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ANZCIES Newsletter

             Australian and New Zealand Comparative and International Education Society

                    June 2012
President’s Report ….. p.1

A Tribute to Christine Fox…. p.3

IEJ …. p.4

Upcoming Conferences ….. p.5


Juliana McLaughlin                                               President’s Report
Queensland University of Technology
Email:                       Dear colleagues and friends of ANZCIES,

David Small                                          Thank you for your confidence in electing me as
University of Canterbury                             ANZCIES President at the 2011 Annual General
Email:                  Meeting at The University of Sydney. David
                                                     Small continues as Vice President. Laura Perry
Secretary/Treasurer,                                 also continues as the Secretary / Treasurer.
Laura Perry                                          Managing the records and finances of ANZCIES
Murdoch University                                   is critical, and we sincerely thank Laura for her
Email:                        excellent work. Natt Pimpa remains the
                                                     Newsletter editor. There will be exciting times
Newsletter Editor,                                   ahead for ANZCIES and I will count on your
Natt Pimpa                                           contributions to work with the Executive to
RMIT University                                      promote the Society.
Email:                           As ANZCIES President for 2012 - 2014, I know
                                                     I am ‘walking in the footsteps of giants of the
                                                     field’ and will appreciate your support.
                                                     On behalf of ANZCIES members, I thank Nigel
                                                     Bagnall for his stewardship of the Society over
                                                     the last two years. The sustained and growing
                                                     scholarly interest in comparative and

                                                                                           1|P age
ANZCIES Newsletter

international education in Australia, New
Zealand, the Pacific and South East Asia is
testament to the leadership of ANZCIES. I wish               1.   We should promote the relevance of the
to also express our sincere gratitude to Elizabeth                society amongst like-minded colleagues
Cassity, Nigel Bagnall and Rose Amazan from                       interested in comparative and
the University of Sydney for organising what                      international education within our
everyone agreed was a stimulating and refreshing                  immediate universities.
conference.                                                  2.   We should promote ANZCIES as a
                                                                  supportive environment in which they
The conference was a success because of your                      can showcase their research to
contributions and interests in comparative and                    colleagues and higher degree students.
international education. With rigour and depth               3.   We should invite them to participate in
of scholarship, ANZCIES conference is a forum                     the annual conference and make sure
for showcasing research and new ways of                           that we send them the information about
understanding education in Australia, New                         themes and deadlines. As requested at
Zealand, the Pacific and South East Asia. I thank                 the last annual general meeting, a
you all for participating and contributing to                     postgraduate workshop will be
scholarly debates and collegiality.                               scheduled in this year’s conference.
                                                                  Thank you Athena Vongalis-Macrow
                                                                  for accepting the role of the
International Education Journal:                                  Postgraduate Workshop Convenor.
Comparative Perspectives                                          Watch the website for updates on
                                                                  conference sponsorships.
Elizabeth Cassity (University of Sydney) and                 4.   The gallery on the ANZCIES website
Laura Perry (Murdoch University) commenced                        contains photos of current and previous
in 2012 as Co-Editors for the International                       members. Please browse through these
Education Journal. This journal is important to                   photos and if you can, extend the
the Society. Elizabeth and Laura are taking on                    invitation to previous conference
intensive responsibility with their editorial task,               attendees to return.
and I appeal to all of us to support them in this
role. I acknowledge the brilliant work by Brian          World Congress of Comparative Education
Denman as the editor over the last four years,           Society (WCCES)
and for his care and development of the journal.
                                                         A number of you (NSW and Victorian members)
                                                         have shared with me some exciting insights for
Recruitment of ANZCIES Membership                        the Society. The recent email discussions
                                                         relating to ANZCIES hosting the WCCES in
ANZCIES is a professional association of                 2016 generated interesting conversations in
scholars who care deeply about education and             terms of administration and funding for
keep in touch with similar societies around the          conferences of such a scale. Our thoughts related
globe. For most of us, our affiliations with             to the future of ANZCIES and its significance to
ANZCIES have extended beyond our research                the World Congress, while we concentrate our
student days, when we were ‘tagged along’ to its         work in Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific
annual conferences with our supervisors. We              region. Our neighbours need our insights and
found that we enjoyed working with a                     support in both policy development and practice
community of respected scholars in comparative           of education; perhaps it is time to extend our
and international education, committed to policy         professional engagements to colleagues in
development and education practice at both               Pacific communities.
global and local contexts.
                                                         I attended the CIES conference in Puerto Rico in
Our challenge is ‘to grow’ ANZCIES in the next           April where I represented ANZCIES at the
two years. Three straightforward strategies              World Council meetings. My sincere thanks to
could be utilised, starting with promoting the           the Director of the Oodgeroo Unit, Associate
2012 conference.                                         Professor Anita Lee Hong, and the Deputy Vice
                                                         Chancellor, Professor Suzie Vaughan (Teaching
                                                         and Learning) at QUT in supporting and funding
                                                         the trip.
                                                                                               2|P age
ANZCIES Newsletter

                                                         Celebrating our colleague Christine Fox
In consultation with David Small, I registered an
Expression of Interest for Christchurch (New
Zealand) to host the World Congress in 2016.             A tribute by Anne Hickling-Hudson on
Holding the Congress in New Zealand would                behalf of ANZCIES
promote ANZCIES through the World Council
and would give us a chance to contribute to the          May 2012
exciting and valuable Congresses of the
WCCES. We have two competitors to our bid.               This short note is to pay tribute to Christine Fox,
The Chinese Comparative and International                on behalf of ANZCIES, the professional society
Education Society (CCIES) have put in a bid for          of which she has been a member for over two
Beijing Normal University to host the Congress,          decades.
and the British Association for International and
Comparative Education (BAICE) have bid to                Thank you Chris, for having played a key role in
host it at the University of Glasgow in Scotland.        nurturing ANZCIES during two periods of your
The Chinese Society has negotiated with and has          presidency and many years of membership.
the financial backing of the Chinese
Government.                                              This year, Chris stepped down as Secretary
                                                         General of the World Council of Comparative
We pay tribute to Christine Fox, outgoing                Education Societies (WCCES), a post to which
Secretary General of the WCCES. Christine has            she was elected in 2005. Chris has been
been outstanding in this role for a duration of          exemplary in carrying out this role of immense
five years (see tribute by Anne Hickling-Hudson          responsibility. The WCCES is an umbrella body
in this issue), and her work does us proud. As           comprising 36 constituent societies (including
she anticipates enjoying retirement, perhaps             ANZCIES) and involving scholars in more than
current ANZCIES members think of creative                50 countries.
ways in which pioneering members can continue
to contribute to the work on the Society. Diane          It advances the field of comparative education by
Brook Napier (University of Georgia, USA) was            bringing together national, regional and
elected as the new Secretary General of the              language-based comparative education societies
WCCES.                                                   in a common forum. It holds periodic World
                                                         Congresses, and facilitates research through
The WCCES website is being revamped. It was              publication, the provision of grants, and other
interesting to note the re-design aspect, with           activities. Chris as Secretary General has worked
geography given prominence. I noticed with               with the WCCES President and other members
particular interest that ANZCIES was referred to         of the executive in organizing and implementing
as ‘Oceania’. Perhaps we should give this some           these complex activities, so that Comparative
thought at the next AGM.                                 and International Education has become an
                                                         increasingly flourishing global field.
ANZCIES Website Update

The ANZCIES website will be updated next                 Chris came to the WCCES post with a stellar
month. I believe you all can agree with me the           background in international education. Educated
website definitely needs a ‘face lift’. I will begin     at the University of Sydney, she has been an
with the basic information, but invite creative          editor in publishing and a secondary school
suggestions in terms of both content and design.         teacher. She spent several years in Latin
Please forward your suggestions directly to me.          America, where she acquired fluent Spanish, and
                                                         in the United Kingdom where she received
My best wishes for another productive and                postgraduate degrees in educational planning and
successful year. I look forward to seeing you all        development and in intercultural communication
at this year’s conference at the University of           theory for professional communication.
Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand.
                                                         After working as a trainer for AusAID, and then
Juliana McLaughlin                                       overseas as a consultant lecturer in teacher
ANZCIES President                                        education, she joined the University of
                                                         Wollongong in 1991 and from 1996-98 was
                                                         Director of Primary Education. Between 1992
                                                                                                 3|P age
ANZCIES Newsletter

and 2000 she directed first the Curriculum           News from the new editors of IEJ
Research Group and then the Learning and
Teaching Research Group. Most of her research
has concerned the development of policy and
programs for teacher education and curriculum
change, with an emphasis on equity in education.
She won the UOW Vice-Chancellor's Award for
Outstanding Contribution to Teaching and
Learning in 2004.

ANZCIES is lucky to have had a member who
has during more than two decades played a role
of such brilliance in supporting not only the
Society, but also the field of comparative and
international education in general. We               Hello ANZCIES members,
congratulate and celebrate you Chris!
                                                     Laura Perry and Elizabeth Cassity proudly
                                                     accepted the position of co-editors of the
                                                     International Education Journal: Comparative
                                                     Perspectives at the 2011 AGM in Sydney. IEJ is
                                                     the flagship journal of ANZCIES. We follow in
                                                     the footsteps of IEJ’s past editor, Brian Denman,
                                                     who brought the journal to ANZCIES from its
                                                     former home at Flinders University under the
                                                     editorship of John Keeves.

                                                     IEJ is the only comparative education journal in
                                                     Australia and one of the few English language
                                                     comparative education journals outside North
                                                     America and Europe. It is therefore poised to
                                                     play a strong role in the comparative education
                                                     field, especially but not only in the Asia-Pacific
                                                     region. Our region is becoming increasingly
                                                     important in the so-called 21st Asian Century,
                                                     which will enhance the ability of IEJ to make a
                                                     strong contribution to the field. Our goal as new
Chris Fox (retiring Secretary General) and           editors is to increase the visibility, access and
David Turner (Treasurer) of WCCES at the             prestige of IEJ so that we can meet our potential
Caribe Hilton, San Juan, Puerto Rico                 as a high quality, high impact comparative
                                                     education journal. We are investigating different
                                                     publication options so that we can develop our
                                                     access and reach. Please watch this space for

                                                     Two issues of IEJ will be published this year,
                                                     one of which is a special issue on Indigenous
                                                     Issues in Higher Education co-edited by
                                                     ANZCIES members Julie McLaughlin and Zane
                                                     Ma Rhea.

                                                     We have put together an editorial team to help us
                                                     manage the immense workload that is associated
                                                     with editing any journal. Since we do not have
                                                     editorial assistants, we believe the best way to
                                                     sustainably manage the journal is through a team
                                                     of committed academics. We have therefore

                                                                                            4|P age
ANZCIES Newsletter

created an Editorial Board to assist us with
reviewing submitted manuscripts and providing
editorial advice, complemented by a large group
of external reviewers.
                                                       The 4th Engaging with Vietnam Conference, co-
As we all work in challenging environments with        organised by Monash University and the East-
multiple commitments, we appreciate the time           West Center, will be held on 8 - 9 November
and dedication of our Editorial Board and              2012 in Honolulu. For details
external reviewers. We currently have an               see
opening on the Editorial Board; please contact         m
either Laura or Elizabeth if you would like to
serve and are able to commit to reviewing up to
five manuscripts per year.                             The Australian newspaper has developed a fun
                                                       interactive map showing international HE
We have also appointed Tom Griffiths to serve          student mobility patterns -
as Associate Editor and would like to appoint
another person as well to serve in this role.          education/student-migration-map
Associate Editors play the same role as members
of the Editorial Board, as well as take on other
editorial duties as needed. Please let us know if       This is based on UNESCO data, so does not
you are interested.                                    include overseas study of less than 12 months
                                                       and does not include VET, ELICOS, schools,
Cheers,                                                etc. Click on each source country to see detailed
Laura and Elizabeth                                    data for each.
Co-Editors, IEJ and                             The PIE ('News and business analysis for
                                                       Professionals in International Education') is                        another excellent news aggregator, this one
                                                       based in the UK -
Upcoming Conferences
From the Editor
                                                       Finally, to all book authors: If you need to
                                                       promote your new book in the next ANZCIES
Below is a listing of upcoming conferences that
                                                       newsletter, please send a synopsis and
you may want to consider attending this year.
                                                       information of your book to newsletter editor
                                                       (Natt Pimpa).
The 8th Asia Pacific Association for
International Education Conference will be
hosted by The Chinese University of Hong Kong
on 11-14 March 2013 in Hong Kong. For details,

AARE conference in collaboration with the Asia-
Pacific Education Research Association
(APERA) and the World Education Research
Association (WERA).
2-6 December 2012
The University of Sydney
For details, see

                                                                                              5|P age

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Anzcies news012012

  • 1. ANZCIES Newsletter Australian and New Zealand Comparative and International Education Society ANZCIES June 2012 Newsletter _______________ INSIDE THIS ISSUE _______________ President’s Report ….. p.1 A Tribute to Christine Fox…. p.3 IEJ …. p.4 Upcoming Conferences ….. p.5 Contact ANZCIES President, Juliana McLaughlin President’s Report Queensland University of Technology Email: Dear colleagues and friends of ANZCIES, Vice-President David Small Thank you for your confidence in electing me as University of Canterbury ANZCIES President at the 2011 Annual General Email: Meeting at The University of Sydney. David Small continues as Vice President. Laura Perry Secretary/Treasurer, also continues as the Secretary / Treasurer. Laura Perry Managing the records and finances of ANZCIES Murdoch University is critical, and we sincerely thank Laura for her Email: excellent work. Natt Pimpa remains the Newsletter editor. There will be exciting times Newsletter Editor, ahead for ANZCIES and I will count on your Natt Pimpa contributions to work with the Executive to RMIT University promote the Society. Email: As ANZCIES President for 2012 - 2014, I know I am ‘walking in the footsteps of giants of the field’ and will appreciate your support. On behalf of ANZCIES members, I thank Nigel Bagnall for his stewardship of the Society over the last two years. The sustained and growing scholarly interest in comparative and 1|P age
  • 2. ANZCIES Newsletter international education in Australia, New Zealand, the Pacific and South East Asia is testament to the leadership of ANZCIES. I wish 1. We should promote the relevance of the to also express our sincere gratitude to Elizabeth society amongst like-minded colleagues Cassity, Nigel Bagnall and Rose Amazan from interested in comparative and the University of Sydney for organising what international education within our everyone agreed was a stimulating and refreshing immediate universities. conference. 2. We should promote ANZCIES as a supportive environment in which they The conference was a success because of your can showcase their research to contributions and interests in comparative and colleagues and higher degree students. international education. With rigour and depth 3. We should invite them to participate in of scholarship, ANZCIES conference is a forum the annual conference and make sure for showcasing research and new ways of that we send them the information about understanding education in Australia, New themes and deadlines. As requested at Zealand, the Pacific and South East Asia. I thank the last annual general meeting, a you all for participating and contributing to postgraduate workshop will be scholarly debates and collegiality. scheduled in this year’s conference. Thank you Athena Vongalis-Macrow for accepting the role of the International Education Journal: Postgraduate Workshop Convenor. Comparative Perspectives Watch the website for updates on conference sponsorships. Elizabeth Cassity (University of Sydney) and 4. The gallery on the ANZCIES website Laura Perry (Murdoch University) commenced contains photos of current and previous in 2012 as Co-Editors for the International members. Please browse through these Education Journal. This journal is important to photos and if you can, extend the the Society. Elizabeth and Laura are taking on invitation to previous conference intensive responsibility with their editorial task, attendees to return. and I appeal to all of us to support them in this role. I acknowledge the brilliant work by Brian World Congress of Comparative Education Denman as the editor over the last four years, Society (WCCES) and for his care and development of the journal. A number of you (NSW and Victorian members) have shared with me some exciting insights for Recruitment of ANZCIES Membership the Society. The recent email discussions relating to ANZCIES hosting the WCCES in ANZCIES is a professional association of 2016 generated interesting conversations in scholars who care deeply about education and terms of administration and funding for keep in touch with similar societies around the conferences of such a scale. Our thoughts related globe. For most of us, our affiliations with to the future of ANZCIES and its significance to ANZCIES have extended beyond our research the World Congress, while we concentrate our student days, when we were ‘tagged along’ to its work in Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific annual conferences with our supervisors. We region. Our neighbours need our insights and found that we enjoyed working with a support in both policy development and practice community of respected scholars in comparative of education; perhaps it is time to extend our and international education, committed to policy professional engagements to colleagues in development and education practice at both Pacific communities. global and local contexts. I attended the CIES conference in Puerto Rico in Our challenge is ‘to grow’ ANZCIES in the next April where I represented ANZCIES at the two years. Three straightforward strategies World Council meetings. My sincere thanks to could be utilised, starting with promoting the the Director of the Oodgeroo Unit, Associate 2012 conference. Professor Anita Lee Hong, and the Deputy Vice Chancellor, Professor Suzie Vaughan (Teaching and Learning) at QUT in supporting and funding the trip. 2|P age
  • 3. ANZCIES Newsletter Celebrating our colleague Christine Fox In consultation with David Small, I registered an Expression of Interest for Christchurch (New Zealand) to host the World Congress in 2016. A tribute by Anne Hickling-Hudson on Holding the Congress in New Zealand would behalf of ANZCIES promote ANZCIES through the World Council and would give us a chance to contribute to the May 2012 exciting and valuable Congresses of the WCCES. We have two competitors to our bid. This short note is to pay tribute to Christine Fox, The Chinese Comparative and International on behalf of ANZCIES, the professional society Education Society (CCIES) have put in a bid for of which she has been a member for over two Beijing Normal University to host the Congress, decades. and the British Association for International and Comparative Education (BAICE) have bid to Thank you Chris, for having played a key role in host it at the University of Glasgow in Scotland. nurturing ANZCIES during two periods of your The Chinese Society has negotiated with and has presidency and many years of membership. the financial backing of the Chinese Government. This year, Chris stepped down as Secretary General of the World Council of Comparative We pay tribute to Christine Fox, outgoing Education Societies (WCCES), a post to which Secretary General of the WCCES. Christine has she was elected in 2005. Chris has been been outstanding in this role for a duration of exemplary in carrying out this role of immense five years (see tribute by Anne Hickling-Hudson responsibility. The WCCES is an umbrella body in this issue), and her work does us proud. As comprising 36 constituent societies (including she anticipates enjoying retirement, perhaps ANZCIES) and involving scholars in more than current ANZCIES members think of creative 50 countries. ways in which pioneering members can continue to contribute to the work on the Society. Diane It advances the field of comparative education by Brook Napier (University of Georgia, USA) was bringing together national, regional and elected as the new Secretary General of the language-based comparative education societies WCCES. in a common forum. It holds periodic World Congresses, and facilitates research through The WCCES website is being revamped. It was publication, the provision of grants, and other interesting to note the re-design aspect, with activities. Chris as Secretary General has worked geography given prominence. I noticed with with the WCCES President and other members particular interest that ANZCIES was referred to of the executive in organizing and implementing as ‘Oceania’. Perhaps we should give this some these complex activities, so that Comparative thought at the next AGM. and International Education has become an increasingly flourishing global field. ANZCIES Website Update The ANZCIES website will be updated next Chris came to the WCCES post with a stellar month. I believe you all can agree with me the background in international education. Educated website definitely needs a ‘face lift’. I will begin at the University of Sydney, she has been an with the basic information, but invite creative editor in publishing and a secondary school suggestions in terms of both content and design. teacher. She spent several years in Latin Please forward your suggestions directly to me. America, where she acquired fluent Spanish, and in the United Kingdom where she received My best wishes for another productive and postgraduate degrees in educational planning and successful year. I look forward to seeing you all development and in intercultural communication at this year’s conference at the University of theory for professional communication. Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand. After working as a trainer for AusAID, and then Juliana McLaughlin overseas as a consultant lecturer in teacher ANZCIES President education, she joined the University of Wollongong in 1991 and from 1996-98 was Director of Primary Education. Between 1992 3|P age
  • 4. ANZCIES Newsletter and 2000 she directed first the Curriculum News from the new editors of IEJ Research Group and then the Learning and Teaching Research Group. Most of her research has concerned the development of policy and programs for teacher education and curriculum change, with an emphasis on equity in education. She won the UOW Vice-Chancellor's Award for Outstanding Contribution to Teaching and Learning in 2004. ANZCIES is lucky to have had a member who has during more than two decades played a role of such brilliance in supporting not only the Society, but also the field of comparative and international education in general. We Hello ANZCIES members, congratulate and celebrate you Chris! Laura Perry and Elizabeth Cassity proudly accepted the position of co-editors of the International Education Journal: Comparative Perspectives at the 2011 AGM in Sydney. IEJ is the flagship journal of ANZCIES. We follow in the footsteps of IEJ’s past editor, Brian Denman, who brought the journal to ANZCIES from its former home at Flinders University under the editorship of John Keeves. IEJ is the only comparative education journal in Australia and one of the few English language comparative education journals outside North America and Europe. It is therefore poised to play a strong role in the comparative education field, especially but not only in the Asia-Pacific region. Our region is becoming increasingly important in the so-called 21st Asian Century, which will enhance the ability of IEJ to make a strong contribution to the field. Our goal as new Chris Fox (retiring Secretary General) and editors is to increase the visibility, access and David Turner (Treasurer) of WCCES at the prestige of IEJ so that we can meet our potential Caribe Hilton, San Juan, Puerto Rico as a high quality, high impact comparative education journal. We are investigating different publication options so that we can develop our access and reach. Please watch this space for updates! Two issues of IEJ will be published this year, one of which is a special issue on Indigenous Issues in Higher Education co-edited by ANZCIES members Julie McLaughlin and Zane Ma Rhea. We have put together an editorial team to help us manage the immense workload that is associated with editing any journal. Since we do not have editorial assistants, we believe the best way to sustainably manage the journal is through a team of committed academics. We have therefore 4|P age
  • 5. ANZCIES Newsletter created an Editorial Board to assist us with reviewing submitted manuscripts and providing editorial advice, complemented by a large group of external reviewers. The 4th Engaging with Vietnam Conference, co- As we all work in challenging environments with organised by Monash University and the East- multiple commitments, we appreciate the time West Center, will be held on 8 - 9 November and dedication of our Editorial Board and 2012 in Honolulu. For details external reviewers. We currently have an see opening on the Editorial Board; please contact m either Laura or Elizabeth if you would like to serve and are able to commit to reviewing up to five manuscripts per year. The Australian newspaper has developed a fun interactive map showing international HE We have also appointed Tom Griffiths to serve student mobility patterns - as Associate Editor and would like to appoint another person as well to serve in this role. education/student-migration-map Associate Editors play the same role as members of the Editorial Board, as well as take on other editorial duties as needed. Please let us know if This is based on UNESCO data, so does not you are interested. include overseas study of less than 12 months and does not include VET, ELICOS, schools, Cheers, etc. Click on each source country to see detailed Laura and Elizabeth data for each. Co-Editors, IEJ and The PIE ('News and business analysis for Professionals in International Education') is another excellent news aggregator, this one based in the UK - Upcoming Conferences From the Editor Finally, to all book authors: If you need to promote your new book in the next ANZCIES Below is a listing of upcoming conferences that newsletter, please send a synopsis and you may want to consider attending this year. information of your book to newsletter editor (Natt Pimpa). The 8th Asia Pacific Association for International Education Conference will be hosted by The Chinese University of Hong Kong on 11-14 March 2013 in Hong Kong. For details, see 3/ AARE conference in collaboration with the Asia- Pacific Education Research Association (APERA) and the World Education Research Association (WERA). 2-6 December 2012 The University of Sydney For details, see 5|P age