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Community Needs Assessment Essay
Research Method Paper
A Community Needs Assessment
Research is conducted in a variety of different ways using different methods and methodologies.
How these methods are used is imperative to how clear and accurate research will be. Community
needs assessment is a research method used by many researchers that assists in finding gaps within a
particular target group within a particular community. Throughout this paper I will discuss what a
community needs assessment is and when and how it is used. I will also discuss some of the
strengths and limitations of this method. I then continue to explain some theoretical and practical
perspectives when dealing with this method and how it would apply when conducting your own
research in more content...
When conducting a needs assessment, people's needs with in the community are assessed to see
where gaps lie and improvements can be made. If carried out and reported correctly these needs are
then bought to local government or relevant organisations/peoples attention, giving the opportunity
for programs to be put in place to benefit the people of the community. This is where the third step
of Finifter, Jensen, Wilson & Koenig (2005) process comes into place; the implementation of
projects to assist where the gaps were found. "Implementation of recommended solutions should be
the ultimate goal of any project to improve services and quality of life of a target population (Neely,
T R)." The more efficient all three steps are carried out the stronger this method becomes. "The
importance of disseminating results effectively using these guidelines cannot be stressed enough. A
needs assessment will have achieved nothing if the results are not communicated effectively (Neely,
T R)."
Theoretically, community needs assessments are a great way to identify gaps within communities
and improving the life of individuals within a target group. If there is a collaboration of all three
components of the community needs assessment model, Assessment, Dissemination and
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Educational Assessment Essay
Assessment is the systematic collection, review, and use of information about educational programs
undertaken for the purpose of improving student learning and development (Palomba & Banta,
1999). Educational assessments are carried out to measure the efficiency of the program, the quality
of instruction and progress of a child's learning. The purpose is to determine the growth and
development. There are several kinds of assessment carried out during a student's learning. These
include the placement assessment, formative assessment, and summative assessment. Learners
coming into the kindergarten class are often given a pre test or a placement assessment to evaluate
what the learner may already know or think about content that is to more content...
How much each child has improved over time, gives the educators an opportunity to recognize
what modifications are needed to improve the student's achievement. e.g. if a child knows the
uppercase and lowercase alphabets very well then the teacher can move on to sounds of the
alphabet. On the other hand if the child is struggling to identify the alphabets then the teacher has
to come up with alternate ideas to modify her lesson plans. The school carries out assessment
twice a year. The mid year and end of the year assessment shows that the expectations from the
kindergarteners are slowly raised keeping in mind the consistency of the curriculum and the
objectives. An end of the year assessment clearly shows the child's expected familiarity and
independency in the subject. Objectives for the assessment The assessment is used to identify
the various skill levels of learners. There are four levels of expected growth chosen to meet the
objectives. Each level has a set of criteria and standards linked to learning objectives and a scoring
system to align it. In the above table, being able to identify two rhyming words in 3 out of 5
sentences assesses the success of rhyming in a sentence and gives the learner the highest score of 4.
For a learner who is able to identify 6 rhyming pairs, produce 6 ending sounds gets a score of 3. A
learner who is able to recognize 6 rhyming pairs is given a
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Personal Self Assessment Essay
Self assessment is a process in which you examine yourself in attempt to discover and learn more
about yourself. Your likes, dislikes, behaviors, attitudes and habits can be found during this process.
You can use the discoveries to your advantage by accepting or changing strengths and weaknesses. I
plan on using this course to enhance my personal skills to become a better student and find success
in earning my Bachelor of Arts degree at Ashford University in Social Science.Self Assessment is
the first step in my successful future.
I can remember in high school, it seemed like I was always one of the last students finished with a
I was sometimes slower at completing a written paper or an assignment. In open
more content...
I have discovered some interesting things I have noticed in myself before taking this course. For
example, my learning style I have noticed is the visual learning style.
With this, I prefer to see and read information to full gain comprehension. If I forget the data, or
not clearly understand it the first time read, I have the option of reading it over. I do not always
trust myself to absorb all information the first time around. I take a lot of notes to look at. Notes
help me remember even though I may not read the again, I can refer to them in my mind after
writing them down. I am not sure if just anyone reading them would get anything out of it, but at
least I know what they mean.
I like to take my time with material, but am not always given the allotted time to do so. I also like
to keep a written list of things to do to refer to. I am comfortable with my learning style, accepted
it as my very own. I am not sure if changing it this late in life is such a good idea. I have got by this
far, it must work out for me.
I have identified my personality style as being extroverted, one who becomes easily energized by
others, and outwardly expressing thoughts as long as I am fully understanding context and material
being discussed. If I have no idea what is being addressed, I am better of keeping quiet to save
myself from
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Alternative Assessment Essay examples
Alternative Assessment
There are many benefits that students receive from schooling. These benefits can range from social
to intellectual benefits. Although there are many benefits the most important is learning. The point
of going to school is to gain an education. Too often there are factors that hinder the student's
education. Dave Montague (2000) stated that "the obsession with standardized test scores has set our
agenda back decades. In some cases, it is impossible to propose project–based learning, because the
entire academic year is devoted to practicing for statewide testing." He went on to say that things
can be different (Montague, 2000). He is correct; there are other ways to "test" student knowledge
that are more content...
This method is used by logically collecting information that supports how well the student's
performance matches the expectations and standards. This information can be analyzed to explain
and improve the performance of the student (Angelo, 1995). Many schools are starting to examine
the idea of alternative assessment. Although they can mean more work for teachers they may be
more beneficial to all parties involved. Examples of alternative assessment include portfolios,
computer programs, and alternative grading. A portfolio is a collection of the student's work that can
show a wide range of the student's abilities. This can provide a more appropriate grade for the
student. Allan Olson (2000) states that, "our computerized system provides more valuable data for
educators, months faster than traditional standardized tests. In addition, out tests are valid for use in
measuring special student populations and gifted students, often omitted from traditional school
reports." Olson is referring to the computerized assessment from the North West Evaluation
Association which provides a more individualized approach to assessing student knowledge. A form
of alternative grading is self–referencing grading. When using this type, the grade is given based on
a comparison to the student's previous performance (Hendrickson, Gable, 1997). Alternative forms of
assessment can also provide many benefits to the students not just to administrators.
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Team Assessment Essay examples
Team Assessment
Please note that the opinions expressed below are a generalization of the organization. Specific
opinions may or may not apply to specific individuals.
The communication between members of the team and me is good/in line with the amount of time
I've been here. The communication between the team members themselves is good but should be
great given how long they've been together. The biggest obstacles to better communication are fear
of conflict and lack of trust. These obstacles exist to various degrees between the team and all staff
levels; between themselves, IT management and senior management.
Some of the lack of trust stems from the behavior of the team in the past and their lack
more content...
But their history of applying their skills in alignment with industry best practices is lacking. This
may be due to their lack of experiences outside of Novus – thus their lack of exposure. They
continue to build software in the same fashion as they've always done despite the fact that the
industry has changed.
Some individuals continue to believe that Novus should build everything from scratch. They believe
that you cannot buy a package that would be as good as what they can build. This belief is across the
spectrum of software; from complete packages like CRM to low level frameworks that the team
uses within their apps. I do not believe that this approach will get Novus to where it needs to be that
is cost effective.
Some individuals continue to believe that having technical specialties and technical hierarchies
should continue – the "haves" and the "have–nots." This is a risk for the company in three ways.
First, it creates bottlenecks in both directions. If the haves are over allocated, the have–nots are not
allowed to help. If the have–nots are over allocated, the haves refuse to help because it's not their
job. Second, the haves spend time creating access points to technologies for the have–nots instead of
giving them full access. This time could be used on more valuable initiatives. Lastly, it's divisive to
the team. It doesn't create the collaborative environment needed.
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Assessment Reflection Essay examples
As I reflect on my past assessment process, I realized how much my assessments have changed
over the years. In my early years, I used tests for informational recall as my assessments. I felt
these were appropriate guidelines in which I needed to follow in order to substantiate a student's
grade. Every assignment or tests was given a point value and then based on the amount of points, a
grade was given. Every student's assessment was exactly the same, and the assessments did not
contain any subjectivity. I felt confident in giving the grade based on a valid point system. However
reflecting back, I see that I did not include any performance–based assessments or individual learning
styles in my early assessment. I also did not more content...
Part of my assessment philosophy is to assess students on a daily basis which also includes their
reaction to my class. Students come to school with so much baggage that if you only chose one day
a week, or four or five times a marking period to assess them, chances are, they may be having a bad
day. Therefore, these students may not demonstrate their true ability if given only a few attempts
during the marking period. Assessment needs to be a continuous process throughout the marking
period. Everyday my students are given an opportunity to demonstrate their learning whether it is an
observation, a quick answer or a one–on–one discussion or a group project. My assessments are
consistent, flexible and achievable. I adhere to the deadlines that I give my students as part of my
assessment process. I want to infuse in my students that the world has deadlines, and you must be
prepared to meet them.
Assessment for many students means failure instead of demonstrating what you know. Too many
students walk away from a test, a science lab, or any other learning experience and feel as if they
have failed. Students should walk away from these experiences with a feeling of curiosity. If
assessments are correctly used, students would want to experiment more and take additional risks
knowing that the end result would be a feeling of achievement instead of failure. Assessments
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Clinical Assessment
Assessment is a process for defining the nature of that problem, determining a diagnosis, and
developing specific treatment recommendations for addressing the problem or diagnosis. The
purpose of assessment is to gather the detailed information needed for a treatment plan that meets the
individual needs. The assessment examines a client's life in far more detail so that accurate
diagnosis, appropriate treatment placement, problem lists, and treatment goals can be made. Usually,
a clinical assessment delves into a client's current experiences and her physical, psychological, and
sociocultural history to determine specific treatment needs. Using qualified and trained clinicians, a
comprehensive assessment enables the treatment provider to determine
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Assessment of Reading Essay examples
Assessment ofReading
Alma J. Bosket
Curriculum, Methods and Assessment: Literacy and Language Arts–EED–470
Professor Katie G. Troub
September 23, 2012
Assessment of Reading
|Assessments |Characteristics |Compare and |
| | |Contrast |
| | | |
|Developmental more content...
|strategies a student uses to meaning of individual words |
| | |and texts. As this is implied and paired with |
| | |comprehension inquiry it can be used to identify the |
| | |instructional reading level for individual students. Not |
| | |to mention, explains how to take a running record and how|
| | |to use what you learn from it to help your students. |
| | | |
|Dynamic Indicators |A set of procedures and measures for |DIBELS are designed to be short (one
minute) fluency |
|Of Basic Early Literacy |assessing the acquisition of early literacy |measures used to regularly
monitor the development of |
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Principles of Assessment Essay
Unit 301: Understanding the principles and practices of assessment Question 1: Define the key
concepts and principles of assessment We should always consider what the assessment experience
of assessment is like for our learners. Considering key principles in the designing of our
assessments will keep our views fresh and reflective. Key principle 1: Put the learner at the heart of
the assessment. The assessment experience should be a motivational one for our learners. It is only
by developing the learners understanding of the function of assessments and enabling their
development as a learner that a motivational experience is facilitated. Learners often feel detached or
on the periphery of assessment because they perceive more content...
Techniques and activities should be introduced so that learners and peers can actively take part in
the grading process. This can assist students in the understanding of the task and also inform future
learning. Stage 4: Analysis of results – consistency in marking is essential to help keep learners
motivated. If inconsistencies are seen in a group, maintaining positivity becomes difficult. Learners
should explore results and be offered the opportunity to comment on their grading. Stage 5 –
Feedback – possibly the most important element of the assessment cycle. Supportive, informative
and constructive feedback should be offered to enable students to see how they performed. The
feedback should include advice on how to improve their learning and future performances
(feed–forward feedback). Feedback should be offered continuously and in a cyclic manner.
Question 3: identify the regulations and requirements relevant to assessment in your own area of
practice. Regulations It is a requirement that centres provide CYQ with the following: List of
named assessors with signatures Details of all assessors' qualifications and experience (CVs)
Copies of all relevant certificates Clear specification of the assessment roles and responsibilities A
well planned assessment process from induction to final assessment day plan A valid and reliable
assessment of knowledge and skills that is
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Assessment for Learning Essay
It is widely recognized that the form and content of student assessment strongly influence students'
attitudes to study and quality of learning (Ramsden, 1997; Shepard, 2000). For most students,
assessment requirements literally define the curriculum. Current research suggests it is assessment
used in the right way, as part of teaching to support and enhance learning that has the most significant
impact on learning (Elwood and Klenowski, 2002). James and his colleagues (2002) argue that
carefully designed assessment is therefore a powerful tool for educators and caution that equally,
"poorly designed assessment has the potential to hinder learning or stifle curriculum development".
New forms of assessment The realization of more content...
Taras outlines three conditions that must be met for effective formative feedback to take place: 1.a
knowledge of standards – students must have access to the tutors' knowledge and assumptions 2.the
necessity to compare these standards to one's own work – met through practice on the part of the
student and guidance from the tutor 3.taking action to close the gap – requires learners to use this
new information at the same time as producing. Black and William (1998) reviewed 250 research
articles on teachers' assessment practices, from pre–schools to colleges, and found that there is
strong evidence to show that improving formative assessment produces significant and often
substantial learning gains. However, they suggest that the current practice of formative assessment
could be improved and identified five key ways to enhance formative assessment: to any
student should relate to the qualities of the work with advice on what the student can do to improve
and should avoid comparisons with other students 2.students should be trained in self–assessment so
that they can understand the main purposes of their learning and thereby grasp what they need to do
to achieve 3.opportunities for students to express their understanding should be designed into any
piece of teaching, for this will initiate the interaction whereby formative assessment aids learning
4.the dialogue between students and a teacher should be thoughtful, reflective
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Essay on Self-Assessment and Reflection
Self–Assessment and Reflection
In the last seven weeks, I had an opportunity to look back and analyze the events that has shaped
my life. This was a unique experience where I was emotionally comfortable enough to look back
at life. I was able to objectively revisit many events that were often buried and too painful to face. I
was free from the turmoil of emotional fears of failure, anger, regret and loneliness, which often
clouded my perception. .
I was able to dwell on many pleasant and unpleasant events with more comfort and confidence. I
accepted each event as part of life, regardless of whether it was a good or bad experience. I
understand that life transpires even when we are not prepared for it, but more importantly,
more content...
I supported myself financially, emotionally and mentally. Even though my move to Houston was the
right one, I executed the move without thinking things through. I should have stopped being
self–centered and thought of the pain and anguish that it would cause my parents. This life learning
experience has been a double–edged sword, because it has taught me to stand up for what I want, yet
on the other hand, sometimes running away is probably the best thing to do, which will help to
clear clouded thoughts and refocus on my destination.
Play to Win by Larry Wilson introduces a simplistic, yet optimistic, method of viewing life. It
embraces two fundamental views – emotional and spiritual maturity that allows us to evaluate who
we are. "Life is an adventure to be experienced, lived, experimented with and committed to."
(Wilson,1998, p.89) This statement alone tells us that we are in control of our lives. We all can
choose dissimilar and painful paths to get to the safe place and that is okay.
When looking back, my second life–learning lesson came through financial growth. This growth was
to some extent expected, since I was so lavish with cash. My financial motto was that money
comes and money goes. I knew eventually, I needed to get a grasp on my foolish spending habit,
but it spun out of control with each purchase. There were days where I would squander money like
there was no tomorrow. I never planned for the future let alone on for the next meal. For the
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Essay about Developmental Assessment
The child I chose to write about for this assignment is two year old Danjuma from Wayne, Ohio.
He is the youngest of three children and attends an Early Head Start Program two days a week. The
child's parents have jobs; when the mother is working her sister takes care of Danjuma. The family
has financial problems but don't qualify for any type of public assistance. Danjuma is twenty–four
inches tall and twenty–eight pounds. He walks well and has good coordination; he can be seen
running, jumping, creeping, crawling, and rolling. He can kick a small ball forward as well as
catch a ball using is full body; he can also throw a ball overhand. At home he can turn doorknobs, get
himself undressed, and can feed himself using more content...
When someone approaches the child to help him complete his task, he refuses it, saying "Me do
it." This child can also count to five but has no knowledge of how many each number word
represents. He also knows the words "same" and "different" as well as the concepts behind them.
Danjuma is very verbal at home; his family can easily understand what he says. His teachers have
said that he is difficult to understand as he has many substitutions for different words. For
example: "Coat" is "boat" and "hungry" is "bungy". His family often has to step in and translate
for others outside the family. This child can understand simple directions as well as other phrases
used in typical everyday situations. When his mother prompts him, Danjuma can tell his two
older siblings about his day at school. He loves "reading" books and is often seen looking at
familiar books in his own. He also knows the A B C song but has no understanding that the letters
he sings correspond to specific graphic designs. He also loves drawing and makes a variety of
scribble marks using a fist grasp on his crayon. Danjuma is a socially outgoing child and easy to
get along with. There are times when he appears to be stubborn; for example, there are times when
he insists on removing his coat on his own, even when the task is a little too difficult for him. He
is able to leave his parents comfortably and is used to hearing the words "I'll be
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Health Assessment Essay
Abstract Throughout this complete health assessment, I will approach my patient, a 49 years old,
female, married patient, and perform a head to toe examination. Starting with the gathering of
information, I will start with biographic data, reason for seeking care, present illness, past health
history, family history, functional assessment, perception of health, head to toe examination, and
baseline measurements. The subjective data will be collected first, where the patient will provide
necessary information about every organ system for further examination while the objective data
will be amassed in every system based on my findings. This assignment serves as an opportunity to
establish a nurse–client interpersonal relationship more content...
Stopped after 6 months because of drowsiness. 1990: Diagnosed with peptic ulcer disease, which
resolved after three months on cimetidine. She describes no history of cancer, lung disease or
previous heart disease. Allergy: Penicillin; experienced rash and hives in 1985. Social History
Alcohol use: 1 or 2 beers each weekend; 1 glass of wine once a week with dinner. Tobacco use:
None. Medications: No prescription or illegal drug use. Occasional OTC ibuprofen (Advil) for
headache (QOD). Accidents or Injuries: No automobile accident. Immunizations: Childhood
immunizations up to date. Last influenza, "probably 2 years ago". No TB skin test. Last
Examinations: Last examination 2 weeks ago, general check up, told "normal". Yearly clinical
breast examination (CBE), mammography, told "normal". Yearly Pap smear, last performed January
last year, 2010. Last visit to oncologist, 2008, told "normal". Current medications: Prescribed
Antacids, Nexium, q24h, or when pain is severe, Tylenol 500 mg, PO, q12h.
––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Family History R.M is the first
youngest child, two sisters, healthy, parents married, father had chronic alcoholism, mother remains
in perfect general health, not known disease or condition. Grandmother on father's side T.E, died at
age 78, from cardiac arrest; Grandfather on father's side, R.M, died at age 45, from automobile
accident; Grandmother on mother's side, L.S, suffered from Parkinson, died at age 79,
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Assessment Essay Sample

  • 1. Community Needs Assessment Essay Research Method Paper A Community Needs Assessment Research is conducted in a variety of different ways using different methods and methodologies. How these methods are used is imperative to how clear and accurate research will be. Community needs assessment is a research method used by many researchers that assists in finding gaps within a particular target group within a particular community. Throughout this paper I will discuss what a community needs assessment is and when and how it is used. I will also discuss some of the strengths and limitations of this method. I then continue to explain some theoretical and practical perspectives when dealing with this method and how it would apply when conducting your own research in more content... When conducting a needs assessment, people's needs with in the community are assessed to see where gaps lie and improvements can be made. If carried out and reported correctly these needs are then bought to local government or relevant organisations/peoples attention, giving the opportunity for programs to be put in place to benefit the people of the community. This is where the third step of Finifter, Jensen, Wilson & Koenig (2005) process comes into place; the implementation of projects to assist where the gaps were found. "Implementation of recommended solutions should be the ultimate goal of any project to improve services and quality of life of a target population (Neely, T R)." The more efficient all three steps are carried out the stronger this method becomes. "The importance of disseminating results effectively using these guidelines cannot be stressed enough. A needs assessment will have achieved nothing if the results are not communicated effectively (Neely, T R)." Theoretically, community needs assessments are a great way to identify gaps within communities and improving the life of individuals within a target group. If there is a collaboration of all three components of the community needs assessment model, Assessment, Dissemination and Get more content on
  • 2. Educational Assessment Essay Assessment is the systematic collection, review, and use of information about educational programs undertaken for the purpose of improving student learning and development (Palomba & Banta, 1999). Educational assessments are carried out to measure the efficiency of the program, the quality of instruction and progress of a child's learning. The purpose is to determine the growth and development. There are several kinds of assessment carried out during a student's learning. These include the placement assessment, formative assessment, and summative assessment. Learners coming into the kindergarten class are often given a pre test or a placement assessment to evaluate what the learner may already know or think about content that is to more content... How much each child has improved over time, gives the educators an opportunity to recognize what modifications are needed to improve the student's achievement. e.g. if a child knows the uppercase and lowercase alphabets very well then the teacher can move on to sounds of the alphabet. On the other hand if the child is struggling to identify the alphabets then the teacher has to come up with alternate ideas to modify her lesson plans. The school carries out assessment twice a year. The mid year and end of the year assessment shows that the expectations from the kindergarteners are slowly raised keeping in mind the consistency of the curriculum and the objectives. An end of the year assessment clearly shows the child's expected familiarity and independency in the subject. Objectives for the assessment The assessment is used to identify the various skill levels of learners. There are four levels of expected growth chosen to meet the objectives. Each level has a set of criteria and standards linked to learning objectives and a scoring system to align it. In the above table, being able to identify two rhyming words in 3 out of 5 sentences assesses the success of rhyming in a sentence and gives the learner the highest score of 4. For a learner who is able to identify 6 rhyming pairs, produce 6 ending sounds gets a score of 3. A learner who is able to recognize 6 rhyming pairs is given a Get more content on
  • 3. Personal Self Assessment Essay Self assessment is a process in which you examine yourself in attempt to discover and learn more about yourself. Your likes, dislikes, behaviors, attitudes and habits can be found during this process. You can use the discoveries to your advantage by accepting or changing strengths and weaknesses. I plan on using this course to enhance my personal skills to become a better student and find success in earning my Bachelor of Arts degree at Ashford University in Social Science.Self Assessment is the first step in my successful future. I can remember in high school, it seemed like I was always one of the last students finished with a test. I was sometimes slower at completing a written paper or an assignment. In open more content... I have discovered some interesting things I have noticed in myself before taking this course. For example, my learning style I have noticed is the visual learning style. With this, I prefer to see and read information to full gain comprehension. If I forget the data, or not clearly understand it the first time read, I have the option of reading it over. I do not always trust myself to absorb all information the first time around. I take a lot of notes to look at. Notes help me remember even though I may not read the again, I can refer to them in my mind after writing them down. I am not sure if just anyone reading them would get anything out of it, but at least I know what they mean. I like to take my time with material, but am not always given the allotted time to do so. I also like to keep a written list of things to do to refer to. I am comfortable with my learning style, accepted it as my very own. I am not sure if changing it this late in life is such a good idea. I have got by this far, it must work out for me. I have identified my personality style as being extroverted, one who becomes easily energized by others, and outwardly expressing thoughts as long as I am fully understanding context and material being discussed. If I have no idea what is being addressed, I am better of keeping quiet to save myself from Get more content on
  • 4. Alternative Assessment Essay examples Alternative Assessment There are many benefits that students receive from schooling. These benefits can range from social to intellectual benefits. Although there are many benefits the most important is learning. The point of going to school is to gain an education. Too often there are factors that hinder the student's education. Dave Montague (2000) stated that "the obsession with standardized test scores has set our agenda back decades. In some cases, it is impossible to propose project–based learning, because the entire academic year is devoted to practicing for statewide testing." He went on to say that things can be different (Montague, 2000). He is correct; there are other ways to "test" student knowledge that are more content... This method is used by logically collecting information that supports how well the student's performance matches the expectations and standards. This information can be analyzed to explain and improve the performance of the student (Angelo, 1995). Many schools are starting to examine the idea of alternative assessment. Although they can mean more work for teachers they may be more beneficial to all parties involved. Examples of alternative assessment include portfolios, computer programs, and alternative grading. A portfolio is a collection of the student's work that can show a wide range of the student's abilities. This can provide a more appropriate grade for the student. Allan Olson (2000) states that, "our computerized system provides more valuable data for educators, months faster than traditional standardized tests. In addition, out tests are valid for use in measuring special student populations and gifted students, often omitted from traditional school reports." Olson is referring to the computerized assessment from the North West Evaluation Association which provides a more individualized approach to assessing student knowledge. A form of alternative grading is self–referencing grading. When using this type, the grade is given based on a comparison to the student's previous performance (Hendrickson, Gable, 1997). Alternative forms of assessment can also provide many benefits to the students not just to administrators. Unfortunately Get more content on
  • 5. Team Assessment Essay examples Team Assessment Please note that the opinions expressed below are a generalization of the organization. Specific opinions may or may not apply to specific individuals. Communication The communication between members of the team and me is good/in line with the amount of time I've been here. The communication between the team members themselves is good but should be great given how long they've been together. The biggest obstacles to better communication are fear of conflict and lack of trust. These obstacles exist to various degrees between the team and all staff levels; between themselves, IT management and senior management. Trust Some of the lack of trust stems from the behavior of the team in the past and their lack more content... But their history of applying their skills in alignment with industry best practices is lacking. This may be due to their lack of experiences outside of Novus – thus their lack of exposure. They continue to build software in the same fashion as they've always done despite the fact that the industry has changed. Some individuals continue to believe that Novus should build everything from scratch. They believe that you cannot buy a package that would be as good as what they can build. This belief is across the spectrum of software; from complete packages like CRM to low level frameworks that the team uses within their apps. I do not believe that this approach will get Novus to where it needs to be that is cost effective. Some individuals continue to believe that having technical specialties and technical hierarchies should continue – the "haves" and the "have–nots." This is a risk for the company in three ways. First, it creates bottlenecks in both directions. If the haves are over allocated, the have–nots are not allowed to help. If the have–nots are over allocated, the haves refuse to help because it's not their job. Second, the haves spend time creating access points to technologies for the have–nots instead of giving them full access. This time could be used on more valuable initiatives. Lastly, it's divisive to the team. It doesn't create the collaborative environment needed. Behavioral The Get more content on
  • 6. Assessment Reflection Essay examples As I reflect on my past assessment process, I realized how much my assessments have changed over the years. In my early years, I used tests for informational recall as my assessments. I felt these were appropriate guidelines in which I needed to follow in order to substantiate a student's grade. Every assignment or tests was given a point value and then based on the amount of points, a grade was given. Every student's assessment was exactly the same, and the assessments did not contain any subjectivity. I felt confident in giving the grade based on a valid point system. However reflecting back, I see that I did not include any performance–based assessments or individual learning styles in my early assessment. I also did not more content... Part of my assessment philosophy is to assess students on a daily basis which also includes their reaction to my class. Students come to school with so much baggage that if you only chose one day a week, or four or five times a marking period to assess them, chances are, they may be having a bad day. Therefore, these students may not demonstrate their true ability if given only a few attempts during the marking period. Assessment needs to be a continuous process throughout the marking period. Everyday my students are given an opportunity to demonstrate their learning whether it is an observation, a quick answer or a one–on–one discussion or a group project. My assessments are consistent, flexible and achievable. I adhere to the deadlines that I give my students as part of my assessment process. I want to infuse in my students that the world has deadlines, and you must be prepared to meet them. Assessment for many students means failure instead of demonstrating what you know. Too many students walk away from a test, a science lab, or any other learning experience and feel as if they have failed. Students should walk away from these experiences with a feeling of curiosity. If assessments are correctly used, students would want to experiment more and take additional risks knowing that the end result would be a feeling of achievement instead of failure. Assessments Get more content on
  • 7. Clinical Assessment Assessment is a process for defining the nature of that problem, determining a diagnosis, and developing specific treatment recommendations for addressing the problem or diagnosis. The purpose of assessment is to gather the detailed information needed for a treatment plan that meets the individual needs. The assessment examines a client's life in far more detail so that accurate diagnosis, appropriate treatment placement, problem lists, and treatment goals can be made. Usually, a clinical assessment delves into a client's current experiences and her physical, psychological, and sociocultural history to determine specific treatment needs. Using qualified and trained clinicians, a comprehensive assessment enables the treatment provider to determine Get more content on
  • 8. Assessment of Reading Essay examples RUNNGHEAD: ASSESSMENT OF READING Assessment ofReading Alma J. Bosket Curriculum, Methods and Assessment: Literacy and Language Arts–EED–470 Professor Katie G. Troub September 23, 2012 Assessment of Reading Chart |Assessments |Characteristics |Compare and | | | |Contrast | | | | | |Developmental more content... |strategies a student uses to meaning of individual words | | | |and texts. As this is implied and paired with | | | |comprehension inquiry it can be used to identify the | | | |instructional reading level for individual students. Not | | | |to mention, explains how to take a running record and how| | | |to use what you learn from it to help your students. | | | | | |Dynamic Indicators |A set of procedures and measures for |DIBELS are designed to be short (one minute) fluency | |Of Basic Early Literacy |assessing the acquisition of early literacy |measures used to regularly monitor the development of | |Skills Get more content on
  • 9. Principles of Assessment Essay Unit 301: Understanding the principles and practices of assessment Question 1: Define the key concepts and principles of assessment We should always consider what the assessment experience of assessment is like for our learners. Considering key principles in the designing of our assessments will keep our views fresh and reflective. Key principle 1: Put the learner at the heart of the assessment. The assessment experience should be a motivational one for our learners. It is only by developing the learners understanding of the function of assessments and enabling their development as a learner that a motivational experience is facilitated. Learners often feel detached or on the periphery of assessment because they perceive more content... Techniques and activities should be introduced so that learners and peers can actively take part in the grading process. This can assist students in the understanding of the task and also inform future learning. Stage 4: Analysis of results – consistency in marking is essential to help keep learners motivated. If inconsistencies are seen in a group, maintaining positivity becomes difficult. Learners should explore results and be offered the opportunity to comment on their grading. Stage 5 – Feedback – possibly the most important element of the assessment cycle. Supportive, informative and constructive feedback should be offered to enable students to see how they performed. The feedback should include advice on how to improve their learning and future performances (feed–forward feedback). Feedback should be offered continuously and in a cyclic manner. Question 3: identify the regulations and requirements relevant to assessment in your own area of practice. Regulations It is a requirement that centres provide CYQ with the following: List of named assessors with signatures Details of all assessors' qualifications and experience (CVs) Copies of all relevant certificates Clear specification of the assessment roles and responsibilities A well planned assessment process from induction to final assessment day plan A valid and reliable assessment of knowledge and skills that is Get more content on
  • 10. Assessment for Learning Essay It is widely recognized that the form and content of student assessment strongly influence students' attitudes to study and quality of learning (Ramsden, 1997; Shepard, 2000). For most students, assessment requirements literally define the curriculum. Current research suggests it is assessment used in the right way, as part of teaching to support and enhance learning that has the most significant impact on learning (Elwood and Klenowski, 2002). James and his colleagues (2002) argue that carefully designed assessment is therefore a powerful tool for educators and caution that equally, "poorly designed assessment has the potential to hinder learning or stifle curriculum development". New forms of assessment The realization of more content... Taras outlines three conditions that must be met for effective formative feedback to take place: 1.a knowledge of standards – students must have access to the tutors' knowledge and assumptions 2.the necessity to compare these standards to one's own work – met through practice on the part of the student and guidance from the tutor 3.taking action to close the gap – requires learners to use this new information at the same time as producing. Black and William (1998) reviewed 250 research articles on teachers' assessment practices, from pre–schools to colleges, and found that there is strong evidence to show that improving formative assessment produces significant and often substantial learning gains. However, they suggest that the current practice of formative assessment could be improved and identified five key ways to enhance formative assessment: to any student should relate to the qualities of the work with advice on what the student can do to improve and should avoid comparisons with other students 2.students should be trained in self–assessment so that they can understand the main purposes of their learning and thereby grasp what they need to do to achieve 3.opportunities for students to express their understanding should be designed into any piece of teaching, for this will initiate the interaction whereby formative assessment aids learning 4.the dialogue between students and a teacher should be thoughtful, reflective Get more content on
  • 11. Essay on Self-Assessment and Reflection Self–Assessment and Reflection In the last seven weeks, I had an opportunity to look back and analyze the events that has shaped my life. This was a unique experience where I was emotionally comfortable enough to look back at life. I was able to objectively revisit many events that were often buried and too painful to face. I was free from the turmoil of emotional fears of failure, anger, regret and loneliness, which often clouded my perception. . I was able to dwell on many pleasant and unpleasant events with more comfort and confidence. I accepted each event as part of life, regardless of whether it was a good or bad experience. I understand that life transpires even when we are not prepared for it, but more importantly, more content... I supported myself financially, emotionally and mentally. Even though my move to Houston was the right one, I executed the move without thinking things through. I should have stopped being self–centered and thought of the pain and anguish that it would cause my parents. This life learning experience has been a double–edged sword, because it has taught me to stand up for what I want, yet on the other hand, sometimes running away is probably the best thing to do, which will help to clear clouded thoughts and refocus on my destination. Play to Win by Larry Wilson introduces a simplistic, yet optimistic, method of viewing life. It embraces two fundamental views – emotional and spiritual maturity that allows us to evaluate who we are. "Life is an adventure to be experienced, lived, experimented with and committed to." (Wilson,1998, p.89) This statement alone tells us that we are in control of our lives. We all can choose dissimilar and painful paths to get to the safe place and that is okay. When looking back, my second life–learning lesson came through financial growth. This growth was to some extent expected, since I was so lavish with cash. My financial motto was that money comes and money goes. I knew eventually, I needed to get a grasp on my foolish spending habit, but it spun out of control with each purchase. There were days where I would squander money like there was no tomorrow. I never planned for the future let alone on for the next meal. For the Get more content on
  • 12. Essay about Developmental Assessment The child I chose to write about for this assignment is two year old Danjuma from Wayne, Ohio. He is the youngest of three children and attends an Early Head Start Program two days a week. The child's parents have jobs; when the mother is working her sister takes care of Danjuma. The family has financial problems but don't qualify for any type of public assistance. Danjuma is twenty–four inches tall and twenty–eight pounds. He walks well and has good coordination; he can be seen running, jumping, creeping, crawling, and rolling. He can kick a small ball forward as well as catch a ball using is full body; he can also throw a ball overhand. At home he can turn doorknobs, get himself undressed, and can feed himself using more content... When someone approaches the child to help him complete his task, he refuses it, saying "Me do it." This child can also count to five but has no knowledge of how many each number word represents. He also knows the words "same" and "different" as well as the concepts behind them. Danjuma is very verbal at home; his family can easily understand what he says. His teachers have said that he is difficult to understand as he has many substitutions for different words. For example: "Coat" is "boat" and "hungry" is "bungy". His family often has to step in and translate for others outside the family. This child can understand simple directions as well as other phrases used in typical everyday situations. When his mother prompts him, Danjuma can tell his two older siblings about his day at school. He loves "reading" books and is often seen looking at familiar books in his own. He also knows the A B C song but has no understanding that the letters he sings correspond to specific graphic designs. He also loves drawing and makes a variety of scribble marks using a fist grasp on his crayon. Danjuma is a socially outgoing child and easy to get along with. There are times when he appears to be stubborn; for example, there are times when he insists on removing his coat on his own, even when the task is a little too difficult for him. He is able to leave his parents comfortably and is used to hearing the words "I'll be Get more content on
  • 13. Health Assessment Essay Abstract Throughout this complete health assessment, I will approach my patient, a 49 years old, female, married patient, and perform a head to toe examination. Starting with the gathering of information, I will start with biographic data, reason for seeking care, present illness, past health history, family history, functional assessment, perception of health, head to toe examination, and baseline measurements. The subjective data will be collected first, where the patient will provide necessary information about every organ system for further examination while the objective data will be amassed in every system based on my findings. This assignment serves as an opportunity to establish a nurse–client interpersonal relationship more content... Stopped after 6 months because of drowsiness. 1990: Diagnosed with peptic ulcer disease, which resolved after three months on cimetidine. She describes no history of cancer, lung disease or previous heart disease. Allergy: Penicillin; experienced rash and hives in 1985. Social History Alcohol use: 1 or 2 beers each weekend; 1 glass of wine once a week with dinner. Tobacco use: None. Medications: No prescription or illegal drug use. Occasional OTC ibuprofen (Advil) for headache (QOD). Accidents or Injuries: No automobile accident. Immunizations: Childhood immunizations up to date. Last influenza, "probably 2 years ago". No TB skin test. Last Examinations: Last examination 2 weeks ago, general check up, told "normal". Yearly clinical breast examination (CBE), mammography, told "normal". Yearly Pap smear, last performed January last year, 2010. Last visit to oncologist, 2008, told "normal". Current medications: Prescribed Antacids, Nexium, q24h, or when pain is severe, Tylenol 500 mg, PO, q12h. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Family History R.M is the first youngest child, two sisters, healthy, parents married, father had chronic alcoholism, mother remains in perfect general health, not known disease or condition. Grandmother on father's side T.E, died at age 78, from cardiac arrest; Grandfather on father's side, R.M, died at age 45, from automobile accident; Grandmother on mother's side, L.S, suffered from Parkinson, died at age 79, Get more content on