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By Jodie & Jhane

Assignment 5:Film study &
 Target audience=Green

    Jodie = Red   Jhane = Blue   Together = black
• Things which we have to consist of:
• Title page
• Level checklist
• Exploration of films
• Film of choice and reasoning
• Genre
• Subgenre
• Hybrid
• Stam’s theory
• Mittel’s theory
• Fuerer’s theory
• Semantics(characters, locations, story traits, costumes, props, rituals)
• Syntax
• Iconography
• Conventions of list of genre in relation to all films(at least 8 conventions)
• Conventions analysis (at least 4) with examples from film + comparision to other
  similar films + use/develop or challenge?
• Dominant ideology (at least 3-4)
• Audience (a + b ) + explanation + c
• Audience theory (all four reasons)
Exploration of films
Other Possible films of choice and the reason why we picked them
   The idea of a secret
   island which no one
                                                                            Demonstrates that hard work
   is aware of
                                                                            always pays of

                           The beach
                                                                    The pursuit of

Focuses on the            Half                                          Slumdog
problems of a                                     Drama                                        Explores the
                          Nelson                                        millionaire            Indian ethnicity
drug addict
                                                                                               and rituals

                                                                  I am legend
                                          My sisters

                                   Emotional and explores                        Shows how it is to fend for
                                   real life sicknesses and the                  yourself, alone in the outside
                                   effects on the family                         world
Film of choice : Half nelson
•     I chose this film ‘Half Nelson’ due to the facts It interests me how he has such a
  close relationship with one of his students, and made me question why he feels
  the need to always care for and protect her.
•    Secondly, we chose this film because it is a good representation of ‘Drama’
  genre as it shows issue that we face in society today. It uses many drama
  conventions and interested us as it educates to some extent and also allows them
  to learn about positive role models.
• The main genre that this film falls under is drama because the film is
  based on nelson’s unpleasant drug habit, the way in which the film is
  concerned with Nelsons everyday dilemmas is very typical of a drama film.

• Dramas are usually based on some sort of issue or personal problem
  regarding the main the main character, and how they try to overcome it or
  deal with the situation this is explored throughout the film.
Drama is not the only Genre within this film, there are also a variety of subgenres such as
Addiction Drama(i.e. the teacher has a drug addiction)
School Drama(i.e a lot of the film is based in a school environment)
romance( i.e. the girl that he had sexual relations with.)
 domestic drama( because the film focuses on the everyday issues of someone's life)
Fiction- The historical content which is included in the film are with the students who learn about
the American history and other historical events which have occurred previously and are said and
shown to the audience.
Crime- The criminal activities which occur on the streets and in the local area which can consist of
drug dealing and crime related activities such as gangs at the end of the street which can be
perceived negatively and indicate that their suspiciously involved in un-scene activities.
Romance-the relationships which the teacher (main character) which occur with main women
throughout the film including interests in a an ex-girlfriend and also a former student.


Many types of sub-genres within the film ‘Half-Nelson’ was
displayed due to the occurrence of scenery. This consist of:
Addiction/issue/drama                   School /addiction/drama

 Historical Drama
                            Hybrids                 drama

Problem/ addiction /drama
                         Crime Drama
Stam’s Theory
• Stam’s theory says that genre is not so easily defined under the ‘main
  genres’ but can be classified in other ways such as budget, ethnicity focus
  or performer based.
• Another way to classify ‘half nelson’, in my opinion is, ‘Friendship’
  because this film is strongly based on friendships and close bonds that are
  formed throughout the film.
• Another way to classify your film which is not in relation to a main genre
  can be social class and status or region.
• For example the teacher and the student, or the student and her brothers
Mittel’s theory
   • Mittels theory is that genre is used to sell products.
   • This can be related to half nelson simply because the trailer demonstrates
     that the film is a drama film, as it reveals that the it is based on a drug
   • This also shows a man having quite a strong relationship with a young girl.
    • This can also be related to ‘Half-Nelson’ as the film was based in
      America and therefore there was American historical content
      behind it (when the students name events occurred)
    • This can show awareness of their history but also shows impact
      of todays society.
    • This then includes different genres/sub genres linking back to
      Mittel’s theory such as classifying this film as drama including
      historical content, sexual content etc.
• People are familiar with addiction being a conventional theme of
  drama which then makes them eager to watch it. Therefore the fact
  that the film is a drama incises audiences.
Fuerer’s theory
• Fuerer’s theory is based on the idea that genre is abstract, meaning
  that it is not easily defined because defined because everyone has
  different ideas, ideals, cultures and therefore interpret conventions
  differently. What is familiar to one, may differ to someone else.
• This theory can be related to the film chosen as the genre ‘drama’ can
  be defined due to the use of different life experiences, cultural
  differences, racial conflict/prejudice etc. and again is all down to the
  viewer/audiences perceptions.
• For example:
• Person A will see this film as a drama due to the emphasis of racial
  prejudice displayed.
• Person B can classified this film as a drama due to the cultural
Semantics      How these are evident in your           Evidence from film/ how
               film(in relation to its
               genre/subgenre/hybrid)                  does it relate using
               (overall genre- Drama)                  examples?
Characters     •Somebody who has an addiction          Nelson has a drug habit.
               issue(Teacher, student(s), drug
               dealer, absent parents)
Locations      •Unorganised and untidy houses          Nelsons drug habit is taking over him, his
               •School, local area, Teachers home      cleanliness gets the better of him, house is
Story traits   •Keeping the addiction a secret         •He tells his student, not to tell anyone.
               •Something happened in past to          •Broke up with ex girlfriend that he loved.
               cause addiction
costumes       •Casual jeans, smart shirts (anything   •Nelson is a teacher who wheres shirts,
               that compliments role of character)     which is what teachers are expected to
               •Glasses                                where.
               •absent parent= work clothes            •Nelson wheres glasses to hide his tired
Props          Cigarette, drugs, lollipop and          Nelson is repeatedly smoking and using
               bookwork                                drugs

Rituals        •Drug use                               •Nelson is always sneaking around to take
               •Balancing addiction with everyday      drugs.
               life                                    •Tries to balance drug habit with being a
Syntax of film
• The syntax of this film is that when we are involved
  in situations that may be difficult and life
  threatening, we must share our problems with
  others in order that they are resolved rather than
  getting worse.
 • In the scene where nelson is going for a night jog, the surroundings are
   tinted, with a dark shade of blue.
 • The lighting purely reflected from the sky, there is very little use of
   artificial lights. The pure blue surrounding connotes a feel of relaxation,
   due to the fact that blue is the colour of the ocean and sky.
 • Blue also brings about a sense of peace and freedom, this could reflect
   nelsons mood, and the fact the jogging is the only way he can truly release
   from the stress and tension caused from his addition.

                                                                      Tinted Dark
                                                                      blue sky
Blue represents
• The lighting sets a dull and romantic tone towards the mood
  and era in the school disco. With soft lighting which is set
  creates an uneasy due to the colour blue (which a common
  use of colour like soft pink) as it is inappropriate between
  teacher and student.

                                                            The focus
                                                            on the
• In this                                                   student
Case blue creates unease                                    close up
(only in this case)
Conventions of a drama
Conventions of   Examples from film                    Use/develop/challenge/
genre/sub/hybrid                                       why

Explores real life situations   Fish tank              Use, due to the fact that half nelson is
                                                       based on a drug addiction, which
                                                       many people are faced with

Shows the journey of a          Slum dog millionaire   Challenge, ‘half nelson’ doesn’t really
character                                              focus on the journey of a character
                                                       and how he's grown, but more about
                                                       his everyday battles

Some sort of conflict           Kidulthood             Use as there is conflict with the
                                                       teacher and a black man, regarding
                                                       the child.

Happy ending                    Pursuit of happiness   Use, as half nelson ends with the
                                                       teacher and student being very
                                                       content and making jokes

Audience can relate to          My sisters keeper      Use, as many individuals can relate to
character                                              the drug issues within the film.

Violent scenes                  Crash                  Challenge, as ‘half nelson’ doesn't
                                                       explore a wide range of violence

Addiction                       28 days                Nelsons drug habit
More conventions
Conventions of genre/sub/hybrid   Examples from film       Use/develop/challenge

Racial prejudice                  Freedom writers          Challenge, ‘half nelson’ does not
                                                           involve racial prejudice, this is
                                                           shown as the white teacher, and
                                                           black student get on very well,
                                                           which wouldn’t have been the
                                                           case many years ago.
Abuse/men controlling women       Stories of Tina turner   Use because in the film ‘half
                                                           nelson’ there is a scene whereby
                                                           he unwillingly forces a lady into sex

Romance/sex scenes                Dirty dancing            Use, as there are sexual relations
                                                           between Nelson and a woman

Divorce                           A separation             Challenge as Half nelson is not
                                                           based on a divorce, it is focussed
                                                           on addiction
Conventions analysis
Conventions of   Examples from your Comparison to         Use, develop of
genre/sub-       film (bullet points other films in the   challenge?
genre/hybrid     and screen grabs)   same genre/ sub-     How/why?
Drama-conflict   - When both men      Crash- the battle   The film develops
                 after the disco      between pride       it because there is
                 was wanting to       and regulations     a divide of races
                 drop Drey home.      (the police man     which cause
                 - When both men      feeling the black   conflict, however
                 (drug-dealer and     mans wife)          the film develops
                 teacher want to                          it because they
                 spend time with                          learn to get
                 Drey after she                           along/ put up
                 lost her key and                         with each other
                 got locked out.                          for Dreys sake.
Conventions analysis
Conventions     Examples from your film          Comparison to    Use, develop of
of genre/sub-   (bullet points and screen        other films in   challenge?
genre/hybrid    grabs)                           the same         How/why?
                                                 genre/ sub-
Racial          -Constant conflict between       -Freedom         It uses racial
Prejudice       both teacher and drug            Writers          prejudice but then
                dealer/ family friend in order   between          develops it towards
                to help student (which is        teacher and      the end as they
                expected in a drama film).       students         don’t constantly
Conventions analysis
Conventions of      Examples from your      Comparison to other    Use, develop of
genre/sub-          film (bullet points and films in the same      challenge?
genre/hybrid        screen grabs)           genre/ sub-            How/why?
Historical issues   - The blacks have      Freedom writers-again   Uses- to cause conflict
                      issues with the      there were issues       and to some what
                      whites within the    between the Latinos,    make the audience
                      community for        English, blacks etc.    relate or highlight that
                      whatever reason      because of previous     there are pain within
                      (which had           events.                 these areas for
                      happened outside                             whatever reason
                      the film)                                    which has occurred in
                                                                   the past.
Conventions analysis
Conventions of      Examples from your      Comparison to other    Use, develop of
genre/sub-          film (bullet points     films in the same      challenge?
genre/hybrid        and screen grabs)       genre/ sub-            How/why?
Drama-Stereotypes   -Blacks are drug        Freedom writers-       Develop-as their was
                    dealers                 Blacks were loud and   the teacher who is
                    -White people are       gang members           higher empowerment
                    teachers or of higher                          was taking drugs just
                    status                                         like the gang
Dominant Ideology
                             FILM                              IDEOLOGY IS PRESENT IN
                                                               THIS FILM/GENRE.
•   That black people are    •   The little girls brother is   •   To reinforce
    troublesome and              in prison                         stereotypical views of
    involved in crime                                              black people.

•   Constant Drug trading    •   Gangs hanging around          •   To highlight the idea
    from black people            street corners                    that there is high crime
                                                                   rate in an undeveloped

•   White people are         •   The majority of               •   It reinforces
    entitled to better job       teachers were white,              stereotypical views on
    positions                    even the head teacher.            the system however, is
                                                                   developed by his abuse
                                                                   of drug usage
•   People who are drugs,    •   When he is at home            •   To aware and educate the
    are not in the right         alone contemplating on            audience to some extend of
                                                                   the lifestyles which can
    state of mind and            his life's turmoil
                                                                   come alone with drug use.
 •      In my opinion, this film is for a mass audience because it reflects and shows audiences in many different
        regions, life in undeveloped areas and occurring scenario's which could happen.
     Details of audience               Target audience                     Secondary Audience                 Explanation of why they
                                                                                                              would be attracted
                                                                                                              (watch) the film.
     Age                               Teenagers                           Young adults                       Teenagers-they would see
                                                                                                              elements and wonder what
                                                                                                              inappropriate behaviour is
                                                                                                              Young adult- again question
                                                                                                              what man would be a
                                                                                                              teacher(being a role model
                                                                                                              for children but does drugs)
     Gender                            Women                               Men                                Women-head teacher and
                                                                                                              Men: lower teacher
     Ethnicity                         Black                               White                              Black-majority black area;
                                                                                                              white-main teacher
     Social Class                      Lower class                         Middle Class                       Lower-students/ drug dealer;
     Social group                      Gangsters                           Chavs etc.                         Gangsters run the area,
                                                                                                              following by others
     Sexual orientation                Straight                            Lesbian, BI, Gay                   Mixed-teacher and student;
                                                                                                              Same- the teacher with
     Profession/role                   Teachers                            Students                           Teachers-main character
                                                                                                              Students- focus point
C) The trailer(which is a marketing tool) attracts the target audience because it highlights the conflict and elements of the film which seems heightened
by tension or even clips which make you question as to why. This draws the audience in and allows them to query and possible go on to watch.
Audience theory
Reasons why people watch the film    Explanation
Entertainment                        Half nelson may be watched party for
                                     entertainment purposes. Certain scenes such as
                                     where he is dancing in the disco, are quite
                                     humorous and therefore entertaining.
Information                          This film gives information. It shows reasons as to
                                     why people may become so addicted to drugs. In
                                     this case drugs makes the teacher happy, due to
                                     the fact that he cant do anything without having
                                     drugs first.
Personal identity                    People who have suffered or are suffering from an
                                     addiction, and therefore seek personal identity
                                     with the character, as they have experienced
                                     certain real life situations that the character has.

Integration & social interaction     Social interaction may occur when people discuss
                                     the situations that are explored throughout the
                                     film, they may also inform others about the film.

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Assignment 5 and improved

  • 1. By Jodie & Jhane Assignment 5:Film study & Conventions Target audience=Green Jodie = Red Jhane = Blue Together = black
  • 2. Target=Green • Things which we have to consist of: • Title page • Level checklist • Exploration of films • Film of choice and reasoning • Genre • Subgenre • Hybrid • Stam’s theory • Mittel’s theory • Fuerer’s theory • Semantics(characters, locations, story traits, costumes, props, rituals) • Syntax • Iconography • Conventions of list of genre in relation to all films(at least 8 conventions) • Conventions analysis (at least 4) with examples from film + comparision to other similar films + use/develop or challenge? • Dominant ideology (at least 3-4) • Audience (a + b ) + explanation + c • Audience theory (all four reasons)
  • 4. Other Possible films of choice and the reason why we picked them The idea of a secret island which no one Demonstrates that hard work is aware of always pays of The beach The pursuit of happiness Focuses on the Half Slumdog problems of a Drama Explores the Nelson millionaire Indian ethnicity drug addict and rituals I am legend My sisters keeper Emotional and explores Shows how it is to fend for real life sicknesses and the yourself, alone in the outside effects on the family world
  • 5. Film of choice : Half nelson • I chose this film ‘Half Nelson’ due to the facts It interests me how he has such a close relationship with one of his students, and made me question why he feels the need to always care for and protect her. • Secondly, we chose this film because it is a good representation of ‘Drama’ genre as it shows issue that we face in society today. It uses many drama conventions and interested us as it educates to some extent and also allows them to learn about positive role models.
  • 6. Genre • The main genre that this film falls under is drama because the film is based on nelson’s unpleasant drug habit, the way in which the film is concerned with Nelsons everyday dilemmas is very typical of a drama film. • Dramas are usually based on some sort of issue or personal problem regarding the main the main character, and how they try to overcome it or deal with the situation this is explored throughout the film.
  • 7. Subgenres Drama is not the only Genre within this film, there are also a variety of subgenres such as Addiction Drama(i.e. the teacher has a drug addiction) School Drama(i.e a lot of the film is based in a school environment) romance( i.e. the girl that he had sexual relations with.) domestic drama( because the film focuses on the everyday issues of someone's life) Fiction- The historical content which is included in the film are with the students who learn about the American history and other historical events which have occurred previously and are said and shown to the audience. Crime- The criminal activities which occur on the streets and in the local area which can consist of drug dealing and crime related activities such as gangs at the end of the street which can be perceived negatively and indicate that their suspiciously involved in un-scene activities. Romance-the relationships which the teacher (main character) which occur with main women throughout the film including interests in a an ex-girlfriend and also a former student. Romance Fiction Crime
  • 8. Many types of sub-genres within the film ‘Half-Nelson’ was displayed due to the occurrence of scenery. This consist of: Addiction/issue/drama School /addiction/drama Historical Drama Domestic/romance/ Hybrids drama Problem/ addiction /drama Friendship/addiction/drama Crime Drama
  • 9. Stam’s Theory • Stam’s theory says that genre is not so easily defined under the ‘main genres’ but can be classified in other ways such as budget, ethnicity focus or performer based. • Another way to classify ‘half nelson’, in my opinion is, ‘Friendship’ because this film is strongly based on friendships and close bonds that are formed throughout the film. • Another way to classify your film which is not in relation to a main genre can be social class and status or region. • For example the teacher and the student, or the student and her brothers friend.
  • 10. Mittel’s theory • Mittels theory is that genre is used to sell products. • This can be related to half nelson simply because the trailer demonstrates that the film is a drama film, as it reveals that the it is based on a drug addiction, • This also shows a man having quite a strong relationship with a young girl. • This can also be related to ‘Half-Nelson’ as the film was based in America and therefore there was American historical content behind it (when the students name events occurred) • This can show awareness of their history but also shows impact of todays society. • This then includes different genres/sub genres linking back to Mittel’s theory such as classifying this film as drama including historical content, sexual content etc. • People are familiar with addiction being a conventional theme of drama which then makes them eager to watch it. Therefore the fact that the film is a drama incises audiences.
  • 11. Fuerer’s theory • Fuerer’s theory is based on the idea that genre is abstract, meaning that it is not easily defined because defined because everyone has different ideas, ideals, cultures and therefore interpret conventions differently. What is familiar to one, may differ to someone else. • This theory can be related to the film chosen as the genre ‘drama’ can be defined due to the use of different life experiences, cultural differences, racial conflict/prejudice etc. and again is all down to the viewer/audiences perceptions. • For example: • Person A will see this film as a drama due to the emphasis of racial prejudice displayed. • Person B can classified this film as a drama due to the cultural differences.
  • 12. Semantics How these are evident in your Evidence from film/ how film(in relation to its genre/subgenre/hybrid) does it relate using (overall genre- Drama) examples? Characters •Somebody who has an addiction Nelson has a drug habit. issue(Teacher, student(s), drug dealer, absent parents) Locations •Unorganised and untidy houses Nelsons drug habit is taking over him, his •School, local area, Teachers home cleanliness gets the better of him, house is messy. Story traits •Keeping the addiction a secret •He tells his student, not to tell anyone. •Something happened in past to •Broke up with ex girlfriend that he loved. cause addiction costumes •Casual jeans, smart shirts (anything •Nelson is a teacher who wheres shirts, that compliments role of character) which is what teachers are expected to •Glasses where. •absent parent= work clothes •Nelson wheres glasses to hide his tired eyes Props Cigarette, drugs, lollipop and Nelson is repeatedly smoking and using bookwork drugs Rituals •Drug use •Nelson is always sneaking around to take •Balancing addiction with everyday drugs. life •Tries to balance drug habit with being a teacher.
  • 13. Syntax of film • The syntax of this film is that when we are involved in situations that may be difficult and life threatening, we must share our problems with others in order that they are resolved rather than getting worse.
  • 14. Tone • In the scene where nelson is going for a night jog, the surroundings are tinted, with a dark shade of blue. • The lighting purely reflected from the sky, there is very little use of artificial lights. The pure blue surrounding connotes a feel of relaxation, due to the fact that blue is the colour of the ocean and sky. • Blue also brings about a sense of peace and freedom, this could reflect nelsons mood, and the fact the jogging is the only way he can truly release from the stress and tension caused from his addition. Tinted Dark blue sky Blue represents Calming, freedom (pure)
  • 15. Tone • The lighting sets a dull and romantic tone towards the mood and era in the school disco. With soft lighting which is set creates an uneasy due to the colour blue (which a common use of colour like soft pink) as it is inappropriate between teacher and student. The focus on the teacher and • In this student Case blue creates unease close up (only in this case)
  • 16. Conventions of a drama Conventions of Examples from film Use/develop/challenge/ genre/sub/hybrid why Explores real life situations Fish tank Use, due to the fact that half nelson is based on a drug addiction, which many people are faced with Shows the journey of a Slum dog millionaire Challenge, ‘half nelson’ doesn’t really character focus on the journey of a character and how he's grown, but more about his everyday battles Some sort of conflict Kidulthood Use as there is conflict with the teacher and a black man, regarding the child. Happy ending Pursuit of happiness Use, as half nelson ends with the teacher and student being very content and making jokes Audience can relate to My sisters keeper Use, as many individuals can relate to character the drug issues within the film. Violent scenes Crash Challenge, as ‘half nelson’ doesn't explore a wide range of violence Addiction 28 days Nelsons drug habit
  • 17. More conventions Conventions of genre/sub/hybrid Examples from film Use/develop/challenge Racial prejudice Freedom writers Challenge, ‘half nelson’ does not involve racial prejudice, this is shown as the white teacher, and black student get on very well, which wouldn’t have been the case many years ago. Abuse/men controlling women Stories of Tina turner Use because in the film ‘half nelson’ there is a scene whereby he unwillingly forces a lady into sex Romance/sex scenes Dirty dancing Use, as there are sexual relations between Nelson and a woman Divorce A separation Challenge as Half nelson is not based on a divorce, it is focussed on addiction
  • 18. Conventions analysis Conventions of Examples from your Comparison to Use, develop of genre/sub- film (bullet points other films in the challenge? genre/hybrid and screen grabs) same genre/ sub- How/why? genre/hybrid? Drama-conflict - When both men Crash- the battle The film develops after the disco between pride it because there is was wanting to and regulations a divide of races drop Drey home. (the police man which cause - When both men feeling the black conflict, however (drug-dealer and mans wife) the film develops teacher want to it because they spend time with learn to get Drey after she along/ put up lost her key and with each other got locked out. for Dreys sake.
  • 19. Conventions analysis Conventions Examples from your film Comparison to Use, develop of of genre/sub- (bullet points and screen other films in challenge? genre/hybrid grabs) the same How/why? genre/ sub- genre/hybrid? Racial -Constant conflict between -Freedom It uses racial Prejudice both teacher and drug Writers prejudice but then dealer/ family friend in order between develops it towards to help student (which is teacher and the end as they expected in a drama film). students don’t constantly battle.
  • 20. Conventions analysis Conventions of Examples from your Comparison to other Use, develop of genre/sub- film (bullet points and films in the same challenge? genre/hybrid screen grabs) genre/ sub- How/why? genre/hybrid? Historical issues - The blacks have Freedom writers-again Uses- to cause conflict issues with the there were issues and to some what whites within the between the Latinos, make the audience community for English, blacks etc. relate or highlight that whatever reason because of previous there are pain within (which had events. these areas for happened outside whatever reason the film) which has occurred in the past.
  • 21. Conventions analysis Conventions of Examples from your Comparison to other Use, develop of genre/sub- film (bullet points films in the same challenge? genre/hybrid and screen grabs) genre/ sub- How/why? genre/hybrid? Drama-Stereotypes -Blacks are drug Freedom writers- Develop-as their was dealers Blacks were loud and the teacher who is -White people are gang members higher empowerment teachers or of higher was taking drugs just status like the gang members.
  • 22. Dominant Ideology DOMINANT IDEOLOGY EXAMPLE/EVIDENCE FROM WHY THIS DOMINANT FILM IDEOLOGY IS PRESENT IN THIS FILM/GENRE. • That black people are • The little girls brother is • To reinforce troublesome and in prison stereotypical views of involved in crime black people. • Constant Drug trading • Gangs hanging around • To highlight the idea from black people street corners that there is high crime rate in an undeveloped area • White people are • The majority of • It reinforces entitled to better job teachers were white, stereotypical views on positions even the head teacher. the system however, is developed by his abuse of drug usage • People who are drugs, • When he is at home • To aware and educate the are not in the right alone contemplating on audience to some extend of the lifestyles which can state of mind and his life's turmoil come alone with drug use. alone.
  • 23. Audience • In my opinion, this film is for a mass audience because it reflects and shows audiences in many different regions, life in undeveloped areas and occurring scenario's which could happen. Details of audience Target audience Secondary Audience Explanation of why they would be attracted (watch) the film. Age Teenagers Young adults Teenagers-they would see elements and wonder what inappropriate behaviour is occurring Young adult- again question what man would be a teacher(being a role model for children but does drugs) Gender Women Men Women-head teacher and child/student Men: lower teacher Ethnicity Black White Black-majority black area; white-main teacher Social Class Lower class Middle Class Lower-students/ drug dealer; Middle-teachers/parents Social group Gangsters Chavs etc. Gangsters run the area, following by others Sexual orientation Straight Lesbian, BI, Gay Mixed-teacher and student; Same- the teacher with women. Profession/role Teachers Students Teachers-main character Students- focus point C) The trailer(which is a marketing tool) attracts the target audience because it highlights the conflict and elements of the film which seems heightened by tension or even clips which make you question as to why. This draws the audience in and allows them to query and possible go on to watch.
  • 24. Audience theory McQuail Reasons why people watch the film Explanation Entertainment Half nelson may be watched party for entertainment purposes. Certain scenes such as where he is dancing in the disco, are quite humorous and therefore entertaining. Information This film gives information. It shows reasons as to why people may become so addicted to drugs. In this case drugs makes the teacher happy, due to the fact that he cant do anything without having drugs first. Personal identity People who have suffered or are suffering from an addiction, and therefore seek personal identity with the character, as they have experienced certain real life situations that the character has. Integration & social interaction Social interaction may occur when people discuss the situations that are explored throughout the film, they may also inform others about the film.