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Ap Speech Sample
Good afternoon Cassandra. The you for getting back with me so fast. I am in the process of trying to obtain the payment factor for the 16.99 APR
approval and hope to have that for you shortly. In the meantime please see below for answers to the other questions. If you need anything else until I
get back with you just let me know. Joe
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Example Of A Speech Critique
Out of class speech Critique The speech that I attended and will be writing about is a campaign speech that Devaughn Williams gave while running for
president of Phi Delta Theta Ohio Gamma chapter here at Ohio University. The audience was consisted of initiated members of Phi Delta Theta around
40 members were in attendance for the speech, for the elections, this was a formal event that the nominees and audience members dressed up for and at
the end of each speech there was a Q&A session between the audience and the Canadettes. There were 3 people that were running for president. During
his speech I noticed that he complemented the current president before he talked about what he would do differently giving the current president the
respect that he earned during his term which gave him credibility and connected with us in the audience. During the body of his speech Devaughn
talked about the former position that he had which was the recruitment chair. He then listed the accomplishments that he achieved during his term as
recruitment chair. He transitioned from that by talking about what he would hope to achieve as acting president of Phi Delta Theta, his main points
were about expanding popularity and continued growth of the fraternity, making sure we have good relationships with all other Greek life on campus
here at Ohio University. And having fun and respecting all the rules and regulations set by Phi Delta Theta headquarters along with the IFC board
which is the
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Speech and Language Disorders Essay
Speech and Language Disorders
Communication is very crucial in life, especially in education. Whether it be delivering a message or receiving information, without the ability to
communicate learning can be extremely difficult. Students with speech and language disorders may have "trouble producing speech sounds, using
spoken language to communicate, or understanding what other people say" (Turkington, p10, 2003) Each of these problems can create major setbacks in
the classroom. Articulation, expression and reception are all essential components for communication. If a student has an issue with articulation, they
most likely then have difficulty speaking clearly and at a normal rate (Turkington, 2003). When they produce words, more content...
With the already high–impact pressures that are put on students in education these days, difficulties in speech and language only escalate their stress.
Due to the progress made in technology though, several of these children can adapt to their educational environments smoothly and without concern.
Assistive Technology for Speech and Language Disorders
Speech and language disorders, as with any learning disability, can cause embarrassment and social hindrance for students along with the educational
setbacks. Unfortunately there is yet to be a cure discovered, but luckily there are many ways in which individuals with learning disabilities can seek
treatment and aide. For example a child could receive therapy from a speech pathologist to help them articulate more clearly. There is also assistive
technology available for all types of disorders. Assistive technology can help motivate students to overcome the barriers in learning that they face by
compensating in the area that they lack. When choosing which type of device that a student should use, it is very important that it is one that will
accommodate to the specific disability of the student (Fleming, 1999). For individuals with speech and language disorders, either an electronic
communication device or a personal FM listening system would be appropriate. An electronic communication device allows one to type their ideas into
a machine so they
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Examples Of A Sample Speech
Link: Topic: Do's and Dont's in delivering a sample speech for Communication III. Purpose: To share best practices to
students how to carry out the 7–minute video clip of a sample public speech with flying colors. Outline I Acknowledge other speakers and to relate
that speaking is as hard as listening II Do's 1.Pray 2.Appreciate 3.Believe in yourself 4.Enjoy the moment 5.Be confident 6.Exercise commitment III
Don't's 1.Plead 2.Anticipate failure 3.Allow negative thoughts 4.Smirk 5.Abandon your classmates Conclusion goal: To tell my fellow students that
practicing public speaking is fun with the help of the generic guidelines above, although full of apprehension. Written text speech I have a good
news and a bad news for you. The good news is the speech will only last for 7 minutes. The bad news is there are people who will stare at you, will
criticize more content...
I'm neither a good speaker nor a good listener. Nevertheless, in order for us to deliver a not–so–perfect speech is first, you pray. This is your potent
weapon. This reminds me of the adage to put God first in everything you do. You ask a favor to help you not to mispronounce the words. Be careful in
saying those fatal words, though. Second, start appreciating. Appreciate the audience. Appreciate the person next to you. Third, believe in what you
can do. Believe that your speech.You just have to trust your speech and the rest will
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Sample Persuasive Speech
Scenario: It's a nice warm day and your window is down, arm resting on your window ledge the breeze is nice and you catch a glimpse of yourself in
the side mirror – looking pretty cool! Not if a cop sees that. Fine alert! Resting your arm on the window ledge and any part is outside the car, you're
breaking the law. Same goes for popping a hand out the window and making 'waves' with your hand riding the wind. Fun and feels good but it's a no
go. Both fall under rule 'limbs protrude'. Each offense is up to the discretion of individual police if it's a yay or nay to getting stung. I personally haven't
been fined for the above but as the common stories go, it was a 'friend of a friend' who recently was fined. Beware! more content...
It's illegal to open a door on a passing cyclist. You either are a cyclist or you dislike them but either way check before opening your door when pulled
up on the side of the road or you'll be up for dollars, a cranky bike rider and possibly injury.
Think twice before you do the quick dash into the servo to get a bottle of water n pay for the fuel as its illegal to leave your car unlocked, leave the
key in the ignition or leave the windows open if you're more than three metres away from your vehicle. A quick toot of the car horn has so many
versions. The 'hello' toot, 'goodbye' toot, the 'our footy team just won the grand final' toot leaving the local oval. The 'goodbye' toots is the most
popular with a sing song style of toot That's illegal falling under 'illegal use of a warning device'. The highway patrol inspector unsealed spoke to
wants you to still visit and farewell friends/family and nice salutations, but be aware of what the horn is there for – a warning device. Keep that in
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Examples Of Parts Of Speech
PARTS OF SPEECH "Parts of speech, is the sense in which the word is used and not the letters of which it is composed, that determines the part of
speech to which it belongs" –William Cobbett In contemporary Linguistics, the label parts of speech by and large discarded in favor of the term word
clause or syntactic category. Part of speech is a term in Traditional Grammar for one of the Eight main categories into which words are classified
according to their functions in sentences: Noun, Pronoun, Verb, Adverb, Adjective, Preposition , Conjunction , Interjection. Though some Traditional
Grammar have treated Articles (the, a, an) as a distinct part more content...
There is a plot "And a story where the parts of speech are placed By you and they will stay only when You make their purpose clear.....""–Elizabeth
Jennings, "The House of Words." Through this poem we can come to know how every part of speech works. In the English language, words can be
considered as the smallest elements that have distinctive meanings. Based on their use and functions, words are categorized into several types or parts
of speech. This article will offer definitions and examples for the 8 major parts of speech in English grammar: noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective,
conjunction, preposition, and interjection. 1.Noun This part of a speech refers to words that are used to name persons, things, animals, places, ideas, or
2. Pronoun
A pronoun is a part of a speech which functions as a replacement for a noun. Some examples of pronouns are: I, it, he, she, mine, his, hers, we, they,
theirs, and ours.
3. Adjective
This part of a speech is used to describe a noun or a pronoun. Adjectives can specify the quality, the size, and the number of nouns or
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Sample Speech on Yourself
Alex McBride Bethany Conrad Speech 205 My Life General Purpose– To inform Specific Purpose– To inform the audience about my life Thesis
Statement– To inform the audience about my life by explaining my love for Clemson football, my love for my iPhone, and my habit of dipping
tobacco. I. INTRODUCTION A. I brought this nifty McDonalds bag with me today, as its will reveal to you a little bit about my life. We all have
things that we like or love in life. It doesn't really matter if it's something big, or small, as long as it makes you happy. B. Today I am going to tell
you about the three things that are in the bag, and how they fit into my life. II. BODY A. Clemson football i. Clemson football is a very big part of my more content...
And like I said I could put one in during class and you'd never know, so. III. CONCLUSION A. So you just learned three things about me that I do,
like, or love in my life, which are Clemson, my IPhone, and my Grizzly Wintergreen Pouches. B. I know my life may not seem that exciting from this
speech, but hopefully you now know me a little bit better than you
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Speech On Self Evaluation
Speech to Explain: Self Evaluation
For this speech I choose to have my topic be something I have a strong personal connection to which was Rave culture, its history and practices.
Choosing this to be my topic of choice I was able to be motivated in researching it and I believe my genuine interest in the topic showed in my
presentation. In this self–eval I will be discussing the structure and style along with what I am taking away from this speech.
First, I will be talking about the structure of my speech. When doing a speech to explain, like any other speech it's important to have a clear and
organized pattern. Essentially when creating my outline for the speech I had made sure to have a clear and engaging intro and hook, meant to clearly
state my theme and then jump into the topic. Unfortunately when presenting the speech I was unable to present my introduction as I would have liked
and forgot to even mention my theme. I was not very effective in my introduction but knowing so at my conclusion I was sure to clearly state my
theme. However,I believe my concluding sentence could have been more clear. To improve I should in the future reinstate my topics and go over key
points and leave the audience with psychological closure rather than abruptly saying "that was all, thank you".
I felt that it would have been beneficial for me to use more visual aids in presenting my topic. Rather than just talking about my topic and the music, I
feel that if I showed some actual footage
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Informative Speech On Anxiety
Anxiety is one of the most common illnesses in America. Your palms can get sweaty, you get nervous and your blood pressure can increase. Some
students can go through anxiety every day just by having to go to school or present in class like I am now. I am presenting a speech in front of a
decent size class some of who I am familiar with and some of you who I barely know so that can be a bit scary and nerve racking.
I will discuss what Anxiety is, how to diagnose it, and also how to treat it. It is very common and I'm pretty sure most of you know basically what it is.
But just in case I will go over the main important things to know about Anxiety. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, anxiety disorders
involve more than temporary worry or fear. For a person with an anxiety disorder, the anxiety does not go away and can get worse over time. The
feelings can interfere with daily activities such as job performance, school work, and relationships. There are several different types of anxiety
disorders. Examples include generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, and social anxiety disorder. According to the American psychological
association, Anxiety is an emotion characterized by feelings of tension, worried thoughts, and invisible changes like increased blood pressure. You
can have OCD, phobias, panic attacks, and PTSD. OCD is basically anxiety that takes the form of obsessions and compulsions. I know many of you
guys are scared of spiders or bees and that is
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Graduation Speech Essay example
T.S. Eliot once wrote, "What we call the beginning is often the end. And to make an end is to make a beginning. The end is where we start from."
Every landmark in our lives will end but there is always a beginning to an end. As each new path ends a new one begins. Graduation marks the end of
a path but as it ends a new path begins.
Life is an adventure. We started out by walking on a winding path as we entered the destination of kindergarten. As our lives ventured on down the
winding path, we met new friends and new life experiences along the way. As the path widens, we see ourselves on a countryroad. We started
elementary school and we constantly gained new knowledge to help us progress in our journey. As we continued along in more content...
As the paved path merged, we found ourselves no longer walking, but driving in cars on the highway in high school. Life started to get more
challenging and things started to move at a faster pace. In this part of our lives we got to choose which way we wanted to go, left or right. We
found hardships up the steep hills and we might have stopped at many intersections. However, we always proceeded with the flow of traffic no
matter what obstacle gets in our way, we always managed to get through it. As our lives traveled on the highway, we saw others take different
roads along our journey, but we always found ourselves choosing to keep with our commitment of continuing. We all had to make pit stops along
the way through homework and projects, but it fueled us to get stronger and helped us gain knowledge to make it up those steep hills and
intersections. Finally, when graduation comes, the highway ends and merges to a new beginning as we leave our memories in the past in our
rearview mirror. Miles and miles of opportunities await us. However, each one of us has a different goal or route in life, and each of us will find
different exits along the way to fulfill our dream. Some of us will take the express lanes and continue our education through college. Some of us might
follow the freeway not knowing where fate will take us. Life isn't always easy on the freeway. Some of us might get stuck in traffic jams. Some
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Essay on Speech Pathology
SPEECH PATHOLOGY Many people would like to make a difference, not only in their own life, but in others' lives as well. Deepak Chopra once
said, "Everyone has a purpose in life...a unique gift or special talent to give to others. And when we blend this unique talent with service to others,
we experience the ecstasy and exultation of our own spirit, which is the ultimate goal of all goals." All of us, at one point in our lives, have to make
the difficult decision of the goals we want to work towards. We all have certain goals, standards, and expectations of ourselves. Not everyone will
figure out what they want to be right away, and some will know from the very beginning. My plan for my life is helping others through Speech more content...
This job is not physically demanding, but it requires concentration and attention to details. A normal week for an SLP is approximately forty hours,
with the possibility of traveling. There are many requirements that involve education and training, as well as personal requirements and aptitude. To be
a Speech Language Pathologist, one must have a sincere interest in helping people, sensitivity, resourcefulness, and imagination. One must also be able
to communicate orally and in writing. Michigan Works, an agency that assists with employment, posts jobs that display education and background
requirements for obtaining a job as a Speech Language Pathologist. Some requirements include a master's degree from a speech and hearing program
certified by the ASHA, American Speech and Hearing Association, post–certification experience in an institutional setting. Home health experience is
also desirable. One must graduate from high school and pass courses in biology, physics, social sciences, English, mathematics, public speaking,
language, and psychology. Undergraduate courses should include a strong Arts/Science focus, linguistics, phonetics, anatomy, psychology, human
development, biology, physiology, math, physical science, semantics, and social/behavioral science. To be an applicant for an SLP position, a graduate
degree is required and also three hundred to three hundred seventy–five hours of clinical experience. Applicants have to pass
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Speech Outline Essay
Common Phobias (Sample Informative Prep Outline)
General Purpose: To inform.
Specific Purpose: After hearing my presentation, my listeners will be able to name and describe several common phobias.
Central Idea: The most common phobias fall into three main categories – social, survival, and environmental phobias.
Organizational Pattern: Topical
INTRODUCTION I.(Attention Material) Rose Marie had fears that she allowed to take control of her life. A. Fears, even small ones, can grow into
phobias. B.Normal, rational fears can become problems. C.When these fears begin to dominate a portion of your life, they are called "phobias", which
are defined by the American Psychological Association as "a strong, persistent, more content...
Now let's look at a second type of phobias.)
II.The second type of phobia is the survival phobia. A.A college student rides a three day train to school. 1.She is afraid of flying. 2.She has
aerophobia. B.A businessman had to quit his job when his office moved to the thirty–second floor of a building. 1.He could not ride in an elevator. 2.He
had claustrophobia. C.There are many more survival phobias. 1.Hypnophobia is the fear of sleep. 2.Electrophobia is the fear of electricity.
3.Thanatophobia is the fear of death.
III.The third, and broadest category of phobias, is the environmental phobia group. A.Howard Hughes had mysophobia, a fear of germs. B.A Brooklyn
politician had a fear of newspapers and wet newsprint. 1.This hindered his career. 2.He learned to read the newspaper without actually touching it.
C.There are several other environmental phobias. 1.The fear of storms has two subtypes. a.Keraunophobia is the fear of thunder. b.Astraphobia is the
fear of lightning. 2.The fear of heights is acrophobia. 3.The fear of water is hydrophobia.
(Transition:Now that we've discussed these three categories of phobias, and some specific examples of each type, let's review what we've learned.)
I.(Summary of Main Points) There are three broad categories of phobias. A.Social phobias are those phobias that make it hard to
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My Self-Evaluation Of Speech
This paper will discuss mine self–evaluation and do into detail about my first speech. My first speech takes place in front of my class and I have to
tell a story of an experience that has happened to me. Telling a speech was a new experience for me and I embrace the challenge. A speech can
have an impact on a person life and the audience can also relate a topic that is being presented. I will explore and go into the details of ethos,
pathos and logos of my speech for my personal assessment. I think I did a good job presenting my ethos through my speech story. I convince my
audience with my credibility through my speech and the way how talk throughout the speech. For example, throughout my whole speech, I shown
my hands and did not hide my hands. By keeping my hands in plain view, it shows my audience nonverbally that I can be trusted. The volume of
my voice was at a normal speaking tone and was not too low. Most of my audience was able to hear me and listen to me very clearly. I also
presented myself with confidence and gave off the impression that I was prepared. For example, I had a smile and had constant eye contact with my
audience throughout my speech. There was certain things that I was doing that was ineffective while I was talking. Throughout my speech, I kept
saying um and was pausing at times. I did not realize how much I was saying and doing these actions. These actions are something I need to work on
more when I present my public communication to my audience
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Ap Speech Examples
good evening Mrs Dreisch, My son is in need of an extension for the Ch. 4 reading questions. I hope you understand how his state is currently due to
recovering from surgery. An extension to Monday the 14th will be appreciated. Call me at this number: 1(408)242–4030, if you have any questions.
Thank you very
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Speech Reflection Essay
During speech class this semester, I gave several different types of speeches on several different topics. During this semester, my ability to give
speeches in front of an audience has improved quite a bit, I hope. Going into the semester, I had a really hard time giving speeches to people, but now
that speech is almost over I feel like I am more capable of doing so. I think the thing I did best during the semester was getting good information for
each of my speeches. My favorite assignment was most likely the impromptu speech. I really liked that one because we did not have to prepare an
outline or anything like that, we just got to go up there and speak. During this semester, I learned a lot about how to give speeches such as the proper
way to stand so I do not rock, or how to use my hands to emphasize my points. In the future, I think that I will be able to control my speed better
during my speeches which will help the people I am presenting to understand my message. I think the skills I have acquired during speech will
help me for the rest of my life. No matter what career I choose, I am sure that at some point I will have to present to someone about something. The
skills I learned in speech will also help me just communicate with people in a one on one situation easier than I do now. I can use these skills
throughout the rest of high school and through my six years of college still to come because whenever I have to present a project I will know how to
effectively communicate my message to my audience.
Based off of all of my reflection sheets, video evaluations, and peer critiques I have improved over the course of the semester. At the beginning of
the semester I had a problem with speed and using to many "filler" words. As the year progressed, my speed became more and more controllable
and I used less and less filler words. After my most recent speech, I'm still not quite at the level I want to be at, but I am far better than I was at the
very beginning. I think just speaking in front of people more than I am used to doing has helped me develop better speaking skills and grow in my
ability to effectively communicate with others. Throughout the semester I learned a lot about speaking, performing, and
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Reflection Speech
Initially, when I first registered to enroll for this online Speech class, I did not know what to expect. I thought that we would only meet in order to
present the required speeches and then I thought that we would have a virtual classroom to give speeches were we were all online at once. Now I
know that both of my guesses were wrong. For our speeches, we either record them online and invite classmates as audience members to watch, or
have a live audience of family and/or friends that record you giving your speech in your living room or somewhere similar. When I found out that
these were the ways I would be giving my speeches, I was so surprised. When I am speaking in front of a live audience in a classroom, I get so
nervous, so I thought that this method of giving presentations might be less anxious for me.
The first speech was the Most Embarrassing Moment speech. I honestly was still so nervous to record this even though I would just be looking at
my computer screen. It felt kind of weird, almost as if I was video chatting with myself. After I memorized my speech and sent in my recording, I
immediately assumed that I failed because the professor would think that I was too close to the screen or I was too loud or I moved my head around
a lot. Then I ended up getting an A on it. Everything I thought that I did wrong was either irrelevant or did not distract from my presentation as a
whole. Since I only missed one point, I can say that what I did well was all the
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Speech : A Reflection Of An Informative Speech
Informative Speech Reflection Paper After giving and analyzing my informative speech I learned many new things that will help me in my future
speeches. Looking at the aspects of content, delivery, and organization I have learned by gibing this speech and being in this class how to better
come across to my audience to make my topic as clear and as informative as I can. This assignment has helped me gain a better understanding of my
topic, but also has helped me gain further knowledge on writing and giving my speech to an audience, along with opened my eyes to improvements I
need to make in my future speeches. I have learned many new techniques and aspects to include in my speeches to make my future speeches better.
Content is a very important part of an informative speech. I focused a lot on having strong points in my informative speech. I focused on discussing
the types of service dogs, and the qualifications to have a service dog, along with the training a service dog undergoes. My main points I chose to
include in my informative speech I expressed very well and went into a good amount of detail, however in some areas I could have given a more
in–depth explanation. One thing I could have improved on in regard to my content would have been giving more background information on serve
dogs, by including things like how long they have been around and the number of service dogs currently in the U.S. By doing this I would have added
not only more content to my speech,
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Persuasive Speech Sample
Good Morning. Listed below are the items that I will need for you to review please: OPPE – For All (will have all completed today) Hurricane Policies
Clinical Indicators – waiting on Felecia, she spoke with Kerry and Steve yesterday. Hope to have today. This was all. I will get all the items to you
today. I also spoke with Julie S. regarding the last med staff meeting and told her the concerns the doctors had regarding the lab's and I also told her
that that the discharge form was supposed to be modified and brought back to med staff in September. I suggested that she speak to Becky Daniels in
medical records because her and Sandy were working on it. Thanks! Tina
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Speech : The Power Of Speech
The Power of Speech Speech is a powerful tool, if used correctly. Speech can do many things, but there are two main things that speech is the best at.
It can create and embellish as it pleases. Well–spoken words can also twist the truth and manipulate. Richard the Third is an excellent example of both
these attributes. Richard uses the power of speech to gain what he wants. He shows the success that this tool can bring if used carefully. Richard
makes himself a saint, a simple disabled innocent who is wronged by everyone. He also shows the failures it brings when overconfidence and
haste spoil it. He loses his charm as he no longer treads carefully and simply drives his way through conversations. Richard is a good example of
the power of speech as he uses his persuasion to accomplish his goals. From the very beginning, Richard is shown as being a highly persuasive
individual. He is very careful to show himself as one who only speaks sweet words making him a very compelling character. He flatters his way to
his goals and pulls the wool over everyone's eyes as he does so. There are several scenes throughout the play where Richard has done this. In his
attempt to woo Lady Anne, Richard is speaking to the enraged woman, noting on that it is "wonderful when angels are so angry" (1.2.72). Richard's
response to this seething rage is to create a beautiful angry angel of her. Another attempt at this flattery is made when he responds that "your [Lady
Anne's] bedchamber" would be
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Ap Speech Sample

  • 1. Ap Speech Sample Good afternoon Cassandra. The you for getting back with me so fast. I am in the process of trying to obtain the payment factor for the 16.99 APR approval and hope to have that for you shortly. In the meantime please see below for answers to the other questions. If you need anything else until I get back with you just let me know. Joe Get more content on
  • 2. Example Of A Speech Critique Out of class speech Critique The speech that I attended and will be writing about is a campaign speech that Devaughn Williams gave while running for president of Phi Delta Theta Ohio Gamma chapter here at Ohio University. The audience was consisted of initiated members of Phi Delta Theta around 40 members were in attendance for the speech, for the elections, this was a formal event that the nominees and audience members dressed up for and at the end of each speech there was a Q&A session between the audience and the Canadettes. There were 3 people that were running for president. During his speech I noticed that he complemented the current president before he talked about what he would do differently giving the current president the respect that he earned during his term which gave him credibility and connected with us in the audience. During the body of his speech Devaughn talked about the former position that he had which was the recruitment chair. He then listed the accomplishments that he achieved during his term as recruitment chair. He transitioned from that by talking about what he would hope to achieve as acting president of Phi Delta Theta, his main points were about expanding popularity and continued growth of the fraternity, making sure we have good relationships with all other Greek life on campus here at Ohio University. And having fun and respecting all the rules and regulations set by Phi Delta Theta headquarters along with the IFC board which is the Get more content on
  • 3. Speech and Language Disorders Essay Speech and Language Disorders Communication is very crucial in life, especially in education. Whether it be delivering a message or receiving information, without the ability to communicate learning can be extremely difficult. Students with speech and language disorders may have "trouble producing speech sounds, using spoken language to communicate, or understanding what other people say" (Turkington, p10, 2003) Each of these problems can create major setbacks in the classroom. Articulation, expression and reception are all essential components for communication. If a student has an issue with articulation, they most likely then have difficulty speaking clearly and at a normal rate (Turkington, 2003). When they produce words, more content... With the already high–impact pressures that are put on students in education these days, difficulties in speech and language only escalate their stress. Due to the progress made in technology though, several of these children can adapt to their educational environments smoothly and without concern. Assistive Technology for Speech and Language Disorders Speech and language disorders, as with any learning disability, can cause embarrassment and social hindrance for students along with the educational setbacks. Unfortunately there is yet to be a cure discovered, but luckily there are many ways in which individuals with learning disabilities can seek treatment and aide. For example a child could receive therapy from a speech pathologist to help them articulate more clearly. There is also assistive technology available for all types of disorders. Assistive technology can help motivate students to overcome the barriers in learning that they face by compensating in the area that they lack. When choosing which type of device that a student should use, it is very important that it is one that will accommodate to the specific disability of the student (Fleming, 1999). For individuals with speech and language disorders, either an electronic communication device or a personal FM listening system would be appropriate. An electronic communication device allows one to type their ideas into a machine so they Get more content on
  • 4. Examples Of A Sample Speech Link: Topic: Do's and Dont's in delivering a sample speech for Communication III. Purpose: To share best practices to students how to carry out the 7–minute video clip of a sample public speech with flying colors. Outline I Acknowledge other speakers and to relate that speaking is as hard as listening II Do's 1.Pray 2.Appreciate 3.Believe in yourself 4.Enjoy the moment 5.Be confident 6.Exercise commitment III Don't's 1.Plead 2.Anticipate failure 3.Allow negative thoughts 4.Smirk 5.Abandon your classmates Conclusion goal: To tell my fellow students that practicing public speaking is fun with the help of the generic guidelines above, although full of apprehension. Written text speech I have a good news and a bad news for you. The good news is the speech will only last for 7 minutes. The bad news is there are people who will stare at you, will criticize more content... I'm neither a good speaker nor a good listener. Nevertheless, in order for us to deliver a not–so–perfect speech is first, you pray. This is your potent weapon. This reminds me of the adage to put God first in everything you do. You ask a favor to help you not to mispronounce the words. Be careful in saying those fatal words, though. Second, start appreciating. Appreciate the audience. Appreciate the person next to you. Third, believe in what you can do. Believe that your speech.You just have to trust your speech and the rest will Get more content on
  • 5. Sample Persuasive Speech Scenario: It's a nice warm day and your window is down, arm resting on your window ledge the breeze is nice and you catch a glimpse of yourself in the side mirror – looking pretty cool! Not if a cop sees that. Fine alert! Resting your arm on the window ledge and any part is outside the car, you're breaking the law. Same goes for popping a hand out the window and making 'waves' with your hand riding the wind. Fun and feels good but it's a no go. Both fall under rule 'limbs protrude'. Each offense is up to the discretion of individual police if it's a yay or nay to getting stung. I personally haven't been fined for the above but as the common stories go, it was a 'friend of a friend' who recently was fined. Beware! more content... It's illegal to open a door on a passing cyclist. You either are a cyclist or you dislike them but either way check before opening your door when pulled up on the side of the road or you'll be up for dollars, a cranky bike rider and possibly injury. Think twice before you do the quick dash into the servo to get a bottle of water n pay for the fuel as its illegal to leave your car unlocked, leave the key in the ignition or leave the windows open if you're more than three metres away from your vehicle. A quick toot of the car horn has so many versions. The 'hello' toot, 'goodbye' toot, the 'our footy team just won the grand final' toot leaving the local oval. The 'goodbye' toots is the most popular with a sing song style of toot That's illegal falling under 'illegal use of a warning device'. The highway patrol inspector unsealed spoke to wants you to still visit and farewell friends/family and nice salutations, but be aware of what the horn is there for – a warning device. Keep that in Get more content on
  • 6. Examples Of Parts Of Speech PARTS OF SPEECH "Parts of speech, is the sense in which the word is used and not the letters of which it is composed, that determines the part of speech to which it belongs" –William Cobbett In contemporary Linguistics, the label parts of speech by and large discarded in favor of the term word clause or syntactic category. Part of speech is a term in Traditional Grammar for one of the Eight main categories into which words are classified according to their functions in sentences: Noun, Pronoun, Verb, Adverb, Adjective, Preposition , Conjunction , Interjection. Though some Traditional Grammar have treated Articles (the, a, an) as a distinct part more content... There is a plot "And a story where the parts of speech are placed By you and they will stay only when You make their purpose clear.....""–Elizabeth Jennings, "The House of Words." Through this poem we can come to know how every part of speech works. In the English language, words can be considered as the smallest elements that have distinctive meanings. Based on their use and functions, words are categorized into several types or parts of speech. This article will offer definitions and examples for the 8 major parts of speech in English grammar: noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, conjunction, preposition, and interjection. 1.Noun This part of a speech refers to words that are used to name persons, things, animals, places, ideas, or events. 2. Pronoun A pronoun is a part of a speech which functions as a replacement for a noun. Some examples of pronouns are: I, it, he, she, mine, his, hers, we, they, theirs, and ours. 3. Adjective This part of a speech is used to describe a noun or a pronoun. Adjectives can specify the quality, the size, and the number of nouns or Get more content on
  • 7. Sample Speech on Yourself Alex McBride Bethany Conrad Speech 205 My Life General Purpose– To inform Specific Purpose– To inform the audience about my life Thesis Statement– To inform the audience about my life by explaining my love for Clemson football, my love for my iPhone, and my habit of dipping tobacco. I. INTRODUCTION A. I brought this nifty McDonalds bag with me today, as its will reveal to you a little bit about my life. We all have things that we like or love in life. It doesn't really matter if it's something big, or small, as long as it makes you happy. B. Today I am going to tell you about the three things that are in the bag, and how they fit into my life. II. BODY A. Clemson football i. Clemson football is a very big part of my more content... And like I said I could put one in during class and you'd never know, so. III. CONCLUSION A. So you just learned three things about me that I do, like, or love in my life, which are Clemson, my IPhone, and my Grizzly Wintergreen Pouches. B. I know my life may not seem that exciting from this speech, but hopefully you now know me a little bit better than you Get more content on
  • 8. Speech On Self Evaluation Speech to Explain: Self Evaluation For this speech I choose to have my topic be something I have a strong personal connection to which was Rave culture, its history and practices. Choosing this to be my topic of choice I was able to be motivated in researching it and I believe my genuine interest in the topic showed in my presentation. In this self–eval I will be discussing the structure and style along with what I am taking away from this speech. First, I will be talking about the structure of my speech. When doing a speech to explain, like any other speech it's important to have a clear and organized pattern. Essentially when creating my outline for the speech I had made sure to have a clear and engaging intro and hook, meant to clearly state my theme and then jump into the topic. Unfortunately when presenting the speech I was unable to present my introduction as I would have liked and forgot to even mention my theme. I was not very effective in my introduction but knowing so at my conclusion I was sure to clearly state my theme. However,I believe my concluding sentence could have been more clear. To improve I should in the future reinstate my topics and go over key points and leave the audience with psychological closure rather than abruptly saying "that was all, thank you". I felt that it would have been beneficial for me to use more visual aids in presenting my topic. Rather than just talking about my topic and the music, I feel that if I showed some actual footage Get more content on
  • 9. Informative Speech On Anxiety Anxiety is one of the most common illnesses in America. Your palms can get sweaty, you get nervous and your blood pressure can increase. Some students can go through anxiety every day just by having to go to school or present in class like I am now. I am presenting a speech in front of a decent size class some of who I am familiar with and some of you who I barely know so that can be a bit scary and nerve racking. I will discuss what Anxiety is, how to diagnose it, and also how to treat it. It is very common and I'm pretty sure most of you know basically what it is. But just in case I will go over the main important things to know about Anxiety. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, anxiety disorders involve more than temporary worry or fear. For a person with an anxiety disorder, the anxiety does not go away and can get worse over time. The feelings can interfere with daily activities such as job performance, school work, and relationships. There are several different types of anxiety disorders. Examples include generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, and social anxiety disorder. According to the American psychological association, Anxiety is an emotion characterized by feelings of tension, worried thoughts, and invisible changes like increased blood pressure. You can have OCD, phobias, panic attacks, and PTSD. OCD is basically anxiety that takes the form of obsessions and compulsions. I know many of you guys are scared of spiders or bees and that is Get more content on
  • 10. Graduation Speech Essay example T.S. Eliot once wrote, "What we call the beginning is often the end. And to make an end is to make a beginning. The end is where we start from." Every landmark in our lives will end but there is always a beginning to an end. As each new path ends a new one begins. Graduation marks the end of a path but as it ends a new path begins. Life is an adventure. We started out by walking on a winding path as we entered the destination of kindergarten. As our lives ventured on down the winding path, we met new friends and new life experiences along the way. As the path widens, we see ourselves on a countryroad. We started elementary school and we constantly gained new knowledge to help us progress in our journey. As we continued along in more content... As the paved path merged, we found ourselves no longer walking, but driving in cars on the highway in high school. Life started to get more challenging and things started to move at a faster pace. In this part of our lives we got to choose which way we wanted to go, left or right. We found hardships up the steep hills and we might have stopped at many intersections. However, we always proceeded with the flow of traffic no matter what obstacle gets in our way, we always managed to get through it. As our lives traveled on the highway, we saw others take different roads along our journey, but we always found ourselves choosing to keep with our commitment of continuing. We all had to make pit stops along the way through homework and projects, but it fueled us to get stronger and helped us gain knowledge to make it up those steep hills and intersections. Finally, when graduation comes, the highway ends and merges to a new beginning as we leave our memories in the past in our rearview mirror. Miles and miles of opportunities await us. However, each one of us has a different goal or route in life, and each of us will find different exits along the way to fulfill our dream. Some of us will take the express lanes and continue our education through college. Some of us might follow the freeway not knowing where fate will take us. Life isn't always easy on the freeway. Some of us might get stuck in traffic jams. Some Get more content on
  • 11. Essay on Speech Pathology SPEECH PATHOLOGY Many people would like to make a difference, not only in their own life, but in others' lives as well. Deepak Chopra once said, "Everyone has a purpose in life...a unique gift or special talent to give to others. And when we blend this unique talent with service to others, we experience the ecstasy and exultation of our own spirit, which is the ultimate goal of all goals." All of us, at one point in our lives, have to make the difficult decision of the goals we want to work towards. We all have certain goals, standards, and expectations of ourselves. Not everyone will figure out what they want to be right away, and some will know from the very beginning. My plan for my life is helping others through Speech more content... This job is not physically demanding, but it requires concentration and attention to details. A normal week for an SLP is approximately forty hours, with the possibility of traveling. There are many requirements that involve education and training, as well as personal requirements and aptitude. To be a Speech Language Pathologist, one must have a sincere interest in helping people, sensitivity, resourcefulness, and imagination. One must also be able to communicate orally and in writing. Michigan Works, an agency that assists with employment, posts jobs that display education and background requirements for obtaining a job as a Speech Language Pathologist. Some requirements include a master's degree from a speech and hearing program certified by the ASHA, American Speech and Hearing Association, post–certification experience in an institutional setting. Home health experience is also desirable. One must graduate from high school and pass courses in biology, physics, social sciences, English, mathematics, public speaking, language, and psychology. Undergraduate courses should include a strong Arts/Science focus, linguistics, phonetics, anatomy, psychology, human development, biology, physiology, math, physical science, semantics, and social/behavioral science. To be an applicant for an SLP position, a graduate degree is required and also three hundred to three hundred seventy–five hours of clinical experience. Applicants have to pass Get more content on
  • 12. Speech Outline Essay Common Phobias (Sample Informative Prep Outline) General Purpose: To inform. Specific Purpose: After hearing my presentation, my listeners will be able to name and describe several common phobias. Central Idea: The most common phobias fall into three main categories – social, survival, and environmental phobias. Organizational Pattern: Topical INTRODUCTION I.(Attention Material) Rose Marie had fears that she allowed to take control of her life. A. Fears, even small ones, can grow into phobias. B.Normal, rational fears can become problems. C.When these fears begin to dominate a portion of your life, they are called "phobias", which are defined by the American Psychological Association as "a strong, persistent, more content... Now let's look at a second type of phobias.) II.The second type of phobia is the survival phobia. A.A college student rides a three day train to school. 1.She is afraid of flying. 2.She has aerophobia. B.A businessman had to quit his job when his office moved to the thirty–second floor of a building. 1.He could not ride in an elevator. 2.He had claustrophobia. C.There are many more survival phobias. 1.Hypnophobia is the fear of sleep. 2.Electrophobia is the fear of electricity. 3.Thanatophobia is the fear of death. III.The third, and broadest category of phobias, is the environmental phobia group. A.Howard Hughes had mysophobia, a fear of germs. B.A Brooklyn politician had a fear of newspapers and wet newsprint. 1.This hindered his career. 2.He learned to read the newspaper without actually touching it. C.There are several other environmental phobias. 1.The fear of storms has two subtypes. a.Keraunophobia is the fear of thunder. b.Astraphobia is the fear of lightning. 2.The fear of heights is acrophobia. 3.The fear of water is hydrophobia. (Transition:Now that we've discussed these three categories of phobias, and some specific examples of each type, let's review what we've learned.) CONCLUSION
  • 13. I.(Summary of Main Points) There are three broad categories of phobias. A.Social phobias are those phobias that make it hard to Get more content on
  • 14. My Self-Evaluation Of Speech This paper will discuss mine self–evaluation and do into detail about my first speech. My first speech takes place in front of my class and I have to tell a story of an experience that has happened to me. Telling a speech was a new experience for me and I embrace the challenge. A speech can have an impact on a person life and the audience can also relate a topic that is being presented. I will explore and go into the details of ethos, pathos and logos of my speech for my personal assessment. I think I did a good job presenting my ethos through my speech story. I convince my audience with my credibility through my speech and the way how talk throughout the speech. For example, throughout my whole speech, I shown my hands and did not hide my hands. By keeping my hands in plain view, it shows my audience nonverbally that I can be trusted. The volume of my voice was at a normal speaking tone and was not too low. Most of my audience was able to hear me and listen to me very clearly. I also presented myself with confidence and gave off the impression that I was prepared. For example, I had a smile and had constant eye contact with my audience throughout my speech. There was certain things that I was doing that was ineffective while I was talking. Throughout my speech, I kept saying um and was pausing at times. I did not realize how much I was saying and doing these actions. These actions are something I need to work on more when I present my public communication to my audience Get more content on
  • 15. Ap Speech Examples good evening Mrs Dreisch, My son is in need of an extension for the Ch. 4 reading questions. I hope you understand how his state is currently due to recovering from surgery. An extension to Monday the 14th will be appreciated. Call me at this number: 1(408)242–4030, if you have any questions. Thank you very Get more content on
  • 16. Speech Reflection Essay During speech class this semester, I gave several different types of speeches on several different topics. During this semester, my ability to give speeches in front of an audience has improved quite a bit, I hope. Going into the semester, I had a really hard time giving speeches to people, but now that speech is almost over I feel like I am more capable of doing so. I think the thing I did best during the semester was getting good information for each of my speeches. My favorite assignment was most likely the impromptu speech. I really liked that one because we did not have to prepare an outline or anything like that, we just got to go up there and speak. During this semester, I learned a lot about how to give speeches such as the proper way to stand so I do not rock, or how to use my hands to emphasize my points. In the future, I think that I will be able to control my speed better during my speeches which will help the people I am presenting to understand my message. I think the skills I have acquired during speech will help me for the rest of my life. No matter what career I choose, I am sure that at some point I will have to present to someone about something. The skills I learned in speech will also help me just communicate with people in a one on one situation easier than I do now. I can use these skills throughout the rest of high school and through my six years of college still to come because whenever I have to present a project I will know how to effectively communicate my message to my audience. Based off of all of my reflection sheets, video evaluations, and peer critiques I have improved over the course of the semester. At the beginning of the semester I had a problem with speed and using to many "filler" words. As the year progressed, my speed became more and more controllable and I used less and less filler words. After my most recent speech, I'm still not quite at the level I want to be at, but I am far better than I was at the very beginning. I think just speaking in front of people more than I am used to doing has helped me develop better speaking skills and grow in my ability to effectively communicate with others. Throughout the semester I learned a lot about speaking, performing, and Get more content on
  • 17. Reflection Speech Initially, when I first registered to enroll for this online Speech class, I did not know what to expect. I thought that we would only meet in order to present the required speeches and then I thought that we would have a virtual classroom to give speeches were we were all online at once. Now I know that both of my guesses were wrong. For our speeches, we either record them online and invite classmates as audience members to watch, or have a live audience of family and/or friends that record you giving your speech in your living room or somewhere similar. When I found out that these were the ways I would be giving my speeches, I was so surprised. When I am speaking in front of a live audience in a classroom, I get so nervous, so I thought that this method of giving presentations might be less anxious for me. The first speech was the Most Embarrassing Moment speech. I honestly was still so nervous to record this even though I would just be looking at my computer screen. It felt kind of weird, almost as if I was video chatting with myself. After I memorized my speech and sent in my recording, I immediately assumed that I failed because the professor would think that I was too close to the screen or I was too loud or I moved my head around a lot. Then I ended up getting an A on it. Everything I thought that I did wrong was either irrelevant or did not distract from my presentation as a whole. Since I only missed one point, I can say that what I did well was all the Get more content on
  • 18. Speech : A Reflection Of An Informative Speech Informative Speech Reflection Paper After giving and analyzing my informative speech I learned many new things that will help me in my future speeches. Looking at the aspects of content, delivery, and organization I have learned by gibing this speech and being in this class how to better come across to my audience to make my topic as clear and as informative as I can. This assignment has helped me gain a better understanding of my topic, but also has helped me gain further knowledge on writing and giving my speech to an audience, along with opened my eyes to improvements I need to make in my future speeches. I have learned many new techniques and aspects to include in my speeches to make my future speeches better. Content is a very important part of an informative speech. I focused a lot on having strong points in my informative speech. I focused on discussing the types of service dogs, and the qualifications to have a service dog, along with the training a service dog undergoes. My main points I chose to include in my informative speech I expressed very well and went into a good amount of detail, however in some areas I could have given a more in–depth explanation. One thing I could have improved on in regard to my content would have been giving more background information on serve dogs, by including things like how long they have been around and the number of service dogs currently in the U.S. By doing this I would have added not only more content to my speech, Get more content on
  • 19. Persuasive Speech Sample Good Morning. Listed below are the items that I will need for you to review please: OPPE – For All (will have all completed today) Hurricane Policies Clinical Indicators – waiting on Felecia, she spoke with Kerry and Steve yesterday. Hope to have today. This was all. I will get all the items to you today. I also spoke with Julie S. regarding the last med staff meeting and told her the concerns the doctors had regarding the lab's and I also told her that that the discharge form was supposed to be modified and brought back to med staff in September. I suggested that she speak to Becky Daniels in medical records because her and Sandy were working on it. Thanks! Tina Get more content on
  • 20. Speech : The Power Of Speech The Power of Speech Speech is a powerful tool, if used correctly. Speech can do many things, but there are two main things that speech is the best at. It can create and embellish as it pleases. Well–spoken words can also twist the truth and manipulate. Richard the Third is an excellent example of both these attributes. Richard uses the power of speech to gain what he wants. He shows the success that this tool can bring if used carefully. Richard makes himself a saint, a simple disabled innocent who is wronged by everyone. He also shows the failures it brings when overconfidence and haste spoil it. He loses his charm as he no longer treads carefully and simply drives his way through conversations. Richard is a good example of the power of speech as he uses his persuasion to accomplish his goals. From the very beginning, Richard is shown as being a highly persuasive individual. He is very careful to show himself as one who only speaks sweet words making him a very compelling character. He flatters his way to his goals and pulls the wool over everyone's eyes as he does so. There are several scenes throughout the play where Richard has done this. In his attempt to woo Lady Anne, Richard is speaking to the enraged woman, noting on that it is "wonderful when angels are so angry" (1.2.72). Richard's response to this seething rage is to create a beautiful angry angel of her. Another attempt at this flattery is made when he responds that "your [Lady Anne's] bedchamber" would be Get more content on