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AS Photography

  Exam 2012-13
Art 2 – Controlled Assignment (Exam)
• The exam questions (whether visual or written stimuli)
  must be used as starting points or prompts for your own

• This should provide the basis from which you originate
  personal intentions.

• Only ONE must be answered – you must choose a different
  question in art (if you do art)

• The controlled assignment (exam) will culminate in a final 8
  hour exam – where you will produce your final outcomes.
Your sketchbook
• 25% of your grade will rely on a written essay – artist
  research comparing and contrasting two different
  photographers based on your chosen question/concept

• It will be 1000-1500 words long

• You will have to d a minimum of 4 photoshoots to develop
  ideas and for preparation towards your final outcomes.

• These will need to be documented and evaluated in your
  sketchbook as normal.
1. Ideas and Materials
2. Same but different
•   Family – portraits
•   Key rings
•   Album covers
•   Cd / vinyl – history of buying music
•   Cameras - effects of using digital / film
•   Food – different types/different food people eat
•   Musical instruments
•   Same people in different situations – different
Religion and Belief
 Andres Serrano

     From series ‘The Church’         From series ‘Nomads’
Abelardo Morell – camera obscura

Simon Norfolk and John Burke
Kelli Connell
Kelli Connell
Kelli Connell

• A single model plays two roles in each of the photographs in this
  portfolio from Kelli Connell. Connell uses elements of private
  relationships she has experienced herself or witnessed in others to
  inspire these two-person scenes. She then uses Photoshop to stitch
  multiple medium-format negatives together to create the
  juxtapositions in the final photographs. The result is a multi-faceted
  questioning of duality: of masculine and feminine, exterior and
  interior, static and evolving. Appropriately, Connell‟s intentions here
  are two-fold. One the one hand she exposes her autobiographical
  questioning of sexuality and gender roles, particularly as they
  influence identity in relationships. On the other hand she is also
  interested in how the response of viewers reveals their own notions
  of identity and social constructs.
Nick Turpin
Henri Cartier Bresson
Jose Antonio Hernandez Diez
Jose Antonio Hernandez Diez
• Hernández-Díez is part of a new generation of
  Venezuelan artists who emerged in the late 1980s. He
  uses "street" materials such as
  skateboards, sneakers, record players and other audio
  equipment and bicycles in order to develop a personal
  iconography centered on familiar, often
  domestic, objects. The ordinary is made extraordinary
  through Hernández-Díez‟s provocative, darkly humorous
  use of material and scale. He manipulates the
  objects, often by physically reconfiguring them in such a
  way that invests the quotidian with philosophical and
  emotional resonance. Elements from his Venezuelan
  childhood are combined with those that reference a more
  global pop culture.
Stuart Whipps
• Aladdin Houses, commission for an exhibition alongside Bill Brandt‟s work.
3. Creating a Space
• Documentary – document a change, knocking down of
  houses/property development
• Landscape – put something within a landscape
• Landscape – develop into panorama
• The way in which you photograph a landscape

• 3D landscapes – photographic sculptures / 3D effect –
  creating your own space

• Photograph people in their bedrooms – how people
  develop or have their own space
Fay Godwin
Bill Brandt
• A Night in London
  social events and
  strata, with staged
  scenes where
Stephen Shore – uncommon places
Danilo Murru – What Remains
Nadav Kander -
His best shot, read the

“More people live
   along the
   Yangtze river
   than live in the
   US. So, on my
   first trip to
   China, I wanted
   to get a sense of
   this by visiting
   Shanghai and
   Chongqing, a
   massive city of
   27 million
   people, where
   this image was
Charles Johnstone
• Thirty-four
Frank van der Salm
Frank van der Salm
Bernice Abbott
Bernice Abbott
Christian Aslund
Christian Aslund
4. On the road
• Travelling
• Documenting journey
• Documenting different things on a road – kate green
  (road kill)
• Slow shutter speed – cars
• Different transport – commercial / documentary
• History of cars – photographing the history of
  one/multiple cars
• Size and scale of cars and how they’ve changed.
  Owners of these cars
• Going to a transport museum
Lee Friedlander
Tom Wood
5. Steps and Rails
• Looking at modern/old architecture
• Railways stations – the actual train rail and
• Abstract steps – MC Escher – never ending
Golden Triangle
Horst Schneider
6. Local Produce
• How different parts of the world produce different
• Where is food imported/exported too
• Who buys food from markets? Looking at
• Farms – photograph the food/farmers/landscape.
  Narrative story – of different process
• Different people produced locally – where do people
  come from???
• Technology – that’s used in factories / farms / butchers
Martin Parr

   Documenting Bristol
Martin Parr – Black Country
Martin Parr
7. Get together
• Sport – teams in action – playing their sport, behind
  the scenes, outside of sport. How they
  socialise/everyday job/where they work
• Family – different occasions, how they support each
  other, who you live with – documentary/portraiture
• Volunteering – shelters / old peoples homes/ charities
• Animals – how pigeons eat food
• Community – people you live around / your own
• Religion – go to churches / places of religion
7. Get Together
•   Youth group
•   Groups of friends
•   Sports team
•   Swim team
•   Parties
•   Group of animals
•   Get your head together – depression/anxiety
•   Relationships
•   Families
•   Concerts
•   Special occasions
•   Weddings / funerals
•   People working together – colleagues
Alec Soth - Niagara
David Stewart – Teenage Pre-
     occupation (2012)
Jeff Harris
• - takes a portrait of himself every
Marriage and
                    civil partnership
 Pierre Radistic
 Lawick/Müller
 Cory Smith
 Ulric Collette
 Jaskirt Dhaliwal

                        Everyday Olympian
    The Everyday Olympian documents people involved in local community sports, be it a 12 year
    old swimmer, 60 year old hockey player or 30 year old amateur boxer. These are the people that
    make up the tapestry of sports that thrive at grass roots level across the region. They may not
    be an Olympian, however it is through their commitment and participation on a weekly or daily
    basis that so many sports still function and exist.

    Shot on medium format, all the participants were photographed after taking part in competition
    or training.

    Everyday Olympian was the winner of Magnum Showcase Sports with Ideas Tap 2012, selected
    for Foto8 Summershow 2012 and also featured in The Sunday Times magazine.

    This body of work has been supported by Kalaboration, Arts Council England and the Cultural
Jaskirt Dhaliwal - Everyday Olympian
9. Reveal the use of hidden meanings
              or messages
Things to consider:

• Discovery of concealed and covert
  messages, vague symbolism and double
  meaning is often an unexpected and
  fascinating outcome of in-depth contextual
Simon Norfolk
 Adrienne M Norman

      My work consists of portraits of people with medical disorders that are invisible to the
       casual observer. I try to photograph the intangible beauty that comes from the mental and
       physical suffering that often plagues the human condition, but is rarely explored in an
       honest manner. I’m interested in the painful and exhilarating experiences that colour their
       lives of those suffering from mental and neurological illness and I attempt to reveal them on
       the faces of my subjects. Using the face as a map of psychological experience, I try to unveil
       the tell-tale subtleties apparent in each individual’s physiognomy.

10. Investigate differences of approach
      to the same subject matter
Hang Hao – My things
Sophie Call
     The Hotel series – go to
Sol Lewitt Autobiography
 Chema   Madoz
Emma Livingston - Urban Trees
                  The collection of work hints at the
                  personification of trees, centrally
                  framed as if photographing a
                  person, each shot reflects on the
                  tree as an individual: observing its
                  personality, expression and
                  'attitude' through elements such as
                  posture and the arrangement of its
                  branches. The relationship
                  between the tree and its
                  surroundings poses the exploration
                  of how we ourselves
                  grow, flourish, suffer and inevitably
                  die within the urban spaces
                  granted to us.
Ellie Davies- Smoke and Mirrors
                        This series is made in remote
                        areas of The New Forest and
                        Dartmoor in the UK, far from
                        pathways and seldom visited by
                        the public.
                        From an early age the notion of
                        the forest is given a sinister and
                        threatening personality in the
                        form of fairy tales and children’s
                        stories. Stepping inside the dense
                        forest feels like entering another
                        These sensory experiences often
                        lead to the forest being used as
                        metaphor. The wild and
                        impenetrable forest has long
                        symbolized the dark, hidden
                        world of the unconscious.
                        These magical, fantasy golden
                        trees, transported to the hearts
                        of mature, dark forests, allude to
                        this, whilst also evoking a sense
                        of the fairytale.
                        – Ellie Davies
Dan Dubowitz - Wastelands
              Dan Dubowitz loves to travel the world
              in search of abandoned, decaying
Different approaches to photographing
Photographing strangers (people you
           don’t know)
Pierre Gonnord
•   The idea of creating my own work in the
    lagoon and starting from scratch fascinated
    me. I have had to take other roads to reach its
    inhabitants and, trapped from the first
    moment by this human river, I asked
    myself, as Montesquieu did in his Lettres
    Persanes: “Comment peut-on être Vénitien?”
    The people, the human material present and
    constant from the start of my search, have
    once again helped to guide my steps and
    launch me on another fantastic, intimate
    To experience Venice, share it, question
    it, leap from one scenario to another, to
    transgress and cross contemporary frontiers.
    There are still as many possible Venices as
    there are people and visions.
•   Here are the seven chosen
    faces, portraits, fragments of my vision and
    experience of walking through Venice.
Pierre Gonnord
Richard Avedon
Katy Grannan
Diane Arbus
Photographing people at work
Irving Penn – body of work: Small
Maurice Broomfield
•   Broomfield was “one of the first industrial and architectural photographers to use his corporate commissions to
    make visionary photographic studies of the workers and the environments in which they worked,” writes the Host
    Gallery, which, last year, put on the first retrospective of the photographer‟s iconic images of industrial Britain
    from the 1950s to the 1970s.
Different approaches to sports
Nadav Kander
Finlay McKay
Bettina von
Anderson and Low
Annie Leibovitz
  One of today's most influential and admired artists, renowned for her vivid and distinctive style, Annie
 Leibovitz is an American original and a master of self-promotion. Her portraits of Bruce Springsteen, Jody
Foster, Michael Jackson, Miles Davis, Greg Louganis, Mikhail Baryshnikov, John Lennon and more combine a
                                         keen eye with a quick wit.
11. Develop an outcome based on
                 family life
• Richard Billingham

•   Photograph family in a place of meaning to them
•   Show families growing up – progression
•   Eva stenram / Irina Werning
•   Disagreements in family
•   Different personalities in a family – candid / classic
•   Family members in their own environment
•   Places or objects personal to family life
•   How parents jobs affects your life
Alessandra Sanguinetti - Two Cousins
As a child she spent
her summers in the
Argentine Pampas.
Having become a
photographer, Aless
andra Sanguinetti
met Guillermina
and Belinda there.
Fascinated by their
simple happiness
and their whimsical
games, she has
followed them with
her camera every
summer for the last
eight years.
Elinor carucci
James Russell Cant - Family

Brother              Alone
Laura Cooper - Disaffected
Tina Barney
Taryn Simon - 'A Living Man Declared
       Dead and Other Chapters'.
She has been photographing the descendents of 18 different bloodlines, each based around a
particular situation, exploring predetermination and notions of perpetual return. There are many
blank photographs for those who couldn‟t be photographed.

Richard Billingham
Sally Mann
Candy Cigarette
The two Virginia's
Virginia, Emmet and Jessie
Black Eye
Nan Gouldin
Nan on Brian’s lap, Nan’s birthday, New York City 1981
Suzanne and Philippe on the bench, Tompkins Square Park, New Your City, 1983
Trixie on the cot, New York City, 1979
Self-portrait in blue bathroom, London 1980
Suzanne with Mona Lisa, Mexico City 1981
Suzanne in the green bathroom, Pergamon Museum, East Berlin 1984
Brian on the Bowery roof, New York City 1982
Brian in the cabaña, Puerto Juarez, Mexico 1982
Brian with Flintstones, New York 1981
Brian with his head in his hands, Merida, Mexico 1982
Brian at a shooting gallery, Merida, Mexico 1982
Brian’s face, West Berlin 1984
Nan after being battered 1984
Cookie and Vittorio’s wedding, New York City 1986
Twisting at my birthday party, New York City 1980
Monopoly game, New York City 1980
Develop a response to text and its use
           with an artform
•   Links between words and images
•   Promotional photography
•   Journalism
•   Documentary photography
•   Posters
•   Graphic communication
Suky Best
 Developed her own magazine – mocking the celebrity
 culture magazines that began to appear in the 90’s
Jo Spence
 Daneile   Buetti
Fazal Sheikh
•   The portrait is central to Fazal Sheikh‟s work. For more than two decades, as he has worked in
    different communities around the world, the invitation to sit for a portrait has been the principal
    means by which he has established a link with his subjects and been allowed to enter and
    document their lives. Often these have been people in crisis: displaced from their homes and their
    countries, at risk from violence, poverty and prejudice.
Lee Friedlander
• Letters from the people
James Mollison
 Alexander   Apóstol
 Barbara   Kruger
 Barbara Kruger
14. Explore the effects of transparency
• Transparent means: ‘fine enough to be seen
  through’ – e.g. being open to public scrutiny in
  business and politics

• This could also mean in terms of materials use
  to print – colour slide film, using multiple
  layering, sheer fabrics, video projections
 Perran   Costi
Man Ray, „Glass Tears‟ 1932. round glass beads
Howard Schatz
Cindy Sherman
Nick Veasey
Nick Veasey
              Nick Veasey had each
                  component of this
                  Boeing 777
                  shipped to
                  him, then x-rayed
                  them on 43x35cm
The entire image is
                  made up of more
                  than 500 x-
                  rays, stitched
                  together by
                  designer, Stuart
                  process took
                  months, and was
                  shot for Boston's
                  Logan Airport in
Valerie Belin
Craig McDean
Eustaquio Neves

Baggage series:

The Baggage series
explores and expresses
those things in our life we
hold onto.
Memories, hopes, ideals.

UV prints on
glass, suitcase, wood, lights
, audio
Clarence John Laughlin
Fred Holland Day
Terney Gearon - Explosure
Melinda Gibson
 Craig   McDean
 Nick   Knight
Eva Stenram
Eva Stenram – Family portrait

                       The order of
                       age within the
                       family has
                       simply been
                       reversed –
                       Stenram has
                       become the
                       oldest member
                       of her family
                       and her father
                       has become
                       the youngest.
Jerry Uelsmann
Joy Goldkind
Rene Margritte
Clarence John
 Maurizo Aneri
Tor Myhren

     This image designed by
     Tor Myhren, is
     intended as a message
     to the American public
     that they should cast
     their votes based on
     the candidates' policies
     and ignore their racial
 Tibor Kalman
Max De Esteban - Proposition
"whats on the

These fascinating x-
rays demonstrates
the mechanics of
various pieces of
technology that are
quite interestingly old

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Exam part 1
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As photography exam 2012 13

  • 1. AS Photography Exam 2012-13
  • 2. Art 2 – Controlled Assignment (Exam) • The exam questions (whether visual or written stimuli) must be used as starting points or prompts for your own ideas. • This should provide the basis from which you originate personal intentions. • Only ONE must be answered – you must choose a different question in art (if you do art) • The controlled assignment (exam) will culminate in a final 8 hour exam – where you will produce your final outcomes.
  • 3. Your sketchbook • 25% of your grade will rely on a written essay – artist research comparing and contrasting two different photographers based on your chosen question/concept • It will be 1000-1500 words long • You will have to d a minimum of 4 photoshoots to develop ideas and for preparation towards your final outcomes. • These will need to be documented and evaluated in your sketchbook as normal.
  • 4. 1. Ideas and Materials • DVD
  • 5. 2. Same but different • Family – portraits • Key rings • Album covers • Cd / vinyl – history of buying music • Cameras - effects of using digital / film • Food – different types/different food people eat • Musical instruments • Same people in different situations – different environments
  • 6. Religion and Belief  Andres Serrano From series ‘The Church’ From series ‘Nomads’
  • 7. Abelardo Morell – camera obscura http://www .abelardo photograp hy/camera obsc_01/c ameraobs c_18.html
  • 8. Simon Norfolk and John Burke
  • 12. KELLI CONNELL • A single model plays two roles in each of the photographs in this portfolio from Kelli Connell. Connell uses elements of private relationships she has experienced herself or witnessed in others to inspire these two-person scenes. She then uses Photoshop to stitch multiple medium-format negatives together to create the juxtapositions in the final photographs. The result is a multi-faceted questioning of duality: of masculine and feminine, exterior and interior, static and evolving. Appropriately, Connell‟s intentions here are two-fold. One the one hand she exposes her autobiographical questioning of sexuality and gender roles, particularly as they influence identity in relationships. On the other hand she is also interested in how the response of viewers reveals their own notions of identity and social constructs.
  • 17. • Hernández-Díez is part of a new generation of Venezuelan artists who emerged in the late 1980s. He uses "street" materials such as skateboards, sneakers, record players and other audio equipment and bicycles in order to develop a personal iconography centered on familiar, often domestic, objects. The ordinary is made extraordinary through Hernández-Díez‟s provocative, darkly humorous use of material and scale. He manipulates the objects, often by physically reconfiguring them in such a way that invests the quotidian with philosophical and emotional resonance. Elements from his Venezuelan childhood are combined with those that reference a more global pop culture.
  • 18. Stuart Whipps • Aladdin Houses, commission for an exhibition alongside Bill Brandt‟s work. . •
  • 19. 3. Creating a Space • Documentary – document a change, knocking down of houses/property development • Landscape – put something within a landscape • Landscape – develop into panorama • The way in which you photograph a landscape • 3D landscapes – photographic sculptures / 3D effect – creating your own space • Photograph people in their bedrooms – how people develop or have their own space
  • 21. Bill Brandt • A Night in London encompassed social events and strata, with staged scenes where necessary.
  • 22. Stephen Shore – uncommon places
  • 23. Danilo Murru – What Remains
  • 24. Nadav Kander - His best shot, read the article: http://www.guar design/2008/nov/ 27/photography “More people live along the Yangtze river than live in the US. So, on my first trip to China, I wanted to get a sense of this by visiting Shanghai and Chongqing, a massive city of 27 million people, where this image was taken."
  • 25. Charles Johnstone • Thirty-four Basketball Courts.
  • 32. 4. On the road • Travelling • Documenting journey • Documenting different things on a road – kate green (road kill) • Slow shutter speed – cars • Different transport – commercial / documentary • History of cars – photographing the history of one/multiple cars • Size and scale of cars and how they’ve changed. Owners of these cars • Going to a transport museum
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  • 43. 5. Steps and Rails • Looking at modern/old architecture • Railways stations – the actual train rail and steps • Abstract steps – MC Escher – never ending steps
  • 46. 6. Local Produce • How different parts of the world produce different food • Where is food imported/exported too • Who buys food from markets? Looking at age/gender/ethnicity • Farms – photograph the food/farmers/landscape. Narrative story – of different process • Different people produced locally – where do people come from??? • Technology – that’s used in factories / farms / butchers
  • 47. Martin Parr Documenting Bristol
  • 48. Martin Parr – Black Country
  • 50. 7. Get together • Sport – teams in action – playing their sport, behind the scenes, outside of sport. How they socialise/everyday job/where they work • Family – different occasions, how they support each other, who you live with – documentary/portraiture • Volunteering – shelters / old peoples homes/ charities • Animals – how pigeons eat food • Community – people you live around / your own community • Religion – go to churches / places of religion
  • 51. 7. Get Together • Youth group • Groups of friends • Sports team • Swim team • Parties • Group of animals • Get your head together – depression/anxiety • Relationships • Families • Concerts • Special occasions • Weddings / funerals • People working together – colleagues
  • 52. Alec Soth - Niagara
  • 53. David Stewart – Teenage Pre- occupation (2012)
  • 54. Jeff Harris • - takes a portrait of himself every day.
  • 55. Marriage and civil partnership  Pierre Radistic
  • 59.  Jaskirt Dhaliwal Everyday Olympian The Everyday Olympian documents people involved in local community sports, be it a 12 year old swimmer, 60 year old hockey player or 30 year old amateur boxer. These are the people that make up the tapestry of sports that thrive at grass roots level across the region. They may not be an Olympian, however it is through their commitment and participation on a weekly or daily basis that so many sports still function and exist. Shot on medium format, all the participants were photographed after taking part in competition or training. Everyday Olympian was the winner of Magnum Showcase Sports with Ideas Tap 2012, selected for Foto8 Summershow 2012 and also featured in The Sunday Times magazine. This body of work has been supported by Kalaboration, Arts Council England and the Cultural Olympiad.
  • 60. Jaskirt Dhaliwal - Everyday Olympian
  • 61. 9. Reveal the use of hidden meanings or messages Things to consider: • Discovery of concealed and covert messages, vague symbolism and double meaning is often an unexpected and fascinating outcome of in-depth contextual study.
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  • 65.  Adrienne M Norman  My work consists of portraits of people with medical disorders that are invisible to the casual observer. I try to photograph the intangible beauty that comes from the mental and physical suffering that often plagues the human condition, but is rarely explored in an honest manner. I’m interested in the painful and exhilarating experiences that colour their lives of those suffering from mental and neurological illness and I attempt to reveal them on the faces of my subjects. Using the face as a map of psychological experience, I try to unveil the tell-tale subtleties apparent in each individual’s physiognomy. 
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  • 67. 10. Investigate differences of approach to the same subject matter
  • 68. Hang Hao – My things
  • 69. Sophie Call The Hotel series – go to
  • 71.  Chema Madoz
  • 72. Emma Livingston - Urban Trees The collection of work hints at the personification of trees, centrally framed as if photographing a person, each shot reflects on the tree as an individual: observing its personality, expression and 'attitude' through elements such as posture and the arrangement of its branches. The relationship between the tree and its surroundings poses the exploration of how we ourselves grow, flourish, suffer and inevitably die within the urban spaces granted to us.
  • 73. Ellie Davies- Smoke and Mirrors This series is made in remote areas of The New Forest and Dartmoor in the UK, far from pathways and seldom visited by the public. From an early age the notion of the forest is given a sinister and threatening personality in the form of fairy tales and children’s stories. Stepping inside the dense forest feels like entering another world. These sensory experiences often lead to the forest being used as metaphor. The wild and impenetrable forest has long symbolized the dark, hidden world of the unconscious. These magical, fantasy golden trees, transported to the hearts of mature, dark forests, allude to this, whilst also evoking a sense of the fairytale. – Ellie Davies
  • 74. Dan Dubowitz - Wastelands Dan Dubowitz loves to travel the world in search of abandoned, decaying buildings
  • 75. Different approaches to photographing people
  • 76. Photographing strangers (people you don’t know)
  • 77. Pierre Gonnord • The idea of creating my own work in the lagoon and starting from scratch fascinated me. I have had to take other roads to reach its inhabitants and, trapped from the first moment by this human river, I asked myself, as Montesquieu did in his Lettres Persanes: “Comment peut-on être Vénitien?” The people, the human material present and constant from the start of my search, have once again helped to guide my steps and launch me on another fantastic, intimate adventure. To experience Venice, share it, question it, leap from one scenario to another, to transgress and cross contemporary frontiers. There are still as many possible Venices as there are people and visions. • Here are the seven chosen faces, portraits, fragments of my vision and experience of walking through Venice.
  • 83. Irving Penn – body of work: Small Trades
  • 84. Maurice Broomfield • Broomfield was “one of the first industrial and architectural photographers to use his corporate commissions to make visionary photographic studies of the workers and the environments in which they worked,” writes the Host Gallery, which, last year, put on the first retrospective of the photographer‟s iconic images of industrial Britain from the 1950s to the 1970s.
  • 88. Bettina von Zwehl
  • 90. Annie Leibovitz One of today's most influential and admired artists, renowned for her vivid and distinctive style, Annie Leibovitz is an American original and a master of self-promotion. Her portraits of Bruce Springsteen, Jody Foster, Michael Jackson, Miles Davis, Greg Louganis, Mikhail Baryshnikov, John Lennon and more combine a keen eye with a quick wit.
  • 91. 11. Develop an outcome based on family life • Richard Billingham • Photograph family in a place of meaning to them • Show families growing up – progression • Eva stenram / Irina Werning • Disagreements in family • Different personalities in a family – candid / classic • Family members in their own environment • Places or objects personal to family life • How parents jobs affects your life
  • 92. Alessandra Sanguinetti - Two Cousins As a child she spent her summers in the Argentine Pampas. Having become a photographer, Aless andra Sanguinetti met Guillermina and Belinda there. Fascinated by their simple happiness and their whimsical games, she has followed them with her camera every summer for the last eight years.
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  • 96. James Russell Cant - Family Brother Alone
  • 97. Laura Cooper - Disaffected
  • 99. Taryn Simon - 'A Living Man Declared Dead and Other Chapters'. She has been photographing the descendents of 18 different bloodlines, each based around a particular situation, exploring predetermination and notions of perpetual return. There are many blank photographs for those who couldn‟t be photographed. Video:
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  • 115. Nan on Brian’s lap, Nan’s birthday, New York City 1981
  • 116. Suzanne and Philippe on the bench, Tompkins Square Park, New Your City, 1983
  • 117. Trixie on the cot, New York City, 1979
  • 118. Self-portrait in blue bathroom, London 1980
  • 119. Suzanne with Mona Lisa, Mexico City 1981
  • 120. Suzanne in the green bathroom, Pergamon Museum, East Berlin 1984
  • 121. Brian on the Bowery roof, New York City 1982
  • 122. Brian in the cabaña, Puerto Juarez, Mexico 1982
  • 123. Brian with Flintstones, New York 1981
  • 124. Brian with his head in his hands, Merida, Mexico 1982
  • 125. Brian at a shooting gallery, Merida, Mexico 1982
  • 126. Brian’s face, West Berlin 1984
  • 127. Nan after being battered 1984
  • 128. Cookie and Vittorio’s wedding, New York City 1986
  • 129. Twisting at my birthday party, New York City 1980
  • 130. Monopoly game, New York City 1980
  • 131. Develop a response to text and its use with an artform • Links between words and images • Promotional photography • Journalism • Documentary photography • Posters • Graphic communication
  • 132. Suky Best Developed her own magazine – mocking the celebrity culture magazines that began to appear in the 90’s
  • 134.  Daneile Buetti
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  • 136. Fazal Sheikh • The portrait is central to Fazal Sheikh‟s work. For more than two decades, as he has worked in different communities around the world, the invitation to sit for a portrait has been the principal means by which he has established a link with his subjects and been allowed to enter and document their lives. Often these have been people in crisis: displaced from their homes and their countries, at risk from violence, poverty and prejudice.
  • 137. Lee Friedlander • Letters from the people
  • 139.  Alexander Apóstol
  • 140.  Barbara Kruger
  • 142. 14. Explore the effects of transparency • Transparent means: ‘fine enough to be seen through’ – e.g. being open to public scrutiny in business and politics • This could also mean in terms of materials use to print – colour slide film, using multiple layering, sheer fabrics, video projections
  • 143.  Perran Costi
  • 144. Man Ray, „Glass Tears‟ 1932. round glass beads
  • 147. Nick Veasey http://www.bjp- of- photography/profile/194037 6/penetrating-gaze-ray- photography
  • 148. Nick Veasey Nick Veasey had each component of this Boeing 777 shipped to him, then x-rayed them on 43x35cm film. 
The entire image is made up of more than 500 x- rays, stitched together by Veasey's designer, Stuart O'Neill. 
The process took months, and was shot for Boston's Logan Airport in 2003.
  • 152. PERRAN COSTI Baggage series: The Baggage series explores and expresses those things in our life we hold onto. Memories, hopes, ideals. UV prints on glass, suitcase, wood, lights , audio
  • 155. Terney Gearon - Explosure
  • 157.  Craig McDean
  • 158.  Nick Knight
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  • 161. Eva Stenram – Family portrait The order of age within the family has simply been reversed – Stenram has become the oldest member of her family and her father has become the youngest.
  • 167. Tor Myhren This image designed by Tor Myhren, is intended as a message to the American public that they should cast their votes based on the candidates' policies and ignore their racial differences.
  • 169. Max De Esteban - Proposition "whats on the inside?" These fascinating x- rays demonstrates the mechanics of various pieces of technology that are quite interestingly old fashioned.

Editor's Notes

  1. Nick Turpin