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June 12
Berisi kumpulan kode latex yang dapat digunakan dalam pembuatan
buku, paper, article, jurnal, poster, dan presentasi menggunakan
beamer. Selain itu, didalam juga diberikan alternatif dalam
pembuatan presentasi seperti pdfscreen , prosper dan komascript.
For Advanced
1. Ar cle_1.tex
% Large Colored Title Ar cle
% LaTeX Template
% Version 1.1 (25/11/12)
% This template has been downloaded from:
% h p://
% Original author:
% Frits Wenneker (h p://
% License:
% CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 (h p://crea
documentclass[DIV=calc, paper=a4, fontsize=11pt, twocolumn]{scrartcl} % A4 paper
and 11pt font size
usepackage{lipsum} % Used for inser ng dummy 'Lorem ipsum' text into the template
usepackage[english]{babel} % English language/hyphena on
usepackage[protrusion=true,expansion=true]{microtype} % Be er typography
usepackage{amsmath,amsfonts,amsthm} % Math packages
usepackage[svgnames]{xcolor} % Enabling colors by their 'svgnames'
usepackage[hang, small,labelfont=bf,up,tex ont=it,up]{cap on} % Custom cap ons
under/above floats in tables or figures
usepackage{booktabs} % Horizontal rules in tables
usepackage{fix-cm} % Custom font sizes - used for the ini al le er in the document
usepackage{sectsty} % Enables custom sec on tles
allsec onsfont{usefont{OT1}{phv}{b}{n}} % Change the font of all sec on commands
usepackage{fancyhdr} % Needed to define custom headers/footers
pagestyle{fancy} % Enables the custom headers/footers
usepackage{lastpage} % Used to determine the number of pages in the document (for "Page
X of Total")
% Headers - all currently empty
% Footers
rfoot{footnotesize Page thepage of pageref{LastPage}} % "Page 1 of 2"
renewcommand{headrulewidth}{0.0pt} % No header rule
renewcommand{footrulewidth}{0.4pt} % Thin footer rule
usepackage{le rine} % Package to accentuate the first le er of the text
newcommand{ini al}[1]{ % Defines the command and style for the first le er
le rine[lines=3,lhang=0.3,nindent=0em]{
usepackage{ tling} % Allows custom tle configura on
newcommand{HorRule}{color{DarkGoldenrod} rule{linewidth}{1pt}} % Defines the gold
horizontal rule around the tle
pre tle{vspace{-30pt} begin{flushle } HorRule fontsize{50}{50} usefont{OT1}{phv}{b}{n}
color{DarkRed} selec ont} % Horizontal rule before the tle
 tle{Ar cle Title} % Your ar cle tle
pos tle{parend{flushle }vskip 0.5em} % Whitespace under the tle
preauthor{begin{flushle }large lineskip 0.5em usefont{OT1}{phv}{b}{sl}
color{DarkRed}} % Author font configura on
author{John Smith, } % Your name
postauthor{footnotesize usefont{OT1}{phv}{m}{sl} color{Black} % Configura on for the
ins tu on name
University of California % Your ins tu on
parend{flushle }HorRule} % Horizontal rule a er the tle
date{} % Add a date here if you would like one to appear underneath the tle block
make tle % Print the tle
thispagestyle{fancy} % Enabling the custom headers/footers for the first page
% The first character should be within ini al{}
ini al{H}textbf{ere is some sample text to show the ini al in the introductory paragraph of
this template ar cle. The color and lineheight of the ini al can be modified in the preamble
of this document.}
sec on*{Sec on 1}
lipsum[1-3] % Dummy text
A =
A_{11} & A_{21} 
A_{21} & A_{22}
lipsum[4] % Dummy text
subsec on*{Subsec on 1}
lipsum[5] % Dummy text
item First item in a list
item Second item in a list
item Third item in a list
lipsum[6] % Dummy text
subsec on*{Subsec on 2}
lipsum[7] % Dummy text
cap on{Random table}
mul column{2}{c}{Name} 
First name & Last Name & Grade 
John & Doe & $7.5$ 
Richard & Miles & $2$ 
bo omrule
sec on*{Sec on 2}
lipsum[8] % Dummy text
begin{descrip on}
item[First] This is the first item
item[Last] This is the last item
end{descrip on}
lipsum[9] % Dummy text
begin{thebibliography}{99} % Bibliography - this is inten onally simple in this template
bibitem[Figueredo and Wolf, 2009]{Figueredo:2009dg}
Figueredo, A.~J. and Wolf, P. S.~A. (2009).
newblock Assorta ve pairing and life history strategy - a cross-cultural
newblock {em Human Nature}, 20:317--330.
2. Ar cle_2.tex
% Journal Ar cle
% LaTeX Template
% Version 1.2 (15/5/13)
% This template has been downloaded from:
% h p://
% Original author:
% Frits Wenneker (h p://
% License:
% CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 (h p://crea
documentclass[twoside]{ar cle}
usepackage{lipsum} % Package to generate dummy text throughout this template
usepackage[sc]{mathpazo} % Use the Pala no font
usepackage[T1]{fontenc} % Use 8-bit encoding that has 256 glyphs
linespread{1.05} % Line spacing - Pala no needs more space between lines
usepackage{microtype} % Slightly tweak font spacing for aesthe cs
usepackage[hmarginra o=1:1,top=32mm,columnsep=20pt]{geometry} % Document
usepackage{mul col} % Used for the two-column layout of the document
usepackage[hang, small,labelfont=bf,up,tex ont=it,up]{cap on} % Custom cap ons
under/above floats in tables or figures
usepackage{booktabs} % Horizontal rules in tables
usepackage{float} % Required for tables and figures in the mul -column environment - they
need to be placed in specific loca ons with the [H] (e.g. begin{table}[H])
usepackage{hyperref} % For hyperlinks in the PDF
usepackage{le rine} % The le rine is the first enlarged le er at the beginning of the text
usepackage{paralist} % Used for the compac tem environment which makes bullet points
with less space between them
usepackage{abstract} % Allows abstract customiza on
renewcommand{abstractnamefont}{normalfontbfseries} % Set the "Abstract" text to
renewcommand{abstrac ex ont}{normalfontsmallitshape} % Set the abstract itself to
small italic text
usepackage{ tlesec} % Allows customiza on of tles
renewcommandthesec on{Roman{sec on}}
 tleformat{sec on}[block]{largescshapecentering}{thesec on.}{1em}{} % Change the
look of the sec on tles
usepackage{fancyhdr} % Headers and footers
pagestyle{fancy} % All pages have headers and footers
fancyhead{} % Blank out the default header
fancyfoot{} % Blank out the default footer
fancyhead[C]{Running tle $bullet$ November 2012 $bullet$ Vol. XXI, No. 1} % Custom
header text
fancyfoot[RO,LE]{thepage} % Custom footer text
 tle{vspace{-15mm}fontsize{24pt}{10pt}selec onttextbf{Ar cle Title}} % Ar cle tle
textsc{John Smith}thanks{A thank you or further informa on}[2mm] % Your name
normalsize University of California  % Your ins tu on
normalsize href{}{} % Your email address
make tle % Insert tle
thispagestyle{fancy} % All pages have headers and footers
noindent lipsum[1] % Dummy abstract text
begin{mul cols}{2} % Two-column layout throughout the main ar cle text
sec on{Introduc on}
le rine[nindent=0em,lines=3]{L} orem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
lipsum[2-3] % Dummy text
sec on{Methods}
Maecenas sed ultricies felis. Sed imperdiet dictum arcu a egestas.
begin{compac tem}
item Donec dolor arcu, rutrum id moles e in, viverra sed diam
item Curabitur feugiat
item turpis sed auctor facilisis
item arcu eros accumsan lorem, at posuere mi diam sit amet tortor
item Fusce fermentum, mi sit amet euismod rutrum
item sem lorem moles e diam, iaculis aliquet sapien tortor non nisi
item Pellentesque bibendum pre um aliquet
end{compac tem}
lipsum[4] % Dummy text
sec on{Results}
cap on{Example table}
mul column{2}{c}{Name} 
First name & Last Name & Grade 
John & Doe & $7.5$ 
Richard & Miles & $2$ 
bo omrule
lipsum[5] % Dummy text
begin{equa on}
e = mc^2
end{equa on}
lipsum[6] % Dummy text
sec on{Discussion}
lipsum[7-8] % Dummy text
begin{thebibliography}{99} % Bibliography - this is inten onally simple in this template
bibitem[Figueredo and Wolf, 2009]{Figueredo:2009dg}
Figueredo, A.~J. and Wolf, P. S.~A. (2009).
newblock Assorta ve pairing and life history strategy - a cross-cultural
newblock {em Human Nature}, 20:317--330.
end{mul cols}
3. Ar cle_3.tex
% Stylish Ar cle
% LaTeX Template
% Version 1.0 (31/1/13)
% This template has been downloaded from:
% h p://
% Original author:
% Mathias Legrand (
% License:
% CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 (h p://crea
documentclass[fleqn,10pt]{SelfArx} % Document font size and equa ons flushed le
setlength{columnsep}{0.55cm} % Distance between the two columns of text
setlength{ oxrule}{0.75pt} % Width of the border around the abstract
definecolor{color1}{RGB}{0,0,90} % Color of the ar cle tle and sec ons
definecolor{color2}{RGB}{0,20,20} % Color of the boxes behind the abstract and headings
setlengthtocsep{1.5pc} % Sets the indenta on of the sec ons in the table of contents
setcounter{tocdepth}{3} % Show only three levels in the table of contents sec on: sec ons,
subsec ons and subsubsec ons
usepackage{lipsum} % Required to insert dummy text
JournalInfo{Journal, Vol. XXI, No. 1, 1-5, 2013} % Journal informa on
Archive{Addi onal note} % Addi onal notes (e.g. copyright, DOI, review/research ar cle)
PaperTitle{Ar cle Title} % Ar cle tle
Authors{John Smithtextsuperscript{1}*, James Smithtextsuperscript{2}} % Authors
affilia on{textsuperscript{1}tex t{Department of Biology, University of Examples, London,
United Kingdom}} % Author affilia on
affilia on{textsuperscript{2}tex t{Department of Chemistry, University of Examples,
London, United Kingdom}} % Author affilia on
affilia on{*textbf{Corresponding author}:} % Corresponding author
Keywords{Keyword1 --- Keyword2 --- Keyword3} % Keywords - if you don't want any simply
remove all the text between the curly brackets
newcommand{keywordname}{Keywords} % Defines the keywords heading name
flushbo om % Makes all text pages the same height
make tle % Print the tle and abstract box
tableofcontents % Print the contents sec on
thispagestyle{empty} % Removes page numbering from the first page
sec on*{Introduc on} % The sec on*{} command stops sec on numbering
addcontentsline{toc}{sec on}{hspace*{-tocsep}Introduc on} % Adds this sec on to the
table of contents with nega ve horizontal space equal to the indent for the numbered
sec ons
lipsum[1-3] % Dummy text
sec on{Methods}
begin{figure*}[ht]centering % Using begin{figure*} makes the figure take up the en re
width of the page
cap on{Wide Picture}
lipsum[4] % Dummy text
begin{equa on}
cos^3 theta =frac{1}{4}costheta+frac{3}{4}cos 3theta
end{equa on}
lipsum[5] % Dummy text
begin{enumerate}[noitemsep] % [noitemsep] removes whitespace between the items for a
compact look
item First item in a list
item Second item in a list
item Third item in a list
subsec on{Subsec on}
lipsum[6] % Dummy text
paragraph{Paragraph} lipsum[7] % Dummy text
paragraph{Paragraph} lipsum[8] % Dummy text
subsec on{Subsec on}
lipsum[9] % Dummy text
cap on{In-text Picture}
Reference to Figure ref{fig:results}.
sec on{Results and Discussion}
lipsum[10] % Dummy text
subsec on{Subsec on}
lipsum[11] % Dummy text
cap on{Table of Grades}
mul column{2}{c}{Name} 
First name & Last Name & Grade 
John & Doe & $7.5$ 
Richard & Miles & $2$ 
bo omrule
subsubsec on{Subsubsec on}
lipsum[12] % Dummy text
begin{descrip on}
item[Word] Defini on
item[Concept] Explana on
item[Idea] Text
end{descrip on}
subsubsec on{Subsubsec on}
lipsum[13] % Dummy text
begin{itemize}[noitemsep] % [noitemsep] removes whitespace between the items for a
compact look
item First item in a list
item Second item in a list
item Third item in a list
subsubsec on{Subsubsec on}
lipsum[14] % Dummy text
subsec on{Subsec on}
lipsum[15-23] % Dummy text
sec on*{Acknowledgments} % The sec on*{} command stops sec on numbering
addcontentsline{toc}{sec on}{hspace*{-tocsep}Acknowledgments} % Adds this sec on to
the table of contents with nega ve horizontal space equal to the indent for the numbered
sec ons
So long and thanks for all the fish cite{Figueredo:2009dg}.
1. Assignment_1.tex
% Structured General Purpose Assignment
% LaTeX Template
% This template has been downloaded from:
% h p://
% Original author:
% Ted Pavlic (h p://
% Note:
% The lipsum[#] commands throughout this template generate dummy text
% to fill the template out. These commands should all be removed when
% wri ng assignment content.
documentclass{ar cle}
usepackage{fancyhdr} % Required for custom headers
usepackage{lastpage} % Required to determine the last page for the footer
usepackage{extramarks} % Required for headers and footers
usepackage{graphicx} % Required to insert images
usepackage{lipsum} % Used for inser ng dummy 'Lorem ipsum' text into the template
% Margins
linespread{1.1} % Line spacing
% Set up the header and footer
lhead{hmwkAuthorName} % Top le header
chead{hmwkClass (hmwkClassInstructor hmwkClassTime): hmwkTitle} % Top center header
rhead{firstxmark} % Top right header
lfoot{lastxmark} % Bo om le footer
cfoot{} % Bo om center footer
rfoot{Page thepage of pageref{LastPage}} % Bo om right footer
renewcommandheadrulewidth{0.4pt} % Size of the header rule
renewcommandfootrulewidth{0.4pt} % Size of the footer rule
setlengthparindent{0pt} % Removes all indenta on from paragraphs
% Skip this unless you know what you're doing
% Header and footer for when a page split occurs within a problem environment
nobreakextramarks{#1}{#1 con nued on next pageldots}nobreak
nobreakextramarks{#1 (con nued)}{#1 con nued on next pageldots}nobreak
% Header and footer for when a page split occurs between problem environments
nobreakextramarks{#1 (con nued)}{#1 con nued on next pageldots}nobreak
setcounter{secnumdepth}{0} % Removes default sec on numbers
newcounter{homeworkProblemCounter} % Creates a counter to keep track of the number of
newenvironment{homeworkProblem}[1][Problem arabic{homeworkProblemCounter}]{ % Makes a
new environment called homeworkProblem which takes 1 argument (custom name) but the default
is "Problem #"
stepcounter{homeworkProblemCounter} % Increase counter for number of problems
renewcommand{homeworkProblemName}{#1} % Assign homeworkProblemName the name of
the problem
sec on{homeworkProblemName} % Make a sec on in the document with the custom problem
enterProblemHeader{homeworkProblemName} % Header and footer within the environment
exitProblemHeader{homeworkProblemName} % Header and footer a er the environment
newcommand{problemAnswer}[1]{ % Defines the problem answer command with the content as
the only argument
noindentframebox[columnwidth][c]{begin{minipage}{0.98columnwidth}#1end{minipage}} %
Makes the box around the problem answer and puts the content inside
newcommand{homeworkSec onName}{}
newenvironment{homeworkSec on}[1]{ % New environment for sec ons within homework
problems, takes 1 argument - the name of the sec on
renewcommand{homeworkSec onName}{#1} % Assign homeworkSec onName to the name of
the sec on from the environment argument
subsec on{homeworkSec onName} % Make a subsec on with the custom name of the subsec on
enterProblemHeader{homeworkProblemName [homeworkSec onName]} % Header and footer
within the environment
enterProblemHeader{homeworkProblemName} % Header and footer a er the environment
newcommand{hmwkTitle}{Assignment #1} % Assignment tle
newcommand{hmwkDueDate}{Monday, January 1, 2012} % Due date
newcommand{hmwkClass}{BIO 101} % Course/class
newcommand{hmwkClassTime}{10:30am} % Class/lecture me
newcommand{hmwkClassInstructor}{Jones} % Teacher/lecturer
newcommand{hmwkAuthorName}{John Smith} % Your name
textmd{textbf{hmwkClass: hmwkTitle}}
normalsizevspace{0.1in}small{Due on hmwkDueDate}
vspace{0.1in}large{tex t{hmwkClassInstructor hmwkClassTime}}
date{} % Insert date here if you want it to appear below your name
make tle
%setcounter{tocdepth}{1} % Uncomment this line if you don't want subsec ons listed in the ToC
% To have just one problem per page, simply put a clearpage a er each problem
lipsum[1]vspace{10pt} % Ques on
problemAnswer{ % Answer
includegraphics[width=0.75columnwidth]{example_figure} % Example image
begin{homeworkProblem}[Exercise #arabic{homeworkProblemCounter}] % Custom sec on tle
lipsum[3] % Ques on
begin{homeworkSec on}{(a)} % Sec on within problem
lipsum[4]vspace{10pt} % Ques on
problemAnswer{ % Answer
end{homeworkSec on}
begin{homeworkSec on}{(b)} % Sec on within problem
problemAnswer{ % Answer
end{homeworkSec on}
begin{homeworkProblem}[Prob. Roman{homeworkProblemCounter}] % Roman numerals
begin{homeworkSec on}{homeworkProblemName:~(a)} % Using the problem name elsewhere
problemAnswer{ % Answer
end{homeworkSec on}
begin{homeworkSec on}{homeworkProblemName:~(b)}
lipsum[8]vspace{10pt} % Ques on
problemAnswer{ % Answer
end{homeworkSec on}
begin{homeworkProblem}[Prob. Roman{homeworkProblemCounter}] % Roman numerals
problemAnswer{ % Answer
2. Assignment_2.tex
% Programming/Coding Assignment
% LaTeX Template
% This template has been downloaded from:
% h p://
% Original author:
% Ted Pavlic (h p://
% Note:
% The lipsum[#] commands throughout this template generate dummy text
% to fill the template out. These commands should all be removed when
% wri ng assignment content.
% This template uses a Perl script as an example snippet of code, most other
% languages are also usable. Configure them in the "CODE INCLUSION
documentclass{ar cle}
usepackage{fancyhdr} % Required for custom headers
usepackage{lastpage} % Required to determine the last page for the footer
usepackage{extramarks} % Required for headers and footers
usepackage[usenames,dvipsnames]{color} % Required for custom colors
usepackage{graphicx} % Required to insert images
usepackage{lis ngs} % Required for inser on of code
usepackage{courier} % Required for the courier font
usepackage{lipsum} % Used for inser ng dummy 'Lorem ipsum' text into the template
% Margins
linespread{1.1} % Line spacing
% Set up the header and footer
lhead{hmwkAuthorName} % Top le header
chead{hmwkClass (hmwkClassInstructor hmwkClassTime): hmwkTitle} % Top center
rhead{firstxmark} % Top right header
lfoot{lastxmark} % Bo om le footer
cfoot{} % Bo om center footer
rfoot{Page thepage of protectpageref{LastPage}} % Bo om right footer
renewcommandheadrulewidth{0.4pt} % Size of the header rule
renewcommandfootrulewidth{0.4pt} % Size of the footer rule
setlengthparindent{0pt} % Removes all indenta on from paragraphs
definecolor{MyDarkGreen}{rgb}{0.0,0.4,0.0} % This is the color used for comments
lstloadlanguages{Perl} % Load Perl syntax for lis ngs, for a list of other languages supported
see: p:// ngs/lis ngs.pdf
lstset{language=Perl, % Use Perl in this example
frame=single, % Single frame around code
basicstyle=small amily, % Use small true type font
keywordstyle=[1]color{Blue}bf, % Perl func ons bold and blue
keywordstyle=[2]color{Purple}, % Perl func on arguments purple
keywordstyle=[3]color{Blue}underbar, % Custom func ons underlined and blue
iden fierstyle=, % Nothing special about iden fiers
commentstyle=usefont{T1}{pcr}{m}{sl}color{MyDarkGreen}small, % Comments small
dark green courier font
stringstyle=color{Purple}, % Strings are purple
showstringspaces=false, % Don't put marks in string spaces
tabsize=5, % 5 spaces per tab
% Put standard Perl func ons not included in the default language here
% Put Perl func on parameters here
morekeywords=[2]{on, off, interp},
% Put user defined func ons here
morecomment=[l][color{Blue}]{...}, % Line con nua on (...) like blue comment
numbers=le , % Line numbers on le
firstnumber=1, % Line numbers start with line 1
numberstyle= nycolor{Blue}, % Line numbers are blue and small
stepnumber=5 % Line numbers go in steps of 5
% Creates a new command to include a perl script, the first parameter is the filename of the
script (without .pl), the second parameter is the cap on
item[]ls nputlis ng[cap on=#2,label=#1]{}
% Skip this unless you know what you're doing
% Header and footer for when a page split occurs within a problem environment
nobreakextramarks{#1}{#1 con nued on next pageldots}nobreak
nobreakextramarks{#1 (con nued)}{#1 con nued on next pageldots}nobreak
% Header and footer for when a page split occurs between problem environments
nobreakextramarks{#1 (con nued)}{#1 con nued on next pageldots}nobreak
setcounter{secnumdepth}{0} % Removes default sec on numbers
newcounter{homeworkProblemCounter} % Creates a counter to keep track of the number
of problems
newenvironment{homeworkProblem}[1][Problem arabic{homeworkProblemCounter}]{ %
Makes a new environment called homeworkProblem which takes 1 argument (custom name)
but the default is "Problem #"
stepcounter{homeworkProblemCounter} % Increase counter for number of problems
renewcommand{homeworkProblemName}{#1} % Assign homeworkProblemName the
name of the problem
sec on{homeworkProblemName} % Make a sec on in the document with the custom
problem count
enterProblemHeader{homeworkProblemName} % Header and footer within the
exitProblemHeader{homeworkProblemName} % Header and footer a er the environment
newcommand{problemAnswer}[1]{ % Defines the problem answer command with the
content as the only argument
e}} % Makes the box around the problem answer and puts the content inside
newcommand{homeworkSec onName}{}
newenvironment{homeworkSec on}[1]{ % New environment for sec ons within homework
problems, takes 1 argument - the name of the sec on
renewcommand{homeworkSec onName}{#1} % Assign homeworkSec onName to the
name of the sec on from the environment argument
subsec on{homeworkSec onName} % Make a subsec on with the custom name of the
subsec on
enterProblemHeader{homeworkProblemName [homeworkSec onName]} % Header and
footer within the environment
enterProblemHeader{homeworkProblemName} % Header and footer a er the
newcommand{hmwkTitle}{Assignment #1} % Assignment tle
newcommand{hmwkDueDate}{Monday, January 1, 2012} % Due date
newcommand{hmwkClass}{COMPSCI 101} % Course/class
newcommand{hmwkClassTime}{10:30am} % Class/lecture me
newcommand{hmwkClassInstructor}{Jones} % Teacher/lecturer
newcommand{hmwkAuthorName}{John Smith} % Your name
textmd{textbf{hmwkClass: hmwkTitle}}
normalsizevspace{0.1in}small{Due on hmwkDueDate}
vspace{0.1in}large{tex t{hmwkClassInstructor hmwkClassTime}}
date{} % Insert date here if you want it to appear below your name
make tle
%setcounter{tocdepth}{1} % Uncomment this line if you don't want subsec ons listed in the
% To have just one problem per page, simply put a clearpage a er each problem
Lis ng ref{homework_example} shows a Perl script.
perlscript{homework_example}{Sample Perl Script With Highligh ng}
includegraphics[width=0.75columnwidth]{example_figure} % Example image
3. Assignment_3.tex
% Short Sec oned Assignment
% LaTeX Template
% Version 1.0 (5/5/12)
% This template has been downloaded from:
% h p://
% Original author:
% Frits Wenneker (h p://
% License:
% CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 (h p://crea
documentclass[paper=a4, fontsize=11pt]{scrartcl} % A4 paper and 11pt font size
usepackage[T1]{fontenc} % Use 8-bit encoding that has 256 glyphs
usepackage{fourier} % Use the Adobe Utopia font for the document - comment this line to
return to the LaTeX default
usepackage[english]{babel} % English language/hyphena on
usepackage{amsmath,amsfonts,amsthm} % Math packages
usepackage{lipsum} % Used for inser ng dummy 'Lorem ipsum' text into the template
usepackage{sectsty} % Allows customizing sec on commands
allsec onsfont{centering normalfontscshape} % Make all sec ons centered, the default
font and small caps
usepackage{fancyhdr} % Custom headers and footers
pagestyle{fancyplain} % Makes all pages in the document conform to the custom headers
and footers
fancyhead{} % No page header - if you want one, create it in the same way as the footers
fancyfoot[L]{} % Empty le footer
fancyfoot[C]{} % Empty center footer
fancyfoot[R]{thepage} % Page numbering for right footer
renewcommand{headrulewidth}{0pt} % Remove header underlines
renewcommand{footrulewidth}{0pt} % Remove footer underlines
setlength{headheight}{13.6pt} % Customize the height of the header
numberwithin{equa on}{sec on} % Number equa ons within sec ons (i.e. 1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.2
instead of 1, 2, 3, 4)
numberwithin{figure}{sec on} % Number figures within sec ons (i.e. 1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.2
instead of 1, 2, 3, 4)
numberwithin{table}{sec on} % Number tables within sec ons (i.e. 1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.2 instead
of 1, 2, 3, 4)
setlengthparindent{0pt} % Removes all indenta on from paragraphs - comment this line
for an assignment with lots of text
newcommand{horrule}[1]{rule{linewidth}{#1}} % Create horizontal rule command with 1
argument of height
normalfont normalsize
textsc{university, school or department name}  [25pt] % Your university, school and/or
department name(s)
horrule{0.5pt} [0.4cm] % Thin top horizontal rule
huge Assignment Title  % The assignment tle
horrule{2pt} [0.5cm] % Thick bo om horizontal rule
author{John Smith} % Your name
date{normalsizetoday} % Today's date or a custom date
make tle % Print the tle
sec on{Problem tle}
lipsum[2] % Dummy text
(x+y)^3 &= (x+y)^2(x+y)
&=(x^3+2x^2y+xy^2) + (x^2y+2xy^2+y^3)
Phasellus viverra nulla ut metus varius laoreet. Quisque rutrum. Aenean imperdiet. E am
ultricies nisi vel augue. Curabitur ullamcorper ultricies
subsec on{Heading on level 2 (subsec on)}
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.
A =
A_{11} & A_{21} 
A_{21} & A_{22}
Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque pena bus et magnis
dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque
eu, pre um quis, sem.
subsubsec on{Heading on level 3 (subsubsec on)}
lipsum[3] % Dummy text
paragraph{Heading on level 4 (paragraph)}
lipsum[6] % Dummy text
sec on{Lists}
subsec on{Example of list (3*itemize)}
item First item in a list
item First item in a list
item First item in a list
item Second item in a list
item Second item in a list
item Second item in a list
subsec on{Example of list (enumerate)}
item First item in a list
item Second item in a list
item Third item in a list

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Collecting Code LaTeX 2013

  • 1. Collecting Code LaTeX June 12 Berisi kumpulan kode latex yang dapat digunakan dalam pembuatan buku, paper, article, jurnal, poster, dan presentasi menggunakan beamer. Selain itu, didalam juga diberikan alternatif dalam pembuatan presentasi seperti pdfscreen , prosper dan komascript. For Advanced Users
  • 2. BAB 1 ARTICLE 1. Ar cle_1.tex %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Large Colored Title Ar cle % LaTeX Template % Version 1.1 (25/11/12) % % This template has been downloaded from: % h p:// % % Original author: % Frits Wenneker (h p:// % % License: % CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 (h p://crea % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % PACKAGES AND OTHER DOCUMENT CONFIGURATIONS %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- documentclass[DIV=calc, paper=a4, fontsize=11pt, twocolumn]{scrartcl} % A4 paper and 11pt font size usepackage{lipsum} % Used for inser ng dummy 'Lorem ipsum' text into the template usepackage[english]{babel} % English language/hyphena on usepackage[protrusion=true,expansion=true]{microtype} % Be er typography usepackage{amsmath,amsfonts,amsthm} % Math packages usepackage[svgnames]{xcolor} % Enabling colors by their 'svgnames' usepackage[hang, small,labelfont=bf,up,tex ont=it,up]{cap on} % Custom cap ons under/above floats in tables or figures usepackage{booktabs} % Horizontal rules in tables usepackage{fix-cm} % Custom font sizes - used for the ini al le er in the document usepackage{sectsty} % Enables custom sec on tles allsec onsfont{usefont{OT1}{phv}{b}{n}} % Change the font of all sec on commands usepackage{fancyhdr} % Needed to define custom headers/footers pagestyle{fancy} % Enables the custom headers/footers usepackage{lastpage} % Used to determine the number of pages in the document (for "Page X of Total") % Headers - all currently empty lhead{} chead{} rhead{}
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  • 6. % % Original author: % Frits Wenneker (h p:// % % License: % CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 (h p://crea % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % PACKAGES AND OTHER DOCUMENT CONFIGURATIONS %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- documentclass[twoside]{ar cle} usepackage{lipsum} % Package to generate dummy text throughout this template usepackage[sc]{mathpazo} % Use the Pala no font usepackage[T1]{fontenc} % Use 8-bit encoding that has 256 glyphs linespread{1.05} % Line spacing - Pala no needs more space between lines usepackage{microtype} % Slightly tweak font spacing for aesthe cs usepackage[hmarginra o=1:1,top=32mm,columnsep=20pt]{geometry} % Document margins usepackage{mul col} % Used for the two-column layout of the document usepackage[hang, small,labelfont=bf,up,tex ont=it,up]{cap on} % Custom cap ons under/above floats in tables or figures usepackage{booktabs} % Horizontal rules in tables usepackage{float} % Required for tables and figures in the mul -column environment - they need to be placed in specific loca ons with the [H] (e.g. begin{table}[H]) usepackage{hyperref} % For hyperlinks in the PDF usepackage{le rine} % The le rine is the first enlarged le er at the beginning of the text usepackage{paralist} % Used for the compac tem environment which makes bullet points with less space between them usepackage{abstract} % Allows abstract customiza on renewcommand{abstractnamefont}{normalfontbfseries} % Set the "Abstract" text to bold renewcommand{abstrac ex ont}{normalfontsmallitshape} % Set the abstract itself to small italic text usepackage{ tlesec} % Allows customiza on of tles renewcommandthesec on{Roman{sec on}} tleformat{sec on}[block]{largescshapecentering}{thesec on.}{1em}{} % Change the look of the sec on tles usepackage{fancyhdr} % Headers and footers pagestyle{fancy} % All pages have headers and footers fancyhead{} % Blank out the default header fancyfoot{} % Blank out the default footer
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  • 8. Maecenas sed ultricies felis. Sed imperdiet dictum arcu a egestas. begin{compac tem} item Donec dolor arcu, rutrum id moles e in, viverra sed diam item Curabitur feugiat item turpis sed auctor facilisis item arcu eros accumsan lorem, at posuere mi diam sit amet tortor item Fusce fermentum, mi sit amet euismod rutrum item sem lorem moles e diam, iaculis aliquet sapien tortor non nisi item Pellentesque bibendum pre um aliquet end{compac tem} lipsum[4] % Dummy text %------------------------------------------------ sec on{Results} begin{table}[H] cap on{Example table} centering begin{tabular}{llr} toprule mul column{2}{c}{Name} cmidrule(r){1-2} First name & Last Name & Grade midrule John & Doe & $7.5$ Richard & Miles & $2$ bo omrule end{tabular} end{table} lipsum[5] % Dummy text begin{equa on} label{eq:emc} e = mc^2 end{equa on} lipsum[6] % Dummy text %------------------------------------------------ sec on{Discussion} lipsum[7-8] % Dummy text %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % REFERENCE LIST %----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  • 9. begin{thebibliography}{99} % Bibliography - this is inten onally simple in this template bibitem[Figueredo and Wolf, 2009]{Figueredo:2009dg} Figueredo, A.~J. and Wolf, P. S.~A. (2009). newblock Assorta ve pairing and life history strategy - a cross-cultural study. newblock {em Human Nature}, 20:317--330. end{thebibliography} %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end{mul cols} end{document} 3. Ar cle_3.tex %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Stylish Ar cle % LaTeX Template % Version 1.0 (31/1/13) % % This template has been downloaded from: % h p:// % % Original author: % Mathias Legrand ( % % License: % CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 (h p://crea % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % PACKAGES AND OTHER DOCUMENT CONFIGURATIONS %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- documentclass[fleqn,10pt]{SelfArx} % Document font size and equa ons flushed le setlength{columnsep}{0.55cm} % Distance between the two columns of text setlength{ oxrule}{0.75pt} % Width of the border around the abstract definecolor{color1}{RGB}{0,0,90} % Color of the ar cle tle and sec ons definecolor{color2}{RGB}{0,20,20} % Color of the boxes behind the abstract and headings newlength{tocsep} setlengthtocsep{1.5pc} % Sets the indenta on of the sec ons in the table of contents setcounter{tocdepth}{3} % Show only three levels in the table of contents sec on: sec ons, subsec ons and subsubsec ons
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  • 11. %------------------------------------------------ sec on{Methods} begin{figure*}[ht]centering % Using begin{figure*} makes the figure take up the en re width of the page includegraphics[width=linewidth]{view} cap on{Wide Picture} label{fig:view} end{figure*} lipsum[4] % Dummy text begin{equa on} cos^3 theta =frac{1}{4}costheta+frac{3}{4}cos 3theta label{eq:refname2} end{equa on} lipsum[5] % Dummy text begin{enumerate}[noitemsep] % [noitemsep] removes whitespace between the items for a compact look item First item in a list item Second item in a list item Third item in a list end{enumerate} subsec on{Subsec on} lipsum[6] % Dummy text paragraph{Paragraph} lipsum[7] % Dummy text paragraph{Paragraph} lipsum[8] % Dummy text subsec on{Subsec on} lipsum[9] % Dummy text begin{figure}[ht]centering includegraphics[width=linewidth]{results} cap on{In-text Picture} label{fig:results} end{figure} Reference to Figure ref{fig:results}. %------------------------------------------------ sec on{Results and Discussion}
  • 12. lipsum[10] % Dummy text subsec on{Subsec on} lipsum[11] % Dummy text begin{table}[hbt] cap on{Table of Grades} centering begin{tabular}{llr} toprule mul column{2}{c}{Name} cmidrule(r){1-2} First name & Last Name & Grade midrule John & Doe & $7.5$ Richard & Miles & $2$ bo omrule end{tabular} label{tab:label} end{table} subsubsec on{Subsubsec on} lipsum[12] % Dummy text begin{descrip on} item[Word] Defini on item[Concept] Explana on item[Idea] Text end{descrip on} subsubsec on{Subsubsec on} lipsum[13] % Dummy text begin{itemize}[noitemsep] % [noitemsep] removes whitespace between the items for a compact look item First item in a list item Second item in a list item Third item in a list end{itemize} subsubsec on{Subsubsec on} lipsum[14] % Dummy text subsec on{Subsec on} lipsum[15-23] % Dummy text
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  • 14. BAB 2 ASSIGNMENNT 1. Assignment_1.tex %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Structured General Purpose Assignment % LaTeX Template % % This template has been downloaded from: % h p:// % % Original author: % Ted Pavlic (h p:// % % Note: % The lipsum[#] commands throughout this template generate dummy text % to fill the template out. These commands should all be removed when % wri ng assignment content. % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % PACKAGES AND OTHER DOCUMENT CONFIGURATIONS %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- documentclass{ar cle} usepackage{fancyhdr} % Required for custom headers usepackage{lastpage} % Required to determine the last page for the footer usepackage{extramarks} % Required for headers and footers usepackage{graphicx} % Required to insert images usepackage{lipsum} % Used for inser ng dummy 'Lorem ipsum' text into the template % Margins topmargin=-0.45in evensidemargin=0in oddsidemargin=0in textwidth=6.5in textheight=9.0in headsep=0.25in linespread{1.1} % Line spacing % Set up the header and footer pagestyle{fancy} lhead{hmwkAuthorName} % Top le header chead{hmwkClass (hmwkClassInstructor hmwkClassTime): hmwkTitle} % Top center header rhead{firstxmark} % Top right header lfoot{lastxmark} % Bo om le footer cfoot{} % Bo om center footer
  • 15. rfoot{Page thepage of pageref{LastPage}} % Bo om right footer renewcommandheadrulewidth{0.4pt} % Size of the header rule renewcommandfootrulewidth{0.4pt} % Size of the footer rule setlengthparindent{0pt} % Removes all indenta on from paragraphs %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % DOCUMENT STRUCTURE COMMANDS % Skip this unless you know what you're doing %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Header and footer for when a page split occurs within a problem environment newcommand{enterProblemHeader}[1]{ nobreakextramarks{#1}{#1 con nued on next pageldots}nobreak nobreakextramarks{#1 (con nued)}{#1 con nued on next pageldots}nobreak } % Header and footer for when a page split occurs between problem environments newcommand{exitProblemHeader}[1]{ nobreakextramarks{#1 (con nued)}{#1 con nued on next pageldots}nobreak nobreakextramarks{#1}{}nobreak } setcounter{secnumdepth}{0} % Removes default sec on numbers newcounter{homeworkProblemCounter} % Creates a counter to keep track of the number of problems newcommand{homeworkProblemName}{} newenvironment{homeworkProblem}[1][Problem arabic{homeworkProblemCounter}]{ % Makes a new environment called homeworkProblem which takes 1 argument (custom name) but the default is "Problem #" stepcounter{homeworkProblemCounter} % Increase counter for number of problems renewcommand{homeworkProblemName}{#1} % Assign homeworkProblemName the name of the problem sec on{homeworkProblemName} % Make a sec on in the document with the custom problem count enterProblemHeader{homeworkProblemName} % Header and footer within the environment }{ exitProblemHeader{homeworkProblemName} % Header and footer a er the environment } newcommand{problemAnswer}[1]{ % Defines the problem answer command with the content as the only argument noindentframebox[columnwidth][c]{begin{minipage}{0.98columnwidth}#1end{minipage}} % Makes the box around the problem answer and puts the content inside } newcommand{homeworkSec onName}{} newenvironment{homeworkSec on}[1]{ % New environment for sec ons within homework problems, takes 1 argument - the name of the sec on
  • 16. renewcommand{homeworkSec onName}{#1} % Assign homeworkSec onName to the name of the sec on from the environment argument subsec on{homeworkSec onName} % Make a subsec on with the custom name of the subsec on enterProblemHeader{homeworkProblemName [homeworkSec onName]} % Header and footer within the environment }{ enterProblemHeader{homeworkProblemName} % Header and footer a er the environment } %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % NAME AND CLASS SECTION %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- newcommand{hmwkTitle}{Assignment #1} % Assignment tle newcommand{hmwkDueDate}{Monday, January 1, 2012} % Due date newcommand{hmwkClass}{BIO 101} % Course/class newcommand{hmwkClassTime}{10:30am} % Class/lecture me newcommand{hmwkClassInstructor}{Jones} % Teacher/lecturer newcommand{hmwkAuthorName}{John Smith} % Your name %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % TITLE PAGE %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- tle{ vspace{2in} textmd{textbf{hmwkClass: hmwkTitle}} normalsizevspace{0.1in}small{Due on hmwkDueDate} vspace{0.1in}large{tex t{hmwkClassInstructor hmwkClassTime}} vspace{3in} } author{textbf{hmwkAuthorName}} date{} % Insert date here if you want it to appear below your name %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- begin{document} make tle %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % TABLE OF CONTENTS %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %setcounter{tocdepth}{1} % Uncomment this line if you don't want subsec ons listed in the ToC newpage tableofcontents newpage
  • 17. %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % PROBLEM 1 %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % To have just one problem per page, simply put a clearpage a er each problem begin{homeworkProblem} lipsum[1]vspace{10pt} % Ques on problemAnswer{ % Answer begin{center} includegraphics[width=0.75columnwidth]{example_figure} % Example image end{center} lipsum[2] } end{homeworkProblem} %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % PROBLEM 2 %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- begin{homeworkProblem}[Exercise #arabic{homeworkProblemCounter}] % Custom sec on tle lipsum[3] % Ques on %-------------------------------------------- begin{homeworkSec on}{(a)} % Sec on within problem lipsum[4]vspace{10pt} % Ques on problemAnswer{ % Answer lipsum[5] } end{homeworkSec on} %-------------------------------------------- begin{homeworkSec on}{(b)} % Sec on within problem problemAnswer{ % Answer lipsum[6] } end{homeworkSec on} %-------------------------------------------- end{homeworkProblem} %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % PROBLEM 3 %----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  • 18. begin{homeworkProblem}[Prob. Roman{homeworkProblemCounter}] % Roman numerals %-------------------------------------------- begin{homeworkSec on}{homeworkProblemName:~(a)} % Using the problem name elsewhere problemAnswer{ % Answer lipsum[7] } end{homeworkSec on} %-------------------------------------------- begin{homeworkSec on}{homeworkProblemName:~(b)} lipsum[8]vspace{10pt} % Ques on problemAnswer{ % Answer lipsum[9] } end{homeworkSec on} %-------------------------------------------- end{homeworkProblem} %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % PROBLEM 4 %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- begin{homeworkProblem}[Prob. Roman{homeworkProblemCounter}] % Roman numerals problemAnswer{ % Answer lipsum[10] } end{homeworkProblem} %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end{document} 2. Assignment_2.tex %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Programming/Coding Assignment % LaTeX Template % % This template has been downloaded from: % h p:// % % Original author: % Ted Pavlic (h p:// % % Note:
  • 19. % The lipsum[#] commands throughout this template generate dummy text % to fill the template out. These commands should all be removed when % wri ng assignment content. % % This template uses a Perl script as an example snippet of code, most other % languages are also usable. Configure them in the "CODE INCLUSION % CONFIGURATION" sec on. % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % PACKAGES AND OTHER DOCUMENT CONFIGURATIONS %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- documentclass{ar cle} usepackage{fancyhdr} % Required for custom headers usepackage{lastpage} % Required to determine the last page for the footer usepackage{extramarks} % Required for headers and footers usepackage[usenames,dvipsnames]{color} % Required for custom colors usepackage{graphicx} % Required to insert images usepackage{lis ngs} % Required for inser on of code usepackage{courier} % Required for the courier font usepackage{lipsum} % Used for inser ng dummy 'Lorem ipsum' text into the template % Margins topmargin=-0.45in evensidemargin=0in oddsidemargin=0in textwidth=6.5in textheight=9.0in headsep=0.25in linespread{1.1} % Line spacing % Set up the header and footer pagestyle{fancy} lhead{hmwkAuthorName} % Top le header chead{hmwkClass (hmwkClassInstructor hmwkClassTime): hmwkTitle} % Top center head rhead{firstxmark} % Top right header lfoot{lastxmark} % Bo om le footer cfoot{} % Bo om center footer rfoot{Page thepage of protectpageref{LastPage}} % Bo om right footer renewcommandheadrulewidth{0.4pt} % Size of the header rule renewcommandfootrulewidth{0.4pt} % Size of the footer rule setlengthparindent{0pt} % Removes all indenta on from paragraphs %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % CODE INCLUSION CONFIGURATION
  • 20. %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- definecolor{MyDarkGreen}{rgb}{0.0,0.4,0.0} % This is the color used for comments lstloadlanguages{Perl} % Load Perl syntax for lis ngs, for a list of other languages supported see: p:// ngs/lis ngs.pdf lstset{language=Perl, % Use Perl in this example frame=single, % Single frame around code basicstyle=small amily, % Use small true type font keywordstyle=[1]color{Blue}bf, % Perl func ons bold and blue keywordstyle=[2]color{Purple}, % Perl func on arguments purple keywordstyle=[3]color{Blue}underbar, % Custom func ons underlined and blue iden fierstyle=, % Nothing special about iden fiers commentstyle=usefont{T1}{pcr}{m}{sl}color{MyDarkGreen}small, % Comments small dark green courier font stringstyle=color{Purple}, % Strings are purple showstringspaces=false, % Don't put marks in string spaces tabsize=5, % 5 spaces per tab % % Put standard Perl func ons not included in the default language here morekeywords={rand}, % % Put Perl func on parameters here morekeywords=[2]{on, off, interp}, % % Put user defined func ons here morekeywords=[3]{test}, % morecomment=[l][color{Blue}]{...}, % Line con nua on (...) like blue comment numbers=le , % Line numbers on le firstnumber=1, % Line numbers start with line 1 numberstyle= nycolor{Blue}, % Line numbers are blue and small stepnumber=5 % Line numbers go in steps of 5 } % Creates a new command to include a perl script, the first parameter is the filename of the script (without .pl), the second parameter is the cap on newcommand{perlscript}[2]{ begin{itemize} item[]ls nputlis ng[cap on=#2,label=#1]{} end{itemize} } %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % DOCUMENT STRUCTURE COMMANDS % Skip this unless you know what you're doing %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Header and footer for when a page split occurs within a problem environment newcommand{enterProblemHeader}[1]{ nobreakextramarks{#1}{#1 con nued on next pageldots}nobreak nobreakextramarks{#1 (con nued)}{#1 con nued on next pageldots}nobreak
  • 21. } % Header and footer for when a page split occurs between problem environments newcommand{exitProblemHeader}[1]{ nobreakextramarks{#1 (con nued)}{#1 con nued on next pageldots}nobreak nobreakextramarks{#1}{}nobreak } setcounter{secnumdepth}{0} % Removes default sec on numbers newcounter{homeworkProblemCounter} % Creates a counter to keep track of the number of problems newcommand{homeworkProblemName}{} newenvironment{homeworkProblem}[1][Problem arabic{homeworkProblemCounter}]{ % Makes a new environment called homeworkProblem which takes 1 argument (custom name) but the default is "Problem #" stepcounter{homeworkProblemCounter} % Increase counter for number of problems renewcommand{homeworkProblemName}{#1} % Assign homeworkProblemName the name of the problem sec on{homeworkProblemName} % Make a sec on in the document with the custom problem count enterProblemHeader{homeworkProblemName} % Header and footer within the environment }{ exitProblemHeader{homeworkProblemName} % Header and footer a er the environment } newcommand{problemAnswer}[1]{ % Defines the problem answer command with the content as the only argument noindentframebox[columnwidth][c]{begin{minipage}{0.98columnwidth}#1end{minipag e}} % Makes the box around the problem answer and puts the content inside } newcommand{homeworkSec onName}{} newenvironment{homeworkSec on}[1]{ % New environment for sec ons within homework problems, takes 1 argument - the name of the sec on renewcommand{homeworkSec onName}{#1} % Assign homeworkSec onName to the name of the sec on from the environment argument subsec on{homeworkSec onName} % Make a subsec on with the custom name of the subsec on enterProblemHeader{homeworkProblemName [homeworkSec onName]} % Header and footer within the environment }{ enterProblemHeader{homeworkProblemName} % Header and footer a er the environment } %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % NAME AND CLASS SECTION %----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  • 22. newcommand{hmwkTitle}{Assignment #1} % Assignment tle newcommand{hmwkDueDate}{Monday, January 1, 2012} % Due date newcommand{hmwkClass}{COMPSCI 101} % Course/class newcommand{hmwkClassTime}{10:30am} % Class/lecture me newcommand{hmwkClassInstructor}{Jones} % Teacher/lecturer newcommand{hmwkAuthorName}{John Smith} % Your name %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % TITLE PAGE %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- tle{ vspace{2in} textmd{textbf{hmwkClass: hmwkTitle}} normalsizevspace{0.1in}small{Due on hmwkDueDate} vspace{0.1in}large{tex t{hmwkClassInstructor hmwkClassTime}} vspace{3in} } author{textbf{hmwkAuthorName}} date{} % Insert date here if you want it to appear below your name %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- begin{document} make tle %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % TABLE OF CONTENTS %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %setcounter{tocdepth}{1} % Uncomment this line if you don't want subsec ons listed in the ToC newpage tableofcontents newpage %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % PROBLEM 1 %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % To have just one problem per page, simply put a clearpage a er each problem begin{homeworkProblem} Lis ng ref{homework_example} shows a Perl script. perlscript{homework_example}{Sample Perl Script With Highligh ng} lipsum[1]
  • 23. end{homeworkProblem} %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % PROBLEM 2 %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- begin{homeworkProblem} lipsum[2] problemAnswer{ begin{center} includegraphics[width=0.75columnwidth]{example_figure} % Example image end{center} lipsum[3-5] } end{homeworkProblem} %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end{document} 3. Assignment_3.tex %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Short Sec oned Assignment % LaTeX Template % Version 1.0 (5/5/12) % % This template has been downloaded from: % h p:// % % Original author: % Frits Wenneker (h p:// % % License: % CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 (h p://crea % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % PACKAGES AND OTHER DOCUMENT CONFIGURATIONS %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- documentclass[paper=a4, fontsize=11pt]{scrartcl} % A4 paper and 11pt font size usepackage[T1]{fontenc} % Use 8-bit encoding that has 256 glyphs usepackage{fourier} % Use the Adobe Utopia font for the document - comment this line to return to the LaTeX default usepackage[english]{babel} % English language/hyphena on usepackage{amsmath,amsfonts,amsthm} % Math packages
  • 24. usepackage{lipsum} % Used for inser ng dummy 'Lorem ipsum' text into the template usepackage{sectsty} % Allows customizing sec on commands allsec onsfont{centering normalfontscshape} % Make all sec ons centered, the default font and small caps usepackage{fancyhdr} % Custom headers and footers pagestyle{fancyplain} % Makes all pages in the document conform to the custom headers and footers fancyhead{} % No page header - if you want one, create it in the same way as the footers below fancyfoot[L]{} % Empty le footer fancyfoot[C]{} % Empty center footer fancyfoot[R]{thepage} % Page numbering for right footer renewcommand{headrulewidth}{0pt} % Remove header underlines renewcommand{footrulewidth}{0pt} % Remove footer underlines setlength{headheight}{13.6pt} % Customize the height of the header numberwithin{equa on}{sec on} % Number equa ons within sec ons (i.e. 1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.2 instead of 1, 2, 3, 4) numberwithin{figure}{sec on} % Number figures within sec ons (i.e. 1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.2 instead of 1, 2, 3, 4) numberwithin{table}{sec on} % Number tables within sec ons (i.e. 1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.2 instead of 1, 2, 3, 4) setlengthparindent{0pt} % Removes all indenta on from paragraphs - comment this line for an assignment with lots of text %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % TITLE SECTION %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- newcommand{horrule}[1]{rule{linewidth}{#1}} % Create horizontal rule command with 1 argument of height tle{ normalfont normalsize textsc{university, school or department name} [25pt] % Your university, school and/or department name(s) horrule{0.5pt} [0.4cm] % Thin top horizontal rule huge Assignment Title % The assignment tle horrule{2pt} [0.5cm] % Thick bo om horizontal rule } author{John Smith} % Your name date{normalsizetoday} % Today's date or a custom date begin{document}
  • 25. make tle % Print the tle %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % PROBLEM 1 %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sec on{Problem tle} lipsum[2] % Dummy text begin{align} begin{split} (x+y)^3 &= (x+y)^2(x+y) &=(x^2+2xy+y^2)(x+y) &=(x^3+2x^2y+xy^2) + (x^2y+2xy^2+y^3) &=x^3+3x^2y+3xy^2+y^3 end{split} end{align} Phasellus viverra nulla ut metus varius laoreet. Quisque rutrum. Aenean imperdiet. E am ultricies nisi vel augue. Curabitur ullamcorper ultricies %------------------------------------------------ subsec on{Heading on level 2 (subsec on)} Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. begin{align} A = begin{bmatrix} A_{11} & A_{21} A_{21} & A_{22} end{bmatrix} end{align} Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque pena bus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pre um quis, sem. %------------------------------------------------ subsubsec on{Heading on level 3 (subsubsec on)} lipsum[3] % Dummy text paragraph{Heading on level 4 (paragraph)} lipsum[6] % Dummy text %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % PROBLEM 2 %----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  • 26. sec on{Lists} %------------------------------------------------ subsec on{Example of list (3*itemize)} begin{itemize} item First item in a list begin{itemize} item First item in a list begin{itemize} item First item in a list item Second item in a list end{itemize} item Second item in a list end{itemize} item Second item in a list end{itemize} %------------------------------------------------ subsec on{Example of list (enumerate)} begin{enumerate} item First item in a list item Second item in a list item Third item in a list end{enumerate} %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end{document}