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Assignment 11
     Group Presentation
                Draft 3
Kaya Sumbland    Sanel Homer A

Rahel Fasil     Gia Alveranga
Kaya Sumbland - D                                      Record of Grade for draft 1
What Went Well:                                               (Individual)
•   Clear presentation and organisation
    Excellent structure
    Good understanding                                                                 B
Even Better If:
•   More detail
•   Use more images
•   Take real pictures of characters
Targets to Improve:
•   To explain my points in a PEE structure and use a verity of images.

Sanel Homer - U
What Went Well:
• Good organisation
• Nice diagrams
• Good understanding of chosen theme
Even Better If:
• Relate my pictures to the words
• Less text
• More detail
Targets to Improve:
• Make sure my diagrams are not to basic and shorted lengthy paragraphs into bullet points.
Record of Grade for draft 1                              B
Gia Alveranga - U
No work handed in

Rahel Fasil - E
What Went Well-
• Short brief points
   Even Better If-
• Use titles for slides
• Don’t talk about films I haven't watched
• Make sure I present my knowledge more clearly
Targets to Improve-
• Make sure I understand fully what enigma is and organise my slides better
Kaya & Sanel
                                   Record of Grade for draft 1
 Presentation Level – D-                     Group         B
 What went well?
 •   Showing progress and achievement
 •   Slides have good organisation
 •   Good effort and creativity
 •   Good start to conventions

 Even better if?
 •   Colour code should be background
 •   Title all the slides
 •   More contribution from Sanel, Rahel and Gia
 •   Don’t read from the screen

 Targets to improve…
 • To make sure all group members contribute
 • Write our presentation with more detail and understanding
 • To word our idea’s better
Kaya & Sanel
                          Decisions and Revisions                                                C
 Since our first draft, we’ve changed our idea a lot.

                                                    • Our first draft was a thriller on a girl
                                                      who had schizophrenia who thought
                                                      she was possessed. However, our
                                                      feedback told us to take out
                                                      schizophrenia as it was too
                                                      complicated and sent out the wrong
                                                      message about the mental illness.

  • So, in our second draft we removed the mental
    illness and make the character actually be
    possessed by demons and spirits who kidnaps
    innocent victims. Then again, our feedback told us
    it was to complicated and too much. We were told
    to either focus on possession or kidnap, or change
    the genre. Also our locations were unreliable and
    just not very flexible.
Kaya & Sanel
                          Decisions and Revisions                                          C
   Therefore, as a group we decided to
   come up with a completely new idea.
   Kaya, Sanel and Rahel all wrote their
   own opening sequence and one got
   picked to be the one we develop as it
   suited our target audience and as a
   group we felt it would be best in            However, the ending of our new opening
   connecting with them. So, we have            sequence about drugs was confusing and
   now changed to drama, starting all           didn’t match, so, Kaya and Sanel met up as
   our genre research from scratch.             the others in our group couldn’t and
                                                discussed and revised on many different
                                                ways on ending it after thoroughly
                                                researching the drug our character took.
                                                Also making very interesting and
                                                captivating for our audience.

 Making these changes helped us greatly because we fully understand and we fully research the
 things we’re doing, revised our locations thoroughly and its a lot less complicated than our
 other drafts helping us explain it better to our target audience to receive the best feedback we
Kaya & Sanel
 Genre – Drama

 • Our genre has changed because all of our thriller ideas were to
   complicated for our audience and sent out the wrong message.

 • However we changed to drama as we felt its more effective and
   real for our target audience.

 • We all agreed that doing a drama would be the best genre for us
   because we understand the conventions and how we can relate it
   to real life.

 • Also it can hopefully send out a educational message.
Kaya                                        Example of a Drama film
                         Bend It Like Beckham
Bend it like Beckham is a drama
because it shows the real life of
Jesminder and her conflict with her
family because her dream is to be a
female footballer as they want her to
lead the normal life of an Indian
woman. She’s also a character many of
their target audience can relate to, also
at the end of the film her parents
come to realise that she's passionate
about football and lets her play with
her team.
                                                Example of a Drama film
                          Confession Of A Teenage Drama
                          Queen - 2004

    This is a drama film because its based
    on real life and how Lola is obsessed
    with this celebrity called Stu and she is
    determined to met him whether her
    mum grounds her or not which can
    relate to teenagers today and also
    how being too obsessed and focusing
    on the stars without realising how
    important school work is.
Kaya & Sanel


        Characters we                                            Relationships
        can relate to              Drama



Convention   Use/Develop/          Purpose and                Examples from
Drama        Challenge             Description                films                   D.a
Tension      Use – audience        Purpose – to make the
             follow a character    audience fear for the           Kidulthood
             not knowing what is   characters and to create
             going to happen
                                   Description – all the
             Develop – audience    characters are shown in
             is given the          the school playground.
             impression that       The camera isn’t
             somebody is           controlled and is filmed
             watching them         at Dutch angle which
                                   conveys the impression
                                   that they are being        Boy in the playground
                                   watched creating
                                                              texting on his phone.
Conflict     Use – argument        Teenage daughter                     Precious
             between mother        comes home after giving
             and daughter          birth to her daughter.
                                   The mother is jealous
             Challenge –
                                   and angry as she has
             escalates into an     given birth to her
             argument that has     husband’s baby. She
             quite graphic and     becomes so angry that
             extreme violence      she throws a TV at her.    Mother throws a TV down the
                                                              stairs at Precious
Convention           Use/Develop/            Purpose and                   Examples from
Drama                Challenge               Description                   films                    D.a
Relationships        Use – friendly loving   Purpose – to give the                    4321
                     relationships           audience insight into
                     Develop – unfaithful    obstacles in different
                     relationships           relationships and how
                     Challenge - domestic    they are handled
                     abuse in the            Description – After
                     relationship            attempting to seek
                                             revenge on the person
                                             she thought was her
                                             boyfriend, Cassandra
                                             gets attacked by him.
                                                                           Cassandra getting attacked
                                                                           by the boy
Realistic settings   Use – familiar          Purpose – to make the              Freedom Writers
                     settings that are       film seem more real to
                                             the audience and make
                     relatable               them to relate it
                                             Description – The teacher
                                             is telling the student that
                                             he can make it and be
                                             successful which is
                                             something the target
                                             audience is familiar to.       Confrontation between
                                                                            the teacher and pupil
Convention          Use / Develop /                 Purpose and                 Examples from
  Drama               Challenge                     Description                Opening Sequence
                    Use – Teenage girl falling   Purpose – To show the
Climax              to the ground recklessly     harm of drugs and what it
                    with the audience not        can do to your health and
                    knowing what will            your mind
                    happen to her next with      Description – The girl will
                    her health and what she’s    stop, hold her chest and
                    hallucinating                fall to the ground in slow
                                                 motion to show the            She falls to the ground from
                                                 seriousness.                    heart failure while still
                    Use – The girl will hold     Purpose – To make the
Realisation         her chest realising          audience feel sympathy
                    something's wrong            for her and realise that
                                                 this is a serious situation
                                                 Description – The girl will
                                                 (in slow motion) hold her
                                                 chest and fall to the

  D.b                                                                          She realises she’s seriously ill
Kaya, Sanel & Gia
Convention         Use / Develop /                   Purpose and                            Examples from
   Drama              Challenge                       Description                           Opening Sequence
                                                                                           She is
Happiness           Use – Her life is at         Purpose – To show a typical
                                                 teenage girl                              heavily
                    ‘equilibrium’ she's          Description – The girl has just           partying,
                    partying just like a         taken LSD and is in a good state          having fun
                    normal teenager would.       feeling really good

Excitement           Develop – A normal          Purpose – To show where the
                                                 problem started                                          Its her first
                     teenage excited about       Description – The girls friends                          time using
                     her time taking the drug,   introduce her to the drug and she
                                                                                                          the drug
                     however its showing         is excited to try it for the first time
                     something illegal in a
                     positive light.             Purpose – To show that friends can
Loneliness          Use – Her and her friends    get you in bad situation and then           She fights
                    go through conflict and      aren't there for you when it all            with her
                                                 goes wrong
                    the main girl has no more    Description – She argues with her
                    friends.                     friends and they get into a fight
                                                 over money (for the drugs)
Depression          Develop – A young girl
                                                 Purpose – To show how drugs can
                    hurting her self to an       mess you up and ruin your life and                       She self
                    extent of it being quite     mind                                                     harms in
                    gory and startling the       Description – The girl is in the                         the bath
              D.b   audience
                                                 bathtub cutting herself very deep
                                                 into her arm with blood pouring
Kaya, Sanel
Convention          Use / Develop /           Purpose and                 Examples from
  Drama               Challenge               Description                Opening Sequence

Characters      Develop – As she's a       Purpose – To show the
                teenage girl who takes     audience the effects and
you can         drugs which many girls     risks of taking LSD and the
relate to       can relate to but were     mind games it causes
                developing it by showing
                what she's seeing and      Description – You see and
                thinking as well.          hear what she's
                                           hallucinating seeing how
                                           frightening it is
                                                                         Point of view colours and
                                                                          characters she’s seeing

Kaya, Sanel   D.b
Inspirational Scenes E
                                                    Alice in Wonderland – 1951/2010
There is a theory that Alice in Wonderland is a film about a girl on drugs, which the colours
and characters hugely inspired me in the hallucinating aspect of our opening sequence.

A character that’s very scary              Confusion for the                Characters moving very
        and creepy                            character                              fast

                                    During a bad trip as well as being
During a bad trip you see things     frightened you also become very        When you are hallucinating on
   that are frightening so this       confused so in the scene where      LSD you can see things in slow or
    Cheshire cat from Alice in          Alice is confronted with many      fast motion and the scene at the
wonderland (2010) inspired me       signs of where to go they all point      dinner party with Mad hatter
to crate a character with similar     in every direction, directing her       inspired me to speed up my
features that will frighten Laura      the same thing, which inspired     characters in Laura’s hallucination
      when hallucinating.            me to confuse my character in a      to make it seem more bizarre and
                                          similar way of using sings                     dizzy
Inspirational Scenes                                                           E
                    The last song - 2010
     The song played by piano in the last scene – emotions and

  The song played on the piano in The last song created a lot of emotion and focus
  towards the girl on the piano, which inspired us to use during our flashbacks. The
   pace and sound of the piano creates a lot of sympathy and understanding of the
   character. We want to use this so the audience will understand Laura’s struggle.
 Inspirational Scenes                                  Romeo and Juliet-1996
Romeo and Juliet both having a good time.                                                  E

 Romeo and Juliet is inspiring to us because there structure starts of with new
 equilibrium by showing how happy they are and then ends up getting married but it
 ends with a disequilibrium as they both kill themselves to send out a message to there
 parents which is inspiring to our opening sequence because we want to send out a
 message to our target audience knowing that she was happy at the start but then dies
 at the end to show are target audience how LSD is not good.
Inspirational Scenes
                The Texas Chainsaw Massacre-1974                                E

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre was inspiring to us that the slow motion was
effective as it focuses on the details slowly showing us that something that
had happen was important. So when we do are slow motion of Laura falling
to ground you can see how the slow motion emphasise the fall.
                  Inspirational films
Altered states                      This inspired my group
                                   because we also will be
                                 using hallucination to show
                                 the characters mental state.

      colourful hallucination
Inspirational Films                                  E
   •   We were inspired by the               • We were inspired by these close
       point of view shot shown in           up shots of Shannon and Joanne
       the film.                             shown in the film.

• The point of view shot allows the            • It clearly conveys a lot of
audience to share the view of the              the characters’ emotion to
character. We are going to include             the audience. We are going
point of view shots in our opening             to include close up shots in
sequence.                                      our opening sequence.
         Inspirational Films
•We were inspired by these establishing shots
shown in the film.

•These establishing shots show the lack of
privileges Precious has in her life through
these images of her deprived community.
Kaya & Sanel
                          Theme and Concept                                           F
  Previously, our Theme was Possession and our Concept was Kidnap.

  What Went Well
  • The idea was unique, no other previous opening sequences did this idea
  • It suited our genre, it would scare our audience
  • It created enigma, climaxing to a point so the audience would watch more

  Even Better If
  • The idea was too complicated, not many people understood the plot fully
  • To make it more simple, not to have too many things going on at the same time
  • To focus on either possession or kidnap

  • So… We changed our Theme and concept because we changed our genre, therefore
    we had to make it so it can connect with the conventions of drama.

  • We also wanted to relate to our audience more and make the film more ‘real’ to them.

  • However we wanted to also send out a message that can educational the teenagers
    that would watch the film.
Kaya & Sanel
                          Theme and Concept                                             F
 • To come up with out new Theme and Concept we all decided to without thinking about
   the genre, come up with a completely new idea.
 • We all wanted an idea that could relate to our audience, making it seem more real to
   them. Therefore Kaya came up with the idea of hallucinating.
 • We then as a group like the idea of it and thought we could connect with the reality of
   drugs to send a message to our target audience, about what drugs can do to you

                     Theme:                                 Concept:
                       Drugs                              Hallucination

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Assigment 11 part 1

  • 1. A Assignment 11 Group Presentation Draft 3
  • 2. Kaya Sumbland Sanel Homer A Rahel Fasil Gia Alveranga
  • 3. A
  • 4. Kaya Sumbland - D Record of Grade for draft 1 What Went Well: (Individual) • Clear presentation and organisation • • Excellent structure Good understanding B Even Better If: • More detail • Use more images • Take real pictures of characters Targets to Improve: • To explain my points in a PEE structure and use a verity of images. Sanel Homer - U What Went Well: • Good organisation • Nice diagrams • Good understanding of chosen theme Even Better If: • Relate my pictures to the words • Less text • More detail Targets to Improve: • Make sure my diagrams are not to basic and shorted lengthy paragraphs into bullet points.
  • 5. Record of Grade for draft 1 B (Individual) Gia Alveranga - U No work handed in Rahel Fasil - E What Went Well- • Short brief points Even Better If- • Use titles for slides • Don’t talk about films I haven't watched • Make sure I present my knowledge more clearly Targets to Improve- • Make sure I understand fully what enigma is and organise my slides better
  • 6. Kaya & Sanel Record of Grade for draft 1 Presentation Level – D- Group B What went well? • Showing progress and achievement • Slides have good organisation • Good effort and creativity • Good start to conventions Even better if? • Colour code should be background • Title all the slides • More contribution from Sanel, Rahel and Gia • Don’t read from the screen Targets to improve… • To make sure all group members contribute • Write our presentation with more detail and understanding • To word our idea’s better
  • 7. Kaya & Sanel Decisions and Revisions C Since our first draft, we’ve changed our idea a lot. • Our first draft was a thriller on a girl who had schizophrenia who thought she was possessed. However, our feedback told us to take out schizophrenia as it was too complicated and sent out the wrong message about the mental illness. • So, in our second draft we removed the mental illness and make the character actually be possessed by demons and spirits who kidnaps innocent victims. Then again, our feedback told us it was to complicated and too much. We were told to either focus on possession or kidnap, or change the genre. Also our locations were unreliable and just not very flexible.
  • 8. Kaya & Sanel Decisions and Revisions C Therefore, as a group we decided to come up with a completely new idea. Kaya, Sanel and Rahel all wrote their own opening sequence and one got picked to be the one we develop as it suited our target audience and as a group we felt it would be best in However, the ending of our new opening connecting with them. So, we have sequence about drugs was confusing and now changed to drama, starting all didn’t match, so, Kaya and Sanel met up as our genre research from scratch. the others in our group couldn’t and discussed and revised on many different ways on ending it after thoroughly researching the drug our character took. Also making very interesting and captivating for our audience. Making these changes helped us greatly because we fully understand and we fully research the things we’re doing, revised our locations thoroughly and its a lot less complicated than our other drafts helping us explain it better to our target audience to receive the best feedback we can.
  • 9. Kaya & Sanel D Genre – Drama • Our genre has changed because all of our thriller ideas were to complicated for our audience and sent out the wrong message. • However we changed to drama as we felt its more effective and real for our target audience. • We all agreed that doing a drama would be the best genre for us because we understand the conventions and how we can relate it to real life. • Also it can hopefully send out a educational message.
  • 10. Kaya Example of a Drama film D Bend It Like Beckham 2002 Bend it like Beckham is a drama because it shows the real life of Jesminder and her conflict with her family because her dream is to be a female footballer as they want her to lead the normal life of an Indian woman. She’s also a character many of their target audience can relate to, also at the end of the film her parents come to realise that she's passionate about football and lets her play with her team.
  • 11. Sanel Example of a Drama film D Confession Of A Teenage Drama Queen - 2004 This is a drama film because its based on real life and how Lola is obsessed with this celebrity called Stu and she is determined to met him whether her mum grounds her or not which can relate to teenagers today and also how being too obsessed and focusing on the stars without realising how important school work is.
  • 12. Kaya & Sanel D.a Tensions Climax Characters we Relationships can relate to Drama Conventions Conflict Realisation Emotions
  • 13. Convention Use/Develop/ Purpose and Examples from Drama Challenge Description films D.a Tension Use – audience Purpose – to make the follow a character audience fear for the Kidulthood not knowing what is characters and to create enigma going to happen Description – all the Develop – audience characters are shown in is given the the school playground. impression that The camera isn’t somebody is controlled and is filmed watching them at Dutch angle which conveys the impression that they are being Boy in the playground watched creating texting on his phone. tension. Conflict Use – argument Teenage daughter Precious between mother comes home after giving and daughter birth to her daughter. The mother is jealous Challenge – and angry as she has escalates into an given birth to her argument that has husband’s baby. She quite graphic and becomes so angry that extreme violence she throws a TV at her. Mother throws a TV down the stairs at Precious
  • 14. Convention Use/Develop/ Purpose and Examples from Drama Challenge Description films D.a Relationships Use – friendly loving Purpose – to give the 4321 relationships audience insight into Develop – unfaithful obstacles in different relationships relationships and how Challenge - domestic they are handled abuse in the Description – After relationship attempting to seek revenge on the person she thought was her boyfriend, Cassandra gets attacked by him. Cassandra getting attacked by the boy Realistic settings Use – familiar Purpose – to make the Freedom Writers settings that are film seem more real to the audience and make relatable them to relate it Description – The teacher is telling the student that he can make it and be successful which is something the target audience is familiar to. Confrontation between the teacher and pupil
  • 15. Convention Use / Develop / Purpose and Examples from Drama Challenge Description Opening Sequence Use – Teenage girl falling Purpose – To show the Climax to the ground recklessly harm of drugs and what it with the audience not can do to your health and knowing what will your mind happen to her next with Description – The girl will her health and what she’s stop, hold her chest and hallucinating fall to the ground in slow motion to show the She falls to the ground from seriousness. heart failure while still hallucinating Use – The girl will hold Purpose – To make the Realisation her chest realising audience feel sympathy something's wrong for her and realise that this is a serious situation Description – The girl will (in slow motion) hold her chest and fall to the ground D.b She realises she’s seriously ill Kaya, Sanel & Gia
  • 16. Convention Use / Develop / Purpose and Examples from Drama Challenge Description Opening Sequence Emotions She is Happiness Use – Her life is at Purpose – To show a typical teenage girl heavily ‘equilibrium’ she's Description – The girl has just partying, partying just like a taken LSD and is in a good state having fun normal teenager would. feeling really good Excitement Develop – A normal Purpose – To show where the problem started Its her first teenage excited about Description – The girls friends time using her time taking the drug, introduce her to the drug and she the drug however its showing is excited to try it for the first time something illegal in a positive light. Purpose – To show that friends can Loneliness Use – Her and her friends get you in bad situation and then She fights go through conflict and aren't there for you when it all with her goes wrong the main girl has no more Description – She argues with her friend friends. friends and they get into a fight over money (for the drugs) Depression Develop – A young girl Purpose – To show how drugs can hurting her self to an mess you up and ruin your life and She self extent of it being quite mind harms in gory and startling the Description – The girl is in the the bath D.b audience bathtub cutting herself very deep into her arm with blood pouring tub everywhere Kaya, Sanel
  • 17. Convention Use / Develop / Purpose and Examples from Drama Challenge Description Opening Sequence Characters Develop – As she's a Purpose – To show the teenage girl who takes audience the effects and you can drugs which many girls risks of taking LSD and the relate to can relate to but were mind games it causes developing it by showing what she's seeing and Description – You see and thinking as well. hear what she's hallucinating seeing how frightening it is Point of view colours and characters she’s seeing Kaya, Sanel D.b
  • 18. Kaya Inspirational Scenes E Alice in Wonderland – 1951/2010 There is a theory that Alice in Wonderland is a film about a girl on drugs, which the colours and characters hugely inspired me in the hallucinating aspect of our opening sequence. A character that’s very scary Confusion for the Characters moving very and creepy character fast During a bad trip as well as being During a bad trip you see things frightened you also become very When you are hallucinating on that are frightening so this confused so in the scene where LSD you can see things in slow or Cheshire cat from Alice in Alice is confronted with many fast motion and the scene at the wonderland (2010) inspired me signs of where to go they all point dinner party with Mad hatter to crate a character with similar in every direction, directing her inspired me to speed up my features that will frighten Laura the same thing, which inspired characters in Laura’s hallucination when hallucinating. me to confuse my character in a to make it seem more bizarre and similar way of using sings dizzy
  • 19. Kaya Inspirational Scenes E The last song - 2010 The song played by piano in the last scene – emotions and focus The song played on the piano in The last song created a lot of emotion and focus towards the girl on the piano, which inspired us to use during our flashbacks. The pace and sound of the piano creates a lot of sympathy and understanding of the character. We want to use this so the audience will understand Laura’s struggle.
  • 20. Sanel Inspirational Scenes Romeo and Juliet-1996 Romeo and Juliet both having a good time. E Romeo and Juliet is inspiring to us because there structure starts of with new equilibrium by showing how happy they are and then ends up getting married but it ends with a disequilibrium as they both kill themselves to send out a message to there parents which is inspiring to our opening sequence because we want to send out a message to our target audience knowing that she was happy at the start but then dies at the end to show are target audience how LSD is not good.
  • 21. Sanel Inspirational Scenes The Texas Chainsaw Massacre-1974 E The Texas Chainsaw Massacre was inspiring to us that the slow motion was effective as it focuses on the details slowly showing us that something that had happen was important. So when we do are slow motion of Laura falling to ground you can see how the slow motion emphasise the fall.
  • 22. E Inspirational films Altered states This inspired my group because we also will be using hallucination to show the characters mental state. colourful hallucination
  • 23. Inspirational Films E 4321 • We were inspired by the • We were inspired by these close point of view shot shown in up shots of Shannon and Joanne the film. shown in the film. • The point of view shot allows the • It clearly conveys a lot of audience to share the view of the the characters’ emotion to character. We are going to include the audience. We are going point of view shots in our opening to include close up shots in sequence. our opening sequence.
  • 24. E Inspirational Films Precious •We were inspired by these establishing shots shown in the film. •These establishing shots show the lack of privileges Precious has in her life through these images of her deprived community.
  • 25. Kaya & Sanel Theme and Concept F Previously, our Theme was Possession and our Concept was Kidnap. What Went Well • The idea was unique, no other previous opening sequences did this idea • It suited our genre, it would scare our audience • It created enigma, climaxing to a point so the audience would watch more Even Better If • The idea was too complicated, not many people understood the plot fully • To make it more simple, not to have too many things going on at the same time • To focus on either possession or kidnap • So… We changed our Theme and concept because we changed our genre, therefore we had to make it so it can connect with the conventions of drama. • We also wanted to relate to our audience more and make the film more ‘real’ to them. • However we wanted to also send out a message that can educational the teenagers that would watch the film.
  • 26. Kaya & Sanel Theme and Concept F • To come up with out new Theme and Concept we all decided to without thinking about the genre, come up with a completely new idea. • We all wanted an idea that could relate to our audience, making it seem more real to them. Therefore Kaya came up with the idea of hallucinating. • We then as a group like the idea of it and thought we could connect with the reality of drugs to send a message to our target audience, about what drugs can do to you negatively. Theme: Concept: Drugs Hallucination