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Step 1: Think about the questions below and briefly explain
them in the space below
What do you do best? I consider myself a great listener,
providing rationale responds and answers.
What do you value most? I value my character first, then my
family and real friends are valued tremendously.
When are you most effective at impacting people? At work,
when I am handling my calls or emails on some high issues that
arise. I’m a great problem solving, reaching agreements that
both side love and appreciate.
When are you most satisfied with your work? When I know I
have completed and ensured everything possible to create a
better outcome of any issue that may come across to handle.
What kind of legacy do you want to leave behind? I hope I leave
one, that everyone can say that I was always a go getter and
enjoyed life to its fullest. Trying new things and never giving
up on my dreams.
Step 2: Complete the table below. (Try to list 10 things per
What I Care About
What I’m good at
Things I’d like to change
· My life
· Family
· Friends
· Happiness
· My health
· My job
· Exercise
· Time
· Character
· My future
· Listening
· Helping others
· Managing groups
· Being a sister
· Being a best friend
· Softball
· Swimming
· Learning
· Listening
· Cooking
· Racism
· Gun Violence
· Injustice among race
· Bullying
· Shortage of job
· Abandon babies
· College tuition
· Equality for everyone
· Stereotyping
· Sentencing of court cases
Step 3: Using the information above, write a draft of your
purpose statement in the box below. (Remember to check the
Quick Guide to Crafting Your Purpose Statement for a template
and tips.)
Write your draft Purpose Statement below.
My purpose is to use my inspiration of overcoming life
struggles to help others to achieved their life dreams.
No pressure! Remember this is only your first draft. It is not set
in stone. As you learn more about yourself throughout this
course, you will be able to update and refine this statement.
Note: This first draft will later evolve into your final purpose
statement and will be used in your Personal Development
Gameplan, which is due in Week 10.
2 | Page
Assignment 1: Understanding Your Values
Due week 3and worth 100 points.
“If you're going to build a great career, you had better have a
strong foundation. It all comes back to the priorities and the
values that you have in life. - Coach Gibbs
Understanding Your Values Worksheet
In the article What Self-Awareness Really Is (And How to
Cultivate It) author Tasha Eurich states that “Research suggests
that when we see ourselves clearly, we are more confident and
more creative. We make sounder decisions, build stronger
relationships, and communicate more effectively.” This
worksheet will help you do just that.
In the table below, each row represents a group (past or present)
that has influenced your values. Examples of these groups are
your family, church, sports teams, profession, groups sharing
common interests, etc. Select five of these groups and list them
in the first column of the table.
For each of the groups, identify the following:
1. Three (3) positive behaviors that were learned and/or
encouraged by the group. For example your teacher would
always expect that you were on time or that you were assertive
during class presentations.
2. Three (3) values that you learned from the group. For
example someone could have learned from a church group to be
compassionate or to speak up when one sees injustices.
b. Choose your values from the list provided in the Your Values
Matter table. Scroll to the end of this assignment to find this
Ex: Church
Volunteering, Working on a team, Being on time
Accountability, respect, teamwork
(choose from the Your Values Matter table below)
Accept diverse opinion, Respect others personal space, Keeping
Treating others as I would like being treated, money
management, generosity
Being friendly, being accommodative, helping others
personal growth
Bowling Team
Being a team player, mental toughness, Risk assessment
continuous learning
Always try my best, endurance, Following rules and regulations
personal fulfillment
How important is each value in your life? Using the
“Understanding Your Values” table, choose 10 of your values
and put each value in priority order - #1 matters most, #10
matters least. Be HONEST! It doesn’t matter how someone else
would rank these values; it only matters how important they are
to you! Remember, this is about SELF-awareness. Your goal is
to identify the things that matter most to YOU!
In the article How to Live With Purpose, Identify Your Values
and Improve Your Leadership, author Ann Loehr explains how
your values give you a sense of purpose. The exercise below
will help you focus on those values. Please complete the
following in the table below:
1. List the values according to what matters most to you.
2. Provide a brief definition of what that values means to you in
your own words.
3. Write a short sentence about the meaning of each value in the
“why does this matter to me” column. (Ex: If “friendship” is
one of your higher values, you might understand it [and
yourself!] better by identifying WHY friendship is such a high
priority for you.)
(most important to least important)
(what does it mean to me?)
(why does this value matter to me?)
Ex: Friendship
A special bond/connection between myself and another person.
Friends are valuable to me because we provide each other with
support during the positive and difficult times in our lives.
Friends also provide companionship.
1. Achievement
Getting what I desire or where I want to be
Achieving gives me an urge of achieving even more, thus acts
as my motivator
2. Personal Growth
Becoming better every day as an individual in everything I am
involved in.
Personal growth helps me improve in my performance
3. Personal Fulfillment
The feeling of accomplishment
Personal fulfillment gives me satisfaction of who I am therefore
boosting my self-confidence.
Dedicating myself to cause and activities that will boost my
Commitment helps me go all out and follow my interests and
actualize them by working tirelessly.
5. Listening
Ability to tentatively listen to advice, explanations, corrections
Listening helps me pay attention to what others have to say to
me thus enhancing me make more informed decisions.
6. Continuous Learning
Learning new things every day.
Continuous learning is an important value to me that helps me
acquire new skills, knowledge, experiences etc. which improve
my understanding of a wide range of topics and fields.
7. Perseverance
Persisting in things I do despite hardships and delayed success.
Perseverance makes me keep moving towards my goals despite
obstacles I face in the process.
8. Reliability
Being trustworthy and doing what I am expected to do with high
level of consistency.
Reliability promotes trust between me and others which is
important for effective leadership.
9. Trust
Believing in others and myself
Trust helps me, and others communicate and share ideas freely.
10. Friendship
Interpersonal bond between me and others
Whenever I need personal advice, friends are always there for
me. They motivate me and give me the courage to face
difficulty situations. When I win we celebrate together and
when the worst happen, they are there to support me
psychologically, socially, and spiritually.
Now, review both tables. Write a reflection on how you think
the groups in your life have helped you define your own values.
Be sure to reference the material from class to support your
response. What can you conclude?
Be sure to address the following:
1. How has this activity provided insight into the effect your
groups of influence have on your personal values? Were you
aware of the relationship between the two before doing this
activity? Were you surprised by the amount of influence each
group has? Explain why or why not.
This activity has really helped me realize how groups I have
interacted with in my life have influenced my personal values
by knowing exactly which values I learnt from where. To be
sincere, I never thought my personal values have been shaped
by the groups I have been in. I am surprised that each group I
have engaged with, even the ones I thought were insignificant in
my life, had and still have so much influence in my values. In
fact, I am now wondering which values I never got from these
groups because most of, if not all, the values I have were gained
from groups’ influences.
0. Why is self-awareness so important in the journey to finding
your purpose?
Self-awareness is an important step towards realizing my real
potential and achieving it. This is since self-awareness will help
me know my strengths and weaknesses. Regarding my strengths,
I will know how to utilize them effectively in different
situations thus getting the best results. On the other hand,
knowing my weaknesses will help me plan on how to improve
on them. In other words, self-awareness will allow me to adapt
to my day-to-day activities and determine my limitations and
capabilities. With this knowledge, I will be able to know what
exactly I should aim at and achieve easily than when working
towards a goal without knowing who I am. In short, self-
awareness is crucial when finding my purpose as it will enable
me to first know my capabilities before setting my goals. This
makes it to achieve the goal.
0. How did you determine your top three (3) values overall?
Was it difficult to narrow it down? Explain your reasoning.
I determined my top three values by picking the most frequent
values I have learned from various groups. Although I have
absorbed a lot of values, the three values appear to be the most
significant values to me and therefore, narrowing them down
was not that easy as I viewed most of them as equally relevant
to me. however, the fact that I am naturally a result-oriented
person made it a little bit easier to realize that the top three
values on the list matter the most to me.
Directions: For Part 1, choose from the list of values below.
conflict resolution
job security
balance (home/work)
financial stability
being the best
continuous learning
personal growth
professional growth
ease with uncertainty
future generations
making a difference
community involvement
enthusiasm/ positive attitude
environmental awareness
humor/ fun
personal fulfillment
Scoring Guide Assignment 1: Understanding Your Values
90-100% A
80-89% B
70-79% C
Meets Minimum Expectations
60-69% D
Below 60% F
1. Identify the positive behaviors that were learned and/or
encouraged in each group.
Weight: 15%
Identifies 3 positive behaviors that were learned and/or
encouraged in each group.
Identifies only 2 positive behaviors that were learned and/or
encouraged in each group.
Identifies only 1 positive behavior that was learned and/or
encouraged in each group.
Does not identify the positive behaviors that were learned
and/or encouraged in each group.
Did not submit.
2. Identify the values learned in each group
Weight: 15%
Identifies 3 values learned in each group.
Identifies only 2 values learned in each group.
Identifies only 1 value learned in each group.
Does not identify the values learned in each group.
Did not submit.
3. Rank your values from most important to least important with
your personal definition and explanation.
Weight: 25%
Proficiently ranks values from most important to least
important. Proficiently describes personal definition and
explanation of why those values are important.
Thoroughly ranks values from most important to least
important. Thoroughly describes personal definition and
explanation of why those values are important.
Satisfactorily ranks values from most important to least
important. Satisfactorily describes personal definition and
explanation of why those values are important.
Did not rank values or provide personal definition or
explanation of why values are important.
Did not submit.
4. Reflect on how you think the groups have helped you define
your values.
Weight: 40%
Proficiently reflects on how the groups have helped define your
own values. Includes three or more references from two or more
sources of course material.
Demonstrates excellent understanding of the relationship
between the positive behaviors and their impact on your own
Thoroughly reflects on how the groups have helped define your
own values. Includes two references from one source of course
Demonstrates good understanding of the relationship between
the positive behaviors and their impact on your own values.
Satisfactorily reflects on how the groups have helped define
your own values. Includes one reference from one source of
course material.
Logically, but not completely, demonstrates an understanding of
the relationship between the positive behaviors and their impact
on your own values.
Insufficiently reflects on how the groups have helped define
your own values. Does not include any references from the
course materials. Demonstrates minimal understanding of the
relationship between the positive behaviors and the impact on
your own values.
Does not reflect on how the groups have helped define your own
values. Does not include any references from the course
materials. Demonstrates no understanding of the relationship
between the positive behaviors and the impact on your own
5. Write in a professional manner using proper grammar and
Weight: 5%
Writing is excellent.
Tone is professional and sophisticated. Shows logic, clarity, and
consistent formatting.
Contains no spelling or grammatical errors.
Writing is mostly good.
Tone is professional.
Shows logic, clarity, and consistent formatting.
May contain few or no spelling and/or grammatical errors.
Writing is satisfactory.
Tone is somewhat professional.
Shows moderate logic, clarity, and/or consistent formatting.
May contain 2-4 spelling and/or grammatical errors.
Writing meets minimal standards.
Tone is not professional.
Lacks one or more of logic, clarity, and/or consistent
May contain more than 4 spelling and/or grammatical errors.
Writing does not meet minimal standards.
Tone is not professional.
Wholly lacking in logic, clarity, and/or consistent formatting.
Contains many spelling and/or grammatical errors.
Assignment 2: DiSC Assessment Reflection
Due Week 5and worth 100 points.
Instructions: Use your Everything DiSC Management Profile
Assessment results to identify your DiSC management style and
answer the questions below. Remember, this is a reflection of
your personality and strengths, so there are no “right” answers.
Just be sure to answer the questions honestly and thoughtfully.
DiSC STYLE: Influence
1. Give a brief summary of what your style says about your
management personality style. (Page 4 of your report.)
The style of Influence is the style which makes a person to have
more network with colleagues, friends and strangers apart from
enjoying socializing and relate with others. Due to the addition
characteristics like enthusiastic and optimistic, they make the
people they are managing more excited about the ideas and
goals at hand. However, the people who are skeptical feel like
they more optimistic some of the times. Besides, people with
this personality style gives more expression and gestures when
communicating to get more attention of the audience. And
sometimes they are very talkative and work under pressure
because they do a lot of task at a time besides a lot confidence.
Also, the people with Influence style likes to be the center of
attraction and while encouraging team work and giving an ear to
the ideas of other people. On the contrary, when hungry, they
are most likely to say the things that they will later regret.
2. Did your results surprise you? Explain why or why not.
Yes, this is because it fully described my characteristic. This is
what I am in real life because most of my friends describes me
with such traits. Even though some surprised me, I never really
looked at them to analyzed.
3. Go to Page 5 of your report. Identify your “priorities,” and
write them in the space below. (These are the areas where you
focus most of your energy.)
With the I style, my priorities are Action, Encouragement and
Collaboration. The I style, acting enables the managers to move
faster with excitements. They have a lot of solutions and
innovations for problem solving. Besides, the act of inspiring
people to be quicker and catch up with them is in this. Also,
such managers like encouraging people and valuing the
contribution from others. The encouragements enable the team
to be energized and concentrate more on the job. Lastly is
collaboration where group work is emphasized. Decisions are
received from different persons to involve all the team
members. With collaboration, there is maximum outcome from
the job.
4. Describe two (2) situations where one or more of your
“priorities” have helped you accomplish a task and/or helped
you to be effective when working with others.
In the first situation, the priority of collaboration helped in the
research. This is where, guidance and assistance were given
though out the research work together with the willing from the
people to give information about the research work. Another
situation is when I was facing a low self-esteem. The priority of
encourage equipped me with the skill and energy to coup up
with such challenges. With this priority, I was able to stand
strong in the situations and overcome them.
5. Locate the list of motivators and stressors on Page 6 of your
report. Choose three (3) of motivators and three (3) of stressors
that you most identify with. In the space below, write down why
you chose these motivators and stressors and explain how
you’ve experienced them before.
Three motivators identified are inspiring others to do their best,
recognizing the good work of others and developing warm
relationship with the team members. I choose this motivator
because inspiration, teamwork and appreciation of the work
leads to the success of whatever you are doing. When one is
motivated in any of the task done, it gives them a continuing
spirit to do the good work. Besides, the warm relationship with
the team members enables the manager to easily identify a
problem or the challenge that the team is facing and solving it
at an early stage without further damage. This was fully
experience in the project work where all the motivators were
practiced and led to its success.
Three stressors identified are having to slow your pace, making
tough decisions independently and being forceful with others.
These stressors were mainly identified because they are most
dangerous during work. They are hardly dealt with and solved.
This is because, during a certain team work, I experienced this,
and they were very hard to be eliminated. Besides, I am a fast
person and it is challenging for me to work with someone who
is very slow.
6. Locate the list of your strengths and challenges as they relate
to directing and delegating. (Page 7 of your report.) Identify the
three (3) strengths and three (3) challenges that you identify
with the most. Explain why you chose those strengths and
challenges below.
Three strengths identified are giving direction in a friendly and
positive manner, encourage people to work through problems
and making people feel that they are important contributors.
These strengths were chosen because they are the most
important things that keep people moving forward in whatever
they are engaged in. Directing people in a friendly and positive
manner makes them feel free and well taken care of hence
accepting the correction in a positive way. Besides, team work
helps in the solving of a problem fast towards the positive
because of the consultations. Also, when people are free in
making decision, appropriate way of solving the problem will be
acquired as two heads are better than one. Three challenges
identified are analyzing option before assigning a task, creating
a reliable setting and highlighting the importance of the routine
task. I choose this challenge because I’m mostly affected by
giving options before assigning, I always assign all the task at
once besides, most people do not like detailed explanations.
7. After watching the Strayer Story: Discovering Your Purpose:
Strengths and Personality and reading more about your DiSC
management style, identify three (3) jobs/careers that you
believe would align well with your personality. Use the list of
occupations in this week’s “Coach’s Huddle” to help you
narrow down your choices. Briefly explain why you feel as
though your personality would be a good match for these
The three job careers that will align with the Influence
personality are project management (Marketing), tutor
(Preschool teacher) and manager (Office manger). The influence
personality is a good match for these jobs or careers because
they need individuals with influence characteristics like, giving
clear elaborations, involved in team work, encouraging the team
members among others. The team members who are well
encouraged, given clear directions and work in unit produces
excellent results and yields more success. Besides, influence is
involved with action, collaboration and encouragement which
are fundamental in the mention careers. Such a career that is
lacking the mentioned characteristics is I guess you can say
lifeless. I feel that I enjoyed helping others learned and working
with others to achieve greatness.
Billinstaff Industries uses the weighted-average method in its
process costing system. Data for the Assembly Department for
May appear below:
Work in process, May 1
Cost added during May
Equivalent units of production
Compute the cost per equivalent unit for materials, for labor,
and for overhead. (Round your answers to 2 decimal places.)
Cost per equivalent unit
Compute the total cost per equivalent whole unit. (Round your
final answer to 2 decimal places.)
Total cost per equivalent unit
Journal Activity #2: Creating A SMART Goal
Due Week 8 and worth 50 points
Instructions: Follow the prompts below to start develop a career
goal. Your goal can be related to the career field you are
currently in, or in the career that you want to have in the future.
Use the Writing SMART Goals [footnoteRef:1] document to
help you write your goals. Then, answer the questions to
determine if your goal is, in fact, S.M.A.R.T. [1: The Writing
SMART Goals was created by the University of Virginia Human
Resources Department.]
Please save your assignment (or journal) as
FirstInitial_LastName_JGR100_ J2. Be sure to use this filename
when submitting your assignment in Blackboard.
Career Goal
I plan to become one of the Product Manager within my
company over the Indoor Product Line.
Specific: What exactly will you accomplish? Be as specific as
To become Product Manager within the Indoor Group, by the
end of 2019
Measurable: How will you know when you have reached this
Completing all the managers training and induction classes held
every other month. Adding my name to the team choice
selections, by the end of August 2019.
Achievable: Can this really happen? Will you be able to
realistically achieve this goal with effort and commitment? Do
you have the resources you need to achieve this goal? If not,
how will you get them?
Yes, this can be achieved, in the process of attending all
meetings and training offered. Three of the nine classes
required have been completed.
Relevant: Why is this goal significant to your life? Why does it
matter to you? Why is it important?
I have been working in the lighting industry for about 30 years
and feel it’s time to grow farther within the company. All the
knowledge I have gained, and experiences obtain I feel I can
add value to the team.
Timely: When will you achieve this goal?
By the end of our yearly quarter 2019, before our fiscal year of
2 | Page
JGR100 Finding Your Leadership Purpose
Personal Development Game Plan
“Live consistently according to your moral values. People will
respect you for it.”
- Coach Gibbs
Instructions: Establishing clear values is important when
deciding how to live and lead effectively. Using your responses
from Assignment 1, identify your top three (3) values and
explain why they are important to you.
1. List your top three (3) values:
Value 1:
Value 2:
Value 3:
1. Using 50-100 words, explain why each value is important to
Value 1 is important to me because…
Value 2 is important to me because…
Value 3 is important to me because… Passions
“If you aren’t passionate about what you are doing...You ought
to find another career—something that cranks your motor,
something you can pour your life into and enjoy it.”
-Coach Gibbs
Instructions: Your passion is the fuel or energy that keeps you
going and keeps you filled with meaning, happiness, and
excitement, as you pursue your goals in life. Complete the table
by identifying five (5) things that you are passionate about,
along with a brief description of each passion. Include 1-2
careers that you feel are in alignment with each passion you list.
Career Match
Ex: Mentoring kids in my neighborhood.
This provides happiness and fulfillment for me because I know
that I am using my personal experience to make a positive
influence on the youth around me. By mentoring the youth, I
hope that I am creating a positive impact on our future, as a
Teacher or Social Worker
Strengths and Personality
“The key is to find out where our people’s gifts, talents, and
abilities lie and then help them use their gifts for the common
-Coach Gibbs
Instructions: Joe Gibbs has a talent for identifying his athlete’s
and employee’s strengths and personalities and setting them up
for success. He knows that understanding your personality can
tell you a lot about how you work with other people and the
situations where you excel.. Complete the table below using
your personality results from the DiSC report in Assignment 2.
DiSC STYLE: ___________(insert style here ex: D, i, S, SC,
DiSC Profile Results
Strengths in Delegating
Challenges in Delegating
Based on your results in the “Challenges in Delegating” section
of your DiSC report, choose one of your challenges and
describe how you might work to improve this over time. Using
approximately 100 words, explain your response in the space
Leadership Style
“One of the first secrets to successful leadership is to learn all
you can from your mentors...but develop a leadership style that
works for you. Be yourself!”
-Coach Gibbs
Instructions: Understanding your leadership style can help you
pinpoint the leadership techniques that come naturally to you
and also the ones you need to work on to achieve your
leadership goals. Describe your top two (2) preferred leadership
styles and explain how they are both related to your personality
and strengths. (Use your responses from Assignment #3 to
complete this portion of the Game Plan.)
Leadership Style #1:Type style here
Description of style (50-100 words):
Explanation of how my style aligns to my strengths and
personality (100 words):
Leadership Style #2:Type style here
Description of style (50-100 words):
Explanation of how my style aligns to my strengths and
personality (100 words):
Purpose Statement
“So, what will your life look like when it is full of purpose and
on target?”
- Coach Gibbs
Instructions: In Week 2, you created a draft of your Personal
Purpose Statement based on what you learned about what it
means to have a purpose in life. Revise this original purpose
statement using any additional insights that you have gained
from this course.
Once you’ve collected and analyzed all of your personal data
and experiences, write your “final” Purpose Statement in the
first space below. Your Purpose Statement should be 1-2
My Purpose Statement
Using approximately 100 words, explain why you feel this is
your purpose:
Congratulations! You have your purpose statement!
Now that you’ve identified your purpose, you’re ready to tackle
your personal and professional life with focus and a vision for
success! It’s time to establish your goals and create an action
plan for your future!
Goals and Action Plan
“You must define your goals. You must also regularly evaluate
your goals and be willing to revise them when necessary.”
-Coach Gibbs
Instructions: Goal setting is crucial because it helps keep you
focused and motivated, giving you a sense of control over your
career, your life, etc. Complete the Action Plan below. Use the
Sample Action Plan as a guide to help you develop your Action
Plan. Use the career SMART goal from your Journal #2 for this
Action Plan.
Action Plan
(Write your new purpose statement here.)
(Write your career SMART goal here.)
Milestone 1
(Identify a milestone (short-term goal) that you plan to
accomplish along the way to achieving your SMART goal.)
Identify the barriers to achieving your SMART goal
(Identify any possible/anticipated barriers that might throw you
off track. Consider how your personality and strengths can help
you here.)
Identify 1-2 Strategies to deal with barriers
(Note: Consider how your personality and strengths can help
you here.)
Identify people who will be impacted and/or affected by your
SMART goal
(Identify the person/people that may be impacted by this goal.)
Identify a deadline
(Identify the deadline you’ve set for yourself to complete the
Summary: Putting Your Purpose Into Practice
Using approximately 250 words, describe three (3) main
takeaways (key facts, points, or ideas) from this course. How
will you apply these takeaways to your personal and/or
professional life in the future? Record your response in the
space provided below.
Congratulations! Completing this game plan is a major
milestone on your educational journey! You shouldn’t think of
this as just another assignment. Instead, this game plan is
something you should hold onto and be ready to put to use as
you move forward with Joe Gibbs and his team. You’re well on
your way to achieving your goals and your purpose.

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  • 1. Step 1: Think about the questions below and briefly explain them in the space below What do you do best? I consider myself a great listener, providing rationale responds and answers. What do you value most? I value my character first, then my family and real friends are valued tremendously. When are you most effective at impacting people? At work, when I am handling my calls or emails on some high issues that arise. I’m a great problem solving, reaching agreements that both side love and appreciate. When are you most satisfied with your work? When I know I have completed and ensured everything possible to create a better outcome of any issue that may come across to handle. What kind of legacy do you want to leave behind? I hope I leave one, that everyone can say that I was always a go getter and enjoyed life to its fullest. Trying new things and never giving up on my dreams. Step 2: Complete the table below. (Try to list 10 things per column.) What I Care About What I’m good at
  • 2. Things I’d like to change · My life · Family · Friends · Happiness · My health · My job · Exercise · Time · Character · My future · Listening · Helping others · Managing groups · Being a sister · Being a best friend · Softball · Swimming · Learning · Listening · Cooking · Racism · Gun Violence · Injustice among race · Bullying · Shortage of job · Abandon babies · College tuition · Equality for everyone · Stereotyping · Sentencing of court cases Step 3: Using the information above, write a draft of your purpose statement in the box below. (Remember to check the
  • 3. Quick Guide to Crafting Your Purpose Statement for a template and tips.) Write your draft Purpose Statement below. My purpose is to use my inspiration of overcoming life struggles to help others to achieved their life dreams. No pressure! Remember this is only your first draft. It is not set in stone. As you learn more about yourself throughout this course, you will be able to update and refine this statement. Note: This first draft will later evolve into your final purpose statement and will be used in your Personal Development Gameplan, which is due in Week 10. 2 | Page Assignment 1: Understanding Your Values Due week 3and worth 100 points. “If you're going to build a great career, you had better have a strong foundation. It all comes back to the priorities and the values that you have in life. - Coach Gibbs Understanding Your Values Worksheet PART 1 IDENTIFY YOUR VALUES & GROUPS OF INFLUENCE In the article What Self-Awareness Really Is (And How to
  • 4. Cultivate It) author Tasha Eurich states that “Research suggests that when we see ourselves clearly, we are more confident and more creative. We make sounder decisions, build stronger relationships, and communicate more effectively.” This worksheet will help you do just that. In the table below, each row represents a group (past or present) that has influenced your values. Examples of these groups are your family, church, sports teams, profession, groups sharing common interests, etc. Select five of these groups and list them in the first column of the table. For each of the groups, identify the following: 1. Three (3) positive behaviors that were learned and/or encouraged by the group. For example your teacher would always expect that you were on time or that you were assertive during class presentations. 2. Three (3) values that you learned from the group. For example someone could have learned from a church group to be compassionate or to speak up when one sees injustices. b. Choose your values from the list provided in the Your Values Matter table. Scroll to the end of this assignment to find this table. GROUP NAME 3 POSITIVE BEHAVIORS 3 VALUES LEARNED Ex: Church Volunteering, Working on a team, Being on time Accountability, respect, teamwork (choose from the Your Values Matter table below) Work Accept diverse opinion, Respect others personal space, Keeping time respect
  • 5. commitment listening Family Treating others as I would like being treated, money management, generosity trust compassion caring Friends Being friendly, being accommodative, helping others friendship reliability personal growth Bowling Team Being a team player, mental toughness, Risk assessment achievement continuous learning commitment School Always try my best, endurance, Following rules and regulations perseverance coaching/mentoring personal fulfillment PART 2: RANK YOUR VALUES How important is each value in your life? Using the “Understanding Your Values” table, choose 10 of your values and put each value in priority order - #1 matters most, #10 matters least. Be HONEST! It doesn’t matter how someone else would rank these values; it only matters how important they are to you! Remember, this is about SELF-awareness. Your goal is to identify the things that matter most to YOU! In the article How to Live With Purpose, Identify Your Values and Improve Your Leadership, author Ann Loehr explains how
  • 6. your values give you a sense of purpose. The exercise below will help you focus on those values. Please complete the following in the table below: 1. List the values according to what matters most to you. 2. Provide a brief definition of what that values means to you in your own words. 3. Write a short sentence about the meaning of each value in the “why does this matter to me” column. (Ex: If “friendship” is one of your higher values, you might understand it [and yourself!] better by identifying WHY friendship is such a high priority for you.) VALUES (most important to least important) DEFINITION (what does it mean to me?) WHY? (why does this value matter to me?) Ex: Friendship A special bond/connection between myself and another person. Friends are valuable to me because we provide each other with support during the positive and difficult times in our lives. Friends also provide companionship. 1. Achievement Getting what I desire or where I want to be Achieving gives me an urge of achieving even more, thus acts as my motivator 2. Personal Growth Becoming better every day as an individual in everything I am involved in. Personal growth helps me improve in my performance 3. Personal Fulfillment The feeling of accomplishment Personal fulfillment gives me satisfaction of who I am therefore boosting my self-confidence.
  • 7. 4.Commitment Dedicating myself to cause and activities that will boost my wellbeing. Commitment helps me go all out and follow my interests and actualize them by working tirelessly. 5. Listening Ability to tentatively listen to advice, explanations, corrections etc. Listening helps me pay attention to what others have to say to me thus enhancing me make more informed decisions. 6. Continuous Learning Learning new things every day. Continuous learning is an important value to me that helps me acquire new skills, knowledge, experiences etc. which improve my understanding of a wide range of topics and fields. 7. Perseverance Persisting in things I do despite hardships and delayed success. Perseverance makes me keep moving towards my goals despite obstacles I face in the process. 8. Reliability Being trustworthy and doing what I am expected to do with high level of consistency. Reliability promotes trust between me and others which is important for effective leadership. 9. Trust Believing in others and myself Trust helps me, and others communicate and share ideas freely. 10. Friendship Interpersonal bond between me and others Whenever I need personal advice, friends are always there for me. They motivate me and give me the courage to face difficulty situations. When I win we celebrate together and when the worst happen, they are there to support me psychologically, socially, and spiritually.
  • 8. PART 3: UNDERSTANDING YOUR VALUES AND INFLUENCE Now, review both tables. Write a reflection on how you think the groups in your life have helped you define your own values. Be sure to reference the material from class to support your response. What can you conclude? Be sure to address the following: 1. How has this activity provided insight into the effect your groups of influence have on your personal values? Were you aware of the relationship between the two before doing this activity? Were you surprised by the amount of influence each group has? Explain why or why not. This activity has really helped me realize how groups I have interacted with in my life have influenced my personal values by knowing exactly which values I learnt from where. To be sincere, I never thought my personal values have been shaped by the groups I have been in. I am surprised that each group I have engaged with, even the ones I thought were insignificant in my life, had and still have so much influence in my values. In fact, I am now wondering which values I never got from these groups because most of, if not all, the values I have were gained from groups’ influences. 0. Why is self-awareness so important in the journey to finding your purpose? Self-awareness is an important step towards realizing my real potential and achieving it. This is since self-awareness will help me know my strengths and weaknesses. Regarding my strengths, I will know how to utilize them effectively in different situations thus getting the best results. On the other hand, knowing my weaknesses will help me plan on how to improve on them. In other words, self-awareness will allow me to adapt to my day-to-day activities and determine my limitations and capabilities. With this knowledge, I will be able to know what exactly I should aim at and achieve easily than when working
  • 9. towards a goal without knowing who I am. In short, self- awareness is crucial when finding my purpose as it will enable me to first know my capabilities before setting my goals. This makes it to achieve the goal. 0. How did you determine your top three (3) values overall? Was it difficult to narrow it down? Explain your reasoning. I determined my top three values by picking the most frequent values I have learned from various groups. Although I have absorbed a lot of values, the three values appear to be the most significant values to me and therefore, narrowing them down was not that easy as I viewed most of them as equally relevant to me. however, the fact that I am naturally a result-oriented person made it a little bit easier to realize that the top three values on the list matter the most to me. YOUR VALUES MATTER Directions: For Part 1, choose from the list of values below. accountability competition ethics independence recognition achievement conflict resolution excellence initiative respect adaptability clarity fairness integrity risk-taking
  • 10. ambition dialogue family job security salvation balance (home/work) creativity financial stability humility reliability being the best continuous learning forgiveness justice personal growth caring courage freedom leadership professional growth clarity ease with uncertainty friendship listening safety coaching/mentoring education future generations making a difference self-discipline commitment efficiency generosity openness teamwork community involvement
  • 11. enthusiasm/ positive attitude health patience risk-taking compassion entrepreneurial humility perseverance trust competence environmental awareness humor/ fun personal fulfillment Scoring Guide Assignment 1: Understanding Your Values Criteria Exemplary 90-100% A Proficient 80-89% B Fair 70-79% C Meets Minimum Expectations 60-69% D Unacceptable Below 60% F 1. Identify the positive behaviors that were learned and/or encouraged in each group. Weight: 15%
  • 12. Identifies 3 positive behaviors that were learned and/or encouraged in each group. Identifies only 2 positive behaviors that were learned and/or encouraged in each group. Identifies only 1 positive behavior that was learned and/or encouraged in each group. Does not identify the positive behaviors that were learned and/or encouraged in each group. Did not submit. 2. Identify the values learned in each group Weight: 15% Identifies 3 values learned in each group. Identifies only 2 values learned in each group. Identifies only 1 value learned in each group. Does not identify the values learned in each group. Did not submit. 3. Rank your values from most important to least important with your personal definition and explanation. Weight: 25% Proficiently ranks values from most important to least important. Proficiently describes personal definition and explanation of why those values are important. Thoroughly ranks values from most important to least important. Thoroughly describes personal definition and explanation of why those values are important. Satisfactorily ranks values from most important to least important. Satisfactorily describes personal definition and
  • 13. explanation of why those values are important. Did not rank values or provide personal definition or explanation of why values are important. Did not submit. 4. Reflect on how you think the groups have helped you define your values. Weight: 40% Proficiently reflects on how the groups have helped define your own values. Includes three or more references from two or more sources of course material. Demonstrates excellent understanding of the relationship between the positive behaviors and their impact on your own values. Thoroughly reflects on how the groups have helped define your own values. Includes two references from one source of course material. Demonstrates good understanding of the relationship between the positive behaviors and their impact on your own values. Satisfactorily reflects on how the groups have helped define your own values. Includes one reference from one source of course material. Logically, but not completely, demonstrates an understanding of the relationship between the positive behaviors and their impact on your own values. Insufficiently reflects on how the groups have helped define your own values. Does not include any references from the course materials. Demonstrates minimal understanding of the relationship between the positive behaviors and the impact on your own values. Does not reflect on how the groups have helped define your own values. Does not include any references from the course materials. Demonstrates no understanding of the relationship between the positive behaviors and the impact on your own values.
  • 14. 5. Write in a professional manner using proper grammar and spelling. Weight: 5% Writing is excellent. Tone is professional and sophisticated. Shows logic, clarity, and consistent formatting. Contains no spelling or grammatical errors. Writing is mostly good. Tone is professional. Shows logic, clarity, and consistent formatting. May contain few or no spelling and/or grammatical errors. Writing is satisfactory. Tone is somewhat professional. Shows moderate logic, clarity, and/or consistent formatting. May contain 2-4 spelling and/or grammatical errors. Writing meets minimal standards. Tone is not professional. Lacks one or more of logic, clarity, and/or consistent formatting. May contain more than 4 spelling and/or grammatical errors. Writing does not meet minimal standards. Tone is not professional. Wholly lacking in logic, clarity, and/or consistent formatting. Contains many spelling and/or grammatical errors. 2 Assignment 2: DiSC Assessment Reflection
  • 15. Due Week 5and worth 100 points. Instructions: Use your Everything DiSC Management Profile Assessment results to identify your DiSC management style and answer the questions below. Remember, this is a reflection of your personality and strengths, so there are no “right” answers. Just be sure to answer the questions honestly and thoughtfully. DiSC STYLE: Influence 1. Give a brief summary of what your style says about your management personality style. (Page 4 of your report.) The style of Influence is the style which makes a person to have more network with colleagues, friends and strangers apart from enjoying socializing and relate with others. Due to the addition characteristics like enthusiastic and optimistic, they make the people they are managing more excited about the ideas and goals at hand. However, the people who are skeptical feel like they more optimistic some of the times. Besides, people with this personality style gives more expression and gestures when communicating to get more attention of the audience. And sometimes they are very talkative and work under pressure because they do a lot of task at a time besides a lot confidence. Also, the people with Influence style likes to be the center of attraction and while encouraging team work and giving an ear to the ideas of other people. On the contrary, when hungry, they are most likely to say the things that they will later regret. 2. Did your results surprise you? Explain why or why not. Yes, this is because it fully described my characteristic. This is what I am in real life because most of my friends describes me with such traits. Even though some surprised me, I never really looked at them to analyzed. 3. Go to Page 5 of your report. Identify your “priorities,” and
  • 16. write them in the space below. (These are the areas where you focus most of your energy.) With the I style, my priorities are Action, Encouragement and Collaboration. The I style, acting enables the managers to move faster with excitements. They have a lot of solutions and innovations for problem solving. Besides, the act of inspiring people to be quicker and catch up with them is in this. Also, such managers like encouraging people and valuing the contribution from others. The encouragements enable the team to be energized and concentrate more on the job. Lastly is collaboration where group work is emphasized. Decisions are received from different persons to involve all the team members. With collaboration, there is maximum outcome from the job. 4. Describe two (2) situations where one or more of your “priorities” have helped you accomplish a task and/or helped you to be effective when working with others. In the first situation, the priority of collaboration helped in the research. This is where, guidance and assistance were given though out the research work together with the willing from the people to give information about the research work. Another situation is when I was facing a low self-esteem. The priority of encourage equipped me with the skill and energy to coup up with such challenges. With this priority, I was able to stand strong in the situations and overcome them. 5. Locate the list of motivators and stressors on Page 6 of your report. Choose three (3) of motivators and three (3) of stressors that you most identify with. In the space below, write down why you chose these motivators and stressors and explain how you’ve experienced them before.
  • 17. Three motivators identified are inspiring others to do their best, recognizing the good work of others and developing warm relationship with the team members. I choose this motivator because inspiration, teamwork and appreciation of the work leads to the success of whatever you are doing. When one is motivated in any of the task done, it gives them a continuing spirit to do the good work. Besides, the warm relationship with the team members enables the manager to easily identify a problem or the challenge that the team is facing and solving it at an early stage without further damage. This was fully experience in the project work where all the motivators were practiced and led to its success. Three stressors identified are having to slow your pace, making tough decisions independently and being forceful with others. These stressors were mainly identified because they are most dangerous during work. They are hardly dealt with and solved. This is because, during a certain team work, I experienced this, and they were very hard to be eliminated. Besides, I am a fast person and it is challenging for me to work with someone who is very slow. 6. Locate the list of your strengths and challenges as they relate to directing and delegating. (Page 7 of your report.) Identify the three (3) strengths and three (3) challenges that you identify with the most. Explain why you chose those strengths and challenges below. Three strengths identified are giving direction in a friendly and positive manner, encourage people to work through problems and making people feel that they are important contributors. These strengths were chosen because they are the most important things that keep people moving forward in whatever they are engaged in. Directing people in a friendly and positive
  • 18. manner makes them feel free and well taken care of hence accepting the correction in a positive way. Besides, team work helps in the solving of a problem fast towards the positive because of the consultations. Also, when people are free in making decision, appropriate way of solving the problem will be acquired as two heads are better than one. Three challenges identified are analyzing option before assigning a task, creating a reliable setting and highlighting the importance of the routine task. I choose this challenge because I’m mostly affected by giving options before assigning, I always assign all the task at once besides, most people do not like detailed explanations. 7. After watching the Strayer Story: Discovering Your Purpose: Strengths and Personality and reading more about your DiSC management style, identify three (3) jobs/careers that you believe would align well with your personality. Use the list of occupations in this week’s “Coach’s Huddle” to help you narrow down your choices. Briefly explain why you feel as though your personality would be a good match for these jobs/careers. The three job careers that will align with the Influence personality are project management (Marketing), tutor (Preschool teacher) and manager (Office manger). The influence personality is a good match for these jobs or careers because they need individuals with influence characteristics like, giving clear elaborations, involved in team work, encouraging the team members among others. The team members who are well encouraged, given clear directions and work in unit produces excellent results and yields more success. Besides, influence is involved with action, collaboration and encouragement which are fundamental in the mention careers. Such a career that is lacking the mentioned characteristics is I guess you can say
  • 19. lifeless. I feel that I enjoyed helping others learned and working with others to achieve greatness. 2 2. Billinstaff Industries uses the weighted-average method in its process costing system. Data for the Assembly Department for May appear below: Materials Labor Overhead Work in process, May 1 $ 23,500 $ 37,791 $ 183,654 Cost added during May $ 142,600 $ 25,194 $ 122,436
  • 20. Equivalent units of production 2,000 1,900 1,800 Required: 1. Compute the cost per equivalent unit for materials, for labor, and for overhead. (Round your answers to 2 decimal places.) Materials Labor Overhead Cost per equivalent unit $ $ $ 2. Compute the total cost per equivalent whole unit. (Round your final answer to 2 decimal places.) Total cost per equivalent unit $ -2-2 http://ezto.mheclo
  • 21. Journal Activity #2: Creating A SMART Goal Due Week 8 and worth 50 points Instructions: Follow the prompts below to start develop a career goal. Your goal can be related to the career field you are currently in, or in the career that you want to have in the future. Use the Writing SMART Goals [footnoteRef:1] document to help you write your goals. Then, answer the questions to determine if your goal is, in fact, S.M.A.R.T. [1: The Writing SMART Goals was created by the University of Virginia Human Resources Department.] Please save your assignment (or journal) as FirstInitial_LastName_JGR100_ J2. Be sure to use this filename when submitting your assignment in Blackboard. Career Goal I plan to become one of the Product Manager within my company over the Indoor Product Line. Specific: What exactly will you accomplish? Be as specific as possible. To become Product Manager within the Indoor Group, by the end of 2019 Measurable: How will you know when you have reached this goal? Completing all the managers training and induction classes held every other month. Adding my name to the team choice selections, by the end of August 2019. Achievable: Can this really happen? Will you be able to realistically achieve this goal with effort and commitment? Do
  • 22. you have the resources you need to achieve this goal? If not, how will you get them? Yes, this can be achieved, in the process of attending all meetings and training offered. Three of the nine classes required have been completed. Relevant: Why is this goal significant to your life? Why does it matter to you? Why is it important? I have been working in the lighting industry for about 30 years and feel it’s time to grow farther within the company. All the knowledge I have gained, and experiences obtain I feel I can add value to the team. Timely: When will you achieve this goal? By the end of our yearly quarter 2019, before our fiscal year of 2020. 2 | Page JGR100 Finding Your Leadership Purpose Personal Development Game Plan
  • 23. Values “Live consistently according to your moral values. People will respect you for it.” - Coach Gibbs Instructions: Establishing clear values is important when deciding how to live and lead effectively. Using your responses from Assignment 1, identify your top three (3) values and explain why they are important to you. 1. List your top three (3) values: Value 1: Value 2: Value 3: 1. Using 50-100 words, explain why each value is important to you. Value 1 is important to me because… Value 2 is important to me because…
  • 24. Value 3 is important to me because… Passions “If you aren’t passionate about what you are doing...You ought to find another career—something that cranks your motor, something you can pour your life into and enjoy it.” -Coach Gibbs Instructions: Your passion is the fuel or energy that keeps you going and keeps you filled with meaning, happiness, and excitement, as you pursue your goals in life. Complete the table by identifying five (5) things that you are passionate about, along with a brief description of each passion. Include 1-2 careers that you feel are in alignment with each passion you list. Passion Description Career Match Ex: Mentoring kids in my neighborhood. This provides happiness and fulfillment for me because I know that I am using my personal experience to make a positive influence on the youth around me. By mentoring the youth, I hope that I am creating a positive impact on our future, as a whole. Teacher or Social Worker 1. 2. 3.
  • 25. 4. 5. Strengths and Personality “The key is to find out where our people’s gifts, talents, and abilities lie and then help them use their gifts for the common good.” -Coach Gibbs Instructions: Joe Gibbs has a talent for identifying his athlete’s and employee’s strengths and personalities and setting them up for success. He knows that understanding your personality can tell you a lot about how you work with other people and the situations where you excel.. Complete the table below using your personality results from the DiSC report in Assignment 2. DiSC STYLE: ___________(insert style here ex: D, i, S, SC, etc.) DiSC Profile Results Priorities
  • 26. Motivators Stressors Strengths in Delegating Challenges in Delegating Based on your results in the “Challenges in Delegating” section of your DiSC report, choose one of your challenges and describe how you might work to improve this over time. Using approximately 100 words, explain your response in the space below. Leadership Style “One of the first secrets to successful leadership is to learn all you can from your mentors...but develop a leadership style that works for you. Be yourself!” -Coach Gibbs Instructions: Understanding your leadership style can help you pinpoint the leadership techniques that come naturally to you and also the ones you need to work on to achieve your leadership goals. Describe your top two (2) preferred leadership styles and explain how they are both related to your personality and strengths. (Use your responses from Assignment #3 to complete this portion of the Game Plan.) Leadership Style #1:Type style here
  • 27. Description of style (50-100 words): Explanation of how my style aligns to my strengths and personality (100 words): Leadership Style #2:Type style here Description of style (50-100 words): Explanation of how my style aligns to my strengths and personality (100 words): Purpose Statement “So, what will your life look like when it is full of purpose and on target?” - Coach Gibbs Instructions: In Week 2, you created a draft of your Personal Purpose Statement based on what you learned about what it means to have a purpose in life. Revise this original purpose statement using any additional insights that you have gained from this course. Once you’ve collected and analyzed all of your personal data and experiences, write your “final” Purpose Statement in the first space below. Your Purpose Statement should be 1-2 sentences. My Purpose Statement Using approximately 100 words, explain why you feel this is your purpose:
  • 28. Congratulations! You have your purpose statement! Now that you’ve identified your purpose, you’re ready to tackle your personal and professional life with focus and a vision for success! It’s time to establish your goals and create an action plan for your future! Goals and Action Plan “You must define your goals. You must also regularly evaluate your goals and be willing to revise them when necessary.” -Coach Gibbs Instructions: Goal setting is crucial because it helps keep you focused and motivated, giving you a sense of control over your career, your life, etc. Complete the Action Plan below. Use the Sample Action Plan as a guide to help you develop your Action Plan. Use the career SMART goal from your Journal #2 for this Action Plan. Action Plan Purpose (Write your new purpose statement here.) Goal: (Write your career SMART goal here.) Milestone 1 (Identify a milestone (short-term goal) that you plan to accomplish along the way to achieving your SMART goal.) Identify the barriers to achieving your SMART goal (Identify any possible/anticipated barriers that might throw you off track. Consider how your personality and strengths can help you here.) Identify 1-2 Strategies to deal with barriers (Note: Consider how your personality and strengths can help
  • 29. you here.) Identify people who will be impacted and/or affected by your SMART goal (Identify the person/people that may be impacted by this goal.) Identify a deadline (Identify the deadline you’ve set for yourself to complete the goal!) Summary: Putting Your Purpose Into Practice Using approximately 250 words, describe three (3) main takeaways (key facts, points, or ideas) from this course. How will you apply these takeaways to your personal and/or professional life in the future? Record your response in the space provided below. Congratulations! Completing this game plan is a major milestone on your educational journey! You shouldn’t think of this as just another assignment. Instead, this game plan is something you should hold onto and be ready to put to use as you move forward with Joe Gibbs and his team. You’re well on your way to achieving your goals and your purpose. 3