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Apocalypto Summary
of Apocalypto Set in Mexico's Yucatan peninsula (Central America), during the 16th century, Mel Gibson's, Apocalypto follows the journey of a
Mayan villager by the name of "Jaguar Paw". This adaptation of the Mayan Empire illuminates a prophecy, surrounding Jaguar. The movie was
historically accurate as far as Mayan Empire culture and the sacrificial process. The appearance of the Mayans in this film was spot on. They had
stretched ear lobes, long hair, outlandish headdresses, burn scars, and tattoos. It didn't delve into the every day life enough for it to be accurate, or
inaccurate. The opening scenes consisted of hunting, and a village campfire, and that's as far as it went for daily life. Where it was inaccurate and more content...
All in all, the movie was fun to watch. It was exciting and had a lot of great action. I liked it about ten times better than I originally thought I was
going to. I wish it would have more accurately portrayed how the warriors would have captured the village members instead of them being violently
hammered to death. Apocalypto helped me to better understand the Maya sacrifices, but I still question the way they rolled the sacrifices decapitated
heads down the pyramid temple. Bibliography 1. Various. "MAYA, A History of The Mayans." MAYA, A History of The Mayans. Various Authors,
2004. Web. 01 Feb. 2013. <http://history–>. 2. McGuire, Mark. "'Apocalypto' a Pack of Inaccuracies | The San Diego
Union–Tribune." 'Apocalypto' a Pack of Inaccuracies | The San Diego Union–Tribune. NEW YORK TIMES NEWS SERVICE, 12 Dec. 2006. Web. 01
Feb. 2013.<>. 3. Weismantel, Mary. "Apocalypto." 'Apocalypto' a Distorted
View of Maya History: Northwestern University. Northwestern University, 7 Feb. 2007. Web. 01 Feb. 2013.
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Gargoyle Research Paper
Gargoyles are usually an elongated fantastic animal because the length of the gargoyle determines how far water is thrown from the wall. When
Gothic flying buttresses were used, aqueducts were sometimes cut into the buttress to divert water over the aisle walls. In architecture, a gargoyle is a
carved or formed grotesque with a spout designed to convey water from a roof and away from the side of a building, thereby preventing rainwater
from running down. Architects often used multiple gargoyles on buildings to divide the flow of rainwater off the roof to minimize the 'potential'
damage from a rainstorm. A trough is cut in the back of the gargoyle and rainwater typically exits through the open mouth. Gargoyles are usually an
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Apocalypto Essay
Apocalypto was perhaps one of the films in which I was most curious to see because of my Hispanic heritage. I was excited and then shocked by the
films brutal portrayal of the Mayan culture. I remember only hearing good things about how advanced the Mayans' were in astronomy, math and
architecture but never the bad stuff. After watching the film I began reading more about the Spanish conquest and the Pre–Hispanic America, so it was
interesting to see the historical references and level realism captured in the film.
The film Apocalypto was shot digitally by Dean Semler under the direction of Mel Gibson. He had previously worked with Gibson in several films
such as We Were Soldiers, The Road Warrior and others but never with Gibson as more content...
The film starts deep in the jungle where an isolated village is carrying on their hunting and peaceful ways of life. The story follows the brave
character Jaguar Paw and his tribesman as their intimate village is decimated and taken captive by a larger Mayan tribe. Jaguar Paw fortunately is
able to foresee the impending attack on his village and hides his wife and son in a profound cenote. However, Jaguar and some of his fellow
tribesman are taken captive and partake on a long journey through the jungle to a large Mayan city. Not knowing what lies ahead, Jaguar Paw holds
on to hope that he will see his family again and fights desperately to escape his captors from certain death. Upon arrival, the steep stepped pyramids,
flourishing markets, and most of all human sacrifice shock the captives. However, Jaguar Paw manages to escape and take the fight to his home
territory. He eventually finds strength and takes the upper hand against the hunters, as they become the hunted. He eventually arrives upon a beach
and once again becomes overwhelmed by the site of Spanish Ships. The hunters trailing behind him also become shocked and forget about Jaguar
Paw as he escapes to rescue his family from a flooding cenote. Towards the end of Apocalypto, Jaguar Paw reunites with his wife and daughter began
to drift off through the jungle to begin a new
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Apocalypse Essay
There have been many stories written about the apocalypse or the end of human civilization. They often focus on man's struggle to avoid annihilation.
"War of the Worlds", by H.G. Wells and "Independence Day", directed by Dean Devlin and Roland Emmerich, are examples of the unique qualities of
films concerning the end of human civilization. Such Apocalyptic films offer a unique perspective on human character in an extreme setting.
Apocalyptic stories are unique because there is no historical event to use as a reference. There have been events where a small group has faced
annihilation but humanity as a species has never faced assured destruction. During the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1963, there was some belief that any use more content...
In many stories dealing with 'The End', people are faced with an external threat and therefore are united in a common interest. The idea of a unified
human civilization is also appealing to audiences. Unifying the world ideally would end many of the conflicts between nations. The threat of total
annihilation is one of the few events that could potentially unify the world in such a way.
In H.G. Wells' "War of the Worlds" humanity is invaded by Martians who threaten to wipe out mankind. In the movie, many characters begin to work
on a way to stop the Martians with no success. Many men (women did not play an important role in the film), who would otherwise not cooperate,
begin to work together without any conflict or dispute. In addition, some people who stayed behind in Los Angeles begin to help each other during
the attack. This degree of charity would never be seen in normal times in Los Angeles. The level of cooperation and goodwill in the film is a positive
portrayal of humanity and its resilience.
Other films combine different aspects that appeal to audiences. Some films use individual characters to represent the positive attributes of man. The
film "Independence Day", for example, has a brave pilot who is willing to sacrifice himself to destroy the alien threat and another character that rescues
survivors of the initial attack. Another character, the U.S.
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The state of being haunted is often associated with certain psychological condition in people. However, often this phenomenon appears as a result of
person's victimization and psychological pressure. The two films chosen for current study – No Country for Old Men and Apocalypto – depict how
fear can take control over person and show two different outcomes of this state. In the first movie, one can see how this haunting energy leads the
protagonist to death while Apocalypto shows the audience the way to break the connection between the haunting energy and the protagonist's destiny.
One can either let the haunting spirit overwhelm himself or confront it and terminate the experience.
No Country for Old Men The protagonist Llewelyn Moss more content...
He kills people who interfere with his activities cold–heartedly without giving it a second thought. However, he offers some of his victims to toss the
coin to decide his or her destiny. The image of killer is a key–one since it concentrates the haunting energy the protagonist experiences throughout the
story until the conundrum is resolved by his death. At this point, it seems possible to draw a direct parallel between the image of the killer and the
image of death itself. The dark eyed and clothes of Chigurh definitely bear symbolic meaning and reinforce his resemblance to the above–mentioned
force of nature. He takes lives but often leaves the last–minute choice to a coin that defines the victim's chance for survival depicting the same element
pertaining to death per se – people have 50% chance of staying alive. Thus, it is important to underline that the metaphorical aspect of character's
depicted in the movie is bound to the haunting energy the plot is pierced with. Death becomes inevitable part of Anton Chigurh while Llewelyn Moss
acquires the role of victim haunted by fear of death; it is also worth noticing that death threatens the protagonist's wife as well, which reinforces his
feeling of fear that leads him to death at the end of the film.
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Sacrifice In Apocalypto
The Movie, Apocalypto is a movie in which, takes place in the early 1600s, before Englishman stepped on the land, which now is known as North
America. At this time, natives roamed the land and have their own cultures across the land. The Mayan Kingdom is one of these tribes that lived
here and is at the top of power. The people there are suffering from diseases that are wiping out many of its citizens and convinced by the leaders,
that the only way to stop it is to conduct sacrifices to their gods so they can lift this trouble off their hands. Jaguar Paw, had a peaceful life in his
village, with his pregnant wife and his son, until his village was subjected to sacrifice for the gods. Many invasive natives, killed and captured many
of his fellow villagers. Jaguar Paw, hid his family, in a deep hole, where he hopes more content...
The little girl had the illness as well, and the guards tell them to stay away from her to not get affected. She started to some close and gets pushed
away by a stick a guard picks up. After getting pushed away, she started to tell them about a prophecy about one of their prisoners. They needed to
beware of the darkness of daytime during a sacrifice and to beware of a man who brings a jaguar. He would be reborn from mud and earth.
They had made it to where they are sacrificed, little they know that their hearts, will be taken out and cooked and their heads will be chopped off,
they were painted blue to be recognised and was taken to the top of the tower. 2 men were satisfied before it was Jaguar Paw's turn, he was taken to
the structure, and was prepared for his sacrifice. At the last moment, the moon started to cover the sun, and there was a solar eclipse before a knife
went through his heart. They thought their god sent the signal that they will be ok and does not need to conduct any more sacrifices, but they were
going to be killed
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Apocalypto Analysis
Ancient Maya civilization has long held a certain draw and air of mystery for American and European audiences. Its largest stone–hewn cities,
punctuated by pyramid–temple constructions that dominate the landscape like mountains, often sit abandoned in overgrown jungles untouched for
centuries. This mix of spectacular material culture and engineering accomplishments, combined with a sense of wilderness, decay and lack of
historical knowledge of the Maya, has created a special sort of romanticized interest with roots that go as far back as the Antiquarian period. However,
this interest and myth remain just as strong in the contemporary. These "lost" cities and civilizations have become the romantic subject of many a
National Geographic more content...
This decline is emphasized as a sort of social or moral degradation of the urban dwellers and elites contrasted with an idealistic portrayal of peaceful,
"simple" village life, and seems unfair in that it chooses to focus its plot points on raiding and important Maya sacrificial rituals or "blood offerings"
without any contextual explanation. This lack of context easily invites misunderstanding and misinterpretation by a general public that knows little
about the Maya and likely has little understanding of cultural relativism. However, this may have been the intention as some suggest that the movie
was never meant to be a true representation of Maya culture in the first place, despite its clear marketing as such.1 In many ways, even aside from the
representations of sacrifice, it is highly questionable whether Apocalypto's portrayal of the Maya is very accurate. Filmmakers clearly paid painstaking
attention to visual and artistic detail in costumery and body art and based this factually on Maya art from vessels and surviving murals. It certainly is
not useful in understanding the diversity and dynamics of the Maya people and their social
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Memory In Frankenstein
Whether good or bad, past memories can either motivate people to change and grow or cause people to remain stagnant. This is especially true for
Madame Ranevsky, Lopakhin, and Firs from The Cherry Orchard, by Anton Chekhov. The Cherry Orchard is a comedic play about a widow,
Madame Ranevsky, who is in the process of losing her beloved cherry orchard due to the debt that she has collected following the emancipation of the
serfs in 1861. Madame Ranevsky, Lopakhin, and Firs all have different memories of the past. Both Madame Ranevsky and Firs have good memories
of the past – Madame R with her childhood and Firs with his happy days of being a serf. Lopakhin, on the other hand, has bad memories of the past
because of being born into a more content...
Madame Ranevsky does not want to cut down the orchard because of the memories it holds, regarding her parents and childhood. Madame
Ranevsky's shows her fondness for the estate when she points out that her life would have no meaning if it were sold. In other words, the good
memories memories of her "pure and happy childhood" (12) is what is keeps Madame Ranevsky from accepting Lophakin's plan. She feels that
her memories would be ruined if the orchard is destroyed. In fact, Madame Ranevsky acknowledges this attachment to orchard due to the good
memories. She tells Lopakhin: "Oh! If only I could free my neck and shoulders from the stone that weighs them down! If only I could forget my
past!" (12). Madame Ranevsky makes the point that her feelings regarding the past is "weighing" her down and preventing her from accepting
Lophakin's plan, so her debts can be relieved. The "past" that Madame Ranevsky is referring to is her happy childhood memories at the orchard.
Hence, Madame Ranevsky's happy childhood memories attach her to the orchard and makes her not want to lose it. Because of this conundrum,
Madame Ranevsky essentially does not think about anything else throughout the play b besides whether or not the orchard is going to be sold. Instead
of focusing on ways she could move on or try to save the
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Main Theme Of Plato's Apology
Try to throw in something about ethics, metaphysics, and epistemology.
Plato's Apology is the personal defence of a seventy year old man named Socrates. The central theme of the dialogue is wisdom. After having spent a
lifetime trying to answer the question himself, Socrates is brought to trial for corrupting the young, disbelieving in the gods that the city believed in,
and teaching others to believe in new spiritual things. The account details the events and thought processes that lead Socrates to his final conclusion.
Through his exploration of human wisdom, virtue, and integrity, Socrates discovers that there is no reason for a man who has lived a good life to fear
The central theme of Plato's Apology is more content...
In the end of his defence he pointed out that he did not hear that voice even once which was an assurance for him that he was behaving the way he was
meant to.
2. During his main speech, to explain why he chose to live the life he did at risk of being "in danger of death" 28b, Socrates uses an example from
the Iliad in which a young man chose to avenge his friend's death at the risk of immediate destruction as opposed to surviving. 28D paraphrased. This
example of a life of integrity allows Socrates to demonstrate that all men should "remain and face danger, without a thought for death or anything else,
rather than disgrace." 28e. It is in this same moment that Socrates explains that were he not to live the life he has lived that he would be disobeying a
3. Another crucial piece of dialogue is Socrates's discussion of what would happen if they were to acquit him of the charges and allow him to live
if he would stop discussing his philosophy. To this line of reasoning Socrates avows that he would not be willing or even able to cease his
discussions and his practice of philosophy because he believes it is a task put on him by the gods, 29d paraphrased. This statement displays
Socrates's deep need to live a life of integrity. Further he proclaims that were he to live he will continue to "go around doing nothing but persuading
both young and old among you not to care for your body or wealth in preference to or as strongly as for the best possible state of your soul" 30a–b.
Socrates's main concern is the welfare of the souls of all
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Apocalypto Jaguar Paw
In the film apocalypto, Jaguar paw was the son of the lead Hunter of their tribe. When they were met by a tribe that was passing through. His father
said look at them they have fear in the eyes. Throughout the film he came across moments where he could fear what will come next, but the idea of
being strong was what drove him to overcome every obstacle that came across. After everything his wife and him decided to go back into the forest to
start all new. The thought of remaining in the forest after all the events that occurred. Speaks volume of the strength he has in anything that will present
itself in the future. Why would you leave a place where you are comfortable at? When Jaguar paw was running from his captures he states
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Descriptive Essay: Butler Tiger's
Hard work, dedication, sportsmanship, and fair play builds champions.
Promise Park 1978, it a warm spring evening. The azalea trees are blossoming, birds are chirping, dandelion are growing in the baseball outfield.
Spring is in the air. It is the long awaited High school baseball season. I can see it like it was yesterday. Me in my bright purple and gold pinstripe
baseball uniform with a matching hat. Me wearing my blinding white socks with purple stripes down the side and newly brought white baseball
shoes. Sharper than a razor I felt I could glide across the baseball field with the greatest of ease.
The team I played for the Butler Tiger's had been chosen pre–season conference champs. We were a group of young men who had been
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I step out of the batters box to gather myself. I take a couple of check swings. I tell myself now you are ready. I Step back into the batter's box and
prepare myself for the next pitch. In my mind, I am thing if he pitches a fast ball I am going to swing for the heavens. The pitcher throws a fast
ball. I can see the ball moving towards me as if it was moving in slow motion. My eyes zoom in on the ball like a pair of binoculars. I swing it is a hit
into the outfield over the centerfielders head. I run with
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In The Heights Play Summary
In The Heights is a play that the UCPAC presented as their spring musical. The play was performed on March 31st, April 1st, 2nd, 7th and 8th. I saw
the play on April 2nd, at the 3:00pm on Sunday. Originally, it was produced on Broadway by Kevin McCollum and many other people. The book was
written by Quiara Alegria Hudes. In the Heights explores three days in the characters' lives in the New York City Latino neighborhood of Washington
Heights. The play features hip–hop, salsa, merengue and soul music. The summary of the play includes the insight of multiple characters' lives, all
within the Hispanic community of Manhattan's Washington Heights. One story includes a street market owner, Usnavi (Steven Pego), who's inlove
with a girl named Vanessa (Lexi Marta) and is encouraged to make a move by his co– worker, Sonny (Edwin Rivera). Vanessa works at a beauty shop
owned by Daniela (Goldera Surles) AND struggles to pay her, all while being bullied at work. Benny (Makay Johnson) and Camila (Kimmy Paltz)
are a happily married couple who owns a business, while their daughter, Nina (Lauren Guerra) struggles in school but is in love with Benny who works
with her family. Their love is forbidden by Nina's father because he wants her to finish her education. The town's grandma, played by
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I liked how they took a hot boring day, and turned it into a fun celebration with happiness and music. It shows that anything is possible when you
put your heart to it. My favorite song is "96,000." I was surprised that Abuela had the winning ticket and everyone's hype over the money made me
excited as well. I also liked the attribute to Abuela when she passed away. It moved me to be emotional and felt as if I lost Abuela too. The
memories shared about her showed the impact she made in everyone's life. It made me feel like I knew her as much as the character's did. The dark
scene and the candles were perfect for this
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Social Messages In Mel Gibson's 'Apocalypto'
Mel Gibson's Apocalypto is one of the most influential and powerful motion pictures of this century, portraying the ancient Mayan culture as a
merciless and sadistic civilization. Jaguar Paw, the protagonist, lives in a peaceful and remote tribe in the forest. A neighboring Mayan empire is at
the absolute pinnacle of power, decides they must make more human sacrifices to prevent the destruction of their kingdom. Jaguar Paws' tribe is
violently raided, thanks to their decision, and after successfully hiding his wife and child, is captured with the intent that he is to become a human
sacrifice. He goes on a journey ruled by oppression, and fear of his ultimate end. Through a twist of fate, he gains power through the love of his family
and this ultimately saves his life. Social Messages The film, Apocalypto expertly portrays the horrors of a tyrannical government and human sacrifice,
as hidden social messages. Apocalypto is a reminder that the most dangerous force in our society is the government. For instance, the priests that
manipulated the Mayan tribe's thousands of years ago is the same type of tyranny that we experience from our rulers today. Another social message
subtly hidden in the film is human sacrifice. The Mayan priests know that they are at the peak of their power. They believe they must sacrifice
neighboring tribes to keep from environmental collapse and the mass death of their civilization. In the motion picture, the humans that are the most
powerful, are
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We can presume that populations of human beings have been expending their time, energy, and resources to acquire valuable commodities to trade
for a very long time. This quintessentially human behavior bolsters social bonds in ways that would have been a great boon to the survival chances
of an individual or tribe. In the movie Apocalypto , the early minutes depict two tribes of people coming into contact for the first time. The
potentially deadly levels of tension were eased with a simple greeting from an elder tribesman and an exchange of boar meat for fish. Narrative
elements aside, this is a fantastic recreation of the likely roots of commerce . But, those times are long gone. These simple acts of reciprocation
evolved more content...
When the Second World War was ending in 1945 the Allies met in Crimea for theYalta Conference to discuss plans for post–War Europe. Stalin had
come prepared. He used the stratagem of setting the meeting's location nearer to his homeland than the homes of the other negotiating parties to
exacerbate their discomfort with jet lag. This also happened to be when Franklin Roosevelt was nearing the end of his life, a time when negotiating
skill would logically suffer. With the other members of the Big Three either run down or deathly ill, Stalin must have known he was likely to receive
more concessions than he would have otherwise. As underhanded as this trick was, it was mild when juxtaposed with his geopolitical maneuvers.
Earlier that year, the Soviets acknowledged the Communist Polish government before the Yalta talks even began, to better position themselves to
create a Pro–Russian government in a neighboring country. FDR and Churchill recognized the threat of this bold move to capitalist markets, but
USSR occupation of Poland deprived them of options. The world leaders met again at the Potsdam conference years later when the war was nearly
won. The question of what to do with Germany was on the agenda, and it was an especially tricky question. Secretary of War Stimson believed that
returning economic stability to Germany would be in
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Apocalypto By Claudio Carvalho
"In the Maya civilization, a peaceful tribe is brutally attacked by warriors seeking slaves and human beings for sacrifice for their gods. Jaguar Paw
hides his pregnant wife and his son in a deep hole nearby their tribe and is captured while fighting with his people. An eclipse spares his life from
the sacrifice and later he has to fight to survive and save his beloved family." Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. This 2006
thriller from the mind of Mel Gibson depicts the end or terrible violence of a Maya tribe. It is fitting that the title is "Apocalypto" which is a
Yucatec Maya dialect. However, the name coincides with the text which is the Apocalypse. Dr. Buck shares that the word 'Apocalypse or
Apocalyptic' is "Apocalyptic is tied in with the words 'eschatological' and 'eschatology,' which have to do with the end of world/end of time with God
working things together according to His plan." In more content...
Not bowing to the kings' golden image is what placed them in the furnace. However, when thrown into the furnace, tied up and bound, the king was
astonished. As he looked in the furnace, he noticed not only were they untied, but a fourth figure was walking around with them. Many scholars and
bible students see this fourth figure as Christ manifested with the three. Calvin and Myers cites: Nebuchadnezzar calls him a son of God; not because
he thought him to be Christ, but according to the common opinion among all people, that angels are sons of God since a certain divinity is
resplendent in them; and hence they call angels generally sons of God. According to this usual custom, Nebuchadnezzar says, the fourth man is like a
son of a god. For he could not recognize the only–begotten Son of God since, as we have already seen, he was blinded by so many depraved
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Apocalypto Summary

  • 1. Apocalypto Summary of Apocalypto Set in Mexico's Yucatan peninsula (Central America), during the 16th century, Mel Gibson's, Apocalypto follows the journey of a Mayan villager by the name of "Jaguar Paw". This adaptation of the Mayan Empire illuminates a prophecy, surrounding Jaguar. The movie was historically accurate as far as Mayan Empire culture and the sacrificial process. The appearance of the Mayans in this film was spot on. They had stretched ear lobes, long hair, outlandish headdresses, burn scars, and tattoos. It didn't delve into the every day life enough for it to be accurate, or inaccurate. The opening scenes consisted of hunting, and a village campfire, and that's as far as it went for daily life. Where it was inaccurate and more content... All in all, the movie was fun to watch. It was exciting and had a lot of great action. I liked it about ten times better than I originally thought I was going to. I wish it would have more accurately portrayed how the warriors would have captured the village members instead of them being violently hammered to death. Apocalypto helped me to better understand the Maya sacrifices, but I still question the way they rolled the sacrifices decapitated heads down the pyramid temple. Bibliography 1. Various. "MAYA, A History of The Mayans." MAYA, A History of The Mayans. Various Authors, 2004. Web. 01 Feb. 2013. <http://history–>. 2. McGuire, Mark. "'Apocalypto' a Pack of Inaccuracies | The San Diego Union–Tribune." 'Apocalypto' a Pack of Inaccuracies | The San Diego Union–Tribune. NEW YORK TIMES NEWS SERVICE, 12 Dec. 2006. Web. 01 Feb. 2013.<>. 3. Weismantel, Mary. "Apocalypto." 'Apocalypto' a Distorted View of Maya History: Northwestern University. Northwestern University, 7 Feb. 2007. Web. 01 Feb. 2013. Get more content on
  • 2. Gargoyle Research Paper Gargoyles are usually an elongated fantastic animal because the length of the gargoyle determines how far water is thrown from the wall. When Gothic flying buttresses were used, aqueducts were sometimes cut into the buttress to divert water over the aisle walls. In architecture, a gargoyle is a carved or formed grotesque with a spout designed to convey water from a roof and away from the side of a building, thereby preventing rainwater from running down. Architects often used multiple gargoyles on buildings to divide the flow of rainwater off the roof to minimize the 'potential' damage from a rainstorm. A trough is cut in the back of the gargoyle and rainwater typically exits through the open mouth. Gargoyles are usually an elongated fantastic Get more content on
  • 3. Apocalypto Essay Apocalypto was perhaps one of the films in which I was most curious to see because of my Hispanic heritage. I was excited and then shocked by the films brutal portrayal of the Mayan culture. I remember only hearing good things about how advanced the Mayans' were in astronomy, math and architecture but never the bad stuff. After watching the film I began reading more about the Spanish conquest and the Pre–Hispanic America, so it was interesting to see the historical references and level realism captured in the film. The film Apocalypto was shot digitally by Dean Semler under the direction of Mel Gibson. He had previously worked with Gibson in several films such as We Were Soldiers, The Road Warrior and others but never with Gibson as more content... The film starts deep in the jungle where an isolated village is carrying on their hunting and peaceful ways of life. The story follows the brave character Jaguar Paw and his tribesman as their intimate village is decimated and taken captive by a larger Mayan tribe. Jaguar Paw fortunately is able to foresee the impending attack on his village and hides his wife and son in a profound cenote. However, Jaguar and some of his fellow tribesman are taken captive and partake on a long journey through the jungle to a large Mayan city. Not knowing what lies ahead, Jaguar Paw holds on to hope that he will see his family again and fights desperately to escape his captors from certain death. Upon arrival, the steep stepped pyramids, flourishing markets, and most of all human sacrifice shock the captives. However, Jaguar Paw manages to escape and take the fight to his home territory. He eventually finds strength and takes the upper hand against the hunters, as they become the hunted. He eventually arrives upon a beach and once again becomes overwhelmed by the site of Spanish Ships. The hunters trailing behind him also become shocked and forget about Jaguar Paw as he escapes to rescue his family from a flooding cenote. Towards the end of Apocalypto, Jaguar Paw reunites with his wife and daughter began to drift off through the jungle to begin a new Get more content on
  • 4. Apocalypse Essay Apocalypse There have been many stories written about the apocalypse or the end of human civilization. They often focus on man's struggle to avoid annihilation. "War of the Worlds", by H.G. Wells and "Independence Day", directed by Dean Devlin and Roland Emmerich, are examples of the unique qualities of films concerning the end of human civilization. Such Apocalyptic films offer a unique perspective on human character in an extreme setting. Apocalyptic stories are unique because there is no historical event to use as a reference. There have been events where a small group has faced annihilation but humanity as a species has never faced assured destruction. During the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1963, there was some belief that any use more content... In many stories dealing with 'The End', people are faced with an external threat and therefore are united in a common interest. The idea of a unified human civilization is also appealing to audiences. Unifying the world ideally would end many of the conflicts between nations. The threat of total annihilation is one of the few events that could potentially unify the world in such a way. In H.G. Wells' "War of the Worlds" humanity is invaded by Martians who threaten to wipe out mankind. In the movie, many characters begin to work on a way to stop the Martians with no success. Many men (women did not play an important role in the film), who would otherwise not cooperate, begin to work together without any conflict or dispute. In addition, some people who stayed behind in Los Angeles begin to help each other during the attack. This degree of charity would never be seen in normal times in Los Angeles. The level of cooperation and goodwill in the film is a positive portrayal of humanity and its resilience. Other films combine different aspects that appeal to audiences. Some films use individual characters to represent the positive attributes of man. The film "Independence Day", for example, has a brave pilot who is willing to sacrifice himself to destroy the alien threat and another character that rescues survivors of the initial attack. Another character, the U.S. Get more content on
  • 5. The state of being haunted is often associated with certain psychological condition in people. However, often this phenomenon appears as a result of person's victimization and psychological pressure. The two films chosen for current study – No Country for Old Men and Apocalypto – depict how fear can take control over person and show two different outcomes of this state. In the first movie, one can see how this haunting energy leads the protagonist to death while Apocalypto shows the audience the way to break the connection between the haunting energy and the protagonist's destiny. One can either let the haunting spirit overwhelm himself or confront it and terminate the experience. No Country for Old Men The protagonist Llewelyn Moss more content... He kills people who interfere with his activities cold–heartedly without giving it a second thought. However, he offers some of his victims to toss the coin to decide his or her destiny. The image of killer is a key–one since it concentrates the haunting energy the protagonist experiences throughout the story until the conundrum is resolved by his death. At this point, it seems possible to draw a direct parallel between the image of the killer and the image of death itself. The dark eyed and clothes of Chigurh definitely bear symbolic meaning and reinforce his resemblance to the above–mentioned force of nature. He takes lives but often leaves the last–minute choice to a coin that defines the victim's chance for survival depicting the same element pertaining to death per se – people have 50% chance of staying alive. Thus, it is important to underline that the metaphorical aspect of character's depicted in the movie is bound to the haunting energy the plot is pierced with. Death becomes inevitable part of Anton Chigurh while Llewelyn Moss acquires the role of victim haunted by fear of death; it is also worth noticing that death threatens the protagonist's wife as well, which reinforces his feeling of fear that leads him to death at the end of the film. Get more content on
  • 6. Sacrifice In Apocalypto The Movie, Apocalypto is a movie in which, takes place in the early 1600s, before Englishman stepped on the land, which now is known as North America. At this time, natives roamed the land and have their own cultures across the land. The Mayan Kingdom is one of these tribes that lived here and is at the top of power. The people there are suffering from diseases that are wiping out many of its citizens and convinced by the leaders, that the only way to stop it is to conduct sacrifices to their gods so they can lift this trouble off their hands. Jaguar Paw, had a peaceful life in his village, with his pregnant wife and his son, until his village was subjected to sacrifice for the gods. Many invasive natives, killed and captured many of his fellow villagers. Jaguar Paw, hid his family, in a deep hole, where he hopes more content... The little girl had the illness as well, and the guards tell them to stay away from her to not get affected. She started to some close and gets pushed away by a stick a guard picks up. After getting pushed away, she started to tell them about a prophecy about one of their prisoners. They needed to beware of the darkness of daytime during a sacrifice and to beware of a man who brings a jaguar. He would be reborn from mud and earth. They had made it to where they are sacrificed, little they know that their hearts, will be taken out and cooked and their heads will be chopped off, they were painted blue to be recognised and was taken to the top of the tower. 2 men were satisfied before it was Jaguar Paw's turn, he was taken to the structure, and was prepared for his sacrifice. At the last moment, the moon started to cover the sun, and there was a solar eclipse before a knife went through his heart. They thought their god sent the signal that they will be ok and does not need to conduct any more sacrifices, but they were going to be killed Get more content on
  • 7. Apocalypto Analysis Ancient Maya civilization has long held a certain draw and air of mystery for American and European audiences. Its largest stone–hewn cities, punctuated by pyramid–temple constructions that dominate the landscape like mountains, often sit abandoned in overgrown jungles untouched for centuries. This mix of spectacular material culture and engineering accomplishments, combined with a sense of wilderness, decay and lack of historical knowledge of the Maya, has created a special sort of romanticized interest with roots that go as far back as the Antiquarian period. However, this interest and myth remain just as strong in the contemporary. These "lost" cities and civilizations have become the romantic subject of many a National Geographic more content... This decline is emphasized as a sort of social or moral degradation of the urban dwellers and elites contrasted with an idealistic portrayal of peaceful, "simple" village life, and seems unfair in that it chooses to focus its plot points on raiding and important Maya sacrificial rituals or "blood offerings" without any contextual explanation. This lack of context easily invites misunderstanding and misinterpretation by a general public that knows little about the Maya and likely has little understanding of cultural relativism. However, this may have been the intention as some suggest that the movie was never meant to be a true representation of Maya culture in the first place, despite its clear marketing as such.1 In many ways, even aside from the representations of sacrifice, it is highly questionable whether Apocalypto's portrayal of the Maya is very accurate. Filmmakers clearly paid painstaking attention to visual and artistic detail in costumery and body art and based this factually on Maya art from vessels and surviving murals. It certainly is not useful in understanding the diversity and dynamics of the Maya people and their social Get more content on
  • 8. Memory In Frankenstein Whether good or bad, past memories can either motivate people to change and grow or cause people to remain stagnant. This is especially true for Madame Ranevsky, Lopakhin, and Firs from The Cherry Orchard, by Anton Chekhov. The Cherry Orchard is a comedic play about a widow, Madame Ranevsky, who is in the process of losing her beloved cherry orchard due to the debt that she has collected following the emancipation of the serfs in 1861. Madame Ranevsky, Lopakhin, and Firs all have different memories of the past. Both Madame Ranevsky and Firs have good memories of the past – Madame R with her childhood and Firs with his happy days of being a serf. Lopakhin, on the other hand, has bad memories of the past because of being born into a more content... Madame Ranevsky does not want to cut down the orchard because of the memories it holds, regarding her parents and childhood. Madame Ranevsky's shows her fondness for the estate when she points out that her life would have no meaning if it were sold. In other words, the good memories memories of her "pure and happy childhood" (12) is what is keeps Madame Ranevsky from accepting Lophakin's plan. She feels that her memories would be ruined if the orchard is destroyed. In fact, Madame Ranevsky acknowledges this attachment to orchard due to the good memories. She tells Lopakhin: "Oh! If only I could free my neck and shoulders from the stone that weighs them down! If only I could forget my past!" (12). Madame Ranevsky makes the point that her feelings regarding the past is "weighing" her down and preventing her from accepting Lophakin's plan, so her debts can be relieved. The "past" that Madame Ranevsky is referring to is her happy childhood memories at the orchard. Hence, Madame Ranevsky's happy childhood memories attach her to the orchard and makes her not want to lose it. Because of this conundrum, Madame Ranevsky essentially does not think about anything else throughout the play b besides whether or not the orchard is going to be sold. Instead of focusing on ways she could move on or try to save the Get more content on
  • 9. Main Theme Of Plato's Apology Try to throw in something about ethics, metaphysics, and epistemology. Introduction: Plato's Apology is the personal defence of a seventy year old man named Socrates. The central theme of the dialogue is wisdom. After having spent a lifetime trying to answer the question himself, Socrates is brought to trial for corrupting the young, disbelieving in the gods that the city believed in, and teaching others to believe in new spiritual things. The account details the events and thought processes that lead Socrates to his final conclusion. Through his exploration of human wisdom, virtue, and integrity, Socrates discovers that there is no reason for a man who has lived a good life to fear death. The central theme of Plato's Apology is more content... In the end of his defence he pointed out that he did not hear that voice even once which was an assurance for him that he was behaving the way he was meant to. 2. During his main speech, to explain why he chose to live the life he did at risk of being "in danger of death" 28b, Socrates uses an example from the Iliad in which a young man chose to avenge his friend's death at the risk of immediate destruction as opposed to surviving. 28D paraphrased. This example of a life of integrity allows Socrates to demonstrate that all men should "remain and face danger, without a thought for death or anything else, rather than disgrace." 28e. It is in this same moment that Socrates explains that were he not to live the life he has lived that he would be disobeying a god. 3. Another crucial piece of dialogue is Socrates's discussion of what would happen if they were to acquit him of the charges and allow him to live if he would stop discussing his philosophy. To this line of reasoning Socrates avows that he would not be willing or even able to cease his discussions and his practice of philosophy because he believes it is a task put on him by the gods, 29d paraphrased. This statement displays Socrates's deep need to live a life of integrity. Further he proclaims that were he to live he will continue to "go around doing nothing but persuading both young and old among you not to care for your body or wealth in preference to or as strongly as for the best possible state of your soul" 30a–b. Socrates's main concern is the welfare of the souls of all
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  • 11. Apocalypto Jaguar Paw In the film apocalypto, Jaguar paw was the son of the lead Hunter of their tribe. When they were met by a tribe that was passing through. His father said look at them they have fear in the eyes. Throughout the film he came across moments where he could fear what will come next, but the idea of being strong was what drove him to overcome every obstacle that came across. After everything his wife and him decided to go back into the forest to start all new. The thought of remaining in the forest after all the events that occurred. Speaks volume of the strength he has in anything that will present itself in the future. Why would you leave a place where you are comfortable at? When Jaguar paw was running from his captures he states Get more content on
  • 12. Descriptive Essay: Butler Tiger's Hard work, dedication, sportsmanship, and fair play builds champions. Promise Park 1978, it a warm spring evening. The azalea trees are blossoming, birds are chirping, dandelion are growing in the baseball outfield. Spring is in the air. It is the long awaited High school baseball season. I can see it like it was yesterday. Me in my bright purple and gold pinstripe baseball uniform with a matching hat. Me wearing my blinding white socks with purple stripes down the side and newly brought white baseball shoes. Sharper than a razor I felt I could glide across the baseball field with the greatest of ease. The team I played for the Butler Tiger's had been chosen pre–season conference champs. We were a group of young men who had been more content... I step out of the batters box to gather myself. I take a couple of check swings. I tell myself now you are ready. I Step back into the batter's box and prepare myself for the next pitch. In my mind, I am thing if he pitches a fast ball I am going to swing for the heavens. The pitcher throws a fast ball. I can see the ball moving towards me as if it was moving in slow motion. My eyes zoom in on the ball like a pair of binoculars. I swing it is a hit into the outfield over the centerfielders head. I run with Get more content on
  • 13. In The Heights Play Summary In The Heights is a play that the UCPAC presented as their spring musical. The play was performed on March 31st, April 1st, 2nd, 7th and 8th. I saw the play on April 2nd, at the 3:00pm on Sunday. Originally, it was produced on Broadway by Kevin McCollum and many other people. The book was written by Quiara Alegria Hudes. In the Heights explores three days in the characters' lives in the New York City Latino neighborhood of Washington Heights. The play features hip–hop, salsa, merengue and soul music. The summary of the play includes the insight of multiple characters' lives, all within the Hispanic community of Manhattan's Washington Heights. One story includes a street market owner, Usnavi (Steven Pego), who's inlove with a girl named Vanessa (Lexi Marta) and is encouraged to make a move by his co– worker, Sonny (Edwin Rivera). Vanessa works at a beauty shop owned by Daniela (Goldera Surles) AND struggles to pay her, all while being bullied at work. Benny (Makay Johnson) and Camila (Kimmy Paltz) are a happily married couple who owns a business, while their daughter, Nina (Lauren Guerra) struggles in school but is in love with Benny who works with her family. Their love is forbidden by Nina's father because he wants her to finish her education. The town's grandma, played by more content... I liked how they took a hot boring day, and turned it into a fun celebration with happiness and music. It shows that anything is possible when you put your heart to it. My favorite song is "96,000." I was surprised that Abuela had the winning ticket and everyone's hype over the money made me excited as well. I also liked the attribute to Abuela when she passed away. It moved me to be emotional and felt as if I lost Abuela too. The memories shared about her showed the impact she made in everyone's life. It made me feel like I knew her as much as the character's did. The dark scene and the candles were perfect for this Get more content on
  • 14. Social Messages In Mel Gibson's 'Apocalypto' Mel Gibson's Apocalypto is one of the most influential and powerful motion pictures of this century, portraying the ancient Mayan culture as a merciless and sadistic civilization. Jaguar Paw, the protagonist, lives in a peaceful and remote tribe in the forest. A neighboring Mayan empire is at the absolute pinnacle of power, decides they must make more human sacrifices to prevent the destruction of their kingdom. Jaguar Paws' tribe is violently raided, thanks to their decision, and after successfully hiding his wife and child, is captured with the intent that he is to become a human sacrifice. He goes on a journey ruled by oppression, and fear of his ultimate end. Through a twist of fate, he gains power through the love of his family and this ultimately saves his life. Social Messages The film, Apocalypto expertly portrays the horrors of a tyrannical government and human sacrifice, as hidden social messages. Apocalypto is a reminder that the most dangerous force in our society is the government. For instance, the priests that manipulated the Mayan tribe's thousands of years ago is the same type of tyranny that we experience from our rulers today. Another social message subtly hidden in the film is human sacrifice. The Mayan priests know that they are at the peak of their power. They believe they must sacrifice neighboring tribes to keep from environmental collapse and the mass death of their civilization. In the motion picture, the humans that are the most powerful, are Get more content on
  • 15. We can presume that populations of human beings have been expending their time, energy, and resources to acquire valuable commodities to trade for a very long time. This quintessentially human behavior bolsters social bonds in ways that would have been a great boon to the survival chances of an individual or tribe. In the movie Apocalypto , the early minutes depict two tribes of people coming into contact for the first time. The potentially deadly levels of tension were eased with a simple greeting from an elder tribesman and an exchange of boar meat for fish. Narrative elements aside, this is a fantastic recreation of the likely roots of commerce . But, those times are long gone. These simple acts of reciprocation evolved more content... When the Second World War was ending in 1945 the Allies met in Crimea for theYalta Conference to discuss plans for post–War Europe. Stalin had come prepared. He used the stratagem of setting the meeting's location nearer to his homeland than the homes of the other negotiating parties to exacerbate their discomfort with jet lag. This also happened to be when Franklin Roosevelt was nearing the end of his life, a time when negotiating skill would logically suffer. With the other members of the Big Three either run down or deathly ill, Stalin must have known he was likely to receive more concessions than he would have otherwise. As underhanded as this trick was, it was mild when juxtaposed with his geopolitical maneuvers. Earlier that year, the Soviets acknowledged the Communist Polish government before the Yalta talks even began, to better position themselves to create a Pro–Russian government in a neighboring country. FDR and Churchill recognized the threat of this bold move to capitalist markets, but USSR occupation of Poland deprived them of options. The world leaders met again at the Potsdam conference years later when the war was nearly won. The question of what to do with Germany was on the agenda, and it was an especially tricky question. Secretary of War Stimson believed that returning economic stability to Germany would be in Get more content on
  • 16. Apocalypto By Claudio Carvalho "In the Maya civilization, a peaceful tribe is brutally attacked by warriors seeking slaves and human beings for sacrifice for their gods. Jaguar Paw hides his pregnant wife and his son in a deep hole nearby their tribe and is captured while fighting with his people. An eclipse spares his life from the sacrifice and later he has to fight to survive and save his beloved family." Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. This 2006 thriller from the mind of Mel Gibson depicts the end or terrible violence of a Maya tribe. It is fitting that the title is "Apocalypto" which is a Yucatec Maya dialect. However, the name coincides with the text which is the Apocalypse. Dr. Buck shares that the word 'Apocalypse or Apocalyptic' is "Apocalyptic is tied in with the words 'eschatological' and 'eschatology,' which have to do with the end of world/end of time with God working things together according to His plan." In more content... Not bowing to the kings' golden image is what placed them in the furnace. However, when thrown into the furnace, tied up and bound, the king was astonished. As he looked in the furnace, he noticed not only were they untied, but a fourth figure was walking around with them. Many scholars and bible students see this fourth figure as Christ manifested with the three. Calvin and Myers cites: Nebuchadnezzar calls him a son of God; not because he thought him to be Christ, but according to the common opinion among all people, that angels are sons of God since a certain divinity is resplendent in them; and hence they call angels generally sons of God. According to this usual custom, Nebuchadnezzar says, the fourth man is like a son of a god. For he could not recognize the only–begotten Son of God since, as we have already seen, he was blinded by so many depraved Get more content on