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Art 126: Introduction to the Visual Arts Fall 2014
Paper Assignment 2: Reflection Essay
This assignment is about contemplating and reflecting upon
your connection to one of the works we have
viewed this semester. Choose one work that we have discussed
in class, and write a short essay discussing why
you were drawn to this work. It can be something you find
particularly beautiful or ugly, something that
satisfies/challenges you intellectually, or something with which
you feel a personal connection.
These questions are designed to guide you as you think about
how to write this essay:
Why did I choose this particular work? Do I find it thought-
provoking? Beautiful? Ugly? What aspects of
the work have elicited this response? Does it make me "think"
(appeal to my intellect) or "feel" (appeal
to my emotions)? A little of both, perhaps?
Do not feel as though you need to reveal personal information
about yourself in this essay. You can write
about something that appeals to you on an intellectual level.
Even if you choose something that appeals to your emotions,
you must provide a critical analysis of how and
why this object speaks to you. A key part of this assignment is
to discuss the artist’s intention in creating the
work. Attempt to view it from their perspective. What were they
trying to convey?
The first page of your paper should have the following heading:
This paper is a personal reflection, but it should be coherently
written and organized. Your paper should be
400–500 words, typed, double spaced, normal margins, in a
standard font such as Times Roman, size 12.
Electronic Submission:
The paper must be submitted online through Blackboard by
11:59 p.m. on Thursday, November 13. Late
papers will be marked down 10 points for every day they are
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1. Click on Assignments (on the menu list at the left)
2. Click on “Paper Assignment 2” at the very top
3. Scroll down to “browse my computer”
4. Select the file for your paper and upload
5. Click submit
The file formats supported by the inline grading system are
Word (.doc/.docx) and PDF. I would greatly
appreciate it if you would use one of these file formats. Pages
and ODT are acceptable but not preferred.
Please do not upload a zipped file.
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ART126: Paper Assignment 2 Date
Self- Assessment Paper
Estimating Your Locus of Control
Self-Assessment 2.10 is about your beliefs on jobs. I strongly
believe that a job is what you make it, but I also realize that
there may be different circumstances. I was always told and
believe that you can do whatever you set your mind to do. I do
believe that you should choose a job that you think you will
enjoy and not just a job that will pay the bills. You have to have
the right attitude about it.
I slightly agree that you can get a job by who you know. It helps
if you are well talked about among other employees. Employees
and Managers want someone that they can work well with and
someone that can work well with others: when employees don’t
get along with each other the environment and work ethic may
decrease over time.
I don’t believe promotions are all about who you know. Family
members and friends shouldn’t help determine whether someone
gets paid more or not. I also don’t believe in luck when it comes
to a job. I believe that if you want a promotion or a job then you
should work for it. Most the time the supervisor knows exactly
what is going on and who is making the effort. I also believe
that most employees have more influence on their supervisor
than they think they do.
On this self-assessment, I scored a 33. Scores range from 16 to
96. A score of 16-42 indicates more of an internal locus, 43-69
indicates an in between an internal locus and an external locus,
and 70-96 indicates more of an external locus. The assessment
indicates that I feel that people are very much in charge of their
own destiny in a workplace. I don’t believe anyone’s work or
pay is determined upon fate or luck.
Perceived Stress Scale
Self-assessment 4.9 is about your estimated perceived level of
stress. When I saw this test I thought I had to take it. I feel like
I stress out a lot with school and work. I am a person that would
love to have everything planned out and I admit that I get upset
if things don’t go as planned. I think that out of everything that
goes on in my life, school is the number one thing I stress out
about. I have been in school for over four years now and should
be done but I have changed my major causing me to lack a year
or two. I often feel like things aren’t going my way, I wasn’t
coping efficiently to important changes being made in my life,
or I have been angry because I felt things were happening
outside of my control.
I scored a 29 on this self-assessment. The scores ranged from 0-
56. A score from 0-19 indicates that you perceive your current
life situations as low stress. A score from 20-39 indicates that
you perceive your current life situations as moderate stress.
Last, a score from 40-56 indicates that you perceived your
current life situations as high stress.
I expected to receive that my score had indicated that I
perceived my current life situations as high stress, instead of as
moderate stress. If mine only indicates moderate stress then I
would hate to be someone who really does have high stress. I
will admit that I think I am getting better and not stressing out
as much.
Decision Making Style Inventory
Self-assessment 7.9 is about how individuals go about making
important decisions. Decisions can be hard to make at times and
also can be life changing. Some decisions I have made in the
past have determined how I am where I am today. Decisions are
having to be made every day, whether big or little. It could be
as easy as what to eat, or as hard as what house to buy.
I would prefer to say that I make my decisions based on facts
and logic, but at times I don’t. Sometimes your gut feeling is
the right decision even when others say it isn’t. Sometimes you
can’t control what your inner feeling is. I have always been told
that the answer you mark first is usually the right one, so could
that go for the first way you feel or think about something?
This self-assessment had two different scores. The first score
was a 14 for rational decision style. My score indicated
moderate performance for rational decision making. Moderate
performance for rational decision making means that I use both
my gut instinct and facts and logical analysis when making
decisions. The second score was a 13 for intuitive decision
style. My score indicated moderate performance for intuitive
decision style. This self-assessment described me so well and
was right on point.
Are you a team player?
Self-Assessment 8.6 is all about working as a team. The people
on the team depends on if I like working as a team. I agree that
having a team project makes many people think they don’t have
to make that much of an effort in their part in a project. I
believe that working alone is somewhat better than working as a
team. You can see who actually cares and works hard for a
grade. Overall, I work better working alone. Working alone
helps me by not having to worry if someone will do his/her part
or not. If working alone, I will be sure the work gets done. I
would agree that working in a team helps me hear other
peoples’ ideas and can help me think more creative. I also agree
that at times team work is not always needed when it is
assigned. At times, teams are used too often when individual
work would be more efficient. I haven’t had great experiences
working as a team. Whether it be that my team members drop
the class, don’t show up for meetings, show up late to meetings,
leave early, or they try to be a leader and want everything to go
their way. I believe that the best thing about team work is that
more solutions and ideas are generated when working in a team
situation then working alone.
I scored a 26 on self-assessment 8.6, Are you a team player?
Scores range from 10 to 50. 50 meaning you really enjoy
working in teams and believe it’s beneficial, where 10 means
you really dislike working in teams and think it’s not beneficial
at all. A score ranging from 10-20 shows you have low
performance of team work. A score ranging from 21-39 shows
you have moderate performance of team work. A score from 40-
50 shows you have strong performance for team work.
I believe team work may or may not be beneficial in different
situations. Sometimes it is better to be in teams because some
people work better in teams than others. Personally, I wouldn’t
want to be in a group with someone that scored a 10-20 because
that would tell me that they dislike team projects. I would rather
team up with someone that would enjoy being around others and
would be willing to show up and do his/her part.
How trusting are you?
Self-assessment 8.7 is about trust. Trust is something I thought
I was good at until taking this self-assessment. I always used
the saying “I trust someone until they give me a reason not to”.
I guess now I should say I try to trust but sometimes people
make it really hard to do. Some people can be counted on to do
what they say they are going to do, but I wouldn’t say most
people could be. I don’t really trust people at first. It is
something they have to gain from me. I do believe people can
and will take advantage of you if you don’t stay alert. Whether
it be making you do more on a team project or just looking off
of one of your papers in class for an answer. I strongly agree
that I typically will be cautious of people until they have
demonstrated their trustworthiness. I really can’t stand someone
being selfish. I usually don’t give anyone the benefit of the
doubt if they do something that seems selfish. I believe that
most people pretend to be more honest than they already are. I
really do try to believe that most people are generally
trustworthy, but it is hard at times to do so.
On this self-assessment, I scored a 21. Scores range from 8-48.
A score of 8 to 48 indicates a low propensity to trust, 24 to 35
indicates a moderate propensity to trust, and 36-48 indicates a
high propensity to trust. If I had a choice I would wish that I
was more moderate to trust. Being low makes me think that I am
a little selfish since I can’t trust people as much. I think
someone with too much trust could hurt them in the long run. I
believe you have to realize that you can’t trust everyone, even
though I wish you could.
Activity 2.11: Assessing Your General Self-Efficacy
Your score was 32. The range of possible scores is from 8 to 40.
ew General Self-Efficacy Scale
To what extent does each statement describe you? Indicate your
level of agreement by marking the appropriate response on the
Top of Form
I will be able to achieve most of the goals that I have set for
When facing difficult tasks, I am certain that I will accomplish
In general, I think I can obtain outcomes that are important to
I believe I can succeed at most any endeavour to which I set my
I will be able to successfully overcome many challenges.
I am confident that I can perform effectively on many different
Compared to other people, I can do most task very well.
Even when things are tough, I can perform quite well.
Bottom of Form
Interpreting your Score
Self-efficacy refers to a person’s belief that he or she has the
ability, motivation, and resources to complete a task
successfully. This particular scale is called a “general” self-
efficacy scale because it estimates a person’s self-efficacy in a
broad range of situations. The average general self-efficacy
score varies from one group of people to the next. For example,
managers tend to have a somewhat higher general self-efficacy
than young undergraduate psychology students. The following
table allows you to compare your general efficacy score to the
range of scores among undergraduate psychology students in the
United States (77% female; average age 23).
Activity 3.7: Assessing Your Emotional Empathy
The source of this scale is: M. H. Davis, "A multidimensional
approach to individual differences in empathy," JSAS Catalog
of Selected Documents in Psychology, 10 (1980), p. 85.
Empathy refers to a person's understanding of and sensitivity to
the feelings, thoughts, and situation of others. The "sensitivity"
part of empathy is called emotional empathy. It refers to
experiencing the feelings of the other person.
This self-assessment is designed to help you to estimate
your propensity for emotional empathy. It includes 7
statements, and you are asked to indicate the degree to which
each statement does or does not describe you very well. You
need to be honest with yourself to for a reasonable estimate of
your level of perspective taking.
Top of Form
When I see someone being taken advantage of, I feel kind of
protective toward them.
Does NOT describe me well 1 2 3 4 5 Describes me well
When I see someone being treated unfairly, I sometimes don't
feel much pity for them.
Does NOT describe me well 1 2 3 4 5 Describes me well
I often have tender, concerned feelings for people less fortunate
than me.
Does NOT describe me well 1 2 3 4 5 Describes me well
I would describe myself as a pretty soft-hearted person.
Does NOT describe me well 1 2 3 4 5 Describes me well
Sometimes I don't feel very sorry for other people when they are
having problems.
Does NOT describe me well 1 2 3 4 5 Describes me well
Other people's misfortunes do not usually disturb me a great
Does NOT describe me well 1 2 3 4 5 Describes me well
I am often touched by the things that I see happen.
Does NOT describe me well 1 2 3 4 5 Describes me well
Your score was 23. The range of possible scores is from 7 to 35.
Understanding Your Score on the Emotional Empathy Scale
This self-assessment is designed to help you to estimate your
propensity for emotional empathy. Emotional empathy is an
important part of the perceptual process because it makes us
more aware of the external causes of another person's
performance and Behavior. It also improves the communication
process by helping us to put the words of other people in their
proper context.
Your score represents your personal estimate of how
sensitive you are to the feelings, thoughts, and situation of
others. Scores on this scale range from 7 to 35. A higher score
indicates a higher level of emotional empathy. The following
graph shows the range of emotional empathy scores and where
you score in comparison. The average score in recent studies
across several Canadian and U.S. groups of people is
approximately 23. Also, keep in mind that women tend to score
about 2 points higher than men on this emotional empathy scale.
Activity 3.6: Assessing Your Perspective-Taking (Cognitive
The source of this scale is: M. H. Davis, "A multidimensional
approach to individual differences in empathy," JSAS Catalog
of Selected Documents in Psychology, 10 (1980), p. 85.
Empathy refers to a person's understanding of and sensitivity to
the feelings, thoughts, and situation of others. The
"understanding" part of empathy is called perspective taking or
cognitive empathy. It represents an intellectual understanding of
another person's situational and individual circumstances.
This self-assessment is designed to help you to estimate
your propensity for perspective taking. It includes 7 statements,
and you are asked to indicate the degree to which each
statement does or does not describe you very well. You need to
be honest with yourself to for a reasonable estimate of your
level of perspective taking.
Top of Form
Before criticizing somebody, I try to imagine how I would feel
if I were in his/her place.
Does NOT describe me well 1 2 3 4 5 Describes me well
If I'm sure I'm right about something, I don't waste much time
listening to other people's arguments.
Does NOT describe me well 1 2 3 4 5 Describes me well
I sometimes try to understand my friends better by imagining
how things look from their perspective.
Does NOT describe me well 1 2 3 4 5 Describes me well
I believe that there are two sides to every question and try to
look at them both.
Does NOT describe me well 1 2 3 4 5 Describes me well
I sometimes find it difficult to see things from the other
person's point of view.
Does NOT describe me well 1 2 3 4 5 Describes me well
I try to look at everybody's side of a disagreement before I
make a decision.
Does NOT describe me well 1 2 3 4 5 Describes me well
When I'm upset at someone, I usually try to "put myself in
his/her shoes" for a while.
Does NOT describe me well 1 2 3 4 5 Describes me well
core the Exercise
the AnswersYour score was 29. The range of possible scores is
from 7 to 35.
Understanding Your Score on the Perspective Taking Scale
This self-assessment is designed to help you to estimate your
propensity for perspective taking. Perspective taking is an
important part of the perceptual process because it makes us
more aware of the external causes of another person's
performance and Behavior. It also improves the communication
process by helping us to put the words of other people in their
proper context.
Your score represents your personal estimate of how well
you can understand the feelings, thoughts, and situation of
others. Scores on this scale range from 7 to 35. A higher score
indicates a higher level of perspective taking (also called
cognitive empathy). The following graph shows the range of
perspective taking scores and where you score in comparison.
The average score in recent studies across several Canadian and
U.S. groups of people is approximately 20. Also, keep in mind
that women tend to score about 1.5 points higher than men on
this perspective taking scale.
Understanding Your Score on the Decision Making Style
The decision making style inventory estimates the extent to
which you prefer rational and intuitive decision making. Both
the "rational" and "intuitive" decision styles have a maximum
score of 20 points and a minimum score of 4 points. Notice that
you can have higher or low levels of BOTH decision-making
styles. For example, you might score very high on both rational
and intuitive decision making. This is not contradictory. Some
people engage in more intense rational and intuitive thinking.
Low preference
for rational
decision making
Moderate preference
for rational
decision making
Strong preference
for rational
decision making
Your score was 15. The range of possible scores is from 4 to 20.
Rational decision style
People with high scores on this scale like to make decisions
based on facts and logical analysis. They try to avoid or ignore
gut instinct when it contradicts objective information.
Low preference
for intuitive
decision making
Moderate preference
for intuitive
decision making
Strong preference
for intuitive
decision making
Your score was 14. The range of possible scores is from 4 to 20.
Intuitive decision style
People with high scores on this scale like to make decisions
based on their inner feelings or "gut instinct". They try to avoid
rational choices if they are inconsistent with their intuition.
Activity 7.9: Decision Making Style Inventory
The source of this scale is: Inspired from ideas in C. W.
Allinson and J. Hayes, J, "The Cognitive Style Index: A
Measure of Intuition-Analysis for Organizational
Research," Journal of Management Studies, 33 (1996), pp. 119-
35; S. G. Scott and R. A. Bruce, "Decision-Making Style: the
Development and Assessment of a New Measure," Educational
& Psychological Measurement, 55 (October 1995), pp. 818-31.
The statements in this self-assessment describe how individuals
go about making important decisions. Read each statement in
this decision making style inventory and indicate the extent to
which you personally agree or disagree with the statement.
Answer each item as truthfully as possible so that you get an
accurate estimate of your decision making style.
Top of Form
I make decisions more on facts than my gut instincts.
I feel more comfortable making decisions in a logical and
systematic way.
When making decisions, I rely upon my intuition more than
anything else.
When I make a decision, it is more important for me to feel the
decision is right than to have a rational reason for it
I won't make a choice that doesn't feel right, even when the
facts indicate it is the right choice.
My decision making tends to involve careful analysis of facts
and weighting of decision criteria.
When I make a decision, I trust my inner feelings and reactions.
The best decisions I make are based on detailed analysis of
factual information.
Bottom of Form
Activity 8.6: Are You a Team Player?
The source of this scale is: T. J. B. Kline, "The Team Player
Inventory: Reliability and Validity of a Measure of
Predisposition Towards Organizational Team Working
Environments," Journal for Specialists in Group Work, 24
(1999), pp. 102-12.
Some people would like to work in teams for almost everything,
whereas other people would like to keep as far away from teams
as possible. Most of us fall somewhere in between. This self-
assessment estimates the extent to which you are positively
predisposed to work in teams.
Read each statement in this self-assessment and indicate the
extent to which you agree or disagree with that statement.
Top of Form
I enjoy working on team projects
Team project work easily allows others not to 'pull their weight'
Work that is done as a team is better than the work done
I do my best work alone rather than in a team
Team work is overrated in terms of the actual results produced
Working in a team gets me to think more creatively
Teams are used too often when individual work would be more
My own work is enhanced when I am in a team situation
My experiences working in team situations have been primarily
More solutions or ideas are generated when working in a team
situation then when working alone
Bottom of Form
Bottom of Form
Bottom of Form
Your score was 31. The range of possible scores is from 10 to
Understanding Your Score on the Team Player Inventory
The Team Player Inventory estimates the extent to which you
are positively predisposed to working on teams. The higher your
score, the more you enjoy working in teams and believe that
teamwork is beneficial. This scale has a range from 10 to 50.
The graph shows your score on this scale compared with results
from a sample of Canadian undergraduate psychology students.

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  • 1. Art 126: Introduction to the Visual Arts Fall 2014 Paper Assignment 2: Reflection Essay This assignment is about contemplating and reflecting upon your connection to one of the works we have viewed this semester. Choose one work that we have discussed in class, and write a short essay discussing why you were drawn to this work. It can be something you find particularly beautiful or ugly, something that satisfies/challenges you intellectually, or something with which you feel a personal connection. These questions are designed to guide you as you think about how to write this essay: Why did I choose this particular work? Do I find it thought- provoking? Beautiful? Ugly? What aspects of the work have elicited this response? Does it make me "think" (appeal to my intellect) or "feel" (appeal to my emotions)? A little of both, perhaps? Do not feel as though you need to reveal personal information about yourself in this essay. You can write about something that appeals to you on an intellectual level. Even if you choose something that appeals to your emotions, you must provide a critical analysis of how and why this object speaks to you. A key part of this assignment is to discuss the artist’s intention in creating the work. Attempt to view it from their perspective. What were they trying to convey? The first page of your paper should have the following heading: This paper is a personal reflection, but it should be coherently written and organized. Your paper should be 400–500 words, typed, double spaced, normal margins, in a standard font such as Times Roman, size 12. Electronic Submission: The paper must be submitted online through Blackboard by 11:59 p.m. on Thursday, November 13. Late
  • 2. papers will be marked down 10 points for every day they are late. Here are the instructions for submitting your paper through Blackboard. 1. Click on Assignments (on the menu list at the left) 2. Click on “Paper Assignment 2” at the very top 3. Scroll down to “browse my computer” 4. Select the file for your paper and upload 5. Click submit The file formats supported by the inline grading system are Word (.doc/.docx) and PDF. I would greatly appreciate it if you would use one of these file formats. Pages and ODT are acceptable but not preferred. Please do not upload a zipped file. Name Artist/Culture Date Title ART126: Paper Assignment 2 Date Self- Assessment Paper Estimating Your Locus of Control Self-Assessment 2.10 is about your beliefs on jobs. I strongly believe that a job is what you make it, but I also realize that there may be different circumstances. I was always told and believe that you can do whatever you set your mind to do. I do believe that you should choose a job that you think you will enjoy and not just a job that will pay the bills. You have to have the right attitude about it. I slightly agree that you can get a job by who you know. It helps if you are well talked about among other employees. Employees and Managers want someone that they can work well with and someone that can work well with others: when employees don’t get along with each other the environment and work ethic may
  • 3. decrease over time. I don’t believe promotions are all about who you know. Family members and friends shouldn’t help determine whether someone gets paid more or not. I also don’t believe in luck when it comes to a job. I believe that if you want a promotion or a job then you should work for it. Most the time the supervisor knows exactly what is going on and who is making the effort. I also believe that most employees have more influence on their supervisor than they think they do. On this self-assessment, I scored a 33. Scores range from 16 to 96. A score of 16-42 indicates more of an internal locus, 43-69 indicates an in between an internal locus and an external locus, and 70-96 indicates more of an external locus. The assessment indicates that I feel that people are very much in charge of their own destiny in a workplace. I don’t believe anyone’s work or pay is determined upon fate or luck. Perceived Stress Scale Self-assessment 4.9 is about your estimated perceived level of stress. When I saw this test I thought I had to take it. I feel like I stress out a lot with school and work. I am a person that would love to have everything planned out and I admit that I get upset if things don’t go as planned. I think that out of everything that goes on in my life, school is the number one thing I stress out about. I have been in school for over four years now and should be done but I have changed my major causing me to lack a year or two. I often feel like things aren’t going my way, I wasn’t coping efficiently to important changes being made in my life, or I have been angry because I felt things were happening outside of my control.
  • 4. I scored a 29 on this self-assessment. The scores ranged from 0- 56. A score from 0-19 indicates that you perceive your current life situations as low stress. A score from 20-39 indicates that you perceive your current life situations as moderate stress. Last, a score from 40-56 indicates that you perceived your current life situations as high stress. I expected to receive that my score had indicated that I perceived my current life situations as high stress, instead of as moderate stress. If mine only indicates moderate stress then I would hate to be someone who really does have high stress. I will admit that I think I am getting better and not stressing out as much. Decision Making Style Inventory Self-assessment 7.9 is about how individuals go about making important decisions. Decisions can be hard to make at times and also can be life changing. Some decisions I have made in the past have determined how I am where I am today. Decisions are having to be made every day, whether big or little. It could be as easy as what to eat, or as hard as what house to buy. I would prefer to say that I make my decisions based on facts and logic, but at times I don’t. Sometimes your gut feeling is the right decision even when others say it isn’t. Sometimes you can’t control what your inner feeling is. I have always been told that the answer you mark first is usually the right one, so could that go for the first way you feel or think about something? This self-assessment had two different scores. The first score was a 14 for rational decision style. My score indicated moderate performance for rational decision making. Moderate performance for rational decision making means that I use both my gut instinct and facts and logical analysis when making decisions. The second score was a 13 for intuitive decision
  • 5. style. My score indicated moderate performance for intuitive decision style. This self-assessment described me so well and was right on point. Are you a team player? Self-Assessment 8.6 is all about working as a team. The people on the team depends on if I like working as a team. I agree that having a team project makes many people think they don’t have to make that much of an effort in their part in a project. I believe that working alone is somewhat better than working as a team. You can see who actually cares and works hard for a grade. Overall, I work better working alone. Working alone helps me by not having to worry if someone will do his/her part or not. If working alone, I will be sure the work gets done. I would agree that working in a team helps me hear other peoples’ ideas and can help me think more creative. I also agree that at times team work is not always needed when it is assigned. At times, teams are used too often when individual work would be more efficient. I haven’t had great experiences working as a team. Whether it be that my team members drop the class, don’t show up for meetings, show up late to meetings, leave early, or they try to be a leader and want everything to go their way. I believe that the best thing about team work is that more solutions and ideas are generated when working in a team situation then working alone. I scored a 26 on self-assessment 8.6, Are you a team player? Scores range from 10 to 50. 50 meaning you really enjoy working in teams and believe it’s beneficial, where 10 means you really dislike working in teams and think it’s not beneficial at all. A score ranging from 10-20 shows you have low performance of team work. A score ranging from 21-39 shows you have moderate performance of team work. A score from 40- 50 shows you have strong performance for team work.
  • 6. I believe team work may or may not be beneficial in different situations. Sometimes it is better to be in teams because some people work better in teams than others. Personally, I wouldn’t want to be in a group with someone that scored a 10-20 because that would tell me that they dislike team projects. I would rather team up with someone that would enjoy being around others and would be willing to show up and do his/her part. How trusting are you? Self-assessment 8.7 is about trust. Trust is something I thought I was good at until taking this self-assessment. I always used the saying “I trust someone until they give me a reason not to”. I guess now I should say I try to trust but sometimes people make it really hard to do. Some people can be counted on to do what they say they are going to do, but I wouldn’t say most people could be. I don’t really trust people at first. It is something they have to gain from me. I do believe people can and will take advantage of you if you don’t stay alert. Whether it be making you do more on a team project or just looking off of one of your papers in class for an answer. I strongly agree that I typically will be cautious of people until they have demonstrated their trustworthiness. I really can’t stand someone being selfish. I usually don’t give anyone the benefit of the doubt if they do something that seems selfish. I believe that most people pretend to be more honest than they already are. I really do try to believe that most people are generally trustworthy, but it is hard at times to do so. On this self-assessment, I scored a 21. Scores range from 8-48. A score of 8 to 48 indicates a low propensity to trust, 24 to 35 indicates a moderate propensity to trust, and 36-48 indicates a high propensity to trust. If I had a choice I would wish that I was more moderate to trust. Being low makes me think that I am a little selfish since I can’t trust people as much. I think
  • 7. someone with too much trust could hurt them in the long run. I believe you have to realize that you can’t trust everyone, even though I wish you could. Activity 2.11: Assessing Your General Self-Efficacy Your score was 32. The range of possible scores is from 8 to 40. ew General Self-Efficacy Scale To what extent does each statement describe you? Indicate your level of agreement by marking the appropriate response on the right. Top of Form I will be able to achieve most of the goals that I have set for myself. When facing difficult tasks, I am certain that I will accomplish them. In general, I think I can obtain outcomes that are important to me. I believe I can succeed at most any endeavour to which I set my mind. I will be able to successfully overcome many challenges.
  • 8. I am confident that I can perform effectively on many different tasks. Compared to other people, I can do most task very well. Even when things are tough, I can perform quite well. Bottom of Form Interpreting your Score Self-efficacy refers to a person’s belief that he or she has the ability, motivation, and resources to complete a task successfully. This particular scale is called a “general” self- efficacy scale because it estimates a person’s self-efficacy in a broad range of situations. The average general self-efficacy score varies from one group of people to the next. For example, managers tend to have a somewhat higher general self-efficacy than young undergraduate psychology students. The following table allows you to compare your general efficacy score to the range of scores among undergraduate psychology students in the United States (77% female; average age 23). Activity 3.7: Assessing Your Emotional Empathy The source of this scale is: M. H. Davis, "A multidimensional approach to individual differences in empathy," JSAS Catalog of Selected Documents in Psychology, 10 (1980), p. 85. Empathy refers to a person's understanding of and sensitivity to the feelings, thoughts, and situation of others. The "sensitivity" part of empathy is called emotional empathy. It refers to experiencing the feelings of the other person. This self-assessment is designed to help you to estimate your propensity for emotional empathy. It includes 7
  • 9. statements, and you are asked to indicate the degree to which each statement does or does not describe you very well. You need to be honest with yourself to for a reasonable estimate of your level of perspective taking. Top of Form When I see someone being taken advantage of, I feel kind of protective toward them. Does NOT describe me well 1 2 3 4 5 Describes me well When I see someone being treated unfairly, I sometimes don't feel much pity for them. Does NOT describe me well 1 2 3 4 5 Describes me well I often have tender, concerned feelings for people less fortunate than me. Does NOT describe me well 1 2 3 4 5 Describes me well I would describe myself as a pretty soft-hearted person. Does NOT describe me well 1 2 3 4 5 Describes me well Sometimes I don't feel very sorry for other people when they are having problems.
  • 10. Does NOT describe me well 1 2 3 4 5 Describes me well Other people's misfortunes do not usually disturb me a great deal. Does NOT describe me well 1 2 3 4 5 Describes me well I am often touched by the things that I see happen. Does NOT describe me well 1 2 3 4 5 Describes me well Your score was 23. The range of possible scores is from 7 to 35. Understanding Your Score on the Emotional Empathy Scale This self-assessment is designed to help you to estimate your propensity for emotional empathy. Emotional empathy is an important part of the perceptual process because it makes us more aware of the external causes of another person's performance and Behavior. It also improves the communication process by helping us to put the words of other people in their proper context. Your score represents your personal estimate of how sensitive you are to the feelings, thoughts, and situation of others. Scores on this scale range from 7 to 35. A higher score indicates a higher level of emotional empathy. The following graph shows the range of emotional empathy scores and where you score in comparison. The average score in recent studies
  • 11. across several Canadian and U.S. groups of people is approximately 23. Also, keep in mind that women tend to score about 2 points higher than men on this emotional empathy scale. Activity 3.6: Assessing Your Perspective-Taking (Cognitive Empathy) The source of this scale is: M. H. Davis, "A multidimensional approach to individual differences in empathy," JSAS Catalog of Selected Documents in Psychology, 10 (1980), p. 85. Empathy refers to a person's understanding of and sensitivity to the feelings, thoughts, and situation of others. The "understanding" part of empathy is called perspective taking or cognitive empathy. It represents an intellectual understanding of another person's situational and individual circumstances. This self-assessment is designed to help you to estimate your propensity for perspective taking. It includes 7 statements, and you are asked to indicate the degree to which each statement does or does not describe you very well. You need to be honest with yourself to for a reasonable estimate of your level of perspective taking. Top of Form Before criticizing somebody, I try to imagine how I would feel if I were in his/her place. Does NOT describe me well 1 2 3 4 5 Describes me well If I'm sure I'm right about something, I don't waste much time listening to other people's arguments. Does NOT describe me well 1 2 3 4 5 Describes me well
  • 12. I sometimes try to understand my friends better by imagining how things look from their perspective. Does NOT describe me well 1 2 3 4 5 Describes me well I believe that there are two sides to every question and try to look at them both. Does NOT describe me well 1 2 3 4 5 Describes me well I sometimes find it difficult to see things from the other person's point of view. Does NOT describe me well 1 2 3 4 5 Describes me well I try to look at everybody's side of a disagreement before I make a decision. Does NOT describe me well 1 2 3 4 5 Describes me well When I'm upset at someone, I usually try to "put myself in his/her shoes" for a while. Does NOT describe me well 1 2 3 4 5 Describes me well
  • 13. S core the Exercise Clea r the AnswersYour score was 29. The range of possible scores is from 7 to 35. Understanding Your Score on the Perspective Taking Scale This self-assessment is designed to help you to estimate your propensity for perspective taking. Perspective taking is an important part of the perceptual process because it makes us more aware of the external causes of another person's performance and Behavior. It also improves the communication process by helping us to put the words of other people in their proper context. Your score represents your personal estimate of how well you can understand the feelings, thoughts, and situation of others. Scores on this scale range from 7 to 35. A higher score indicates a higher level of perspective taking (also called cognitive empathy). The following graph shows the range of perspective taking scores and where you score in comparison. The average score in recent studies across several Canadian and U.S. groups of people is approximately 20. Also, keep in mind that women tend to score about 1.5 points higher than men on this perspective taking scale. Understanding Your Score on the Decision Making Style Inventory The decision making style inventory estimates the extent to
  • 14. which you prefer rational and intuitive decision making. Both the "rational" and "intuitive" decision styles have a maximum score of 20 points and a minimum score of 4 points. Notice that you can have higher or low levels of BOTH decision-making styles. For example, you might score very high on both rational and intuitive decision making. This is not contradictory. Some people engage in more intense rational and intuitive thinking. Low preference for rational decision making 4-9 Moderate preference for rational decision making 10-14 Strong preference for rational decision making 15-20 4 20 Your score was 15. The range of possible scores is from 4 to 20.
  • 15. Rational decision style People with high scores on this scale like to make decisions based on facts and logical analysis. They try to avoid or ignore gut instinct when it contradicts objective information. Low preference for intuitive decision making 4-9 Moderate preference for intuitive decision making 10-14 Strong preference for intuitive decision making 15-20 4 20 Your score was 14. The range of possible scores is from 4 to 20. Intuitive decision style People with high scores on this scale like to make decisions based on their inner feelings or "gut instinct". They try to avoid rational choices if they are inconsistent with their intuition.
  • 16. Activity 7.9: Decision Making Style Inventory The source of this scale is: Inspired from ideas in C. W. Allinson and J. Hayes, J, "The Cognitive Style Index: A Measure of Intuition-Analysis for Organizational Research," Journal of Management Studies, 33 (1996), pp. 119- 35; S. G. Scott and R. A. Bruce, "Decision-Making Style: the Development and Assessment of a New Measure," Educational & Psychological Measurement, 55 (October 1995), pp. 818-31. The statements in this self-assessment describe how individuals go about making important decisions. Read each statement in this decision making style inventory and indicate the extent to which you personally agree or disagree with the statement. Answer each item as truthfully as possible so that you get an accurate estimate of your decision making style. Top of Form I make decisions more on facts than my gut instincts. I feel more comfortable making decisions in a logical and systematic way. When making decisions, I rely upon my intuition more than anything else. When I make a decision, it is more important for me to feel the decision is right than to have a rational reason for it
  • 17. I won't make a choice that doesn't feel right, even when the facts indicate it is the right choice. My decision making tends to involve careful analysis of facts and weighting of decision criteria. When I make a decision, I trust my inner feelings and reactions. The best decisions I make are based on detailed analysis of factual information. Bottom of Form Activity 8.6: Are You a Team Player? The source of this scale is: T. J. B. Kline, "The Team Player Inventory: Reliability and Validity of a Measure of Predisposition Towards Organizational Team Working Environments," Journal for Specialists in Group Work, 24 (1999), pp. 102-12. Some people would like to work in teams for almost everything, whereas other people would like to keep as far away from teams as possible. Most of us fall somewhere in between. This self- assessment estimates the extent to which you are positively predisposed to work in teams. Read each statement in this self-assessment and indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with that statement.
  • 18. Top of Form I enjoy working on team projects Team project work easily allows others not to 'pull their weight' Work that is done as a team is better than the work done individually I do my best work alone rather than in a team Team work is overrated in terms of the actual results produced Working in a team gets me to think more creatively Teams are used too often when individual work would be more effective My own work is enhanced when I am in a team situation My experiences working in team situations have been primarily negative More solutions or ideas are generated when working in a team
  • 19. situation then when working alone Bottom of Form Bottom of Form Bottom of Form Your score was 31. The range of possible scores is from 10 to 50. Understanding Your Score on the Team Player Inventory The Team Player Inventory estimates the extent to which you are positively predisposed to working on teams. The higher your score, the more you enjoy working in teams and believe that teamwork is beneficial. This scale has a range from 10 to 50. The graph shows your score on this scale compared with results from a sample of Canadian undergraduate psychology students. _1477072671.unknown _1477072687.unknown _1477072695.unknown _1477073296.unknown _1477074257.unknown _1477074259.unknown _1477074260.unknown _1477074258.unknown _1477074253.unknown _1477074255.unknown _1477074256.unknown _1477074254.unknown _1477073298.unknown _1477074251.unknown _1477074252.unknown