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12 men can complete the work in 18 days. After 5 days 6 more men joined the work. In how many days
will be remaining work be completed?
8 (2/3) days
8 days
9 days
9 (2/3) days
A sum of money is divided among A, B, C, D in the ratio 2:5:7:9. If the share of C is 3250 more than
the share of A, then what is the total amount of money of B and D put together?
A starts a business with 30000 and 4 months later, B joins the business with 40000. If total profit is
Rs.5100 at the year-end, find the share of A in the total profit.
If cost of 12 chairs and 18 tables is Rs.10440. Then what is the cost of 6 chairs and 9 tables?
Ratio of father's age and son's age is 4:1 respectively and pproduct of their ages is 256 years. What will
be the respective ration of their ages after 5 years?
The average age of Nikita and Kriti is 21 years and the ratio of their ages is 4:3. Find the present age of
24 years
18 years
6 years
12 years
When a number is added to seven-ninth of 35 percent of 900 the result is 325. Find its value.
1 point
A committee of 6 members has to be formed from 4 teachers of Hindi, 5 teachers of Art and 3 teachers
of Sanskrit. In how many different ways can the committee be formed if no teachers are included from
A committee of 6 members has to be formed from 4 teachers of Hindi, 5 teachers of Art and 3 teachers
of Sanskrit. In how many ways can the committe be formed if any teacher can be included in the
The total area of a circle and a square is 2611 and the circle diameter is 42cm. What is the sum
of circumference of the circle and perimeter of the square?
Train A crosses a stationary train B in 45 and cross a pole in 20 seconds at the same speed. The length
of train A 200m. What is the length of stationary train B?
There are three taps attached to a tank. It gets filled in 4 hours by tap A, 6 hours by tap B and get
empties in 3 hours by Tap C. What is the time taken to fill entire tank if all the taps are active?
10 hours
6 hours
8 hours
12 hours
There are three taps attached to a tank. It gets filled in 4 hours by tap A, 6 hours by tap B and get
empties in 3 hours by Tap C. What is the time taken to fill entire tank if all the taps are active?
10 hours
6 hours
8 hours
12 hours
In class of 150 students there are 80 boys and 70 girls. The average marks of the class is 78. If the
average marks obtained by boys and girls is in the ratio 3:4, find the average marks obtained by girls.
Ram sold an article at profit of 10%. If he had bought the article at 10% less price and sold it at Rs. 10.
less than the previos selling price, then he would have got a profit of 20%. What is the cost price of the
Ajay covers one-third of a certain distance at a speed of 20kmph. One fourth in 30kmph and remaining
at a speed of 50kmph. What was his average speed during the journey?
30 kmph
20 kmph
50 kmph
40 kmph
Study the following information and answer the questions given below.
There are eight people viz. P, O, I, U, Y, T, R and E are sitting in two circles in equal numbers facing each other
as shown in the fig. below. The people sitting in the inner circle faces outside the centre of the circle and the
people sitting in the outer circle faces towards the centre of the circle. Each of them likes different colours viz.
Red, Yellow, Brown, Black, Purple, Green, Pink and Blue. All the information is not necessary to be in the same
order. Also, they were made to sit in a straight line, the people sitting in the inner circle faces south and likes
same colour. The persons sitting in the outer circle faces north and likes different colours.
E sits third to left of both I and the one who likes Blue colour in the straight line. I is an immediate neighbour of
R and sits in the extreme end of the line. The person, who faces T in the circle, likes Green colour in the straight
line. U sits immediate right of T in the circle. R sits second from the extreme end of the line and likes the colour
liked by E in the circle. The person who likes Yellow faces the person who sits immediate left of P in the circle. E
faces the person who sits to the immediate left in the straight line. The person who likes Blue colour faces the
person who likes Black colour. R is not an immediate neighbour of E, who likes Brown colour in the circle. R and
P doesn‟t face each other or sits in the same circle. I faces the person who sits immediate left of Y, who likes
Purple colour. T and O face each other; neither of them likes Yellow colour. Y sits second to the left of the one
who likes Blue colour in the straight line. P neither likes Blue or Pink colour while sitting in the circle. The
person, who likes Red colour, sits second to the left of the one who likes Green colour in the straight line. E
doesn‟t like Yellow colour in the straight line.
Supporting Image
What is the position of T with respect to U in thestraight line?
2 points
Fourth to the right
Fourth to the left
None of these
Second to the right
Third to the left
Which of the following statement is trueregarding the circular arrangement?
2 points
O likes Green colour and sits to the immediate left of R
All are true
The one who likes Brown colour is an immediate neighbour of one who likes Yellow colour
P and E face each other
U likes Pink colour and sits to the immediate left of P
Who among the following likes Black colour inthe straight line?
2 points
The one who sits third to the right of E
Cannot be determined
Four of the following five are alike in a certain way thus form a group with respect to circular
arrangement. Find the one which doesn‟t belong to the group?
2 points
U – Yellow
O – Black
I – Red
E – Purple
P – Green
Study the following information and answer the questions given below.
Eight friends – P, Q, R, S, T, U, V and W are seated in anticlockwise direction in the same order around a circular
table. All of them were facing towards the centre of the table. They all played a game called “Passing the Ball”
where in every round the ball moves 15 positions in clockwise direction. At the end of each round, the person
who started the round and the person who receives the ball last interchange their positions and the next round
starts from the final position of the ball in the previous round. It is known that W starts the game.
Who among the following sits second to the left of P in 33rd Round?
2 points
Cannot be Determined
What is the position of R with respect to W in 123rd round?
2 points
Second to the left
None of these
Immediate left
Third to the right
Immediate right
Who among the following faces S in 99th round?
2 points
Cannot be determined
Four of the following five are alike in a certainway based on the group. Find the one which doesnot
belongs to the group?
2 points
Round 98
Round 84
Round 147
Round 112
Round 179
There are nine members in a family. Each has different amount of chocolates. A has 250 chocolates, he takes 12
chocolates and gives the remaining to his only son L. L takes 7 chocolates and gives the rest of the chocolates to his
mother F. F takes 9 chocolates and gives the remaining chocolates to his only Nephew S. S takes 5 chocolates and gives
the remaining chocolates to his father D. D takes 8 chocolates and gives the remaining chocolates to G, who is his only
niece. G takes 14 chocolates and gives the rest of the chocolates to her only sister-in-law H. J‟s mother H, takes 7
chocolates and gives the remaining chocolates to her only son K. K takes 19 chocolates and gives the rest to his only
sister J. G is sister of L.
What is the square root of the number of Chocolates J is having and how is J related to F?
2 points
√173 – Daughter
13 – Granddaughter
Cannot be determined
13 – Grandson
√184 – Grandfather
If A x B = A is sister of B, A + B = A is the son of B, A – B = A is the daughter of B, A % B = A isthe
father of B. Then which of the following statement is true regarding the given relation?
(i) H x L + A x S; H gets 190 Chocolates from G .........................(ii) L + F x D % S; S gets 222 Chocolates from
F......................(iii) G – A % L x H; G gets 217 Chocolates from D......................(iv) J x K + L + A; K gets 188
Chocolates from H
2 points
None of these
Both (i) and (iii) are true
Only (ii) is true
Only (iv) is true
Both (ii) and (iv) are true
In a certain code 'STRATEGIC' is written as 'TSARTGECI'. What is 'CLEARING' in that code?
1 point
None of these in the option
If 'CARING' is coded as 'MPDRDF',and 'SHARES' is coded as 'XLPDUX'. How can you code
'CASKET' in the same language?
1 point
Neha travelled from a point X straight to point Y at a distance of 50 meters. He turned to his right and
walks 50 meter more, then again turned right and walks 60 meter. Finally, he turned to right and walks
50 meters. How far is he from the starting point?
1 point
Reasoning V
In a city, Fruit lane was to the north-west of Jewellery lane. Grocery lane was in the east of fruit lane which was towards
the south of vegetable lane. Toy lane was towards the south-west of grocery lane such that it was situated towards the
east of Jewellery lane. Clothes lane was 20 km towards the north of Jewellery lane, which was 4 times the distance
between Jewellery lane and Toy lane. Inner circle was the mid point between Fruit lane and Grocery lane and also
Jewellery lane and Clothes lane.The distance between Vegetable lane and fruit lane was half of the distance between
Clothes lane and Inner circle.
Which of the following is/are towards the south-east of Clothes lane?
1 point
Grocery lane
Both Toy and Grocery Lanes
Both Fruit and Toy Lanes
Toy lane
Fruit lane
If the distance between fruit lane and innner circle is 12m, then find the shortest distance between
vegetable lane and clothes lane?
1 point
ritish colonial policy . . . went through two policy phases, or at least there were two strategies between which its policies
actually oscillated, sometimes to its great advantage. At first, the new colonial apparatus exercised caution, and occupied
India by a mix of military power and subtle diplomacy, the high ground in the middle of the circle of circles. This,
however, pushed them into contradictions. For, whatever their sense of the strangeness of the country and the thinness of
colonial presence, the British colonial state represented the great conquering discourse of Enlightenment rationalism,
entering India precisely at the moment of its greatest unchecked arrogance. As inheritors and representatives of this
discourse, which carried everything before it, this colonial state could hardly adopt for long such a self-denying attitude.
It had restructured everything in Europe—the productive system, the political regimes, the moral and cognitive orders—
and would do the same in India, particularly as some empirically inclined theorists of that generation considered the
colonies a massive laboratory of utilitarian or other theoretical experiments. Consequently, the colonial state could not
settle simply for eminence at the cost of its marginality; it began to take initiatives to introduce the logic of modernity
into Indian society. But this modernity did not enter a passive society. Sometimes, its initiatives were resisted by pre-
existing structural forms. At times, there was a more direct form of collective resistance. Therefore the map of continuity
and discontinuity that this state left behind at the time of independence was rather complex and has to be traced with
Most significantly, of course, initiatives for . . . modernity came to assume an external character. The acceptance of
modernity came to be connected, ineradicably, with subjection. This again points to two different problems, one
theoretical, the other political. Theoretically, because modernity was externally introduced, it is explanatorily unhelpful
to apply the logical format of the ‘transition process’ to this pattern of change. Such a logical format would be wrong on
two counts. First, however subtly, it would imply that what was proposed to be built was something like European
capitalism. (And, in any case, historians have forcefully argued that what it was to replace was not like feudalism, with
or without modificatory adjectives.) But, more fundamentally, the logical structure of endogenous change does not apply
here. Here transformation agendas attack as an external force. This externality is not something that can be casually
mentioned and forgotten. It is inscribed on every move, every object, every proposal, every legislative act, each line of
causality. It comes to be marked on the epoch itself. This repetitive emphasis on externality should not be seen as a
nationalist initiative that is so well rehearsed in Indian social science. . . .
Quite apart from the externality of the entire historical proposal of modernity, some of its contents were remarkable. . . .
Economic reforms, or rather alterations . . . did not foreshadow the construction of a classical capitalist economy, with
its necessary emphasis on extractive and transport sectors. What happened was the creation of a degenerate version of
capitalism —what early dependency theorists called the ‘development of underdevelopment’.
All of the following statements, if true, could be seen as supporting the arguments in the passage,
1 point
modernity was imposed upon India by the British and, therefore, led to underdevelopment.
throughout the history of colonial conquest, natives have often been experimented on by the colonisers.
the change in British colonial policy was induced by resistance to modernity in Indian society.
the introduction of capitalism in India was not through the transformation of feudalism, as happened in
All of the following statements about British colonialism can be inferred from the first paragraph,
EXCEPT that it:
1 point
allowed the treatment of colonies as experimental sites.
was at least partly shaped by the project of European modernity.
faced resistance from existing structural forms of Indian modernity.
was at least partly an outcome of Enlightenment rationalism.
“Consequently, the colonial state could not settle simply for eminence at the cost of its marginality; it
began to take initiatives to introduce the logic of modernity into Indian society.” Which of the
following best captures the sense of this statement?
1 point
The colonial enterprise was a costly one; so to justify the cost it began to take initiatives to introduce the
logic of modernity into Indian society.
The colonial state’s eminence was unsettled by its marginal position; therefore, it developed Indian
society by modernising it.
The colonial state felt marginalised from Indian society because of its own modernity; therefore, it
sought to address that marginalisation by bringing its modernity to change Indian society.
The cost of the colonial state’s eminence was not settled; therefore, it took the initiative of introducing
modernity into Indian society.
Which of the following observations is a valid conclusion to draw from the author’s statement that “the
logical structure of endogenous change does not apply here. Here transformation agendas attack as an
external force”?
Colonised societies cannot be changed through logic; they need to be transformed with external force.
The endogenous logic of colonialism can only bring change if it attacks and transforms external forces.
Indian society is not endogamous; it is more accurately characterised as aggressively exogamous.
The transformation of Indian society did not happen organically, but was forced by colonial agendas.
Which one of the following 5-word sequences best captures the flow of the arguments in the passage?
1 point
Military power—arrogance—laboratory—modernity—capitalism.
Military power—colonialism—restructuring—feudalism—capitalism.
Colonial policy—Enlightenment—external modernity—subjection—underdevelopment.
Colonial policy—arrogant rationality—resistance—independence—development.
Synonym of "Chimerical"
1 point
Synonym of "Bombastic"
Synonym of 'churlish'
Antonym of "Unkempt"
Antonym of "Unseemly"
Some proverbs/idioms are given below together with their meanings. Choose the correct meaning of proverb/idiom, If
there is no correct meaning given, E (i.e.) 'None of these' will be the answer.
To hit the nail right on the head
1 point
To teach someone a lesson
To announce one's fixed views
To destroy one's reputation
To do the right thing
To smell a rat
1 point
To be in a bad mood
To suspect foul dealings
To get bad small of a bad dead rat
To see signs of plague epidemic
To be the question
1 point
To refer to
To be discussed
To raise objections
To take for granted
To play second fiddle
1 point
To support the role and view of another person
To do back seat driving
To be happy, cheerful and healthy
To reduce importance of one's senior
To leave someone in the lurch
1 point
To put someone at ease
To come to compromise with someone
To desert someone in his difficulties
Constant source of annoyance to someone
What will be the output of the follg
Garbage value
compile_time Error
3 2 1
None of above
Output og the code given below
1 point
Garbage value
includehelp %sincludehelp
None of the above
%sincludehelp includehelp
Output of the code given below will be
1 point
None of these.
compilation error
34 34 00 22
Output of the code given below
1 point
None of these
Output of the code given below
1 point
None of these
compile_time error

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Apti15 4-20

  • 1. 12 men can complete the work in 18 days. After 5 days 6 more men joined the work. In how many days will be remaining work be completed? 8 (2/3) days 8 days 9 days 9 (2/3) days A sum of money is divided among A, B, C, D in the ratio 2:5:7:9. If the share of C is 3250 more than the share of A, then what is the total amount of money of B and D put together? 9100 7500 8200 9800 A starts a business with 30000 and 4 months later, B joins the business with 40000. If total profit is Rs.5100 at the year-end, find the share of A in the total profit. 2700 2500 2200 3000 If cost of 12 chairs and 18 tables is Rs.10440. Then what is the cost of 6 chairs and 9 tables? 5600 5200 4400 4800 Ratio of father's age and son's age is 4:1 respectively and pproduct of their ages is 256 years. What will be the respective ration of their ages after 5 years? 26:12
  • 2. 37:13 27:11 25:13 The average age of Nikita and Kriti is 21 years and the ratio of their ages is 4:3. Find the present age of Kriti. 24 years 18 years 6 years 12 years When a number is added to seven-ninth of 35 percent of 900 the result is 325. Find its value. 1 point 80 70 100 90 A committee of 6 members has to be formed from 4 teachers of Hindi, 5 teachers of Art and 3 teachers of Sanskrit. In how many different ways can the committee be formed if no teachers are included from Sanskrit? 83 81 82 84 A committee of 6 members has to be formed from 4 teachers of Hindi, 5 teachers of Art and 3 teachers of Sanskrit. In how many ways can the committe be formed if any teacher can be included in the committe? 923 924
  • 3. 922 921 The total area of a circle and a square is 2611 and the circle diameter is 42cm. What is the sum of circumference of the circle and perimeter of the square? 272 274 271 273 Train A crosses a stationary train B in 45 and cross a pole in 20 seconds at the same speed. The length of train A 200m. What is the length of stationary train B? 300m 200m 150m 250m There are three taps attached to a tank. It gets filled in 4 hours by tap A, 6 hours by tap B and get empties in 3 hours by Tap C. What is the time taken to fill entire tank if all the taps are active? 10 hours 6 hours 8 hours 12 hours There are three taps attached to a tank. It gets filled in 4 hours by tap A, 6 hours by tap B and get empties in 3 hours by Tap C. What is the time taken to fill entire tank if all the taps are active? 10 hours 6 hours 8 hours 12 hours
  • 4. In class of 150 students there are 80 boys and 70 girls. The average marks of the class is 78. If the average marks obtained by boys and girls is in the ratio 3:4, find the average marks obtained by girls. 60 45 90 75 Ram sold an article at profit of 10%. If he had bought the article at 10% less price and sold it at Rs. 10. less than the previos selling price, then he would have got a profit of 20%. What is the cost price of the article? 300 600 500 400 Ajay covers one-third of a certain distance at a speed of 20kmph. One fourth in 30kmph and remaining at a speed of 50kmph. What was his average speed during the journey? 30 kmph 20 kmph 50 kmph 40 kmph Study the following information and answer the questions given below. There are eight people viz. P, O, I, U, Y, T, R and E are sitting in two circles in equal numbers facing each other as shown in the fig. below. The people sitting in the inner circle faces outside the centre of the circle and the people sitting in the outer circle faces towards the centre of the circle. Each of them likes different colours viz. Red, Yellow, Brown, Black, Purple, Green, Pink and Blue. All the information is not necessary to be in the same order. Also, they were made to sit in a straight line, the people sitting in the inner circle faces south and likes same colour. The persons sitting in the outer circle faces north and likes different colours. E sits third to left of both I and the one who likes Blue colour in the straight line. I is an immediate neighbour of R and sits in the extreme end of the line. The person, who faces T in the circle, likes Green colour in the straight line. U sits immediate right of T in the circle. R sits second from the extreme end of the line and likes the colour liked by E in the circle. The person who likes Yellow faces the person who sits immediate left of P in the circle. E faces the person who sits to the immediate left in the straight line. The person who likes Blue colour faces the person who likes Black colour. R is not an immediate neighbour of E, who likes Brown colour in the circle. R and P doesn‟t face each other or sits in the same circle. I faces the person who sits immediate left of Y, who likes Purple colour. T and O face each other; neither of them likes Yellow colour. Y sits second to the left of the one who likes Blue colour in the straight line. P neither likes Blue or Pink colour while sitting in the circle. The person, who likes Red colour, sits second to the left of the one who likes Green colour in the straight line. E doesn‟t like Yellow colour in the straight line.
  • 5. Supporting Image What is the position of T with respect to U in thestraight line? 2 points Fourth to the right Fourth to the left None of these Second to the right Third to the left Which of the following statement is trueregarding the circular arrangement?
  • 6. 2 points O likes Green colour and sits to the immediate left of R All are true The one who likes Brown colour is an immediate neighbour of one who likes Yellow colour P and E face each other U likes Pink colour and sits to the immediate left of P Who among the following likes Black colour inthe straight line? 2 points The one who sits third to the right of E R E P Cannot be determined Four of the following five are alike in a certain way thus form a group with respect to circular arrangement. Find the one which doesn‟t belong to the group? 2 points U – Yellow O – Black I – Red E – Purple P – Green Study the following information and answer the questions given below. Eight friends – P, Q, R, S, T, U, V and W are seated in anticlockwise direction in the same order around a circular table. All of them were facing towards the centre of the table. They all played a game called “Passing the Ball” where in every round the ball moves 15 positions in clockwise direction. At the end of each round, the person
  • 7. who started the round and the person who receives the ball last interchange their positions and the next round starts from the final position of the ball in the previous round. It is known that W starts the game. Who among the following sits second to the left of P in 33rd Round? 2 points Cannot be Determined U R V Q What is the position of R with respect to W in 123rd round? 2 points Second to the left None of these Immediate left Third to the right Immediate right Who among the following faces S in 99th round? 2 points R P Cannot be determined Q U
  • 8. Four of the following five are alike in a certainway based on the group. Find the one which doesnot belongs to the group? 2 points Round 98 Round 84 Round 147 Round 112 Round 179 There are nine members in a family. Each has different amount of chocolates. A has 250 chocolates, he takes 12 chocolates and gives the remaining to his only son L. L takes 7 chocolates and gives the rest of the chocolates to his mother F. F takes 9 chocolates and gives the remaining chocolates to his only Nephew S. S takes 5 chocolates and gives the remaining chocolates to his father D. D takes 8 chocolates and gives the remaining chocolates to G, who is his only niece. G takes 14 chocolates and gives the rest of the chocolates to her only sister-in-law H. J‟s mother H, takes 7 chocolates and gives the remaining chocolates to her only son K. K takes 19 chocolates and gives the rest to his only sister J. G is sister of L. What is the square root of the number of Chocolates J is having and how is J related to F? 2 points √173 – Daughter 13 – Granddaughter Cannot be determined 13 – Grandson √184 – Grandfather If A x B = A is sister of B, A + B = A is the son of B, A – B = A is the daughter of B, A % B = A isthe father of B. Then which of the following statement is true regarding the given relation? (i) H x L + A x S; H gets 190 Chocolates from G .........................(ii) L + F x D % S; S gets 222 Chocolates from F......................(iii) G – A % L x H; G gets 217 Chocolates from D......................(iv) J x K + L + A; K gets 188 Chocolates from H
  • 9. 2 points None of these Both (i) and (iii) are true Only (ii) is true Only (iv) is true Both (ii) and (iv) are true In a certain code 'STRATEGIC' is written as 'TSARTGECI'. What is 'CLEARING' in that code? 1 point PLATEUSTI None of these in the option TSPIUALTE ITSUETALP If 'CARING' is coded as 'MPDRDF',and 'SHARES' is coded as 'XLPDUX'. How can you code 'CASKET' in the same language? 1 point MPXBUN MPXBUM MPXGUN MPXGUM Neha travelled from a point X straight to point Y at a distance of 50 meters. He turned to his right and walks 50 meter more, then again turned right and walks 60 meter. Finally, he turned to right and walks 50 meters. How far is he from the starting point? 1 point
  • 10. 30 10 40 20 Reasoning V In a city, Fruit lane was to the north-west of Jewellery lane. Grocery lane was in the east of fruit lane which was towards the south of vegetable lane. Toy lane was towards the south-west of grocery lane such that it was situated towards the east of Jewellery lane. Clothes lane was 20 km towards the north of Jewellery lane, which was 4 times the distance between Jewellery lane and Toy lane. Inner circle was the mid point between Fruit lane and Grocery lane and also Jewellery lane and Clothes lane.The distance between Vegetable lane and fruit lane was half of the distance between Clothes lane and Inner circle. Which of the following is/are towards the south-east of Clothes lane? 1 point Grocery lane Both Toy and Grocery Lanes Both Fruit and Toy Lanes Toy lane Fruit lane If the distance between fruit lane and innner circle is 12m, then find the shortest distance between vegetable lane and clothes lane? 1 point 26m 13m 25m 14m
  • 11. ritish colonial policy . . . went through two policy phases, or at least there were two strategies between which its policies actually oscillated, sometimes to its great advantage. At first, the new colonial apparatus exercised caution, and occupied India by a mix of military power and subtle diplomacy, the high ground in the middle of the circle of circles. This, however, pushed them into contradictions. For, whatever their sense of the strangeness of the country and the thinness of colonial presence, the British colonial state represented the great conquering discourse of Enlightenment rationalism, entering India precisely at the moment of its greatest unchecked arrogance. As inheritors and representatives of this discourse, which carried everything before it, this colonial state could hardly adopt for long such a self-denying attitude. It had restructured everything in Europe—the productive system, the political regimes, the moral and cognitive orders— and would do the same in India, particularly as some empirically inclined theorists of that generation considered the colonies a massive laboratory of utilitarian or other theoretical experiments. Consequently, the colonial state could not settle simply for eminence at the cost of its marginality; it began to take initiatives to introduce the logic of modernity into Indian society. But this modernity did not enter a passive society. Sometimes, its initiatives were resisted by pre- existing structural forms. At times, there was a more direct form of collective resistance. Therefore the map of continuity and discontinuity that this state left behind at the time of independence was rather complex and has to be traced with care. Most significantly, of course, initiatives for . . . modernity came to assume an external character. The acceptance of modernity came to be connected, ineradicably, with subjection. This again points to two different problems, one theoretical, the other political. Theoretically, because modernity was externally introduced, it is explanatorily unhelpful to apply the logical format of the ‘transition process’ to this pattern of change. Such a logical format would be wrong on two counts. First, however subtly, it would imply that what was proposed to be built was something like European capitalism. (And, in any case, historians have forcefully argued that what it was to replace was not like feudalism, with or without modificatory adjectives.) But, more fundamentally, the logical structure of endogenous change does not apply here. Here transformation agendas attack as an external force. This externality is not something that can be casually mentioned and forgotten. It is inscribed on every move, every object, every proposal, every legislative act, each line of causality. It comes to be marked on the epoch itself. This repetitive emphasis on externality should not be seen as a nationalist initiative that is so well rehearsed in Indian social science. . . . Quite apart from the externality of the entire historical proposal of modernity, some of its contents were remarkable. . . . Economic reforms, or rather alterations . . . did not foreshadow the construction of a classical capitalist economy, with its necessary emphasis on extractive and transport sectors. What happened was the creation of a degenerate version of capitalism —what early dependency theorists called the ‘development of underdevelopment’. All of the following statements, if true, could be seen as supporting the arguments in the passage, EXCEPT: 1 point modernity was imposed upon India by the British and, therefore, led to underdevelopment. throughout the history of colonial conquest, natives have often been experimented on by the colonisers. the change in British colonial policy was induced by resistance to modernity in Indian society. the introduction of capitalism in India was not through the transformation of feudalism, as happened in Europe.
  • 12. All of the following statements about British colonialism can be inferred from the first paragraph, EXCEPT that it: 1 point allowed the treatment of colonies as experimental sites. was at least partly shaped by the project of European modernity. faced resistance from existing structural forms of Indian modernity. was at least partly an outcome of Enlightenment rationalism. “Consequently, the colonial state could not settle simply for eminence at the cost of its marginality; it began to take initiatives to introduce the logic of modernity into Indian society.” Which of the following best captures the sense of this statement? 1 point The colonial enterprise was a costly one; so to justify the cost it began to take initiatives to introduce the logic of modernity into Indian society. The colonial state’s eminence was unsettled by its marginal position; therefore, it developed Indian society by modernising it. The colonial state felt marginalised from Indian society because of its own modernity; therefore, it sought to address that marginalisation by bringing its modernity to change Indian society. The cost of the colonial state’s eminence was not settled; therefore, it took the initiative of introducing modernity into Indian society. Which of the following observations is a valid conclusion to draw from the author’s statement that “the logical structure of endogenous change does not apply here. Here transformation agendas attack as an external force”? Colonised societies cannot be changed through logic; they need to be transformed with external force. The endogenous logic of colonialism can only bring change if it attacks and transforms external forces. Indian society is not endogamous; it is more accurately characterised as aggressively exogamous.
  • 13. The transformation of Indian society did not happen organically, but was forced by colonial agendas. Which one of the following 5-word sequences best captures the flow of the arguments in the passage? 1 point Military power—arrogance—laboratory—modernity—capitalism. Military power—colonialism—restructuring—feudalism—capitalism. Colonial policy—Enlightenment—external modernity—subjection—underdevelopment. Colonial policy—arrogant rationality—resistance—independence—development. Synonym of "Chimerical" 1 point developing brief distant fantastic Synonym of "Bombastic" rapid pompous sufficient sensitive Synonym of 'churlish' compact economical
  • 14. impolite marine Antonym of "Unkempt" bombed neat washed tawdry Antonym of "Unseemly" effortless pointed proper conducive Some proverbs/idioms are given below together with their meanings. Choose the correct meaning of proverb/idiom, If there is no correct meaning given, E (i.e.) 'None of these' will be the answer. To hit the nail right on the head 1 point To teach someone a lesson To announce one's fixed views To destroy one's reputation To do the right thing
  • 15. To smell a rat 1 point To be in a bad mood To suspect foul dealings To get bad small of a bad dead rat To see signs of plague epidemic To be the question 1 point To refer to To be discussed To raise objections To take for granted To play second fiddle 1 point To support the role and view of another person To do back seat driving To be happy, cheerful and healthy To reduce importance of one's senior To leave someone in the lurch 1 point To put someone at ease To come to compromise with someone
  • 16. To desert someone in his difficulties Constant source of annoyance to someone What will be the output of the follg Garbage value compile_time Error 3 2 1 None of above Output og the code given below 1 point
  • 17. Garbage value includehelp %sincludehelp None of the above %sincludehelp includehelp Output of the code given below will be 1 point None of these. compilation error 34 34 34 00 22 Output of the code given below
  • 18. 1 point None of these includehelp ehelp help Output of the code given below 1 point None of these compile_time error 11includehelp includehelp11 Back