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Arguable Themes In Lord Of The Flies
Theme can be defined as the subject of a talk, piece of writing, a person's thoughts, or a
topic. Often, themes are found in novels or stories, fake or fiction, every work containing a
central idea that carries a novel and gives it reason to exist. One novel that exemplifies a
strong arguable theme is Lord of the Flies by William Golding. As described by E.L Epstein,
"The theme is an attempt to trace the defects of society back to the defects of human nature."
Because of this central focus, readers have the opportunity to see the societal flaws in Golding's
Lord of the Flies and trace them back to the flaws discerned in human nature.
In his novel, Golding creates a remote setting on an isolated island and focuses on examining more content...
For example, in Ralph exists the nature of humanity that strives for order and consensus. Ralph embodies this in his belief of the conch, in the
idea of being saved off the island, as well as possessing the basic element that human impulses can be geared towards the general good. For
example, when Ralph says "If a ship comes near the island they may not notice us," (22) he is the one who explores problem solving options such as
whether there are other people on the island. Piggy however, embodies the nature of humanity that uses rationalism to solve problems. Piggy's glasses
as being the source of fire is one such example of this. At the same time, Piggy echoes a rational worldly approach by saying "Which is better–to have
rules and agree, or to hunt and kill? ... law and rescue, or hunting and breaking things up?" (67). Piggy's claim is that life is "scientific" and faith in
logic are elements that he believes are natural to the state of humanity. Golding asserts that the nature of humanity contains a malevolent side to it.
Characters like Jack and Roger embody this darker aspect of being. When social structures and political structures are stripped away, both characters
reveal how the desire for power and a particular cruelty exist in the heart of each
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Outline For Lord Of The Flies Essay
a.Character Description– gives the reader the perspective of the lives of the "New People"; the artist
b.Character Quality: insightful
c.Support– recognizes the savage nature of his tribe when they are about to kill Liku.
d.Character Quality– superior, arrogant
e.Support– believes he is separated from the others, so he has a scandalous affair with Marlan's woman.
a.Character Description– powerful, authoritative; has the title of the ruler–priest; remains ruler because the rest of his tribe is scared of him more than
they resent his rules and law; the witchdoctor
IV.Symbolism– Lord of the Flies
A.Conch Shell
b.Support– blow the shell to call group meetings
c.Support– have to be holding the shell in more content...
Golding's Use of Children– Lord of the Flies
A.Innate Savage Instinct
a.amplified through William Golding's use of children as characters
b.Support– ultimately, the manhunt on the island is only ended by an adult, the Naval Officer
c.Example– before leaving to go anywhere, Jack brings a knife with him.
d.Example– Jack's first instinct was to raise his knife and kill the pig, not to help free it.
e.Example– even though it isn't real, the kids all want to kill the snake/beast.
B.Initial Reactions and Actions that show the non–moral values that are instinctive in humans
a.Example– Ralph, who is seen as a civilized character, automatically starts to mock Piggy for who he is; Ralph didn't notice Piggy until he was able to
start tormenting.
b.Example– while they walk, the older boys destroy the sand castles that the littluns had made.
VII.Symbolism– The Inheritors
A.Light vs. Dark
a.Description– the symbolism between light and dark shows the contrast between the good and innocent Neanderthals and the barbaric and evil Homo
B."forest devils"
b.This idea of "imaginary" evil is very similar to the Beast in Lord of the Flies.
c.Like the Beast, they provoke fear in the people, and they show the evil nature of
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Topics For Lord Of The Flies Research Paper
Harsh Soni
MattsonLOTF Essay
Hunger, fear, leadership, and power can lead to destruction in a society. Who doesn't want to feel powerful and and worthy of honor? Who doesn't
want to guide others and create a character that is strong in body and mind? An island filled with boys going vicious for these characteristics just
makes the situation ten times worse. There is no way that deterioration of society on the island could have been avoided, especially with boys like
Jack and Ralph constantly battling to gain ultimate control over all the others. Clearly there was antipathy between the two. Instead of working
together, they split themselves apart and lessened their chances of surviving the island. From the early chapters of the book, it was evident that there
was tension between Ralph and Jack. Most of this pressure was built on the question: Who is superior to the other? Each had their own
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There were so many accusations of innocent boys being the beastie, it eventually led to the death of an innocent boy named Simon.'"Him! Him! The
circle became a horseshoe. A thing was crawling out of the forest. It came darkly, uncertainly. The shrill screaming that rose before the beast was like a
pain. Kill the beast! Cut his throat! Spill his blood! Do him in!"'(136). The beastie made the boys go wild physically and mentally even though it
was not real. Hunger created many problems. The way the boys acted when they hunted and found food would make them look insane in our society.
" Ralph too was fighting to get near, to get a handful of that brown, vulnerable flesh. The desire to squeeze and hurt was overmastering."(101). Even
the most sensible and sane boy on the island was filled with alacrity to kill and this urge seemed to suffuse through out all of the boys. Hungry, the
boys reached the ultimate point of savagery. These problems took the society on the island into a wrong
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Literary Essay On Lord Of The Flies
The Perfect Novel
Ever since the beginning of literature, the goal of all writers was to entertain their readers. In literature genres continuously expand and develop but,
all great literature contains three necessary traits in order to appeal to all readers. Classic novels such as; "Antigone", Lord of the Flies, and The Odyssey
all differ in genre; however, they all contain similar attributes. After studying all of these novels I discovered three features every great work of
literature contains. "Antigone's" drama, Lord of the Flies' comedy, and the action–packed Odyssey each primarily focus on one of the three traits;
however, none of them lack drama, comedy, and action.
Without a doubt drama causes any story to entertain the reader.Sophocles' more content...
The definition of action does not restrict itself to guns and explosions; rather, one can even define simple disputes as action as well. In The Odyssey
of Homer action appears time and time again throughout the epic. Odysseus disguised as a beggar finally made it back to Ithaka but now he needs to
compete in Penelope's contest for a new husband. After many people attempted to win the contest Odysseus requested to give it a go. The suitors
disapproved but Penelope vetoed them and allowed Odysseus to try. On Odysseus' first try he succeeds with no effort. Immediately after Odysseus won
he grabbed another arrow and fired it directly towards Antinoos, "But Odysseus,/ aiming at this man, struck him in the throat with an arrow,/and clean
through the soft part of the neck the point was driven" (XXII. 14–16). This action packed scene persuades readers to delve in deeper into the epic.
Generally speaking, readers crave jaw dropping action scenes and The Odyssey acquires just that. An author with the mind set to entertain the reader
will always make sure his novel, epic, or tragedy do not restrict themselves to one genre but, acquire parts and pieces of all types of
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Essay about Lord of the Flies by William Golding
Civilization can be destroyed as easily as it is created. Without the walls of society, humans are capable of committing actions that they would have
never thought possible. Lord of the Flies focuses on a group of boys who are alone on an island without authority. The novel reveals what can become
of humanity without the presence of authority. In Lord of the Flies by William Golding, the protagonist Ralph symbolizes leadership, civilization, as
well as the loss of innocence. Ralph is the closest resemblance to authority that the boys have on the island. His appearance plays an important role in
him signifying authority, "You could see now that he might make a boxer, as far as width and heaviness of shoulders went, but there was a more
Ralph cares for the greater good of the group of boys rather than just for himself which signifies one of the traits a leader should have. Golding tries
to show that leadership is an important part of keeping an island civilized and from keeping it stable. Ralph's leadership is the only hope the boy's
have to be able to survive on the island while they wait to be rescued. Ralph's leadership starts to change as he and Jack have a power struggle
because he starts to lose faith in himself as well as the boys. In a sense, it would seem as though Ralph's leadership was the one to cause the boys
to rebel against being civilized because they didn't want to listen to someone who would tell them what to do when they could do whatever they
wanted and become savages without morals. Ralph's leadership helps the boy's civilization have stability. Leadership relates to the meaning of the
work as a whole because leadership is what keeps a civilization from going into ruins, but the boys instinct to do what they want is much greater
than that of living a life with rules. Throughout the novel the boys experience a change from civilization to savagery. The change from civilization to
savagery was in a sense to be awaited because authority was not present but their gruesome roles in the deaths of two of the boys were not because
they're still kids and one wouldn't think kids are capable of such
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Essay On Lord Of The Flies Identity
Lord of the Flies Identity is the fact of being who or what a person or thing is. An identity can be lost in a person's life time when they go through
ruff or troubling times. This was proven in The Lord of the Flies when young boys went from civilized school boys to blood thirsty savages all
wanting power. The characters all lost their identity one way or another during the story. Piggy was the first victim of lost identity when he was
already labeled by society and other schoolboys by his looks. Every boy on the island had a choice to pick between a civilized life with Ralph or a
barbaric life with Jack. This choice also determined some people's identity by them changing themselves to fit on a side. Jack's choir boys had changed more content...
The tribe lay in a semicircle before him"(Golding 229). The identity of the whole group changed when the name of Jack and the choir boys
changed to the chief, Jack, and the tribe, choir boys, became their new identities. The boys would hunt and kill the animals but would take an
extra gross step of cutting the head off of one of their pigs and placing on a stick. This graphic image was not even the worst, but later that day
their hunter identity really took over when they killed one of their own thinking it was an animal. What the clay and blood on their faces really did
was change their identity when killing, they weren't the young well mannered schools boys but they were barbaric killing machines now. A prime
example of their masks being their new identities was when, "someone was throwing stones: Roger was dropping them, his one hand still on the
lever. Below him, Ralph was a shock of hair and Piggy a bag of fat"(Golding 259). This shows that when Roger had his mask on and life or death in
his hands he didn't look at the actual person he was about to kill but looked at them as hair and fat. Once he pushed the rock to crush Piggy he just
thought that if he had no identity but fat he wasn't murdering anything
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Descriptive Essay: Lord Of The Flies
On an island that is out to kill us; we too turn against each other. With the ocean lapping at the shore. The water washes back and forth on the beach.
The wind blows the tiny granules of sand into the dense jungle and thick vegetation. The exotic and vibrant colours and sounds that bellow out of
mother nature's organic maze. I slowly walk into the thickness of the jungle, less and less light is penetrating the canopy. As I venture deeper I feel the
moisture gathering on my face as the vegetation becomes denser and denser.
While all the other boys are making shelters with Ralph I slip away to get some peaceful time to myself. As I walk through the thick jungle I meet
some of the littluns reaching for exotic jungle fruits in the trees and I help them. Walking alone I found a quaint clearing to settle, I slouch up against a
tree. Becoming weary, thinking of home missing my family and I start to doze off. I reawaken to the sound of birds chirping in the trees, it was
nearly dark, I cannot see the trail back to the littluns and the shelters. Now that I think of it the littluns are basically useless without Ralph or I. They
need to be taught how to do everything and they are always so demanding.
Disoriented more content...
I brainstormed solutions. Many impractical and idiotic ideas present themselves to me. I could make a rope and hook to grapple my way out of this
crevasse. What if I dug foot holes? That idea was quickly abandoned because the walls contained clay and other hard materials so digging with my
hands would be a self–inflicting pain. I resort to creating a rope with my shirt and shorts. Swinging the makeshift rope high above my head I
manage to hook a nearby tree. Using my weak muscles, I start to climb my way out of the hole. I'm nearing the top of the hole, my hand's ache, they
start to slip and loose purchase. After falling on my back I get up again and have another try. I hoist myself out of the deep hole. I untie my clothes and
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Essay about Lord of the Flies: Evil
The Power of Evil Evil: A noun meaning profound immorality, wickedness, and depravity. Everyone has a little bit of evil in them, but it's up to that
person if they want to show it or not. In Lord of the Flies, by William Golding, a group of boys show the evil within themselves while being stranded
on an island. Because of the situation that has been thrust upon them, they soon discover the true evil they are capable of. In the book, the boys show
evil through their lust for power, the behavior that the boys express, and their murderous actions. When the boys first arrive on the island, they are all
nothing but British school boys who had lived in society where rules and regulations are established. The rules and regulations, more content...
Golding shows this when Jack tells Piggy, "Shut up, Fatty" (Golding 21). When Jack calls Piggy "fatty" it shows that Jack has no respect for Piggy
and he doesn't care about his feelings. Also, another example of disrespect is when Samneric betrayed Ralph. At first, Samneric are loyal to Ralph
because they felt secure. In the last chapter however, as soon as Jack threatens and tortures the two, they change sides and submit to Jack's authority
and join his tribe. After they were forced to join Jack's tribe, they betrayed Ralph by telling Jack where he was hiding, "He meant he'd hide in there?"
"Yes–yes–oh–!" (Golding 192). This is what leads to Samneric selling out Ralph. Last but not least, in Lord of the Flies, murderous actions took
place in the story that reveals humans are in fact inherently evil. Simon and Piggy's death are both pivotal points in the novel. Simon, who is the
passive and timid type, awoke to a parachutist in front of him. After seeing this, he then realize that the beast, which the boys have mistaken for, is a
harmless object and is not the deadly beast. Soon after, Simon gets killed when he tries to tell the other boys that the "beast" is just only a parachutist.
In an attempt to inform the boys, Simon finds them having a feast. The boys are dancing and chanting, caught up some kind of frenzy. The group of
boys did another reenactment of a pig hunt when suddenly the boys see a shadowy figure
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Lord Of the Flies Essay
Discuss the fragility of civilization against the destructive force of fear. If people become isolated from civilization, then the beast inside of us
can break the bonds from society and unleash the evil within using the power of fear. In the book, "The Lord of the Flies", by William Golding, a
group of boys becomes stuck on an island and it portrays the breakdown of society and structure and the transformation of them into savages. On the
island, the boys first follow a conch which was the order and the link to society on the island but after a while, it loses most of it's influence due to
the disintegration of social order and rules. A character that used the tool of fear to gain control of the boys was Jack, who represents more
William Golding's idea of the "beast" within us all resonates in real life, not just in the book. Ralph, who represented order, structure, law and
democracy soon toppled because of how much fear affected the boys. The conch, the link to society, was shattered by the evil that fear had created,
which were the savages that the boys had turned into. It is ironic because the beast that the boys were so afraid of was actually the monsters that they
had turned into. Without civilization, fear can warp and transform us into things that we would have never expected, much like Jack and the
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The Lord Of The Flies Essay
"In absence of orders, go find something and kill it" Erwin Rommel world war II 7th panzer division general. It doesn't seem to have much to do
with lord of the flies but it does. When these boys are in left alone they start fighting and pick sides. In the Second World War people picked sides.
These boys go into a small war of their own and it is brutal and has one evil over powering faction in this book the history's most notorious generals,
leaders, and even dictators are represented by these boys. Ralph and piggy are the books two protagonist that seem to try to support their followers. In
the war Britain tried to do everything possible to support the country's that were attacked. Ralph is seen as the strong leader who never lets any one more content...
Jack is a boy who start out as a leader in an almost military like stature in charge of the choir. He becomes with his hunter wanting to make them
more powerful and focused an arming them. He also is desperate to be in charge. In The Lord of the Flies jack says "I ought to be chief" (Golding
22). This shows that he thinks he is the only person who should be leader. When they talk about the hunters he says "They could be an army"
(Golding page 23). This sentence is by the one that sets up jack's idea of his "hunters" his hunters start out as a group of boys then evolved into
this deadly group of savages that could barely be called human. In later pages jack is desired giving his army newer weapon and upgrading them.
Heinrich Himmler was the head of the Nazi SS, the Nazi honor guard, and he was obsessed with building this army. "Himmler immediately began
expanding the SS, which reached a membership of more than 50,000" This article claims (Heinrich Himmler). Him and roger have one thing in
common instants gain of power. When Jack became chief of his hunter tribe roger became a second in command for the army. Himmler also led the
campaign to exterminate the Jewish with his death camps. Roger would lead the campaign by jack to hunt the other boys and make them join or kill
them. These two boys depicted evil but in this book one boy depicts the
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Lord Of The Flies Essay Introduction
Lord of the Flies starts out with a plane crashing on an island. The pilot died so the only people that survive this crash were a group of boys. In an
attempt to bring together everyone on the island Ralph, one of the main characters, used a shell–like object to get everyone to the beach. After many
boys reached the beach Ralph started a meeting. The boys discussed what they should do to stay alive and get rescued. They voted that Ralph should be
their leader. Another maincharacter is Jack, he was angered when they voted Ralph to be leader because he thought he could do it better. Ralph's
first action as chief was to have everyone help make a large fire to create smoke for nearby ships to see. The boys agreed that this fire should stay
going all the time, so that if a ship came by they could be rescued. Jack was assigned the task of hunting the pigs for food. He took the group of boys
he came with and became the hunters. After awhile the only thing Jack could think about was hunting. This angered more content...
Ralph is the natural leader of the group. He is laid back but everyone knows that he is in charge. He stays true to himself throughout the entire book,
he is one of the few. Jack is more of a pushy leader, but is definitely a leader. He loses himself in the book by becoming obsessed with hunting. All he
talks about is hunting and wanting to kill. This turns him into a whole new person. Since Jack is a leader, many of the boys follow his lead by also
turning into this crazy being. Jack has a lot of effect on the others and it is mostly a negative effect. Simon is more of a laid back main character.
He discovers the beast and tries to explain it to the others, but he is killed before he could do so. Piggy is more of a follower because he just wants to
fit in. He is a heavier boy so that is why they call him Piggy. Most of the boys find him annoying, but Ralph is always somewhat nice to
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Term Papers On Lord Of The Flies
Lord of the Flies Research Paper Less than only a 100 years ago, mankind fought its greatest battle ever between the evil axis powers and the good
allied powers. While I read the Lord of the Flies by William Golding in class i noticed some similarities between the story and World War 2. The
book is about a group of school boys from England crash on a island in the Pacific Ocean during the second world war. The boys try to create their
own civilization on the island but soon chaos erupts and savagery takes over civilization with kids being killed and tourchered. While reading the
book i've noticed many connections that Golding made to events during World War 2, for example he had the main characters represent some of
the world leaders during the war. Fear and intimidation play a significant role in the novel Lord of the Flies by William Golding, just as coercion and
terror played a large role in the lives of the people ruled by the Axis Powers in WWII. The first connection I found in the book was the bombing of
Pearl Harbor. The attack on Pearl Harbor was one of the most darkest days in American history when on December 7, 1941 on the island on Hawaii,
Pearl Harbor was attacked by Japanese planes. The attack killed over 2000 people and "Twenty–one ships of the U.S. Pacific Fleet were sunk or
damaged"( This left a physical and emotional scar on the American people as they will never forget the attack and all of the lives that
were lost. After Pearl Harbor;
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Theme Statement For Lord Of The Flies
Theme Statement: All civilized objects, activites, and souls, have inner savage which is held back by forced law, until power brings out the savage
in everyone and everything. Piggy's glasses were used many times throught out the novel, where the boys of the island in fact found good use in
them, and treated his glasses as a symbol of discovery,innovation, and source of civilization on the island such as creating the fire. Once piggy's
glasses break, the innovation, and civilization is gone. Signal Fire: Theme Statement: All civilized objects, activites, and souls, have inner savage
which is held back by forced law, until power brings out the savage in everyone and everything. Ralph at first burns a fire to give him the feeling of
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Lord of The Flies Essay
Lord of the Flies was published in 1954 by William Golding. Today Lord of the Flies is a well known literary criticism. Many schools require their
students to read Lord of the Flies because of the literary criticisms in the book. In this paper three themes or literary criticisms are talked about: good
vs. evil, symbolism of characters, and maturity of characters.
Another topic in Golding's Lord of the Flies is the battle of good vs. evil. Everything seems to start out just fine on the island; the island seems to be
rich with fruit and game and the climate is favorable. The real problem that arises among the boys involves their own inner nature, and emerges from
an argument between those who wish to keep a fire burning on the island' more content...
The boys are wearing black cloaks "from throat to ankle" showing the subdued state of the boys before puberty. When they are given permission from
Jack to uncover, they emerge as powerful drives. This is seen when they begin to run wild fetching for wood for the fire, and hunting like savages
(Martin; Golding 34). The competition between good and evil starts with the gradual struggle between Ralph and Jack, the two oldest boys, for
priority. Ralph is the natural leader by virtue of his superior height, strength, and beauty. His mild expression proclaims him "no devil." He
possesses the symbol of authority, the conch. Jack, on the other hand, is described in completely different terms; he is distinguished by his
ugliness and his red hair, a traditional demonic conception (Rosenfield). Ralph and Jack do not get along well throughout Lord of the Flies; Jack
has his clan rob and steal from Ralph's camp. Also Piggy and Simon are killed by Jack's choir boys. After the boys are murdered Jack wants all the
power and tries to kill Ralph by burning down the island. In the process of burning down the island a Navy helicopter rescues the boys from the
island so evil does not overcome good on the island. After all the conflicts between good and evil; the murder of Piggy and Simon, robbery, violence,
and the burning of the island good still came out on top
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Essay Thesis Statement For Lord Of The Flies
Thesis Statement: The novel Lord of the Flies by William Golding portrays the theme that regardless of each person's different background and
characteristics, every individual has the ability to commit brutal acts. While this book depicts Ralph and Piggy as the most civilized characters, and
Jack and his hunters as young English choir boys, their actions reveal that they all have the capability to act violently. While Jack and his hunters
started out as just choirboys, they become obsessed with violence and are driven to kill. In the beginning of the book, Jack hesitates and misses his
chance to kill a trapped pig. Later on, as Jack and his newly formed tribe hunt in the forest, they discover a sow. Following the desperate chase after more content...
While Roger only threw rocks at the littluns to miss in the beginning of the book, Roger becomes more violent and demonstrates that he is capable of
committing murder by releasing a rock that kills Piggy. Moreover, the conch–which is the symbol of order and civilization in Lord of the
Flies–"exploded into a thousand white fragments." Without the conch and its reminder of order and civilization, the boys become more savage and
all show that they have the ability to kill. Regardless of their background as innocent choir boys, these violent events where Jack and the boys in his
tribe bring a cruel end to a sow and Piggy show that all humans have a capability for brutality, despite their background.
Even as two of the most civilized characters in Lord of the Flies, Ralph and Piggy still show their capability to act violently. As Ralph, Jack, and the
other older boys return to their shelters from the Castle Rock–which is where they suspect that the beast would live–the boys encounter a boar and
attempt to kill it. Soon after, the excitement turns into an act of hurting Robert, the pretend pig. While all the boys aggressively chant their ritual and
fight for their chance to hurt Robert, "Ralph too was fighting to get near, to get a handful of that brown vulnerable flesh. The desire to squeeze and hurt
was over–mastering" (Golding 114–115). In this scene, Ralph finds excitement in harming others and "was fighting to get near" for a chance to hurt
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Research Paper On Lord Of The Flies
Lord of the Flies Research Paper "Stanley flicked his finger again. 'I expect the beast disguised itself'"(Golding 161). In other words, it describes the
disloyalty of others and the spies who hid amongst everyday people during World War II. The main topic I am researching is how fear played a role in
Lord of the Flies and connecting it to World War II prisoners. What led me to this particular research is because the perspectives of the boys are easily
connectable to the prisoners of war. In addition fear was a big obstacle during World War II just like it is in Lord of the Flies. In the book Lord of the
Flies, fear is a constant obstacle for the boys and it is just like the obstacles of war prisoners and the terrors that ruled over them. World War II was full
of fear, terror, and prejudice forJews. When the Jews were found they were transported to German prison camps. They were transported on railroads
that were constructed throughout Europe. The trains were very packed and contained little to no food or water ("Deportations"). Because of these
adverse conditions and debilitating train rides, it resulted in the deaths of a few Jewish people. The main prison camp that Jews were transported to
was Auschwitz–Birkenau which held almost all of the Jewish population ("Deportations"). When the survivors of the Holocaust were found, they were
both starving from the lack of food and sick from the diseases that were in the air. In addition some of the survivors feared returning
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Lord of the Flies Essay
In the novel, "Lord of the Flies," a group of British boys are left on a deserted island in the middle of nowhere. Throughout the novel, they have
conflicts between civilization and savagery, good vs. evil, order vs. chaos, and reason vs. impulse. What would it be like if the boys were replaced
by a group of girls? Would they behave the same way they did in the novel? I believe that the girls would act in the same behavior as the boys in all
ways because, everyone is installed with evil inside them which is their natural instinct, also because in life there is always a power struggle in all
manners, and the outcome with the girls would be similar–since both sexes would plan on getting rescued.
In all humans, evil exists. At more content...
This is universal truth, and clearly shows that girls would release their evil and selfishness within them, just as the boys did especially considering the
circumstances and surroundings. Subsequently, the quote by Thomas Hobbes is also true, since all this evil lead to violence on the island.
Secondly, the girls on the island would act the same as the boys in the sense of choosing a leader and creating rules. With the boys, there is always
a power struggle between Jack and Ralph from the first time they meet. When the time arrives to choose a leader, Jack blurts, "I ought to be chief
because, I'm chapter chorister and head boy," (pg.14). This shows that he wants to be a leader no matter what the majority of the boys think,
showing him as a dictator. On the contrary, Ralph is voted for by the boys, showing him to lead a democratic way. When Democracy and
Dictatorship clash, there becomes a power struggle. This power struggle causes them to do horrible things to each other. For example, when Sam and
Eric warn Ralph, "You got to go now, Ralph, for your own good," (pg.189) when they alert him of Jack's intentions to set the forest on fire. This shows
that no matter what, whether male or female, with human nature, there will always be a power struggle. In addition, this is also proven by the statement
"All power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely," meaning that if Jack was a dictator he would misuse his power
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Lord Of The Flies, Chapter 1 Essay
Write an analysis of the opening chapter of Lord of the Flies. How effective is it at introducing the characters, concerns and language of the novel?
The first chapter of the novel, The Lord of the Flies, by William Golding is effective in establishing the characters, concerns and language for the
remainder of the book, as well as introducing the main themes of the novel; that the problems in society are related to the sinful nature of man and good
verses evil. In Golding's first chapter, the main characters are introduced, we see many ominous signs of what's to come through the authors choice of
language and the beginning of rivalries, issues and concerns are portrayed which are to continue throughout the rest of the book. more
That's a reef out to sea." These statements show Ralph to have intelligence to make conclusions on his own accord, and we are able to see the character
can think for himself. Continuing through the first chapter, after the meeting with the conch, we see Ralph as a natural leader, "there was a stillness
about Ralph as he sat that marked him outВ…. Ralph raised is hand for silence" throughout the clamour of choosing a leader, we see Ralph is
willing for others to get their say, yet he is still able to have control over the situation and manages to leave the group in awe of him. Throughout the
first meeting, Ralph is perceived as someone who does good, such as calling all the boys together, yet he is not so out of touch that he can't relate to
the normal temptations in life. These qualities Golding describes Ralph to have in this first chapter, and incredibly important for the remainder of the
It is no surprise that Piggy's nickname is such. When Golding introduces the character, he has just come out of the bushes, after suffering from
diarrhoea through eating too many unripe berries. The author continually relates to the fact that the boy is fat, and in many descriptions, Golding
blatantly says this such as "The fat boy looked startled". As we progress through the early pages, we learn more of Piggy's appearance through the
conversation between Piggy and Ralph. "I've been wearing specs since I was three". With these
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Lord Of The Flies Essays
Symbols Imagine a bunch of young children's lives changed by being trapped on a island with no civilization around.
William Golding shows how terrifying it can be in Lord Of
The Flies, the novel that brings symbolism above all to the emotions of all that read it. The symbols that bring out the meaning the best are the
leadership skills, the fire and the conch. First, are the leadership skills, as are shown in the book, Ralph has. Ralph in the novel has many ideas,
leadership skills, and has the force he needs to create a better place and try to get them all home. There are three major quotes that prove that Ralph has
what it takes. This first one shows he has good ideas and can enforce what he thinks should happen. "Shut up," more content...
"His specs–use them as burning glasses
(#40)!" Jack has a obsession of hunting and it turns to the choir as well. They have the responsibility to keep the fire going, but they get side
tracked, go hunting and the fire goes out. "There was a ship. Out there. You said you'd keep the fire going and you let it out!" He took a
step towards Jack who turned and faced him. "They might have seen us. We might have gone home(#70)." As you can see a bunch of
children are not ready for that kind of responsibility. Finally is the conch, it shows the start of a civilization and rules, but the chjildren can't make a
civialized place without orderness which they don't have.
Piggy knew what the conch was at first and knew they should blow on it but all was taken credit for by Ralph.
When they first found it Ralph thought it was a stone in the water but Piggy saw it as the shell and explained what he knew about it. "A
stone." "No. A shell." Suddenly Piggy was a–bubble with decorous excitement. " S'right. It's a shell! I seen one like that before.
On someone's back wall.
A conch he called it. He used to blow it and then his mum would come. It's ever so valuble–(#15)." The shell emites a deep harsh note boomed.
Ralph was amazed at the sound.
"Gosh!(#17)." He was amazed at the sound. It was a calling of the islands children. Later in the story, everyone would be talking at the same
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Arguable Themes In Lord Of The Flies

  • 1. Arguable Themes In Lord Of The Flies Theme can be defined as the subject of a talk, piece of writing, a person's thoughts, or a topic. Often, themes are found in novels or stories, fake or fiction, every work containing a central idea that carries a novel and gives it reason to exist. One novel that exemplifies a strong arguable theme is Lord of the Flies by William Golding. As described by E.L Epstein, "The theme is an attempt to trace the defects of society back to the defects of human nature." Because of this central focus, readers have the opportunity to see the societal flaws in Golding's Lord of the Flies and trace them back to the flaws discerned in human nature. In his novel, Golding creates a remote setting on an isolated island and focuses on examining more content... For example, in Ralph exists the nature of humanity that strives for order and consensus. Ralph embodies this in his belief of the conch, in the idea of being saved off the island, as well as possessing the basic element that human impulses can be geared towards the general good. For example, when Ralph says "If a ship comes near the island they may not notice us," (22) he is the one who explores problem solving options such as whether there are other people on the island. Piggy however, embodies the nature of humanity that uses rationalism to solve problems. Piggy's glasses as being the source of fire is one such example of this. At the same time, Piggy echoes a rational worldly approach by saying "Which is better–to have rules and agree, or to hunt and kill? ... law and rescue, or hunting and breaking things up?" (67). Piggy's claim is that life is "scientific" and faith in logic are elements that he believes are natural to the state of humanity. Golding asserts that the nature of humanity contains a malevolent side to it. Characters like Jack and Roger embody this darker aspect of being. When social structures and political structures are stripped away, both characters reveal how the desire for power and a particular cruelty exist in the heart of each
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  • 3. Outline For Lord Of The Flies Essay a.Character Description– gives the reader the perspective of the lives of the "New People"; the artist b.Character Quality: insightful c.Support– recognizes the savage nature of his tribe when they are about to kill Liku. d.Character Quality– superior, arrogant e.Support– believes he is separated from the others, so he has a scandalous affair with Marlan's woman. n.Marlan a.Character Description– powerful, authoritative; has the title of the ruler–priest; remains ruler because the rest of his tribe is scared of him more than they resent his rules and law; the witchdoctor IV.Symbolism– Lord of the Flies A.Conch Shell a.Organization b.Support– blow the shell to call group meetings c.Support– have to be holding the shell in more content... Golding's Use of Children– Lord of the Flies A.Innate Savage Instinct a.amplified through William Golding's use of children as characters b.Support– ultimately, the manhunt on the island is only ended by an adult, the Naval Officer c.Example– before leaving to go anywhere, Jack brings a knife with him. d.Example– Jack's first instinct was to raise his knife and kill the pig, not to help free it. e.Example– even though it isn't real, the kids all want to kill the snake/beast. B.Initial Reactions and Actions that show the non–moral values that are instinctive in humans a.Example– Ralph, who is seen as a civilized character, automatically starts to mock Piggy for who he is; Ralph didn't notice Piggy until he was able to start tormenting. b.Example– while they walk, the older boys destroy the sand castles that the littluns had made. VII.Symbolism– The Inheritors A.Light vs. Dark
  • 4. a.Description– the symbolism between light and dark shows the contrast between the good and innocent Neanderthals and the barbaric and evil Homo Sapiens. B."forest devils" b.This idea of "imaginary" evil is very similar to the Beast in Lord of the Flies. c.Like the Beast, they provoke fear in the people, and they show the evil nature of Get more content on
  • 5. Topics For Lord Of The Flies Research Paper Harsh Soni MattsonLOTF Essay Hunger, fear, leadership, and power can lead to destruction in a society. Who doesn't want to feel powerful and and worthy of honor? Who doesn't want to guide others and create a character that is strong in body and mind? An island filled with boys going vicious for these characteristics just makes the situation ten times worse. There is no way that deterioration of society on the island could have been avoided, especially with boys like Jack and Ralph constantly battling to gain ultimate control over all the others. Clearly there was antipathy between the two. Instead of working together, they split themselves apart and lessened their chances of surviving the island. From the early chapters of the book, it was evident that there was tension between Ralph and Jack. Most of this pressure was built on the question: Who is superior to the other? Each had their own more content... There were so many accusations of innocent boys being the beastie, it eventually led to the death of an innocent boy named Simon.'"Him! Him! The circle became a horseshoe. A thing was crawling out of the forest. It came darkly, uncertainly. The shrill screaming that rose before the beast was like a pain. Kill the beast! Cut his throat! Spill his blood! Do him in!"'(136). The beastie made the boys go wild physically and mentally even though it was not real. Hunger created many problems. The way the boys acted when they hunted and found food would make them look insane in our society. " Ralph too was fighting to get near, to get a handful of that brown, vulnerable flesh. The desire to squeeze and hurt was overmastering."(101). Even the most sensible and sane boy on the island was filled with alacrity to kill and this urge seemed to suffuse through out all of the boys. Hungry, the boys reached the ultimate point of savagery. These problems took the society on the island into a wrong Get more content on
  • 6. Literary Essay On Lord Of The Flies The Perfect Novel Ever since the beginning of literature, the goal of all writers was to entertain their readers. In literature genres continuously expand and develop but, all great literature contains three necessary traits in order to appeal to all readers. Classic novels such as; "Antigone", Lord of the Flies, and The Odyssey all differ in genre; however, they all contain similar attributes. After studying all of these novels I discovered three features every great work of literature contains. "Antigone's" drama, Lord of the Flies' comedy, and the action–packed Odyssey each primarily focus on one of the three traits; however, none of them lack drama, comedy, and action. Without a doubt drama causes any story to entertain the reader.Sophocles' more content... The definition of action does not restrict itself to guns and explosions; rather, one can even define simple disputes as action as well. In The Odyssey of Homer action appears time and time again throughout the epic. Odysseus disguised as a beggar finally made it back to Ithaka but now he needs to compete in Penelope's contest for a new husband. After many people attempted to win the contest Odysseus requested to give it a go. The suitors disapproved but Penelope vetoed them and allowed Odysseus to try. On Odysseus' first try he succeeds with no effort. Immediately after Odysseus won he grabbed another arrow and fired it directly towards Antinoos, "But Odysseus,/ aiming at this man, struck him in the throat with an arrow,/and clean through the soft part of the neck the point was driven" (XXII. 14–16). This action packed scene persuades readers to delve in deeper into the epic. Generally speaking, readers crave jaw dropping action scenes and The Odyssey acquires just that. An author with the mind set to entertain the reader will always make sure his novel, epic, or tragedy do not restrict themselves to one genre but, acquire parts and pieces of all types of Get more content on
  • 7. Essay about Lord of the Flies by William Golding Civilization can be destroyed as easily as it is created. Without the walls of society, humans are capable of committing actions that they would have never thought possible. Lord of the Flies focuses on a group of boys who are alone on an island without authority. The novel reveals what can become of humanity without the presence of authority. In Lord of the Flies by William Golding, the protagonist Ralph symbolizes leadership, civilization, as well as the loss of innocence. Ralph is the closest resemblance to authority that the boys have on the island. His appearance plays an important role in him signifying authority, "You could see now that he might make a boxer, as far as width and heaviness of shoulders went, but there was a more content... Ralph cares for the greater good of the group of boys rather than just for himself which signifies one of the traits a leader should have. Golding tries to show that leadership is an important part of keeping an island civilized and from keeping it stable. Ralph's leadership is the only hope the boy's have to be able to survive on the island while they wait to be rescued. Ralph's leadership starts to change as he and Jack have a power struggle because he starts to lose faith in himself as well as the boys. In a sense, it would seem as though Ralph's leadership was the one to cause the boys to rebel against being civilized because they didn't want to listen to someone who would tell them what to do when they could do whatever they wanted and become savages without morals. Ralph's leadership helps the boy's civilization have stability. Leadership relates to the meaning of the work as a whole because leadership is what keeps a civilization from going into ruins, but the boys instinct to do what they want is much greater than that of living a life with rules. Throughout the novel the boys experience a change from civilization to savagery. The change from civilization to savagery was in a sense to be awaited because authority was not present but their gruesome roles in the deaths of two of the boys were not because they're still kids and one wouldn't think kids are capable of such Get more content on
  • 8. Essay On Lord Of The Flies Identity Lord of the Flies Identity is the fact of being who or what a person or thing is. An identity can be lost in a person's life time when they go through ruff or troubling times. This was proven in The Lord of the Flies when young boys went from civilized school boys to blood thirsty savages all wanting power. The characters all lost their identity one way or another during the story. Piggy was the first victim of lost identity when he was already labeled by society and other schoolboys by his looks. Every boy on the island had a choice to pick between a civilized life with Ralph or a barbaric life with Jack. This choice also determined some people's identity by them changing themselves to fit on a side. Jack's choir boys had changed more content... The tribe lay in a semicircle before him"(Golding 229). The identity of the whole group changed when the name of Jack and the choir boys changed to the chief, Jack, and the tribe, choir boys, became their new identities. The boys would hunt and kill the animals but would take an extra gross step of cutting the head off of one of their pigs and placing on a stick. This graphic image was not even the worst, but later that day their hunter identity really took over when they killed one of their own thinking it was an animal. What the clay and blood on their faces really did was change their identity when killing, they weren't the young well mannered schools boys but they were barbaric killing machines now. A prime example of their masks being their new identities was when, "someone was throwing stones: Roger was dropping them, his one hand still on the lever. Below him, Ralph was a shock of hair and Piggy a bag of fat"(Golding 259). This shows that when Roger had his mask on and life or death in his hands he didn't look at the actual person he was about to kill but looked at them as hair and fat. Once he pushed the rock to crush Piggy he just thought that if he had no identity but fat he wasn't murdering anything Get more content on
  • 9. Descriptive Essay: Lord Of The Flies On an island that is out to kill us; we too turn against each other. With the ocean lapping at the shore. The water washes back and forth on the beach. The wind blows the tiny granules of sand into the dense jungle and thick vegetation. The exotic and vibrant colours and sounds that bellow out of mother nature's organic maze. I slowly walk into the thickness of the jungle, less and less light is penetrating the canopy. As I venture deeper I feel the moisture gathering on my face as the vegetation becomes denser and denser. While all the other boys are making shelters with Ralph I slip away to get some peaceful time to myself. As I walk through the thick jungle I meet some of the littluns reaching for exotic jungle fruits in the trees and I help them. Walking alone I found a quaint clearing to settle, I slouch up against a tree. Becoming weary, thinking of home missing my family and I start to doze off. I reawaken to the sound of birds chirping in the trees, it was nearly dark, I cannot see the trail back to the littluns and the shelters. Now that I think of it the littluns are basically useless without Ralph or I. They need to be taught how to do everything and they are always so demanding. Disoriented more content... I brainstormed solutions. Many impractical and idiotic ideas present themselves to me. I could make a rope and hook to grapple my way out of this crevasse. What if I dug foot holes? That idea was quickly abandoned because the walls contained clay and other hard materials so digging with my hands would be a self–inflicting pain. I resort to creating a rope with my shirt and shorts. Swinging the makeshift rope high above my head I manage to hook a nearby tree. Using my weak muscles, I start to climb my way out of the hole. I'm nearing the top of the hole, my hand's ache, they start to slip and loose purchase. After falling on my back I get up again and have another try. I hoist myself out of the deep hole. I untie my clothes and replace Get more content on
  • 10. Essay about Lord of the Flies: Evil The Power of Evil Evil: A noun meaning profound immorality, wickedness, and depravity. Everyone has a little bit of evil in them, but it's up to that person if they want to show it or not. In Lord of the Flies, by William Golding, a group of boys show the evil within themselves while being stranded on an island. Because of the situation that has been thrust upon them, they soon discover the true evil they are capable of. In the book, the boys show evil through their lust for power, the behavior that the boys express, and their murderous actions. When the boys first arrive on the island, they are all nothing but British school boys who had lived in society where rules and regulations are established. The rules and regulations, more content... Golding shows this when Jack tells Piggy, "Shut up, Fatty" (Golding 21). When Jack calls Piggy "fatty" it shows that Jack has no respect for Piggy and he doesn't care about his feelings. Also, another example of disrespect is when Samneric betrayed Ralph. At first, Samneric are loyal to Ralph because they felt secure. In the last chapter however, as soon as Jack threatens and tortures the two, they change sides and submit to Jack's authority and join his tribe. After they were forced to join Jack's tribe, they betrayed Ralph by telling Jack where he was hiding, "He meant he'd hide in there?" "Yes–yes–oh–!" (Golding 192). This is what leads to Samneric selling out Ralph. Last but not least, in Lord of the Flies, murderous actions took place in the story that reveals humans are in fact inherently evil. Simon and Piggy's death are both pivotal points in the novel. Simon, who is the passive and timid type, awoke to a parachutist in front of him. After seeing this, he then realize that the beast, which the boys have mistaken for, is a harmless object and is not the deadly beast. Soon after, Simon gets killed when he tries to tell the other boys that the "beast" is just only a parachutist. In an attempt to inform the boys, Simon finds them having a feast. The boys are dancing and chanting, caught up some kind of frenzy. The group of boys did another reenactment of a pig hunt when suddenly the boys see a shadowy figure Get more content on
  • 11. Lord Of the Flies Essay Discuss the fragility of civilization against the destructive force of fear. If people become isolated from civilization, then the beast inside of us can break the bonds from society and unleash the evil within using the power of fear. In the book, "The Lord of the Flies", by William Golding, a group of boys becomes stuck on an island and it portrays the breakdown of society and structure and the transformation of them into savages. On the island, the boys first follow a conch which was the order and the link to society on the island but after a while, it loses most of it's influence due to the disintegration of social order and rules. A character that used the tool of fear to gain control of the boys was Jack, who represents more content... William Golding's idea of the "beast" within us all resonates in real life, not just in the book. Ralph, who represented order, structure, law and democracy soon toppled because of how much fear affected the boys. The conch, the link to society, was shattered by the evil that fear had created, which were the savages that the boys had turned into. It is ironic because the beast that the boys were so afraid of was actually the monsters that they had turned into. Without civilization, fear can warp and transform us into things that we would have never expected, much like Jack and the Get more content on
  • 12. The Lord Of The Flies Essay "In absence of orders, go find something and kill it" Erwin Rommel world war II 7th panzer division general. It doesn't seem to have much to do with lord of the flies but it does. When these boys are in left alone they start fighting and pick sides. In the Second World War people picked sides. These boys go into a small war of their own and it is brutal and has one evil over powering faction in this book the history's most notorious generals, leaders, and even dictators are represented by these boys. Ralph and piggy are the books two protagonist that seem to try to support their followers. In the war Britain tried to do everything possible to support the country's that were attacked. Ralph is seen as the strong leader who never lets any one more content... Jack is a boy who start out as a leader in an almost military like stature in charge of the choir. He becomes with his hunter wanting to make them more powerful and focused an arming them. He also is desperate to be in charge. In The Lord of the Flies jack says "I ought to be chief" (Golding 22). This shows that he thinks he is the only person who should be leader. When they talk about the hunters he says "They could be an army" (Golding page 23). This sentence is by the one that sets up jack's idea of his "hunters" his hunters start out as a group of boys then evolved into this deadly group of savages that could barely be called human. In later pages jack is desired giving his army newer weapon and upgrading them. Heinrich Himmler was the head of the Nazi SS, the Nazi honor guard, and he was obsessed with building this army. "Himmler immediately began expanding the SS, which reached a membership of more than 50,000" This article claims (Heinrich Himmler). Him and roger have one thing in common instants gain of power. When Jack became chief of his hunter tribe roger became a second in command for the army. Himmler also led the campaign to exterminate the Jewish with his death camps. Roger would lead the campaign by jack to hunt the other boys and make them join or kill them. These two boys depicted evil but in this book one boy depicts the Get more content on
  • 13. Lord Of The Flies Essay Introduction Lord of the Flies starts out with a plane crashing on an island. The pilot died so the only people that survive this crash were a group of boys. In an attempt to bring together everyone on the island Ralph, one of the main characters, used a shell–like object to get everyone to the beach. After many boys reached the beach Ralph started a meeting. The boys discussed what they should do to stay alive and get rescued. They voted that Ralph should be their leader. Another maincharacter is Jack, he was angered when they voted Ralph to be leader because he thought he could do it better. Ralph's first action as chief was to have everyone help make a large fire to create smoke for nearby ships to see. The boys agreed that this fire should stay going all the time, so that if a ship came by they could be rescued. Jack was assigned the task of hunting the pigs for food. He took the group of boys he came with and became the hunters. After awhile the only thing Jack could think about was hunting. This angered more content... Ralph is the natural leader of the group. He is laid back but everyone knows that he is in charge. He stays true to himself throughout the entire book, he is one of the few. Jack is more of a pushy leader, but is definitely a leader. He loses himself in the book by becoming obsessed with hunting. All he talks about is hunting and wanting to kill. This turns him into a whole new person. Since Jack is a leader, many of the boys follow his lead by also turning into this crazy being. Jack has a lot of effect on the others and it is mostly a negative effect. Simon is more of a laid back main character. He discovers the beast and tries to explain it to the others, but he is killed before he could do so. Piggy is more of a follower because he just wants to fit in. He is a heavier boy so that is why they call him Piggy. Most of the boys find him annoying, but Ralph is always somewhat nice to Get more content on
  • 14. Term Papers On Lord Of The Flies Lord of the Flies Research Paper Less than only a 100 years ago, mankind fought its greatest battle ever between the evil axis powers and the good allied powers. While I read the Lord of the Flies by William Golding in class i noticed some similarities between the story and World War 2. The book is about a group of school boys from England crash on a island in the Pacific Ocean during the second world war. The boys try to create their own civilization on the island but soon chaos erupts and savagery takes over civilization with kids being killed and tourchered. While reading the book i've noticed many connections that Golding made to events during World War 2, for example he had the main characters represent some of the world leaders during the war. Fear and intimidation play a significant role in the novel Lord of the Flies by William Golding, just as coercion and terror played a large role in the lives of the people ruled by the Axis Powers in WWII. The first connection I found in the book was the bombing of Pearl Harbor. The attack on Pearl Harbor was one of the most darkest days in American history when on December 7, 1941 on the island on Hawaii, Pearl Harbor was attacked by Japanese planes. The attack killed over 2000 people and "Twenty–one ships of the U.S. Pacific Fleet were sunk or damaged"( This left a physical and emotional scar on the American people as they will never forget the attack and all of the lives that were lost. After Pearl Harbor; Get more content on
  • 15. Theme Statement For Lord Of The Flies Theme Statement: All civilized objects, activites, and souls, have inner savage which is held back by forced law, until power brings out the savage in everyone and everything. Piggy's glasses were used many times throught out the novel, where the boys of the island in fact found good use in them, and treated his glasses as a symbol of discovery,innovation, and source of civilization on the island such as creating the fire. Once piggy's glasses break, the innovation, and civilization is gone. Signal Fire: Theme Statement: All civilized objects, activites, and souls, have inner savage which is held back by forced law, until power brings out the savage in everyone and everything. Ralph at first burns a fire to give him the feeling of hope Get more content on
  • 16. Lord of The Flies Essay Lord of the Flies was published in 1954 by William Golding. Today Lord of the Flies is a well known literary criticism. Many schools require their students to read Lord of the Flies because of the literary criticisms in the book. In this paper three themes or literary criticisms are talked about: good vs. evil, symbolism of characters, and maturity of characters. Another topic in Golding's Lord of the Flies is the battle of good vs. evil. Everything seems to start out just fine on the island; the island seems to be rich with fruit and game and the climate is favorable. The real problem that arises among the boys involves their own inner nature, and emerges from an argument between those who wish to keep a fire burning on the island' more content... The boys are wearing black cloaks "from throat to ankle" showing the subdued state of the boys before puberty. When they are given permission from Jack to uncover, they emerge as powerful drives. This is seen when they begin to run wild fetching for wood for the fire, and hunting like savages (Martin; Golding 34). The competition between good and evil starts with the gradual struggle between Ralph and Jack, the two oldest boys, for priority. Ralph is the natural leader by virtue of his superior height, strength, and beauty. His mild expression proclaims him "no devil." He possesses the symbol of authority, the conch. Jack, on the other hand, is described in completely different terms; he is distinguished by his ugliness and his red hair, a traditional demonic conception (Rosenfield). Ralph and Jack do not get along well throughout Lord of the Flies; Jack has his clan rob and steal from Ralph's camp. Also Piggy and Simon are killed by Jack's choir boys. After the boys are murdered Jack wants all the power and tries to kill Ralph by burning down the island. In the process of burning down the island a Navy helicopter rescues the boys from the island so evil does not overcome good on the island. After all the conflicts between good and evil; the murder of Piggy and Simon, robbery, violence, and the burning of the island good still came out on top Get more content on
  • 17. Essay Thesis Statement For Lord Of The Flies Thesis Statement: The novel Lord of the Flies by William Golding portrays the theme that regardless of each person's different background and characteristics, every individual has the ability to commit brutal acts. While this book depicts Ralph and Piggy as the most civilized characters, and Jack and his hunters as young English choir boys, their actions reveal that they all have the capability to act violently. While Jack and his hunters started out as just choirboys, they become obsessed with violence and are driven to kill. In the beginning of the book, Jack hesitates and misses his chance to kill a trapped pig. Later on, as Jack and his newly formed tribe hunt in the forest, they discover a sow. Following the desperate chase after more content... While Roger only threw rocks at the littluns to miss in the beginning of the book, Roger becomes more violent and demonstrates that he is capable of committing murder by releasing a rock that kills Piggy. Moreover, the conch–which is the symbol of order and civilization in Lord of the Flies–"exploded into a thousand white fragments." Without the conch and its reminder of order and civilization, the boys become more savage and all show that they have the ability to kill. Regardless of their background as innocent choir boys, these violent events where Jack and the boys in his tribe bring a cruel end to a sow and Piggy show that all humans have a capability for brutality, despite their background. Even as two of the most civilized characters in Lord of the Flies, Ralph and Piggy still show their capability to act violently. As Ralph, Jack, and the other older boys return to their shelters from the Castle Rock–which is where they suspect that the beast would live–the boys encounter a boar and attempt to kill it. Soon after, the excitement turns into an act of hurting Robert, the pretend pig. While all the boys aggressively chant their ritual and fight for their chance to hurt Robert, "Ralph too was fighting to get near, to get a handful of that brown vulnerable flesh. The desire to squeeze and hurt was over–mastering" (Golding 114–115). In this scene, Ralph finds excitement in harming others and "was fighting to get near" for a chance to hurt Get more content on
  • 18. Research Paper On Lord Of The Flies Lord of the Flies Research Paper "Stanley flicked his finger again. 'I expect the beast disguised itself'"(Golding 161). In other words, it describes the disloyalty of others and the spies who hid amongst everyday people during World War II. The main topic I am researching is how fear played a role in Lord of the Flies and connecting it to World War II prisoners. What led me to this particular research is because the perspectives of the boys are easily connectable to the prisoners of war. In addition fear was a big obstacle during World War II just like it is in Lord of the Flies. In the book Lord of the Flies, fear is a constant obstacle for the boys and it is just like the obstacles of war prisoners and the terrors that ruled over them. World War II was full of fear, terror, and prejudice forJews. When the Jews were found they were transported to German prison camps. They were transported on railroads that were constructed throughout Europe. The trains were very packed and contained little to no food or water ("Deportations"). Because of these adverse conditions and debilitating train rides, it resulted in the deaths of a few Jewish people. The main prison camp that Jews were transported to was Auschwitz–Birkenau which held almost all of the Jewish population ("Deportations"). When the survivors of the Holocaust were found, they were both starving from the lack of food and sick from the diseases that were in the air. In addition some of the survivors feared returning Get more content on
  • 19. Lord of the Flies Essay In the novel, "Lord of the Flies," a group of British boys are left on a deserted island in the middle of nowhere. Throughout the novel, they have conflicts between civilization and savagery, good vs. evil, order vs. chaos, and reason vs. impulse. What would it be like if the boys were replaced by a group of girls? Would they behave the same way they did in the novel? I believe that the girls would act in the same behavior as the boys in all ways because, everyone is installed with evil inside them which is their natural instinct, also because in life there is always a power struggle in all manners, and the outcome with the girls would be similar–since both sexes would plan on getting rescued. In all humans, evil exists. At more content... This is universal truth, and clearly shows that girls would release their evil and selfishness within them, just as the boys did especially considering the circumstances and surroundings. Subsequently, the quote by Thomas Hobbes is also true, since all this evil lead to violence on the island. Secondly, the girls on the island would act the same as the boys in the sense of choosing a leader and creating rules. With the boys, there is always a power struggle between Jack and Ralph from the first time they meet. When the time arrives to choose a leader, Jack blurts, "I ought to be chief because, I'm chapter chorister and head boy," (pg.14). This shows that he wants to be a leader no matter what the majority of the boys think, showing him as a dictator. On the contrary, Ralph is voted for by the boys, showing him to lead a democratic way. When Democracy and Dictatorship clash, there becomes a power struggle. This power struggle causes them to do horrible things to each other. For example, when Sam and Eric warn Ralph, "You got to go now, Ralph, for your own good," (pg.189) when they alert him of Jack's intentions to set the forest on fire. This shows that no matter what, whether male or female, with human nature, there will always be a power struggle. In addition, this is also proven by the statement "All power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely," meaning that if Jack was a dictator he would misuse his power Get more content on
  • 20. Lord Of The Flies, Chapter 1 Essay Write an analysis of the opening chapter of Lord of the Flies. How effective is it at introducing the characters, concerns and language of the novel? The first chapter of the novel, The Lord of the Flies, by William Golding is effective in establishing the characters, concerns and language for the remainder of the book, as well as introducing the main themes of the novel; that the problems in society are related to the sinful nature of man and good verses evil. In Golding's first chapter, the main characters are introduced, we see many ominous signs of what's to come through the authors choice of language and the beginning of rivalries, issues and concerns are portrayed which are to continue throughout the rest of the book. more content... That's a reef out to sea." These statements show Ralph to have intelligence to make conclusions on his own accord, and we are able to see the character can think for himself. Continuing through the first chapter, after the meeting with the conch, we see Ralph as a natural leader, "there was a stillness about Ralph as he sat that marked him outВ…. Ralph raised is hand for silence" throughout the clamour of choosing a leader, we see Ralph is willing for others to get their say, yet he is still able to have control over the situation and manages to leave the group in awe of him. Throughout the first meeting, Ralph is perceived as someone who does good, such as calling all the boys together, yet he is not so out of touch that he can't relate to the normal temptations in life. These qualities Golding describes Ralph to have in this first chapter, and incredibly important for the remainder of the novel. It is no surprise that Piggy's nickname is such. When Golding introduces the character, he has just come out of the bushes, after suffering from diarrhoea through eating too many unripe berries. The author continually relates to the fact that the boy is fat, and in many descriptions, Golding blatantly says this such as "The fat boy looked startled". As we progress through the early pages, we learn more of Piggy's appearance through the conversation between Piggy and Ralph. "I've been wearing specs since I was three". With these Get more content on
  • 21. Lord Of The Flies Essays Symbols Imagine a bunch of young children's lives changed by being trapped on a island with no civilization around. William Golding shows how terrifying it can be in Lord Of The Flies, the novel that brings symbolism above all to the emotions of all that read it. The symbols that bring out the meaning the best are the leadership skills, the fire and the conch. First, are the leadership skills, as are shown in the book, Ralph has. Ralph in the novel has many ideas, leadership skills, and has the force he needs to create a better place and try to get them all home. There are three major quotes that prove that Ralph has what it takes. This first one shows he has good ideas and can enforce what he thinks should happen. "Shut up," more content... "His specs–use them as burning glasses (#40)!" Jack has a obsession of hunting and it turns to the choir as well. They have the responsibility to keep the fire going, but they get side tracked, go hunting and the fire goes out. "There was a ship. Out there. You said you'd keep the fire going and you let it out!" He took a step towards Jack who turned and faced him. "They might have seen us. We might have gone home(#70)." As you can see a bunch of children are not ready for that kind of responsibility. Finally is the conch, it shows the start of a civilization and rules, but the chjildren can't make a civialized place without orderness which they don't have. Piggy knew what the conch was at first and knew they should blow on it but all was taken credit for by Ralph. When they first found it Ralph thought it was a stone in the water but Piggy saw it as the shell and explained what he knew about it. "A stone." "No. A shell." Suddenly Piggy was a–bubble with decorous excitement. " S'right. It's a shell! I seen one like that before. On someone's back wall. A conch he called it. He used to blow it and then his mum would come. It's ever so valuble–(#15)." The shell emites a deep harsh note boomed. Ralph was amazed at the sound. "Gosh!(#17)." He was amazed at the sound. It was a calling of the islands children. Later in the story, everyone would be talking at the same Get more content on