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Natural Treasures of Europe                                           Escola Secundária c/ 3.º Ciclo D. Maria II
                                                                                    Código 401341
                                Direção Regional de Educação do Norte

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                              MATA DE ALBERGARIA

                                      Dos mais importantes bosques do PNPG, é
                                      constituída predominantemente por um
                                      carvalhal que inclui espécies características da
                                      fauna e da flora do Gerês.
                                      A riqueza e variedade do ecossistema levou a
                                      que o Conselho da Europa o classificasse como
                                      uma das Reservas Biogenéticas do Continente
This is the place for the school’s logo – country.
       Natural Treasures of Europe     Edit the frame and write. Keep it small and aligned on the right to
                                       have a balanced header. Please don’t move the other features of
                                              the slide so that they stay the same at all documents.


Temperatura  e         luminosidade
Grande humidade
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Natural Treasures of Europe                       Edit the frame and write. Keep it small and aligned on the right to
                                                  have a balanced header. Please don’t move the other features of
                                                         the slide so that they stay the same at all documents.

                              CASCATA DO ARADO

                                       Cascata fluvial situada próximo da
                                       aldeia da Ermida, na freguesia de Vilar
                                       da Veiga.
                                       Localiza-se num curso de água de alta
                                       montanha, no rio Arado, em que o
                                       desnível do terreno cria uma sucessão
                                       de cascatas que terminam num lago
                                       nas proximidades da ermida, a leste
                                       das termas do Gerês.
This is the place for the school’s logo – country.
       Natural Treasures of Europe       Edit the frame and write. Keep it small and aligned on the right to
                                         have a balanced header. Please don’t move the other features of
                                                the slide so that they stay the same at all documents.


 Elevada    temperatura              e
 Muito pouca humidade
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       Natural Treasures of Europe                          Edit the frame and write. Keep it small and aligned on the right to
                                                            have a balanced header. Please don’t move the other features of
                                                                   the slide so that they stay the same at all documents.

                                     COMUNIDADE BIÓTICA
                                     FLORA DO PNPG


Carvalho-alvarinho                              Carvalho-negral
Quercus robur                                   Quercus pyrenaica
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Natural Treasures of Europe   Edit the frame and write. Keep it small and aligned on the right to
                              have a balanced header. Please don’t move the other features of
                                     the slide so that they stay the same at all documents.

Betula alba
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Natural Treasures of Europe         Edit the frame and write. Keep it small and aligned on the right to
                                    have a balanced header. Please don’t move the other features of
                                           the slide so that they stay the same at all documents.

                              Azereiro, loureiro-de-portugal
                              Prunus lusitanica-
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Natural Treasures of Europe           Edit the frame and write. Keep it small and aligned on the right to
                                      have a balanced header. Please don’t move the other features of
                                             the slide so that they stay the same at all documents.

                              Pinus sylvestris
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Natural Treasures of Europe   Edit the frame and write. Keep it small and aligned on the right to
                              have a balanced header. Please don’t move the other features of
                                     the slide so that they stay the same at all documents.

Pinus pinaster
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Natural Treasures of Europe                     Edit the frame and write. Keep it small and aligned on the right to
                                                have a balanced header. Please don’t move the other features of
                                                       the slide so that they stay the same at all documents.

                              Ilex aquifolium
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Natural Treasures of Europe   Edit the frame and write. Keep it small and aligned on the right to
                              have a balanced header. Please don’t move the other features of
                                     the slide so that they stay the same at all documents.

                                  Arbustus unedo
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Natural Treasures of Europe                        Edit the frame and write. Keep it small and aligned on the right to
                                                   have a balanced header. Please don’t move the other features of
                                                          the slide so that they stay the same at all documents.

                              Juniperus communis
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Natural Treasures of Europe                   Edit the frame and write. Keep it small and aligned on the right to
                                              have a balanced header. Please don’t move the other features of
                                                     the slide so that they stay the same at all documents.

                              Quercus suber
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                                      have a balanced header. Please don’t move the other features of
                                             the slide so that they stay the same at all documents.


      Erica lusitanica            Erica arborea
      urze-branca                  Urze-branca
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                                                  have a balanced header. Please don’t move the other features of
                                                         the slide so that they stay the same at all documents.

                              Cytisus scoparius
                               Giesta amarela
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                                   have a balanced header. Please don’t move the other features of
                                          the slide so that they stay the same at all documents.



       Hera                   Feto-do-gerês
       Hedera helix           Woodwardia radicans
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Natural Treasures of Europe                                            Edit the frame and write. Keep it small and aligned on the right to
                                                                       have a balanced header. Please don’t move the other features of
                                                                              the slide so that they stay the same at all documents.

                              FLORA DA MATA DE ALBERGARIA

               TIPO                     NOME COMUM                       NOME CIENTÍFICO
                                azereiro                          Prunus lusitanica
                                azevinho                          Ilex aquifolium
                                carvalho-alvarinho                Quercus robur
                                carvalho-negral                   Quercus pyrenaica
             ÁRVORES            medronheiro                       Arbutus unedo
                                pinheiro bravo                    Pinus pinaster
                                pinheiro-de-casquinha             Pinus sylvestris
                                sobreiro                          Quercus suber
                                teixo (ribeirinha)                Taxus baccata
                                vidoeiro ou bétula                Betula sp.
                                Zimbro                            Juniperus communis

                                carqueja                          Chamaespartium tridendantum
                                cipreste-dos-cemitérios           Cupressus sempervirens
                                giesta                            Cytisus spp
            ARBUSTOS            gilbardeira                       Ruscus aculeatus
                                mirtilo, arando ou uva-do-monte   Vaccinium myrtillus
                                tojo                              Ulex spp
                                urze                              Erica spp
                                zimbro                            Juniperus communis
                                hera                              Hedera helix

                                feto-do-Gerês ou feto-do-botão    Woodwardia radicans
        PLANTAS HERBÁCEAS       lírio-do-gerês                    Iris boissieri
                                miosótis                          Myosótis
                                poligala                          Poligala serpyllifolia
                                sila                              Sila monofila
                                musgo                             Bryophyta
This is the place for the school’s logo – country.
  Natural Treasures of Europe                                    Edit the frame and write. Keep it small and aligned on the right to
                                                                 have a balanced header. Please don’t move the other features of
                                                                        the slide so that they stay the same at all documents.

                                FLORA DA MATA DE ALBERGARIA

         TIPO                      NOME COMUM                 NOME CIENTÍFICO

 PLANTAS ENDÉMICAS          feto-do-gerês ou feto-do-botão Woodwardia radicans
                            lírio-do-gerês                 Iris boissieri


     PLANTAS VULNERÁVEIS             Teixo                     Taxus baccata
                                     Lírio-do-gerês            Iris boissieri

PLANTAS EM PERIGO DE EXTINÇÃO        Pinheiro-de-casquinha     Pinus sylvestris
This is the place for the school’s logo – country.
                                                              Edit the frame and write. Keep it small and aligned on the right to
Natural Treasures of Europe                                   have a balanced header. Please don’t move the other features of
                                                                     the slide so that they stay the same at all documents.

          TIPO                    NOME COMUM                 NOME CIENTÍFICO
                              azevinho                  Ilex aquifolium
                              carvalho-alvarinho        Quercus robur
                              carvalho-negral           Quercus pyrenaica
       ÁRVORES                pinheiro bravo            Pinus pinaster
                              pinheiro-de-casquinha     Pinus sylvestris
                              sobreiro                  Quercus suber
                              vidoeiro ou bétula        Betula sp.
                              Zimbro                    Juniperus communis
                              carqueja                  Chamaespartium tridendantum
                              cipreste-dos-cemitérios   Cupressus sempervirens
      ARBUSTOS                giesta                    Cytisus spp
                              tojo                      Ulex spp
                              Urze                      Erica spp
                              zimbro                    Juniperus communis

PLANTAS HERBÁCEAS feto-do-gerês                         Woodwardia radicans

PLANTAS AQUÁTICAS                                       Ranunculus aquáticus
This is the place for the school’s logo – country.
 Natural Treasures of Europe                                Edit the frame and write. Keep it small and aligned on the right to
                                                            have a balanced header. Please don’t move the other features of
                                                                   the slide so that they stay the same at all documents.


          TIPO                      NOME COMUM               NOME CIENTÍFICO

PLANTAS CARNÍVORAS orvalhinha                          Drosera rotundifolia
                   pinguícola                          Pinguicula lusitanica

 PLANTAS ENDÉMICAS             feto-do-gerês           Woodwardia radicans


PLANTAS EM PERIGO DE EXTINÇÃO Pinheiro-de-casquinha             Pinus sylvestris
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  Natural Treasures of Europe                    Edit the frame and write. Keep it small and aligned on the right to
                                                 have a balanced header. Please don’t move the other features of
                                                        the slide so that they stay the same at all documents.
                                 FAUNA DO PNPG

Águia real                      Milhafre-preto       Açor
Aquila chrysaetos               Milvus migrans       Accipiter gentilis
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Natural Treasures of Europe                     Edit the frame and write. Keep it small and aligned on the right to
                                                have a balanced header. Please don’t move the other features of
                                                       the slide so that they stay the same at all documents.

                              FAUNA DO PNPG

        rã-castanha                           garranos
        Rana ibérica                          Equus caballus
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Natural Treasures of Europe                                                     Edit the frame and write. Keep it small and aligned on the right to
                                                                                have a balanced header. Please don’t move the other features of
                                                                                       the slide so that they stay the same at all documents.

                                                  FAUNA DO PNPG
                               CLASSE          NOME COMUM                 NOME CIENTÍFICO

                                        açor                          Accipiter gentilis
                                        águia-real                    Aquila chrysaetos
                                        bufo-real                     Bufo bufo
                                        carriça                       Troglodytes troglodytes
                                        chapim-azul                   Parus caeruleus
                                        coruja-dos-matos              Strix aluco

                                        dom-fafe                      Pyrrhula pyrrhula
                                        falcão -abelheiro             Pernis apivorus
                                        falcão-peregrino              Falco peregrinus
                                        felosa-de-bonelli             Phylloscospus bonelli
                               AVES     gaio-comum                    Garrulus glandarius
                                        gavião                        Elanoides forficatus
                                        milhafre-real                 Milvus milvus
                                        milhafre-preto                Milvus migrans
                                        mocho-de-orelhas-pequenas     Octus scops
                                        papa-figos                    Oriolus oriolus
                                        peneireiro                    Falco tinnunculus
                                        pisco-de peito-ruivo          Erithacus rubecula
                                        toutinegra-de-barrete-preto   Sylvia atricapilla
                                        trepadeira-azul               Sitta europea
                                        peto-verde                    Picus viridis
This is the place for the school’s logo – country.
Natural Treasures of Europe                                               Edit the frame and write. Keep it small and aligned on the right to
                                                                          have a balanced header. Please don’t move the other features of
                                                                                 the slide so that they stay the same at all documents.

                                         FAUNA DO PNPG

                              CLASSE       NOME COMUM           NOME CIENTÍFICO

                                         cabra-do-gerês     Capra pyrenaica
                                         corço              Capreolus capreolus canus
                                         esquilo            Sciurus vulgaris
                                         fuinha             Martes foina

                                         garrano            Equus caballus
                                         gato-bravo         Felis silvestris
                                         gineta             Geneta geneta
                                         javali             Sus scrofa castillianus
                             MAMÍFEROS   lobo ibérico       Canis lupus signatus
                                         lontra             Lutra lutra
                                         morcego            Rhinolophus sp.
                                         musaranho          Soricidae
                                         raposa             Vulpes silacca
                                         texugo             Meles meles
                                         toirão             Mustela putoris
                                         cavalo             Equus ferus
                                         rato-do-campo      Microtus arvalis
                                         rato-dos-pomares   Eliomys quercinus
This is the place for the school’s logo – country.
Natural Treasures of Europe                                              Edit the frame and write. Keep it small and aligned on the right to
                                                                         have a balanced header. Please don’t move the other features of
                                                                                the slide so that they stay the same at all documents.

                                          FAUNA DO PNPG

                          CLASSE            NOME COMUM                 NOME CIENTÍFICO

                       PEIXES      truta-do-rio                    Salmo trutta

                                   rã-castanha                     Rana ibérica

                                   rã-verde                        Rana ridibunda peresi
                       ANFÍBIOS    sapo parteiro                   Alytes obstetricans boscai
                                   salamandra-de-pintas-amarelas   Salamandra salamandra
                                   tritão                          Triturus
                                   sapo comum                      Bufo lupo spirosus
                                   sardão                          Lacerda lepida

                                   cobra-de-água                   Natrix natrix
                                   lagartixa-do-mato               Psammodromus algirus
                       RÉPTEIS     lagarto-de-água                 Lacerta screiberi
                                   víbora negra                    Vípera latastei
                                   víbora cornuda                  Vípera latasti
This is the place for the school’s logo – country.
    Natural Treasures of Europe                            Edit the frame and write. Keep it small and aligned on the right to
                                                           have a balanced header. Please don’t move the other features of
                                                                  the slide so that they stay the same at all documents.

                       FAUNA DO PNPG-VERTEBRADOS


      ANIMAIS EXTINTOS            cabra-do-gerês       Capra pyrenaica lusitanica
                                  urso pardo           Ursus arctus

ANIMAIS EM PERIGO DE EXTINÇÃO águia-real               Aquila chrysaetus
                              Lobo                     Canis lupus signatus

                                  esquilo              Sciurus vulgaris
 ANIMAIS QUE REAPARECERAM         veado                Cervus elaphus
                                  garranos-selvagens   Equus caballus
This is the place for the school’s logo – country.
       Natural Treasures of Europe                       Edit the frame and write. Keep it small and aligned on the right to
                                                         have a balanced header. Please don’t move the other features of
                                                                the slide so that they stay the same at all documents.


A Mata de Albergaria apresenta maior diversidade e quantidade de seres vivos animais
vertebrados podendo observar-se facilmente os anfíbios, particularmente rãs, e ouvir-se
as aves.
This is the place for the school’s logo – country.
Natural Treasures of Europe                       Edit the frame and write. Keep it small and aligned on the right to
                                                  have a balanced header. Please don’t move the other features of
                                                         the slide so that they stay the same at all documents.

                              INVERTEBRADOS DO PNPG

   Borboleta                                 Aranha vulgar
   Euphydryas aurinia                        Muscari comosum
This is the place for the school’s logo – country.
Natural Treasures of Europe                          Edit the frame and write. Keep it small and aligned on the right to
                                                     have a balanced header. Please don’t move the other features of
                                                            the slide so that they stay the same at all documents.

                              INVERTEBRADOS DO PNPG

                               Thaumetopoea pityocampa
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  Natural Treasures of Europe                       Edit the frame and write. Keep it small and aligned on the right to
                                                    have a balanced header. Please don’t move the other features of
                                                           the slide so that they stay the same at all documents.

                                INVERTEBRADOS DO PNPG


                                                Geomalacus maculosus
This is the place for the school’s logo – country.
Natural Treasures of Europe                                     Edit the frame and write. Keep it small and aligned on the right to
                                                                have a balanced header. Please don’t move the other features of
                         INVERTEBRADOS DO PNPG                         the slide so that they stay the same at all documents.

                 NOME COMUM                   NOME CIENTÍFICO

                                     Euchloe tagis
                                     Cuprido iorquinii
           Borboleta                 Crocalis auberi

                                     Antrapotamobius pallipes
                                     Callimorpha quadripunctaria
                                     Euphydryas aurinia

           Libelinha                 Coenagrion mercuriale

                                     Cerambyx cerdo
           Escaravelho               Oxygastra curtisii
                                     Lucanus cervus

           Processionária            Thaumetpoea pityocampa

           Aranhas                   Aranae

           Lesma                     Geomalacus maculosud
           Vivalve de água doce      Margaritifera margaritífera
           Mexilhão de rio pequeno   Unio Crassus

           Minhocas                  Haplotaxida
This is the place for the school’s logo – country.
       Natural Treasures of Europe                     Edit the frame and write. Keep it small and aligned on the right to
                                                       have a balanced header. Please don’t move the other features of
                                                              the slide so that they stay the same at all documents.


A Mata de Albergaria apresenta maior diversidade e quantidade de seres vivos animais
This is the place for the school’s logo – country.
        Natural Treasures of Europe                    Edit the frame and write. Keep it small and aligned on the right to
                                                       have a balanced header. Please don’t move the other features of
                                                              the slide so that they stay the same at all documents.


        Amanita muscaria,             Pleurotus ostreatus
Agário-das-moscas ou mata-moscas                                             Cortinarius trivialis
                                                                             Cortinario comum
This is the place for the school’s logo – country.
  Natural Treasures of Europe             Edit the frame and write. Keep it small and aligned on the right to
                                          have a balanced header. Please don’t move the other features of
                                                 the slide so that they stay the same at all documents.


Cladonia pixidata                    Parmotrea chinense
This is the place for the school’s logo – country.
Natural Treasures of Europe                                 Edit the frame and write. Keep it small and aligned on the right to
                                                            have a balanced header. Please don’t move the other features of
                                                                   the slide so that they stay the same at all documents.

                              FUNGOS E LÍQUENES DO PNPG

                    NOME COMUM                     NOME CIENTÍFICO

               Cogumelos             Amanita muscaria
                                     Pleurotus ostreatus
                                     Tricholoma saponaceum
                                     Hygrophoropsis aurantiaca
                                     Cortinarium trivialis

               Líquenes              Cladonia pixidata
                                     Parmotrea chinense

       O Outono é a época do ano mais propícia à observação dos cogumelos.
This is the place for the school’s logo – country.
    Natural Treasures of Europe                                                                         Edit the frame and write. Keep it small and aligned on the right to
                                                                                                        have a balanced header. Please don’t move the other features of
                                                                                                               the slide so that they stay the same at all documents.

A Mata de Albergaria apresenta pois maior diversidade e quantidade de seres vivos
do que a Cascata do Arado o que é resultado da presença de fatores abióticos mais
favoráveis: luminosidade e temperatura moderadas e boas condições de humidade

              This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the authors.
              The Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained herein.
Natural Treasures of Europe

          This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the authors.
          The Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained herein.

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Apresentação PNPG (Georgina)

  • 1. Natural Treasures of Europe Escola Secundária c/ 3.º Ciclo D. Maria II Código 401341 Direção Regional de Educação do Norte ECOSSISTEMAS DA MATA DE ALBERGARIA E DA CASCATA DO ARADO
  • 2. This is the place for the school’s logo – country. Natural Treasures of Europe Edit the frame and write. Keep it small and aligned on the right to have a balanced header. Please don’t move the other features of the slide so that they stay the same at all documents. MATA DE ALBERGARIA Dos mais importantes bosques do PNPG, é constituída predominantemente por um carvalhal que inclui espécies características da fauna e da flora do Gerês. A riqueza e variedade do ecossistema levou a que o Conselho da Europa o classificasse como uma das Reservas Biogenéticas do Continente Europeu.
  • 3. This is the place for the school’s logo – country. Natural Treasures of Europe Edit the frame and write. Keep it small and aligned on the right to have a balanced header. Please don’t move the other features of the slide so that they stay the same at all documents. CARACTERIZAÇÃO DOS FATORES ABIÓTICOS Temperatura e luminosidade moderadas Grande humidade
  • 4. This is the place for the school’s logo – country. Natural Treasures of Europe Edit the frame and write. Keep it small and aligned on the right to have a balanced header. Please don’t move the other features of the slide so that they stay the same at all documents. CASCATA DO ARADO Cascata fluvial situada próximo da aldeia da Ermida, na freguesia de Vilar da Veiga. Localiza-se num curso de água de alta montanha, no rio Arado, em que o desnível do terreno cria uma sucessão de cascatas que terminam num lago nas proximidades da ermida, a leste das termas do Gerês.
  • 5. This is the place for the school’s logo – country. Natural Treasures of Europe Edit the frame and write. Keep it small and aligned on the right to have a balanced header. Please don’t move the other features of the slide so that they stay the same at all documents. CARACTERIZAÇÃO DOS FATORES ABIÓTICOS Elevada temperatura e luminosidade Muito pouca humidade
  • 6. This is the place for the school’s logo – country. Natural Treasures of Europe Edit the frame and write. Keep it small and aligned on the right to have a balanced header. Please don’t move the other features of the slide so that they stay the same at all documents. COMUNIDADE BIÓTICA FLORA DO PNPG ESTRATO ARBÓREO Carvalho-alvarinho Carvalho-negral Quercus robur Quercus pyrenaica
  • 7. This is the place for the school’s logo – country. Natural Treasures of Europe Edit the frame and write. Keep it small and aligned on the right to have a balanced header. Please don’t move the other features of the slide so that they stay the same at all documents. Vidoeiro Betula alba
  • 8. This is the place for the school’s logo – country. Natural Treasures of Europe Edit the frame and write. Keep it small and aligned on the right to have a balanced header. Please don’t move the other features of the slide so that they stay the same at all documents. Azereiro, loureiro-de-portugal Prunus lusitanica-
  • 9. This is the place for the school’s logo – country. Natural Treasures of Europe Edit the frame and write. Keep it small and aligned on the right to have a balanced header. Please don’t move the other features of the slide so that they stay the same at all documents. Pinheiro-da-casquinha Pinus sylvestris
  • 10. This is the place for the school’s logo – country. Natural Treasures of Europe Edit the frame and write. Keep it small and aligned on the right to have a balanced header. Please don’t move the other features of the slide so that they stay the same at all documents. Pinheiro-bravo Pinus pinaster
  • 11. This is the place for the school’s logo – country. Natural Treasures of Europe Edit the frame and write. Keep it small and aligned on the right to have a balanced header. Please don’t move the other features of the slide so that they stay the same at all documents. Azevinho Ilex aquifolium
  • 12. This is the place for the school’s logo – country. Natural Treasures of Europe Edit the frame and write. Keep it small and aligned on the right to have a balanced header. Please don’t move the other features of the slide so that they stay the same at all documents. Medronheiro Arbustus unedo
  • 13. This is the place for the school’s logo – country. Natural Treasures of Europe Edit the frame and write. Keep it small and aligned on the right to have a balanced header. Please don’t move the other features of the slide so that they stay the same at all documents. Zimbro Juniperus communis
  • 14. This is the place for the school’s logo – country. Natural Treasures of Europe Edit the frame and write. Keep it small and aligned on the right to have a balanced header. Please don’t move the other features of the slide so that they stay the same at all documents. Quercus suber Sobreiro
  • 15. This is the place for the school’s logo – country. Natural Treasures of Europe Edit the frame and write. Keep it small and aligned on the right to have a balanced header. Please don’t move the other features of the slide so that they stay the same at all documents. ESTRATO ARBUSTIVO Erica lusitanica Erica arborea urze-branca Urze-branca
  • 16. This is the place for the school’s logo – country. Natural Treasures of Europe Edit the frame and write. Keep it small and aligned on the right to have a balanced header. Please don’t move the other features of the slide so that they stay the same at all documents. Cytisus scoparius Giesta amarela
  • 17. This is the place for the school’s logo – country. Natural Treasures of Europe Edit the frame and write. Keep it small and aligned on the right to have a balanced header. Please don’t move the other features of the slide so that they stay the same at all documents. ESTRATO HERBÁCEO Musgo Bryophyta Hera Feto-do-gerês Hedera helix Woodwardia radicans
  • 18. This is the place for the school’s logo – country. Natural Treasures of Europe Edit the frame and write. Keep it small and aligned on the right to have a balanced header. Please don’t move the other features of the slide so that they stay the same at all documents. FLORA DA MATA DE ALBERGARIA TIPO NOME COMUM NOME CIENTÍFICO azereiro Prunus lusitanica azevinho Ilex aquifolium carvalho-alvarinho Quercus robur carvalho-negral Quercus pyrenaica ÁRVORES medronheiro Arbutus unedo pinheiro bravo Pinus pinaster pinheiro-de-casquinha Pinus sylvestris sobreiro Quercus suber teixo (ribeirinha) Taxus baccata vidoeiro ou bétula Betula sp. Zimbro Juniperus communis carqueja Chamaespartium tridendantum cipreste-dos-cemitérios Cupressus sempervirens giesta Cytisus spp ARBUSTOS gilbardeira Ruscus aculeatus mirtilo, arando ou uva-do-monte Vaccinium myrtillus tojo Ulex spp urze Erica spp zimbro Juniperus communis hera Hedera helix feto-do-Gerês ou feto-do-botão Woodwardia radicans PLANTAS HERBÁCEAS lírio-do-gerês Iris boissieri miosótis Myosótis poligala Poligala serpyllifolia sila Sila monofila musgo Bryophyta
  • 19. This is the place for the school’s logo – country. Natural Treasures of Europe Edit the frame and write. Keep it small and aligned on the right to have a balanced header. Please don’t move the other features of the slide so that they stay the same at all documents. FLORA DA MATA DE ALBERGARIA TIPO NOME COMUM NOME CIENTÍFICO PLANTAS ENDÉMICAS feto-do-gerês ou feto-do-botão Woodwardia radicans lírio-do-gerês Iris boissieri ESATDO DE CONSERVAÇÃO NOME COMUM NOME CIENTÍFICO PLANTAS VULNERÁVEIS Teixo Taxus baccata Lírio-do-gerês Iris boissieri PLANTAS EM PERIGO DE EXTINÇÃO Pinheiro-de-casquinha Pinus sylvestris
  • 20. This is the place for the school’s logo – country. Edit the frame and write. Keep it small and aligned on the right to Natural Treasures of Europe have a balanced header. Please don’t move the other features of the slide so that they stay the same at all documents. FLORA DO TRILHO DA CASCATA DO ARADO TIPO NOME COMUM NOME CIENTÍFICO azevinho Ilex aquifolium carvalho-alvarinho Quercus robur carvalho-negral Quercus pyrenaica ÁRVORES pinheiro bravo Pinus pinaster pinheiro-de-casquinha Pinus sylvestris sobreiro Quercus suber vidoeiro ou bétula Betula sp. Zimbro Juniperus communis carqueja Chamaespartium tridendantum cipreste-dos-cemitérios Cupressus sempervirens ARBUSTOS giesta Cytisus spp tojo Ulex spp Urze Erica spp zimbro Juniperus communis PLANTAS HERBÁCEAS feto-do-gerês Woodwardia radicans PLANTAS AQUÁTICAS Ranunculus aquáticus
  • 21. This is the place for the school’s logo – country. Natural Treasures of Europe Edit the frame and write. Keep it small and aligned on the right to have a balanced header. Please don’t move the other features of the slide so that they stay the same at all documents. FLORA DO TRILHO DA CASCATA DO ARADO TIPO NOME COMUM NOME CIENTÍFICO PLANTAS CARNÍVORAS orvalhinha Drosera rotundifolia pinguícola Pinguicula lusitanica PLANTAS ENDÉMICAS feto-do-gerês Woodwardia radicans ESTADO DE CONSERVAÇÃO NOME COMUM NOME CIENTÍFICO PLANTAS EM PERIGO DE EXTINÇÃO Pinheiro-de-casquinha Pinus sylvestris
  • 22. This is the place for the school’s logo – country. Natural Treasures of Europe Edit the frame and write. Keep it small and aligned on the right to have a balanced header. Please don’t move the other features of the slide so that they stay the same at all documents. FAUNA DO PNPG VERTEBRADOS Águia real Milhafre-preto Açor Aquila chrysaetos Milvus migrans Accipiter gentilis
  • 23. This is the place for the school’s logo – country. Natural Treasures of Europe Edit the frame and write. Keep it small and aligned on the right to have a balanced header. Please don’t move the other features of the slide so that they stay the same at all documents. FAUNA DO PNPG VERTEBRADOS rã-castanha garranos Rana ibérica Equus caballus
  • 24. This is the place for the school’s logo – country. Natural Treasures of Europe Edit the frame and write. Keep it small and aligned on the right to have a balanced header. Please don’t move the other features of the slide so that they stay the same at all documents. FAUNA DO PNPG CLASSE NOME COMUM NOME CIENTÍFICO açor Accipiter gentilis águia-real Aquila chrysaetos bufo-real Bufo bufo carriça Troglodytes troglodytes chapim-azul Parus caeruleus coruja-dos-matos Strix aluco ANIMAIS VERTEBRADOS dom-fafe Pyrrhula pyrrhula falcão -abelheiro Pernis apivorus falcão-peregrino Falco peregrinus felosa-de-bonelli Phylloscospus bonelli AVES gaio-comum Garrulus glandarius gavião Elanoides forficatus milhafre-real Milvus milvus milhafre-preto Milvus migrans mocho-de-orelhas-pequenas Octus scops papa-figos Oriolus oriolus peneireiro Falco tinnunculus pisco-de peito-ruivo Erithacus rubecula toutinegra-de-barrete-preto Sylvia atricapilla trepadeira-azul Sitta europea peto-verde Picus viridis
  • 25. This is the place for the school’s logo – country. Natural Treasures of Europe Edit the frame and write. Keep it small and aligned on the right to have a balanced header. Please don’t move the other features of the slide so that they stay the same at all documents. FAUNA DO PNPG CLASSE NOME COMUM NOME CIENTÍFICO cabra-do-gerês Capra pyrenaica corço Capreolus capreolus canus esquilo Sciurus vulgaris fuinha Martes foina ANIMAIS VERTEBRADOS garrano Equus caballus gato-bravo Felis silvestris gineta Geneta geneta javali Sus scrofa castillianus MAMÍFEROS lobo ibérico Canis lupus signatus lontra Lutra lutra morcego Rhinolophus sp. musaranho Soricidae raposa Vulpes silacca texugo Meles meles toirão Mustela putoris cavalo Equus ferus rato-do-campo Microtus arvalis rato-dos-pomares Eliomys quercinus
  • 26. This is the place for the school’s logo – country. Natural Treasures of Europe Edit the frame and write. Keep it small and aligned on the right to have a balanced header. Please don’t move the other features of the slide so that they stay the same at all documents. FAUNA DO PNPG CLASSE NOME COMUM NOME CIENTÍFICO PEIXES truta-do-rio Salmo trutta rã-castanha Rana ibérica ANIMAIS VERTEBRADOS rã-verde Rana ridibunda peresi ANFÍBIOS sapo parteiro Alytes obstetricans boscai salamandra-de-pintas-amarelas Salamandra salamandra tritão Triturus sapo comum Bufo lupo spirosus sardão Lacerda lepida cobra-de-água Natrix natrix lagartixa-do-mato Psammodromus algirus RÉPTEIS lagarto-de-água Lacerta screiberi víbora negra Vípera latastei víbora cornuda Vípera latasti
  • 27. This is the place for the school’s logo – country. Natural Treasures of Europe Edit the frame and write. Keep it small and aligned on the right to have a balanced header. Please don’t move the other features of the slide so that they stay the same at all documents. FAUNA DO PNPG-VERTEBRADOS ESTADO DE CONSERVAÇÃO NOME COMUM NOME CIENTÍFICO ANIMAIS EXTINTOS cabra-do-gerês Capra pyrenaica lusitanica urso pardo Ursus arctus ANIMAIS EM PERIGO DE EXTINÇÃO águia-real Aquila chrysaetus Lobo Canis lupus signatus esquilo Sciurus vulgaris ANIMAIS QUE REAPARECERAM veado Cervus elaphus garranos-selvagens Equus caballus
  • 28. This is the place for the school’s logo – country. Natural Treasures of Europe Edit the frame and write. Keep it small and aligned on the right to have a balanced header. Please don’t move the other features of the slide so that they stay the same at all documents. VERTEBRADOS DA MATA DE ALBERGARIA E DA CASCATA DO ARADO A Mata de Albergaria apresenta maior diversidade e quantidade de seres vivos animais vertebrados podendo observar-se facilmente os anfíbios, particularmente rãs, e ouvir-se as aves.
  • 29. This is the place for the school’s logo – country. Natural Treasures of Europe Edit the frame and write. Keep it small and aligned on the right to have a balanced header. Please don’t move the other features of the slide so that they stay the same at all documents. INVERTEBRADOS DO PNPG Borboleta Aranha vulgar Euphydryas aurinia Muscari comosum
  • 30. This is the place for the school’s logo – country. Natural Treasures of Europe Edit the frame and write. Keep it small and aligned on the right to have a balanced header. Please don’t move the other features of the slide so that they stay the same at all documents. INVERTEBRADOS DO PNPG Processionária Thaumetopoea pityocampa
  • 31. This is the place for the school’s logo – country. Natural Treasures of Europe Edit the frame and write. Keep it small and aligned on the right to have a balanced header. Please don’t move the other features of the slide so that they stay the same at all documents. INVERTEBRADOS DO PNPG Minhoca Haplotaxida Lesma Geomalacus maculosus
  • 32. This is the place for the school’s logo – country. Natural Treasures of Europe Edit the frame and write. Keep it small and aligned on the right to have a balanced header. Please don’t move the other features of INVERTEBRADOS DO PNPG the slide so that they stay the same at all documents. NOME COMUM NOME CIENTÍFICO Lepidptera: Euchloe tagis Cuprido iorquinii Borboleta Crocalis auberi Antrapotamobius pallipes Callimorpha quadripunctaria Euphydryas aurinia Libelinha Coenagrion mercuriale Cerambyx cerdo Escaravelho Oxygastra curtisii Lucanus cervus Processionária Thaumetpoea pityocampa Aranhas Aranae Lesma Geomalacus maculosud Vivalve de água doce Margaritifera margaritífera Mexilhão de rio pequeno Unio Crassus Minhocas Haplotaxida
  • 33. This is the place for the school’s logo – country. Natural Treasures of Europe Edit the frame and write. Keep it small and aligned on the right to have a balanced header. Please don’t move the other features of the slide so that they stay the same at all documents. INVERTEBRADOS DA MATA DE ALBERGARIA E DA CASCATA DO ARADO A Mata de Albergaria apresenta maior diversidade e quantidade de seres vivos animais invertebrados.
  • 34. This is the place for the school’s logo – country. Natural Treasures of Europe Edit the frame and write. Keep it small and aligned on the right to have a balanced header. Please don’t move the other features of the slide so that they stay the same at all documents. COGUMELOS DA MATA DE ALBERGARIA E DA CASCATA DO ARADO Amanita muscaria, Pleurotus ostreatus Agário-das-moscas ou mata-moscas Cortinarius trivialis Shimeji-preto Cortinario comum
  • 35. This is the place for the school’s logo – country. Natural Treasures of Europe Edit the frame and write. Keep it small and aligned on the right to have a balanced header. Please don’t move the other features of the slide so that they stay the same at all documents. LÍQUENES DA MATA DE ALBERGARIA E DA CASCATA DO ARADO Cladonia pixidata Parmotrea chinense
  • 36. This is the place for the school’s logo – country. Natural Treasures of Europe Edit the frame and write. Keep it small and aligned on the right to have a balanced header. Please don’t move the other features of the slide so that they stay the same at all documents. FUNGOS E LÍQUENES DO PNPG NOME COMUM NOME CIENTÍFICO Cogumelos Amanita muscaria Pleurotus ostreatus Tricholoma saponaceum Hygrophoropsis aurantiaca Cortinarium trivialis Líquenes Cladonia pixidata Parmotrea chinense O Outono é a época do ano mais propícia à observação dos cogumelos.
  • 37. This is the place for the school’s logo – country. Natural Treasures of Europe Edit the frame and write. Keep it small and aligned on the right to have a balanced header. Please don’t move the other features of the slide so that they stay the same at all documents. A Mata de Albergaria apresenta pois maior diversidade e quantidade de seres vivos do que a Cascata do Arado o que é resultado da presença de fatores abióticos mais favoráveis: luminosidade e temperatura moderadas e boas condições de humidade This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the authors. The Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained herein.
  • 38. Natural Treasures of Europe This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the authors. The Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained herein.