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Assignment #10- Group
 coursework (Draft 1)
       Luara Pires
     Kauana Labaldi
      Maria Younes
     Debbie Marques
Assignment 8: Review

Exploring the topic.
                              Religion            Dangers: how it
         Trans-phobia                                         Political views

       Sex change                                                  Media, education
       surgeries                                                   and family
Representations                 Transgender
  Perspectives                                                      explanations
          Intersex                                           Cross-dressing
           Society views                           Transvestites
                               Androgynies Poly gender
    Intersex people
    •      People who are born                               Trans-phobia
           with both XX and XY                               •   Refers to a fear of
    •      Person born with
                                                                 transsexuals or
           reproductive or sexual                                transgender people
           definitions of female or                          •   Cause of trans-phobia is
           male                                                  still unknown
    •      Scientists see it as a                            •   Likely to be because of
           disease                                               the fragile nature of
                                                                 gender identity

•       Nearly all countries in
        Europe now allows
        people after a sex
        change treatment to
        change their passport
                                                   Cross dressing
        and their driving                          •   people who dress the
        license.                                       opposite way according to
•       In Saudi-Arabia                                the gender
        transsexuals get                           •   matter of comfort and style
        violated if they show                      •   may cross-dress to disguise
        their chosen identity.                         their physical sex
Gender Dysphoria
What is gender Dysphoria?
                                                   •   They have a strong desire to live
Gender dysphoria                                       according to their gender
is a condition in                                      identity, rather than their
which a person                                         biological sex.
feels that there is a                              •   Some people undergo treatment
mismatch between                                       so that their physical appearance
their biological sex                                   is more consistent with their
                                                       gender identity.
and their gender

                           For example, a person
                           may have the anatomy
                           of a man, but gender
                           identify as a woman.

             NOTES DONE IN

              DECIDING ON
Exploring within biology
                                                                             •   A man dressing up as a girl
                                                                                 or a girl dressing up as a
                                                                             •   Some do it for
                                                                                 entertainment (drag
                                                                                 queen, drag king
                                                                                 ) and some do it to hide
                                                                                 their identity

•   A person who identifies
    themselves as not being the
    sex they were born with
•   Gender not associated to the   •   Person born with a
                                                                      •   People don’t feel
    gender they feel they are.         reproductive or sexual
                                                                          comfortable in
                                       anatomy that doesn’t fit the
                                                                          describing their gender
                                       typical definition of female
                                                                      •   Identify gender as
                                       or male
                                                                          being in the middle of
                                   •   People may be born with
                                                                          male and female
                                       some XX cells and some XY

                               Categories devison.
      Can androgynies be
      considered to have                                      Socialisation.

                                    Is the Transgender
Is cross dressing
                                    umbrella completely                    Biological matters
also a way of                       correct?
                                                                Transsexual woman
              Cross dressing
                                   Poly gender                               Hormone treatment
                                                   Transsexuals man
How does it
                                                          Sex change
 1. How are transsexuals seen in society?
     How does it feel to
                             Views within                                      Transphobia
     be confronted?                           Laws set up to help or
                             the religion,
                                              to go against.
How does it feel
to confront society sexism                                                      False
?                                                                               opinions
                                   How are transsexuals
     discrimination                seen in society?

                                                                            Afraid of speech
 Are people
                               freedom       confusion                 Attention seeker
 with their
              independence           Free choice
                 Embarrassment                      Physiologists
18 being legal                                      treatment
                                 Feeling trapped

   Young people
   under 16 are                                         Parents/guardian
   not mature                                           consent.
   enough for this          What age should
   decisions                transgender
                            treatments be               Sometimes
                            allowed?                    there is a
 Doctors                                                trend of being
 approval                                               a certain way.

                                              Peer influence
         Feeling left out   Having loads
                            of brothers
                            and being
                            only girl or
                            the opposite.
                      View from
  Views from          people
  transsexuals        judging?
                                                                                                             Man being more
                                  Muslim catholic     Judaism               countries
         How does it feel to
         be confronted?                                         Laws set up to
                                      Views within the
                                                                help or to go                            Transsphobia
How do they decide                                              against.
to show their identity.
How does it
                            sexism                                                      views
feel to
                                                                                                            False opinions
society ?                                     How are transsexuals                       aggressive
                                              seen in society?
                                                                                                    Afraid of
                                                                                 offensive          speech
   Are people
   truthful with
   their opinion?                           freedom             confusion                    Attention
                     independence               Free
Luara’s Research

What are Androgyne and Poly gender people?

  Androgyny:                                Poly Gender:
  People that look both                     1. People do not feel
  genders.                                     comfortable thinking of
  Such as Model Andrej Pijab                   themselves as either male
                                               or female.
                                            2. They believe their gender
                                               identity is in the middle of
                                            3. They call themselves:
                                               androgyne, polygender, gen
                                               derqueer or third-gender
                                            4. They believe there is a third
Problems they may confront.

                                                                    Some people may therefore
within these communities                                            experience a long period of
that self-definition is the                                         uncertainty
most important criteria.

                                                                    Others physically transition:
it can be very difficult to                                         • taking hormones but not
work out how to express a                                             having any surgery
gender identity which is                                            • alternatively, having some
neither simply male nor                                               surgery without taking
female                                                                hormones.

                       Some have no interest at all in physically
                       changing their body.
Views within economy
                                     the National Centre for Transgender
 Transgender people are targets of   Equality and the National Gay and Lesbian
 discrimination                      Task Force found out that:

                                      1. Double the rate of unemployment

in many areas of their lives; this    2. Significant housing instability
marginalization exposes them to
tremendous social and economic
insecurity                            3. High rates of poverty

                                      4. Significant losses of jobs and careers

                                      5. Near universal harassment on the job
                          In this graph we can see:
                          • their chances of getting a
                              job is really low.
                          • Being promoted is also ready
                          • Some even got fired.

                          In this graph we can observe that:

                          • They are discriminated.
                          • They are forced to choose
                            between a gender so that they
                            can get the job.
                          • They are sometimes not allowed
                            to get contact with the costumers.
Some facts.

Having an androgynous appearance does not
necessarily make a person poly gender.

Being an Androgyne has nothing to do with
sexuality but with identity.

Even LGBT community people tend to assume
that a third gender does not exist.
                                                         Transgender views with
SPAIN                       POLAND                       UK
March 2007, new law in      In 1964 to change one's      Have birth certificate
Spain allows transsexual    legal gender after their     and driving license
people to change their      genital reassignment         changed.
name and legal gender       surgery had been             Marriage also allowed.
in all documents            conducted
This doesn’t matter if       In 1983- Court said that    Parliament passed
they have undergone the     some cases, when the         the Gender Recognition
surgery.                    preferred gender was         Act 2004, which
                            leading, it is possible to   effectively granted full
                            change the legal gender      legal recognition for
                            even before genital          transgender people.
                            reassignment surgery.

There needs to be           Anna Grodzka the first       They need only
gender dysphoria            MP to undergo the            demonstrate that they
symptoms.                   surgery                      have suffered gender
                                                         dysphoria, and have
                                                         lived in the 'acquired
                                                         gender' for two years

If there are health risks                                and intend to continue
its not allowed and age                                  doing so until death.
Germany                              Ireland
One can either obtain a change       Before it was not possible for a
of name alone                        transsexual person to alter their
proceed later with a change of       birth certificate.
legal gender, if possible or
desired, or obtain both in a
single legal procedure.

a person with only a name            After a serious case that the
change has the right to be called    government did not approve the
"Herr" or "Frau" (Mr. or Mrs.)       documents change, and it was
                                     proved that Ireland was going
                                     against the law of 2004 in
                                     Europe they changed.

Job references, certifications and   The Government has since
similar from the time before the     dropped its appeal and may
change of name may to be             introduce legalisation
reissued with the new name           recognising one's biological sex
                                     following sex reassignment

No minimum age                       so a name and legal gender
                                     change on one's birth certificate
                                     is now possible.


The Constitution of South Africa forbids discrimination
on the basis of sex, gender and sexual orientation.

 allows a transgender person who has undergone
medical or surgical gender reassignment to apply to
the Department of Home Affairs to have the sex
description altered on their birth record.

Once the birth record is changed they can be have a
new birth certificate and identity document, and are
considered "for all purposes" to be of the new sex.

Thus the transgender person is not required to have had
genital surgery in order to have the sex description


STATE.                 TERRITORIES

Y   N   Type of Resource                     How did you use this resource (brief bullet points)

X                                            gained some research about laws
        articles on line
X                                            to learn more about polygender and Androgynies
X       newspaper articles
                                             to see who Andrek Pijab is
        youtube videos
    X                                        NOT USED
    X   information from various textbooks
                                             NOT USED
        periodicals (library)
    X                                        NOT USED
        books (library or bought)
    X                                        NOT USED
        vimeo videos
    X                                        NOT USED
        TED videos
X                                            I looked into some videos of the difference between sex and identity.
        slideshare presentations             To see graphs
    X   blogs
                                             NOT USED
        social media such as twitter
    X                                        NOT USED
        phone interview with expert
    X                                        NOT USED
        in-person interview with public
X                                            We interviewed about 4 people
        in-person interview with expert
    X                                        NOT USED
        other: ________________________
        other: ________________________
Maria’s Research

Background on cross-dressing
  • Cross dressing is when someone a male
     dresses up to be a female or vice versa
 • It has been used for purposes of disguise
• Some people automatically connect cross-
   dressing behaviour to transgender identity
     however the term cross dressing itself
         does not imply any intentions.
History of cross-dressing
• Cross dressing has existed throughout history
• There are many examples in Greek, Norse and
                  Hindu mythology
• There is a rich history of cross-dressing found
    in folklore, literature, theatre, and music
 • Some women have cross-dressed to take up
        male-dominated or male-exclusive
      professions, such as military service.
Drag queens
        Two transgendered people are
         pictured to the left, one being
         Chris, and one being Margaret. Chris
         was male at birth, but has
         undergone sex reassignment
         surgery to change her physical
         form, while Margaret identifies as a
         woman but has not undergone any
        Transgender people who live their
         lives as a member of the gender
         they identify with are not cross-
         dressing, unless they choose to
         wear clothing associated with a
         gender they do not identify with.
Different kinds of cross dressing
     • Some people cross-dress as a matter of comfort or style.
 • Some people cross-dress to shock others or challenge social norms.
 • Both men and women may cross-dress to disguise their physical sex.
• Some performers cross-dress to play roles written for members of the
                             opposite sex.

                                 • DRAG
  • This is a special form of performance art based on the act of cross-
 • Drag queen: usually a male who performs as a exaggerated woman.
    They usually wear showy dresses, high heeled shoes, heavy make up
                                  and a wig
   • Drag king: matching part of the drag queen but usually for much
    different audiences. They are females who usually adopt a masculine
         personality. They may imitate a male film or pop-music star
Religion and transgender
• Religions range from condemning any gender
  variant behaviour, to honouring transgender
            people as religious leaders
• The New Testament is more unclear about gender-
  variant identities than the Old Testament is
• Sex-change procedures do not change a person’s
  gender in the eyes of the Church
• It is said that “it does not change the personality. If the
  person was a male, he remains male. If she was female,
  she remains female”
• Some Christian denominations accept transgender
  people as members and clergy.
• The Church of England has kept a transsexual woman
  as a priest.
• There are two types in Islam:
• The first is a person who innates these characteristics, they
  did not put them on by themselves and therefore there is
  no guilt, no blame and no shame. As long as the person has
  not performed any act or any form of prostitution.
• The second type acts like a woman out of immoral
  purposes and there they are a sinner and they are to
• Iran is a Muslim country however they have carried out
  more sex change operations than Thailand.
• The government even provides up to half the cost for those
  needing financial assistance and a sex change is recognised
  on the birth certificate
Y   N   Type of Resource                     How did you use this resource (brief bullet points)

X       Wikipedia                            To find out about cross dressing

X       articles on line
                                             to research how it might start.
    X   newspaper articles
                                             NOT USED
X       youtube videos
                                             to some videos of cross dressers.
        information from various textbooks
    X                                        NOT USED
        periodicals (library)
    X                                        NOT USED
    X   books (library or bought)
                                             NOT USED
    X   vimeo videos
                                             NOT USED
        TED videos                           NOT USED
    X   slideshare presentations
                                             NOT USED
X       blogs
                                             to see organisations
        social media such as twitter
    X                                        NOT USED
        phone interview with expert
    X                                        NOT USED
        in-person interview with public
X                                            to gain interviews for this presentation
    X   in-person interview with expert
                                             NOT USED
        other: ________________________

        other: ________________________
Debbie’s Research

How it first appeared
• First came from the greek godess Ninmah and father god Enki.

• In Europe, the term 'intersexual' was first to be used before the
  Second World War.

•    the term 'hermaphrodite' was replaced by the term 'intersex' that
    came from British specialist Cawadias in the 1940s.

• Since the rise of modern medical science in Western societies,
  some intersex people had their genitalia surgery done to become
  either female or male.

• Existence of physical sexual variation in human beings has
What are intersex people ?
• Incomplete or unusual development of the internal reproductive

• External genitals that cannot be easily classified as male or female

• Inability of the body to respond normally to sex-related hormones

• People with both sexes

• Nowadays doctors try to be more understanding towards intersex
  people and give them a choice of what gender they want to be.

•   The person has the chromosomes of a woman, the ovaries of a woman, but outside genitals that appear male. (vice versa)

•   Ambiguous genitalia at birth

•   Micropenis

•   Clitoromegaly (an enlarged clitoris)

•   Partial labial fusion

•   Undescended testes (which may turn out to be ovaries) in boys

•   Labial or inguinal (groin) masses -- which may turn out to be testes -- in girls

•   Hypospadias [the opening of the penis is somewhere other than at the tip; in females, the urine canal opens into the vagina

•   Unusual appearing genitalia at birth

•   Delayed or absent puberty

•   Unexpected changes at puberty

• XX Intersex : female foetus having been exposed to excess male
  hormones before birth.

• XY intersex : The person has the chromosomes of a man, but the
  external genitals are incompletely formed, ambiguous, or clearly

• True Gonadal Intersex . Here the person has both ovarian and
  testicular tissues. In this case the person might have one ovary and
  one testis.

• Complex or Undetermined Intersex Disorders of Sexual
  Development : both cases have an extra sex chromosome, either
  an X or a Y. Have XXX or XXY chromosomes.

• Child should assign a gender as quickly as possible (based on the
  external genitals rather than the chromosomal gender)

• Prompt surgeries are often recommended

• Ovaries or testicle tissues from the other gender would be removed

• Easier to reconstruct female genitalia than functioning male

• If the "correct" choice is not clear, the child is often assigned to be a
  girl. (easier)

Y   N   Type of Resource                     How did you use this resource (brief bullet points)

X       Wikipedia                            To research about intersex

X       articles on line
    X                                        to find out about the symptoms
        newspaper articles
    X                                        NOT USED
        youtube videos
X                                            to hear the doctors views.
        information from various textbooks
    X                                        NOT USED
        periodicals (library)
    X                                        NOT USED
        books (library or bought)
    X                                        NOT USED
        vimeo videos                         NOT USED
X       TED videos                           to hear about doctors.

        slideshare presentations
    X                                        NOT USED
X                                            Transgender organisations
        social media such as twitter
    X                                        NOT USED
        phone interview with expert
    X                                        NOT USED
        in-person interview with public
X                                            yes , to gain interviews about personal opinion
        in-person interview with expert
    X                                        NOT USED
        other: ________________________

        other: ________________________
Kauana’s Research

 Transsexualism describes the condition in which an
  individual identifies with a gender inconsistent or not
  culturally associated with their assigned sex, i.e. in which a
  person's assigned sex at birth conflicts with their
  psychological gender.

 Gender not associated to the gender they feel they are.

 Transsexualism describes the condition in which an
  individual identifies with a gender inconsistent or not
  culturally associated with their assigned sex, i.e. in which a
  person's assigned sex at birth conflicts with their
  psychological gender.
Transsexual Women
• A male-to-female (MTF) transsexual woman
  (trans woman) is someone who was labelled
  male at birth but has a female gender identity,
  and therefore changes to live completely and
  permanently as a woman.

• Transsexual women can be distinguished from
  other transgender people by the extremely
  strong need which transsexual women have to
  live completely and permanently as women in
  contrast to their original birth label of male.
Transsexual Men
• A female-to-male (FTM) transsexual man (trans man) is
  someone who was labelled female at birth but has a
  male gender identity, and therefore transitions to live
  completely and permanently as a man.
• Transsexual men seek to bring their physical bodies and
  gender expressions into better accordance with their
  strong gender identities so that their identities as men
  finally become clearly visible to their friends, families
  and colleagues. However, some may be restricted by
  their personal or social circumstances in their ability to
  achieve this. Transsexual men often experience
  significant emotional distress, usually referred to as
  gender dysphoria, if unable to live fully as men
• Definition: Tranphobia is an irrational fear of, and/or
  hostility towards, people who are transgender or who
  otherwise transgress traditional gender norms. Because
  lesbians and gay men often transgress gender norms, it is
  often associated with homophobia.

• The cause of transphobia is still a subject of research and
  debate, but it likely reflects the fragile nature of gender
• People who are quietly struggling with their own gender
  identity, and people for whom gender identity is especially
  important, might be frightened--even angry--when
  confronted with the fragility of gender.
• Transphobia refers to the fear, hatred of and
  prejudice against people who are transsexual
  or transgender
• If you live with a disability, transphobia results
  in very particular kinds of barriers to sexual
  expression, which includes the way you
  experience and express your gender identity.
Social Justice Terms
          Working Terms and Definitions
• Androgyne: A person with physical traits of male
  and female.
• Biphobia: Fear or hatred of people who are
  bisexual, pansexual, omnisexual, or
  nonmonosexual. Biphobia is closely linked with
  transphobia and homophobia.

• Sexism: The cultural, institutional, and individual
  set of beliefs and practices that privilege men,
  subordinate women, and denigrate values and
  practices associated with women.
Y   N   Type of Resource                     How did you use this resource (brief bullet points)

X       Wikipedia                            To find out about transsexuals

X       articles on line
                                             to get peoples opinions
        newspaper articles
    X                                        NOT USED
X       youtube videos
                                             to watch previous interviews
        information from various textbooks
    X                                        NOT USED
        periodicals (library)
    X                                        NOT USED
        books (library or bought)
    X                                        NOT USED
        vimeo videos
    X                                        NOT USED
X       TED videos
                                             To see a transsexuals’s point of view.
        slideshare presentations
    X                                        NOT USED
X                                            to see organisations
        social media such as twitter
    X                                        NOT USED
    X   phone interview with expert
                                             NOT USED
        in-person interview with public
X                                            to gain interviews for this presentation
        in-person interview with expert
                                             NOT USED
        other: ________________________

        other: ________________________

What is the purpose of the
• Inform people more about transgender

• Stop discrimination

• Show transsexual’s point of view

• Try get people to be more open minded about
  this topic

• Hear the societies opinion on this topic
What would people learn about this topic
       from your documentary?
• The reasons of why a person may be a

• Transsexuals are humans just like us

• The debates within the transgender umbrella

• The differences between transsexuals, intersex,
  cross-dressing and polygender people
What style of documentary is it?
   (According to bill Nichols theory)
Informative :
• Informing the audience about transgender
• Aim is for the people who watch the
  documentary to get a wider knowledge about
  this topic
• We are going to be showing both views for
  and against (not biased)
                         Secondary Audience
       Age:                                             start learning
                                                        about the topic.
       12-17             Target audience.
                    Age: 18-25
                    Gender: Male and Female                    Interest:
Gender:                                                        Might be
                    Religion: Christians, Muslims, Judaism
Male and                                                       going
                    Region: London
Female                                                         through this
                    Class: working, middle and high class.
                    Interests:                                 and needing
                    Debating, sciences, identity, watching     help.
  Religion:                                                    Help with
                    documentaries, updating knowledge.
  catholic                                                     school work.
       Muslims                                                 Sciences.

               Judaism                         Class:
                            Region:            Working
                            London             class
Niche or Mass audience?
Mass Audience

• We need societies opinions
• Make people aware of it.
• Make it a topic that people learn about.
• It can have to do with a big number of society.
Why is it important for people to learn
             about this?
• The target audience age because its roughly
  the age where your gender identity is formed.
• The secondary audience because people
  might be going through a time of confusion
  and that might help.
• So that people can understand other views,
  and become more opened minded.
• So that Transgender is not seen as something
  of another world.
What style of Documentary is it?
According to Bill Nichols theory our documentary
  would be...
People are going to observe different types of
  opinions expressed by the public. The presenter
  will not persuade, will just observe.
The content of the documentary are going to be
  very informative, and will teach people things.
  Also will have a debate which will inform people
  of sides of the view.
EPISODE 1             EPISODE 2            EPISODE 3

Explain what is       Historical           what age should it
transgender, the      evidence, the        be legal to have
different             umbrella theory      the surgery. Views
categories within     and if its           within different
it. Societies views   completely           countries, and
on this topic.        correct. If it’s a   about the sex
                      sexual matter or a   change surgery.
                      case of identity.
What channel would it be put on and why?

• We would choose channel 4 because
  their documentaries are usually aimed
    at an audience who are aged 16+
• Also their documentaries are mostly
    participatory and informative and
          that’s what our one is
What time would it be on and why?
• The time we would be showing it at would be
  9 o’clock as there would be explicit content
  and a subject that may be too much for
  people aged under 16
• Also children who come back from school
  would normally watch from 4-7 so they would
  be asleep for when this documentary would
  be showing.

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Assignment 10 group assignment final draft 2

  • 1. Assignment #10- Group coursework (Draft 1) By: Luara Pires Kauana Labaldi Maria Younes Debbie Marques
  • 2. Assignment 8: Review LINK:
  • 3. Exploring the topic. Causes Religion Dangers: how it Laws affects Trans-phobia Political views Sex change Media, education surgeries and family representation Representations Transgender Scientific Perspectives explanations Intersex Cross-dressing Society views Transvestites sexism Androgynies Poly gender
  • 4. Exploring Intersex people • People who are born Trans-phobia with both XX and XY • Refers to a fear of cells • Person born with transsexuals or reproductive or sexual transgender people definitions of female or • Cause of trans-phobia is male still unknown • Scientists see it as a • Likely to be because of disease the fragile nature of gender identity Exploring. Laws • Nearly all countries in Europe now allows people after a sex change treatment to change their passport Cross dressing and their driving • people who dress the license. opposite way according to • In Saudi-Arabia the gender transsexuals get • matter of comfort and style violated if they show • may cross-dress to disguise their chosen identity. their physical sex
  • 5. Gender Dysphoria What is gender Dysphoria? • They have a strong desire to live Gender dysphoria according to their gender is a condition in identity, rather than their which a person biological sex. feels that there is a • Some people undergo treatment mismatch between so that their physical appearance their biological sex is more consistent with their gender identity. and their gender identity For example, a person may have the anatomy of a man, but gender identify as a woman.
  • 8. EXPLORING • A man dressing up as a girl or a girl dressing up as a man • Some do it for entertainment (drag queen, drag king ) and some do it to hide their identity • A person who identifies themselves as not being the sex they were born with • Gender not associated to the • Person born with a • People don’t feel gender they feel they are. reproductive or sexual comfortable in anatomy that doesn’t fit the describing their gender typical definition of female • Identify gender as or male being in the middle of • People may be born with male and female some XX cells and some XY cells.
  • 9. POTENTIAL TOPICS Categories devison. Can androgynies be considered to have Socialisation. transgender? Is the Transgender intersex Is cross dressing umbrella completely Biological matters also a way of correct? transgender? Transsexual woman Cross dressing Poly gender Hormone treatment Transsexuals man How does it appear? Scientific Sex change explanations
  • 10. POTENTIAL TOPICS 1. How are transsexuals seen in society? How does it feel to Views within Transphobia be confronted? Laws set up to help or the religion, to go against. How does it feel Countries to confront society sexism False views ? opinions How are transsexuals discrimination seen in society? aggressive Afraid of speech offensive Are people acceptance truthful freedom confusion Attention seeker with their opinion? independence Free choice
  • 11. POTENTIAL TOPICS Embarrassment Physiologists 18 being legal treatment Feeling trapped age. Young people under 16 are Parents/guardian not mature consent. enough for this What age should decisions transgender treatments be Sometimes allowed? there is a Doctors trend of being approval a certain way. Peer influence Feeling left out Having loads of brothers and being only girl or the opposite.
  • 12. FINAL CHOSEN TOPIC View from Views from people transsexuals judging? Different Man being more Muslim catholic Judaism countries against. How does it feel to be confronted? Laws set up to Views within the help or to go Transsphobia religion. How do they decide against. to show their identity. Countries How does it sexism views feel to False opinions confront society ? How are transsexuals aggressive seen in society? discrimination Afraid of offensive speech Are people acceptanc truthful with e their opinion? freedom confusion Attention seeker independence Free choice
  • 14. What are Androgyne and Poly gender people? Androgyny: Poly Gender: People that look both 1. People do not feel genders. comfortable thinking of Such as Model Andrej Pijab themselves as either male or female. 2. They believe their gender identity is in the middle of both. 3. They call themselves: androgyne, polygender, gen derqueer or third-gender 4. They believe there is a third gender.
  • 15. Problems they may confront. Some people may therefore within these communities experience a long period of that self-definition is the uncertainty most important criteria. Others physically transition: it can be very difficult to • taking hormones but not work out how to express a having any surgery gender identity which is • alternatively, having some neither simply male nor surgery without taking female hormones. Some have no interest at all in physically changing their body.
  • 16. Views within economy the National Centre for Transgender Transgender people are targets of Equality and the National Gay and Lesbian discrimination Task Force found out that: 1. Double the rate of unemployment in many areas of their lives; this 2. Significant housing instability marginalization exposes them to tremendous social and economic insecurity 3. High rates of poverty 4. Significant losses of jobs and careers 5. Near universal harassment on the job
  • 17. GRAPHS TO SHOW HOW IT IS FOR ANDROGYNIES AND POLY GENDER PEOPLE AT WORK. In this graph we can see: • their chances of getting a job is really low. • Being promoted is also ready hard. • Some even got fired. In this graph we can observe that: • They are discriminated. • They are forced to choose between a gender so that they can get the job. • They are sometimes not allowed to get contact with the costumers.
  • 18. Some facts. Having an androgynous appearance does not necessarily make a person poly gender. Being an Androgyne has nothing to do with sexuality but with identity. Even LGBT community people tend to assume that a third gender does not exist.
  • 19. EUROPE Transgender views with countries. SPAIN POLAND UK March 2007, new law in In 1964 to change one's Have birth certificate Spain allows transsexual legal gender after their and driving license people to change their genital reassignment changed. name and legal gender surgery had been Marriage also allowed. in all documents conducted This doesn’t matter if In 1983- Court said that Parliament passed they have undergone the some cases, when the the Gender Recognition surgery. preferred gender was Act 2004, which leading, it is possible to effectively granted full change the legal gender legal recognition for even before genital transgender people. reassignment surgery. There needs to be Anna Grodzka the first They need only gender dysphoria MP to undergo the demonstrate that they symptoms. surgery have suffered gender dysphoria, and have lived in the 'acquired gender' for two years If there are health risks and intend to continue its not allowed and age doing so until death. boundaries
  • 20. Germany Ireland One can either obtain a change Before it was not possible for a of name alone transsexual person to alter their proceed later with a change of birth certificate. legal gender, if possible or desired, or obtain both in a single legal procedure. a person with only a name After a serious case that the change has the right to be called government did not approve the "Herr" or "Frau" (Mr. or Mrs.) documents change, and it was proved that Ireland was going against the law of 2004 in Europe they changed. Job references, certifications and The Government has since similar from the time before the dropped its appeal and may change of name may to be introduce legalisation reissued with the new name recognising one's biological sex following sex reassignment surgery. No minimum age so a name and legal gender change on one's birth certificate is now possible.
  • 21. AFRICA SOUTH AFRICA The Constitution of South Africa forbids discrimination on the basis of sex, gender and sexual orientation. allows a transgender person who has undergone medical or surgical gender reassignment to apply to the Department of Home Affairs to have the sex description altered on their birth record. Once the birth record is changed they can be have a new birth certificate and identity document, and are considered "for all purposes" to be of the new sex. Thus the transgender person is not required to have had genital surgery in order to have the sex description altered.
  • 23. Y N Type of Resource How did you use this resource (brief bullet points) Wikipedia X gained some research about laws articles on line X to learn more about polygender and Androgynies X newspaper articles to see who Andrek Pijab is youtube videos X NOT USED X information from various textbooks NOT USED periodicals (library) X NOT USED books (library or bought) X NOT USED vimeo videos X NOT USED TED videos X I looked into some videos of the difference between sex and identity. slideshare presentations To see graphs X X blogs NOT USED social media such as twitter X NOT USED phone interview with expert X NOT USED in-person interview with public X We interviewed about 4 people in-person interview with expert X NOT USED other: ________________________ . other: ________________________
  • 24. Research Maria’s Research • CROSS DRESSING • RELIGIOUS VIEWS.
  • 25. Background on cross-dressing • Cross dressing is when someone a male dresses up to be a female or vice versa • It has been used for purposes of disguise • Some people automatically connect cross- dressing behaviour to transgender identity however the term cross dressing itself does not imply any intentions.
  • 26. History of cross-dressing • Cross dressing has existed throughout history • There are many examples in Greek, Norse and Hindu mythology • There is a rich history of cross-dressing found in folklore, literature, theatre, and music • Some women have cross-dressed to take up male-dominated or male-exclusive professions, such as military service.
  • 27. Drag queens  Two transgendered people are pictured to the left, one being Chris, and one being Margaret. Chris was male at birth, but has undergone sex reassignment surgery to change her physical form, while Margaret identifies as a woman but has not undergone any surgery  Transgender people who live their lives as a member of the gender they identify with are not cross- dressing, unless they choose to wear clothing associated with a gender they do not identify with.
  • 28. Different kinds of cross dressing • Some people cross-dress as a matter of comfort or style. • Some people cross-dress to shock others or challenge social norms. • Both men and women may cross-dress to disguise their physical sex. • Some performers cross-dress to play roles written for members of the opposite sex. • DRAG • This is a special form of performance art based on the act of cross- dressing. • Drag queen: usually a male who performs as a exaggerated woman. They usually wear showy dresses, high heeled shoes, heavy make up and a wig • Drag king: matching part of the drag queen but usually for much different audiences. They are females who usually adopt a masculine personality. They may imitate a male film or pop-music star
  • 29. Religion and transgender • Religions range from condemning any gender variant behaviour, to honouring transgender people as religious leaders
  • 30. Christianity • The New Testament is more unclear about gender- variant identities than the Old Testament is • Sex-change procedures do not change a person’s gender in the eyes of the Church • It is said that “it does not change the personality. If the person was a male, he remains male. If she was female, she remains female” • Some Christian denominations accept transgender people as members and clergy. • The Church of England has kept a transsexual woman as a priest.
  • 31. Islam • There are two types in Islam: • The first is a person who innates these characteristics, they did not put them on by themselves and therefore there is no guilt, no blame and no shame. As long as the person has not performed any act or any form of prostitution. • The second type acts like a woman out of immoral purposes and there they are a sinner and they are to blame. • Iran is a Muslim country however they have carried out more sex change operations than Thailand. • The government even provides up to half the cost for those needing financial assistance and a sex change is recognised on the birth certificate
  • 32. Y N Type of Resource How did you use this resource (brief bullet points) X Wikipedia To find out about cross dressing X articles on line to research how it might start. X newspaper articles NOT USED X youtube videos to some videos of cross dressers. information from various textbooks X NOT USED periodicals (library) X NOT USED X books (library or bought) NOT USED X vimeo videos NOT USED TED videos NOT USED X X slideshare presentations NOT USED X blogs to see organisations social media such as twitter X NOT USED phone interview with expert X NOT USED in-person interview with public X to gain interviews for this presentation X in-person interview with expert NOT USED other: ________________________ other: ________________________
  • 34. How it first appeared • First came from the greek godess Ninmah and father god Enki. • In Europe, the term 'intersexual' was first to be used before the Second World War. • the term 'hermaphrodite' was replaced by the term 'intersex' that came from British specialist Cawadias in the 1940s. • Since the rise of modern medical science in Western societies, some intersex people had their genitalia surgery done to become either female or male. • Existence of physical sexual variation in human beings has increased.
  • 35. What are intersex people ? • Incomplete or unusual development of the internal reproductive organs • External genitals that cannot be easily classified as male or female • Inability of the body to respond normally to sex-related hormones • People with both sexes • Nowadays doctors try to be more understanding towards intersex people and give them a choice of what gender they want to be.
  • 36. Symptoms • The person has the chromosomes of a woman, the ovaries of a woman, but outside genitals that appear male. (vice versa) • Ambiguous genitalia at birth • Micropenis • Clitoromegaly (an enlarged clitoris) • Partial labial fusion • Undescended testes (which may turn out to be ovaries) in boys • Labial or inguinal (groin) masses -- which may turn out to be testes -- in girls • Hypospadias [the opening of the penis is somewhere other than at the tip; in females, the urine canal opens into the vagina • Unusual appearing genitalia at birth • Delayed or absent puberty • Unexpected changes at puberty WWW.ISNA.ORG
  • 37. Causes • XX Intersex : female foetus having been exposed to excess male hormones before birth. • XY intersex : The person has the chromosomes of a man, but the external genitals are incompletely formed, ambiguous, or clearly female. • True Gonadal Intersex . Here the person has both ovarian and testicular tissues. In this case the person might have one ovary and one testis. • Complex or Undetermined Intersex Disorders of Sexual Development : both cases have an extra sex chromosome, either an X or a Y. Have XXX or XXY chromosomes.
  • 38. Treatment • Child should assign a gender as quickly as possible (based on the external genitals rather than the chromosomal gender) • Prompt surgeries are often recommended • Ovaries or testicle tissues from the other gender would be removed • Easier to reconstruct female genitalia than functioning male genitalia • If the "correct" choice is not clear, the child is often assigned to be a girl. (easier)
  • 39. Y N Type of Resource How did you use this resource (brief bullet points) X Wikipedia To research about intersex X articles on line X to find out about the symptoms newspaper articles X NOT USED youtube videos X to hear the doctors views. information from various textbooks X NOT USED periodicals (library) X NOT USED books (library or bought) X NOT USED vimeo videos NOT USED X X TED videos to hear about doctors. slideshare presentations X NOT USED blogs X Transgender organisations social media such as twitter X NOT USED phone interview with expert X NOT USED in-person interview with public X yes , to gain interviews about personal opinion in-person interview with expert X NOT USED other: ________________________ other: ________________________
  • 41. Transsexuals  Transsexualism describes the condition in which an individual identifies with a gender inconsistent or not culturally associated with their assigned sex, i.e. in which a person's assigned sex at birth conflicts with their psychological gender.  Gender not associated to the gender they feel they are.  Transsexualism describes the condition in which an individual identifies with a gender inconsistent or not culturally associated with their assigned sex, i.e. in which a person's assigned sex at birth conflicts with their psychological gender.
  • 42. Transsexual Women • A male-to-female (MTF) transsexual woman (trans woman) is someone who was labelled male at birth but has a female gender identity, and therefore changes to live completely and permanently as a woman. • Transsexual women can be distinguished from other transgender people by the extremely strong need which transsexual women have to live completely and permanently as women in contrast to their original birth label of male.
  • 43. Transsexual Men • A female-to-male (FTM) transsexual man (trans man) is someone who was labelled female at birth but has a male gender identity, and therefore transitions to live completely and permanently as a man. • Transsexual men seek to bring their physical bodies and gender expressions into better accordance with their strong gender identities so that their identities as men finally become clearly visible to their friends, families and colleagues. However, some may be restricted by their personal or social circumstances in their ability to achieve this. Transsexual men often experience significant emotional distress, usually referred to as gender dysphoria, if unable to live fully as men men.aspx
  • 44. Trans-phobia • Definition: Tranphobia is an irrational fear of, and/or hostility towards, people who are transgender or who otherwise transgress traditional gender norms. Because lesbians and gay men often transgress gender norms, it is often associated with homophobia. • The cause of transphobia is still a subject of research and debate, but it likely reflects the fragile nature of gender identity • People who are quietly struggling with their own gender identity, and people for whom gender identity is especially important, might be frightened--even angry--when confronted with the fragility of gender.
  • 45. Trans-phobia • Transphobia refers to the fear, hatred of and prejudice against people who are transsexual or transgender • If you live with a disability, transphobia results in very particular kinds of barriers to sexual expression, which includes the way you experience and express your gender identity.
  • 46.
  • 47. Social Justice Terms Working Terms and Definitions • Androgyne: A person with physical traits of male and female. • Biphobia: Fear or hatred of people who are bisexual, pansexual, omnisexual, or nonmonosexual. Biphobia is closely linked with transphobia and homophobia. • Sexism: The cultural, institutional, and individual set of beliefs and practices that privilege men, subordinate women, and denigrate values and practices associated with women.
  • 48. Y N Type of Resource How did you use this resource (brief bullet points) X Wikipedia To find out about transsexuals X articles on line to get peoples opinions newspaper articles X NOT USED X youtube videos to watch previous interviews information from various textbooks X NOT USED periodicals (library) X NOT USED books (library or bought) X NOT USED vimeo videos X NOT USED X TED videos To see a transsexuals’s point of view. slideshare presentations X NOT USED blogs X to see organisations social media such as twitter X NOT USED X phone interview with expert NOT USED in-person interview with public X to gain interviews for this presentation in-person interview with expert NOT USED other: ________________________ other: ________________________
  • 50. What is the purpose of the documentary? • Inform people more about transgender • Stop discrimination • Show transsexual’s point of view • Try get people to be more open minded about this topic • Hear the societies opinion on this topic
  • 51. What would people learn about this topic from your documentary? • The reasons of why a person may be a transsexual • Transsexuals are humans just like us • The debates within the transgender umbrella • The differences between transsexuals, intersex, cross-dressing and polygender people
  • 52. What style of documentary is it? (According to bill Nichols theory) Informative : • Informing the audience about transgender • Aim is for the people who watch the documentary to get a wider knowledge about this topic • We are going to be showing both views for and against (not biased)
  • 53. Audience Secondary Audience Why? Age: start learning about the topic. 12-17 Target audience. Age: 18-25 Gender: Male and Female Interest: Gender: Might be Religion: Christians, Muslims, Judaism Male and going Region: London Female through this Class: working, middle and high class. Interests: and needing Debating, sciences, identity, watching help. Religion: Help with documentaries, updating knowledge. catholic school work. Muslims Sciences. Judaism Class: Region: Working London class
  • 54. Niche or Mass audience? Mass Audience Why? • We need societies opinions • Make people aware of it. • Make it a topic that people learn about. • It can have to do with a big number of society.
  • 55. Why is it important for people to learn about this? • The target audience age because its roughly the age where your gender identity is formed. • The secondary audience because people might be going through a time of confusion and that might help. • So that people can understand other views, and become more opened minded. • So that Transgender is not seen as something of another world.
  • 56. What style of Documentary is it? According to Bill Nichols theory our documentary would be... Observatory: People are going to observe different types of opinions expressed by the public. The presenter will not persuade, will just observe. Informative: The content of the documentary are going to be very informative, and will teach people things. Also will have a debate which will inform people of sides of the view.
  • 57. Structure EPISODE 1 EPISODE 2 EPISODE 3 Explain what is Historical what age should it transgender, the evidence, the be legal to have different umbrella theory the surgery. Views categories within and if its within different it. Societies views completely countries, and on this topic. correct. If it’s a about the sex sexual matter or a change surgery. case of identity.
  • 58. What channel would it be put on and why? • We would choose channel 4 because their documentaries are usually aimed at an audience who are aged 16+ • Also their documentaries are mostly participatory and informative and that’s what our one is
  • 59. What time would it be on and why? • The time we would be showing it at would be 9 o’clock as there would be explicit content and a subject that may be too much for people aged under 16 • Also children who come back from school would normally watch from 4-7 so they would be asleep for when this documentary would be showing.