiidationi on become bo 1 . I liiul denoneialion in tho inessag '. but ie. nioiii-.iih- re" !, Thev.iici^ialesand Ihe Ne luland scares do ... )c.r . -t.- u, share about npiall) ibe guilt of the rebellion. New England, becao- „. ,„[i,.r.:.l her IJarrism, 1.. win.- against el-iv „1 her Phillip- eo .u-a.inl .:. is m your eyed im-.iul as .be una who ile.v at the throat f,f tbeir iiiiollending canity- New Eegland, wl,.., to help put them down, pron.p.l, nruied hundreds ol ' .-.ndsofber. .'.. ---els""--'.-' Ipr.'t.-plli pen icoreaof millions of her wealth, lias no less .1 r ,-™ t lavor than li propose to pul down debed tlo'l 0 habi s no hope of rahle But Ihev all elainiod to b itiaucd," and in favor of n ion or Iho war.' Was t dodge! Youi announcement should think." " " ho replied. " They prosecuting Ihe war with more vn... thai if we are to be conquered, it shoub. __ once, before Spring. If wo are nut subjugated by ih'ii lime ibev will demand a peace, mid force your government 'to etop ibc war. Wo know wo can Bold oul, and when tbe nest Congress meets they will nil bo found lo be Peace men, and willing tc recogu.ze our in.lependenci , favo T'bey I TUE LAND QUESTION lA'fl THE REBELS. s is a serious question for tbo government and OouUo!s?li"lhe!'laiols under tbe taa law. Tho estates of Ibo ui Herein rebel owners will bo put o[. A B OLlSHMESfTEliS- for you lo say it ii ifinitely absurd. And jet .« „, anything but strange. For you 1 politician; and as all your political hopes are identified with slavery, you love n, cling to it, and are ever alert to screen it Horn blame, la consent- in » to let your idol be held responsible for Ibis hor- rid rebellion, you would consent to tho only death yon dread—your political death. Hence your queer theory Hint the rebellion resulted Irom ^o^lmracjerj o be called the e of Mec tales. II ndro ie bloody iuu... -j t.-bellioii 1 li'H how -an ibis be done it nearly ballof us are like yourself? How could wo havo the heart to do il even at little coM-much less at the rcriuired cost-if the rebels are no womo than the people of New England t And how if we /idijihe heart, would ir be, should you succeed, as is your loo manifesl intent. 1" ""*f ,B S the Western and 1 ei-iral Msites against New bngland jnsi-.-adof reholdomt I see you still regret that Ibe s.alane [! |ir .,pe,"d two v.-arsago was 1.01 adopled. i ,-:.,, 'n,,,. I., 1 a use it sviia lo I"' a curopr ,-: I" iivo ciiliv parties at tbe e.vpeare—aad lb„ Z ..J'"rwlSilmil v r .nse-of an innocent 1 bird Fresh outrages were to be heaped u] e.isi-'tu-e of these dillercncea. that they haw. iii the main, proceeded from slavery - imply that had there been as much houiogene ,.,, Imiv,, „ these p':'.|'b-:i- r- I 'Ui-d " intbe ,„!,« in.i--rsed by Ibe P . .' 1 i-t a - I -t lin, s ommerce," there would hi. l-.n no rebellion. I agree with you. Put 1 b. 1 , " .-ml., tbai this ii a hundred lo ono t mid dolect in il bo alura ivbich learned 1 that hoc old variety, tin : named tbo skunk cabbage, 1st many fastidious pereoot lethiug of the odor of thi ia!urnlistBi-all ihe mephitis .rerenea ] "bloody and endless t that ihey cannot eon.,-,, ono or two baltles, they will cense to be W Democrats. It ia because we know Ib-ini to more reasonable than the Kepublieans, thai 1 men cheered the news of Seymour's election. U what other news wns Ibero r " "New Jersey,'* I aaswered, "bus gone atrou h ii Demoeratic, ate! the parte toes r-aoe.-d in Ohio. -Ye "p-tid the llenernl. "I beard that ihe.v bad carried' Ohio. Did yo„ noiioe whether Vnlland.u- the reach or small buyui ot a word, 6v wOw-ity. a 1 behalf of the laboring n . Meanwhile 1 .i/ru..-W 3! ihito ction. But niiswored, " Those who have agitated the nueation of pulling an end lo slavery have been . died Abolitiouucts, which has grown inlo a term of opprobrium, as .1 itcoidd be a shame for a man to desire the liberty of all his fellow-went ures. Now that tho large majority of eiii;eus ol Ibe free States, aad in some of ibe tlavo States :ilso-u. Missouri cerlaialy—are if getting rid of alavery, it baa occurred fur they d bbek res id 01 rory diDereut Irom iborcre geuerallv. They aro truly -.,,,,' and will be f.-ll "•'''' it, unless s mado for iheir indopendenco Iroru II of those on whoso hands they will i = ,., .till. These ]*opIe are as yet tollou 1- iu'w-Liorn freed , Thee are i.-nder. timid. lo,,'. aro espeeiallv afraid ol tbe de-ens of men 'fhev aro as vet ignorant ol their rights, -in bo easily hectored out oi ihou., t.i every appears " " Yoorhees ! " "A good Dccuocral," was too oul^pokcti at reelected if he had been tucVdillcreiit ideas ,,t r-lig,..., morals rjad poll Ho rejeelcd the idea of excluding New England and insisted that there was a large iion-Pnritim and scrvulive element in that section, which won parly. negroes—»n i-» ——, Democratic compromise, which not s also favored (for there are Ilepubli capable of being --•" clement, Ibo euprem that of tbo Mnytb rilh the pencu of soeicly and luded 10 liogor Williams as th iuglund Civilization different fror - and PI; ih Rock. He'Ivinolllll I'oeK irk, Nun Jerse; penso—of uinig.s were 10 bo ue,. : .™ "f"" ;"' ay, aad oterai/.ed. The malignity of thi: ;=~ _i.Tr.1i not 11 law ltepubli- _,, .. equalled only by 'they, who could propose further mes a-ainsl tin. gudlh'Ss and helpl.-.-e. nbV:.,!! make mull i«l -t their Pibh-s aad ,„„l,..s, argues cither iheir inaiehlvss delusion 01 c"rmiitchless brn^enneas. 1 do not s-v thai thei uuld have made tbemsulvca better by their liibles and Cliurcbcs; bul I do a lid havo (hereby mado Uicmsclves in . „. _BVo that 0110 ol Ihese " lin ski r la of tho a lave holding seetioi all traverse Stales consecrated aiioh. I thank you for tbo illual geooitsness and pcacufiili - pari ions " or tho the falseness of yc brought you again tho contrary, I aubmi penalty of the Ai if the poor. v- ofths country, they 1 freedom, nud only nlion of iho homo- jf the anti-slavery -,._lor ibis illustration ol position that an anil-slavery iponBibility of the rebellion. ,t ihe providence whieh has to high political power. On y that Ihey .._ u Iho South, 1 iho North, and spoke of Ihu pi nrnnhical lies which bound lliem together, f ^nrihiwest woub t ,",„„:,.,' Irom the South. The day which divided ibc slaveholdmrr from Iho non- slaveh.ilding .-siates would deeree Ihe eternal divorce of the Wtai Irom lh« East. There was nn_ cause of conlroversy excepting slavery. 'I ho agitation of lha BU bic-et as a p,,liiio:il lenient imut cease. Me must rolura lo the old .oti-tii.iii'inal nnd aclunl basis o fifty years ago-lhe threc-liiths rule, ihe speedy and ready return of fugitive- slaves, no more agitation, and Ihe transit and l.uiporury "flonrn "«'»« with their slaves in the free Males. This was I he price oi tbe Colon, and whoever was uot willing tc oppressioos instead oitbe ele. lien ot ' ibe deliver" ulection, ins ihe brave and noble man who rejoices of the slave, and who. wuh bis thiee *:,..-, irmy ol his eouutrv instead id being m tl.' f.-ls of its lo.-.s, is. m.twiihslniMliug il issuing idured as one ol our menu Wa in favf r of gelt (o sooSo ol ihum of tbe thing by a cbnngo A like expedient h>,_ been 1 ihe ease of proper nur ,-ho; e daughter—a pet uok lo the stage as a inne ..S.S Sail*, "^he iickson," said her mot ,|,|,ear on die play-bills sjll; should be ..bang..,! i!,! llie , jlthoot who saw the playbills familiar name under it Our excellent Pi and brief intervals of mcdifieatio ried with some success 1, We remember a In!/, n ol brilbnnt talents— rofessiou. Her Christian ball never be called tal r; "bo her uamti ehall Sarah." AOor som a agreed that the Sallie. and under the spelling tho young lady 1 to escape tho dreaded nick' supposed that ihe blackguards . colored man or II send you away from your ey were born and bred and have a for Ihe most part, on these plnntat iwns tbie land will h-ite the hearts ocoiifc in 'us hands- Now, lot any one, who bos any humanity, put theao conditions together, and be wdl .„eo wbai re 0.., there is here for abuse and cruelty. Even slavery bad some guarantees that will he taken away from sec: ^t, i .vr.™'J' n yr".:s™.s ilhing but a ninicria! interest ,, ibe 1-..V of 11 rought h .1 lli'h the ill. This i. actual'condition oli (be negro*5 an d jf tWrchRi-cc-.e:.-. They would be " totO," if the Uoda^ .v .bsguis; dent, who, e o then out any regard to thei great nation, fighting ealio'i of Irec iiisliiu 1 ^.opb: against a landed deny Iho right of the Head of tho army to a liberty to Ihe slaves of loyalists. ^ on seem wards paid for shall ever befall -hem. 1 he military commander is. however, at as all liberty o burn tj,e dwelling of the lujalis, ,u ot the rebel, if in his judgment tbe necessities of war call fur it. It is bis J :r-~ weaken tho foe by calling away from bim r red, or black n ranks' by uniting to lb. Cut hers and tbe iipprenn be may ' ittde oura very driuk it. As a part of the punishment lot our 111 passed criiii-s ni-aiiis.I bu ily. wo may Lac ... witness the failure ,.11.11 endeavors to save our be- loved country, nnd may have to pass through the humiliation of r gaining th- Southern I onleden.ey. But God bo pr»i=e.l that over against all tins deep and unutterable sorrow will be the deep and unut- terable joy that the slave is free 1 In spite ol tnu parly - " . ih ibo him, relrcshes himself wiih subtle pbilo- io-ical speculations, has bit upon an expedient to ^ , .J „diuui o, Abulii.otnsm while air, nig a tbe etbtencu of slavery. Instead of abolition he „ toP abolisbmeiit-the disiiuctioo between the two being jusl as broad and ob. e.'Us US ^"'J^^ltC° V when he declared that slavery woa not the l,i„ ,1^,11.1,1,1 (be sO.,Ir„v.-.M between the North and the South, and gravely insisted ibat — , r ,-relliu" iil-'-ut slaiery and not Oocausi tS" U is^lelightlul to find the emincnl_- - Is this worthy of n / now are for the vindi- ,nd tho protection ol the locracyl They will thus landed aristocracy worse for the negroes than ihoir former master.". Ihe linger of Byim well be pointed at the mushroom iiphility that spring up instead ol the old families lha hsu « least thu Baaetioa of " umc-hooored uaago for their three remedies have been BUggesled for Ihe _...n of this coming evil, The, brst is that the nmeat should boy the land ition 11 sufficient ponio tbo nearoea. Another . -. ...~ „„l* -f Ihn THE PROCLAMATION IN CHICAGO. L.,sT night Ihe great public heart was stirred to its ,ry depths. The people in ono mighty uprising, with ono accord, and in tbuador tones, guvo a unani- mous aye lo Iho great event of the a-; the hmaiici- paiion proclamation. Soon after C clock Ihe rush 'it Urvau Hall commetieed, rind long before Ihe hour ior Hie meeting .0 open had arrived the large ball y,-„, packed i„ it, utmost c.naeity, and at least ten tbou-aud persons bad assemtd-.d m Ihe afreet along ibe east side of the Court House square. Some one having announced ibat the First Baptist Church could be obtained ibe crowd uomednilely moved toward il and in less time than we are wnling i this, that large edifice was oae mass of living. cnlhu.iastic men And yet there were thousands oul ol dnoro, making van, endeavor, to p-i within hearing dia- tance.nU e..--:r ibat the eboru, migTit be swelled to ibc highest nole. Thu lower Brvari Hall was n- t appropriated and densely crowded, and still the manded more room. Our noble Ulfill l'-lk'H -eili'-ie' poured ill one - into M,-,r..|-'l,ini Hall. -'I'ieh had been set apart fa, faXedouiisborn.riibosensoftie.uiany.a.idwitl Iheir mother's milk il •- uuiturci 1 strengthened The love ol freedom brought thei lo Ibis republican olic tier abuses. ; but if ...— of loyal _ these to break away from thi 1 rcl.iliouB. how much more may h_ uu it Ihose of rebels or loyalists, to break from their inbnitely unjust and unnatural r*uV . .A-!., con Tree. Ye. , . and of y ough the guili ambition, muy L nevertheless shall individual nnt trnry, the slave will g nee ted Ihe highest obj. left to hich I express myself at this point 1 that this being, tiigl, ni,,,ve all b nn purposes issues in it, a euro! 'ioil against alavery, pro-sla men are but faols in it, and only Abolitionists i potent to advise in it, and foresee ils graud results- I slavery, we el Faithful were Iho Abobtmnists.allthroughaquar.lJeUereou^a^ calliog ihi "lilyT , L servo as home- that tho govern- lands in parcels thin the reach of as steel la the princi- niH n f our free Government. "''•'sbsrSiJ™:!":,"-.!^ coibusiastic outpounng of popi as then and there wiuics.-cl proud of Chicago, proud of her citilens, but '.. _ . : ... —;.t- nt .b,' r. oriuus crnl, tbe negroes thenisclvea. Thin is by n~ — 1 pied with JTtb^'reaU>t"momu(ii, capable at the e . ^...r,...- -ueb minute discriminations, pursuance of ibo recommendations o. the President, P - - i--„s brought betore Congress for the |. iu. n in M,,souii and Maryland. ir its abolition. Emancipation, ibo of 'slavery, the abrogation ot the lav. of , of these as you please, but do .„.„.. lortend I We ore not com When we consider how carefully Abobur been avoided a.'.li-lnu, bondage—as ,,.-.' ro-'S r„, 1 „iu ily nt-als mote iua,, .en ~'-.j iudependent. This, at a dollar and a .juarlei ,wo dollars on acre, will cost at most twenty »,,d we know from personal ol untoi™, 'ha ,bo negro famibes can raise thus much, and t an emergency like that. A moderale cred Ihetn for one or two years wdl easily env deficiencies. . great mistake on these p|anlfltions^are abject paupers We 1 the nonnonp op southmix institution. measures token 10 extinguish iot but read with mdigiisiiun Abut ihe bead of the rebel Confederacy, auppose that Ibe negroes nd alto ,- of money. woaid bU 80.J ™ a. to ,.. .';"";'; '" '11, i' '. 101 '"H '- -11 , - , 1 1 would be allowed 10 h,= lau 1 bend the Troj T11 In lapport oftbi aided ii 1 barmVortlnr rebellioi family of the daughters n by slavery. ter of a century, t. 1 their countrymen of this < L the majortty of these negroes have features 10 those Rrchards, told by Col. Richard'on'a ill know oi the degradation I detuted to tell its 1 n 1 have 10 often heard advo
  • 2. st-j*a^fv ^^MV^> ode.l only on the belief that Ibe ow «ns U>° enfi t.l of (bO olbcr- These lalsc ft-wl" been from H.a facfptiriafl "* w**1*18" its ihnt ban- beset tho life '•< »''ii "«'l n "- i „„, -l,.l. srannsbip, I- ll >" , ",t ' wnso- though tbcro U less difference ,„„ .wo tlm.. Ibo UU.o-wise by whom tho world is govorr.ol would have u* think-le Ubm tho occasion of lie «u wbioll tot brought u* I" ueaU. * d lion untouched: and protected, in nil Ibo region ,„ (bo preservation of ibo nn her to ehoni from her sober . now lbs! a moderate ( , pltnod. well comm^ndc r:!.'. lu-lVu :«.' Ilu' GliBKT, N. V., .Inn. !<!, Infill. oulhreomiUiorlorhueoslnvedf, .,..,. [,„,MsborcaiiIUiBr!o,lMVHbccn , r , ir, Uv icgsllv pronounced fiil'kI A now nation, ciual , number* W Ibo original of our <""> «e«,cl1 b>" » , , . 10Ut ofcbntfeHMn! WUilo wa V«i «n ^*c«1.ttair « to tbo chance. <>' recoctd-ion "* jrolan Bowers U tho " Confederacy," lo! the federal overrent has rccogntau « now South-* South of on.oni.y which K bM hilhorto hold and treated •> .rupcrty- »"'! '"- promised to help aolliovo freedom n .l l„.l ..Jenc- rnr this newly created n ilinn. ibou lb*l Tho venerable Jolin Piarpont IiM bwn msdo I.ibTft- r[f„ of ll'io Treasury Department nt Washington. nloffD. Weld spoke In Concord, N. 1I-. *•" 1- il^v .... ,i,- !3d lost-, nnd again on Sunday evening E, R. Ames has accepted an invitation l« :;.i|'I''X mo pulpit of tbo l 5 t Church, ClnoinnnlUor si*, "tenths. This I* Lite pulpit lately IMca by M. D. Conway. Tin- . - may bo quaUllod— I ,.r piooorly lo the position uf d loo -.» tbo first nl January to » r Ihcir itid from ,, Into by Ibo .hem thus fur fol of E tit I !. . t,:„rjpb Of Hull lOnlitl.avo been nil ibo morv) signal. ,rly 10 ftfllrni that tbo [imaHcipftiioii President will bu sufficient to .mo iU lion ll nmy l-no been delayed loo long. Tho. ,r of absolute power, of positive dictatorship, vol. lailly Bubiuiltcil to by ibo peopjo. bnving piwicd ,««,-. bo niny not b«vo force enough lo enrry .1 tbrougl> by tbo strong band. Tnwwos nt homo, now ecept out of it« lurkine-plncw .n,.l ramping ... lce* lativo bull. n»d courts of jiwtiea, [»«y be strong ,lttr tbo deatruelion of Ibo poWM ol «binD 2 is the n«ift nnd MtM"' '-''"" Bu' : :r " ! ^W.u.wc I"Hevo it rony bo miidfl by gutidmil |nti-£lavMg »mim, hero; lei .Ici-.-.k-suc^I mltit Ksst-nwl I ibinkj n doj . but nut It uumry lo plcct jlnlglomnnciiMition " "« Orati lew, poil"Ie currom in ,t,jji:y lUvpeaina nnd b ....ik f I .. ,.., nrd, by Col. IlijJl pro Itcpubllo of Liborii ; »lso thioLlnit Mr. Tnol.- ,.ii,.,'i[..ti . Antlmr Kinnalnl. Mr. Gerald Rn1*t-> c Canjal-Oonorftl for Liborl*, and olhrra, f>- " oublo they bid Ukcn on Andersoo't bohnlf. His i. Jooe G. Swluhclm is e*ml leolure-i open tbe exleul nod alro , . , | .-. reoeuily perpetrated iJul.Hril Slate. ~ Com.NuttwillBOt aa aroomiuisn at Ibo « ii» friend Toni Thumb, and tfio brldesmild liltls «itU>r of Uio britlo-n yoonff lady quite ,nd pretty u O.o future Mm. Tbumb. B»t lo dfllirei f of tho Indiai Minnwola, he * Cb.i r. SI. D. Coo way prMohed in Ibe S ber in ffiuliinglon, In place of Rev. ff. H. ChaniimB on Sandw iMt. H!» *ubjeet «»». "God'a rnreoog- „l,,,l Git., to Amorica." Among «» a a at«n Wcnil.'ll I'hlllipi. DeujimLo F, Wado, the lion-hearted Sen Hie Union Society ill Canibnl^ Collejie. iv.jlmd, : viu rceentlj - a rul' lio debate on Amoritan .nt'ilr.i, m nliicliaaon of !>"» John Kni-ioll and .Mr. Trovel- yan epoko ngainil llio Union c»u50 and in tnpporl of ' """ i. Asoaof Elwar.1 Krorelt, nho ii t «to- ibrMge, followed in defence of hla country moot, nnd an English oloraymin, who par- tielpnlca la tho doluilo, writes: "After him got up young Eto'rott (Edwar.1 Eforott't lOnl.WhO, by III* bye, ll considered on- ol tliet inoit di.lingobhed men in CiuibrMtfo. tbo wli-^i lum-i' a.Mimt him, but cool anil perfeollv eollccted. Ho look 'i'r.-v, . «i- h '" pkew. point by point, used him op bit by bit, till Ibo ' imly turnetl In his foTor, and ho irrly dislinROish hiunolf jrlcj. Look not for . It wa; will i ®hv ^Mhinst0U ©oncspoiuU-iitf. cctcd n of a n fse-t I 1: t>( .,,,-i.riNi; ir it hom tt tbe b; i .k. lb.- by J he tlcn-cnls ol clvllmtion, nil 1'rotcil .v = .„..„,. :.!! ....r :-<-."..' U«..t !.•> '••'I '] ilo lo lis llonl ai.J absolute dcitruoU*. 1 say. .lie I am not so saogulr.o ol ii.s-ant K« '"* - u.l kiww thai ii* < :!..,! .Mil I- 1 « l.i, Hull r.i.,.l n a -.- i „, and Heaven nioM..[.|.f..>.;. I" lint .' ank (.".l.l lu hi > livid in this d'1 !' nnd l»jrni: "i; bumbK-Vi"-! ' i.Ki,-.,_. l ;le.[H..l..i.t.-Mii cvi-yl.i.nd anil ••.'> lii-liuurr »" t"''d on d man tu mku l^i una 6 forward (great applause), . . in, ii.u- tMeomiiia.—tho full !a»cry has not yot bet-n reached, but I have faith iu tho dcapciate madness of IhB slaveholders, and that terriblo toonVgiug and di«cin!ino of the nation will ,1-,... ,...-.1 Uivaugh suffEriiig nnd r^ieonmc the tbango -HI ha-o boon roadered eomplelo. There will ' dowuaiu ili'-i -'vilu'i"!!. l.iitlbiiiilb.:iroii^lil.i KBW VOKK, SAT011BAY, JASPAItV 31, 1863. T1IH lUJUXEXT SBOBSSITX The oounlry and tbo President belli find Ibem-elvoB bv both to be tbo polity t-.u,e ol tho Unl « »f Withoul -Uverv nucli a war hnd been .u.pos.ible With slavery it'hu been InavIUUi from tbo begin. *2 All Ibo eo.npr.mi^ wbieb oor pmchbeck statesmanship ha, dnei«d h»vo only been .1 tempi, h i. on i' inn- i«w- Tli ° t,c ",Bnda of i lM 7 b * , of iu o*n nature nml iiecussitiea, continuiilly growmg, it Wlowcl that a lim. m«.l «>»i *toj thov must bo reeled, if there renamed n shadow o public .piril or sense of pnva.o intores in th non^lavioldiiR Slate,, nnd if reeled, that «i most follow Tho Civil War has-been stoutly logi- eal In (act it bean long years ngo, nnd it didored froin that now opting, ft* the 1m( thirty yo.ira. nay, more than forty, in tbo fact (hat the defeats of_ tho North were submitted to without figlitiiig- They woro ignominious surrenders of right.-) to nyoid defending them. How much longer this inglorious warfare would have gono on had not the slnvehold crs been encouraged to shorten tho road to their nbsol u lo empire nvot ul by opening hroupon om or, we cannot toll and do no! can) to conn.dcr. Jhoj did at last compel us to „:... by refosing lU oflcr mada of everylliing tbo, bod demanded mid C.v,nB us the first blow in ibo fnot. The war exists, flnvcry tho acknowledged cause. Acknowledged, we my, for those «ho deny slavery is Ibe cuitc »IErm that Aboliuon is. and that, we conceive, is only iif-olbcr way or slating the same thing. The President and tbo nation—for the nation desen-es, perhaps, as much as Ibe President, whatever blnme of slowness his oourso ban brought upon bim-acltuowledging that slavery, and slavery only, was tbo cause of tho war, insisted on Carrying it on for nearly two years on the principle of oatcr- tuinatio- ibe effect and leaving Ibe cause in full Opiv ration. "And, oven now that tho President, all that is good nnd loyal in the nation being behind him, has aimed a blow at I ha cause of tbo rebellion, ho still leaves it alive mid entitled to tbe proleetion of tbe national laws and arms, in four States nnd in parts of two others. This wo must think one of tho atran-ast prodienmenta in wbieh n. groat nation nnd ' its Dead were ever placed. Could the truth slavery is the cause of all our woe* be washed , rebellion in tlio field. lay the axe at the root of Ibis evil tree I If slavery be tho cnuec and ordinal of this war, nnd lis abolishment be cssenlinl to viclory and tbe eslab- ihment of the vqmblie in .Is integrity, does not Ibis. Hilary necessity apply '> '"" ,ha b1iwo Sln,cs BS ell as to thoee openly in arms ? If this bo true- 1( l what clear-sighted lover of his country enn deny T_ia ibe time gono by when a supplomcntnry pro- clamation may declare slavery at an cud in Ibe Dor- dor Stales us well us the Cotton St ites, as inevitable, lis to livof Tbo dny is short and the „ ... band (nnd Such ll night!), if tlio work ayTpoinUid for that day be not done. AFFA1X3 IN XOUTII CAROLINA. . SrAKLHT, by bis pro-slavery policy, has given K n„. odence to the soundly loyal portion of the poo- pin of North Carolina, who nro praying and hoping for his removal, and for the appointment in Ilia placo of us that he was not loo K since removed, and we he- t ,.-l,« wmildliftVi- l.i-ii h"t I>t tl.f mnli^ll inll .'-' mmiUnlu the country, and conB. B n the slave to re h ;r oelly, if ho could thereby develop n Union sentl- iplauie), led by Mr. S. fjABAB, closed Ihe i £ the Jol is [nihil id with on i> Accord ing by calHihl fol ll.c f ,'cVl.^lVV- ob u,or r y'|!°- : t'.'l...V, jrl Ohio, Im been retltcicu tor .u« .v,.., -. ftotn the foorlh of Sareli nWt » his tpiol M been Infused into the Administration from tho slwt, we )W bo ii'joieine in the oierUirt.w of tbe rebel- Ibo omaocipnUon of every slave. 'resident nnd U™. Luieoln have prnontec Ex-Gov. Nowell. of New Jersey, with n beautiful am itly gold-headed cane, iu a testimonial of theli appreciation of his professional serrices to theli ily when suffering from sickness seiernl month: il then Stntea.' Us, Hit 11 ha . If t.l..iv] 1-1..I ".'. i.i'li, re Stat. o IVwi.: ind is sVror-elv ursal to appoint it.ia. SrenunlHi nco ol Uov Stanley. It in thought by Ihoso who p [his ohango upon the geiernoient that the nam, freniopt would (.uuinma in » vml'U ulniost an ormj oi iolored Unionisls, as large as the white army Koster .;, I. i,ii. ,ai re'lgiu toilny I John Urown«"vi.|,ii(i-ll' .•<-. m !' i ."i.'iViV-.r. ".'.'il'l.ll.'r'i. ..!.!•' Iti.l'r ' Freedom rojguj, clc. Julia tJrnwn'i I""'! lies'ilni: i l„i..|,l„V. it,.- .1 b'ltliL -utrv ",r .. -..:. - ; .I 1 - ' '< • Pcvtdom Klgat, tie. e TrAwt of Thursday spoke of Mr. Phillips's le in the following terms: tho Cooper Ins iliu I e, e re bo separation, the Confederacy will dud that In i military orn among Ihe negroes a ghost has been 1 CI] ,„, which will not vanish at their bidding. The C nKo"of tho slaves so slwmotully returned by Gen. Steele not long ago, by burning their master's dwelling ,d firing shots at the inraatoi, la a lorowtiraing of tho .,. ( ,| Kelioning which will como lo the Confedfralcs cmniioipotlon by Ibu Federal government is pre- vented. Tho proidaroriti'.n ' ns i-nlunblc lor ivbi.l it ia acennv plishing in Ibo Norlli as atlho South. Tho " situation idng defined by it. It is omanelpnCng many trio apulogUW of slavery, who .ay amen to Duller j|a new .loetrint.i. U ii ellVctuiilly iiimirnSunu' Hie diabnlie:.! champions of slavery and rebellion, are less for innpenly iutimi.Lntins; a l^-jm- -o at Albany, lb in when a year ngo they w oro mbI- f » patriotically " suppovtinfr and proUini; " Hon ' Abrahntu Lincoln. The pn- e I. u nation has severed ibo " tap root" of the " Demoeracy," so that it cannot henceforth as in tlio past draw its nourishment from the ' sacred soil r of the South. was in riochwter on the d:iy c( Hi... i u-.-.-f-ui ,„.^. ll .,., ,:i,l,ll... Ilr«t i -•: - the p^-rs CO..- ling the message of freed.-.m. .'as. in advance ol mi and "aid'to hit.., 'l',.i;». tir " " olTerinB him tho Butfu. tfaioii «nd ddwrfUer (prMlavcry). The man beid and parted en, Uie toy continued, say ...„. Proclamation is out. The niggers aro all free Lin. >ln has done il I " Our business man suddenly slopped vtd he wanted a paper, nnd added with siRniflcani I; •• I Ill-IK lilt Jit.j;;<T: jr Ibo r ...... jtnled that Ii Republican ticket, for Chni takes the trouble K says, there Is not a I. Adai: marking as he did no, s Sumner." The ftov :onlMdiet the story, in ord of truth. battle , but Hie u to lini at tho mo vo been c ried Into ,dell Phillips, at the request of the New iork „lilc l.ibrare AwooLition, will deliver b^letture "Tho Ixiit Arts," at the Cooper Institute, on "twill no doubt command a lull house. On Tuesday evening Mr. Phillips will speak upon ' Oat Fuluro" in Plymouth Church |l!ev. H. W. Ccoeber'a), Brooklyn, _. Id's plans wore to h illon. Tho vorj' element! seem somelimeB to bo iguo against u« in iliii conflict with Ibo pro-slavery llion, but tho fact is that nations, liko individuals, be able, if they are successful, to triumph even over the elements, Ilurnndo was nil ready (or a bat- tle Ihreo weeks .ten. when Ger.erals of his army came - 'eio and made repreicnlalions to tho President ,st Ibe movement. Ii is said tbnt Mr, Lincoln fered and postponed Um advance. Ido nel believe lory. If ho did thus Interfere, tho responMbility ii shoulders is very great, Inasmuch as if Ibe ! hnd moved three weeks ngo, it would have bad good weather nnd roads for the movement. It has now. There is a good deal ol curiosity here who it wan that came up from Palmoutli lo labor wllh Ihe President. Some say It wan John Coch- rane—others that It was Gens. Sumner and Hooker. The Free Lobor Movcnu laliins rapid progress. Til ,shor A?sociallons of Cra leaufort Counties have ree icnt Northern statesmen, pressing the earnest comff and principles. They nro I sympathy nnd coSpo ration witluliindioi! the parsiatool '-.the movement. Tho mi rength, and already melo.™ - - aa r.eEiment- A movement is on foot to ask the uiithority or Congress for Ihe formation of ton loyal North Carolina regiments, tho material for which i: Tho foHowinprefoluti..n* have been adopted by the First Nor 111 Carolina Loynl Volunteers: Resolved. Thai <„„ ' Jermim- l>';'i'.".";' n ':'*•"""' .,..,, ,.1 U..,.,-. ., iitili.- Ir t'ni l>i : 'rn-t. i.h" cam . S-.',vt,ern a i-v. «<-cks .i!M r.-..n. Washington.,1". C of it iii North Cwollon is l're*idcnls of the Free en. Gartenet, Hyde nnd ived lottem from promi- rrcspectlvo ol pstty, ei- odallons of their object so assured of the hearty I President Lincoln, not- ipposition of Gov. 3innl<>y I'ement is rapidly ,-niniii(t cs tho Fi ,r tho great champion of unce Ii iet a ii|-.eiH]ti"0 ilL'iiinsl i i"l''' „ .M-Vi-h.m.l-ivY l..i..l.l.tKi- ; -.. L1 : ,,( pnliee was present in tho lobb; ,. I .'[i.. j.t-ti.... i-il( Lincoln .' " loc ,. ,*, fdl.r.vrr:!.,:,' .-. v,-: r.f.wl:: .: :„ t'l I, ^-c.'l.rya..dl.L.' ; -.«...-.etw 1 .. n bany? Mr. Phillip--.; Anion .lo U.o I roe aum .on, _ -'.n. nn,i „„ i„6|,irin:i. it ['i.r. ,n «nh sutii treucn m through the clou.ln tin" eiit-.iii|.n.-s «> i..r lent, that wo report it entire in Ibis morning s Monday evening nest Mr. Phillips, under Ihe , f ihe Mercantile Library Ai-iocialh^will his lecture upon "The Lost ArLs" in the institute ; and on Tuesday evening he will speak Jim FirroRB " in Plymouth Church, lirooklyn. verbiscoont nwnrdly saying, "Alast im [hose good old days of fral dear Southern brethren'; ,b, , more torove " ii shall henceforth kn^ The Washington correspondent of Tht IHftwie says i. hail- almost tlio highest official authcrity undei be government for staling that Mrs. Lincoln has a ust become thoroughly anti-slavery-is hearty in he, .pproval of tho Emancipation proclamation, and ore.:- mmedlatc nnd comprehensive arming of slaves win mvo been made frcu by it.' 1 The Waihington cor«« ol 71,i UfTOld statca, nK-n oi-ms r^nliar siamp went in a body last niglii -- iho President's heo-e and thnmnded the removal ei ward They are not without fear that their Are and rvor wus not nuita consilient with court language d conduct -, but they say that the President treated em kindly/' A dispatch in Tbt Time, dated ffaahlnglen, Jan. 20, jys: " Wendell rhillips, in cemp my with Mr. St. of lit. t..n, and Itev. M. D. Conway, was, to-day, ( ,1- or Iho House, and was introduced by lion .way to ihe uiomuers, who crowded around I ir respects. In tho evening Mr. Stearns g in! entortninuieiil, at which Jlr. Phillips wo All Iheio have been up here wilhin a fortnight. I heat olin Cochrane is falling back into pro-slave ryisnt leClellanism. He was known all last Summer and o be one ot those who had litllo faith in Gen. Mo- Clcllan.but it is reported that ho Is now urging tho recall of that General lo the cuituond of Ihe Army "I tho rotomnc. Co mndo some very nlnrming repre- sentations of Iho condition of tho oroiy while in this city. I must confess that olhor testimony fully cor- roborates hi' statements. Se nri tor Wilson has moved an inquiry imo ihe subject in ihe Senate. The Fit! John Porter aflnir has created a niiKMlnri) sonsnlion. Goo. Wilkes, who long ago gave the Gene- ral tho nomo of " Sit* Velloiv," was in town when the decision of the Court nnd Ihe President was made known. It uoj no njj« I" 'ij.a.i—Ilu„-,»«-Tn« rlgn>. The ru.'i'l.tit'i courage in this affair is combining. or lb Carolina. . . || ivc.l. That as native citizens of Cmii and loynl men who havo taken op arms fo .„' i;l . ; h,-: rl,.;t l-i.c some:l ; :c ;. 11 be Ihe KeprecTiUltve fi Cuiiitf"; ft ! ii,„l ii.nnnmeb n. tin- Tii.ij.oit, r.| .. ,-.. .iniVnn-.lii.v .1 ilifiuiili 'I'-- "*' k ' v > '' l.;„v.S|..nlev anil hi i i ..nfe.l.T.iiv., ilml ..ei.iii-i gott."' invented for it, there would be at least the .-. ftmienrnnee of "round on, which lo stand. It would be « sbifting quicksnnd, to bo sure, none Ihe less, under ihcir feel, ns it has proved itself, but there would have been nt least the plensuro of being cheated with n of n substniilinl footin K under them. But the necessities ol disaster having compelled the President and tho people to see tbnt there is none other provocation of tho war nnd all the miseries it bus brought wilb it, than slavery, it followed ns the llcht tl,0 tiny tbnt slnvcry must bo struck down or (be wnr must end in its lavor. Struck down in ihe Stales netunlly in flagrant delict, of course, but not left s'aiHlinf and bolstered up by bayonets nnd marshal's po**S in those States that pretend to hold on to their loyally nnd their slaves at iho SB Slavery is one of iboss uionslora Ibnt ..._ .... killed by being scotched. It rather resembles Ihe Hydra of old fable, whose heads sprung up again, two for one, as ofien as the hero Lowed Ibetn off, unlil the actual cautery wus resorted to and provcdjjj The following is among the resell the Gartenet County Free Labor Assc llcsolvctl, Thai Edward filsnleyV "' on of Ibe freedom of tbo Press by i . ii. .1. r.-h-.ui'.H in !..... ... -/ fundamental principle oi republican gov ions adopted by miptcd auppros- rcst ai i any I derogation of nul - WENDELL PHILLIPS IN NEW YORK. Till: evening obosen for the lecture of Wmoeli lUira in this city (Wednesday, Jan. 21) was, u ,pect ol weather and the condilion of the streets, tht very worst, lima Inr, of the whole Winter. A furiou North-east storm, which hnd prevailed during the day more furious at nightfall ; tho street iddy, the rain fell fast, and a high wind made It almost impossible lo hold an open umbrelh FREE LABOR IN SOUTH CAROLINA Iht Fra »>"l'', i" nn article which wo have copied on tho first page, expresses tho deep aniioty which prevails amnog Ihe Frecdmen nnd their friend Department nf Ihe Sooth, in view of tho dam tho plantations, when sold by the government, i . into the bauds of speculators, whoso selflih greed may ,.'„ ,, | ,, or intent ol Iree labor that bos been inau- ... I ,t a niiarler with such encournging results r-„,| ,„ i,ai been appealed to to delay the sale of Ihe i.. di and a bill for t hot purpose has already passed ,c Senate. Wo Irust It will pass the House also. The United Stales Tax Commissioners for South Car- olina have made a preliminary f*port, in which they iv it must be ubvi.nn Ihe nvstcni of free labor lins nut ad a fair trial in the pari of that Stale under Untied laics control Scarcely any system has been put to practical tested. ^Jj^^J^^J^ onnTn"hlb'o7'p"lh-i cm he iuangoraled. The great impediment to progress is tho uncertainty which over- hangs Ibo future ol the colored people. It Is a Rrcat mistake to suppose them unmindful of the uncertainty of their condition. Nevertheless, thoy nro but tenants at will on the grace of tho government, subject to nuh- isry caprice and necessity, with a strong desire lo obtain permanent and free homes where they w born ond reared. This class ol people, Iho Come .loners say, are daily thronging tl.e.r doors an,,,,, i„g about their destiny when the lands shall .. ,r taxes. They feel Urn necessily of some guld- mis in ilirf-el theiii imo a new state of , sulenie, amense magnitude el which they appreciate, but Iho details of Which Ihoy nro uoablo to comprehend. let especially two ooxinos to continue on, or o their former labor, protitled they nnd their f Dies can lie assort d of Ibolr freedom, moderate compensation, Irco homes, and permanent employ- „„ ...lglsnd emancipated in Ibe still continue in bondage by authority "I Iho Federal government, to remain " for the present, » though this proclamation had not been issued." rhcao slaves are in tho districts still hotly contested i or where there is at hc«l hut constrained loyalty They «"' «» lh0 ^°'K* W"M° ""^' ,ad under tho control ol ibe Federal arm. It is a con- tinuation ol the old Ilopublican policy, which, as one of ihe editors of Tht WIiiiim once defined it lo mo. was- "ffenre oppo^-J to slavery where it is not, ond in lavor ol it where -it is." That is, the President pro claims the abolition of slavery In Iho sections beyond his present reach, and volunteers lo uphold the ac cursed system which would otherwise fall to no ground ill the very region* wherein his military nnlho rity could bo nt Once beneficently asserted. This is infamous nnd utterly inexcusable tampering with life and liberty. God will probably con I in ue to provid. rain and mud, and still longer to bailie nnd disappoint the hopes of the nation centered in its great Army of tho Potomac so long ns the President allowa himself tho mud of Curder Stnto lavery. es of meeting! i my last letter n deeply interesting n Central nnd Wcstarn New York. Of these I cannot in this letter speak In detail. I have the most thongbtiul, earnest listeners 1 have ever un any lecturing lour. Men are laking nidei unit nestoees. The - Licm-crats." stimulated by GOV. j-cymuur'. im|iu0enl tin.l "J"™* """"f1 o lately becmuiH' mueh more hold nnd dettant in ne As wc advance In tbo revolution it will not be rprislng it there shall ba clashiug of arms on our vnsoil. I think I see occasional sytuptomsjif this Hoof thing , as coming evenls cut thiiir shadows .fori them. How »"ious and general Ibis shall be- ,nic will depend very largely upon the vigilance and jrnejilnoss of the real friends ol Irecdoui. Want o One faithfulness in .his c.i.ical hour is sure to h rely punhOied, and it de..erve, to be. Abolitionist . great and important responsibilities restini; ,i|.ei , until lhat Prosidontial licenio of Blavory, " Fo ,V fow days since, Secretary Chase gave n sumptuous mer to a largo company. Among his guests were Hon. Simon Cameron ; Hon. Georgo Bancroft, tho bis- torian John Jay. grandson of John Jay of ltevolution- DOry;Senatoi'C.,llanier,of Vermont; Collector , uf Mow York; Repreicntalivcs Hickman, of Pennsylvania; Thomas, of Massachusetts ; Edwards of -Now [lampsblre ; Poller, of Wlecomln, and ulhers. Cephas Bralnord.'of this city, has been appointed .rbitrator'on tho part of the United States under Ihe rely will) Great liritsio for Ihe more effectual sup- jrcssion of the slave trade. This is on excellent appointment Mr. Crainerd belongs to the null-slavery wing ol tbo Republican party, and lias dono much to u. nanee the cause of freedom. Gen nooker, says the Washington correspondent ol The 7H6ims, applied for authority to appoint Georgo W. Smilley, from civil lire, one' of his nids^ecamp. TheDsed rules of Iho service fornsdo Iho selection. Mr. Smalley's graphic deicrlption of tho batl o ol in 57.0 TVi'.vir, won the approval of nil the Ihe Army ol Iho Potomac, and it was thought Uiat tho author of such a letter could not but mako nn invaluable staff offlcor. And Ibis 1 toy without expressing nn opinion ui .n ol Ihe guilt or innocence of Gen. Porter. Tin. President unquestionably thought tho verdict of Ibe Court was just, nnd ho had the courage lo drivu a Mnjor-Gencral from tho ranks. It was a bold act. and he deserves greni credit lor It. Any one who will loot at Uie charges and tho evidence will find no difficulty whatever in arriving at one concl union, namely, that Gen. Porter did la point of foci disobey the order* nl Gen. 'Pope, Take this sioglo order for instance, lor tlKMiouiuTrtJ An'iv or VumiMi, ( iirislow Any. ^7, lf.iVi-3 p..u. , Maj.-ii.-».V. J.lV.i:r.-.r: , It:,.,-,..!..,! ./...i-rf,,-... I (Ji-seiui. : The M .j...-t,uu-f.ii i.'oniiuanillng dirccls you slart nt I o'elo.k to-nieht. and comu forward l„ ,!,._, l, r in to-n,orv.-,w morning. n v.'i-.i n'.io.ii Willi the cni-niy, ,1 :,iin Lilt. .1 and wounded. Tho veil back and in retreating along usl drive him Ironi Manilas, nnd intry between that placo and Gainesville, yon.M, -j., il.....nerh splto of nil this, Im , i...,., tela ihe heads of our Lernnan pet that row- ibemselvM i„ Carolinn and Mississippi, If he Icavo ibo.o untouehed by sword and ecarinff-iron that e.tnlt their insolent Cresls in Kentucky and Jlnrylnnd. Il is one and indivisible, with ono heart out of which pro- ceeds nil Ibeso issues ofdoalb.nnd in all tho I imo giving strength and lifo lo tbe struggling trunk. Wo do not mean lo say that, in process of time, should alnvery bo extinguished by ibo arms, or Iboso of Ibe slaves themselves, in tbo Cotton Stales, that it would continue indefinitely in the LWding; Biitles. Of cnurse it would die in course of lium, perhaps immediately, in ihe ISorder Slnlcs, nfter il had yielded lo doom in ils'fnvorilo abode. Hat wu do aflinn llmt Ihe abolition or slavery, as a inililary necessity, in the openly rebellious Stales, must be greatly hindered and rctnrdetl.if not utterly defended, by Ibo meroy shown to il in thoao Slate which pro (ess a hollow nnd treacherous loyalty. Hollo* and ireucboious just as fur as Ihcy nro slaveholding. That a great number of tlio inbnbilanls of those Slate* nro truly loyal, nnd «o becnutc Ihoy long lo be ' '-- to their prosperity ami progrc*.-, .,. cd for opening the jseiged by an eager crowd, who seenjed lo got a-wotting it thoy could thereby ,uio petitions within Iho hall; and long :ue iiuur appointed for the lecture to begin, tho it hall was filled in every part by an assembly which speaker might bo proud of on opportunity to ress. Il embraced mam' lending ci linens, of various occupations and professions, who have not htrotoiora ecn very ollen seen in nntUhwery gatherings ; nnd it thought that nbou t one-third of thoso who hnd braved ic lempcat to hear Ihe great Orator of freedom wore tu sec in tho remarkable demonsti 'he Slavo Interest i° everywhere identical, and, wilb xceplions 10 few nnd insignificant that they can inly be Isken n* proofs of the general rule, wherever ui ,,. [, , . , ,, l, hlec I nils rebel at bear oi, .,„,.. il t'.i ii it.,0 we know by ibo indtlie words ol Wieklillcand Sanlsbi.ry and whnl ivcr ropresenla'ives tho Hordor State lUvehotili lavo in Congress. Tbo treason of these men .enrccly disguised. The ideutily of slavery wilb iho islionia (be axiom of iheir philosophy, and win ittncks slavery overthrows their feeble nllcgin . Le;h ,_fln Monday last, sfte iration, tho Assembly s r in the person ofTbcodoro i Domocrtt. e Mcliowelii; If M-. ilnwl j ,] word lo Mi i ,-., il, |..._-.l tolnkoyour inn. Ills nccefSJiry, nn nil i ie hero by daylig' " ' ot..l|.l> I ..,.i flight, 'l seodnnoffl. i i:», ™u™ad u-ains'to't'hiisido of Cedar Run. If he is not witli i, oi write hi > lhat efl'ccL J By command of M.U.-Ges. Foitl GK0. D. Kc.iuu-:-, Cohmcl ami Chief ut Staff. Nobody pretends that God. Potior executed this po<i- live command. Z/e iroifcl Ml niornino. Tho main evi- dence before iho Court was to prove that Porler was justified In wailing lill dnylight. Now, it may bo Ir Ihnt ho was fully jusliflcd by the ci delaying his movement-! n.u ineompei opinion upon lhat point— but il is very did disobey Gun. Pope. . Cameron, it is said, will e !iBter lo St. Petersburg. 1 s M. Clay, immediately after , will lie redeemed by .lino IT 10 . Iti. i pity srd Taylo pity to wl ,d",'for J »Ir.Clivy i not a soiut.h noin b ho United States at any European Court bettor minister at St. l'elorsburg than Bay Iho preiont Chargi ds Affaires, and il is :o money in Bonding another. Tlio i Dcm raoy EM»SCirA.T10S IK TUB DtrtCll C Antl Startry Report"- for Januar) ' In Surinam there seems to be a among all classes, bond nn;l tree proiichitig emanoipiition. Ihe u nBnyyenrs,beciiproili.ii.ilciut.ur ,-.-;.—Tho b'rilish ...1. Tie .1 in, of I Ur. Puu.lhv;, as he stopped upon the platform, was welcomed by Ihreo rousing cheers, the waving of hats and handkerchiefs, and other demonstration* of ap- plause On million ofTii>:oooi:i: Tii.tos, Lim in Kt.rciiou, Esq., was appointed to preside ; and Mr. Phillips, on being presented by the Chairman in a fow well-ehosen words, was once more greeted with enthusiastic cheers. He held the audience In close attention for one hour and twenty minutes. His speech was universally regarded as among Iho best ovor heard from bis in this city- H was reported in full tho next mon by Tl.r> TrihiiM am! oilier papers, and many of readers may bo dfsappoinled ia not seeing it in Miliums this week. It ia-propor to say, therefore, ho reports of Iho daily journals, being very hastily mde arc necessarily smnowhst Imperfect, and wc ,bey the Injunction of Mr. Phillips in not transferring my of them to The StakoIIid before he has had oppi [unity ceeded in clecling a C. Cullicott, of Broomyn. no a ulioni tlio llopoblli iii-i (being unable i., uil-cv ii mini - .heir own parly) voted, in order to do Tost tho regolnr 3e moo rnlie candid ale, who was believed to be a tool of r'ernaodo Wood and pledged, in ease of his election, to aid Iho plot for preventing tho election of a U. S. Senator the present year. It was openly declared by leading Wood Democrats, that if they could conlrol rgn'mMlion of Iho Assembly, thoy would not allow Hint body, on the day fixed by law (Tuesday nixt) lo for L*. S. Senator, but by defeating an election Iho present year, put into tho hands of Governor Sey- nurtho power to appoint a Senator to servo until a next Legislature should mako nn election, failing elect a Spenkar of their ownslripc.plcdged to carry 4t this plot, their purpose was to keep the Assembly unorganised lill alter Iho day fixed by law for Ibe choice of a Senator. The Demcornts charge Calllcott with having cor- ruplly sold himself to tbo Republicans, but wo pre- 1U me lhat lie did no more than to promise, it chosen mainly by Republican voles, to deal as fairly by them ns ho could consistently wilb his allegiance lo his own ''Thorn 1= scarcely a doubt that a Republican Senator 111 ho cho.en on Tuesday next, but who Is likely to j„r. il I, and "hen the i.heoi iiultiiiiilo had sut»iJcd, spoke substantially i iW-CrriRKKs : When this struggle commenced I was not as gay nnd as sanguine as most of ynu I .ii.l not l.elieve. if we hnd civil,,... i did believe and I le a little war by striking id striking .1-.I..-..I, by -UghllV'durkbloodlliati "EC.!"-'- "' -,""" . ,,' I. ,,.,.,,,, Ui.. I.l.i.lnlv ,[.<!, ...l.l ...... . [il-.i- .,j„„"thei "Governor, and dejir.d ,,„„ Ihe Ivlng of Holland their thanks lor he r.-vrr^'-' '' ' ' ' , . "'' „ ( ",]„. :, nU-r read ihe docuiiienls. Many ifiuld not read, tiaiight the papers and kissed in Is i >f Thurlow Weed will Won TDK Fiihk South.—The first number of this paper ,ted Cemiforr, S. C, Jim. 10, is before us. It Is to be antinned weekly, at S3 per annum. Lftlgh.lOO Broadway, is the agent for receiving smVerlp.loi and a.lverlUemenls from Iho Norlh. We shall look paper for reliable information of nil importa- menls in ibe Department of Ibo South, especially those relating to tho condition and prospects of U" freedmen. We havo copied from the first number poem by Mrs. Gage, nnd an editorial article upon question of great importance. See first page, ;:,. Dm111 LlTF. T i.—A dispatch in Tin Times. dated Ssihlngton, 2Cib inst., says : "Tho President's f'aianeipalion i'roclnmalioil wa-,, yestorday. issued OS Orders No. 1, and dated dan. 2, 1563.- Tho iaf slowness of tho Administration is herein illuslrsled. Why this delay of almost a month in the fomul promolBnlion to the Army of the Proclamation he should oflerwards wait twenty-four days bc- pulUng bis Proclamation ia official shape before pleader, ol the army, many of whom woro ready to avail Ihem-elven .if any technical wouso for neglecting lo enforce it 1 Such delays as this, alike sbsmefi: a of tho country in On Sunday evening last, says Tht .lmtnw.i Septal, Theodora Tilton delivered one ol hi* best lectures lo n crowded house nt tho Dollieada Daptitt Church, Jer- sey City. The onportuniliea of the nation, and the dangers of delaying tho execution of joitieo lo the master pencil, nnd the nudienco listened wilb almost breathless silance lor nn hour and a half. Thurlow Weed has retired from Ihe Albany EbnlEntJ ...signing as the reason Tor so doing that lie differs " widely, radically nnd irreconcilably" with his parly •- about the best means of crushing the rebel, lion." In Other words, he i. no Inngcr a Republican. hn r a Copperhead lleuiocral. If he had mndo Ihil I before 'he recent Male election, instead .,1 ,il,« with the republican party for tile porpi.ote .-0 effectually working for Ihe defeat of its can dldatcs. his coui-se ivoold have been Tar itioro honora. ble. And now, if Mr. Seward would only follow Mr. Weed's example: Dr Dlo Lewis, Principal of the Uoston Normal Insii uto for Physical Traloing, attended an eihibilion o Urs. Z. IL Plumb"s Class hi Light Gymnastics, nt Ucd worth's llall, on Tuesday evening. Mrs. Plumb, ivh, ia a rraduam ot the bo.ion institution abovo named lias met with great soccess in introducing tho new sys teui in Ibis city, as ibo latgo and intelligent audience wbieh ai-.en.blod to witness the exhibition fully ... - The performances of tbe class woro alike cred.lablo lo Iherusolves nnd lo their (cichcr. nnd Dr. Lewis s expo- sition ot the peculiar advantages of tbo new sys were likened to with deep interest. Tbo med clo'ed with elnging tbe John Urown song, and tl successively for the Union nnd lor Dr. Lewi led at ibe exhibition u. ..; dent. It looks to them as il ho meant to make short work with all men who attempt to obstruct tho government in its war upon the rebellion. I think the President nl last has got fully nwtke. Ilo has been not n liitlc nervous over the sen ol Ihe DomoeraU In No " York, llliuoH, Ne- .lei-.ey, and in other States, nnd he Is convinced that soft words and tufti of grass will not answer any longer. Il in time to throw stones at tbe enemy, whether he be found in the ranks ol the Cbala or at homo. I think tbe President baa made up lis mind that ho may ns well perish in a bold attempt o crush out all di-h,yol opposition lo Iho government n Ihe free States as to lie still nnd see llio government crumble peacefully to pieces. Tho Democrats of iho North may ns well understand that they can only tri- umph in their traitorous lelieiues through civil wnr ot o Korlh-In other words, Hint the government will ook no interference with its vigorous prosecution ot c wnr nnd ll such interference is offered, it Will .dearer to crush ihe traitors, North as well as South. James brook* ready tor war lo Iho streets of Now Vorkt h Fernando Wood I And if they ore, arc lh« csneclable Democrats, who have property and an ,,' Jt in nrcservioc law nnd order ""»»" 'or civil a/),. nil-.' bellevi uitliis :;' . will o States If tl Xany ^n'm.ivemenVin aid ..1 the rebellion. 1 a'iact. and It may just as well bo understood i: . hnrx iftar. Mr. Sluftn madu a great many bl 1 -t Summer lie arreilcl men whom tie ,c let ,1 Ihe John Anderson.lho lugllive who so narrowly escaped .endilion to his master in Missouri by tlio Una- dian amhorliies, la response lo a fictitious claim under Iho extradition trealy beiweca Great Ilr.Uin and the United States, and who alterwardu went to Lngland, I ;i , r ia in Uccmutier U.L • '" Hie eicn- , B pre.iou. to lib. doparlure, he was entertained at s. farewell wir/o hold at Shirley's Tvmpcracoc Hotel in Undon. The company assembled on the oceasloo con- sisted ehiefly of members of ihe Committee who as- mmcdlhe reipon.lbdity of his education during the 'eriod of his residence ia England. Harper Twel.e- %Z E-n the ch.iru.nn of the Commi.teo, presided at " " ,' , i fj-iiiai'tory report of Ihe progreis ntle'V' i,..l..--oa at school wa, (urDlshe.M.y "Jr. BucI EoU„r^ iim^„a™.-TheWaihm; :t,.„ .,- , J'"'^' "^ri 7 ;;'; (^^Ueni'au 'Vcolor,. and lles.r.. respondent of 11, 1IWM, under date of Tuc^y. , He- h .. 1 < ij p ff_ ^^ w F„. Gov. Andrew left for Doston lo-day, takuic. >"»'" - J ^ i (solutions wore pns«u «*" , authority lo raise regiments olnegroe*, rc,, ; . .. - Lc mteli lorKiic pr0(. !ho State of ^^^^"^.^^^^^^.^ wishing snocesa to the ;.,-, ice. " Wc hopethbis true, but fear it isnot. peritj oi juuu do ivill not prevent tho government from ar- jffier men who are guilty ol troasoo in any ot the free Stale*. Such a thing as a peaceable disunion i, an impossibility, and Northern Democrats should ,,ni ;| [ho lact. Congress is prosecuting the business that n remain, for it to do with n good deal of vigor. Hut five utor. „ceks remain. The financial nueltlon is yet unsettled. Tbo House has passed a bill, sntlstactory In mo.t re- peels to Sir. Chase and now llio Senate will lako up Iho subjecl. By the end of Ibo present week It should beseltlcdh. CoagroM finally, lor tho country bn. a right to know whit Uie financial [lolicy of the govern- ment Is lo be. It seems to mo the President is right in urging tbo impropriety of issuing such a .astamouot of paper currency, and Ihe LM-U-rn members commit a great political blunder lo a tax upon bank notes. The West feels .ore upon this subjecl, and il i. time to force an issue on any such tjueiUon. Tho . ouoW to give way to Iho government, .ay. Jlr o—savs Iho President, but the House will not , ,i. ,1k BiMrliun It '• cjcS,JlDgly tmportonl Iba7u.o«ovorntt7nt should havo a financial policy lhat Will carry [tthrongh U.o war, and ll ba. .oinoUme* .cemed lo me, in watching tho proceeding, ot tho huso, lhat certain ardent Republicans care about a, mod. for the kaok. as thoy do for Urn country, and j, do for the sUrc, about whom they Cut this is a monetary question, opon wl** WQS.1L1 differ, sad it !> not necessary to im. peael. anv one's patriotism lo account lor ibo ungoUr I, is growing smaller erery day. and tbo Department begins lo bare a look-out for tho v llow aro wo lo bare more troops! Wo must them, it is laid, but the question U-how w« Ihoy got! Some geollemen In Congress talk, of con- lion, but they hardly lao» ol what they talk' I
  • 3. UoLcu our forces nlrendy in lite Held, who ool lliO rebels nearly two lo 0110, es. nonnlo will no! submit lo another oonicrlritiou act. Tin' very licet way 11 tor too fc,.. liienlto put ill best foot (ore ni rial, and endi Ivor to » sonio TiolorlM thin coming Spring, nod Uton all w.l! well. A great victory between lliis and onl May n iire ua from many dilHeuliins. Tboro is (rouble in Iho Army Of the Poloio of llio divisions ot least is budly demoralised, by its McClcllati General and elHcors. li ii that something must toon bo iloho with thl - I pnrt ol it clamors for MeClellan. and Ihc VjvtHcnUi no idea of granting Uielr desire*: in ibjs i-espf. - r i ,n of (hi army ii.i'i been. b» "" lotpald. This should noil d willingly ne-copt Ihi Ihe Oommnndei-lnCliIcf. Whatever cj . in. ,.1 Hint the President line made up ...idl SledtUan (o command, simply be inced of ilmt General's inenmpcieucy. Avon. Qm guMtaifow. TUB ATLWHC UojrrnliT. lor F0Ur.11.ry t.Bcutno. Tick- nor and Fields) is on eiccllent number. Here Is n lisi li f article* npd author* Sovereigns and Sons, by C. C. Harwell ; Under llio Pcar-Troo—a Hory-by Mr: J Hopkinton ; Threnody, by llio author of "Charles AucliMtor"; Tho UUlity Mid iho Futility of *pl'»' linuu, by W. R. Alger ; Bholley, by a son of Leigh Hunt: Tho Tcit—n poem—by Bnynrd Taylor; Preacher's Trinl, by C. A. Barlol ; The Ghost of Llllle i .Licmies; Boston Hymn, by lUlph Waldo Em The Siege of Cincinnati, by T. 11. H*ndo ; Jnnn Austen, by lira. Watorston ; Tho Proclamation, by J. G. WW Her ; The Law of Com, by D. A. Wesson ; Tho Clio, soure i. Pled, by YV. J. Tinto ; Latent Vioyie of >ii faiulow, by J. 11. Lowell ; Reviews and Literary N. I'noreo "a "Boston Hymn" (rood ,..lnhih Concert ill that ully OP r. ml oiinurfoiirlhpifto. W ,- proclamation we insert in this pin THE PUOCLAllATin c.,i„i i>, rick, slave 10 Mitel " - : r.l,.ii II, j: no so r..or :il hand. ..nil I con t cot alt (uluru lUiCiV^-r.i.). All l'..c In. . „. world h flu wing hiilie'r i wo hove hot to wed this lib 111... lilo-blond of Ihc liiliu; I-..', will, , I -•-..- I irull, ,„1 jiMioo, mid God has i" store no lile^mi: for no- bk-ii iniii"iu lint "ill no' l "-' secured (or oura." g In Ihc !.i "TlioLmv n( ona in polilicnl e ,ry of niitiuD*, am Kenltime. It sen (ShVOMClCiS ot tttc Wat. VIlD fln.i) „r .i,o P . , Re Burnsldo lias rv ^'"'n .',„ , '"" ' •! ll i l '-hi I....1 1,0 ft ceptcil on Saturday nii^ ''"'ii.^1-!.',." tt'htn'lho ol is deparluro. llii pnrtins ail nlstliempv.-vue lor [heir ila aucecasor. - tnc Anuv or rnc lY.r.n. 1Hull til Sloles. ih i.'.-.iii hii.: (hi '"" , Viin Ei. On .1, limy it-iked in ("'"» tt,.-i,i nt n dim:ii.r:.j lo n !'.- i "I tlieii-i. IVo liiul r bteil llo-l'. I.'iii-' I". lore j-iii.-d tlielii, each -'|ie: inn i ; w-:,nl (In iili U"' koy-li..le, widioot win i|„„ i.-i.oild i;ol ii" reply Irom lli"'.o vviihin. fh „-k'.| n- ilinmiiernUi- 'I iL.-loni- «' ' "" i'oo-lli t ;v'll"n!'.vi'e' l 'u'..ll^ i'.-'-'i »'l'.. ii ii,i Unit ilitv »er -e.nii?^! im-. i,.-. -lot E ,ieiotii llif.,,,,.1,.,,,1 ii,.- -oinh. m, -I ,v. .. |..n.iiTitly wnluiiK (' n„ „ tll i„riunity to render tho President.'* espcr- ,.[ Hioir Hid. cunlidenoe in ili.-m. Tln-y f.pii,.-ni-,.-l ( I- "'•H )"• .''-' in imblic airniiv.nnd t Vl-nt ilnt tin- Cnfe.loiMoj ,i" - Their cliaii" L In Ir- 11 ro, and p re {j a rat ion to i.-lni, pe i'.l 1 ""'"7. i^.!lt'i.'n^r?Tl f black ami white), < bcra, oadl-aaido childre worn), old dre*Ms, uien'ii coata, nnd other gar etc. II your friends can help ihLi poor people and hope, I (Link they mil do then: "lilj 3 h row full. Iihli very c.,iiv,l.-i] ilere. Slrje! InMitl wore Innnx- nethlnB mora to "y—J'Ai o pi-,.],.,- ii. (..i-iiicil in nquiro (Jen. ltunlur en- in. Li,-..-,-, oi (,! Mii-^ui.-.ii. iiim! mi nkiiiK with "'='*' ''-'i.,^ I. .!,:- nlwiiya to li.? it men who celdoio ihroiv away word*. , !.:'.. ';.; !:,: „- ; - '.'.v.i o do what wo can in roiponso lo tbi mr peraonnl friouda in ihla eily, and w. i, miiny of whom know Ura. Gage, (. The Editor of TiiKET.iMiiito respon. to the above appeal, a bo* of clothing from Mary 1 Poat nnd Phebe W. Titua, North lleoipatead, L. I. bundle from Sirnh Mann, Now York; nod tho fulluwi .,,-Uli, light. nr—batefol and horrit the prico which tho nation must pa; ila masnaniniily. If ynu (alio n c! ward any great end, you thereby a nd completic says Mr. Wa i lltongb it be— for ila ideas nr hot-Id l,!..h l,:l- will not (ril lo ihnpcof retrihotinn wlili Iho has signed ahipping- eail or suffer. Into rights of inicrt lo shed blood, has , itseir the burden of a high deaiinalion, and it, irnot willingly, relucllaiilly, if not in joy , then in shame and weeping." This is admi- ccrtainly. Wo ijunlc again : ttsiem.'nt is ttiin— that whatever has o nil thnt blr-fcs notions ; but by li iia war Providence is thundering J naltemblc law, dial man l-Iid.I1 hold l-rinn Winn "mill .:i..l)l|dni.iiii;: "I toird liiuee, Mid ,i. |nr V in'". One e l'l.n-'l tin- Coiilcdi'i-ii'.') !> ,et ileor in the i-ooin which bung on only uno mid tint cracked! , . .-., o.',...-. -Ti,. I- ' -I the Mis- ;,.,,,.,, i „ • i' l.-i. .... .,. - [ending, • . lie lined Luri-aliine.. ... -!- finiiki. . :l, >. llio li' I .re ol worn! cl ibe boot i ii-y. ntin, ,n two thousand eords.secr.i- n in ill- in i hunk, i" a place where it w,.,ihl not readily bavn ib instantly i,[ Uncle .Sain. Every soldier da were well supplied for nearly .1 thcni a very flue Irani a which he said : " id has been Identiiled .ill 101 the •oMii-rs, wiiliout muni ado, bume iwn. Mooy .if Hi-' nogroea, if not all earn .1. and arc now under tho protection ol tli ( to the renown our jiius and tin our i-jii/u. To srenru .n Is jr.ur m iuki will r. ;.iuo tl.o Chuerlul Olid Si-nltun cno^rriCeri of every officer and i.dd.or in tlii-, army. In equipment, iotcUigenco nod vnl„, (!,o enemy 'u our inferior, Let ts ccier l.i,.,:ai - !• giee him battle wherever wc find .',.„ -,!,. .„- I .- .- - i -i^y (si.-e-i espro'.-ion lo the i ,.. „. hi il„, a.i.iv aIkii lie conveys to our Into eom- ... o, - ... i, :i. ;(urn,iilv, ilicmost iordir.1 puoJ r his fun .. i. Codch .;t'i, . , .li Sumner, and YV. 1-'. Smith ;• Jeneral is .. . i!.. with most ol hia late Stnfl, 1 :,,-r I I. ... . I alienee for thirty days, nnd < .. edlaioly to New York. form of relribnliuii hi coiw.; the . meet it i.ilnrwi' c- Hut llio pe-.-n- ii. as hie'j been,-,l.tli:,lit win ami ii.-tdlilv of Hie nalion which cre- nually felt by any oilier. Our laid with the Ihe 111,--! rili'l I'-.-I 01 ll Vln-d ""I) '• i" rlh " We thus estublbherl a ., il.Li .._ .ight bond, ' Every mac tho right from God tn maki Mik-Tiro. an,] Boclcly is catnb nd guard Ihis sacred right. it scale "I justice ; wo rallied illi-r.o I givilijj b t plan noddy Ih lory. It it affirmed, ordially supported by -: Henry J. Itnyoi edltnrof (be MjWlon the ground, nddresecd o Idler to that paper, in wl ,.-- ',. l .,"'.^.:n'-l--i,i,n- !:.- I, I. ii n I I "."I sand. Ureak tlir good deal has be EXECUTiov or i Mi rro.nKii.—l-'fvileriett Led, an arm. tcainit-.T. hut ."j. ir.old, wna liung nt the Kip li-ini ,.n ii.- vs.l iMi-.fur '-- -tnlli murdering n negro. Say ttc eorr**FOndv'il'.l '"-'"- '/im-.i - ' ; l( tr.'.|iiently oceor (hat (V'.l.r. i r army i i id ul no low ami brutal tr .... .. -, , ,Li.i;..tril;i,iKoi-iii,u)ui,.'in,r.,i blacks. wbi«.- only crime is that' ' thoie Hueeilora bnvo been for generatioi „,.] ,,,j.i.||,.:,,. Tho yotlll] in qui Hion, .!. w.o „l i.i.lnl.:..,] a. Ica.t in the nv„la,i l.-...|oiioo ,(,,,,.... ,•:,:,., .!„),: In.i lell.i.v-., ::n.!, uo,-n n l irlo mion. ii'iv: cull.:.! bv hi-.i violim a -erippl..! • , x i j]q ] md men no weapon, but promised the nest 'ilny. Tliid ho n,-..-.r, -bed at II .,p,.oilled, bv ileliliei-alolv -,| ii,,,: him in told blcvl. lie wna tried Ihvi-o wick', noo, by Luurt-ninrliil, anil mdilycnuleiied hi.oriu|.; .o M,.o-."ini- ,1 Willi nho I, U a lew ni'iro 'd—d nigpeivi.' Tin' result was a f ..-n ncool, nppi-,,v.l by t.i-.-n. lb'- ry m pithy f.n v culprit ii i;vpr,-..|-d I... Ce.l'lin povjons hero, bo ,me lie. only killed a m-erro.' 'linn- enunlei-purl. ... „ti.,n found clfcwliei-e. It i;i l if,i'il'.i"it In mini-. ,. L ,-. ihut aa mi end has nrrived lo nvindlmL' poo erneri of Ihoir waves. Lollinu rninili. -. iI-kkiiii loir back) raw, nu.l niniihuiiii: tbeiii, m.iler Unile, ..-in.-, i-ulo. in iih.T .:.i.i ili-.y be moid, -rod with imp. .ii, no here!.>io i-o. Tho poor ereatiiies will iiladh i ; Ihu llm.iB bt." A Ni:w Pkatore—lays the I aire i i nl 7,f Vim,-,, under date Jan. l.l~h,i„ ! . i'l Hhooompleit- ' III . nil- ...,, |,l.;-rr flMMttiujnt oi (Sioitgttiis. he prneeedinga of Congres-s during the past week fur the most part such ns do not require record in these columns. The Sennlc has passed Mr. Sumner's i suspend the sale of conflscittd lands in South Carolina and Georgia. The Hondo has passed tho nance bill, in a shape, ratislhotory, on Ihu whole, lo a Secretory of Ihc Xrensury. On Mnnilay, Jlr.Slc- na (licp., I'a.l reported a bill nulhorizing the Prcsi- nt lo raise and ciinip one tiundred and lit iy thou5:iud soldiers of African descent. By request nf Mr.Slevens it? consideration was deferred till next day, when ho inbred a substitute, authorizing President Lincoln to inroll.nrm ami equtp.ln Iho MM and naval service, ii*}- iW**-"!--.- 'nl ' ' i' '' rebellion, nnd litute, nuthoriiing President I leedlng throe hundred regime leiceiit.orcoloreil pcrmms, to quipped as he may direct, (or Martha Erwln, Story L, Gilbert, Hannah L. Brooke, Eli?jbethr:rooko. IVm. IlronPe, ifcolDrtoLiberir 7nd ;;,,.i.i o dopariation ol freed pe list, Mr. Harding of Kentutliy ialory of tho Emancipation ] . He aaid: Tho Abolition creed error and blood. Thu Seeessio nnd tho Abolitionists Ilia fuel I Lie,lie Powell '•! fol I, Ghent, Col. Co., ;: ss6.«-.-'V=»/-"i ht'.J A.'.-II-Suvtuv I'oOiM.-Niiiolooiilcai'.-. nfO lersjgaed published, ill Jtoston, an edition of Lntl-Shivery Poems of John Piurpont." It is ' out or print, and I do not know where to And copy. A rjr.ili.i-.tiild ot tin' author is l-voeO'l- isinua lo possess a copy, and if any loader of i grent fnv willei tent to re, lie Anli-ffl yOffi 111- flrjnilinr; i f n reuanuabl II JOUSSOK, , Anc Tort-. more U, S. Senators, as follows: Oliio— Benjamin Watte, llepubliean. reelected. II «™n.*iii—James : Doolittlo, Itepublicnn, retlccled. Weil Virginia- l^miu-l J. Iluwdeii, Adminiiilrili if course. The Boston Ju lek Cos oca noLlcn th which was hande d over to tl j treasure: tionilCsmmiosio for tho bor cflt of free '. offenc leonth lowii Infuiiiiy, pa-j^.-d throueh here vesterdny, in rout, for Helena, ninnd wilh Iho pnwora necessary lo carry out this laudable purpose. He proposes to i.nrul iln'in in regiments, brigade tlieni, and mr hi- fiorVi,,.-. will probably bo ,..- signed In the eollimaild "I iho whole '-',.i;o. ! -I,"i.- nil. wiili ii, Hi command. i.l-.-lil b. liiOl) adapt, d I shedding of blood. cillinK Cii nnnd fell, and miicd lly nnd scdf^tektng, ur nation dared lo it by the nil good m grand i the hearts „ - " KB aocumpllcoj ; all the iror i hinra, forgotiiut ires into virtue and generosity, lent it Coot or even good arms ; it was Buccessful ; and oi nnry success wuiied aueh proapevllica oa (In ias aoldom seen. :, because tho deed was noble, great cost* mm Micro) It. attend K long. And m-i-l all lb' opinio Of pri'fii'tt ic.'M.n our oir« Urdtra- wo looked duivn. nndlo: at cur leet iho Afr , chains. A benighted and (ub.-..i,si.o rac rodden and despised from uf old, a race of oo rt Mid {•r-f^'iy- bereile rily and mainly, to Iho better evidence uf this than iho l.inj.-iuir.e openly held by them, in presence ol their uubnrdini " - - pnper repc Ml Iti:o.:i. S1.SVK3.—" Halm!" laughed s he suddenly remembered another incident. .mi a I, .How named Van Meter, wl Moorelleld, Virginia; a rebel. Two of 'Ilia nway one day when sonio of my bnya we through th d ol all v I,'.' !. ' Cob in progress and nfler ii .d'beeu abandoned. UnleE-s common report, which reives tho eoiinl. naiieo ll not lliv diatinet i.inillrniii ..uii of I lit! nlllcorn llio-l ci.nrorned, iii i-ulirol, ill (anil. Ih" CommaiMliiii;,i;,;,,ei,,il in., overwhelmed with pro- from his subordinates noam^t his movcmoiiin, they hod been deeidi d .i[,i.n.iiiid with via ego rait, o'nd iinlrtie report;, of the ub.laeh-s in hia way. So far or (hem went so far as to refuse obe- lem; but ovcrylhing short of thai jld do to embarrass aud llmert hi- J done. i.e. as on seme pi.-n.u- -.i»i Willi ' . I.,., I .', in.) . ( il .!... without a remedy. While it requircmiuts of the service, i huu hcarlcl ucd poulbl) prco /.I.:, tr;-...- a (tan p,,illl' d 6|iut e 1 h- i for Ihla lool.v turn (hem (o ai ,:,|.i0:-'l iiey in his poekulu, and roni bands and feet of his runaways. My boy; him, look hia inonev, hishorici nnd wa^on him to trot back tn h'- ~' ll ;! o Ohio, and iho: Wo ..lit lb Dug 11.01 : .i„. ."'" ty hard on an Meier. Cnutsin." * I tell you ho was a lucky man. y boye don't hie tbesa ma . u» ; ood ho was liiiitht) lucky tkol to did u.,( gel a shut In (ho bead from somebody's |u»i..I -.V.imtliie of Gtpt. '.'.irjrfi.lrr, tbwmanJrr t>J i'.e "Jr.'S't .%oul(. SouoitusBBtrtjiivti S'.oii"..-. inn Siaveav.—A cspoodont of jf« 'JrhWie, wriung t...m Norfolk, V t;, ipeech denut of the Admlniatralii was short but full ol Isli ioruiahed the tit kindle Iho eoiifligration now swetpiug througl hind. Withdraw tlm fuel, and Iho (Iro would soon I burn out. no hid no hope of reuoion under the pro- sent radical policy. The DemooraVic party of iho | Korlh ami Saulli would crush nut belli Abolitionists and Secesaiouisls, and snatch Ihe government from ruin. [Mr. Harding's metaphor dues not strike ua as n happy one. 57i( TWliiiue ivoll says: "Every man liimiiti fuel which i i eieooJiQ|;iy tempting to the man heard this offered to prove invoitmouLii In booses lo bo al. 15 very man with n pocket-book leads light i into templitiou ; but tills supplies no argument jt carrying a enliven ion t amount nf eiili upon iho person for law Moccasions. Tho chances lor wrong- dng aro afforded by tho very virtues of society."! On Tuesday, in Ihe House, Mr. Conway of Kansas ado a very able speech, wliieh. uncording to a dispatch , Tin Times, " was listeucd to with marked nltculion, and elicited general praisn Tor its ability and honesty purpose, if not (or ils popularity of sentiment. The eaker took Ihe ground that tho war had now element nf reaction, and that ils tendency ing Into power n Democratic fusion party, pU rce(orn|lon of the Union on (ernis r-nll*foctor ,uth. He thought tint force hid spent itself, nnd ,it Ihe dispule must bo sullied by enmpromiso partition. Uo was in favor of separation, on I en Ihat reunion would uliiinitol.. follow on an ni lnlhoiienate on Tuesday, Mr. Wilson introduce!! ill to otgnuilo tho militia of the United Slates, rovldes-fnr a volunteer loroo in tho aerornl Smt™, e called tbo Guard of the United Slates, i consist of livo hundred regiments oi twelve com ics. each company ol one hundred men. divided the Slates (ira ruin. Enlistments con embrace r ;es nf 31 and 35 year*. Any part nf i ordered iiflo the service nf the Unl States by tho President, duriug any war of invasion ^utmmavi!.- Ohl Dr. Bceehcr once, prayed ; " Lord, w t wo miy nnt despise our rulrrj; and. Of (unbar pray that ih.y mny not iirhave -u ibat in help it ! 1 ' Ttiero is great need of this prayer In ihc Emnr.ATios to ILvvrt,—Tliu President has .-,'.1,11,1 ary ."IniiiEiiloa oT nogrocs mi the J'I'iic/m:. M. Kook lia.:a ku-:.. ..., lai„ y or (Tooilj lu tile hil-.r.r. Kornierly Ihe 1-ioa ion wiu obliged 10 pay Ihedehl: ni Id- p:„.i ' Tin- i-enlee. it bee, nil-l iioid,. illiberal- . I'n,; I. ot onlr ol,|l-oi con who owes Hie i-rvl-e lo p rform it. This (lie iiurlblnk. s-rov.i;. nnd ;• -.miiiii.-mI - il...t Hie l.o.'i'l.i- .1 I,.- [In- l.;„il,-t S:,lr., „,,! ill,, I lb,, |. „lla„.. be riu-.i i.. Irl.;ii..llv ml,..-, i.l.ii" ili.-.r belong in .nob ii, .Hid oli.-i. in, I, l„- ili-l-.-.-il ula. C-prigrtu lult-i llii- , may lliluk best—Kct. 1'oU. your ikipor (:,:ei:.lin.'lv "I'll null t >,i;pIlIon ol Ibe [.dlll/oal, > nl...-', I. [I,e.ii..,h-I.y 1 ' l ' | 1 'vr '. it Sil|'.[.,r'l 1 1'' ''..' I'-; i l:, : ih...' I'h.n, I,, ..If ,v,ir b.r II, ev l.jv.1 .lo.'liil.d ill,- ,. .hii: ,".',;. I,- ,l|..-,i.-,ii.e l,i- eheibilli.- to lb,.- I', „„cr. me FfJrn*! may calm Itself. KLei-ili.e -,,, L-|.i|i. ,-.,,.: i-...:, ,.:ry ,HlhT„iil Ihi,,.--. A niHiir.,1 n .,,. ,,,..,1,, ,-,,n:,a" ivllbin iho 11.....11.1.1; ol Iti-i..' iiini, 10..171,- fV,-. l:-,-!-j edii.-.r ,, -..., I.;--:-.--.:.- , ibe otll.o ot Pro. Idem ; linl there 111 no duugor of Em.ism patios Iihsoi'mjuii.—The licmoerai* of (he „...;,, l',.,|,l.. ... ,11,,-,,,-. ..,1 (li- III..;.' S:l .|,i,,l„i:„.| l„ |.. I! „! ..II l,,,-.'.r-,!. 1,,., ..,,, (I,,.-!,- ..hi;.., I ;-,'!. , V ,,nl u II ilLogWo— iii, 1 ,,,,111-1 " ' iie.iih..ei,. ' ''. .. i 1 ! -'-" "i" " " r,'-. 1 j- -V-- :... .-' llii,!' r-lllie |»..-.plo bin I 'Im 1 S, nt lieu right ».s.-.i..l uVb'v -' n If. IDjutJi of our n j-. ! brow ; and at lougih a devd , pie), rrtosid to pay Ihe lawlu) cosU of i1 Uco. Fill John Porlcr. euntt.iry 10 general oipeulo .n. h.iv bee.i lu I gudi) by Ihe ij..urt Martial upoi 1 ihc charge, hiouglii naii.s: bin. nnd sentenced b F..r . pusl. negroes l,iv" I- „ !• .pn ,tv in n mioicKous mauner. and Iboj hot. been 1 uo ll 'beyond ;".' V.:' ., "'.:"'--' In the Semite 011 Tuesday, in the midst of a debate upon iho bill fur the Indomnifleatioa of the President puraona lor suspending ihe privileges of the . 1 , -i. 1 n.d win'..- it bin rally conceded that a good Mr. Saulsbury (Dem., Del.) made a long speech, and wua called to order several limit 111 the course thereof. Finally, when censuring tho course of the President nf the United Slate*, calling him on imbecile, aud colling him by name, Iho Vice President called lihn to Order, and 11 quested the Senator tn tnk,- his sent, Mr. 5a 1 il.-. bury contiuum;; hi-i remarks, Tho Viee-Prcoldont said if Ihu Senator did nol take his seat, he should order the Serge an HI-Arms to tnko Mr. Saulsbu: lowed bi ibe Ainerics The Vic-lYLSidcut- Mr.SauL.bury was thereupon taken out of llio Senate, displaying a revolver which ho look from his — After a short lime Mr. & I lien. H-.i-lisot ILalo! (,.,,. : .,'„.i.- Iiain lib 'utimay." And Pope's hull against gentleman wilh rnlher aChrHiianlBStftutlon, A i'.vi-.n.— How i-.-iubl we lo iv- K.i|i , Ih. ii,.,;.,-, yon are Ireo r„ ,''",' j. ,l i,,u.'i',' a. !l". ,'ii '. I S.u- 11, ,- !?..,i',.-t 1 1 ..,,. 10 ibe.ik lip Ihi- ehai. .- P.;,.-,, Ilrovo aid i-i...',l-....l ,„ .... iv, ..... Iih'lbeia. yours truly —JV. F. Bcan!no-. NHatioriioniA 1.1 IxntJKA.—Thu Indinnannlis cor- respondent of llio t.' ' .„,:-.-l'ir!-.l -.IV-: J'Oin,' I. .1 illsposllfon or L-..;;l.-lul,- — iiiijaniyol i .'I. < it iio-..- ;.,. it,. ni.ii.- ma],, ill. ,,l ih,- |,-.,|.!.i ,,l 1 nil. i .n are .]..-.-i. Ihe lalrolucllonol oliiai|.i|..ili d i.'-gp.. - I I U „, in-,.1 .-Placet, and (rein nil |,.irl.,.l I 'ViUablo eondl i. i.-r l.'.i.. t . -n . lu i iini 'V'"''"'''! ' : ' " ^an'dlhe • '" ! '" : ' '- ' ,. 1; : ;.- |1; i ; l'"' ^i i--n,,meml,iou l 'ihV!^ii'io'i ,, ibe'ii,.ie. Joa. 1.1-1." 'Tils ;,;!.>;,- ,.|"..,:i I loth, e-tptlre. J*u. 1. 15CJ."- 0,f..-<i(;V. J/.l/..iI.i9rtii. fucinv's Work- —Mr. Wise, of iho firm of Walter, of an art |i«-i I by ' I 1 -"ri>.vli].iai ..I an uoi I Then llio roico of Ireednm .ni— Tho Serge a nt-at- Arms will lake Mr. Doo i called lo order lor contempt ol ill ot bo allowed to go on without lea ,,J tin' fe-.'i.V»J ; , o ,.;.; :/'- ; ;.','.,-; ,!'.); S; " "'i;; n "S,;' I""""'!-! s"s:-;.y».'£-»',- »»,;;»,£;'-, ;"-i; l ::,;. , -,;;:;;;:;;"iv;s ., l«do/ V-- Bosftiii Annul-. ["beedoii.—Large tiumbera jnliui ol .iner "- wati'/l.,r'll.eirlabor,olb Jaimnryjiv Iho prt 'Mr. SauUbury-IJots U.c Senator from Wiicon ,ln wy i;',;,';^;; 1 , a'i'.'-'.vi... "'^];: ^l J 1 ;,; ^^''-^'r 1 '.'hl'b ' U^ ii Ihalfoniln thoc.lltemi.t ol mr, l,..|„.rAb:e n, in : i .;-! '"; . , . ThoCtinir I Mr Link I -The .-en:.'.-.' ll'vll, ll.' ', ' '. ' ,",';.', ,., „.,|,|, n., inJI.i Jin..-.i nlv. ur.-l "pie ISSl. Upon lllll parll.-ll: vrtHendlKbargeill.y boldly .„. . ,,-;.-lil„il r iiomilled to i ill i'< till' ' Tory party, and ill |.-:(„ealh.,'i • ' Inipr.' : I, fur no .,lli- ; r l.l-.-.-N l:ii. Tl,-. Ton-,.. Ill,, i nppeiidage of the S-)u(bctn CynfeJerjey,