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Assignment 15: Group
Michael Ives
Fatou Panzout -   Ingrid De Souza –   Jhané Ormsby –    Kingshott-
     7433                7500              7329            7380
Inspiration from real film opening

 • The film starts of as him in a dream

 • Obviously he’s dreaming of the worst that’s
   going to happen during then scene

 • This links to our opening sequence as we’re
   adapting this type of opening sequence
Inspiration from real film opening
21st Jump Street.

                                          Establishing the
                                          main characters.

      •   Having all the credits the
          same size and font.
      •   Having things that involve
          what the film is about on the
          opening sequence.
-Inspiration from real films.

‘What Happens in Vegas’                                          In ‘Half Nelson’, Nelson
because after the excessive                                      was woken by the loud
usage of drinking she was                                        noise of the alarm
unaware of what happened                                         clock(shown as he is in
the following morning(you                                        his bed).
can see she just woke up as
she’s in bed). In this scene
the use of zooming shows
her facial expression which    In ‘4321’, the blurred effect was added in
was shock.                     the club showing she was unaware of her
                               surroundings after she was drinking the
Inspiration From Real Films

        Movie              Why?

        White Chicks.      ‘Date Rape Drug’ is used in
                           the movie and shows a
                           small insight into what the
                           drug does and the effect it
                           has on the human body.

        This Is England.   The young boy is easily
                           influenced into making bad
                           decisions by his friends.
                           Peer pressure is highly
-Genre and conventions.
          • The Genre which we are doing is Drama.
Convention               Explanation                    Example from real film

Sexual Contact           Some sort of like towards a 4321
                         character is usually formed

Conflict/Arguments       Conflict occurs tends to       ‘What Happens in Vegas’
                         happen between a main
                         character and someone
                         within the movie

Excessive use of drugs   Excessive use of drugs is      ‘What happens in Vegas’
                         usually the tool to conflict
                         or a added element for
Genre & Conventions
Convention              Explanation             Example from real
Ordinary teenage girl   Because it’s            Mean Girls - Cady
                        reinforcing the
                        audience expectation
                        of a smart girl being
                        used, but also
                        challenging because
                        nerdy girls don’t
                        usually go to parties

• To address hard hitting topics
• Rape
• Abortion
• Murder
• Alcohol and Drug abuse
• Domestic Violence
• To provide the audience with a moral message.

Conventions                Explanation                            Example From Real
Alcohol abuse              •   The girl is at a party drinking.   Project X.
                                                                  Excessive amounts of underage
                                                                  drinking takes place.
Teenage girl               •   The victim in drama movies         Juno.
                               tends to be a female.              Teenage girl becomes pregnant.

Drugs                      •   The girls drink is spiked with     White Chicks.
                               the ‘date rape’ drug.              In the club scene the man
                                                                  attempts to slip the date rape drug
                                                                  into his dates drink.
Research on topic/themes
Dangers of alcohol (Alcohol Abuse)
• Alcohol abuse is defined as a pattern of drinking that
  results in one or more of the following situations within
  a 12-month period:
• Failure to fulfill major work, school, or home
• Drinking in situations that are physically dangerous,
  such as while driving a car or operating machinery
• Having recurring alcohol-related legal problems, such as
  being arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol
  or for physically hurting someone while drunk
• Continued drinking despite having ongoing relationship
  problems that are caused or worsened by the drinking.
Different types of alcohol
                        Here shows the different types of

                        How much calories and units are
                        being consumed in each and every
                        different one
Long Term Effects

                                        In this clip, it explains the long term effects of alcohol and how it affects
Xp4&safe=active                         men and women in different ways, as
                                        we have different bodies from each
Where alcohol is being used more

                  This article explains how much
                  teenagers consume alcohol.

                  Its seen that teenagers are always at
                  the heart of alcohol in universities, as
                  it’s the hotspot for them.
Symptoms include
• Drowsiness or light-headedness
• Difficulty concentrating
• Feeling confused or disorientated, particularly after waking up (if you have been
• Difficulty speaking, or slurring your words
• Loss of balance and finding it hard to move
• Paranoia                                                        Blurred Vision
• Amnesia or a "black-out" of events
• Temporary loss of body sensation (feeling like you are floating
above your body, or having an "out of body" experience)
• Visual problems, particularly blurred vision
• Hallucinations
• Nausea and vomiting
• Unconsciousness

     Loss of                                                     Nausea and
     Balance                                                     Vomiting
Video On GHB.
Here is an article from Frank, a website
which focuses on different types of drugs
and there effect on the human body and
Statistics and clues to being a victim.
• In 2003, there were 5,278 women who reported to have been victims of
  drug related rape and sexual abuse through their drink being spiked.
• The figures show a continuous rise through the years for both women and
• Some clues to whether your drink has been spiked could be:
• Your drink tastes salty or bitter
• You feel like you’re losing control
• You experience hallucinations or an odd dizziness
• You or your friend loses more inhibition than usual
• Memory loss, loss of understandable speech, aggression
Statistical Breakdown:
• Survivors Gender
  2007 - Male 54; Female 573 = 627
  Total Culminate Figures
  Male 983; Female 8,573 = Total 9,887
  Year of Reported Attack
  1940's - 3; 1960's -19; 1970's -37; 1980's -56; 1990 -39; 1991 -53; 1992 - 89; 1993 -144; 1994 -
  169; 1995 -232; 1996 -345; 1997 -393; 1998 -538; 1999 -779; 2000 - 884; 2001 - 932; 2002 -
  959; 2003 -1016; 2004 - 991; 2005 - 846; 2006; 649; 2007 -613
  Total 9,887
  *These figures are added to the appropriate yearly breakdown above. In 2007 18
  people reported attacks in previous years*
  *Please note the figures are those people who reported being victims in Britain -
  the figures of British people reporting being drink spiked abroad are 49*
Statistical Breakdown:
• UK Regional Breakdown:
  2007 Total UK Reports* = 578 (less the figures (49) of victims
  drink spiked abroad)
  North East = 68
  North West = 54
  Midlands = 68
  East Anglia =18
  London/Greater London = 109
  South East = 123
  South West = 37
  Wales = 35
  Scotland = 29
  Northern Ireland = 20
  Unknown = 8
Newspaper article of a victim who died.
Research on topic/themes
      What drugs are used for drink
•                               spiking?
   Rohypnol is a popular drug for drink spiking.
• The symptoms of this drug is slurred speech,
  inability to concentrate, poor condition, dizzy
  feelings, lack of inhibition, nausea and amnesia.
• It takes between 15 to 30 minutes for this drug to
  start having the effect.
• This drug is easier to be spiked on to drink since
  it comes in a form of a pill.
• Users say that mixing it with beer enhance the
  feeling of ‘drunkenness’.
• Some users also mix this drug with marijuana,
  cocaine and also heroin.
• There has been no confirmed case of the use of
  Rohypnol in a sexual assault in the UK.
• Ketamine is meant to be used among
  veterinarians as an anaesthetic for animals.
• It normally comes in a liquid form.
• The use of this drug brings an ‘out of body
  experience’ .
• The drug don’t last long but until they do, they
  would paralysis of the muscles.
• It’s been recently found out that the ketamine
  can cause very serious bladder problems with
  severe pain.
• It can cause confusion, panic attacks,
  depression, plus when taken in a large doses it
  can make existing mental health problems even
• GHB contains the similar effect to
• It often comes in the form of a liquid or
  even powder.
• The effect takes place within 10 – 20
• It will include the inability to speak
  properly, poor motor coordination,
  sleepiness, amnesia, hallucinations and
  short-term comas.
• The drug can kill someone and are
  particularly dangerous when used with
  alcohol and other depressant or sedative
The website
Has a page of facts of drink spiking
for those who don’t know what it is
or what it involves. They also show
the different types of drugs that is
mostly/mainly used for ‘drug rape’.

 Shows statics about the drink
 spiking, and how 85% are
 people who know the victim.
Inspirational Characters
               • Pandora
               • Skins

               • She is quite a vulnerable character
               • During an episode in Skins, she held a small pyjama
                 party for her and her friends
               • But things get chaotic as unexpected guests turn up
                 and food gets spiked with drugs

               • She links to our main character as she’s very similar
                 to her and in a way goes through the same thing
-Inspirational characters

She’s an insecure young girl, of
which leans towards drink for
comfort. Also with her use of      This woman within ‘What happens in
body language and facial           Vegas’ really inspired me because she
expression this expressed that     played the wife who was unaware of
she was unaware of what was        her newly wed husband and what
happening at the club. For         they got up to the night before. Her
example; once she drunk the        exaggerated facial expressions
alcohol, she kept blinking as if   emphasise the confusion. A prime
her vision was not clear which     example of this would be the image
was then followed by her           above.
placing her head in her arms as
if she was hopeless.
Inspirational Characters
(Hanna from Pretty Little Liars)
                               Hanna is a hard                          Like a normal teenager
                               working study who                        she always have her
                               studies a lot.                           phone in her hands.

         She is also in love                       She shows a lot of
         with fashion and                          emotions through
         attract many guys                         her facial
         attention upon her.                       expression.

                                                        I think that the character ‘Hanna’
                                                        inspires me for the opening sequence
                                                        • She is an average teenage girl who
                                                            doesn’t party a lot
                                                        • She enjoys dressing up
                                                        • And also because she is similar to the
                                                            girl from our opening sequence.
Inspirational Characters
  Character                Why?
                           1. Throws parties.
   Poppy; Wild             2. Causes problems for her parents.
   Child.                  3. Drinks.

                           1. Falls into the wrong crowd,
   Cady; Mean                 resulting in a personality change.
   Girls.                  2. Throws parties.
                           3. Focuses on partying and boys and
                              allows her education to slip.

                           1. Falls in with a bad crowd.
   Hannah;                 2. Almost gets rapped at a party.
   She's To                3. Defies her parents.
• The actors for our opening sequence would be Jhané and
• We think they would be good for the role since they enjoy
  acting and will take the responsibility to put in effort and
  attend every filming sessions
• Ingrid and Jhané both will be available to film on Saturday
  and Sunday mornings
• The strength would be the fact that they know the
  responsibility they’re taking towards themselves by making
  this choice, and will be willing to put as much effort as they
• The weakness would be the pressure on doing well in the
  opening sequence by the other members of the group.
Costume & Props   Main Character
-Titles and Credits
                  The style of font was a representation on
                  ethnic grouping and the transition used was
                  wipe which gave that assumption of it being
                  wiped or removed off screen by a karate
                  move which was reflecting on the move as it
                  was an action film. The font size varied. The
                  colouring used also defined the countries
                  colours as its red and white which are also
                  colours which are from the flag.
• The style of font was in bold which
  could possibly highlight the
  seriousness of the situations. Also it
  could be foreshadowing elements of
  the film such as the seriousness of
  specific deaths (which is also
  highlighted within the colour choice
  as it’s red). The fonts where then
  shot off the screen through
  animations of the bullet and gun
  which was targeted at a woman
  figure. These animations may be a
  representation of the use of killing
Titles and Credits

Movie              Evidence

The War Of The

This Is England.

The Bonfire Of
The Vanities.

                                                     Sky fall uses a sound
                      • Dirty Harry has portrayed
                                                     track to establish non-
                        non-diegetic sounds and
                                                     diegetic music within the
• Snakes in the         are portrayed through the
                                                     opening sequence which
  Monkey’s Shadow       animation during the
                                                     just simply highlights the
  consists of           opening sequence.
                                                     gravity and death or
  diegetic music as   • The special effects were
  each karate move                                   hopelessness within the
                        used to imitate the sounds
  was based on a                                     situation portrayed.
                        of bullets being loaded in
  specific beat. In                                  The slow music played
                        the gun and was just about
  other words, the                                   links to the setting as the
  character could
                        to load up and be shot.
                                                     main image of the man
  heard the music     • This happens at the
                                                     and also the rest of the
  within there          beginning when the gun
                                                     underwater characters or
  world.                was being targeted at the
                                                     creatures float around
Music and Sound

   Music in party          Bleeping of mobile phone
   scene to create         to signal there is a new
   ambient                 message.

   Speaking and
   laughing in party         Upbeat music to be
   scene to create             used to make the
   ambient sound.            background sound
                             like there is a party
                                 taking place

 Alarm clock to wake the
 girl up from her dream
 in ending scene.
Mainstream or Independent
• Our opening sequence shall be a independent.

• As we’re doing a drama film, its more for a niche
  audience and it won’t be advertised as much as
  mainstream films

• It would obviously be more towards the target
BBFC & Film Ratings
             The BBFC stands for British
             Board of Film Constitution
             The British Board of Film
             Classification is an
             independent, non-
             governmental body which has
             classified cinema films since it
             was set up in 1912 and videos/
             DVDs since the Video
             Recordings Act was passed in
-Production companies
• Possible Production Companies of which I find interested in
  and would like to use would be
• Paramount Pictures

• 20th Century Fox
Distribution Companies

• Lions Gate Entertainment Corporation is a North American
  entertainment company.
• The company was formed in Vancouver, British Columbia, on July 3,
  1997, and is headquartered in Santa Monica, California.
• As of 2012, it is the most commercially successful independent film
  and television distribution company in North America and the seventh
  most profitable movie studio.
Distribution Companies
                Warner Bros. Entertainment, Inc., also
                known as Warner Bros. Pictures or
                simply Warner Bros. (though the
                name was occasionally given in full
                form as Warner Brothers during the
                company's early years), is an American
                producer of film, television, and music
-Distribution companies
• Distribution Companies from similar films which I have looked
  at and are inspiring to me are;
• Sony Pictures- involved in ‘D’Jango’, ‘Smurfs 2’, ‘After Earth’.

• Fox Distribution Company- involved in ‘The Croods’, ’The
  Heat', 'Turbo’.

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Assignment15finaldraft 130306110339-phpapp02

  • 2. Michael Ives Fatou Panzout - Ingrid De Souza – Jhané Ormsby – Kingshott- 7433 7500 7329 7380
  • 3. Inspiration from real film opening sequence • The film starts of as him in a dream • Obviously he’s dreaming of the worst that’s going to happen during then scene • This links to our opening sequence as we’re adapting this type of opening sequence
  • 4. Inspiration from real film opening 21st Jump Street. sequence. 21-jump-street/ Establishing the main characters. • Having all the credits the same size and font. • Having things that involve what the film is about on the opening sequence.
  • 5. -Inspiration from real films. ‘What Happens in Vegas’ In ‘Half Nelson’, Nelson because after the excessive was woken by the loud usage of drinking she was noise of the alarm unaware of what happened clock(shown as he is in the following morning(you his bed). can see she just woke up as she’s in bed). In this scene the use of zooming shows her facial expression which In ‘4321’, the blurred effect was added in was shock. the club showing she was unaware of her surroundings after she was drinking the alcohol.
  • 6. Inspiration From Real Films Movie Why? White Chicks. ‘Date Rape Drug’ is used in the movie and shows a small insight into what the drug does and the effect it has on the human body. This Is England. The young boy is easily influenced into making bad decisions by his friends. Peer pressure is highly evident.
  • 7. -Genre and conventions. • The Genre which we are doing is Drama. Convention Explanation Example from real film Sexual Contact Some sort of like towards a 4321 character is usually formed Conflict/Arguments Conflict occurs tends to ‘What Happens in Vegas’ happen between a main character and someone within the movie Excessive use of drugs Excessive use of drugs is ‘What happens in Vegas’ usually the tool to conflict or a added element for argument.
  • 8. Genre & Conventions Convention Explanation Example from real film Ordinary teenage girl Because it’s Mean Girls - Cady reinforcing the audience expectation of a smart girl being used, but also challenging because nerdy girls don’t usually go to parties
  • 9. Genre Drama • To address hard hitting topics • Rape • Abortion • Murder • Alcohol and Drug abuse • Domestic Violence • To provide the audience with a moral message. Conventions Explanation Example From Real Film Alcohol abuse • The girl is at a party drinking. Project X. Excessive amounts of underage drinking takes place. Teenage girl • The victim in drama movies Juno. tends to be a female. Teenage girl becomes pregnant. Drugs • The girls drink is spiked with White Chicks. the ‘date rape’ drug. In the club scene the man attempts to slip the date rape drug into his dates drink.
  • 11. Research on topic/themes Dangers of alcohol (Alcohol Abuse) • Alcohol abuse is defined as a pattern of drinking that results in one or more of the following situations within a 12-month period: • Failure to fulfill major work, school, or home responsibilities • Drinking in situations that are physically dangerous, such as while driving a car or operating machinery • Having recurring alcohol-related legal problems, such as being arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol or for physically hurting someone while drunk • Continued drinking despite having ongoing relationship problems that are caused or worsened by the drinking.
  • 12. Different types of alcohol Here shows the different types of alcohol How much calories and units are being consumed in each and every different one
  • 13. Long Term Effects In this clip, it explains the long term effects of alcohol and how it affects Xp4&safe=active men and women in different ways, as we have different bodies from each other
  • 14. Where alcohol is being used more likely This article explains how much teenagers consume alcohol. Its seen that teenagers are always at the heart of alcohol in universities, as it’s the hotspot for them.
  • 15. Symptoms include • Drowsiness or light-headedness • Difficulty concentrating • Feeling confused or disorientated, particularly after waking up (if you have been asleep) • Difficulty speaking, or slurring your words • Loss of balance and finding it hard to move • Paranoia Blurred Vision • Amnesia or a "black-out" of events • Temporary loss of body sensation (feeling like you are floating above your body, or having an "out of body" experience) • Visual problems, particularly blurred vision • Hallucinations • Nausea and vomiting • Unconsciousness Loss of Nausea and Balance Vomiting
  • 17. Here is an article from Frank, a website which focuses on different types of drugs and there effect on the human body and mind.
  • 18. Statistics and clues to being a victim. • In 2003, there were 5,278 women who reported to have been victims of drug related rape and sexual abuse through their drink being spiked. • The figures show a continuous rise through the years for both women and men. • Some clues to whether your drink has been spiked could be: • Your drink tastes salty or bitter • You feel like you’re losing control • You experience hallucinations or an odd dizziness • You or your friend loses more inhibition than usual • Memory loss, loss of understandable speech, aggression
  • 19. Statistical Breakdown: • Survivors Gender 2007 - Male 54; Female 573 = 627 Total Culminate Figures Male 983; Female 8,573 = Total 9,887 Year of Reported Attack 1940's - 3; 1960's -19; 1970's -37; 1980's -56; 1990 -39; 1991 -53; 1992 - 89; 1993 -144; 1994 - 169; 1995 -232; 1996 -345; 1997 -393; 1998 -538; 1999 -779; 2000 - 884; 2001 - 932; 2002 - 959; 2003 -1016; 2004 - 991; 2005 - 846; 2006; 649; 2007 -613 Total 9,887 *These figures are added to the appropriate yearly breakdown above. In 2007 18 people reported attacks in previous years* *Please note the figures are those people who reported being victims in Britain - the figures of British people reporting being drink spiked abroad are 49*
  • 20. Statistical Breakdown: • UK Regional Breakdown: 2007 Total UK Reports* = 578 (less the figures (49) of victims drink spiked abroad) North East = 68 North West = 54 Midlands = 68 East Anglia =18 London/Greater London = 109 South East = 123 South West = 37 Wales = 35 Scotland = 29 Northern Ireland = 20 Unknown = 8
  • 21. Newspaper article of a victim who died.
  • 22.
  • 23. Research on topic/themes What drugs are used for drink • spiking? Rohypnol is a popular drug for drink spiking. • The symptoms of this drug is slurred speech, inability to concentrate, poor condition, dizzy feelings, lack of inhibition, nausea and amnesia. • It takes between 15 to 30 minutes for this drug to start having the effect. • This drug is easier to be spiked on to drink since it comes in a form of a pill. • Users say that mixing it with beer enhance the feeling of ‘drunkenness’. • Some users also mix this drug with marijuana, cocaine and also heroin. • There has been no confirmed case of the use of Rohypnol in a sexual assault in the UK.
  • 24. • Ketamine is meant to be used among veterinarians as an anaesthetic for animals. • It normally comes in a liquid form. • The use of this drug brings an ‘out of body experience’ . • The drug don’t last long but until they do, they would paralysis of the muscles. • It’s been recently found out that the ketamine can cause very serious bladder problems with severe pain. • It can cause confusion, panic attacks, depression, plus when taken in a large doses it can make existing mental health problems even worse.
  • 25. • GHB contains the similar effect to ecstasy. • It often comes in the form of a liquid or even powder. • The effect takes place within 10 – 20 minutes. • It will include the inability to speak properly, poor motor coordination, sleepiness, amnesia, hallucinations and short-term comas. • The drug can kill someone and are particularly dangerous when used with alcohol and other depressant or sedative substances.
  • 26. The website Has a page of facts of drink spiking for those who don’t know what it is or what it involves. They also show the different types of drugs that is mostly/mainly used for ‘drug rape’. Shows statics about the drink spiking, and how 85% are people who know the victim.
  • 27. Inspirational Characters • Pandora • Skins • She is quite a vulnerable character • During an episode in Skins, she held a small pyjama party for her and her friends • But things get chaotic as unexpected guests turn up and food gets spiked with drugs • She links to our main character as she’s very similar to her and in a way goes through the same thing
  • 28. -Inspirational characters She’s an insecure young girl, of which leans towards drink for comfort. Also with her use of This woman within ‘What happens in body language and facial Vegas’ really inspired me because she expression this expressed that played the wife who was unaware of she was unaware of what was her newly wed husband and what happening at the club. For they got up to the night before. Her example; once she drunk the exaggerated facial expressions alcohol, she kept blinking as if emphasise the confusion. A prime her vision was not clear which example of this would be the image was then followed by her above. placing her head in her arms as if she was hopeless.
  • 29. Inspirational Characters (Hanna from Pretty Little Liars) Hanna is a hard Like a normal teenager working study who she always have her studies a lot. phone in her hands. She is also in love She shows a lot of with fashion and emotions through attract many guys her facial attention upon her. expression. I think that the character ‘Hanna’ inspires me for the opening sequence because: • She is an average teenage girl who doesn’t party a lot • She enjoys dressing up • And also because she is similar to the girl from our opening sequence.
  • 30. Inspirational Characters Character Why? 1. Throws parties. Poppy; Wild 2. Causes problems for her parents. Child. 3. Drinks. 1. Falls into the wrong crowd, Cady; Mean resulting in a personality change. Girls. 2. Throws parties. 3. Focuses on partying and boys and allows her education to slip. 1. Falls in with a bad crowd. Hannah; 2. Almost gets rapped at a party. She's To 3. Defies her parents. Young.
  • 31. Actors. • The actors for our opening sequence would be Jhané and Ingrid. • We think they would be good for the role since they enjoy acting and will take the responsibility to put in effort and attend every filming sessions • Ingrid and Jhané both will be available to film on Saturday and Sunday mornings • The strength would be the fact that they know the responsibility they’re taking towards themselves by making this choice, and will be willing to put as much effort as they should. • The weakness would be the pressure on doing well in the opening sequence by the other members of the group.
  • 32. Costume & Props Main Character
  • 33. -Titles and Credits The style of font was a representation on ethnic grouping and the transition used was wipe which gave that assumption of it being wiped or removed off screen by a karate move which was reflecting on the move as it was an action film. The font size varied. The colouring used also defined the countries colours as its red and white which are also colours which are from the flag.
  • 34.
  • 35. • The style of font was in bold which could possibly highlight the seriousness of the situations. Also it could be foreshadowing elements of the film such as the seriousness of specific deaths (which is also highlighted within the colour choice as it’s red). The fonts where then shot off the screen through animations of the bullet and gun which was targeted at a woman figure. These animations may be a representation of the use of killing
  • 36. Titles and Credits Movie Evidence The War Of The Roses. This Is England. The Bonfire Of The Vanities.
  • 37. -Music/sounds Sky fall uses a sound • Dirty Harry has portrayed track to establish non- non-diegetic sounds and diegetic music within the • Snakes in the are portrayed through the opening sequence which Monkey’s Shadow animation during the just simply highlights the consists of opening sequence. gravity and death or diegetic music as • The special effects were each karate move hopelessness within the used to imitate the sounds was based on a situation portrayed. of bullets being loaded in specific beat. In The slow music played the gun and was just about other words, the links to the setting as the character could to load up and be shot. main image of the man heard the music • This happens at the and also the rest of the within there beginning when the gun underwater characters or world. was being targeted at the creatures float around
  • 38. Music and Sound Music in party Bleeping of mobile phone scene to create to signal there is a new ambient message. sound. Speaking and laughing in party Upbeat music to be scene to create used to make the ambient sound. background sound like there is a party taking place Alarm clock to wake the girl up from her dream in ending scene.
  • 39. Mainstream or Independent • Our opening sequence shall be a independent. • As we’re doing a drama film, its more for a niche audience and it won’t be advertised as much as mainstream films • It would obviously be more towards the target audience
  • 40. BBFC & Film Ratings The BBFC stands for British Board of Film Constitution The British Board of Film Classification is an independent, non- governmental body which has classified cinema films since it was set up in 1912 and videos/ DVDs since the Video Recordings Act was passed in 1984.
  • 41. -Production companies • Possible Production Companies of which I find interested in and would like to use would be • Paramount Pictures • 20th Century Fox
  • 42. Distribution Companies • Lions Gate Entertainment Corporation is a North American entertainment company. • The company was formed in Vancouver, British Columbia, on July 3, 1997, and is headquartered in Santa Monica, California. • As of 2012, it is the most commercially successful independent film and television distribution company in North America and the seventh most profitable movie studio.
  • 43. Distribution Companies Warner Bros. Entertainment, Inc., also known as Warner Bros. Pictures or simply Warner Bros. (though the name was occasionally given in full form as Warner Brothers during the company's early years), is an American producer of film, television, and music entertainment.
  • 44. -Distribution companies • Distribution Companies from similar films which I have looked at and are inspiring to me are; • Sony Pictures- involved in ‘D’Jango’, ‘Smurfs 2’, ‘After Earth’. • Fox Distribution Company- involved in ‘The Croods’, ’The Heat', 'Turbo’.