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 Pranaytana
 Karmendriya
 Bahirmukha Srotsa
 Sadhya Pranhara Marma
 Utpatti :- Prasada bhag of Rakta & Kapha
digested by Pitta along with active
participation of Vayu
 Derived from Matruj bhava
 Site :- Sthulantrapratibaddha
Components :-
 Sira :- Eight siras in Shroni
connected with Linga & Guda
 Dhamani :- Two
 Asthi :- One Gudasthi
 Sandhi :- Samudge
 Peshi :- Three
Guda as a Marma :-
 Nivesha bheda :- Mamsa marma,
Dhamani marma
 Vyapad bheda :- Sadha Pranhartwa
 Samkhya bheda :- Eka(one)
 Mana bheda :- Panitala Pranana
 Anga bheda :- Kostha marma,
Udara marma
Measurements of Guda :-
Four & Half (4.5) angula in length
Gudavali :- Three
1. Pravahini- bears the stool down
2. Visarjani- relaxes the colon &
evacuates the faeces
3. Samvarani- covers the anus &
opens during defecation
Anatomic or embriological - 2 cm long
extending from anal verge to dentate line
Surgical or functional - 4 cm
male - 4.6 cm female - 3.7 cm
Relations of Anal canal :-
Posteriorly – coccyx
Anteriorly – perineal boby, urethra,
vaginal wall
Laterally - ischium & ischiorectal fossa
Dentate line :-
At midpoint of anal canal- undulating
demarcation approx 2 cm from anal verge
also known as anal transitional zone
Columns of Morgagni :-
Longitudinal folds above Dentate line (6-14)
Anal Glands :- average 6 (3-10)
Anal Sphincter :- External & Internal sphincter
separated by conjoint longitudinal muscle
Blood Supply :- 3 main arteries
1. Superior haemorrhoidal artery
2. Middle haemorrhoidal artery
3. Inferior haemorrhoidal artery
Venous Drainage :-
1. Superior haemorrhoidal plexus
2. Inferior haemorrhoidal plexus
drains into middle & inferior
haemorrhoidal vein
Nerve Supply :-
Internal anal sphincter by Sympathetic(L-5) &
Parasympathetic (S-2, S-3, S-4)
External anal sphincter by pudendal nerve(S-
2, S-3) & perineal branch of S-4
Ano rectal spaces :-
Perianal space Presacral space
Intersphincteric space Submucous space
Ischiorectal space Deep postanal space
Supralevator space Rectovesical space
Nirukti :-
“Arivat pranan Srnatiti arsha”
Kills the person like enemy
like a projection, deep rootedness,
relation with marmas(vital points),
long standing nature & complications
Synonyms :-
Durnam, Gudaja, Gudakila
Nidana (Aetiology) :-
 Intake of incompetible diet
 Constipation & straining
 Sitting for long time on hard seats
 Horse riding
 Abdominal tumours
 Diarrohoea, excess ama
 Overexertion, excess sex
 Pregnancy, abortion, miscarriage
 Trauma by rough objects
 Suppression or forced release of
gas, urine or feces
Samprapti (pathoganesis):-
 Simultaneous vitation of
tridoshas reaches Guda
by principal veins
 Weakens the skin(twak),
muscles(mamsa) &
fat(meda) i.e. the
 Protrusion of vascular
Protrusion of Internal
& External
Bheda (Classification) :-
1. According to origin –
i. Sahaja ii. Janmottar
2. According to bleeding nature –
i. Shushka ii. Sravi
3. According to dosha –
i. Vataja ii. Pittaja
iii. Shleshmaja iv. Raktaja
v. Sannipatika vi. Sahaja
Etymology :-
Haima = blood,
rhoos = following
Piles = Pila = ball like
Definition :-
 varicosities of superior &
inferior haemorrhoidal
 dilatation of internal
rectal plexus
Aetiology :-
 Habitual straining
 Hereditary causes
 Diet & constipation
 Chronic diarrhoea
 Infection of lower intestine
 Bad hygiene
 Raised intra abdominal pressure (pregnancy)
 Rectal carcinoma, BEP, Urethral stricture,
pelvic tumour, portal hypertension
Classification :-
1. Internal haemorrhoids
2. External haemorrhoids
3. Interno-external
According to position –
Primary – 3,7,11 O’clock
Secondary – 1,5,9 O’clock
Clinical features :-
 Bleeding – bright red &
occurs during
defecation as early
 Prolapse – discomfort
& heaviness in rectum
 Discharge – mucoid
discharge, pruritis ani
 Pain – by thrombosis
or fissure in ano
Examination :-
 Inspection – mass seen after straining
 Digital Exam. - not palpable unless thrombosed
 Proctoscopy – bluish mucosal bridges in classical
3,7,11 O’clock position
 Sigmoidoscopy – to exclude higher lesions
 Barium enema – for colonic pathology
Complication :-
 Bleeding – Anaemia
 Thrombosis
 Strangulation
 Gangrene
 Fibrosis
 Suppuration
Management :-
Four basics of Arsha Chikitsa
 Bheshaja – medicinal treatment
 Kshara – caustic application for soft, deeply
situated, extensive & projecting pile mass
 Agnikarma – cauterization for rough, firm,
thick & hard pile mass
 Shastrakarma – surgical management for
narrow pedicle, projecting & moist piles
Line of treatment :-
 Nidan parivarjanam
 Vatanulomana
 Agnibalvriddhi
 Anupanoushadhadravyam
Kshara karma :-
1.Pratisarniya kshara-
 Proper bowel clearance
 Snehana, Swedana
 Light meal previously
 Lithotomy position
 Exposure of pile mass by
 Clean pile mass
 Cover surrounding area with
cotton or gauze
 Apply Kshara with shalala or cotton swab
 Cover it for 100 matra (60 sec.)
 Continue still samyak dagdha lakshana
 After getting pakwa jambuphal varna remove
it & wash with dhanyamla/dadhimastu
 Apply Yashtimadhu-ghee
 Give avagaha sweda (Sitz bath)
 Proper rest, hygiene & bowel clearance
(more beneficial in 2nd & 3rd degree piles)
2. Kshara sutra application-
 Local anaesthesia with xylocaine 2%
with adrenaline
 Identify & catch pile mass by forcep
 Ligate ksharsutra through the
pedicle of pile mass
 Pile mass becomes gangrenous &
falls down in 2-4 days
 It gives putrid odour & offencive
Shastra karma :-
kshar sutra or a plain thread may be ligated
at pedicle & pile mass can be excised out with
proper post operative management
Jalouka Avacharana (Leech therapy) :-
 Vagbhata advises for non bleeding,elevated &
hard pile mass repeatedly
 Proper rest & Gophana bandh (t-bandage) to
prevent further bleeding
Modern treatment :-
 Conservative management
 Sclerotherapy
 Rubber band ligation
 Infra red coagulation
 Cryodestruction
 Laser therapy
 Surgical excision- Haemorrhoidectomy
 Stapled haemorrhoidopexy
 DGHAL – Doppler guided haemorrhoidal artery
Infra red coagulation
Laser therapy
Haemorrhoids :-
 Indicated for 3rd & 4th
degree prolapsed,
thrombosed haemorrhoids
& External haemorrhoids
 V-shape incission
 Separation of
haemorrhoidal plexus
 Transfixation at the base of
 Removal of entire
haemorrhoidal plexus
Stapled haemorrhoidopexy
Nirukti :-
“Bhagavaddaryed yasmat tasmat jneya
 Bhaga = Guhyamushkamadhyasthanam
i.e. wide perinium
Darana = tear/damage
 Deterioration of guda, mushka & related
Aetiology :-
Outcome of bhagandara pidka
 Faulty dietary habits
 Faulty bowel habits
 Straining during defecation
 Improper sitting habits
 Excessive riding
 Trauma
Purvarupa :-
 Pain at kati kapala (pelvic region)
 Itching
 Burning sensation around guda
 Swelling around guda
 Formation of Bhagandara pidaka
Rupa :-
Discharging vrana around guda with previous
history of Bhagandara pidaka
Classification :- according to Sushruta
 Shatponak – vataja
 Ustragreeva - pittaja
 Parisravi – kaphaja
 Shambukavarta – tridoshaja
 Unmargi – agantuja
Vagbhata further added
 Parikshepi – vatapittaja
 Arshobhagandara – pittakaphaja
 Riju - kaphavataja
Definition :-
 Fistula is an abnormal communication
between any two epithelial lined surfaces.
 Pipe like structure
 Fistula in ano is track lined by granulation
tissue, which connects deeply in the anal
canal or rectum & superficially on the skin
around anus.
Aetiology :-
 Sequel of anorectal abscess
 Chronic fissure in ano
 Trauma at anus
 Tuberculosis
 Anal carcinoma
 Pilonidal sinus
 Chron’s disease
 Ulcerative colitis
 Actinomycosis
Pathogenesis :-
 Anal gland infection
 Abscess formation
 Recurrent suppuration &
 Fibrous track lined by
granulation tissue
 Fistula in ano
Classification :-
Anatomical basis –
1) High anal fistula –
Internal opening above
ano rectal ring
2) Low anal fistula -
Internal opening below
ano rectal ring
Standard classification –
 Sub cutaneous
 Sub mucous
 Low anal
 High anal
 Pelvi rectal
Park’s classification –
 Intersphincteric
 Trans-sphincteric
 Suprasphincteric
 Extrasphincteric
Intersphincteric fistula –
 Simple low track
 High blind track
 High track with rectal opening
 Rectal opening without a perineal opening
 Extrarectal extension
Trans-sphincteric – Uncomplicated, High blind
Suprasphincteric - Uncomplicated, High blind
Extrasphincteric – secondary to anal fistula,
trauma, anorectal disease, pelvic inflammation
Clinical features :-
 Single or multiple
external openings
 Persistent
 Cutting, throbbing,
pricking pain
 Soreness & itching of
perianal skin
Examination of patient :-
 Number of openings – single/multiple
 Position – anteriorly/posteriorly & O’clock
 Colour of opening – pink/red nodule
 Colour of perianal skin – red, moist, thickened
 Any previous scar – H/O fistula or abscess
 Discharge – serous/purulent/blood
 Presence of sentinel tag – fissure fistula
Palpation :-
Digital palpation –
 In simple (low anal/subcutaneous) – track felt
as rod of induration extending from external
opening to anal verge.
 Horseshoe fistula - usually impalpable
Per rectal Exam. –
 seropurulent pus in gloved finger
 Internal opening can be felt as a dimple
 An area of induration is felt
Probing :-
It provides knowledge regarding
 Track – complete or not
 Extent of the track
 Direction of the track
 Position of internal opening
 Branching of track
 Relation with sphincter muscles, anorectal
ring, levator muscles & neighboring bones
Proctoscopy :- Internal opening might seen
Goodsall’s Rule :-
 It relates location of
internal opening to
the external opening
 Whether the track
opens radially or will
curve posteriorly &
open in the midline
Investigations :-
 Blood – Hb, TLC, DLC, ESR, CT, BT, BSL(F&PP),
BU, Serum creatinine, HIV, HBsAg
 Urine – routine & microscopic
 Stool – ova, cyst, occult blood
 Pus – culture & sensitivity
 Biopsy – from floor of fistula
Radiological examination :-
 Fistulogram
 Trans Rectal Ultra Sonography
 Magnetic Resonance Imaging
 Colonoscopy
 Histopathological Examination
Differential diagnosis :-
 Urethral fistula in males
 Chronic infected Bertholin’s gland in females
Modern management :-
 Fistulotomy –
opening the fistulous
 Fistulectomy –
excission of fistulous
 Use of seton
Ayurvedic management :-
Medicinal – two stages
 During the stage of bhagandara pidaka, to avoid
suppuration – Shaman chikitsa
 Wound care after surgical excission of track
Surgical procedure –
 Pt. laid in lithotomy position
 Internal opening located by Eshani yantra(probe)
 Chedana i.e. excission of complete track
Para Surgical Measures :-
 Agni karma
 Raktamokshana - jalouka
 Ksharkarma -
1. External application (Pratisarniya kshara)
2. Kshara varti & ksharatail pichu
3. Ksharsutra
Kshara sutra karma :-
Purva karma - Laxative
Part preparation
Inj. T.T. 0.5cc IM
Pradhan karma – lithotomy position
 Probing through external opening towards internal
opening & manipulated to come outside anal canal
 Plain thread placed in the eye of probe & probe pulled
out to position the thread in the track
 Two enda of the thread tied loosely
 After 3 days tread is replaced by Ksharsutra
Kshara sutra karma :-
Change of Ksharsutra –
 On weekly intervals
 Rail-road technique
 New KS tied to lateral side of knot
 Thread is cut between knot & clipped by artery
forcep on medial side
 Artery forcep gently pulled out & old thread
comes out leaving the new KS in the track
 Old tread cut off & its length noted
 New KS is knoted
Paschat karma –
 Sitz’s bath in luke warm water medicated with
triphala choorna/haridra twice daily
 Jatyadi ghritam/ Roaniya ghritam packing for
wound healing
 Antibiotics if necessary
 Analgesics if necessary
 Vitamin C & B-complex to enhance wound
 Kshara is one of the anushstra described by
 Two types as per administration
1. Paniya – Internal medication
2. Pratisaraniya – External application
 ‘Ksaranat ksananat va ksara’(Su. Su.3/11)
 Material which destroys or cleans
excessive/morbid doshas
 Caustic materials obtained from ashes after
distillation & mostly alkaline in nature
Preparation of Kshara :-
Drugs used – Apamarga, Arka, Kadali, Palasha etc.
According to tikshnata – 3 types
1. Mridu – Bhasmikarana (Ash formation)
Ash-Water dissolution (1:6)
Filtration (21 times)
Distillation (boiling ksharjala)
Collection of dry kshara
2. Madhyam – Extra powders of Katasarkara,
Bhasma sharkara, Ksheerapaka, Shankhanabhi
are added to boiling Ksharajala
3. Tikshna – similar to madhyam kshara but
addition of drugs like Chitraka, danti, vacha etc.
Preparation of apamarga kshara
(Caustic preparation of Achiranthus aspera)
Preparation of Ksharasutra :-
 Thread – Linen no. 20
Ingredients No. of coatings
Snuhi ksheer 11
Snuhi ksheer +
Apamarga kshar
Snuhi ksheer +
Haridra churna
Total 21
Collection of
(Latex of
Coating of
& Apamarga
Coating of
Preparation of Ksharsutra
Other Ksharsutras in use :-
 Gomutra ksharasutra
 Udumbara ksharasutra
 Guggulu ksharasutra
 Karaveera ksharasutra
 Erandakarkati ksheera sutra
The credit of making the Ksharasutra
practically in use goes to Prof. P.J.Deshpande
& his coworkers. They rediscovered &
standardized this Ksharasutra in present era
Probable mode of action :-
 Ingredients of plant ashes are Sodium
carbonate, Potassium carbonate, Calcium
oxide, Magnesium oxide, silica etc.
 Ayurveda – Ksharan property, Shodhana
(cleansing, antimicrobial), Ropana (healing)
 Action of pratisaraniya kshara may be –
Dehydration action
Dissolving property of albumin
Saponification of fat
Anti infective action
Nirukti :-
 Pari = Sarvato Bhavaha i.e. all around
 Kartika = sharp shooting pain
 Cutting pain all around anus
 Solitary rectal ulcer, Fissure in ano &
Laceration all come under Parikartika
Nidana :-
1. Vyadhi Nimittaja (Diseased) –
Udavarta Arsha
Purishavritta vata Vatik Grahani
Vatik Atisara Jirna Jwara
Disease of Garbhini
2. Vaidya Nimittaja -
Vasti Vyapada Virechana Vyapada
Vasti Netra Vyapada Excess Yapana Vasti
Rupa :-
‘Tivrasula sapicchasram karoti parikartikam’
Severe pain with bloody mucous discharge
Bheda (Types):-
Kasyapa has classified the disease
Dosha involved Related symptoms
Vata Parikartanam (Cutting pain)
Pitta Daha, Asra-srava (Bleeding)
Kapha Piccha-srava (Mucous discharge)
Samprapti :-
 Formation of Fissure in ano is vyakta avastha
 Abhighata i.e. direct trauma by hard stool
 Kshataj vrana or Guda vidarana & later
becomes Dushta vrana
 Due to Purisavrta vata malasuskata
 Vitiated vata localized in twak makes it Ruksa
& shows tendency to crack
 Later on associated with rakta & forms ulcer
 Affects mamsa dhatu & forms knotty swelling
or tags & causes pain
Definition :- Tears or split in the anoderm just
distal to the dentate line
Epidemiology :-
 Occurs at any age, but usually seen in
younger & middle-aged adults
 Posterior midline fissure common in both
sexes, but anterior midline commonly
affected women
 Fissure in lateral position – Chron’s disease,
Tuberculosis, syphilis, HIV/AIDS, carcinoma
 Also due to long standing loose stools
Aetio-pathogenesis :-
 Local trauma usually by hard stool to the
 Overstretching & tearing of the squamous
epithelium of anal canal
 Reflex sphincter spasm
 Some pts. Report episode of diarrhoea
 Anal infection
Classification :-
Acute – mere crack in the epithelial surface,
severe pain & spasm
Chronic – 6 to 8 weeks history
- Presence of visible transverse internal anal
sphincter (IAS) fibers
- Chronic granulation tissue at its base
- Indurate edge,
- Sentinel pile
- Hypertrophic anal papilla
Signs & Symptoms :-
 Pain – sharp, tearing, starts with defecation &
persists several hours
 Bleeding – streaking of red blood on motion
 Discharge & Prurities – soilage of under
clothes, increase moisture of peri-anal skin
with pruritis around anus
 Lower end of the fissure can be seen
 Sentinel tag present in some cases
Management :-
A) Charaka -
 Sama dosha – langhan, pachan,rooksha usna-
 Amajirna anubandha – kshara, amla, madhu
 Durbala – vrimhana with madhura rasa
 Vata predominance – dadimadi ghrita
 Milk should be used regularly
 Piccha Vasti - madhura,, kashaya rasa & sita
(sushruta- yashtimadhu, krishna til kalka with
madhu & ghrita)
 Sneha vasti – prepared with yashtimadhu
(Vagbhata - pippallyadianuvasanam)
B) Kashypa Samhita :-
 Lehana yoga – cold milk medicated with
madhur group drugs;sarkara, madhu taila;
yashtimadhu phanita
 Yusha for Vatika – Brihati, Bilva, Anantmul
 Yusha for paittika – Madhuyashti, Hanspatti,
Dhaniya, Madhu etc.
 Yusha for Kaphaja – Kateri, Gokshura, Pippli &
Standard Ayurvedic :-
 Vatanulomana
 Vedana shamana & Shothahara drvya (kaishor
guggulu, triphala guggulu)
 Ushna avagahan – triphala kashaya
 Local application –Jatyadi ghrita
 Pippalyadi anuvasan Vasti (30-60 ml 7 days)
 Anal dilatation
 Sphincterotomy
 Excision of senitenal tag
Modern management :-
Conservative –
 Warm sitz bath
 Oral analgesics
 Laxatives
 Loal anaesthetic application – Lignocaine 2%
 Loal application of nitroglycerine or isosorbid
 Injection of botulinum toxin
Surgical treatment :-
 Anal dilatation
 Excision of anal fissure with skin grafting
 Internal sphincterotomy
 Posterior sphincterotomy
 Fissurectomy with tag excision
 Displacement of Guda from its normal site
 Kshrudra roga – Sushruta
Nidana :-
“Pravahanatisarabhyam nirgacchati gudam
bahih l ruksadurbaladehasya gudabhramsam
tamadiset ll su. ni. 13/61”
 Excess straining during defecation
 Loose motions
 Excess cough
 Urinary flow obstruction
 Haemorrhoids
Lakshana :-
“Nirgacchati gudam bahi”
 Protrusion of guda(Rectum) outside the anal
Theories :-
Theory of Sliding hernia-
 Alexis Moschowitz (1912)- Rectal prolapse is
caused by a sliding herniation of the pouch of
Douglas through the pelvic floor fascia into the
anterior aspect of the rectum through the weak
pelvic floor muscle.
Intussusception Theory –
 Broden & Snellman(1968)- Initial step in the
genesis of prolapse is circumferential
intussuception of the rectum
Types :-
Partial prolapse –
 Protrusion of mucous membrane alone
 1.25 to 3.75 cm. outside the anal verge
 Occurs in children(1-3yrs) & elderly people
 Only mucosa & submucosa will be palpable
Complete prolapse –
 Protrusion of all layers of rectal wall
 More than 3.75 cm. in length
 Uncommon in children, more common in elderly,
female to male ratio is 6:1
 Entire bowel can be palpated
Aetiopathogenesis :-
Infants –
 Direct downword course of rectum, due to
undeveloped sacral curve
 Reduced anal musculature torn & diminished
support of mucosal lining
Children –
 Excessive straining, diarrhoea, wooping cough
 Loss of weight & reuced fat in ischio rectal fossa
 Fibro cystic disease, neurological deficit
 Maldevelopment of pelvis
Adults –
 Associated with 3rd degree haemorrhoids
 Atonicity of spincter mechanism
 Torn perineum in female
 Straining due to urethral obstruction in male
 Following surgery for fistula in ano, fissure in
ano or haemorrhoidectomy
Complete prolapse –
 Bowel habit – difficulty in defication
 Laxity of anal spincter
 Lack of rectal fixation – weak pelvic muscles
 Rectal intusucception -6 to 8 cm above anus
 Sliding hernia
 Disordered function of pelvic musculature
Clinical features :-
 Mass or large lump through anus to push
back in after defecation
 Fecal incontinence , difficulty in bowel
regulation, discomfort, sensation of
incomplete evacuation, & tenesmus
 Sensation of Chronic moisture & Mucous
drainage in perineal area
 Chronic prolapsed rectal mucosa permanently
extruded and ulcerated, leading to mucous
discharge & bleeding
Examination :-
Inspection –
 Visible prolapsed mass
 Patulous anus with lax mucosa at anal orifice
 Prolapsed mucous membrane is pink coloured
Palpation –
 Reduced sphincter tone
 Increased size of anal orifice
 Reduced contractile power of anal musculature
 Protrusion of mass occurs while straining
Management :-
Ayurvedic –
 After snehana & swedana the protruded guda
is gradually pushed back to its naormal
position. Then gophana bandh having
opening in center is applied.
 Medication – Panchaksheeri kashaya,
Abhayarishtam, Mushika taila, Changeryadi
ghrita, Chavyadi ghrita, Pippalyadi anuvasan
vasthi, Ghrita with Madhur & amla rasa drugs
Modern management :-
Partial prolapse –
 Conservative–
a) Digital reposition
b) Submucous
 Operative –
a) Thierschs operation
b) Excission of mucosa
Modern management :-
Complete prolapse –
 Fixation operation-
a) Wells operation
b) Rectopexy operation
c) Rectal sling operation
 Resection operation –
a) Anterior resection of rectum
b) Perineal rectosigmoidoscopy
c) Operations on pelvic floor & Perineum
 First described by Hodges in 1880
 Sinus is a blind ending track usually lined by
granulation tissue that leads from an
epithelial surface into the surrounding tissue,
often into an abscess cavity
 Sinus may be congenital or acquired
 Pilonidal sinus is commonly seen at natal cleft
& generally contain hair
 Also known as ‘jeep disease’ since it was
common in jeep drivers during 2nd world war
Patho-anatomy :-
 Primary track – opening on skin & expanding
into a small terminal cavity
 Hairs – nearly all hairs lie loose but few are
still attached to the track wall
 Secondary tracks – connects the deep part of
primary track to the sinus opening lining
 Lining of track – granulation tissue
 Contents – hairs, epithelial scales & debris
 Microscopically – foreign body, giant cells,
aerobic & anaerobic organisms
 Age incidence – 20 to 30 yrs
 Gender incidence – more common in males
 Racial incidence – more in western countries
 More common in hairy people
Risk factors :-
 Obesity
 Sedentary occupation
 Positive family history
 Local irritation or trauma
 Increased sweating
 Poor personal hygine
 Abundant hairs in gluteal fold
Clinical features :-
 Acute abscess or chronic
draining sinus in the
sacrococcygeal area
 Pruritis
 Pain
 Tenderness
 Induration
Other sites of the disease :-
 Digital webs of hand & foot
 Axilla
 Umbilicus
 Perineum
 Amputation stump
 Supra pubic region
Differential diagnosis :-
 Hidraadenitis suppurativa
 Furunculosis Fistula in ano
 Osteomyelitis Crohn’s disease
 Actinomycosis Post anal skin dimples
Complications :-
 Abscess formation
 Recurrent inflammation
 Recurrence of sinus formation
 Squamous cell carcinoma
Modern management :-
A] Conservative management –
 Avoid long sitting & driving
 Depilation of hair
 Frequent sitz bath
 Keeping the area dry
 Injection of phenol
Modern management :-
B] Operative procedures –
 Eliptical excision
 Wide radical excision
 Excision & Healing by
 Excision & Marsupialization
 Excision & primary closure
 Closure by Z-plasty
 Myocutaneous Flap
Ayurvedic View :-
 Dushtsvrana – Shalyaja Nadivrana
 Shalya hidden in dhatus & not removed properly
result in Shalyaja Nadivrana
 Quickly formed sinus exuding warm liquid,
frothy, churned up, clear or blood stained
suddenly with pain - Shalyaja Nadivrana
 Prognosis is kashta sadhya
 In Shalyaja Nadivrana Sinus needs to be opened,
shalya removal & cleansing of track
 Management by bhedana, eshana & patana
 Medicine – Guggultiktakam kashayam
 Ksharsutra is described for nadivrana chikitsa
Surgical procedures for Shalyaja Nadivrana :-
 Chedana of the whole track
 Partial chedana of the track & Ksharsutra
application to the remaining track
 Ksharsutra application to complete track
 Ksharsutra application only to lateral tracks
 Ksharvarti application
 Chedana & ksharalepa application
 Cleaning wound with Triphala kwatha &
application of Jatyadi ghrita
Merits of Ksharasutra therapy :-
 Encourage healing from the base
 Least recurrence rate
 Simple procedure (OPD)
 Minimal invasive
 Minimal scar
 Cosmetic value
 Minimal work off days
 Cost effective
Dr. Yogesh S. Borase
Lecturer (Dept. of Shalyatantra)
Rural Institute of Ayurveda Research Center
& Hospital, Vidyagiri, Mayani.
Tal- Khatav, Dist- Satara (Maharashtra)

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Anorectal diseases

  • 1.
  • 2.  Pranaytana  Karmendriya  Bahirmukha Srotsa  Sadhya Pranhara Marma  Utpatti :- Prasada bhag of Rakta & Kapha digested by Pitta along with active participation of Vayu  Derived from Matruj bhava  Site :- Sthulantrapratibaddha
  • 3. Components :-  Sira :- Eight siras in Shroni connected with Linga & Guda  Dhamani :- Two  Asthi :- One Gudasthi  Sandhi :- Samudge  Peshi :- Three
  • 4. Guda as a Marma :-  Nivesha bheda :- Mamsa marma, Dhamani marma  Vyapad bheda :- Sadha Pranhartwa  Samkhya bheda :- Eka(one)  Mana bheda :- Panitala Pranana  Anga bheda :- Kostha marma, Udara marma
  • 5. Measurements of Guda :- Four & Half (4.5) angula in length Gudavali :- Three 1. Pravahini- bears the stool down 2. Visarjani- relaxes the colon & evacuates the faeces 3. Samvarani- covers the anus & opens during defecation
  • 6.
  • 7. Anatomic or embriological - 2 cm long extending from anal verge to dentate line Surgical or functional - 4 cm male - 4.6 cm female - 3.7 cm Relations of Anal canal :- Posteriorly – coccyx Anteriorly – perineal boby, urethra, vaginal wall Laterally - ischium & ischiorectal fossa
  • 8. Dentate line :- At midpoint of anal canal- undulating demarcation approx 2 cm from anal verge also known as anal transitional zone Columns of Morgagni :- Longitudinal folds above Dentate line (6-14) Anal Glands :- average 6 (3-10) Anal Sphincter :- External & Internal sphincter separated by conjoint longitudinal muscle
  • 9. Blood Supply :- 3 main arteries 1. Superior haemorrhoidal artery 2. Middle haemorrhoidal artery 3. Inferior haemorrhoidal artery Venous Drainage :- 1. Superior haemorrhoidal plexus 2. Inferior haemorrhoidal plexus drains into middle & inferior haemorrhoidal vein
  • 10. Nerve Supply :- Internal anal sphincter by Sympathetic(L-5) & Parasympathetic (S-2, S-3, S-4) External anal sphincter by pudendal nerve(S- 2, S-3) & perineal branch of S-4
  • 11. Ano rectal spaces :- Perianal space Presacral space Intersphincteric space Submucous space Ischiorectal space Deep postanal space Supralevator space Rectovesical space
  • 12. Nirukti :- “Arivat pranan Srnatiti arsha” Kills the person like enemy like a projection, deep rootedness, relation with marmas(vital points), long standing nature & complications Synonyms :- Durnam, Gudaja, Gudakila
  • 13. Nidana (Aetiology) :-  Intake of incompetible diet  Constipation & straining  Sitting for long time on hard seats  Horse riding  Abdominal tumours  Diarrohoea, excess ama  Overexertion, excess sex  Pregnancy, abortion, miscarriage  Trauma by rough objects  Suppression or forced release of gas, urine or feces
  • 14. Samprapti (pathoganesis):-  Simultaneous vitation of tridoshas reaches Guda by principal veins  Weakens the skin(twak), muscles(mamsa) & fat(meda) i.e. the sphincter  Protrusion of vascular bed Protrusion of Internal & External Haemorrhoids
  • 15. Bheda (Classification) :- 1. According to origin – i. Sahaja ii. Janmottar 2. According to bleeding nature – i. Shushka ii. Sravi 3. According to dosha – i. Vataja ii. Pittaja iii. Shleshmaja iv. Raktaja v. Sannipatika vi. Sahaja
  • 16. Etymology :- Haima = blood, rhoos = following Piles = Pila = ball like Definition :-  varicosities of superior & inferior haemorrhoidal plexus  dilatation of internal rectal plexus
  • 17. Aetiology :-  Habitual straining  Hereditary causes  Diet & constipation  Chronic diarrhoea  Infection of lower intestine  Bad hygiene  Raised intra abdominal pressure (pregnancy)  Rectal carcinoma, BEP, Urethral stricture, pelvic tumour, portal hypertension
  • 18. Classification :- 1. Internal haemorrhoids 2. External haemorrhoids 3. Interno-external haemorrhoids According to position – Primary – 3,7,11 O’clock Secondary – 1,5,9 O’clock
  • 19.
  • 20. Clinical features :-  Bleeding – bright red & occurs during defecation as early symptom  Prolapse – discomfort & heaviness in rectum  Discharge – mucoid discharge, pruritis ani  Pain – by thrombosis or fissure in ano
  • 21. Examination :-  Inspection – mass seen after straining  Digital Exam. - not palpable unless thrombosed  Proctoscopy – bluish mucosal bridges in classical 3,7,11 O’clock position  Sigmoidoscopy – to exclude higher lesions  Barium enema – for colonic pathology
  • 22. Complication :-  Bleeding – Anaemia  Thrombosis  Strangulation  Gangrene  Fibrosis  Suppuration
  • 23. Management :- Four basics of Arsha Chikitsa  Bheshaja – medicinal treatment  Kshara – caustic application for soft, deeply situated, extensive & projecting pile mass  Agnikarma – cauterization for rough, firm, thick & hard pile mass  Shastrakarma – surgical management for narrow pedicle, projecting & moist piles
  • 24. Line of treatment :-  Nidan parivarjanam  Vatanulomana  Agnibalvriddhi  Anupanoushadhadravyam
  • 25. Kshara karma :- 1.Pratisarniya kshara-  Proper bowel clearance  Snehana, Swedana  Light meal previously  Lithotomy position  Exposure of pile mass by proctoscope  Clean pile mass  Cover surrounding area with cotton or gauze
  • 26.  Apply Kshara with shalala or cotton swab  Cover it for 100 matra (60 sec.)  Continue still samyak dagdha lakshana  After getting pakwa jambuphal varna remove it & wash with dhanyamla/dadhimastu  Apply Yashtimadhu-ghee  Give avagaha sweda (Sitz bath)  Proper rest, hygiene & bowel clearance (more beneficial in 2nd & 3rd degree piles)
  • 27. 2. Kshara sutra application-  Local anaesthesia with xylocaine 2% with adrenaline  Identify & catch pile mass by forcep  Ligate ksharsutra through the pedicle of pile mass  Pile mass becomes gangrenous & falls down in 2-4 days  It gives putrid odour & offencive oozing
  • 28. Shastra karma :- kshar sutra or a plain thread may be ligated at pedicle & pile mass can be excised out with proper post operative management Jalouka Avacharana (Leech therapy) :-  Vagbhata advises for non bleeding,elevated & hard pile mass repeatedly  Proper rest & Gophana bandh (t-bandage) to prevent further bleeding
  • 29. Modern treatment :-  Conservative management  Sclerotherapy  Rubber band ligation  Infra red coagulation  Cryodestruction  Laser therapy  Surgical excision- Haemorrhoidectomy  Stapled haemorrhoidopexy  DGHAL – Doppler guided haemorrhoidal artery ligation
  • 32. Haemorrhoids :-  Indicated for 3rd & 4th degree prolapsed, thrombosed haemorrhoids & External haemorrhoids  V-shape incission  Separation of haemorrhoidal plexus  Transfixation at the base of haemorrhoid  Removal of entire haemorrhoidal plexus Haemorrhoidectomy
  • 34. Nirukti :- “Bhagavaddaryed yasmat tasmat jneya bhagandara”  Bhaga = Guhyamushkamadhyasthanam i.e. wide perinium Darana = tear/damage  Deterioration of guda, mushka & related structures
  • 35. Aetiology :- Outcome of bhagandara pidka  Faulty dietary habits  Faulty bowel habits  Straining during defecation  Improper sitting habits  Excessive riding  Trauma
  • 36. Purvarupa :-  Pain at kati kapala (pelvic region)  Itching  Burning sensation around guda  Swelling around guda  Formation of Bhagandara pidaka Rupa :- Discharging vrana around guda with previous history of Bhagandara pidaka
  • 37. Classification :- according to Sushruta  Shatponak – vataja  Ustragreeva - pittaja  Parisravi – kaphaja  Shambukavarta – tridoshaja  Unmargi – agantuja Vagbhata further added  Parikshepi – vatapittaja  Arshobhagandara – pittakaphaja  Riju - kaphavataja
  • 38. Definition :-  Fistula is an abnormal communication between any two epithelial lined surfaces.  Pipe like structure  Fistula in ano is track lined by granulation tissue, which connects deeply in the anal canal or rectum & superficially on the skin around anus.
  • 39. Aetiology :-  Sequel of anorectal abscess  Chronic fissure in ano  Trauma at anus  Tuberculosis  Anal carcinoma  Pilonidal sinus  Chron’s disease  Ulcerative colitis  Actinomycosis
  • 40. Pathogenesis :-  Anal gland infection  Abscess formation  Recurrent suppuration & healing  Fibrous track lined by granulation tissue  Fistula in ano
  • 41. Classification :- Anatomical basis – 1) High anal fistula – Internal opening above ano rectal ring 2) Low anal fistula - Internal opening below ano rectal ring
  • 42. Standard classification –  Sub cutaneous  Sub mucous  Low anal  High anal  Pelvi rectal
  • 43. Park’s classification –  Intersphincteric  Trans-sphincteric  Suprasphincteric  Extrasphincteric
  • 44. Intersphincteric fistula –  Simple low track  High blind track  High track with rectal opening  Rectal opening without a perineal opening  Extrarectal extension Trans-sphincteric – Uncomplicated, High blind Suprasphincteric - Uncomplicated, High blind Extrasphincteric – secondary to anal fistula, trauma, anorectal disease, pelvic inflammation
  • 45.
  • 46. Clinical features :-  Single or multiple external openings  Persistent mucopurulent discharge  Cutting, throbbing, pricking pain  Soreness & itching of perianal skin
  • 47. Examination of patient :-  Number of openings – single/multiple  Position – anteriorly/posteriorly & O’clock  Colour of opening – pink/red nodule  Colour of perianal skin – red, moist, thickened  Any previous scar – H/O fistula or abscess  Discharge – serous/purulent/blood  Presence of sentinel tag – fissure fistula
  • 48. Palpation :- Digital palpation –  In simple (low anal/subcutaneous) – track felt as rod of induration extending from external opening to anal verge.  Horseshoe fistula - usually impalpable Per rectal Exam. –  seropurulent pus in gloved finger  Internal opening can be felt as a dimple  An area of induration is felt
  • 49. Probing :- It provides knowledge regarding  Track – complete or not  Extent of the track  Direction of the track  Position of internal opening  Branching of track  Relation with sphincter muscles, anorectal ring, levator muscles & neighboring bones Proctoscopy :- Internal opening might seen
  • 50. Goodsall’s Rule :-  It relates location of internal opening to the external opening  Whether the track opens radially or will curve posteriorly & open in the midline
  • 51. Investigations :-  Blood – Hb, TLC, DLC, ESR, CT, BT, BSL(F&PP), BU, Serum creatinine, HIV, HBsAg  Urine – routine & microscopic  Stool – ova, cyst, occult blood  Pus – culture & sensitivity  Biopsy – from floor of fistula
  • 52. Radiological examination :-  Fistulogram  Trans Rectal Ultra Sonography  Magnetic Resonance Imaging  Colonoscopy  Histopathological Examination Differential diagnosis :-  Urethral fistula in males  Chronic infected Bertholin’s gland in females
  • 53. Modern management :-  Fistulotomy – opening the fistulous track  Fistulectomy – excission of fistulous track  Use of seton
  • 54. Ayurvedic management :- Medicinal – two stages  During the stage of bhagandara pidaka, to avoid suppuration – Shaman chikitsa  Wound care after surgical excission of track Surgical procedure –  Pt. laid in lithotomy position  Internal opening located by Eshani yantra(probe)  Chedana i.e. excission of complete track
  • 55. Para Surgical Measures :-  Agni karma  Raktamokshana - jalouka  Ksharkarma - 1. External application (Pratisarniya kshara) 2. Kshara varti & ksharatail pichu 3. Ksharsutra
  • 56. Kshara sutra karma :- Purva karma - Laxative Part preparation Inj. T.T. 0.5cc IM Pradhan karma – lithotomy position  Probing through external opening towards internal opening & manipulated to come outside anal canal  Plain thread placed in the eye of probe & probe pulled out to position the thread in the track  Two enda of the thread tied loosely  After 3 days tread is replaced by Ksharsutra
  • 58. Change of Ksharsutra –  On weekly intervals  Rail-road technique  New KS tied to lateral side of knot  Thread is cut between knot & clipped by artery forcep on medial side  Artery forcep gently pulled out & old thread comes out leaving the new KS in the track  Old tread cut off & its length noted  New KS is knoted
  • 59. Paschat karma –  Sitz’s bath in luke warm water medicated with triphala choorna/haridra twice daily  Jatyadi ghritam/ Roaniya ghritam packing for wound healing  Antibiotics if necessary  Analgesics if necessary  Vitamin C & B-complex to enhance wound healing
  • 60.  Kshara is one of the anushstra described by Sushruta  Two types as per administration 1. Paniya – Internal medication 2. Pratisaraniya – External application  ‘Ksaranat ksananat va ksara’(Su. Su.3/11)  Material which destroys or cleans excessive/morbid doshas  Caustic materials obtained from ashes after distillation & mostly alkaline in nature
  • 61. Preparation of Kshara :- Drugs used – Apamarga, Arka, Kadali, Palasha etc. According to tikshnata – 3 types 1. Mridu – Bhasmikarana (Ash formation) Ash-Water dissolution (1:6) Filtration (21 times) Sedimentation Distillation (boiling ksharjala) Collection of dry kshara 2. Madhyam – Extra powders of Katasarkara, Bhasma sharkara, Ksheerapaka, Shankhanabhi are added to boiling Ksharajala
  • 62. 3. Tikshna – similar to madhyam kshara but addition of drugs like Chitraka, danti, vacha etc. Preparation of apamarga kshara (Caustic preparation of Achiranthus aspera)
  • 63. Preparation of Ksharasutra :-  Thread – Linen no. 20 Ingredients No. of coatings Snuhi ksheer 11 Snuhi ksheer + Apamarga kshar 07 Snuhi ksheer + Haridra churna 03 Total 21
  • 64. Collection of Snuhiksheer (Latex of Euphorbia neripholia) Coating of Snuhiksheer & Apamarga Kshara Coating of Haridra (Cucurma longa) Preparation of Ksharsutra
  • 65. Other Ksharsutras in use :-  Gomutra ksharasutra  Udumbara ksharasutra  Guggulu ksharasutra  Karaveera ksharasutra  Erandakarkati ksheera sutra The credit of making the Ksharasutra practically in use goes to Prof. P.J.Deshpande & his coworkers. They rediscovered & standardized this Ksharasutra in present era
  • 66. Probable mode of action :-  Ingredients of plant ashes are Sodium carbonate, Potassium carbonate, Calcium oxide, Magnesium oxide, silica etc.  Ayurveda – Ksharan property, Shodhana (cleansing, antimicrobial), Ropana (healing)  Action of pratisaraniya kshara may be – Dehydration action Dissolving property of albumin Saponification of fat Anti infective action
  • 67. Nirukti :-  Pari = Sarvato Bhavaha i.e. all around  Kartika = sharp shooting pain  Cutting pain all around anus  Solitary rectal ulcer, Fissure in ano & Laceration all come under Parikartika
  • 68. Nidana :- 1. Vyadhi Nimittaja (Diseased) – Udavarta Arsha Purishavritta vata Vatik Grahani Vatik Atisara Jirna Jwara Disease of Garbhini 2. Vaidya Nimittaja - Vasti Vyapada Virechana Vyapada Vasti Netra Vyapada Excess Yapana Vasti
  • 69. Rupa :- ‘Tivrasula sapicchasram karoti parikartikam’ Severe pain with bloody mucous discharge Bheda (Types):- Kasyapa has classified the disease Dosha involved Related symptoms Vata Parikartanam (Cutting pain) Pitta Daha, Asra-srava (Bleeding) Kapha Piccha-srava (Mucous discharge)
  • 70. Samprapti :-  Formation of Fissure in ano is vyakta avastha  Abhighata i.e. direct trauma by hard stool  Kshataj vrana or Guda vidarana & later becomes Dushta vrana  Due to Purisavrta vata malasuskata  Vitiated vata localized in twak makes it Ruksa & shows tendency to crack  Later on associated with rakta & forms ulcer  Affects mamsa dhatu & forms knotty swelling or tags & causes pain
  • 71. Definition :- Tears or split in the anoderm just distal to the dentate line Epidemiology :-  Occurs at any age, but usually seen in younger & middle-aged adults  Posterior midline fissure common in both sexes, but anterior midline commonly affected women  Fissure in lateral position – Chron’s disease, Tuberculosis, syphilis, HIV/AIDS, carcinoma  Also due to long standing loose stools
  • 72. Aetio-pathogenesis :-  Local trauma usually by hard stool to the anoderm  Overstretching & tearing of the squamous epithelium of anal canal  Reflex sphincter spasm  Some pts. Report episode of diarrhoea  Anal infection
  • 73. Classification :- Acute – mere crack in the epithelial surface, severe pain & spasm Chronic – 6 to 8 weeks history - Presence of visible transverse internal anal sphincter (IAS) fibers - Chronic granulation tissue at its base - Indurate edge, - Sentinel pile - Hypertrophic anal papilla
  • 74. Signs & Symptoms :-  Pain – sharp, tearing, starts with defecation & persists several hours  Bleeding – streaking of red blood on motion  Discharge & Prurities – soilage of under clothes, increase moisture of peri-anal skin with pruritis around anus  Lower end of the fissure can be seen  Sentinel tag present in some cases
  • 75. Management :- A) Charaka -  Sama dosha – langhan, pachan,rooksha usna- laghu-bhojana  Amajirna anubandha – kshara, amla, madhu  Durbala – vrimhana with madhura rasa  Vata predominance – dadimadi ghrita  Milk should be used regularly  Piccha Vasti - madhura,, kashaya rasa & sita (sushruta- yashtimadhu, krishna til kalka with madhu & ghrita)  Sneha vasti – prepared with yashtimadhu (Vagbhata - pippallyadianuvasanam)
  • 76. B) Kashypa Samhita :-  Lehana yoga – cold milk medicated with madhur group drugs;sarkara, madhu taila; yashtimadhu phanita  Yusha for Vatika – Brihati, Bilva, Anantmul  Yusha for paittika – Madhuyashti, Hanspatti, Dhaniya, Madhu etc.  Yusha for Kaphaja – Kateri, Gokshura, Pippli & salt
  • 77. Standard Ayurvedic :-  Vatanulomana  Vedana shamana & Shothahara drvya (kaishor guggulu, triphala guggulu)  Ushna avagahan – triphala kashaya  Local application –Jatyadi ghrita  Pippalyadi anuvasan Vasti (30-60 ml 7 days)  Anal dilatation  Sphincterotomy  Excision of senitenal tag
  • 78. Modern management :- Conservative –  Warm sitz bath  Oral analgesics  Laxatives  Loal anaesthetic application – Lignocaine 2%  Loal application of nitroglycerine or isosorbid dinitrate  Injection of botulinum toxin
  • 79. Surgical treatment :-  Anal dilatation  Excision of anal fissure with skin grafting  Internal sphincterotomy  Posterior sphincterotomy  Fissurectomy with tag excision
  • 80.  Displacement of Guda from its normal site  Kshrudra roga – Sushruta Nidana :- “Pravahanatisarabhyam nirgacchati gudam bahih l ruksadurbaladehasya gudabhramsam tamadiset ll su. ni. 13/61”  Excess straining during defecation  Loose motions  Excess cough  Urinary flow obstruction  Haemorrhoids
  • 81. Lakshana :- “Nirgacchati gudam bahi”  Protrusion of guda(Rectum) outside the anal opening
  • 82. Theories :- Theory of Sliding hernia-  Alexis Moschowitz (1912)- Rectal prolapse is caused by a sliding herniation of the pouch of Douglas through the pelvic floor fascia into the anterior aspect of the rectum through the weak pelvic floor muscle. Intussusception Theory –  Broden & Snellman(1968)- Initial step in the genesis of prolapse is circumferential intussuception of the rectum
  • 83. Types :- Partial prolapse –  Protrusion of mucous membrane alone  1.25 to 3.75 cm. outside the anal verge  Occurs in children(1-3yrs) & elderly people  Only mucosa & submucosa will be palpable Complete prolapse –  Protrusion of all layers of rectal wall  More than 3.75 cm. in length  Uncommon in children, more common in elderly, female to male ratio is 6:1  Entire bowel can be palpated
  • 84.
  • 85. Aetiopathogenesis :- Infants –  Direct downword course of rectum, due to undeveloped sacral curve  Reduced anal musculature torn & diminished support of mucosal lining Children –  Excessive straining, diarrhoea, wooping cough  Loss of weight & reuced fat in ischio rectal fossa  Fibro cystic disease, neurological deficit  Maldevelopment of pelvis
  • 86. Adults –  Associated with 3rd degree haemorrhoids  Atonicity of spincter mechanism  Torn perineum in female  Straining due to urethral obstruction in male  Following surgery for fistula in ano, fissure in ano or haemorrhoidectomy
  • 87. Complete prolapse –  Bowel habit – difficulty in defication  Laxity of anal spincter  Lack of rectal fixation – weak pelvic muscles  Rectal intusucception -6 to 8 cm above anus  Sliding hernia  Disordered function of pelvic musculature
  • 88. Clinical features :-  Mass or large lump through anus to push back in after defecation  Fecal incontinence , difficulty in bowel regulation, discomfort, sensation of incomplete evacuation, & tenesmus  Sensation of Chronic moisture & Mucous drainage in perineal area  Chronic prolapsed rectal mucosa permanently extruded and ulcerated, leading to mucous discharge & bleeding
  • 89. Examination :- Inspection –  Visible prolapsed mass  Patulous anus with lax mucosa at anal orifice  Prolapsed mucous membrane is pink coloured Palpation –  Reduced sphincter tone  Increased size of anal orifice  Reduced contractile power of anal musculature  Protrusion of mass occurs while straining
  • 90. Management :- Ayurvedic –  After snehana & swedana the protruded guda is gradually pushed back to its naormal position. Then gophana bandh having opening in center is applied.  Medication – Panchaksheeri kashaya, Abhayarishtam, Mushika taila, Changeryadi ghrita, Chavyadi ghrita, Pippalyadi anuvasan vasthi, Ghrita with Madhur & amla rasa drugs
  • 91. Modern management :- Partial prolapse –  Conservative– a) Digital reposition b) Submucous injection  Operative – a) Thierschs operation b) Excission of mucosa
  • 92. Modern management :- Complete prolapse –  Fixation operation- a) Wells operation b) Rectopexy operation c) Rectal sling operation  Resection operation – a) Anterior resection of rectum b) Perineal rectosigmoidoscopy c) Operations on pelvic floor & Perineum
  • 93.  First described by Hodges in 1880  Sinus is a blind ending track usually lined by granulation tissue that leads from an epithelial surface into the surrounding tissue, often into an abscess cavity  Sinus may be congenital or acquired  Pilonidal sinus is commonly seen at natal cleft & generally contain hair  Also known as ‘jeep disease’ since it was common in jeep drivers during 2nd world war
  • 94. Patho-anatomy :-  Primary track – opening on skin & expanding into a small terminal cavity  Hairs – nearly all hairs lie loose but few are still attached to the track wall  Secondary tracks – connects the deep part of primary track to the sinus opening lining  Lining of track – granulation tissue  Contents – hairs, epithelial scales & debris  Microscopically – foreign body, giant cells, aerobic & anaerobic organisms
  • 95.  Age incidence – 20 to 30 yrs  Gender incidence – more common in males  Racial incidence – more in western countries  More common in hairy people
  • 96. Risk factors :-  Obesity  Sedentary occupation  Positive family history  Local irritation or trauma  Increased sweating  Poor personal hygine  Abundant hairs in gluteal fold
  • 97. Clinical features :-  Acute abscess or chronic draining sinus in the sacrococcygeal area  Pruritis  Pain  Tenderness  Induration
  • 98. Other sites of the disease :-  Digital webs of hand & foot  Axilla  Umbilicus  Perineum  Amputation stump  Supra pubic region
  • 99. Differential diagnosis :-  Hidraadenitis suppurativa  Furunculosis Fistula in ano  Osteomyelitis Crohn’s disease  Actinomycosis Post anal skin dimples Complications :-  Abscess formation  Recurrent inflammation  Recurrence of sinus formation  Squamous cell carcinoma
  • 100. Modern management :- A] Conservative management –  Avoid long sitting & driving  Depilation of hair  Frequent sitz bath  Keeping the area dry  Injection of phenol
  • 101. Modern management :- B] Operative procedures –  Eliptical excision  Wide radical excision  Excision & Healing by granulation  Excision & Marsupialization  Excision & primary closure  Closure by Z-plasty  Myocutaneous Flap
  • 102. Ayurvedic View :-  Dushtsvrana – Shalyaja Nadivrana  Shalya hidden in dhatus & not removed properly result in Shalyaja Nadivrana  Quickly formed sinus exuding warm liquid, frothy, churned up, clear or blood stained suddenly with pain - Shalyaja Nadivrana  Prognosis is kashta sadhya  In Shalyaja Nadivrana Sinus needs to be opened, shalya removal & cleansing of track  Management by bhedana, eshana & patana  Medicine – Guggultiktakam kashayam  Ksharsutra is described for nadivrana chikitsa
  • 103. Surgical procedures for Shalyaja Nadivrana :-  Chedana of the whole track  Partial chedana of the track & Ksharsutra application to the remaining track  Ksharsutra application to complete track  Ksharsutra application only to lateral tracks  Ksharvarti application  Chedana & ksharalepa application  Cleaning wound with Triphala kwatha & application of Jatyadi ghrita
  • 104. Merits of Ksharasutra therapy :-  Encourage healing from the base  Least recurrence rate  Simple procedure (OPD)  Minimal invasive  Minimal scar  Cosmetic value  Minimal work off days  Cost effective
  • 105. Dr. Yogesh S. Borase M.S.(Shalyatantra) Lecturer (Dept. of Shalyatantra) Rural Institute of Ayurveda Research Center & Hospital, Vidyagiri, Mayani. Tal- Khatav, Dist- Satara (Maharashtra)