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Argumentative Essay
Part I
Fall 2023
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Learning Objectives
the concept of
the form of an
Understand Recognize Identify
Students will be able to:
the 6 elements of
argumentation: claim,
evidence, counter
argument, refutation, and
call for action
What isArgumentation ?
Opinions differ about critical issues; they become controversial,
causing debate. However, one cannot stand “in the middle” in an
You have to take a stand to prove your opinion/belief right.
Argumentation is a part of our daily life.
Argumentation is an art– the art of
proving an idea, action, or belief is
It is the process of forming reasons,
justifying beliefs, and drawing
Its aim is to affect the thoughts or
actions of others.
What is anArgumentative Essay?
It is an essay in which
you take a STAND
on a topic,
support it with solid reasons,
and support the reasons with solid evidence.
An argumentative essay is an essay in which
you agree or disagree on an issue,
using reasons to support your opinion/ your claim.
Argumentative Essay: Form
General background (you can use any type of introduction)
Thesis statement (CLAIM)
presents the
Body Paragraph 1: Reason/Warrant 1 + evidence
Body Paragraph 2: Reason/Warrant 2 + evidence
Body Paragraph 3: Reason/Warrant 3 + evidence
Body Paragraph 4: Counter-argument + Refutation
present the
and supporting
Summarize/Restate the main ideas of the argument
Final thought (urge the reader to see why your argument
is right)
calls for action
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Elements of an Argumentative Essay
Evidence Refutation
Writer’s own
Call for
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The thesis statement in an argumentative essay states
clearly on which side you are.
The thesis statement is an affirmative sentence that mentions your point of
view, that is, the claim.
The claim is the main idea you want to prove and defend.
It should be clear, and it should mention the reasons why the argument
should be accepted.
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Plastic surgeries have various disadvantages like high expense,
possible complications, and long recovery periods.
Thesis Statement:
the claim => writer’s argument
warrants (reasons)
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organ donation is of utmost importance because it gives
people a second chance to live, improves quality of life,
and allows potential advances in medical research.
Thesis Statement:
the claim => writer’s argument
warrants (reasons)
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Reasons / Warrants
The topic sentences of the body paragraphs mention the reasons or
warrants that justify the claim in the thesis statement.
Hence, each reason is written in a topic sentence.
Example 1
Body 1: Topic Sentence
To start with, cosmetic surgeries cost a lot of money.
Body 2: Topic Sentence
Another negative aspect of a plastic surgery is the potential complications of the procedure.
Body 3: Topic Sentence
In addition to cost and risk, the long time needed to recover is a third disadvantage of plastic surgeries.
Claim: Plastic surgeries have various disadvantages.
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Reasons / Warrants
Example 2
Body 1: Topic Sentence
Organ donation is a great way to give someone a second chance to live.
Body 2: Topic Sentence
In addition, organ donation can improve the patient’s quality of life.
Body 3: Topic Sentence
Moreover, organ donation allows potential advances in medical
Claim: Organ donation is of utmost importance.
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Types of Evidence
commonly accepted and
widely known truths
illustrate a part of the
previous statement, giving a
more specific instance or
case of it
referring to recognized people
or organizations that are
trusted in the field of the
Appeal to Emotions
using emotions to move
the reader’s feelings and
influence their position on
the topic
Writers support their topic sentences (reasons/warrants) with specific examples, details, and
explanations– that is, evidence.
There are many types of evidence to use in an argumentative essay:
Appeal to Logic
explanations based on
common sense and
What-if Situations/
reflections on what could
happen in certain cases,
possible expectations or
Personal Experience
instances based on the
writer’s personal
Numbers or percentages that
describe collected data
for the purpose of
analyzing and interpreting
Your Logo or Name Here 13
In fact, tragic accidents and terminal diseases
are often the source of many deaths. However, in
the course of life, there are life-threatening
situations that people have the power to control.
Example on Facts
Common Knowledge
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More than 118,000 people in the United States alone are in need of a
lifesaving organ transplant; 64 percent of those are currently on a waiting list,
according to the United Network of Organ Sharing (UNOS).
Example on Statistics
in-text citation (reference)
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A person can donate organs such as kidneys, heart, lungs, liver, small
bowel and pancreas and tissues like eyes, heart valves, bone, skin, veins
and tendons. People can make donations to benefit medical research; this
may include donating a specific organ, such as a heart or a brain.
Example on Examples
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• If someone feels unsatisfied
with how he/she looks, a
cosmetic surgery will help
change it, resulting in an
improved version of oneself, and
thus resulting in an enhanced
self-esteem (Patzer, 2008).
• “People need to understand
that these organs will still be
used in a way that saves lives
and advances medicine,” says
Roni Lawrence, clinical
manager at the UW Health
Organ Procurement
Organization. “The future of
transplant medicine really
depends on research, and
organs are imperative to that
Examples on Authority/Expert’s Opinion
• According to Flawless
Magazine (2019), pain is also
evident during the recovery
time, which can make some
individuals depend on pain
In-text citation
added at the end
In-text citation added
in the beginning
Quoting: in-text
citation in the middle
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• Although it might look all too nice to get a plastic
surgery done, the process is not accessible to everyone
since not everyone obtains such funds. It can be difficult
saving up money towards cosmetic surgeries and people
often take loans, which can lead to debt.
Example on Logical Appeals
Do not generalize
Your Logo or Name Here 18
An eye or tissue transplant means the ability to see again or the
freedom from pain. Transplants can greatly improve the recipients’
health by allowing them to return to normal activities; they can spend
more time with family and friends.
Example on Emotional Appeals
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Example on Personal Experience
To illustrate, my friend’s three-year-old daughter, Georgia, died after a
fatal brain disease. My friend donated Georgia’s organs. She explained
that she felt strong because Georgia was going to save other children.
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Cosmetic surgeries help align ones’ natural appearance with
his/her desired appearance. However, what if the results did not
meet the patient’s expectations?
Example on What-if Scenario
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More than one type of evidence could be in the same body paragraph.
Sometimes two types of evidence exist in the same sentence.
Reason Reason Reason
Evidence Evidence Evidence
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WhatsApp: The Modern Monster!
After only one year of marriage, Mireille sued her husband for divorce. It might not be surprising to hear the news of a couple
divorcing, especially that this has become a trend today, but it is definitely shocking to hear that a newly married couple are ending their
relationship very soon. Mireille reported that her husband had been lately flirting with another woman on WhatsApp. Indeed, WhatsApp has
not only destroyed Mireille’s life, but it has also damaged many other relationships within the same family and outside. Although WhatsApp
provides an easy way to communicate with others, it might be destructive in several ways. As a result, WhatsApp should be discouraged since
it can be annoying, addictive, and destructive to family ties.
To begin with, WhatsApp is annoying. If a person belongs to a number of WhatsApp groups, it can be irritating to get alerts from
them sometimes. Notifications from WhatsApp groups would never end and can be a real hassle for some. For example, it may start as ‘Dan’s
Surprise Birthday,’ but after the initial 67 seconds where everyone confirms whether or not they can be bothered to attend, the group
descends into streams of chats for the next two to three hundred years. Also, since no one wants to be ‘that guy’ who leaves the group first,
people find themselves stuck in such groups and they end up committing a kind of social suicide (Vick, 2012). The worst is that anyone who
has the number can message at times where one need s some time alone.
Furthermore, WhatsApp is addictive. People spend so much time on WhatsApp messaging platform. As a result, they are getting
addicted to it like other addictive substances. Teenagers, in particular, are so occupied with its use that they hardly haveinteraction with their
immediate family or real friends. They are unable to integrate in the real society around them and, eventually, they fail todevelop healthy
relationships. In addition, students who are addicted to WhatsApp show low academic performance. Mothers end up ignoring their children;
this negatively influences the nuclear family and leads to several behavioral and psychological problems.
WhatsApp is not only annoying and addictive, but it can also be destructive to family ties. Today, bonding over social media,
particularly WhatsApp, is leading to marital discord, even divorce. Many marriages and relationships are being put through the litmus test of
fidelity (Puri 2015). Counsellor Rashmi Joshi says half the marital dispute cases she gets are rooted in WhatsApp. Spouses who chat incessantly
with family, friends or even strangers through the day and even late into the night become very infuriating and maddening. They become
more worrisome when they start sharing every personal information and even photos and videos. This has definitely ruined manyfamilies.
Guided Activity Identify the writer’s claim, the reasons, and pick one piece of
evidence from the supporting details of each body paragraph. Pause
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After only one year of marriage, Mireille sued her husband for divorce. It might not
be surprising to hear the news of a couple divorcing, especially that this has become a
trend today, but it is definitely shocking to hear that a newly married couple are ending
their relationship very soon. Mireille reported that her husband had been lately flirting
with another woman on WhatsApp. Indeed, WhatsApp has not only destroyed Mireille’s
life, but it has also damaged many other relationships within the same family and outside.
Although WhatsApp provides an easy way to communicate with others, it might be
destructive in several ways. As a result, WhatsApp should be discouraged since it can be
annoying, addictive, and destructive to family ties.
Guided Activity: Claim
Identify the writer’s claim.
The writer is against using WhatsApp and
claims it should be discouraged.
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Claim: As a result, WhatsApp should be discouraged.
Reason 1: To begin with, WhatsApp is annoying.
Reason 2: Furthermore, WhatsApp is addictive.
Reason 3: WhatsApp can also be destructive to family ties.
Guided Activity: Reasons
What are the three reasons the writer gave to justify the claim?
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Guided Activity: Evidence
To begin with, WhatsApp is annoying. If a person belongs to a number of
WhatsApp groups, it can be irritating to get alerts from them sometimes. Notifications
from WhatsApp groups would never end and can be a real hassle for some. For example,
it may start as ‘Dan’s Surprise Birthday,’ but after the initial 67 seconds where everyone
confirms whether or not they can be bothered to attend, the group descends into
streams of chats for the next two to three hundred years. Also, since no one wants to
be ‘that guy’ who leaves the group first, people find themselves stuck in such groups and
they end up committing a kind of social suicide (Vick, 2012). The worst is that anyone
who has the number can message at times where one need s some time alone.
Body Paragraph 1
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Guided Activity: Evidence
Furthermore, WhatsApp is addictive. People spend so much time on WhatsApp
messaging platform. As a result, they are getting addicted to it like other addictive
substances. Teenagers, in particular, are so occupied with its use that they hardly have
interaction with their immediate family or real friends. They are unable to integrate in
the real society around them and, eventually, they fail to develop healthy relationships.
In addition, students who are addicted to WhatsApp show low academic performance.
Mothers end up ignoring their children; this negatively influences the nuclear family
and leads to several behavioral and psychological problems.
Body Paragraph 2
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Guided Activity: Evidence
WhatsApp is not only annoying and addictive, but it can also be destructive to
family ties. Today, bonding over social media, particularly WhatsApp, is leading to marital
discord, even divorce. Many marriages and relationships are being put through the
litmus test of fidelity (Puri, 2015). Counsellor Rashmi Joshi says half the marital dispute
cases she gets are rooted in WhatsApp. Spouses who chat incessantly with family,
friends or even strangers through the day and even late into the night become very
infuriating and maddening. They become more worrisome when they start sharing every
personal information and even photos and videos. This has definitely ruined many
Body Paragraph 3
Example +
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Books or Tablets?
Tablets and books have been of main value and great importance in societies. However, nowadays, tablets are becoming themost
convenient method in education. Tablets have many practical functions that would provide massive help in schools. Many schools over the
world have changed their techniques in teaching through replacing books by tablets. The development of technology like computers,
laptops, smart phones and tablet that contain applications related to school subjects make it easier for students to improve their
performance in class. Although replacing books with electronic tablets has certain advantages, schools should refrain from disregarding
books because of distraction, health effects, and high cost.
First of all, tablets are a distraction for students in schools. The use of electronic devices in classrooms disturbs students’ learning. It
was found that 87% of K-12 teachers believe that “today’s digital technologies are creating an easily distracted generation with short
attention spans” (Watkins, 2019). Indeed, it is difficult to control students' attention to the lesson and know their level of focus by having
electronic tablets in class, unlike books that attract their attention and contribute to stabilization of information in the mind. According to a
new Rutgers University–New Brunswick study, when students are allowed to use phones, tablets or other devices for non-academic purposes
during classroom lectures, they perform worse in end-of-term exams (Buccino, 2018).
The second reason is that the overuse of tablets has many potential negative health effects. According to Neil Wagner (2012),the way
in which people hold their tablets in different positions can likely cause neck, head and back pain when using a tablet for a long period of
time. Prolonged use of tablets can be harmful since carrying them close to the body increases students' exposure to radiation. As a result,
tablets may cause sleep disorder, various cancer, and male infertility in addition to the behavioral changes: autism, asthma, and childhood
obesity. Health problems like Computer Vision Syndrome, along with strain on eyes, headache, blurred vision, dry and itchy eyes are
commonly associated with using technology for extended hours (2015).
In addition to causing distraction and health problems, reliance on electronics may be inconvenient for poor parents. Tabletsare not
cheap, so low-income families may struggle to purchase these devices. That will be stressful and embarrassing for their children. In fact,
relying on electronics tablets in schools requires a lot of payments for subscription and repairs in case the device malfunctions. When poor
families cannot afford tablets for their children, they will face some conflicts in school, whether in their class performance or in their grades.
Identify the writer’s claim, the reasons, and pick one piece of
evidence from the supporting details in each body paragraph. Pause
Independent Activity
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Tablets and books have been of main value and great importance in societies. However,
nowadays, tablets are becoming the most convenient method in education. Tablets have
many practical functions that would provide massive help in schools. Many schools over the
world have changed their techniques in teaching through replacing books by tablets. The
development of technology like computers, laptops, smart phones and tablet that contain
applications related to school subjects make it easier for students to improve their
performance in class. Although replacing books with electronic tablets has certain
advantages, schools should refrain from disregarding books because of distraction, health
effects, and high cost.
Independent Activity: Claim
Identify the writer’s claim.
The writer is against replacing books with
tablets and claims schools should not do it.
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Claim: Schools should refrain from disregarding books.
Reason 1: First of all, tablets are a distraction for students in schools.
Reason 2: The second reason is that the overuse of tablets has many potential negative
health effects.
Reason 3: In addition to causing distraction and health problems, reliance on electronics
may be inconvenient for poor parents.
What are the three reasons the writer gave to justify the claim?
Independent Activity: Reasons Answer
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First of all, tablets are a distraction for students in schools. The use of
electronic devices in classrooms disturbs students’ learning. It was found that 87%
of K-12 teachers believe that “today’s digital technologies are creating an easily
distracted generation with short attention spans” (Watkins, 2019). Indeed, it is
difficult to control students' attention to the lesson and know their level of focus
by having electronic tablets in class, unlike books that attract their attention and
contribute to stabilization of information in the mind. According to a new Rutgers
University–New Brunswick study, when students are allowed to use phones,
tablets or other devices for non-academic purposes during classroom lectures,
they perform worse in end-of-term exams (Buccino, 2018).
Body Paragraph 1
Independent Activity: Evidence
Logical Appeal
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The second reason is that the overuse of tablets has many potential
negative health effects. According to Neil Wagner (2012), the way in which people
hold their tablets in different positions can likely cause neck, head and back pain
when using a tablet for a long period of time. Prolonged use of tablets can be
harmful since carrying them close to the body increases students' exposure to
radiation. As a result, tablets may cause sleep disorder, various cancer, and male
infertility in addition to the behavioral changes: autism, asthma, and childhood
obesity. Health problems like Computer Vision Syndrome, along with strain on
eyes, headache, blurred vision, dry and itchy eyes are commonly associated with
using technology for extended hours (2015).
Independent Activity: Evidence
Expert’s Opinion
Body Paragraph 2
Your Logo or Name Here
In addition to causing distraction and health problems, reliance on
electronics may be inconvenient for poor parents. Tablets are not cheap, so
low-income families may struggle to purchase these devices. That will be
stressful and embarrassing for their children. In fact, relying on electronics
tablets in schools requires a lot of payments for subscription and repairs in
case the device malfunctions. When poor families cannot afford tablets for
their children, they will face some conflicts in school, whether in their class
performance or in their grades.
Independent Activity: Evidence
Emotional appeal
Logical appeal
Body Paragraph 3
Thank You
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Argumentative - Part 1.pptx

  • 1. Your Logo or Name Here Argumentative Essay Part I Fall 2023 ENGL202
  • 2. Your Logo or Name Here Learning Objectives 2 the concept of argumentation the form of an argumentative essay Understand Recognize Identify Students will be able to: the 6 elements of argumentation: claim, reasons/warrants, evidence, counter argument, refutation, and call for action
  • 3. What isArgumentation ? Opinions differ about critical issues; they become controversial, causing debate. However, one cannot stand “in the middle” in an argument. You have to take a stand to prove your opinion/belief right. Argumentation is a part of our daily life. Argumentation is an art– the art of proving an idea, action, or belief is right. It is the process of forming reasons, justifying beliefs, and drawing conclusions. Its aim is to affect the thoughts or actions of others.
  • 4. What is anArgumentative Essay? It is an essay in which you take a STAND on a topic, support it with solid reasons, and support the reasons with solid evidence. An argumentative essay is an essay in which you agree or disagree on an issue, using reasons to support your opinion/ your claim.
  • 5. Argumentative Essay: Form General background (you can use any type of introduction) Thesis statement (CLAIM) Introduction presents the argument Body Paragraph 1: Reason/Warrant 1 + evidence Body Paragraph 2: Reason/Warrant 2 + evidence Body Paragraph 3: Reason/Warrant 3 + evidence Body Paragraph 4: Counter-argument + Refutation Body Paragraphs present the reasons/warrants and supporting evidence Summarize/Restate the main ideas of the argument Final thought (urge the reader to see why your argument is right) Conclusion calls for action
  • 6. Your Logo or Name Here Elements of an Argumentative Essay 6 Reasons Warrants Counter Argument Evidence Refutation Claim Stand Position Writer’s own opinion Argumentative Essay Call for Action
  • 7. Your Logo or Name Here 7 Claim Claim The thesis statement in an argumentative essay states clearly on which side you are. YOUR STAND => YOUR CLAIM The thesis statement is an affirmative sentence that mentions your point of view, that is, the claim. The claim is the main idea you want to prove and defend. It should be clear, and it should mention the reasons why the argument should be accepted.
  • 8. Your Logo or Name Here 8 Claim Claim Plastic surgeries have various disadvantages like high expense, possible complications, and long recovery periods. Examples Thesis Statement: the claim => writer’s argument warrants (reasons)
  • 9. Your Logo or Name Here 9 Claim Claim organ donation is of utmost importance because it gives people a second chance to live, improves quality of life, and allows potential advances in medical research. Examples Thesis Statement: the claim => writer’s argument warrants (reasons)
  • 10. Your Logo or Name Here Reasons / Warrants 10 Argumentation The topic sentences of the body paragraphs mention the reasons or warrants that justify the claim in the thesis statement. Hence, each reason is written in a topic sentence. Example 1 Body 1: Topic Sentence To start with, cosmetic surgeries cost a lot of money. Body 2: Topic Sentence Another negative aspect of a plastic surgery is the potential complications of the procedure. Body 3: Topic Sentence In addition to cost and risk, the long time needed to recover is a third disadvantage of plastic surgeries. Claim: Plastic surgeries have various disadvantages.
  • 11. Your Logo or Name Here Reasons / Warrants 11 Argumentation Example 2 Body 1: Topic Sentence Organ donation is a great way to give someone a second chance to live. Body 2: Topic Sentence In addition, organ donation can improve the patient’s quality of life. Body 3: Topic Sentence Moreover, organ donation allows potential advances in medical research. Claim: Organ donation is of utmost importance.
  • 12. Your Logo or Name Here 12 Types of Evidence Evidence Facts commonly accepted and widely known truths Examples illustrate a part of the previous statement, giving a more specific instance or case of it Authority/Expert’s Opinion referring to recognized people or organizations that are trusted in the field of the topic Appeal to Emotions using emotions to move the reader’s feelings and influence their position on the topic Writers support their topic sentences (reasons/warrants) with specific examples, details, and explanations– that is, evidence. There are many types of evidence to use in an argumentative essay: Appeal to Logic explanations based on common sense and reasoning What-if Situations/ Scenarios reflections on what could happen in certain cases, possible expectations or consequences Personal Experience instances based on the writer’s personal experience Statistics Numbers or percentages that describe collected data for the purpose of analyzing and interpreting results
  • 13. Your Logo or Name Here 13 In fact, tragic accidents and terminal diseases are often the source of many deaths. However, in the course of life, there are life-threatening situations that people have the power to control. Example on Facts Evidence  Common Knowledge
  • 14. Your Logo or Name Here 14 More than 118,000 people in the United States alone are in need of a lifesaving organ transplant; 64 percent of those are currently on a waiting list, according to the United Network of Organ Sharing (UNOS). Example on Statistics Evidence number percentage in-text citation (reference)
  • 15. Your Logo or Name Here 15 A person can donate organs such as kidneys, heart, lungs, liver, small bowel and pancreas and tissues like eyes, heart valves, bone, skin, veins and tendons. People can make donations to benefit medical research; this may include donating a specific organ, such as a heart or a brain. Example on Examples Evidence 
  • 16. Your Logo or Name Here 16 • If someone feels unsatisfied with how he/she looks, a cosmetic surgery will help change it, resulting in an improved version of oneself, and thus resulting in an enhanced self-esteem (Patzer, 2008). • “People need to understand that these organs will still be used in a way that saves lives and advances medicine,” says Roni Lawrence, clinical manager at the UW Health Organ Procurement Organization. “The future of transplant medicine really depends on research, and organs are imperative to that research.” Examples on Authority/Expert’s Opinion Evidence © • According to Flawless Magazine (2019), pain is also evident during the recovery time, which can make some individuals depend on pain killers. In-text citation added at the end In-text citation added in the beginning Quoting: in-text citation in the middle
  • 17. Your Logo or Name Here 17 • Although it might look all too nice to get a plastic surgery done, the process is not accessible to everyone since not everyone obtains such funds. It can be difficult saving up money towards cosmetic surgeries and people often take loans, which can lead to debt. Example on Logical Appeals Evidence Do not generalize
  • 18. Your Logo or Name Here 18 An eye or tissue transplant means the ability to see again or the freedom from pain. Transplants can greatly improve the recipients’ health by allowing them to return to normal activities; they can spend more time with family and friends. Example on Emotional Appeals Evidence
  • 19. Your Logo or Name Here 19 Example on Personal Experience Evidence To illustrate, my friend’s three-year-old daughter, Georgia, died after a fatal brain disease. My friend donated Georgia’s organs. She explained that she felt strong because Georgia was going to save other children.
  • 20. Your Logo or Name Here 20 Cosmetic surgeries help align ones’ natural appearance with his/her desired appearance. However, what if the results did not meet the patient’s expectations? Example on What-if Scenario Evidence ?
  • 21. Your Logo or Name Here 21 SUMMARY Note: More than one type of evidence could be in the same body paragraph. Sometimes two types of evidence exist in the same sentence. Claim Reason Reason Reason Evidence Evidence Evidence
  • 22. Your Logo or Name Here 22 Practice
  • 23. Your Logo or Name Here WhatsApp: The Modern Monster! After only one year of marriage, Mireille sued her husband for divorce. It might not be surprising to hear the news of a couple divorcing, especially that this has become a trend today, but it is definitely shocking to hear that a newly married couple are ending their relationship very soon. Mireille reported that her husband had been lately flirting with another woman on WhatsApp. Indeed, WhatsApp has not only destroyed Mireille’s life, but it has also damaged many other relationships within the same family and outside. Although WhatsApp provides an easy way to communicate with others, it might be destructive in several ways. As a result, WhatsApp should be discouraged since it can be annoying, addictive, and destructive to family ties. To begin with, WhatsApp is annoying. If a person belongs to a number of WhatsApp groups, it can be irritating to get alerts from them sometimes. Notifications from WhatsApp groups would never end and can be a real hassle for some. For example, it may start as ‘Dan’s Surprise Birthday,’ but after the initial 67 seconds where everyone confirms whether or not they can be bothered to attend, the group descends into streams of chats for the next two to three hundred years. Also, since no one wants to be ‘that guy’ who leaves the group first, people find themselves stuck in such groups and they end up committing a kind of social suicide (Vick, 2012). The worst is that anyone who has the number can message at times where one need s some time alone. Furthermore, WhatsApp is addictive. People spend so much time on WhatsApp messaging platform. As a result, they are getting addicted to it like other addictive substances. Teenagers, in particular, are so occupied with its use that they hardly haveinteraction with their immediate family or real friends. They are unable to integrate in the real society around them and, eventually, they fail todevelop healthy relationships. In addition, students who are addicted to WhatsApp show low academic performance. Mothers end up ignoring their children; this negatively influences the nuclear family and leads to several behavioral and psychological problems. WhatsApp is not only annoying and addictive, but it can also be destructive to family ties. Today, bonding over social media, particularly WhatsApp, is leading to marital discord, even divorce. Many marriages and relationships are being put through the litmus test of fidelity (Puri 2015). Counsellor Rashmi Joshi says half the marital dispute cases she gets are rooted in WhatsApp. Spouses who chat incessantly with family, friends or even strangers through the day and even late into the night become very infuriating and maddening. They become more worrisome when they start sharing every personal information and even photos and videos. This has definitely ruined manyfamilies. Guided Activity Identify the writer’s claim, the reasons, and pick one piece of evidence from the supporting details of each body paragraph. Pause
  • 24. Your Logo or Name Here After only one year of marriage, Mireille sued her husband for divorce. It might not be surprising to hear the news of a couple divorcing, especially that this has become a trend today, but it is definitely shocking to hear that a newly married couple are ending their relationship very soon. Mireille reported that her husband had been lately flirting with another woman on WhatsApp. Indeed, WhatsApp has not only destroyed Mireille’s life, but it has also damaged many other relationships within the same family and outside. Although WhatsApp provides an easy way to communicate with others, it might be destructive in several ways. As a result, WhatsApp should be discouraged since it can be annoying, addictive, and destructive to family ties. Guided Activity: Claim Identify the writer’s claim. Answer key The writer is against using WhatsApp and claims it should be discouraged.
  • 25. Your Logo or Name Here Claim: As a result, WhatsApp should be discouraged. Reason 1: To begin with, WhatsApp is annoying. Reason 2: Furthermore, WhatsApp is addictive. Reason 3: WhatsApp can also be destructive to family ties. Guided Activity: Reasons Answer Key What are the three reasons the writer gave to justify the claim?
  • 26. Your Logo or Name Here Guided Activity: Evidence Answer Key To begin with, WhatsApp is annoying. If a person belongs to a number of WhatsApp groups, it can be irritating to get alerts from them sometimes. Notifications from WhatsApp groups would never end and can be a real hassle for some. For example, it may start as ‘Dan’s Surprise Birthday,’ but after the initial 67 seconds where everyone confirms whether or not they can be bothered to attend, the group descends into streams of chats for the next two to three hundred years. Also, since no one wants to be ‘that guy’ who leaves the group first, people find themselves stuck in such groups and they end up committing a kind of social suicide (Vick, 2012). The worst is that anyone who has the number can message at times where one need s some time alone. Body Paragraph 1 Example Expert’s Opinion
  • 27. Your Logo or Name Here Guided Activity: Evidence Answer Key Furthermore, WhatsApp is addictive. People spend so much time on WhatsApp messaging platform. As a result, they are getting addicted to it like other addictive substances. Teenagers, in particular, are so occupied with its use that they hardly have interaction with their immediate family or real friends. They are unable to integrate in the real society around them and, eventually, they fail to develop healthy relationships. In addition, students who are addicted to WhatsApp show low academic performance. Mothers end up ignoring their children; this negatively influences the nuclear family and leads to several behavioral and psychological problems. Body Paragraph 2 Example Logical Appeal
  • 28. Your Logo or Name Here Guided Activity: Evidence Answer Key WhatsApp is not only annoying and addictive, but it can also be destructive to family ties. Today, bonding over social media, particularly WhatsApp, is leading to marital discord, even divorce. Many marriages and relationships are being put through the litmus test of fidelity (Puri, 2015). Counsellor Rashmi Joshi says half the marital dispute cases she gets are rooted in WhatsApp. Spouses who chat incessantly with family, friends or even strangers through the day and even late into the night become very infuriating and maddening. They become more worrisome when they start sharing every personal information and even photos and videos. This has definitely ruined many families. Body Paragraph 3 Expert’s Opinion Example + Logical Appeal
  • 29. Your Logo or Name Here Books or Tablets? Tablets and books have been of main value and great importance in societies. However, nowadays, tablets are becoming themost convenient method in education. Tablets have many practical functions that would provide massive help in schools. Many schools over the world have changed their techniques in teaching through replacing books by tablets. The development of technology like computers, laptops, smart phones and tablet that contain applications related to school subjects make it easier for students to improve their performance in class. Although replacing books with electronic tablets has certain advantages, schools should refrain from disregarding books because of distraction, health effects, and high cost. First of all, tablets are a distraction for students in schools. The use of electronic devices in classrooms disturbs students’ learning. It was found that 87% of K-12 teachers believe that “today’s digital technologies are creating an easily distracted generation with short attention spans” (Watkins, 2019). Indeed, it is difficult to control students' attention to the lesson and know their level of focus by having electronic tablets in class, unlike books that attract their attention and contribute to stabilization of information in the mind. According to a new Rutgers University–New Brunswick study, when students are allowed to use phones, tablets or other devices for non-academic purposes during classroom lectures, they perform worse in end-of-term exams (Buccino, 2018). The second reason is that the overuse of tablets has many potential negative health effects. According to Neil Wagner (2012),the way in which people hold their tablets in different positions can likely cause neck, head and back pain when using a tablet for a long period of time. Prolonged use of tablets can be harmful since carrying them close to the body increases students' exposure to radiation. As a result, tablets may cause sleep disorder, various cancer, and male infertility in addition to the behavioral changes: autism, asthma, and childhood obesity. Health problems like Computer Vision Syndrome, along with strain on eyes, headache, blurred vision, dry and itchy eyes are commonly associated with using technology for extended hours (2015). In addition to causing distraction and health problems, reliance on electronics may be inconvenient for poor parents. Tabletsare not cheap, so low-income families may struggle to purchase these devices. That will be stressful and embarrassing for their children. In fact, relying on electronics tablets in schools requires a lot of payments for subscription and repairs in case the device malfunctions. When poor families cannot afford tablets for their children, they will face some conflicts in school, whether in their class performance or in their grades. Identify the writer’s claim, the reasons, and pick one piece of evidence from the supporting details in each body paragraph. Pause Independent Activity
  • 30. Your Logo or Name Here Tablets and books have been of main value and great importance in societies. However, nowadays, tablets are becoming the most convenient method in education. Tablets have many practical functions that would provide massive help in schools. Many schools over the world have changed their techniques in teaching through replacing books by tablets. The development of technology like computers, laptops, smart phones and tablet that contain applications related to school subjects make it easier for students to improve their performance in class. Although replacing books with electronic tablets has certain advantages, schools should refrain from disregarding books because of distraction, health effects, and high cost. Independent Activity: Claim Identify the writer’s claim. The writer is against replacing books with tablets and claims schools should not do it. Answer key
  • 31. Your Logo or Name Here Claim: Schools should refrain from disregarding books. Reason 1: First of all, tablets are a distraction for students in schools. Reason 2: The second reason is that the overuse of tablets has many potential negative health effects. Reason 3: In addition to causing distraction and health problems, reliance on electronics may be inconvenient for poor parents. What are the three reasons the writer gave to justify the claim? Independent Activity: Reasons Answer key
  • 32. Your Logo or Name Here First of all, tablets are a distraction for students in schools. The use of electronic devices in classrooms disturbs students’ learning. It was found that 87% of K-12 teachers believe that “today’s digital technologies are creating an easily distracted generation with short attention spans” (Watkins, 2019). Indeed, it is difficult to control students' attention to the lesson and know their level of focus by having electronic tablets in class, unlike books that attract their attention and contribute to stabilization of information in the mind. According to a new Rutgers University–New Brunswick study, when students are allowed to use phones, tablets or other devices for non-academic purposes during classroom lectures, they perform worse in end-of-term exams (Buccino, 2018). Body Paragraph 1 Independent Activity: Evidence Statistics Logical Appeal Authority Answer key
  • 33. Your Logo or Name Here The second reason is that the overuse of tablets has many potential negative health effects. According to Neil Wagner (2012), the way in which people hold their tablets in different positions can likely cause neck, head and back pain when using a tablet for a long period of time. Prolonged use of tablets can be harmful since carrying them close to the body increases students' exposure to radiation. As a result, tablets may cause sleep disorder, various cancer, and male infertility in addition to the behavioral changes: autism, asthma, and childhood obesity. Health problems like Computer Vision Syndrome, along with strain on eyes, headache, blurred vision, dry and itchy eyes are commonly associated with using technology for extended hours (2015). Independent Activity: Evidence Expert’s Opinion Facts Examples Body Paragraph 2 Answer key
  • 34. Your Logo or Name Here In addition to causing distraction and health problems, reliance on electronics may be inconvenient for poor parents. Tablets are not cheap, so low-income families may struggle to purchase these devices. That will be stressful and embarrassing for their children. In fact, relying on electronics tablets in schools requires a lot of payments for subscription and repairs in case the device malfunctions. When poor families cannot afford tablets for their children, they will face some conflicts in school, whether in their class performance or in their grades. Independent Activity: Evidence Emotional appeal Logical appeal Body Paragraph 3 Answer key